tv CNN International CNN June 4, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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sorts of other things. hey, i'm no expert, but my little mike rowe economist friend here appears to be nodding yes. and, really, who am i to argue? >> you think the chip on the shoulder is bad? i have one shoved up my butt. a mass i have cyber attack causes millions of u.s. government personnel. why china is being blamed. and a death and outbreak in south korea. we're live in seoul to see how the country is responding. and we're live in china where rescuers are bracing for a grim discovery after raising a sunken cruise ship. i want to welcome viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "cnn newsroom". we begin with what can u.s.
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officials are calling one of the largest data breach necessary history putting millions of americans at risk. investigators say nearly every u.s. government agency has been hit by hackers and they believe china is behind it. as much as 4 million current and former federal employees may have had their personal information compromised and millions more may be affected according to investigators. how has the u.s. handled cyber attacks like this in the past? >> the u.s. government has tried a number of responses to this. president obama raise it personally face-to-face with chinese president xi jinping. they have tried naming and shaming, in fact, bringing criminal charges against particular members of the chinese military for these kinds of breaches and they've tried to put in better defenses in effect for u.s. computer systems. none of those have worked. so it really raises the question about what you do to stop this and what they're worried about, you know, is the possibility of tit for tat. there's talk of offensive
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operations here where you make it clear to china that we could do the same to you, but what they don't want to do is start a vicious cycle, a back and forth. it's a real problem as to how you stop this going forward. >> for more on how china is responding to these accusations, steven joins us live from hong kong. good to have you with us. what are chinese officials say? >> so far, the beijing authorities haven't responded, but a spokes plan for the chinese embassy in washington, d.c. has issued a statement reiterating the government's long held position on this issue. he says, quote, chinese laws prohibit cyber crimes of all forms. china has made great efforts to combat cyber attacks in accordance with chinese laws and regulations and jumping to conclusions and making hypothetical accusations is not responsible and counterproductive, end quote. so there's really nothing new in what he says because china, although, denies any involvement in such attacks has claimed repeatedly it is actually one of the biggest victims in cyber
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attacks, often pointing finger at the united states. now, remember, the former nsa contractor edward snowden revelation of vast u.s. cyber espionage program targeting countries like china has given the government here a lot of ammunition in their counterclaims. so this is what they have been taking all along. at the same time, the chinese government, including its normally secretive military has become more open talking about the existence of a cyber force. i went to a press conference recently and senior officials with the people's deliberation a.r.m. army said given the threats in cyberspace faced by the chinese military, they are speeding up the process of building their own cyber force to defense their national interests. >> that would suggest that china is claiming that their position is one of defense as opposed to offense, right, steven? >> that's right. but this issue really has become one of the thorniest in this
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increasingly complex relationship. now, the u.s. authorities have adopted this, naming and shaming strategy acuting china behind a lot of these attacks. the chinese are very angry every time they hear their name being mentioned in such cases. but that really hasn't stopped washington because they're trying to send a message to beijing that we are serious about stopping and preventing such attackes from happening again because that has become a serious threat to u.s. national interests. but for the chinese part, although they deny such involvement, they're -- unless targets in the u.s. have become so wide ranging, you have federal government agency like the pentagon, big name corporations like google, yahoo! dow chemicals and media companies like the "new york times". and then individuals, as well. previously we heard about chinese dissidents living in exile in the u.s. and now apparently in the latest incident millions of ordinary americans working for the
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federal government. >> we shall see what happened in the hours ahead. we'll see how this story unfolds. appreciate it. thank you. now, u.s. officials tell cnn a boston terror suspect rahim called his father to say good-bye on tuesday. authorities say the call made them believe he was about to launch an attack to police officer. officials believe rahim was radicalized by isis. but his family tells cnn that they dispute his connection to the terror group. whether rahim is connected to the organization or not, there are concerns in the u.s. that a number of isis connection res growing. and the fbi and intelligence agency won't be able to keep up with them. brian todd has more on that. >> boston terror suspect usaama rahim raised in the united states, radicalized by isis, according to investigators,
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killed before he allegedly was going to attack police officers elton simpson and nidir sufi. shot and killed in garland, texas, as they tried to attack a mohamed prophet contest. now a u.s. intelligence official tells cnn there are strong concerns in the intelligent community about a number of isis sympathizers in the united states. the fbi is struggling to identify with the propaganda. >> there's hundreds, maybe thousands. it's hard to get an understanding of just how much of those passive followers are taking position. >> people in the united states who have been known to post pro isis messages on social media, pictures of themselves wearing isis logos.
