tv New Day CNN July 10, 2015 5:00am-6:01am PDT
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the nation. >> reporter: people are already starting to gather here to see firsthand the state -- the confederate battle flag be removed from the state capital grounds. the governor signed this bill into law yesterday, surrounded by many of the lawmaker who is made this a possibility. also the family of the nine victims killed some 23 days ago in that massacre in charleston. each of those families will be receiving a pen that the governor used to sign the bill into law to sign the law that will be removing that confederate flag that is flying right now. now, listen to what the governor had to say about this historic moment. >> this is a story about action. this is a story about the history of south carolina and how the action of nine individuals laid out this long chain of events that forever showed the state of south
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carolina what love and forgiveness looks like. >> reporter: again, that is the flag that will be taken down in just a few hours. people again gathering here at the state capital grounds for this historic moment. the governor we're told will not be making any remarks during the flag removing ceremony. and the ceremony itself is not expected to take a very long time. once this flag is removed by the director of south carolina's department of public safety it will be taken to the confederate relic room just a few blocks away. >> meanwhile the flag triggering strong emotions on capitol hill. a
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atheen a >> this was an embarrassment for republicans on capitol hill because it came on the same day the south carolina governor signed the bill to remove the confederate flag. it involved voting on an amendment that would keep those flags the confederate flag on display at cemeteries run by the national park service. this move really angered democrats. people spoke passionately and purposefully on yesterday. listen to what joaquin jeffreys had to say about this. >> at first it appeared that house republicans were prepared to do the right thing and help to banish this similarymbol of racial hatred and oppression. then apparently the ghosts of the confederacy invaded the conference. >> he made similar remarks on the house floor standing next to
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a giant plaque cardcard of the confederate flag. very very personal raw emotion on the house floor. meanwhile house speaker john boehner has said he wants the adults in congress to come together and have a discussion about what should be done with these confederate symbols. the confederate flag is a symbol of racism and brutality and needs to be removed. >> thank you very much. a call for terror attacks on the u.s. by the new leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. this after the u.s. announces it foiled several plots on july 4th to kill americans. dozens of al qaeda operatives within the u.s. have gone dark. why and what do we do about it?
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jim sciutto with the latest. what does it mean? >> reporter: you get a sense as to why we had those alerts before the july 4th weekend. the fbi saying they foil add number of plots in the last four weeks, some 06 them timed to the july 4th holiday. they made more than ten isis related arrests during that time period. included in that group, a group in new york and new jersey that were planning to build bombs to lay at parades around the holiday weekend. as you say, here's the other problem. as they're trying to stop these plots, the suspected tryst eded terrorists are communicated with isis overseas by widely available applications that are incrypted that even the nsa cannot monitor. >> this is not your grandfather's al qaeda. this is a group of people using social media to reach thousands and thousand zs of followers, find the ones who might be interested
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in committing acts of violence and moving them to an end to end encrypted messaging app. our job is to look at a haystack the size of this country for needles that are increasingly invisible to us because of end to end encryption. >> now, that's isis. the other group, al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. they've got a new leader. there was a drone strike last month that killed the leader in yemen. they very quickly had a replacement. and that replacement pointing his finger, putting his sites on america encouraging followers to at at attack america. it is aqap that i'm told consistently that has the greatest capability. that's the group that has success putting bombs on airplanes. it's a real concern.
