tv The Situation Room CNN July 2, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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happening now, terror alarm. police respond with a massive show of force to an active shooter scare here in the nation's capital. tonight the lockdown is over. but are the counter terror teams ready for the worst? july fourth fears. a u.s. military celebration has just been canceled. we're tracking the terror threats across the u.s. right now. fatal mistake. new details on the cause of a terrifying plane crash caught on video. how did the pilot manage to turn off the aircraft's only working engine? and bernie's big draw. hillary clinton's strongest primary challenger is attracting huge crowds. lots of attention. what's driving the sanders surge. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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breaking now. the washington, d.c. police chief says the overwhelming response to a shooting scare at the u.s. navy yard here in washington shows the city is well prepared for anything that might happen. a 911 call led to a lockdown and raw fear as the nation is on alert for a possible terror attack around the july fourth holiday weekend. tonight, we're getting new information about security precautions here in the u.s. and around the world. i'll ask senator james langford what he's 11ing. he's the leading member of the senate homeland security and intelligence committees. and our correspondents and analysts are all standing by as we cover all the news breaking right now. first, let's get the very latest from our justice correspondent correspondent, pamela brown. >> wolf the outpouring of law enforcement at the navy yard today reflects the sensitivity heading into the holiday weekend with the heightened terror threat. combined with the fact that there had been a shooting there in the past. within minutes of the first
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report of shots fired inside washington's naval yard, parts of the nation's capital were thrown into panic. the entire complex locked down as hundreds of police, s.w.a.t. teams, and federal investigators swarmed the scene, blocking streets as helicopters covered overhead. inside the same building where a gunman killed 12 two years ago, chaos. >> someone came up on the floor yelling to get out of the building stay away from the cafeteria. >> reporter: for nearly three hours, police moved floor by floor through building 197, searching for a gunman clearing floors then leading stranded workers out with their hands up. across town the white house blocked streets and canceled tours. at the capitol, enhanced security. by 10:15, police gave the all-clear, later saying there was a lone 911 call reporting the sounds of gunshots. >> we take every event here in
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washington serious and our posture remains extremely high. >> reporter: while today's overwhelming response came in part because of the eerie similarity to the navy yard shooting rampage two years ago, sources say it was also a result of fears throughout law enforcement. at the possibility of a july fourth terror attack coming after increased chatter of isis supporters online and calls by the terror group to strike in the west. police in washington, new york, and other major cities say they are already increasing security around holiday events. >> this may be potentially the most complex counterterrorism overlay for this event ever. that is not driven by any information or particular threat as much as it's driven by the unfolding of world events. >> so that was in new york. back here in washington add is to today's heres is at the same time the navy yard was on lockdown police in new jersey were investigating a bomb during the time at a mosque. that turned out to be a hoax.
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at the time, with terror concerns law enforcement did not want to take any chances. wolf? >> as they shouldn't. pal lashes thank you. let's bring in our justice reporter evan perez, he was there at the scene during that navy yard lockdown. what did you experience? >> wolf the fear was panel panel palpable. certainly building 197, which was the epicenter of today's scare, was -- is right next door to a very public area with supermarkets and restaurants. and that's where employees went today. they gathered there. you could see them a few of them were crying shaking, the fear was real. and also for law enforcement that responded and saw that terrible scene inside building 197 last time. they also were reacting to the same thing. the fear was real. and thank god it didn't turn out to be what they thought. >> that's true thank god indeed. what are you hearing from your sources about all these terror alert warnings if you will
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that are going out in advance of this july fourth weekend? >> wolf it definitely extends beyond just isis' warnings and calls for attacks on social media. we're told by law enforcement officials that part of it is also that the fbi and intelligence agencies have been monitoring communications and other sources to look for what they think might be on the mind of some of these people. there are hundreds of isis supporters who are being watched and there's definitely talk about carrying out an attack if not now, sometime during ramadan, which continues by the way after july fourth and going further down the path towards the papal visit in september. they know there's talk of carrying something out. >> security's going to be intense in the united states for a while. the mud limb holy month of ramadan continues until around mid-july. tonight new moves protecting american troops from a potential fourth of july terror attack.
