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tv   High Profits  CNN  May 24, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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this guard. hopefully he's here. i've got to tell you i don't see him. >> i don't either. i don't really know if the security guards aren't there. i don't know who i'm going to tell >> i'll be right there looking over. all right? >> okay. i'll be right back. wish me luck. ♪ >> marijuana, pot, grass, whatever you want to call it is probably the most dangerous drug in the united states. >> i shall continue to oppose efforts to legalize marijuana. >> i inhaled. frequently. that was the point. ♪ when you can feel her madness, she will call you out ♪ >> what we're doing now is
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creating the next big tobacco of our time. >> this is a highly regulated business. >> we're talking about daylighting a black market activity. >> we're on the cutting edge of a brand-new industry. >> this is absolutely the next gold rush. this is the green rush. >> now the dominos are falling. >> there's $2 billion to be had next year, i plan to take more than my fair share. for us with the green rush being over, we're now in a competitive marketplace. colorado is no longer the place to be if you want to get into the marijuana industry. you're going to have to start with one of the new states that comes online. that means it's time to fight.
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who can attract the most customers and move the most units. we've gone from tourists are willing to pay anything for a gram of marijuana to every viable customer is a customer we need to attract. >> in the springtime, we had a few new council members that got elected. >> we campaigned all sprang. there were three bright shining stars to us. >> brian from the breckenridge cannabis club and his partner katelyn asked if we could revisit our decision of september 2013 of not allowing retail sales in the downtown court. >> the whole point is to be where the people are. the people in this town are downtown. they're on main street. >> most recently with the marijuana issue was a 4-3 vote. so a very, very close vote. it's probably the most
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controversial issue i've experienced on council. >> we have the pressure now with just one establishment on main street to either remain there or allow more pot shots to come to main street. >> close to 40 years living breckenridge, there's never been an issue that has polarized this community as this issue has. >> here we are, 4-3 this summer, sitting pretty right now. >> my wife and i always wanted to move to a ski resort community and live near a mountain. good. too high. i just view these companies that have moved into town and sell this stuff, they're parasites, they're preying on our community and tourists and our residents and our kids. last year, the town council got
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it right, 6-1, they voted against it. and it's all changed here in less than a year. >> this could go anywhere from them allowing us to stay forever to them kicking us out in under 60 days. >> the powerful elite has definitely put the pressure on. >> we're going to review what the sale of recreational marijuana might look like. i think this is an important issue to hear from our citizens. >> my name is david. i'm probably one of the biggest offenders on the e-mail list. i am beside myself that you would consider putting pot shops on main street. >> i think we have to protect main street. it is the most important thing this town has. >> i have not met one second homeowner who in fact supports pot on main street. >> if you think this is going to
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solve problems by allowing more sales and more people here to buy this stuff. you're crazy. >> as i was thinking about this issue, the salem witch hunt came to mind. if you were the cannabis club, if the community was up in arms about your business, how that would make you feel. >> there's open container law, people can walk around drinking. people have gotten naked in our parade and i don't hear anybody yelling about that. >> it's going to be the local kids. it's going to be the tourist kids. they're going to try it when mom and dad aren't looking. they're going to end up in two places. the emergency room or the morgue. i'm adamantly opposed this. thank you. >> when people say family friendly, what they're really saying is conservative. and this town has never been
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conservative. >> my name's brian rogers. my request to ask council to let us stay downtown should not have been a surprise to anyone. honestly, the three people who endorsed our position during the election won out of eight. >> i don't know why people are so afraid of brand-new changing the image. >> we didn't want to have this enormous topic burden a brand-new council that may have had what i thought were real issues to deal with because i thought the voters had spoken. >> they've spoken with respect to the legalization of marijuana. specifically retain for the local jurisdictions were the rules and regulations to include location, hours of operation, many, many other things. >> it's up to each community, each township to decide if they want to allow it or not. >> we're still at a 4-p. and i think it's only prudent that we take this decision ultimately to our voters.
