tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 23, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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throw. remember when ed ames fired his tomahawk on the carson show? at least the drummer didn't get drilled below the belt. jeanne moos cnn, new york. >> oh goodness okay thank you for joining us. "ac360" starts now. >> good evening, thank you for joining us if you're waiting for the next shoe to drop in the next prison story, the boots, apparently that they abandoned in a rush to get out of the cabin before the authority could search them. it's giving them reason to believe it could all be over soon. there are concerns on how far the seamstress and accomplice reportedly helped and became intimate with. detailed admission she made about her role in the jail
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break. first, gary tuchman on the boots in the cabin and the manhunt and what it means right now. >> reporter: the small community for owl's head where the two escaped killers, and the search could finally end. the police on patrol within minutes of the dna discovered of richard matt and david sweat. >> i think we have a pretty good indication they're here. >> reporter: but your gut is that they're close to us? >> my gut is if they're here we'll find them. >> reporter: the cabin where the dna was find was in the trail right up the woods. the state police were well armed. they have to be ready to use their weapons at any time. they can't get complacent. late in the afternoon, a flurry of activity. police started to race to one particular location in the town but it ended up being a false alarm.
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the two fugitives in the hunting cabin were taken by surprise and left in a hurry over the weekend. a source briefed tells cnn, in such a hurry they left personal items behind including a pair of boots which suggests one of the killers may be hurt. >> without shoes or boots, walking up this thick brush with the vegetation and brush would be very difficult, obviously. but there are a lot of trails here. the issue though the trails are open. it is not likely the escapees would be in the trail out in the open. >> reporter: many permanent residents are leaving, vacationers not coming. but these two ladies are in their 80s and staying put. >> no place to go i'm not really frightened. if i was, i probably would leave but i'm not, so -- >> and tell me why. >> half the night i have troopers all over the place and all day, too. >> are you scared of these guys?
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>> these kids? are you kidding me? after what i went through? no. >> and what did you go through? >> well, i'll tell you what. i went through north korea and south korea, and i'm still here. >> during the war -- 1950-52? >> yeah. >> so what is going on now is nothing to being a korean war veteran. >> and not a one of them over there scared me so -- >> so you can handle it? >> i can handle it. >> now gary tuchman joins us what are officials saying about how confident they are? >> reporter: well the sheriff tells me anderson a law enforcement briefing was held. and the message is today is the day that we catch them. well they have not been caught as of yet. but you have hundreds of police who are surrounding the hot spots, the perimeter, police remain confident that time is on
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their side and these guys would be nabbed they couldn't go very far from where they are found. and blades and hamburger meat. and how it got to richard matt the woman's alleged lover. late tonight, we have word that joyce mitchell has admitted to doctoring the meat and implicating a correction's officer in the arrest. he has something to say about that. and now joining us jason carroll with details of the arrest. how are you learning about the tools and the prison? >> reporter: well just about a week before the prisoners made their escape apparently joyce mitchell convinced a guard there at the prison jean palmer to help smuggle in this slab of meat. inside this slab of meat the hacksaw blades you talked about. but i spoke to his attorney who said his client didn't know what was inside the meat. but he said in fact his client
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passed along the meat to richard matt and it didn't go through which was a violation of prison policy. >> and you also learned about other items that mitchell performed for sweat and matt? >> reporter: yes, and really it's fascinating when you hear about it. because apparently for several months joyce mitchell had been convincing guys there at the correctional facility they were good guys. she would bake goods for the guys there to curry favor. and went so far as to recommend to prison officials that david sweat's cell be moved next to richard matt's. so this sort of goes to the extent that she was involved with these two inmates. >> and there is this new video of matt months before he was locked up. what do we know about that video? >> reporter: right, that video from 1997 is really fascinating. it gives you the insight into
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the mindset of this man, even back in 1997 it shows richard matt playing with some sort of blow gun, and making a really sick aids joke at one point on the video. take a quick listen and you be the judge. >> this is my friend ricky matt right now. he is a freaking crazy lunatic maniac. >> this is the south american blow gun. >> and we'll demonstrate. >> we'll demonstrate how powerful this gun is today. >> we're going to dip these in aids blood and we'll put a patent on them and sell them as deadly weapons. >> show them the dart. i'm about to fire this gun into ricky matt's arm. and we'll show you the true meaning of pain. ricky, with a smile. he loaded it. he is ready. >> we're about to shoot the dart into ricky's arm. >> went in there started to
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come out there. >> and anderson as you point out just nine months when that video was taken matt tortured murdered and then dismembered his own boss. >> jason carroll, appreciate it. tonight, the focus seems to intensify on palmer who has neither been arrested. he has not been arrested or charged with anything. his attorney said his client is cooperating fully with the investigation. he joins us again tonight. appreciate you joining us. let's just be clear. the frozen burger meat containing hacksaw blades where did your client mr. palmer take possession of that and what did he do with it? >> well, aren'tnderson, mr. palmer receives the request from mrs. mitchell to take burger meat to mr. matt i apologize, and it's