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>> it's done to play off that isis is everywhere. they can reach their enemies. >> many of them, phillip says, could be posers. but it's pointed out there has been a spike of activity inside the united states recently. people in the u.s. accused of trying to provide material support to isis. analyst ross worries about the next step. >> the thing i would look for is whether isis is playing a role beyond general support but trying to radicalize action. >> analysts say twitter has
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started to aggressively take down the profiles of twitter users who have expressed support for isis. when a profile is disabled, every message that person has posted is deleted, but keeping up with every potentially pro isis account, every tweet, message or other pot posting is an almost overwhelming task for law enforcement. brian todd, cnn, washington. some breaking news, an earthquake has hit malaysia's highest peak causing huge rock slides and shoving down the summit to hikers. the 6.0 magnitude quake hit mt. kinabulu. officials say several buildings have been damaged. there is no official word yet on any casualties and the region is popular with climbers. we will continue to monitor this for you and bring you new details. now, the united nations is
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offering $500 million in aid to send to iraq. the u.n. says more than 10 million people will need aid by the end of 2015 caused by the fight against isis. cnn's senior international correspondent reports. >> we get an idea of the scale and the urgency of the humanitarian crisis unfolding here in iraq where this punishing summer heat is just part of the equation that's making daily lives almost impossible for people here when the u.n. says they urgently need half a billion dollars now to be able to assist the 8 million to 10 million people out there who badly need their help. these are people who have been on the move. ra plaiddy in the past week, people are being uprooted from their homes and there are so many places with safe sanctuary. let me give you a little snapshot of exactly what it is
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day by day which is behind those substantial figures from the u.n. take for example ramadi. we've heard there's a key dam outside ramadi that controls the flow of the euphrates river. that flows down through falluja near ramadi. isis has closed the vast majority of the gates in that, stemming the water flow. they let a little bit out day by day, but otherwise is causing a substantial lessening of the river water available for people in pro government areas between ramadi and falluja. these are places where the attack by pro government force sess supposed to be staging. but instead, we're hearing now reports of dozens of families fleeing that area because of the potential fighting, because of the absence of water. one official is saying in some parts perhaps the river has gone down as much as a meter in depth. all of this plays into the broader military's campaign, too. yes, there will be potentially hundreds if not thousands of
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people in the months ahead that have to flee that area. it's an extraordinarily parched region that plays into the military campaign of the days ahead. if isis can simply move across rivers, that removes a substantial frontier that substantially pro government forces have been using. there are fears in the areas, the shia fighting groups have been defending are now vulnerable to isis attack and that could change the balance in the days ahead. if the climate is here, the availability of water, so many in need it's very hard for an agency even such as the u.n. to keep up with it. cnn, baghdad. well, ukraine's president is warning his military to get ready for a full on invasion by russia in eastern ukraine. this comes after some of the worst fighting we've seen between government and separatists since a shacky cease-fire started months ago.
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president poroshenko says the fighting is just the beginning of a colossal threat. >> the military must be ready as much for a renewal of an offensive by the enemy as they are for a full scale invasion along the whole length of the border with russia. we must truly be ready for this. >> the kremlin has accused kiev of promoting the new fighting. the u.n. security council will meet about all of this in the coming hours. the president says he's getting down to wonder on forming an organization as russia is defending it's 2018 world cup bid. we'll have an exclusive interview, next. plus, fears over the mers virus after another death. the latest from south korea is coming up. stay with us. (kids laughing) he's flying ok guys, pause the movie we're going to watch the rest in the toyota camry. hit play again ehhh. what happened? you can't watch the movie.
