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tv   CNN International  CNN  May 21, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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david keltz who decided to maim make them his own and share them with all who would listen. the manhunt has ended. the man accused of the gruesome crime in the heart of washington, d.c. now in police custody. deadly advance, half the territory is now under isis control. and we're looking into the company behind the oil spill on the california coast. from cnn world headquarters here in atlanta, i'm george howell. this is "cnn newsroom." >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we begin with the breaking news out of the united states. the suspect wanted in connection
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with the quadruple murder in the u.s. capital has been arrested. pamela brown explained what happened just a short time ago. >> reporter: now we are learning from a law enforcement official that 34-year-old daron wint was captured, was arrested in washington, d.c. this evening. sometime after 11:00 eastern time, he was arrested. there are reports that he was arrested in northeast d.c. so this is just unfolding and we're hoping to learn more about it. we know that there is a massive manhunt under way to find him. there have been various law enforcement agencies up and down the east coast looking for him. as we know, his picture was sent out last night and his name and there has been a big push to find him. >> wint is charged with first degree felony murder. the bodies of a prominent d.c. family and their housekeeper were found by firefighters inside a burning mansion last
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week. pamela brown has more on the crime and the link between wint and the four victims. a major break in the case came wednesday when atf forensic specialists discovered wint's dna on a pizza crust. a nearby dominos franchise says it delivered pizzas to the home that night and left the food at the door unaware the family was bound with duct tape inside. >> it is incredibly brazen. it shows an element of calm that the person didn't feel rushed. >> investigators say savopoulos's staent dropped off around $40,000 in cash to the house. the assistant was told apparently not to come inside. this as we learn more grisly detailed about the murder. phillip savopoulos had stab wounds and was burned yard recognition. >> it was a sadistic killer. the son might have been used as a tool to make sure the parents
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were compliant. >> wint has been numerous run-ins with police and more recently worked at american iron works, the construction company where savvas savopoulos was a ceo. >> there was a connection through the business of the suspect and the savopoulos family business. >> that was cnn's pamela brown reporting there. a grand jury in the city of baltimore, maryland, has indicted six police officers in the death of freddie gray. gray died, as you'll remember last month, in police custody after suffering a severe spinal cord injury. his death raised anger over allegations of police brutality and it led to several days of protests and riots on the streets of baltimore. prosecutor marilyn mosby announced the indictments and a new charge against the officers. listen. >> as i've previously indicated, my office conducted an independent investigation into the circumstances surrounding
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the tragic incident with the death of freddie gray. on may 1st, our investigation revealed that we had sufficient probable cause to bring charges against six police officers. as our investigation has continued, additional information has been discovered and as is often the case, during an ongoing investigation, charges can and should be revised based upon the evidence. these past two weeks, my team has been presenting evidence to a grand jury that just today returned indictments against all six officers for the following offenses. officer see sar goodson jr., second degree depraved heart murder, involuntary man slaughter, second degree negligent assault, man slaughter by vehicle and gross negligence, man slaughter by vehicle, criminal negligence. misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner. reckless endangerment. officer william porter, involuntary man slaughter, second degree negligent assault,
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misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding the safety of a prisoner and reckless endangerment. lieutenant brian rice, involuntary man slaughter, second degree negligent assault, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner and an illegal arrest, reckless endangerment. officer edward niro, second degree intentional assault, misconduct in office for an illegal arrest, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty and reckless endangerment. officer garrett miller, misconduct in office for an illegal arrest, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding the safety of a prisoner and reckless endangerment. sergeant alicia white, involuntary man slaughter, second degree negligent assault, misconduct in office for failure to perform a duty regarding safety of a prisoner and reckless endangerment. now the grand jury has also