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our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto's got details. >> this is another sign of the lowered risk tolerance. july fourth celebrations canceled at raf royal air force in england. u.s. commanders there say the decision was made due to the most current local threat assessments after a meeting of their threat working group. the announcement making it clear what the stakes are, in their view saying "we must make difficult decisions like this when lives are on the line." now, u.s. european command tells us this was a base decision specific to this base it's not uk-wide, but it does speak to the seriousness with which the u.s. military is taking the terror threat, not just in the u.s. but overseas. arguably the uk has a greater threat than the u.s. there are many more known jihadis there numbering in the thousands. >> it's a big deal when the u.s. military does something like
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this even in one base at britain right now. is it simply based on an abundance of caution? or was there something specific that we know of that caused this commander to say, you know what the troops are not going to be able to participate in this july fourth celebration? >> not something specific that we know of. they won't say that there was a credible or specific threat to that base. but it is interesting. you have a number of bases around the uk with u.s. forces a number around europe and the threat level in europe is quite high now as well. arguably higher than it is in the u.s. with the number of jihadis there, proximity to syria and iraq. but it was this specific base making this specific decision. possibly they had an indication of something threatening them. but listen all base commanders make their own decisions. and this one base commander decided that the risk of having the event outweighed the benefits. >> better to err on the side of caution, especially when we're dealing with this kind of a threat. thanks very much jim sciutto, for that. let's talk about this july
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fourth terror threat. joining us senator james langford a republican of oklahoma a member of the senate homeland security committee and senate nelgd committee, thanks for joining us. what do you make of these developments? are you more concerned potentially? start with some sort of small-scale, lone-wolf attack going after some so-called soft target? or is your greater concern something more complex, a larger more coordinated terror attack that could kill potentially a whole lot more people? >> the greatest concern is actually the lone wolf. it's the individual that just decides to be inspired by isis what they've done. isis is very well outspoken about how much they hate our freedom, who we are as americans. july fourth is one of those natural dates, while we're celebrating freedom, for them to find some way to poke us in the eye. basically during that process, isis has not typically done a lot of coordinated attacks. what they did in egypt in the sinai peninsula is a novelty in
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some ways. somewhat closer to what happened in garland, texas, to enspire an individual to be able to drive multiple states to be able to shoot and attack on a small scale. that's the greater threat. also harder to be able to track. >> the sinai, they killed about 30 egyptian soldiers in a well-planned coordinated military-type attack. that's obviously very worrisome. any specific threats -- i know you're well briefed. are there any specific hard concrete threats out there, some plot that the u.s. for example, got wind of? >> no this is not about a specific threat this is just isis in general. we know they function on social media. when they try to inspire people they're very different than al qaeda. al qaeda likes to coordinate have a central command to be able to send out emissaries around that they've highly trained. so say this is the moment we're going to do a large-scale attack. isis is very different. they're reaching out on social media, telling people, it's a holiday, we ought to kill people here's ideas how to do it here's places to be able to
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go. here's our logo put the logo up tell them you're with us. they're not looking to send people they're looking tone spire people living in our midst. they're looking for the same radical jihadi-type mindset and tell them, join us in the worldwide fight and engage. you see pockets of isis all over the world doing smaller-scale events they're trying tone spire the same thing. they've done it for several holidays they've just been unsuccessful in trying to get it for several holidays. things like are hike veterans day, memorial day, when they were trying to inspire. the people of oklahoma, the people i'm around we're going to continue to go out to events be attentive to those things as we always are. this is isis trying to instill fear and that's not who we are as americans. >> good advice is you see something, say something. hopefully it will be a quiet, nice july fourth holiday weekend. what should the u.s. be doing to about after those isis commanders who are leading their
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social media campaign to go out skin spire, if you will isis sympathizers to launch these kinds of terror strikes? we know the president is willing to order drone strikes to kill isis military commanders. what can the u.s. do to downgrade or destroy that social media capability which clearly is very effective and inspiring isis supporters out there? >> sure it is identifying those individuals, finding and locating those through social media. it's not always simple to do. identifying those individuals that are actually inspiring this and to be able to engage. that takes great intelligence that takes a lot of work to make sure you're actually going after the right individual on this. quite frankly, a lot of this is driven by the instability in syria as a whole. with bashir assad still leading syria, there's a tremendous number of individuals that would fight against isis but as long as isis is fighting assad, they're going to leave isis alone and just continue to fight against assad. so while assad is still leading syria, they feel like isis is
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not a threat to them personally. isis is a threat to assad, so they're going to ignore it. we need individuals in all these different groups focused on taking out isis. they're a worldwide threat. but that also means that assad needs to be gone and have a transitional leadership in syria to help get that. >> we have much more to discuss, senator, including the heightened security at u.s. military bases here in the united states and around the world. much more with senator hanklankford when we come back.
