tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 29, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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a japanese island. one man caught in a path of hot gas and rock suffered burns. here is a wide shot of the erums, ash spewing five miles high. truly powerful to watch mother nature. set your dvr to watch us any time. ac360 starts with wolf right now. >> i'm wts sitting in for anderson tonight. tonight a mosque outside of a mosque in arizona and in a public part there is a draw mohammed cartoon contest and you're looking at live pictures some wearing t-shirts saying f islam and they've ben encouraged to bring firearms to the contest and the mosque. it is a potentially combustible and less than a month after two
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isis sympathizers opened fire and were shot dead at a similar event in texas. more now from sara sizener. >> reporter: complete strangers, chan and muslim greet, expecting hundreds to gather for a controversial cartoon contest to depict the provest mohammed outside of the phoenix mosque. >> i notice you are armed. >> yes, ma'am. it is a 9mm ruger and it is loaded and there is a round in the chamber. and i have another weapon in my pocket. >> and why have you come out here armed like this and showing it off. >> i'm out here to show the united states has the first and second amendment rights and these people are on notice. we are not afraid of them. they want to promote their terrorism, they can do it in another state and not in this country. >> and warren doesn't want to
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give his name after this went out on facebook. the organizer said this is a response to what happened in garland, texas, when two men who prayed at this mosque drove to another contest, where police killed both men in a shootout. protesters at tonight's rally are encouraged to bring guns and exercise their second amendment rights in case the first amendment rights come under attack. the fbi and police are watching the event closely with officers on the ground and through newly installed surveillance cameras. some members of the mosque are coming to pray regardless. >> do you feel like this group is trying to incite something, trying to create a violent setting? >> of course. misery loves company. it has been like this for ages. you know there is always someone or something out there trying to stir up trouble. we're peaceful people. all they need to do is do a
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little more research before passing judgment. >> reporter: at the sent ert of the -- center of the controversy, the organizer who wears an anti-islam t-shirt who said his family is in hiding because he is a target and there have been threats of violence. >> and sara sizener is joy -- sidener is joining us live from phoenix. and where are the protesters now? >> they are not at the mosque. they are going to start at the park where they are having the drawing contest. only a pum of people in the -- a couple of the people in the park some people flowing the flag on a truck and a small group of people. and we know how social media is 1200 people have signed up for the event. we'll have to wait and see. >> what is the security
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situation like over there, sara. >> reporter: we have a large contingent of police officers in a staging area. they have blocked off two streets, a third a few blocks away that they've blocked off. they are trying to make sure that people can go ahead and exercise their constitutional rightsba also -- and also trying to make sure nothing goes haywire and they have everything under control and they are watching. we know there are several cameras put up on the mosque and a couple on street lamps to try and see what is going on both electronically and in person. >> wolf. >> sara we'll check back with you later and see what is going on. these are live pictures we're showing viewers right now from the parking area and the public space where the protesters are gathering right now. you can see they are there with the trucks and bikes. we'll stay on top of this. joining us the president of the islamic community center of phoenix. thank you for joining us.
