tv Wolf CNN July 10, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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you're looking now at a live picture out of san francisco. this is where the shooting death of a woman allegedly by an undocumented immigrant who'd been deported five times has fuelled the immigration debate. the sheriff is expected to hold a news conference in just a moment and we are monitoring that. and you're also looking at a live picture coming to us from new york where we expect a welcoming ceremony any moment at city hall for the women's world soccer champions team usa. and right now you're looking at a live picture from bolivia. this is where the pope is about to leave for paraguy, the next stop in his south american trip. i'm brianna keilar in for wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. in washington 6:00 p.m. in london 7:00 p.m. in vienna. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks so much for joining us. we begin with breaking news. for the first time in 54 years the confederate battle flag no
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longer flies on the statehouse glounds the state of south carolina. [ cheers and applause ] [ crowd chanting "usa" ] at a brief ceremony this morning led by governor nikki haley, the flag came down as thousands of on lookers cheered. the decision to remove the flag followed the church shootings in charleston after a photo surfaced of the suspect with the confederate flag. lawmakers followed the lead of governor haley, they passed a law calling for its removal from the statehouse grounds. it's now being housed in a museum. after the ceremony president obama tweeted "south carolina taking down the confederate, a signal of good will and healing and a meaningful step towards a better future."
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south carolina congressman james clyburn added his own thoughts. he said "i look forward to the citizens of south carolina being under one flag -- the american flag. joining us from columbia south carolina we have cnn's don lemon. don, you had the first interview with nikki haley a short time ago after the flag came down. what did she say? >> she said a lot in that interview and it was probably the most personal interview that i have seen of her where, you know you interview governors and lawmakers and, you know they come off as politicians. she did not come off as a politician. she came off as someone who is very very human and very very touched by this. and i think the one word that she said was -- that i can say about this interview, i think, that she learned from this was empathy, empathy. how to walk in someone else's shoes. and she thinks that's what this is a lesson in. take a look. >> it's important for people to know what it's like to be in another person's shoes and if you watch the legislative
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debate, that's what happened. people put themselves in each other's shoes. so they understood what the respect of tradition and heritage was and that it wasn't about hate. but the other side also learned how painful that flag was and the pain that it was causing people. that's what brought south carolina to this new day was the ability to look at each other and listen and say "it's time." >> so again, that is what she's saying walking in someone else's shoes. and that's what she wants people to know about her experience. she said she's really changed after the shooting here and after what she learned from the process of having this flag taken down brianna. >> stand by in just a moment we'll look for the rest of your interview later here. we have breaking news on the shooting deaths of nine people inside of that charleston south carolina church. the murders that led to today's removal of the flag in columbia seen then justice correspondent
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pamela brown joining me on the phone. what have you learned, pamela? >> brianna, a remarkable admission from fbi director james comey today during a round table with reporters. he said that the fbi made a mistake and the shooter in south carolina dylann roof should have never been able to purchase the gun that was used in the slaughter. he is taking responsibility for what he considers really a breakdown in the system. he said what happened in april when dylann roof went to purchase the gun in columbia south carolina it was columbia south carolina the fbi was tasked to do the background check because zg south korea is one of the states that relies on the fbi to do that. two days after dylann roof went in to purchase the gun, an fbi examiner on the work day, on a monday took up the case and there was confusion with paperwork is the best way to describe it brianna.
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there was confusion with paperwork in the system so the charge that he had, having possession or manufacture or distribution of drugs only showed up and the arresting agency columbia police was not on there. so essentially he explained that the fbi examiner contacted the wrong agencies never actually talked to the agency columbia police who made the arrest because of this confusion with the paperwork. had the examiner talked to columbia police and seen in that police report that he admitted to have possessing drugs he would have never been able to pass the background check and would have never been able to purchase a gun in april at that store in west columbia south carolina, that he then later used to commit the murders of those nine people in the south carolina church. he said that this makes everyone feel sick at the fbi. he says it's hard breaking. he said that there are fbi
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initials in south carolina meeting with the families today explaining to them what happened here and what the fbi plans to do to address these issues. he said he's ordered a full review of the procedures of the training to see what can be done in the future to make sure this never happens again. brianna? >> so basically pamela the fbi should have checked with columbia police with local police and followed up because they knew he'd been arrested. >> right. >> but they didn't know the details of it. >> exactly. so the fact that he had been arrested on a felony drug charge was not enough to deny the transaction. but had there been communication with columbia police the fbi would have known. he admitted to possessing drugs and that would have made him an unlawful drug user which would have permitted him from being able to buy a gun.
