tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 1, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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5 years the stories and moments on cnn, tonight at 9:00 only here on cnn. be sure to set your dvr, you can see out front any time any place, i'll see you back here tomorrow night. ac 360 with anderson cooper begins now. thanks for joining us tonight reveals about a hospital doing open heart surgery on babies without enough experience to do it safely. babies dying or suffering life changing complications. tonight we're keeping them honest. also we have breaking news about undercover inspectors who put airport security to the test and found it failed big time time after time. they managed to bring guns explosives through tsa checkpoints again and again and again all over the country. not just one airport. we just learned that the man in charge plans to do to fix the problem, we'll tell you about that just ahead the headline simply reads, call me caitlyn.
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formerly known as bruce jenner. we'll start with the story you'll not see anywhere else. it deals with a hospital in florida, it touches directly on a universal question. how much do you really know about how the medical professionals treat you or someone you love are actually good at their jobs. tonight's report focuses on a hospital doing some of the most delicate and difficult surgeries there are on babies. pediatric open heart surgeries going terribly wrong. state health officials known about some of these problems for years. parents have not. they want to know why they haven't and why the hospital's surgery program is still permitted to continue. elizabeth cohen tonight keeping them honest. >> just weeks into life this tiny baby needed heart surgery. here at st. mary's medical center in florida.
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a doctor performed a procedure to widen layla's aorta. a problem she had since birth. >> it was like no sweat, don't worry about it. >> the surgery was a disaster. >> i looked at her, and her legs had started, they had stiffened up a lot. and they started going in almost a tabletop position. >> after the surgery, layla was paralyzed. here she is today. the mccarthy's had no idea that their daughter's tragedy had a disturbing back story. one that no one had told them. just three months before layla's operation, a baby had died after heart surgery by dr. black, and five months before that alexander mercado had died. and a month and a half before that kiari sanders passed away. >> it's horrible that you go into a program like that and they can be dishonest with you,
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and they don't feel a need to tell you what's happened there before. >> one week after the surgery that left layla paralyzed, amelia died after surgery, then parish a few months later and lann den a few months after that. st. mary's keeps its death rate secret. it could provide misleading information to consumers. cnn has calculated a death rate on these surgical caseloads. from 2011 to 2013 the death rate for open heart surgery on children at st. mary's medical center was more than three times higher than the national average average. these are all parents who lost their baby after heart surgery by dr. black. they hadn't met each other until they sat down to talk to us. 12k3w4r all i could do is believe in his word. and it was the opposite of what
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he said. >> so your baby was transferred to a different hospital? ? >> they couldn't do anything for her. her organs shut down. >> michael blatt kings a major artery that's why she wasn't getting any blood flow to the left side of her heart. >> this is difficult to hear. to hear what other mothers went through in that -- the same severe -- >> st. mary's owned by tenet health care says cnn is wrong about the program's death rate but refuses to provide what it considers the correct death rate the hospital and heart surgeon rejected requests for an on camera interview, so we tracked down the ceo to give him a chance to explain. >> hi mr. carbone, it's eles beth cohen at cnn. how are you, sir.
