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tv   New Day  CNN  June 2, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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battle darkness as a river cruise capsizes in china. that man on the hull tapping it with a small hammer to see if there's survivors trapped inside. they believe there are. we have other pictures starting to go network with a blow torch. >> rescuers only able to pull a handful of victims so far. among the survivors the ship's captain and chief engineer now in police custody. let's get right to the scene where david mckenzie is live in china. what are you seeing david? >> reporter: chris, it's a desperate search right now for survivors. underneath the hull of this ship it's inverted in the water and there are scores of people in fact hundreds of elderly mostly trapped inside. you've seen those dramatic scenes earlier tapping on the hull with a small hammer seeing if anybody was inside trying to get out.
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they managed to get a handful out today including a 65-year-old woman who was pulled out of the sea. but, you know, the weather is terrible. it's raining heavily. there's security cordon across this whole area. i can tell you with all those missing and yet the captain and the chief engineer surviving, questions being asked exactly what happened. they have been put in custody. it seems in early stages this was an extreme weather event. gusts of wind that potentially blew over this vessel and meant everyone was trapped inside as they were getting ready to go to bed on this pleasant river cruise which turn out to be a nightmare. back to you. >> oh, david that's just terrible. we'll cover this all morning long and check back within you. another breaking story. acting director of the transportation security administration resigned after security breaches were revealed
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at dozens of airports where undercover investigators smuggled weapons and fake bombs past airport screeners. suzanne malveaux has more. >> reporter: good morning. you know we've been through all of this. you remove your shoes, jacket water, baby formula all in term of maintaining security. in the meantime failing to detect the dangerous stuff. that's why you had a shake frup the very top overnight and changes on the ground at airports around the country. this morning an interim tsa administrator is stepping in replacing the current director. homeland security jeh johnson reassigned the administrator. the department of homeland
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security discovered tsa officers failed 95% of the time during undercover operations. officers failing 67 out of 70 tests to detect mock explosives and weapons at airport security checkpoints. >> these are anomalies that tsa screeners or their equipment should locate or at least flagged for additional screening. >> reporter: the department's red team posed as passengers attempting to pass through checkpoints with detonators. >> i'm putting this in. >> reporter: back in 2008 cnn was there for a similar covert operation. that time it was tsa testing its own officers. at the checkpoint the tester is padded down. but the screener missed it. it's not until the tester lifts up his shirt. in response to the troubling
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failures secretary johnson said in a statement that he's immediately directing the tsa to revise its screening procedures conduct training and re-evaluate their screening equipment. >> this has grown completely out of control. it isn't doing the job we need to. what we need to do is be able to connect the dots get intelligence information, go after people who pose a risk and they can't do it with the current system. >> so secretary johnson is advising and directing the tsa to take immediate steps including retraining some of these screeners here taking another look at the supervisors to make sure they are evaluated they know what they are doing, take a look at the equipment, re-evaluate screening technology and do these random secret tests to make sure they can detect these holes and possibly fix a lot of what's wrong. >> first part seems easy second part has proven very difficult. thank you very much.
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we'll take you back to china as soon as we get new information. some 450 people at risk in the waters after, according to the pilot of the ship that they were attacked they say by a tornado. there's certain lie bad weather going on in that part of the world right now but why those people are in the water right now, people are searching for them at this moment. we'll get more to you. we want to tell you secretary of state john kerry is back in boston this morning where he's set to have surgery on his broken leg after a cycling accident he had in the french alps. >> reporter: good morning, chris. secretary kerry arrived here at massachusetts general late last night. he was accompanied by his surgeon. they flew over on this c-17 military transport plane that was outfitted with a team of doctors and medical equipment. later this morning the doctor will set that broken femur that
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secretary kerry broke while he was biology during that accident. but first secretary kerry started the day calling in to that isis meeting in paris where he was on his trip to europe and missed. deputy secretary tony lincoln and special envoy to the isis coalition john allen are sitting in for him. secretary kerry wanted to dinl. aides say he's adamant he wants to get back network as soon as important, in particular he wants to get back to those iron nuclear negotiations. the state department really trying to tap down the idea that secretary kerry's injury would affect those negotiations. i'm not sure how realistic that is. no one, of course questions his determination to get back to work and resume his schedule. obviously very physically fit as you see from those biology pictures. it was a very serious injuries. he's not a young man. he that previous injury with his hip replacement.
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so i think it will be a steep road to recovery despite his determination. >> definite setback. thanks for that. let's turn to politics. a new cnn poll hot off the presses revealed hillary clinton is hitting a speed bump on the road to the white house and jeb bush also having issues shaking his family connections. >> reporter: good morning. you're right. hillary clinton's shine has tarnished a little bit two months after she entered the presidential race. let's look at the numbers. more people have an unfavorable view of clinton 50% than at any time since 2001. a growing number of people feel she doesn't inspire confidence. that's 50% compared to 42%. now 42% of people say she's honest and trustworthy. that's down from 50% in march. and only 40% of people say she cares about people like them. that's down from 53% in march.
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so it appears some of those early controversies are causing perception problems for her. certainly bringing her back from those high approval ratings during herring eight years out of politics. there's warning signs also for jaeb bush. half the people in or new poll say the bush family name is not an attribute and his connection to his brother and father and make him less likely to support him. now this is so interesting. in the head-to-head matchups with clintons clinton had a 14% edge over marco rubio now 3%. her advantage over rand paul is 1%. her 17 point edge over jeb bush is cut down to eight. reason? independent voters are shifting. men have moved to the republicans and this is a good reminder. we don't know mat the general election will look like a year from now. but it will be a close, close race in a very divided country.
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>> thank you very much. let's get some perspective on these numbers. good to have you both here. let's look at the headlines. how do you see hillary. >> she's had a rough, rough couple of weeks. there's incoming about the foundation about emails republicans getting some confidence hitting her on trail. she's had a hard time driving a positive message. and these press conferences haven't helped. she's got to play offense in a positive way. that's what she will do when she officially announces on roosevelt island. you've seen it tough not just with independent but suburban voters. >> do you agree that the root of some of this problem is she hasn't taken reporters questions and been more accessible. >> absolutely. because by not hearing from the candidate herself people are left to believe what is reported
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on. she hasn't come out and given anyone an explanation as to what's going on. there's a reason for that too. looking at these numbers you see how she's had a steady decline in all of these areas since last year. last summer is where she rolled back out again with her book tour, it was a quasi campaign. she didn't do very well. her handlers had to rethink how we introduce hillary clinton to the voting electorate. >> you're giving a nod to what's working effectively on the gop side which is this unrelenting negative narrative on hillary. she's gotten beaten up and not talking to the press. are you finding someone strong enough to beat her on the other side. >> if i may, the matchups are getting closer. what's interesting is rand paul seems to be in the most
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competitive general election. >> that's interesting. when you compare the top gop candidates to hillary clinton look at this rand paul is at 47% right now whereas hillary clinton is only at 48%. they are neck and neck. >> it doesn't make sense because he's not top tier in republican candidates. there's a deep gender gap with rand paul. his base of support is overwhelmingly men not women. you see that throughout the republican field. republicans have to address that. it's not enough to beat up hillary clinton. >> tee it up. how big is his gap between men and women, and the big question with polls you pay for the numbers but the question you really pay for is why. what do you see in the numbers? >> libertarians have had a bigger gender gap. with rand paul it's stark. you see it throughout the field. scott walker has a 14 point edge on hillary clinton among men, hillary clinton has a 20-point edge among women. republicans have to address it.
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the poll shows if they over play their hand on benghazi and these attacks it will alienate the swing voters. republicans need to be careful about that. >> something else that's interesting about hillary clinton is the fact the number that says does she care about people like me. that's a very important metric. that is what lost the campaign for mitt romney. during exit polling in 2012 public opinion strategies asked four questions about shared values vision for the future and do you care like me and strong leadership and mitt romney won on three out of the four of those issues against barack obama. the one that he was destroyed on was that he cares about people like me 18% to 81% in favor of barack obama. if hillary clinton does not connect with voters they will feel as though she cares about them. they will not vote for her. the other aspect of this was the vision for the future. who represents the future. hillary clinton is looked at as
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yesterday's news. she's very yesterday. that's consistent with what mark squo rubio has been doing and the way he's been running his campaign, the way he opened his campaign is that she was yesterday's news he's the future. and having a vision for the future in this poll marco rubio, ran paul scott walker they all polled over 50% considerably and so you see who hillary clinton was losing but closing the gap against or running even with all candidates on the republican side that people felt had a stronger vision for the future and i think that hurts her. same thing with bush. jeb bush has a similar problem. >> why is she doing well at all? >> she has name recognition. everybody knows who hillary clinton is. >> jeb bush has a ton of name recognition at all. the bush association hurts jeb a lot more. >> bush family connections make you more likely to vote for him is 27%. less likely vote for him is 56%. no difference 16%.