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as director comey said he said we got the geography wrong in south carolina and the contact information for columbia police was not on a certain piece of paper that this examiner was looking at for lexington county so the examiner called west columbia police department. west columbia said we don't know anything about this the case was in the system addss delayed pending and you have three days to goo through the background check and after that it's either approved denied or delayed pending. it's up to the discretion of the gun shops whether or not to sell a gun to someone whether or not the status is delayed pending. in this case the gun shop decided to allow dylann roof to buy the gun with his status as delayed pending. they have the discretion to do that. that's what happened. as director comey said today,
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had his police report been in the system as under columbia police and anonymity lexington county sheriff's office he said "we wouldn't be sitting here today, he would have never been able to purchase this that gun." so it was really he said a coin kbin nation of highly improbable factors that led to this heartbreaking situation knowing that these mistakes were made and dylann roof was able to buy a gun and he should have never been able to buy that gun in the first place, brianna? that's almost unbelievable. don lemon has been talking to family members. the details that it was just a matter of days if not hours and this was some sort of paperwork messup that permitted dylann roof to purchase the gun that he used at mother emanuel. what are you hearing? >> the information started coming out, at least to me
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about an hour ago because i had been speaking to families who were here at this ceremony to take the flag down today. what they conveyed to me is that on their drive back to charleston, on their drives back to charleston that they were getting phone calls from the fbi with the fbi apologizing to them for making this his stakemistake and that the agency was going to own again saying again, pamela is correct in her reporting. but imagine what this day is like for the families. they had this emotional high that because of their family's debt that this flag, this symbol of hate has come down. but to get that phone call you know saying that this could have all been avoided had the proper channels or if it wasn't for this snafu. also as pamela has been reporting. more information coming from a source. this source says again, pamela reported some of this that roof did have a drug charge and he did disclose it on his gun application. apparently he put the columbia -- west columbia the
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source is not sure where -- information in there. the person at the gun shop called richland or lexington and was told that they did not have any warrants. the gun shop also called the solicitor's office and the source says the gun shop did not call the right place and was not informed of the drug charge. the source says -- this is a source very close to the investigation says if the gun shop particularly the big vendors do not hear back within 72 hours that there is a problem with an application they will sell the weapon. the source says the deputy assistant ga told him that the law had been followed and as far as the sale of the gun went. he also says he was told by the agency that the agency is going to own all of this. again, this information coming from the fbi and also coming from a source close to the investigation and from family members who are getting phone calls from the fbi explaining to them what's going on on the same day as this flag comes down here in south carolina.
