tv Wolf CNN June 19, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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death penalty. i want them to focus on giving life to millions suffering under white supremacy. >> mike lamont hill pete dominick philip thank you for your thoughts too. at 2:00 there will be an appearance by the man suspected of being this shooter. thanks for watching. wolf starts right now. hello, i'm wolf blitzer. it 150es:00 p.m. in washington 6:00 p.m. in london 8:00 p.m. in baghdad. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. >> up first, a confession and now charges filed in the church massacre in charleston south carolina. when the gunman goes before a judge next hour here are the latest developments. law enforcement officials tell cnn dylann roof admits he opened fire on worshippers at the emmanuel african methodist episcopal church.
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a bond hearing for roof is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. eastern, that's an hour from now. police say he has been charged with nine counts of murder and possession of a firearm during the commission of a firearm during a violence crime. cnn's evan perez has learned details about the gun used in the shooting. law enforcement officials tell him roof purchased the weapon at a charleston gun store in april. moments ago, the president of the naacp joined others in calling if attack on the church a hate crime. >> this crime is not merely a crime perpetuated against a church, not merely a crime perpetuated against a pastor not merely a crime perpetuated against non-congregants. it is a hate crime. and as such it is a crime perpetuated against the conscience of the country, the soul of the country and our values collectively as a country. >> the naacp president cornell brooks will join me live later
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this hour. let's get details now on the upcoming bond hearing an hour from now and the gunman's confession to law enforcement authorities. martin savage is standing by live in charleston our justice reporter evan perez the here with me in washington. martin first to you. give us a preview of what to expect at this hearing. >> well all eyes are focused on the courtroom inside of this bond court case. about an hour from now what will happen is off magistrate and that magistrate is basically going to have is roof, who will appear in front of him. but he'll be doing it via a television link and as a result of that you won't have the defendant inside the courtroom. essentially the judge is going to go over one of the charges against him. there are nine counts of murder and a weapons charge. here's the deal. the judge cannot set bond in this particular case because of the fact there are murder charges. so it's a fore con conclusion that bond will be denied here. that said, we'll have the judge
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go through the legal process, explain it to roof. on top of that roof may have things to say, the judge will ask him questions, here is the big thing we learned. there will be representatives from the families of all nine people killed inside of that church inside of this courtroom and they will be given that opportunity to perhaps say something. the outcome is a foregone conclusion. we know bond won't be set. what we don't know is what will be says and given the emotion surrounding this tragedy there could be a lot. wolf? >> tell our viewers, martin, what else we've learned about this guy roof about his actions inside the church. >> they're horrific. we already knew this was a horrendous crime but coming from those family members who have spoken to a few sur vaifrvivors they describe something beyond the pale. they say not only did the suspect sit in for one hour and after the study session came to an end began shooting at one
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point a young man rose up, a parishioner and said "stop, stop." and, in fact roof is quoted as saying "no, i cannot stop. you rape our women, you're taking over our country, i will not stop." and then he shot and killed the young man. and the shooting spree continued. as he was walking out he confronts an elderly woman. he says "have i shot you yet?" she says "no." he says "i'll leave you alive so you can tell others what happened here. i'm going to kill myself." then he's said to have reloaded at least five times. to imagine that stress the waiting, all of it is beyond compare. wolf? >> it certainly is. martin stand by. evan you were the first to report that roof confessed to law enforcement. tell us what else you've learned. >> wolf we know investigators believe he have arrived at these believes in favor of segregation and racism a long time ago. we know he has confessed.
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the question now for investigators is did anyone else know about this? how long has he been planning this? that is the question they're focusing on. they're going through his computers and talking too rell ing tooing to relatives and friends to find out more about him. we've looked on his facebook page. he didn't have a lot of friends. this is very unusual for somebody of his age. it does appear he was much of a loner but while he was alone he was developing these violent ideas and carried them out this week. >> you also have new details about the gun he used to kill these nine people. what have you learned? >> he bought 24 gun in april with money that was give on the him by his father for his birthday. what happens in these cases, wolf, is often people misunderstand how can this guy get a gun? well he was facing serious charges of drug possession in south carolina but under federal law you pass a background check if you have not been found guilty of a felony. in this case he had not been adjudicated. that's why the gun he had from all appearances was legal.
