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tv   The Seventies  CNN  July 2, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. and then you destroy yourself. >> vietnam is the most devicive, morally abrasive war americans have fought anywhere. >> it's time for the great majority to stand up to be counted. >> how do you ask the last man to die for a mistake. >> military pressure will continue. >> we have achieve d peace and honor. >> in vietnam, we've faced the end of the tunnel and there is
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no light there. >> there's no understanding of america in the 1970s without understanding how the decade
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began in relationships to the war in vietnam. >> normally, for the previous week, a release on thursday. 340 americans and 527 south vietnamese were killed last week. enemy deaths were reported to be more than 5,0 0. >> there was some grumbling among numbers of young gis questioning whether the objective is worth the bloods d bloodshed. >> out here in this difficult war, i think this may have been one of america's finest hours. because we took a difficult task and we succeeded. you're doing your job and i'm going to show you we're going to try to do ours. >> nixon did not want to be the first president of the united states to lose a war.
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it was a matter of personal pride with him. his basic goal was to end the war as quickly as possible. >> president nixon will dispatch his foreign affairs. >> there's talk the u.s. is offering a new proposal to offer the vietcong. >> we had to turn the war over to south vietnam or it was going to be helpless. we couldn't find fight their war forever. >> the south vietnamese we talk to think like americans, act like americans, fight like americans. >> is that that he wanted nothing more than to take over full responsibility for the war. >> president nixon starts withdrawing troops right away.
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>> he did this very slowly. >> a lot of people getting killed in the process. and there's no end to it. >> october 15th, 1969. surely this is a day unique in our history. never have so many people manifested such opposition to a country's involvement in in a war. >> it was ordinary middle class americans. two million of them taking the day off from school, from work. it was a genuine, democratic the loss or the appearance of it could press on in the expectation that the united states would quit. >> the october moratorium made
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richard nixon go to the mountain top, literally. to answer the anti-war movement. the elites have gotten on the anti-war movement. nixon wanted to rise up and show that there was another side. his side. the outsiders. the people who didn't go to harvard, who revered the flag and supported our soldiers. and he wanted to rally them. >> to you, the great, silent majority of my fellow americans. i ask for your support. north vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the united states. only americans can do that.
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>> i didn't feel they were represented in washington and didn't really have a voice. >> it's time for the great silent majority to stand up and be counted. >> he went to 68% approval. >> it cave him what he needed. >> good evening, my fellow americans. tonight, will attack the head quart rs for the entire military operation in south vietnam. this is not an invasion of cambodia. >> what you've got to do is cut off the supplies that the north vietnamese are funneling to the south.
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and the way you do it is take out the ho chi minh trail they're using through cambodia. >> the country has always had tenuous relationships. and once they destabilize cambodia, you have all held breaking out. >> american universities searching for north vietnamese troops and installations. no one can say for sure. >> the active, large-scale american and south vietnamese participation has brought a crime of anger.
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>> four students are killed at kent state. two students are killed at jackson state in mississippi. nixon is sort of overwhelmed. he's bewildered. >> nixon was very upset by the deaths. by the belief that he caused they want. that was the low point of his presidency.
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a united states military court marshal convicted william cowley, one of the american soldiers who was there of premeditated murder. >> william cowley mandated the village that was supposed to be harboring vietcong troops. >> we led on the out skirts of the village. they came across some people that were in the village, as i have in this one photograph.
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and you can see the expressions in their faces. >> hundreds of people are killed. all of them civilians. >> this unit lost it. they said that well, we just felt like we were killing ver n vermin. they pulled the trigger to trick themselves into not killing a human, but killing an animal. it was a complete failure. >> the white house is acutely aware that the scandal could bring a withering away of public support. >> what happened in the cowley case was not a combat situation.
