tv New Day Sunday CNN May 31, 2015 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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♪ broken hearted. those are the words of vice president joe biden describing the death of his son. beau biden dies of brain cancer and just 46 years old. >> two mid-life deadlines we are following clolvsely. the nsa must stop taking telephone data on millions of americans if the deadline goes through. can the u.s. work out a deal
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to extend it? so grateful to have you with us on this sunday morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. this is a difficult morning for the biden family remembering beau buyened, the elder son of vice president joe biden. as, quote, the finest man any of us have ever known. the 46-year-old passed away yesterday following a battle with brain cancer. joe johns looks back at the life of beau biden. >> good evening. i'm beau biden and joe biden is my dad. >> reporter: beau biden was the eldest son of vice president joe biden, a federal prosecutor in the late 1990s and delaware's attorney general for eight years, leaving office this past january. born in wilmington in 1969, his mom was marred in a traffic
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accident. >> on the way home we were in an automobile accident. my mom, and my sister, were killed. my brother hunter and i were seriously injured and hospitalized for weeks. i was just short of 4 years old. one of my earliest memories was being in that hospital. my dad always at our side. >> reporter: beau biden and his father would remain close even as the elder biden became vice president. >> i went out saturday night with my wife to a parent/teacher kind of thing on saturday night and my mom and dad babysit. they babysit the weekend before. >> reporter: as delaware's a.g., he took his talent for the law into the military, serving for a year in iraq as part of the judge advocate general corps. >> today, i come as you prepare to deploy as a father, father who got some sage advice from his son this morning, dad, keep
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it short, we are in formation. >> reporter: biden had announced his intention to run for delaware in 2016 had you hbut h recurring health problems and committed in the hospital for a brain lesion. >> this is after what is called an episode of disorientation and weakness. >> biden at 46, leaves a wife and two children. >> sunlen serfatie is joining us from washington. what have you been hearing? >> the biden family has been involved in politics for decades. president obama came out with a long and emotional statement last night said he is grieving with the biden family, saying, quote, for all of that beau b e
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biden achieved in life, said the following. beau biden is the second of joe biden's children to pass away. the vice president's 1-year-old daughter was killed in a car accident in 1972 so he has been through the tragedy of losing a child before. he says his entire family is heartbroken noting, quote, more than his professional accomplishments, beau measured himself as a husband, a father, son, and brother. his absolute honor made him a role model for our family. beau biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known. earlier this month, beau biden was admitted to walt reed hospital in maryland, just outside of washington, d.c., and the vice president's office say he did pass away last night with his father by his side, as well as other members of his family. >> i just cannot imagine.
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sunlen serfatie, thank you very much. former president bill clinton tweeted hillary and i more than the loss of bill biden so full of life and honor and service and we pray for the strength of his wonderful family. >> senator harry reid posted beau is a strong and courageous man and thought the most of his. our deepest condolences to his family during this time. >> i'm sure many people are around the world today. senators, meanwhile, they are returning to capitol hill because they have to take up this fight over the patriotic act. key provisions of this act expire at midnight and if lawmakers don't reach an agreement, it is a done decision. the debate is set at 4:00 eastern today, just one minute
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after the white house begins shutting down the nsa's controversial bulk collection of phone records. now, republican senator and presidential hopeful rand paul is vowing to end what he calls the nsa illegal spy program. just hours ago, he tweeted that americans, quote, have a right to privacy and it must be protected. the travel ban on detainees is set to conspire today. in other words, five former high ranking taliban officials could be free to leave qatar and even join the violent work. >> cnn's anna kornin has more for us. >> reporter: grave concern that the five released from guantanamo bay from beau bergdahl a year ago may soon return to the terror field. they have been living in qatar the past five months and able to
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leave the country, however that travel ban is set to expire. it's understood that u.s. officials have been in discussion with the qataris about the possibility of extending the travel ban but no announcement has been made. sergeant bergdahl has held captain by the taliban five years after leaving his post in eastern afghanistan. earlier this year, the u.s. army charged him with desertion. it's alleged one of the men monitored in qatar contacted militants and members another another network reportedly travel to qatar to meet with the five. less than 10,000 u.s. forces remain in country after the longest war in american history. and members of congress fear the taliban five will play an even more direct role in attacks against these u.s. soldiers if they are set free.
