tv Wolf CNN May 28, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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hello i'm wolf blitzer, it's 1:00 p.m. here in washington, a 6:00 p.m. in london wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining pus. we start with a critical fight for iraqi special forces and as they try to push isis out of a key oil refinery. the battle brings back memories of the end of the first gulf war in 1991 when iraqi forces under saddam hussein burned oil fields as they fled kuwait. similar disaster could follow and isis withdraw. now we have more on the battle. >> reporter: this is just a taste of how apock ka liptic it could get at the oil refinery already choking on smoke. part of this huge complex is still held by isis shia fighters filmed this tuesday, the month's long fight here slowed by fears
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of the chaos isis could reach if they scorch and burn here. iraqi special forces took us to their front line defending the ruins of a house at a coalition air strike pushed isis out of here. they are from the elite golden division. their colleagues part of the troops the u.s. said lacked the will to fight. that line of buildings over there is isis's closest position and yesterday during a thick sand storm here they used the cover of it to advance within 20 meters of here when the sand storm subsided suddenly a fire fight began. we don't know why they started shooting this day what they may have seen. isis a few in number here they say but willing to die and have a sniper nearby.
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or maybe they more want to show us and even washington they very much do want to fight. it's not logical and wrong he says of the american criticism because anywhere in ramadi, mosul, anyone duty called to fight. their gunfire grows, and usually it's mortars that isis fire back. so we pull out. more ammunition some american is arriving at their base but the fight won't be as slow we're told. the reason we want to surround them he says is because we must clean up the area properly with specialist engineers because it has fuel but also booby traps. a vital part of baghdad's new plan for ramadi but a slow grind. mindful that iraq needs something to live off if isis ever leaves.
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>> and nick is joining us now live on the phone from baghdad. you're back safely fortunately, nick tell us about the fears of an ecological disaster if isis loses, if i that pull out, are they going to blow up the oil refineries there? that could be a huge disaster. >> that is why it's really hampering that operation, wolf fear if they go in gun's blazing and they have guns blazing. people are willing to send in but if they knew the remaining staffs that isis still holds, you know how they are, they could burn and destroy everything left behind them, and that could significantly damage the region frankly. we're talking about the refinery that's from mosul that could do that. it's a very lengthy, painful operation, we've been in such
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complex vicinity we're told it's already laden with booby traps. you saw in the images quite how chaotic it could get given information that they have been been causing plumes of black smoke. the weather, we are hit now here in baghdad by an enormous stand storm which has made our lives unbearable. and that is making it harder for troops too. that's how isis got under the cover. that'll make operations tough as well wolf. >> tell us about the iraqi elite gold division as its called. this is u.s.-trained special oermgss forces that the iraqis have. are they largely iraqi shia or sunni, iraqi kurds who are also part of this so-called golden division? >> it's trained by the americans, sort of void of that
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notion of increasing shia indication that's happened to the iraqi army the former prime minister. the theory is they are not part of that. now of course, if units will have different biases potentially, the guys we spoke to had one message which was at some points as well. we are absolutely ready to fight. i think like many of the people we've spoken to their performance in ramadi. these aren't the same people fighting in ramadi but they're from that same elite part of the iraqi military and i think they put it down to one man's opinions in washington but still has to be there. wants a decision to withdraw from ramadi and the highest area. from these iraqi soldiers on the ground you saw in that report there, what they're prepared to do if the militia isn't willing to make the tough calls and send them into areas that may not needily feed their own agendas,
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then the job is going to be increasingly hard wolf. >> nick back in wag dad for us, thank you very much. joining us now from london these chair of the contemporary middle east studies program at london school of economics. he's author of the new middle east. protest and revolution in the arab world, thanks very much for joining us. i want to get your take on this iraqi operation, forget about there for a moment ambar province ramadi is the iraqi military capable of getting rid of isis in ramadi? certainly over the past year the iraqi military has not been capable of getting rid of the isis forces in mosul, the second largest city in iraq. >> well you know i don't have anything original wolf if i say the iraqi military forces suffer from structural problems. problems of leadership problems of command and control, you have
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a rift within the iraqi institutions the prime minister has failed so far to bridge this particular divide between the sunnis and shiites. the reality on the ground is what we have seen in mosul and ramadi it's not about lacking numbers, it's not about arms, they were plenty of arms plenty of numbers lacking leadership. command and control in a position wolf. isis is resilient militarily. dynamic. it's agile. it manipulates, exploits the weak links within the iraqi security forces. it has a social basis support, we do not know whether it's 50% sunni support. it's willing to fly to the end. it has leadership so the situation is extremely complex and even if the iraqi security forces take ramadi today or tomorrow this is a long fight. the iraqi security forces the
