tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 12, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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tonight's "money and power" boeing releasing this video of the newest dreamliner 787-9. that's takeoff. it looks like 90 degrees. incredible or hell depending on how much you've look to fly. one pilot tells cnn the plane was able to make the assent it was lighter no passengers on board. boeing sold 500 of the plane. list price for that would be $131 billion. holy cow. thank you for joining us. anderson starts now. hey, good evening. thank you for joining us on this friday night. joyce mitchell, the prison seamstress accused of helping two ruthless killers escape from new york's toughest make mum security facility is now in custody expected to be arraigned facing up to eight years behind bars. she has been charged with promoting prison contraband, first degree class d felony. criminal facilitation fourth
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degree class a misdemeanor. one large piece of the puzzle in our quest to find the two escaped murderers. >> joyce mitchell now known as tillie in custody. that's not all. she has been linked by investigators to both cop killer david sweat and torture murderer richard matt. not only did she allegedly have some kind of relationship with both men, her husband is also potentially connected. we don't know how. he is under investigation though. he has yet to be charged with anything we should point out. and on top of all that, of course the two straervery dangerous men, killers are out there some where. tillie may be in custody. they certainly are not. we begin our complete coverage with alexandra field on the arrest and arraignment. she joins us now. what else did the d.a. have to say about joyce mitchell? >> reporter: well anderson this is the woman police believe was meant to drive the getaway car but never showed up at the
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prison when the fugitives escaped. she has been arrested. she will be arraigned tonight. then the woman who worked at a maximum security prison will likely be booked into this county jail. all of this going down today. investigators say, that she may have provided these two inmates with tools. that sunny washe was the one that brought the two convicted killers the tools they may have needed. blades drill bits eyeglasses with lights affixed to them. as soon as the two escaped, investigators zeroed on this woman that there were previous suspicion she's had a relationship with both of the men. investigators have said she cooperated over the course of the last week speaking to them almost every day. and in fact anderson the clinton county district attorney said he believed she was being so open and so readily available to them because she might be feeling some sense of guilt or
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responsibility. >> as far as the possibility of more people being charged with helping the prisoners escape any word on that? >> well we do know that investigators have been speaking to her husband, lyle mitchell. he also works in the prison in the maintenance department of the same tailor shop they have been frying totrying to determine if he had any role in the planning or knew in any way about the plan. we are hearing from state police that they're speaking to other is vilian iancivilian employees and certified staff members in the prison. we have heard from department of correction tonight joyce mitchell has now been suspended from her job in the tailor shop anderson. >> the plot seems to thicken. alexandra field. thank you. some of our reporting earlier today foreshadowed this. and "360's" randi kaye is in dannemora near the prison and joins us tonight. randi, what's the latest? >> anderson this case as you see is full of surprises.
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we spoke with a source earlier today with a great deal of knowledge of this investigation. and he told me that joyce mitchell did have a relationship with both of these men. both david sweat and richard matt at some point. he said it was definitely more than a friendship although he wouldn't say any more thanr. more than that. he wouldn't stayay he wasn't clear which joyce mitchell favored. those were his word. joyce mitchell arrested charged. she has been talking with investigators all this time. but now it seems they will have more question for her husband. >> reporter: this is the man investigators are looking at. lyle mitchell husband of joyce mitchell. she is the prison employee charged for her role in the escape plan. lyle mitchell works at the prison too. >> he is working at the facility in the maintenance department in the tailor shop area. >> reporter: the tailor block where his wife worked and both fugitives once worked. it's where they all got to know each other. what's still unclear is what lyle mitchell's role may have
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been in helping convicted killers richard matt and david sweat escape. >> we have information that's coming through, through interviews just through our investigation that he possibly could have been involved or at least had knowledge of what was happening. >> any idea what his role may have been? >> we have information on what part his role would be. and you know i hate to keep saying this to everyone but this is a -- an investigation that not only has helped us taking matt and sweat into custody. we are pursuing people involved. >> reporter: investigators believe joyce mitchell pro sided escapees ss with lighted glasses, drill bits and hacksaws to cut their way to freedom. once out they may have stopped here maplefield's gas station and subway shop one mile down the road from clinton correctional facility. this is where bloodhounds first
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picked up the escapees' scent. when was the actual scent picked up by the sdmogz. >> on wednesday night. and then continued through yesterday. and then even with the weather they're working it today. >> reporter: if the fugitives did come here they may have been caught on video. the gas station has surveillance cameras. that's one of them right there. and the owner tells us he gave those surveillance videos to police. the district attorney says they are reviewing them. >> have not seen anything at this point in time on the video to confirm if either sweat or matt's presence here. >> reporter: bloodhounds are continuing to track the men. perhaps all the way to the towns of cadyville and cerenak three miles away. and the scene of some of the most intense search efforts. >> just got word from of our neighbors they possibly spotted the inmates jumping a stone wall at near the intersection of crinkle road and bucks corner.
