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tv   CNN International  CNN  June 8, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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i want to thank all of you for watching. goodnight. [cheers and applause] a pair of convicted killers are on the loose after a daring escape. now a prison employee is under skrut any. an exclusive, the view from the battle front as iraqi troops face off against isis militants. and in texas, a police officer's confrontation with teens at a pool party sparks outrage. i want to welcome our viewers here in the u.s. and all around the world. it's great to have you with me. i'm errol barnett. this is "cnn newsroom." it's just past 1:00 in the morning in new york where hundreds of police are searching
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for two killers who escaped from a maximum security prison. canada and mexico are on alert right now just in case these convicted killers try to cross the border. and now there's the possibility these men had help from inside the prison. jason carroll is in a small town where the inmates broke free and has more on the man hunt. >> reporter: cars stopped at check points, leading to and from the clinton facility. police looking for any clue as to the whereabouts of matt and sweat. a woman who working inside the prison has already been questioned as a possible accomplice. both matt and sweat discovered missing early saturday morning. >> we're leaving no stone unturned. they could be out of state, but they still could be holed up here in dannemora.
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>> reporter: they used power tools to cut through steel walls. maneuvered through a catwalk emerging out of a manhole to freedom. >> you get a better sense of exactly where that manhole is located. all you have to do is look on barker street. there are a few prison guards standing right next to the manhole located a block or so away from the outer wall of the correctional facility. matt and sweat stuffed their bunks full of clothes as a die could -- decoy. also leaving behind this racist note. >> they needed equipment they wouldn't have had. and they had to have the assistance of someone. >> reporter: jack ruger agrees. before he retired he worked as a guard and inside the machine shop for nearly four decades. >> got to have a lot of help
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there somewhere. >> reporter: is it your thinking they may have had head from the inside or the outside our a combination of both? >> maybe the combination of both. you don't cut through a steel wall without somebody hearing it. >> reporter: one thing is clear, the men are extremely dangerous. the search stretching all the way to canada and mexico. some 300 members of law enforcement in the man hunt which includes search dogs and going door to door. tessa lopez peru had her home and garage searched this weekend. >> some people said we crazy for living up here. i never felt in danger. i, actually felt safer. >> reporter: and your thoughts now? >> i'm actually, with all of the added security, police, corrections officers, everyone looking everywhere, i really feel safer than we've ever felt. even with them at large. yes, it is a concern, but i don't think they're anywhere around here right now.
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>> jason carroll joins us from dannemora new york to talk to us about this. they worked in a taylor shop appare -- tailor shop with a female employee. is that the only employee we know about so far? >> reporter: i'm sure given the a leads that have come in, some 300 leads have come in to law enforcement, one can safely assume, at least at this point that they're following up on other leads as well. but this is something solid. and that's what we're hearing from law enforcement, law enforcement sources telling cnn that this woman has been questioned, worked with them closely, teaching them tailoring, that sort of thing. again, she was brought in for questioning. what is unclear at this point, errol, how and in what way may she have helped them with this
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elaborate escape. that is something that has not been confirmed and is not known at this point but is one o inve up on. >> these men have nothing to lose. they don't want to go back to their previous situation and are likely willing to do whatever it takes to continue to be on the run. just remind us of how violent these men are. >> reporter: i mean, extremely violent. both of these men are, a, convicted murderers. one of them convicted of killing a former officer, member of law enforcement. the other one killing his former boss, not just torturing then killing, then dismembering his body. extremely violent. so when law enforcement officials say that these men have nothing to lose, that they are extremely violent, all you have to do is look at their pasts. the reward, $100,000, being
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offered for information for their return. but that also comes with a warning. law enforcement telling anyone who may have seen these two men, don't approach them if you see them. call us first. >> and, again, the state of new york is offering a $100,000 reward for the capture of these two killers. officials have received more than 150 tips, but it may not be enough, this, of considers, is being soon around the world. if you have information, you are urged to call the u.s. marshals at 1-800-give-tip. now to the fight against isis and new information on the terror group's leader. a senior u.s. official says the united states had intelligence for months on possible locations for al baghdadi. it's believed he now stays in populated areas, knowing the u.s. won't risk killing
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civilians. meantime, u.s. president barack obama sat down with iraq's president on the sidelines of the g-7 summit. >> we're reviewing a range of plans for how we might do that. essentially accelerating the number of iraqi forces that are properly trained and equipped and have a focussed strategy and good leadership. and when a finalized plan is presented to me by the pentagon, then i will share it with the american people. it's not, we don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the iraqis as well, about how recruitment takes place, how that training takes place, so the detailing of that are not yet worked out. >> now as the u.s. works on that strategy, the iraqi city of
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mosul remains in isis control. it's been one year now since the terror group captured iraq's second largest city, causing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes. it's now estimated that 1 million residents remain under the extremists rule there. and fresh off of taking thesy of beiji they're focussing on ramadi. the terror group is now threatening a key military base nearby where iraqi forces and militia are said to be preparing for an all-out assault on the extremists. our nick payton walsh was with the troops on the front lines and files this exclusive report. >> reporter: a long, edgy road leads to the iraqi base, the closest the iraqis have taken western television since it fell to isis. huge, sprawling. it's meant to be where soldiers,
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both shia and sunni are to be amassing. but we're told they're mostly deployed outside. and here, it is the iraqi army along the northern edge of their base in a vicious front line with isis along the river. isis have blocked a dam upstream to lower the tides and help them attack. it is minute by minute here. the situation can change. and that river bed very much the front line. they've been using water from the lake to keep its levels high, but still, as you can hear, isis are very close. they see and watch isis daily. but say they are overlooked by coalition airstrikes. they're supposed to give us some support now from war planes, he says.