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found probable cause to charge the aforementioned officers based upon the evidence these officers who are presumed innocent until proven guilty are now scheduled to be arraigned on july 2nd. thank you. >> so you heard the charges all laid out there and the details that mis-ms. mosby put before the public. earlier, i spoke with bill stanton, who is a private investigator and a former new york city police officer. and he offered his take on the charges against those six baltimore police officers. >> many of these charges, i think, will not stand under the weight of its own merit. meaning premeditation that they intentionally went to murder and kill this person. it just doesn't -- it just doesn't make sense to me. i think they overcharged and i think that may very well be the d.a.'s undoing. this is a lot of hyperbole, a
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lot of vitriol going on. and i think there's pandering on some of these public officials to serve up these officers. you know, show me the proof. and if the proof stands, then let's find them guilty and punish them just. >> obviously, you're pointing out here your questions about this concept of premeditation. and you yourself, you were on the beat. what is it like when someone -- you put them into custody. obviously, officers wouldn't intend to do this, you're saying. >> no. listen, i think just like any any profession, like journalists, laur like lawyers, like doctors, like politicians, we come upon bad ones. but the overwhelming majority of police officers in this country go out there putting their lives on the line every day .they take that oath to protect and serve. that said, that being said, there is a very small percentage of cops that are bad. and i don't -- as i said before,
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i don't call them cops, i call them criminals. now, whether these officers had intent, you know, i have yet to see that. what i do know is there's a person dead. >> but, bill, i have to ask a question, though. from your experience on the beat, if you hear someone in the back of the van, allegedly, you know, screaming or yelling in bad shape, wouldn't the officers, you know, know to stop? i mean, that's the question of this case. wouldn't they know to stop and check on him? >> yes. and you know what? those questions will be asked and answered. many times you will have perpetrators that will scream and moan is and lie and they will look to spit on you and bite you and look to do you harm. you check them. i don't know, do you know, did the officers ask him, are you okay? he may have said yes, he may have said no. we don't know. that's going to all come out in trial. so there are a lot of questions. we could talk about things we think we know, but we won't know for sure until this trial plays
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out. so i don't want to convict these officers and i don't want to call them innocent, but i'm going to be curious to see how these charges are going to stick. it's fascinating to me, you know, where you get the intent, how these officers colluded to murder this young man. i just don't see that as happening. >> the charges are certainly out there. the indictments now stand. and you point out doubts that will certainly play factor in this case. bill stanton, we appreciate your insight, former new york city police officer and private investigator. thank you. also in the u.s., officials in texas are investigating what they say are new threats from biker gangs against law enforcement. this follows a deadly shoot-out involving motorcycle gangs in waco on sunday. a hit has been order against texas troopers for shooting those that they call brothers. the state dps warns gangs are arming themselves with grenades and explosives.
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nine bikers were killed during sunday's shoot-out. officials say it is still too early to tell if police bullets struck any of them. now on to syria. isis is making significant gains on the ground. in just the past day, the terror group has captured the ancient city of palmira, the last border crossing into iraq. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr has this story. >> reporter: an intense fighting near these 2000 year old rooms, activists say executions are already under way. the ancient city of palmira now firmly in the grip of isis, the world holding its breath, worrying isis may destroy these priceless ruins. it's already destroyed artifacts in iraq. isis now controls 50% of syrian territory. an activist group says. the state department and the u.s. intelligence community now
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focusing on how to get ramadi back and save anbar province in iraq, a key approach to baghdad. pressure is mounting after the administration's earlier somewhat unconcerned views on the fall of ramadi. >> i am absolutely confident in the days ahead that will be reversed. >> are we going to light our hair on fire every time that is there a setback? >> congressional republicans heavily disagree. >> isil's victory gives it the appearance of strength and boosts its ability to recruit more fighters. >> u.s. intelligence officials are looking for any new indications isis could attempt to assault baghdad. >> we have to do everything in our power to stop the momentum going forward for isis. >> but ramadi's fall, another disturbing failure of iraqi forces. gripping holes in the u.s. assertion, isis is on the defensive. >> there is no way that the
