tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 19, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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"the situation room." our continuing coverage of the breaking news following the massacre in charleston south carolina continues right now with erin burnett "out front." breaking news. the family of the gunman behind the charleston massacre breaking its silence. this as 21-year-old dylann roof hears from the victims' loved ones. you will hear them tonight. a woman who survived the shooting by pretending to be dead could having her 5-year-old grandson with her body as she watched her son killed. breaking news in the hunt for two convicted killers. there are new leads tonight. let's go "out front." good evening. i'm erin burnett. the breaking news the family of the 21-year-old who confessed to slaughtering nine black parishioners at a charleston church speaking out.
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expressing shock and grief after the massacre. the charleston community coming together to heal and pray. thousands gathering right now in down downtown charleston to reflect on lives lost. dylann roof the man who committed the act making his first court appearance. you see him there. that was him today. his hands shackled flanked by two armed guards sguards one black, one white, as he answered questions from the judge. >> what is your age? >> 21. >> you are 21 years old. are you employed? >> no, sir. >> you are unemployed at this time? >> yes, sir. >> thank you. >> what followed was an emotional seven minutes. the victims' family one by one addressed roof. he stood there as you see emotionless. it was powerful.
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it was raw. it brought tears to your eyes. we are going to play what they had to say for you. drew griffin is in south carolina. actually martin savidge first. what's the latest? >> reporter: you know i have covered a lot of these bond hearings. thes they are usually typical affairs. this was not like that. it was extremely powerful. if you listen to the words of those who were there, you couldn't help but grieve along with them. court documents released friday afternoon give more graphic detail of the deadly attack inside a charleston church. all of the victims were shot multiple times. family members, including dylann roof's own father and uncle contacted police after his photo began circulating identifying him and his car, even warning investigators that his son owns a handgun. standing solemn mostly silent
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and staring at the floor, roof was not in the courtroom where victims' families had come to see him. instead, he appeared veer ya eded via a video link. the judge said those in the courtroom were not the only ones hurt. >> we also have victims on other side. victims on this young man's side of the family. nobody would have ever thrown them into the events that they have been thrown into. >> reporter: the judge's questions brought simple answers from the 21-year-old. >> you are unemployed at this time? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: he faces nine murder charges. the judge allowed a representative of each of those killed to speak. there was heartbreak in every word. a woman survived the attack and watched her son die. >> as we say in bible study, we enjoyed you. may god have mercy on you. every fiber in my body hurts.
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and i will never be the same. >> you hurt me. you hurt our people. god forgive you. and i forgive you. >> reporter: law enforcement say roof has admitted to killing nine african-americans in the church. he said "to start a race war." the gun he used in bought in south carolina around the time of his 21st birthday in april. the weapon a glock 41 a powerful handgun capable of firing up to 13 rounds. survivors said he reloaded multiple times. despite previous arrests, he had not been convicted at the time he bought the gun. the sale was perfectly legal. dylann's legal future is bound to be lengthy and could end with the death penalty. the victim ss' families know their fate a life sentence of painful
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grief. >> incredible. i was watching that they kept talking about love and forgiveness, even for him. it was incredible to hear it. we're going to hear more from them in a moment. we have breaking news that i want to ask you about. wptv a local affiliate there, is reporting that roof researched the church. he targeted it because it was an historic frunafrican-american church. he drove a long way to go to this church. >> reporter: he did. i mean that's been one of the questions that's been in the minds of all of us is why charleston. we knew he wasn't from this area. naturally, he could come to charleston any tomb heime he wanted to. this would make sense that there was a target he saw. there was a specific place he wanted to hit. it appears that emanuel a.m.e. church was that. >> thank you very much martin
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savidge savidge. he knew wednesday night was the bible study class. let's go to drew griffin now. you have the breaking news on the roof family's message to the victims which you were able to obtain moments ago. >> reporter: yeah. it's clear that the roof family now watched that bond hearing and was touched by it. we have been waiting for any kind response from them for a couple days now. they finally released it. their attorney handing me this statement on front porch of dylann roof's father's home. i want to read to you it in part. it says words cannot express our shock, grief and disbelief as to what happened that night. we are devastated and saddened by what occurred. we have all been touched by the moving words from the vehicle tmictims' families offering god's
