tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 1, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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blowing. and shortly see a larger explosion of what appears to be a transformer that again, we saw just about, three or four minutes ago. we're obviously going to continue to follow the funnel cloud in kansas city. we'll bring you any updates throughout this next hour when we can. now, we go to wounded fugitive david sweat. he is spilling even more about the escape about richard matt and their time on the run. now according to investigators, he is telling them that matt turned into a liability. out of shape, drinking, unable to keep up. they say in addition to claiming credit for masterminding the breakout, sweat is now directly implicating seamstress joyce mitchell in the apparent plot to kill her husband. moments ago we got her rinse to that. jason carroll has late details and joins us from outside
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clinton correctional facility in dannemora. what information now do we have about what happened in the wood while matt and sweat were out there. what happened between them? >> turns out anderson there were several close calls. at one point, matt and sweat were hiding inside some sort of hunting cabin. some people had come to check on it. they could hear their voices outside. decided to stay hidden until the folks left. then another incident, about a week or so ago. when david sweat was hiding in a tree stand. he could see a law enforce. officer walk by. he stayed hidden as well. so, it turns out that there were several situations where these law enforcement searches were out there searching and much closer, just a few feet away from both of these inmates than they may have ever thought. >> and the problems between the two inmates. what's emerged? >> yeah, seemed like there were a lot of those. much may have had to do with alcohol. remember the alcohol, richard matt found, the bottle of purple, flavored alcohol. apparently he was drinking to much of it.
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really upsetting david sweat. that wasn't the only thing. david sweat was upset with the fact that richard matt was out of shape couldn't keep up. as a result of both of those factors he finally decided it was time for him to go. actually just about several days ago, he heard word that richard matt had been killed. that saddened him greatly. apparently that's when he decided to make the last dash toward the canadian border. >> i understand sweat gave more information about the plot to kill joyce mitchell's husband? >> yeah. and this is what's really some sort of a major development here. simply because we have been hearing all along that joyce, we knew she was supposed to be the getaway driver, says she got cold feet, how much she loved her husband. couldn't go through with the plot to kill, kill her husband, lyle. but apparently, both, you know richard matt and david sweat were supposed to be on this thing. david sweat said it wasn't their idea. they said it was joyce's idea to kill her husband.
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motive for that at this point, still unclear. >> joyce mitchell though is, is denying that, correct? >> she is. she is denying that through her attorney. her attorney saying that that she had no knowledge of what david sweat was going to, was going to say here. once again, he said it before. she had cold feet when it came to the getaway plan. and had no intention to kill her husband. told her husband she loved him. said there was no way she could kill him. clearly some one is lying. because the stories don't match. the tools they used. >> yeah. yeah. you wonder about the motive for all this. that's what some folks have sort of been talking about out here. remember she was suppose to be the getaway driver here. there is some speculation that perhaps david sweat is upset that his getaway driver never showed up and this could be a way of sort of getting back at her. the motive seems to be unclear. her attorney make it clear she had nothing to do with any murder plot. >> she is trying to cover her own tracks in all of this. and whether david sweat's motive
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for talking so much. what he is revealing about his one time partner or where this leaves joyce mitchell. plenty for tonight. senior analyst, jeffrey toobin, former detective, jim trayman, and mary ellen o'toole, former fbi profiler. >> sweat was saying this was joyce mitchell's idea, the idea to kill her husband you. can look and say "that makes sense why else would they have decided they wanted to kill lyle mitchell if joyce mitchell wasn't involved in this?" >> you have to sort out two different things two. possible crimes. one is the escape itself. obviously sweat is guilty. certainly seems like joyce mitchell will be culpable in that as well.