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reality of the battlefield conforms with that world view. what we have here is an isis that is very much on the offensive. >> the chairman of the joint chiefs general martin dempsey says isf was not driven out of ramadi, they drove out of ramadi. in other words, quit despite a 10 to 1 troop advantage over isis. the pentagon believes iraqi troops had poor morale and thought u.s. air strikes were not coming through. u.s. officials say they were. the plan now, rush new weapons to iraqi forces, including 1,084 shoulder fire tank rounds capable of destroying isis bombs. >> that is barbara starr reporting there. let's briven in ivan watson would has covered the fight
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against isis extensively. he joins us along with our hong kong bureau with perspective. ivan, goodie to see. when you see was happening on the ground in syria, what can you tell us about these isis gains? >> well, they seem to have moved in two completely different directions in a very short period of time, some 48 hours, capturing that desert city of palmira, very well known for its magnificent ruins, but also notorious because it houses a prison that the -- the assad regime used to hold his opponent, a much feared prison that isis claims to have opened up and release people from. but also, within the last 24 hours, we're hearing that isis have moved and captured the last remaining checkpoint between iraq and syria that was still in syrian regime hands. this is the border crossing known as tunef or the al walied
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border crossing. and reportedly this took place after syrian regime forces pulled back from that location. so that understand indicates that the regime forces give back from two different locations by isis in a short period of time. the syrian observatory for human rights which has consistent information about the barnage in syria over the course of the last three, four years, it reports isis has executed at least 17 people in the modern city of palmyra within the last 24, 36 hours. some of them beheaded. and that fits with the previous pattern that isis have had, which they go to cow the population. they conduct public executions and go after anybody that could be perceived as an opponent. >> ivan, what does this say
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about this sear i can't sayan government with isis making it clear, their message that they are in control? >> well, you know, in the first year as isis emerged on the scene in the midst of the raging civil war in syria, it seemed to be focusing most of its energy against other rebel groups that were battling the syrian government. and what we've seen in the last couple of days is it going directly against the forces of the syrian president, bashar al ass assad. and those forces have been pushed back. as i mentioned, in two different locations. what we had seen the assad regime doing over the course of the last several years were tactics that had been roundly criticized and condemned by international human rights organizations as well as foreign government. let me show you some video that
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has emerged within the last week that illustrates some of these tactics that show evidence of inskrimant bombing. these are the so-called barrel bombs that the assad regime has been using against its own population for more than a year. you can see in this video how syrian regime solderess have these crude barrel-like explosive devices. they light the fuses with cigarettes that they're smoking and then drop them from incredible heights on to population centers far below. and we've been hearing from refugees from syria, from activists groups about the immense damage about the civilian deaths caused by this tactic. and here now we have real evidence of how the syrian regime forces have been doing this. this has been condemned by the british foreign office in the last couple of days. and it's one example of kind of some of the desperate measures
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the syrian government has had to use to try to -- to hold on to territory and punish populations in territory that it does not control. of course, it's not only the syrian regime that's killing civilians or isis, for example. the u.s. military has come out, george, with the results of an investigation into a series of air strikes last november in syria in a town called hathem. and the u.s. military concluded that the preponderance of the evidence in the investigation indicates the air strikes conduct against facilities used by the korason group in the vicinity of hareem city, syria, likely led to the deaths of two noncombatant children. the u.s. military went on to say, quote, we regret the loss of lives. everybody is responsible for killing innocent civilians in this terrible conflict. george. >> a lot of innocent people that
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are certainly caught up in a hellish situation. we appreciate your insight and reporting live there in hong kong. thank you. a former korean air executive has been released from prison in the so-called nut rage case. an appeal escort suspended heather cho's sentence right after reducing it from one year to 10 months. she was convicted of claiming that her plane be turned around because her mac dame ya nuts weren't served the way she wanted them served. if there's no appeal, she will now serve two years probation. part of santa barbara's coast are covered in thousands of gallons of thick crude oil. we'll take a look at the company responsible for that spill. plus -- >> a fire bomb dropping on your house is like a 7.6 order of magnitude earthquake. 50 times a day. >> a closer look at the devastation, the bad situation in syria and the brave volunteers who serve as first responders trying to save people and help them. in an exclusive report, straight ahead.