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we're in control of the ground. all we need is air support. here, caught between the isis towns of ramadi and fallujah, they face 1,000 isis, they think. but here, he says, they see only a few with long beards and a flag here. but soon, isis fire back. this is what happens when you poke that snake. they lead us out, this, the iraqi stronghold where they speak of readiness and glory to come yet seem busied by an enemy
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far too close. nick payton walsh, cnn, iraq. and some other major stories we're following for you. south korea is working to keep middle east respiratory syndrome from spregd as the virus claims a seventh victim. kathy novak has been tracking this story from the beginning and joins us now live with the latest. now that officials from the w.h.o. have arrived there, what kind of work will they be doing with local authorities? >> reporter: weshls errol, they're joining a team of south korean experts to try to figure out exactly how this virus was transmitted. we know that for now it remains within hospitals. it has not spread to the public. but this team of inspectors will really drill down into more of the details. they met this morning, and here's a little bit of what the assistant director general had to say. >> the role of the international
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experts here is to learn along with you about what, what this virus is doing in a new situation and then we will be working very closely with the government to strengthen its efforts to bring this under control as quickly as possible. >> reporter: and errol, this team will be working throughout the week and it's expected to report on its findings' weekend. >> now we should note that the government there has been criticized from the beginning of all of this for not really handling the outbreak properly, not communicating well enough. we've seen it make some adjustmenting since then. so are you seeing any of that criticism wane at all? >> reporter: i'm not sure about it waning, errol. i think people are waiting and seeing, because the anxiety really did grow here, precisely because of that criticism and because of the lack of transparency or the perceived lack of transparency among the
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american public. once they admitted that there were deficiencies on the handling, that officials did not get on ton of the first patient quickly enough and that allowed it to spread. and there was another hospital in seoul that was affected within its emergency room. now what the government is doing is it will designate more than 200 preliminary testing centers and is appealing for anyone that may be experiencing symptoms that may be associated with mers to report to those preliminary testing centers first so that it is in an effort to not expose more emergency rooms to the virus. at the same time, it has put in place efforts to remain that the more than 2,000 people who remain in quarantine stay there. so that it doesn't spread to the public. they're being tracked using the gps on their mobile phones to ensure they stay put. >> a little bit of modern technology at use there. hopefully the outbreak will stop
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as soon as possible. kathy novak live for us out of seoul south korea. now football's world governing body i says there are no legal grounds to take away the world cup from russia and qatar. the bids were awarded by democratic vote. russia and qatar have denied bribery allegations. but the 2010 world cup in south africa is also under scrutiny. that country also denies any wrongdoing, but the sunday times of london reports that it has secret tapes that show morocco actually won the vote. jonathan calvert has been investigating fifa for years. >> reporter: many many years ago back in 2010 we did an undercover investigation in which we poised as lobbyists and went around all these fifa officials. as a result of that, on tape, we have these officials making all sorts of claims, about what happened in the 2004 contest for
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the 2010 world cup. and among them were lots of claims about morocco. so there were claims of morocco paying people, people were saying to us, they offered me payment for my vote. and so there was a huge amount of information on there. and what we found interesting about that was that we've provided all this to fifa five years ago. and yet, fifa did absolutely nothing about those allegations. >> truly stunning. and in another sport scandal, the chairman of u.k. athletics confirms mo farah's records will be reviewed. he's not been accused of doping, but a bbc investigation reveals he violated rules and doped rupp when he was 16 years old. both deny the claims.