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forgiveness and love in the face of such horrible suffering. i can tell that you this family in columbia is also suffering. they have had a couple of meetings today. i talked to a pastor outside of one of the meetings who said they are devastated. of course i'm sure they are looking at all the warning signs they missed or the sirens they didn't sound as a result of what has happened in the last few days to them. they did issue this. it came from an attorney. by the way who represents indegent care in death penalty cases. >> public defender. thank you very much. as drew and i were speaking a vigil is under way. athena jones is live in charleston. so many are gathering tonight in song and prayer. again, the tone i think shockingly to so many after so few hours have passed is one of
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sol sdar solidarity and forgiveness. >> reporter: that's right. this is surprising to a lot of people. it's not surprising to the people who were at that bible study on wednesday night at the church behind me. their family and their friends, people who follow the teachings of the bible which talks about love and forgiveness. so while it's remarkable on one hand it's exactly what many of them would say jesus taught his followers. they are bearing witness to what he taught to the community. as you mentioned, this prayer vigil is one of many events that are being held to honor the victims. at the vigil tonight, family members of the vehicle tms were svictims were asked to stand. one of the speakers at tonight's vigil was a baptist minister who joined this church last august despite being of a different denomination. she was here wednesday night for a meeting with the pastor.
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but left before the shooting. let's listen to what she had to say. >> we trust that the word of god as we know it is will be a comfort to the families that are in bereavement. a comfort to my family and to this community. it reads, let not your heart be troubled. you believe in god. believe also in me. >> reporter: so there you have her quoting scripture. we have heard similar talk last night at the prayer service held at the church just behind emanuel a.m.e. a multi-cultural event. several presbyterian churches coming together. a lot people rubbing each other's backs. they are doing so not surprisingly through the word of god. >> thank you very much. so moving she was able to speak.
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she had gone for the meeting. she had to go home. that saved her life. pastor thomas dixon. he knew the reverend who died wednesday night. you were at the vigil where athena was reporting from. it's the forgiveness that seems overwhelming. in the face of such an evil act, people would be entitled to a lifetime of anger. they certainly -- people would expect them to feel that 18 hours later. yet they are talking about love and forgiveness and coming to the. together. how are they able to do that? >> this is the power of the gospel the belief system we live with as christian believers. we go by faith not by sight. in face of the atrocities that were perpetrated against these families that they would get angry, want to rebel, go off and things like that. but our faith, not in what we see but what we believe, dictates to us that we don't have do that. there is a day of retribution
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coming even if the perpetrator was not caught that his day would be coming. in that we have solace. we have comfort. we can move forward without going through that the normal changes that anybody else would do. >> pastor everyone around the nation who heard the victims' families they cried, they had chills. i want to play what they said in court. what they had to say to dylann roof the man who hours ago killed those that they loved so deeply. >> we welcomed wednesday night in our bible study with open arms. you have killed some of the most beautiful people that i know. every fiber in my body hurts. i will never be the same.
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tywanza sanders was my son. he was my hero. tywanza was my hero. but as we say in bible study, we enjoyed you, but may god have mercy on you. >> although my father and the other victims died at the hands of hate this is proof everyone's plea for your soul is proof that they lived to love and their legacies will live in love. so hate won't win. >> for me, i'm a work in progress. i acknowledge that i am very angry. but one thing we have always joined in our family with is that she taught me that we are the family that love built. >> we have no hate.
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so we have to forgive. i pray god on your soul. i thank god that i won't be around when your judgment day comes with him. may god bless you. >> may god bless you. i mean it's incredibly hard to hear pastor. how can they be so giving to him? >> this is the power. this is the power that's taken enn away from the individual that did the acts and is placed in the hands of who it was perpetrated against. the victory he thought he would have is no longer there. he thought he was going to generate a race war. instead of that he found people who found it in their hearts to forgive him so they could move on. if they didn't forgive him, they would be in bondage to him. when they think about his name
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they would go to an area of anger. now as they have started the forgiveness process, because that's a process also then as they think about him they will not have to think of him from a point of animosity or anything of that sort. at least over time. now they have the victory. they have taken the sting away from him. he has no power in this at all. >> pastor thank you so much. >> yes, thank you very much. next the outrage after the charleston judge said the roof family members are also victims. should he apologize? the confederate flag the symbol used by hate groups around the country, still flying outside the south carolina state capital tonight. why? one survivor's remarkable story. how she played dead.
