tv New Day Sunday CNN June 14, 2015 3:00am-4:01am PDT
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. new details this morning in the prison escape of two convicted killers. cnn had learn what had the convicted planned to do once they broke out of prids and why joyce mitchell changed her mind about helping them. >> did you have any idea when he left? >> no. he blamed them for taking his son. >> the father of james boulware
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there. >> more fall-out of the naacp chapter president who says she's black. what her brother is saying about her that's adding to the controversy. >> there are new details this morning about the plan to help convicted killers the richard matt and david sweat break out of a maximum security prison. mitchell told investigators she was supposed to meet matt and sweat just blocks from the prison where they would make a seven hour drive. >> if they were able to get a car, they could have gone as far out as this red ring. >> we're also learning why joyce mitchell backed out of the plan
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to help the pair escape. what does this all mean to the search for the killers? >> first of all, any new information on the manhunt itself? >> reporter: i'm having a hard time hearing you. but let me tell you this information came from the district attorney last night. he said this information came from interviews with joyce mitchell before she was arrested. i asked him what was plan a? she didn't know that the two convicted picked that destination. all she knew was where to pick them up and they would be driving for a long time. take a listen. >> i'm bringing the perimeter in, but it's still an active search. i can't tell you how wide the search is right now because i haven't been out. i haven't been up in a
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helicopter to see where it's at. i can't tell you. that's something the police are going to have to tell you. >> reporter: but there are recent sightings? >> yeah. >> reporter: that included scaling a wall. did that lead to anything? >> it did not. >> reporter: the dogs were brought in? no scents were picked up? >> it hasn't lead to anything yet. >> reporter: did it help to narrow the search area? >> no. >> reporter: it's a pretty big search area. >> it's huge. >> reporter: have you asked for any more help? >> that's a question that needs to be put to the governor or the major. it's a priority right now. this is one of the main priorities here in new york state. we're doing whatever we can. they're providing whatever help and assistance to help with the
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search. >> reporter: now, this morning they're actually expanding the search area to include another area further away from the prison. i asked if they've been in contact with friends and acquaintances with these two men. he said they have been in contact with those people, but none of them have heard from richard matt or david sweat. the other thing we talked about, which i think was interesting, is cell phones. i said, is there any indication these two had cell phones? he said there's no indication right now. however, from interviews with inmates in that jail, they have learned those two had cell phones while they were inside. how did they know where to get
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to once they went into the wall, which pipes to go through? . the district attorney told me there's indication they had been planning and rehearsing this for quite a while. for several weeks leading up to this escape they may have been going into the wall and planning where to go and how to get out. they said that inside the prids they had access to computers, to a library. they haven't ruled out that other people may have been helping them in some way. he said there's places in the prison where you can see over the wall into the community. >> let's bring in cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes.
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let's start with this seven-hour drive. >> we talked this the first night s night, if they got out and had a ride waiting for them, they could have driven halfway to chicago. if they were in a vehicle they had a great head start to be long gone from new york state. then it would be a question of backtracking and getting people in gas stations to look at their video cameras. most gas stations have video camer cameras. but we wouldn't have known if they were going to take a train or a bus. but if they did get some way to be transported they could have been long gone even from day one. >> i'm wondering if it changed conventional thinking, would
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that then mean that they're most likely still in the area because they didn't have any transportation? >> possibly. from the beginning the authorities have said even though it's likely and they thought they were in the mediate area of that prison within a few short mile radius, don't rule out calling the police if you're in california or texas or some other state. they could be along way from new york that night. they could have found another ride. they could have stolen a car that hadn't been noticed yet if it was in a vacation home garage. they could have hiked a certain distance and got on a freight train. we just don't know. we just thought that probably they were still in the mediate area. then of course when the dogs
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sou found a scent a couple of days ago, they became more confident that they didn't get very far. however, those woods are so thick and there are so many homes they could have gone into for shelter where people may not return to those homes until next month for a summer vacation. i guess anything's possible. they could be close. they could be in somebody's home. they could be a thousand miles away. >> we had a be on the look out for richard matt near the mexican border. the father of the suspect in dallas headquarters police, he said his son was angry and d desperate.