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>> amber cringle posted this message on her facebook page. it reads, right now the inmates were seen jumping the stone wall behind my parents's any house. adding, i hope this is it. please please please. canines searched the woods as helicopters buzz add buff the neighborhood. but still no sign of the killers on the run. >> and randy, how have investigators actually connected joyce mitchell to those tools that the fuj tich-- the fugitives allegedly used. >> i asked the d.a. yesterday, investigators served search warrants at joyce mitchell's home. what did you find receipts what was there as evidence? he wouldn't comment on whether or not they had found receipts. but he did say the information connecting joyce mitchell to the tools came from joyce mitchell and also did come from those search warrants andersen. >> randy is there anything on what the possible motive would have been for joyce mitchell's
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husband to somehow be aware of this or involved in this if he in fact was? >> it is really unclear. they're not talking about the motive. trying to figure out if he was connected or knew about it or maybe helping her. not sure if it was knowledge or real action in his case. there are reports that that he doesn't read or write. maybe she was manipulating him. there were some discussion about that. the district attorney would not talk about that. but we do know he worked in the very same tailoring block with the two convicts and with his wife. so all of them got to know each other. >> wow. randi, stay with us. i want to bring in our panel. cnn legal analyst mark garagos, and sunny hostin. they want to move on to other parts of the investigation, does that mean you think they have gotten everything out of her that they can or is bringing charges against her, perhaps, a way to pressure her?
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>> no i think given what they have said so far, that they have reached the end of the road with her. now they have put her into custody. now they want new move on to her husband. i am not so sure that, that the husband necessarily has any information. i've will fell you one way for law enforcement to get hem to talk -- get him to talk is to leak out information that he may have been involved and arrest his wife. nothing will make somebody cooperate quicker than that. >> sunny, she has one felony one misdemeanor charge against her. were you expecting something more substantial considering the seriousness of the allegations if i assume they can add more charges later? >> i was suspecting something more frankly. her exposure is only about eight years. let's be clear. this is an extremely serious matter. if one of these convicted murderers gets cornered and harms someone else kills someone else that in my mind is a foreseeable action. so she could be certainly
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charged, perhaps, with something like that. i think the reason that the charges aren't as significant as they can be is she has been cooperative. maybe they want her to be more cooperative. they could just be holding charges. i suspect we will see a bit more when it comes to miss mitchell. >> mark when i talked to the district attorney last night. he said that up until last night at least, she didn't have an attorney present. she never requested an attorney for any of her conversations. >> the old expression "no good deed goes unpunished." that's precisely why she probably should have had an attorney to begin with. a lot of people. can't tell you how often, i see it. figure they're going to talk their way out of something, or if they go forward and feel guilty and they're going to talk. and think it is going to help them and work to their benefit. as you see, they waited until friday to make sure that she is going to get put into custody.
