tv Reliable Sources CNN June 21, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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o take this opportunity to thank the connectional church of african methodism led by bishop mcallister and the senior bishop of the church bishop john bryant and to the clergy and layity throughout the world. we thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. we also want to thank the ecumenical community for standing strong, not only here in the city of charleston but around the world have sent their heartfelt sympathy and prayers our way. but then i want to thank the good people of the city of charleston and the state of
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south carolina. [ applause ] we have shown the world how we as a group of people can come together and pray and work out things that needs to be worked out to make our community and our state a better place. [ applause ] >> hallelujah! >> now i'm reminded that there are other challenges that faces us. it does not go unnoticed. it does not mean that we are not aware of the problems that many of us face not only in america but right here in south carolina and charleston. but, there is a time and place for everything.
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>> amen! >> and now it's a time for us to focus on the nine families. [ applause ] >> oh i know i'm right! [ applause ] >> because at this time we need to be in solidarity and praying for families and our communities around this state and particularly in charleston. so i want to say to the citizens of charleston and visitors thank you for being whom god has called you to be. thank you for your flowers out front. thank you for the cards and the emails and all of the acts of kindness. i want you to know that the offices and members of mother emanuel want to say thank you. come on you ought to know it's
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true. [ applause ] >> oh yes! i know i'm right. yeah i know i'm right. [ applause ] >> and i want to thank -- you ought to give credit where credit is due. and if you are going to raise hell you ought to know why you are raising hell because hell is a specific place, for specific people. but when folks are working and dog doing what they need to do as leaders in our community, at this moment in time i want to say thank you to governor haley for being on her job. [ applause ] >> day in and day out, working with those of us who are here trying to comfort and not only to comfort but to make sure that the perpetrator who came in and
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committed that heinous act that was pursued and captured and brought back to south carolina. [ applause ] >> i want to thank mayor riley. oh, yeah. it's all right. i want to thank mayor riley for the resources that he placed in and around us here at mother emanuel to make sure that we had all the resources we needed and also starting a fund to help the families and to help mother emanuel. i just want to say thank you. [ applause ] >> then finally i want to say thank you to law enforcement. [ applause ] >> i got no problem in doing that. i want to thank them.
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i want to thank them. [ applause ] >> i want to thank -- [ applause ] >> oh, yeah. >> i want to thank law enforcement. i want to thank the chief of police of the city of charleston. and our neighboring communities for working together to bring about a safer place, not just for some of us but for all of us. i just want to say thank you to the fbi and all law enforcement the chaplains. as i get ready to go to my text i want to thank them because of the respect they've shown our people. not just black folk but everybody who resides -- [ applause ] >> because respect gets respect.
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a lot of folk expected us to do something strange and to break out in a riot. well, they just don't know us. [ cheers and applause ] >> they just don't know us because we are a people of faith. and we believe that when we put our forces and our heads together working for a common good there is nothing we cannot accomplish together in the name of jesus. [ applause ]
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>> so let's don't get it twisted. we're going to pursue justice. >> yes! >> and we're going to be vigilant and we are going to hold our elected officials and others accountable to do the right thing. [ applause ] >> the blood of the mother emanuel nine requires us to work until not only justice in this case but for those who are still living in the margin of life those who are less fortunate than ourselves, that we stay on the battlefield until there is no more fight to be fought. and for that we say thank you.
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no say now. >> now. >> now for the text. somebody said i thought we heard the text. [ laughter ] >> no you just heard the pretext. let me hasten all and draw your attention to psalms 46. i won't be before you long but if i see somebody trying to nod and sleep in this warm room i promise you i will start with genesis. [ laughter ] >> and i will read and i will read very slowly. and you think they're passing out water now, you just wait till i get through. psalms 46, the first seven
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verses. you will find these words recorded in the king james version of the bible, psalms 46. god is our refuge and strength. our present help in trouble. therefore will not we fear tho the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea, tho the waters there uproar and be troubled the mountains shake with the swelling thereon. there is a river that screams shall make glad the city of god. the holy place of the tabernacles of the most high. god is in the midst of her. she shall not be moved. god shall help her.
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and that healing rage and the kingdoms removed. he uttered up his voice and earth melt. the lord of hosts is with us. the god of jacob is our refuge. let us pray. our father and our god, thank you for blessing the spiritual food for which we are now about to eat, in the name of jesus we pray and the people of god shall say amen. >> amen! >> god is our refuge. every now and then you and i must realize that we have had some difficult days.