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iraqi institutions i think isis will continue to exploit the weak links and continue not only to resist but also to expand their swath. >> as you know professor, there have been some calling for basically carving up iraq into three parts. shia state, kurdish state, a sunni state. yesterday, congresswoman an iraq war veteran was speaking with me listen to what she said about iraq right now. >> we need to make sure that we stop continuing this failed policy of supporting and propping up this central government in baghdad and this fantasy really of a one-unified country of iraq. and support the three-state solution of empowering the sunni tribes and empowering the kurds and the shias. each of them having three autonomous territories, rather than continuing what we've seen really has failed for so long. >> as you know a few years ago,
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the vice president joe biden was recommending basically splitting up iraq into some three autonomous regions. is this back on the table now? is it smart? >> well with all do respect, this is a very bad idea. it's a very disastrous idea. in fact it's a recipe for perpetual war among the three various communities. the first question i would ask, wolf how would you draw the borders of these three autonomous regions? you're going to have fights between the shiites and the kurds and the shiites and the sunnis instead of having one particular war against isis you'll have three multiple wars. the second question if you want to have three separate autonomous regions, you can bet that isis will hijack the sunni autonomous region. isis is the most powerful isis would be able to take over. the fact the question is on the table is here is not whether to
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petition iraq into three states the question has been on the table since 2005 or so. how do you rebuild iraqi institutions? how do you rebuild the iraqi state on more solid, legitimate foundations, or more inclusive national unity foundation. how do you bridge the crisis of trust between the various communities? it's easier said than done. this will take a long time. we're talking about ten years. that's not the question. but in fact if you want to have lasting peace in iraq if you want to have to hammer the nail in the coffin of isis you need to work in a long-term structural part that is rebuilding state institutions even though it's flooding complex, it's costly that's really the most effective means to waysically end this particular state of war that has been taken place for the last 30 years, not just since the american invasions, the iraq in 2003. the members of saddam hussein's
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wars work against iran and then again kuwait in particular. >> thanks very much for joining us. we'll continue this controversy down the road. appreciate it very much. >> thank you. coming up a prophet mohamed cartoon contest scheduled for tomorrow in arizona less than a month after a thwarted attack in texas. what steps will u.s. law enforcement agencies take to prepare? and later, the louisiana governor bobby jindal he's standing by to join us live. we'll talk about isis the patriot act, 2000 race for the white house, and a lot more. is he getting ready to jump in himself. headache? motrin helps you be an unstoppable, let's-rock-this-concert- like-it's-1999 kind of mom. when pain tries to stop you, there's motrin. motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. make it happen with new motrin liquid gels.
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could your next door neighbor be an isis sthirzer? that's the problem facing the fbi here in the united states. it says it needs help tracking what they describe as hundreds of terror suspects in the u.s. new york and los angeles police and other law enforcement agencies have now stepped up their surveillance of isis supporters in part to aid the fbi. this follows the attack in garland, texas, earlier this month. one of the two attackers, elton simpson was already under investigation by the fbi, but he managed to elude surveillance as he travelled from his home in phoenix, arizona, to texas before he and the others were killed in the foiled attack. phoenix lsh the scene of a rally similar to the one in texas, anti-muslim activists plans to hold a draw mohamed cartoon contest at the gathering, built as a freedom of speech rally. the president where the protests will be held says his group will
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hold friday prayers as planned, adding quote, everybody has the right to be a bigot. in georgia, guilty from a man who tried to join isis. leon davis iii was arrested as he attempted to check in to a flight for turkey. this is the first american citizen to be arrested in georgia for trying to join isis. so what is it going to take for the united states to get rid of home grown isis terror threats? joining us here now is tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director we just heard how the fbi's asking police local police for help in tracking isis sympathizers with hundreds maybe thousands in the u.s. being pulled in by isis on social media and elsewhere. how can u.s. law enforcement possibly keep track of all of them? >> well the problem, wolf, i
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ran surveillance operations in chicago back in the '80s when most of our resources were dedicated to following mafia members. i could tell you, i had a squad of 28 ground agents each with undercover vehicles and assortments of equipment and vehicles photography equipment night vision goggles, and eight full-time pilots and to follow one mafia member took the entire squad. so when you're talking in this country of having hundreds if not thousands of isis want to bes that need watching because you don't really know what's going on inside their head and at what moment they might break bad is easier said than done. the idea the police being able to help these are the same police departments we're asking to put officers in schools and go to pta meetings and do community policing. they're not going to have the resources to supplement the fbi to do it nor the vehicles and equipment. again, all of the array of technical gear that the fbi
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brings to bear in these kind of investigations. so it's easier said than done and we're trying to defeat an ideology that really, you know so far shows no sign of being reduced. >> let's talk about the so-called draw the mohamed contest tomorrow. do events like this one make law enforcement's job harder given the publicity it's going to generate and what we recently saw in garland, texas? >> they do make it harder but this is america. and you know you're talking to a cop that stood in front of the american nazi party in the '70s and protected their right to assemble when it was totally offensive, especially when they did it in large jewish communities in northern illinois. at that time you will holocaust survivors that didn't want to see people marching down the street with flags and swastikas and holding nazi stuff, but they were told by the u.s. supreme court, this is america. you just have to take it if it's
