tv The Situation Room CNN May 29, 2015 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- happening now. plaming congress. president obama sends a blunt message to lawmakers. don't endanger the country for forcing the shutdown of a crucial patriot act program. will terrorists be emboldened if servers are switched off this weekend. sights on baghdad. a bear of deadly bombings in iraq's capital city claimed by isis. a reign of terror. plus the state department tells cnn the terrorist featured in a new isis video received counterterrorism training right here in the united states. also breaking-did. stunning allegations in a major extortion scandal against a man who once was second in line to the presidency. sources now tell cnn former house speaker dennis hastert has
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been attempting to cover up allegations of sexual misconduct. and city underwater. massive flooding brings one of the most important highways in dallas to a standstill. instead of coming to the rescue even police cars are caught in the rising water. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we're following multiple breaking stories including president obama's last-different effort to save programs for tracking potential terrorists. they go dark this weekend unless congress reauthorizes parts of the patriot act and just now the president demanded swift action. we'll go to the white house in just a moment. also breaking now -- isis claiming responsibility for a pair of deadly bombings at hotels right in the heart of baghdad. and amaas bombing in saudi arabia again. we've seen isis do this before terrorize a city with bombs then send in fighters once people are
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parm lies paralyzed by fear. could baghdad be next. and ryan zincy here to take questions. a former navy s.e.a.l. commander. a member of the house armed services committee. our reporters and experts have been working their sources. they're ready to bring you the very latest. let's get the very latest from our white house correspondent michelle kosinski. michelle? >> reporter: hi wolf. this is is a last push for the white house to persuade what may be now only three remaining senators to vote to keep these parts of the patriot act up and running. we've heard more rhetoric from the white house saying that the senate is playing russian roulette with security. saying that something needs to happen to keep this going, and calling what's been going on in the senate like a feud bethe hatd between the hatfields and mccoys. we just heard the president lay ow what is at stake for national security. >> i don't want us to be in a situation in which for a certain period of time those authorities go away and suddenly we're dark. and heaven forbid, we've got a
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problem where we could have prevented a terrorist attack or apprehended someone who was engaged in dangerous activity but we didn't do so simply because of inaction in the senate. >> reporter: even though the white house has not or cannot produce even one case where some of these patriot act programs saved the day, first important tools, just because they may not have cracked any one particular important case doesn't mean they won't be violets in the future and also they say why let any risk come into play here if the senate doesn't vote? i mean, the argument really is that first of all, for privacy. if the senate would vote for this bill the house has already passed on a largely bipartisan basis, to take the hands of bulk phone data collection out of the government and put it in the hands of the phone companies, that would settle that question and wom still protect national security. not all senators including rand
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paul who's really been leading the fight, see it that way, though. they feel like okay they want national security in place but they want certain amendments to at least be considered that would further protect privacy rights. not sure if that's going to happen. this could go straight to a vote and that's the big question mark here. will they pass that bill that the house has already passed that would prevent these programs from expiring wolf? >> what do think think at the white house? do they think it will pass? >> reporter: they're not saying anything. it could only be down to three senators whose votes are needed. that never means, though that it's going to happen but i did just hear from a spokesperson for the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell who said that they may not get full support, but they do think they will pass legislation on sunday before the expiration just remains to be seen what exactly that legislation looks like because if it's not exactly the house bill, then it's going to have to go back to the process and these things will expire wolf.
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>> michelle thanks very much. also breaking now isis claiming responsibility for a pair of deadly bombings at hotels in the heart of baghdad. both hotels popular with the city's elite and foreigners including journalists. our pentagon correspondent brash starr is barbara starr is working her sources. what about the claim it strike inside baghdad? >> reporter: technicallies pentagon cannot confirm the isis claim, they have no intelligence to confirm it but the reality is people accept that claim on its face value. isis has been conducting terrorist attacks in baghdad for some time. what's the concern right now though? well, look. isis has been making progress across anbar province to the west of baghdad, on that western approach to the capital. so the question facing the u.s. intelligence community could isis put its gains together? could it really make a run for baghdad? could it take the city? the conventional wisdom right
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now in the intelligence community is isis oent we'ven try to go for the whole city. it's a shia-led city to a large extent and it would take everything they have. isis doesn't really like to risk that much is the thinking. they like to go after the targets they know they can get. the vulnerabilities. so their strategy perhaps, is what we are seeing right now. tactical strikes. terrorist attacks, suicide car bombs in baghdad, unsettle the population there. unsettle the government. they get a good deal of publicity and propaganda out of this and cause mayhem and death, and in terms of baghdad for now that may be enough, but it is something the iraqi government is clearly going to have to deal with. wolf? >> barbara, what are you hearing about the possibility that the obama administration might start arming moderate iraqi sunnis in anbar province maybe elsewhere directly and not go through the central government in baghdad? >> reporter: we know defense secretary ash cart hear been
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focusing on this. his view is along with others in the administration you have to get those sunni tribal leaders out in anbar province again, into the fight. you know several years ago during the war in iraq that so-called sunni uprising worked. it was key to pushing al qaeda out of that region. they want to do that again, but how do you do it right now? the u.s. policy you have to work through the iraqi government in baghdad, but what they're looking at is there some kind of wiggle room? coordinate with the iraqi government get it authorized by them but is there some way you can potentially distribute weapons directly to the sunni fighters in the west? of course the big problem, will they use those u.s. weapons if they get them to fight isis or will they turn on the shia-led government. >> huge huge issue. thanks for that. isis meanwhile, is making a chilling threat against america tonight in a new video posted online.
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what worries officials even more the man on camera was trained in the united states as a special counterterror commander before defecting to isis. cnn's brian todd has been tracking the story for us. what are you learning? >> wolf this man's name is former colonel for the counterterror police of tajikistan. he was trusted enough to be allowed inside the united states at least five times for extensive counterterror training and he was on american soil as recently as last year. donned in isis black he confidently carries a long sniper rifle, a bandoleer of ammunition and picks off a tomato to show his skill. this is an isis video, and cnn has just learned this man trained on american soil. the fighter says he's gumerad holamof, a key u.s. ally
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tajikistan. >> from 200. to 2008 i received specialized edd training in america on the military base of black water. >> reporter: a controversy u.s. contracting company which sent private security personnel to iraq and trained other countries fighters at this compound in north carolina. academy, the company that purchased was unable to confirm he was there. the state department tells cnn he participated in five counterterrorism courses in the u.s. and tajikistan between 2003 and last year. we spoke with former army sniper paul shari about what he might have learned. what skills he would have learned might hearse u.s. forces on the battlefield? >> the types of training he's likely to received basic tactics and maneuvers, the ability to say, move through a building move through an urban area in a tactical way. maybe bake marksmanship. >> reporter: he says u.s. contractors wouldn't have trained him to be a killing
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machine like rambo, but if he was a top commander in the terror forces there's another worry. >> the real problem, he knows how to plan counterterrorism operations. he knows how the people who protect a high target will be thinking people who protect an embassy will be thinking putting limb in a position to red team that, we say in the military think intelligently how to interrupt those plans. that's a dangerous capability. >> reporter: another ominous signal the threat against what he called american pigs. >> god willing, we will come do your cities to your homes, and we will kill you. >> reporter: the state department says all appropriate vetting of this man was done before he came to the u.s. tajik officials have so far not commented on this man or this video. he has another dangerous skill that goes beyond what he can do with a sniper rifle. in this video he speaks russian. an 4ri679s say that's a marketing decision by isis to use him as a tool to recruit more fighters from central asia.
