tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 29, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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cnn >> what does being moody mean? >> you'll to have watch. >> guys that's it for me. thank you for watching. please tweet me at wolf blitzer. you can always tweet the show. erin burnest "outfront" starts right now. "outfront," news. sexual abuse. cnn learning the former house speaker dennis hastert is accused of sexually abusing a student when he was a wrestling coach. plus police on high alert at this hour as crowds gather outside a mosque for a draw mohammed contest. handing out t-shirts urging protesters to bring guns. and the death toll rising from unending flash floods across the southwest. more torrential rain will come tonight. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett.
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we begin with the breaking news. a shocking sexual abuse scandal. sources telling cnn that dennis hastert at one time second in line from the presidency allegedly sexually abused a student when hastert was a boys wrestling coach. a stunning allegation. the feds say he paid nearly $2 million in recent years to keep this former student silent. hastert coached boys wrestling in this high school in yorkville, illinois from 1965 to 1981. he then went on to become one of the most powerful men in the united states. the longest serving republican speaker of the house. a man whose colleagues endearingly referred to him as coach. pamela brown is outfront. >> reporter: first sources say dennis hastert, the longest serving republican house speaker was paying hush money to a student at the illinois high school where he once taught. more than a million dollars for the former student to keep
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allegation hastert had sexually abused him quiet. hastert has not commented publicly but he abruptly resign from this washington, d.c. lobbying firm as well as from a chicago derivatives firm. the indictment does not discuss sexual abuse. instead it focuses on how the 73-year-old former wrestling coach moved the money he allegedly was paying the former student. prosecutors said i agreed to pay an unnamed individual $3.5 million to cover up his past misconduct. according to court records, the investigation started two years ago when the fbi started investigating mystery transactions made by hastert. bank withdrawals of more than $950,000. the fbi alleges several of the withdrawals were less than $10,000 so he could evade irs detection. prosecutors say when the fbi asked hastert about the pattern of large withdrawals, he said he was keeping the cash for himself. and we are told by sources, federal authorities were looking at the extortion angle.
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whether or not to pursue and concluded wasn't something they wanted to pursue. hastert has not returned our calls for comment. a friend of his who spoke with him this morning said he perceives himself as being the one being wronged right now. >> all right. thank you very much. covering the story. joining me now on the phone, tom davis, former congressman from virginia who served 13 years in congress with dennis hastert. i appreciate your time. did you have any idea about this before today? >> of course not. none of us did. these allegations are true, it goes against the grain of everything we knew him to be. he was chosen for speaker because he was above reapproach after we had two previous leaders that had sexual scandals. >> and congressman davis, according to the new york times, the shocking news is about a specific teenage boy. do you think that there could be others out there if these allegations are true? what are you thinking at this time? >> i just have no idea.
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i think we have speculation at this point, you can give him a presumption of innocence. the thing you have to ask is if he was being black mailed, what about the blackmailer? usually -- i don't know about the specifics of this comment. all i can tell you as speaker, danny was one of the most ethical guys. i was in leadership meetings with him where you get those ideas and he would never go near the line. he always conducted himself with the highest ethics. >> you just heard our reporter say someone who has known him since the 1970s, which would have been in the window when he was the boys high school wrestling coach. and this friend said he perceives himself as the one being wronged. when you hear that what do you think happened? >> i think he probably thought he was being black mailed and paying and now he's being charged.
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not the blackmailer. i don't know enough about that to get into it. i can only speak to the denny hastert that i've known. congress was productive. it was far more bipartisan than it is now. i hope that isn't forgotten in all this other the. >> i appreciate your time. joining me now paul in washington with me our senior political analyst david gergen who knows dennis hastert well. this is a man second in line from the presidency of the united states at one point. this is one of the most powerful people in the united states. we have to keep emphasizing the significance of this. how could someone like this if these allegations are true have covered up sexual abuse from when he was a there coach years ago. >> if so the arrogance that he would become speaker of the house knowing lurking in his back ground might be this
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allegation. of course we've seen similar thing in the past. remember spiro agnew becoming president of the united states after taking bribes in maryland. this is not the first time a politician has second a promotion while potential criminal charges lurked in the wings. >> denial it is hastert has been married to the same woman for more than 40 years. they have two children. did anyone you just heard congressman davis. emthis is not the man i knew. this was not the man i worked with. did anyone have any idea this was someone who possibly molested you know a high schooler when he was the boys wrestling coach? >> certainly not to my knowledge. he was always seen as the soul of affability and integrity. one of the reasons he was elected speaker by his own caucus was that he was seen as clean as opposed to some of the people they just had. so i must say, he had this sort of uncle like quality.