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and charged. and face eight years. which is a substantial amount of time. sunny is spot on here. because if something happens, she has got to be praying every single minute of every day that these people get captured without any harm being done to them. a third party. reasonable. foreseeable. i know plenty of prosecutors that would charge her with whatever harm is caused. >> i certainly would. for the record. mark said i was "spot on." i would look to note that. >> every time it happens. we can mark it down. it's so rare. >> it's friday. it's friday. >> it's interesting, god if they kill somebody. hurt somebody on the run, they get killed you know in being apprehended, she is then as of now the only one who is they could then prosecute? >> suppose that's right, actually. and you know when you have two convicted murderers, one facing life he was -- i think convicted of murder and then
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life in prison without possibility of parole. some one like that has nothing to lose. so it is very significant possibility i think that if he gets cornered this could turn very very bad. >> and, i was going to say, to anderson's point, sunny, can you imagine if both of the guys end up getting killed in their apprehension and she is the last person standing who caused all off this effort and all of this anxiety and everything else? you are going to see them ratchet up the charges on her look you wouldn't believe. >> no question about it. no question about it. >> i should point out to our viewer we are expecting an arraignment really any minute now. and we are hoping to be able to bring that to you live. and really get our first glimpse at at -- miss mitchell to see, it will really be our first chance to actually see her, see what kind of condition she is in. as you know the day sunny was supposed to or allegedly according to authorities, to
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pick up the two convicted killers as they escaped, she'll checked herself or went to a hospital with what was described as a cass ofe of the nerves. a family member described it as a panic attack. it will be interesting to see if tonight and again we will be able to get the video of her being arraigned. if there is a perp walk. we'll get our first sight of her beyond the pictures. mark sunny, thank you. coming up. late developments in the manhunt, as well. there is a lot to tell you about. we have a live update on the manhunt. and a look at how inmates con their keepers into doing their bidding. it happened more often than you might expect. coming up later, a story that has a lot of people talking to day. had twitter basically exploding. the woman on the right heads the naacp in spokane, washington. so does the woman on the left. they're the exact same person. rachel dolezal, at different points in her life. she has said for years she is black. her parents both white, say
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search area. been there at the scene of the search all day. what are you seeing tonight? >> it's been raining all day. which is really unfortunate. just maining ingraining buckets at certain points. hundreds of searchers involved. extremely tough. it's cold. 60 degrees now. much tougher and much colder i'm sure for the murderers on the run. we have had very intense periods of search activity during the day. most of it centered around trudeau road highway 3, right in the middle of the adirondack park there. very very close to the area where the -- where the gas station was, where the surveillance camera may have picked them up and then about a mile beyond there where that area where they bedded down where they belief they picked up the scent there. of the two individuals they're looking for. one thing that is going to concern people here though is that press conference earlier. there wasn't a lot of confidence expressed that they had actually had a bona fide sighting of
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either of the individuals despite the some 700 tips locally. so i think that will be met with some frustration. the other thing people are talking about of course is joyce mitchell and her arrest. and the idea that one of their own would provide support for these individuals to get out and have all of this happen to their community. it's beyond belief for many. anderson. >> so miguel that facebook posting we showed earlier where someone said one of the prisoners may have been seen jumping a stone fence by her parents's any house -- authorities aren't confirming that in fact was a sighting of any one of the prisoners. >> that is not a bona fide sighting. notice the stone fence, part of it was on the wires, electrical wires. the police and the searchers have been very very methodical going through to search certain areas. and especially any place that might be easy, eggress or
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regress for the individuals. a lot of the times searchers out there. cars searchers themselves, people are seeing calling them in as a closed loop situation. >> miguel marques, appreciate the reporting. digging deeper with commander robert fernandez, heads the u.s. marshal service, capital area regional. the fact that just a few miles from the prison this morning, two men were according to that facebook posting seen jumping over a stone wall. it is interesting what miguel is saying is that it seems look there is kind of a circular reporting loop for people seeing so many investigators out, some times people are seeing you know a law enforcement officer and saying they maybe that's one of the prisoners. >> anderson that very well could be. but the mere thaktfact that the public is reporting these sightings is good for law enforcement, the community at large. but, the heightened --
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heightened level of alertness by the public along with all of this media exposure is tantamount to generating those calls. and, law enforcement responded to that. and law enforcement will be vigilant on the searches. and, it will pan out one way or the other. but by all indications are that these subjects are most likely in the area they will make a mistake at some point. if it was them that was a mistake they made. >> robert it's interesting. we talked abut thisout this with you. the idea of maintaining a perimeter. searching the area. it is extremely difficult to maintain that perimeter. and prevent somebody from perhaps going back into an area that has already been searched. that is something that you constantly have to be concerned about. >> absolutely. in a case like this. whenever there is a sighting. figure out where it is. is it viable. you have to send resources out to set up a perimeter. so you pick a borders which are
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generally natural borders, streets. roads. dirt roads. you get law enforcement there. you post them at certain distances where they can see the next law enforcement officer. once that's closed in you hold that perimeter. and then insert tactical teams to then -- systematically clear and sort of a grid search from one end to the other. alerting the perimeter that the tactical team is going through. and trying to flush the individual to the perimeters. >> do you have to then once it has been searched -- do you leave personnel there to be sure someone doesn't come through again? even that there is no way you can leave enough personnel? >> well going back to the eric frahm case eerily similar to this one. it is almost impossible logistically to do that. you search the areas. we just don't have the manpower to keep and hold those areas. you fry how to do it best you can. you try to do the best search you can.