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then you have the separate question of the supposed racy at all? is this a crime that will actually be prosecuted? i don't know. you have joyce and sweat blaming each other. sweat has got to be the worst witness in the united states. no jury is going to, going to believe him. will they even prosecute the incomplete conspiracy that never went forward. it is not clear that the conspiracy happened much less who is involved in it. >>en a situation, jeff said, sweat know it a reliable source, frankly neither is joyce mitchell i suppose. where do you try to as an investigator how do you fry to figure this out? because he and joyce mitchell the two actually know what happened are giving completely contradictory accounts. >> basically you try to get as many, many details as possible. burrow as deeply as you can into their story. try to get as many facts you can
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get and fact check. one of the thing i used to do when i would do this debriefing or interview would be to ask the person -- look if this is true, how can i prove it? something else you have to look at as well, how did it come up during the interrogation or during the interview? was maybe the idea somehow planted unintentionally by the -- by the interviewer and the subject just kind of picked up on and it ran with that narrative. >> that's interesting. all along, mary ellen, you
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would they get out of that. they just want to get as far away as quickly as possible. if you look at it as joyce mitchell for some reason wanted her husband dead and wanted to go off with one or both of these guys, that does seem to make more, just on the face of it, passes the smell test a little better? >> behaviorally to me it does. and whether or not they can actually prove it becomes another story. but one of the things i think that is important about her is that -- this is a woman who really gained some status in that facility and she was enjoying all the attention and all the perks that came along with being matt's girlfriend. i would not at all be surprised if she leaked information to somebody else about how her life was going to change and how she was going to be free of lyle. i would expect to hear that if in fact she was the one that suggested her husband be killed. this is not a woman who keeps secrets. so, hopefully during their interviews, they'll be able to identify someone else that could
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corroborate it, she wanted it. >> you don't believe she had an epiphany, i love my husband. shouldn't be involved. not going to show up. going to check into the hospital. you think she told somebody else and that person said "what are you doing?" >> right. here you have a woman for months wrapped up in this relationship. new found status in the prison, some body important, having sex with matt in the broom closet. now all of a sudden, she decide she loves her husband. doesn't make sense for a woman now doing a lot of face saving statements. she is now becoming the victim. in my experience with women like this, this is classically what they do. they want to change things around and sort of modify how people view them and like, oh, no, no, that's not how, that's not what i did. it just is inconsistent with her behavior at the time that she was, somebody important in the prison. >> wait a second. you know, i am not here to defend joyce mitchell, but you are basically accepting this psycho murderer's view of, of what happened over hers? and you know, she is no noble person.
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but i mean, come on, why do you find his version -- >> does it make sense to you that two guys that break out of prison would take the time to kill this random woman's person? >> very little abut this story makes sense. but they also happen to be murderers. so the fact that they would actually, this is sort of what they do. an joyce mitchell does not appear to be a very talented prison guard. but there is no evidence that she is a murderer. so, i, i just find, you know, accepting the idea. first place there was a conspiracy at all to kill him. and that she was part of it. i'm not convinced. >> lot to learn. information coming out. every day, learning more. jeff toobin, mary ellen o'toole. appreciate it. more pictures from kansas state. we have seen damage on the ground. take a look. very ominous looking images. cnn meteorologist, don't know if we can take down the banner if that would help. or nothing to see on the ground there. you really get a sense of, just how large this system is. i want to go to our meteorologist, tom sader, joins us with the latest on what is
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going on. what are you seeing here when you look, what is going on, what is this, a funnel cloud? >> well, a massive super cell storm right now, showing rotation. trained spotters have spotted it on the ground, lees summit, missouri. near the kansas city area. moving southeast away from kansas city. you can see the debris now. there is debris on the ground. we are getting not only, now a doppler indicated rotation. but you can start to see the damage. no reports of damage in the previous touchdown of this. this is all in a watch, tornado watch from kansas city kansas down toward joplin, missouri, central missouri and columbia where the university of missouri is. this is in effect until midnight. this warning most likely extended to, went from 7 central time to 7:30, will most lie likely be extended. there its the transformers blowing now. the strong circulation on the ground. earlier anderson, you couldn't
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see it much because it was wrapped in rain. but this its a big indication. look at the monster sized storm. this of course the bottom of the super cell. as the the atmosphere is extremely volatile right now. from parts of eastern kansas across into central missouri. i wouldn't be surprised too, if the national weather service extends the tornado watch for central missouri eastward to include the metropolitan area of st. louis. now currently. 2.7 million people on this watch. this the main thunderstorm cell that is producing a tornado at this time. you can see what it is doing there now. >> obviously people need to, to stay indoors. to get to a safe location. tom, we are going to continue to follow this. thank you. we'll monitor it throughout this hour. we also have more on the fugitive story. a shake-up at the top of the prison in dannemora. and claim that things are changing for the better there.