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and some of us have been in one kind of trouble or another. when we were young we would run to our parents when we got in trouble. and when we got a little older we began to confide in our friends, our spouses, and other co-workers. when we got in trouble sometimes we just couldn't tell nobody what had happened. hmm. when we got in trouble. have you ever been in trouble? stayed up all night, trying to figure out the solution only to have a greater headache than you started out with. but when you and i realized that
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there are some things we just can't handle by ourselves -- i wish i had a witness. there are some problems and issues that we are unable to provide answers to. but i want to suggest and recommend to you this morning, if you find a problem or a situation too hard for you, i want you to know that it's just right for god. i wish i had a witness here. when evil is in the world, you and i may not be able to control evil-doers. but i want you to know today that i know a man who is able to handle all of our problems.
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>> yes! >> some of us are still trying to seek answers to what happened last week wednesday. well i've been there, done that spent the night, and i have decided to turn it over if y'all ain't hear me -- i've decided to turn it over to jesus. preacher you're saying right now, you mean we ought to forget what has happened? no don't forget. but to remember that the god who created us all is the god who will make a way out of nowhere. yes, there are answers that we are still waiting for, but the answer is still by leaving our hands in the hand of god. i'm reminded by some news media
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persons, said wonder why the nine families all spoke of forgiveness and didn't have malice in their heart. well on this father's day you ought to know the nine families' dad. [ cheers and applause ] >> if you knew the nine families' daddy, you would know how the children are behaving. after all, our daddy said we ought to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. if you knew our daddy, you would know that he said weeping endured by night, joy comes in
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the morning. yes. if you knew our daddy, you would know that some days are up and some days are down. almost level to the ground. but if you knew our daddy, you would say, when i look back over my life and see what the lord has done for us my soul my soul cries out, hallelujah! thank god! for saving me. god is our refuge. and strength. and then the first point you ought to remember from this
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brief message is that we ought to put our hope and trust in god. stock markets may crash, friends may leave you. mom and daddy may be called back home to god himself. but if you keep your hand in god's hand turn somebody and say he'll make a way somehow. and the second point i want you to remember from this sermon that god is our refuge and strength is that praise for the great things for he has already done. god has a track record. turn to somebody and say, god has a track record. yeah yeah yeah yeah. i just want to share with you. i've got to praise. how many of you have a praise in this room? and i don't go through a whole
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litany of things early in the morning. i've got five things i say, and sometime it gets to ten. and here is what i say. the reason i praise him. he woke me up this morning. [ applause ] >> can i get a witness. >> yes! >> the second reason i say, all right, he woke me up this morning. and the third reason i praise him, i say, he woke me up this morning. and the fourth reason i praise him, he woke me up this morning. by the time i get to the fifth one, he woke me up this morning! and he started me on my way with running in my feet happy in my
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head. gave me power to do his will. say yay! all right. sit down. y'all are worrying me now. the third reason i want you to remember as i prepare to go to my seat god is our refuge and strength. he comforts us with the knowledge that god, who has always protected us. that's why i was so pleased when the authorities made the phone call to us to say, you can go back in mother emanuel to worship. >> yeah! [ applause ] >> some folk might need some more time in order to walk in.
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but for those of us who are here this morning, i want you to know because the doors of mother emanuel is open on this sunday it sends a message to every demon in hell and on earthearth earth. [ applause ] >> that that that no one against us shall prosper. some wanted to divide the race black and white and brown. no divide formed against us shall prosper. all right. sit down now.
