tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 5, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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y, but yesterday. >> our deepest condolences to the entire family. beau biden only 46 years old. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. erin burnett out front starts right now. breaking news on this friday. accusations that dennis hastert abused three victims during his time as a boys high school wrestling coach. will more come forward. plus the obama administration scrambling to grasp the making any tud of what could be the biggest hack ever of the u.s. government. are the lives of american undercover agents around the world at risk. and outfront investigation tonight, the tsa wasting billions of your money on useless equipment and bad training. the numbers are staggering. let's go outfront. public. good evening.
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i'm erin burnett. we begin with the breaking news out front tonight cnn learning that there are now three people accusing former speaker of the house dennis hastert of sexual abuse while he was a boys wrestling coach. and tonight we know the name of one of the alleged victims, a woman has come forward telling abc news that her brother, steven line holdrin line holt reinholdt endured years of sexual abuse. >> i asked him when was your first same sex experience i mean he just looked at me and said it was with dennis hastert. >> reinboldt dinded of aids in 1995. he was the equipment manager for hastert's wrestling team. dennis hastert so far has been silent since the ugly charges
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have come to light, but that is about to end. cnn was on the ground today in krorkville talking to people who knew both hastert and reinboldt. for years many held hastert in highest regard. chris frates is out front live in chicago. what are you learning tonight? >> reporter: well, i'll tell you, it's another day and more victims of sexual abuse allegedly by dennis hastert. last week hastert remember was charged with lying to the fbi and trying to hide hush money he paid to an unnamed victim. sources tell cnn that the victim was a former male student at the high school where hastert taught before getting into politics. as part of their investigation into hastert, the fbi has also talked to a second person who alleged to be a victim of hastert's abuse. but this person was not receiving any money from hastert according to a source. and then today, the sister of
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one of hastert's former students is telling abc news that hastert abused her brother throughout his high school career. steve reinboldt was abused in the late '60s and early '70s while hastert was a high school wrestling coach and line about the reinboldt was the team's equipment manager. hastert denied the allegation when abc first raised them in 2006. but hastert hasn't made a public statement since he was indicted last week and he's scheduled to make his first court appearance here in chicago on tuesday. >> it's incredible when you lay it out like this that for so long that this was not the discussed and not in the public eye. that there are this many people out there, if these allegations are true that no one knew. and that is a big question chris. why would these allegations all be coming out now? >> reporter: i think the big question was the hush money.
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and why was dennis hastert paying somebody for past misdeeds and once we started to look into what that might be we got on this trail of sexual be abuse apnd abuse. and remember back in 2006 there was a big scandal on capitol hill. a republican lawmaker named mark foley had sent inappropriate texts to pages, high school interns on capitol hill and hastert was rumored to have turned a blind eye to that. now, the sister of steven reinboldt said she tried to go to the media and authorities back in 2006, but there wasn't enough corroboration. but with this indictment that allowed this to be rehashed and now we're finding that there are more victims in fact allegedly of sexual harassment by dennis hastert who was only second in line to the presidency, very powerful man just only a few years ago. >> it is incredible to imagine. and we now know that there are
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lee being a three accusers and the question is whether there will be more. as you point out, dennis hastert once second in line to the american presidency and he coached high school boys wrestling team before launching his majorly successful political career. how big could this scandal be? investigators are focusing in on that high school yorkville high school and every student that hastert coached our taught. >> reporter: look at dennis hastert in this 1968 year book from yorkville high school in illinois. it says he joan is athletics and working with young people. he even accompanied explorers on a week long address venture in the bahamas. but a new picture now emerging with new allegations from a former student. >> he damaged steve i think more than any of us will ever know.
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>> reporter: she told abc news her brother confided in her about the abuse years hater when he revealed he was gay. >> i asked him, when was your first same sex experience? he just looked at me and said it was with dennis hastert. and i just -- i know i was stunned. i said why didn't you ever tell anybody, stevie. he just looked at me and said who is ever going to believe me. >> reporter: reinboldt died in 1995 so his story cannot be independently verified. she was approached by the fbi in recent weeks about hastert before his indictment became public. he faces charges of bank fraud and lying to the fbi about hush money paid to another former student who was also allegedly abused. the justice department says he agreed to pay $3.5 million to cover up past misconduct. and cnn has learned the fbi has also spoken to at least one more person in addition to birge who
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may have been a victim. hastert was a coach and boy scout leader before coming to washington in 1987. he game the longest serving speaker. he's been in hiding since the charges were announced last week. his attorney has not responded to requests for comment. but hastert did deny the abuse allegations to abc when they first arose in 2006. jolene said she confronted hastert when he tried to attend her brother's funeral. >> i looked at him and said i want to know why you did what you did to my brother. i want you to know that your secret didn't die in there with my brother. >> reporter: she did not respond to messages today from cnn. on her facebook page she posted a story about hastert with this note. i can say with absolute certainty there is so much more to this story. finally the truth. now hastert is set to appear in court in chicago next week. >> and of course he will break n. his silence in some way then. i want to bring in now paul callan and a sex crimes prosecutor.