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brianna? >> i want to bring pamela brown back in. pamela to understand this correctly it appears that on the application dylann roof did disclose that he had this gun charge but the information he gave the gun shop led them in the wrong direction for checking on it right? and then we understand that it was really up to who? the fbi? the federal government within that 72 hours to respond and they didn't? >> >> i can't speak to whether or not he disclosed that in the actual paperwork he filled out initially. what i can tell you is director comey said he handed over the necessary items needed in order for the background check to begin and what the fbi examiner did was immediately go to the south carolina court system web site and there popped up dylann roof's criminal history and the fact that he had this drug
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felony drug charge from march 1. but, again, that's not enough to deny someone a transaction so it was up to the examiner to do the due diligence to find out why he was charged with that and what the circumstances were. this is where it gets confusing. in the system it was under the lexington county sheriff's office where his arrest was -- charge was coming from not the columbia police department. so that's where the confusion began. >> but basically pamela it appears that the fbi examiner did not do the full investigation needed or the full looking at all of the facts and finding all of the facts within this 72-hour window right? >> and at the time, the fbi examiner thought, apparently according to director comey, that she did do everything she was supposed to do because what happened was the lexington sheriff's office said "it's not us you need to contact columbia police." but on the contact sheet, and
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this is where comey said clearly we need to look at our procedures on the lexington county contact sheet there was only a listing for west columbia police so this examiner called west columbia police. they said we don't have any record of this. the examiner called the lexington county prosecutor's office apparently never heard back. that's why his status was a delayed pending status and if it's delayed pending, the transaction can be approved after three days so this gun shop following -- using this discretion it's allowed under federal law, saw it was delayed pending and moved forward with the transaction to allow dylann roof to buy this gun and we were told that that -- that it was never an approved status because the fbi never heard back from the lexington county prosecutor's office and unbeknownst to the examiner it wasn't until after the shooting that i think they realized that we contacted the wrong department we were supposed to
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contact columbia police but because that contact information wasn't on the sheet they were never reached out to it's just a confluence of issues here and clearly a big breakdown in the system and director comey said we are looking at a full review here we are looking at everything to make sure this doesn't happen again. he also said he spoke to that examiner and said obviously she is heartbroken and struggling with this knowing this was someone that should have never been able to purchase a gun and the way he used the gun to kill those nine innocent people - brianna. >> it's unbelievable pamela brown, thanks for your report stay with us. we want to talk about emotions running high not just in south carolina but also on capitol hill. there was an emotional speech congressman john lewis saying the fight is far from over. he'll be telling you why next. heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health.
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i want to go to our breaking news now. south carolina's confederate flag is now in a museum. don lemon joining us live friday columbia south carolina don, this is a big day and it was amazing to see all of chose cheering crowds there to watch this brief ceremony where the flag came down you also just about an hour after this flag came down you were able to interview governor nikki haley who spearheaded some of this. >> it wasn't even an hour. it was maybe 15 minutes afterwards. just enough time to walk over and for her to walk down to the office. it was shortly after she led this emotional ceremony. not only an emotional day for her but for the families. she had family members with her who, by the way, with our other piece of breaking news getting phone calls from the fbi today alerting them of the new information that dylann roof should not even have been in the position to purchase a gun. more on that later. but i want to tell you about my
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interview with governor nikki haley. she said she didn't really have a change of heart about the flag she said it was just time and that taking it down has not come up at least while she had been in office. she said she's a changed person by this. she talked about wanting to carry on clementa pinckney's legacy as well and she talked to me about herself being profiled as the child of immigrants who grew up -- she grew up, at least, in south carolina. take a listen. >> we grew up an indian family in a small town in south carolina. my father wears a turban. my mother at the time war a sari. it was hard growing up in south carolina. be what i've always been proud of and what i work towards is to make sure today is better than yesterday and that my kids don't go through what we went through. now i feel good because know i know my kids can look up and there won't be a flag and it will be one less reason to
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divide and more reasons for us to come together. >> now, as i understand you went up and looked over at the flag in the capitol this morning and it was important for you to do that. why? >> i needed to see it one last time. i wanted to remember the moment. so much of this has been a whirlwind over the last several weeks, it's been extremely emotional but i needed to see what was about to happen. the one thing that has gotten me through this was ethel lance used to sing a song all the time and it would say "one day at a time sweet jesus. give me the strength to do everyday what i have to do." that's what's kept me going it's not worry about anything else but to continue to get the strength to do what i have to do. >> we see people driving around with the flag. we still -- when we were out there today people were saying america is under attack. does that concern you? >> there's always going to be