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i'm about to close out. i want to thank you for listening to this message. >> amen! >> but i don't want you to leave here without a life application. to the message. when times of trouble comes into our lives, how do we respond. do we respond by being afraid and resort to fear or do we respond in faith. well as for me and my household -- somebody say for me -- for me and sister goff and our boys and their friends, as for me and my household, we will
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serve the lord because it's by faith that we are standing here and sitting here this morning. faith of our fathers, faith of our mothers, faith of the church in which god has brought us into. yes, you showed up this morning. we are serving notice on every evil-doer that just because you think you got the victory, i got an email that was turned into an email that turned into a message to you. remind them that i am still god. and beside me there is no other. and we have some difficult days ahead. but the only way evil can
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triumph is for good folk to sit down and do nothing. but if we are people of faith, we will join hands and begin to work together to forge a new partnership, not them against us but we are the children of god who will be marching on to victory. it was said when they were in trouble, they ran and found the place that was a refuge in him. talking about a refuge in god. some of us when we get in trouble, we run from god, but those of us who are people -- prayer vigil. we can't have enough worship and singing and praising because all of that god inhabits our
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prayers. god is our refuge. i'm going to close and go to my seat. god has been mighty good to us. and some folk have called him many names. some folk have called him mary's baby. some folk have called him the bright and morning star. some have called him my bridge over troubled waters. some have called him my alpha and my omega and my beginning and my end. some have called him the lily of the valley. i wish i had a witness. some have called him, hmm, a leaning post. some have called him a battle
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axe in a time of war. some have called him a leaning post. my momma called him a sure foundation. shy daddy called him -- somebody say hallelujah! my daddy called him a way-maker. a way-maker. but i called him by his name and his name is above all names, and his name is the bright and morning star the living water, and i call him jesus! i call him jesus! how many are calling jesus? if i get about 12 folk to stand up and say "jesus," god is my refuge and my strength. when i'm weak he makes me
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strong. when i'm tired, he makes me strong. when i'm weary, he makes me strong. when evil-doers come upon my tracks he makes me strong. but i am so glad as i sit down at this time, that i put it this way. i have seen the lightning flash. i have heard the thunder roar. i felt sins dashing trying to conquer my soul. but i heard -- somebody say i heard. i heard the master voice to say, fight on fight on because he promise -- somebody say he promised -- never!
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one of the great hymns of the church. if you want god to be your refuge and your strength you must surrender all of your stuff and empty yourself before a living god. and we can say all to jesus, i surrender, all to him i freely give. we're going to sing this invitational hymn. if you have a desire to be a member of this household of faith called mother emanuel, the doors of the church stands ajar. it's open. and give your life to christ.
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hand of your neighbor. and -- we've been watching and soaking in the first service at charleston's now re-opened mother emanuel ame church remembering the victims of the charleston massacre last week as the reverend norvel goff brings his sermon to a close, let's talk about it all. joining me here in charleston cnn presidential historian douglas brinkley and russell moore with the southern baptist convention and cnn's political commentator van jones. boy, just a beautiful, beautiful service, van.
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>> yeah. we have been talking all day about the difference between happiness and joy, and he actually -- he said that. he said joy will come in the morning. that's a very very old, old song. a weeping may endure for a night, but joy will come in the morning. that's really i think, the message that he was trying to bring forward, that love and joy will prevail. an olympic level of forgiveness and grace by this community. world-class level. historic. you have to go back to apartheid south africa to find the grace and forgiveness from a community this hurt. >> it's beautiful. dr. moore, it's been said that the most segregated hour of any week is 9:00 to 10:00 or whenever people go to church on sunday. black churches white churches. this is a historically black church but the pews are not just african-american. there are whites in there. all races. and on the streets we see a tremendous outpouring of blacks and whites as well.
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it's quite beautiful. >> that's what i hope to see more and more in our churches around the country. there is no way we'll be able to bear each other's burdens, to have consciences shaped by one another if we don't worship together and gather together. one of the things that struck me in the service this morning was pastor goff standing up and speaking about law enforcement, thanking law enforcement. >> thanking the fbi. >> hearing the applause. you think about the tensions we have had over the last year between law enforcement and the african-american community. what a beautiful picture. i think, if we had more and more of us coming together not just in our work places but where we form our identities in our churches and in our places of worship, i think that would go a long way. >> doug brinkley i don't have to tell you with j. edgar hoover and his relationship with dr. martin luther king. it was remarkable to hear reverend goff praising law
