tv Wolf CNN June 9, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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breaking news from capitol hill in washington. police have cleared floors of the u.s. senate office building including an on going hearing after they received a phone call reporting a suspicious package. you're looking at these pictures just from moments ago, a hearing of the senate homeland security committee chaired by senator ron johnson, all of a sudden he told them they have to evacuate this hearing. let's go to our senior washington correspondent joe johns on capitol hill.
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he's joining us on the phone. joe, what is going on? >> wolf you have it right there. it was the circumstance seine senate office building one of the many cavernous buildings on capitol hill and authorities say they got a report of a suspicious package apparently on the third floor in a room right next door to or adjacent to the hearing room where the homeland security committee was meeting. we know that the room was cleared. we know an investigation continues into what is there or is not there. i was just there on the floor minutes ago and there was a state of calm because things like this happen on capitol hill from time to time but because obviously it was homeland security department because the subject matter was the transportation security administration an abundance of concern. authorities have not told us there have been any type of an all clear so we're waiting to
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find out what they think it is. they did tell us electronically through e-mail that some floors of the building had been cleared but i saw no evidence of that. what i did see evidence of is that the elevators to the basement appear to have been programmed not to take people all the way into the tunnels. so it's not clear how many people vbhave been evacuated. but we know the authority has said they have evacuated some floors. so waiting and watching to see what happens here on capitol hill wolf and we'll get back to you when we know. >> quick question. is it just the dirksen senate office building? we're showing our viewers a live pictures of authorities now going through, walking around looking in the dirksen -- this is the hearing room where the secretary -- excuse me, the senator, the chairman of the homeland security committee was chairing this hearing on the tsa. we see law enforcement, capitol hill police and others walking around there seemingly looking
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for something right in the hearing room. i take it it's just the dirksen senate office building joe, not the russell, the hart any of the other senate office buildings that have been evacuated? >> right. to my knowledge, and i can tell you i've done a very cursory walk around. i'm standing right now in front of russell because there had been concern that there might have been another call. but that is unconfirmed. there's no evidence of that visually on the ground here at the capitol hill complex. i do not see people being evacuated from other buildings at this time. i haven't been by hart so it's possible but nothing is confirmed. >> these are live pictures from inside this hearing room in the circumstance seine senate office building on capitol hill. there was a hearing on the tsa, the transportation security administration. some of of the recent very embarrassing lapse, failures that have been adopted by the inspector general of the
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department of homeland security including some 70 or 80 employees of the tsa who clearly were not thoroughly vetted they were on the terror watch list they had jobs and were allowed into sensitive areas at airports across the united states. there was a hearing that the chairman of this committee was holding and he had to cancel or at least postpone that hearing. i think senator johnson is joining us live. senator, can you hear me? >> sure can. wolf how are you doing? >> good. where are you now? >> i'm in the russell rotunda. right now it's just the third floor of the dirksen building that was evacuated in an orderly fashion. the capitol police will doing an excellent job. apparently they're searching different rooms because there was a threat, a suspiciousus issuspicious package so they're doing their job. >> as far as you know there's no all clear that's been given yet? >> not yet.
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but the russell building is open, the hart office building is open the dirksen building -- other air yast haven't been evacuated. it's just the third floor. >> so when you were abruptly telling everyone to leave that hearing room, what did authorities tell you? what was the explanation? just. >> just that there was a threat called in and that the capitol police were clearing not only the hearing room but the floor. so i made that announcement and we evacuated the room and the building. >> it was very orderly. we saw it on video. was it a bomb threat called in mr. chairman? >> all i know the it was supposedly a suspicious package. i don't know what the threat was but obviously capital police we have to take these things seriously and that's what we did. >> how often does something like this happen? you've been a senator for a while. >> first time it's happened in my hearing room. but unfortunately, wolf, in the world we live in today this happens all too often.
