tv CNN Tonight CNN June 1, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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without freedom and freedom is not there without freedom of the press. >> this is cnn. 35 years ago, bruce jenner was an olympic champion. now it's goodbye bruce. hello caitlin. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. what's it like to change your life with the whole world watching? just ask caitlin jenner, from olympic champion to reality tv star captured on the cover of "vanity fair" by photographer to the stars, annie leebo vits. >> soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free. >> now that her secret is out, will she live happily ever after? >> i want to begin with what she said about the cover.
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>> the last few days of doing this shoot was about my life and who i am as a person. it's not about the fanfare. it's not about people cheering in the stadium. it's not about going down the street and everybody giving you atta boy, bruce, pat on the back. okay? this is about your life. bruce always had to tell a lie. he was always living that lie. every day, he always had a secret from morning until night. caitlin doesn't have any secrets. soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, i'm free. >> joining me now, deborah norville and christine brennan. good evening to both of you. we'll try as hard as we can to get everything correct. we may get the pronouns wrong,
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or even call him bruce. >> and jenner said she gets it. she's made mistakes with the pronoun as well. this is a huge story. >> it was so much easier now than it was with chaz. chaz was chastity for a long time. it was hard to get it right. but i find myself saying caitlin all day long. >> i think it helps a lot that jenner has told us what her new name will be. it's caitlin jenner. and i also think bruce jenner said those 48 hours in munich, when he won the decathlon defined that man for almost 40 years. and if you think about it we've had, as a world, and he is a world figure essentially four months to come to grips with the idea that indeed he was transitioning and becoming a woman. and i think it's not by accident that on june 1st the beginning of lgbt pride month, the "vanity
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fair" cover hits and caitlin jenner is there in all of her beauty. >> christine, talk to us about that. we've spoken about that. when we grew up bruce jenner was the male sex symbol and now this. he's becoming a female sex symbol in today's issue. >> don, he was a sports god. you know that was the montreal olympics 1976 only three channels and pbs. so basically everyone raced home and watched. he was the star. bruce jenner was the star of those olympic games in montreal. it was a huge time for sports and bruce jenner was tom brady combined with lebron james. he was about as big as they got. and i think what's fascinating about this conversation is that once again, sports is taking us to a place that we need to go as a nation to have a conversation. whether it would be terrible things like ray rice and domestic violence steroids lans
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armstrong, other olympians, baseball players, or a story like this. sports makes it real. we can see bruce jenner on that wheaties box. we remember him. many of us do. and those that don't have heard the stories or maybe will find out about the sports hero that he was. now as the change of course and now a woman. and here we are talking about it. but because he was a sports star i think it makes it more real for people. >> yeah i want to talk to you about the biggest bombshell for you about this article. i was having the same conversation christine, that you're having now, with one of the makeup artists here. she said i don't remember bruce jenner back in the day. and i said it would be the equivalent of lebron james today becoming a woman. and it's the same thing. what was your biggest revelation for you? >> you're talking to me don? >> yes, yes. >> i think just the struggle and the fact that bruce jenner even back then in 1976 when he was on top of the world -- sports
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world, cultural world, that he was having such trouble. this was something that was such a difficult thing. i would never have believed that. i don't think anyone would have. and so again, if it's a window into a part of our culture that we haven't talked about, clearly, that we haven't thought of well then a sports hero taking us to that place, i think, is a very good thing. >> debra, let's talk about the great lengths that the magazine went through to keep this secret. why is the outfit so secret? >> i think they went to such great lengths for caitlin to feel beautiful and to look beautiful. and it's clear from the incredible wardrobe and the hair and the makeup that that i got in the article, that that was very important. i mean this bombshell cover is unbelievable. and in fact, the buft yay and the panty set is now going to be selling out. we've tracked down the store in
