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tv   New Day  CNN  June 10, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT

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tell you more about joyce mitchell this morning. she worked at the prison since 2010. she's married, lives in dickerson and worked in the tailoring shop with the two escapees. she knew them pretty well that's why she's being questioned as a possible accomplice in the case. she is somewhat cooperating and hasn't been charged with anything. let's talk about her cell phone. it was used to make several calls to people connected to one of the escapees richard matt. we don't know if she was aware her phone was being used. she was supposed to pick them up that day and had a change of heart and did not pick them up. that may have sent her into a panic attack. listen to what her son told nbc. >> she is not the kind of person that is going to risk her life or other people's lives to let these guys escape from prison. she was, in fact in the
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hospital. i don't know the exact details. i just know that she was having severe chest pains and she was concerned about that. >> reporter: these guys were apparently waiting for her to pick them up. now, they are on their own. one place they could be heading is the canadian border. we went to the border yesterday. it's not far from the prison only about 30 miles. it is easy to cross. at one point, i had one foot in the u.s. and one in canada and i walked across it has border in that open area no questions asked at all. one of the things they have to help is a canine unit. they are able to search the cars and know if anybody who could be up to no good might be in a trunk. they have video surveillance as well. hopefully they have that covered. >> that illustration of you on the border captures how easy it is. i hadn't known quite what that looked like until you straddled
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both countries there. thanks for showing us that. police descending on the town near the prison after possible sightings of the fugitives fugitives. police are combing the area. look at how many police there are. polo sandoval they look like shoulder-to-shoulder. do we know if they have found any clues? >> reporter: you know those images are quite impressive there. really if you think about it it started with a phone call early tuesday morning. an individual that spotted a few suspicious people walking down the lonely road in the rain that set off a flag. now, investigators launched from here over to west borrow. i can tell you, investigators did not find much. they searched fields farms and surveillance video from nearby homes and businesses hoping to find any trace of these two individual that is fled. at this point, that has not
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provided any results. i expect police officers and correctional officers to be out there today as they continue their search. one thing that is different, the weather seems to have cooperated. yesterday, heavy fog and downpours hampering the efforts. we are seeing correctional officers staging getting ready to head out for search again. that's what they want investigators to do. if they see something, say something. so far, authorities received 300 different phone calls and tips. authorities will follow up on each and every one of them. there is a phone number they want to make sure people write down keep in their phones 800-336-0102. that's the u.s. marshals tip line. they are the top 15 most wanted. it is clearly a priority to track them down before police
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can try to answer that question that's still pending, how were they able to escape. >> they will be able to figure that out once they catch them. we have the number. the easier number is 911. remember what you do is important, what you do not do is also important. do not approach them. they are killers and never been more desperate than now. lenny paul from new york and new jersey. good to have you here. the good news is their plan got screwed up. this woman pulled out, or so she says. her phone was used to call other people. what does that give you and where does it leave you? >> allegedly, she was involved. state troopers have the investigation and they have most of those questions answered. >> i'm going with supposedly instead of allegedly. allegedly, there's no proof. they do have something. >> let's say she did. who did she call? i'm sure those questions are
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being investigated if not already satisfied. what else did she do? did she meet anybody on the outside? was anything brought in? money, a cell phone to use when they escaped? that's huge if she was involved. >> you think there had to be others? >> sounds like it. i wouldn't rule it out. we are getting into day five now. the manhunt certainly will continue. now we get into a fugitive investigation. >> what's the difference? >> a big difference. the manhunt is that initial manpower set perimeters up knock on doors, do roadblocks car searches. take a look at things going on at the command post and who we need to talk to with respect to friends and family and who visited them in jail and that kind of thing. now the investigators go to work. let's take a hard look at the
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puzzle being put together and the people involved. >> how does time work for them and against them the bad guys? >> at this point, if they are on foot if in fact miss mitchell was involved and supposed to pick them up they are hurting. it's raining. the weather. they are hungry i'm sure. scared. although they are vicious animals, i don't know how scared they could be. you know timing is everything especially in a fugitive investigation. >> the idea of walking on the road to some would be like how could they be so elaborate on one side and so simple on the other? >> if it was them they came on the street to do a carjacking get picked up. who know what is their mind set is. i do know however, if they are cornered or found and whatnot, what is their mind set? is it suicide by cop? what are they thinking? that 800 number we put up