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which, all boils down to to the, the possibility that -- it's easy for people to slip through. it is a very difficult thing to do once you see someone. the new york state police are doing a phenomenal job. god bless the men and women out there, that are, that are doing this this search and the perimeter. but it it's also we have to keep an open mind. i've hope they're in there. and i hope they close in and get the guys. like john said. it it is looking like they're going to be in there. but we also because of the dangerousness of the guys. it's i mean the brutality of the crime, the amount of time they were, they were, facing, they were serving, them being out. it is a ticking time bomb. so we also have to assume that they could have gotten out. we need the rest of the country to stay vigilant. and call itch youf you see anything. call if you believe you have seen either of the guys. >> yeah john's point as well. and we continue to put that number up throughout the hour. john thank you. robert thank you for your insights. just ahead it turns out that joyce mitchell had, if it turns
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out, i should say, that she romantic relationships with the convicts before helping them to escape sunny joins a long list of people who have been wooed by inmates and followed them. >> the leader of an naacp chapter saying she is black. her parents who are white saying no she is not. and they don't understand why she is pretend to be black. who is right? and does it matter? details ahead. njoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'.
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breaking news tonight. prison worker joyce mitchell expected to be arraigned sometime this evening. we believe shortly. the last word we had is that she is -- being transported to be arraigned. we are hoping to get our first look at the -- at the former prison worker. she has been suspended without pay. the charges against her will be read in court tonight. she can enter a plea but she doesn't have to. and there will likely be some kind of determination on bail tonight. now before her arrest mrs. mitchell had been cooperating with authorities. we are told as of last night by
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the district attorney on the program she was cooperating without a lawyer present. mitchell's husband, the man on the right, actually, let's, forget the picture, is also under investigation. mitchell's husband is under investigation. he works in the same block of the prison as his wife. the husband there on the right. the son in between them. according to authorities mrs. mitchell had relationships of some sort with both escapees. if allegations are true she would not be the first woman to go down this path. here is tom forman with more. >> reporter: at the baltimore city jail officials had never seen anything like it. a vast scheme to smuggle in cell phones marijuana, prescription drugs and more all under the heavy hand of the black guerrilla family or bgf gang. >> allowed bgf members to run their enterprise in the jail and on the streets. >> reporter: 13 female
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correction officers helped four who got pregnant by the alleged inmate ringleader. >> we are committed to ensuring that this activity does not happen again. >> reporter: keeping inmates from enlisting help from those close can be difficult. in oklahoma in 1994 the wife of a warden helped an inmate get away and go on the run for 11 years before they were found living together in texas. in phoenix, in 1997 a death row inmate had his wife shoot at guard while he ran out. she had been practicing her aim with her landlord. >> she told me she was a good shot. she loved to target practice. would i take her out to a target practice range. >> reporter: in the end both were gunned down by guard as prisoner begged his love for a final way out. >> him, yelling, shoot me baby shoot me. i'm sorry it went wrong. >> reporter: kansas authorities believe guard amber goff developed a relationship with steven ford at this maximum
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security prison. >> it was very familiar. >> reporter: after she left the job, authorities say she returned and ran off with ford and another inmate. all three were captured. >> i know my daughter. she is gullible. and when somebody has 24 hours a day to sit around and think of all the charming thing to say they might charm me you know i mean it is possible. >> reporter: then the jailbreak in brazil earlier this year. two women dressed in erotic lingerie showed up at a prison and seduced a pair of guard with spiked whiskey. the guard woke up in handcuffs to find the women had slipped away and so had 26 prisoners. of course, they imed memed immediately started rounding up inmates and needed extra cell space because they also arrested the two guard and the guy in charge of the prison for letting it happen. anderson. >> bizarre, tom. thank you very much. for more i'm joined by anthony