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california where this outfit was purchased and they expect sales are going to go crazy. but i think it's much more than that. in the article, they talk about how at the end of the afternoon of shooting and it was a long day and hair and makeup and a lot of styleistsstylists caitlin went to each person who had been a part of the shoot and said thank you. in the article, they tell the story, the gold medal is there, one of the many or the gold medal from winning the decathlon was there. and he said looking at that gold medal, that day was good. but this day has been so much better. >> the backdrop to all of this is an ereality show that will document caitlin's journey. >> the latest yes, we knew he was going to use the same production as with keeping up with the kardashians and the other reality shows, there was a great deal of discord between
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bruce's -- excuse me -- caitlin's four older children and that selection. they're very concerned that it's going to end up being a bit of a show not the kind of show that they think is dignified, and they've opted not to participate. originally that was very difficult for caitlin, and she was not at all happy about that but she's come to terms about that and believes this now will be an opportunity to really show the process of transitioning and also really show the emotion, as well as the empathy, and maybe most importantly, the liberation that caitlin jenner now feels. >> and christine, even though caitlin has transitioned from her former identity as bruce jenner her first public appearance will be at a sports related event. >> yes. the espy awards she'll be receiving the arthur ashe courage award. an honor that many have received including jim valve ano, robin roberts, michael sam, nelson mandela. this signifies a snapshot of our
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culture at this time and whether these people fought cancer inequality billie jean king fighting for women's rights michael sam fighting for the rights of the gay athlete, the first openly gay nfl player to be drafted by the national hockey league whatever the case it may be it takes us to this place and it's a snapshot i believe, of where we are as a country and sports as a huge part of our culture. so the fact that she will be honored at the espys is a fascinating turn in this story. >> christine, debra always a pleasure. thanks so much. >> can i just note all of his children will be on the stage with him at the espys which is exactly the message that caitlin jenner wants to share. >> the whole world will be watching. thank you. now bring in elaine the host of pbs in focus with eden lane. how are you? >> great, don. thanks for having me back again. >> of course. we've heard caitlin say bruce
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was always living a line. soon as the "vanity fair" cover comes out, is caitlin free now? >> well from her own lips she's free. and isn't that a beautiful thing to be able to say for anyone? that when you reveal yourself when you show your true self to everyone in your life and the world in general, that you feel free? that it was the most stunning thing for me. >> it can't be though, just as simple as that. can you help us understand what caitlin jenner is going through right now? there are so many challenges ahead. >> certainly. but what people may not realize is that the kind of work that goes into your transition before you come out in this way and live your life full time and say, call me caitlin, all of that work has been going on for so long that this is a relief for her to be able to just be herself. the kind of work that goes on in
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therapy, the kind of work that goes on in consultation with your physicians and your family and your friends, all of that has been going on without the world watching thank goodness so that she can say, as she celebrates her revelation to the world, that she feels free. >> i'm wondering, caitlin talks in the article about the sense of isolation she felt for years as bruce. do you think that's going to change now? >> you know watching the reaction today, so many people are throwing their arms open and lending their support. i think that caitlin can't possibly feel isolated anymore. her family is supporting her. and it seems that so many people across the country and around the world are supporting her. how could she feel isolated? but there may be moments where a stumble happens, where you read a negative comment, or just the wrong moment and you doubt yourself. and that happens to all women. so caitlin will be no exception.
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>> eden i want you to stick with me and my thanks to debra and christine. we have more on caitlin jenner to come. when we come back what message is she sending with her "vanity fair" cover. plus the downfall of the former speaker of the house, who will be in court on thursday. that's not the end of the story tonight. we'll talk to one of his students from his days as a high school wrestling coach.
