tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 5, 2015 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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greeks are seven hours to vote in a special referendum. the outcome could help determine if the greeks seek a bailout. the prime minister voted a while ago. he urge people to vote no. the opinion polls showed voters split with a yes vote leading marginally. >> i believe yes should prevail. there is no other salvation. the situation right now is dramatic. >> translator: no matter what the outcome is the measures will be harsh. we should try something different anyway. we've already descried one -- tried one option so let's try the other option now and let's see what happens. >> well, greece has been in limbo after it failed to make a big payment to the international monetary fund last week. banks have been closed and people have been limited on how much cash they can withdraw from atms.
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authorities boiled this vote down to a yes or no. a single word to decide. but the wording on that critical ballot is something quite different, very hard to decipher. lisa suarez has a copy of the question and the responses from greeks. >> the greek people are preparing to have their say and what is a referendum that will really shape the future of their country, but do they understand the question that is being put to them? i have it here in english and i'm going to read it out to you. it reads the greek people are asked to decide with their vote whether to accept the outline of the agreement submitted by the european union, the european central bank, and the international monetary fund at the euro group of 25-06-15 and is made up of two parts which couldn't city tut their unified proposals. the first document is attached entitled reforms for the completion of the current program and beyond.
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the second document reads the preliminary debt sustainable analysis. which has the question. whichever citizens reject the proposal by the three institutions vote not approved no. whichever citizens agree with the proposal by the three institutions vote yes. but do agentenians understand what is being asked of them. agentensian nem there is a clear clack of clarity. >> translator: sadly this isn't clear. they have not clarified what you are voting for or against. the question is confusing so that syriza can please its own party members. they are playing a game. >> as i walked around and asked people's interpretation of the question. can i ask you a question. no? can i ask you a question? we're cnn. >> thank you very much. >> i was stopped by this visibly
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angry woman. >> i don't care if they -- us. european blood mate us. >> emotions are clearly running high and that can make it hard to think clearly. have you read it? >> yes. >> how do you interpret this question? what is being asked of you? >> i think what they are telling us is if you vote no, we're going out of the european union, if you vote yes, we're in. >> speaking to people here, it seems each person has their interpretation of the referendum question. these two ladies tell me the question is about debt sustainability. >> translator: the sustainability of the debt is crucial for the sustainability of the country. if we don't have this, there won't be a yes vote. >> others tell me it's much simpler than it reads.
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>> translator: after five years of despair in greece, the public has to escape from this harsh program and vote no, so things in greece can change. >> for more of those i spoke to, only one clearly understood the question. >> if we agree with the program proposed by the europeans, the greek government or not. it's not about the euro. it's not about europe. because greece is inside europe and this is something that cannot be changed by any referendum or by anybody's opinion. this is a fact and this is the history, so what we are about to vote is clearly if we agree with this proposal or not. >> whichever way the outcome is, one thing is certain. this will have repercussions right here in greece and far beyond its borders. lisa suarez cnn, athens greek. we're join now by linda in
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athens. what's it looking like there? >> people are turning out to big numbers. this school has been turned into a polling station. we expect the turnout is going to be very high. the question of this referendum comes at such a critical time and although a lot of people appear to still be confused about the exact phrasing most of them seem to be voting for a no to aw -- austerity or a yes to europe. the prime minister said this vote symbolizes a vote for democracy. let's take a listen. >> translator: today, democracy wins over fear. our decisiveness cinched the win. the propaganda of fear. i'm certain from tomorrow we will have opened a path for all the people of europe.