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gange, host of "tier talk" a raidy radio show. and fbi profiler maryellen o'toole. anthony, what top of prisoners do they try to single out when they're choosing somebody to groom? >> corrections is an honorable profession. law enforcement professional do's their work every day. this isolated incident does not define who we are in any way, shape or form. in regards to -- i guess, a target it depend on the situation and the vulnerability of the person. like i don't know the story for this young lady. let's say, in case sunnykascase she has low self-esteem. they will know what to say to her to build up her self-esteem. gets home and looks for comfort who is she thinking about? the inmate to lift her up. starts thinking of the inmate at home. now going to work looking forward to seeing him. build on vulnerabilities. also depend on situations created. manifested through the inmate or
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could be created by us as staff. she could have been -- separated from staff. you know maybe staff had some type of animosity toward her. at that point what do the inmates do. they welcome her in. they take her into this group. they say, hey this is who we are. we are accepting you. you are not like them. next thing you know she is pulled in. now the game begins. because she is identifying more with the population as opposed to with the job, her proscribed role. one thing i want to mention too, is if i may, is that the inmates objective is to make you forget they're an inmate. forget you are an inmate. you forget your proscribed role. when that happens then the game is on. >> mary ellen, let me bring you in here. it is interesting. we heard the woman in the piece, the mom of a -- of a previous guard who had helped somebody saying "these people have 24 hours a day to try to charm you, to look at your vulnerabilities, studying you. you think you are watching them. as a guard you think you're
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watching them. they're the ones kind of watching you probably even more closely." we keep hearing from people that richard matt is in a way charismatic. able to figure out emotions of others. how does somebody who by all accounts is something of a psychopath who doesn't feel emotions in the same way that other people do how is he so perceptive at identifying other's emotions? >> well, he has had a lifetime of really targeting people and zeroing in on their feelings. while he himself does not have deep emotions he understands that is part of society. he can be a very good actor. he understands that to fit in and to be a master manipulator or charismatic individual he has to pretend emotions. and emotions are very strong in the way that they communicate with someone. so he can act. they're amazing when it comes to convincing you "i feel your
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pain. i love you. i would never hurt you." and they have got the body language and they've got the, the focus on what they're saying and there is tears in their eyes and -- somebody that is naive, not knowledgeable about psychopathy, needy, low self-esteem. that's what they ned to hear. they're not going to assess them as being a phony. this happens not just in a prison though. this happens every day out in a bar, in the work place that you have people that can come across in a way that you are not prepared for their ability to manipulate and charm you. it's probably more pronounced here. but it does happen everywhere. >> i would have to agree. >> anthony, i assume they start with asking for small favors or -- or just small rules to be violated. not, you don't ask for something big right away. >> no because it is progressive. if you are going to ask for something big, it kind of makes the person that you are
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targeting, "whoa, what is going on on?" it starts small. the person doesn't know they're manipulated. they start with a pen. it becomes leverage for a candy bar. each thing levels up. if i am losing weight my wife may not notice it she is closest to me. she won't see it. there is a change that is occurring. the person that is mostly involved in that change ain't going to see it until it finally occurs. sometimes in that case she may not know how deeply involved she was. it's important for staff to get involved and see it occur. here's what gets me upset. sorry for people if they get offended by this. staff should be shocked when a, when a civilian or another staff member gets caught up. the reason why, because if you are not shocked then you saw things that you didn't act on to prevent if you didn't prevent it. what if that would have been a weapon? what if that would have killed somebody? something you have to get in vold within -- involved with. not only be trained on how to resist manipulation but be
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trained on how to see signs from others so you know to get involved. >> right. how do identify it. a good point. appreciate you being on. mary ellen o'toole. fascinating stuff. ahead, parents of a civil right activist naacp officer say their daughter has been lying abut her race. she says she is black. they say she is white and so is she. the controversy that erupted full of grays. what does the naacp have to say about it? we'll talk about that ahead. ate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients.