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the family of riva steeeva steenkamp are asking that oscar pistorius stay in prison. under south african war, law hed be released in august. they are calling for him to be held accountable. coming up, the tsa fails again. plus, greek business owners worry as thousands of migrants pour onto their shores. stay with us here on cnn. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role
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most weekends only last a couple of days. some last a lifetime. hampton. we go together. always get the lowest price, only when you book direct at take a look at the security checkpoint lanes in the u.s. i can tell you this is my least favorite place to be, but there's been another shocking failure by the agency in charge of u.s. airport security. a new report reveals the tsa did not screen out dozens of workers on terror watch lists and even allowed them to work in secure areas. we have the details. >> reporter: aviation workers with terror connections working
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at u.s. airports. the tsa in charge of vetting these employees green lighted at least 73 people with links to terrorism. >> these are airport workers. so this really speaks to the issue of the insider threat. tsa's primary way to guard against that is to make sure that these background checks are complete and exhaustive. and what this report says is they're not complete, nor are they exhaustive. >> reporter: according to a department of homeland security inspector general report, the slip-up is a national security risk even the tsa acknowledges, quote, the individuals were cleared for access to secured arias despite representing a potential transpofrtation security threat. they worked with unescorted access to planes, tarmac and luggage. the misstep happens because tsa
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does not have access to every terror agency's watch list. >> who's to blame? tsa and dhs are really at lied here. >> reporter: the fear, airport workers with terror links could facilitate an insider attack. in an investigation, drew griffin uncovered employees with access to tarmacs and planes were not screened daily eye. although they ramped up random screening after a baggage handle you are was caught smuggling guns onto commercial planes in atlanta. skraut any over tsa's vetting process comes after embarrassing news the agency's officers failed to dent weapons and fake explosives almost every time undercover teams put them to the test. >> it just points to a larger problem that tsa has in making sure that their operations are running smoothly. and it comes from leadership and not having a leader in place for
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some time now i think has been detrimental to the agency. >> reporter: renee marsh, cnn, washington. the u.s. supreme court has ruled that americans born in jerusalem cannot list israel as their country of birth in their passport. the parents of this boy you're about to see him here, sued the state department to do just that soon after he was born in jerusalem. but because jerusalem is disputed territory, u.s. passports declare no country, so it's essentially left blank. for 60 years, it has been u.s. policy that no state holds solve represent at this over jerusalem. the supreme court's majority decision says that the president has the exclusive power to recognize foreign territories. now thousands of migrants continue to make the dangerous journey across the mediterranean into europe. and over the weekend, rescuers saved about 6,000ing my raptss at sea. 1200 of them have arrived in sicily to be processed and receive medical care. the u.n. says nearly 100,000ing
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my raptss have crossed into europe so far this year. and you can see how quickly this yois is escalating. at this time last year that number was at about 50,000. and another 1,000, another nation where thousands of these migrants are setting foot and landing in is greece. they arrive happy to have made it alive after a long and perilous journey, but some locals don't share that sentiment. isa suarez reports. >> reporter: this is greece's new reality. boat load after boat load of migrants landing on their idyllic shores. exhausted yet relieved, they rush to set foot on a more stable land. only the remnanting of their past is left behind. they turn their backs on turmoil and follow the coast guard who escorting women, men and children through the streets. here, two very distinct worlds
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collide, when tourists come face to face with the migrants. it is a scene repeated daily eye. while some stare, others nap, taking refuge from the harsh afternoon sun in the park. i meet a group of pakistanis and afghans, waiting for temporary residence papers to be processed. he does not want to appear on camera and is from cache mere. he made the journey from pakistan and turkey. >> i go to germany, france, england. >> reporter: he's only one of thousands making the journey. more than 8 thousa,000 have arr here this year. you can see it for the thousands of migrants making it in these
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dinghies, this is perhaps the fastest way into europe. their arrival has seemingly forced tourists to avert their lives, but many tell me it's not ruining their holiday. >> before we came out, the people would say the people are complaining because of the immigrants, but as far as we're concerned doesn't affect us whatsoever. what can we do? >> reporter: so greece needs every tourist it can get. the locals fear migrants will drive them away. >> every week we have 1,000 people. and they're around everywhere. they don't have some path. they don't have nothing. so it's very bad. >> reporter: cash-strapped and nervous, greeks must now come face to face with this new reality. their charming island now a new frontier for migrants who have left it all behind for their moment in the sun. isa suarez, on an island in
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greece. dangerous and desperate. that's how two prison escapees are being described right now. we'll bring you details on their long and violent histories coming up. plus, we'll also hear from a texas teenager involved in this controversial interabs with police caught on video. stay with us. and never run out. right now, buy an eligible printer and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. available at participating retailers. the most affordable way to print. hp instant ink.