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>> and claims being trained by the russians as well? >> reporter: right. trained by spets nas, elet russian commando forces's if he has trining from them and u.s. special forces he probably has considerable skill to use on the battlefield against the allies and, of course to train other isis fighters. >> a pretty disturbing development as well. brian, thank you. with us here in "the situation room" right now republican congressman ryan zincy of montana. he was a navy s.e.a.l. commander, now a member of the house armed services committee. congressman, thanks very much for coming in. >> great to be here. >> you served in iraq. you know iraq well. you served in anbar province. i'm concerned about what's going on in baghdad. that's right now. all of a sudden today two more explosions an elite, prestigious hotels. there seems to be a pattern that the isis troops use in mosul, first a lot of terrorist explosions scared the iraqi military. dropped their weapons, ran away. in ramadi more recently a lot of terrorist bombings
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improvised explosive devices, iraq military there, in bigger numbers dropped weapons, ran way. looks like they're trying to do the same in baghdad now. your thoughts? >> we're seeing a free fall in policy in iraq. you have a disenfranchised sunni, the tribes kurds up north just holding on and now a shia militia backed by iran. i'm not sure at this point we can put iraq back as we know it. i think the big play hear been iran. you had shia militias that appear to be coming from nowhere now in the 20,000 led by republican guard senior military commanders and when you're assaulting in the anbar province which is sunni, they're yelling out, anti-sunni war cries. so the centralized government from a sunni perspective is no longer legitimate power. and that's a huge problem. >> you say it's a free fall right now? you're not sure iraq can be put
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back together? your words, right? >> seeing a free fall of a policy gone wrong. it's a nightmare for the next president to inherent this policy. >> so what should the u.s. be doing? >> well i think looking at it -- we do need to arm the kurds, solidify -- >> directly without going through baghdad? >> and same with the sunni tribes that will fight. my experience as the deputy and acting commander of forces in iraq i served in fallujah. the sunni tribes that rose up and fought with us they'll rise again, because they are also against isis. but to ask the centralized government to give arms and coordination is simply not going to happen. >> because the centralized government says if you do that if you start, the united states start arming the kurds directly which of course what the kurds want because they don't trust the government in baghdad either. you start providing weapons directly to moderate sunni tribes in anbar province and elsewhere, they say forget about the united states. they're going to basically align almost depletecompletely with iran?
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>> the kurds north, salt looking at as much as 700,000 refugees. where will they go? not into isis-held territory, certainly not baghdad. turkey already has 2 million refugees and competing for jobs. the only place they can go is kurdish-held territory and they don't have the resources. kurds right now are a holding ground. i don't see any significant movement from the kurds. i think the sunnis are now deciding whether they're going to side with isis or be on their own, but certainly going back to aized government iran influenced if not controlled i don't think is a possibility. >> right now the u.s. has about 3,000 troops in iraq. some like lindsay graham senator mccame, they say bring it up to 10,000. maybe even more. you say -- >> well what we've done is we played a card game by giving cards out and have very few options left. we watched isis go from a few hundred to as many as 30 or
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40,000. we watched iran enter our play was air operations alone which is not effective. we've seen the results. so i think at this point we shore up the sunni tribes willing to fight against isis and provide support in terms of intelligence and ground forces provided that we support our ground forces. sprinkling a few isn't going to be enough because we know what happens, would happen if one of our soldiers or sailors, airmen or marines are captured. burned alive in a cage. you need sufficients for, medical. as many as 10,000 if e are going to degrade and destroy isis. >> stand by congressman. more to discuss. we're only just beginning with congressman ryan zincy. he's a former navy s.e.a.l. served in iraq. he's a member of the armed services committee. much more when we come back.
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following breaking news. just now over at the white house president obama demanding swift action from congress to prevent key terrorist surveillance programs from going dark this weekend. senators will convene in a rare sunday session. the president called on them to follow the lead of the house of representatives in reauthorizing provisions of the patriot act. we're back with montana republican representative ribyan zincy. wrap up what's going on in iraq
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right now. representative tulsi gabbard, also an iraq war veteran democrat from hawaii, member of the armed services committee said you know what? iraq is not iraq anymore. basically calls for a three-state solution kurdistan, shia state and a sunni state. are you with her on that? >> we're headed that way. clearly, this is what happens when you don't have action. inaction has consequences too. what we've seen is i think we're in a free-fall and unless we act now the situation dictates three months from now a different situation. you can count on iran to continue to expand their influence, they're in eastern iraq and will push as far and until their stopped. >> you served in ramadi. served in fallujah. ramadi now controlled by isis. fallujah a battle going on but isis is pretty pow areful there. i was in fallujah back in 2005 when the u.s. was in control of flushallujah at that time thanks to
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a lot of marine there's. when you see what's going on and you're an iraq war veteran, what's going on? nor mind? was that war worth it. >> certainly a lot of are barren and agony and ramadi was the center of the anbar province center of the sunni part. and to see inaction and all of a sudden we're fightering and even in the pentagon saying that the ramadi doesn't matter. it does matter. it matters to the veterans to the marine corps that lost lives. i have friends i lost you know in that battle. so i think the symbol of ramadi it runs deep in the american psyche especially for those who fought. >> i think about 1,200 or 1,400 battled in the anbar province over the years and who knows how many came home severely injured as well and we've seen isis and still don't have is a foreign policy on what we're going to do
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about syria. whether to have a regime change whether or not to. we're not even there yet and, of course, we watched iraq fold and these different entities rapidly. we've made mistakes in the first war. probably dismantleing the army probably not showing up sunnis leaving too early. a number of mistakes and now at a critical point whether iraq can maintain itself as a federation or a semiautonomous region divided into three. >> chaos like in libya, the situation now or yemen. >> lawless and dangerous state. >> a failed state. >> libya a famed ed famed state. >> yemen, too. >> took out gadhafi, then what? wait and see. unfortunately the wait and see part has been a tremendous failure. >> where do you stand on the extension of the nsa surveillance programs because sunday there's a deadline? >> well i don't think it's a crisis per se. i think there's probably bigger threats. iran had a nuclear weapon.