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we want to know what the death rate is for your babies at the pediatric heart hospital in your program. he also wouldn't answer the parents question why did so many babies die at st. mary's. last year a team of doctors from the state of florida's children's medical services evaluated the program, it was at the request of st. mary's which sought to evaluate and identify opportunities for improvement. the head of the team dr. jeffrey jacobs a professor of cardiac surgery at john's hopkins, fond st. mary's was doing too few surgeries to get good at it. 80% of children's heart surgery programs performed more than 100 surgeries a year. each procedure giving them valuable expertise, the review of st. mary's program shows in 2013 the hospital performed just 23 operations. it is unlikely that any program will be capable of obtaining and
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sustaining high quality when performing less than 2 operations per month. considering the major complications like laylas. and the deaths of amelia and the other babies. dr. jacobs concluded the situation is not the failure of any one individual it's the failure of the entire team and system. >> the state of florida has a letter that says there's been a failure. >> he shun the do any more surgery on kids at st. mary's st. mary's is into the qualified for surgery. >> dr. jacobs recommended that st. mary's stop doing complex heart surgeries on children and stop doing heart surgeries on babies younger than six months old. st. mary's didn't listen. just ten days after receiving that recommendation, they did a complex surgery on an 18 day old baby. and 16 day old davy ricardo bran
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do you. both suffered terrible complications and had to go on life support. more babies died in april 2014 and just this past may another baby died. in total, that's at least eight deaths and three serious complications since the program started. the hospital responds that the recommendations to limit surgeries were just that recommendations, not mandates. in his statement, the st. mary's ceo told us we are working carefully to improve our volumes. how did the state of florida respond when it received these doctor's concerning reviews you? remarkably the state says they investigated and none of the issues raised broke any rules and st. mary's is legally authorized to proit. the death of any child is a tragedy, and we will continue to closely monitor this program and this facility. that leaves these parents infuriated. >> every day, somebody's making
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a decision to allow some parent to bring their child and turn them over into the care of a group of people that aren't fit to do what they're doing. >> these parents want to know why st. mary's is still doing heart surgeries on babies. and the answer may come down to one thing, money. according to a study on one type of open heart operation for one surgery on one baby. a hospital collects more than half a million dollars. in response to lawsuits filed by the families of key ari sanders and layla mccarthy, st. mary's and michael black denied any wrong doing. these parents are left to grieve. >> i never got a chance to hold her or none of that. >> you had to watch your baby suffer. >> the mccarthys say they're fortunate that their daughter is only paralyzed. she's still with them a lot of other parents can't say the
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same. >> it's an incredible report elizabeth joins us now. >> i know you got a lot of information by filing freedom of information act. >> we wrote to the ceo and he said i learned a cnn reporter is looking for the hospital records. it's my understanding that those wouldn't be released without our approval. the state of florida said no we can't hold on to these and they did give them to us. >> how are they allowed to keep this stuff private from patients. if a parent asks them do you have any studies on how good you are? >> they would ask about mortality rates and they would get answers like oh, we've done this before and we have a good track record or we have done well. they got qualitative answers. i think a lot of people don't realize, hospitals don't have to release their mortality rates to anyone for the most part
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parents get answers like that. we went to the websites of the more than 100 hospitals that do open heart surgery on children, and we looked for their mortality rates and we have a chart online that shows who is open and transparent and will tell parents and who keeps secrets. >> transparency is critical. >> more than half of the hospitals are not transparent or that half of the hospitals that operate on baby's hearts aren't trans parent. >> that's on right now? good elizabeth cohen, thank you so much. just ahead tonight, the man in charge of homeland security says he's going to do about epic security failures uncovered by his own investigators. renee march be has late details tonight. the first photos and videos of caitlyn jenner formerly known as bruce jenner. and how she feels about living openly about the person she is inside.
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breaking news to tell you about, late reaction to a report exposing some pretty big holes in airport security. gaps you may have thought would have been taken scare of many years ago. teams for the department of homeland security, put airport checkpoints to the test. they manage to smuggle in weapons, even explosives and
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they didn't seem to have much trouble doing it. to call the results alarming does not begin to describe it. dhs secretary responded. renee marsh tonight is keeping them honest. she joins us now, what have you learned? >> we know from a government official these undercover teams performed 70 tests trying to perform weapons. these undercover teens were successful 67 times. so many of the times these tsa officers, they missed it, they missed these items and they were able to bring these items through security. now, we do know they've been doing this sort of testing for years. the goal is to find vulnerabilities and strengthen the system the test by design is made difficult to trip up the tsa officers but one former
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official says absolutely not should the failure rate be this high 95%, that was the failure rate anderson. >> that's stunning. it's almost incomprehensible. we mentioned the department of homeland security has responded to this whole thing, what did they say? >> until now, they've been mum about what kind of changes they've asked for or what changes were implemented following this sort of testing, a few minutes ago, we heard from the department of homeland security. secretary johnson says he's asked for six very specific actions, i'm going to go through them quickly with you. they want a revised method for screening procedures they also want these test results to be shared with airports across the country. they want more training for tsa officers they want those screening machines to be retested and re-evaluated apparently there were deficiencies with the machines they want this covert operation,