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please call that number. doesn't mean we are focusing on willsboro, they could be anywhere. i don't want the public to think i'm in florida and i see somebody it's not them because they are looking for them in new york. call that number. >> how do you balance the urgency of hearing someone saw them in this place with we have to be open to the fact they could be anywhere. this tip could not be right. >> everything is prioritized. that tip that came in from the female it made sense and certainly, to deploy enough assets to the area is important and critical to satisfy the lead. >> have you heard they got hit with the dogs? >> there was some talk about that. the guys that are down range said there was a possible scent. i can't confirm that. >> can't confirm it? as you look at it going forward, we have guys on the run all the time unfortunately. look at this in totality how
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much does this distinguish itself in terms of what we have dealt with in the past? >> again, look at the two guys and what they are about and their rap sheet and record and what they were convicted on and others that have been running. we look at them all the same. i have gone after parole violators and you can't certainly, you know these two guys are bad guys. you want to approach them as we do all of them extreme caution. they are armed and dangerous. did they get their hands on weapons while they were out? >> we don't know. >> thank you for your perspective on this. alisyn? that police officer who tackled a teenage girl and pulled his gun out on a group of teenagers resigned from the force. the corporal is in hiding after receiving death threats.
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we are live from mckinney, texas. what do we know? >> the officer had been on administrative leave. he left his position with the police department before the investigation into what happened was completed. now some say his resignation isn't enough. >> the actions of casebolt as seen on the video are indefensible. >> reporter: police officer corporal eric casebolt seen on the shocking viral video yanking a 14-year-old bikini clad girl on the ground and later putting his knee into her back has now resigned. the police chief says it's too soon to say whether he'll face charges. >> our policies our training our practice do not support our actions. he came into the call out of control. as the video shows, was out of control during the incident. >> reporter: this as protests continue over the shocking
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incident. >> on your face! >> reporter: some teens at the pool party say the police officers actions were racially motivated. >> when he came black kids here and white kids here straight up. we want to see the black kids. the white kids are innocent. go and take your phones out. >> reporter: the local police union said teens and adults were trespassing at the privately owned pool and reports of vandalism and fighting in the area when officers responded. casebolt's attorney has not responded to cnns request for comment. we have been told casebolt will not be talking to reporters today. his attorney is expects to hold a news conference this afternoon. chris? >> thank you very much. question here is president obama ready to send troops hundreds more to help train and advise iraqi forces in the fight against isis? it seems they are coming to a decision on that and soon. let's get to cnns barbara starr
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at the pentagon. what do we know? >> multiple sources telling cnn, yes, the white house made a decision likely to see very soon an announcement from the administration 400 to 500 additional u.s. troops going to iraq mainly to be trainers. this will up the trainers close to doubling it in iraq. most of the new troops go to anbar province. the goal is to get more iraqi forces and more sunni tribal militia members trained up back into the fight, ready to fight isis. i can tell you, already this morning, one military official saying don't overplay this. it's an adjustment not a change in strategy. from the point of view from the pentagon this doesn't fix iraq and it certainly doesn't answer the administration critics like john mccain and lindsey graham
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who want to see u.s. troops on the ground picking up targets and want to see more air strikes. don't look for a big change in strategy. an adjustment more trainers. a big issue is the iraqis have to show up at the training sites. another black eye for the secret service. dozens of newly hired secret service assigned to the white house do not have proper security clearance. they had access to classified material. a rush to hire is being blamed. they are promising to fix the problem quickly. a startling development in the james holmes trial. escorted out of the courtroom for hearing about news coverage of the trial and discussing the case. as you know those are grounds for a mistrial. holmes is facing murder charges
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for opening fire inside a movie theater. you will like the next story. a service dog is recovering from surgery after jumping in front of a school bus to save his blind owner. the 8-year-old dog and her owner were taking a walk when a minibus slammed into them. the golden retriever, cushioned the blow by leaping in front of his owner just before impact. he is recovering from leg surnlry. stone suffered broken ribs and elbow. her priority is to be reunited with the dog. would your dog do that for you? >> i would hope he wouldn't have to. take a look at what happened with the bus driver. i think there's something special about dogs. an amaze zing story. dogs are amaze zing. what do you think? we take a break to let you think about your dog and other pets.