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stacy, according to the victim's sister hastert was a mentor to her brother. i suppose that doesn't surprise you. >> no we see so many of these stories. you saw what with sandusky as recent as that case where lots of peopletypes people in these positions, they take these kids under their wing, they groom them spend money on them they trust them. and they do this all in an effort to have a relationship. and so it's not unusual that we're seeing this and i'm sure we'll see many more victims come forward now that one person has been able to go to the press and actually talk about it. >> so paul in these cases where there is one, are there almost always many? in the sandusky case of course it went from one to a whole slew of boys. >> i was talking today to the head sex crimes prosecutor in san diego, wendy murphy who was
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telling mina almost always many more come out of the woodwork. these are children who are afraid they will be humiliated and who would believe them. but when one person has the courage to come forward or in this case when authorities, you know have revealed this plot frequently many more victims do come forward. >> but then some people will say, well, is some of this opportunistic. which is an awful thing to say, but yet you must ask the question. how can it be proved this many years later. >> well, it is doctor we have statutes of limitation in the prosecution of criminal cases. because fairness requires thatwe have statutes of limitation in the prosecution of criminal cases. because fairness requires that a defendant be able to defend himself. maybe i wasn't even in the building at the time. so it's a really hard struggle to find a way to be fair about this. >> but you think that they will be able to move ahead in some of these cases, despite the statute of limitations? >> well, i think in a therethat there is at least a possibility that others will come forward. but one other thing we have to
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consider. it may very well be that many of his adult relationships if he's had multiple have been with other adults. how do we know -- we haven't had a diagnosis that he's a pedophile. so until we're certain of that maybe the other victims they were consensual relationships. >> so stacy, let me ask you on that point the pedophilia point, we didn't know theon't know the age of the others. you look another his relationships later in life, maybe some of them male some female is that the profile of someone who is a pedophile? how does that add up? >> no you will never be able to have a profile of a pedophile because as you can see, they're in any walk of life. teachers priests, rabbis. anybody can be charged with this type of behavior. so we didn't know. but we have young victims in his
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range at that time and more come forward, then we know he's attracted to younger people and still attracted to adults. >> so what do you make of the sister we just heard of one of the alleged victims talking about her brother. she went to abc in 2006, they didn't put the claims in the public eye. she said hastert showed up at her brother's funeral. which was years after the alleged abuse would have happened. which is an interesting thing in and of itself. let me play again what she said. >> i just looked at him and i said i want to know why you did what you did to my brother. he just stood there and stared at me. and then i just continued to say i want you to know that your secret didn't die in there with my brother. and i want you to remember that i'm out here and that i know. >> so stacy, if he went to the tune ralph someone that he abused, if these allegations are true years after the abuse
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this person would have been a teen at the time of the abuse, what does that say? >> well, anybody that prosecutes these cases, and i've been doing it for so many year these guys are master manipulate tors and narcissists. they really think they're above the law.tors and narcissists. they really think they're above the law. so the arrogance to go there knowing what happened, he's probable thinking to himself i'm never going to get caught, i don't know what 1450es talkshe's talking about and he's not here to tell us about it. so many times we have dna, people that have witnessed the events. even then a pedophile with that kind of personality will stand in court and say i didn't do anything i don't know what they're talking about. so the idea that he showed up, it's arrogant but that is one aspect of the personality of someone who is engaged in pedophilia behavior. >> just one other piece of advice passed on to me by wendy patrick the sex crimes head in san diego. if your child is spending a lot of one-on-one time with a coach, take a second look.