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a route of returning to the founding principles of democracy and solidarity in europe. >> very much like what the prime minister said tease are the questions that i allot of people here are asking as well. what's going to happen tomorrow? what will the next day bring? because this referendum comes at a time that finds greece very poll larized between the two sides, the yes and the no vote. the last exit polls that we have seen bring the two sides neck and neck. what is at stake here is greece's position in the eurozone no matter what the phrasing the question. the questions are if the yes vote wins what will the prime minister do next. he's strongly supported the no count. the finance minister says he will step at any down. what it is clear some sort of talks in brussels need to continue because the banks in
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greece have been closed. the economy is standing still and the solution is needed really soon max. >> what about this question about lisa was raising about the question and whether or not people understand the question do they really need to understand it or do they just need to have seen the campaigning and decide whether they are going yes or no? >> well, although the question itself is very complicated because it refers to a specific proposal that is not even on the table anymore, most people have decided that they are using that in a more theoretical level, they are using it to answer a broader question so those voting for no are voting to no to austerity and no to a specific bailouts and bailouts that might bring more austerity to greece while those on the yes side are voting for europe saying that you know until we have an agreement, then greece's position in the eurozone and in
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europe could be jeopardized. they seem to have found their own interpretation of where this stands. at the same time we know that most greeks really support greece's stay in the eurozone all polls have indicated that 75% of greeks want them to stay in the eurozone. the way the question is phrased is not making this easier. >> there's been a lot of commentary in other parts of europe. actually the european union are bullying greece. i know you've reported on how greeks do want to stay within europe within the eurozone but is there some bitterness about the way they have been treated as well? >> there's a lot of bitterness and the rhetoric has been quite brutal from the greek government as well. just yesterday the finance minister talked about greece being terrorized effectively,
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by europe after its banks were shut down, simply to push greece to vote for a yes. this is a position a lot of people share. they feel that europe is not giving greece enough breathing space. it's not giving greece any debt relief which is what they were hoping to see in order to be able to find a way out of this crisis so they sort of feel that their european peers are not really understanding what the situation is in greece that they don't understand that this economy has shrank by 25% and has left over one in two young people unemployed as a result and if you talk to most people in the streets, they will say that it's not a question of us not wanting to pay. it's a question of us not being able to pay and wanting some breathing room first. >> we're looking at images there of alexis tsipras. now he's this sort of global figure a young leader obviously very care mastic tell
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us about him and how he's coping in the limelight. he was beaming ear to ear when he was making his vote. >> he's taken a very specific line and-size -- it's a strong stance. unless we see a plan that's sustainable, a bailout plan greece can be pushed to growth, we're not willing to sign another kind of bailout. what we want is debt relief at this point and he's been pushing for that angle and at the same time when he's addressing the crowds he's a very good speaker. there's a rally on friday supporting the no campaign which very strongly. he's spoken to people. he spoke about dignity, emotions about the kind of images and the kind of feelings that really appeal to greek people that everyone can really understand and identify with at this time of hardship and he's a
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very popular leader in greece. he's a young prime minister so a lot of young people also identify with him and a lot of his campaigning has actually focused also on the pensioners and the country's old. it seems he's got support across the spectrum but that is up to a point because once the money starts drying out and you have the closed banks and no obvious solution you'll hear from a lot of greeks that really a bad solution is better than no solution at this point, max. >> linda, back to you later on as the poll continues. with banks closed as linda was saying and strict limits on how much money they can withdraw. these are stressful times for greeks. here's what people have to say to us. >> translator: i came here today to get my pension. i used to work at the finance ministry and i couldn't withdraw more than 40 euros. i inserted the cash card again to get another 40. it's sad but we deserve it because we are also to blame. >> translator: things are a bit
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difficult these days for all those who need more than 60 euros. for shop owners to market. i think it's mostly harder for the market. it's been only two days. we cannot tell how hard it will get. it will last a week. but it could last longer from what we hear from the media. it's been two days so far. personally i can cope. >> translator: i'm a pensioner and i have a cash card because i need it. however, when they tell you you can only withdraw 60 euros and now we hear it will be 120 euros per week i don't even want to think about it. we will not be able to pay our bills and obligations in time because we greeks have been through a lot. i hope everyone will say yes. >> translator: we cannot go on with our daily business. these 60 euros are not enough to feed the family. the situation is very wad -- bad. i see a glimmer of hope from what i heard this morning. >> and we want to give you a
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real raw moment. we're going to do that in a moment. it's a still photograph you really need to see. right now we're going to take you to a polling station where the greek finance minister, very much the face of us -- of this along with the prime minister he's going to go in and vote no. i think we can pretty safely assume. very charismatic character as well much like the prime minister. personally for him, he said he would step down in greeks vote yes. he also accused the lenders, the euro group of effectively spreading terror spreading fear because of their campaigning. but we haven't got the shots inside. we've just got the shots outside. so we're going to come back to that as we see the vote unfold. i want to show you some of that raw emotion was talking about in this photograph represented by one greek citizen directly affected by the crisis. clearly desperate elderly greek