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yes? or no? >> any other comments? >> my name is katherine grim and i'm here as a representative of the three recreational marijuana businesses on airport road. >> i've been hired by some of brian's competition out here to help them navigate the waters. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that would be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move it around. now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. when i flop down on the bed,
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and it's just like, 'ah, this is perfect." wherever you put your body, it just supports you. like little support elfs are just holding you. i can sleep now! through the night! (vo) change your sleep. change your life. change to tempur-pedic. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. (mom) when our little girl was we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru
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is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ in the nation, we know how you feel about your car. so when coverage really counts, you can count on nationwide. ♪ love because what's precious to you is precious to us. ♪ love is strange just another way we put members first. join the nation. ♪ baby... ♪ nationwide is on your side
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we respect the will of this council and the will of the voters and we're behind y
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100%. we simply ask for an opportunity to provide some input. >> ultimately the goal of the businesses who aren't downtown has been a fair and equal playing field. if there's only one person downtown, the tourists are going to shop here. brian's seeing 80%. that means brian is grossing $800,000. the four shops that aren't downtown are splitting the remaining $200,000. brian is holding all the cards right now. essentially we're just asking for an opportunity to be involved in that discussion. >> considering we're the ones trying to find real estate essentially. >> a lot of things potentially changed today for us, for the whole industry in breckenridge. >> a ton of stuff just changed. >> our competition has organized. they hired someone to represent them. at this point, i believe they're lobbying for downtown zoning as well so they can come downtown.
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>> they were not for the change we saw in the legalization movement. and now that it's here, like carpet baggers, they want in and they want a part. i work here at chronic therapy. i left bcc because we had fundamental differences i think in perspectives, opinions. and really it turned out to be almost everything we disagreed on. i'd say that the safety conditions were probably the catalyst to me saying i got to get out of here. everyone in breck sees the lines. everyone knows it's a successful business and that it's all cash. they're going to have a target
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painted on their back and i really hope they see that coming. >> turn it, turn it, turn it. >> all our money is going into this project. the longer this project takes, the less money we have. people do, you know, know this is a marijuana place. and they're like, those guys have deep pockets, but it's not true. we have no money. >> it's a big expensive baby and we're banking everything on this guy or else we won't have the supply we need for the stores. we won't have the money we need to keep going. we can't profit off what other people charge for whole sale marijuana. so we decided to build a second story which is going to make it 16,000 square feet. once built, we'll definitely be one of the larger fully functioning warehouses. >> right now things are really small scale because of the construction aspect of it.
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if we're lucky, we got this warehouse going in time to where we can be at the forefront of this new industry. >> this is looking -- >> can't wait. >> how many plants -- >> i think we're going to put another table right there too. like 900 in this little area. >> if it all pulls through, it's going to be the biggest payoff the company's had yet. it's eventually going to be 1,200 amps of power which is enormous. our operation is sucking up all of the rest of the power for this half of town. our electric bill could be as much as $20,000 a month when this whole place a build. it's going to be insane. >> what's up with this pipe over here you were telling me about the other day? >> now we're three weeks behind, almost a month behind by the time everything gets done. that's hundreds of thousands of dollars behind schedule. >> brian, with this new
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facility, he's pushed it beyond anybody. this is a big boy operation now. there's no more games. if you want to do it big, he's throwing it all in. good for him, man. we're going to be pumping out great product here real soon. >> you got to inventory everything we have here. we got to make sure no one's stealing from us. we got to make sure no one's ringing things up wrong. we have to make sure we're making money and not losing money. edibles, one, 80 milligram. i pay attention to the details. inventory gets messed up pretty easy. >> sonny is our new bud tender. he does a lot of research. he's always calling the vendors and asking the questions the customers have if he doesn't have the answer. he's probably as knowledgeable as anyone in the company about the consumer side of cannabis.