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enforcement from the diazs. >> i was very moved to see how the ame churches going forward in the program they have this wednesday 6:00 at this church bible study class again. open to anybody that wants to come in. it really makes your heart move to feel the power of jesus christ today that's been the message here and what healing and forgiveness is. and the fbi and the police have done a great job investigating this case and that they were willing to acknowledge that this was an open-hearted ceremony and it was an honor to get to listen to it and be here. >> of course we should note that there is a lot of work to be done. president obama tweeting within the last day or so expressions of sympathy are not enough. it's time we do something about this. president obama seems focused on further restrictions on access
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to guns especially for people like this racist terrorist whose name i am not using, but there will be a day, the mayor, mayor riley, when i interviewed him earlier said they have nine people to bury first but there will be a day when people start debating legislative prescriptions or beyond. obviously racism is not something that can be solved with legislation. >> that's true. frankly, the country is already united on common-sense reforms. background checks and those sorts of things. i'm not sure the legislative reforms would have prevented what we just saw. on the one hand there is a need to tighten up some of the laws and to be smarter about how we proceed, but i think at the end of the day we also have to acknowledge that all the laws in the world are not going to remove the stain of racism won't necessarily deal with the mental health issues. and so it's a complex problem. and i hope that we don't get so
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hung up on this reform or that reform. let's pass all the reforms we agree on. let's not take our eyes off the ball. what's happening here today is equally important to get us to a better place. >> dr. moore, you don't think that further restrictions on access to guns is necessarily the answer here. >> i agree with van. it would not have prevented what happened here right now. i think we can have that debate and it's already a very fractious debate in american society. we can continue that. i think there are deeper issues here, and we need to get at them. douglas mentioned they're still having a bible study wednesday night, inviting who so ever will come. that gets to the part of it. jesus talked about a priest who passed by a man on the side of the road. the reason they passed by wasn't apathy and fear. they feared they would be
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attacked. we need this moment of churches to say we are so confident in hope that we are not going to fear. we need white americans who will say we are not going to fear to address the deep and systemic issues of racial injustice in our country. if perfect love casts out fear as the bible tells us we ought to be able to come together and to work to do that. >> professor brinkley one of the things that -- this seems to have been a tipping point in terms of i have seen more conservatives, including dr. moore, talk about the need in their view to take down the confederate flag at the state capitol. obviously the confederate flag didn't cause this young man to do what he did. he was an evil racist and he owns it. but i have seen more conservatives say this. ed morrissey, a blogger with the hot air blog said the republican national committee should push south carolina's primary to the end of the process unless they
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take down the flag. >> that's right. mitt romney weighed in and has said get rid of the flag. it needs to come down. i think that's something tangible that might come out of all this. gun control is a tough issue. president obama went to the mat on it. it's a divisive issue in the country. the flag belongs in a museum. i think you can still have a civil war memorial there on the grounds, but it's that flag yesterday, the confederate flag waving in the wind and the sun when all the other flags were at half-mast. other states have tried to deal responsibly with that flag. i think south carolina has to let it go and hopefully the legislature will do that in the coming days. >> van jones, the democratic governor who put that up. fritz hollings in 1961-'62 a lot of republicans say why are republicans getting dinged with this when a democrat governor put the flag up and certainly there is no shortage of examples
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of democrats, robert byrd senator, former member of the ku klux klan. i am not comparing it at. but even bill clinton, when he was a governor and president, very few doubt his commitment to racial justice but even as governor he took actions to honor the confederacy. >> first of all, i think both political parties have played footsie with this for too long. i want to say one thing, though, we don't want to rush past. i'm a southerner. born in tennessee. family is from the south. there is a sense as a southerner that we are put down that we are looked down upon. this is a region of the country, if you want to show somebody as stupid have them talk with a southern accent on television. so there is a sense of regional pride here that needs to be honored and respected. the flag though, is the wrong symbol for regional pride. we have on the one hand honor
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the sense of agreement that we have as southerners but when you have neo nazis who are not allowed to fly the swastikas and so they fly the confederate flag. it's time for the footsie to end. it's time to put the flag in the museum. >> he did honor the confederacy. i don't know about the flag. governor moore. it goes beyond the flag. richard nix on's southern strategy. appealing to whites on racial issues. >> i think that has certainly changed among my constituency of conservative evangelicals in the south. sometimes presidential candidates and others when they think of evangelicals they think of tv evangelists from the 1970s and don't recognize that conservative evangelicals are committed to racial segregation and racial justice and committed
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to the fact that these are our brothers and sisters in christ. this is my family over here across the street. so any using of race as a way to divide us as a wedge issue is not going to work with people who believe the bible and who believe in christ. >> dr. moore, professor brinkley van jones, thank you so much for being with us this morning. great honor to have all three of you here. we'll have more on the debate over the confederate flag in just a minute. stay with us.