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and if you switch to progressive today, you could save an average of over 500 bucks. stop it. so call me today at the number below. or is it above? dismount! oh, and he sticks the landing! welcome back to "cnn newsroom." off coast of california, workers are skimming the ocean trying to
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save animals after thousands of gallons of crude oil leaked into the water. cnn digs into the history of the company behind the spill. >> reporter: the evidence of the havoc the oil spill has caused shown all over the bodies of several pelicans and a sea lion rescued so far, the magnitude yet to be assessed to the damage to the ocean's other beautiful creatures. the company responsible for this mess? all-american pipeline. >> skimming vessels so far have recovered 770,000 gallons of an oily water mixture. >> it turns out the company has a checkered history when it comes to its infrastructure. in 2010, the company and some of its subsidiaries planned to spend $41 million to upgrade 10,000 miles of crude oil pipeline as part of a settlement with the environmental protection agency and the justice department. this after violations between 2004 and 2007 for ten crude oil spills in texas, louisiana,
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oklahoma and kansas. and just last year, a rupture sent 10,000 gallons of oil flowing on to a los angeles street. its record in the top five worst for infractions compared to other similar companies. the spill affecting santa barbara's coastline, one of the worst here. what does the company say about all that? we asked. can you just answer one more question that the public may want to know? 500 barrels, what does that mean? how much oil is that? that's approximately 42 gallons to a barrel, so that would be 10 5,000 gal yoens. >> initially you said 21,000. why the huge jump in the amount? >> again, that was the worst case scenario. the 500 barrels would be 21,000 gallons as you pointed out. >> reporter: and what do you say to the public that's angry about this spill .your record when it comes to problems? >> again, we deeply regret what's happened and we will continue to work with the federal and state agencies to mitigation this problem as quickly as possible.
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>> reporter: the governor declared an emergency to get the government assistance with this problem. the city in santa barbara, loud and clear. >> what are your thoughts? what does that do you do to you? it's hard breaking. this coast is a global ecological treasurer. for it to happen there is extremely significant in the sense of what that could mean long-term in terms of impact. >> reporter: here rufigio beach is about 35 minutes outside of santa barbara. we can still smell the putrid smell from the oil and see the oil all over the rocks. cleanup will take at least a week. our meteorologist derrick van dam is with us looking at that oil spill. if you've been been in that area, it's so sad to see it. >> it's not only the visual pollution aspect of it, but it's the smells associated with it. the anchor in the field reported
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that putrid smell that the oil can give off. this oil has really spread out in many directions. in fact, on wednesday when it originally occurred, george, it was about 9 1/2 square miles in diameter. or in circumference. and basically, this took place just about a few miles west of santa barbara. so just putting this in perspective here for you. but by thursday, that's when things change. ocean currents, winds across this region and also waves moving the oil sheen, which is that thin surface layer of oil in all directions. by thursday afternoon, they had roughly 20 different spottings of this oil sheen spread in all directions from where they originally spotted it on wednesday afternoon. so you can just see the effect that the weather has on oil spills along coastal areas. specifically into california. so let's put this into further perspective. they've deployed about 4.5
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thousand feet of boom behind these boats that are trying to clean up the oil spill. this has a curtain that is about -- deployed about a foot underneath the water. so that helps clean up that oil slick or that oil sheen on the very top surface of the ocean. they've also had three skimmers which is a device that pulls in the oil and draws it into one of the boats sentra fujis and it helps contain that oil and clean it up very, very quickly. we've had about 200,000 barrels spent. at about 42 gallons per barrel, that's about 105 gallons. they've cleaned up about 10% of that so far. noaa has responded to over 100 oil incidents just in 2014 alone. so this is a common occurrence. not every single oil spill, quote/unquote, george, makes
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news like this. but it doesn't make any of them less important. it's just that this one has become, obviously, very visible along the coast of california and also the smells that we were talking about just a moment ago, as well. >> it is just awful to see what happened there along the coastline. and you bring up a good point, that these things do happen. >> and the effects of the wildlife is very bad. thank you so much. they call themselves white helmets. this is a story you'll definitely want to see. a look at the brave volunteers who risk their lives to save people in syria. plus, a humanitarian crisis is playing out in asia's andeman sea. coming up, a look to help migrants stranded there.