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senator james lank ford member of the senate homeland security and intelligence committees talking about the fourth of july terror threat. the unprecedented holiday security being put into place right now. senator, we learned today that one of the isis leaders, a guy by the name of tariq al harzi, was killed in a coalition air strike he was known as the amir of suicide bombing, the state department had a $3 million bounty on his head. >> there are several individuals like him out there in the process that we're identifying as we can identify their exact location what they do how they're involved in the organization, trying to take some of those folks out. you'll remember about a month ago we had the actual oil minister for isis that we went in to do a special operations raid in syria to actually take
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the person out and to remove intelligence information from his home. so this is a part of the ongoing strategy to be able to help identify those individuals, to be able to remove their leadership. isis has leadership like al qaeda has leadership. it's important to be able to eliminate the individuals that are leading the organization. it's also important that we actually take away the parameters of why they're trying to actually do this. >> you have no problem, senator, excuse me for interrupting you have no problem for the u.s. targeting these individuals and killing them? >> no i do not, actually, wolf. the reason is isis has been very clear that they want a worldwide jihadi movement to overthrow multiple locations, to be able to inflict as much terror. whether it be the united states our allies across the middle east. we made that clear with threats coming down from july the 4th for us. this is a group that's interested in worldwide domination and spreading this kind of hatred around the world. so it is important that the
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united states step is up and leads because we cannot ignore real threats. this was the same thing we faced with the taliban and al qaeda, so say they're thousands of miles away what does it matter? until they did a coordinated attack on american oil soil and we understand it does come to us whether we pay attention to it or not. >> in washington today, senator, at the navy yard, we saw law enforcement come out in huge numbers responding what turned out to be fortunately a false alarm. but did we see an overreaction? overresponse? >> actually that's just the response you would expect in something like the navy yard with the shooting that happened there before. they're responding to it. it ended up being a large-scale drill, to say the least. it was a false alarm. but we actually saw law enforcement in a coordinated effort being able to respond to that in the entirely appropriate way for an active shooter. thankfully there wasn't an active shooter there. it is good to know law enforcement has that kind of coordination. and in that moment we do have
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appropriate response. >> is this the state of concern, the state of concern what we call the new normal? >> it is for now. we're a nation that is still at risk and there is the sense among americans that we can sit back because we're pulling out of afghanistan, we're out of officially iraq in that zone. but americans need to understand there are people around the world that really do hate us that really do hate our freedom. it's difficult for us to be able to process because we're such a nation that has great care for people around the world. we do such incredible charity around the world. we have this perception that we leave them alone, they leave us alone. we know clearly from radical islam, that is not true. they actually develop worldwide recruits by attacking america and attacking the west. the more they can attack us the more they can poke us the more people have that philosophy move to help them. so attacking us is actually recruiting elements for isis which seems foreign to us. we are still a nation at risk
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and this is extremely important that we can still continue to defend ourselves and our families. >> should u.s. military bases here in the united states, including your home state of oklahoma where there are several major u.s. facilities should they be on a heightened state of security alert this weekend? maybe for the rest of ramadan, the muslim holy month, which goes through mid-july? >> there is always a perception during ramadan, we've seen other attacks in previous years. you mentioned early bear the base in the uk. they saw base-specific things for them they wanted to make that decision. you'll remember about a month ago, multiple bases went on heightened security because they sensed that there was a threat coming to bases. that's not specific at this point to any of those bases. they would be on the same security status they're always on and being prepared as another person in the united states would be. this is a group that's really energized by lone wolves individuals that are unpredictable, that step out and say, i believe in this isis philosophy this particular
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brand of radical islam, and i want to make a statement for isis. this is not something that's highly coordinated, this is just a message to go out and say, if you hate america like we do you hate their freedoms then step out and do what we do. >> senator lankford, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> let's hope it's a quiet, very peaceful july fourth holiday here in the united states and around the world. just ahead, a pilot's fatal mistake now revealed. we have details of what he did wrong and his last words as his plane went down. plus a twist in the d.c. mansion murder case as the man accused of the gruesome killings now drops a courtroom bombshell.