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big questions remain about how thing got so lax in the first place. i will talk to two former corrections workers there. and as well as former prison inspector. later donald trump had a bad day with macy 's. but appears to be having a much better time with retail politic new. poll numbers are out. good news for him. macy's legislate him go over the immigration remarks. he says he quit macy's. we'll take a look at that. run the surprising poll numbers. perhaps surprising to some people. and talk about how far they might get him. should sing. lettuce should be dirty. dressing, clean. debates should be healthy. hatchets buried. tables should be full. and good food should be good for you. we're not saying these are the rules we should all live by. but it's a good place to start. panera. food as it should be.
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yoplait greek 100. the protein-packed need something filling, taste bud loving, deliciously fruity, grab-and-go, take on the world with 100 calories, snack. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to snack on it. verizon say neversettle. t-mobile agrees. never settle for verizon's overpriced gimmicks. try the un-carrier risk-free for 14 days you'll love it, or we'll pay for you to go back. look at that beautiful hotel on tripadvisor. wait. why leave the site? don't you know the tripadvisor you've always trusted for reviews, book! now checks over 200 websites to find the best price?
8:16 pm! over 200 sites checked to find the best price. so don't just visit tripadvisor... book at tripadvisor. big changes to the prison in dannemora. new york state corrections department named a new superintendent. in addition every cell gets a weekly inspection. all tunnels inspected monthly instead of twice yearly before the escape. so many lingering doubts about this prison. joining a former sergeant there, jeff dumas, and keith provost, and patrick dunleavy. patrick, so according to records which were obtained from the
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prison. corrections officers have been raising concerns for years about lax security. specifically, weaknesses in the tailor shop where both worked and along with joyce mitchell. what do you make of that? >> well i think the reports you are referring to were based on labor management meetings that took place at the facility level. i believe those probably also took place at the executive level in albany. labor management meetings between the bargaining groups in the prison. bringing up their concerns. management has to address them or state why they don't think though particular concerns are valid. how often do audits happen from the new york state department of
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corrections. how much oversight is there within these prisons? >> oh, my goodness. they are daily that they're doing audits on reports that are submitted by each facility. atica, sing-sing, down the line, data reports on staffing. number of posts closed. overtime hours. unusual incidents. misbehavior reports. accidents. all that stuff is being submitted. it is supposed to be looked at by central office personnel of the rank of assistant commissioner. >> keith, what do you make of the security protocols. cells getting weekly inspections, tunnels getting inspected monthly. are those thing that should have been done a long time ago? >> i feel they should have been done a long time ago. i just want to quantify one thing. i place no blame on any single person. this has been a systematic
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failure for -- for probably decade, i mean we have been, the officers at clinton come of planing about some of the fixed posts for years and years. so i did just read the -- the new protocols today. and, i am on board with a lot of them. i mean those things should have been done, you know, years ago. >> you said corrections officers had meetings talked regularly about security concerns and need for change in procedures there. did albany, new york state department of corrections, i know you believe they often would turn down those requests for changes. >> yes, absolutely. we have done numerous requests. pat was on the money dating what he stated. it comes down to the superintendent does not have
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power and authority. it goes to building two in albany. they come back with recommendations. if they follow what staff says at hand on level. that's great. most often they've don't. >> patrick, i know you said when it comes to watching people in prisons the corrections officers either become cynical or become a sucker. can you explain what you mean by that? >> sure. i was referring to the fact that when you hire a correction officer you need somebody who has the eyes and ears of a cop but heart of humanitarian. because you are going into a human condition having humans watch other humans. there is dynamic there. if you become too hard you are going to be cynical. lack at every human being that
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comes from a particular area or ethnicity. as a criminal. on the other hand if you become too soft hearted you'll become a sucker, somebody like gene palmer one day felt sorry for an inmate decided to help them. there is a balance. a fine line between being a correction officer, firm, fair, consistent. opposed to hard nosed cynic or sucker. >> keith, these guys were able to do a practice run we learned the night before the actual escape. left clothes in their bed made it look like they were sleeping. you worked the overnight shift as a correction officer there, can you describe the process of night counts and are officers allowed, can they go into individual cells if they think something is suspicious? >> no, not on night shift. we would have to call the sergeant, lieutenant down. what happens on night shift, we come in. we start our shift for the 12:00 count.