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officials have to take these things seriously. thankfully most are prank calls and false threats. we we live in an area of terrorism and we have to take these threats seriously. >> and people who think there's a hoax or prank they don't realize this is a felony. they can go to jail for a long time if they make these kinds of phone calls. all right, senator, let's talk about some of the issues. you were holding this hearing on the tsa, you do oversight of the transportation security administration. what's the latest? it was alarming about 70 or 80 employees of the tsa received jobs even though they were on a terror watch list here in the united states and they were allowed entry into sensitive areas at airports and elsewhere. what's going on? >> well the stove piping between agencies those stove pipes have not been torn down or they're being rebuilt. so you don't have the free flow of information from one agency to the other and so tsa has not
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been made aware of the threat these people pose so if they were given clearance to work behind the scenes in airports. but that's only one of the problems. another thing we were exploring in this hearing is the fact that there have been news reports that we had inspectors basically going through these airport security zones with what were simulated either explosive devices or weapons and they failed to capture those things or detect them and at 59% or higher rate. 95% or higher. let's face it, all of who travel on an ongoing basis realize this is in many respects security theater. not that there isn't some effectiveness to security theater, but what i'm trying to get is i'm trying to work with secretary jayeh johnson, the new tsa administrator that hopefully we'll confirm very quickly, vice admiral they haven jer.
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i want they want to think out of the box. what's the most effective in terms of security and cost in how to keep this nation safe within the tsa? we have to rethink our approach from top to bottom. >> i have to tell you, mr. chairman. i was shocked, you may not have been surprised, you watch this more closely than i do that these representatives of the tsa, regular people who work there, the inspector general reported that they made 70 attempts to go through tsa security at various airports around the country with fake bombs, with weapons or whatever explosives fake explosives and 67 times out of 70 they got through. that was shocking to me mr. chairman. >> we're looking for a technological solution so we have these ait machines that are supposed to detect bomb bus they don't detect a metal weapon. so there are simple solutions do a second-step approach.
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have a metal detector on the other side. something else i was talking about in the hearing before we had to recess because of the threat is what about bomb-sniffing dogs? they are incredibly effective. the person from gao is saying they're expensive. we're spending $7.2 billion on security theater. let's look at what's going to work in the layered approach. we had a very good witness, a former and current air marshal also saying we need to repurpose air marshals so they're more effective. so we have to rethink our approach to look at what the mission is of the tsa. wolf i have to point out, here's one of the problems -- the tsa basically has two goals, one is to keep this nation completely safe make sure we catch every potential threat and at the same time make sure passengers are being put through the system efficiently. those goals are contradictory
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and that creates the problem. >> i want to be precise, mr. chairman millions of travelers go through airports throughout the united states they go through the tsa checkpoint, they take off their shoes, their jackets, they put all their electronic stuff in a certain bin, they go through that whole process. you're saying this is largely theater? is that what you're saying? >> well that was somebody else's word somebody else's frayed but to a certain extent it's true. and part of that works, it does deter people. no doubt about it. i told a story where i went to a boy scout event and they gave me a package and i didn't have time to look at it so i popped in the my briefcase and milwaukee airport in terminal "c" they caught the pocket knife. so we've got a lot of tsa -- i'd say the vast majority that are alert and paying attention but they're being given an almost impossible task 100% security but at the same time the kind of through-put, the millions 660
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million passengers that we're screening. it's impossible so we have to be smarter as the way we approach that security measure. >> it's shocking stuff to me and i'm sure millions of other people who go through these screenings all the time if it's just theater and not going to catch stuff that shouldn't be going through, mr. chairman. let us know what's happening as far as that phoned threat that mysterious package that's forced you to evacuate your hearing room in the dirksen senate office building. we'll stay on top of that story but thanks for sharing what's going on. we appreciate. >> it thanks for your interest. have a great day. >> john johnsonn ron johnson, chairman of the governmental security committee. up next, the iraqi ambassador to the united states is here live. we'll talk about iraq's contributions to the fight. what is going on right now? my conversation with the iraqi ambassador when we come back.
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let's get to the fight against isis in iraq right now. iraqi forces are scoring victories in northern iraq right now around the baiji oil complex. the refinery there is the large nest iraq. security officials tell cnn the iraqi military backed by shiite militia fighters now control the majority of the complex and the city. ben weed mandeman is joining us live from baghdad. ben, you've been there for a while. how fluid is this situation in baiji, this strategically important oil refinery? if you listen to pentagon officials, it seems to be changing hands every few days or so. >> well, there's been fighting in baiji, the refinery and the town for quite some time wolf.