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our southern border certainly cyber security. the world's not going to shut down. the question is meda data and to say -- senator paul brought up good points. having meda data okay to stored by the phone companies and not boy government agencies is either safer, not really. >> you're with senator paul on this? >> i respect his opinion. i think we need to move forward. certainly cyber security looking at how the enemy evolved, we need to have a discussion protecting civil liberties, our personal rights is immensely important. my view is meda data is fine until you get to a name. the moment you get to a name better have a warrant and jump. at -- jump at that point.a judge. having the dat taye moveda moved to 2,000 phone companies is like pushing it in a closet and is it safe? no. no safer than the government. we need to make sure that we protect civil liberties, and
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make sure we protect our nation's security and i think we can do that but i appreciate the senator's, you know -- he's steadfast in his position about civil liberties, which are important. our constitution shouldn't be trampled on. >> representative zincy, thanks very much for coming in and thanks for your service. >> thank you, always a pleasure woman. >> we'll have you back for sure. from montana. a member of the armed services committee. much more breaking news. it's coming into "the situation room." stand by for new details on what's turning into a sex scandal involving the former speaker of the house of representatives, dennis hastert. we're also following new flooding as dangerous new storms move across texas and oklahoma. stay with us. you're in "the situation room."
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there are stunning new allegations tonight against the former speaker of the house of representatives dennis hastert. authorities now say the man who was once second in line to the presidency was lying to the fbi about his role in a major extortion scandal and new questions tonight about what he was trying to cover up. our justice correspondent pamela brown is here with us. she's got new information. what is going on? >> reporter: first came the indictment yesterday, wolf and justice department officials said then dennis hastert lied to fbi. we've learned about alleged misconducted with an underaged former student several years ago was it's reason behind the hush money fbi authorities were talking about indictment. federal sources tell cnn hastert, longers serving u.s.
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house speaker, paying to a high school in illinois where he once taught and also was a wrestling coach. more than $1 million for this former student to keep allegations of sexual misconduct quiet. hastert has not commented publicly. we've been reaching out to him but he abruptly resigned from a washington, d.c. law firm as well as from a chicago derivatives firm. this indictment focuses not on this misconduct but more on the former wrestling coach's money and how he moved that money and allegedly paying often this former student. prosecutors saying he agreed to pay an unnamed individual "$3.5 million to cover up his past misconduct" according to court records. the investigations started two years when the fbi started investigating mystery transactions made by hastert and bang withdrawals of more than $950,000. the fbi alleges that several of these withdrawals were less than $10,000, so that he could evade
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irs detection. prosecutors say when the fbi asked hisastert about a pattern of withdrawing, he said he was keeping it for himself. he was lying's he was paying off this other individual as hush money. >> could be a court appearance as early as next week? >> reporter: hearing that and important to point out he was not arrested. i asked why that was, the department of justice says because he wasn't a flight risk or danger to the community. he was not arrested but we expect him to appear before a federal judge as early as next week. wolf? >> stand by. i want to bring in the former assistant director of the fbi, tom fuentes and senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. the story broke, tom, last night. you told us this information was coming ow, maybe officials were trying to in your tucker- tucker-tickle the wires. what did you mean? >> one thing going back to the
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$10,000 transactions you know banks are required for cash transactions more than $10,000 to report that in a suspicious activity report. but they can report less than that if the whole pattern is continuous. so if somebody constantly came in and withdrew $9,000 and it was suspicious they can report that to treasury and later that could be reported to the fbi, if it's a former public official and has the appearance of some type of corruption. so that's what would lead to the beginning of the investigation. why all of these transactions and then later in that process, apparently he made false statements to the fbi. >> and the phrase tickling the wires. where does that come from? >> start, trying to get other people to talk try to get people that may have been involved in this to maybe say something, just to get information moving. norm lirally a term used in a wiretap, authorities put out something with the idea the subjects will talk to each other, exchanging information which can be intercepted. >> jeffrey, what strikes you the most? you read the indictment. read the formal papers.
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i don't know what kind of penalty potentially he could be facing. what strikes you? >> well, what struck me was this very clear insinuation in the document that we have now confirmed through our -- through pamela's reporting that this was a sexual offense underlying it and what i thought on reading the document was -- this was in essence a threat to dennis hastert, if he wants to go to trial, which is you want to go to trial on this case? you are going to have this story played out in an extremely public proceeding of the reason you were paying all of this money, which would be, you know, beyond embarrassing to dennis hastert as well as just horrendous. i mean you know, the idea someone this important could have done something so awful. so this struck me as an indictment designed to yield a guilty plea, and i still think that's likely how this case will
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end. >> what are you hearing, pam wil, also that maybe there could be some sort of extortion charge against the so-called individual aide receiving the money? what are you hearing than? >> a big question wolf. talking to federal sources along with my colleague evan perez. they were looking at that. whether there is an extortion case whether individual a was using blackmail, but what we've been told is that federal authorities at this point do not want to pursue extortion cases. i was told this indictment if this was an extortion case it would be written very differently. making it clear if you look through language in the indictment several discussion us were had between hastert and this individual and they reached an agreement. i think that's key here and an indication that federal authorities are not going to be pursuing extortion in this case. >> what do you think, tom? >> i think the sage thingme thing. >> go ahead, tom. >> i think the same. therapy not looking to pursue that. a business arrangement between hastert and whoever he's paying these millions of dollars to,
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then you know what kind of threat was being made against him? just to expose him, embarrassment publicly. does that qualify as maybe a physical threat or a threat of you know we'll kill you if you don't pay? that type of thing. i think that so far we don't know there's an indication of charges against the person receiving the money. >> jeffrey, go ahead. >> if this case does go to trial, the defense almost certainly will be extortion. that hastert's lawyers will argue, look denny hastert was confronted with someone coming up with a horrible old false accusation. so to protect his family he gave him all of this money. now, that's a, perhaps, plausible defense. it's got a lot of problems. why did you lie to the fbi? why didn't you just go to the police like david letterman did in a roughly, not exactly, roughly parallel situation? but that almost certainly will be the defense, if the case goes to trial. another reason why the fbi certainly wouldn't want to
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prosecute this person is they appear to believe this person is a victim of sexual abuse by denny hastert. that certainly doesn't make him a very appealing defendant. you don't want by and large to be prosecuting people who are victims of horrible crime. >> let me ask tom if afuentes, this individual individual a, received already about $1 million in cash. is he allowed to keep the money? >> i don't know wolf and i don't know if we have to what degree say, of sexual misconduct occurred between hastert if it did occur, the allegation it may have occurred or just falsely accused and that was enough to politically want to avoid the embarrassment for somebody in public office with a high pub position as well as being a lobbyist. i don't know the answer to that. >> do you have the answer, jeffrey? >> i think it's likely he will be allowed to keep the money. i mean one of the many peculiar
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things about this case if denny hastert had simply written a check to individual a, there would have been no crime, no -- no harm no foul and i don't think anyone would have even known about this whole situation. what made this criminal was his structuring, allegedly, of the transactions to avoid the bank reporting requirements and then lying to the fbi. if he had simply written a check, no one would have known. and this story would not be would not be public at all. >> pamela wanted to weigh in? >> reporter: just to jeffrey's point. if you read through the indictment it only says misconduct doesn't go further. a question i asked, why is that? i'm told because the charges he's facing they don't really have anything to do with the actual misconduct. federal authorities are saying it's what he did after that to cover it up. a point make there. >> why now jeffrey, the indictment coming now? >> well, because these currency
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transactions reports, or the failure to file them go up to 207 2014, as i recall from the indictment. this is a crime that took place if it took place, well after his tenure at speaker of the house. so it seems entirely appropriate it would be brought now. >> you ay glee iglee tom? >> yes. so close to the presidency when speaker of the house. talking about a very high public official. they'd want to get it right and the not pursue this haphazard. more diligent in the questions of him, in the fact pattern they were able to develop when they went to question him, and it is a federal violation during an official investigation to lie to the fbi. >> pamela the information you're getting is one individual supposedly one of his students allegedly, when he was a high school teacher, a wrestling coach, has now basically made this accusation. is there any evidence any other students anybody else from the past has come forward and said you know what? i was a victim as well?