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with her "vanity fair" cover, caitlyn jenner is now the public face of the transgender community. i want to talk about the impact with mark hill norman speck, co-founder of the first program to medically treat transgender youth and eden lane is back. doctor, you counsel kids and adults. what's the reaction been among the transgender community? >> well i don't know that i can speak for the transgender community. you have to remember that i am dealing primarily with people who are in adolescence. and i don't think frankly that
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even adolescents -- >> but you deal with their loved ones and their parents. what do you think this means to them? >> well i think that the parents have had a few more interesting responses. and in general, no matter whether it's a tv show or transamerica or transparent or whatever anything that shows people who are transgender in a positive light, awakens the consciousness of america to their unique situation, is worthwhile. this is a unique situation, and it is being done in a unique way. and to some extendt, there are really two issues here. one is who is caitlyn formerly
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known as bruce jenner? and the second is -- deals with how individuals feel about the method by which the process has been -- has going on and to what extent they are comfortable with that in terms of the publicity and the hoopla associated with it. >> let's talk about everything that's associated with it. because, mark i want to know your reaction to the article and your reaction to the first photo of caitlyn on the cover. because many people are concerned it may be a circus because reality television is involved. she's so glammed up on the cover. what was your reaction? >> i had two reactions. the first one, this is beautiful, this is wonderful, this is a powerful moment not just for the trans community, but for the entire world, that
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we can say a transbody on a cover like that, it's a testimony to how far we've come. my problem is that it still played into how beautiful she was. she's not like a woman. she is a woman. a lot of the adoration is because she con forms to a certain body image. the fact that she could fit on sort of the normal model of what you're supposed to look like that plays into a lot of different assumptions. transbodies don't always look like that. >> it's great what caitlyn jenner is doing, but she has a lot of money in order to look like that. >> yes. it can take us away from the world that transbodies aren't supposed to exist and the ones that sneak through are the ones that look a particular way. >> so many tweeting she looks great. shonda ryan said flawless
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fearless love it. i just want caitlyn to take me out and teach me how to drive a stick shift in heels. are we judging her by how we judge all women? >> yes. she has the right to be subject to that just like everybody else. but i don't want that to be the primary conversation. we should be celebrating caitlyn and saying it's an extraordinary moment for the trans-community. i want to live in a world where transbodies are normalized and seen as beautiful. >> so when she talks about having a panic attack after facialr femininization surgery, like what have i done to myself? is it common for people to have thoughts like that? >> well the process is very long before you even begin taking those steps. i think from reading those articles, it was a very unique circumstance that she was so isolated on different kind of
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medication and lots of people who have cosmetic surgery have that flush of, oh, my goodness, what have i done because you don't have the look that you will have after the swelling goes down. i felt bad for her because she was isolated after her recovery. >> this is a tough issue for many people. we talk about the difference between sexual identity. bruce had sex with women. a lot of people are confused by gender and sexuality. so explain if you will. >> i'm going to say it to you exactly as my first patient tried to explain it to me. and that is that sexual orientation is who you go to bed with and gender identity is who you go to bed as. and the fact of the matter is that in their affirmed gender since the issue of gender
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identity has nothing to do with the issue of sexual orientation, people who are transgender have as much right in their affirmed gender to be gay, straight bi or asexual. just like everybody else. and i've never met a person and i've seen over 200 adults and 200 adolescent transgender people. i've never seen anyone who gave any inclination that they were doing this for the sake of being attractive to a particular other sex. >> all right, i want everyone to stand by because we're going to ask, is there a double standard at work here? caitlyn jenner's in the spotlight, but what about other transgender americans? we'll talk about that next.
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eden to you first. there are an estimated 700,000 transgender people in the united states. why does caitlyn jenner get so much fanfare when so many others have been discriminated against, even ridiculed? >> so glad you brought this up. because there's this celebrity machine around a privileged life. very few transpeople have the kind of resources or support system that caitlyn has. but it's fascinating because of the celebrity, and because we feel like we know this person who was an olympic hero. but i'm hoping that this will help us expand that conversation to talk about the transgender lives all across america, that don't have these resources that live in danger every day. >> and mark we shouldn't get it twisted, because president obama also sent out a tweet today. he wants to put an end to conversion therapy. he said it takes courage to share your story, talking about caitlyn jenner. but we shouldn't get it twisted. most transgender people are not
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treated as openly and as accepting as caitlyn jenner. >> absolutely. transpeople in this nation are subjected to police harassment strees harassment sexual violence discrimination in the workplace. we could go down the list. every measure of social prosperity, transpeople are at the bottom. these issues are important. and when it's transpeople of color, it's even more compounded. this is a serious issue, that can't be resolved just at the level of one celebrity. although again, i'm not taking anything away from caitlyn jenner. i applaud you, support you, i honor what you've done. you're courage and we thank you for it. >> can you speak to that doctor? i hear you in the background. >> well it's really quite a sad story. the first people i met who happened to be transgender were street youth who were thrown out of their homes.