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that's a big difference of less likely. >> because his brother left office polling in the low 30s, very unpopular. there was a financial crisis. people still have a bad taste in their mouth of eight years of george bush. it's bush fatigue. unlike hillary bill clinton left office quite popular and remained so for many years. she's still riding the waves of the popularity of bill. >> there's also that hillary is not just the second clinton she's the first woman. that's important. the other thing about that future past narrative is that hillary clinton's strongest support is among young voters who may not have any memories personally of the clinton presidency and there are a lot of interesting dichotomies. marco rubio is running as someone who can relate to blue collars. there's some interesting undercurrents in this poll. >> let's look at the latest poll numbers for the field of
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republicans because it's interesting to see who is up who is down. let's put thunder. republicans choice for nominee in 2016 at the top now is there you go is rubio at 14%. what's interesting he was at 11% in april. then you see jeb bush mike huckabee walker. let me show you ran paul because that's interesting, he's down from 11% to 8% now over the course of a month or two. but yet he fares best against hillary clinton. that's a mixed message. >> fares best within one percentage point. he's closing a 19-point gap which is very interesting. rand paul has been very vocal in his opposition to nsa spying and civil rights issues and civil liberties issues. he's been more visible and vocal on issues where hillary clinton has been silent. marco rubio also the fact that
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he's actually declared unlike bush which is still flirting with the idea not a declared candidate although he's sucking up donors that's what they thought in the beginning anyway he's struggling again, because he's not representing any fresh or new ideas and even in this poll 61% said he represented the past. these metrics are the way people perceive these things. not many people want to go backwards they want to move forward. that's the challenge for jeb bush moving forward. how he's is going presents himself as a fresh new forward thinking candidate when he has family legacy and he's been out of the spotlight for eight years. >> one thing for sure we see in here is that there's a lot of appetite out there. the question is are they having the need gets some fulfillment in who they see out there. are they feeding the need. >> thank you. >> all right on the this story.
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an american being held by houthi rebels is now freed. he is now safe in oman. houthi rebels holding three other americans in yemen. >> a pilot is dead after a small plane crashes in california right after takeoff. the aircraft turning into a ball of flame on impact monday night. look at the pictures on your screen in the san francisco bay area. the faa said pilot reported control problems before going down. the unidentified victim was the only person on board. olympic gold medalist and tv star bruce jenner is transitioning to a woman and revealing her new look and his name as caitlyn jenner on the cover of "vanity fair". shattering a twitter record in the process. jenner's new twitter account at caitlyn underscore jenner now the fastest account to reach a
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million viewers. it beat out president obama who did it in four and a half hours. >> what's your reaction? >> i think it's startling to see him as caitlyn. it's fascinating. i want to see more. i think that it's all just sort of a brave new world and we're along for the ride because he/she has been so transparent about this. what do you think? >> i think that the good side in this because there's nothing good about people judging bruce jenner's private decisions. you know how i feel about this stuff. he's wanted to make it public. by doing that he's taken something and put it on its head. people see transgender as fringe there's something wrong with these people now you have a guy who i don't care how you feel about anything in the world if you don't think bruce jenner is one of the best athletes to come out of america you don't know anything about athleticism. but now bruce jenner saying will
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you accept me now it changes the whole dialogue. i hope it doesn't come at too big of a price for him. this is very difficult. >> we'll talk about all of this more in the program and let us know how you feel. you can find us both on twitter. >> here in the northeast get ready for another round of severe storms and intense rain. that's not me saying it. that's chad everett myer. he decided to go sunny but he bought this. >> i took the texas rain and spread it out. that's okay. it's not raining in texas any more. i'm the robin hood of weather. four inches at roosevelt park. fairfield, connecticut up to three and a half and still raining in some spots. be careful out there. you'll be driving around this morning. you may see some puddles. some may be deeper than you think. we still have flood watches in places as well for boston down to almost new york city. the rain does spread itself out again. we get some showers. they go away and come back again
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for thursday and friday. many heavier showers will be down south. all the way down to the south coast of miami see very heavy rainfall at times. here they come. there they go. afternoon type showers. hot across the south. orlando all the way to 92 on thursday. 92 is a dream in boston. today the high only 52. >> all right. thanks so much for that forecast. several major american cities experiencing a spike in violent crimes. gun violence and murders on the rise. what is behind this troubling trend?
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cancers. so we can predict and treat cancer. and sometimes even prevent it from happening in the first place. to learn more or support the cause go to . several american cities battling a spike in crime. cities from new york to l.a. seeing a surge in gun violence after nearly two decades of declining crime rates. topping the list is milwaukee where homicides are up a staggering 180% from this time last year. this according to the "wall street journal" who crunched the numbers. joining us now the milwaukee
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county sheriff david clark. sheriff, thanks so much for being here. >> my pleasure. >> sheriff, milwaukee's gun violence homicides up 180%. to what do you attribute that? >> this is a manifestation of these failed social engineering projects going on here in milwaukee masquerading as social justice and criminal reform it's created a revolving door. police arrest career criminals, take them into custody, get them charged with offenses only have the criminal justice spit them back out to these neighborhoods to reoffend one again. this has bean disaster for these struggling communities here in the milwaukee area and we're suffering as a result. >> so sheriff, in other words, you attribute all of this to the fact that what prison sentences are too lenient, they are not long enough? >> right. things like community
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corrections. these are all failed experiments. deferred prosecutions where they won't charge an individual thinking that you know some job training and some counselling is what will make these career individuals where criminal behavior is deeply ingrained inside of them that it will turn them around. they haven't worked anywhere. maybe in a limited capacity. when you try them on a scale they do not work. we're seeing the result of that. i've made it clear of that in milwaukee that this day was going to come so here we are. >> mother you incarcerations would be the other. there's this theory because of what happened in ferguson and other places where police were under the spotlight for excessive force they felt hamstrung and police backed off, basically policing because of the federal oversight. do you see that nexus? >> well you know there's been a constant barrage against the
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american police officer but that's something recent. we're at a tipping point. it came sooner than i thought. the fact is the police here and across america have not quit on their community. they have too much honor and commitment. they wouldn't do that. what's lacking now is that proactive, self initiating policing where officers take risks under the rule of law they develop a reasonable suspicion, they approach an individual they ask some questions, if they have that reasonable suspicion they might being armed they pat them down and conduct that investigation. but those are high-risk stops we call them. sometimes it can lead to an officer's death as it did in new york with officer brian moore who was engaged in that very same thing and so when they realize, the american police officer, that we don't have the backing of the political class who has not risen above the slime being thrown around at us they will back off on that sort of stuff and answer calls for service. if we want the american police officer to be assertive once again because once you turn that
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engine off, cops they run at high rpms, hyper vigilante, their engine is running all the time once you shut that engine down it's hard to restart. it's not worth taking the risk if you lose your life or end up with some criminal indictment. >> your seeing that in your department? you're the boss obviously of your sheriff's department. your seeing your deputies not trusting their gut any more? >> i'm seeing that all across the country. i've been all across the country. i spend some time out in new york about a month or six weeks ago and this is what the american police officer -- i spent a week in washington, d.c. during police week and while officers all across america came up to me and that's what they say. sheriff, we don't know any more. we don't trust political class. we don't know if it's twosht proactive these high-risk stops and engaging self-initiating policing. go to calls for service we get sent to until we feel we have this -- we know we have the
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backing of the community. right now we do not having the backing of the political class. >> what's the answer? obviously we have also seen on the flip side that there have been cases of excessive force and have been cases of bad police officers doing bad things even milwaukee in 2011 was the subject of a department of justice oversight because of a whole bunch of things like racial profiling, searches without probable cause, targeting minorities for harassment excessive use of force. those are not things that engender good feeling in the community but you want police officers to trust their gut. what's the fine balance here? what's the answer? >> first of all, some of the things you raise and none of that is proven. i want to see the data that suggests any of that stuff is going on here. first of all, we have too much involvement from the department of justice. we're trying to emasculate these officers.
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one of the things that i think needs to happen here is for the political class all across the united states who engaging this slime throwing for some cheap political points to back off, knock it off, let us go back to work keep an eye on us sure i have no problem with that. i do that on a daily basis here in my own organization but i don't need any involvement from the federal government and i don't need these politicians out there trying to score cheap political points at the expense of the american law enforcement officer and once we feel confident enough that we have the support of the political class we know we have the support of these munts. i don't care what people are saying. we could not get this done if we didn't. once we realize we have the support of the political class who won't use us for political purposes you'll see more assertive policing more proactive policing. >> sheriff david clark we appreciate you coming on "new day" with your perspective. >> my pleasure. we'll go to break and give
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you much more on this deadly river cruise disaster ongoing right now in china. that's a man tapping on a hull trying to get to trapped survivors. showing people where to start drilling through the hull. even using torches. this could be the most deadly accident in china's history. we have the latest coming up. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta!
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. we have breaking news 400 plus people are fighting to survive in the water right now. rescuers are scouring waters and take a look at this. this is the yangtze river in china. that man is using a hammer to tap on the hull that's out of the water right now to find survivors. they believe people are trapped inside this ferry that turned over in the river last night. the captain and the engineer have been taken into custody. they say they were hit by a tornado. the river experienced very severe weather. this eastern star is still up on top of the water since 9:30 last night. they had half a dozen survive. so many unaccounted for. five bodies recovered so far. this is way far from over. remember back in april we just dealt with this in south korea
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some 300 people involved there. again, there were charges brought against the captain. too early to say what's going on with the situation right now in china. but this is a frantic rescue effort going on. we have cnn on the scene. david mckenzie is there. david i was taking people through how we got to this point that it started at night and that they are still searching now. what's the latest? >> reporter: well you can see perhaps the buses passing behind me. they had frantic search through the day here. weather is playing a big part and also playing a part in our live signal right now because they had people on top of the hull there in this bad weather, tapping thounl with hammers trying to hear if anyone can callback or tap back in any air pockets underneath the hull where hundreds are believed to still be missing inside this river cruise that's overturned
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in the yangtze river. it's a desperate scene right now. they pulled out a few people today but still it's looking really less hopeful as time passes on and serious questions being asked just what happened. it's believed there might have been some sort of weather and if gust of wind that flipped the boat on its side and then on its bow effectively and the chief engineer and the captain managed to escape. they have been brought into custody and it really does have a feeling of that ferry disaster in south korea, you'll remember chris, that shocked everyone. right now hope is fading with the light. >> always a curiosity in these situations when the captain and crew wind up making it and others don't. >> when they are some of the first off the ship. >> they are supposed to stay on and maintain the safety. those rules of navigation go throughout the world. we saw with the "costa concordia" in italy where they
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had the captain and crew there watching other people while in the safety of a boat that turned out very badly there. we saw in south korea that the captain was held to account. here the account is saying it was weather. the weather is very severe. the big headline is hundreds could be trapped in that hull. they are trying to get at them with blow torches and cutting tools. meanwhile more and more americans say they are not satisfied with the war on isis and putting the blame on president obama. now a new plan to fight isis is emerging.