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not uncommon for inmates to cook inside of their cells. and ms. mitchell before handing off the meat to mr. -- sorry -- >> that is okay. >> before he handed off the meat he asked if there was anything wrong with it. and she said no. and we're learning now that there were tools hidden inside of that package. mr. palmer did not know what was inside the package. he had no knowledge beforehand that there were any type of tools inside. the only mistake he made was trusting joyce mitchell. >> so do you know why he trusted joyce mitchell on this? did he know her that well? did he think richard matt was a good guy? did he not have any suspicions? because he could have, i assumed, have run it through a metal detector? >> he could have run it through a metal detector. he feels extremely guilty about
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that. he is regretful. he apologizes for that. but ms. mitchell was just as manipulative as these two inmates were. he trusted her, he didn't have a close relationship with her, but she was able to do this with many other individuals who worked inside the prison, i'm told. >> you mean she gave things this other individuals to sneak into the prison? >> i wouldn't go that far, but she did in fact manipulate the guards to do other things for inmates that she was close to. >> did mr. palmer explain at all why he didn't have any suspicions about this? i mean is this a common practice that you know people would kind of do favor for inmates? >> well when the district attorney released the information today he stated himself it was common practice for the inmates to be able to cook inside of their cells. so from what i've been told from
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the district attorney themselves it is common practice pretty much. >> but if they're able to cook inside the cell there must be some accepted procedure for them to purchase meat or whatever they're going to cook is there? >> there is they can get it through the commissary but there have been many instances where meat was given to the prisoners after inmates finished their meals. they passed it off to other prisoners, guards when they finished their meals. you have to remember these are very dangerous people who house in the facility and they have to gain trust from them. a lot of them especially mr. sweat and mr. matt would give information to the guards to prevent stabbings or problems happening inside the prison. >> do you know why your client did not run it through the metal detector? is that process onerous? in order to not run it through the metal detector do you have to kind of sneak it in?
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>> you don't have to sneak it in. the big story here is the lack of funding inside of the prison. their budget has been cut. and there are short cuts taken out of necessary. and no it was not overly burdensome to pass it through the metal detector but mr. palmer made a simple mistake and he apologizes for that. >> you're talking about budget cuts but the budget cuts are not so severe that the metal detector has been turned off or removed. there was a metal detector and it worked, so that your client decided for whatever reason just not to run it through the metal detector? >> sure and what i think he is guilty of is trusting ms. mitchell. >> how was it that your client was conned by joyce mitchell? i mean clearly your client from what you said in the past has used one or both of these men for information in the past. did he just think okay well did he just not really think
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about it too much or was there some special way that she conned him? >> well as you have heard, she has conned many individuals inside of the prison. she would curry favors among the prisoners. she would bring them baked goods. she was just very good at what she did. and my client fell for it. if he is guilty of anything anderson is that he is a very trusting individual and is looking forward to telling his side of the story. >> well i appreciate you being on with us tonight, we look forward to hearing his story. you can set your dvr, coming up next a detailed look at the factors, helping and hindering the thousands of searchers. two experts and one survivalist joins us. and later, joyce mitchell's husband, lyle on his wife's confession. >> she said i have somethig to tell you. their plan was, they want to
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breaking news tonight, indications that david sweat and richard matt may have left their hideout in a hurry, without some of the survival needs to survive in the rough woods. two survivors, two search zones, yet somehow they remain at large. joining us tonight to face the challenges tom the search for these men, what does it look like right now? >> well anderson you know since they disappeared from this prison in upstate new york there have been hundreds of reports, over hundreds of miles where they may be. nonetheless, searchers have now zeroed in on this location about 22 23 miles away from the
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prison which they believe these guys could have reached by following trails through the woods, something like that. and they're trying to set up a perimeter around this. but let me tell you, this is much harder than you think. consider this if these guys were spotted and started running and in let's say just two hours they covered five miles. when you do the math because if you do a circle it would be about 31 miles around. now, you have to get assets all the way around there. so even though they have up to a thousand different officers helping in the search and they have all sorts of different vehicles used from humvees, all the assets have to be spread out over the 31-mile circle. that is a very difficult job to do in part because of the geography here. this is an area that is full of woods and cliffs and bogs and ravines and creeks and all sorts of things that make it very
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difficult to see somebody. yes there are some roads and cuts for power lines and railroads, things like that. but the minute it gets dark or bad weather moves in and you simply get into an area of vegetation very hard to see somebody close by. >> we have been told they have thermal imaging and devices, how much easier does that make it? >> it certainly helps, no question, look, if you bring a helicopter in here and it has some sort of thermal imaging, yes, it can fly over the woods and sense heat images down below. here is the problem, if it is high enough to search the area it will also pick up other items such as deer and bear so there is also a lot of background noise. the solution of course is to fly closer to the ground with your helicopter and then you get a tighter pattern and can see