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a stunning mistake by a pilot is new blamed for a deadly plane crash that was caught on camera. 43 people were killed when the transasia flight clipped a bridge and plunged into a river moments after taking off from taiwan's capital. our aviation correspondent renee marsh is working the story for us. you've learned new information. tell us what we've learned. >> this captain made a fatal mistake. just seconds after takeoff, one engine failed. and while trying to restart it he accidentally turned off the good engine. for 46 seconds. causing the plane to lose power and eventually stall. it took two whole minutes before the pilots noticed the mistake and in the words of the captain, "wow pulled back the wrong side throttle." by then wolf it was too late. i have to say, for a commercial pilot responsible for several lives on board to make a mistake
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like this it truly is troubling. loss of engine and recuperating from it that is a basic part of training. especially for pilots here in the united states. the plane we do know could have flown with one engine. but as you know his fatal mistake, at one point the plane had zero engine power. >> i guess the bottom-line question is the pilot in this particular case it's obviously very frightening, but the report reveals that the captain may not have been skilled enough to handle the problem that this plane was experiencing. that's pretty shocking. >> it is. i mean not only did he make this mistake of turning off the wrong engine but according to this report this pilot failed simulator training less than a year earlier. partly because he didn't master how to respond to the so-called engine flame-out at takeoff. he had to repeat this training and eventually he passed the simulator check, making him
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qualified to become captain. but the instructors made several critical comments about his abilities. i'm going to quote some of them. one instructor saying that the captain was prone to hesitation when facing a situation that requires making decisions. another comment read prone to be nervous and may make oral errors during the engine start procedure. not what you want to hear if you have a pilot who's flying passengers on a commercial flight. i will point out, wolf, this was an investigative update. the final report is due out april 2016. >> all right, we'll see what that concludes, renee, thank. let's dig deeper with our aviation analysts. former ntsb managing director peter gulls and miles o'brien. peter, at least for now, the report stops short of officially blaming, assigning blame. but it seems based on what we just heard in renee's report that this seems to be a case of
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pilot error. >> we know what happened. this pilot made a serious, serious mistake. and what's shocking, would feellf is that there was another fully qualified pilot sitting to his right and the copilot was sitting on the jump seat. they had three fully qualified pilots not one of them intervened when the mistake was made. >> and those lives were lost. miles, we learned from this report that the pilot of the aircraft as renee pointed out failed a flight simulateor test in may 2014 less than a year before the accident. should this pilot have been allowed to fly after failing a test like this? >> you know wolf in a word no. this is just heartbreaking. frankly. as passengers when we get on board a commercial aircraft an airliner we expect a certain amount of capability out of the people flying the aircraft. and to read that this particular
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captain not only had a whole host of issues nervousness and difficulties with checklists but flunked this particular maneuver which led toot deaths of these passengers is hard to imagine. we're talking about a part of the world, and peter and i have talked about this quite a bit, where it's growing very rapidly. the airlines are growing rapidly. there's a demand for pilots. and i hope that these airlines learn the hard lessons that we've learned here in the united states about safety. i'm not certain they have. >> peter, here in america, what are the regulations if a pilot fails a simulator test along these lines, before that pilot could go out and actually pilot a plane? >> there's two things that go on in the u.s. one is we learned this lesson back in the '90s. and pilots' training records used to kind of disappear. now they follow you. if you have a bad training session, you could recover and get retested and get back into the cockpit.
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but if you show repeated problems you're not going to get a job flying in the front of the plane. and the thing that was shocking about this was that the taiwanese government the investigative agency called on them to retest all their pilots. ten of the pilots failed the test 19 ducked the test almost 30 of them were fired. that airline should be shut down. >> there's a lot of lessons we could learn from this what's the major lesson you think everyone should learn from this tragic accident? >> the bottom line wolf is there's no free lunch in safety. safety costs money. when you have a huge demand for pilots and a competing demand for low ticket prices there is tremendous pressure to cut corners on safety and training. and it's incumbent upon the regulatory bodies in these countries to step in.