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jim boulware told cnn he and his son were hanging out just hours before this. he knew that his son was angry about the custody battle, but he didn't think his son could do anything like this. >> he blamed them for taking his son. i tried to tell him the police didn't do it. the police were doing their jobs to taking the laws. they are just enforcing the laws. >> so obviously we're going to have more of that emotional interview later this morning. nick valencia is in dallas. nick what are people doing there this morning? >> reporter: good morning. nerves still shaken after saturday morning shooting, the front doors of dallas headquarters boarded up. no one was injured.
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the man who came here to do this was intent on taking lives. it was a brazen overnight attack on police, an ambush that included an armored vehicle, heavy gunfire and explosives. police radio transmission captured the emotion. >> it hit the glass. it did not penetrate. the suspect refeuused to give h name. >> reporter: at one point he used the armored van to smash into police squad cars, the front of the building still freckled with bullet holes. police initially believe there is more than one shooter. dallas police say this is one of the first cars that engage. during a tour of one of the
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crime scenes just hours of the shooting, this is the spot where the first of several pipe bombs exploded. no one was injured in the blast. this is what's left behind of the car. >> we believe this suspect meant to kill officers and took time to discharge that weapon multiple times to accomplish their wanting to harm our officers. >> reporter: evidence tags marked the spots where fragments of shell cases are left behind. police say they got lucky. >> make sure you time it if this person runs out of the vehicle, that they provide cover for us at that point. >> reporter: she was just feet from the shoot-out. she says she could be dead right now. >> you could see the sparks
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coming off the armored truck. >> reporter: police led on a chase that ended nearly 20 miles away. after a seven-hour stand off police fire into the front window, the suspect killed. police try to determine the motive while they reflect on how much worse it could have been. and those investigators are continuing to go over video. lots of amateur cell phones. they want all of that to begin to piece together the play by play of how this all went down. we are expecting a press conference later this afternoon where we will get more details. >> boulware's father told us his son promised to mow the lawn and he would be back in a few days.
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>> i told him to have a safe trip. he left from here. he mowed my yard yesterday. told me he was going to be back in ten days to mow it again. >> did you have any idea when he left? >> none. >> such a tough thing for that man to reconcile. we're going to have more of his interview this morning on "new day." >> he had a long criminal past, even threatened judges. how was he free to fly under radar and get his hand on weapons, explosives and an armored van? could charges be coming for the officer that opened fire on that 12-year-old boy? we'll have the latest for you. ♪
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. . you may have been wondering how exactly was dallas shooting suspect james boulware able to get his hands on guns, explos e explosiv explosives, an armored vehicle. this man as a history of criminal violence. he made threats to judges. let's talk to the public safety director for dekalb county, georgia. let's listen to judge kim cook. she spoke to cnn about boulware. >> when he had a court appearance or when we thought he would be in court, the security was always heightened in the
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building. he was always a threat to us. so we just didn't know what he would do or when he would do it. or you know what was going to happen. >> so when you hear about extra security and threats against judges, you're an attorney. if you're in a the courtroom and you're feeling this threat, how is it it goes without my repercussion? >> sure. the reality is that every day courts in various jurisdictions do various things whether it's a family court, whether it's a criminal court. and certainly those courts are manned by professionals who are in law enforcement who remain vigilant as to what someone's actions can be. but the bigger problem obviously is you cannot proactively just decide because someone, you believe, may be mentally defective or having a bad day. you can't tackle that person. there had to be some indication
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of criminality. . making threats to a judge is not enough to have something -- >> it certainly is. and that certainly needs to be dealt with. in other words if there were judges who were threatened or anybody else who was threatened, there's an order of protection that's granted. that order of protection advises you you can't threaten a judge. you need to stay away from whoever is in that protective order. you have potentially more court officers to ensure you don't do anything. in these facilities they do have metal dedetectors to ensure you don't have anything on you. presumably the system knew he was doing something that was am amiss in that they didn't feel
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it was comfortable enough to allow him to stay with his child. >> i want to talk to you now about the fact this guy was able to obtain guns of this magnitude and explosives and an armored vehicle. how does that happen, particularly with somebody who is known by the courts and law enforcement to be unstable and to be a threat? >> well, there is a legal way to obtain guns. and of course there's an illegal way as well too. i think a lot that's going to be learned here going forward between dallas pd, atf, fbi, there's going to be questions asked and a lot of lead they're going to follow all the way back to the vehicle and the explosives. it's going to be very very interesting as to how he was
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able to come in possession of that type of explosive material in addition as well to the weapons that was in position of as well. >> and do you think those things will be able to be traced and answers will be found? >> yes. the atf in particular and the fbi working with local law enforcement, they have a lot of resources, a lot of technology, a lot of experience as well to track virtually any weapon and of course even after an explosion, they're able to go back, recreate that crime scene, gather information from that explosion and oftentimes even track that back to where it came from as well too. so it's going to be a long and tedious ongoing investigation but i believe they're going get to the bottom of your question here very shortly. >> thank you. >> thank you for having me. coming up we're going to
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take you to columbus, ohio. police there are on a manhunt searching who whoever shot and killed four people. police believe a wounded teenager is still this danger. and hillary clinton kicks off a rally for president in new york. we'll tell you why the tone here is different. in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. the uncertainties i don't wantof hep c.with or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready.