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you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. breaking news. the family of the church shooter speaking out, talking to the families of the nine black church members gunned down by their son. the family saying, we have been touched by the moving words of the families. we are learning about warning signs of his hate signs visible to many long before his heinous act. brian todd is in south carolina tonight. brian, you have spoken to a friend of the shooter. what are they saying about the signs? this isn't something that just sudden suddenly happens. >> reporter: there were warning signs. we spoke to a friend of dylann roof's from their middle school
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years. they lost touch then reconnected recently. he painted a very disturbing portrait of dylann roof's behavior in the weeks leading up to the shooting. he talked about dylann roof's ideas about provoking tension between the races. here is what he had to say. >> he was just saying he wanted segregation. he wanted a race war. he wanted white with white and black with black. >> reporter: what did you say? >> i didn't agree with his opinion at all. we just argued about it. >> reporter: he says on the night that dylann roof talked about starting a race war, he said he had a lot of vodka. he drank a litter of it. it disturbs him and he said then he decided to take action. he says he took dylann roof's gun away from him that night and decided the next morning that he didn't want to be accused of stealing a gun so he put the gun
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back in dylann roof's truck. i asked him how he feels about that now and he said terrible. >> i'm sure he wishes he made more calls. you look back and you see, could i have done something differently? there's so much outrage tonight about what the judge said about the shooter's family. a moment for the victims where you are giving them a chance to speak when they have been silenced. the first thing he said was actually sympathy for the shooter's family. let me play it. >> we also have victims on the other side. there are victims on this young man's side of the family. nobody would have ever thrown them into the events that they have been thrown into. we must find it in our heart that at some point in time not only to help those that are victims but to also help his family as well. >> of course no one in his family was shot and killed. people are outraged.
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>> reporter: they really are. it was interesting in our live position, cnn's live position in charleston, we have to say there are a lot of people watching the coverage. just after he said that, as it was televised, one woman came by and said to don lemon, she said what this judge said was just outrageous. she said it was ridiculous that he would take the time at a hearing like that with everyone watching to tell people about how the shooter's family are victims. people are really outraged. everyone in the state it seems is watching the coverage of this event and its aftermath. every event, court hearing vigil vigil. the emotions are so raw. there was a lot of outrage in this community that we observed. >> thank you very much brian todd. former federal prosecutor sunney yey
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how ston. he said it with such -- i'm trying to think of the right word is to capture it. it was with passion. it was with anger. it was almost like he was lecturing people. >> it was really astonishing, especially because this was a bond hearing. judges typically don't make those statements at bontd hearings. they are usually ten to 15 minutes at the least. judges -- at the most rather. judges follow a script often. i was just shocked by what i heard from this judge. it's something that i actually never heard before. i have attended many many bond hearings as a prosecutor as an attorney. i have to echo what brian said. in charleston so many people just have been coming up to me erin and they are outraged by that. something that people are sort of misinformed, they are
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wondering why this judge got the case and they are asking he be removed. it's more than to note he was the magistrate judge just for this bond hearing. his role is over. he can do no more harm. but certainly, it's outrageous. >> you share the outrage. how could the judge really know? as you point out, we don't know who taught this kid how to shoot. we don't know who taught this kid the hate. >> i think what was disturbing -- i have to tell you, i have witnessed literally hundreds of arrangements in my career as a prosecutor and defense attorney. i have never heard a judge express sympathy for the defendant's family in his opening words. and this is a case a multiple homicide by someone who allegedly stated he wanted to start a race war. the parents didn't notice that junior was contemplating a race war? >> we heard brian todd his
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friends did. >> it stopped me dead in my tracks. i was looking up this judge's record. he has a disciplinary record before the courts. he has been disciplined for improper behavior. he's a rank amateur. this was a disgrace to the families. it should have been on those families and not the defendant's family. >> the family spoke. again, that was the thing that was so moving about this. they spoke offering forgiveness, offering love. i mean it was incredibly hard to hear it. it's like you wanted to hear them be angry, because you wanted to be angry for them. the forgiveness was more painful. will that impact his punishment? >> reporter: i don't think it will impact his punishment. i think that anyone that heard that erin anyone watching and listening and everyone really is watching and listening, as far as i can tell have been so affected by that message. i myself felt like crying.