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just rhetoric and if they're not inciting direct violence at the time you have to put up with it. and i think you don't have freedom of speech if you can't exercise it. so i'm not sympathetic with the people drawing the cartoons and riling up the entire world. on the other hand i'm not sympathetic with the effort to stifle their freedom of speech. >> thanks very much. the allure of i.c.e.sis is strong for some that she abandoned her children with her baby sitter. friends think she was lured to syria search of a husband. the mother told the baby sitter she was going to pick up a new car before leaving for good. she texted her ex-husband in turkey that she left the children and for him to return home to australia. still ahead, u.s. military behind a dangerous mix-up. live yes, live anthrax shipped around the country abroad via fedex. how could this have happened? we'll get a live report, that's next.
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with more rain in the forecast authorities in flood ravaged texas are urging people to evacuate their homes before something like this happened. watch. >> oh no! >> the stunning video showing the moment the blanco river came rushing into a home in wimberley, texas, this week. one witness likening it to a gigantic washington, machine. they are threatening to cause more destruction. 21 people are known dead in texas and oklahoma. just a little while ago,
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president obama spoke about the disaster during a visit to the national hurricane center in florida. >> there's going to be a lot of rebuilding. and we as a nation are going to have to help the same way we do any time that folks are affected by these natural disasters. and so we will stay in close coordination with them to make sure that our response is quick, it'll cut through bureaucracy, and that we're helping them recover. >> to put this disaster to perspective, the houston chronicle is reporting that the amount of rain that fell in houston on one night was equivalent to 60 hours worth of water going over niagara falls. two dozen people are being treated for possible exposure to live anthrax. it comes after the u.s. military accidentally shipped the samples to labs in nine states here in the united states and to south korea via fedex. and right now, the pentagon is
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scrambling to try to figure out how this could have happened. our chief national correspondent is covering the story for us jim, first of all, what's the timeline for how this was reported? >> remarkably long timeline wolf. that's one of the issues here. the first shipments went out in march of last year. over the course of 14 months, you have them moving around to places they shouldn't have because they were meant to be neutralized samples of anthrax, at least some of them turned out to be live. and there are still questions now about the most recent timeline as to when people were exposed and when they started treatment. you now have 26 people who are taking treatment, four here in the u.s. 22 in south korea. and it's still an open question as to whether, when that treatment started. it's our understanding that it was may 27th that's five days after on may 22nd that it was discovered that at least one of these samples was live. that's a five-day period for a
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very serious, of course life-threatening potential disease here. infection here. that's an open question. were they handing this stuff after the discovery and why that delay before they were treated? it's a real problem, and it's one reason why they're investigating this closely. >> these live anthrax samples, they were sent through fedex, what was the theory behind that? >> well when if they're neutralized samples, they ship them with precautions that would make that safe but when they're live samples, it's a different story, of course you can ship live samples, but under a stricter protocol here. and this is another place where you have an open question why did these samples get through right now with their focussing on is the radiation process. basically, these samples are radiated to kill them so that they are no longer live no longer much of a threat. it is believed they were radiated but well enough. was there a problem in the process that left the samples
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get through live? but still open questions there, for instance when they were shipped by fedex, were they on fedex cargo planes or were they on passenger planes? as you know oftentimes passenger planes ship not only the u.s. mail, but things like fedex or ups packages. these are open questions which raise questions about secondary exposures to this that you have to look at over time? this is a real big complicated story here and it's clear from the remaining questions in the timeline that the pentagon is still having trouble answering some of those questions. >> people that may have been exposed, take large doses, covering that story a decade ago when there was that huge anthrax scare here in the united states. we wish all of these people obviously well. jim, thanks very much for that report. up next louisiana governor bobby jindal he's taking swings at some of his potential gop rivals especially rand paul saying he's quote, unsuited to be commander in chief and
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. republicans, at least some of them they're slamming senator rand paul for his latest comments on isis. the republican presidential hopeful took square aim at his own party, blaming at least some
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of them for the rise of the radical isis group. listen to this. >> lindsey graham would say, isis exists because of people like rand paul who said let's not go into syria. what do you say to that? >> i would say it's exactly the opposite. isis exists because of the hawks in our party who gave arms and most of the arms were snatched up by isis. they wanted to bomb assad which would have made isis job easier. they created these people. the hawks in my party loved, they loved hillary clinton's with a nor libya, they wanted more of it. it's a disaster. iraq really is a failed state now of iran. so everything that they have talked about in foreign policy they have been wrong about for 20 years, and yet they have the gal to keep saying and pointing fingers otherwise. >> republican governor bobby jind sl joining us now from baton rouge, louisiana, thanks very much for joining us.