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you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm errol barnett. thanks so much for staying with me. let's get you up to date on our top headlines right now. experts with the world health organization are in south korea to investigate the
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outbreak of mers. seven people with mers have now died. and the number of confirmed cases has now risen to 95. fifa says there are no legal grounds to revoke the world cup bids from russia and kaqatar. that comes after they've denied all al glegations of bribes. a female employee has been questioned as a complice in the prison break. now those escapees. richard matt and david sweat have extremely violent histories, and that's making officials even more anxious to find them quickly. deborah fay rick has more on their long and bloody rap sheets. >> reporter: vicious, cunning, extremely vie epts will. that's how a retired detective
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now describes 49 year old richard matt. he was convicted in 2008 of kidnapping his ex-boss, william pickerson senior who owned a food delivery business. at the trial, an accomplice testified the man he called rick matt tortured the elderly businessman, tossing him in a truck for 24 hours before snapping his neck. he then dismembered the body, the accomplice testifying he cut up the torso and said that he threw the legs in the niagara river. before he could stand trial for that murder he escaped to mexico where he soon killed another american in a bar. he was thrown in a mix can prison and extradited to new york to stand trial for the pickerson homicide. years earlier, matt had escaped a different prison facility whale serving time for burglary. >> he's a really dangerous, desperate man. they are literally killers.
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>> reporter: the second is 35 year old david sweat serving life without parole for the 2002 murder of broom county sheriff's deputy kevin tar sia. >> he was gunned down by mr. sweat and another individual. so while he was out on parole. >> reporter: they had just robbed a gun store when they were confronted by the deputy, shooting him at least 12 times. at the max number security prison from which the men escaped, matt and sweat had adjoining cells, they worked in the tailor shop with a female employee now suspected of helping them break out. a u.s. grand jury has charged a former police officer with murder in south carolina. back in april, michael slager shot walter scott as he ran away. you may remember this extremely disturbing video.
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moments before this video he pulled scott over reportedly for a traffic stop. his death here recorded by a bystander in what went viral and really sparked outrage and renewed national debate on race and policing. a lawyer representing walter scott's family says they've waited for this trial and will continue to wait for justice. >> today was just an example that if you just keep the faith, even in the darkest times you'll see the light. but this is just step one. we're going to patiently wait for the criminal trial in this case. and the family's going to patiently wait to see if the city and the police department and the chief is going to accept responsibility in the civil suit, because this entire situation never should have occurred with officer slager. >> and in other policing news, the officer at the center of an explosive confrontation over the weekend has now been identified. corporal eric casebolt is now
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off the job after his reaction to a community pool in a suburb. people from the community marched to demonstrate against what some are calling racist and inappropriate actions against african-americans there. our nick valencia reports. >> on your face! >> reporter: so this is where you got hit? >> yes. >> reporter: 14 year old jahda. she says the officer who is now on administrative leave struck her in the arm and face. >> reporter: what do you want to see happen to the police officer? >> i really want, i really, i honestly think that he should be, like, it shouldn't just be a suspension. it should be, he should get fired because -- >> reporter: a sorry isn't good enough? >> no, just because you say sorry, it can still happen again. he hit me in the face when i tried helping the girl. and when two more guys tried
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helping the girl he pulled his firearm out. >> reporter: it's a memory she won't soon forget. >> the only reason i did not runaway. i was frozen. i was not sure. i was, just, like. >> reporter: you thought were you going to get shot? >> yes. >> reporter: the white officer who pulled his gun was one of a dozen officers who responded to reports of a fight at the pool. jahda's father says there's only reason this happened. >> because they were black. >> reporter: jordan gray, vacari's cousin was also at the party. do you think this has to do with race? >> this doesn't have nothing to do with race. >> reporter: what does this have to do with then? >> this has to do with a group of teens getting to the, having a good time. >> i told you to stay! get your [ bleep ] on the ground. >> reporter: not everyone in the community is angry at the police officer. some are outright defending him. >> i think he deserves a medal for what he did. >> reporter: this mckinney