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be careful about that. it's a suspicious thing. >> appreciate you both thanks. up next, fears of a sniper on the loose in colorado. fbi involved tonight. is this a repeat of the d.c. sniper nightmare? plus investigators now questioning a third man in the alleged boston terror plot. was he part of the plotting to behead. and breaking news. take a look at these pictures. a major train crash 60 miles south of chicago. this is today a collision with a truck at a rail crossing. we'll have much more on this breaking news coming up.
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beheading terror plot. they say he met with rahim, the central suspect police shot and killed. pamela brown is outfront with more. >> reporter: tonight indications uhe sam made rahim became suspicious the fbi was on to him. on facebook he wrote i headrd clicking noises on my phone and an fbi agent called him and said i came by your house a few times but kept missesing you. law enforcement officials confirm rahim had been on the fbi's radar for the past couple of years. they say he met on a road islands beach sunday with his revenue and unnameded man. police searched the home wednesday and law enforcement source tells cnn agents have spoken with him but he's not been arrested. the three allegedly plotted to behead pamela geller in new york
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before rahim changed his plan and decided to attack police officers in massachusetts on tuesday. according to the fbi. >> the trick of this is frankly let's the person get close enough so that they are taking a substantial step forward, that their efforts their actions are prosecutable. >> reporter: cnn communicated with the third individual through twitter back in march as part of reporting on americans who follow jihadists. he indicated he was in touch with terrorists on line including with isis. he claimed that alleged isis fighter was telling him to come to syria to fight with the terrorist group. this as cnn is learning known isis members were communicating through peer to peer communication with at least one of the three men, encouraging a terrorist attack at the u.s. court records show rahim bought three military knifes on amazon that were delivered to him in the last week. boston police commissioner william evans believes he intended to behead officers. >> what's happened across the
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country and across the world, the beheading of military and police officers we can insinuate that that's why they have the knives and based on that comment, that's what we believe in iraq, too. >> reporter: as for that third individual who has not been arrested in that online conversation, he told our producer paul murphy that he wanted to go to syria or he considered going to syria to fight with isis. he also told our producer quote, i'm not violence at heart, but push the wrong button and it's not pretty. again, no criminal charges have been filed against him. he's not been arrested. i can tell you it's still a very active investigation. >> pamela thank you very much. now fears of a sniper attacking random americans. three shootings in colorado raising this fear tonight. police say the first two shootings of a motorist and bicyclist are connected. the suspect still at large. and now they're investigating
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whether a third fatal shooting may be related to those. this potential spree a grim reminder of the terror that two men stoked in washington, d.c. nearly 15 years ago. you may remember this over a three week period they taumted police carried out random sniper attacks in fast food parking lots, home depot parking lot, killing ten, injuring three others. it was a rein of terror. ana cabrera has the latest. how servicenervous are people tonight? >> reporter: very nervous. this kind of violent crime doesn't really lap in this part of colorado. one of the shootings happened right off interstate 25 which sees tens of thousands of cars every day. plus investigators believe the shootings have been random that the targets have been random. so there is a sense of it could happen to anyone anywhere. and now residents are taking precautions. torn between grief and fear. >> just hard.
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but around here it's a little community and it's scare are you. >> reporter: a make shift memorial marks only the sixth deadly shooting in almost a dwek and i had in the town of love land colorado. >> just beaten cancer was full of life. >> reporter: 65-year-old william connole was shot and killed wednesday night while walk down a typically busy street. now the third shooting in the past six weeks to rock northern colorado. and residents complaint help ss can't help but wonder if they're all connected. >> sure seems like it. you can't help but draw correlation. >> reporter: three shootings happened within about 15 miles of her each other. april 22 a woman shot in the neck. on may 18, a man shot and killed while riding a bicycle. investigators have linked these two shootings. they still don't know about the third. >> there are enough likenesses to this case that we as an agency immediately reached out to the task force that is assigned to investigate this and
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other crimes with us. >> reporter: that task force includes the fbi. investigators won't talk about the evidence the type of weapon used or whether they have a suspect profile. mike broussard cautions about jumping to conclusions. >> i don't think they would call this a serial sniper case. right now they only have two shootings that have been linked together. they're being close about how they are able to link those shootings and that's probably smart on their part. >> reporter: latest shooting happened just across the street from this ligquor store. the owner says the video shows cars in the area. they have handed it over to the investigators. for now the fear of the unknown has residents on edge. >> oh, yeah. that's why i'm telling my kids stay in a group. >> we try not to ride our bikes in the morning or we avoid being out late at night, as well.