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>> so even though he had been charged with a felony he hadn't been convicted as a result in south carolina he could go out and by a gun? >> exactly. . keep in mind we're talking about a part of the country where people hold dear the second amendment and it's certainly something that would take a conviction for you to take away his rights. >> evan thanks very much. savidge, thanks very much to you as well. nine souls were lost on wednesday, nine lives cut short, nine people who will be missed dearly. it's evident in the tributes. athena jones has more on how the family and friends in charleston how they are honoring the legacy of their loved ones. >> reporter: from the heart of the tragedy in south carolina -- >> our hope is in god. >> reporter: -- to the historic walls of the ebenezer baptist church in georgia. thousands came to mourn nine of charleston's most prominent
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educators and religious leaders killed inside emmanuel ame church wednesday night, including four beloved reverends. among them 74-year-old retired reverend daniel simmons, who attended the church every sunday. 49-year-old reverend depayne middleton-doctor who served her community in the learning center of southern wesleyan university. sharonda singleton, pictured with her son, coached at a local high school. and the distinctive forth of reverend clementa pinkney, leader of the ame church was also silenced gunned down as he preached. >> and to see him die face down in the ground -- >> reporter: a state senator, reverend pinkney became the youngest african-american ever elected to the south carolina legislature. after the shooting of walter scott by police, he stressed the need for police body cameras in south carolina using hauerful language. >> and that a badge and a gun does not give someone
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superiority or will trump their constitutionally protected privileges and rights in south carolina. >> reporter: friends and family are struggling to cope with the loss of so many in r inside a place of worship. recent college graduate tywanza sanders, just 26 years old, lost his life. cynthia hurd was 54 and worked for decades as a librarian. now as a tribute to her life of service, a library will be renamed in her honor. >> i want to know why would you do something like this? >> reporter: tim jackson mourning the loss of his 87-year-old grandmother susie. he remembers her as a loving bern a great smile. susie's 70-year-old cousin ethel lance was also killed. and myra thompson 59 was teaching the bible study held each wednesday when the gunman opened fire. of the 13 people inside emmanuel ame church that night, only three survived. one did so by playing dead. another survivor telling family members the gunman told her he
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was letting her live so she could tell the story of what happened there. >> athena is joining us live from charleston. you're right outside the church. athena tell us about the memorial behind you. >> wolf let me get out of the way here. you can see this memorial behind me, a makeshift memorial that has been growing by the hour. it's very hot out here more than 88 degrees, very humid. yet there has been a steady flow of people young and old. there were several young boys who laid flowers a short while ago. there was a man who came and knelt to pray. people are passing out water. all to pay respects to the victims of that terrible shooting. last night there was a prayer service, a bringing together of several presbyterian churches white and black, from in and around charleston. they packed into a church behind this church this is an area of many churches as you know. there were many white faces, black face people rubbing each
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other's back standing in a circumstance toll offer words of comfort and to pray. this has been about coming together. we heard from the charleston mayor who said this is a city that wants to unite in prayer and healing. as part of that, they're holding a vigil later on tonight, 6:00 p.m., in an arena near here, a prayer vigil, one of many events being hold pay honor to these victims. >> we'll have coverage later tonight during the 6:00 p.m. eastern hour for the situation room athena thank you. much more special coverage of the south carolina church massacre coming up this hour. the president of the naacp, cornell william brooks he'll join me live with his thoughts on this tragedy and i'll speak with a close friend and colleague of the reverend clementa pinkney about healing, forgiveness and what must change right now.