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the bell would ring. lights are on. we would take a live count. most of the time the inmates would be sitting at the end of their bed. then the one, two, three, four, 5:00 counts are less secure. there was always a push back because if we, if we ended up waking the inmates up a lot, there would be some grievances filed. and then there is always push back from the administration or from, from albany, saying, you know, we we're -- waking the inmates up too much. there is always a little push back for that. then at the 5:30 count or 6:00 count. the same thing. the bell goes on. the lights go on. and it is a live count. the inmates are sitting of in their bed or showing some sort of live movement. it has the gotten to the point now where i have been told from the new recruits that they're actually instruction new recruits now to not flash the flashlight in their eyes. they're instructing them to hit the floor and then just glance up.
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and then walk done to the next cell. that's just a problem. that's not the way it should be done. >> again. we are still learning so much about. not only what happened to the two guys but inside the prison. appreciate all of you, jeff dumas, keith provost, pat dunlevy. matt's escape as well as sick, vicious life ended down the road from the trailer where he spent his final days and left clues to what the days are like. gary tuchman takes you inside. we want to warn you one of the images you will see is graphic. >> reporter: it is one of busier roads in franklin county new york. a road that had regular police patrols during portions of the 3-week-long manhunt. richard matt and david sweat spent a lot of time in the wilderness. we know on the last day of matt's life heave wasn't in the wilderness. he was very close off to hundred of motorists here on state highway 30. this is where he spent the last day before he was killed, this trailer, which is only about 100 feet from this road. but it can't be seen from the road. although the road can be seen from the trailer. it has been abandoned for years. a state inspection sticker on the window from 1998. inside dilapidated, smelly, broken benches, tables, a sink area full of spider webs, insects. silverwaren a mason jar, teapot on the stove, all and all a very disgusting scene. >> i don't know if this door has been opened since this all happened.
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take a look. >> nothing. a couple of blankets in here. >> closer examination, there are sleeping bags. and on the side of the closet a bunch of newspapers from 1994. right across the street from the trailer, lived john shodat. >> to my knowledge he had been staying there a few days. the day after his birthday friday, he decide to shoot at a passing camper, probably slow them down. and commandeer it and take them some where. they kept going. >> reporter: the driver of the camper called police. and the trail got hot. police were told the camper had been hit by a gunshot. and authorities had a big clue. ultimately they headed in the direction of the trailer. by that point matt headed back into the woods. he made a fatal mistake when he coughed. tipping police off to where he was hiding. this is where police found richard matt and shot and killed him. a five minute walk from the
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trailer. and this was his final hiding place. only 200 feet from the people traveling on route 30. >> gary joins us now from dannemora. do we know if police searched the area where the trailer is? >> last week, i saw policeching route 30 in the area going to the wooded air. the gentleman lives across the street and he saw police
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searching the specific area where the trailer is. three days earlier. not at all clear if matt and or sweat were there at the time. in the end police got their man. they got to the place. >> gary, appreciate the reporting. ahead. donald trump loses a deal with macy's over something he said and gains in the polls. the question is has he been winning over primary voters precisely because of his statements. where does that leave his less colorful opponents. >> investigating the six fires of predominantly african-american churches that have broken out since the murders in charleston. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw
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donald trump saw his bottom line suffer a little bit today in wake of remarks he is making about mexicans -- illegal immigrants i should say. macy's dropped trump related merchandise and donald j. trump signature clothing collection. mr. trump downplayed the consequences and said it was he who dumped macy's. he fired off tweets saying macy's is weak on the border. and good showing with potential primary voters. comes in a second polling, to governor jeb bush with all other candidates. showing you the top ten in single digits. how he fares head-to-head with hillary clinton 25 points back.
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governor bush does best among gop hopefuls with a 13-point deficit in hypothetical general election match up. mr. trump yesterday went out of his way to stop himself from disparaging mr. bush. >> i don't get. he is favor in common core. very weak on immigration. extremely weak on immigration. he thinks people come over for love. i am not at all happy. i understand how he is in first place. >> more on cnn at 10:00 clock p.m. eastern. jim pindall, ryan lyza, washington correspondent for "the new yorker." >> james, the poll numbers trump is getting. crowds drawing, new hampshire, spent team talking to the people going to his rallies. do they genuinely like the substance of what he is saying? >> yeah. there are three the categories, there is the sugar, substance, to understand the polling you have to understand the math. the sugar. people want to come to see him. they think he is fun and certainly entertaining.