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this sort of testing we've seen they want that to continue and lastly jeh johnson says he's appointing a team to make sure all this happens. >> to have a failure rate at 95%. that's astonishing. the problem extends past the checkpoints you don't even see. we got interested in that angle earlier this year when the delta airlines baggage handler was charged with smuggling guns on to planes in atlanta. he was able to do it because he didn't have to go through the kind of screening you and i do. most employees at most airports don't have to go through that kind of screening. tonight, drew griffin has an important update but first, here's the original exclusive reporting. >> at miami international
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airport, this is the security you don't see standing in line. cnn got exclusive access to the screening that takes place for what they call the back of the airport employees. these are the baggage handlers the mechanics, the cleaners anyone you don't see going through screening with passengers. it's the same screening, no matter what kind of security badge or security clearance the employee holds. >> i.d.'s are not enough to stop malicious intent. you can vet employees, but it's not going to necessarily prevent them from carrying out some kind of malicious activity against an airport airport. >> reporter: what may surprise you is what's happening at miami's international airport. the full screening of every airport employee is the exception, not the rule. cnn contacted 20 of the major
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airports across the country and found screening of employees is random and partial at best. and no national standard exists. the only other major airport that does full screening is orlando. many airports like seattle's seatac telling us an extensive background check and an airport security badge is all that's needed for employees to get on the tarmac and gain access to airplanes. it's a similar story we heard from dallas san francisco, mccarren airport in las vegas, los angeles and even jfk in new york. pass a background check, get a badge, and you have access to the inner workings of america's airports without going through the same screening passengers face up top. airport officials have told cnn, the cost of screening all employees is simply too much for their budgets. security expert wayne black
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says relying on badges for security is stupid. >> did you're checking security at the top end, at the front end of the airport, you ought to be checking the back end of the airport. budget driven security will always fail. >> the tsa says in the wake of the gun smuggling case in atlanta, it is implementing or considering a range of measures including additional kwirpts for airport and airline screening, so far, no national changes. restaurant employees and flight crews that go through to terminal s terminals pass through security. checking some but not all airport employees just isn't enough. the threats at her airport are the same across the country. smuggling, guns, drugs and the
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potential of terror. >> one of the greatest vulnerabilities for this airport and any other, is the insider threat. basically, people that are going to obtain their credentials and use their access to exploit the system. >> miami international has been screening like this since the late '90s. every employee goes through metal detectors and screening. going to work coming back from break, every time every one. miami is an example for how security should be done. the airport also has proof of why. last year alone, 209 employee i. i.d. badges were confiscated due to violations caught by screening. >> we have intercepted guns drugs, large sums of money. weapons, knives. >> employee screening is under new scrutiny after the arrest of a delta baggage handler in
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atlanta. the employee worked with a passenger to smuggle guns to new york. the baggage handler unscreened was able to take backpacks of guns into an airport where he passed them on to a passenger already cleared through security. atlanta is evaluating the cost of full employee screening. >> it's a costly program, it's not that costly when you compare the cost versus the consequences of not having a program like this. >> the atlanta airport has changed the policy since you first reported what was going on there. >> they are moving toward full employee screening. delta will take care of its employees, screen them in the parking lot. the rest of the employees are going to be screened on a daily basis they're also limiting the amounts of access points in that airport so they can funnel all these workers through. that will take place by the end of this year that's it that will be three airports in the u.s. that will have full
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employee screening. >> is it expected the tsa is going to demand full employee screening at some point? >> quite the contrary. they say they don't believe, the committee doesn't believe full employee screening will add as much security as everybody else seems to think. they're only going to have random checks. they are going to require that background checks be done every two years, not every ten, and they're going to try to limit the access points to the back alley airports. but no they're not demanding full employee screening. >> that's incredible. thanks very much. a lot more ahead tonight including a lawyer who just spoke with a suspect in the d.c. mansion murders. and the surprising reason he says he did not do it. it's being called the pizza defense. and later, the remarkable story from caitlyn jenner's
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transformation. dr. drew joins us as well. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to
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large outpouring today for the father mother and 10-year-old son who along is with their housekeeper were held captive and murdered in their home last month. police have a suspect darren wint in custody. her former attorney spoke with him over the weekend and joins us now. i appreciate you being with us. you met with darren wint for two hours over the weekend. he is well spoken he would never harm a child and definitely didn't do this what makes you so sure of that? i mean that does sound like the thing every neighbor who's ever interviewed says about somebody who's committed a crime? >> this is a family of nine children five girls and four boys. they took care of each other growing up. they come from another country,
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british guiana. darren has a daughter he's not the type of person who's harm a child because he's taken care of children all his life. >> i mean you know he's innocent until proven guilty and maybe he didn't do this. there's plenty of people who have committed murders. >> not families of nine children. >> are you kidding? if you have a big family you're less likely to commit murder. >> when you have nine kids that are all about the same age, they're likely to take care of each other. that's what happens in this family i met the mother brother, sister and encouraged me to go down and talk to darren and give them their love for him and. >> you would tell a jury this story and then hopefully your client would not be convicted?