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donald trump stoking anger and push back with his comments about undocumented immigrants from mexico. trump thinks he's picking up support in the latino community. and he used a former republican candidate to make his point. take a listen to what donald trump told her anderson cooper. >> you do make a lot of the people you're running against in the gop very nervous. they feel you've got to get hispanics on the side of the gop. >> he didn't appeal to them. he didn't appeal to a lot of people. he didn't appeal to conservative republicans. if republicans would have left their living room and gone out and voted he would have won the election. people for some reason didn't dig mitt romney. he choked the last month of the campaign. i give obama a lot of credit. obama was on jay leno. he was on your show. he was on david letterman. i said to mitt romney and his people why aren't you on
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television the last two or three weeks. they were sitting around taking it easy. he choked. something happened to him. now, as far as -- >> you can get the latino vote? >> i tell you what. if the republicans voted mitt romney would have -- he didn't energize anybody. i do ener ingize people. i will get more latinos that anybody else. i have thousands of latinos that work for me right now. at the appropriate time later on probably after the primary situation is chosen assuming i will which i hope i do -- i mean i'm in it to win it. we'll see what happens. i'm going to have thousands of people that work for me standing up saying we love trump. i'm going to take jobs from china. i'm going to take jobs from mexico. i'm going to take jobs back and
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bring them back into the country. and the latinos are going to be able to work and make good money. they're going to vote for me. i will take them away from hillary clinton. >> you talked very openly in your speeches about your deal with macy's your line of neckties that were manufactured in china. >> openly. i hate the fact that they're -- >> why not make a stand and say i'm not going to make this deal. i'm going to make it in america. >> macy's was weak they were very weak. because they want to be political correct. thousands of people are cutting up their macy's credit card right now and i love that because i hate to see weak people when they're wrong. i think they're paying a very big price. i talk openly in speeches about ties. the ties that are made for me because china has so devalued their currency that it's impossible for american companies even with something so simple as a tie it's impossible
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for american companies to compete with china. >> american apparel, brooks brothers they make clothes in america. >> they make a lot of clothing outside of america too. a lot of clothing is made in mexico. >> if you're a stand up guy, which you clearly are, why not say i don't care how much this deal skostcosts, i'm going to make american ties? >> if you have to put the price at three times higher somebody is going to say i'm not going to buy trump's tie. it's very simple. >> let's look at it this way, michael, do you believe that donald trump is a reckoning, that he is price the gop and the rest of us to some extent must pay for their failure to energize their own base? >> i think the failure is in not expanding the -- they are left
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now with a diminished core. the numbers in the long run show and it's so clear that this is a losing strategy. jeb bush in 2014 said in order to win in 2016 you need to be prepared to lose primaries to win the general. this is that instance. if they don't confront in now then they lose the independents come the general election. this is him saying mexico is sending us their rapists. it's so compelling. the demographics are not on the side of the republican party. it's become agoed white, male and angry. they need to do better among nonwhites. you think this is going to cause them to do better among nonwhites? it's a losing strategy. >> latinos love me is what trump was saying. last year i was on a panel. he was talking about last year how the rnc was really devoted
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to trying to cultivate this diversity and open the doors to others if you will within the republican party. this has just got to make them feel live like they're being set back so far. >> well yes and no. first of all, i think if this was any other person you would just have to say about donald trump, this man is delusional. he's delusional. this is a guy who literally has just gotten even more famous than he was before saying that the mexico government our neighbor is deliberately sending here rapists and criminals and that the best people are not being sent here. first of all, they're not being sent. people are coming for opportunities like they have for 200 years, more than 200 years. frankly, some of the best people from mexico are coming here and every day they're working and starting businesses. every day they're doing menial labor. every day they're in the tech
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sector. you're delusional in terms of how you think the world works and you're doubly delusional if you think this is endearing you to latinos. he said the lat teeninos that work for him. none of this is good for the republicans. but on the other hand there is something wrong with a party where someone like this feels comfortable, where someone like this is growing in the polls at least among republicans. this is very very bad for that party. >> how about what's bad for your party, which is that you guys are taking jeb bush out of context with his comment about americans need to work more hours. he was talking about part-time workers needing full-time jobs. >> was he not clear? >> i think he was clear enough. and you have all of your people running around now saying oh he says that americans need to work harder. why are you doing that? >> i think that you know this gotcha game on both sides --