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and that happens all too frequently. when the dutch, who really are the state of the art in the care and treatment and support for transgender people looked at what people died of of 3,500 patients cared for by their senior most physician, 1,200 had died. looked at what they died of and it wasn't of certain medical conditions. it was basically a psycho social death. those who died are overwhelmingly involved in substance abuse, suicide, homicide, alcoholism homelessness dislocation from family and friends, et cetera. so it's a sad story around the world even in a country where medical care is free and
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available and of high quality. >> and i've also done stories on transgender people getting off-market injections what they think is silicone it's something else and they become disfigured. some people die from it. doctor i want you to speak to this. because let's go through what caitlyn went through. a tracheal shave, had her nose fixed twice. hairline correction, jaw and chin contouring breast augmentation and she did it in beverly hills, which is very expensive and most people who are transitioning, the cost of that, they can't absorb that. do you think the magazine article, the pictures do they send a false message about what is reasonable and what people can actual look like if you don't have as much money as a caitlyn jenner? >> well i didn't add it all up but it's certainly well over
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$100,000 worth of -- >> well over. >> i mean it could be $250,000. who knows. but in my work we're trying to prevent the need for what caitlyn jenner had to do even though she was uniquely financially capable of doing it. >> i think that's an important point too. >> that was a point that i was trying to make when we were asking the question about the pictures and the glam factor. she looks great, but is it realistic, and is there a need to do that? go ahead, continue doctor. >> well if we can get young people who are clearly showing evidence of being transgender and we can get them at the earliest start of puberty and
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evaluate them psycho metrically for gender and they come in with both parents bringing them in and having had at least six months of psychotherapy, then we can block their puberty. the puberty that is toxic to them is the puberty that's genetically programmed in them. because until them boys and girls look pretty much alike. i just want to say this. people say, how can you do this to such young children? they can't make decisions like that. the point is it's totally reversible to block puberty. you don't have to do something irreversible to a 10 to 12-year-old girl or a 12 to 14-year-old boy. by virtue of using this blockade you can hold it off for several years, until they're more like 15 where they can make considered judgments and be reassessed and if they indeed --
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and they virtually all do in our experience -- pass the test then they can be given the hormones consistent with the gender they affirm, and they come out looking that way. and it's absolutely remarkable. we don't talk about the beauty queens et cetera. these are people who just come out looking like normal people. and they don't have to go through this entire business. >> can i have five seconds? >> quickly. >> there are a lot of ways to perform gender. this is one way. a lot of people perform gender even without surgery and changing their body parts. that's okay too. i just want to affirm that as well. >> thanks to all of you. up next what happened behind closed doors? we'll talk to a former wrestler whose coach was dennis haft ert. what he says about the former house speaker sexual abusing a student.
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money to a former student who knew something about allegations of abuse from the time hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach in illinois. sara sidner has more. >> the president of the united states. >> reporter: to the rest of the country, dennis hastert is the former speaker of the house. but in the sleepy town of new yorkville, illinois he's denny or coach hastert, the high school teacher and coach turned congressman who became the longest serving republican speaker of the house. >> really kind of a classic hometown hero. he grew up here he taught here. he went on to become one of the most powerful men in the world. so definitely a hero. >> reporter: now hastert faces charges of lying to the fbi and violating banking laws in what authorities say was a plan to pay $3.5 million to an unnamed person to cover up past misconduct. federal sources tell cnn that a former student alleged hastert
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sexually abused him and that hastert already paid $1.7 million to keep the student quiet. the student went to the high school where hastert served as a wrestling coach and teacher between 1964 and 1980. >> right now, i'm neutral and surprised this is happening to a man i've known for 45 years. >> gary matlock was one of hastert's star wrestlers in the '70s. that's the two of them hugging when matlock won the state championship in 1973. he said hastert was a great mentor. >> did you ever have a moment or ever hear of anyone on the team saying that he was doing something inappropriate with them that they felt uncomfortable about his actions? >> nothing came across my ears or my eyes that is related to what the allegations have been made against coach hastert at
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this time. >> reporter: court records show the investigation started two years ago when the fbi looked into bank withdrawals totaling more than $950,000. prosecutors say when the fbi asked the former speaker about the large withdrawals, he said he was keeping the cash for himself. the indictment does not discuss sexual abuse. >> because my legislative home is here on the floor with you. and so is my heart. >> reporter: since his resignation from his 20-year stint in congress he's laid low, joining d.c.-based lobby firm as a senior adviser in 2008. the national review saying he's earned more than $2 million a year as a lobbyist. he's not been seen or heard from since the government announced its case against him. we may see him thursday when he's set to make his first appearance in federal court in chicago. sara sidner cnn, yorkville, illinois. >> joining me now a man who was