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>> i have two passions, helping people and helping people. >> did you hear what's happening? >> i heard rumors. >> what's that? >> it's josh's creation and it's a -- essentially a jug with a huge pvc down stem in it and a huge nail on top with eight tubes coming off. >> so like a hookah. >> i moved out here and lead adaptive trips for people with tra brain injuries and cancer and stuff like that. unfortunately they're a federal nonprofit. as of right now, i haven't really been asked back because of this job. >> so it's tax day in the marijuana industry. because it's federally illegal, the banks don't accept our cash. so we have to show up with x number of dollars. today it's $21,000. at times it's been as much as 80, close to $100,000.
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>> i feel like people are waiting for someone like me to get out at this government office to pay their marijuana taxes in cash. >> if you're not going to stop a state from legalizing marijuana, at least allow them into the banking system so that it's not dangerous. they make under the circumstances -- us do it all cash. >> this is 1,000s all right now. >> 15, 16, 17 -- >> that's 500. >> 500. 600, 700. perfect. >> worst case scenario, we have to have a crisis to say, now we got the caitlin law. caitlin had to get shot depositing money. worst case scenario. no one wants anyone to get killed. >> i would be 100% fine if there
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was never a law named after me. leave it at that. with double the memory for free. that's right. pay for 32 gigs, and get 64 when you get samsung's hottest new phone. yep, that's twice the gigs. and zero down. you can't get that with the other guys. this weekend only. double your gigs for free. only at t-mobile. a dry mouth can be a common side effect. that's why there's biotene. it comes in oral rinse, spray or gel, so there's moisturizing relief for everyone. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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hey, john. >> come on in. >> i got your money here. >> all right. cool. >> count it up. should be good. going on 15, right? >> 15,000 today. >> hundreds are my favorite. >> beautiful. much better than 20s.
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>> don't worry, it's not all hundreds. >> marijuana industry is extremely cutthroat. outside of that, one of our biggest problems is many businesses don't want to do business with us. >> starting to get tired, man. it is what it is. green money. i don't care if it's paper, what kind of paper, i'll take it. >> so we got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. >> pack these up for you. >> if you see me running real fast, call the cops. [ laughter ] >> good thing we live in breckenridge. >> this would be awful in denver. >> thank god my bank's right next door. [ laughter ] >> we have built what i consider one of the most major family ski areas in the country. i don't think karen should have to walk past a sign and try to
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explain to a 7-year-old what is that store. main street is a jewel. we have to protect and if we let one store on it, i think we hurt ourselves. it's quiet this morning. brian, think he's an aggressive young man. i think he's probably a pretty good businessman for even getting the town of breckenridge to turn around an existing law and stay there. the law was that he couldn't be here. that's exactly what i don't want on main street. did you see him? >> we've never had homeless before. or not to this extent. i'm sure we have. i'm sure we've had people camping. but not like this. this is different. >> came here for the weed and the great weather. >> they have their little pans out and they're asking for
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anything green, meaning pot or money. and we really don't want that for our town. >> denver has two streets. they're pretty notorious for pot shops. that, i never want to see breckenridge look like that. going in the cannabis club. the height ash bury of breckenridge. marijuana existed in breckenridge. it was made up of baby boomers like me and we smoked more than we drank. quite opposite of today. >> hi. >> nice to meet you. >> we met at the meeting. >> yes. >> two weeks ago. >> time is flying by. >> main street is so dead right now. you chased them all away. >> probably not. >> i'm not necessarily -- he's a young man trying to make a living in a brand-new field of a new opportunity and it's a big one. >> i can show you in this room kind of what we do.