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don't think anyone denies that. there is the serious substance involved here. i was in a new hampshire house party for trump last night. look people are saying he is the anti-politician. the truth tell ter. those are the phrases that kept coming again and again. and controversy, particularly around immigrants on immigration bolster the idea he is not playing into the system. then there is the math. it explains why he is in second place. bernie sanders is in second on the democratic side. he has 35% support. republican side has 18 candidates. 14 in. a couple of others who may be getting in soon. that's why donald trump has 11% support. 89% can say they hate the guy. 11% is good enough to be in second place now.
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>> we also has a big operation up there. spend a lot of time and is committed to it. >> that's right. a very serious campaign. he has the largest campaign staff on the republican side. hillary clinton has a much larger operation. he has been here several times. he has a bunch of volunteers. he is ticking off state representatives endorsing him for president. no matter what you think about donald trump is he serious about running for president? is he serious about getting publicity? the campaign itself is very serious. >> you made the point that though donald trump may be up in the polls right now, you know if you look at past races, michele bachmann was ahead in the polls back in the summer of 2011. so how much do these early numbers mean? look at the trend from 2012. a race where you had a lot of republican candidates. the trend through the summer, before the election year was, basically a flavor of the month.
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right, you had romney who was the solid establishment candidate who was stuck with 20%, 30%. consistent end. and then you would have these -- anti-romney or anti-establishment candidates on the right that would rise and fall about one a month. michele bachmann, newt gingrich. last guy standing, rick santorum. none of them perseveres. all is great news for jeb bush. he is not. trump is not taking from bush. if you look at the cnn poll for instance. trump is taking conservative support from candidates. rubio, walker. if you are bush you are in a solid establishment place with almost 20% nationally. you are not being attacked by the candidates in the long run you know will be your main competition. the governors and senators in the race. remember this is what makes trump so dangerous.
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he could be the uber of politics. he does not play by the rules at all. and yet, it is going to be so fascinating to watch, how the candidates who do play by the rules are going to try to get around trump, ignore him, take him head on. he is going to be a major factor in the race now. >> certainly candidates who would loved to be called the uber of politics, doing pretty well in the united states. in terms of media scrutiny, the candidates are put through. has trump been put through that already? i mean he got a lot of scrutiny when he was questioning president obama about the birth, the birth certificate. things like that.
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some of the statements he made. but that kind of real scrutiny hasn't gotten to that level for a lot of candidates has it? >> it hasn't. my question about trump -- he just, can he, is he just, like teflon. i mean there have been so many stories about this guy over the years. idea logically. he was basically a democrat for a long type. his positions lined up with democrats than rub rubs. there will be people pointing that out as we go forward. digging into his finances. all sorts of things happened in previous times when he flirted with runs for office. i wonder how much effect that will have. the people that are telling pollsters like him. i doubt they're all that bothered by that stuff. they like right now the straight talk and they like the fact that he is a nonpolitician as james was pointing out. so, you know, and i think some candidates will find it beneath them to go after trump in the traditional way. right? to take him seriously is almost undignified. that will be a sign, if that happens his candidacy can no longer be considered a fluke. >> just ahead tonight. investigators think they know what caused predominantly african-american church in south carolina to burn down last night. tell you about that and the other church fires. also ahead another shark attack today on the seventh swimmer in north carolina in the last three weeks. we'll look at what is behind the numbers.
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what do you know about it? >> we know that tonight, united, american, as well as the southwest airlines, they have all received demand letters from the department of justice. the feds are essentially asking several of these major airlines for documents and communications that could prove they worked together to manipulate the capacity of flights. in other words, limit the available seats, keeping planes very full, and take it prices high for consumers, anderson. >> do we know what sparked the justice department's atention? >> we know consumer advocates have been suspect of major airlines. multiple airline mergers means less competition, means higher prices for consumers. right now there are four major airlines that control 80% of the market. but specifically what sparked the federal investigation we're talking about tonight is a letter that came from connecticut senator richard bloomenthal, he asked the doj to investigate after he says he learned about public comments airline executives made at an industry conference. he says in one instance, southwest airlines ceo announced plans to expand capacity for
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flights which many in the industry believe meant airfare cuts were next. southwest ceo apparently came under fire from others in the industry. and that ceo quickly reassured investors the airline wasn't going rogue. the senator saying that that was one example that suggested perhaps industry collaboration. >> what are the airlines, have they responded to this? >> the airlines we have heard from so far they all say they plan on cooperating with the investigation. american airlines had the strongest statement. they said the doj will find what they know to be true. the airlines are not coordinating but competing vig lossly. the airline industry, a bitter pill, four major carriers combine. saved billions on fuel. they made millions and millions on baggage fees. and prices for the consumer are still pretty high. >> no doubt about it. flights incredibly crowded. let's get the latest on other stories we are following. our "360 bulletin."