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he was very friendly. i can understand how it might have happened and i can certainly understand why his marriage stuck together. what is hard to understand is two things. one, knowing that this was lurking, that it would go forward. it does remind you of john edwards in that campaign. the second thing that is really surprising to me that he lied to the fbi. he's a pro. he knows that sends to you prison if you're not careful. and he must have been deeply into wanting to conceal this to think he could get away with it. >> as david raises he had agreed to pay more than $3 million. that is a lot of money to this individual. okay? and he ended up paying about $1.7 million. so the statute of limitations on sexual abuse has expired. what the fbi did was find out that he was paying this money. dennis hastert, they have proof that he had withdrawn the money. they have proof of this.
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he then lied to the fbi. he said he wasn't doing it. is it possible that he was paying all this money because the allegations were false? he felt he was being black mailed, as his friends say because he perceives himself being wrong now? is that a possibility? >> let's start out by saying he is presumed innocent under our system. and we see no proof. is it a possibility? absolutely a possibility. paying out $1.7 million is a huge amount of money for a false allegation. >> wouldn't you go to the feds yourself and say this person is black mailing me. >> of course. you're speaker of the house. you know law enforcement will cooperate with you. this is a false allegation. so certainly this looks very, very bad for denny hastert. >> and david gergen there was a time when congressman foley was being investigated for inappropriate advances to male pages. dennis hastert was involved in that allegation. maybe said he didn't work
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quickly enough. do you see that all in a different light now? >> that is a good question. the issue was that he had been told that there was a congressman approaching pages inappropriately and basically sat on it. he said he didn't remember the conversations when he was told but there was no question that the house republican leadership moved very slowly on top on foley and i was among those who was critical. i thought it was inept. it is also true that dennis hastert decided not to run again after that. we don't know if they're connected. paul was right. he is still presumed innocent. secondly i think you asked earlier to tom davis, what about this comment from the friend saying he perceives that he is the victim in all of this. i think we need torng more about that before we reach a final conclusion. there is a lot out there that is
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very damaging. >> "outfront," police on guard as crowds gather at a rally outside of phoenix. telling supporters to bring their guns. plus a pregnant mom suing over this brutal takedown. did the police go too far in handcuffing a pregnant woman? and houston could be inundated with another more than half a foot of rain this weekend. the deadly storms continue. we'll be live in texas. you'll be amazed when you see the pictures on the highway.
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tensions are building. protesters armed and angry descending on a phoenix mosque at this hour. more than 1,000 people say they're planning to attend a controversial event. they're calling it a freedom of speech rally. it is expected to include a quote/unquote draw mohammed cartoon sort of contest. this has police on guard standing guard. not only because the crowd is urged to bring womens. it was earlier this month two gunmen tied to this very same phoenix mosque they were known to worship there at times, ambushed in texas. sarah, obviously they're on edge. what some of these organizers are asking people to do is pretty shocking. what are officials expecting? >> reporter: they are looking just like many of us on social media and keeping track of that. looking to see how many people may show up so far. it is about a thousand people who have signed up to come in protest here.