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>> not both sides. own it and apologize. >> i haven't done it. you haven't heard me doing it. i think it's wrong. i think jeb bush's economic policies are bad enough when they are clearly stated. i don't think you have to take them out of the context. i think this game whether it's saying the president said businesses didn't make it here that was totally out of context. this is totally out of context. that type of stuff needs to stop. his policies would be very bad for working people but that statement was taken out of context. >> it was interesting to see the twitter war. hillary jumped in on it. bernie sanders jumped in on it. why don't we talk about bernie sanders gall vanvanizing a crowd. he's getting a lot of ground swell support. >> i think hillary should be looking in the rear-view mirror
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not so much at him, but at joe biden. if you believe the accounts that bow beau biden wished for his father to run for the presidency. i don't think that senator sanders poses a lethal political threat to secretary clinton, but he could give impetus to others in this race who could. >> what do you think the main challenge is? >> i think it's to expand beyond the progressive champion and to have more pop-- >> he is an example of how your party has lost its way, that hillary clinton start what had her husband started which is the centrist move in your party and that he is actually a pure democrat. >> i think bernie sanders is
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remarkably popular. but i think his ideas are very very popular. the kind of brand -- you just put out there the idea he's standing for, very concerned about wall street getting away with breaking rules, very concerned about the minimum wage very concerned about the middle class, this stuff is popular across the board. i think there can be a sanders effect both in terms of pulling hillary clinton to working class issues but probably it shows that if you're in the republican party that's speaking more forthrightly about the pearl of the middle class. i think a lot of independents like what they're hearing from bernie sanders. i don't think he's going to be the nominee but i think he's captured something that is i think unexpected. if you said four years ago bernie sanders would be a discussion point against hillary clinton, you'd have said you were nuts. but this is real. >> thanks for joining us on this
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friday. and don't forget to check out smerconish. thanks for being here. as we're just teasing up here we're going to be talking with democrat presidential candidate senator bernie sanders. he'll be on the show. please take a listen and see how he responds to the questions that test his positions. if you want political news there's only one place to go >> a new offer by greece could be its last chance to prevent economic ka at the economic catastrophe. a mother and baby lucky to be alive in arkansas after their house caught fire and exploded. they were awakened by neighbors banging on the door. firefighters went in.
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a back draft blew out the understand insulation and the ceiling fell in. thankfully they're doing fine. three children sent to juvenile detention why? because they refused to have lunch with their father. the children's parents apparently are locked in a nasty custody dispute. the judge ordered the children to eat with their dad. they refused. so the judge found them in contempt sent them to a juvenile detention center for the rest of the summer. what's really serious here is the kids allege their dad is violent. but the judge ripped into the mother saying she had poisoned the children against their father. >> and that is the issue. i took a look into this case. obviously punishing the kids seems ludicrous. i think the judge's issue was
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about where to put the kids to get them away from the situation. >> was the juvenile detention center the right place to put them? >> this is an ugly situation and gets repeated many times all over the country. who is baby doe? she was found. the question is who is she. police are trying to get answers. we'll show you how they're trying to get them with the help of john walsh. if he can't help, maybe nobody can. ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) making the most out of
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so more than 50 million people have now seen the composite image of the little girl found on the shore of boston harbor. officials have hoping someone will come forward with information about this little girl. can the image help police figure out who this little girl was? john walsh, the host of the hunt and former host of america's most wanted you've seen some heartbreaking stories in your time. in fact you lived through your very own. this captured our heart in a way that is almost indescribable. >> when you see this picture of this beautiful little girl, i think 99% of the people would say who could do this to her and throw her into the bay in
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massachusetts like garbage. the tough thing is to find out who she is. and the weirdest thing is many of those cases that i did of baby john does baby does when you find out who the parents are or what happened you'll see that there are other siblings and that child was the one who suffered all the abuse. it's the weirdest syndrome. many times it's the live-in boyfriend, the stepdadstepdad. they'll target one child. so you want to find out who the child is to give them the dignity of the burial and found out if anybody else is that risk in that family. it's very very difficult. many many times the people are transient. and there are people who may know who this girl is and are afraid to talk to police. i always say if you don't want
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to talk to police and you think you know who this girl is and you think you know who may have done this call me. call 1-866-the-hunt. we don't trace calls. i don't care what your name is. just give us that information. tell us who she is. and we'll take it from there. no cop will enter your life. people are afraid of police. >> what do we know here? are we sure it was foul play? you assume if it were an accident somebody would have come forward. how difficult is it to track a baby's record of born babies in the area and all that? >> great questions. it may or may not be foul play. a couple of the cases i did 20 years ago, foul play wasn't involved but the people were illegal immigrants. they didn't want to go to a funeral home. they were afraid to be deported. i say if that's case call me and