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people that say things. the point is we don't need to give them one more reason to say it. that flag is not on the grounds of the statehouse anymore so it's one less thing for us to talk about. >> 57% of people in a cnn/orc poll view the flag as a symbol of southern pride and not racism. is that surprising to you? >> no a lot of the people and if you had heard the debate, so many look at it as honoring ancestors who fought and died for their state. confederate proponents, they're not haters. they're not -- you've got people who will hijack it -- >> who use the flag as a symbol of hate right? >> right. but we have to remember that people are using it as a symbol of hate and it's something that causes people pain because it's - a reminder of a time that was painful. so what we have to do is remain the pro-confederate citizens look we're not trying to take away your heritage, we're not trying to take away family members that sacrificed. what we are trying to do is not
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give people reason to hurt and we are all responsible for that we have to play a role in that. >> you're a public servant. i think most people realize that that flag is just a piece of cloth but it represented to a lot of people hurt and pain. the way to continue i've heard people say, the legacy or better things is to continue the legacy of clementa pinckney and for the issues that he fought for. how will you do that? >> i want to really focus on education you're going to see me -- i always did anti-bullying tours through high schools. now i want to talk about race and why we brought the flag down. i want to talk about the emanuel nine. i want to do that in our schools because i think it's important for children to understand while they're still pure the goodness of all of that. we had started in south carolina making many changes we changed the way we fund education so we acknowledge poverty so now every child regardless of where they
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live deserves a good education and can get one. we were the first state in the country to put a body cam bill. there's certain things that we have done that have been a natural progression to this. >> are you taking race as part of your platform? will that be part of your platform? >> i'm going to take bringing south carolina together as part of my platform. that this should not be one day in time. that this should be the start of a conversation which is why south carolina handled it so gracefully. why did the citizens come together and not protest? what made south carolina so special across this country that people said wow, i want those kids to know that. because they have to carry that on. they have to carry that forward. >> as you're out there today, you went up and stood over the capitol this morning, the statehouse, you looked out at the flag and said you wanted to see it. as you're with those families hearing people yelling "bring down this flag it's got to go
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what are you thinking as a person leading the state and leading the ceremony? >> my thought was i hope this gives those families a little bit of peace that has always been my prayer is that i hope this gives them some peace. i hope this allows our state to heal and i hope -- the grief of this tragedy will last for a long time. i don't see it going away any time soon. but i hope this allows our state to come together and heal. >> getting a shoutout from the president of the united states nationally in a eulogy are you concerned about that in a solidly red state? does that help you or hurt you? >> i don't worry about that. the act of bringing down this flag was not a republican or democrat thing, it wasn't a black or white thing. you would haven't divided the debate along party or racial lines. people who wanted the flag down are all types of people. so many different people young, old, wanted to see this happen.
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what i hope is that this happening in south carolina sets the tone for the country which is a tone of be kinder than necessary. let's do more for each other. let's not always fight over everything. >> a republican governor in the state of south carolina talking about making race at least the conversation about it part of her platform as a politician and as governor here and also sharing a personal story that you'll hear later brianna about an experience she had growing up with her father. she said her father who wears a turban her mom who wore a head scarf, their experience that she calls racial profiling is coming up. >> did she say anything else don, about her own thoughts on the flag itself? she seemed to really acknowledge both sides of the debate here what did she say about her thoughts personally? >> it really was sort of a political tightrope she was walking, right? because there were people here in the state and really around
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the country because they knew she's a representative of what's happening throughout the south when it comes to this confederate flag and they're watching her and she said you know i do have -- she did have an opinion about it and there is this debate going on in congress about whether this flag should be flown on cemeteries that are -- at national cemeteries national malls and museums, here's what she had to say. >> a flag is living and breathing so it represents something. i think it should be in any museum setting. i think it should be at fort sumpter, i think it should be in places of historical settings not in places that represent all people. if someone wants to travel to see it, that's one thing but it shouldn't be in front of someone's face to where they have to feel it. >> should it fly? >> at newsmuseums, absolutely. that's where historical things should be. but present things going in the future that's different.
