tv New Day CNN June 19, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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d moments before the carnage shows roof sitting at a table with a small bible study group. the 21-year-old inside for an hour before opening fire with a .45 caliber pistol. one of the survivors pleaded with the gunman to stop. >> after the young man tried to stop him from doing what he wanted to finish off. he said no you raped our women and you have taken over the country. >> reporter: after the massacre roof fled the scene. less than 14 hours later -- >> it was god who made this happen. >> reporter: a floral shot owner spots the alleged shooter more than 200 miles away in north carolina. following roof until police arrested him without incident. >> god heard the prayers of those people. he used us as vessels to get his work done. >> reporter: roof's roommate saying he was big into segregation saying he plotted it
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for six months. his z childhood friend tells it network -- >> he wanted to make something spark up the race war again. >> reporter: this face book photo with two flags. one from south africa and one from rhedesia. >> there's something weird and bad and hateful. >> the community left reeling. the governor of south carolina fighting back tears. >> the heart and soul of south carolina was broken. so we have grieving to do. we have pain we have to go through. >> reporter: president obama said he and michelle personally knew several members of the historic emanuel ame church. >> to say our thoughts and prayers with with them and their families and community doesn't say enough to convey the heart ache and the sadness and the anger that we feel.
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>> reporter: well it is not clear if roof's roommate went to authorities. he said he did not. it is not clear why he didn't. michaela is a couple blocks away from the church. she has a look at how the victims are being drawn together by their faith. good morning, michaela. >> i'm moved standing by this beautiful church mother emanuel as the locals call it. the city known as the holy city. the number of churches places of worship here in the city of charleston. the people that came here came to study the bible, to pray. only a handful walked out of this church alive. now, family and friends of the nine victims, they are facing the gut wrenching truth they will never see their loved ones again. ♪ from the heart of the tragedy in
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south carolina -- >> our hope is in god. >> reporter: to the historic walls of the ebenezer church in georgia. thousands came to mourn nine of church including four reverends. daniel simmons who attended the church every sunday. 49-year-old depain middleton-doctor. 45-year-old reverend singleton pictured here with her son on mother's day, coached at a local high school. consoled by his teammates, chris singleton remembers his mom. >> we love the way my mom would and the hate won't be anywhere close to what the love is. >> only love can conquer. >> and the distintive voice of reverend pinckney. gunned down as he preached. >> to see him die, facedown on
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the ground. >> the state senator became the youngest african-american elected to the south carolina legislature. after being shot he stressed the need for body cameras. >> a badge and gun does not give someone superiority or trump their protected privileges and rights in south carolina. >> reporter: friends and family struggle to cope with the loss of so many. tywanza sanders lost his life. cynthia hurd. the library will be renamed in her honor. tim jackson mourning the loss of his 87-year-old grandmother susie. ether lance also killed. myron thompson 59 she was
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teaching the bible study held each wednesday when the gunman opened fire. we really feel it's important to make sure you understand these were not just nine names, nine victims, nine statist incompetents they are people that were loved, missed and mourned. tywanza sanders friend is going to be here later on. he was known as a peacemaker. he was known to have said to have one last act of bravery, threw himself in front of the gunman's gun and took fire instead of one of the people there at the bible study. another prayer vigil is going to be held for the victims tonight at 6:00 p.m. it's been amazing to see the amount of people coming by here to help the city heal to mourn alongside them. that's going to be held at a local college down the road from here 6:00 p.m. tonight. i'm sure there's going to be a lot of people in attendance.