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we have some new proof of what should be obvious at this point. americans like you do not like how the war against isis is going and you blame the president. a new cnn/orc poll say you disapprove of president obama's approach. many lawmakers are calling for a change there. we're hearing whispers of boots on the ground american boots once again. is that the right move? is there a bigger move to be made? joining us now the former u.s. ambassador to iraq james jeffrey. ambassador jeffrey thank you very much for joining us. we know people are not happy with how the war is going, they are blaming the president. here's another poll that gives us some insight as to the government in iraq. what do we see inobvious numbers
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to you, i'm sure 20% confidence the rest not confident. let's go the map and discuss what may be behind that is a legitimate reason for not having the confidence in the government and that is that you do not have a really united in anyway population in iraq. we're showing people all the different sects. the shi'ites and sunnis kurds up in the northeast, sunni-kurd mix, sunny-shi'ite mix down south. is it time to recognize that the sectarian nature of iraq is definitive and that it should be split up into regions? >> in my view absolutely not. first of all, iraq was holding together pretty well over the bulk of the decade that i was working in or on iraq and what changed, isis showed up from syria. and the better solution is to defeat isis. that's the goal of the administration. if you try to break up iraq
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you'll have a situation like yugoslavia in the 1990s no, one will know where to draw the borders. people from one sect or religious group will be on the other side and they will want to join their compatriots and the result is everyone fighting everyone. we had this country and the iraq iraqis had this country under relative peace in 2012 and 2013. >> the struggle has been pronounced along these lines which part of iraq are you talking about. we see the problems very clearly demonstrated and the problems with the military and who to arm. i mean clearly the idea of a centralized government is not working the way it needs to. why so immediately resistant to the idea of seeing more regional control? it works in other places. >> regional control, decentralization of power actually is not a bad idea. that's what the kurds have in the north. that's one of the proposals to empower the sunni arabs who are
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in the west of the country where isis has made most of its gains. more local involvement, more local engagement more local say over their own lives including their security is not a bad idea but that's not incompatible with a nation status or incompatible with a sovereign set of borders. when you try to create independent countries along ethnic lines you're opening the door to more trouble. bay forward with iraq and syria is to defeat isis and if we don't get our mind around that it's going to grow and become ever more of a threat to us and the entire region. >> two things, one obviously your consideration looms large. obviously when you draw lines in the sand we can have problems. however when you look at why isis is a problem it seems fairly clear, one thing that distinguishes this group of mad men is you had these baathists, saddam loyalists
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leave and feel disenfranchised and now make isis what it is today. it speaks to the idea of addressing the sectarian conflict. my confusion is i say split them up into different regions, that's an idea. you say don't do that regional control is okay. is that just a semantic difference you don't have to redraw the borders to remove the power and give to it the people. >> remember in that region understands the difference between local control, local governance and an independent state and the sovereignty that comes with it particularly the identity of the state. if you are a sunni arab who winds up in a kurdish state or a shia arab in a sunni arab state you just lost your identity. whereas if you're in a states multicultural state like iraq you can have identity and still be part of the larger whole. in terms of the baathist you're right. but we had to deal with them
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from 2003 to 2012. they were under control and defeated by their own sunni arabs in the awakening. what's different now is isis. isis and its military capabilities that have to be fought by military means. you can break iraq up or not break iraq up but the problem remains you have to defeat isis and that's a military problem. >> and where these two ideas come together to beat isis you need to do better with the different regional populations that are fighting because the iraq army by itself isn't doing it on several different levels so the question is how do you get around that central government and take this fight the way you need to on a local level. ambassador thank you very much for giving us the perspective as always. >> to another big story people are talking about today, bruce jenner has transitioned to a woman and her new identity as caitlyn jenner is on full display on the cover of "vanity fair". we'll bring you the revelation from this in depth profile and the reaction to it next.
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bruce jenner setting a new
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record not as an olympic athlete but as a woman hitting one million followers on twitter in four hours. jenner revealing her new identity as caitlyn on the cover of "vanity fair". joining us now to talk about reaction is our medial analyst. great to have both of you here. kimberly let me start with you. what do you think of seeing caitlyn jenner on the cover of "vanity fair". >> i atheist an important member for the transgender community but the most important thing is just humanize transgender people and to do that you got to get to know someone. we all kind of know someone who is transgender now. >> easy thing to do as we were discussing before and up to this point of bruce jenner you could argue was predominant in private company push transgender aside. these are people who cry for help. now you have bruce jenner and
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what statement does he make to people? >> well we all know him as the world athlete, as the superstar, as the man on the wheaties box. to embrace his female self and speak in a way that's so relatable and humanizing talk about not wanting to live a lie any more that this is the real me that's something everybody can relate to in their own unique way. we talk about that twitter record. now it's almost 2 million for caitlyn jenner. now she has this mega phone. she's using the mainstream media and social media in order to make this message reach the whole world. >> i naively thought caitlyn would look like bruce jenner with long hair but she doesn't. and she talks about having facial femininization surgery and the fact that she's in lingerie. there's a big statement. this is a different person that we're looking at. >> yeah. she's not messing around.
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i do think it's important to keep in mind that we're talking about somebody who has a lot of resources. a lot of money to go through these procedures. >> a lot of money. >> she looks different than some other people who are transitioned because she had a lot of cosmetic surgery. >> i think probably there's a lot of support in that way. but i think, you know, at the end of the day the support that matters the most is the support and love that's coming from her friends and family. and what i hope is that caitlyn coming out is going to let a lot of other families just going to give them the green light to say you know what? it's okay if i support by transdaughter or son or my friend who just came out will share that with me i'll find a way to be supportive. >> part of the stink that was put on bruce jenner when this was happening he's a reality star now he'll do anything for attention. how much time how much pain
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how serious is something like going through this transition? >> you know i don't even think you can call it a decision to go through this. i think it was a decision made for me. there was no decision to be made. i had to do. i transitioned a while ago but just a matter of how long i could stave it off and keep it hidden. >> there's nothing convenient about it or easy about it. >> absolutely. i think if anybody had to choose to go through this stuff you'll say no that's too much work. >> when we were prepping for this segment we were given these great ideas about things coming up as reaction to this. the lingerie as you said. she's 65. she didn't go into a cave to avoid the kardashian. is that good news that we're discussing? i was dismissing. i don't care. maybe that's a good level of discussion to have because it shows the big headline, bruce
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jenner is now caitlyn jenner. we're accepting that. we're worried about what she's wearing and her hair. >> last night it was jessica lange. it is entertainment news. it's also historic milestone. it's good we're covering it on all of those levels. i've seen negativity online but overwhelmed by the positivity especially among young people. >> i guess this is so disorienting to kris jenner who lived with decades disappear. >> you know, people my family and friends some of them will speak of loss or a death. but you know what? even though they said that initially the ones who stuck around because i did lose some friends but ones who stuck around would be hard pressed now to reflect back 20 years and say
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if i was male or female at the time. the point being that who you really are is more important and people tend to forget about whether you were male or female at the time. >> that's so interesting. your essence is still there but i don't think khrisris jenner is there yet. >> here's a world that will have to reconcile. what about the guy who broke all the records and wheaties box and helped shape the minds and hearts of so many kids how do we reconcile that with caitlyn. is bruce still there. was that caitlyn. there's a lot of questions. >> very smart she will be accepting the espy award on espn next month before her reality show. >> be interesting to watch. thank you so much. great to get your perspective. where is your take? please tweet us using the #new
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day cnn. >> caitlyn jenner big story. but this ship capsized in china. let's get to it. river cruise capsizes in china. >> among the survivors the ship's captain and chief engineer. a desperate search is under way. >> john kerry is now back in the united states after breaking his leg. >> kerry's injury could impact several critical discussions including the ongoing nuclear discussions with iron. >> quit wasting time on innocent american people. >> national security agency officially shut down its phone meta data collection program. >> the white house still will not spell out whether or not americans are less safe now. >> the families of americans being held in iran are headed to capitol hill today. >> please help me at home. >> this is "new day" with chris
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cuomo. good morning everyone. welcome back to your "new day". we do begin with breaking news for you because a frantic search is under way for survivors after a river cruise ship sinks in china. hundreds of people were on board this ship and they are feared dead. rescuers like this man using a hammer hoping to hear any signs of life inside. >> the tapping on the hull they are hoping to hear sounds back. then using cutting tools and even blow torches to get in. why aren't they going underneath? the water is moving quickly in the yangtze. in terms of survivors, we do know that about a dozen people have been rescued, five bodies have been recovered and most importantly the ship's captain and engineer both survived and were taken into police custody. let's get right to the scene. that's where nn is david mckenzie live in china.