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tell me. nobody's going to come and deport you. let's say she died of natural causes and they didn't know what to do. we have 15 million illegal immigrants in this country who are pursuing the american dream but their biggest fear is they're going to be found out and sent back. that i.c.e. will come and knock on their door. they haven't determined the cause of death yet so might have been natural causes. >> let's hope we can find some answers. i want to pivot now. we have a new season of the hunt coming up. ic play a little sound bite of it. >> this was on new year's day 2008 and he's never been seen since. >> there haven't a place in hell deep enough for this guy. it is so appalling. i know what it's like. you're not supposed to bury your
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children. they're your immortality. they're your legacy. how could you possibly kill your own children. >> accused of killing a 17 and 18-year-old daughters on new year's 2008. one of the young girls after being shot was able to get a call into 911. >> i have my own personal top ten. this is a guy i profiled eight times on america's most wanted. he abused these girls. they went to police. he sexually ae bus lyly abused his own daughters. they went to police. he said i will kill your mother unless you recant. the girls recanted. they got away eventually went to texas and the mother lured them back in. i don't know why. she said maybe we can bridge this gap with your father. he is a native egyptian and an american citizen. when he got the girls in his cab that day, he shot the first
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sister in the chest and killed her. but the second sister he shot methodically first in each kneecap, in each arm before torturing his own daughter. these are the guys that are on the top of my list. i believe that he's in egypt. i believe that egypt with the failure of the arab spring needs american support and all the aid that we sent them. i'm hoping somebody spots him. egyptian police arrest him. u.s. marshals get on a plane and get him and he will come back to face this country. he's on the top of my list of coward creeps. >> season two of the hunt with john wall chsh is happening right here sunday at 9:00 p.m. >> you've got the fire like nobody else. >> got to show you the hotline number. we need to find out who baby doe is. here are the numbers of all the people you can call anonymously. and of course you can call
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866-the-hunt to call john anon anonymous anonymously. momentum building for senator sanders from vermont. he's going to be taking on jeb bush and talking about what this country needs and why he is man to deliver it. we put him to the test on "new day." ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. you pay your car insurance premium like clockwork. month after month. year after year. then one night, you hydroplane into a ditch. yeah... surprise... your insurance company tells you to
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how do you explain, senator, the momentum? what does it mean and how do you sustain? >> chris, i think all over doesn't we're finding a tremendous response to the fact that we're focusing on the most important issues facing the american people. we're trying not to run a negative campaign. the middle class of this doesn't
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for 40 years has been collapsing. people want to know why. they want to know what we're going to do about the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality inequality. people want to deal with this citizen's united supreme court decision that allows billionaires to buy elections. they want to make tuition free to public colleges and universities so their kids can go to college. i am prepared to take on the billionaire class which has to be done if we're going to save the american middle class. i think people are responding to the need for a grass roots movement to do just that. >> let's put up the iowa polls. you're making a move. it's clear in the numbers. you're doubling your numbers. you've still got a way to go. >> right. >> the criticism is iowa new hampshire, this is going to play to the left base of the democrats. but once we gets into more
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moderate places he's going to stall out. what's your response? >> look at the issues that i'm talking about, chris. do you think that moderate americans want to see tuition free in public colleges and universities? they do. because they can't afford to send their kids to college. poll after poll tells us that american's want to expand social security benefits not cut them as the republican party does. people want to raise the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour. republican party wants to do away with the minimum wage. i reject the idea that i'm talking to a small group of people. i think the ideas that we're raising are resonating with the middle class of this country whether they're conservative or progressive. >> now you've been taking on jeb bush over something he said. let me play it. >> my aspiration for the country is 4% growth as far as the eye can see, which means we have to be a lot more productive work
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force participation has to rise from its all time lows. means that people need to work longer hours. >> now, you jumped on him with this being an example of being him out of a -- being out of touch. were you being unfair? you know that what he meant was part-time workers need full-time jobs. were you playing a little bit of a tricky game? >> of course we need full-time jobs rather than part-time jobs. but to suggest people have got to work harder -- people in the united states of america today are working the longest hours of the people of any major industrialized counteds. we we have 85% of men working more than 40 hours a week. 65% of women working more than 40 hours a week. what we need to do is raise wages and income not force our people who are already stressed out by long hours to work even more hours. >> right. but he want arguing about ethic.