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over to you. >> michaela every single story we hear about every one of these nine people makes them each individually sound impressive. thank you for helping us understand that this morning. here with me now is al cannon the charleston county sheriff. the detention center where dylann roof is waking up this morning. what a relief this guy was captured. >> certainly law enforcement everywhere was concerned about that. that is a positive aspect. >> the people here in charleston were scared for the hours he was on the loose. >> they were. rightly so. law enforcement was telling them to stay in and notify us of any suspicious activity. that and the shock of the news that was dribbling out of what
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occurred. >> as we said he is in your detention center right now. is he talking? >> i'm not going to go into that aspect of it. he waved extradition. he was brought back and lies in the detention center about 7:30 last night. >> there's information online about this guy. he was, i mean his roommates, people that know him say he is a racist. you think it's interesting he didn't just go anywhere. he could have chosen anywhere. he chose charleston and he chose this historic church to carry out his heinous crime. what do you think about that? >> you know obviously the racial aspect of this which has received most of the notice it also i think, hurts a lot of people everywhere but particularly in charleston. it occurred at a church. these nine folks were by their
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involvement in the bible study, that's certainly a reflection of the kind of life they tried to lead. clementa pinckney. i last saw him last week. i told him i'm going to be out of town next week let's get together and have lunch. of course that didn't happen. this is an attack on the church as well. that church with its doors open attracted members. they were met with grace and graciousness and this person came into that on that basis and betrayed it and rebuked the salvation that was part of the discussion there. you know charleston has a long history with respect to churches
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and the role religion has played throughout history. you know we can talk about the obligations of someone when you have a visitor in your home. >> yes, they opened their arms to him. >> absolutely. here is a man who came in and not only took advantage of that but betrayed it and committed an unspeakable act. >> we have heard so many testimonials about what a giant among men pastor pinckney was. you know him, you have dealt with him, partly because of the legislation he was behind your deputies will wear body cameras. >> we have a period where we identify appropriate policies and that sort of stuff look for funding sources, particularly for smaller agencies. the bigger agencies it's a big
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expense. >> that's just one of his legacies. >> he certainly played a role in that. >> walking around town and being driven by taxi drivers, it's sadness. i don't hear anger, yet. maybe that's coming. how do you describe what is happening to the community today and what you will do? >> we are in a period of shock and tremendous sadness and hurt. i think certainly, there's some anger throughout the entire community, not just the folks directly affected in terms of having lost a loved one. just -- that's an element of this community. and in some ways it distinguishes other communities. charleston is somewhat small. >> yes. >> you can really get to know people and have great relationships with them and, you know i think there's an anger
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that is not only about what happened where it happened the circumstances of it but just as an assault on the city's just very fabric. >> yes, absolutely. we feel it. well sheriff, we know that you have your work cut out for you today. thank you and all of our thoughts are with your community of charleston. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here. let's go back to chris in new york. >> all right, alisyn we are going to stay with you guys in charleston to understand how the community is reacting and what comes next. we have other headlines. the manhunt for escaped prisoners in new york. 14 days on now. they say the search is widening. both men on the u.s. marshalls most wanted list. as an attorney for joyce mitchell's husband says he is coping with the realization he may have been plotting with the escapees to murder him. the state department will release the reports on terrorism. it is mandated by congress and
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gives lawmakers a review on terrorism overseas. no surprise. the report is heavily expected to report on isis. cuba is not on the list. the e.p.a. and transportation department will unveil major new regulations aimed at reducing emissions from big rigs and heavy duty trucks. the rules kick in in the 2019 model year. auto makers have a chance to give input before the new rules take effect. let's get back to charleston. >> chris, we are just learning, too, that the suspect, we are getting an urgent crossing the wire the suspect admitted to the shootings and he purchased the gun on his own in april. how did someone facing felony charges with an apparent history of hate get his hands on a gun? plus we are going to speak with a friend of pastor clem
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pinckney. that's ahead for you on "new day." the promise of the cloud is that every organization has unlimited access to information, no matter where they are. the microsoft cloud gives our team the power to instantly deliver critical information to people, whenever they need it. here at accuweather we get up to 10 billion data requests every day. the cloud allows us to scale up so we can handle that volume. we can help keep people safe and to us that feels really good.