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from jack washer to tell everyone he knows about corruption in the organization. russia is set to host the next world cup tournament of the world cup 2018. he says the country will be ready despite the fifa scandal. >> the world cup in 2018 in russia is looking more under threat now than at any point in the past. >> we're certainly different. this opinion we think that the world cup is being steadily and officially organized. we do not feel any threat to the world cup. we do not understand the origin of these discussions because we are aiming to organize one of the most successful world cups in the -- in the history of football. >> the origin is there are multiple investigations, one by the authorities, one by the fbi
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into the allot many of the 2018 games. they said they're investigating criminal mismanagement and money laundering surrounding the awarding of those games. >> we do not have any special requests or letters from any organization in the world. we have been through a process of investigations generated from fifa by fifa proper commission, which was headed by mr. garcia. we cooperated, we submitted all the evidence we could. >> michael garcia has danced himself from the findings of that internal fifa report. and, actually, it was quite critical of russia. it's that crucial document.
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>> all the equipment, furniture, whatever material you need and then you return that. >> it doesn't look good, does it? the value of the reputational damage. >> we are doing our best to organize it. >> we repeatedly told the world that our bid was transparent, that it was clean, that it was -- didn't transgress any fifa practices, any practices applicable to the process.
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the mers outbreak appears to be growing after it's shown hundreds of people may be exposed to the virus. cathy, a forth death leading to questions of how this disease is being spread. what's the latest? >> well, the disease has mostly been spread in hospitals. the latest person to die was a 76-year-old man who was in the same hospital as the first person to be infected. and that's how this disease has been transmitted here in the south korea so far making it the biggest outbreak outside of the middle east. it is confined to people who were patients at hospitals, visitors of those patients, doctors and nurses, but now, as you mentioned, one of the doctors who had been confirmed to have mers before he realized he did attended a symposium with
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more than 1500 other people and now the mayor of seoul is warning that could put members of the public at risk so he is appealing to those people to quarantine themselves and make sure that they are not going out of their homes and potentially exposing others. >> tell me, how is this impacting day-to-day life in seoul, south korea? i understand that there is a growing amount of public anxiety. >> absolutely. it is a bit of a balancing act here in south korea between not wanting to panic, but it is certainly growing, especially with this news that there are warnings that the public may have been exposed. schools are increasingly being enclosed, parents are not wanting their children to be out in large crowds and people are taking their own measures, heeding the warnings of authorities that they should take measures with their own personal hygiene, including washing their hands off and using hand sanitizer and calls for more information. we're hearing the authorities
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saying that they are promising to be more transparent, but the public is saying they do not feel like they're getting all the information they might need to make informed decisions. for example, it was one hospital that was named the most affected. and that gives the public a little bit more information. >> with this outbreak expected to grow, the question has to be asked, are soith korean officials up to the task of containing this and of dealing with this? >> well, they have created a special task force to deal with this and is he oul's mayors are putting measures in place. the problem appears to have been at the early stages, that there wasn't enough action early on to
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identify the man who came back from the middle east and had mers and to stop him from spreading it to other paem. but now, the system is in overdrive, i would say, and people are trying to get on top of it. it's just that the fear was of it spreading to the public up until this emergency press conference we had from the mayor. it seemed to be contained within hospitals and they're hoping it stay that's way. so far, no confirmed cases. >> appreciate you joining us. thank you, cathy. now, ghana's president says the country will start opening three days of national mourning on monday after twin disasters killed at least 150 people. deep flooding and leaking fuel combined to trigger an explosion at a gas station in the capital that killed almost 100 people. many of the victims were there from days of rain that left
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people homeless and killed dozens of other people. police investigating three mysterious shootings in colorado in the same area. and who is responsible for these crimes? anika brar ra has more on this developing story. >> another deadly shooting shocking northern colorado. >> it makes you stop and think. >> fears spreading about a possible serial shooter, perhaps even a serial sniper on the loose. >> channel what might be fear into being productive. help us look. keep your eyes open. >> the latest victim, 65-year-old william kanole jr. laying on a sidewalk bleeding. authorities won't talk about the circumstances surrounding his death, but say he was shot in the chest. now they're looking into whether his death is linked to other shootings in the same region.