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>> every single one of them that puts the man in vietnam. i am guilty, too. that's how i feel. >> vietnam, fifth calvary. initiating new man. >> a little soft. ♪ you're going home in a body bag ♪ ♪ oh, the doo da day . >> the day after initiation,
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five men came back in body bags. >> by the '70s, the u.s. army in vietnam had been essentially destroyed. every time we tangled with the vietnamese, we were getting killed. so you got what amounted to a state of mutiny in the u.s. army. >> that's a sense of walking down the road. now we've got a job to do, we're going to do it. >> you may be in jail, but you won't be dead. >> i figure since we're going home in the long run, just take it easy.
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>> all the people coming over now, vietnam people. it's the wood stock coming to vietnam. >> the public campaign against the war in vietnam took on a dimension here. >> students have protested, mothers have protested, everybody has. but the men who fought the war who know what it's like, know what they've been made to do haven't. it's the first time in history that they're going to do that. >> its doesn't mean a thing. [ cheers and applause ] >> good evening.
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the war in vietnam has often been camouflaged by misleading statistics. we are now in the midst of more forgiving statistics. they tell the agonizing story of the u.s. involvement of vietnam from four administrations of expanding committee. >> hoee's the one who leaks thi to the press.
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it would show that we made a terrible mistake. >> the next administration wanted to stop the whole thing. >> my argument inside was if you want to make the case against the pentagon papers, get up and charge the personality gone with gross irresponsibility and sabotaging the war in vietnam. >> the justice department went to court in new york today and got a temporary order restraining the times from pub
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lishing the next and two last installments. >> i think the lesson is the people of this country can't afford to let the country run by itself, even foreign affairs any more than domestic affairs. >> if you had to sum up the prevailing mood here on capitol hill, you can do it with two words. embarrassment and anger. never settle for verizon's overpriced gimmicks. try the un-carrier risk-free for 14 days you'll love it, or we'll pay for you to go back.
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>> the plan calls for withdrawal of all u.s. forces within six months and new south vietnamese collections in ex-change for a cease fire and return of all american prisoners. >> the offer that i shall now present on behalf of the government of the united states and the government of south vietnam is both generous and far reaching. >> north vietnam is, like, no, you're missing something. you've got to overthrow the government. and that was the sticking point. >> we were stuck. it was a stalemate. >> this was the scene on the
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white house lawn. >> i will undertake what i deeply hope will become a journey for peace. >> is the food as good as people say it is? >> i'm no expert on chinese food, but i liked it. >> oh, yeah. >> rather than vietnam for a change. >> sick son liked this idea of linkage. the idea that he could link u.s. soviet policy with soviet policy and produce one tiny bundle. >> nixon thought the vietnamese were pawns of the soviet.
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>> they were using the chinese and the russians to get weaponry to fight us to gain their independent. >> the heaviest fighting in a year broke out in south vietnam today. >> just south of the demilitarized zone. >> the north vietnamese are unnerved by the fact that the americans seem to be making peace. they are feeling alien nated. at least put themselves in a much better position. >> the president decide d to kep them coming home on schedule. according to top officials here,
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against enemy forces and installations in south as well as north vietnam. >> the americans were spawned in great force. so you see an absolutely massive bombardment. >> efforts to end the war with honor and not defeat. >> now, affecting the north vietnamese supply system. >> the north vietnamese fail to have a breakthrough as a result of this offensive effort in massive casualties. it helps to advance negotiations in a way that haven't been possible before. >> henry kissenger has dropped out of sight again. there has been speculation he
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might have gone to paris. >> the north vietnamese began before the 1972 election. if we get this madman re-elected, as he looks like he's going to be and he doesn't have to worry about re-elections ever again, what does he have to do from now on. >> for the first full-time after three or four years, drop their political requirement that we overthrow the government. i remember stepping old and we shook hands and said we've done it. >> we believe that peace is at hand. there will be a return of all american prisoners within 60 days.
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>> the fact is kissenger was telling saigon this is the best you're going to get. >> once the americans left, it would be a short matter of time before his own government fell.
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so i'm always looking kito get more fore. my money. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. they have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. it's perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. i'm going to cabo! [ music plays ] don't settle for u-verse. xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money. massachusetts is the only state going. >> president nixon is swept back into the white hougs. the victory landslide seems to
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be mr. nixon's alone. >> i think nixon was resolute. now i am liberated. now i am never going to have the run again. 234 now i'm going to be whom i wish to be. >> the united states has rezoomed full-scale bombing. >> nixon wanted the communists to think he was crazy in the hopes that that would drive him back to the bargaining table. >> and i don't want to say that it was not a very painful thing to have to do.