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and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. let's get back to our top story, the aftermath of a shooting in an historic african-american church here in the united states. churches across the country are now planning vigils for the victims. there will also be prayer vigils in charleston later this evening. joining us now from charleston is the south carolina state senator marlin kimpson. senator, thanks so much for joining us. i know you were a friend of reverend clementa pinckney who was murdered in the church also a state senator. you knew him well. what would he be telling the
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community right now if he could. >> well and we have some words of his that recently have been posted in the aftermath of a tragic shooting we had here most recently in north charleston by a police officer shooting an unarmed citizen. he would be telling the nation to remain calm but let's come away from this horrific experience with a pro active agenda. that agenda should include improving race relations in the state of south carolina and embracing the issues that device us. if we don't know cus on the divisive symbols that exist in our state, the divisive rhetoric that circulates on the internet and changing hearts and minds then we have failed our mission. >> you're referring to the
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confederate flag that still flies on the state grounds in south carolina? is that what you're talking about? >> the confederate flag and other symbols. >> what other symbols? >> the statue of ben tillman and there are a number of streets named in honor of the confederacy. we understand history and we understand the war, but this is 2015 and any symbol -- any symbol -- that divides us is a symbol that stands in the way of progress. we must use our assets and use our resources and talents to employ devices which unite us and not died us. >> so when you hear someone like our senator lindsey graham from south carolina defend the flying on the state grounds saying it's part of history, part of the legacy and part of what a lot of people in south carolina look
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back their great great brand parents live through, you say to senator lindsey graham and others what? >> well let me say this. for every argument you can use some reasons to support it my message to senator graham and others is we are living in 2015. we are not fighting that war. there are symbols, including the confederate flag and other statutes around this state that are continuing to divide this nation. if you look at this incident and look at this gentleman's -- i shouldn't call him a gentleman, this thug's past who murdered eight people including my friend and colleague, he has consistently used the confederate flag to promote hate. we need to spend our time in promoting unity. so we will go to the legislature. as you know it -- the
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legislature had a compromise in the early 2000s and it's going to take two-thirds to remove that flag. more importantly, we understand we have to do this in a bipartisan way. so it will be up to elected officials to make the persuasive argument and to the business community, quite frankly. we want to hear from you on this issue. anybody coming to the state of south carolina running for president, we want to hear from you on this issue. when you come here be prepared to address the flag and the other divisive symbols in south carolina in addition law enforcement, in addition economic prosperity for all people not just some. >> i'm sure they'll be asked about guns, the ability to get guns in south carolina and elsewhere as well. senator kimpson, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. up next ignoring the warning signs. should police have been tipped off about the admitted church
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shooter? we're going to take a closer look at responsibility and rules for tracking potential domestic terrorists. hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works how much you qualify for the ways to receive your money... and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today!
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let's get back to our top story, the deaths of nine people in a church shooting in charleston south carolina. dylann roof, the confessed shooter, is expected to make his first court appearance in south carolina at the top of the next hour. here with us in washington right now is cedric alexander, our cnn law enforcement officer, the dekalb county georgia safety administrator.
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cedric, a former roommate of dylann roof the admitted killer in this particular case said he had been planning this attack for six months. he had been making statements. when a friend or acquaintance of someone hears someone ranting, talkings about black people "they're taking over the country, raping white women" what should that person do? >> well certainly it's a real early indication that person has very violent tendencies. but what i'm more concerned about and we haven't talked about, wolf, is this young guy, roof, where did he acquire this type of attitude and hatred? some will say it's symbolic of the symbols on his outer garments but the question that comes to mind for me hate is something that is learned. where did he learn how to hate at that level? is there some mental health component maybe attached to this? maybe so because usually what
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you will find when people hate at that depth and level to create the type of tragedy that he did, there's something else that i'm concerned about in his own history as to where did he learn how to hate? >> i don't know the answer to that but the southern poverty law center which does research on these extremist, racist hate groups, that i've pointed out as recently as yesterday that a lot of these web sites, you go to social media you can find hate groups promoting this kind of racist hatred. >> and when we hear about it particularly as friends or family we have to take note to it. because in too many cases we've seen tragedies that have occurred out of those who take those attitudes and make those actions come alive as we saw in the case here with roof. >> as you know a church is the ultimate "soft target." >> right. >> there's no real security at churches all over the country. historically african-american
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churches. this guy walked in went to a bible study, sat there for an hour listening, they welcomed him, he was a white guy, they welcomed him. he wanted to participate they septembered him and then he went and took his gun owl and killed someone. >> that's what is so tragic. this church has been around well over 100 years, the oldest ame church in the south and it's very evident to me quite frankly, that it was a planned target if you look at the history of that church certainly if you look at the demographic of that church being an african-american church and he walked into that church on that particular evening with people welcoming them to worship with him and he sat there with them for an hour and even in that hour he did not in the appoint join change his miemd or say "i won't do this" and walk out. he went there to do what he intended to do. that's the depth of the hatred. that's the depth of whatever else is going on with him that