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you're familiar with weed, right, karen? >> i was in high school and college in the 1960s and '70s. >> just those little jars. >> these are predetermined in bags of 30. >> who do you find your customers are? >> you. people -- people your anyone that come from your circles. i think it just hasn't been spoken about. we're finding a lot of the baby boomer crowd, maybe a little bit younger than them are coming in. i don't think that those people are ruining main street attracting those people to main street. >> i know you think you're being singled out. but we don't have fast food on main street. >> subway. >> that part of main street is hardly even main street anymore. we don't have alcohol sales except for a grocery store. >> 75 restaurants that sell alcohol. >> oh, yeah. >> they sell on site as a matter of fact. everyone who leaves there is
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intoxicated. >> i'm just not for it being on main street. so that's it. i have nothing against you. i think you're pretty smart except your last comment at that town council meeting when you took credit for getting those four guys elected, i thought, why would he say that. >> one hand i experespect him because he managed to turn around the town council. but i'm afraid of who else it might attract besides him. >> we felt it was necessary, which we might, we would ask him to politely move on. >> what's up? how you doing? i'm brian. sebastian? can we turn this down just a
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sec? >> sure. >> you live here? >> i just got here yesterday. >> from where? >> new york. >> i don't know if you've been caught up to speed on what's happening in breck right now. we're in a battle to stay downtown. >> sure, yeah. >> what we're trying to prove is that we attract, you know, a lot of these high-end middle america types that come here with their kids and family to spend a bunch of money. we're trying to make our image look so not stair typical marijuana. not rolling joints out front and playing music. i was hoping i could convince you to sit on a different bench so that i could not have that fight with council that, hey, this guy was rolling a joint outside. >> i'll definitely leave, but damn. i thought breckenridge was way cooler than that and something like, oh -- i'll move my stuff. >> that's awesome.
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thank you. >> i hope you win it. >> appreciate it. thank you so much. hope you enjoy the day. >> sure. >> cool. all right. >> i love breckenridge. i intend to be here for the rest of my life. and i'd like it to be as perfect as it can be. and i quit smoking iwith chantix. i told myself for so long that i needed to quit smoking. i would quit then i'd go right back to it. chantix absolutely helped me quit smoking. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood,
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hi, jeff, we got you rocking over at the breck store today. we've got just a shade over 5 pounds for you and roughly 3,000 joints and you'll be picking up just under 5,000 from the store and coming back here. >> right on. >> cool. let's get all the weed out. let's get it counted. every one of these is 30 grams. so this is just over an ounce of weed. just a shade over $30,000. >> basically my job, i'm at the different gardens. i pick up all the product depending on what the store needs. i'm driving to the different store locations on a daily basis. i always catch myself looking around constantly. especially when we go into cities. i try to take a different route every time. there's only so many ways to get to a place. switching it up on a daily basis
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can definitely help throw somebody off. a lot of people shoot first and ask questions later. we're a lot easier than an armored bank car. i have a delivery for you. >> five, ten, 15, 20 -- 80, 85, 90, 95, 1,000. >> now we walk down the street with $5,000 in my sweatshirt. >> this is start of my fifth
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year on council, my second term. literally this has been the most uncomfortable and uneven joyble last three months. we have allowed this to continue. >> we can show the rest of the country that this world class ski town can do this well. >> we're in the business of tourism. normally, it's -- in breck ridge, it's been a lot of fun to be on the town council. the issues that we are usually dealing with here are delightful things. >> this is the first one that has really shown us an impasse in terms of being really divided. >> i'm just not convinced that, you know, it's going to destroy our brand. >> when they talk about brand, they talk about friendliness and fun and i don't think it excl e excludes marijuana sales honestly. >> had a lot of people say to me, you ran on this family