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what about the evidence? >> keep in mind that the defense doesn't have to tell the jury anything. they don't have to prove anything at all. >> do you honestly believe that because someone comes from a large family that makes them less likely to commit a crime? >> i've met this family and i think this family is very unlikely. >> i've met -- >> do you know how many times i've interviewed somebody who says there's no way this person would ever commit a crime and it turns out they're a serial killer? >> you ever interview their neighbors. emare always surprised. i had no idea. he seemed like a nice guy. >> i can't tell you how many mothers told me their sons were good people and then confessed to murder. >> what about the dna? >> the dna on the pizza crust. what about that?
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the fbi put out a report questioning some of its basic assumptions it's uses over the years. what about air evidence that was discredited. many dna results are thrown out. it's not a perfect piece of proof by any means. >> i heard you say that his family told you he just doesn't like pizza. >> that's what his mother said. this is an inside job people knew that the victim had large amounts of money to dispennsylvania and could get that money -- >> why did he flee sir? >> without the banks. >> why did he flee? >> can he account for the time he was in the house? what about the money that was recovered. that money can be traced back to the bank. >> it can be traced back to the bank? you have information that this money was marked? >> certainly when a large amount of money is taken out of the bank there's -- it's the same
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de nominations taken out of the bank and also a lot of those bills were new and are sequentially numbered. >> no one has said that this money was marked or even -- >> i didn't say it was marked. i said large amounts of money like that are brand new bills. >> why did he flee? and why -- i mean there was many and many orders found on him, weren't there, taken out with people he was with? >> why have the police held his head up on a tote empoll and not looked for these other people? >> why don't you answer the question sir? >> why have they put blinders on. >> should they look for people from small families who do like pizza? i don't understand you have not said any actual evidence based on anything he said. does he have an alibi for the 19 hours this family was apparently -- >> i'm not going to say what he said he's not a recent employee of that company, he was employed 11 years ago, no one --
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>> so he's innocent then? okay look for -- he was an employee 11 years ago who is innocent now. >> someone that knows about the money that's being -- >> now i get your defense. >> the insider. >> you also raised questions about the fact that he's only been charged with the father's murder when in fact other people are killed as well. >> we reached out to the u.s. attorney's office that's a standard procedure, to charge with one crime initially and additional charges are expected. >> so i was right, he is only charged with one murder. >> but we reached out to them that is standard procedure. and additional charges are expected. >> they're talking out of both sides of their mouth, if there are additional charges they should have brought them forth. where is there -- >> you've never heard of that happening, additional charges being brought forth later? >> i heard of lots of things happening by the u.s. attorney's office. the insiders being involved in
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this incident? >> why would the police hold a press conference with other theorys. the police aren't holding press conferences at all in this they're keeping things close to the vest. which is a wise thing to do isn't it? >> they're not holding press conferences, because they're hoping that mr. wint will be held and then point his fingers. that's not going to happen. they need to find out who is involved. >> the police aren't doing their job, and you know that. >> i think they're hoping -- you will be the defense attorney for this man. i think that's what you're hoping right now. >> it takes a talent for no one. >> we'll see about the large family and i don't like pizza defense. i appreciate you being on. everybody's innocent until proven guilty. just ahead, kaitlyn jenner's remarkable transition she tells vanity fair she doesn't have any secrets any more. she's finally living her true self.
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what it feels like to finally be living in her true self. she speaks candidly in the video of a photo shoot. it's the most intimate and detailed account so far of her journey including her family's reactions. >> bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie. >> caitlyn jenner talking about her former self bruce jenner. opening up about her transition during this two-day photo shoot with annie leibovitz. >> caitlyn doesn't have any secrets. as soon as the vanity fair cover comes out, i'm free. >> this is the cover caitlyn is talking about, a very different cover than bruce jenner's 1982 playgirl. we last saw bruce back in april when he sat down with abc's diane sawyer his last interview as a man.