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kpimly phied himself that night. the other part of this is we're going to have to figure out in this country how do we deal with people that that have some mental health illnesses? because i would suspect there is other stuff going on with him. but i won't minimize for one second idea t idea that this was rooted in hate. >> he drove three or four hours from columbia, south carolina, to charleston south carolina. clearly he planned this he spoke about it for six months. >> he planned it and said to witnesses that he was going to kill himself, which never occurred because he got in that car and drove for three or four hours. >> he said he wanted to start a race war. right. but if you listen to his rhetoric "y'all are taking our white women. y'all are taking over." if you listen to that rhetoric and ask you "where have i heard the?" you've heard that coming out of places like the ku klux klan you've heard that rhetoric coming out of places that are very anti-black anti-jewish,
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anti-establishment type of organizations. it's that same rhetoric. >> neonazi white aryans. most of them just talk they don't actually commit crimes like this. >> that's right, but here's the thing. he may have been involved with this in terms of the act itself but i suspect there may be others who may have put this young man up to this because when you look at him, when i see him on footage, he appears to me to be somewhat of a loner, someone who may have been marginalized and looking for a place to fit in. got fitted in somewhere by some group of organization maybe, right? and then he went out and he made this attack against these innocent people so i hope part of this investigation branches out beyond him and looks to see if there were others that might have been involved. >> you've told me they
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prudently, these churches, especially these coming sunday should step up security a bit. >> and they will. they will across the country. >> i hope so. cedric thanks very much. >> thank you. >> cedric alexander joining us. just ahead, the naacp president is calling it an act of racial terrorism. he's joining us live from charleston south carolina cornell williams brooks. we'll talk about the church massacre, the state of race relations here in the united states. ♪ color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know... ♪ ♪ color is a beautiful thing, i know, oh yes i know... ♪ ♪color is the i ching ching for sure ding dang... ♪ ♪ color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know. ♪ if you feel it, you can find it. all new color by behr. exclusively at the home depot.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer reporting from washington. officials now say he confessed to the crime, said he wanted to start a race war here in the united states. here are the latest developments on the church massacre in charleston south carolina. law enforcement officials tell cnn dylann roof admit he is opened fires on worshippers at the emmanuel african mettist episcopal church. a bond hearing for roof is scheduled about 30 minutes from now. police say he has been charged with nine counts of murder and possession of a firearm during the commission of a violent crime. cnn's evan perez has learned new details about the gun used in the shooting. law enforcement officials tell cnn roof purchased the weapon at a charleston gun store in april. the confessed gunman's twisted
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motive to start a so-called race war in the united states seems to have had an opposite effect. the tragedy has united people in charleston and indeed around the country in grief, in sadness, but also a spirit of hope and resilience. still, the shooting once again highlights lingering racial tensions and divisions in the united states. tv comedian jon stewart dispensed with his usual jokes to discuss the issue on "the daily show." >> i honestly have nothing. other than just sadness, one against, that we have to peer into the abyss of the depraved violence we do to each other in the nexus of just a gapeing racial wound la that will not heal but we pretend doesn't exist. i'm confident, though that by acknowledging it, by staring into that and seeing it for what
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it is we still won't do jack [ bleep ]. >> joining us from charleston is the naacp president cornell brooks. cornell, thanks very much for joining us. thanks also for your powerful words in the last hour which our viewers here in united states and around the world watched. you've called this church massacre a hate crime, an act of racial terrorism, in your words. why do you think it's important, first of all, to label it an act of racial terrorism? >> well wolf first of all, again, let me extend my condolences and prayers on behalf of the entire naacp family to the family of emmanuel african methodist episcopal church. we call it an act of racial terrorism and a hate crime because the impulse and the inspiration for this crime was racial animus.
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hatred. the pastor was asked for by name. the church is embossed,'m blazed ed enned with "emmanuel baptist church." the shooter said he had to do this he came to kill black people. the pint here isoint is it is a hate crime in which not merely african-americans are victims, america is a victim because we our values were the subject of this crime. this was a crime that occurred in moments but be clear, the crime in a sense was planned, formed over some longer period of time in some atmosphere of racial animus. and so this is a hate crime. let's be clear. this is not merely a mass shooting but some deranged gunman. this was a shooting inside of a church in which african-americans were targeted and a crime in which all of america was hit. that's what it is and we can't deny it. >> cornell, we're decades after
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the civil rights movement as all of us know. we now have an african-american president in the white house. the first family in the white house, african-american and african-american attorney general secretary of homeland security but we still have major problems involving race in this country. what's it going to take to fix it? >> well what it will take is for us to make a serious and ongoing long-standing commitment to address this form of bias. that means a number of things. one, fundamentally, morally speaking we have to address the atmosphere in which this crime was created. we have a young man wearing not the flag of south africa under nelson mandela but the flag of apartheid, south africa and the flag of rhodesia wearing a -- i should say driving a car with a con fed rad flag emblem on it. the point being here this crime was birthed in racial animus. we have to address that.