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what is the reaction of your congregation to all of this? are people scared? what is the mood over there? i don't know if you can hear me but i'm trying to get a sense of what is going on amongst the members of your mosque and your congregation there, what is the mood? >> well actually it is a good mood. we're not -- we're not -- we're concerned about what is going on but people are not intimidated. we had friday prayer about three hours ago. people were there and in large numbers, similar to any other friday. so a lot of people did not expect the media presence a lot of media trucks. so some of the congregation so why the media trucks and the
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outlets. >> the protest organizer said he is doing this for his first amendment rights the freedom of speech. do you believe this is about the first amendment? >> well we respect him. if he will exercise his first amendment but i think this is -- he is using the first amendment as a cover for bigotry and racism. and to use the first amendment as hate speech cover for what he wants to deliver. the focus should not be on this group, we know it is a bigoted and a racist group and the focus should be on the outpour and support from the community that we have received. >> i know beyond this event, osama, i'm told you received a none mus letter to your -- an anonymous letter to your center about the killing of imams and families and do you believe
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tonight's event is related? >> i don't have any evidence that it is related. we returned the letter over to the fbi so they can investigate that. but i have no evidence that the two are related. but bigotry and hatred can spawn things like that. >> osama, i want you to stay with us, if you can, because i bant to broaden the conversation alan dershowitz author of taking the stand, my life in the law, and tom fuentes. tom, what kind of security challenges does an event like this present for authorities over there in phoenix, arizona? >> wolf i think the challenge is the similar events not just held in arizona the one in texas and the ones overseas that we've seen last fall get attacked. somebody wants to put a silence to a cartoonist or anybody who supports the cartoonist and
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there have been people show up with guns and attack the venues in the past. and up to and including garland, texas. so i think that is the concern that the fbi and the state and local police have right now in arizona. >> it is obviously a very awkward situation. al and dershowitz you say this is a important legal test because the group claims they are exercising their first and second is a mendment rights the gun rights if you will. explain what you mean by that. >> well there is an enormous picture between drawing pictures and guns. they may be both protected under the first and the second amendments. the second amendment has restrictions. i think the police would have the power to declare this to be a no-gun zone. we know when we go to athletic events with search you can't bring in guns or to airports or schools and many other places and when there is a very very
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provocative event like this it would probably be a wise thing for the police to build a cordon around it and i think this will embrace the issue and create the power to create no gun zone. and the imam is right. and imagine if there was an f the christians or the ju -- the jews on a sunday we would be outraged. the second amendment does not protect the rights to use guns provocatively in situations in a high level of risk as evidenced by what happened in texas. >> tom fuentes, you point out city has a joint terrorism tact force and what impact does that have on the security situation there? >> that means any threat information from any source worldwide would come into the
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task force, which includes the fbi, other federal agencies all of the state and local city agencies county in that area and all of that information in a basically badge-free environment would be shared. so any information about a threat would be disseminated through the task force to everybody at the scene of the accident. >> you make the point, alan dershowitz that the organizers have the right to do what they are doing but it is not the right thing to do. explain that as well. >> well nazis had a right to march through skokie and people have a right to do terrible things under the amendment and we have to protect the right to do outrageous things and don't have to agree with them. i would never draw a cartoon of mohammed if i felt it would be offensive to those of the islamic faith and the right to draw could get me enmity from
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some people and we have to do what we think is right and what there is a right to do under the constitution. because there is a right doesn't make it is right. >> osama, people watching in your community and phoenix and those watching elsewhere, what do they get out of what is happening today? >> i can tell you, wolf we are getting support messages and the message that i was saying is people should focus not on the bigotry that these people are trying to spawn with the community, actually the community is standing against. we have a group of christian and jewish friends that are coming tonight to the mosque to show support and exercising their amendments and rights. and it should be how the community responds to bigotry. >> i agree. >> i don't worry about the small group and agree with alan that they have the right to draw and
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they have the right to do whatever they would like to do and demonstrate and we have the right to come to our mosques and feel safe and this is the message that we'd like to get to people that people of -- should stand against bigotry and racism racism. >> thank to all of you. we'll keep following this story through the hour and see what happens. but up next new reporting on why the former speaker of the house of representatives dennis hastert allegedly paid all of that money, reportedly $1.7 million to keep someone kawhiet. >> and later, the man who saw what happened to nat alley holloway ten years ago in aruba and he said he saw her buried but the question is what do authorities think of his account. boys? (music)