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the video that led to a texas police officers resignation. we are going to go behind the scenes from what happened. this kid shot the video. what did he see? why this happens is just as important as anything else. how do you get to the top of your game? give it everything you've got and leave those sticky sunscreens behind. new neutrogena cooldry sport. powerful protection designed to feel good. micromesh technology lets sweat pass through and evaporate so skin stays comfortable, while clinically proven protection keeps going strong. don't get stuck with a sticky sunscreen. stay protected and comfortable with every move. new cooldry sport. neutrogena.
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the mckinney, texas police officer captured on this video throwing a teenage girl to the ground and pointing his gun at others at a pool party now off the force. he resigned after this video went viral. brandon took that video. good morning, brandon. >> hello. >> hi. we are so happy to have you here. there are so many questions about what happened dur thg incident. can you explain to us what were all of you kids doing at this pool? were you invited or trespassing there? >> actually we were all invited over twitter. that's how most of us found out. no we weren't trespassing. >> i see. there was an invitation that
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went out over twitter so it got bigger than maybe the owners expected? >> um yeah. >> okay. then what caused the police to come? was there a fight that broke out? >> yes, there was. between one of the parents at the party, not at the party, sorry. but at the pool and one of the kids from the party. the parent was making racial slurs to one of the kids and saying offensive things toward her. >> you heard that? did you hear the racial slurs? >> no. >> that's just what you heard the fight was about? >> yes. >> okay. >> that's what -- >> okay then police show up. then what happened? how does it get so confrontational with police? >> once the police showed up there was one officer. there was like maybe 50 kids running around and running away. the parent starts screaming, you
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need more cops. you need more cops. the officer called in nine more units and started chasing around all these kids and putting them on the ground and putting them in handcuffs, detaining them. by the time i started filming, all the kids who he just put on the ground had gotten up and ran away. so that was the officer running toward the kids who started running away when i started filming. >> why did you start filming? >> um i started filming because it was getting, like really tense, i could say. it was getting very out of control. there was a lot of people running around, screaming. yeah. >> brandon, was it your impression that the officer or officers were just going after the black kids? >> um um no not exactly, but i do think that some racism was
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involved in the detaining of the kids. >> why? >> um because when i was standing there filming, all my friends around me my black friends, african-american friends, they were all getting put on the ground and having to stay there and they hadn't done anything at all but just stand there. they were innocent bystander who is were placed on the ground for no reason. the cop kind of skipped over me for standing there. i was doing the same thing as them. >> brandon, do you think the officer at the center of this who resigned did he see you filming him? >> yes, he did. >> did that make you nervous? >> no. >> why were you able to continue filming, even after he pulled his gun out?
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>> i continued filming after he pulled his gun out because the gun wasn't in my direction. probably if the gun was faced in my direction, i would have stopped filming and gotten away from the situation. >> what did you think was going to happen once he pulled his gun out? >> i, personally think he was going to shoot one of those kids z. >> that's what you thought was going to happen? >> yes. i do think he was going to shoot one of those kids z. you could see in the video, two cops pulled him back and checked him to give him a heads up like, hey, calm down. >> brandon, your video that we are watching now has been viewed 10.6 million times online. i mean if you hadn't taken this video, none of us would have known about this story. >> yeah. actually i didn't post on youtube thinking it would go
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viral. i posted on youtube because a lot of my friends were texting me asking me for it. i just put it on youtube and sent them all a link and it went viral from there. >> what do you think that the officer resigned? >> i'm very shocked he resigned. i bet a lot of people weren't expecting that. i don't know if that was the right thing to do. i mean probably for his family yes. >> you know brandon, so many people certainly on my facebook page have said if only these kids complied. if only these kids had listened to the officer and sat down and not run around none of this would have been happening. do you see it that way? >> um i guess i could see it that way. but, i think that the kids who were placed on the ground didn't believe they deserved to be
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place ed placed on the ground and tried to go home and get away from the situation. >> thank you for sharing the video, letting us show it and telling us the story. you have answered a lot of questions. we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. alisyn how instrucktive and what a great point. if that kid hadn't taken that video, where who you would this have gone. what happens when you are thinking of announcing of running for president? john king is going to tell you what he said that makes my point, coming up on inside politics.