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was lining up outside a bank and some banks in the country have been opening the doors to pensioners who don't have have bank cards. you can see him collapsed on the ground weeping only. he was assisted by a police officer and a member of the staff of the bank. he visited four banks i'm told to withdraw a pension on behalf of his wife. all he was allowed was $ -- 120 euros, $133. the man's future along with the country remain uncertain at this hour. we can take you back to the finance minister voting, yanis varoufakis the picture is frozen. he goes into a space where he will fill out a ballot form and he will put it into a box. he's also quite a media figure and he's there posing in front of the cameras as well. but it is a key moment in greek
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history. you can see why the photographers want to capture that moment. pope francis boards his flight for a week long trip to south america. we'll tell you about the growing challenges the catholic is facing there. the details in the agreement just reached on the iranian nuclear talks when we come back. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. are you moving forward fast enough? everywhere you look, it strategy is now business strategy. and a partnership with hp can help you accelerate down a path created by people, technology and ideas. to move your company from what it is now... to what it needs to become. happening now in athens you can see there the greek finance
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minister, yanis v-a-r-o-u-f-a-k-i-s has been cast his vote. he says he will resign if the greeks vote yes. it's split very equally at the moment. the yes campaign is marginally ahead. everyone want a word with him. there's very little he can do of course. he says the referendum plays out, it's the public that will decide. it is a democratic process. some suggest the question really works against the democratic process. having said that very simple answer yes or no. and there's been a huge amount of campaigning on both sides and i think many people seem to have committed one way or another before they went in the polling stations. let's listen in.
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>> translator: please there are no questions, only statement please. i just want to make a statement. for five years now, the extreme failures the huge failures of euro group led to ultimateumultimatums. after all these failures after five years, greek people have opportunity to decide on the final ultimatum of the euro group. it's a time of hope for europe a europe -- the common monetary unit and the hope that everybody can live together. >> he said it was just going to be a statement and a short statement and it certainly was.
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no questions there. he's talking again about the failure of the euro group. he's ug issing -- suggesting he's done all he can. it's now down to greek voters to decide whether or not they want to accept that deal that was on the table from the euro group about future funding. other people pointing out it's no longer on the table anymore. the whole process is an academic exercise the sense from greece everyone we're speaking to this is a vote whether or not to stay within europe. we'll bring you more europe as it unfolds there in athens. meanwhile, pope francis left rome for a week long visit to his native south america.
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s first stop is ecuador, and wednesday he heads to bolivia and then july 12th he heads to paraguy. we look at how pope francis could change that. >> all of the country is excited for the arrival of pope francis. they wanted to spoil the arrival of the pope. >> they are anticipating the arrival of the pope later today. about a quarter of the country's population live on less than $2 a day. for them the pope's visit is not just about spiritual healing but also brings hope for a better future. >> reporter: in the neighborhood of ecuador's capitol, some people wonder why, why life is
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so tough. she works several jobs and says she stretches every penny of her $300 a month paycheck. for the single mother of five keeping her family fed comes with much sacrifice. >> translator: she says that sometimes she eats once a day in order to make ends meet because she can't afford to do anything else. >> reporter: the lot to her humble home a thin rope tied to a not. her refrigerator a makeshift kitchen cabinet. you are probably wondering where is sher refrigerator. she doesn't have one. her dining table is a school desk. she's not alone. there's a lot of need here. one in every four live on less than $2 a day. which forces tens of thousands of children to work to make a buck. the one abundance here is faith.
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faith for a pope who caters to the poor. his visit to ecuador a symbol of hope. >> translator: it fills adults with emotion just like it does teenagers. >> reporter: like her 13-year-old son stephen who carries christ close to his heart. >> what would you ask the pope for? >> he says he will ask the pope for a blessing and bless his family. >> for now, his mother raises cockfighting roosters to raise a little cash. when mary wins she makes $50 to $100 extra which allows her to splurge on a liter of milk and fresh fruit. those are luxuries she says luxuries that very few can afford on a daily basis, making life tougher even for those who
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believe. meanwhile here in the u.s. certainly in the western states no relief from those sizzling temperatures. >> it does. it looks like least for the next few days we're expecting those temperatures to hover near record-setting temperatures. a good portion of eastern oregon and portions of washington state feeling the effects of that heat as well. there's an up tick of monsoonal moisture that's making its way across the four corners region of the united states arizona, new mexico could see some thunderstorms erupt right along the border region and we've seen very strong storms erupt across the deep south. a number of high wind watches as well as warning were issued across some of the southern states but look at some of the high temperatures forecast over the next few days. very little in the way of heat relief. even into medford, oregon coming up for sun afternoon, it could be 101 degrees.