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david. >> reporter: that's right. it's been a terrible day here in china with scores in fact hundreds stuck under the hull of that river cruise. some of them tapping back when they tapped with the hammer as you described, they had differs, military here they had all sorts of personnel all in the area rushing to the scene trying to get people out. certainly the weather is not helping, chris. it's been raining and raining steadily for hours since we arrived on the scene and they have been trying to get people out. only a few they managed to pull out including a 65-year-old woman who they brought out stunned but alive from this cruise but still hundreds as the hours tick by certainly the hope is fading fast and as you say the engineer and the captain escaped it seems from the sinking. seems to be some kind of weather event a blast of wind which tipped the ship on its side and underneath had more than 100 vessels here conducting the search and i have to say the military, the chinese military is all over this place.
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but they say the hope is fading as the light fades. chris? >> david, thank you so much. you can see in these pictures how the ship is moving down the river because of the strong currents. why is the big question right now again, david is reporting that the captain said it's weather however he and the engineer were taken into police custody. in other news secretary of state john kerry returning to boston for surgery this morning on the leg he broke in a cycling accident. not clear how long his recovery will take or how that recovery will affect state business. let's go to cnn global affairs correspondent. we have more from outside massachusetts general hospital where secretary kerry will be treat this morning. and the negotiations with iran loom large. >> reporter: good morning, chris. secretary kerry arrived here at massachusetts general hospital late last night. he flew over from geneva with his surgeon who flew to ge he in to accompany him back. they came back on that c-17
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military transport plane that was outfitted with a team of doctors and a lot of medical equipment. later this morning the doctor will set secretary kerry's broken leg. he broke that femur when he that bicycle accident in geneva. but first he started the day calling into that isis conference in paris. that's why he was on that trip to europe and he's missing that conference his deputy and special envoy to the isis koolgs john allen sitting in for him but secretary kerry, his aides say he's adamant to get back to work resume his travel schedule in particular those iran nuclear negotiations. i think the state department really trying to tamp down the idea that secretary kerry's injury would affect those negotiations. not sure how realistic that is. no one questions his determination. obviously he's very physically fit as you've seen from those biology pictures but he did suffer a very serious injury with that broken femur.
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he a previous hip replacement in that same area and he's not a young man, so i think it's going to be a pretty steep road to recovery despite his obvious determination to get back to work. allison. >> thanks so much for all of that background. let's bring in state department spokesman john kirby. hi admiral. >> good morning. >> so what can you tell us about secretary kerry's condition at this hour? >> the secretary is here at the hospital massachusetts general as reported and he's preparing for a surgical procedure later this morning to set that leg that right femur he broke in a biking accident there near the french alps. but as she also reported he's been very active even this morning at roughly 4:45 in the morning he was on the phone with his deputy who is in paris at this coalition meeting against isil. a few minute later he joined
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that same conference by phone, he was on the phone for more than or about an hour before he jumped off to begin his preparations for this surgical procedure. during that time he spoke for a full 20 25 minutes reinforced the five lines of effort that the united states and our coalition partners are taking against isil. the frank progress we made some progress and some success. very honest and candid about the challenges that remain ahead. he's very much engaged even this morning. >> man, he's dedicated to be on a long conference call when no doubt uncomfortable. let's talk about how complicated this surgery will be what will it entail? >> i'm not a doctor and i don't want to speak for his surgeon but the leg the right femur is broken and it does need to be reset. there's a surgical procedure that will be performed to set that leg. i'm not an expert. i can't tell you exactly what that will look like or feel like but the doctor is a renowned
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orthopedic surgeon. he's the one that worked on secretary kerry's hip replacement surgeries, so a very good relationship there and we're all going to be watching it throughout the morning. >> how long do you expect him to be out of commission and what does this mean for his travel schedule? >> i think the answer to your first question is i don't. the secretary has not been out of commission since the moment he fell in that accident. and i don't expect that he's going to be out of commission even later today. now, obviously, he knows that you know when you break a leg this size there's a recovery period there's physical therapy that has to be done. i think the way i would describe his approach to that is he'll be responsible in terms much that recup recuperative effort. he's still secretary of state. >> obviously there's no convenient time to break your femur but this seems like a particularly bad time given the
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whole iran nuclear deal. so how will he be able to be fully engaged with that? >> well first of all, he is going to be fully engaged. he'll remain in the lead for the negotiations. nothing has changed about our intent to see the june 30th deadline for this deal met. he's absolutely committed to that. the particulars of how we were going get to scrutinize 30th are still being worked out even if he hadn't broken his leg, stale lot of work to be done set the agenda for meetings to get to that june 30th dead lynn. there's a lot of work to be done by everybody not just our team and secretary kerry. but he'll remain in the lead and stay very active. >> let's talk about that june 30th deadline. how likely is that. how far apart did we last leave the two sides? >> we're still committed to that deadline and we still believe that it is practical, achievable goal. no question about that. now also no question about it that there are still some
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differences that has to be worked out. some on the technical side some on the political side some working done right now, secretary kerry met with his iranian counterparts in geneva with foreign minister just a couple of days ago and flushed out some more issues. there's a lot of work still to be done and everybody knows that. >> you're hopeful, you think by june 30th there will be a bona fide deal? >> that is our expectation and that's the plan we're driving at. >> all right. john kirby, great to see you. sorry it's in the driving rain there. and please keep us posted on secretary kerry's health and the update after the surgery. >> i will. thanks for having me back. >> great to see you. chris >>. new headline in politics. hillary clinton's poll numbers heading in the wrong direction according to a new cnn/orc poll and a new nemesis in the gop and
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a contender on that side having his own issues with the family name. what do you see in the numbers? >> chris, hillary clinton of course is still the dominant force in the democratic presidential race. but some of the controversies over the last two months are starting to take a toll on her campaign. now let's take a look and break down some of these numbers. more people have an unfavorable view of clinton, 50%. that's the highest point since 2001. here's why. only 49% of people say she inspires confidence. only 42% of people now say she's honest and trustworthy. and only 47% of people say she cares about people like you. now across the board these numbers are down significantly from march right before she announced her candidacy. chris there are warning signs for jeb bush too in this poll. more than half of the people 56% say the bush family name is not an attribute and his connection to his brother and his father say it is not a reason to vote for him.
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now all presidential elections are about the future. we asked this. which candidate represents the future. take a look at these numbers. marco rubio, 58%. rand paul 53%. hillary clinton is 51%. jeb bush only 34% say he represents the future. this may be the biggest political surprise so far of the year. jeb bush is entering the summer in a much weaker position than most republicans assumed and as he's set to formally jump in later this month he has his challenges and work cut-out for him. >> thanks so much for that. an american being held by houthi rebels in yemen is now free. let's get to barbara starr. >> reporter: good morning. this american a freelance journalist now back in oman being freed by the iranian backed houthi rebels in yemen. how he got free may be the story here. u.s. officials, administration
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officials confirming a story overnight in the "wall street journal" that senior administration officials met secretly with the iranian backed houthi rebels in yemen. they were there to discuss a number of matters with them trying to get a cease-fire trying to get a political solution with the houthis taking over in yemen but the talks devolved into discussing getting a number of americans freed out of yemen. the journalist will make his way back home and getting medical treatment. there are a number of other americans not exactly clear how many also said to be held by the houthi rebels. the americans in secret talks last week with the houthis for the first time direct talks with them. they got this man out. they are working to get the others out, obviously. unclear about the status of these americans. one of them a dual national, a yemen-american others american citizens.
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houthis perhaps detaining them perhaps arresting them not clear if they are really being held as hostages, if there are any demands for their release but it's been a very much an under the table secret negotiation with the houthis. they now got one american out after these direct secret talks with them. there is hope that the other americans will be coming home. chris? >> barbara, thank you very much. another headline. the acting tsa chief is out. why? too many lapses in security recently high liked by an undercover homeland security investigation. the result? weapons and fake bombs getting through security how often? 95% of the time. as a result homeland security chief jeh johnson now ordering the tsa to revise screening procedures re-evaluate screening equipment and conduct new training. >> a daring escape caught on video, two suspects try to evade police in north houston following a traffic stop. they both out of that black car at the height of rush hour.
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they cross six lanes of traffic and then they jump off the freeway, then they vanish into wooded area. after a 90-minute search by air and ground police found that duo and arrested them. wow. they wanted to get away from something. >> that's right. and they didn't. more importantly. >> there's the lesson. the debate over restarting nsa surveillance bogging down in the senate. a logjam is nothing new. however you'll hear why this delay could be jeopardizing your safety. legit cause for concern coming up. ♪ music plays love you by the free design ♪ ♪ attendant: welcome back.