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things better. but think about that big 31-mile circle we're talking about. and that is the closest circle. if you're close to the ground you can miss an awful lot. yes, they're setting up a net, anderson but by definition, a net means a lot of holes. >> tom foreman, appreciate that thank you. let's bring in the professionals now. john cuff formerly in charge of the marshal's eastern division. and the founder and owner of the mountain scout survival school. john it's interesting to look at that idea of a perimeter, how do you actually set up a perimeter. i mean how far apart are individuals so that somebody just can't slip through? >> well anderson in an ideal situation you like to be as close to one another as you can. obviously, in this type of terrain and wooded area it's something that the tactical experts note on that area. time is on the side of law enforcement here. so the wider you cast that net,
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okay they contain them in there, it's just going to take longer due to the challenges and the mountainous area to track these guys now. >> chris, the fact that these guys may have left the cabin in a hurry, that works in law enforcement's favor, particularly with the idea that one of them may not have boots on. >> yes, they're improviseing now, so now you can marshal all of your resources into that area. where before they were spreading themselves out. so now they can concentrate on them and herd them in a certain direction, hopefully. >> i assume the fact -- if one of them is not wearing shoes, will it help the dogs track them? >> i don't know about that if there were other scents in there that can put them off. but they are at a distinct disadvantage this is an endurance test from here on out.
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>> shane, in terms of the difficulty how difficult will it be for one of them to move? >> assuming he doesn't have shoes, he could be wearing somebody else's shoes at this point. in terms of the terrain, yes, quite difficult. however, there are all sorts of hiking trails and water ways. you make your way down to the streams. you can travel quite a distance. if anybody knows anything about the woods all you have to do is bend down to the height of a deer and you would realize how much trails do exist. >> but if you don't have experience these guys have been locked up for a long time. they're not a survivalist that has training without that training the woods can be an incredibly difficult place. >> absolutely the mountains, it's rough, you really have to have a good set of skills. these guys will be moving in and
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out of urban environments. they are absolutely tied to whatever they can find. at this point, it's anything human made. it's the cabin, anything they can get their hands on in the woods. >> and once you have gone through an area or cleared an area from law enforcement's standpoint that i mean you can't keep assets behind like you would perhaps in a war zone to secure an area. you have to -- i mean you only have so many assets. so it is very possible for somebody to go back into an area that already has been cleared, isn't it? >> absolutely, that is one of the challenges you have to deal with here, you have a porous area, if you miss somebody, so every rock and feature -- >> so the hunt for eric rudolph, i mean that was somebody who had real experience out in the woods, no? >> extensive experience he had planned his getaway for a long
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time. he had pre-prepared several sites, knowing that he would probably have to go up there and live for a long time. >> so he had put equipment out in the woods? >> exactly he had pre-positioned food and had big flat rocks out there where he hid things. >> and he still went out, there were sightings of him in that way. >> there were occasional sightings, we were pretty sure he was in that area. he would break into places and leave money and pay for things that he took. that was a signature of his. >> would he move around a lot or stay within locations? >> he stayed within about a 20-mile area. he stayed off the trails and wouldn't hit the trails. he knew that is where searchers would look for him. he moved all the time at night. >> are there signs that law
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enforcement look for in a case like this? i mean obviously, they look for trails and things like that. but are there things they can keep an eye out on besides just tracks? >> well there is not a whole lot of trackers in law enforcement or the military. >> is that right? >> that is true. the level of tracking which is by the native tracking which is the level we teach, they're not using that skill set. they're using dogs. there is basically nothing in nature that can move without disturbing something else. so when you have 800 guys out there creating quite a disturbance in the landscape. i don't expect them to see tracks in the landscape, i expect trackers to see something in the landscape. the fact they're using man made things, the candy wrapper, anything else they're getting from the house. that just tells me about eric rudolph, he was a good planner. not necessarily a good survival expert. if you're a good survival
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expert you don't need to come back in society. what they're missing is the tracks there is that link they will lead to that animal or person. >> if you don't have you know bug spray, things like that i mean how bad is it out there. the adirondacks, there are a lot of insects and mosquitos, you can get eaten up. >> absolutely there are tricks in the trade. rubbing mud and clays all over yourself. it also helps and reduces the heat signature. there is actual natural outcropping they can hide under and they're not going to see them. the natural mint keeps the bugs away. >> fascinating stuff, chris, shane, i appreciate you being with us. coming up next a prison worker claims he was caught off guard by all of this the scheming the apparently infidelity the alleged plan to have him killed.