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>> reporter: we even heard of an event that was canceled. a triathlon that was supposed to happen but canceled because of the recent shootings. so that gives you an idea of how worried people are right now. >> absolutely. pretty terrifying. ana, thank you. i want to go out to our counterterrorism expert colonel randy watt. are colonel, when you hear about these cases that they think two could be linked to the same person, now looking at a third how do you think they're connecting them? >> they're utilizing a wide variety of investigative methods. doing deep dives into the lives of the victims here to see if there is commonalty or connection. they're also taking a look at ballistics and wide variety of other factors and methods to attempt to link these cases and give them some idea as to who is committing the shooting. >> so who could motivate someone like this? the d.c. sniper situation paralyzed a big part of the eastern seaboard of this
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country. people were terrified. this person was striking random people in parking lots. whether fast food chain or home goods store. what do you think could motivate someone if this is a sniper to be doing this? >> well, if this is in fact a random serial sniper, it's hard to say what will trigger the kind of psycho path logical reaction that results in this. it could be a grievance. it could be illogical. people are working hard to figure that out. >> so are people right to be afraid at this point? they could strike anywhere. we have a random biker on a road someone driving a car. i mean -- >> well, i think everyone should have a right in that area to be nervous right now. fear is the main category in terrorism.
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if you look at that terrorism is in fact a tactic not a specific group or not a specific eat controltiology etiology. it's to accomplish an address again today through fear whether a change in personal habits or government activities and operations. >> colonel, reerkt your time tonight. we'll continue to follow the story. up front next, it's believed the chinese are behind what could be the worst data breach ever. why would china be compiling a massive database of american citizens? and an outfront investigation you will not believer the scale and waste and mismanagement at the tsa. also breaking news a major train crash just outside chicago. today an amtrak train colliding with a truck this just happening. gates appear to be down. we'll be showing you this live. back in a moment.
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that means u.s. undercover agents could be exposed. jim sciutto is up front. >> reporter: an unprecedented and alarming cyber attack by china. all it took one government agency that had not taken the simple step of updating its server software. the white house still has not publicly naming the culprit it is acknowledging the growing threat. >> we have seen our adversaries use innovative techniques and to learn from their previous efforts to try to find vulnerabilities in our system and to exploit them. >> reporter: this attack appears to lay the ground work if future attacks. using the stolen personal information to fool government employees employees. targeting the personal information of federal employees
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is new. chinese hackers had previously focused on stealing military and government skreetdsecrets and corporate data for financial gain. >> i didn't think that stopped, but this is just a new attack which is typically been used by organized crime for monetizing that data. and now nation states are clearly seeing that it has use for them as well. >> reporter: security analysts say some federal agencies are not following the government's own guidelines to update operating systems with the latest protections. the office of personnel management discovered the breach by using new software but the detection came after the system had already been compromised. after years of alleged cyber attacks by china the obama administration has tried raising the issue president to president. it even issued criminal charges against an elite group of chinese hackers believed housed
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at this shanghai building and known as unit 61398. but china's attacks have only continued and grown. >> cyber as we're all wake up to again this morning is the newest domain of warfare. >> what is incredible the u.s. charging people and yet they act like everything is as usual with china. the president of china scheduled to come to the united states and get the big pomp and circumstance of a state visit in the obama meeting in accepts.september. could that be canceled? >> no, it won't be canceled. you can expect the president to raise it directly with the chinese president as he's done before. but there is a real struggle here to find out what will work. they have tried everything. they have named and shamed these hackers. and they're naming and shaming again here. although the white house is not publicly identifying who it was, they are talking about the circumstances of the attack. they have to find a way because at this point, nothing is working.
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one thing i can tell you, the white house, the government is reaching out to the private sector because they're acknowledging that they just don't have the talent to react. you had secretary ash carter doing this very thing a couple weeks ago. they know they need help but it better come quickly. >> incredible. thanks so much jim. and outfront tonight, john kirby, how serious is this hack? >> i think you've seen the office of personnel management speak to it. it was a significant security breach. it's one that frankly because of upgrades to their capabilities they were able to discover. we're always looking at ways to try to improve our cyber security. but significant though it was, it's under investigation, and there not a lot more we ask talk about except to say that again cyber security is something we take very seriously across the federal government and certainly here at the state department. >> so cnn is reporting tonight that the hackers may now be able to expose and blackmail american intelligence agents worldwide. that means lives are at risk
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doesn't it? >> well, look, as i said it's under investigation and i really don't want to -- can't speak to the specifics of this particular breach. itment wouldn't be our place. but the cyber security realm requires a lot of energy and effort and we're very mindful of the risks that exist inside that environment. >> u.s. investigators are telling cnn china is responsible for this chinese military in particular. china says that accusation is groubdless and irresponsible. but the president spokesperson won't blame china directly. why the hesitation? >> again, this is under investigation by the federal bureau of investigation. that is where it lays. the office of personnel management has the lead on this from a fixed perspective. and i think we just need to let this investigation follow its course before we start laying out claims of responsibility. i think again we want to let this investigation proceed. >> tension is very high between the u.s. and china right now.