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but iraqi security officials we spoke to today were fairly categorical. they say that as far as baiji the town goes that they control almost all of the city. it's just one last northern suburb that they're still encountering some problems with snipers and ieds which of course is the modus operandi of isis when it leaves an area they leave behind hundreds in some cases thousands of these ieds which makes progress difficult. but iraqi officials seem pretty confident now that they're very well in control of the situation there. as far as the refinery goes, that we are told is 75% under the control of iraqi forces. now, the fighting has been going on there for a really long time so that refinery iraq's largest, has essentially been out of action for several months and given the damage that's occurred there, until, a, the
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iraqi forces can control it 100% it's still going to be months before that facility is back up and running. wolf? >> and just north of baiji, as you know is mosul, the second-largest city in iraq taken over almost exactly a year or so ago by isis. what's the latest as far as this strategy to liberate mosul from these isis terrorists? >> well today, wolf, is the one-year airer have one-year anniversary since the fall of mosul. earlier this year we were reporting u.s. officials were saying there would be a late spring offensive to liberate mosul, but that's completely gone out the window. now, the government of haider al-abadi has appointed a general too coordinate the efforts to prepare for an offensive to take mosul but that's still months and months away and they have to secure the southern approaches
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to the city. baiji, the area north of baiji as well which is still under isis control. in the meantime you have hundreds of thousands, according to some u.n. estimates up to three million people homeless in iraq displaced by the fighting. up to one million from mosul itself. some of them are here in baghdad. we spoke to one group of 48 christian families from mosul who are now staying in an old school an old girl's elementary school. and they're, frankly, pessimist pessimistic pessimistic. they feel that isis half one year has really got its claws deep into that city. one man told me the chances of him returning any time soon to mosul are one in a million. wolf? >> all right, ben wedeman in baghdad. be careful over there. thank you very much. president obama has been criticized over the past 24 hours, including by some members of congress for a lack of an anti-isis strategy in iraq. but the president has seemingly
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put the blame directly on iraq's government. listen to this. >> we don't yet have a complete strategy because it requires commitments on the part of the iraqis. >> all right, let's bring in the ambassador of iraq to the united states mr. ambassador thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> you heard what the president had to say. let me play you more of what he said at the news conference yesterday because, also he's clearly disappointed in what your "boston" is doing or not doing. listen to this. >> one of the things that we're still seeing is -- in iraq places where we've got more training capacity than we have recruits. so part of my discussion with prime minister abadi was how do we make sure that we get more recruits in. a big part of the answer is our outreach to sunni tribes. >> so you heard the president say the u.s. does not have a
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complete strategy right now because your government your military is not doing what you should be doing. your reply to the president? >> i think mr. president is right that we have to have a complete picture, everybody working with each other in relations to operations strategies and others as well. however, on iraq we have been doing as much as we can, we still have these fights with the reflecti baiji and others. it's a reflection that we can not accommodate isis. we will endeavor certainly with the u.s. report and we appreciate that all the time but i think we need to work closer with each other in addressing these issues. >> because he says the u.s. has trainers there but the iraqi military isn't showing up. there's not enough recruits to train. >> your report talked about the fluidity of it. this is not just across the whole of iraq there might be pockets here and there. if it's harder to get to that base or other aspects of it as well. as a strategy working together
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in defeat of isis in iraq, the focus has to be iraq. the focus has to be ramadi and has to be mosul province. >> so why did the iraqi military abandon mose? the second-largest city one year ago today and leave behind so much u.s.-supplied military equipment and then more recently they did exactly the same thing in ramadi. >> in ramadi there wasn't an equipment issue. it was an issue. we're looking at that thoroughly. in mosul, that's a very big disappointment for all of us in iraq and certainly for the region. we can not accommodate isis being there. we need support of others as well. however we are a new democracy. u.s. troops left us without even a single fighter plane. let's not forget that. and i think we need to get our politics right but we need the support of others. >> you heard, though -- >> let me be clear, wolf.