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>> that's where this flag will be, in a museum for relics of the civil war and war relics as well. brianna? >> don lemon in columbia south carolina. thank you so much. joining me to talk about the significance of the flag's removal we have democratic congressman john lewis of georgia. he is a pioneer of the civil rights movement and you have cnn political commentator donna brazile. congressman lewis, give me your perspective here. you were the only living speaker from the 1963 march on washington. you fought for civil rights and continue to do so. how did you feel watching this happen today? >> i felt very very moved and at the same time inspired to see what was happening today in the state of south carolina. to see the hundreds and thousands of people there moving together cheering together singing with state officials
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city officials, county officials, just a multitude of people was a moment of happiness, a moment of joy. to see the flag come down i almost cried. it reminded me of another period when i was in africa back in 1964, in zambia, to see the british flag come down and the zambian flag go up. it was a day of independence. i think what happened in south carolina today tends to send a message to the rest of the south but to our nation and especially to people in washington that we do must join this movement to free and liberate ourselves from the past. in the final analysis we're one people one america, we all live in the same house, the american house and it doesn't matter whether we are black or white, latino asian american or native american it doesn't matter
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whether we're from the north or the south, the east or the west we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters. as dr. king said, if not, we will perish as fools. we must live under the united states of america flag. >> i have to play part of this speech that you gave on the house floor, congressman. you were standing next a picture of the policeman who beat you in selma, alabama, and he had a confederate flag emblem on his helmet. here's what you said. >> there's no way the federal government should ever display this flag on any federal site or sail it on federal property. it is a symbol of division. a symbol of separation. it's a symbol of hate. it is a relic of our dark past. we must defeat every attempt to return this flag to federal
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property. >> do you see this in a way coming full circumstance? you see that picture of a flag on the helmet of that police officer and then today we see the flag coming down. or do you see this as just the beginning because there are so many other states who are -- whose -- who have this flag or even their personal flag is inspired by the confederate flag? >> well, i see this as a significant step a major step down a very very long road. we're not there yet but we will get there. it is my hope that other states cities and counties and even here in washington in federal parks and lands that we will take a look inward and do what we can as a people to set our own house in order. >> donna, where do you see things going forfrom here?
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especially on this day that i know holds a lot of meaning for you as well. >> well yes, and i wanted to say once again, and i know he's heard it from me and others but i want to say thank you, john lewis. you have been just an amazing role model. you have been a man who has continued to fight that dream that dr. king had. you have opened your doors and you have helped lead the way. so thank you, congressman john lewis for your tremendous leadership. i hope this leads to healing, the healing that we often talk about but many of us don't go near it, whether it's state lawmakers, federal lawmakers, city councils others this is a moment that south carolina has showed us the way and i think we should follow in their footsteps to take down the flag to remember those who perished just 23 days ago. the people of mother emanuel. let us also grieve and remember their sacrifices and their loss
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and begin this healing process starting now. >> a big day and thank you so much to both of you for joining us. donna brazile and congressman jon john lewis, really appreciate it. >> thank you very much. we have breaking news embattled office of personnel management director katherine archuleta stepping down after a massive hack exposed the personal information of more than 20 million people. we'll have the details next. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet? ♪ f provokes lust. it elicits pride...
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we have breaking news now in that massive hack of the government's office of personnel management which is basically hr for the entire federal government. we now are learning that the director of opm is out of there, gone and joining me to talk about it is cnn justice reporter evan perez. evan this is quite a turn here because just this morning, katherine archuleta, as we understood it she wasn't stepping down she seemed what defiant in these hearings. what changed?
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>> that's right, i think the calculus changed because the politics were getting worse and worse, frankly, by the hour. we had the first democrat mark warner of virginia senator, who called for her departure, for her to step down and you had some of the unions who are tarting to now call for her to go and frankly i think the administration realized she had become a liability. especially because the facts of this hack are just getting worse and worse. now we are up to 22.1 million people who are affected according to opm, that's 21.5 million background checks. this is intimate details about people's sex lives, about their medical and their mental health histories. these are things that are golden for a foreign intelligence agency that can use them for black hail. this is a serious hack. very serious attack on the u.s. government. i'll tell you archuleta sent out a statement this morning in which she said that this morning
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i offered and the president accepted my resignation as director of the office of personnel management. i conveyed to the president that i believed it is best for me to step aside and allow new leadership to step in. brianna, this is certainly the worst breach in u.s. government history and we now know that opm should have seen this coming because they've been hacked five times since mid-2012. that's according to information that the agency has provided the lawmakers. this is plenty of stuff that they should have done more to safeguard this very important information. now they're still trying to assess how bad the damage is. >> it's almost in a way, right, like opm sort of left the door unlocked. because they could have done some things beforehand and they were just counting on the fact that maybe someone wouldn't try or a country wouldn't try to hack in which was sort of ridiculous considering they already had tried, right, evan?