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coached by him in high school. john i appreciate you joining us. how are you doing? >> i'm doing good, thank you. >> you and your two brothers all wrestled under hastert and had him as a teacher. what was he like? >> as a coach and a teacher, he was a real -- really an easy guy to talk to. he was kind of a disciplinarian. he required, you know, the best out of you. he demanded the best out of you. and his wrestling teams kind of show that. i thought he was a real decent guy. always real good for his students and good for his wrestlers. >> was he a role model do you think, to young men at the time? >> oh definitely. he was definitely a role model. this is one of the things that really sticks with me is the four years that i spent at yorkville high school you know wrestling under dennis hastert. it was something that you know,
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stuck with me and i'll never forget. i think it really shaped me. him along with wrestling, it teaches you individuality, responsibility and that you're responsible for the outcome in each and every thing you do and the matches that you have each night. >> so you're proud of where you come so far in life and you said that's due in part to him. but what about when you heard about the allegations, what did you think? >> it's quite a mystery to me. i, like every other yorkville resident i'm sure was just shocked. it was very surprising very hard to believe. and i know that there's stlill a lot that isn't known, but it was shocking yes. >> is there anything that you can think about when you look back on this in retrospect that would give you any sort of clue that dennis hastert might be capable of this type of
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behavior? >> no don, absolutely not. he did a lot for the kids the wrestlers, and the students. i mean, we went -- my older brother went to the bahamas and scouts with him. i went to colorado. you know he took his wrestlers to colorado rocky mountain wrestling camp. we drove out there. i think he footed a lot of that from his own pocket. you know we stayed out there a week. there was a lot of opportunity to see something like that. but i never -- i never even thought about anything like that because i never saw any behavior that looked like that. >> and no rumor, no talk about anything like that about him? >> in the locker room i mean with the other wrestlers, i mean i've talked to a couple of the other wrestlers and we're all the same. i mean we all can't believe it. there was never anything back then that would really indicate any behavior like that. >> have you seen him or spoken
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to him since you graduated high school? >> i have, yeah. after high school, you know wrestling was a big part of my life. so i would go down to the tournaments in champagne, illinois and see some of his teams wrestle and chatted with him down there a little bit, you know in the later '70s. then i've actually seen him a couple of times in a restaurant here or there and said hi to him here in my hometown. >> do you know -- do you know anything about this individual that is accusing him and do you believe these allegations? >> well i don't know -- no i really don't know who it could be. i have a feeling it was someone a little bit younger than me maybe later, '79, '80, somewhere in there. but nobody i've talked to has any idea who could have made the allegations and, no i really don't have any idea. >> and you don't believe it do
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you? >> no i really don't believe it. >> so he's going to be arraigned on thursday. are you going to continue to stand by him? >> i believe so yes. i have no reason not to at this point. until we know more. >> john jera beck thank you very much. i appreciate you coming on. >> thanks, don. appreciate it. >> when we come back, allegations from the past come back to haunt dennis hastert and josh duggar. should there be a statute of limitations in cases like this? unbelievable! toenail fungus? seriously? smash it with jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. look at the footwork! most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application site redness, itching, swelling
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>> from josh duggar to former speaker of the house dennis hastert, allegations of past sexual abuse are surfacing years later. what about the victims? joining me now, wendy davis and the author of taking the stand, my life in the law. how is that? >> i appreciate it. >> "new york times" op-ed columnist and lam da literary award winner congratulations. >> thank you, sir. >> just moments ago. >> congratulations to you. wendy, i'm going to start with you. talked about two big stories of
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alleged sexual misconduct but we've heard very little about the victims here. good or bad here? >> it's bad. obviously, these kinds of cases bring to light a very real problem that we face across this country. there are only eight states right now that have no statute of limitations on sexual assault cases. some cases or some states have varying degrees ever lengths of time in which these cases can be prosecuted but they're very unique situations. sexual assault survivors often have difficulty coming forward for a very long period of time. and it's a unique offense which requires i think, a unique approach in the statute of limitations to assure that at the end of the day young women, young men, older women, older men, who are victims of sexual assault, have an opportunity to have their day in court. >> why are you shaking your head? >> i think because statute of limitations serve an important