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>> please. >> others we need as much as they need us. >> you heard ash carter tell our barbara starr, pentagon correspondent, that your troops in his words showed no will to fight in ramadi. >> i don't think anybody will benefit from such words. the americans as much as us. we have partnership, we have the will for it everyday. everyday we have these fights on different operations different theaters. iraq are paying blood sweat and resources everyday. as our prime minister said isis are targeting an attrition of war. we need to be focused on that. we can not accommodate for it. i think isis is not an iraqi problem problem. it's a global problem. what you saw yesterday in paris and germany need to reflect that. i think we need to be on the same wavelength or same page and talk about the threat to all. >> but you know those of us who have been to iraq we love iraq we love iraqis. >> thank you. >> we're so disappointed that after, what a decade of u.s.
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training and arming and providing support for the iraqi military in an instance like the battle in ramadi where you overwhelmingly outnumber these isis terrorists you guys abandoned ramadi. >> i can assure you that after 2003 the will of the people to have democracy, to have their determination is still there. the determination to build the country is still there. we had no state after 2003 the americans abandoned us in 2011. now it's important that the country -- >> let me be precise. when you say the united states abandoned iraq in 2011 when the u.s. pulled out troop, right? is that what you're saying? >> 2011 we had no single fighter plane. that's a fact. >> the u.s. pulled out its troops in 2011 that was a schedule that president bush put in place that president obama implemented. president bush said he had no choice because the prime minister at that time nouri al-maliki, refused to sign a status of forces agreement which
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would give the u.s. military protection from being arrest bid the iraqis. >> i want yo-to-don't want to go into the history of who's what why. now we have a serious problem. we need to work with each other. iraqis feel that united states as an ally need to stand with us for our common threats. we had significant political change last year as a result of mosul and we're working with each other. we have a very united team at the leadership in relation to speaker parliament president and prime minister. >> excuse me for interrupting mr. ambassador. i want to be precise. you're blaming the united states for the disaster that is taking -- >> the united states -- >> wait a second. there's a disaster in iraq right now as you and i probably agree. the united states you're blaming? >> i'm saying we all make mistakes. let's not -- let's focus on the future let's work with each other. as far as mistakes these mistakes are made. there was change in administration change in policy we appreciate that. we're not questioning that. what we're saying now as a
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result of us not working closely with each other back in 2011 now we're -- everybody's paying the price. we need to work with each other moving forward. >> one final question. former u.s. secretary of defense donald rumsfeld told the "times" of london that -- and i'm quoting him now -- "the idea that we could fashion a democracy in iraq seemed to me unrealistic." he said "throughout the aftermath of 2003 when the u.s. launched the invasion got rid of saddam hussein, he never believed it was realistic to create a democracy in iraq. your reaction to what donald rumsfeld said? >> i'm sure secretary rumsfeld will appreciate that having 10 elections, three changes of leadership in a very civil way, that doesn't happen in that region. we have stuck to it. the latest election we have 62% of the people participated. so it's not an issue about people going there, it's an issue of us working with each other, believing in a new democracy. it's not an issue of democracy
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per say, it's an issue of a new system based on the heritage of saddam hussein. that's where we are. we appreciate what united states did for us. we are looking for further support. we are allied. let's stick to that. >> off lot of work to do to reasure iraqi sunnis and kurds that they are part of iraq. >> we have a nascent democracy. we need to work with each other. everybody has a threat. every component of iraq has to live with a threat of isis. let's not -- let's get rid of that. let's work with each other. the spirit is there. we need to get the tactic and certain elements of the strategy. but let me repeat that. as much as we need the west we need united states and others thank you very much for all the help you need us as well here. >> lukman phailfaily is the u.s. ambassador to the united states. thank you very much for coming in. just ahead, breaking news we're following on this that
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prison break in upstate new york. new developments on escape for both prisoners. an active search is under way throughout north america and especially in a place about 30 miles from that prison. we're going live to new york after a quick break. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study
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to the dirksen senate office building where there have been some sort of threat some sort of bomb threat that was called in. you saw the committee hearing, the senate homeland security committee. there was a hearing under way. senator ron johnson, the chairman of that committee, evacuated the room. we saw the search going on. now there's an all-clear on capitol hill. good news there, business can resume in the senate dirksen office building. there's other breaking news we're following right now. authorities are actively searching farms and fields in upstate new york. two convicted killers, richard matt and david sweat, they may have been seen we're now told, in the town of willsboro. they escaped from the clinton correctional facility about 30 miles away friday night or early saturday sighting comes as two located, told abc news they believe the men were in their own backyard. >> they were looking around a little bit. as soon as i came across they ran out of my yard. >> that was them? >> that was them yeah.