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i think though that it was the appropriate message. this town really needs that. large hearts these people have. people of faith, families of faith. forgiveness is a significant part of this community that i wasn't necessarily surprised that they said i forgive you. but i don't know that i could be that person. i don't know if i could be that person. >> i think maybe that's what was painful about it is you realize how incredible they were that they were able to be this way when most of us would feel such hate and anger at him. some are angry was that he was separate from the families. he's in a separate room. it's only connected through video camera. >> you know a lot of people were disturbed about it. you like to see the person being charged in open court. i have to say i can't blame the courts for this. i blame technology for this. there has been a trend across the united states. it saves money.
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it gets cops back on the streets sooner. it causes the arrests to arraignment delays to be eliminated. it's really been a trend in the united states toward video arraignment arraignment. >> thanks very much paul sunny, thank you. the confederate flag it's a symbol of hate for many. it's one that dylann roof likes to display. it was on his car. why is it flying high in south carolina's capital tonight? breaking news new leads in the new york manhunt for the killers. the latest coming up this hour. listen up team i brought in some protein to help rearrange the fridge and get us energized! i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength to keep you active. come on pear
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breaking news in the charleston church massacre. the family of the gunman who confessed to killing nine people speaking out for first time. they say words can't express their grief. the gunman 21-year-old dylann roof is seen in this picture posing with a car. draw your attention between his legs to the license plate. that's confederate flags. that's a symbol of hate to many used by white supremacist
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groups. why is it still flying? >> reporter: this flag is still flying in front of the capital of south carolina. to some it's south earn pride. for others it's a symbol of prejudice and slavery they cannot forget. >> some will assert it's merely a symbol of years gone by. where we see that symbol lifted up as an emblem of hate a tool of hate, inspiration for hate and violence that symbol has to come down. that symbol must be removed from our state capitol. >> reporter: dylann roof confessed, according to law enforcement officials, to shooting nine black worshipers at the emanuel a.m.e. church. he talked about wanting to start a race war. but online roof has many black
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facebook friends. on his profile, roof is pictured with a confederate flag license plate, used by many white supremacist groups to symbolize their message. there are 16 groups like these in the state of south carolina. even some of these groups including the kkk, denounce this act of terrorism. we think it's a shame to have someone do what while people are praying. they were good christian people. the fbi continues to investigate whether roof was a member of a white supremacist group. the groups we spoke to said he was not. the southern poverty law center says it really doesn't matter if roof was an official member of a hate group because of the internet. >> you don't need to join a hate group to learn what the propaganda tells you. >> reporter: this man says the shooting is upsetting. he took his gun away for a day a few weeks ago after roof began railing about black people and remarked that he had a plan.
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a plan carried out this week. while the people of south carolina now stand together on this act of hate still some are wondering why the confederate flag a symbol embraced by hate groups is flying and hasn't been lowered to half staff. it's not flown atop the dome of the capitol building. that's for the u.s. flag and south carolina flag. it's the governor that can order those at half staff which has been done. the confederate flag is on the grounds of the capitol. it must fly at 30 feet. any changes to take it down or half staff if it can, must be passed by a super majority of the general assembly. that has none been done. >> he wants to start a race war and walks around with a flag and that's not enough to get it taken down. that's incredible. the managing editor and host
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of news one now, rolan martin. what's your reaction to the fact that the confederate flag is flying high in south carolina tonight? >> it is beyond shameful. it's the greatest hate symbol america has produced. when i hear these folks talk about it's about our history, it's not. this flag was raised in south carolina over the state capitol in 1962 in opposition to federal intervention when it came to civil rights. it was a year after george wallace raised it over the state capitol. many people don't understand this flag actually disappeared for several decades and was brought back to fight the black freedom movement and the civil rights movement. i don't want to hear nonsense who talk about it's our heritage. it's a hate symbol that has no place over any state capitol flying on any grounds in america. >> it's interesting.