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from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, i'm george howell. welcome back to our viewers around the united states and around the world. we continue to follow breaking news out of washington, d.c. where police have arrested the man suspected in a quadruple murder. a huge manhunt had been under way for 34-year-old daron wint. our justice producer joins us on the phone with new details on how police tracked him down. good day to you. >> reporter: good day. i spoke to rob fernandez with the capital area regional fugitive task force. he said they would able to track this suspect, wint, to new york city and they just missed him last night. you but they continued to track him all the way to a howard johnson's hotel in college park, maryland, tonight. and the task force rolled up to the hotel with about 20 vehicles. and they spotted a car and a
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moving truck leaving the hotel parking lot. so they started following the two vehicles. they were actually able to identify the suspect, wint, in the car as they were following them. so they followed them for about 10 minutes and got a police chopper from prince georges county, maryland, involved at one point and they followed the two vehicles into washington, d.c. they got to a spot that the task force thought was pretty safe and they pinned the two vehicles and were able to put everyone out. six people, four men including wint and two women also. wint apparently was in the car with a man and two women and then there were two men in the moving truck and captain per unanimous dez said this was a great takedown. there were no injuries, no incidents or anything like that with the arrest. they were able to arrest all six of them and d.c. homicide investigators took those six and now have them in custody.
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>> cnn's mary kay melanie on the phone with us explaining exactly how this arrest went down. mary kay, we appreciate your reporting and we'll stay in touch with you and pamela brown, as well, as we continue to follow this story. thank you. it is estimated that more than 300,000 people have been killed in syria's five-year civil war. entire neighborhoods and cities have been reduced to rubble. but a team of volunteers is risking their lives to try to save those in need. dr. sanjay gupta has this exclusive report. >> reporter: you're watching an extraordinary rescue in allepo city. for 12 hours, these men have been digging and drilling. and we're about to save the life of a 2-week-old baby. the baby, known only by the iconic protective gear they wear on their heads. in an area of the world burst,
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too many men in black hats, they are the cavalry, the white helmets. >> they have all chosen, they have all chosen to risk their lives to save others. and that makes every single one of them a hero. >> james lemeasrure is the architect of the organization. >> in syria, there is no 911 system. there is nobody that you can call. you can't pick up a phone and call the fire service. you can't call the local police department. they don't exist. >> so this group of ordinary syrian men and a few women have organized themselves to fill that void. zuhar amanzi was once a black smith. ibrahim, a barber, amad, a detective. he is supposed to get married next week. but for the time being, they have left their previous jobs, their previous lives, and now volunteer to run toward when
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everyone else is running from.. [ speaking foreign language ]. >> reporter: we're traveling along the border between turkey and syria. we're with the white helmets. they've just gotten a call. we wanted to see exactly what they do. this is all part of an intense training to become even better, even faster. >> all of a sudden, this area filled with smoke. there is concern that there may be another bomb or another attack coming. so they've asked for all the lights to be concerned off. they don't want to be a target themselves. but you can see just how challenging that makes their job. the concern is that, the white helmets tell us this video on is of a barrel bomb being hurdled from a.chopper by the syrian government. as you see, they can be wildly inaccurate. as you hear, they are incredibly vicious. >> a barrel bomb dropping on your house is like 57.6 order of
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magnitude earthquake, fi50 timea day. >> these bombs are soma leg nant, full of explosives, rebar, wire, nails, anything else that can brutally maim and kill. but now thehite helmets are concerned about a newer enemy, chlorine gas. they were able to save these children, but believe chlorine gas led to the death of a family of six. and it gets even worse. helicopters normally carry two barrel bombs. and they drop the first barrel bomb, which then explodes, and the pilot then remains in the sky, circling where the explosion took place, waiting for a crowd to gather and waiting for rescuers to come to the scene. when a crowd gathers, they release the second bomb. and that is a double tap. >> 84 white helmets have now been killed, mostly by double