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>> thank you so much. let's bring in lieutenant general mark hertling who is a u.s. intelligence analyst as well. thank you for being with us. we have not heard of an agreement thus far. what do you think could be holding this up? >> it's just the control of people who are trying to move around after an original arrangement was made. the qataris do not want to continue this kind of observations. they have nothing to gain from it and there is certainly pressure against them to do this. the continual monitoring of five individuals without any charges, right now without any legal activity, is just difficult to do. that's pure and simply the issue. >> surveillance costs money and it takes resources. do you think that is part of the sticking point as well? that is serm part of it but it's the freedom of action in this part of the world. when you're talking about, as has been reported, both taliban
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and hothers to talk to these individuals it's important to understand that you can't control virgin islands unless they are in some type of prison and there was no means to keep them in prison because of no charges against them. >> do you think that efforts should be focused elsewhere and that these five are just going to be allowed to go and with we just need to -- the u.s. just needs to deal with it and focus in other areas? >> well, i don't know the details of the conversations between our state department and the qatari government, but i would suspect that these individuals are going to be released and be allowed to travel freely. that was part of the one-year deal after they were released from guantanamo. i don't see that changing. they certainly could go back to afghanistan where the onus is then going to be on the afghan government to continue to monitor them but that is critical important during this
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period of time because of the tal ban's slight resurgence in some pockets throughout afghanistan. it's going to be a continued fight for the afghan security elements to tamp down the taliban, but also now to continue to go against the haquani network. >> do you think any of these men pose a real threat to the u.s.? do they know anything having been at guantanamo? do you think they could really be dangerous in terms of what they know, what information they may be able or not able to pass on? >> from a strategic message agriculture standpoint, yes i do. i think they will be welcomed home as heroes and they are the one that survived interrogation and incarceration at the guantanamo facility. so that messaging alone is going to be important. what they will be able to tell about the u.s. government, there is not much there, but they can certainly lead groups again and that is what the biggest concern
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is, that they might step into positions of a power and authority within a movement that it's trying to resurge. >> real quickly. knowing that bergdahl was charged with desertion now and what we do know at this point, do you think this trade was a smart move? >> i don't want to look backward. that's a difficult thing to do. we always want to get american soldiers out of harm's way, no matter what the situation. you know, the bergdahl trial will go on. we will determine guilt or innocence through the military proceedings and that shouldn't be something that should be tied to this. we did get an american soldier back and that is always critical important but there were many, truthfully, i was one of them that said, man, this is a big deal, trading five for one, especially from a country that says we don't bargain with terrorists. >> right. lieutenant general mark hertling, i thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with
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us. >> thank you. it is a crowded gop field in the race for the white house. but a new poll shows that the leader of the pack in iowa is someone who has not declared yet. >> i'm sorry, can you say that again? >> if you fly, you know that a crying baby on a plane, yeah, it's tough. nobody likes to deal with the crying. but they are babies. it's what happens. but we will have to talk about this story. why a pregnant mom says the crew was out of line for booting her and her child off their flight. making a fist
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john kerry is in the hospital after injuring his leg in a bicycle accident near the french and swiss border. take a look at this video we have. it's files of contrakerry was c a couple of months ago. a source says he is in stable condition and did not lose consciousness and there holding talks about iranian counterpart about the country's dispute nuclear program. we will bring you the latest as soon as we get more. new numbers in the race for the white house this morning and shows that wisconsin got scott walker is expanding his early lead in iowa and he has a lead of seven points in that state. senator rand paul and ben carson and former florida governor jeb bush and former arkansas governor mike huckabee round out the top five. walker is expected to declare his candidacy after working on
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his state's budget. let's bring in reporter steven collinson. i guess it doesn't matter whether he has declared because all signs point he is going to run. he spent so much time in the state. how he is maintaining this strong position? >> well, scott walker is someone that is seen as able to unite the various factions of the republican party. in iowa, for example, is he popular among evangel cal. he is scene by establishment republicans as someone who has a record as governor of wisconsin, taking on unions and he stresses his humble beginnings. he didn't have much money growing up. he was a working class boy. and that is something that plays into this emerging theme of the 2016 presidential race. it's americans left behind from the recovery of the recession. he checks a lot of boxes.