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when were you first considered a family? when you fell in love? when you got married? when you had kids? when did you first fight to be considered a family? when you fell in love? when you got married? when you had kids? family isn't defined by who you love, but how. tylenol®. welcome back to "new day." i am here live in charleston south carolina. a city i have always wanted to visit, certainly not under these circumstances. the city is grieving after the massacre on wednesday that killed nine. the big question becomes, how does this city how does this
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community begin to move forward. i want to bring in carl anderson the south carolina state representative and also the chairman of the south carolina legislative black caucus. he is a pastor he knew clementa pinckney. good to see you. i'm so sorry it's under these circumstances, sir. when you arrived here we were talking about the fact for you, this hit you on two accounts. not only was he your colleague in the legislature, this was a fellow pastor in the ame community. you knew this man well. >> yes i did. yes i did. >> you lost a lion in the fight, did you not? >> we did. we lost a guy who was a caring compassionate, loving person dedicated to his work dedicated to church work dedicated to his district as a senator. a family man, also. but he was a brother and a friend. >> i have two hats i'm going to ask you to wear.
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first as a pastor. >> yes. >> how do you now begin the process of healing your herd and the herd behind us mother emanuel, but help people understand as best you can that people can feel safe in church. >> we can go to the word of god to assure people what this group was doing on wednesday evening in a bible study, they were learning what the word of god says to them and they were there because they love god. we have to continue to teach people that you know these things happen. there is no answer to why it happened on wednesday evening. even here in the holy city charleston we are so devastated. it grieves our spirit but we do serve a god that you know he knows it all. he sees it all and he has the answer to everything that happens. >> what are you hearing from the
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people in your church and the people in the community? what are they saying to you, pastor? >> basically, there are things we need to do in church regardless of what denomination we are in and what race we are. there are things we need to look at. we need to beef up things checking out our surroundings and our doors and entryways. >> does your church have a level of security? >> my church do. my church burned in october, 2011 to the ground. we rebuilt and went back in two years later, october, 2013. so we have some stuff secure but still, we are not all the way there. i'm telling folks, you need to put the camera there. it was a good thing that mother emanuel had a camera where this young man could be identified of who he is. it was a blessing that his uncle called in to really put a name there with the face and give the other information.
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so i think all the churches all over pastors and officers and members of the churches need to do the walk around the walk through and see what is needed that they might be secured. now, grant you me we have an open door policy. who so ever will let them come. >> you don't want to lock the doors. >> we don't want to lock out everybody. there are things we can do and put in place. >> is this a conversation you are having with other pastors and the ame family and religious churches and places of worship in charleston? >> this is conversation i'm having with everybody. every denomination we have to beef up. we have ushers in our churches. you know there are things they can do. >> they are the eyes, often. >> right. there are other things we can do. a church built just two years
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ago has a panic button and everything there. so you know there are codes now that you know when you build a new facility you have to go to. there are some things we can beef up in our churches. i'm still saying to folks, don't just get a security guard and let them stand at the door. >> it sends the wrong message. >> yes. >> representative and pastor we thank you. they rebuilt after that fire and it's proof that resilience lives in the spirit here in south carolina. wonderful to have you here. thank you for joining us. alisyn? >> okay we are getting new developments by the hour. we have breaking news here on the charleston shooting. the suspect talking to police. we will tell you what he is telling investigators this morning. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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washington with the details. what do we know about what he's saying? >> good morning. police are beginning to unravel the reason why dylann roof carried out this massacre in charleston two nights ago. according to sources we have talked to he has confessed to carrying out the massacre there at the church. he told investigators from the charleston police and the fbi who are there interviewing him yesterday, after he was captured, he wanted to start a race war. this isn't the end of the investigation. the fbi and certainly the charleston police are still doing a lot more work. we know the atf is down there helping with doing the tracing of the handgun. along those lines, we are told the trace of the handgun was done yesterday and they discovered the .45 caliber handgun he used to carry out the massacre allegedly used to carry out the massacre is the same one he purchased himself in