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>> as far as we know we just don't have that information, wolf. that is something, of course people are asking right now. are there more victims out there? but as of now federal authorities are only talking about this individual a and that's really what they're focused on now. i want to go back to what we were talking about, why now? we know in december according to the indictment he allegedly lied to federal authorities about the money and that he was keeping it for himself, but it's interesting to me there's a seven-month gap of time from there until now makes you wonder whether there were any negotiations or anything taking place in that time. >> all right, guys. stand by. we'll have more on the story. it's developing at the top of the hour. there's other news we're following, though including severe storms and flood warnings as communities across the southwest remain paralyzed after historic flooded. going to the storm center. when we come back. also, five yes, five passenger planes come under assault by laser pointers. what threat do they pose to pilots? i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life.
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breaking news. new and dangerous thunderstorms forming over northern texas and eastern oklahoma the same areas paralyzed by flash flooding today. rapidly rising waters brought highways to a standstale. forecasts say they could see another round the flooding tonight and tomorrow. joining us from dallas ed lavandera. what are you seeing there, ed? >> reporter: wolf, people here, you mentioned, bracing for another night of expected storms
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and exactly where these flash floods are going to pop up again. you know, authorities around the north texas area warning people the ground is extremely saturated. that it will not take a heavy amount of rain to create the dangerous flash flooding we've seen. here on this road in the suburb the north each suburb of dallas garland, on this road earlier this morning you saw the dramatic video of a police officer being rescued and pulled out by helicopter from his patrol dhar wascar on op of that bridge there. standing all the way in the days tans you can see beyond as the road bends into the trees there, from here to there was flooded with water this morning. the officer was on this bridge, because he was trying to divert people away from this area. keeping them from standing there. we're told within a matter of minutes, the water rushed up around him and started seeping into the bottom of his car. he was able to get eway from everything safely. there have been hundreds of calls just like that across the dallas-ft. worth area of people
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who were dramatically and quickly captured or stuck inside their vehicles as the floodwaters rushed up in various areas, but, wolf as you mentioned, more rain expected. people will be watching that a lot of vigilance, the word really they want the word out for people to be very careful and especially in these low-lying areas, how dramatically and how quickly these floodwaters can surround you, especially if you're in a vehicle. >> is more severe weather expected? >> reporter: it's severe in terms of tornadoes, just the amount of rainfall and when you consider how much rainfall no the just falling here overnight. a reenain event going on for several weeks now. many of the creeks beyond the distance is a creek that flows into a large lake several miles a way from where we are. the tributaries and creeks are full nowhere for the water to go and rush out as quickly as possible. you get flooding on these roadways especially in the low-lying areas.
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officials say expect more like that especially if it rains like last night here in the north dallas, texas year. >> thanks very much. coming up a blinding threat against airline pilots. the faa warning about the danger of laser pointers after a scary incident in the skies above new york. we have details. that's next.
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the faa is warning pilots of the danger to passenger planes lasers. the alert comes after multiple planes were targeted by a laser pointer right before landing or after taking off. our aviation correspondent rene marsh has been following this very disturbing story. these lasers can be very dangerous. >> absolutely. and this happened within minutes of each other. we're talking about five
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commercial passenger planes struck with this blinding green laser. it happened at the most critical point of flight. takeoff and landing. the flights were not very far from jfk, flying over long island when multiple pilots alerted controllers. take a listen. >> i thought it was a rogue laser, but they were definitely aiming for us a couple of times. i've had two aircraft fly over where you are, got struck bay green laser. >> 185, you see any green, be careful. a green laser might be in your vicinity. >> 185, we just had a laser strike. left side. >> imagine this you're in a car that's pitch black and a camera flash goes off. that's exactly what it's like for these pilots in the cockpit. it's a dangerous distraction, these lasers can disorient, even temporarily blind the pilot. in some cases pilots have been hospitalized with burned corneas. we know these aircraft were at about 8,000 feet i should say.
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at that level they're still communicating with air traffic control. so this is a huge distraction. unfortunately, wolf we see this happen thousands of times a year. just last year alone, nearly 4,000 incidents reported to the faa. at this point, all of those incidents that happened last night, they're under investigation. the fbi is trying to get to the bottom of this. but it's really tough to find essentially a needle in a haystack. who is that one individual shining this light. but this is a felony. so -- >> it certainly is. and you're also learning of a drone coming perilously close to a passenger plane. what are you learning? >> it was a shuttle america flight from d.c. going in for a landing at laguardia this morning. to got dangerously close to a drone. forcing the pilot to pull up and climb some 200 feet to avoid it. the plane was at about 2700 feet over prospect park in brooklyn. we know that police searched the area. they did not find the drone. they did not find the operator. but the potential danger here
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is you know essentially what happenes if one of these drones gets sucked into the engine. we saw what happened with miracle on the hudson when the canadian geese took out both engines. so that's the danger. and so now the faa is investigating but there are clear rules, you should not be flying it above 400 feet and you should not be flying it near an airplane or an airport. >> rene thanks very much. disturbing information. isis on the move could a pair of deadly bombings be the start of a reign of terror in iraq's most important city. plus new revelations that a sex scandal is is behind the alleged hush money payments by the former speaker of the house dennis hastert. attendant: welcome back. man: thank you. it's not home. but with every
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happening now, breaking news sex scandal, a former house speaker once second in line to the presidency charged with lying to investigators about hush money he allegedly paid. sources say dennis hastert was trying to silence accusations of sexual misconduct. isis attacks claims responsibility for new suicide bombings in the iraqi capital and saudi arabia even as terrorist forces expand their reach in syria and libya. account u.s.-led coalition counter this new isis offensive? spies wide shut. a major anti-terror program could should down in two days hampering government surveillance of terror suspects. president obama is demanding swift action by the u.s. senate to keep the program growing, will lawmakers listen? flood disaster more rain in the forecast for some of the hardest-hit areas in the southwest.