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is out with scott walker on friday nightly on a boat trip in new hampshire with a bunch of republican activists and he's a rising star in the party and a bit of a political phenomenon. scott walker is as a viability candidate for his role in taking on the unions in wisconsin. >> steven, you know this. there are so many declared and soon to be declared candidates for the gop nomination that it's hard to get them on one screen as we put our granphics togethe. we know that south carolina senator lindsey graham is there on the top row there second from the right s going to announce his candidacy tomorrow. what are his chances? >> he is not seen as one of the top-tier candidates like perhaps jeb bush or scott walker or marco rubio, but it's seven months until the voting starts. a chance he could catch fire.
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i think lindsey graham will be stressing his natural security credential. he will build a campaign around iraq and iran. in new hampshire he'll try to catch the same kind of wave that his friend john mccain was able to serve in the presidential election campaigns of 2000 and 2008. it's possible that if he could perform well in new hampshire, then get the hometown advantage in south carolina, he could turn himself into a viable candidate. >> you mentioned one of the perceived top tier candidates, former florida governor, jeb bush. he has not yet declared but let's listen what he said last night. >> i'm seriously considering the possibility of running for president. that's the language that i'm using just for a little bit longer until i make up my mind.
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but one of the things that i know for a fact is that i have to show my heart. i have to tell my life story. i have to talk about the leadership skills i might have acquired through trial and error if i'm going to have a chance, if i become a candidate. >> so here's what i don't understand. why the wait? is it because of the fund-raising advantage before the declaration? that's the reason he's not declaring just yet? >> yeah. there are certain declarations of candidates who officially have declared must make in terms of how much money they are raising and they are more strin stringent. jeb bush has gotten name recognition. he has family, networks, political networks he can tap into. he has his own political network down in florida. so it's not like he is an unknown candidate who need to get out there early and start, you know, raising money and -- in a presidential campaign. so, you know, he can afford to
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buy his time and wait. we have seen so many republican candidates declare they are running for president, there might be some advantage of waiting until that is over and you might get more media attention you might not get amid the flurry of these other candidates that are declaring. >> steven collinson, thank you. >> thank you. back to the break willing news of secretary of state john kerry who is in the hospital in geneva, switzerland, who is in the hospital there. nick robertson is on the phone bus. what are you hearing this there? >> that secretary kerry has a leg injury. that he was helicoptered from -- >> i so apologize. apparently, we have lost our connection with nic robertson but we will get that back to you
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and you can hear he was known to the hospital via helicopter. nic, i believe we have you back? >> reporter: yes. john kerry has a leg injury. he sustained that in a cycling accident. as we know when he comes to switzerland, when he is talking amid the iran prime minister about the nuclear issue, when there is a talk, he often makes a cycling ride and seems to be the case this sunday morning. the weather here is a blue skies here in switzerland. he had gone for a cycling rider and 30 miles across the border into france when the accident occurred. i've seen him on a cycle ride. this was another one of those days. he normally cycles with a couple of companions and there are normally a police motorcycle riders head of him. there were paramedics on the scene and they were able to treat him before he was taken to
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the hospital via helicopter. he was supposed to go to madrid later today to meet with the spanish king and prime minister there before going on to france for two days of talks over the issue of isis and syria. we daidn't lose consciousness during the accident but his status is being assessed. >> we will keep you posted on what we hear about john kerry. as nic said, will he be able to go on to schedules to madrid because important meetings about isis right now. a college student jailed this morning on charges that he killed his mother. now, police say the key to this case could be this college student's grades. plus, the deadline is midnight. the senate has to make a move by then or key parts of the
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patriotic act will expire. we have the latest in a live report for you. up and down and all around. behold, new venus® swirl™. the only razor with five contour blades and a flexiball™. to contour to your tricky places, bends and all. new venus® swirl™ well, a mbe a problem,dn't your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? i know i have a 798 fico score, thanks to the tools and help on kaboom... well, i just have a few other questions. >>chuck, the only other question you need to ask is, "what else can you do for me?"