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april from a charleston gun store. alisyn? >> evan any word on how somebody with felony charges got his hands on a gun? >> reporter: you know, he was charged with a felony but he was not found guilty of it. that's the key here. he's able to purchase so he doesn't lose rights he is able to purchase a handgun if he had not been proven guilty of a felony. he was free to do that. we are told my his grandfather, spoke to him last night and the grandfather said his father gave him some birthday money. that's the money he used to buy the handgun himself. >> all right, evan. i will take it from you. that's the frustration here. charged with a felony. that means a lot. it would mean a lot in a job interview, but not when you are getting a gun. the rules are sometimes too easy especially in south
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carolina. what is clear here however, is this is a hate crime. is it also terrorism? it would be easy to suggest it is yes, the answer by any definition. jon stewart took that on last night and not with humor. >> we invaded two countries and spent trillions of dollars and thousands of american lives. we have to do whatever we can to keep americans safe. nine people shot in a church. what about that? hey, what are you going to do? al qaeda, all those guys isis, they are not [ bleep ] compared to the damage we can apparently do to ourselves on a regular basis. >> i tell you, he's saying what should be obvious, but is resisted by many. let's bring in cnn national security analyst and author of "manhunt" peter bergen and sociology professor at the university of north carolina
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charles kearsesman. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. let's start with you, mr. bergen. isn't this a clear act of terrorism terrorism? >> yes. the alleged suspect was planning a race war. that's a fundamentally objective. this fits neatly into that. this is an act of terrorism. it may not be prosecuted as such because there are nine murders, he's confessed to the crime. there will be a hate crime element to the investigation. it may not be necessary as a legal matter to call terrorism. we should call a spade a spade. stk resistance to it has nothing
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to do with the law. the idea of a political component, but we define it broadly. certainly, this would fit into any definition. why do you think so many are resistant to calling this charleston church massacre terrorism? >> well i think it's difficult for people to think that extremists who share their side of the political spectrum might engage in something so violent. muslims object to having their whole community judged by the actions of this tiny violent fringe. just as on the other side people on the right objecting to be judged or associated with violence extremism. >> except -- you are right. certain people reserve terrorism only for islamist extremists. that's part of the bigotry we are dealing with here in
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understanding the threat in america. but, they are also trying to push away the idea that this was so bad. yes, it's bad. the guy killed. he's probably deranged. all this emphasis on hate crime and making it about race and saying it's about terror there's a resistance here. my question to you, mr. kerzman, as a sociologist, you are pointing to politics. why not push him away because he doesn't reflect your politics? >> they are trying to distance themselves from him in that way as most muslims distance themselves from extremism. perhaps they can learn something from the survey conducted with colleagues. we surveyed law enforcement agencies across the country and found that they report that the number one threat of violent extremism in their jurisdictionsisdictions is from white ring extremists not from islamic extremism.
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>> we hear that all the time. people don't care. they are focused on islam and the war on terror. peter, we hear this extremist right organization. people communicate that now here as some kind of fight on the gop, a slight. what are they not getting? >> professor kurzman is right. if you look at the data since 9/11 people have been killed by right wing racist types. we have seen 26 americans killed by jihadi terrorists. people have a hard time processing that. 9/11 was part of american history. that is the frame through which terrorism is judged. professor kerzman's research shows the ordinary american policeman is concerned about right wing terrorism in many parts of the country. they are looking at getting killed. if you look at the attacks,
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police officers are being targeted whether in las vegas or other places around the country where we have seen these attacks of late. >> yesterday, when reporting the fbi was looking at a connection this young man may have had to extremist groups and saying you know political right extremist groups people were upset. mr. kurzman, it spoke to how politics is toxifying everything in our culture. race and hate crimes are seen as a political issue. that may be driving the resistance of so many to define it as a hate crime and terrorism. >> possibly. let's not demonize politics. politics is the life blood of our democracy. don't say it like a bad word. also i would like to point out that excuse me the violent extremism of all sorts is a drop
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in the bucket. far less than 1% of the 14,000 murders we have each year in the united states occur because of ideological political or religious reasons. there's a lot of violence out there. most of it doesn't attract this kind of attention. >> strong point and certainly that is something we need to deal with as well. nobody seems to be that willing to. thank you for the perspective on this. what do you think? is it terrorism? if you don't think it's terrorism, why not? tweet, #newdaycnn or post on let's get back to charleston. that's where the story lives and breathes. we need to get as much understanding as we can. alisyn? >> chris, the suspect was captured and captured thanks to a woman in north carolina with a very keen eye. wait until you hear what she told cnn. that's next.