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>> they just took somebody's life and thinks they're going to get away with it. >> john jacoby was shot and killed while righting his bike. a few weeks earlier, cori romero what's shot while driving on i-25. >> i was merging when a car pulled up to me and i thought they actually hit my car with their car. but my window shattered. i noticed i was bleeding a little bit. and then the paramedics and the police got there and that's when they noticed the bullet holes in my car. >> authorities believe jacoby and romero were random shootings. but now they say they're linked. >> we've recovered evidence that links these shootings together. >> a task force is investigating. a $10,000 reward is being offered.
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a company is now pulling all maggi noodles from stores in india you about insisting its product are safe. those claims are unfounded according to nestle. there have been no reports of illness linked to the product. a ship that capsized has now by righted, but the hope of finding more survivors is dwindling. plus, greece strikes a deal with international critters. we'll bring you the details. wait, i can freeze my account.
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greeking news, an herbing has hit malaysia's highest peak. it hit friday morning local time. an official says 138 climbers were on the peak at the time and a team of mountain guide is scrambling up the mountain to help find stranded climbers. malaysia's prime minister has tweeted expressing his concerns. officials believe that a massive reach of its federal data system was carried out by the chinese government. investigators say millions of current and federal employees may have had their personal information compromised. a chinese embassy spokesperson denied the accusations and says china has made great effort to
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combat cyber attack. a fourth person has now died from the mers outbreak. over 1500 people may have been exposed to the virus at a symposium. no comments from accept blatter on threats from his former data to tell everything he knows about corruption. jack warner received a video message claiming the gloves are off claiming he knows the real reason why blatter chose to resign. hackers gaining access to the personal information of millions of u.s. government workers. earlier, i spoke with colonel frederick layton, the former deputy training director of the u.s.'s national security agency. i began by asking him why this information would be targeted in the first place. >> well, i think the main reason that this information is startinged, regardless of who perpetrated this hack, is that somebody was looking at doing an information campaign to find out who is connected to whom.
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so if you are an espionage agency, one of the things that you want to do is you want to find out who is sitting in a position of influence and who their people are, who the people are that they are talking to, who they're subordinates are and who their superiors are. so what you can do when you get their names and you get their e-mail addresses, you can figure out who these people are and mimic their behavior online if you know what to do. and that basically is what we're looking at. the potential is there for certain people to have their behavior mimicked. when that happens, you're going to have a situation where people can actually pretend they're somebody else and have things happen as a result of that. >> as you lay that out for me, i immediately think this has huge potentially national security implications. >> oh, absolutely. and here is why. not only will they be able to figure out who everybody is and
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what their positions are, what their influence is, but they will be able to, in essence, map the entire network. and when you map a network from an intelligence perspective, you learn who does what and you learn also what is most effective, which agency is most effective at certain things, who is responsible for certain things, what projects are going on, what kinds of intellectual property are being considered, for example, by the patent office. so it is a huge amount of data that can be sifted through and you can do that if you have access to those networks and that's one of the ways that hackers operate. they gain access to the network and use that network then for their purposes. >> you know, this is, as you say, hackers looking to take advantage of the system, the i.t. infrastructure. many people are wondering how they are able to do that as we are talking about the u.s. federal government system here. but you made the point at this
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point that many of the problems exist within the system itself. >> absolutely. well, first of all, the internet infrastructure was not built with security in mind. it was originally designed to be a communication tool between researchers back in the '70s, basically. and when that was created and then people began to use it for more and different purposes, first in government and then, of course, outside of government and now it's become something we all use, nobody stopped the train and said, okay, now we have to built security into this. so, in essence what has happened is security has not been put into our software, our hardware or our -- and what that means from a layman's perspective is this. none of the systems that we use has security in them as a first thought. it's always an afterthought. and being an afterthought, it is much harder to secure things than it would be if we built security into the systems from the get-go. >> well, the fbi and department
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of homeland security are now investigating what led to the breach. a capsized cruise ship in china is now upright as survivors search continues. 90 people survived. cnn's senior international correspondent ivan watt joins us. what's the latest with the salvage operation and what's happening? >> well, we've heard that they've succeeded in righting the capsized vessel. that's a big operation because this is a 75 meter long cruise ship with at least four stories above deck. and it had been for the last four days basically turned over with only a portion of its hull sticking above water. and the only images that we've really seen emerge thus far on chinese state television, we can see basically the roof of the vessel crumbelbled, kind of blue