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he was talking about the availability of jobs. i'm just saying you know you're kind of twisting it a little bit there senator. if you want to stay above the board of dirty politics you've got to be consistent. >> if he is talking about the need for more full-time jobs rather than part-time jobs he's absolutely correct. i want to reiterate. we work -- our people work today the longest hours of my people in any major industrialized country. >> amen. nobody's going to battle you on that one. your main opponent hillary clinton, she's got trust issues. do you think they are justified? >> look i have known hillary clinton for 25 years. i respect her. i like her. i think she's getting beaten up all over the place. and sometimes it's unjustified. i think what we have to do is focus on the issues. and my views are very different than hers on many important issues. for example on this trade
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policy chris, i disagree with secretary clinton in not taking a stand on it even for. i voted against the war in iraq. secretary clinton when she was in the senate voted for the war in iraq. i am prepared to break up the large financial institutions because i think wall street has too much power. she has not been clear on that. i'm not going to attack her in personal ways. i like her. we have differences of opinions on issues and that's where my focus will be. >> one personal one policy question. you cannot avoid who bernard sanders is and run a legitimate campaign for president. that's the nature of the dynamic. they're going to probe. you have been opposed to that throughout your career. the headline says bernie sanders has a secret.
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you don't want to talk about who you are and your past. you are being they'venaive if you think you can avoid it at the presidential level. >> i understand it yes. >> but you think you can avoid it. >> no, i don't think i can avoid it. but chris, this country faces enormous problems. and i think it's incumbent upon political leaders and the media to focus on those issues and not make politics into a soap opera. that's my concern. >> that's what we do. we want to know who it is. we put it under the character category. we have to know about your life know what you've done your ups and downs so we know how you'll be in the office. that's the legitimate representation of the search. >> i think we do too much of that and we don't focus enough on the needs of ordinary people. i mean for example, we have a
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grotesque level of income and wealth inequality in america which is only getting worse. i think it's more important to focus on that issue rather than a whole lot of other issues dealing with the personal lives of people. >> one policy question. citizens united is the supreme law of the land. when you say it's a horrible decision that's your right. but when you say we're going to overturn that what do you mean? how do you overturn the supreme court? >> i mean several things. number one, i haven't made many campaign promises but one that i have made is that any nominee that i make to the supreme court will have to pass the litmus test. and that litmus test is he or she will be loud and clear in saying they will vote to other turn this disastrous supreme court decision and they'll do it as quickly as we can. the fastest way to over turn citizen's united is to have the supreme court rehear that case. the longer term is to move
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toward a constitutional amendment. >> you don't really want to judge going in with a preconceived notion of how they vote on a case. >> normally i don't. you're right. i don't like litmus tests. but this issue is so important. the fact that we have billionaires today who are literally buying politicians, spending what will amount to billions of dollars to elect candidates to make the rich richer. yeah on this issue it is so important to me and the country. i will have a litmus test on this. >> it is good to see you. we hope to have your whack and have you back often, sir. >> thank you very much chris. >> please go to cnn and come at me with the tweets. >> you know what will we want around here chris? champions. it is ra beautiful day for a parade in new york city.
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we're going to bring a champion into the studio. the world cup women's soccer team having a parade a ticker tape the first of it kind for women. kelly o'hara is going to join us on new day. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep them all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberyy apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. with at&t get up to $400 dollars in total savings on tools to manage your business. ♪ f provokes lust. it elicits pride... incites envy... and unleashes wrath. temptation comes in many heart-pounding forms.