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>> with recent terror attacks overseas, the nypd boosting security for the fourth of july weekend. it may be the city's most complex counterterrorism effort to date. though not driven by any specific threat. >> in washington state investigators say there is no way lightning cause aid wildfire that destroyed at least 29 homes. they're now trying to determine if the fire was set accidentally or on purpose. the blaze has destroyed nearly 3,000 acres and is only 47% contained. >> meanwhile investigators believe that lightning may have started the fire last night that destroyed a black church in greeleyville, south carolina. a former researcher at iowa state university who confessed to faking results of an aid vaccine experiment and got millions in grants for his work was sentenced to day to nearly five years in prison. he was also ordered to repay more than $7 million to the
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national institutes of health. a stiff and rare punishment for scientific fraud. >> nicholas winton, of britain, who saved more than 650 jewish children from holocaust died at age 106. he araged for trains to carry children from prague to britain and kept quiet about his incredible work for a half century. >> amazing man and legacy. ahead, a seventh shark attack in south carolina. nationwide shark attacks are also on the rise. i will talk to a shark expert about what behind this uptick. >> fourth of july weeken. a north carolina beach community asking is it safe to go in the
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asking is it safe to go in the water. a 67-year-old man was attacked off the shore in the outer banks in waist deep water when the shark pulled him under. the seventh shark attack in north carolina in last three week, double the number the state saw all of last year. also on the rise nationwide. 24 so far. day tal attack in hawaii. fatal attack in hawaii. few people follow shark attacks, the director of the program for shark research at university of florida and curator. good to have you on the program again. what do you think is going on here? we talked about shark attacks. small number every year. death from sharks very small, despite hype and fear about them. there is an uptick here in north carolina. >> andersen there is no, no walking away from that. this is a -- a situation that we can't ignore. we have had a number off takes
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that are serious. and within a short period of time. there is something going on there, no doubt about it. a perfect storm of environmental and biological variables and human activity. at this point, the communities in north carolina are going to have to adjust at this point to, to do something about it. because, the shark attacks are continuing. >> first of all is it possible the same shark is involved in all these attacks. sharks are migratory. >> sharks are migratory. and in pure hypotheticals, it could be the same shark that's working up and down the coast. they have the capability of doing so. at this point the odd are unlikely that that's true. but it certainly could be. >> you tacked to environmental
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factors and other factors. what sort of factors? is it fishing in the area? chumming in the water? just a lot of people in the watter? lot of activity? at certain times of the day? what do you think? >> you are hitting it right on the head. it is probably many of those thing. certainly warm water this year, higher salinity, lots of bait fishes in the water, turtle nesting season, those are all factors that would promote more sharks on the beach obviously. school's out and summer is here and people are going to the beach in higher numbers. usual formula for shark attack. of course we are having a number in a rehere, very, very uncommon. >> have you seen that before where one shark might have multiple attacks? you know, i, you know, from everything i talked to about experts they believe great whites have personalities, have different character traits. some are different than others do. you think. have you soon it in the past. one shark doing it. i think to jaws which everybody thinks about. this is little really the plot from jaws where one shark had a,
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had a bad attitude basically. >> yeah, andersen. i am only aware of three situations in recorded history if you will where -- one shark might have been involved in multiple attacks. the events in 1916 that led to the "jaws" theme of peter benchly, the attacks a few years ago in egypt that were done by an ocean white tip and situation in florida, 15 years ago involved bull sharks. so it's not out of the question. but that said, most of the time the situations are done as a result of common environmental factors that, that are, are, beneficial to, to sharks being in one area. >> there is no simple solution here. is it -- obviously with fourth of july weekend coming up. a lot of people want to be in the water. before you and i talked about possibly closing beaches. is that really the only thing to do? >> well, i mean, if you want to have absolute assurance you are not going to get bit or absolute assurance your community is not going to have attacks you have to pull people from the water.
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those are communities decision that are made by governmental officials, social not scientific decisions. but, you know you want to kid those options right now in the area where the attacks have occurred. >> george burgess. thank you. difficult situation. next, something to make you smile at the end of a long day, the "ridiculist" is next. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight
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