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that's in medford, oregon. while in dallas texas, an area that typically sisles this type of year has not seen 100 degrees any time so far this summer. now, it still is a little bit early for them but typically those temperatures hover near 100 degrees. while we look across the desert southwest, palm springs, kind of a typical high reading in the low 100-degree range. while we look at las vegas, also temperatures right around 100 to 105 degrees expected there. monsoonal moisture may bring some brief heat rele to the desert southwest, for the most part it is short but very meaningful as far as farmers and growers are concerned. they rely on the summertime monsoon to kick in for the agricultural relieve as well. across california they have rationed very deliberately and
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religiously the water situation, but that heat continues throughout the workweek as we head into the pacific northwest. max, back to you. >> thank you so much karen. we are keeping a close watch on that referendum under way in greece for you right now. the latest on the crucial vote as millions of greeks head to the polling stations and we'll also hear from greeks sounding off on what's motivating them to head to the polls. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic acid which retains up to 1000 times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. new hydro boost. from neutrogena.
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you this hour. starting in greece. later today we expect to know whether the greeks have accepted or reject a bailout deal to prevent the country's collapse. the economy at least. voters less than seven hours to decide on the landmark referendum. european leaders say a no vote would force greece out of the ooirns eurozone. tunisia declares a state of emergency in the wake of a terror attack over a week ago. the attack killed mostly tourists. coalition forces carried out 16 air strikes on isis targets on saturday in raqqa, syria. military officials say they destroyed some of the groups vital structures and transit routes. a day after the first - noticeable sign of progress in the iran nuclear talks, the u.s. secretary of state and iran's
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foreign minister are back at the table for talks. a source tells us that negotiators reached a tentative agreement on saturday concerning sanctions relief. that has been a major sticking point for iran. all sides there say there is much more to do. we're going to get back now to our top story though where greeks are filing into polling stations to decide whether to accept another economic bailout. experts say the contest is simply too close to call but the greek government is encouraging citizens to vote no which could take the country out of the eurozone. greece's prime minister alexis tsipras has encouraged citizens to vote no. earlier i spoke with a current affairs journalist with sky tv and is in athens. here is what he had to say about today's vote. >> it's been a very short campaign period. just a week.
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and it is a very strange campaign too because one side says this is about -- the no side the government side says this is about austerity, this is about agreeing to a proposal that no longer is on the table. gotiate another deal as soon as possible, but the other side, the yes campaign say it's not about that. it's about something more fundamental, whether greece is to stay within the european union or not. so different questions for different voters, and the polls, in fact, corroborate the idea this is too close to call. >> when they get into the polling booth they are still making their mind up and often people opt for the safer option, the safer option perhaps being keep the money coming from europe.
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>> reporter: that would be the safer option, yes, max, but you have to take into account that this is an electorate that has been under extreme pressure in the last five or six years. austerity has damaged their psychology a lot and not many people see the situation the way you just described it. also the government says that a no vote will guarantee it a stronger negotiating position and as i said they would go back to europe they say and armed with a strong mandate, a fresh mandate, they would negotiate a better deal for greece. now, to many, this sounds completely unrealistic, but the greek government says that is their game plan and many people, many of the voters will believe them, and this is all the
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indications that we have, that more or less half the voters will probably believe them. >> angela merkle has made it pretty clear that this is a vote in staying not within the european union as some of the campaigning has been around as you suggested there, but this is a vote on whether or not to state in the euro. has that message not got through to greeks? that's a pretty clear message from the decider, really. >> reporter: it is a clear message about very complicated things because there are interpretations, according to which there is no way for a country which is already part of the eurozone to leave the eurozone but remain in the european union. legal experts suggest that only way to leave the eurozone is to leave the european union. it is very complicated. >> the fate of greece's economy
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is essentially in greeks hands and cnn has asked greeks whether they plan to vote yes or no today. >> i am in europe. i want to stay in europe. >> i believe there's no solution within the eurozone and within this european union. i'm sure about this. >> hopefully next sunday we are going to vote yes because we want to remain in the european union. >> i came here to say no because i'm here and i cannot leave. >> they are trying to play the future of greece in cards. we do not want to have our future played in cards. >> no no no! >> i want to believe that they will vote even in the last minute they will think of that and they will vote for yes because the majority believes in the euro and it believes in the eurozone. >> because we have a government and we want this greek government to make the decision. not the people of euro group.