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>> cnn's polo sandoval is joining us now near the prison. what exactly do we know about this latest development in this so-called active search polo? >> wolf it is perhaps one of the most significant developments we've seen today. we know that active search is happening as you mentioned about 30 miles south of here in the town of willsboro. it was a resident of that very small town home to about 2,000 people, who spotted two suspicious individuals in the middle of the night walking through the rain as they person began to drive towards those slijs. s individuals. he reported those two people eventually ran away from him. now is question is why were running. that initial call is just one of the tips that have been poring into call centers. they've been manning the phones 24/7 since the elaborate jailbreak happened friday into saturday morning. what we know about this active search happening right now is that local, state, federal police on the ground in the air right now using helicopters and also walking some of the
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terrain. the extent of the action we've seen here just outside the clinton correctional facility which is where it all started, we've noticed transport vehicles van, buses come and go a couple of those vehicles carrying some of those correctional officers wearing body armor which is really what we've seen the last several days so we can only assume they could potential will i be heading out there to backup some of the officers that are looking for -- at least following up on this potential lead. again, at least two suspicious individuals spotted in the nearby town of willsboro p spotted by one citizen there. of course those reports being followed up on at this hour wolf. >> what about -- what do we know polo about this female prison worker being questioned by authorities? she's give an statement to investigators, is that right? >> that's right, wolf. money of the investigation also focusing on this individual a female prison worker who basically worked in the tailor shop in the facility you see behind me. our sources telling us she knew pretty well these two individuals and so now they're
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calling into question if she could have helped in the actual jailbreak but we should note that she has not been charged and, of course she has not been arrested so this is part of a fluid situation, the story far from over here in upstate new york wolf. >> all right, we'll stay in close touch with you, polo sandoval on the scene for us outside that prison. a huge manhunt under way not only 30 miles or so from the prison but throughout north america. a lot of authorities think these two guys could have wound up anywhere by now. thank you very much polo. other news we're following. could intelligence agencies here in the united states have a blind spot when it comes to isis in there's a new report that says it could have to do with the wives of the terror leaders. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections.
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u.s. intelligence agencies may have been underestimated the scope and power of women in isis. new intelligence gathered at last month's army delta force raid in syria reveals that some wives may be playing a more prominent role in terror operations than ever imagined in part because they know officials pay less attention to them. cnn's pentagon correspondent barbara starr is joining us now from the pentagon. also joining us are global affairs analyst kimberly dozier. barbara, what's the latest first of all, on this investigation? what are you learning? >> well wolf it's an interesting proposition. i don't know that the u.s. intelligence community has a definitive conclusion yet, but when they captured sayyaf last
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month in the raid, the wife of the killed isis operative, she had a lot of information, we're told. she was talking to interrogators. they have to check everything she says of course but the notion that an isis wife had this level of detail and information was perhaps a little bit surprising to the u.s. so they're rethinking it. could some of these isis wives know more? could they know about operations? could they work as couriers? do they know more than anybody thought they had at first glance? let's also be clear, this may be a very small group of isis wives. there are women that isis has kidnapped, taken into captivity, buy and sell essentially as sex slaves as people that they torture, most women who are under isis clutches are in very grim circumstances. >> has there really been kimberly a blind spot as far as isis women are concerned as far as the u.s. intelligence communities look into that?