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welcome back to "state of the union." i'm jake tapper live in charleston south carolina. the massacre of nine people inside this church behind me here this week reopened many of the nation's oldest wounds. now we see the confessed killer in photographs with the confederate flag. the plainly racist aims of the terrorist shooter have left many here and across the country
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wondering frankly why the flag is still flying on the grounds of the capitol. protesters gathered this weekend demanding its removal. >> symbolizes pain. it symbolizes hate. >> there is not one elected official who has got that flag at their business in their yard on a sticker, but they defend it. >> at least one south carolina legislator has promised to introduce a bill to take the flag down. a majority of south carolinians favor keeping the flag flying. one of the individuals, although not a south carolinian but a supporter david french is here to make the case. also joining me is a democratic state senator who says the flag needs to come down now. david, first of all, let me say, thank you for having the guts to be here.
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to be honest we reached out to some republican state legislators and they would not come defend the flag. explain your position. >> let me be very clear. number one, let me say the most important thing is god bless the victims here today. >> absolutely. >> their christian witness, forgiveness is resonating around the country and the world. i don't want anything we say here to take away from that reality. and i'm not defending the flag broadly. let me be very clear. my position is if you're flying it if the state is flying it as a symbol that african-american citizens are not equal to everyone else or should not be equal to everyone else has it was flown during the segregation era, take it down. stomp on it. if it's flown next to civil war memorials, civil war monuments as part of the process of teaching the public about our history, as messy as it is that's part of history. and that's part of learning about why these men, almost 20,000 south carolina citizens
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who fought and died under that banner why they fought why that banner has resonance today. it's part of the history of teaching the totality of it. i really think that by teaching history in its fullness we can begin to understand our past understand why we are the way we are, and start to chart a course as to where we should be going and do it better. >> i think that's a relatively naive and simple reasoning in looking at the confederate flag. here in south carolina the soil of our great state is stained red with the blood of so many african-americans, whether or not it's february 8th 1968, when three students were killed and 27 others were wounded. or whether or not we're talking about a month ago with walter scott. or wednesday night when you had nine people slain. i am under no illusion that the confederate flag walked in and actually pulled the trigger, but it did give this young man a banner under which to justify his actions.
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that banner under which he justified his actions is callous and breeds hate. for many of us looking at that every day. my good friend clementa pinckney will be laying in state on wednesday 30 yards away from that banner the banner where the young man went back to find refuge and solace in his hateful views. that's why we yell and scream and that's why we want that thing to come down. >> let me ask you. an overwhelming majority of south carolinians, especially white south carolinians, african-american south carolinians disagree but the others support the flag where it is. why do you think they support the flag where it is? do you think they are primarily motivated by racism or by heritage? >> i think the premise of the question is a little bit off because you can't generalize all white south carolinians as such. there are many younger generation people in my age group, millennials, who want it
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to come down. whether or not they're business people or elected officials. we saw doug brannen come out and say he'll file the bill to bring it down. >> that's a republican state legislator. >> for my my journey is to understand faith without works is dead. so as we move forward, we have to have faith, but our work has to be to come together to remove this symbol of hate and i believe that we will. >> and david, your argument -- you wrote very long op-ed for "national review". >> i read it by the way. >> it was well written. you granted a lot of bakari's point about why people could and should be offended by it but at the end of the day you still think it represents to you, and i guess you think to a majority of people who support it heritage not hate. >> i have grown up in the south, and i understand all of the many dimensions that are brought to the view of that flag. and i completely -- i agree with
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everything that bakari just said about its meaning and its import to a huge number of our very dear citizens who are suffering today. and again, i hate that this debate is taking place against the backdrop of that suffering. but it is viewed in many different ways by many different people and there is a view of it -- and this is one that i tried to articulate in the piece -- that said one of the ways that the south went forward after the civil war and one of the ways that it went forward in a way where hundreds of thousands of southerners went on to fight and die for the union, that they were fighting against a generation or two before is that they memorialized the war through the valor and not trying to memorialize it through the injustice. now, that's not to say they did so perfectly. they did many very bad things that history should be very clear in condemning them for. one thing they chose to do was not to continue war and continue to resist which would have
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ripped this nation to shreds. they chose to remember instead of resist. that's something that is part of our history as well. >> david, when you saw the photograph of the terrorist racist who i won't name when you saw the photograph of him with the confederate flag did you think to yourself oh boy, this flag is going to come down. >> when i saw that it was disgusting to me. i grew up and spent most of my life in the south. i know there are evil racist people who use that symbol. every time i see it like that it's disgusting. it's horrible. i saw that. it makes me sick. i don't have particular affection for that flag. i don't have any affection for that flag. what i want to do is to be able to teach history. at fort sumter on federal land a confederate flag usually flies. that's part of what fort sumter was. why was the banner there, what did it mean to them. what does it mean today.