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>> plet strangers greet one another in prayer in the middle of a community on edge expecting hundreds to gather for a controversial cartoon contest depicting the prophet mohammed right outside this mosque. i notice you are armed. >> yes, ma'am. a .9 millimeter and it is load asked there is a round in the chamber. i have another weapon in my pocket. >>. >> reporter: why have you come out here armed like this and showing it off? >> i am out here to show the united states has the first amendment and the second amendment rights. and that these people are unnoticed. we're not afraid of them. if they are going to promote their terrorism, they can do it somewhere else. not this state, not this country. >> reporter: warren dhoout want to give his last name heard about the rally like hundreds of others after this invitation went out on facebook. the organizer says this event is in response to what happened in garland, texas, three weeks ago when two men who prayed at this
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mosque drove to texas to shoot up a similar draw the prophet contest. police killed both men in a shoot-out. protesters at tonight's rally are encouraged to bring their guns and exercise their second amendment rights. they say that's just in case their first amendment rights come under attack. the fbi and police say they'll be watching the event closely with officers on the ground and through newly installed surveillance cameras. some messages of the mosque are coming to pray regardless. do you feel like this group is trying to incite something? trying to create a violent setting? >> of course. misery loves company. it's been like this for ages. there is always someone or something trying to stir up trouble. we're peaceful people. or they need to be a little more research. before passing judgment. >> reporter: at the center of this controversy, john who
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wears a vulgar anti-islam t-shirt now says he has put his family in hiding because he has become a target. his home address has been posted online and there have been threats of violence with one person saying the protesters' guns can't compete with i.e.d.s, improvised explosive devices. we know from those who are in touch with the mosques here in phoenix that they have also received threats. they say they've received a letter threat earlier this week. that was talking about attacking potentially the congregation. there is a lot of this back and forth. some of this on social media. there is certainly a police presence here. they are here saying they will allow people to take part in their rights in this country but they want to make sure it stays peaceful. >> pretty incredible. an incredible story that you foubld with that man with the loaded gun saying i have another in my pocket. thank you so much. "outfront" now, the phoenix mayor greg stanton. fresh your time tonight.
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i know you believe this protest, this cartoon contest as they're calling it, are in your words, purposefully provocative. what do you mean when you say that? >> well look. the desire of this organization to come right in front of this mosque in the heart of the city of phoenix, the islamic community center to sell and wear t-shirts that say f islam. it doesn't take much to come to the conclusion they are being provocative. they are still asserting their rights to protest and the city of phoenix will ensure this protest happens as peacefully as possible in the heart of the city. >> you do believe the protesters have a right, i know in your city, to show up. they're armed. they've put out notices telling people to bring weapons. they're telling people to hold signs and t-shirts that say f islam. that has to make you pretty angry. >> i'm not happy this is happening in my city.
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the honest truth is i think this is a really bad idea. just because you have a constitutional right to do something doesn't make it a good idea. i believe the intent is to be purposely provocative. look this is happening at a time of evening prayers at this mosque. so at the same time that we're going to be required to protect the first amendment rights of these protesters equally we have to ensure that the members of this mosque have the opportunity to come to evening prayers in an environment free of intimidation or violence. so we have a lot of work to do in the city of phoenix to ensure that everyone can go about their business as peacefully as possible. i believe we are up to the task. but yes, i'm not happy this protest is during and i believe the people involved are trying to be purposely provocative. >> purposely provocative. you're being nice with your words. wearing t-shirts that says f islam. that's hateful. >> yeah. in phoenix, arizona, we are a city that embraces our cultural
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diversity. our religious diversity. we're an incredibly diverse city. that's one of our greatest strengths as a city. for me as mayor to get national media from great organizations like cnn and others to focus on this divisiveness in our community, that's not our city that's not our values that's not who we are. we're going to make sure this happens as peacefully as possible. but the messages being sent are not messages that represent the values of the vast majority in phoenix. >> we appreciate your time. thank you. >> at this hour police are ramping their presence around phoenix and around that mosque. sergeant i appreciate your time. i don't know if you heard our report he speaking to one of the people showing up early to this protest. and he was very proud to say he
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has a .9 millimeter. he has another weapon in his pocket. when you hear that you hear organizers saying bring your guns what do you think? >> i think it makes our job a little more difficult as our mayor was saying. our responsibility here is the safety of the public. that's what we're concerned with. we know we have the second amendment right here. we've dealt with this issue several times with the gun laws we have. so understand that we will have a large police presence out here. understand that we have a lot of intelligence with this group. we will have people in this crowd. we will be watching the group as it is out here. we'll be judging the mood and we have done a lot of preparation and planning for this in hopes that everything that occurs out here the demonstrations go off safely. that is our primary goal. >> how do you feel on where to draw the line? you have your first amendment rights. they can say what they want to say. title, to say bring weapons. to do in it front of the mosque
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where a couple those two who went to garland, texas, to be wearing t-shirts that say f islam. is that hate? is that a first amendment right? what do you think? >> well i think at least from the police department perspective, we don't to have make those decisions. once we decide we have an amendment to protect, people will come out and demonstrate or protest for that cause, it is our responsibility to make sure it is safe just like any other event in phoenix. so i think as the police department as a group that is trying to remain neutral and keep the peace, we'll let others decide. our goal here would be the safety of everyone. there are several different fronts if you will that are being fought for and people are standing up for from the freedom of religion to the freedom of carrying or bearing arms. a lot of different angles. a lot of emotion.