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because the free market ultimately will go to the with the tom line and the bottom line is not always going to be safe. >> i agree 100%. there is such growth over there. there is a growing shortage of pilots. the regulatory agencies have got to step forward. they've got to demand competence. >> peter gulls, thanks very much. miles o'brien, thanks to you as well. a real-life courtroom drama. details of a surprise move by the man accused of one of the most gruesome crimes in recent washington, d.c. history. plus how music may be helping glen campbell as he battles alzheimer's. dr. sanjay gup that will take a look at the connection between music and memory. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. that's amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. they're good-looking cars. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect, for less than you imagined at the
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a courtroom shocker, the so-called d.c. mansion murders, the man accused of torturing and killing a wealthy washington, d.c. family. their housekeeper made a move that caught everyone off guard. let's go to cnn's tom foreman. he's got details on what happened. >> wolf when daron wint came to court today we had no idea what his attorney was going to suggest was basically that he was as surprised by these horrific murders as anyone else. but he didn't say that until that attorney was his former attorney.
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wint came to court in handcuffs and shackles only to immediately break free of his legal team. >> he was cooperative and forthcoming. >> reporter: dropping defense attorney sean hanover for a public defender over what appears to be differences of opinion about how to fight the charges against wint. outside the court, however, hanover remained eager to at least unofficially defend his former client. even as police say they have dna, a boot print, and more linking wint to the killings. >> he was heartbroken like everybody else at their death. and i can assure you he never intended or wanted anybody, them or anyone else to be harmed. >> reporter: but the case against wint goes beyond the evidence at the scene of the fire and murders. officials say wint born in guyana was known as a troublemaker when he worked for the owner years ago. cnn has learned wint's green card was in jeopardy earlier this year when he was arrested for receiveing stolen property.
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still the crime was complicated and investigators suggest wint had to have help. sources tell cnn police are investigating wint's brother and cousin who also worked for the owner and was also fired. threatening to burn the business in retaliation. but so far, no one else has been charged. >> that is concerning because certainly by now, they've had enough time to do lab examinations to get records that typically in this case would be phone records that may put others in proximity to the crime scene, to try to lift. >> reporter: his former client, he says, was set up. interestingly, hanover is not pointing at police when he talks about a setup. but rather at these so far shadowy, unknown, and unnamed
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accomplices. >> so this lawyer says that he note that other people were involved. why isn't wint turning over these people to authorities? >> well and there are sources close to the investigation who also say they really think there had to be other people involved. the idea would be that maybe his legal team with all these changes, has to finally settle down figure out if there is a deal to be made. if there's a deal to be made that somehow he gets out from under the heaviest of these charges or gets some kind of special treatment then maybe he starts giving up names if there are names to give up. so maybe that would explain why we haven't heard anything yet and why nobody else has been arrested, even though we're now talking about a considerable period of time. >> tom foreman, thanks very much. on cnn this weekend, we're bringing you a very very personal look at the challenges of alzheimer's by following the journey of the country music legend glen campbell who suffers from the disease. right now we want to show you how music could be a remarkable
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source of joy and hope for alzheimer's patients. here's our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. >> wolf we all know alzheimer's is this cruel disease that robs you of the who's, what's where's, when's. you're about to see how music can bring memories flooding back in a way nothing else can. so simple and so powerful. ♪ i want to introduce you to henry. >> how are you doing? >> all right fine. >> reporter: henry is not fine. he's in this nursing home suffering alzheimer's. he can no longer remember the who's, what's where's. but famed neurologist dr. oliver sacks is about to show us something truly remarkable. >> we first see henry inert, maybe depressed, unresponsive, and almost unalive. >> henry. >> yeah? >> henry. >> yes? >> i found your music.