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we have new developments for you in the manhunt for the two prisoners who escaped a maximum security prison. according to sources, a woman who works at the prison joyce mitchell planned to help the convicts make a get away. she says she got cold feet. we are learning from her cell
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phone, calls were made to contacts of one of the murderers. and police got a tip and they were swarming a town 40 miles south of the prison. there was a report of two suspicious people on the road. they supposedly ran when the car got closer to them. that is the willsboro community. >> just incredible video. the national transportation safety board going to determine whether the engineer of the amtrak train that derailed in philadelphia was on his cell phone. they are leading toward he was not using his phone at the time. this as the senate holds a hearing calling for train safety improvements. >> that is a very important point. john stuart had fun on the daily show. it's so funny, even i had to show it. >> we were looking for a reporter to go into a prison and
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maybe stay there for about a year or so and then do an expose on prison life. if you have any suggestions, any help you need with your co-host, i am in a position to be helpful. i have very secret strategies that worked very well knowing the right information about him keeps him very docile. >> they haven't built a prison that can hold me yet, other than marriage. >> a ha gotcha bro. >> i'm going to need a place to stay tonight. >> i'm done laughing. what is your take on it? >> we are writing material for the daily show. we hand it right over to them. >> do you feel responsibility for moments that happen on the show? >> he's the governor. i don't want to shoot him down. i am tickled when he goes in
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that direction. >> tickled? it's an evil nasty tickle. here is my take. stewart, funny, but not accurate. there's no rivalry, he is my hero he raised me. >> no rivalry? >> none. he is the big brother and he gets it. emmy nominated. he made fun of me. i have won emmys. thanks jon, my wife miss zed it the first time. is the make up covering the bruise z. it was a joke. >> wow. >> stewart, your boy. >> i was happy to see it again. such good stuff. let's get to inside politics with john king. rich stuff. >> looking forward to you beating jon stewart to the punch and mrs. cuomo. >> thanks john. move along. >> moving along. i have a big brother, too. i know how the drill works. inside politics very busy day. jackie olivia.
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jeb bush is traveling overseas. he was overseas as he gave word he is sending more troops into iraq to work with the troops. a lot of criticism saying the president has been too timid and doesn't have a strategy. bush saying he needs to see the details, but thinks it might be a step in the right direction. >> i think our advisers if that's what they are ought to be in the military. it helps with intelligence and helps with the moral and ability to train the troops. right now, there's a prohibition of that. this is welcome news if this is a commitment from a strategic point of view to take out isis. >> it is rare we hear republican candidates say good when it comes to something the obama administration is doing. >> politics at the water's edge. he's exercise thag. it's a smart thing for jeb bush.
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he doesn't know what's going on with the president. there is a lot of room for error when it comes to foreign policy. >> for republican who is have been calling for a more aggressive approach. this is a step for the approach and the gap between jeb bush and the administration is the notion of embedding troops with front liner iraqi forces. there's still a gap. he has room there. that's the only difference. this is a dangerous turf for all republican contenders. at best, they are walking in january 2017 with a war that is still going on. a lot of pitfalls here. they have to be careful. >> staging debates down the road as it has operations ramp up and go. this is front and center of the republican debate. there are differences among the candidates. many have been shy and vague about what they would do. this is going to force them to step up and offer more details. jeb bush asked about his
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campaign shake up. they moved people around in jobs yesterday. some taking it as disappointment within team push that they are struggling. they are raising a lot of money. bush is in the middle of the pack. he hasn't pulled away. jeb bush says everybody needs to calm down things will be fine. >> it's a long haul. you start when ever you start and you end a long way a way from where you are today. so i just urge everybody to be more patient about this. i'm pretty confident that we are in a good position for sure. i'm going to compete everywhere. if i'm a candidate, there's no fifth place mentality in my mind. >> points for that's how you have to do it stay calm and say all is fine. we'll be good. is he fine? >> he has had public stumbled. he's not the greatest speech applier in the world. he has had this shake up. but, i mean in the way he
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doesn't want to peak too early is not necessarily a bad thing. you would think he would be further down the line at this point. >> i don't think he's wrong. there's a lot of room between now. i like if i'm a candidate. given the activities how do you shake up a campaign that doesn't exist yet. there's a lot of time. there is also a lot of enemies among the republicans. >> a lot of unease and it's a policy disagreement. he's got $100 million in the bank. if he spends money against his z rivals we will see what happens. that's a decision he has to face. when are you critical of the fellow republicans. back to the united states. president obama is back from his trip to europe. he did an event speaking about obamacare, the affordable care act. the president energized in the speech. he was talking about the people with the dire warnings. he said the republicans said it was going to take away freedom.