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that's what makes it so difficult. it is a task that has taken a lot of planning between us and the fbi to ensure that this is safe. >> all right. sergeant i wish you the best and i hope that it is safe. i know you have your work cut out for you tonight. thank you. we'll keep you posted. protesters starting to gather at this hour with more than 1,000 people. "outfront" necksxt, the woman in the shocking video. she is suing police. she says her arrest was racially motivated. they handcuffed her and put her on her stomach. and record flooding. 28 confirmed dead in the united states. flood warnings and watches. we're live on the scene. pain from your day can haunt you at
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tonight new outrage over the shocking arrest of a woman who was 8 months pregnant. the video caught on police body cam. michelle cooks was the woman. she was toppled to the ground and hand cuffed while laying on her stomach. >> do not touch me! do not touch me! do not touch me! >> this came after cooks was
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involve in a dispute with another woman in a school parking lot. police demanded cooks' full name. she refused. that's when this arrest went down. cooks says officers did it because of her race. so why did this happen? and did police put cooks' baby at risk? kyung lah is "outfront." >> reporter: what michelle cooks screams is unmistakable. >> i'm pregnant! >> reporter: eight months pregnant she still ends up on the pavement. the officer kufg her. cooks was dropping off her second great daughter at school and had a parking lot confrontation with this blond woman. she had refused to give the responding officer her full name. >> don't touch me. do not touch me. >> reporter: cooks was charged with resisting arrest. charges dismissioned after a judge saw the body cam video. >> i couldn't even describe how much pain i was in.
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i thought they had killed my baby already. >> reporter: her baby girl was born healthy week later. this video is shocking. but not the only time police arresting a pregnant woman is caught on camera. last september, nypd officers arrested sandra she enter veenld as police arrested her son for carrying a knife. she is visibly pregnant but still forced to the ground belly first. the nypd has launched an internal investigation. >> i look him in the eye and tried to say as calmly as i could. i am pregnant. please don't hurt my stomach. >> reporter: that's what jessica told this denver police officer as he held a baton against her earlier this month. then police began arresting protesters. denver police say the internal investigation is ongoing. then there's this dth in rochester from 2013. police say brenda hardaway pointed pepper spray at officers responding to a disturbance
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call. to local media outlets, the rochester police chief defended his officer's action saying his officer showed tremendous restraint. aclu attorney jessica price disagrees and says video examples show a need for more protection of pregnant women as they're being arrested. she points to a 2012 aclu study which found 18 states pro hint or restrict the kufg of pregnant women. but this is limited to inmates in prison. >> that means we're protecting people already in custody. we're protecting their custody more than protecting people who happen to be out on the street. >> reporter: but preventing cops from cuffing pregnant women may not be realistic. >> now you're asking a police officer to make a medical assessment of a woman on the street. >> reporter: tom fuentes said what prevented cooks' incident, if she had listened to the police officer. >> unless she pulls out a machine gun and starts world war iii, there is no way that it will have an outcome that makes
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the officer look like a reasonable officer doing his duty. >> reporter: barstow police were wrong about one thing. that particular officer under california state law, she does not need to show her i.d. underscoring that cnn obtained this training video that was shown to officers. look at this one line here. under california law, a detained suspect cannot be forced to identify himself or be subject to arrest for refusing to do so. >> all right. thank you. obviously at the core of this is that issue. they asked her her name and she didn't provide it. joining me now, bill stanton along with our commentator van jones. let's start with the issue that she is eight months pregnant. they may not have known she was eight. i know you think it is crucial she turns to walk away. but she is be running away. not fleeing, not trying to hit