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jeffrey goldberg said he didn't understand why it isn't treated the way the swastika is treated. there was an survey and it found the country divided over this. this is interesting. they found 49% of americans say that the confederate flag is a symbol of racism. an equal number see it as southern pride. are you surprised by that? almost 50/50. >> no. i'm not surprised. because americans have always been lied to when it comes to our history. that's the problem. it's not history, it's history. when you have had numerous politicians, when you had numerous individuals going on television on radio saying no this is about culture, it's about pride, when you are teaching that in american history books, of course. >> the governor of south carolina, who has been moved to tears about this tragedy this week was asked about taking the flag down.
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she said it's a non-issue. i wanted you to hear it in other own words. >> sure. >> what i can tell you is over the last 3 1/2 years, i spend a lot of my days on the phone recruiting jobs to this state. i can honestly say i have not had one conversation with a single ceo about the confederate flag. we fixed that you elected the first indian american female governor the first american african governor. that sent a huge message? >> really? nine people shot and killed in a church by a racist, a terrorist. guess what was on his car. a confederate flag. i want to know those ceos respond to that. it has been embraced. politicians have said no that's the state, it's about heritage.
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no. we have been lied to. i'm tired of this game. it is a racist symbol. it's about hate. it's about bigotry. she should have the audacity -- the courage to say, we don't need to fly that. what she should say is fly the american flag. you know what? you lost. you lost. what other country flies a flag of some traitors who they actually beat in a war? that's how ridiculous this is. >> roland martin, thank you very much. >> thanks a lot. three survivors of the charleston church massacre. one a 5-year-old girl. the other, her grandmother who laid on top of her pretended to be dead to save her life. hear her in her own words. investigators have new leads in the manhunt for the two prison killers. we know something new. ♪ ♪ ♪ (charge music) you wouldn't hire an organist without hearing them first.
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members. >> every fiber in my body hurt ss. and i will never be the same. >> her son was the youngest victim in the shooting. he is being called aid eded a hero. the shooter, we understand left one person intentionally alive so that she could tell the world what happened. he did not know that felicia was alive and her granddaughter was alive. she was pretending to be dead lying on top of her 5-year-old granddaughter. even as her own son was shot and killed. >> this is the case of state versus dylann roof. >> reporter: dylann roof didn't just face a judge today. >> tywanza sanders is my son. but he was my hero. tywanza was my hero.
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>> reporter: felicia sanders spoke to roof about her 26-year-old son, the youngest victim in wednesday's massacre. she was in the church that night, one of three who survived. according to a family friend she saw tywanza fall to the floor after getting shot. she laid still pretending to be dead at as her son's blood flowed around her. >> i will never be the same. >> reporter: forever changed, four of tywanza's friends who remember a man known for his upbeat attitude. >> i don't care what kind of day he was having. i don't care what was going on. he was always smiling. >> reporter: it's that smile that she says she will always remember. the group last saw tywanza tuesday night at a rehearsal for a play. >> we all just said our good-byes as if we would see him friday. he just held up his hands and said all right, good night. we just took it for granted, we will see you friday. not knowing the very next day --
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>> reporter: would be his last. a friend says tywanza confronted the 21-year-old gunman trying to stop him from killing others. reportedly telling roof you don't have to do this. that's when roof reportedly responded, no, you have raped our women and you are taking over the country. i have to do what i have to do. >> i'm sure that he tried to talk this guy out of it. i'm sure he even went down as a hero. i feel like he would have sacrificed himself before he let anybody else in that room lose their life. >> reporter: his friends say they are heart broken knowing tywanza, who was working two jobs and had plans to go back to school will never be able to accomplish his goals. >> he had so much drive. he wanted so much. he was not the typical 26-year-old young man to me. he wanted so much. >> reporter: what did he want out of life? what did he talk about? >> everything. everything.