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then the president said look, you opposed it then. it's in place. leave it alone. >> there's something, i have to say, just deeply cynical about the ceaseless, endless partisan attempts to roll back progress. it seems so cynical to want to take coverage away from millions of people. to take away from those who need it most. punish millions with higher costs of care and what's been woven into the fabric of america. that kind of cynicism flies in the face of history. >> you can take that as lobbying the republicans to drop it and work with me on making it better. but i took it more as lobbying the supreme court saying it's woven into the fabric of history. leave it alone fellas and ladies. >> the administration hasn't come out with an alternative
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plan. the republicans are divided on this issue. there is no alternative. they are fighting about what they would do if it's struck down. there's going to be disarray. millions of people are going to be left without health care. who are they going to blame? >> as americans begin to regard this as benefits it gets harder and harder with millions of people getting health care. it's harder and harder for republicans to roll it back. that's the bet that's going on. >> almost the idea if you were opposed to it it's now the devil you know and you have navigated the system and you can rip it up and start it again. if the supreme court rules it unconstitutional we have this big debate. there's no expectation this congress is going to rush in to help. the democrats think they have a winning issue. >> because of the backlash already to ron johnson who wants to extend it a couple months like a year. so again, this is going to
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divide the republicans deeply and they are counting on that. >> we are in a bit of a box. when campaigning for president, it can be a lonely job at times. i'm going to say it rick santorum surprised us in 2012. he went on to win iowa shy of 25% of the vote. yesterday, it was a tough day. he's in hamlin iowa population 300 and one person shows up at the event. then he moves on to dennison. he's doubling his crowd as he goes. two people showed up in dennison iowa. bless him for going the work and working hard the old fashioned way, but that's got to be tough. >> it's two steps forward, i don't know how many steps back. rick santorum in iowa was drawing crowds in the end. now he has nothing to show for it. people are looking at other candidates. >> i hope history repeats himself. he works hard and goes all over iowa starts with one, two, he
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would be doubling his crowds. at this rate he's going to have whatever it is. he's betting history is going to repeat itself. he's going to keep doing it. it might work. >> we'll see what happens. i remember seeing him in 2012 eight or ten people in the room and he won. it's a long slog. sometimes it's frustrating. >> you double that crowd, you have 16 in no time. >> 32 and off to the race. >> exactly. thanks so much john. see you tomorrow. two baltimore police officers speaking out exclusively to cnn. you want to see this. they are talking about their jobs since the death of freddie gray. what's behind the spike in crime? we'll tell you their answers, next. he paid for ya.