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them. there are laws in 18 states that prevent police from handcuffing women in prison. this was an arrest not actually in prison. but the question remains. should officers have been more careful? not put her on her stomach? >> she is a pregnant woman and you always have to be deferential to a life inside that stomach. but there is culpability with the person the woman there. herself. if she would have remained calm. now, granted, the law is the law. she doesn't have to give her i.d. but shouldn't she have been cognizant that she is 8 months pregnant? give the i.d. and have your day in court afterwards. that makes a lot -- that's common sense. so i'm not going on defend any cop that is hurting someone. but what happened here was an escalation that could have been pre vented by that woman if she had just shown her i.d. >> or even just said her name. all they asked for was her last name. that's shameful. i had hoped after 24 hours of reflection and seeing the full
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video that this officer would have a different view. there are three issues here. and they're all very clear. first of all, you do not have in the state of california you do not have to show i.d. an officer can tell you to pull your pants down. you don't have to do that either. if someone says i don't want to pull my pants down or show you my i.d. they cannot be arrested. we're talking about an unlawful arrest. so you're driving. and you feel you stopped at a stop sign. and the car in back of you with lights and sirens. you feel you stopped. do you not stop? you just keep going? >> no you're required by law to stop. >> but you don't feel you -- you feel you stopped. >> it is been feelings. this is about the law. the law says you have to obey a lawful order from a police officer. unfortunately, the law matters to me more than it does to you. the law also says you do not have to show i.d. >> there you go putting words in my mouth again. >> let me finish. you jumped in on me. the second piece of this that is
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important, baus besides it is an unlawful arrest by law, secondly there was a differential treatment between her and the white woman. and they both have the same complaint about the other. they were afraid of the other. >> you go back to race again. >> yes, absolutely. >> this just can't be a misunderstanding. >> let van finish and then jump in. >> the lawsuit alleges racial difference because the racial difference is objection on the 11-minute tape. the last piece is the excessive force. the. a force that was used to arrest this pregnant woman was horrific. and you do not have to have that much force and six officers to arrest an eight-month pregnant woman. the last thing is this. had there been a miscarriage, had that baby died i don't think we would be sitting here saying that the force was appropriate and i don't think we would be blaming the mother. this was a situation where it was an unlawful arrest racially motivated and dangerous to that feetus. >> first i think you should
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count. those were two officers by my metric. >> six on the scene. so on the scene. i guess they all piled on two. >> there were two officers. >> i saw two people. and i saw a woman -- >> did you watch the whole video? >> yes. i saw all 11 minutes. and i saw two officers. not six. try and -- what she did was scream yell she crumbled to the ground. and by my eyes trying to prevent her from hurting them and herself. again if she would have stayed calm it was escalating. this did not have to happen. and the issue of race what you're doing and others like you, you're getting your wish. you're watching in all high crime areas, crime spikes up. if you're a police officer, specifically by what you're saying white police officer, if you are going to be micromanaged and called a racist for just saying hello. >> shame on you. >> shame on you. >> shame out. >> you're saying in our country that people should obey unlawful
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orders from police. if a police officer tells you to pull your pants down? yes or no? >> you know what? let's have the situation. did he put drugs down his pants? was he running away from the police with drugs? did he have a gun? did he have a gun in his pants? >> there are lawful orders and unlawful orders by the police. let me say one more thing. when you put a woman on her stomach when she is eight months pregnant your wife your daughter your sister your mother. you and i both know that puts that woman in that pregnancy in extreme risk. you have to make the assessment as a police officer. >> i won't argue that. that is an intelligent point that we can discuss with degrees of how much they did and didn't do. when you automatically knee jerk say racism. that's where we part ways my friend. we can discuss about the arrest. >> we shouldn't part ways. >> final word van.