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purpose. take the hastert case for example. this young man, if he was abused extorted him. when he was extorting him, at that point, he was taking advantage of the situation. certainly the statute of limitations has to run from that point on. the notion that you can just abolish statute of limitations, how do you prove your innocence? 15 20, 30 years later? the evidence is gone. it disappears. your guest referred to them as victims. some of them are not victims. when this young man accused of cardinal the victim was the cardinal. and ultimately the young man admitted that he was lying. so you can't presume guilt in this crime and just make it unique as if for other crimes you presume innocence, but for sexual abuse, you presume guilt. >> go ahead, wendy. >> this is not arguing that the evidentiary issues should change or there should be any sort of different evidentiary treatment. what it's arguing is that when
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it's later discovered much later, and often this is the case in sexual assault, who the alleged perpetrator is that victim that survivor ought to have his or her day in court. >> what she's saying it takes years -- >> it doesn't mean that the assailant will with have less rights to that person than -- [ all speak at once ] >> it does take years sometimes for the victim to process what's happened. >> of course it does. and there are going to be special circumstances where if the alleged victim -- and it's an alleged victim -- can demonstrate with a hearing that she didn't or he didn't remember or couldn't process it. but to have an automatic statute of limitations, we have them for important reasons and for very serious crimes. physical assaults as well. we should not make a special rule for sexual assault across
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the board and make it almost impossible for a defendant to disprove the allegations? how do you disprove an allegation of 20 or 30 or 40 years earlier? >> the fact of the matter is there are often -- and across this country and in texas where i am right now, we had over 20,000 untested rape kits sitting on -- >> that's a separate problem. let's change that. >> but that problem exists in states all over this country. and the fact of the matter is that many of these, as they're being tested even when hits are being found in codis, undeniable dna evidence there's no opportunity for that person who's no longer than alleged victim but who is a survivor of sexual assault, to have his or her day in court. >> let me tell you what new york did about that. >> and there's something wrong with that. >> new york started to indict the dea even before they found the individual and thereby eliminated the statute of
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limitations problem. >> indeed. >> there are ways of dealing with this but an across-the-board abolition of the statute of limitations is terribly unfair to presumptively innocent people. >> we don't have statute of limitations on murder and dna evidence isn't the only evidence that can come up many years later. >> understood. so it can take years sometimes, you being a survivor. there's no realtime limit on how long it takes you to get over it? >> exactly. and i'm not saying that you have to have no statute of limitations, but i do think you have to make some sort of special dispensation particularly for children. because what the research tells us about what children do with childhood sexual abuse, very often they bury it. and they bury it for very long periods of time. so you can have decades that pass before it actually
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resurfaces. and it can come out in all sorts of anti-social ways and kind of self-destructive ways and not have them consciously dealing with the issue of the abuse. but i think that you know putting -- yes, will they have to prove it? and will some of that proof be tricky to come by three decades later? >> what would be fair though? >> but the idea they should have no avenues if they do in fact suppress -- >> don't treat women like children. don't treat women like children. that's what i think a lot of people want to do. you may be right about children. >> i'm just saying -- [ all speak at once ] >> i agree with you on that. because many times people want to coddle women when it comes to those sorts of issues, which you should always have care but sometimes there there's a separate way that we treat women with crimes and men with crimes. but i agree -- sexual crimes. but i agree, with children, it's
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different. >> even with adult women and adult men too, some men are also victims of sexual abuse. the same suppressing mechanism can be at play. so i'm not saying that you have no statute of limitations, but i do believe you have to give some discretion there to say that this is what the science tells us about how people deal with these particular very specific sorts of assaults. if they in fact turn out to be assaults. and i believe in that vein we have to treat these a little bit more differently than other crimes. >> and women are treated differently than men when it comes to different sex crimes. it's not believed that men can be sexually assaulted. >> but men are -- depending on the culture and the context of their abuse, can be even more -- even less likely to bring it --
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>> to come forward, because people won't believe them. that's what i meant by it. >> we need to look at all sex abuse, not separate the men from the women, and just say it's a special category of assault, if it turns out to be assault, and we have to have a special category of how we deal with the statute of the limitations. >> thank you, we'll be right back.
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>> that's it for us tonight. see you back here tomorrow night. ac 360 starts right now. thanks for joining us, tonight what our reporting reveals about a hospital doing open-heart surgery on babies without enough experience experts say, to do it safely. babies dying or suffering life changing complications. tonight we're keeping them honest. also, we have breaking news about undercover inspectors who put airport security to the test
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