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>> my brain is much more female than it is male. it's hard for people to understand that. but that's what my soul is. >> bruce had been taking hormones had his body hair removed, his nose fix. it was his facial fellenization surgery in march, that completed the transition and caitlyn's new look. >> i was probably at the games because i was running away from a lot of things. very proud of the accomplishment i don't want to diminish that accomplishment. >> that accomplishment landed bruce jenner in the history books, he broke the world record in the 1976 olympics winning the decathlon at just 26. he was the guy on the wheatys box. >> wheatys is the breakfast of champions. >> in this extensive 22 page cover story, during speeches given after the olympics she would wear a bra and panty hose under her suit.
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she also shares she suffered a panic attack the day after that 10 hour fellenization surgery, thinking to myself what did i just do to myself? the article reveals kaitlyn jenner hosts girls nights with wine and food where she could dress and feel like a woman and be around women. even her daughter cassandra attended it felt like they could just be girls together. >> to those who think this transition is a stunt for tv ratings, caitlyn says think again. it's not about the fanfare, people cheering in the stadium, it's not about going down the street and everyone giving me an atta boy bruce pat on the back. this is about your life. >> she posted this on twitter, i'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. welcome to the world caitlyn, can't wait for you to get to know her/me.
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randi kaye cnn, new york. >> in one day, caitlyn jenner has more than 1.5 million followers on twitter. dr. drew seeing the vanity fair cover, no matter how much you prepare for it no matter how much you kind of thought about it it is surprising and i think probably shocking for for a lot of people this is probably the first transgender female they actually feel they know. >> that's true. it's jarring, considering this was an alpha male athlete at one point. i think this is a great thing for the transgender community. people are concerned that there is so much press, and so much sort of a circus around all of this they're worried that the more subtle issues may get lost in the circus here. >> which is possible. i talked about this before and i was skeptical hearing she's going to do a reality show about
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the transition. you raise the point, you know there's going to be other people making money off her during all this time following her around paparazzi taking pictures of her, why shouldn't she at least be able to tell her own story in her own way and, i guess, pay the rent off it? absolutely. and again, seeing this story, i really admire people that are willing to come out and talk about things that have been taboo for many years and are very difficult to talk about. having said that i have real concerns here for caitlyn the human being. this is not a cartoon character, people are way too quick to attack and judge. i'm hopeful that she has the adequate support and the rest of us are reasonably kind and appropriate in how we approach -- evaluating the story. >> the other thing i think is worth reiterating, which you often do. and again, it's a tough thing to wrap your mind around is that
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gender is not the same as sexual orientation. who somebody is attracted to in their heart from the time they were little is different than the gender they feel. people often -- there's a term lg lgbtq community. it's easy to lump everybody together but being transgender is different from being gay or lesbian. you can be gay when you're transgender. >> if one thing comes through, i think that issue has become clear, gender identity is a separate phenomenon from sexual orientation, and people have gained -- it's interesting, people have gained a sensitivity to that or are getting on board with understanding that phenomenon. however, they have really not thought through how caitlyn's going to deal with the fact that
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she likes heterosexual females that may not want to be with a female. i'm so concerned. i know he's gotten the love and support of his family. this is going on publicly. there's a lot to go through yet. think about this there's so many layers to this also. it's like tech tonic plates shifting. who is she going to be now with her children is she still father mother? who is she in relationships with other women? is she going to be with gay women, heterosexual women. there's so many layers of emotional shifts that have to go on for years ahead, this is going to be a tough process, her heart should stay in the right place with it. >> thanks for being on. >> you bet. walter scott was shot in the back as he ran away from a police officer, tonight we have new information about the officer who fired the fatal shots, plus new reaction from mr. scott's family.
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an update in the shooting of walter scott, north charleston south carolina michael slayinger shooting him as he ran away from him. hard to forget that video. he fired his taser moments earlier, according to the new york times, officer slayinger used his taser at least 14 times during five years on the force. tonight we're focusing on walter scott's family and the man they loved.