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more breaking news. late developments in the story that it is safe so say shocked a lot of people in washington. yesterday when dennis hastert, second in line to the president of the united states was charged with lying to the fbi about paying $1.7 million in hush money. everyone seemed to have the same question. what could possibly be worth allegedly paying that much money and agreeing to pay even more twice a much to keep someone quiet. pamela brown is working the story and joining us now. so pamela what are your sources telling you tonight? >> sources telling me he was
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paying hush money to an illinois student where he tout and a rest -- taught and a wrestling coach a decade ago. he paid a million dollars to the student that he allegedly sexual abused him. the indictment does not discuss sexual abuse and it discussed misconduct and how he moved the money he was allegedly paying the former student and prosecutors say he agreed to pay an unnamed individual $3.5 million to cover up his misconduct. he has not commented and responded to our request for a comment. wolf. >> and just to be clear, pamela the charges don't have to do with the misconduct but the covering up of large withdrawals he was making is that right? >> that is right. and it is important to emphasize that the charges don't have anything to do with sexual misconduct and we don't know
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whether it occurred but he was paying this student hush money to keep the allegations under wraps according to the fbi. they felt it was important to explain the cash transactions to explain the motive but didn't include the details about the misconduct in the indictment because the charges have to do with lying to the fbi and evading. >> and do we expect extortion charges against the individual a. as he'd been called. >> that is something the authorities were looking at whether this is an extortion case but they came to the conclusion they did not want to go down the road of extortion. the indictment said they met several times and reached an agreement and that means authorities are looking at this as an skrgs case and hastert allegedly lied to the fbi and that makes it difficult to bring
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an extortion case. >> and stay with us. and i want to bring in tim felt and with richard serrano broke the sexual misconduct. and also gloria borger joining us. and i want to talk about the headline a second person accused hastert of sexual abuse, official says. what more can you tell us about who the second person is and the l.a. times source for that? >> well of course we can't discuss our -- our sources. because the only way they're going to talk to us if we grant them anonymity. i can tell you, it is a top government official and one that we very reliable. >> so in other words, not just one individual who allegedly was sexual abused by hastert, but
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two individuals, is that correct? >> that's right. but although there were no payments going on between hastert and the second official we're reporting. >> and this occurred when hastert was a teacher and a wrestling coach at that high school? >> well we believe that is the case. we don't have a lot of detail on the second victim. but in general, the charges made clear that it goes back before the time that hastert was in office. now whether any new information could come out alleges misconduct while in office that -- alleging misconduct while in office that would really blow the lid off this case. >> do you know if these two individuals who were allegedly abused were minors at the time? >> i do not. that is implied by the fact that it apparently happened in a high school but i do not know that
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for a fact. >> gloria i know you've been talking to your sources here in washington. what is the reaction to the truly stunning developments? >> well i've talked to current members, former members and people who served on the house republican staff while hastert was speaker and almost to a person wolf they are completely stunned by this. hastert was a speaker, very popular with the rank and file. his nickname was the coach. and he was somebody who was kind of an accidental speaker who came into office because he was considered and the irony of this considered sort of above -- beyond reproach. this is a man who came innar the combative newt gingrich resigned the speakership. the next person who was supposed to be speaker didn't make it because he admitted to an adulterous affair and this is in the lewinsky term and they went
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to hastert, the guy they figured they could trust, they liked. he was a con sillyator, and warm to everybody and they just sort of thought -- they are scratching their heads, wolf about this. >> and they certainly are. that is what i'm hearing as well. obviously, gloria where the sexual abuse allegation didn't surface until now. >> right. sure. >> i'll be speaking shortly with a psychiatrist who can explain why victims remain quiet for years. but in terms of political and media scrutiny. people looked into dennis hastert's past when he was a rising member of congress. >> of course they d. and particularly when he was speaker. and let me point out that while he was speaker there were a bunch of scandals in the house. one was the jack abramoff scandal which involved legalized bribery, from a lobbyist to members of congress with