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>> then he is given an ipod containing we know, his favorite music. and immediately he lights up. his face assumes expression. his eyes open wide. and he's being animated by the music. >> reporter: dan cohen is the founder of music and memory the program that made it happen. >> i heard a journalist on the radio talking about how ipod is ubiquitous. i thought, kids have them and many adults but nursing homes? didn't seem from my experience likely. i called a local nursing home and said, i know music is already a number one recreational activity but can we see if there's added value to totally personalize the music? they said yes, at what it was an instant hit. >> reporter: the key word here is personalization. ♪ >> reporter: nancy soleti is listening to one of her favorites, johnny cash. ♪ ring of fire ♪ >> reporter: since her daughter
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alexandra checked her into this facility last christmas, nancy's cog sister has been rapidly declining. but music seems to rekindle something. memories everyone else thought were lost and gone forever. >> for a while it would be you can forget that you can't do what everybody else can do. and the music brings thins back to you. it makes it familiar to you. >> the thing so interesting about music is just how much of the brain it uses. speaking the words comes from over here the left temporal lobes. putting them into a tune comes from over here, the right parietal lobe. putting it all into rhythm here the cerebellum. soon it's not just music you're talking about, it's an emotional response, which makes it that much harder to forget. >> it brings back who my mother is. and even if she can't at certain times remember either short or long-term memory the minute she
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hears the music, she remembers the words, incredibly. snets ♪ and when you smile the whole world looks at you ♪ >> reporter: nancy, henry, and residents of more than 1,400 nursing homes around the country are having their brains re-awakened in a way with the answer to a simple question. what is your favorite song? ♪ i'll be home for christmas ♪ ♪ you can plan on me ♪ >> i don't know about you, but i often use headphones to tune out when i go for a run or on an airplane. but the nurses who have implemented this personalized music program tell me that it doesn't isolate their patients it actually makes them more social. i think this is a big step in
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the right direction. it's all about improving end of life care for dementia patients as well as their families. wolf? >> excellent report from dr. sanjay gupta. i totally, totally agree. i learned a lot from that. good information. by the way, for more on the battle against alzheimer's, please be sure to watch "cnn films presents" glen campbell this saturday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. frightening moments on a flight to the u.s. capital. what forced the pilot to divert the plane? and the gop facing trump trouble, fearing fallout from his remarks about latino immigrants. now some republicans are firing back.
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an airliner heading to here in washington, d.c. made an emergency landing in ohio after a passenger started making threats. the united express plane landed in ohio. a woman made threats about a bomb being on the plane. the plane was diverted. authorities were waiting. the jet was parked on a remote part of the runway. no bomb or any other dangerous item fortunately turned up. it's everything a presidential candidate could hope for. crowds donations and poll numbers are all on the rise for the vermont senator, bernie sanders.
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he is campaigning as the anti-hillary clinton. sanders is gaining ground. let's go to brianna keilar. she's got more. what's the latest? >> reporter: he is having quite the moment. it might not be enough to beat hillary clinton the way then-senator obama did in 2008 but it tells you a lot of democratic voters want another option. hillary clinton is raising big money, but bernie sanders is raising the roof. >> in case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of people here. >> reporter: almost 10,000 people flocking to his event in the stronghold of madison, wisconsin. >> tonight, we have more people at a meeting for a candidate for president of the united states than any other candidate has had in 2016. >> reporter: his straight talk making this socialist the
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progressive alternative to hillary clinton. >> i feel more of a personal connection with bernie than i did with any other candidate before. he just fits so well with my philosophy and my morals. >> reporter: the big crowds designed to challenge the fund-raising juggernaut of clinton. >> amen. i really believe that. >> reporter: whose events have been round tables and smaller speeches. enthusiasm for sanders is helping his showing in states that drive the nomination process. in iowa sanders jumped from 5% support in february to 15% in may, all the way to a respectable 33%, shrinking clinton's lead by 26 points. in new hampshire, the senator from vermont has closed the gap to just eight points in the latest poll. his insurgent campaign bringing comparisons to fellow vermonter howard dean's 2004 campaign effort.