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i believe now is the time for us to look at the tools that the justice department has in terms of addressing crimes like this. three, we have to organize at the ground and grass-roots level to respond to challenges like this. we're our houses of faith and the local naacp to respond after the crisis. we have to engage our houses of faith and participate in the local newspaper beforeaacp before the crisis. lastly let's be clear here. this is a moment of moral awakening. the president has set a strong tone, so has the attorney general, so have clergy leaders across the country but let's not respond with hand-wringing and tears only. let's respond with a sense of resolve and determination that this kind of thing cannot happen again. you cannot target parishioners students of scripture in a church because they're african-american. that is unacceptable. it's morally incomprehensible and runs roughshod over our
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values. >> cornell, i want you to stand by. i want to continue this conversation. there's a lot more to discuss specific steps that all of us as americans need to think about right now, need to do to fix this problem here in the united states much more with coronil william brooks the president and ceo of the naacp when we come back. does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena.
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the american flag? at half-staff at the south carolina capital, as is the south carolina state flag but even after a mass killing at the hands of a white supremacist who wanted to start a race war in the united states, the confederate flag on the grounds of the state capital, that confederate flag is still flying high nearby. it's been a source of major controversy for the state. >> is it time to stop flying the confederate flag? >> well, at the end of the day, it's time for people in south carolina to revisit that decision would be fine with me. but this is part of who we are, the flag represents to some people a civil war and that was the symbol of one side to others it's a racist symbol and it's been used by people it's been used in a racist way. >> cornell william brooks is still with us he's the president and ceo of the naacp. what do you make of what you hear from those like senator lindsey graham and others who say it's part of the american
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history, that confederate flag and a lot of families especially in the south and south carolina they have great grandparents who were part of that history, why not let it fly? >> well, here's what i would say. let me note that flying the confederate flag at half mast is a full blown contradiction. the flag needs to come down. like the senator, i grew up in south carolina. i'm from here and that flag represents bias bigotry and a long tradition of exclusion. there are a great many people who trace their lineage to the civil war, to the confederacy. that's a matter of the family album. it's not a matter of a flag flying in our state capital that represents exclusion. so to companies all across the country who want to locate in a state that's welcoming, that flag does not suggest will come. there's another flag that flies
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atop the dome of the capital, the american flag, the red, white, and blue flag, that's the flag we should be waving. that's the flag we should be celebrating. not a flag that represents exclusion. >> so you don't even want the confederate flag on the state grounds to be flying at half-staff right now? >> not at all. not at all. the confederate flag is alienating and exclusionary and hateful for not only people in the state of south carolina but all across the country. it should not be flying whatsoever. our south carolina state conference of the naacp for years, for years has been pressing for businesses to boycott the state, for tourists to boycott the state. so we're at a point now where people on the left side of the aisle, right side of the aisle, democrats, republicans, really have to ask themselves when we have a shooter who has the flag of rhodesia and the emblem of the confederate flag as symbols
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of his mind seth-set and this shooter walks into our churches assassinates nine people as they study god's scripture, is that the flag we need to be waving? is that the flag that's representative and emblematic and illustrative of our values? i think not. >> cornell, for a lot of people the massacre in charleston brought back memories of the 1963 church bombing that killed four little girls in birmingham alabama. we're showing our viewers some video from those awful days in 19 1963. the fact that as you point out, a church once again the target of this senseless, racist act, it's so poignant and it's hard to believe that there are haters that not only spew words like this but actually are willing to go out and kill people. >> so wolf as an administer in the emmanuel african methodist episcopal church i taught
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wednesday night bible study for years and it is a tradition in such a bible study to welcome a stranger in. so this young man has undoubtedly the hand of fellowship as well as an open bible and brought to the table for discussion and teaching in terms of the scripture. the fact that he would put down a bible and take up a gun to kill nine people is incomprehensible and it evokes the tragedy of the bombing of the church in birmingham in that in that instance african-americans were targeted. here african-americans were targeted. but be clear as i've said time and time again. our values were victimized. that's not who we are as a country. so this invokes an ugly racial past but i'll note here in the
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same way the that the little girls lost their lives in the 16th street church in birmingham, in the same way that that inspired the civil rights movement, in a similar fashion, be clear, people will be inspired and motivated and become more determined to bring about racial healing in this country. so you'll see more people in church on sunday. more people in wednesday night bible study than before this event happened. i believe that's who we are as a country. we're not going to be intimidated by this kind of racist ideology no matter how it's put forth even at the point of a gun. that's simply not who they are as a country. >> cornell william brooks is president and ceo of the naacp, cornell, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. up next we'll have more on a symbol of hate or a symbol of history. more discussion on whether that