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also she had been shot. columbus police say she could be in danger because this gunman is still on the loose. listen to the two people who claim to be relatives of the victims. >> it is a tragedy. it was a 16-year-old girl that got killed. she's in critical condition in the hospital. both my dad and my sister got killed. >> this is a tragedy. you know what a tragedy is? it's something you can ball up in your fists and you can't get it back. let's talk about hillary clinton, shall we? she launched her campaign in front of more than 5,000 people in new york yesterday. look at that. today she's already campaigning in iowa. she's portraying herself as the candidate of the future. her campaign is going to focus on economic inquality and social
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justice. >> the naacp leader w eer -- the of her racial identity has set off a public furer across the nation. >> a new report released into whether that officer had prau probable cause when he shot and kill aed a 12-year-old boy. rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic, this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific
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>> this just days after a judge said he does believe there's enough evidence to move forward with charges. cnn's martin savage is getting really deep into the latest findings of this investigation now. >> reporter: the investigation by the sheriff's department seems to confirm the story most people know, but delivers greater detail. in a key finding the report cannot confirm a police officer's statement he shouted orders to rice before shooting him. instead saying, according to witness interviews, it is unclear whether the officer shouted demands from inside the zone car to rice, who was located inside the gazebo area. he fired two shots, one that hit the boy, who was standing four and a half to seven feet away. the documents also revealed moments after the shooting the officer requested ems, then asked for ems again stilling them to, quote, step it up.
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then in a third request asked for cleveland fire to respond. it would take eight minutes for an ambulance to arrive. the report does say that rice was given first aid by an fbi agent trained as a paramedic who arrived four minutes after the shooting. the agent, whose name is blacked out, told investigates rice turned over and acknowledged and looked at me and like reached for my hand. the sheriff's department also investigated the 911 call, reporting a mail le on the playground threatening with an apparent gun. the caller was drinking a beer in the park, waiting for a bus. he said the suspect could be a juvenile and the gun was probably fake. critical information never given to the responding police officers. when dispatch was asked why the information wasn't passed along,
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she went silent. she refused to answer questions per her attorney. he got the pellet gun from his best friend, trading a cell phone for it. the orange ring had been removed during a repair and he couldn't get it back on. officers and emergency responder who is saw the weapon next to rice say they thought it was real. they also said rice appeared much older and larger than a child, offering age estimates between 16 and 20 and that he looked about 200 pounds. it's only when rice's sister arrives on the scene they learn he was 12. officers also describe lohman's demeanor as upset and distraught. one said he gave me no choice, he reached for the gun and there was nothing i could do. both responding police officers declined to be interviewed, as did tamir rice's family. and nowhere in the report does
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it draw a specific conclusion as to whether the shooting was justified or not. >> let's get some more insight and bring back cnn law enforcement analyst cedric alexander. when you hear all these take-aways from the report, what's the first thing you think about? >> what's interesting about this case, being that the investigation is now over, there are a lot of questions being raised and a lot of questions significant to this case in regards to what took place on this particular day. i'm thrown aback in the sense that that 911 operator did not deliver certain information to those patrol vehicles arriving on the scene. there's still a lot of work to be done in this case. and as they continue to go forward, particularly the district attorney's office, there are a lot of questions that still have to be answered
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in all fairness to everyone involved in this case. >> the fact they're saying this air pistol looked very real, the orange tip that establishes fake from real could not be attached, does that bolster the officer's arguments in any way? >> that's always going to get down to a matter of perception as to what occurred in those final seconds of tamir rice's life. those final seconds when that officer pulled up to that southeastern, you know, oftentimes you like to see markings on these weapons so it can differentiate between what's real and what's not. however, in this particular case, i think there's so much work left to be done. whatever those officers' perception was, they're going to have to be able to articulate their observations, their thoughts as they arrived up on that scene. here again, there's still a lot of work left to be done in spite