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already reeling from severe weather, that's killed more than two dozen people. how long will the danger last? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in "the situation room." we're following the breaking news stunning new details of federal charges against the former house speaker, dennis hastert. sources now telling cnn the man who was once second in line to the presidency was paying a former student to keep quiet about allegations of sexual misconduct from the time when hastert was a teacher in a wrestling coach, back in illinois. we're also following isis -- now claiming responsibility for suicide bombings at two baghdad hotels and at a mosque in saudi arabia even as its forces seize more cities in syria. all it raising serious concern about an expanding terrorist reach. we're covering all angles of the breaking news and more with our correspondents and our guests including congressman john
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giramenda, a member of the armed services committee. let's begin with pamela brown and the new revelations involving the former speaker dennis hastert. what are you hearing? >> first came the indictment justice department officials saying dennis hastert lied to the fbi about money he was withdrawing from several banks. now we have learned from sources, alleged sexual misconduct involving an underage student several years ago was the reason behind the hush money. federal sources telling cnn dennis hastert. the longest-serving republican u.s. house speaker was paying hush money to a student at the illinois high school where he once taught. more than $1 million to the former student to keep allegations that hastert had sexually abused him quiet. hastert has not commented publicly. but he resigned from this washington, d.c. lobbying firm as well as from a chicago derivatives firm. the indictment does not discuss sexual abuse. instead, it focuses on how the
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73-year-old former wrestling coach moved the money he allegedly was paying the former student. prosecutors saying he agreed to pay an unnamed individual quote $3.5 million to cover up his past misconduct. according to court records, the investigation started two years ago. when the fbi started investigating mystery transactions made by hastert. bank withdrawals of more than $950,000. the fbi alleges several of the withdrawals from less than $10,000. so he could evade irs detection. >> banks have an obligation to record when you are withdrawing close to $10,000. and there's a pattern of doing this. it's called structuring. that's why they would be looking into this. >> prosecutors say when the fbi asked hastert about the pattern of large withdrawals, he said he was keeping the cash for himself. >> a long-time friend of dennis hastert says that he spoke with the former speaker this morning. here's what he says. he says he perceives himself as
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the one who has been wronged. but he is actually the victim here. the friend who says he's been associated with hastert since the '70s says he spoke with him and he's an incredibly good job for the people. he's done that a and done as well as he could. according to this friend. we've reached out to hastert, have not heard back. >> from his former law firm they haven't said anything yet? >> they took down his bio as soon as the indictment came out. he resigned from the law firm. and we haven't heard back from his attorney. >> stand by. i want to continue our reporting on what's going on. let's bring in michael schmidt. a reporter for "the new york times," who is also working the story and our cnn legal analyst jeffrey toobin. michael, what else are your sources telling you about this case? >> basically the way that this really started was the bank was the one that detected the money coming out. there are these threshholds thaw can't basically take money off on. so that sort of the genesis of it. but the interesting thing here
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is that -- go ahead, michael. >> is that the, the fbi can't do here is make an extortion case because the victim mr. hastert, is the one who said that he kept the money himself. so they can't turn around and make a case against this man. because the their chief witness is telling them it was just cash that he he held on to. >> and the individual individual a, the person receiving the money in cash from hastert, michael, this individual keeps the money is that what you're hearing? >> yeah. well the individual was taking the money. it was coming in different payments sometimes $50,000. sometimes far less. it was coming about every five weeks. and it was, it was a routine thing. it was clearly something that had been set up. it started in 2010. and it went on and on and on and that's sort of the way that this is what really got him into the trouble. >> what do we know about this individual a, the nature of the relationship? what are you learning? >> we really don't know.
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we know he was a student at the school where mr. hastert was a coach and a teacher. he was very well-regarded. and beyond that you know the documents that came out yesterday didn't really go into much of it at all. they basically just laid out the fact that hastert was a teacher there from you know for about a 30-year period of time before he entered politics. and it basically just said it was an individual. didn't even say if it was a man or a woman. the funny thing is this is apparently mr. hastert's lawyers ha didn't want any of this information in the documents. it's hard to believe that they thought this wouldn't come out. and look 24 hours after the fact, we know it. >> jeffrey, the indictment is for illegal money withdrawals. but now this whole issue of an alleged sexual abuse, presumably of a minor comes out. where do we go from here? >> the case is what the case is. in other words, there is not a separate trial that's going to take place for sexual abuse.
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there is an implicit threat in an indictment that is spelled out this way. which is if this case goes to trial, the justice department is saying to denny hastert, you can expect that all of the accusations about sexual abuse will be aired in public. in a trial. so there is an implicit threat that you better plead guilty. you better end this process right away. or all this very dirty linen is going to be aired in public. and frankly, when you have a 73-year-old defendant who could actually get prison time if this case goes to trial, very unlikely to get prison time if it et cetera innds in a plea. i think a plea bargain is a likely outcome. >> and this whole notion of extortion there could be an extortion case what are you hearing, pamela? >> we're hearing that was something initially federal authorities were pursuing. and we're hearing that's not
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something they wanted to pursue. as michael pointed out what would have been the chief witness allegedly lied to the fbi. and so they felt like you know what we don't have enough evidence to pursue this. also you have a victim who alleges sexual misconduct. folks have been speaking to say there aren't many prosecutors out there who would want to prosecute a victim of sexual misconduct if it did happen. we don't know. and also if you look in the indictment. the words say, they met, they met for a discussion they reached an agreement for $3.5 million. that also insinuates that federal authorities aren't going to be pursuing extortion here. >> any indication anyone else may have been allegedly sexually abused? >> no. and unfortunately, though in cases like this as we've seen in the past. it's usually if there is indeed sexual misconduct, it's usually not just one person. but we only really know of one person here. it will be interesting to see going forward, if there are more if there are others that come out. >> one point about extortion,
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just because he the individual a is not charged with extortion, it doesn't mean that hastert's lawyers can't argue that hastert was extorted. if this case goes to trial, i doubt that it will his lawyers almost certainly will say look hastert was confronted with a lying, terrible accusation. he gave money to spare his family the embarrassment. so that is an argument i don't know if a jury would buy it. but it's an argument that is certainly available to hastert. even if there are no criminal charges against individual a. >> i want everyone to stand by. we'll have more on this coming up. but there's other breaking news we're following now involving isis. and a disturbing series of new attacks. isis claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing at a shiite mosque in saudi arabia. this the second time in a week. and it's it also says it's behind two suicide bombings at
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two major baghdad hotels. that killed nine people and injured many others. our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto is working the story fors. >> in the simplest terms this has been a good couple of weeks for isis victory in ramdadi and a bombing in saudi arabia. and a sobering week for the u.s.-led coalition. isis gains are exposing broader, more enduring problems in the fight against the terror group. across the middle east this is isis on the offensive. in saudi arabia the terror group claimed responsibility for a deadly bombing on a shiite mosque. the second attack in the kingdom in the last week. in libya, a growing base of isis support, the group says it has captured part of a civilian airport. and in baghdad, two massive suicide bombs on two prominent hotels. a shocking strike inside iraq's highly protected capital. leaving shattered windows and a
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rattled government. >> the regime in baghdad is very much on the defensive. because of the gains that isis has made in ramadi. and anbar province. in syria, in damascus. it's been a very important shift in the last couple of weeks. >> isis attacks both inside and outside its bases in iraq and syria -- are a worrying sign for the u.s.-led anti-isis coalition. islamic icic militants have also taken over a city in syria, under control of syrian president bashar al assad. his regime now teetering. >> they believe that they are you know the true army of islam. that is coming to save islam. and that also kind of explains their violence and their brutality. anybody who stands in our way this is what we will do to you. >> with iraqi forces overwhelmed, the u.s. is now
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considering arming sunni tribes in anbar province directly. >> obviously arming the sunnis arming the kurds, arming the army. arming any side in iraq who will fight against isis will be welcome. >> retired general john allen, the man leading the coalition told cbs that isis has quote only tactical momentum. and says the coalition battle plan remains sound. though he conceded as u.s. officials have since the beginning that the fight will take time. currently, however, on the ground the fight is looking more and more like a stalemate, wolf rather than a slow march to victory. raising hard understandable questions about what needs to change on the ground. to change that momentum. >> you're absolutely right. all right, jim sciutto. thank you. we're following the deadline looming over one of the government's key tools for tracking terror suspects. and a frustrated president obama says he expects the senate to act swiftly to extend the nsa's authorization to collect bulk phone data which is set to expire this sunday. our white house correspondent michelle kosinski is joining us now. she has more.