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friendly platform and now you're okay with marijuana. those two don't jive. and i disagree with that. >> for me, it's about doing the right thing. because this is a legal business just trying to do what everybody else is doing. >> this council put in two weeks vote on them to stay if we can come up with restrictions we all can agree upon. >> it's important now we do the rules and regulations so that we can best live with this. >> we want to restrict it away from schools and residences. >> and i think it's one per block. anything upstairs. i think second story is what they're saying. even like my spot could become a pot shop. >> do i wish that it weren't this way so fast? yes. you know, what's the hurry. >> when people look back at allowing women to vote, did people say, ah, i wish we just went a little bit slower on that. i'm ready to make a decision and move forward. >> i think everybody is. >> i mean, they can change our
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town in just a short period of time. i don't know that they can change it back. >> hello? hey, katherine. yeah. we can meet. we'll see you then. thanks. this is katherine. >> really? >> she wants to meet, 2:15. >> wonder what she wants to talk about. >> so do i. >> there is no more profitable drug in the world right now than marijuana. it's the reason why you have drug cartels. >> the last time i checked, the cartels were not wiped away from colorado or washington. they're still there. >> it's because it's an opportunity for them. >> right now we're in a big armored truck. it's ideal for transporting large amounts of money. >> i was a police officer for eight years. i never thought i'd be working
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in the legal cannabis industry. two years ago if you had told me i'd be doing this, i'd have probably laughed. it's kind of the thing where it's never going to happen to me, it's going to happen to the other guy. once it does happen to them, that's generally when they call us. >> jeff, my mom just sent me an e-mail. >> yeah? >> saying there's a guy out in california with a medical dispensary. some guys came out trying to rob him and he was stashing all his money in the desert. they cut his penis off. >> what? >> mexico's drug war is spilling over into the u.s. and getting worse by the day. >> if you're making money selling marijuana how hard is it for me as a cartel member to say i want 40% of your profits. you're going to say no, i'm not going to give it to you. here's a picture of your little girl. you want to see your girl again. and you know if you call the
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cops you're dead. if you know anything about cartels, when they say they're going to kill you, string you up, you know they're going to do that. >> we have 50 employees. i don't even know some of the employees. >> for the most part, they're going to hit a soft target instead of a hard target. hit someone who doesn't have security or they do unarmed transports. >> would you feel more considerateb comfortable if we did have a guard? >> oh, definitely. there would be nothing to worry about. >> and someone who was trained, not a mall cop. >> definitely. >> you only get one penis. >> carrying your own money, even just to pay your taxes, it doesn't make a lot of sense. why are you putting the business at risk or your employees when there are people trained to do so. >> i'd rather be safe than sorry. worst thing we'd ever have is somebody to get hurt. >> i want a secure room.
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a safe room. i want to be able to use a bank. that's what i want for christmas. at's sweet. for the adult.... and kid - in all of us. (supergrass' "alright") (plays throughout) ♪ kellogg's frosted mini wheats® feed your inner kidult... it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move it around. now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. when i flop down on the bed, and it's just like, 'ah, this is perfect." wherever you put your body, it just supports you. like little support elfs are just holding you. i can sleep now! through the night! (vo) change your sleep. change your life. change to tempur-pedic. (patrick 2) pretty to be the boss of you? (patrick 1) how about a 10% raise? (patrick 2) how about 20? (patrick 1) how about done?
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(patrick 2) that's the kind of control i like... ...and that's what they give me at national car rental. i can choose any car in the aisle i want- without having to ask anyone. who better to be the boss of you... (patrick 1)than me. i mean, (vo) go national. go like a pro. iand quit a lot,t but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first...
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join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side
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how you guys doing? >> busy. busy. >> how many locations do you guys have? >> two stores, two gardens. and we're trying to open up two more stores this year. >> so you're all over the place. >> all over the place. >> i think she wants to try to unite all the stores. i think we disagree too much. now they want to take advantage of everything they didn't help anyone to build. >> what do you want? >> real simple. we want to go to stay downtown. that doesn't mean we want to exclude other people. we're not willing to fight for other people to come downtown. >> why would you? i wouldn't. >> exactly. >> you're holding a monopoly.