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tonight a story about race that caught a lot of people by surprise. rachel rachel rachel dozeal a part time professor. for years she claimed she is black. now her estranged biological parents, both caucasian are calling her out saying she is dishonest about her race saying she is actually white. >> reporter: a simple question that rachel dozeal had a
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difficult time answering. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. i did tell you, yes that's my dad. and he was unable to come in january. >> are your parents, are they white? >> she didn't answer she simply walked away. dolezal, the head of the spokane naacp has been living as a black woman. now her biological parents tell cnn their daughter is certainly white. >> bottom line we are just saying we are confirming the true. we are her birth parents. and we do not understand why she feels it's necessary to misrepresent her ethnicity? >> they provided cnn with her birth certificate and photographs of dolezal as a child and wedding photographs from 15 years ago. when asked about her parents' claims that he is white -- >> i would say if i was asked, i would definitely say, that yes, i do kidconsider myself to be
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black. >> i'm rachel dolezal. >> reporter: dolezal, a prominent figure in the african-american community, known for speaking out on race issues. here she is photographed with baltimore city state's attorney marilyn mosby who filed charges against police officers in the death of freddie gray. on this recent job application for spokane police somebudsman commission she indicated african-american and several ethnicities, white and native american. in 2013 she offered advice to african-americans wanting to see the movie 12 years a slave in the theater, writing on facebook. sit in the top back row so during the movie people aren't constantly looking at you to monitor the black response to the film. stow why would dolezal -- so why would dolezal say she is black when her parents say she is white? the question that the mayor in spokane wants answered after appointing her to police oversight committee that keeps a
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watch on fairness in police work. >> whatever they say really -- i wish could say doesn't affect me at all. unfortunately people might listen to them. or give them a platform that they don't deserve. but i don't have anything to say to them. >> so what the naacp made a statement about this. what have they said? >> well they say, anderson that racial identity is not a qualifying or disqualifying factor in leadership. they also say they stand by her record of advocacy. anderson. >> all right. thank you. a lot to talk about with our panel. joining me tonight, to the program, huffington post live host marc lamont hill mykela angela davis. marc she got apparently a
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complete scholarship to howard university a very prestigious african-american college, and i don't know if she, i don't believe she, i don't think on the application for that it has race marked off. but i guess on this application for this police tribunal she did indicate she is african-american. >> absolutely. again, i am puzzled by this andersen. people historically have lied about their race to get more stuff. lied in order to avoid jim crow. a lied to get access to jobs. they laid to be safe from lynching. very people choose black as an identity unless they have to. black is something historically people try to get out of which is problematic. a puzzling choice for this woman. in some ways it speaks about race an individual choice all this fluid stuff. on the other hand it speaks to a dangerous practice trying on
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identity marginalized notion of race. the exercise of white privilege the i am going to be black for a little while. >> mykela an interesting point, can you try on? just stay i'm black. if i just started to say i'm black, and one, i don't think a lot of people would believe me. two, is that is there something offensive about that? because you haven't lived through the same experience as somebody who can't change their ethnicity? >> well just for the record. black people love you, anderson. but this is, this is -- appropriation to a pathologic level. if it weren't real it read like a chapelle show skit. because of the nuances she is bringing to it. what it does is it triggers people's pain. like history does matter. because i think she has some kind of mental disorder because of the degree in which she has, you know created family members
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and probably created this hate mail story. so i think we are looking at an individual with some kind of racial or identity disorder some kind of dysmorphia. what it is doing is triggering the work of real black women, whose lives are threatened all the time. if she decide to take the weave out she can go about her life and be a white woman. she doesn't struggle with edges. i saw her give a lecture on black hair and privilege. and she was claiming it as hers. what is so disturbing she could have done all this good work as a white woman. right? she could have actually used her white privilege to help the civil rights movement. there have been black -- white people in resistance and going against structural racism all of the time. she didn't need to lie in order to do good race work. so that's why i think there is something going on with her family. this is weird.