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of the investigation that has been delivered. there's still in more questions that have to be answered and will be answered i'm sure with time. >> one of the things is that the police didn't immediately render first aid to rice. that's because they say they don't carry first aid kits in the car and they're not trained to do so beyond cpr. is that common amongst police officers and departments across the country? >> well, we certainly have been hearing more about aid that is rendered to subjects when police officer is involved in a shooting. and i think that's going to continue to be a question. there are certain training that police officers receive, both during the academy time and in service training as well too. but the magnitude of that training, the in depthness of that training may vary from community to community. so how much training they may
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have been acquired or felt they should have been able to apply to young tamir rice's life, that too is going to be a contested piece in all of this as this investigation continues to further it too. a lot of questions still to be answered in this case. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. listen, we have a lot more on this newly-released report. during our next hour we're speaking with the attorney for tamir rice's family. well, the brazen escape plan by two prisoners and their accomplice has been revealed. we'll tell you what their initial plans were and why they fell apart. a criminal profiler helps us understand the psychological of an escape. ♪
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. 41 minutes past the hour. new details this morning about the escape plan of two inmates in upstate new york. look here. this is the mug shot of prison worker joyce mitchell. she's accused of helping the pair break out. >> cnn has learned that mitchell was going to meet the prisoners at a power station not far from the clinton correctional facility. they were going to then drive to an area about seven hours out of town. mitchell revealed she could not go through with it because she loves her husband. >> the search area is being extended east as that manhunt now -- think about this -- goes into the ninth day. >> there are so many questions in the search as this continues, including some that are just
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psychological. let's delve deeper into the mind set of the escapees and joyce mitchell. i want to start with joyce mitchell. because she is showing, we understand, from the d.a. and sources close to the investigation that she is remorseful and she loves her husband. i wonder how she can go from an employee who works in the tailoring shop to then helping craft this plan reportedly. >> the first problem, victor s believing anything she says. after all, she committed a crime, she committed a felony. is she a trust worthy person? do we believe that? do we believe that she didn't go with them because she loves her husband? really? i mean, this is the kind of stuff that you start saying after you've been caught. that's certainly the kind of
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things that your lawyer will tell you to start saying so you can become a little more sympathetic. and now all this remorseful stuff. >> you discount all that we're hearing now because she's trying to save her own hide? >> absolutely. she got caught. people want to believe that because she's a female, she couldn't help herself. that's ridiculous. take a teenaged girl who has a boyfriend and she says to that boyfriend, hey, kill my parents so we can be together. do we say the same things about him, he couldn't help himself? no. probably what really went on is she has a narcissistic personality disorder. i'm going to say we're going to see a history that we don't know about yet. >> let's not let off the convicted killers in this case and the escapees. is there a grooming process that begins to get someone to find
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that person who maybe as you say has that narcissistic personality to help in this plan? >> sure. when you're a good psychopath, you know how to manipulate people. you also look for people who have needs. essentially you can't make somebody do something that doesn't have a need. so they look for somebody who that is a need for attention, for excitement, whatever they have a need for. they start honing in on them. it's like a sales person. you can't sell somebody a car who doesn't want a car. they did target her because she probably showed them that she was a good person to work with. >> in your experience, we get this report -- and let's just for the sake of the question say that they indeed, sweat and matt, told joyce mitchell that they were going to drive seven hours. would that be accurate? typically would these escapees tell her exactly what was going to happen? >> not necessarily. obviously they're going to tell
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her whatever they can in order to get her to do whatever they want. but we can't believe her either. so the problem is we have essentially a set of criminals, the two that are on the loose and the one that's been caught. who do we believe? i don't know. unless we have some evidence to backup what she's saying, we don't know. >> so many fascinating elements of this as this search now continues going into its second week. pat brown, thank you so much. >> thanks. ohio authorities are looking for a suspect in a quadruple killing. they say a fifth victim who survived may still be in danger. a report from columbus in a moment. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit?