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>> we shouldn't part ways. in this situation, there were two people who had a dispute. one was never asked for her i.d. and was not arrested. the other was asked for her i.d. and forced to the ground. the only difference between the two was race. >> we'll leave it there. thank you both very much. for your time. as we continue to cover the story, of course, given that michelle cooks told cnn she will file a lawsuit saying this was because of race. up next take a look at this traffic in texas. look what they hit. all those vehicles behind floodwaters. more rain expected in dallas just only the. plus the jury hearing from alleged mass murderer james holmes. they actually got to look at his personal journal detailing his killing spree plans. when we created the silverado rally edition we figured, why stop there? these four new silverado special editions are just the beginning. from this year's fastest growing full-size truck brand
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declarations as the swollen rivers have submerged everything as far as the eye can see. we're showing you on the screen. outside dallas a major highway shut down. just look at this. you have one, two, three, four five six, seven alleges on that highway completely packed. they're unable to get through the river of water. in a moment we'll speak to the lieutenant governor of texas. but first you have to see these pictures to believe them. >> reporter: this police officer was trying to protect drivers from a flooded roadway near dallas. in a matter of minutes, found himself caught in a flash flood. hover craft rescue boats couldn't fight through currents. so the officer had to be plucked from his patrol car by helicopter. overnight, a deluge of nearly seven inches of rain fell on some parts of north texas in a few hours. the fast rising waters shut down a major highway and left hundreds of drivers stranded with nowhere to go.
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in the dallas suburb of mesquite a man was found dead. he drowned inside his pickup truck. another woman had to be rescued after she drove past police barricades and right into raging floodwaters. that's the fear that kept the garland fire department water rescue team moving quickly. >> this is a low lying road here in the town of garland, texas. floodwaters were rather high. as waters have started to recede firefighters and police here in garland discovered this car submerged in the water. now they're trying to find out if there is anybody inside. >> reporter: rescue team didn't know this car was submerged in the the flood waters receded. the rescuers punched out the windows and quickly discovered the driver was able to make it out in time. >> how many of these rescues are because people are making incredibly dumb decisions or
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just caught off guard? >> probably a combination. what we're telling people we've been telling them don't drown, turn around. we've got to get it in our heads. right now the ground is saturated. any small amount of rain is going to cause this flooding. we've got to pay attention. >> reporter: this video shows how much rain has fallen in the last few weeks. this is trinity river which flows past downtown dallas. this is what it looked like before the rains. and this is what it looks like now. expected to crest bat 43 feet. the water hasn't been this high since 1989. and aaron, this is a common sight in many parts of north texas. this is a lake in east dallas of the overflow spillway. a roaring ram i had. very uncommon to see in many of these lakes. considering for the last several years, many lake levels have been extremely low. the concern is even more rain in the forecast. the threat of more flash
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flooding which has been deadly and destructive. >> all right. thank you very much. live from dallas tonight. i want to bring in "outfront" dan patrick. lieutenant governor thank you for taking the time. you just heard ed talk about the river in dallas. going on crest at 43 feet. a stunning number. you've spent most of your life in texas. have you ever seen anything like this? >> no. i've been here 36 years. my hole is in the houston area. nothing at this level pretty much statewide. we now have 70 of our 254 counties in disaster relief as declared by the governor. houston has been hit hard. dallas is being hit hard. i'm here in austin at the capital. we're in session. yesterday i was in wimberley which made the news this weekend. >> yes. >> if you can imagine a cliff that's 40 feet high. between three and a four-story building where the water would
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be three feet high. and so there's your home on the ground. and a wave a waffle water comes at you like a tsunami but it is a river. 48 feet high. that came down the river. it is kind of a flood alley. we've never seen anything like this. we lost hundreds of homes. 12 lives. we found some of the bodies sadly, as far as 35 miles down river. i was there yesterday meeting with residents. and i'm always amazed. not just texas. and we have great spirit and great pride and great spunk. you saw wherever there's tragedy, you find people who are ready to rebuild. the neighbors are helping each other. it will be a long recovery for this wonderful little town in the hill country of wimberley and san marcos down river, and a big recovery for dallas and houston and it is still not over as your last report indicated. >> we just showed the cars on the highway. those images were incredible. you're going to get another half
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a foot of rain this weekend. how much worse kit get? >> it can get a lot worse. i'm always amazed. people who try to drive in these storms. one of the real tragedies we had last weekend. in the town of wimberley. a homecoming queen driving home from the prom was swept away and lost. and it breaks your heart. we had a family of eight, in fact, that family actually one of the governor's key staff people. it was her family. and they were on a house on stilts about 30 feet high and the water washed the stilts away and the house floated down the river and seven of the eight were lost. we found the 6-year-old today. there was another 6-year-old and 4-year-old that we had not found yet. the economic costs will be catastrophic all over the state. the property loss. people just lost their homes. trees are down like it was a tornado or a hurricane on this
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river. it stood 600 years. the number one issue is the loss of life. we will rebuild. texas has a great spirit. we'll pray the rain stops and no more lives are lost. for people watching right now on your broadcast who live in texas. anywhere where it has been flooding in the 70 counties where we've been hit, please watch the weather forecast. do not go out and think you can ford a small stream. people think they can drive across a small, you know two feet deem. it is only wheel well high. the water washes them off the street and suddenly they're in deem water and can't be rescued. >> thank you so much i appreciate your time tonight. next the insanity plea of james holmes.