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resident witnessed the incident and is afraid to go on camera after neighbors who supported the officer received death threats. >> i want everyone to know that that police officer along with everyone else were completely in the right and protecting everyone. weighs not out of line. i completely support him drawing his weapon or taser or whatever it was he did call because i was being attacked from behind. >> reporter: nick valencia, cnn, mckinney, texas. cedric alexander is an analyst and joins us to talk about this. it really has gone viral. a few points we should make is this was a private pool, private property. there are homeowner association rules. you can only have two guests or so. but the officer at the center of this video has been placed on leave. but the controversial moment, the one that really strikes people is the moment he goes for his gun, pulls it out of the
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hollister on what are unarmed teens. based on what we know, was that justified? >> it was one of those situations where he was in the moment of that incident. he felt he was being closed in on by these young men. when they appeared to be doing nothing but were concerned about the girl on the ground which was their friend. it appeared that he may have yofr reacted, but he rehollistered his weapon right away. that can be a training issue. but who knows what was going through his mind at that particular time. but that is a very significant piece in that whole seven-minute video that really does raise the consciousness of a lot of people as to what his actions were this that disconnect between police and oftentimes communities of color as well. >> which really is the undercurrent of what we're looking at here. now one black teen that spoke to cnn says he doesn't think this was racial at all. it was more unruly teens at a private pool. but considering we've had incidents reported on camera of
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unarmed black men being shot and killed by police, should these officers, not just the one who pulled it out of his holliststu. >> there was only one officer in question. all the other officers appeared to have been quite calm, talking to the kids, but this one particular officer was running from place to place, yelling, screaming, cursing which was totally inappropriate. so he really got himself overstressed in this situation all together quite frankly. so if you think about in light of everything that's going on in the country today, between police and particularly, particularly communities of color, there you go with that same optic again, raising up those same issues again, which we can never seem to find any resolve too. but that's why it's very important thaw look at even one
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of these individually. >> it was less than a month ago you had a bike irfight in texas, the same state, nine people were killed. that's before the police showed up. many online noting and comparing these things side by side, those bikers all involved in the incident, sitting pretty calmly, the officers all showing restraint. people died in that situation. >> that's right. >> on the left, we're talking about a pool party with some teens that the behavior of that one officer is what's noted here. what do you make of that? >> well, it's what we all make of it. why is it different with one group of people in appearance and it's different with another group of people in appearance. that's a question neither you or i can answer. but the perception is that it's a race issue. it kind of compounds the whole piece about certain groups are treated differently than other groups. and whether that's real or unreal, it becomes a perception of people, and not just of african-americans, but people period who have a concern for
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human rights. so it is one of those questions, one of those optics when you look at the situation, you know, the bikers, and then you look at these teenage kids. why is one group being thrown to the ground while the other one is sitting there casually after all these shootings, and officers sitting there with them. >> and we're talking about within a month. why, why though? i know that's a difficult question to answer. >> it is a very difficult question to answer. but, but the situation here is this. it tells me very clearly how we train and how departments yipts act with different populations. you're talking two different communities here as well. they both in the state of texas, but they're two entirely different communities. two different police departmenting. one may train one way. another may train another way. but at the end of the day, the race issue still continues to come up. whether there's truth to it or fiction to it. that's in the mind of the
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viewer. there are people who will view that and say this is wrong. this is so different how you trite treat a 14 year old group of kids and men. each viewer in his or her own mind have to begin do answer that question, honestly to themselves. >> great to have you at cnn as our law enforcement analyst. thank force coming do -- you fo down. >> thank you for having me. >> when one misbehaves it can create controversy. another officer's actions have gone viral but in a good way. this individual posted this to facebook wdaf reports that the child's mother had a seizure and black offered to hold the bobby while paramedics attended to her. the child began to cry, so he fed her.