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it was thanks to a sharp-eyed driver who spotted roof's car. she called her boss who then alerted police. cnn spoke to the driver then her boss. >> i was on my way to work taking my normal route to work on highway 74 coming into king's mountain. i watched a lot of news coverage about the shootings and stuff. i had seen the pictures of the car and i seen the pictures of the young man. i had seen all that. i didn't know what drew my attention to the car and i seen it was black. then i also seen it has a south carolina license plate on it which kind of made me look again. in my mind i was thinking -- >> were you scared? >> -- that can't be. not at that time. maybe a little scared jittered thinking about everything going on. just the fact that you know it was similar to what i had seen on tv. but, i never dreamed it would be the car.
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>> how did you and todd connect? did you pick up the phone and call him and say oh my gosh i think i -- todd what did she say to you? >> when she called she said you know i think this is the guy from charleston that shot the people. she said i'm right beside him. i told her, where are you at? she pulled off by men. i said we have to call the police to notify them that you know it may be him. of course it may not be him. i said it could be. so we called the police while she was on the phone. she got back on 74 to catch up with him. he had traveled four or five miles before she could catch up with him. >> i was going to go back on 74 and try to catch up with him to at least get a tag number. there was something inside me that said it wasn't just -- it didn't look right to me. i had seen the tag on the front
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of his car and everything was just you know i noticed the haircut he had from watching it on the news. >> how long did it take the police to get there and resolve this and get him? >> there were there within seconds. i was behind him at a stoplight. i was very nervous, i will say that. i was nervous. i was able to get the tag number and write down the tag number. all within ten, 15 minutes there were johnny on the spot kings mountain police and the shelby city police. they were there. >> out of all the people, debbie and you, todd you worked as a team. out of all the people it was you. i think i read where you said god had a plan and put you guys in the right place at the right time. do you believe that? what do you make of that? >> oh i know that. that's what it was. it was him all the way. it was him from the beginning.
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it was him from the time i left my house this morning. it was him that made me look at that car. it was god who made this happen. had nothing to do with debbie. it don't have nothing to do with todd. it's about him. he made it happen. he answered the prayers of those people praying in charleston in those circles, holding hands and praying. god heard the prayers of those people. he used us as vessels to get his work done. >> chris and michaela so often, it is someone in the public who does end a nationwide manhunt, as we saw with this woman. impressive when somebody in a different state, michaela can be that alert and observant. >> well you remember yesterday on air, law enforcement kept saying we want to share this image. somebody knows him, somebody has seen him. that's what happened. it worked here. that woman who is brave enough to follow through with it to the
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point she followed him. she is incredible. debbie and todd a remarkable pair. that was magic. >> lucky for it. i hope that sentiment spreads through the community. they are going to need to come together. they have issues they have to face there. they have issue that is project what we all have to face. she's a great example of how we should be toward one another. >> that's right. all right, guys we are going to take a short break on "new day." the tragedy that happened in the beautiful building behind me is prompting a strong reaction from all over the nation. can the government find a way to make these horrific events stop? we are going to speak with an aid to the president, next. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year.