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>> we were good enough at business to ensure -- >> to pick that location. >> all reality what happened was, anyone could have come down there. some people chose not to. the people that chose to got put out of business. now these guys are upset that they made the bad choice. >> my client has never been trying to fight against the cannabis club. they've simply been trying to fight for a fair, equal, rationale playing field. sometimes i laugh at things. i get the whole, let's let the towns do whatever they want. then we have this bucket of experience. you've given it to student council presidents or local governments to say how do we do this. you're asking people who are excellent council members to make these decisions not necessarily people who are marijuana experts or zoning experts or planning experts.
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>> the opposition that is worried about marijuana stores is worried that marijuana is going to change the image of breckenridge and that it's going to become breck-sterdam. we have worked very hard to create a great image, not only for us, but for the industry. >> if these guys bring the reputation they have now to downtown, it's going to make it worse. i don't believe they bring the right philosophy to downtown. >> that's just coming out and saying i just want you to give me this because i've been here. and that's not really a fair request. >> that's not what i said though. >> let me finish. if they open up directly next to you, unless they suddenly change their name to brackenridge cannabis club, everybody recognizes your yellow store front. you have a name.
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to tell me someone open up next to you, someone is going to confuse your reputation is a bit of a stretch. >> not just mine. the town of breckenridge. >> does brian really think that? doubtful. the real answer is he wants to protect his bubble. i would much rather we're all fighting for the same thing. >> what benefits the cannabis club is we can get behind the same things. >> we never have nor do we want to work against you. we don't want to hurt ourselves. >> i get that. you have to understand we aren't working against you either, we're working against a monopoly on market on main street. we have to do something. if we're talking that everybody has an opportunity to get onto main street prior to this tour season, then we're looking at who really does have the best quality, who has the best price, right marketing, who's drawing the crowds.
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>> there's no reason for us to put our name on something that is tied to them in any way, shape, or form. >> they are going to be bad for breck's brand. i want to have no affiliation with at least one-third of all the stores on airport road. >> next order of business, february 2nd extension. you're saying roll back the date. i'm saying it's working, why mess with it. why fix something that isn't broken. main street is working. >> does that mean the cannabis club stays where it is and we continue to make a monopoly for them. it's very, very unfair. >> on the one hand, i understand about getting on with it. on the other hand, this is so important that we must get this right. >> the council, they don't know what they want right now. it's a tough political
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environment r environment. marijuana is a complicated, emotional issue. >> i don't know that the date so much matters for cannabis club because we already know or at least four of us are in agreement that we're not moving that business, we're not comfortable in changing that ordinance. i think it has to do with the overall vision of the town in regards to the legislation of other businesses. >> we're notificationing potholes, we're not doing parking structures. we're just talking about gd marijuana and i'd like to move forward. how about if we stick with the extension for bcc and we, the body, makes a decision before november 4th? that way we haven't [ inaudible ] >> that's the most path forward yet. >> my fear is that the people
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that want to slow that down are going to drag that out continually. i hear us in february back in that room having the same conversation. brian's doing just fine. he hasn't made any problems. >> let's vote. >> yes. >> ms. lawrence. >> yes. >> mr. brewer. >> yes. >> mr. burke. >> yes. >> mayor? >> yes. >> mr. gallagher? >> my vote is yes, but let the record show that it's based upon the assumption that we're going to have a decision made by november 4th. >> unanimous! >> unanimous vote. >> i'll take six months. >> what it continues to look like is that brian gets whatever brian wants and everybody else is just picking up scraps. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby.
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what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number...don't miss the memorial day special edition mattress with sleepiq technology. sleepiq tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow!