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>> when 8500 pound bombs go off of one plane. >> it's such an out rage. here is this small, sthird world country that the united states is bombing back to the stone age. >> military pressure will continue until a peace settle. ment is reached. >> the north vietnamese came back and made some concessions and, within weeks, we had an agreement. so whatever one thinks of the bombing, it produced peace within about a month. >> good evening. the vietnam war ended today. ended officially in this room in paris. >> the south vietnamese get to keep their government. the north vietnamese get to release the 500 p.o.w.s and everybody promises to stop fighting.
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>> as far as this administration is concerned, we've done the very best that we can. and we finally have achieved a peaceful honor. i know it gags some of you to write that phrase, but it is true. and most americans realize it is true. >> it is the americans who are celebrating. they are leaving. the vietnamese are not celebrating. they must stay and face the uncertainty of whatever is going to happen to them next. >> most were pie lots and many have spent more than 6 years in prison. now they were on their way home. >> it wasn't really until we roll down the runway, finally lifted off enemy soil that we all broke loose and started
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hugging and kissing the air force nurses. it was just unbelievable. it was euphoria. >> there was no word as to which of the three would be on. and then came the second plane. someone in the family said he won't be on this one, either. but he was.
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>> we were greeted by thousands of people. it was a great, great, great homecoming. >> we were honored to serve our country under difficult circumstances. >> they were legitimate heroes. it gave the country something to cheer about after having something so little to cheer about. >> mr. nixon said he does not plan to greet returning p.o.w.s
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because "this is a time when we should not grand stand it. we should not exploit it." so many of the soldiers that came home from vietnam in the early '70s could not wear their uniforms in public. they were called baby killers. it was really disturbing. it distressed us all. they've come back to such a negative reception to where we've come back to ticker tape parades. >> it may even have changed since you've returned. so the conversation of your wives, friends, children may seem strange. they left the country where the sound of music was the most popular movie.
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whatever you do, don't call a group of women girls. >> we came home to quite a different world. it was just unbelievable that our culture had changed that point. >> in south vietnam, both the saigon government and the communists voted by attempts to gain military. if cease fire will prove effective before long. >> and, now, you could be sure that we stand with you as we continue to work together to build a lasting peace.
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the guest of honor are about six americans who were held prisoner of war. >> all of us would like to join in a round of applause for the brave men who took those b-52s in and did the job. [ applause ] >> nixon was overjoyed when the p.o.w.s came home. and they were overjoyed to see him. nixon was a hero to the p.o.w. >> if they haven't had done it, you wouldn't be here tonight. >> but, while he was cheering
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the p.o.w.s, nixon was thinking wat watergate was going to take me down. that night, when it was over, he went back to his study and got his daughters down and said i might have to resign. >> good evening. the congress, today, made effective limitation on the powers of the president to make war. the house and then the senate overturned president nixon's veto of the war powers bill. and, despite his opposition, that matter now becomes law. >> is this overwriting the new developments in water gate? >> this is a prerogative of the congress of the united states. several presidents have tried to take under themselves, but the people of this country are demanding that never again do we stumble into a water gate -- excuse me.
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>> at 9:04 this evening, richard m. nixon became the first president ever to resign his office. >> as we bind up the internal wounds of watergate, more painful and poisonous of foreign wars, let brothererly love purge our hearts of suspicion and hate. >> there was this collective sigh of relief in the country. okay. we have a new president, it's a new day. let's see how things go. >> the president has already announced that he will stay in the cabinet.
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according to pentagon sources, some 25 miles east which fell over the weekend. >> the cease fire that wasn't a cease fire involved a lot of bloody combat. and, for the first 11 months, the south vietnamese fought quite well. but, by 1975, it became more and more clear that the north vietnamese were building up a formidable, logistical system that pretended more dangerer of the south vietnamese. >> the entire central highlands might be lost. and south vietnam could be cut in two by the north vietnamese and the vietcong. >> the plan would be a two-year plan. what happened was that when attacking the central highlands town, the government lost its composure. >> government troops were secretly ordered to pull out of the central highland provinces.