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following that statement from senator rand paul you said and i'm quoting you now, he said in your words, unsuited to be commander in chief. unsuited to be commander in chief. very strong words. tell our viewers why you believe that. >> well first of all, wolf thank you again for having me back on your show. couple of things you listen to the outrageous comments he made. he said that isis exists because of the foreign policy hawks in the republican party. if president obama had said that wolf you'd hear every republican senator, and governor criticizing and condemning him for that there shouldn't be a double standard because a senator is a republican. isis is evil. it's ridiculous to blame americans for the fact that isis exists. republicans, democrats, we didn't create isis. i.c.e. is a problem that not only does isis oppose america, this is pure evil. radical islam, radical islamic terrorism is my first concern, we've had more than six years of blaming america, criticizing
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america, we would not have allowed president obama to say this. this is a statement that's even left of what secretary clinton or president obama would say. secondly what also troubles me from the senator's comments we can't be evil through weakness. we've also had a foreign policy over six years now, trying to lead from behind america needs to be strong. we will defeat evil through strength not weakness. i think it's ridiculous to do anything other than to say we're going to hunt down and kill these terrorists and recognize that radical islam is the real problem here not foreign policy hawks in the republican party. >> so basically what you're saying, the comment that he makes, senator rand paul the positions, that makes him unsuited to be president of the united states? you want to finesse that do you want to walk away reinforce that? you believe he is not ready for the presidency? >> i think when you listen to his views on foreign policy, it would be a continuation even worst of the last six years. the world's become a dangerous place.
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it's not just in the middle east with iran expanding in yemen, as well as in iraq as well as in laeb nonand syria. you've also got putin and the ukraine, all over the world, rising challenges to our interest and allies. for over six years, our president tried to lead from behind didn't understand that stronger america is safer. who has not identified the threats we face in radical islamic terrorism. foreign policy is becoming an increasingly important issue to the american people. they want a commander chief that's going to restore a peace through strength approach friends trust us enemies hear and respect us we don't have that today. senator paul's suggests he would be even to the left of president obama and hillary clinton. we need to say, radical islam is the real islam here. >> just to be precise, if rand paul were to get the republican presidential nomination and were running against hillary clinton for the presidency you would not be able to vote for senator rand paul because you believe he's unsuited to be
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commander in chief? >> well wolf two things. i don't think he's going to be the no, ma'amminee. this is not personal it's about policies. i want to commend the senator for standing up and saying we need to be weary of spying on americans here at home. there are many things he's done that i think are commendable, i just think when it comes to foreign policy which is an important issue, his statements yesterday and some of his previous statements i think render him unsuitable. anybody that's auditioning to be commander in chief, i believe, needs to spell out how to keep america safe. we need a radical break from this president's policies. i didn't hear senator rand paul describe that. >> so would you be able to be vote for him? >> i don't think i'm going to be faced with that choice. i don't think he'll be the nominee. the democrats are on their way to competitor nato hillary clinton, i don't think rand paul will be the nominee. not only this but other reasons. >> i want you to stand by governor i'm going to talk about your intentions your plans, what would you do as far
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as isis is concerned. and when will you announce if you are going to announce that you want to be a republican presidential candidate. much more right after this. (music) boys? (music) stop less, go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. hurry in, and you can get 0% apr for 72 months on 2015 passat tdi models plus a total of $1500 in available bonuses.