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>> not so much a blind spot as a lack of resources. in places like afghanistan raiders, special operations teams do bring some women along to interrogate the women of the household. they don't that kind of capabilities in iraq and much less in operations inside syria right now. this might be something they have to look at in future. do you at least want to bring a woman interrogator along to talk to these people at the site? you might not want to bring them away because of cultural sensitivities but it looks like because the women in iraq syria, lebanon, jordan, are frequently very educated they've taken a more prominent role inside isis operations. >> so what you're saying is special operations teams go in with a delta force or navy seals you have women who speak the language go in with them in effect combat troops and start interrogating other iraqi or syrian or isis women who are there? >> well they would be with combat troops and possibly with
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a male translator. but they would then be the interlocutor that makes it okay to -- for them to talk to the women in the room. >> because of the cultural issues will might be easier to get information out of these isis women than a male? >> well part of it is the cultural sensitivities. the other part of it is that what they found the past in places where they do bring women along, the women are more likely to open up, the children are less frightened and that means they can exploit more information. most raids that i know of a couple that i've been on a few years back, they just leave the women and children in another room and try to keep them quiet, get the men and leave. >> what do you know barbara, about this search for abu bakr al baghdadi, the leader of isis. does the u.s. basically know where he is and if they do will they try to kill him? >> well u.s. officials will tell you that they have every reason to believe he is alive,
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relatively well in charge of isis. they have had intelligence tips if you will spotty bits of information over the months about potential locations for him inside syria and, of course several months ago we saw him preaching in what was said to be iraq. but in recent months they've had some tips. they haven't been able to get enough information together to launch any air strikes, to launch any commando raids because the information hasn't been timely enough. you know, they don't have sources on the ground inside syria where they believe he is. so this is something that is very difficult for them do. but it is interesting to note we are told very strongly that they have had some tips they're working on all of them. so it suggests that they do have a level of being able to monitor very high level isis activities. they may not have people on the ground but they have a lot of electronic means of doing it wolf. >> barbara starr, kimberly dozier.
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guys thanks very much. we'll take a quick break, when we come back we'll shift gears to developments here in the united states. dennis hastert reappearing after lying low for weeks. the former speaker of the house of representatives heads to court to face charges linked to an alleged hush-money scandal. ♪ ♪ hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink delivered to your door so print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. right now, buy an eligible printer and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. available at participating retailers. the most affordable way to print. hp instant ink.
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the former speaker of the house of representatives dennis hastert will make his first court appearance today. hastert has remained out of public view since he was accused in an alleged multimillion dollar hush-money scandal. but today he resurfaced. we have pictures of him arriving back home in illinois after reportedly spending time at his wisconsin vacation home. he faces charges of trying to conceal huge bank withdrawal then lying to the fbi about why he did it. sources tell cnn hastert was paying noun hide allegations of sexual misconduct involving a former male student. hastert was a high school teacher and wrestling coach in illinois before he entered politics. we've just received more video of hastert arriving at the courthouse in chicago today. take a look at this. you see the car arriving at the courthouse you'll see dennis hastert get out there. he is walking into the court. these proceedings will be taking place fairly soon. obviously a lot of media there, photographers jostling to ask
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him some questions and get through. not a pleasant experience clearly, for the former speaker of the house of representatives as he makes his way slowly inside that building for this court appearance. noing us now is paul butler a former federal prosecutors and professor at the george town university law school here in washington. paul walk us through where this goes from here. >> so this is an arraignment in which mr. hastert will have the opportunity too make a plea. almost certainly he will plead not guilty. sometimes defendants plead guilty but not in a case like this and not with a pit bull lawyer like tom green. >> his new lawyer tom green, a man of a loot of experience in white collar criminal allegations back in watergate, iran-contra iran-contra, whitewater. so the lawyer that the former speaker has retained is clearly experienced. he knows what he's doing. >> he's in a storied firm it brees barack obama as a young lawyer met michelle obama.
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it's an interesting choice. again, tom green has been around for a long time. he represented a senator back when i prosecuted anymore the 1990s. >> you were a federal prosecutor at the time. >> i was with the department of justice. he's tenacious. he's a fight-the-case lawyer and that's a surprising dmois a case like this which a lot of people expect a plea. because if you fight this case all this alleged dirty laundry about speaker hastert is going to come out. >> so the best for speaker hastert, presumably right now would be to cop a plea, is that what you're saying? >> to make some kind of deal. that is what will happen. it will be interesting to see. the department will offer something. the big issue will be whether they will insist that speaker hastert do some kind of prison time as a result of a plea bargain. almost certainly he's 73 years sold so old so he's going to fight that. but the problem with fighting it is if you go to trial and take the stand you have to tell about what the indictment calls this prior . >> paul butler thanks for coming in.