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sounds like we're going to stick with the way it was written. there will not be an introduction. so we have a motion and a second and have the roll call please. >> we voted 7-0 to keep the breckenridge cannabis club on main street until february 2nd so that we can have some time to set the rules around what retail
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marijuana will look like in breckenridge. >> at this point, it looks like the majority of council is supportive of allowing us to stay in our position. >> extended through february 2nd and made somewhat of a commitment to finalize regulations to get other people on main street by november 4th. >> i personally don't think there was a need for the extension, especially an extension through an additional ski season. >> the longer we keep this issue out there, to me it's like a festering wound. i think it's time to lance the boil and make the decision. the longer we keep it out there, it will continue to be in the minds of the council, our citizens, our guests, the media and the country. ♪ >> i'm so excited. >> we've been looking forward to just hitting there. >> whoever's got shatter, we need a nice rope probably 4
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inches long. we need five of them. >> it's 80% thc all at once. >> so what you're seeing right here is going to be way more than any normal person would ever do. >> or need to do. >> or need to do. >> but we're getting eight people high. >> it's a friendship. >> to work it just in the best place ever with the best place ever. >> cheers. >> right side. ready? here it comes. go. left side, go. right side cover. >> oh yeah. >> one more time. >> people in authority in town don't seem to have a problem with this and i can't understand it. this is a drug. right and wrong is not that difficult. >> we are in some respects blazing a new trail and trying
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something new being bold and hopefully we'll be rewarded for that. i think if we do it right, it won't destroy breckenridge. in fact, i think it will help breckenridge. >> i feel fantastic. >> sounds nice. >> it's also, we're not going crazy. >> oh, god no. >> a big dab will do you. we're just high sitting around chilling. we're not hurting anybody. >> no damage done, right? >> i disagree with the rule that it's legal. i can't do anything about that. but we sure as heck don't need it on main streets. one of the town council members admitted to be supported in his campaign by the marijuana industry in town. that tells me you've been bought and paid for. there are folks saying maybe we should think about a recall for a cup ole f the town council members. it does show that it's on the forefront of a lot of people's
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minds. >> this is our steam boat house. we've been here since mayish. we rented this whole home. it's just amazing. this is the master bedroom. you can almost wingspan this thing. the closet is through this spiral staircase. >> kind of a disaster right now, but it's a huge closet. >> there this copper sink and a wine cellar. >> it was a pretty good deal and a mansion compared to anything else we've lived in. >> now it looks like a sexual because there's a bed in here. that's just -- that's just my opinion. >> i'm sure brian already is rich at this point. is brian going to get richer? if things stayed exactly the same, absolutely brian's going
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to get richer. >> look at this picture. >> i'm so little. >> baby brian. innocent brian. >> i think it was 16 years old. >> before you were the drug lord you are now. >> right. >> you may have this like awesome monopoly on the town of breck. but if they lose their spot on main street, they are looking at a whole different world. they had this opportunity, this awesome window, but that window is going to close. >> do you see these snail things by the way. >> they're everywhere. >> i feel like we live outside in a mansion. i vacuumed this place like four days ago. >> look, you can't stop them. they're everywhere. there's a half dozen over there. >> they get maybe one more year is what my guess would be before they're kicked off main street or other places are opening up on main street with them. >> right now, the tides are kind of shifting a little bit. >> they have profited an
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unprecedented fashion. >> it's marijuana and it's not that big of a deal. >> to have someone speak the way you're speaking, that's offensive. >> that's a real threat. it's my job. >> now these council members' personal lives are being affected. >> do i think it could come back to bite him in the ass? absolutely. >> now we're a target. >> people don't realize the hoops you have to jump through. >> if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. >> i just thought it was supposed to get easier. everything in this house is falling apart. >> you can't drink the water.
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the sewage backed up and filled up the floor with toilet paper. >> it's miserable. >> looking from the outside in to this place it's beautiful. i mean, just like our business. people think one thing and don't realize what's going on inside. >> but perception is not reality. >> marijuana, pot, grass, whatever you want to call it is probably the most dangerous drug in the united states. >> i shall continue to oppose efforts to legalize marijuana. >> i inhaled, frequently. that was the point. ♪ you can feel her madness >> what we're doing now is creating the next big tobacco of our time. >> this is a highly regulated business. >> we're talking about daylighting a black market activity.


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