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i understand the desire to self-protect but at the same time i am thinking if i'm a resident of the city of baltimore, i am thinking this is not okay. >> we need the public's help. it's the only element right now that is going to be able to face
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this because the people on our side -- >> that is brooke baldwin talking with two police officers talking about the rise of crime in baltimore. the officers obviously, wanted to be in shadow and wanted their voices changed because they didn't have permission to speak out and cnn agreed to not use their names and show their faces. that's why they appear as they do. >> we can't share their ranks and careful to say how long they were involved as officers. they were okay to say decades. they are in positions where they have officers under them. i sat with them for an entire hour yesterday morning in an undisclosed location in maryland. we talked about a lot between their thoughts on what happened with freddie gray, the usage of cell phones on scenes and if
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it's a distraction for officers. what we really hit on i want to share it with you. the month of may was the deadliest month for the city of baltimore in 42 years. i said why is that. here is their response. since the riots, baltimore has had the deadliest month in the city's history in 42 years. i was reading the paper this morning, a 16-year-old died over the weekend an 8 and 10-year-old shot. why is this happening? >> because depending on the element, feels as though we are not going to run the risk of chasing them if they are with a gun using this opportunity to settle an old beef or scores with people that they have conflict with. i think the public really really sees that they actually softer less aggressive police department and now they are
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realizing their way of thinking does not work. >> are the criminals right in thinking you all will not arrest people as you would before? >> you have to run the risk. if i chase a guy who possibly has a gun, we'll all be charged with criminal negligence. that roll of the dice is greater than me running to the next call and writing a report. so these are the things we have to wait. we can't make that decision because we'll be -- we run the risk of being criminally charges. >> there are additional conversations you are having with yourself in your head whether or not you want to pursue. is it because you don't want to be wrongfully charged or is it
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because what you reference, those above your pay raise are wanting the softer more gentle police department? which is it? >> we believe they are -- some of the citizens requested a softer police department. now we have the softer police department. we survived through. >> you took an oath to serve and protect. >> changing the color of our cause to be light blue to appeal to the public and everybody wants officer friendly. the worst thing that could ever happen to a person we respond to and see. we understand that these are not our problems. we come to solve problems and help. when there's a call for someone
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firing a gun, our officers respond with the same about of vigor they have always done even before freddie gray. >> the commissioner says the spike in crime is because of the drugs that were looted. >> i asked them about that. they basically called bs on that allegation. listen the city of baltimore has been ripe with drugs for years and years. can you imagine wanting to shoot somebody else on the street corner because someone else had a box of goods. that is one example how they believe the police commissioner in baltimore doesn't have their backs. they believe the commissioner doesn't have their backs. they believe the mayor doesn't have their backs. >> what do they think the solution is? >> great question. i asked them when will you fully do your jobs? does it mean they have to be exonerated? they believe they have been convicted in the court of public opinion. that's the thing, we don't know.
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>> of course you know as you know i'm sure from watching the coverage a lot of cops say the exact opposite. they are doing their jobs and artificial pressure is put on them but they are doing their job. >> they are doing their jobs they want to go home at night to their families. they are being reactive not proactive. >> brooke has more of this interview with the officers. you can watch it at 2:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. alisyn? >> first it was calorie counts. now one city wants to shake things up even more at chain restaurants. how your meal may be changes. just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda®... calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda® ♪ the scent of vanilla now melon, then white flowers. new air wick life scents in summer delights the first constantly changing fragrance
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cereal spaghetti sauce. we have new information for you in the search for those two escaped inmates in new york. did a person working in the prison supposedly help them get away but then get cold feet? what we're learning about the women ahead. put your hand over your heart. is it beating? good! then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. it's a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. i said people with hearts. because hearts health is important. that's why i've researched optimized and packaged this mix just for you. not you. so if you have a heart start optimizing your nutrition with my nutrition. planters. nutrition starts with nut.
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. are they closing in on two escaped murders? >> investigators are questioning joyce mitchell. she may have been the ride for these two fugitives. but apparently she changed her mind. >> she is not the kind of person that's going to risk her life for other people's lives. the police officer at the center of that pool party melee, he is stepping down. >> he shoved me in the grass. he started pulling back on my braids. >> the policies, our training our practice do not support his actions. 500 additional american troops could be heading to iraq to fight isis. >> i think the iraqi will to fight is still there, but i think we have to strengthen the leadership of it. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo. >> good morning welcome to your
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"new day." it's tuesday, june 10th. 8:00 in the east. we have a new york prison worker who's apparently now the focus of the investigation. she tells investigators she planned to pick up the two escapees from the upstate facility after their get-away. but the source says that joyce mitchell -- that's the worker's name -- that she got cold feet at the last moment. it's day five of this man hunt. are police closing in on these dangerous fugitives? do they have any clues, randy? >> reporter: not at this point, though they are still looking this morning. let me talk a little bit more about joyce mitchell. we are here at the prison where she works. she's been here since 2010 as an employee. she's married. she lives in dickerson. she apparently knew them


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