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police are investigating why a trooper fatally shot a man they were trying to rescue. oklahoma highway patrol said last night, two troopers were respond to go a driver stranded in high water. it's unclear why, but they say a fight broke out between the troopers and the driver who was harmed and his brother. they were trying to get the men
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to safety. the trooper shot and killed the man and arrested his brother. a student at the university of alabama at birmingham is in jail after he confessed to kill his mother and apparently it was over bad grades. 22-year-old tyler blansit told police he hit his mom with a baseball bat during a heated argument and she died from blunt trauma and he is in jail today. the nsa's data tracking program may expire today. why one is promising to derail any vote. two highway shootings in colorado. they seemed random. initially. now police say newvidence links the crimes to one sniper. a plus sized pitcher takes the internet by storm. many aren't judging the 300-pounder on his baseball skills, but his weight? sunday dinners at my house...
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in available bonuses. 32 minutes past the hour. the vice president and his family, a really difficult time for them right now, as they lose beau biden today. the 46-year-old died yesterday, in fact, following a battle with brain cancer. biden called his elder son, quote, the finest man any of us have ever known. in syria, at least 70 people were killed in a string of barrel bomb attacks according to the london-based syrian observatory for human rights and opposition run ollepo media report. barrel bombs are filled with explosives and shrapnel. seven women and children were among those killed on saturday. rebels accused the syrian
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government. dennis hastert is expected to make his first appearance in federal court this week. reportedly, the sexual booabuse a former student. reuters is reporting that secretary of state john kerry is in the hospital this hour after injuring his leg in a bicycle accident near the french and swiss border. this is video of him several months ago cycling. a report shows he is in stable condition and did not lose consciousness. it's coming down to the wire for the patriot act. this afternoon, senators will be back on the hill in a rare sunday session. if they don't reach an agreement, key parts of the patriot act expire at midnight,
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including powers often rising with the nsa collecting phone records. sunlen sef arkaysefatie is join >> unless there is a quick resolution, which right now, does not seem likely j . >> reporter: on capitol hill, time is almost up. >> we shouldn't surrender the tools that help keep us safe. >> reporter: key provisions of the patriot act will conspire including one under the phone program operates and collects numbers dialed but not capture the content of conversation and other surveillance provision set to expire, one allowing the government to seek a court order on individual for business
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records and roving wiretaps for burned phones and the ability to track a nonamerican lone wolf. all powers the administration claims are essential to fighting terrorists. >> it would be irresponsible, it would be reckless. we shouldn't allow it to happen. >> reporter: the house has already passed a compromised bill supported by the administration which would extend the key provisions but would reform the bulk data program. that telephone data would be kept in the hands of phone companies instead and will require the government to seek a court order for access. >> the head of the washington spy machine! barack obama! >> reporter: today, republican senator rand paul is preparing to get back in the ring. vowing to do all he can to stop the surveillance programs, unless changes are made to weaken them. >> this is a debate about whether or not a warrant with a single name of a single company
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can be used to collect all of the records, all of the phone records of all of the people in our country with a single warrant. our forefathers would be agast. >> reporter: unless senator paul gives in, it's likely these programs should be shut down for at least several days and that would force the government, of course, to adjust its counterterrorism strategy at a time when the threat is already high. >> sunlen in washington, thanks. america's point man on countering isis is pledging more support to iraq. general john allen met with leaders in washington this week. he has offered to send two grenade launchers in addition to continuing air strikes. we know isis has made these key