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black has 14 grandkids, so he knew exactly what to do. now apple makes another major announcement. details after the break. like i like my vacations: tropical. and during red lobster's island escape, three new tropical dishes take me straight to the islands. so i'm diving fork-first into the lobster and shrimp in paradise, with panko-crusted lobster tail and jumbo shrimp in captain morgan barbecue glaze. or the ultimate island seafood feast, with tender crab, wood-grilled lobster, and two island-inspired flavors of jumbo shrimp. because a summer without tropical flavors might as well be winter. this escape is too good to miss so...don't. as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways
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nasa took to the skies on monday with a flying saucer. the space agency hopes the craft could play a role in a future manned mission to mars. they lifted the test vessel into the sky above hawaii causing cheers at the control room. the happiness didn't last long. the parachute meant to help land safely on mars didn't deflate when deployed. nasa says they'll learn from this test. apple is once again stepping into the music business, unveiling apple streaming music. they will have access to 30 million songs in the apple music library.
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we have more on the announcement and the evolution of online music. >> reporter: just to give you a little context, if were you to go back say 15 year, the music industry was in a huge mess. you had sites like napster and everybody under the sun was downloading illegally. then came itunes that got widespread acceptance. suddenly people were paying for music again. if you look at the environment today, it's all about streaming. people aren't going to itunes and individually downloading tracks like they once were. it's now all these all-you-can-eat plans. so apple is joining that with apple music, and we explain the inspiration behind the change. >> so i say guys, can we build a bigger and better ecosystem? with the elegance and simplicity that only apple can do?
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one complete thought around music. >> reporter: apple music will cost $10 a month, which is competitive with what sol of so other apps. there is a family plan that will cost $15 a month. it will debut on ios devices and will later be available in the fall. i'm not sure if you've seen this already. i've been working hard for you, six other cnn anchors put their knowledge of the '70s to the test. it's all for a good cause. we'll bring you highlights after the break. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs,
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10:51 pm
[sfx: bell] but the more you learn about insurancyour coverage,bout it. the more gaps you may find. [burke] like how you thought you were covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] but you're not even covered for this... [man] it's a profound statement. [burke] or how you may be covered for this... [burke] but not for something like this... [burke] talk to farmers and see what gaps could be hiding in your coverage. [sfx: yeti noise] ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪
10:52 pm
so, a place that's typically cool in the u.s. has just been baking recently. pedram javaheri joins i've live years. right around the upper 30s to 40s celsius. in some areas, some hotels give
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you discounts for local residents for air conditioning. >> that's your old stomping ground. >> yes. it is, absolutely. and these areas, air conditioning is not prevalent for a lot of the homes because it typically is very cool, into the upper 20s, low 20s this time of year. about 70 fahrenheit is the normal temperature. but now we're talking 100 to 105. as far as the maximum temperatures, medford, organieg 105 degrees. it was warmer in parts of oregon than in death valley on sunday. but you take a look at the perspective. seattle tied a record high from 1948. and this pattern has been ongoing for a couple days. but 102, roughly 41 degrees celsius in a few of these areas. when you have this clockwise flow around the cascade
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mountains, the western side, say seattle into the eastern side, yakima. easterly flow. the temperatures want to warm up about 5 degrees for every five feet. you pump your bicycle tire. it warms up as you compress that air. the air sinks. about 82 on tuesday. 69 is the average temp. portland gets to the upper 80s. notice a cooling trend as we head into the next couple days. and remnants of a tropical depression, blanca move in. not a washout, but keecooler one southwestern states.
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while the northwestern states get the heat. since of our colleagues teamed up in the quiz show, the '70s edition. the cnn team had fun along the way. take a look at this. >> interviewed richard nixon in a long series of -- >> barbara walters? >> no, in winter, this covers the ground. >> oh, oh, snow, frost, david frost. >> that's correct. >> very erudite, glib guy. first name is, let's pass, let's pass. >> probably best. >> owner. >> steve rubell. >> boxer, he won. >> mohammed ali. >> swimmer. lots of gold medals at the
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olympics. haaack. >> sorry. >> what i'm doing. >> hocking a lugy. >> first black winner of wimblet wimbleton. >> arthur ashe. >> oh, he's just chainnged from one side to the other. >> bruce jenner! >> i don't know if we would have done as well. thanks for watching, everyone, back in an hour with rosemary church. but first, she is sewolo after e break when "cnn newsroom" continues.
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11:00 pm
-- captions by vitac -- a year after isis took over iraq's second largest city, the u.s. president says a new strategy is needed to defeat the militants. cnn has a report. a manhunt in upstate new york for two convicted killers who made a prison escape. and cnn chases down a south african organizer to answer questions about the fifa


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