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check your clock it's now 31 hours and counting since key provisions of the patriot act expired. the senate is prepared to take up the usa freedom act which is similar but different when it comes to surveillance. however it would restore most of the provisions and that is a very important thing. say people in the intelligence communities. one very important person who has to say that is mike rogers former republican chairman of the house intelligence committee now a cnn national security commentator. very good to have you on as always. let's take a look at the numbers and set the table for why we're even in this debate in the first place. should congress renew nsa surveillance program. 61-36 yes. those are even better than your polling numbers back in the day mike rogers. let's look at this as a party
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breakdown. republicans 73. democrats 63. even independents 55. why are we having this debate? >> that's a great question. unfortunately i think it has more to do with presidential politics than it does the national security of the united states and that's what worries me. >> how did we get here? i get snowden, i get the dump i get all those guys and the push back that they let out too much information and he's a felon and flies to russia and everybody is looking and big brother at my phone calls i don't like it. then we find out they are not looking at my phone calls. it's mega data. maybe it's effective, maybe it isn't. here we are. what happened? >> a whole host of things. the snowden, when he went public with the stolen information that belonged to the american public it created a huge misinformation campaign that started and even candidly the media fed into it mass surveillance. when you hear those kind of terms people thought hey they are listening to my phone calls
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or recording my phone calls or recording my emails and reading them when they want to. none of that was true. i think over time the facts came out, people realized hey this is exactly what you put on an envelope that you put in the mail that you give to the u.s. government the post office every day the to/from. that's what they were holding. so there were changes made last year to say okay the nsa won't hold the information. we'll do it with the phone companies. all those accommodations happened. the public said yeah that sounds fair. no abuses were publicized. people were not getting abused by this. very ju dish very judiciously used. >> if you're rand paul he wants the attention. let's give to it him. he's holding up his phone and say they will take your privacy. he's holding up his hand and say
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look we now know from the courts it's unconstitutional. the courts did not fine it unconstitutional. they found it illegal on the basis of how the statute section 215 was written which means rewrite the law you exceeded what you expected in this current statute. is he to blame for this? >> well i think he certainly shares the blame and there's a lot of politicians that use this issue to try to say we're the only ones that care about your civil liberties. it's only us. you have to be for us. they took that ideaologyical hard ground not realizing the american public was fast ahead of them. they understand isis when they pick up the phone in syria and call the united states we need an investigative tool to figure out who it is. they are smart enough you call them burn phones. this is important. we saw this in criminal activities when i was an fbi agent and certain lie terrorists are on it. they will use a phone tore a day or two days and throw it away. the changes they allowed to
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lapse would make the fbi have to go back to court every time they threw away the phone even if they knew the number that's ridiculous. it means terrorists can stay ahead of the game every single day and that's just wrong. >> that's what i was going to ask you about. it's not just about the meta data it's the warrants need by the intelligence community to track up new numbers and as you just said burn phones make that a very realistic capability for people and you have to have the ability to stay on top of that. now you get into well what is this doing to us from a security perspective. help me with this. i'm getting two different ideas. one is hey, every day i can't do this stuff i'm farther behind the guys i was chasing before. then i'm getting the other one is meta data was a real headache for me anyway. not really the way i'm going after bad guys. what do you think, mike? >> any time you take an investigative tool, the met squa data they say there was no smoking gun on meta data let me
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give you a quick example. there was case where they called from overseas a known terrorist called into the country to somebody in colorado. they used the fbi then went out and got the warrants all the things they are supposed to do. who is that guy? they call at any time second hop. they figured out that guy called somebody in new york city and that person in new york city the fbi did know who they were but they had some suspicion they were terrorists. come to find out those were the guys trying to blow up the subway trains in new york city. if you didn't have that first clue you didn't get the second clue. you never would have stopped that case where they were getting ready to blow up trains in new york city. it's an investigative tool and so you have to have all of those tools if you're going to stay ahead of the terrorists. what i worry about is maybe it doesn't happen today or the last three days. maybe you don't miss any clue. what if you do miss that clue that gives the second hop to some operation that's getting planned. that's what i worry about. we shouldn't be in this spot. there's no reason that we had to do it this way.
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it seems to me it was more of a political temper tantrum to get attention for somebody's political ambitions versus how do we work through this make sure our civil liberties are protected and oh, by the way we catch people trying to slaughter innocent men, women and children in the united states. >> let's see if they can get it right. if they question the freedom act' change it too much it has to go back to the house and than whole cycle for us. thank you for the perspective on this. much needed. >> could a couple of months of questions over the clinton foundation funding be taking a toll on hillary's campaign? we have just released cnn polls and john king will give us all the findings on "inside politics".
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we're following breaking news. crews right now are working furiously to find survivors after a river cruise ship sank iran china. cnn has learned 458 passengers were on board the eastern star when it capsized monday night in the dark during horrible weather. at this point five bodies have been recovered. that means hundreds and hundreds
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of people are unaccounted for. as you saw there, the man is lying on the hull. he hasn't collapsed. he's pounding with a hammer. they say they are hearing people in the hull. so they are trying to get to the survivors, the waters are moving too quickly and too much ship underneath the water to do it with divers. they are doing it that way using cutting instruments. the engineer and captain are both in police custody. they say they got hit by something like a tornado. this is a reminder the south korean ferry that sank last year killing more than 300 people most were high school students. we'll stay on this and give the latest. another story there's been a shake up at the tsa after stunning failures by airport security screeners. the acting chief of the tsa being reassigned following an undercover operation that showed 95% of dangerous items getting through security. including weapons and fake bombs. homeland security secretary jeh johnson directing the tsa to
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revise its screening procedures now, conduct new training and re-evaluate screening equipment. >> headline from the supreme court, you may not feel like it's right to do it but doesn't mean you don't have a right to do it. the court siding with a pennsylvania man who posted violent messages on facebook. he was convicted under a federal threat statute after posting several vicious rap lyrics on his social media account when his wife left him. the justices ruled in his favor to say this was not enough evidence to prove intent to carry out the threats. being mean not enough. take a look at this video. a little boy left alone in the back seat of a running truck. this is in florence kentucky. this has gone viral. it's triggering outrage from parents and a warning from police. a witness shot the video and confronted the father when he returned to the vehicle and that triggered a brief argument before the dad drove off. police have now seen the tape
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and are investigating. all right. quick debate. which side are you on? >> i don't know. >> got to take a side. >> i think it's okay to leave a child in a car for five minutes while you run into the pharmacy to pick something up. >> windows up or down. >> windows cracked. not on a hot day. >> stop telling me how i parent. worry about how you parent. i think the line it's too far. >> a child can be left alone -- >> it's up to you. udon leave a kid in a hot car or leave a kid alone. people make different deckses with their lives. a lot of citizen policing out there that we don't they'd. what do you think, john king as we get "inside politics" on "new day" with john king. you see my kid in a car will you pull out your cell phone? >> i won't pull out my cell phone. couple months back there was a car in the car and i sat there
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until a person came out of cvs. i wasn't creepy. >> john i thank you for watching my son for that time. thank you. >> that's right. >> while you were getting your nails done. shoko asaharaingly. >> very nice. >> we're going to go "inside politics" and move past creepy people. let's go "inside politics". with me to share the reporting, julie pace of the "new york times". let's use our brand new poll. some interesting things happening in the presidential campaign right now. yes 2016 presidential campaign. some danger signs for hillary clinton in this new poll. she's right now far and away the democratic front-runner. is she honest and trustworthy. 42% of americans say that. in march 50%. march a year ago 56%. i want to move on one more her favorability rating 46% americans view her favorability. you might say not so bad but a drop from 55% in june of 2014.
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the second one doesn't surprise me but she's going down. the honesty and trustworthy. if four in ten americans view her as honest and trustworthy can she be elected president. >> she can be the democratic nominee. in the general election that number could hurt her. as you say some of this is inevitable. she's gone from being secretary of state, in a bubble to back in the political arena. you can't point to one specific thing that's happened in the last couple of months. not just the emails or the foundation fundraising but it is the culmination i think of all of them that you're seeing impact these numbers. this reminder of some of the baggage that comes with the clintons. >> some of the things she's done like the e-mail server john makes it easier to connect the dots to stuff than just say clintons. >> exactly right. so this is a result of two things combination of the glow from not being a diplomat any more and being seen as a politician and the fact she's
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had a, you know two months now of tough stories about her and about issues surrounding her. but you made an important point, john there in your introand we're a polarized country. these numbers have to be looked at in that perspective. yes, they are not great numbers but we're not at a point now in america with we have elections where you can win 49 states. >> i do think whether it's her campaign or friends in the super p.a.c. community money has to be spent to bring her credibility, her character, her trustworthiness back up money that would be otherwise attacking the republicans. they are going to have to take a pot of money and use to it try to build her back up that otherwise would be better spent doing something else. one of the democratic opponentses is bernie sanders. he's polling at 15%. owes pulling some space on the left. he wants to have early debates. he wrote to the chairman of the
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democratic party and said i believe these debates will put in focus the shallow and ridiculous proposals being advocate by the recandidates. he wants to get going sooner than later. in the letter he doesn't go after secretary clinton. he said this will help the party. but why does bernie sanders want to speed up the lock? >> bernie sanders need to get on people's radar. he's known as the progressive wing of the party, has a lot of support there. most americans don't know who this guy is. if there's early debates this summer he can get on people's television screens and start to draw a sharper distinction with secretary clinton. >> it's a basic rule of politics the one lagging behind wants more debates. more free attention being the key point. >> one person who won't be in the debates and some of her big supporters are acknowledge that
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warren. they will shut down the draft warren movement. file that one away. facing reality. she won't run. many of those drifting to bernie sanders or martin o'malley. when it comes to hillary clinton versus republicans. you can look at this as half full or half empty. ran pull comes closest. he's only one points behind hillary clinton. marco rubio, hillary clinton plus three over marco rubio and scott walker and plus eight over jeb bush and plus nine over ted crews. you can say history says democrats will lose. you can look at this and say her name is clinton, the democrats have won the last two presidential elections rather convincingly and if we're that close to her we're within striking distance. >> because of those two factors, that's where the numbers are. there's a natural itch. president obama's numbers are okay. not great. but at the same time she does
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have and more importantly her husband has this sort of glow from being in national politics for the last 45 years that helps in those kinds of national polls. but it's june of 2015. head-to-head polls are not nearly as important as the other stuff. >> i think one of the things that's interesting when you break down those numbers is who is she closest with there. it's three candidates who are younger, newer to the scene, can bring a different energy than a jeb bush who she has an eight point lead over. a rub jobs walker paul who won't end up being the nominee those type candidates will be tougher. >> they are not as well-known so they tend to do better among younger voters and independents than those who have name i.d.. the latest republican into the race rick perry but lindsey graham jumped in yesterday and he made pretty clear he's going 0 run largely on one issue. >> i'm running for president of
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the united states because i am ready to be commander-in-chief on day one. i have more experience with our national security than any other candidate in this race. [ applause ] that includes you, hillary. [ laughter ] >> at the moment he's at 1% in our new poll and we can put up some of the numbers at the top. marco rubio on top at 14%. jeb bush right behind him at 13%. don't celebrity equate too much senator. that's movement for marco rubio. lindsey graham is what i call below the trump line at the moment but he's a sharp debater. he wants to talk about foreign policy. he's been after rand paul repeatedly because of the nsa surveillance debate. he'll have an impact on the race. in part he's from south carolina too and votes third.