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taps. it is why syria is one of the most dangerous places in the world and why being a white helmet might be the most dangerous job in the world. yet they go on. 2600 have saved the lives of 18,000. >> how long? where does it go, do you think? >> one day at a time. >> because for the white helmets, another day is another chance to save a life. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, southern turkey. a growing humanitarian disaster is happening in severity asia. thousands of migrants are
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stranded at sea with the situation getting more desperate by the hour. a regional meeting is scheduled in bangkok next week to try to resolve the crisis, the ongoing human trafficking problem will also be addressed there. linda kincaid has this story. >> reporter: fire in the waters off indonesia's coast. maritime authorities used dynamite to destroy abandon fishing ships operating illegally and sent others down in flames. it's part of the country's response to a growing migrant crisis in the adaman sea, a crisis that some say is out of control. a growing human trafficking problem and boat loads of economic migrants and refugees, a crowning regional waters, arriving on the shores of country necessary southeast asia by the thousands. indonesia and malaysia are now sending their maritime agencies into the waters to rescue them. many from myanmar and the oppressed ruhinja people who
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have been out at sea for months. thailand will host a meeting next week to address the situation. >> translator: we've invited all asean members and those who have expertise from europe. >> but other countries like australia take a different position on the matter. >> we have stopped the boats and we are not going to do anything that will encourage people to get on boats. >> reporter: butting firm in discouraging migrants from taking to the high seas. linda kincaid, cnn. . kim jong un is the face of north korea, but a man familiar with his inner circle says he does not control the country. so who controls north korea? that story, ahead, as "cnn newsroom" continues. thanks for coming. we want a spirited performance. who offers the most horsepower? lincoln mkc. we also want clever thinking in a tight spot. anyone offer hands-free in and out park assist?
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the kim jong un is the face
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of north korea, but a man with close ties to the inner circle says he is not in control of the country. cnn's will ripley spoke to this man and has new insight and details about what life is really like there. he joins us live in tokyo with more. good dey day to you. >> hey, george. hahn park is a name familiar to some because he was the american professor who traveled to north korea when two american journalists were detained pep helped negotiate their release. that shows he you he has very high level connections and he is one of the few americans who has witnessed kim jong un in action. ♪ notes north korean propaganda urges hatred for america. an undying love for the devine supreme leader. >> north korea is a kingdom. >> the kingdom of kim jong un,
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often described as a socialist monarch like his father and grandfather, ruling a militarized nation with a long history of dynasties. >> neither is not chosen. the leader is given. >> we met hahn park in pyongyang. he's the director of the university of georgia's department of international affairs. the china-born u.s. citizen has made more than 50 trips to north korea in the last 35 years. >> if we understand north korea, we have to understand the system. >> park knows pyongyang's elite inner circle. >> who controls north korea? >> the party. >> not kim jong un? >> no. >> three years in power, kim commands nearly 25 million north koreans who have no individual freedom. but park says experienced and knowledgeable party leaders influence most decisions. >> kim jong un used to ask them, and still, i think, he is asking
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questions about factual information about the world outside here. >> royal intrigue can be a bloody business. south korea's spy agency says top advisers who fall out of favor, including kim's own family, are at risk. >> the fact that this young man executed his uncle, i really don't know how to explain that. >> kim is accused of ordering at least 15 skoous executions this year alone. allegations a top north korean insider told me are malicious slander, though not denying executions take place. kim projects himself as the people's leader, building water parks, hospitals. and orphanage, among many projects in the showcase capital of pyongyang with the elite and most loyal citizens live. but even there, infrastructure remains poor. and such luxuries are nonexistence in the rest of the country where daily survival can be a struggle.