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helper putting blades in the meat that was then delivered to matt. joyce mitchell's husband, lyle, spoke at length about this talking with nbc's matt lauer. >> tell me where you were and where you first heard that there had been this escape at the clinton correctional facility where you you work by the way. >> i was at the hospital my wife -- that night before said she was having chest pains, wanted to come back in -- and we were getting ready to leave and we turn the cell phone on. and all of a sudden we had all kinds of beep beep beep the state troopers were looking for us. so when my wife turned her cell phone on she said my god, sweat escaped. he said mr. mitchell your wife has -- >> what? >> he said she brought apparently two hacksaw blades
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and a chisel. she said i have something else to tell you their plan was they want to kill you. she said matt wanted her to pick them up. she said i will never leave without lyles. he said well i'll give him pills. she said i am not doing that i love my husband. i am not hurting him. and then i was over my head. >> one of the other headlines, lyle that came out, was that your wife joyce, had a sexual relationship with one or both of these inmates. >> absolutely not. >> absolutely she swore on her son's life she swore she never ever had sex with them. >> isn't it very likely that had you been in the back of that car and had she shown up in the getaway car, that both of you would be dead right now? >> absolutely 100%. >> and if she had gotten in that car -- >> she would have been dead
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within half an hour i figure. the getaway, they were going to kill her, they were and all they wanted was that vehicle. >> is she a trustworthy person lyle? >> i like to believe at times -- in my heart, do i believe she would hurt me? no. >> so there is that and all of the rest of today's developments. did that make any sense to you? >> i don't think -- the people involved in this i don't mean to be unkind. i don't think there are a lot of geniuses who are involved in this story. i mean everyone involved in this story is crazy, it seems. i mean the idea of putting hacksaws in hamburger? i mean there was no cake available for a file -- >> and the idea of putting it in the meat -- >> the lawyer said it was because of budget cuts. >> when i confronted him, budget cuts the metal detector worked and was still there and he said
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yeah. >> i think we can conclude this was not the most well run prison in the united states. and you know it is often the case that guards and inmates develop relationships. and the smuggling that goes on with the cell phones that is usually what the inmates want. escapes are pretty rare. but it seems like this joyce was clearly involved. >> it also seems odd to believe that her relationship with matt and/or sweat or both of them did not go beyond just friendship. >> yes, i mean her husband seems to think that there was no sexual relationship. but it is often the case that there are sexual relationships between guards. >> what else would the motivation be if there was not some form of sexual relationship at some point. >> i mean, you are applying logic to a situation that has not had an abundance of logic. but yes, it would certainly seem to be a relationship between her
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and the inmates would be the basis for this crazy thing. >> when this comes to trial can he evoke spousal privilege and therefore, not testify against his wife? >> having given this interview, no. if he could -- he can -- he could refuse to testify. but that interview could potentially be admitted. and i think once you start talking about things publicly the -- you run the risk of waving the privilege. so i -- i think in ordinary circumstances, yes, marital communications are privileged. but once you start to talk about it publicly i think you waive. >> all right, jeff toobin, thank you. and coming up don't miss the cnn special report the great escape coming up. just ahead in south carolina lawmakers take the first step to remove the confederate flag from the ground
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dash cam video, police arresting a charleston shooter 14 hours after the massacre at ame emanuel church. police say that he confessed to them saying he wanted to start a race war. instead, he started a groundswell he likely didn't plan. today, the confederate flag was under debate and the first steps came just a day after the governor said it's time for the flag to come down. it's worth noting, ten lawmakers voted against holding a debate. drew griffin did his best to track them down and joins me now. so what was the final vote count? >> reporter: anderson they did it by voice vote but in the senate they put a name to it. 103 to just ten, the ten lawmakers who voted against open debate on the flag well
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they're right here you can take a look at them. after the vote they mostly scattered. we did catch up with two of them though one of them, a man, chris corley who was very hungry he didn't want to talk -- >> we're trying to figure out where to eat. >> you think eat is more important than this? why did you vote not to open up debate on the confederate flag issue? >> because it needs to be filed in december and debated in the normal process. >> so you were for that in december? >> look don't touch my microphone in a public building. you're a public official right? so are you for or against opening up debate on it no matter when it happens? >> i'm for opening debate on it, yeah but i want to go through it with the normal process which is filing a bill in december and coming back and talking about