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>> marc it is interesting, what mykella saying the naacp in their statement are saying it doesn't matter. there are plenty of white people in the naacp. certainly throughout the history of the civil rights movement there have been white people who have joined along in that. but there is one thing, it is one thing to say i am a white person as a, and i am in the naacp. another thing to say, as a caucasian person i'm black, and i'm in the naacp. why not just say well i do i, i was born white, but this is my these are my beliefs? >> again, let me again preface this saying i think there are some mental health issues here the i don't want to make this an issue of her character. she may not be willfully making any of these choices that we might be attaching to her. but i think that there is an exercise of white privilege here to say i know what is best for black people. if you are a white woman. you can still be part uh the naacp, the naacp back to niagara
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movement have been at the center. white folks started naacp on a lot of levels. not a question of that. what does it mean for black people to choose their own leadership. maybe they would not have elected her if she were a white woman. maybe the university sunny works at perhaps would not have hired her if they knew they were hiring a white woman to teach afrikaner study. they wanted to hire some one of color. these are choices black people can make. if you are an advocate of black people you should be advocating black self-determination. ability to make our own choices for ourselves. we can't do that if you throw on the braid and the sarongs, act if you are african, blacker than black. i don't know her well. been in settings with her. organized with her. one of the things she has been adamant about. other activists attest to this to the black lives matter movement. she said the black lives matter
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movement need to be led and directed by black people. outsiders should not be there. it's the height of arrogance to say that at to say that at the very same time that you are white in the middle of it. >> she announced she was going to go natural. she announced on her birthday she was going to go natural. like it's so it's so complex. yeah. it's so complex. >> it is complex. >> it's layered in pathology. >> yeah. it was interesting. because the interview, second interview today. she said i don't, i can't really explain it to a lot of a lot of people because they're just not going to understand it. i would love to have a conversation with her just to try to understand where she is coming how she sees this. she has some explanation in her mind. i would be interested in hearing that. marc lamont hill mykela angela
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transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. ask for transitions xtractive lenses. extra protection from light... outdoors indoors and in the car. surprising revelation in the breaches of government computers which the united states believes originated in china. now we are learning more about what the computer hackers may have gotten their hand on and one official says it could be very damaging to national security. cnn senior white house
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correspondent jim acosta joins me with the latest. what more have you learned? >> anderson during the on going probe we have been talking about of the hacking of the federal government that investigators discovered what they're calling a separate intrusion affecting a different set of systems and data. earlier this week the investigators told agencies across the federal government that they have what they're saying is a "high degree of confidence" that systems containing information related to the background investigations of current former and prospective federal government employees and those for whom a background check was conducted may have been compromised. anderson you are talking about people not just inside the federal government but people looking at being hired by the federal government not federal employees here the number affected is getting much beggar.igger. >> the white house -- are they still saying that china is to blame? >> it is interesting, andersen you will hear officials say privately, that china is to blame. you will not hear a official
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statement from the white house that china is to blame. it is a curious situation. because harry reid said on the floor, that china is to blame. the white house has yet to say, senator reid you are wrong. fascinating to see how the white house is handling awful thisll of this. last year, a concern russia may have hacked into the nonclassifieds at the white house. the white house never said you are responsible for this. they did go after north korea on sony hacking. interesting, some times they pick and choose who to shame and blame in all the investigations. we will be watching closely to see if the white house changes its tune and whether they will say china you are responsible for this. so far they haven't done it. >> jim acosta from the white house. thank you. >> waiting for the arraignment of joyce mitchell charged with helping convicted murderers, matt and sweat from prison. we'll bring it to you live when it happens. we'll be right back.
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before we go. joyce mitchell prisoner worker charged with helping two killers break out of the clinton correctional facility in upstate new york now herself in custody. her arraignment expected very shortly. we have been waiting for it. sometime in the next hour. we are told the charges against her will be read. she might, might not enter a plea. legal analyst sunny hostin says
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there will likely be determination on bail and granted granted, but nothing is obvious in the story. have to wait and see what happens. we have seen so much already. the men that ms. mitchell helped. they remain at large. the cnn original series "the seventies" starts now. >> tonight television take is a look at itself. >> what's on the idiot box? >> it's only an idiot box if an idiot is watching. >> our obligation is to entertainment. why have left something to think about, so much the better. >> charges were leveled at the commercial television networks. >> congress has no right to interfere in the media.
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