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despite all the praise and propaganda videos, remarkably few details of kim's life are shared. his own people don't know he was educated for several years abroad. they don't know the names of his brothers and sisters or that he has a child. even kim's age is a mystery. but north koreans don't ask questions. the kim dynasty continues to project an image of absolute power. demanding the people's absolute devotion. >> but there are questions being asked by the international community, questions about kim's spending priorities, putting a lot of money into these vanity projects, mobilizing troops to build them quickly when -- well, park estimates that up to half of north korea's population and that's half of nearly 25 million people, george, are living with hunger on a daily basis. >> cnn correspondent will ripley live in tokyo. will, great reporting there out
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of north korea. thank you so much. in just about 15 minutes' time, the polls will open in ireland and voters will decide whether to change the constitution to allow same-sex marriage. voters have been told not to wear shirts or emblems shaurting either side of the debate when they go to cast their ballots. but that hasn't stopped groups from both sides from putting up signs all around. if the measure passes, ireland would be the first country in the world to adopt same-sex marriage through popular vote. robert gates, the president of the boy scouts of america and former u.s. secretary of defense is calling for the boys organization to end its ban on gay adults as scout leaders. gates said the current ban on gay leaders can't be sustained in the u.s. he said in part, quote, the country is changing and we are increasingly at odds with the legal landscape at both the state and federal levels. and as a movement, we find
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ourselves with a policy more than a few of our church sponsors reject, thus placing scouting between a boy and his church. the gossip mill in russia is quite busy after this woman you see here appeared at a public event. we'll tell you who she is and why her dress has sparked baby rumors, next. when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? but this morning, a city i've never been to felt like one i already knew. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your world with me. it felt like home. airbnb. belong anywhere.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. in the country of russia, a woman is rumored to be president vladimir putin's girlfriend and she's at the center of renewed gossip, all because of the outfit that she wore to a recent public event. cnn's matthew chance looks into it. >> reporter: it might just be the dress, but this appearance of putin's assumed girlfriend has re-ignited rumors of a pregnancy. comments on russian social media point out that 32-year-old alena
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kabaya, the former campon gym nasty turned politician appears to have gained a few pounds. the contrast with her athletic and glamorous youth is hard to miss. for years, the kremlin has dismissed any talk of a putin -- kabaya romance. but the put who divorced his wife of 30 years in 2014 spoke on national television shortly afterwards about being in a relationship. >> translator: after last year's events, a friend of mine who is a big boss in europe recently asked me, listen, do you have love? i asked him, what do you mean? and he goes, do you love somebody? well, yes. and does somebody love you? i said yes. >> the identity of the other party has never been officially revealed, although the rumor mill went into overdrive when alena flashed what looked like a wedding ring at the cameras last year. the camera was forced to deny she and the president the secretly married.
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the latest appearance of miss kabaya at a children ae's gymna festival may not be much, but it shows just how persistent rumors between her and the russian president remain. >> the rumors are abound because of that dress. we thank you for watching this hour of "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. natalie is next with another hour of news and we'll be back together following in the next hour. you are watching cnn, the world's news leader.
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a nationwide manhunt turns up the lead suspect in a shocking quadruple murder in the u.s. capital. we'll have detailed of the capital ahead this hour. the crisis in syria worsens as isis takes a stranglehold of the war-torn country. and cnn is on board as migrants are pulled to safety from the waters of the andaman sea.
11:00 pm
and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. you're watching "cnn newsroom." the manhunt is over in washington, d.c. police have arrested the person wanted in connection with that quadruple murder, 34-year-old darren wint was taken into custody a few hours ago. he is charged with felony murder. last hour we heard new details about how police tracked the suspect down. >> i spoke to rod fernandez, he is with the capitol area regional task force, he said they were able to track the suspect, wint, to new york city and they just missed him last night but they continued to track him all wait to a howard johnson's hotel in college park maryland tonight and the task force rolled up to the


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