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it. >> are you leaning one way or the other in taking down the flag? or are you a supporter on taking it down? >> well, we're going to hear from both sides. >> and you're not willing to say right now? >> it seems like a, he was more interested in getting his lunch than talking to you. and not wanting to talk a public position on it. did he say anything else? or did anyone else talk to you? >> he didn't say where he stood on it. another one who did talk was bill chumley, who was against taking down the flags. he makes no bones about it. we did ask him all about it. he said the flag should stay where it was put 15 years ago as a compromise. and then in this interview, he said something very strange about the victims of the charleston shooting. listen to this anderson. >> you are opposed to opening up debate is that right, on the flag? >> i think this has been settled. >> settled in terms of 15 years
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ago? >> yes. >> and you don't think the state has moved in terms of demographics and feeling of the state? >> no, i don't think so i think that misuse and the miseducation of the flag has probably pushed it to this point. but i think the -- i think the demographics are still the same. my constituents are calling and talking to me a lot about it. and that is the way they feel. >> but if hate groups have misused the flag and if hate groups have adopted it as its own, and hate groups are certainly creating divisive issue over this why continue to fly it here at the state grounds? >> well let me ask you a question why do we let hate groups dictate how we feel and how we live? hating is everywhere. people are -- there are mean people everywhere, we found that out in charleston. we're focusing on the wrong thing here. we need to focus on the nine families and see that this does not happen again. these people sat in there
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waited their turn to be shot. that is sad. somebody in there with the means of self defense could have stopped this. and we would have had let funerals. >> you're turning this into a gun debate? if those nine families asked you to take down that flag would you do it? >> you said why didn't somebody just do something -- i mean you got one skinny person shooting a gun. you know we need to take and do what we can. >> well i wanted to make sure i'm understanding what you're telling me. are you asking that these people should have tackled edd him? these women should have fought him? >> i don't know what the answer was. but i know it's really horrible for nine people to be shot. and i understand that he reloaded his gun during the process. that is upsetting, very upsetting. >> those nine families and every black person in south carolina and all of the people the white people who are against that flag
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believe it should not be on the state grounds. you are staying it should stay because your constituents want it to? >> it stays there until the people of south carolina say they want it to come down. thank you so much appreciate it. >> so it's hard to understand exactly what he was saying. i guess what he was talking about is gun control and the second amendment and somebody in that church should have been armed when he was reloading. somebody should have rushed the shooter? >> yeah it was hard to get clarity from this guy or follow his logic. but to me it seemed to be he was at least criticizing the victims for not fighting back during this fight. what this has to do with opening up the debate to take down this flag i have no idea. but those are two of the ten relationships who voted against doing that. >> it is interesting that those who do support this state representatives, a lot of them just don't seem to want to talk
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about it on camera. he, at least, was giving his position on camera. the others seemed to be kind of scurrying away. i am glad you talked to two of them. just ahead, we have breaking news on what killed freddie gray. details on the autopsy report obtained about him and what he received in police custody. and in ucla he allegedly hit him with a kettle ball. the reps have a different story. the latest up ahead. ♪like the universe is singing a song♪ ♪(hoooo-oo, hooo)♪ ♪do you feel it when you write like...♪ you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or
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freddie gray was not loaded into a police vehicle after he was loaded. his hands and feet were locked during the ride. and by the time the ride was over he was dead. joining me on the john justin felton the baltimore sun reporter and with me cnn contributor and lawrence koblinski, of the college of justice. you obtained this can you just walk us through the findings? >> sure, there is a lot of talk about how he was injured. there was video showing he appeared to be in pain. there were multiple stops where he was not restrained. they believe it was really a high energy impact inside the van. possibly when he was standing in a crouched position when the