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10,000 u.s. troops to go fight isis in iraq? >> wolf a couple things unlike president obama, i wouldn't take options off the table. and his authorization for the use of military force, he's put a three-year deadline also said he's put a ban on ground troops. beyond think anyone should telegraph what we will or won't do. he needs to sit down with military advisors and come up with a plan to huntd down and kill the terrorists. secondly i think today we need to be arming the kurds and other allies in the region. third, if our allies thought we were serious about removing assad and therefore not propping up on a said lite we'd see other allies willing to commit ground troops and other resources as what you saw happen in kobani. successfully beating isis. that was a great model where question work closely with allies in the region. so i wouldn't take options off the table, but at the same time we also need to listen to our military advisors take the political handcuffs off, come up with a realistic plan to beat
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this enemy. >> back in 2013 thunderstorm well you spoke -- you remember this well you spoke before the committee and said republicans must stop being the stupid party and they must stop insulting the intelligence of voters. that was two years ago. has that happened? >> i think, wolf i think we've gotten better. what i was emphasizing is we need to be the party of solutions. it'll be very attempting in 2016 for republican candidates simply to criticize president obama, that's not enough. we need to be talking about the future of our country. i spent the last year and a half putting together detailed policies on energy health care education, foreign policy i'm the only potential candidate with a detailed plan to repeal and replace obamacare. the american people don't to want hear what we are against, they want to hear what we are for. i think we're making progress more work to do. >> more recently you said the republicans must stop being the party of no and you said in february you said republicans on capitol hill and i'm quoting you now are democrat-like. has that changed?
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>> well i'm still, i'm one of the republican voters that's very frustrated. we were told if they got majority we'd get changes, we haven't. i would like to see them fighting for domestic energy production federal land federal waters harder to reign in the epa. harder to invest in our military and shrink the size of the federal government before it swallows our economy and turns the american dream into the european nightmare. so i'm one of those frustrated republican voters who gave them the majority in the senate kept the majority in the house, we'd like to see more results. you know this is a republican party that told us if we gave them a majority, they were going to stand up to amnesty, they were going to stand up to obamacare, stand up to the out of control spending i'd like to see more i'd like to see a more principled conservative approach in d.c. >> guys monday is the deadline for congress to reauthorize what's called the patriot act which allowed this bulk collection of communications basically telephone televisions,
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other communications here in the united states. here's what you said back in july of 2013. >> at the end of the day, one of the president's most solemn and first obligations is to keep us secure all of us are i think conservative small government republicans, but we all agree that our first responsibility is to protect the security of our, the people we represent and we work for. >> so basically, you were supporting the program then do you still support it now that this bulk collection? >> well wolf two things one, i absolutely want to give our federal government the tools it needs to keep us safe from terrorists to hunt them down protect us and prevent them from attacking. you saw the attack in garland, texas, we don't need to see isis continuing to have to grow their abilities to attack us here at home. i absolutely want our agencies to have the tools to protect us. secondly i think it's right to make sure that they are not sweeping up the records in innocent americans that are not doing that without a the proper
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oversight. the reality is we to want make sure they're going after the terrorists. those with ties to radical islam, not innocent americans. even one of the original patriot act saying that said have said its been used in ways that weren't intended. it's a good thing they are considering thousand make sure they're not sweeping up the records of innocent ordinary americans while we still preserve the tools to go after terrorists. >> when will you announce you're running for the republican presidential nomination? >> well wolf we'll make our decision after our legislative session ends on june 11th. if i were to become a candidate, it'd be to bring big change in d.c. i want to see a republican win, it's not enough just to elect a republican. we need a republican who will make big changes to help rescue the american dream for the next generation. >> which way are you leaning? >> well you know we've given this a lot of thought. we put together these policies through america next we have a
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couple more weeks in session. after that we'll make our decision shortly. we won't keep you guessing for long the important thing is on the republican side we have a number of candidates and i think that's a good thing. unlike the democratic side we're in the process of crowning hillary, it's a good thing we have competition on our side. every politician says the next is the most important in our lifetime. wolf this time it is. if we don't, if we don't shrink the size of this government balance the budget get the economy growing again. we'll have a generation of americans who will only know about the american dream from history books that's not acceptable. >> bobby jindal is the governor of louisiana. we'll be anxious to get your decision your family there on board, i take it though? >> well we've been talking to the kids and my wife you know, we've been thinking and praying about this together as a family. they're great, supportive wonderfully supportive as i've been governor the last two terms. we'll make it jointly as a family. >> we'll hear what you have decided, thanks very much, governor, for joining us. >> thanks wolf always great to talk to you.