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but hard to see it right now. >> sometimes you get the sense with lindsey graham he's in this race to jab rand paul as many times as key. he'll be a national security candidate and than the it. that's his space here. he wants to keep this party honest on national security. he doesn't want to see any movement back towards this isolationist wing. he feels he can shape this debate. i think to some degree he will. >> republicans have no clue what they want right now. we were talking about before we came on. nevada failed to pass a bill. jeb bush and marco rubio were counting on that. play up their spanish language skills. play up the latino vote. this field is wide-open right now and that calendar nonchange doesn't help the establishment guys. >> like the forgotten state among the early primary states and the bush folks especially wanted this switch. it's not going to happen. unless the governor for some
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reason decides to spend taxpayer money to call them back into session to do this it seems unlikely. does jeb bush go out there and compete. he's been there twice once in reno once in less gas. does he compete in a caucus scenario that favors more conservative candidates that are organized with more ideological elements of the party. it's uncertain. >> sometimes people spend too much on this early. these process questions a little bit of the chess that a year from now we kosai acould say ahad a because of that that's where we're at. >> john thanks so much. the families of four americans held in iran are trying desperately to free their loved ones. the son of one of the detained men joins us live next.
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welcome back. today the families of four americans being held in iran are headed to capitol hill to testify before congress and ask for more help to secure the release of their loved. daniel levinson is among those
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testifying. his father was last seen in iran in march of 2007 and believed to longest held american hostage in iran. his son daniel joins us. daniel thanks for joining us even under these circumstances. even how we describe your father's captivity raises questions. now for sure that your father is in iran? >> we don't know for sure that he's actually in iran. we know for sure he did go missing there and that it was on the island of kish right off the coast there. we know that the iranian government should be able to find out what happened to him because he disappeared in their territory and for a foreign citizen to go missing and reappear years later after having gone missing in their own territory, should be a major concern for them especially given the relations with the united states at this moment. >> have they given indications
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that they may have him? >> no. my mother and i traveled over there in 2007 at the end of the year and we met with a number of officials that trip yielded nothing new. we've been in contact with them over the years, the united states government has been in contact with them over the years, but they offered to help. they haven't really followed up as much as we would like. but otherwise we have not gotten any kind of information about his whereabouts snoompry time we do this story and we do it often i like to reintroduce people to what happened here to take them back to the original point because people forget. that's one of the problems we have bringing men like your father home. the video we're showing, the picture of him with the sign how do you account for those? >> well it's been a few years since we got those videos the video and the pictures. we are always appreciative that it stays in the news because it's been eight years and almost
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three months 3,007 days today. it will be in the news every now and then because of the case but the attention dies down and people keep forgetting that he's the longest held hostage in american history. he's still over there. still living a nightmare. and i know my family and i every day we think about what to we need to do next to get him home. we think about all the suffering he's going through and being isolated to everybody he knows and loves. the american people and people around the world need to understand this and be reminded as much as possible. that's why we're very happy to have this hearing later today and provide testimony and remind the american people that my father is still out there and he needs to be brought home and everything that can to be done needs to be done by the u.s. government by the iranian government and it breaks my heart every day that it's been this long and that he's still not reunited with us. >> what has the u.s. government
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been able to tell you about where they think this immediate yaf your father comes from? >> well the videos and pictures they have been emailed to us anonymously and traced to border regions and travel areas east of iran pakistan. but that may not be relevant to the situation because that can easily be scene their media files. that's all we know about it. it's very mysterious. both the media, videos and pictures it's very confusing to us about some of the things because of the signs and his messages. so for us the only thing we got out of that was the fact that he was alive at that time i still believe strongly that he's alive and that he's being kept alive by his captors. other than that we don't know. i honestly don't know where he is. i'm not hearing anything from the u.s. government about where
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they would think he is. >> i know how incredibly frustrating it is for the family to see these wrong going negotiations and everyone on the u.s. side reaching out to iran and having better relations and i'm sure the words where is robert levinson you know you're begging them to be asked in this situation, what's a better gesture. obviously they are trying, a journalist right now but what is a better gesture. what is it like for your family to be living without your father and to know he's somewhere but not able to get him and seemingly all your efforts to get help is not where you need to be. >> every day is a nightmare knowing this is going on. thinking about him and we miss him every day. he's miss sod much with our family. i have six brothers and sisters. and one of seven children between my parents. he's missed weddings the birth of three grandchildren, missed high school graduations, college graduation every holliday and family gatherings are not the
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same and we know he's out there and he wants to get back home to us and we want him home with us. >> daniel we're going to keep telling this story every chance we get. we're here. i wish we could do more. >> thank you for having me and deep word out. >> good luck with the testimony. let us know how it goes. i hope there's good news for you and it comes soon. on a much lighter note can you guess how many watches apple has sold? here's a hint. a lot more than a bushel. that's after the break. nline... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today.
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fathers four weeks off instead of the previous two-week paid and that's to keep top talent from fleeing silicon valley. the apple watch is the most successful debut ever. they have sold 7 million watches ever compare that to 125,000 ipods in the first quarter in 2001 and the watch was the first product apple released in more than one country in the same day and that helps to act for the big numbers, you guys. >> looks good you on. >> ha. >> you make a $25 watch look like a $14,000 watch. >> well played. the university of alabama birmingham reversing course announcing they will play football again.
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andy scholes has more in the bleacher report as alisyn is pulling out the old jerseys. >> you have to feel bad for all the players that were on the team that was terminated and they all had to transfer and leave uab to pursue other opportunities. the president of the university says the only reason this program was able to make the comeback because the school received millions of dollars from individuals and local businesses. >> we are moving forward and we are moving forward together. we wouldn't be here and we have never seen this level of support until we made the decisions that we could no longer afford to do it in a responsible way, so this support is new support. >> uab will not be able to fill the seem in time and it's not clear if they will be back in 2016 either but their athletic director said their goal is to be back on the field as soon as
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possible. and then the pediatric cancer in remission, but she did have a setback last week but good news thumbs up saying she is doing better. definitely good to see because we know she has been through quite the battle. >> absolutely important to update. thank you, my man. major fallout after an investigation finds dangerous items were able to get past airport screeners. when you hear how often you will be shocked. perhaps the most alarming detail is how many different places they found the same problem. a look at the airports when we come back. well, sir. after some serious consideration i'd like to put in my 15-year notice. you're quitting!? technically retiring, sir. with a little help from my state farm agent i plan to retire in 15 years. wow! you're totally blindsiding me here. who's gonna manage your accounts?
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a frantic search underway for survivors after a river cruise ship sinks in china, and the captain and chief engineer has been taken into police custody. >> a major security breach. >> security screeners did not detect the fake weapons. >> is it the technology or the screeners? >> some people say they are afraid to do their job. >> good-bye bruce, hello kaitlyn. >> as soon as the "vanity fair" comes out, i am free. it's 8:00 in the east. we have breaking news this morning. a desperate search underway to find any signs of life for
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hundreds of people after a river cruise capsizes in china, and 458 people reported onboard, and this is the scene earlier, and the current is so fast and so much ship underneath they can't get there so they are using hammers to listen. >> among the survivors, the ship's captain and chief engineer who are now in police custody. let's get in jeanly china. >> that is that search staging ground as they search for survivors as survivors. they managed to pull out over a
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dozen today and yesterday, and there are only a few survivors, including the captain and the chief engineer and questions are being asked, how did they get off when all those passengers mostly senior seut citizens are trapped, and they managed to pull out a 65-year-old woman many hours after the ship san skpbg a 21-year-old man after that and there are signs of hope but the hope is fading fast as darkness falls here in china. >> this tragedy harkens back to the one we saw almost exactly a year ago in south korea when 476 people were killed or stranded when that ferryboat capsized in south korea, and again the captain was looked at there.