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>> great to be here. >> we'll have more coverage throughout the day. i want to return to the breaking news story we've been following at this hour. authorities are actively searching farms and fields in upstate new york. two convicted murders richard matt and david sweat may have been spotted about 12 miles from the prison. on the line is the town supervisor. shawn, what do we know about this search under way in your town right now? >> well i was just down talking to the county sheriff and the law enforcement people. they have a lot of officers on the ground searching a specific area and they also have an air graft in the air looking right
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now. they are fully investigating the area for two suspicious men that were in the area reported by a citizen. and the police -- the state police are not taking any tip less than very seriously. >> do you know shaun, where these two individuals who are wanted by authorities, where they were spotted in your town? >> in a town called middle road that runs north and south within the town and in an area that's all agricultural large farms and fields. and wooded lots. we had a very driving rainstorm all last night and they were walking down the road you know not dressed for the elements i think. and then when the car approached you know the person that called them in they took off the road and ran into the fields from what i understand.
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so this behavior kind of indicated that they were suspicious. and that prompted you know this search which is still going on. >> and the citizen who made the phone call to point out that these two individuals looked suspicious did the person get a good look at their faces? do you know? >> i do not know. i know that it was raining and dark. . but -- not confirmed, but i assume that the police are taking it very seriously. >> what's the mood in your town of willsboro? if there's fear that people are worried, i assume people are staying indoors and locked up. >> no not particularly. i've gotten a number of calls from worried citizens but being advised by the sheriff that you know to maintain normal
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vigilance that you know for a situation like this. but everything outside of the area that the police have cordoned off and stuff like that they don't consider it a threat. so we're going to have to try to tell everybody to remain calm. and, you know remain calm and carry on is kind of what i'm trying to tell the citizens. >> clearly both killers, convicted killers, extremely dangerous, what's the advice to people who may be watching us right now that you have if they suspect that they've spotted these two people whether in your community or elsewhere because there have been suggestions that these two guys could have wound up not only in mexico what's your advice to people that could have spotted them? >> i would say call the police or the authorities. for anything that they think may be suspicious if the federal and state authorities -- they
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told me that no tip will be considered anything but serious. so they are concerned and so you know it would be best to -- if you think it's suspicious call it in. >> have you, shaun, in your community of willsboro up there, you're the town supervisor ever gone through anything like this at all? >> no. no. this is the first time. it's a earn willing experience. there's a lot of law enforcement officers down there. >> i'm sure there is. >> but it's -- they are being extremely professional and remaining calm and, you know there's no sense of panic. >> shaun gillilland is the town supervisor about 30 miles or so from the maximum security prison which turned out to not be so much maximum and secure. shaun, thank you for that. hopefully they'll find these two
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guys and find them soon. just ahead, other news that we're following, jeb bush is in berlin and polishing his foreign policy credentials before kicking off his presidential campaign. what he is saying about the russian president vladimir putin. stand by. for the millions of americans suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid.
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troop. we'll also visit poland and estonia. all of this coming less than a week before he's expected to formally kick off his presidential campaign on monday. the speech just a little while ago finished up. the former florida governor took direct aim at vladimir putin violating incursions into ukraine. >> ukraine, a sovereign european nation must be permitted to choose its own path. russia must respect the sovereignty of all of its neighbors. and who can doubt that russia will do what it pleases? our alliance, our sole dareidarity and actions are important. >> several of these presidential hopefuls here in the united states make these european trips to expand their foreign policy credentials. that's it for me.
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thanks very much for watching. i'll be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." for our international viewers, "amanpour" is next and for those in north america, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin begins right now. here we go. i'm brooke baldwin. there is breaking news in the hunt for the two ruthless killers. look at this map. police are swarming a town in upstate new york about 30 miles south of the clinton correctional facility a prison where the two men escaped from using power drills some time on friday night. this active search is happening right now and apparently triggered by a sighting of two suspicious men in the town of willsboro, new york. there had been
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