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>> right, exactly. five times since mid-2012. one of the times they found that opm had left a road map to some of their software critical software systems, they left it on an unsecure web site available openly on the internet. this is stuff that was golden for hackers to use to get into the system. that's what they found. and for people who are affected by this they're now going to have to have years of credit monitoring. they're going to have to be wondering whether or not they're getting a fishing e-mail from somebody who is a chinese spy. that's what they'll have to be worried about. this is private information that people provide in order to get entrusted with some of the governments most important secrets and they've been betrayed by the government because the government wasn't taking care to safeguard their information, brianna. >> wow, evan perez, thanks so much for your report. coming up, the shooting death of a woman allegedly by an undocumented immigrant who'd been deported five times has
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fuelled the immigration debate. san francisco sheriff speaking out today. we have details next. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty
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♪ this is a case that has drawn the attention of presidential candidates. it stirred up immigration laws debate in the u.s. kate steinle was walking along a san francisco pier when she was struck by a bullet and died. the man charged with her death is a repeat felon who has been deported to mexico five times federal immigration officials say he would have been deported again but the san francisco sheriff's departmented failed to tell them he was being released. >> mr. lopez sanchez mr. ice's highest priority due to previous felony convictions and prior
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deportations. however, as i contend and will continue to do so ice failed to obtain and provide a warrant or judicial order for such deportation proceedings. why would they have completely ignored the 20-year-old bench warrant for marijuana possession and sales previously and then had deported him and this time they decide that this warrant required a detour from their normal procedure? >> let's discuss this case now. joining me now we have paul butler, a law professor at the georgetown law school and we have defense attorney scott boulden. so there's a lot of finger pointing here going on gentlemen, that's very clear. paul you were a federal prosecutor. according to this law, who is right? should san francisco have reached out to ice? i would suspect not because it's a sang chir city right? or should ice have figured out a
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way to deal with this knowing there were old warrants? >> well ice certainly could have gotten a warrant. san francisco's position is look this guy was being held for a 20-year-old charge for selling $20 worth of marijuana. san francisco doesn't prosecute cases like that so they had to lets him go. in order to continue to detain him, they say the fourth amendment requires a warrant. so all ice had to do is to get a bench warrant to maintain him in the jail so i don't think they're wrong to say that the system broke down. part of it is law enforcement, local law enforcement officer, like cops aren't supposed to be enforcing federal immigration law. so we really do need more coherence to our immigration policy. >> scott, what do you think? you're looking at this. who really should have stepped in here especially knowing that he had been deported five times? >> well, the local authorities certainly should have had that information somewhere. but the bottom line is, as paul
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said there's got to be better communication between the feds and local police and there is at several levels. they have to communicate whether it's a warrant, someone legal or illegal. that information given the number of visits to the criminal justice system by sanchez, that information had to be available somewhere on the computer on the printouts, on his record somewhere. and soy think there was a breakdown on both sides and while there may be finger pointing, the bottom line is sanchez slipped through the cracks and now we have a dead young woman because this individual but for this individual being in this country she'd be alive. >> you say both sides to blame here and this is such an important issue. it's caught the attention of presidential candidates. gentleman, thanks so much paul and scott, appreciate you being with us. >> thank you for having me. just ahead, hillary clinton facing more backlash over her use of a private e-mail account she said she never had a subpoena. but the lawmaker leading the
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hillary clinton is facing backlash over her private e-mail while secretary of state. it's her own words causing problems. in my interview with clinton, she said i never had a subpoena. in fact she did receive a subpoena from the chairman of the house select committee, republican congressman trey gowdy. a spokesperson for clinton clarifying after the interview that she was saying that she hadn't had a subpoena when she wiped her server of her e-mails, that the subpoena came after. i talked with trey gowdy earlier about clinton's claim. congressman trey gowdy is joining me now from capitol hill. i want you to listen to exactly what hillary clinton said about whether she had been subpoenaed over her e-mails. >> i've never had a subpoena. again, let's take a deep breath here. everything i did was permitted by law and regulation i had one