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are there comparisons to be made to this tragedy? >> reporter: it's eeriely familiar. there is a belief this could have been a weather event, a gust of wind or wave that tipped the boat over rapidly, it seems, but we don't know at this stage. compareisons will be made when the captain was blamed for that accident. here we just don't know. they are not letting us beyond the point about 300 points behind me because they are focusing on the rescue efforts and the hope is they could rescue more passengers. breaking overnight, fallout at the transportation security
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administration. the active administrator reassigned. why? dangerous security failures after a report reveals fake bombs made it past screeners 95% of the time. suzanne malveaux with more. >> reporter: we all have stories, right? remove your shoes and coat and they confiscate your bottle of water or shampoo, and meanwhile they fail at detecting the dangerous stuff and that's why there is a shake-up overnight at the top, and changes around the country. >> this morning an interim tsa director stepping in. homeland security secretary, jeh
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johnson, reassigned caraway amid alarming security questions about the tsa's effectiveness. they failed 95% of the time during undercover operations and the officers failing 67 out of 70 tests to detect mock explosives. >> these are what they should tprag for additional screening. >> they pose as passengers attempting to pass through checkpoints with the mock weapons. >> i am putting a detonator into the plastic explosive. >> back in 2008 cnn was there for a similar covert operation, and that time it was tsa testing its own officers. they check point the tested
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patted down where it was hidden and it's not until they lift up his shirt. >> i see it now. >> and jeh johnson is redirecting the tsa to conduct training and re-evaluate the screening equipment. >> it's not doing the job we need to. what we need to do is be able to connect the dots and get intelligence information and go after people that pose a risk and they can't do it with the current system. >> secretary johnson finding this as a failure when it comes to the equipment and also the personnel and the training of the personnel and supervision from the top to the bottom so promised to make serious changes and they say they will look at new technology to make sure this kind of result just doesn't happen again, alisyn? >> sounds like they need new
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technology or new something there at the tsa. thank you. john kerry back in boston where he is set to have surgery this morning on a broken leg. the broken leg has not kept kerry from working. what do we know that is going on there this morning, elyse? >> reporter: secretary kerry arrived here at the hospital behind me late last night and flew in with the military transport plane with his surgeon who will be setting his leg in a surgery just a few hours from now. secretary kerry started the day by calling into this isis conference in paris, which he missed after he had that bike accident in geneva. he is adamant to get back to work and the state department trying to tap down the idea that his injury is going to affect
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the nuclear iran negotiations and he is going to be resuming his work and hopes to be resuming his travel schedule. i am not really sure how realistic that is because secretary kerry broke his femur a. very serious injury, and had a hip replacement in that area a few years ago and is not a young man, and so nobody questioning his determination and dedication but it's going to be a long recovery although i have to point out a few years ago when he was out with his hip replace many, he was up and adam before many people expected so he will take the rehabilitation with a real seriousness, but it's going to take a long road. a growing number of voters are expressing trust issues with hillary clinton. how do we know? a new poll revealing a strike for the unfavorable ratings with
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the former secretary of state. let's get to the correspondent. numbers are early but they matter to show a trend. what do we see? >> hillary clinton is still the driving force in the democratic presidential race but her shine tarnished a bit after the first two months of her campaign. 50% have an unfavorable view of clinton and that's the highest point since 2001. here is why. 49% of people believe she inspires confidence and 42% of people say she is honest and trustworthy and 47% of people say she cares about people like you. these key indicators are all down significantly from march just before she announced her candidacy. on the republican side there are warning signs for jeb bush. they say the bush name is not appealing and that makes it less
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likely they will vote for them. the head to head match-ups with clinton are tighter than one month ago and she only has a one point edge over rand paul and it had been 19 points and then over scott walker she has a 3 point edge down from 22 points. independent voters are shifting away from clinton and this is a good reminder alisyn we don't know who will be facing off in the general election next year but we almost certainly know this it will be a close race in a still very divided country. let's get context on all the numbers, and joining us to break them down are our republican strategist and democratic
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strategist. it does show an erosion of support for hillary clinton. >> she made one terrific mistake. she has run for president. that's what is going on here. come on. you get into a race -- she was, of course the secretary of state and before that senator and before that first lady and she achieved almost iconic stattice -- >> just to be clear, you don't think this has to do anything surrounding the clinton foundation funding or her lack of answers to the press and not wanting to talk to them for a month and you don't see a connection? >> no she is running for
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president. it less than just the fear fact she is running. this is going to be a tough race. she is going to have a real challenge for her party's nomination. let's say, hey, it's a tough country and race and it's going to be very close. what you have got to do is look at the other side as well and this is a referendum -- it's a choice and not a referendum right. my job at the super pack is going to say let look at some things. four people who have -- >> you have dizzied me. >> my head is spinning too. >> and kevin, what do you see in her side of the poll and in the numbers of your own, the bracketing that we see now is
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new? >> the democrat talking point that the e-mail controversy and some of the questions about the clinton foundation money fund-raising that is not having an affect on voters? that talking point is absolutely dead. more than anything presidential elections are contest of issues absolutely but they are also a contest of attributes and when voters question things like trustworthiness and a leadership and ability to connect, i think that's what is happening to hillary clinton right now. i think on the republican side what is shaping the race is the appetite for somebody new and different. if you look at the candidates floating towards the top, marco rubio, scott walker rand paul and these are names that are relatively new to a lot of republican voters around the country, so they are starting to gravitate to the new numbers. if you are in the jeb bush campaign and paul is right on this you do have to start to stake a very hard look at the
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numbers and figure out what is your path ahead. >> we are taking paul's cue to redirect towards the gop so let's do that. in the match-up the person that comes close to hillary is rand paul. if you dig deeper what is interesting, his lack of support with women. there is another poll that shows clinton, and this makes sense -- let me show you first this. support for rand paul republicans only from men, 13% and women, 2%. >> six times. >> why that divide? hillary gets a lot of support from women and that's no surprise but he gets so much less 39%. >> well that's a challenge any republican will have a male running against a female the gender identification will become a challenge -- >> there is something in particular about rand paul's
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lack of support from women? >> during his announcement he had high profile tough interviews with women reporters, and i don't think that sat well with women voters so he has his work cut out for him. >> if it's not just those interviews and i am suspicious of that what could account for it? libertarians tend to skew males? what has rand paul put out there that would be rejected to this degree by a gender? >> it's the marital status. the truth is there is not a gender gap as a marriage gap. married women tend to vote republican they do and sorry for my party, and unmarried women in overwhelming numbers, they vote democrat. i think that in particular the
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strict libertarian philosophy that senator paul seems to aspouse goes against some of the values and libertarians has appeals with guys but may fall short with single women. >> in your uncoordinated super pack with the campaign if you were advising hillary clinton would you say not talking to the press is not working for her? >> it's not about you or the press, it's about voters. she is better in a small group meeting with voters than anybody i have ever seen. i would not push her out of her comfort zone into big rallies. >> she is not meeting with real voters and she is meeting with prescreened voters that are totally manufactured photo ops, and it's not talking about the
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issues people care about, instead it's a scripted photo-op where hillary clinton looks like she is reading from notes. and she doesn't look authentic or connects with real voters and as a result that's where the trustworthiness deficit that she has right now. >> here is a suggestion. we don't need cookies, she could come on "new day" and talk to us. >> she could make you cookies. >> a week ago or something she was in iowa and took a bunch of questions from the test. >> this is the place, and this is the testing of -- >> you make it like it's a big deal when she does it? >> i agree with kevin. one of the americans held hostage by houthi rebels in yemen is free this morning.
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officials say the freelance journalists is safe and in stable condition, but three other americans are still being held by houthi rebels. we have incredible video to show you and it ends okay. a out of control car hits that kid in brooklyn. the boy survives. you can see the car knock the tree on into the boy and runs over him, and that tree may have saved his life. they are telling us there was room between the tires and the tree, and they lifted the car and the kid was okay, and he was taken to a local hospital but only has minor injuries according to the local stations. >> they said he was able to walk afterwards and he was so little he slid under the car. >> how do you feel about that video? >> terrifying.
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here is the fact. a deadly crime wave is gripping some of america's biggest cities from new york to
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baltimore, and baltimore just suffered its worst month for murder in decades, and milwaukee up 80% and new york is up over 10%. why? let's bring in senior fellow and author of "are cops racist?" . this story is getting tricky because it's becoming a discussion of why it isn't happening which could be more important than why is it happening, and this is going on because of the reaction to the recent cases and the animosity towards police and the pullback in policing. do you buy that? >> it would be a strange twist of logic to suggest that that is a blow back to policing because the police are not the people subject to the shootings, right? if you were seeing the police being the victims of the rise in
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crime, then maybe you could make this argument but the inflation of protests with rising crime and criminality itself actually defames what the protests were about, and i think -- in some cases it's an intentional tactic. >> you are hearing people saying this is the result of it? is there any basis for that in kreupl tphaulg because why crime is going up? >> well it's a history that is going to be hard to overcome. but the premise of the black lives matter movement that the police are the biggest threat facing young black males today is false, and the animosity directed at the police on the streets today is having an affect.