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van stopped or started it caused this really devastating injury to his neck. they compared it to diving into a shallow swimming pool. so it was this -- they're saying that this one major impact is what ultimately caused his fatal injuries. >> so that impact, because he was standing and then falling and it was that impact that caused the injury? >> yeah i mean what is interesting about the report is that the medical examiner is looking at his injuries as you know they don't really know what happened. but they take obviously the witness statements. they take the video and they try to piece together what might have caused these injuries. and in their opinion he could have been -- he was put into the van during the second stop on his stomach. but they don't think that -- being on your stomach in the back of a moving van could cause this serious movement this serious impact where the injuries happened to his head. they don't think that this could have caused it. they think that he got up at
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some point and was thrown around the van. they believe that the reason it was not merely an accident but homicide it should have been foreseen. according to the report it was not unforeseen that somebody restrained in the back of the van could have suffered such injuries and would have required medical attention. >> professor kobalinski they called it one high injury as he was placed on his stomach in the van playing down. does this make sense to you that perhaps he was standing up? >> it is a contradiction in a certain sense. first of all it would require high impact to break cervical vertebrae. it would not have happened if he were on the floor on his stomach. even the medical examiner admits that would not have broken his
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neck. it would take a greater force. he would have had to have been standing and the fall is what actually did the trauma to the neck and severed the spinal cord. and it probably would have happened after the second stop but before the fourth stop just based upon his inability to breathe. and his limbs were limp after that fourth stop. >> and justin the report also states that freddie gray asked for help but did not receive it. do we know when he allegedly asked for help? >> it was during the stop that they went to check on him and he asked for help. by the fourth one they say he was unresponsive. and so as the professor said, they believe it happened sometime between the second and fourth and before the third. and the officers who were charged with manslaughter and murder are the officers who at various points sort of stuck their head into the van and checked on him. they're saying that they should have foreseen that he was
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injured and needed medical attention. >> professor kobalinski how factual are autopsy reports? >> remember that it is based not only on the examination of the body but it's also based on eyewitnesss and video and the like so it has to all be put together. and i think the problem i'm having is i don't see an intent to kill here. depraved hard indifference is what the van driver has been charged with. if that were the case i would see maybe police officers putting him in the van and having him stand, and that way he would have fallen and broken his neck. >> professor, good to have you on. justin fenton good to have you as well. and sean combs, allegedly throwing a kettle ball at the coach where his son was a member of the team. what he has to say about the accusations up next.
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well hip-hop music mogul sean combs out of jail after bail due to making terrorist threats. the alleged weapon a kettle ball that he is accused of using against a coach where he son was a member of the team. >> reporter: sean combs got a police escort to jail monday this after the 45-year-old reportedly swung a kettle ball at the ucla strength and conditioning coordinator. his son, justin, is a junior at ucla and a red shirt on the team. the music mogul can be seen here as he enters the twin towers correctional facility in los angeles. no one was hurt in the scuffle, but combs was arrested for
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assault. he was later transferred to the los angeles county sheriff's department. the university later upped the charges to three counts of assault with a deadly weapon. one count of making terrorist threats and one count of battery. comb's camp expects the charges to be dropped. a statement on his website reads quote, the various accounts of the events and charges being reported are inaccurate. what we can say now are the actions taken by mr. combs were defensive in nature to protect himself and his son. we are confident that once the facts are revealed the case will be dismissed. it was not odd for the elder combs to be seen around the complex. take a look here at the ucla football practice in april. in a statement ucla football coach called the altercation an unfortunate incident for all parties involved. just a day before combs posted this picture on social media, including with his son, justin with the caption, father/son
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football game we won, happy father's day. combs was released later that night and scheduled to be in court on the 13th. >> that does it for us another edition of "ac360," the cnn special report "the great prison escape" starts now. the following is a cnn special report. >> a brazen escape. >> there was a hole cut out of the back of the cell. >> from which these inmates escaped. >> two convicted killers cutting their way to freedom, emerging from a manhole outside the prison walls. >> we estimate they climbed down and had power tools and were able to get outside this facility. >> two dangerous murderers, now free. >> they kill anybody they feel like killing any time. >> how did they get the power tools? who helped them and where are
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