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advances certainly. how plausible is it do you think that they could take an entire country like syria and iraq? >> john allen knows anbar province. it's important to continue the fight and continue to arm and train the syrian rebels against the hasad rebels. >> all of that gives isis contact and cohesion and purpose. when you look at all of those political, social, economic,
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religious, they require different remedies. what are we missing? >> i think there is a lot going on behind the scenes. first of all, i'll emphasize exactly what general allen said. he has got it exactly right and that is what all of us have been saying, all of us who have worn the military uniform in the past are saying, you cannot just defeat this militarily. it has to be through a series of information actions and it has to be economically and socially. in order to do that you have to have good government in places. general allen is attempting to combine the various lines of effort which the administration has put together. unfortunately, it appears that most americans only focus on the military aspect of this and there is a lot going on under the surface with informational activity and with other activity, as well as diplomatic. >> general hertling, always good to have you here. thank you. >> thank you. let's take you to northern colorado where a cyclist has been shot and killed it a
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happens about a month after a bullet hit a driver in the neck. now police are saying there is possibly a connection, maybe a serial sniper in this case. one muslim woman is claiming she was discriminated against at 30,000 feet. coming up, we will tell you how a dispute over an unopened can of diet coke brought her to tears. in this month's "ones to watch series." we are exploring where we found a group of musicians who have swapped music for strengths. ♪ >> reporter: this precious wooden instrument is perhaps an unusual toy for a teenager. but 13-year-old boy canyou carries it with pride.
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>> what i like most about playing the violin is the sound, the texture of the music, the thickness, you know, of clavicle music. >> my ones to watch are beautiful string ensemble from south africa called basket string ensemble. they are from underprivileged background, but music lighten up their hope and future. >> reporter: the string ensemble is made up of 28 young musicians born and raised in south africa's black township sueto. >> a lot of parents grew up listening to, you know, sort of motown or africa jazz. clavicle music isn't really something that a lot of people
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wincer. they are on edge. authorities now say there's a connection between two separate shootings that happened within about a month of one another and just five miles apart. our aaron mclaughlin has more. >> reporter: two random shootings. authorities now say are linked and fears in colorado there's a sniper on the loose. >> be vigilant. >> reporter: the warning came friday as police said new evidence to john jacoby to corey romero. police won't say how they are linked but they say the victims appear arbitrary. >> we have reason to believe the two victims know each other? >> there's no indication of that at all. >> reporter: in the touns of wincer, jacoby shot twice and killed white riding his bike. five miles away and a months earlier, romero was shot in the neck while driving. >> 911.
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what is your memergency? >> somebody hit me and i'm bleeding. >> reporter: no suspect has been identified so far. adding to the mystery on that very same highway, at least two dozen reports of shattered car windows. >> i know there have been a lot of broken windows on i-25, car windows. those have not been linked to this event. it's not that they have discounted either. >> reporter: the news has this rural town on edge. >> it makes you stop and think. it's just, yeah, it's scary. it was a turbulent flight for a pregnant mom and her child and not particularly the reasons you might be thinking. she claims she was kicked off a plane because her young son was crying. does chef a legal case? we are going to take a closer look. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars.