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cnn investigationally was on a u.s. spy plane, china directly threaten tlad nened that plane. and mike morell said war with china is absolutely in his words absolutely a risk. you just came from working at the pentagon. is war a fair word? >> i think again what we're trying to -- let's talk about what we want to get here. where we want to questiongo and not what we want to avoid. what we want with china is a proceed ducts difference construction difference relationship. it's a growing power. a big influence in the region. we're seeking ways to make that relationship more transparent and more constructive. there issis no question we don't agree with china on lots of things and we've talked about that. there is a dialogue there. we obviously on these south china sea claims we don't want the area militarized. we don't want attentions
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escalated. and we want whatever disputing claims there are to be solved through negotiation and diplomatic process. there is no reason that it has to deinvolve into conflict if the dialogue can continue and the relationship can be improved. sdl john kirby, thank you very much. and outfront next, the tsa, billions and billions in wasted taxpayer money. and a miserable pailfailure at detecting bombs and guns. and breaking news, a train crash just south of chicago. more than 200 people on board. that breaking news is next as we've we're getting more information in. and we'll talk about the viagra pill that may get fda approval for women. is it worth popping this pill every day of your life? because it targets your brain.
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back with breaking news. an amtrak train traveling in san antonio to chicago has collided with a truck. we'll show you these pictures. these are live aerials. this rail crossing where you're seeing this happened is near wilmington illinois. there were 203 people on board that train. we are told they have been evacuated. some are injured, but at this time, we understand none seriously. obviously the good news of the night. the condition of the truck driver is unknown at this point. that may be a very different story as you can see the condition of the 18 wheeler. we'll continue to monitor the situation and update you as we get more information tonight. and now a special out front investigation, 62,000 employees and a budget of about $8 billion, you would think you could change the world with that. and yet the tsa failed to detect bombs and weapons 95% of the time in the most recent test.
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$8 billion. 62,000 people. where is that money and manpower going? you'll be shocked to find out. tom foreman is outfront tonight with this exclusive investigation. >> reporter: with planes trains subway highways and more under their watch, the tsa has 62,000 employees and annual annual budget pushing $8 billion. a scathing new report of a 95% failure rate in detecting airport threats back what is i said studies have said for years. taxpayers aren't getting much for their money. exhibit one, in 2010 when back scatter scanners were deployed they were immediately assailed as ineffective, possibly dangerous and needlessly intrusive. virtually strip searching passengers. despite spending more than $130 million within two years, the tsa was pulling them out of major airports. exhibit two, a congressional
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report found the tsa warehousing thousands of pieces of equipment it overbought or does not need and wasting as much as $100 million on poorly planned shipping. such things make members of congress like florida republican john mika howell. >> it's out of control. >> reporter: and the tsa has spent around a billion dollars on a program to spot potential terrorists by their behavior despite a government account ability office assessment that says it is virtually worthless. tsa for over a decade now has been horribly bur reaccurate tick agency. they didn't seem to learn from their past mistakes. they have spent billions of dollars on things that don't work. >> reporter: there have been embarrassments too, like videos of airport workers including tsa employees stealing from passengers' bags. it was supposed to be different. in the wake of 9/11 the newly established tsa was held up as a model of efficiency and safety. >> you already know you're not a
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threat. show us by packing smart. >> reporter: and the agency has undeniably stopped some threats. so despite all the bad news at the white house -- >> the president does continue to have confidence that the officers at the tsa do very important work, that continue to protect the american people and continue to protect the american aviation system. >> reporter: tom foreman, cnn, washington. just incredible. outfront next, a controversial female viagra pill one step closer to fda approval. so what is this and how would it even work? and american pharoah prepping for the biggest race of his life. a superstitious sports. so will his jockey be riding with his underwear inside out?