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what's the president saying michelle? >> can you call this a deadline. can you call it a showdown. this is the white house's last big push before these parts of the patriot act are set to expire. we have heard repeatedly from the white house, calling this national security russian roulette. and today we hear directly from the president. what's not so clear though is whether his reiterating what we've largely heard before is going to persuade any of those senators who feel just as strongly about personal privacy. a last push in the oval office with the attorney general, president obama laid out what's at stake for national security. >> i don't want us to be in a situation in which for a certain period of time those authorities go away. and suddenly we're dark. and heaven forbid we've got a problem where we could have prevented a terrorist attack or apprehended someone. who was engaged in dangerous activity. >> the president has made clear
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his displeasure over the senate leaving this down to the wire. going on break all week to come back late this sunday just as the nsa is having to start dismantling its servers for collecting americans' phone data. but other elements of the patriot act will expire too, like roving wiretaps for terror suspects who keep switching cell phones. the white house today blasted the politics involved. >> there's a pretty long history in the commonwealth of kentucky of pretty heated feuds going all the way back to the hatfields and mccoys. and the fact is there seems to be a feud right now between the leader of the united states senate mitch mcconnell, a native of kentucky and senator paul. >> sunday all eyes will be on presidential candidate rand paul. his firm stance blocked a vote on these programs last weekend. angering key members of his own party. >> this is a debate about whether or not a warrant with a
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single name of a single company can be used to collect all the records, all of the phone records of all of the people in our country a single warrant. >> even drawing an eyeroll, from fellow presidential candidate, lindsay graham. how comes this eyebrow-raising ad from a superpac supporting paul. >> versus the head of the washington spy machine, barack obama. >> okay wow. all right. but you know what the privacy issue has already been largely addressed in this bipartisan bill that's already passed the house. taking the bulk phone data collection out of the hands of the government and putting it with the private phone companies there are only about three votes that the senate needs right now. to pass that same bill and a spokesperson for senate majority
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leader mitch mcconnell told me that on sunday the senate will pass legislation. the questionmark is it going to be the same bill that the house passed? if it's not, this is still going to have to go through the process and those patriot acts programs still may expire. wolf? >> michelle kosinski at the white house, thank you. let's get more on what's going on with democratic congressman john garamendi of california a member of the armed services committee. thank you very much for joining us. how are you going to vote if this comes back to the house of representatives? will you be for example with rand paul or will you be with president obama? >> well we've already passed the usa freedom act, 338 members of the house of representatives, only 80-some opposed. the usa freedom act. which does deal with the central issue here which is the, section 215 authority that i think was misused by the nsa. in collecting the meta-data.
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we've done what we need to do in the house of representatives. it's up to the senate. they could take up that bill three more votes and it passes it becomes law and this becomes yet one more issue of history. where we came down to the cliff and decided not to jump off. >> i think the votes are there, when people stand back and get all their huffing and puffing out of the way, this is really important. the usa freedom act that the house passed will do the job. it will protect the privacy that we have. it will require that the u.s. government get a warrant. rand paul is absolutely incorrect, i cannot imagine a judge allowing the u.s. government to just go on a searching expedition of every single phone call that is made by in the at&t records. that's not going to happen. we can get this solved very quickly. >> stand by congressman. we have more to discuss. we'll take a quick break, much more with congressman garamendi.
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we're following expanding isis attacks. the terrorist now claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide bombing at a shiite mosque in saudi arabia. this for the second time in a week. isis says it's behind two suicide bombings at two baghdad hotels that killed nine people. the attacks come as the terrorists expand control in syria and now in libya as well. we're back with democratic congressman john garamendi of california a member of the armed services committee. congressman, there are reports that the white house now considering ways to arm the sunni tribes in anbar province
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directly. in this fight to try to take back ramadi other towns in anbar. not go through the central government in baghdad. is this a good idea? >> maybe the only idea. it may be absolutely necessary to do that. it has to be done i believe, in conjunction with the at least the knowledge, if not the acquiescence of the central government. but this is not new. back in the early, the mid stages of the iraq war, it was those sunni tribes that actually brought about what's together with the u.s. military success in the, in those towns. so it's not a new thing. it has to be done properly. and carefully, but i think it probably is going to be necessary. we also need to be very much aware that the threat may actually be the shia militia. they have had in the past a very bad record when they were working, even with the iraq government and the iraq
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military taking over some of the towns that isil or isis had conquered or taken over. they engaged in what some people think and say were some serious atrocities. so you got to watch this thing, it's very very volatile. it is a very dangerous situation. and it's one where our options are limited. unless we want to go back in with tens of thousands of american troops which i think would be a terrible idea. >> as you know the kurds, the peshmerga fighters very pro u.s. they wanted the u.s. to arm them directly too, they don't want to have to wait for baghdad to decide what u.s. weapons they get. is that something the u.s. should also be doing? arming the kurds directly? >> well the problem here is that in doing so you reduce the authority and the structure of the central government. and that could be leading to the breakdown or the collapse of the central government and the establishment of a isis state
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directly. being attacked by both an independent kurd quasi-government and the sunni tribes. now we have real chaos going on. that is the breakdown of a central authority in the area. some might say that's already occurred. obviously the united states is trying to go the opposite direction that is to rebuild a central authority, the baghdad government. which hopefully will be an inclusive government. isis is off doing terrorist attacks in saudi arabia. saudi arabia has got to get in this game and inn a serious way. because now it's not on their doorstep. it's in their home. and so similarly, in libya and that's got to be a serious concern for egypt. what are the turks going to do? well they too, are going to face a threat from this very radical jihadist group. whether it's sunni in their own community. this is coming down.