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still ahead, another republican enters the race. >> i announce i am a candidate for the republican nomination for president of the united states. >> field is getting crowded right now. we're going to discuss what's going on our chief political analyst is standing by. you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had a liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. new car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. and for drivers with accident forgivness,rates won't go up due to your first accident. learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and you can save up to $423. for a free
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you heard bobby jindal say he'll make his announcement way way or the other. what struck you the most? >> what struck me is this is a candidate who now is at 1% in the national polls, and there's a fight right now on kind of a subterranean fight in the republican party with candidates would-be candidates, trying to get into that first debate that fox is sponsoring and also into the debates including ours that come afterwards. so they're looking for some kind of national name i.d. so they can start polling a little higher. so they're doing availabilities interviews. jindal what he's doing, is taking on rand paul saying rand paul isn't qualified to be commander many chief. that's why you had him on the air today, to talk about that. he said it's ridiculous to blame. i think this is a way for jindal
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to start getting that name recognition up so he can even have a shot at participating in some of those first debates, which is the oxygen for these candidates that are not as well funded to breathe. >> take a look at this quinnipiac university poll that just came out. because it shows there really isn't one republican who's a front runner. five of these republican potential candidates are all at 10% right now. why isn't there a front runner in the gop contest? >> because, wolf you've got a field that's what going to go up to what 15 candidates. we're the ones paying very close attention to this right now. i venture a lot of those people polling at 10%, which is high for this field, have either -- and you take a look at them. they've either been on television been governors, they're well known to a certain degree. and the other candidates are trying to kind of get up there with them. the only way to do this now, and
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it's kind of ironic, because we talk about the retail politics of the early states of iowa and new hampshire. that's all important and it's all true and it's why hillary clinton is in iowa. but she doesn't have to get into a debate where she's got to compete to get into that debate. so while they're playing this retail game in the early states they're also trying to play a national game to get their poll numbers up so they can get on that stage, which is so important to them. >> the former new york government george pataki declared his presidential candidacy today. what do you think? you listened to his speech. >> yeah i think -- look george pataki former governor very well known for working with rudy giuliani 9/11. although they didn't get along very well i might add. i think he's one of those candidates who took a look at the field and decided sort of why not me. i've got as much experience as
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anybody else. and they all think they can beat hillary clinton. >> gloria thanks very much. we'll have much more on this coming up later today on "the situation room." still ahead, a florida pilot accused of being under the influence when he crashed a small plane in a restricted area. wait until you hear who was with him.
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the time. rené marsh is joining us. it's unfortunate the plane never got off the ground but tell us what happened. >> it is fortunate it never got to take off. we're talking about a cessna. it essentially ran off the runway went through a ditch, before it crashed. you just saw that video there, crashed into a satellite dish on the grounds of the melbourne international airport. the man at the controls here 57-year-old christopher hall. we know he was arrested and he has been charged. police say what happened was -- you're looking at his mug shot there. he asked for clearance to go on to the runway. air traffic control denied that request. then he proceeded to taxi the plane in that direction anyway. take a listen to air traffic control audio that captures what sounds like a very frustrated controller dealing with what sounds like a defiant pilot. take a listen.
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>> where are you going, sir? >> sky master 32 is everything all right, sir? 32 mike, turn your engines off. turn your engines off, sir. kill your engines. >> all right. well hall is charged with reckless operation of a vessel. that's a misdemeanor. and child abuse without great harm. that's a felony wolf. >> so when you say -- i mean obviously fortunate he didn't get off the ground but do these private pilots have to undergo any testing? >> it's less strict when you compare general aviation pilots to commercial pilots. general aviation they have to get a medical checkup every three years or two years if they're older than 40. compare that to a commercial pilot, who must go through this medical check once a year. but when it comes to drinking and flying the faa says that is not allowed. you cannot operate a plane if
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you have a blood alcohol level of 0.04 or higher. >> all right. rené thank you very much. that's it for me. for our viewers in north america, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. here we go. wolf thank you so much. i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. texas, we begin with the flood danger there. multiple evacuations under way as i speak. officials are warning people to get out before it's too late. get out before this happens. >> oh no! >> what happened to this family in central texas could happen to many many more people in the southwest town of wharton. wharton is the next in line here in trying to keep thousands of people out of harm's way. that's because the forecast is calling for
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