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device. when i mailed anybody in the government it would go into the government system. now, i didn't have to turn over anything. i chose to turn over 55,000 pages because i wanted to go above and beyond what was expected of me. >> now, let's take this by parts, shall we. i asked her in the interview about some legal advice that a democratic attorney general of the state had said to cnn, which was, look no lawyer is going to tell that you you should be wiping your server when you're facing a subpoena. so her campaign says at the time that she's answering to the fact that she did not wipe her server while facing a subpoena the impression there that they are giving is that this happened before that. but what she said was, i've never had a subpoena. so do you believe this that she misspoke or that something else
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is going on? >> well, brianna i have no idea what she meant but i know what she said. she never said she had a subpoena. that is demonstratively false. there's a regulatory or statutory obligation for records and when there is a congressional investigation, you have to preserve records. there are three separate obligations that should have informed and instructed her not to delete e-mails or wipe her server clean. >> she also said i didn't have to turn over anything. what do you make of that? >> it's just wrong. i can put some magic tips in front of it but i'm not going to. it's just flat out wrong. you have an obligation to preserve the public record. that's why the president put out the policy that he put out, why the state department put out its cable, don't use personal
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e-mail which applied to everyone other than her. you don't have to go into public service. you don't have to do it. but when you do and create official records, you have to keep those records for the public for congressional investigations you have an obligation to do so. and she kept these for 20 months on her personal server never thought about deleting them until we got into the throes of an investigation and then she decided this is too burdensome to keep on my server. let me wipe it clean. >> are you saying that she's a liar? >> i don't use that word. i got in trouble when i was in court for saying that word. >> are you saying she lied? >> i'm saying that it is false and she should have known what she said was false at the time. >> i asked about the widening scope of the benghazi investigation, his investigation and whether it had become too political. he said the obama administration could speed things up by turning
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overall of the relevant documents. >> we have narrowed what we asked for. we asked for what we really needed the first time. they begged us to narrow it so we narrowed it. it's still like pulling teeth to get the information. you know what we got last week? 3600 pages, half of which were press clippings, including articles about richard gere. so if that is their idea of complying with the congressional investigation, then we are going to be at this for a long time. >> cnn, the first to report those details from congressman gowdy about the latest documents his committee has received from the state department. truly for some men, nothing is written unless they write it. >> it's better. >> true. >> to other news now, famed
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actor omar sharif has died after suffering a heart attack in cairo, egypt. he's best known for his roles in such iconic films like "lawrence of arabia." the egyptian-born actor starred in a slew of motion pictures after that but his passion was for the game of bridge. he was known as one of the world's greatest players and he was a great ambassador for the game as well. omar sharif was 83 years old. and there's an exodus of sorts from tunisia. thousands of british tourists are leaving the country after one day after the foreign office issued a warning that another terror attack there is highly likely. isis claimed responsibility for an attack that killed 38 people last month in the beach resort of sousse.
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and that is it for me. thanks so much for watching. i'll be right back here at 5:00 eastern on "the situation room." for our international viewers, amanpour is next. for our viewers in north america, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. brianna keilar thank you so much. happy friday to you all. i'm brooke baldwin. we all know that dylann roof the 21-year-old who walked into the church in south carolina should never have had that gun he used to kill those nine innocent victims. we are just getting this information coming in to cnn from the fbi. it has been more than three weeks since that senseless and racist church massacre. and today, for the very first time that flag that has divided the state for decades and was embraced by this killer no longer flies next to
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