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this is what we feared would happen. >> as you know, there are at least two suicide bombings in major hotels in baghdad today. you note that when the isis terrorist, they took over mosul, started with first terrorists explosions they took over ramadi. started with terrorist explosion, how worried are you that baghdad could be taken by isis? >> i don't think that's going to happen. i don't think that will happen for two reasons. one, the central government is there, it has a significant number of military and police in that area. that are loyal to the government. and that's where the shia militia is located. and so it would be one bitter bitter and very bloody brawl. so i don't think that's going to happen. the disruption caused by the suicide bombers is not new in baghdad. that's been going on for the better part of 12 almost 14 years now. so none of less it is a very
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troublesome situation. and one that requires continued support by the united states air power to be sure. weapons, absolutely. and we need to also continue the training and the bolstering of the morale of the central government forces. >> congressman garamendi, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> just ahead, devastating floods adding even more misery in texas. bringing a major highway to a standstill. ortho bug b gon gives you season-long control of all these types of bugs.
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isis is claiming responsibility for suicide bombings at two baghdad hotels. and at a mosque in saudi arabia. even as its forces seize more cities in syria. all of it raising serious concerns right now about an expanding terrorist reach. let's get more on what's going on. joining us the former congresswoman, jane har mon, a leading intelligence expert. who heads the woodrow wilson international center for scholars here in washington. also joining us cnn national security analyst peter bergen. along with former c.i.a. operative and security analyst, robert baird. robert isis taking responsibility for the hotel bombings in baghdad. is this the beginning of a new assault on the iraqi capital? >> i don't know if it's a new assault, but you certainly see them on the move wolf. this is a guerilla force, they go where it's weak.
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at the very least they would like to get to baghdad airport. hit that if they could. anything to destabilize the regime. take attention off the sunni areas, hold on to ramadi. you know you can never tell whether these guys are on the offensive or just hitting where they can. >> the head of isis as you know peter, is called abu bakr al-baghdadi. baghdadi taking the iraqi capital for isis. that would be huge. >> it would be huge. but that is going to be you know very difficult for isis i mean what they're likely to try and do they have a strategy to strangle baghdad, take cities and towns on the periphery. that was their strategy back when they were al qaeda in iraq. that's what they're going to try to replicate. will it succeed? hoe ho knows who knows, it's a more difficult target than ramadi. quarter of the size of baghdad or a fifth of the size of baghdad. >> but they have mosul, which has two million people. the second-largest city in iraq.
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>> that's a fact. >> that's a major achievement that they have there. mosul, ramadi and now they're moving beyond jane they're moving beyond iraq. they're moving beyond syria. in libya, right now, isis apparently is taking control of a key air base. what's going on in north africa. >> peter said it they're on the move. and they have capacity and a number of countries, some are estimating dianne feinstein says they're in 12 countries. that's a lot of countries. and they're not that powerful yet in other places but their tradecraft is better than anyone else in those countries. air war ace loan won't stop them. >> they're also moving decisively in saudi arabia. take credit right now, bob baird, for the assault at a mosque in saudi arabia this friday last friday another mosque killing a lot of people injuring others. what's their goal here? >> they want to destabilize the royal family wolf. with the war in yemen, that's causing an enormous problem
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among the saudi populace. today there was fighting along the border. saudis are dying. this air campaign is very popular in saudi arabia. what worries us all, the people who watch saudi arabia is this country turning to the wahabis, which intellectually at the very least support the islamic state. now whether saudi arabia is about ready to fall no one knows that. but observers who know a lot more than me worery about that possibility. >> jane? >> they have said they want mecca in saudi arabia to be the capital of the islamist state, that would make sense and the worm is turning on itself. it was the saudis who launched this whole wahabi sect of the muslim religion the ultraorthodox religious group. which has been hijacked by this group of very trained fighters and well-equipped fighters now called isis. >> peter, you want to weigh in? >> the next king in psalm is going to be prince muhammed bin
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aif. you can expect quite a lot of suppression going on. congressman harmon is completely correct, which is that wahabiism is very intolerant of shias, this is the intellectual basis for these attacks. >> where does iran fit into all of this? >> i mean saudis they're foment being the houthis in yemen. they see any kind of shia revolution or movement as basically being iranian-backed even if that's only partially true. >> brian todd our correspondent is reporting that a senior police commander from tajikistan who was trained in the united states by blackwater has defected he's part of isis. he issued a video in which he says we will come to your cities to your homes, and we will kill you. this guy apparently trained here in the united states. >> he also had some form of russian training. think we should assume this is a
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real video and this is a real threat and this is a multi-front war. not a good time to have our surveillance laws expire. >> with the patriot act. your reaction to this video, bob bear? >> wolf i served two years in tajikistan. and this country in any way succombing to the islamic state, i don't know if this is a true sign of it is very very dangerous. because if you have the islamic state moving up into central asia that's another front and there are not enough russian troops there to deal with it. so this is something to watch. >> what's going to happen do you think sunday jane you mentioned the nsa. they've got to extend it by sunday midnight otherwise it lapses. >> that's right. this is not just the meta data program that seems to be controversial, it's roving wiretaps which are necessary in a serious counterterrorism effort. it's a bad idea do let it lapse. i think the options the senate will have since the house is not coming bang into session.
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are either take the house bill or come up with a short extension which somehow the house will pass. but i was just told by adam kinsiger who was here on the show that there are people waiting on the house floor to stop unanimous consent for a short extension. so i think the only choice the senate will have is taking the house bill. i personally think the house bill is a good compromise supported by a majority of the house and the president. that seems to be a miracle. and i think the senate should take it. three senators have to be listening to me right now and change their votes. >> they need 60 in order to get it passed? >> that's correct. >> guys thanks very much. there's other breaking news we're following. getting new word of the evacuations now being ordered in flood-stricken texas braces for even more rain. we go there live, when we come back. the network that monitors her health. the secure cloud services that store her genetic data
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breaking news new evacuations ordered in flood-stricken texas where states of disaster have been declared in two dozen more counties at least 19 people have been killed there, six more in oklahoma. now there's the threat of even more rain in the forecast. our correspondent dan simon is near houston for us. dan, what's the latest you're seeing where you are? >> well hi wolf this is the wettest month on record for the state of texas and believe it or not, it's about to get wetter, that's because there is more rain in the forecast for the weekend. there's a fear that you could see more residential streets like this one where i'm standing. i am in highlands, texas outside of houston. this is an area known as the banana bend and this street is entirely flooded. the only way you can get around some of these subdivisions is actually by boat. now i should point out that the houses here are elevated. they're used to seeing floods in this area.
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but i tell you what they are concerned about more rain in the forecast and they're also concerned in a town called wharton, where you have many homes under a mandatory evacuation order. there is a local junior high school that has open up an emergency shelter for people who may not have a place to go. we've been talking all week wolf, about the toum of wimberley, texas. where you saw so much death and misery. you can imagine what it's like for searchers still looking for bodies in those waters if you have more rain over the weekend. it will complicate matters. more rain in the forecast. so we'll just keep an eye on it and see what happens. >> dan simon, thanks very much. the disaster as dan noted, may be far from over. let's go to our meteorologist karen mcginness with the latest forecast. >> we are looking at a pattern, over the next 12 to 24 hours, additional rainfall could be heavy in that dallas metroplex area.