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>> a family reunion photo in south carolina a family that's come together every other year for decades, this one is far different than the family has ever had. tragically different. because of what happened to their loved one in the blue dallas cowboys cap. this is video from the last reunion, the man in the cap is the walter scott the world got to know after this video came out. walter and judy scott are walter's parents. >> he loved his parents, and he had respect for us. >> he was a lovely young man. >> he loved family. >> how do you have the strength to cope with what you're going through? >> prayer. and i don't think about it i try hard not to think about it. mostly i talk to a lot of friends, a lot of people to keep it off my mind most of the time when i think about it i break
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down. >> both parents have only seen a portion of the video. they couldn't bear to watch it all the way through. they want the officer convicted. >> i forgive him for what he did. he didn't know what he was doing. >> it would seem to some people for sure he did know what he was doing. how are you able to forgive him? >> because of the love of god within me i can't but love him. >> if you don't forgive others he's not going to forgive us. >> also among the people at the union, walter scott's four children miles, sebastian, samantha and walter the second. their mother died of cancer several years ago. their feelings about the cop who shot their father quite a bit different. >> he could have handled the situation differently. he has a family of his own. how woe feel if someone took away his kids or his wife.
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>> can you forgive him? >> it ain't the time. >> your grant parents say they have. >> we will not let walter's name go down in blame. we will not let walter's name go down in blame. >> most of the small children here understandably don't know what happened to their uncle or their cousin. but they will eventually learn and it's the wish of walter's parents, when they do find out about it they also learn about how to forgive. which they know from their grandchildren who they love more than anything is not an easy thing to do. gary tuchman, cnn, charleston south carolina. >> coming up something to make you smile at the end of the day, the ridiculous is next. ♪ no artificial flavors,
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you know soccer is a hot mess. it's a major scandal for fifa. pretty serious stuff for an organization that sounds like you name a lab rah doodle puppy. >> look i'm not a sports guy, it's all i got. it sounds sort of funny. warner was among those indicted last week into alleged corruption in fifa. this weekend he made a video defending himself and pointing out what he sees as the united states' double standards. >> how come the head of fifa is not so bad? >> and then i look to see that fifa has announced 215 -- this year olympic final. you woke up. >> unfortunately for mr. warner he was holding up with headline.
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fifa announces the 2015 summer world cup in the united states. that is from the onion. if you don't follow soccer you may not get the joke at first, that fifa threw together another world cup to appease u.s. officials. it's totally fine if you're not a fan. there are plenty of people who live productive lives. some of them are named anderson. this guy, he was the vice president of fifa surely he should have known better really what person with internet and a printer doesn't know that the onion is a satirical site at this point. it's not like it was -- well i don't know clickhold. yeah i fell for an article that quoted me as saying this at a commencement speech. people might think you're lying about the hole in one, but when you graduate you get a diploma. >> i just didn't think it was that funny, i thought it was a stupid thing, and it annoyed me that someone may think i said a
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stupid thing. i didn't know what clickhold was, i mean how am i supposed to keep up with what the kids are doing? it's not like i made a video as proof. i just tweeted at them i tweeted, do you make this stuff up? which of course as it turns out yeah they do. because that's their job since they are a parody site owned by the onion. maybe i shouldn't throw stones at the fifa guy. i'll remind you of the time i hosted a panel discussion with the onion staff and i was totally, i was in with them i got the joke. really? anybody you won't pick on? >> no, i mean i don't -- you're the moderator and you're -- >> yeah, right. >> come on that's about the warmup. >> i like my face in that. i'm sort of resigned. >> not bad. >> he was the gentle lover.
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>> there you go. see i can keep up with the cool kids of the onion. is it the onion or just onion? i think it was the onion. i really was kidding. love is gentle love is kind let's give the fifa guy a break, at least tonight on the ridiculist ridiculist. that does it for us. we'll see you at 11:00 p.m. eastern for another edition of 360. breaking news, 35 years starts now. the following is a cnn special report. ♪ >> i dedicate the cable news network. >> good evening i'm david walker. >> and i'm lois heart, now, here's the news. >> this is cnn breaking news. >> approximately four shots were fired at the president. >> the massacre of hundreds of thousands. >> president reagan has endorsed german reunification. >> for 35
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