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confederate flag should be taken down and abandoned. our own danny cevallos has some serious thoughts on what's going on. ur brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had a liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. new car replacement is just one of the features that come standard with a base liberty mutual policy. and for drivers with accident forgivness,rates won't go up due to your first accident. learn more by calling switch to liberty mutual and you can save up to $423. for a free quote today,call liberty mutual insurance at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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. before the break, we were discussing the confederate flag a major controversy right now. danny cevallos is joining us. you've written an article for cnn and i encourage our viewers to watch it. >> wolf the government has free speech rights. the government can free speak and not only can it speak, it can espouse any particular program that it likes. because this flag was erected as a result of a work of the legislature, it appears that it is existence on the capitol grounds is at least lawful. but that doesn't necessarily
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mean that it is right. so in a case like this where there's so much evidence that the confederate flag stands not for independence, not rebellion or southern pride but more about slavery, the government should take this flag down. >> you heard cornell william brooks president of the naacp, say a few minutes ago he doesn't want this confederate grounds to be flying at half-staff as a symbol of mourning. he wants it to go away completely. do you agree with him? >> first, he can't fly it at half mass. it's not designed that way. it's not a traditional flag. it appears more like a work of art that was commissioned and authorized by the legislature. from what i understand you're not even able to fly it at half-mass because it doesn't have a pulley system.
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the options are either take it down by work of the legislature or leave it up. and if those are the choices it seems to me the general consensus is it should probably come down. >> what do you say to the defenders of that flag? >> well there are people who say that the flag -- and i confess, i thought it had a dual role one that represented independence and rebellion and the scourge of slavery. if the government is going to speak, it should choose symbols that the citizens as a whole will agree upon. this just isn't one of those symbols. >> danny cevallos is our cnn legal analyst. he's got an important article at, an op-ed, i recommend our viewers to go ahead and read
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hello and thank you for joining us on this friday. i'm ana cabrera with cnn's breaking news in charleston south carolina. the community is in mourning after this man who will face a bond hearing at any moment now committed one of the most violent and cowardly killings in recent history. and we'll bring you his first court appearance as soon as that gets under way. now, we're told by authorities that dylann roof admitted that he killed nine people with a handgun that he says he bought himself and then killed nine innocent people. but why? apparently this ninth grade dropout wanted to start a race war. that's the explanation he gave
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to investigators. and we're told that during the massacre as one man pleaded with his life roof said the following words. he said no you've raped our women and you are taking over the country. i have to do what i have to do. his goal to kill black people. his roommate telling abc news roof was, quote, big into segregation and now the national president of the naacp stepping in front of the cameras today with this to say. >> we've seen people come all across the country because they care and because they love and because they refuse to allow this one racist murderer in our midst to define our values. this was an act of racial terrorism and must be treated as such. >> i want to bring in cnn's martin savidge who is outside
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the jail this afternoon. roof is appearing video link. is that for his safety? >> security reasons. that's the way they do it with all of the suspect who is appear at this particular bond hearing. we've been watching the family members. many of them plan to be inside the courtroom. it's expected at some point the judge will give them an opportunity to speak and, no doubt, it is going to be an incredibly powerful moment when that happens. in fact much of this courtroom is likely to be taken up by victim family members. there's an overflow section where people want to watch and see what happens here and it's going to be allowed that a camera is inside. this is a standard proceeding and bond is likely to be denied essentially because the judge in this case the magistrate doesn't have an authority to set bond when it comes to a crime as serious as murder. there are nine counts of murder against dylann roof. we know the outcome. we just don't know if it'swhat is
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going to take place inside. ana? >> there will be a vigil this evening for the nine worshippers killed in that bible study class. what more can you tell us about that? >> this is going to be the chance for the community outpouring. there have been a number of them. >> this is the one that is truly going to encompass all of the feelings that participate in this community. it's going to be a huge event they are raising an effort to help those families. it's a community that has come together in the heartbreak and in the pain and suffering but not divided. come together in common grief, ana. >> and after an act of such hate now we see all of the love that fills charleston south carolina. martin
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