tv New Day Saturday CNN July 11, 2015 4:00am-5:01am PDT
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in and the illegals kill their children. >> donald trump zeros in on undocumented immigrants and protesters zero in on him. but in spite of the trump barbers, some are calling them, he is packing in an overflow crowd in arizona today. plus a stung admission from the fbi. the series of mistakes that allowed charleston church shooter to get his hands on the gun he used to kill nine people. the rebel flag comes down in south carolina. but there's a confederate flag that is going up in florida in a county there. why it's being hoisted again over a government building. >> i'm centennial olympic pahri >> i'm victor back blackwell. a isis top men believed in
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pakistani and afghanistan and he was killed along with 30 on insurgents during a strike on an eastern province of afghanistan, that is according to afghan authorities. we have got back with us cnn military analyst retired lieutenant general mark hertling. general, how big of a blow is this for isis? >> well, if this is the individual, if this is truly a hit against saeed, it's a pretty big blow. this is a guy who was born in india. he has traveled all around and he received his religious studies in saudi arabia and just like any terrorist connection, the flow of terrorists between pakistan, india, mumbai, yemen, saudi arabia, you track that and this is one of the individuals who was one of the leaders in the 1990s and he is a big deal. if it is the individual that was struck, there was a $10 million bounty on his head, at least
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four different nations to include russia wanted to go after this guy, so this would significantly affect the capabilities of isis in pakistan and afghanistan. >> cnn cannot confirm that mohammed saeed is the person who was killed but that is the report coming from afghan authorities. but when you say that this would be a big blow, if this is him, is this a blow that is logistical in nature or a morale blow? often what we see in isis is that there are leaders who are waiting on the bench who can simply move up into some of these higher ranks. >> that always happens in a networked organization, victor, but any time you can continue to decrament any of the top players of an organization, this is command and control because he was top amir for both
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afghanistan and paeckkistan. this would forment terror in that region. he is connected to others and certainly others could take his place from the bench but, again, whenever you continue to atrite the top leaders an an organization is affects their ability to conduct a task. >> general, thank you for joining us. we will talk more in a bit. >> you got it, victor. thank you. turning now to donald trump's west coast swing. today, the 2016 presidential candidate is expecting thousands for a rally in arizona today. they had to change the venue because of the amount of people who are expected to turn out for this event. not everyone, though, is a trump fan. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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>> a los angeles protesters you're looking at there. they are angry that trump keeps saying that mexicans coming across the border are rapists and criminals. inside the event, trump was meeting with families who have people they love who were killed by mexican immigrants. kim was in the middle of it. >> reporter: donald trump arriving at a private event in brentwood to protesters who are carrying signs and, incidentally, carrying donald trump pinatas that are filled with garbage because he these protesters say that he is speaking garbage. he is here speaking to conservatives and the entertainment industry but these protesters say they want to greet him with all of this passion. they believe that he has been saying offensive things about immigrants. trump, for his part, has been
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unfazed. he is doubling down on what he has been saying, meeting with families whose relatives have been killed by undocumented immigrants. >> the illegals come in and the illegals kill their children. and we better get smart in the united states. so we are housing people from all over the world that other countries don't want. should i apologize? it was stated as fact. i know it's not pleasant, but it was stated at fact. >> reporter: the protesters do acknowledge he is doing well among republicans in the polls right now. but they say in the general election, you can't get to the white house without the latino vote. >> let's pick up right at that point. kyung lah, thank you so much. discuss more on trump's comments and campaign trip to arizona.
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we ha i want to pick up where kyung lah left off. you can't get to the white house without the latino vote. i'll read this to you. george w. bush got 44% of the latino vote in '04. john mccain 38% in '08 and mitt romney down to 27%. is this what we are see you now with donald trump and is this the latino outreach that the republican party was hoping for? >> no. but donald trump doesn't represent the republican party. he is not a republican nominee. he is also not a member of leadership. so, you know, donald trump -- >> he's near the top of the polls. >> well -- but -- victor, you remember in 2011 at this point michelle bachmann got the vote.