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contributions to them. and the second one involved mark foley, house republican who texted underage pages in a very inappropriate way at that time i recall there was criticism of the speaker because he was tentative in his response to and people felt they -- should have gotten foley out of the house quicker and it is easy to criticize hastert now in hindsight but at that time we thought he was trying to be a fair guy and when he came under criticism for it he threw foley out. >> pamela a friend of hastert tells cnn that the former speaker feels like he is the one who has been wronged. do you feel that we'll hear directly from dennis hastert about these allegations. >> it is unclear. we know he will face a federal
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judge early next week and that is what we are told and people will wonder if le say anything then when he makes his first court appearance. we have been reaching out to him since the indictment came out yesterday and have not heard back. it appears he is laying low and talking to people to know him and he has not made any public comment since the indictment. we know that he resigned from the law firm where he worked and other than that no comment from him and interesting to see if he says anything next week. wolf. >> pamela brown, gloria borger kim phelps -- tim phelps. and we'll have an expert standing by on sexual abuse. and a man who said he knows what happened to natalee holloway. that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling
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joining us on the phone and psychiatrist and columnist dr. gale salts. jeff the word that there is alleged sexual abuse at the core of this how could that impact the federal case against dennis hastert when centers on the huge sums of money with -- withdrew. >> well technically this case is about what he did in terms of getting cash out of the bank. he is alleged to have structured and to have planned his transactions so that the bank wouldn't file these reports that they are required to do for these large cash transactions. this is called structuring. it is a well established crime and he's also accused of lying to the fbi about why he did this. now the reason he did this leads back to the claim of sexual abuse. he is alleged to have been
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paying this individual a. this person who has not been identified $3.5 million. and he was doing so in cash. if he pleads guilty the government will never disclose the name of this person. but if he goes to trial, the whole messy story will certainly come out. >> so just to be clear, jeffrey, under what legal circumstances, if any, could dennis hastert still be prosecuted for this alleged sexual abuse? >> well frankly, it is hard to imagine how he could be prosecuted. because even though the indictment doesn't say specifically when the abuse took place, given the length of his public careers a congressman and how long ago he was a wrestling coach and that is certainly -- it is implied in the indictment that is when it took place, almost certainly the statute of
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limitations would run and there would seem to be there is no possibility he could be prosecuted for any underlying child abuse if there was any. >> dr. salts, the possibility that there is any victim and now there is a possible second person coming forward that this individual individual a. waited many years to come forward or confront hastert in some way, you say that is not necessarily unusual, is that right? >> yes. not unusual as all. victims are struggling with feeling guilty. afraid of the stigma of coming out about such a thing. they may fear the person who abused them that they won't be believed that person has more power, it will go badly for them. or they may even what is called disassociate. so in the moment when this occurred their defense mechanism for not being
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overwhelm overwhelmed, they remove themself from the situation in their mind and repress what happened and some abuse victims don't even clearly remember what happened to them until many years later. what often turns the tide they are trying to have an ant mate relationship themselves as an adult and they have feelings come up or they have a child of their own and in that regard feelings come up. and that is when they may become increasingly angry and agitated or depressed and feel the need to do something about it. >> jeff, the question of whether dennis hastert was being blackmailed, authorities have not accused anyone of that and that is significant, right? >> the whole issue of blackmail in this case it is not necessarily blackmail to demand a settlement for a wrong that you claim was done to you long ago. and also the fbi appears to
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believe that some actual abuse did take place here. and most prosecutors, and most fbi agents don't want to prosecute people who have been victims of child abuse. on the other hand if between is hastert wants to go to trial he will claim this is an extortion attempt and the only reason he paid this was to spare his family the embarrassment of this accusation coming forward. so extortion -- even if it is not charged by the government and it certainly doesn't appear it is going to be charged, it could come up as a defense if this case comes to trial. >> dr. salts, the fact that hastert put himself out there as a politician a civil role model all the while knowing these allegations are true as far as
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his past is concerned what, does that tell you about his mindset? >> it tells us that it is likely he was using the defense called splitting. and that is that people who have intense urging to do something that they themselves know is reprehensible and unacceptable may defend against that by choosing to go into an arena that is quite the opposite. so for instance you smoke of mark foley, the idea that no i'm not this person who wants to do terrible things i'm the protector of all of those things and that is what we see in the cases where we keep being shocked that somebody of this kind of rep pute and believe these kind of values could do that kind of thing. we should stop being surprised. it is just not that unusual. >> dr. gale salts, thank you very much. jeffrey toobin thank you to as well. just ahead, it saids like a