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metal emerging from the murky waters of the yangtze river, one of the world's longest rivers. and officials that are overseeing this complicated procedure say now they're going to have to try to pump out water from within four stories worth of cabins to try to then lift the rest of the ship above water. and, of course, then there's also the very difficult work that has to be done. this is a ship that was carrying passengers and crew. only 14 of those people were rescued alive from the vessel in the four days since the ship abruptly capsized in a severe storm. some 97 bodies, at least, have been recovered. there are more passengers and crew members still believed to have been trapped inside. this has very much gone from a
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rescue operation to a salvage operation, very difficult work to be done. in the town where we are right now, this river front down, janli, probably the closest town to the site of the wreck, we've seen an outpouring support for the stricken family members of this terrible disaster, perhaps one of the worst maritime disasters in the area. we saw children this morning before school hanging up yellow ribbons, writing heart warming messages on there saying rest in peace or we wish you come back soon. but, unfortunately, many of the relatives of the hundreds of people feared to have perished in this disaster have told us that their hopes for any recovery, safe recovery from
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this disaster are all but gone right now. >> very sad, indeed. ivan, thank you. greece has asked to push its bundled debt payments back to a month. they were scheduled to pay more than $300 million on friday. that money along with three other payments has been rolled into massive one bill. this means on june 30th, they must pay about $1.7 billion. the bundle is submitted under imf rules. it's exam time for students in china. just ahead, we'll show you just how far authorities are going to make sure no one cheats. at 62,000 brush movements per minute, philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before. innovation and you. philips sonicare.
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happens this sunday and monday. and china has a warning for students preparing to take the nation's university entrance exams. don't even think about cheating. it's test time in china. and the stakes are sky high. 9 million students face nine hours of exhaustive grueling questions. the gaokao determines their future, which college they can do to. in a nation that stresses education, these stressed teens pushes the limits. iv drips to stay alert while studying. it's driven some to take their own lives. for others, the temptation to cheat is overwhelming. >> many students' fate hangs in the balance of their performance on this test. so it's incredibly important and with so many at stake the temptations to cheat are very, very high. >> these days, officers stand guard.
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in the past, bright college students have been paid to sit the exams in place of other students. but now officials are getting a boost in the fight against would-be cheats. this year, drones, like the one seen here, will be hovering high above the test walls. they're listening for suspicious chatter from wireless devices. some so sophisticated they should be reserved for spy movies. tank tops complete with transmitter, glasses which scan and send ims simply by pressing a coin and an unassuming wallet and water bottle complete with camera. if caught, the penalties are harsh. students are barred from taking the exam for three years. parents, teachers or anyone else involved can face criminal charges. needing an eye in the sky shows just how covert cheaters in china have become. it's a far cry from the astounding scenes in eastern
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india earlier this year. parents and friends literally scaling school walls to pass on answers. hundreds were caught red handed. at least those aiming to cheat on the gaokao deserve an a for creativity. >> at least 2 million won't get into any university at all. of those taking the exams. the heat is in the air as the french open conclude these weekend in paris. we're joined with more and it's going to be warm in paris, i believe. >> it is. and this is one of my best favorite parts about my job, as i go to research events like this, i learn nuggets of information and i love passing it to you at home. did you know that the weather can have a significant outcome on the match, on the particular french open and that is because the weather impacts the clay surface. this particular tournament is set aside from all the other major tennis tournaments, like wimbledon, the u.s. and the
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australian open because the players play on the clay surface. think about this. if the weather is dry, the clay is thinner and this impacts the -- it makes it very difficult for the players to actually keep traction and keep their footing. but if it's rain or humidity in the air like we're going to experience on friday, the damp conditions actually thicken the clay and slow the ball down as it makes contact with the surface of the ground. so some interesting tidbits of knowledge and that will be interesting to see how this all plays out quite literally. because conditions are definitely going the impact the semifinals which occur on friday and then the women's finals which occur on saturday, the men's final owes sunday. but look at the drastic change in temperatures going forward this weekend. we have a cold front that's going to cool things down, but not only that, it's going to drop the humidity levels and it's also going to bring the possibility of some stronger storms to the area. so delays are possible with the french open heading through the weekend. that will impact not only the
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players, but also the spectators enjoying the sport, as well. take a look at some of the people along the sein river. they've had temperatures surging to the low 30s across parts of france. that is about to come to an end by saturday and sunday. the reason for the hot weather thursday and parts of june. the reason because the high pressure has been parked across europe. this is the cold front that's going to cool things down, bring the possibility of stronger storms and that includes the paris area. remember that will roll through late friday evening, perhaps impacting some of the play at the french open. here is our forecast for a few other european cities. and there's our storm system coming through, set to cool things down in time for the weekend. >> you can always count on that cool front to make its way eventually. derek, appreciate it. thank you. now, they say big things come in small packages. coming up, the pint sized pianist with enormous talent.