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it's only two of us. how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [doorbell rings] what's this? swiffer sweeper. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise. tonight for the first time viagra for women. an advisory panel recommending
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the fda approve a drug to raise women's sex all desire. it's a daily pink pill. i'm not making that up people. developed by a company called sprout pharmaceuticals. out front now co-host of doctors tv show and co-author of a revolutionary guide if reclaiming your sex life. a lot of people are making jokes, but this is a very serious thing. more than 40% of people may suffer from some sort of dysfunction that >> it is nothing like viagra. so it is confusing when you call it a female vie agoa. that increases blood flow and this enhances libido or sexual desire. >> do you think women should be taking a pill every day.
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you take a pink pill every day, it is not like viagra where you take it before sexual activity. it take ises like an anti-depressant. >> and there is a see alice taken daily by men. if men can take a pill daily and the question is can women. and quality of life is just as important as quantity. and sexual enjoyment is a quality of life issue. but you bring up a good point. this is a brain chemistry issue. and libido or sexual desire or motivation to be sexual has an emotional basis to it. so we are trying to medicalize something that is emotional as well so that is the confusing part. >> and emotional which is a
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whole other thing which is deeply which is why so many are skeptical of this. and why this sparked so many questions and we asked our viewers to send them in and this is important and daniel robbins wrote on facebook. i would like to know the side effects. are you still able to have children and is this something that could effect the women long-term. that is a question for women of all age. >> the women studies were premenopausal women and it was not studied in women who could benefit from it by the way. but in terms of the long-term effects, that is a good question. we don't know the long-term effects. the women were studied for eight moz. so does take the pleasure centers of the brain, does that have long-term effects.
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i would thinking it would be used not as prescribed and we would be seeing other compulsive behaviors because it increases dopamine levels which is the same that cocaine increases and that was one of my concerns. and the side effects are concerning. nausea fatigue, fainting dizziness, so things along those lines are a concern. the fda is requiring further phase one studies. the company has to do driving stimulation studies and interactions with other drugs. so the full safety protocol is not yet available. >> people are certainly talking about it. thank you, doctor. >> it is good we're talking about it. thank you. >> and people care deeply about it. next, american pharoah running for horse racing's illusive triple crown. one bet, is it all -- is that all sports superstitions will be
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. there is a lot riding on american pharoah when he running in the belmont stakes tomorrow. richard roth is front. >> american pharoah, a true american american phenom. >> by winning the preakness stakes and the american kentucky before it american pharoah races to the edge of history. could he be the first in 37 years by capturing the belmont stakes. >> position number five is american pharoah. >> bob baffert his trainer has lost three times in the belmont while chasing the triple crown. >> hopefully he'll do his thing and finally we can break this
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detroit drought. i think i'm responsible for the drought. >> but it all comes down to this. is american pharoah feeling lucky? superstition is a big part of the game. >> on personal note if i was in a slump, i would turn my underwear inside out to changes things up. >> the last to fall short last year on california chrome. >> espinosa did adjust pre-race routine by praying, and with an orthodox sabbath, no driving to the track, they will sleep overnight in four rv's. >> our family and god comes first. >> and others have some superstitions. >> and i like to end my bet with an even number. >> i call my grand forge. my superstition would be to stay as far away from him as
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possible. >> if he wins american pharoah will make $800,000 for his owner and plus much more in advertise. at cool more stud far where race horses are bread, american pharoah will get his own fun when he retires. while the owner rakes in part of what is known as stud fees that could top $100,000 a pop if he wins the triple crown. >> he'll have dates with pretty fillies and human athletes would excel at their sport if they knew that was their fate they had in their future. >> i don't think they use that bugle at the stud far. 13 horses have won the derby and the preakness and failed here at the belmont. three years ago, i'll have another scratched at the last minute. the calm before the storm here at belmont. erin. >> richard, last time there was the scratch, as you say. and this weekend we hope you'll
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watch the global edition of "outfront" and cnn international, i'll speak to the malm of muhammed sulton who spent 140 days in an egypt jail and in solitary confinement. he is back in the u.s. you'll hear his story tomorrow. thanks for watching. anderson starts now. >> and we'll begin with the growing list of dennis hastert victims which now stands at three, and corroboration for the latest accusers story, corroboration for the woman who spoke to ryan ross. she said her brother steve rime bolt was wrestling. >> i said steve when was your first same sex experience and he looked at me and said it was with dennis hastert. and i knew i was
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