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like dean sanders faces long odds. clinton crushes him in national polls and her campaign just announced a record breaking $45 million fund-raising haul for her first quarter in the race. to sanders' $15 million. >> they may have the money, but we have the people. when the people stand together, we can win. >> reporter: we can win, that's seen as debatable. bernie sanders or those who support him can shape this race. pull hillary to the left as we have seen him and the vote doerz. >> he has impressive crowds. i want to bring in gloria and jeb. he is getting 10,000 people showing up at a rally. that's impressive. >> it is impressive. of course it was a rally in madison, wisconsin. very liberal stronghold. he is doing well with liberal
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caucus goers in iowa doubling his popularity since may. this is a candidate that's kind of got no pretension. i think when you look at the comparison and the protectiveness that is around hillary clinton, look at bernie he goes out into the crowd and he is who he is. there's something about that that people like. and also he is playing to the left part of the left wing base of the democratic party. in certain places it will work. >> is he a threat to hillary? >> it's unknown if he's a long-term threat. in the short-term it's a threat in terms of the enthusiasm. at this point she was hoping to sort of be the one who is garnering the crowds. one thing that's interesting, $15 million, that came in organically. that came from people giving an average of $33.51. they can give again and again and again. that's actually more valuable than her $45 million, because it's worth more.
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is he a threat? we're not sure. we will see how he organizes. he is out there in iowa for the next three or four days. i see young volunteers out there with clipboards signing up people's e-mails and phone numbers. if they can harness this he could be a threat. she's probably more electable in the long run. >> what are you hearing from inside the clinton camp? how worried are they? >> i think they are worried in that they would like that enthusiasm. it reinforced the vulnerability of hillary clinton. they are sensitive to the fact that there isn't as much enthusiasm that she doesn't have overflow crowds. even for her launch speech. i think that this could be worse for hillary clinton. he really doesn't take big shots at her. he is running this very kind of civil campaign. he doesn't want to -- look at donald trump. he calls jeb bush loser and weak. you don't see bernie sanders doing that. we will see if that happens.
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>> he is getting -- >> right. i think it reminds hillary clinton and her campaign that she is vulnerable in an area that she would have been vulnerable in whether it was bernie sanders or not. it's reminding them that they need to protect that left flank. i think they better off having bernie sanders. >> if you look at the iowa poll the truth of the matter is is that hillary clinton remains hugely popular with the base. that's why they're not too worried. while bernie sanders' popularity may be going up so is hers. the base of the party likes her. more important, they trust her. they also believe she could be elected president. >> let's talk about donald trump for a moment. he is obviously doing very well in the polls nationally. in iowa in new hampshire as well. some of his comments on mexican immigrants causing a backlash serious problems for republicans. how much of a problem is this for the gop?
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>> at first i think republican candidates were trying not to pay any attention to donald trump. they would ask him about, they would shake their heads and go away. now they have to pay attention to him, because he is doing so well in the polls. and this is really bad news for the republican national committee that wanted to have a serious substantive debate. now they have donald trump in the sand box throwing the sand around at everybody else. they are finding themselves in a situation where they have to respond. we heard chris christie do that today. he didn't take him on frontally, because he didn't want to get in a fight with donald trump. but they do have to pay attention. >> there's a friendship -- historic friendship between donald trump and hillary clinton? >> there is. it's unusual. they are both of the same economic social class in new york city. that's part of it. she was at his wedding in 2005. he contributed to her campaigns
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over the years. there's a bit of a connection. he has been largely a democratic contributor throughout the years which is why republicans are sort of skeptical of him. he is not as critical of hillary during this period as he has been of some republicans. there are some republicans who are skeptical or wondering what he is up to. is he trying to mess around in this primary process? i suspect he will start attacking the clintons fairly quickly. >> you want to talk about favor favorability? donald trump is upside down. >> the former virginia senator, jim webb is running for the democratic presidential nomination. >> that's right. he is barely registering in the polls. keep that in consideration. his avenue as we see, is more for white voters working class. kind of the demo that hillary clip clinton would have been going for in 2007. he is still very far behind. we will see if he really gets
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his act together. >> we will see what happens. lots of politics as we go forward. that's it for me. thanks for watching. tweet me and tweet the show. erin burnett "out front" with kate baldwin filling in tonight starts right now. "out front," richard matt's last moments on the run, stunning new details about how matt went down in a hail of bullets. breaking news. the military cancelling fourth of july events at a u.s. air base. what do officials know about the threat of a terror attack this weekend? shark attacks on the rise. my guest tonight, a 12-year-old who survived a horrific attack. let's go "out front." good evening, everyone. i'm
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