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i think you would be hard-pressed to find individuals in the republican party, especially in leadership or any of the other republican candidates that are standing by the comments of donald trump. >> is there more to be gained by going with this single issue, it would appear, by trump more to be gained by going with this than losing some of the percentage of the latino vote will likely be lost if this narrative continues? >> victor, lisa raises a good point. what donald trump wants and the republican party leadership wants might be two very different things, especially at this point. what donald trump wants is more attention. what any candidate would want. enough of a lift in the polls that you could make it into the debates. a chance to sort of make your case in various markets and talk to donors if you're trying to raise money and so forth. donald trump is doing that admitabadmi admirably well on this particular issue. will that help the party is another question. i'll give you two other numbers you already gave.
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8% is about the level of turnout you get from the latino vote. about 8% of the votes cast in most presidential races in recent years. on the other hand, they have become 11% of eligible voters. so, you know, it's only going to get more and more difficult for any party that doesn't have sort of a soft touch when it comes to this particular group of voters and donald trump clearly does not have a soft touch. >> lisa, you make a good point that donald trump is not the nominee but is he forcing other republican candidates to come out and speak about immigration and it's difficult for them of them to split hairs in just, you know, saying that, of course, donald trump is wrong in what he says about mexicans who are coming to the country being rapists but there is a large part of the republican base that agrees with much of what donald trump is saying. >> well, i don't necessarily think that is true. i think it's important to point out -- >> he have to point out he is still at the top of the polls. someone agrees with him if he is 12% behind jeb bush.
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>> he currently having a moment in the sun but is it fleeting? i think that is absolutely the case. i think it's important to point out the republicans right now are the ones that are the republican ticket or running for president right now. two hispanics ted cruz and if you look at the party right now is not representative of the diversity of this country is the democratic party right now. i think it's absurd to category everyone with donald trump. >> errol, let me come back to you. scott walker, wisconsin governor, is coming in we expect on monday but he already tweeted out he is coming into the race. that was a mistake, we understand. twitter is saying it's their fault. i don't know how that works. do you ask twitter to hold the tweet for you a couple of days? i don't know how that works but we will get more about that. errol, what should we expect from the governor? >> you should examine a barn-burner of a speech. the appeal that scott walker has is to the iowa republicans.
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the conservatives, social conservative base of the party as opposed the libertarians. scott walker has made few appearances in new hampshire and not polling very well and in the middle of the pack up there. i think what we are going to hear is sort after made for iowa speech. they are social conservatives and lots of evangelicals and he is going to do what i think most of the gubernatorial candidates for president are doing is tout his record in the state. of course, people will come along and poke holes in it and they have had a number of problems up in wisconsin. but we are not going to hear that from scott walker. we are going to hear wisconsin has been doing great and he is the reason and he'd like to do it for the rest of the run. >> errol lewis and lisa boothe, thank you both. >> thank you. new this morning, greece, they make a u-turn essentially on overhauling its budget. a move could keep the country in
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the eurozone but the next 48 hours are crucial to your money. come opening bell, of course, on monday. >> the mysterious case of baby doe. look at the screen. do you know this little girl? people wondering how she died. what we know as we wait for the toxicology report. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. breaking news out of greece right now. at this moment, eurozone leaders are arriving in brussels to decide greece's economic fait after the greek parliament voted to approve reforms aiming to end the country's financial crisis.
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this new proposal would result in spending cuts, increased taxes. some of those reforms are the very reforms, however, that voters rejected in a referendum last sunday. listen here to cnn's business correspondent richard quest. >> it's basically exactly the same proposal that was put forward weeks ago, but was rejected by the greek and was, indeed, was rejected by the greek people in the referendum. but there were no better terms on the table, so they have had to accept it, whatever they like. and now -- this is the interesting bit. because although in parliament they have accepted, begrudgingly. many mps were incidence and many of the ruling party were against it but it did pass. what is interesting now it's disgust in europe. i'm in the heart of europe. i'm in brussels now where they are going to be looking at a study that has been done to decide should this bird fly?