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oh, i love game night. ooh, it's a house and a car! so far, you're horrible at this, flo. yeah, no talent for drawing, flo. house! car! oh, raise the roof! no one? remember when we used to raise the roof, diane? oh, quiet, richard i'm trying to make sense of flo's terrible drawing. i'll draw the pants off that thing. oh, oh, hats on hamburgers! dancing! drive-in movie theater! home and auto. lamp! squares. stupid, dumb. lines. [ alarm rings ] no! home and auto bundle from progressive.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. today a stunning video in court about a mass murderer
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taking about -- talking about why he did it. firing inside of a crowded movie theater. ana cabrera is out front. >> appearing calm and speaking in a monotomorrow voice, the words of james holmes have a chilling effect. >> do you remember the day you were arrested? >> yeah. >> what day was that july 20th 2012. >> for the jury the video is a brief look inside of the mind of the alleged killer taking during a mental evaluation to determine whether holmes was insane when he opened fire in a colorado movie theater. >> do you take into consideration the fact that when you are talking to him, he knows that he's facing the death penalty? >> yes. >> ordered by the court, dr. william reid interviewed holmes nine times for a total of 22
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hours. >> the conversation turns dark when holmes suffers from depression after breaking up with his girlfriend months before the shooting in 2012. >> did you hurt about hurting yourself or killing yourself? >> no. >> killing other people? >> yeah. >> the doctor concluded that holmes knew right before wrong and he was sane when he killed 12 and injured 70 others. prosecutors say he planned and detailed his actions in his journal. >> did he discuss having a desire to kill people? >> yes, he does. >> holmes sent the notebook to a psychiatrist at the university of colorado before the shooting. but it was discovered too late. in it holmes writes the obsession to kill since i was a kid with age became more and more realistic. and he details different ways to carry out an attack.
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before bombs to buy logical warfare to settle on maximum casualties at the movies easily performed. >> insights into the mind of madness. >> and the notebooks contain ramblings that doesn't make sense and writes about his mental illness. >> so any ways, that is my mind. it is broken. whether the jury believes that could determine the fate of a shy but once promising ph.d student. >> what brings tears to your eyes sometimes? >> just regrets. >> regrets about? >> about the shooting. >> now just before court wrapped up today we heard the doctor ask holmes why he chose the batman movie for the attack and holmes answered because he knew it
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would be a blockbuster hit and there would be lots of people. erin. >> thank you, so much ana. >> and next incredible video of a massive volcano eruption. we'll show you. that's where at&t can help. we monitor network traffic worldwide, so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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island. one man caught in a path of hot gas and rock suffered burns. here is a wide shot of the erums, ash spewing five miles high. truly powerful to watch mother nature. set your dvr to watch us any time. ac360 starts with wolf right now. >> i'm wts sitting in for anderson tonight. tonight a mosque outside of a mosque in arizona and in a public part there is a draw mohammed cartoon contest and you're looking at live pictures some wearing t-shirts saying f islam and they've ben encouraged to bring firearms to the contest and the mosque. it is a potentially combustible and less than
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