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let me give you an example. >> please. >> on may 4th in baltimore, police got a call of a man with a gun, and police arrived and he fell on the ground and started screaming that the police shot him, and the bystanders started throwing bricks and khroer kwraubgs -- >> yeah reporters started reporting he was shot by cops. >> yes, and this was completely false. this is what police officers are getting on the streets when they try to engage in the necessary police behavior that is going to protect the law abiding, they are getting incredible blowback. yes, i have heard from many officers they are reluctant to engage in actions that could be misinterpreted on cell phone cameras --
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>> or body cams. >> body cameras i am in favor of -- >> well it's going to put it out there. >> but we need to have the entire context. it's causing officers to second guess themselves and not engage in the policing that brought crime down. >> let's say for the sake of argument everything it is true i think that crime could be speaking for reasons that have nothing to do with it failed economic policies -- >> i think that saying that black lives matter says that that movement is about the police being the driver of the problems in the black community is defamatory and you shouldn't say that. >> nobody just said that. >> you just said that -- >>let me
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talk. what people never talk about the fbi does not collect this data and we do a horrible job of collecting data in general is the connection between -- we don't talk about it. we go straight to the race question and say this must be something intkeplic to you because of the mel tonen in your skin or the culture embedded in your community that is the problem for you as a whole, and that is a problem, that is a racist pathology argument and we cannot make those arguments. >> nobody is saying that. nobody is saying it's mel tonen.
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>> who is making it a race thing? >> you just said it. you said black men are the biggest problem for other black men, and i am telling you what is the biggest problem for anybody is concentrated poverty, and is that overlaps with people that happen -- >> you are not disagreeing with the analysis -- >> the race is not the cause, it's the concentration of poverty that is the cause. >> the crime is the cause. can i respond? >> absolutely. just to be clear, are you saying black men represent the biggest threat to one another because they are black or something else? >> because they are criminals has nothing to do with a race it's because a culture has developed in certain communities, and i would like the same attention to be brought
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up to marques johnson, a 6-year-old boy, by a stray bullet in a st. louis park the same day protesters were converging on the ferguson police department demanding the resignation of the entire department. johnson is as important as michael brown, but we don't talk about the victims of black on black crime with the same intensity as we do necessarily when there is an unjustified police shooting. that is a tragedy. the political discourse is so weighted to look at only police shootings. in new york city police have saved 10,000 minority males because of the drop in crime and that was brought about by proactive policing that went into the communities and looked at data where people were being victimized and race had nothing to do with it and respond to
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community community requests for policing. >> the criminals do not work for you and the police do work for you and the police are charged with serving and protecting and you don't want to be in the neighborhood where you have to be afraid of the criminals and the cops. the people who are being paid with your tax dollars should be accountable to you, and if they take a life, yes, there should be blowback and outrage, and if anybody's life is taken, and nobody is arrested that is that -- that is that a big difference from when somebody's life is taken and they swoop in arrest right away charged with the most severe charges, right away which is what happens in every other case where we know exactly who killed the person and we know how they were killed and those are the differences in
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those cases. >> let's leave it to them to have their opinions about it. a flight attendant refuses to give a muslim woman a can of soda allegedly saying it posed too big of a threat. we have the woman at the center of that controversy next.
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hundreds fears dead after a river cruise capsizes in china, and many victims still trapped inside. the captain and chief engineer both in police custody. the acting director of the tsa reassigned after an uncover probe revealed weapons and fake bombs making it past screeners 95% of the time. the homeland security secretary now ordering screenings and equipment to be resized. 50% of voters say they have
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an unfavorable opinion of the democratic presidential candidate. john kerry set to under-go surgery in a couple hours. kerry called into a meeting of the anti-isis coalition earlier this morning still. flash flooding possible in major cities like new york and boston this of course coming after last week's deadly flooding in texas. for more on the five things to know go to for the latest. an unopened can of soda? do you see that as a threat of safye safety to you. you will hear about that next.
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a passenger on a united airlines flight said she was denied a can of diet coke because the flight attendant told her it could be used as a weapon, and this woman claims it's because she is a muslim and she joins us. thank you for being on "new day." >> thank you for having me, alisyn alisyn. >> you asked for a can of diet coke and what happened? >> thank you, alisyn. yes, i was on a flight from chicago to dca washington actually on a conference for kids for peace that promotes dialogue between youth, and when we were in the air the flight attendant asked if i wanted to
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drink something and she requested me requested -- asked if i wanted a drink, and she brought me an un can, and a man next to me requested a can of beer and i notice that she placed it in front of him and it was a closed beverage can. i asked him, i said that is strange, she gave you one closed and refuses to give me one, and he said i don't know why she did that. i asked her nicely i said i don't know why you are refusing to give me a closed beverage can, and she said we are unauthorized to give people unopened beverage cans because they can use it as a weapon, and i said well it's clear that
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you are discriminating against me because you gave him an unopened beverage can, and so she grabbed it immediately, opened it for him and, as she was putting it back she said because you would use it as a weapon. i was appalled. >> she said to you directly because you would use it as a weapon? >> yes. i was just you know very disturbed by that. i asked the passengers around me if they witnessed that and a man sitting across from me he said you are muslim and you need to shut the f up and i couldn't believe what he said, and he said you would use it as a weapon. >> you sat in stunned silence and you sent out a post trying to capture your feelings.
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you sent out a facebook post. what were your feelings? >> it was an unsafe space for me at this point and this man is yelling over and trying to silence me and he is clearly very angry and saying bigoted things to me, and there is no bystander intervention and the flight attendant didn't say anything to him either. >> i want to say what united airlines say. the flight attendant on board flight 3504 attempted several times to accommodate her. additionally tried to get a better understanding of what occurred and to apologize. what did they say to you on the ground when they approached you
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to discuss it? >> what is unfortunate about this united as the major corporation had at opportunity, at a time when our country is very much in pain and a lot of minority groups are in pain because when discrimination and intolerance happens, the right thing to do is recognize that. united did not really recognize this was a very unfortunate act of discrimination and bigotry and they should have recognized it and stated corrective measures to avoid this in the future regardless of anybody's faith or gender or economic background this shouldn't happen. this is not about a can of diet coke. this is about insuring when people are traveling together they are not mistreating each other and respecting each other. >> let's hope united has learned a lesson and will go further in
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the communication with you, and the irony is beyond rich that you are the director of enter faith engagement to talk about these things. we know you will be using this episode as exhibit a in your conversations to try and heighten awareness. thank you for coming in and explaining this to "new day." >> thank you for having me. >> some of the things in that conversation make you shake your head. and kaitlyn jenner unveiling herself to the world? is this a good thing? a bad thing? we will discuss it. the promise of the cloud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly
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kaitlyn jenner revealing herself for the first time on the cover of "vanity fair." we have transgender actor star of the independent film and the editor. how big and why on this story? >> i think it's huge and great
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for magazines and an incredible story and the picture is glamorous. you knew bruce in the 1970s and then you saw what she did with diane sawyer. it's stunning and glamorous and an incredible moment and i think it's somebody that you knew. to see this transformation it's human nature to want to see what happens. >> the question is what will it mean to the issue? that's a big reason that she wanted to come out, first as bruce and now as kaitlyn and let people see it and understand what it was for her family and her personally. >> i think it's positive. it's bringing -- for bruce -- excuse me it's kaitlyn. >> you can make that mistake and
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it's okay. >> yeah i think the visibility that it's bringing is like huge. she is so relatable, you know. that's what i think is the positive that it brings to the movement is that you know we are all walks of life. >> you introduced something to me that i want you to repeat. you said yeah that was bruce jenner the money and access that was built into him, and so many that do the transition don't have any of that? >> absolutely. that's what it's showing, a different walk of life. so many different stories being told right now and this is just one of them. i think that every one's story needs ton be heard, and for my parents' generation this is huge. it's showing, one of the biggest athletes she is -- it's not just you know a new phenomenon. this has been existing for
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thousands and thousands of years. >> studies have shown when people know somebody affected by something, most people do not know somebody transgender, and kaitlyn is going to sit in for them and he -- she is going to be the person that they look at. it's somebody incredible likeable that they have known for many years, and somebody's fame for many of us there has been a lot of criticism about the upcoming show that she is going to be making and is it going to be exsphroeu tative. >> and some people are saying she is doing it to get a show and the fact is somebody who is known in the television sense, is going to go on a journey and
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we will follow it. >> two points i want to make in the segment. two reasons for hope one, the lingerie choice the hair the name with the c instead of a k, and those are getting a lot of wattage in this case. >> yeah it's genius. bye-bye to bruce and then to reemerge as kaitlyn like this it's amazing,ing and to discuss the lingerie choice of somebody transgender on a magazine, that's progress. >> diane sawyer that was smart. the next sign your movie, not just a movie about being transgender, you are transgender, and while it's not your story you bring things to
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the role that a regular actor would not? >> absolutely. i related a lot to the character i played and i thought it was an important story being told. i just -- i think that it's something that is changing and bringing conversation to everything that is going on right now. it's rapidly, rapidly changing. it's not the world that i came out in ten years ago. >> whether it was diane sawyer or the "vanity fair" interview, what strikes me is how plain spoken kaitlyn speaks and the pain and the seriousness of the decisions, and not self-pitying but in a way that is very matter of fact. if i did not do this i could not go on and if i was on my deathbed and did not do it i would have wasted my life. powerful words. >> we will see where it leads. more good stuff coming up. arkets like last time?
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doesn't want to deal with the two stories anymore or the stairs she is giving it away free and he picked a family. they are taking the house and moving it away. let's get to carol costello in the "newsroom." have a great day, carol. >> thank you so much. "newsroom" starts now. happening in the news room cruise ship catastrophe. hundreds of people trapped in the hull of a capsized ship. so far only a lucky few have been saved. now rescuers tapping on the hull hoping somebody anybody happened back. speed bumps on the race to the white house. brand-new poll numbers out this morning, and clinton losin


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