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red hot lead in a decade old cold case. a man who said he knows what happened to natalee holloway and knows where she's buried so why aren't authorities taking any action. and we're monitoring the prophet muhammad rally in phoenix and we'll check in with sara sidner right now who is on the scene. you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done
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tonight we're digging deeper into the possible new lead in the natalee holloway case. a mystery confounding detectives for a decade. a young woman on a trib to aruba and her body never found. van der sloot was arrested and never charged. and now someone knows where she is buried so why is no one taking any action. >> aruba, full of sun, surf and high-rise hotels. and if is a witness is to be
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believed. natalee holloway lies bee neither -- beneath that one -- the marriott hotel. that man saw van der sloot bury natalee holloway. >> the new prosecutor on the island has spent weeks investigating de jong's information and determined it doesn't add up. >> i don't know if he's lying. i can only say that his statement can't be true. >> according to the investigators the night she disappeared construction of the spy glass to you every hasn't started and the stairs weren't there. >> the marriott said looking at the date 2005, there was no construction at the specific spot that mr. de jong pointed
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out. >> no building and no body and no way is the de jong story true. >> and then there is this. a satellite image of google earth in 2005 and there is a construction site. and what appear to be the blurry outlines of structures. >> in a statement to cnn, marriott said mr. de jong has contacted marriott in the past and each time we have suggested to mr. de jong that he present his account of the matter to the authorities. as we have done all along, we cooperate fully with the authorities whenever they are conducted an official investigation. but the new investigation seems to rely entirely on marriott's aorganizationa a -- assertion there was no construction. >> what if they are wrong? >> they are not wrong. because they can prove it with photographs and other material. >> natalee holloway's father led
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a number of ground searches in aruba and remembers the site and believes it was never searched. >> i was there on june 1st and there was definitely construction in the area. >> and joran van der sloot doesn't think much of de jong either. in jail convicted of murdering a young jail. speaking through his attorney he called zee jong a crack head. said he was a crack dealer. >> did you ever ask you for money? >> no. >> have you ever asked for the holloway family from the media, anyone money for the information you have? >> no. >> de jong laughs it off said van der sloot is scared. >> i think he is scared. the only reason he does that is is he afraid people will believe me. >> so what happens now. >>? when we have concrete lead and tips about the disappearance of
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natalee holloway we will investigate it. >> but mr. de jong is not one of them? >> no. mr. de jong is not adding to solve the case. >> are there any other leads? >> not at the moment. >> despite years of trying to convince someone he knows where natalee holloway is and who put her there, de jong said nothing will be done. >> we had a struggle with the aruban authorities from the beginning. >> tom fuentes said in 2005 if her remains could be recovered, it could lead to a determining a cause of death and a suspect. >> right now not having the ability to do that leaves it open-ended and it leaves it difficult to link joran van der sloot to foul play. >> he has never been charged in connection with natalee holloway's disappearance and maintained his innocence.
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meanwhile, david holloway is not giving up. >> they relied on misinformation from the marriott people. >> he spent the last decade looking for his daughter and he said de jong's information is his best lead in years. >> it seems to fit. >> it seems to fit, yeah. a lot of it seems to fit. and it's causing me a lot of anxiety. >> martin to do a thorough search of this spy glass tower building do we know what would be required? >> david holloway who is looking into this said it wouldn't require much all that is needed is to find a cadaver dog and bring it on to the island and brill a few holes into the foundation of the building. it would be quick, it would be simple and it wouldn't require any demolition at all. >> and so why wouldn't authorities just do that? >> it seems like such a simple thing to do but the prosecutor said is the reason is he doesn't want to give people false hope
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the holloway family and americans and those who follow the story false hope because the prosecutor is adamant she is not there. >> martin. >> wolf. >> thank you very much. >> and latest from phoenix, when a controversy draw mohammed event is live and a rally is starting right now and we'll get a live update on what is going on. and new flood warnings in effect in texas. and good news. an animal shelter taking care of pets separated from owners during the storm and arranging some very happy reunions. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms
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yes, i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. take a look at this mosque in phoenix. where a crowd is now gathering. we're told that many are counter protesters preparing to meet a group of anti-islam protesters expected to rally there. let's check in with sara sidner over the event. what is going on? [ yelling ] >> sara can you hear me but set the scene for us? what is going on?