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>> reporter: including the play that will forever link these women to tywanza. his final rehearsal a haunting memory. >> i'm out. i'm gone. don't call me. don't text me. forget my name. forget my life. that's a life. i'm out. he never said it like that before. >> the people you spoke to they are not surprised that tywanza would have been there and would have tried to be a hero would have gone down trying to save his mother. >> reporter: they're not surprised at all. they say because their interactions with him, they saw him looking out for other people always wanting to take care of ourthers. one friend told me that they find comfort in knowing that his final moments were spent as a hero. >> thank you. next the breaking news. investigators chasing down new leads tonight in the search for
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breaking news in the manhunt for two escaped prisoners. the killers, tonight, officials say dozens of investigators are chasing down new leads. they say they have new leads in the search for david sweat and richard matt. it's been two weeks since the murderers went missing. the authorities admit they could be anywhere. we are also learning new details about the role of joyce mitchell the female prisoner worker accused of helping the killers escape. her husband, lyle's attorney peter dumas is "outfront" tonight. i appreciate you taking the time
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to talk to me. your client's wife accused of terrible things helping them escape having sex with one of them an inappropriate relationship with the other, a plot to murder your client her husband. how is he handing this? >> he's really broken up right now. i spoke to him earlier today, a number of times, and he really can't believe it's happened to him. >> i can imagine, he's stunned. i mean your client is an employee at the same prison where richard matt and david sweat escaped, where his wife worked. does he believe his wife is the central person here the only person who was helping these killers escape? >> no no after he's heard some of the details, he doesn't believe that she was helping them alone. >> all right, so he doesn't -- >> but he doesn't know who could have been helping. >> i understand the point that you're making but important
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that he thinks that she was not the only one. when does he plan to talk to his wife to joyce, next? >> well there's no set plan for him to talk to her again. he's worried that he may not be able to at all. and i say worried about that but, you know, he's still got a lot of emotions surrounding her. he still cares for her a lot, but we believe that joyce's attorney may not allow that to happen or at least wouldn't want that to happen because he's aware that lyle is going back to the police and telling the police everything that joyce says to him. >> and, now, officials say that richard matte, right, one of the killers on the loose, that he made a painting. he fanscyied himself an artist and made a painting for joyce, a painting she gave to lyle as a wedding anniversary present in april. what do you know about this?
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did she tell your client her husband, that this was made by an inmate? what did he know about this picture? >> well actually i believe they had two paintings by richard matt at the house. he did know that richard matt was an artist and that he had painted both of those paintings. but he also knew that richard matt had painted paintings for many of the people who worked up at dannemora, up at clinton, and it's something he wasn't comfortable with. he understood that joyce was going to have another painting done and i believe he said that he didn't want it in the house. it was just not necessarily an inappropriate relationship but it was something he didn't feel comfortable with with his job. >> right. so at that point, he expressed to joyce he didn't feel comfortable, but he didn't say anything to anybody at the prison or authorities, right, about these pictures that this inmate was making for his wife?
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>> no. uh no because, as i said the inmate was making pictures for a number of people at the prison. a number of corrections officers a number of civilian employees, is my understanding. >> and does lyle see any way -- you talk about his emotions that he still cares for her, a lot. that this has obviously taken him completely by surprise in many ways. does he think he can reconcile with his wife? is their relationship in any way reparable, or has he figured out that this is going to end in divorce? >> i don't believe that he feels that there's anything that he can salvage there. as i said he has a lot of emotions for his wife but right now, he's wondering, you know who is this woman? he has a lot of emotions for the woman that she was, not necessarily the woman that she is now. >> hmm. peter, i really appreciate your
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this weekend, be sure to watch our global edition of "outfront". it airs saturday and sunday on cnn international. and this week you'll see an ex-u.s. marine. she's a mother of two young children and tonight she is fighting for her life against a mysterious flesh-eating bacteria. her husband joins me for an emotional interview about her struggle. how it's affecting their young children, and about how they have no idea how she actually contracted this horrific infection. that's this weekend on cnn
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international "outfront." thank you so much for joining us. we hope that you have a great weekend. happy father's day to all the fathers out the there. be sure you set your dvr to record "outfront" so you can watch us anytime. hand it off now to "a.c. 360." good evening. tonight we are live from charleston south carolina. a community that is hurting beyond measure. yet continues to snow the world what grace and strength looks like. you can see that behind me. people streaming to the makeshift memorial the entrance to the church and it's been like this all day not far from here and a huge crowd turning out to honor those who lost their lives with song and prayers. there's a lot of ground to cover tonight, new details about the massacre itself and the investigation. as we said last night, ordinarily on this program, we don't use the names or the pictures of shooting suspects of mass murderers. we don't believe
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