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that was so shut down because of the heavy rainfall in some instances, almost eight inches of rainfall that shut down a western portion of the loop the 12 loop and interstate 30. take a look at what happens. this is a forecast radar. this is not the actual radar. but this is what is expected. from amarillo to lubbock, all the way to midland, texas, a complex of storms as we head towards midnight. look at dallas not just yet, but after the midnight hour it looks like an explosion of storms we could see another round of potentially heavy rainfall. but kind of an east-west orientation around waco just outside of austin. dallas this radar doesn't go that far out. but it it does look like you could see another couple of inches. also for houston. these are areas that don't need any more wet weather, because as we just heard dan simon mention, we have seen record-setting may rainfall totals. take a look at fort smith arkansas. now arkansas is receiving
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extremely heavy rainfall. they have seen in excess of 19 inches already for this month. and we're looking at severe weather pushing into arkansas as well as into oklahoma. a tornado watch there, but also across the panhandle of texas where we could see some strong storms later on this afternoon. wolf? >> karen, thanks very much. by the way to our viewers out there, for more on what you can do to help the victims of this the severe flooding the storm damage texas, oklahoma the surrounding areas, visit just ahead, a new contender for the 2016 democratic nomination. says he's tuning up to take on hillary clinton. so what are his chances of playing "hail to the chief" in the white house?
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at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball!
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our senior washington correspondent has been following the race for us. >> martin o'malley says it is time for the democratic party to have a new face of leadership which is a not so subtle critique of hillary clinton. he sent out a video to present his introduction to vote,reminding him, he is not only a politician but also a musician. the man strumming hail to the chief is martin o'malley. and he wants to be president. >> hi. >> he's a musician and a former maryland governor. ready to go head to head with hillary clinton. >> right now our country is in a fight. the very future of the american dream. and i am drawn to that fight. >> on a recent visit to new hampshire he acknowledged he is hardly a household name. >> i thought it was south carolina. >> you start this race having to introduce yourself to a lot of people? >> sure. i start this race as a new face to a lot of people. and somebody totally unknown to
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most. but just the same way i started when i ran for city council or state senate or mayor. >> his time as mayor of baltimore is now in the spotlight. given the violence and the protests in the city. he talk about it with jake tapper. >> do you shoulder any of the blame here? >> we're all responsible. i was responsible when i decided to run for mayor in 1999. and i told people all across our city vote for me and together we will not only improve the policing of our streets. we will improve the policing of our police. >> his record will be seen in a new light in his up-hill battle to knock off the democratic front runner. >> the inevitable front runner was inevitable until they were no longer inevitable. >> he's been sharply critical of hillary clinton. >> the presidency of the united states is not a crown to be passed between two families. >> it is a different tune from eight years ago when he was one of her biggest fans.
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>> it with great pride and enthusiasm that i endorse my friend senator hillary clinton to be the next president of the united states. >> i could not be prouder than to have this endorsement. >> those old bonds now broken as he seeks to stop her presidential bid. we'll soon see new pictures of o'malley and clinton standing side by side when they appear on a debate stage later this year. like all presidential dangs, he has a super pac, called generation forward. another implicit reminder of the call for new leadership. >> let's get more from our senior politics digital correspondent, chris moody is here in the situation room. also joining us, gloria borger. what is his strategy here? is age an issue? is he trying to make himself be a little younger than hillary? >> he may have to be more
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magician than musician if he is going to win this nomination. hillary clinton is somebody with an 86% popularity rating within the democratic party. that is kind of hard to beat. it is a lot higher than popularity was. last time she was the inevitable nominee but he will talk about age, about being from the younger generation. it is very odd for democrats to be going back a generation to pick a candidate who lost once before. that's what republicans normally do. democrats look for the shiny new object. and what o'malley is trying to be is the shiny new object and say, you know what? i was progressive before you even heard of elizabeth warren. so vote for me. >> he is trying to position himself somewhere, i guess, between hillary clinton and bernie sanders who is also running for the democratic nomination. >> yeah. he'll be to the left of clinton. there's not a lot of room to the left of clinton. she is staking out some ground there as well.
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>> look. he came up in politics in presidential politics working for gary hart in his campaigns in the '80s. and in his clip he alluded to the inevitable front runner always stumbles and there's someone there that has to be sophisticated and smart enough of a politician to take advantage of it. hillary clinton will stumble. there will be a moment where the polls will narrow because they can't go anywhere but down and he will have a moment to seize that opportunity. the big problem is if she really implodes there are @other democrats throughout that will jump into the race. joe biden, maybe even al gore. there are establishment figures that will jump in if something happens. >> mabel even elizabeth warren. >> had some have suggested that o'malley is really running for the vice presidential running spot. maybe for a cabinet position. he doesn't really think he can beat hillary clinton. >> people run for different reasons. some run to win.
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some run for issue candidates. with o'malley it seems a lot more like he is in the wing for senator clinton if something happens to her or like you mentioned, if her candidacy implodes there needs to be someone there. others can swoop in but o'malley will have infrastructure there and democrats need someone like o'malley. with all the respect to bernie sanders, i don't think a lot of democrats see him being the nominee even if clinton is out. >> you've just written an important article about the latino vote. you've been out there looking at what's going on. >> the latino vote will be very important in 2016. the population is rising. particularly in the southwest between liberals and conservatives over the latino vote. republicans are doing something they have never done before. they're putting million of dollars into social services for latinos. a group funded by the charles
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and david koch donor network are funding g.e.d. classes and driver's license training including for undocumented immigrants. the work that they're doing is really infuriating democrats or making them very worried. this is something democrats have been doing for a long time. >> jeb bush speaks spanish, marco rubio speaks spanish. that could help win over votes. >> if you look at the republicans, the high water mark for republicans with latino voters was george w. bush. 2004 won 40% of latinos. compare that to mitt romney. 27%. barack obama won 71% of latino voters. republicans understand exactly what they have to do. and everybody is aware that the latino population is growing dramatically and really important swing states like where you were in new mexico for example. colorado for example. so this is an important population that both parties really care an awful lot about.
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>> population immigration reform. >> and he points out that they support comprehensive reform but most of the republican candidates do not with the exception of jeb bush who has been so far steadfast in sticking to his view on comprehensive immigration reform. marco rubio who responseored the bill in the senate has backed away from it. it is not a sure thing that he would have a lock on that community. >> the democrats' views have been evolving as well on immigration. if you look back at hillary clinton when she last ran, she was talking about not supporting driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. so there's a lot of evolving that will continue to go on with the issue of immigration. >> excellent article. being moody, right? >> being moody on cnn
4:00 pm >> what does being moody mean? >> you'll to have watch. >> guys that's it for me. thank you for watching. please tweet me at wolf blitzer. you can always tweet the show. erin burnest "outfront" starts right now. "outfront," news. sexual abuse. cnn learning the former house speaker dennis hastert is accused of sexually abusing a student when he was a wrestling coach. plus police on high alert at this hour as crowds gather outside a mosque for a draw mohammed contest. handing out t-shirts urging protesters to bring guns. and the death toll rising from unending flash floods across the southwest. more torrential rain will come tonight. let's go "outfront." good evening.
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