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>> i think we may have lost sara sidner. you see a large crowd and law enforcement authorities there as well. protesters protesting just outside of this mosque in phoenix. we're going to watch what is going on there. there is a draw mohammed contest underway as well. and these protesters saying they are the first amendment right and the second amendment right and some bringing weapons to them as well. sara can you hear me, are you there? >> reporter: i can hear you, wolf. can you hear me. >> yes, i hear you. i want you to set me the scene because we see a small crowd right outside of the mosque. what is going on. >> reporter: so what are you seeing are about ten to 12 people that have come to protest islam. they have been bearing arms and
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can you see the guns on their hips. they are here in support of religious freedom and being here and being part of the community. and the crowd here to support the mosque is to support some of those who have shown up standing in front of the mosque is far larger than the group that tried to get folks out here and warned they should be armed and ready in case there is some sort of violence. there are a lot of provocation going on language and cursing going back and forth much of that going on from those who set this whole thing up and folks standing here holding the american flag and waving it and showing up with this group. but what is interesting is there is a group of people here who are wearing shirts and carrying signs saying love your neighbor. there is a whole lot of people coming out to show support. christians groups and people
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wearing crosses, people here wearing niqabs to say their in solidarity with the mosque. >> we'll stand by. and other breaking news. the governor of texas has asked the president for a disaster declaration after a week of massive flooding. near houston they have called for mandatory evacuations. in dallas the interstate was shut down after the storms dumped 7 inches of rain and scores of people had to be rescued and 19 lives have been claimed in texas and the governor has declared a state of disaster in 17 counties and homes have been swept away and 17 people are missing and so many families have lost so much. the heart break can't be measures. the next story didn't lessen those losses by my means but it
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is a almost sight. here is gary tuchman. >> reporter: six puppies, brothers and sisters, found with their mother near the floodwaters in hays county texas. they are all the latest residents of the san marcos animal shelter, a facility doing the best to take care of a growing number of pets separated in the storm with the owners. >> it is hard with strays because if they don't know somebody will come look for them. >> this is toby. pets are often named when they are arrived here. this cat sweetheart. >> he is a sweetheart. he asks for love. >> there is oreo. >> this german shepherd and this one came walking out of the waters. >> this labe dor retriever was
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found near the floodwaters and the people here have no idea who his owner might be. >> the people who work at the shelter have sent dogs and cats separated during the storm to other facilities around the state of texas because they just don't have enough room. it is all very challenging. >> we do it for the people we do it for their pets. >> indeed people who have had houses destroys or damaged have brought their pets here while they get their lives in order. as for the felines. >> let's tell you the story about this particular cat. this cat is named lucky. and lucky was brought in after being found on top of a car that had been flooded. and he's been named lucky because the person who found lucky said if this cat is not adopted, i will take the cat and that is why he is lucky. >> and also lucky is this man -- >> oh, my god, i'm so happy.
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you have no idea. >> sean fickle has just found his cat bongo who ran away from home during the worst of the flooding. >> how do you feel. >> amazing. i can't believe he is here. >> a happy ending in a place that doesn't not always have them. >> gary tuchman, cnn, san marcos texas. >> and we'll be right back with an up state from the mosque in phoenix. right now, verizon is offering unlimited talk and text. plus 10 gigs of shareable data. yeah, 10 gigantic gigs. for $80 a month. and $15 per line. more data than ever. for more of what you want. on the network that's #1 in speed, call, data, and reliability. so you never have to settle. $80 a month. for 10 gigs. and $15 per line. stop by or visit us online. and save without settling. only on verizon. this is good, mom. "good"? (chuckles) it's delicious! and this new kibble blend is so healthy. thank you. no,
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if you have playdates at your house, be ready to clean up the mess. the kids have fun, but it's pretty gross. [door bell] what's that? it's a swiffer wetjet. i can just grab this and just go right to the mess. that comes from my floor?! oh, that's disgusting. i want friends over. you want friends over?!
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we want to quickly update on the situation outside of the mosque in phoenix. crowds have gathered outside where abt muslim -- anti-muslim protests are expected to start their rally. they've been told to bring their firearms. and right now sara sidner and she is there and most of the people there with the police and the media are counter protesters and those of many faith showing
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