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>> i'll give you the last word here. >> we're having a hard time moving forward. i keep hearing david talking about moving forward but we're having a difficult time moving forward. the fact that my father who is 70 years old when i'm 30 years old, all the heroes and sheroes upon us having shared experiences, david, i'm tired of burying people whom i love. that's difficult. >> i thank you both for the civil discourse on the very emotional issue. thanks for being here on such an emotional day. coming up next we'll remember and honor the nine victims of last week's violence. you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. ♪ ♪ food should be good.
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people should dance. strawberries should sing. good bread makes the sandwich. good soil makes the salad. lettuce should be dirty. dressing, clean. sweet should never be fake. manners, neverminded. debates should be healthy. hatchets buried. forks on the left, knives on the right. hands should be used regardless. bellies should be rubbed. tables should be full. and good food should be good for you. we're not saying these are the rules we should all live by. but it's a good place to start. panera. food as it should be. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house?
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victor blackwell is here with us. he has been talking to people trying to get an understanding of the surprisingly celebratory tone during the service today. victor what did you make of the themes of surprisingly celebratory tone. what did you make of the forgiveness. what did you think of the people who went to the services outside? >> what we heard from the elders this would be a normal service and i was raised in a methodist church. what you heard today, what people heard, they were methodist themes that you heard at the ame church with the
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initial praise and worship and blessed assurance and the certainty that even in this difficult time god is there and there is heeling. oh, what a poor taste of glory divine. where the people killed are going are in a better place and it's hard to reconcile what happened with the loss. >> you also spoke with the family members of victims today. what did they have to say? >> i spoke with malcolm graham. his sister was killed in the church on wednesday. he was preparing to go in today. i asked what he was feeling and he said joy. they talked about the difference between happiness and joy and he is not at the place of forgiveness, but he has to go home to mother emmanuel where they shared so many bright memories and he pointed out that today would have been his sister's 55th birthday and she
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would have wanted him to be here. >> thank you so much. before we go i want to show you again the cover of the newspaper in the sunday edition that has nine roses and these are the names we will mention and tell you more about them right now. >> sanders was the youngest victim. his life came to an end trying to negotiate with the murderer and to save the members of the bible study he attended with his family. >> he shot the young man and his mother was there and she witnessed and pretended as though she was dead and she was shot and dead but she watched her son fall and laid there. >> sanders was unable to save himself or his great aunt susie jackson who sang in the church choir for decades. she died alongside ethyl lance,
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a city worker who devoted most of her 34 years of service to the municipal auditorium in charleston and served as custodian to the church. with them was mira thompson the wife of one of the bishops. she was teaching at the time. a speech therapist and track coach and reverent. her son uses her lessons to persevere. >> love is always stronger than hate. we just love the way my mom would and the hate won't be anywhere close to what love was. >> remembered as a leader, the reverend 7ed as an admissions coordinator. cynthia herd had a long history in the place she loved. >> she was in the youth choir in that church. her mother went to that church. >> dedicating his life to the
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church. >> he died in surgery following the shooting and also with him was reverend pinckney whose call to serve began at the age of 13. a pastor by the age of 18 he was remembered in the state senate for his life of service which extended from the church to both houses of the south carolina legislature. elected as the youngest black member of the statehouse at age 23. president obama who knew him spoke movingly of the victims and the church's history. >> mother emmanuel church with the flame and the earthquake and other dark times to give hope to generations and with our prayers and our love and the buoyancy of hope it will rise again as a place of peace.
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>> we are starting to get details about how the victims will be laid to rest. the casket holding the say the senator who was also the pastor at this church will be at the statehouse in columbia for a public viewing. thanks for watching this special state of the union and the first service at mother emmanuel's church. it is going to be a tough father's day for many of these families and all of these families. i wish you a happy father's day. hug those children of yours. our coverage begins from the reliable sources. thanks for watching. >> thanks. this morning all of us across the country are able to go to church thanks to that live coverage. we are startinga the a at a special edition. later in the
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