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the withdraw quickly became a route. >> the north vietnamese never dreamed it would be a result as to abandon the highlandlands kwh had been fought over for 12 years. so they reconvened and determined that the iron is hot. and this is the time to strike. >> the world witnessed the tragedy of the overrunning of the dmz followed by wa and denang. those of us sitting in saigon are watching our map legitimately bleed red. >> a somber henry kissenger
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outlined in a news conference what he saw are the choices now facing the united states. >> what we face now is whether the united states, not just withdrawing its forces k4 we achieved, not just will stop the laws of american life, but whether it will deliberately destroy an ally by withholding aid from it in its moment of extremely. ty. only 167% favor that and almost thee quarters of that are opposed to military aid. >> it's a tragedy and unbelievable in itsd ramifications. i must say i'm frustrated by the act of congress. >> when you consider how much
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we've spent in blood and treasure in southeast asia, and how little we've bought with the money, i should think that now the time has finally come to say no more. and no artificial smiles. because clean dressings, taste better. panera. food as it should be.
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so i'm always looking kito get more fore. my money. that's why i switched from u-verse to xfinity. they have the most free on demand tv shows and movies on all my devices. it's perfect for me because my kids are costing me a fortune. i'm going to cabo! [ music plays ] don't settle for u-verse. xfinity is perfect for people who want more entertainment for their money.
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a commando unit has slipped into saigon and above them, south vietnamese gun ships circle. so does mind them 500 yards away. this is the closest the fighting has ever come to saigon since the communist offensive in 1968. >> now there are reports that the communists have the cities on raid. >> many felt a serious obligation to vietnamese who they had worked with and knew. >> my family, i had maybe one
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hour. my family said we have to go. go. go now. >> they were pan eking not because the nba were so hard on their heels, but the threat that the nba was coming. >> a bo gus em baa sis license plate on it. >> you're missing it. they rarely happen. we think we live vietnam. we don't know we come back or not. >> the airport receives sporadic
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rocket fire closing in on the city. >> molts later came the report that all americans are to be evacuated immediately. >> by the 29th at noon, they could only be gotten out by held kopter. >> there's total chaos. >> the families had to fight and claw our way up. >> i couldn't get anyone out. >> 50 at a time they took off waiting in the south china sea. >> we were living in a period of what the greeks call human being rus.
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this was his eighth military power. how were they going to humiliate us. >> not only a retreat, but a disorderly retreat. and within ours, to say this is not who we thought we were. >> to see what was in store for the south vietnamese people. to see the people struggling to get out and the troubling choices that had to be made was clearly one of the lows in my life. >> the communist forces rolled into saigon about 3 1/2 hours at the end o dramatic american evacuation. >> there's no way to capture in one evening's broadcast 30 years
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of a subcontinented war. in vietnam, we've finally reached the end of the tunnel and there is no light there. what is there, perhaps, was best said by president ford. a war that is finished. >> the vietnam war produced a million unwritten stories of human misery and human misery. in all, over 11 million refugee. the united states spent more than $350 billion from vietnam. and it may end up being much higher than that. >> the other loss, we also know. and when we do, it's as if it
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were some kind of index or score. many of whom will never recover. so, when some future politician for some reason feels the need to drag this country into a war, he mite come out here to arlington to make his announcement. if he can attract public support speaking from a place like this, then his reasons for starting a new war would have to be good ones. >> the time has come to say no more. >> well, i'm not a crook.
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♪ > tonight, television takes a look at itself. >> who is is on the idiot box. it is only an idiot box if someone is watching. >> our obligation is to entertainment. we have left something to think about, so much the better. >> charges were leveled at the commercial television networks. >> congress has no right to interfere in the media. >> excuse me! >> we have the responsibility to give the audience what it tuned in to see. ♪


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