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>> the only future for my country, for me for my family my children, my glarned -- grandchildren, is to cooperate with the other europeans and go ahead. well, there aren't many travelers heading to greece for a vacation. this is usually the busiest season for tourists but the debt crisis appears to be changing that. we travel to one of islands to see the impact firsthand. >> reporter: the islands of greece, picture postcard perfect and remote. this is one of closest to athens and it still takes more than an hour to get there by the best boat and when you arrive this is the greece of the tourist brochures and yet here as the mayor reminds me, island and mainland are suffering alike. >> we cannot avoid the bankruptcy and probably going out of the euro anyway. >> reporter: so locals have gone
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back to economic basics. they are bartering. >> some people have animals like -- they have milk, they have eggs. those products are brought here and we don't need cash to trade them or to buy them. >> reporter: deserted beaches, there's no need to make a reservation for lunch. the greek tourists haven't the money to come here, and foreigners are staying away. at the hotel, the owner should be happily planning how to fit everyone in. instead, he's worrying about how to fill the rooms. >> the crisis is five years, okay, but now, but now with mr. tsipras, yes or no, the people in europe and here, they are afraid. >> reporter: the lines at the
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atm grow longer at lunchtime. the island is beautiful, and perhaps it's easier to take economic hardship in such surroundings. the old man who sits by the sea draws for posterity. he's seen crisis before. >> he says how business. i says what is business? i don't worry about this as long as i have this in front of me, the beauty around me. >> reporter: he's right. i find one of his drawings that somehow captures the essence of this piece of greece. a souvenir of my day on the island, a drawing of the sleeping lady and there she is, in all her natural beauty. there's no sense of panic, no sense of chaos. they seem resigned to the
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referendum results, whatever it may be. because ultimately, they know, greece will survive and here on this island, the sleeping lady will be waiting. richard quest, cnn, on the island. we're back in greece view later on. meanwhile, a syrian teenager is making quite the mark in the jordanian refugee camp where she lives. some people are comparing her to another teen, malala yousafzai. and world cup finals coming up. one month deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®.
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viciously attacked with acid for getting an education. the teenagers were on their way to school when two men on a motor bike threw acid in their faces. one of the assailants said this is the punish many for going to school. two of the girls are in critical condition. police are still trying to find their attackers. meanwhile, the syrian teenager is trying her best to keep girls going to school. her family escaped to jordan. the campaign has earned her the nickname the syrian malala. >> translator: i left syria two and a half years ago due top various reasons and problems. in education, making a living and the freedom of movement as well as other related difficulties which led to being unable to stay in our own time or move to another place in
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syria. therefore, we decided to leave and move to jordan. being a refugee does not mean an end to a life. on the contrary you have to be stronger to be able to help your country and the help the people you love. even if you were a refugee, you have to be strong to face these problems. i noticed a lot of people do not like education and because i really like education, i decided that i should start to advise people even if they don't take my advice. i might fail the first time but maybe i will succeed in the second and maybe the third time i will convince more people and the fourth time i will get even more so i will be more effective. i also started to notice an absence of girls daily from the school and other girls would drop out. then i realize while living in the camp that most people want their daughters to drop out of school and get married and want their sons to find jobs. if we get opportunities to get
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education in the refugee camp we should seize the opportunity. we shouldn't waste it to chase other things that we can achieve later in life. education will solve a lot of problems in our lives. we can't do much in our lives if we are uneducated. we can't help others. we can't our country. we will not be able to solve many problems in the present or the future if we are not educated. with education, we can protect ourselves at any time in any place and we can achieve our goals. we should not lose hope no matter how difficult life is. we have to be optimistic. the future is unknown to us and we should look to the future with hope and ambition. if we manage to raise a generation of educators and knowledgeable people people who protect their unity, their ambition and their dreams
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whether here in the camp or inside syria, then syria will have a bright future. >> amazing story. now, a solar power plane flies into the history books. coming up we'll hear from the pilots of solar impulse ii. push your enterprise and you can move the world. but to get from the old way to the new you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. developing some of the highest quality nutrition isn't easy so at gnc, why do we do it? why do we work to deliver clinically studied products to fill the world's nutrition gaps? why do we insist on the most stringent quality checks period? well, here's why...