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caps a real whirlwind week for team usa coming off their title win over japan. >> is chicago as you know is becoming too well known for gun violence including outbursts over the july 4th weekend left ten people dead. this week's cnn hero is a sergeant trying to help people falling victim to that gun violence. take a look. >> bashed wire and machine guns, welcome to chicago. these are definitely some of the most challenged communities in america. not a day goes by without the headlines being littered the deaths shootings. as an orthopedic surgeon, i've seen a very significant number of patients that have been victims of violent crime. but there's a whole other layer of patients in these under
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served communities. they're under insured and they're uninsured and they need care. i saw people put on wait lists for months even years and as a result their injuries get worse. i just said enough is enough. >> i guess i'm stuck with arthritis. >> i run three clinics in chicago's most underserved areas. you smile more. we treat orthopedic conditions. we treat patients regardless of tieblt pay. i know i can't fix everybody. but my focus is to break down the barriers. the greatest thing we give them is hope. >> and sometimes hope is the best medicine of all. if you know someone deserving of being a cnn hero go to cnn big day, chris. team usa getting ready for a
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huge ticker tape parade. there it is. the praise the glory, the confetti. we're going to talk about it all with kelley o'hara. >> there she is. she's cool under pressure baby. there it is. >> we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ♪ how's it progressing with the prisoner?
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he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ♪ when you're living with diabetes steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead.
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usa, usa, usa! >> the usa women's national soccer team back home. they are ready for a big party, though they might have already had a few. world cup win on sunday. the team being honored today with a ticker tape parade. it will be held in the the canyon of heros right here in new york city. joining us to talk about all the excitement is kelley o'hara. congratulations. physically how are you feeling? >> physically i'm good. i'm feeling all right. in terms of mental emotional state, it's like you're on a high, but there's also the month
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of the tournament takes a big toll on you. trying to decompress and be back and be ready. because we have our season to go into. >> right away. >> yes. >> did you ever think you'd be getting feted this way with a ticker tape parade? >> it's huge. >> no. i never thought this would happen. but i love it. i think it's amazing how america has rallied around us. it's great. >> i remember years ago we were watching sort of how -- the jersey being thrown off. that was pivotal. and youth soccer taking off. now not only has soccer taken off in a big way, but women's soccer. female athletes are at a whole new level. >> i don't think people can argue soccer is not popular in america anymore. that's not the case. we had 20 million plus viewers for our final, apparently the
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most ever in the united states for a soccer game. >> why are you so much better than the men's team in international competition? >> i think a lot of it has to do with our federation and the resources they put into our team. you know it's becoming better around the world. but we -- i would say we are one of the women's team that have that support from our federation. >> one of the things i really enjoyed about this tournament was the fact that you guys had a fair amount of criticism. haters gonna hate and people complaining about the style of play. but what i appreciated most and what i think is a great example to youth athletes out there is that you all have this team workmen taltwork work mentality. first four games of the tournament you were not playing. but then i'm sorry semifinal didn't you score the winning goal against germany? >> not the game winner but i got
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the second one, the insurance goal. >> but i mean that's been a real part of your keep's strategy with your guys. >> absolutely. we took 23 players to the world cup. that's a pretty big roster. only 11 players can be on field at a time. we have an amazing team and i think that we all are ready to step in if we need to but also play the role of clearheering the team on. >> there are tons of young women and girls watching. i have one in my house. and they're saying oh i don't know though there's still -- i don't know that it's really worth it as a young women. what was your motivation as a kid that made you think i'm going to do this at the best level there is and i'm going to be known for it? >> i think i was a very competitive child. i still am a very competitive
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person. that motivated me and propelled me forward. i wanted to play with the best and make sure that i was in an environment that made me into the best player that i could be. it's absolutely possible if you put your mind to it. if you set a goal then it's possible. >> darling you're doing it. couldn't be more proud. there's probably going to be a ticker tape parade when you go home asgratulations congratulations. >> thank you. >> got a wave of the finger. time for "newsroom" with ana da cabrera.
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