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the community needs us to be at our best as americans. the lives that were taken from us were unique. >> any shooting is trouble. this has become the norm and we take it for granted. at some point, it's going to be important for the american people to come to grips with it. >> all sad but true. that is president obama addressing the nation after multiple mass shootings, more than a dozen times in his six years in office. let's bring in roderick johnson. he's the chair of my brother's keeper task force. you are going to launch the initiative. let's deal with what is right in front of us. the problem is obvious or we should sigh the problems. what are the solutions? what do you think the president can do to make what we saw in charleston less likely to happen again? >> thank you very much for having me this morning, chris. you know chris, the president
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called for congress to pass gun safety legislation now for a number of years. we need congress to act but, in the meantime, the president has taken action on his own, since newtown, we have either adopted or come far along in 23 gun safety measures in order to keep guns from being in the hands of the wrong people. we really need congress to act. the american people are calling bonn upon the leaders of this country to make the events like charleston stop happening. >> you have the law against you. you have the polls against you after newtown people said more gun laws wouldn't help. now the critics saying the president hasn't done enough on gun control. is that fair criticism that he didn't do what he did for obamacare for guns? >> i don't think that's fair criticism. the president hasn't given up on
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these issues. the american people are with the president. they want to see more gun safety legislation. we need the congress we need other leaders in this kuhn troy act. but, the president has not given up on this and this is a very important action for him. >> he had both houses and couldn't get it done. >> i don't think that's a fair criticism. >> why not? >> the president has not given up on this. again, the president can't make the congress act. the president called upon congress to act when leaders need to act and bring up gun safety legislation. >> what do you make of resistance in this country of this being a hate crime, the idea of this being about race to the idea this should be seen as terrorism. you could think this is everybody on the same page, but it isn't, why? >> there are important things from law enforcement to look at here whether or not it was a hate crime or whether or not it
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was domestic terrorism. the authorities, local and the justice department and the fbi are looking at this. they will draw conclusions about how to categorize what happened. it was clearly a measure of hate here and it was really really awful. >> do you think that the resistance to it is part of the window in the problem we have that people would rather deny it than deal with it? >> i don't think so. i think people across the country are so heart broken about what would happen and they want to see justice done. let the investigations play out then see the charges that get brought against the person who committed the heinous crimes. >> i hope you are right, i really do. brother's keeper. you have the documentary coming out. >> yes. >> what is the hope for the program? >> you know chris, it's an irn entiring documentary. when the president launched my brother's keeper he wanted to make sure we get private and
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public sector resources in much greater amounts and levels than we have had before. but the president also said we need to change the narrative about what boys and young men of color are challenged with and how they are living their lives. he called upon the private and public sector to do things make commitments. discovery communications made a commitment to produce a documentary that looks at how kids across the country, how especially boys and young men of color across the country and their families and schools are facing tremendous odds but they are being successful. they are making a difference and maybe through that we can make sure that new programs get started and new initiatives get started and people have greater hope especially the boys and young men of color themselves about what their lives can be like. >> the need is great. it comes with great promise. good luck with it. >> thank you very much. >> back to you in south carolina.
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>> beautiful charleston a tough day, a tough week, a tough time here. we have developments for you that are breaking this morning in the charleston shooting. we are hearing the suspect tell police things. we are going to tell you what he's been saying. also interesting perspective from one of dylann roof's the gunman's former classmates. a programming note now. on this sunday, parts unknown, anthony bore dane heads to the middle east. we get the preview now. ♪ >> here we are, back in beirut. they got a lot of history in this town. most of it good. i keep coming back at any opportunity. it's all the good and all the
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>> i was behind him at the stoplight. it was god that made this happen. he answered the prayers of those people. >> i have had to make statements like this too many times. >> the heart and soul of south carolina was broken. >> had to endure tragedies like this too many times. >> we are a strong and faithful state. >> this wasn't a tornado, it was racist. >> we need to get to the source of the problem. >> all of us carrying the name, emanuel, because god is with us. announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to your "new day." it is 8:00 here in the east. i'm alisyn camerota live in charleston south carolina. i'm at the merry time center. maichaela is at the ame emanuel
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church and chris is in new york for us. we have breaking news right now to tell you about. the gunman in this travesty has reportedly confessed his crimes to police. cnn, learning that dylann roof told authorities he did open fire in the church killing nine people. he says he did it because he wanted to start a race war. he is due back in court here this afternoon, chris. we'll be watching that of course. >> the massacre is raising lot of questions about race hate terror guns and why so many are resistant to calling this what it is. are we too resistant from seeing terror or hiding from realities at home? >> we are debating and exploreing that as we learn about the suspects past. he made racist comments and ties to white
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