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from a couple of months ago cycling. a spokesman for kerry told cnn he is in stable condition, did not lose consciousness. we will have a live report at the top of the how are you. a muslim mother's claim she was discriminated on a flight to washington. she says a flight attendant refused to give her an unopened can of coke but the same flight attendant handed an unopened can of beer to another passenger. when she asked about it, the flight attendant said she might use the can as a weapon. she said he was humiliated and left in tears on facebook. joining us is joey jackson. when you look at this, the first thing you think is, first of all, could she sue for discrimination and what would very to have compiled, what evidence would she need to get this case going?
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good morning to you. the reality it comes down to what your damages would be. absolutely, she can sue. then, of course a measure of how she was damaged and how she was affected and that will turn on the issue of humiliation. no one, of course, should be subjected to any type of discrimination. the country has taken great pains to really provide for people to exercise their religious freedom. you look at the first amendment. not only as it relates to freedom of speech but establish whatever religion you want and practice whatever religion you want. 14th amendment everybody is entitled to equal protection under the law. when you treat one person in a way you don't treat another person, it becomes problematic because we know, apparently according to the facts, a can of unopened beer was provided to another passenger and there was no indication that they would use it as a weapon. so the issue becomes was she treated differently than someone
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else? and to the extent she could establish she was, then her claim could prevail. >> i wanted to talk about the fact that this doesn't seem to be the only legal issue for united airlines. a pregnant mom says she was embarrassed after she says she was kicked off the united flight because her toddler was crying. her story has gone viral. this is singer sarah blackwood and prosted on unit's facebook page she was flying from san francisco for vancouver with a 2-year-old son who had been crying while seated on her lap. when the plane turned around, she was asked to get off the plane. the airline says their contention was, look, that's not the case. the child wasn't in a seat. he wasn't seated. blackwood says it isn't true. joey, what do you think? >> it all turns upon the facts and the facts are, look. if there is somebody who has a child there and the child, again, it's based on equal protection under the law and if she is being treated in a different way because she has a
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child or because she is pregnant or because something else, then it becomes problematic. the airline, of course, is going to say for safety reasons, as a result of her not able to control her child, it provides a danger, not only to her and her child, but to the other passengers. if you could establish that she is being treated differently because a child is screaming, children scream. adults scream cl! the reality if she is treated differently and predicated upon by a child she has a claim. if the airline says we have a legitimate interest to protect her child and other passengers, then, of course, they prevail. these cases turn upon the facts. >> i don't know what will happen, joey. all i know is we had a very heated debate in our newsroom today about children on planes. everybody has got an opinion, right? joey jackson, thank you so much. >> absolutely. thank you. >> we did have a heated debate this morning. a pitcher starting in the college world series getting a lot of attention on social
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media. people are talking about his numbers -- not 56, not his stats. we will explain after the break. caring for someone with alzheimer's means i am a lot of things. i am her best friend. i am her ally. so i asked about adding once-daily namenda xr to her current treatment for moderate to severe alzheimer's. it works differently. when added to another alzheimer's treatment, it may improve overall function and cognition.
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from us the orange juice growers, to you the orange juice lovers. enjoy florida's natural. coming up on the top of the hour now. a college baseball team made it to the world series. but it wasn't their playing that is really getting the attention online. >> yeah. it's about the weight of their pitcher. but really, really? is that what we are going to talk about, coy wire? >> that is what we are going to talk about. have you seen the pictures yet? >> yes. >> i think it's noteworthy and it's buzzing all over the internet. you have a picture of a pitcher that has gone viral and because he is a really big dude and
4:00 am
raises an interesting question. why in sports when it comes to weight do some athletes get a pass and others get a laugh? this guy plays for st. thomas. the starting pitcher for his team, listed at 300. some say his weight makes his usa and others say ben making headlines because of his weight is shaming. is there a microcosm what happens in our society every day with bullying or is this awesome stuff? is this a hero to them? i can be like that. >> can you do it and it's not going to stop you. >> we look forward to the responses online. >> #new days cnn. let us know at the we want to use your perspective coming up. thank you for spending your time with us this morning. >> the next hour ever "new day"
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