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we obvious have a homicide suspect out here who's not afraid to kill somebody. what do you know about this investigation so far into who they're looking for? >> caller: at this point they are still investigating. they're saying they do not have any suspect information but they are still looking for a killer. as far as the investigation goes, there's autopsies planned this morning for those four victims. and what detectives are telling us is they do believe it was a possible robbery, but they they are still investigating. so remaining very tight-lipped, but a lot of questions people want answers to. >> obviously this fifth person, who as i understand it, she was found in an alleyway. was she shot as well? >> caller: she was shot as well. police aren't telling us she's seco
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connected, but they believe she could be. and she could be someone that will actually help lead them to the killer. >> you're hearing this is a possible robbery, is that right? >> caller: yes, yes. they're thinking it's a possible robbery, but they are still investigating. >> so they don't think this was a domestic issue? when you hear about four people shot in the same house, you go domestic, but that is not what they believe? >> caller: that is not what they believe. yesterday i talked to a lot of people who live across the street from where this happened. a lot of people kept saying there was a lot of drug activity in that house, there were drug deals and different things that went on. police wouldn't tell us anything about that, but they would at least say they think it could be a possible robbery. a lot of speculation. >> the police, as i understand it, have gone into the house.
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there has been a search warrant. when do they plan to give any updates? at the end of the day, there is someone out there, as this detective said, who is not afraid to kill people. >> caller: absolutely. yesterday they were armed with cameras and evidence kits. they searched all throughout the house. a police officer told us this morning they found the bodies in the basement. and detectives are saying they're still in the beginning stages of the investigation. they're asking the public for help. they're asking for people if they were around the area around 7:00 a.m. when this shooting happen happened, to call the police. they're asking the public to help also. >> we so appreciate the update this morning. thank you so much. >> caller: absolutely. thank you. >> sure. the father of a dallas shooting suspect tells us his son was angry and desperate. we're going to play for you a bit of the interview in which
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this father describes the hours with his son before this all began in weekend in dallas. and "jurassic world," the latest in the scifi series is having the biggest weekend ever. (music) boys? (music) stop less. go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. hurry in and you can get 0% apr plus a $1000 volkswagen credit bonus on 2015 passat tdi clean diesel models. if you struggle you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar.
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(hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. . here's a look at stories making headlines now. passengers on a united flight sat and they were fuming. inside old goose bay canada for 20 hours.
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>> it had mechanical problems apparently and had to divert. passengers complained there was no blankets and no heat. it is june. how cold is it there? apparently in their defense the high today is only 41. they did put them on another flight and refund their money. a wedding reception ended with a gunshot at the waldo waldorf astoria. people were taking pictures in the lobby and a guest had a gun in his pocket when it discharged. no word as to whether that guest will face charges, though. apparently everybody was asked to leave at 10:00 p.m. they had enough of the shenanigans. it was done. today host katie couric. her reported salary, $10 million. that's up from six million.
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yahoo says she'll have to hit a few targets apparently to reach that figure. >> nice jump, though. >> yeah. ♪ >> welcome to "jurassic world." >> they should lihire you. you've got the voice. >> i'll take it. millions are flooding into theaters to see this movie. it looks like a blockbuster now on track to rake in $180 million by the end of this weekend. that would make it one of hollywood's biggest opening weekends ever. new details in the dallas shooting. thanks for staying with us. new details in dallas as the
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police department tries to get back to normal. shattered glass, bullet holes. now hear from the man who says his son was behind this shooting attack. nine days on the run. yes, we are on nine. police in new york still trying to find these two escaped prison inmates. what these convicted planned to do once they escape, that's what we have learned. 18 months after police shot and killed 12-year-old tamir rice, we're now learning more about what happened the the contradictions between officers and eyewitnesss. and what were officers told in the minutes leading up to that shooting? we are so grateful for your company. it's 7:00 on a sunday morning. let's talk about investigators in dallas, first of all. they're trying to piece together all of this evidence, hoping to understand how exactly suspect james boulware, a man with a long and violent criminal past, was able to pull off a violent attack on the police department with
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