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then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night.
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scientist had a time digging out something that was on the hard line. the hellboy character from comic books and movies. what's unique about this is that they uncovered nearly the entire skull. most fossils are squashed flat. a brazilian man needed to stay awake during his brain surgery. so he decided why not play the guitar? because it's with me. the 33-year-old played the beat yesterday and several other songs while surgeons removed a tumor last week. he said the surgery team even asked for an encore of one song. he also said keeping him conscious helped make sure he didn't affect any functions like his motor skills. a child prodigy is now one
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of the hottest jazz tickets in new york. joey alexander is an 11-year-old indonesian boy who has a number one album. the pint sized pianist played for christian amanpour and showed why he's taking the jazz world by storm. ♪ how did you come to jazz? i mean, look, you come from indonesia and indonesia is not the home of jazz. >> yes. >> so how did you come to jazz? >> first, it came from my parents. especially my dad. >> did you listen to your father's music? >> yeah. he was listening. he has me listen to jazz. >> all the time? >> yes. >> and what was his favorite? >> i mean, he listen to me like
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louis armstrong. and to musicians like harry conic jr. >> he's also my favorite. >> he didn't have formal lessons. his family is an amateur musician who basically showed him the outline of how to play on a keyboard. but soon, the student overtook the master and said sit aside, dad, i'm going to play some monk. >> how do you protect a child? because he is a child with a massive talent. how do you protect him from the pressure, from burnouts? >> what struck me about him was this wasn't something that came from his parents. if anything, it's joey wanting to be a kid. it's joey wanting to play. some kids play in the sandbox and joey plays the piano.
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♪ >> when you perform for the first time in public, at lincoln jazz and you got a standing ovation, what did that feel like? >> i thankful that people were clapping for me and give me standing ovation. but, i mean, i think it makes me, you know -- i have to practice more. ♪ >> his learning curve is so steep, he's only 11. we don't know where he's going to go. i don't think he knows where he's going to go. that's part of the beauty of the journey is we're experiencing right at the beginning of his trip. >> and we're happy to be here at the beginning. we're going to watch it along with you and the rest of the world.
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♪ >> that is one very cool little boy. also with a very cool jacket. now, a new york man is millions of dollars richer, but he almost let that jackpot go down the drain. the sole winner of the powerball drawing of the $136 million top prize. took six weeks for the staten island plumber to realize he had the winning ticket, after mistakenly being told a winner had come forward. the ticket has a lump sum cash value of $88 million minus taxes. he plans to keep working and split the prize with his son. wow, he's going to keep working. thanks for watching, everyone. "cnn newsroom" continues next hour with natalie allen. stay with us. you're wrachg cnn. ones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible.
10:56 pm
10:57 pm
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ship in china's yangtze river has been turned right side up. we'll have a live report. and later, the streets are abuzz in munich. why protesters are upset about the g-seven summit. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you're watching "cnn newsroom". and we begin this hour with breaking news out of malaysia. a strong earthquake has hit the country's highest peak, causing huge rockslides. the 6.0 magnitude tremor hit mt. kinabalu friday morning local time. an official says 138 climbers were on the peak at the time. video posted online shows snow and rocks falling from the summit and people can be heard yelling run, run. 30 mountain guides have been
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