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now, england grabbed third place at the women's world cup after she beat germany 1-0. it was the perfect ending for the tournament surprise team. it's the best world cup performance from any english team since 1966 when the men's team won the tournament at home. meanwhile, u.s. is preparing to play japan. >> the united states will want to put right the wrongs of the 2011 final when they lost to japan and four years on come sunday they will be able to do just that. the fans will be calling it revenge. however the players here have to face a composed japanese side are trying to avoid that tag.
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>> now we have an opportunity and it's not about revenge or avenging that loss because this team is different. i feel an air of confidence and we don't overlook japan for one second because they are very very organized and a good team. >> this has been our goal since 2011 and i think it's what is is on everyone's minds all the time so there aren't really words to describe what it would feel like to be able to win a world cup for the u.s. >> we haven't won anything yet and we know what that feels like from four years ago, and it's not a good feeling. >> translator: in 2011 we capitalized on the opportunities and in 2012 we played the u.s. again, and at that time they had a strong desire to win and we
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felt that. we have a very high motivation because we are playing not the other teams but we are playing the u.s. >> america's opponents have had a perfect competition. the japanese are unbeaten and they have won all six of their matches over the last month or so. 1.25 million tickets have been sold during this tournament and again this stadium behind me will be sold out for the final as japan defends their world title and the usa go for their third world cup crown. kate riley, cnn. staying with football and champions, in south america, a 0-0 draw. chile hosted this year's copa america and the win sparked wild celebrations. it means more heart break for argentina. a solar powered airplane is gearing up for the next leg of
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its global journey. the solar impulse 2 landed in hawaii on friday completing the most difficult part of its mission to fly around the world without a drop of fuel. pilot andre borshberg broke the record for the longest flight. earlier, we spoke about the and he had shouldn't -- expedition. >> i knew already he was a great pilot but he stayed five days five nights at the controls flying from japan to hawaii and everybody is right to congratulate him. i can tell you. >> andre, how are you feeling? >> i'm feeling great. i would say i'm happy. very happy. i'm sure you believe me but there are a lot of reasons for that. this ride was important because we also wanted to demonstrate the sustainability of this
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airplane of this technology. this airplane can fly. it can fly one night, it can fly month. because it uses very special technologies and very efficient technologies. the other side of course it was an extraordinary discovery for me on a personal level, an inner journey. it was a retreat. it was five days five nights by myself in this cockpit and this was a fantastic experience. >> well, he will pilot the next segment of the flight to phoenix, arizona. he shared what it's like to take turns flying this amazing aircraft with his fellow pilot. >> we share a lot of our experiences. we are different. we are very complementary and first i took the benefit of his experiences as an explorer through his flights around the world with a balloon in 1999 so
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this was a very important event for me. i would be sharing my experience how to sleep and especially also how to trust this airplane when you sleep. as a single pilot, normally you are overcoming this feeling and second you have to make sure that you trust the airplane when you start to sleep because the only way to go. >> well, certainly impulse 2 broke the record and the distance for the solar-powered journey. "news day" is just ahead. for everyone else our coverage of the greek referendum continues next.
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get a domain website and email starting at $1/month all at godaddy. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini. they make little hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet those delicious oats in cheerios can help lower cholesterol. cheerios... how can something so little... help you do something so big.
3:00 am
a very difficult decision for greece. voters deciding right now do they want another bail-out or do they want more control on how to get their country out of default? a war of words between two republican rivals. jeb bush claims donald trump just wants attention. and fighting over the flag. opponents of the confederate flag are out in force. but is there a way that supporters can keep this symbol
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