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because although the greeks have asked for it, the europeans still have to decide whether they are going to ground it. >> we want to bring in john, an international relation specialist. >> john, good morning to you. you remember just a couple of days ago, the prime minister there lobbied hard for a no vote on this bailout and meant to vote against the tax hikes and spending cuts and the pensions and the like that are now likely part of this austerity plan that he was pushing and that the parliament voted for. i wonder if a waste of energy and time in going through that vote if the greek people are getting what they voted against? >> essentially, the greek government had bluffed on the last five months and on july 7th, the european creditors called the bluff. two days later, we see that the greeks have put together a reform package and a proposal for the european creditors, as you mentioned correctly, is more
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austere and calls for more greater disciplines than what was rejected by the greek voters overwhelmingly just seven days ago. going forward, it's going to be a very difficult process for the eurogroup finance ministers who are meeting today. i think there is considerable skepticism for the greek government to implement many of these difficult measures. tremendously this tremendous pressure from the u.s. and china on europe to make sure there is no greek exit from the eurozone. >> we know many in germany are asking the leader there, chancellor angel merkel, to not give greece this bailout package, to reject it. is that likely to happen and what happens if she does? >> if i had to make a prediction, i would say there is going to be a very tough meeting today, eight or nine hours of very tense discussions among the
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eurozone and prime ministers. there is a need to make it fail and no one is forced from the eu eurozone. i believe start of serious negotiations between the european creditors and greece and may take weeks. in the meantime, the greek economy which is largely a cashless bartering right now needs a new cash on monday and that is the critical issue whether greece is able to stay in the eurozone on monday or not. >> that is the economic part of the conversation. briefly, let's talk about plx politic. we saw the finance minister resign. what is the standing of the prime minister? he stood up in front of the crowds and said vote no and now he is giving them what he urged them to vote against? >> for all we know, last week's referendum may have been simply a social or political event in progress. the greeks experienced what is a
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semibarter economy that is unprecedented in modern greek history. i think the greek society has been shocked by the events of the last several days and it's been sort of cold splash of water on their faces about what awaits them if already reckless activities going forward. right now, they realize the bluff has been called, they have got to accept these measures if there is any hope of grease surviving within the eurozone. if the prime minister does things right over the next couple of days, i think he can bring together all of the major parties in greece and have essentially a national unity of government of sorts. he is going to have parties within his own party, though, because many members of parliament who voted against this proposal. he is not able to have his own coalition implement the reforms if the european creditors approve them over the weekend. so it could be a very dicey road ahead over the next few days in greece. >> will those creditors, the eurozone leaders, they are arriving now to begin the meetings today and the breaking news at this hour. well, skeds continue to watch that and see if is a decision
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comes out during the program this morning. john, thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. still ahead, the fbi admits to a painful failure. could a proper background check have saved nine lives in that charleston massacre? plus, president obama goes where no sitting president has gone before -- to prison. we will explain. ge in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist.
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this morning. seven others were injured, including two police officers. no group has immediately claimed responsibility. but islamist militants have stepped up attacks on police and troops there. president obama, next week, will become the first sitting president to visit a federal prison. the white house announced yesterday that he'll tour oklahoma's el reno federal correctly institute and meet with inmates and officials there and it includes an interview for an upcoming hbo documentary that examines the military justice system. two churches are said to have been intentionally set on fire and the sanctuary suffered significant damage. look. but no injuries reported at either location. authorities are investigating if both fires are linked. the words between san francisco county's sheriff and federal officials is ramping up. the sheriff says his department
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is not to blame for the murder of a woman who was walking along the city's pier. that murder suspect sanchez is a mexico national who has been deported five times. questions arose whether the sheriff's deputy properly informed ice it released sanchez under a drug charge. so the system failed. there is no way around that. people are committing it. the fbi even admitting a background check should have stopped the charleston shooter from getting his hands on that weapon he used in the massacre. is the problem mixable? if so, how? plus, the confederate flag comes down in south carolina. it is rising again in one florida county. we are going to talk to a state representative who says let it fly. u feel it. get gas-x. it relieves bloating in minutes. plus that uncomfortable pressure. no wonder it's the #1 gas relief brand.
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one of isis top men in afghanistan and pakistan. he was skilled in an eastern province of afghanistan, according to afghan authorities. fountain name sounds familiar, there is another terror leader by the same name who has a $10 million bounty on his head. now we do not believe this is the same man but in breaking news information, we are getting it in now and we will have a live report at the top of the hour. hundreds of thousands cheered in the streets of paraguay ahead of a mass today by pope francis. take a look at these pictures we are getting in. yesterday, he met with activist including an lgbt in paraguay, a first. and visited a prison in bolivib. nuclear talks have been extended again. the so-called joint plan of action will extend through monday. this is the third extension of
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talks aimed at curbing iran's nuclear program. developing now, the fbi is investigating what some say is a stunning failure that allowed the charleston church shooter to buy a gun and kill nine people. it's ordered a 30-day review but this after the fbi director acknowledged that accused shooter dylann roof was able to get the .45 caliber handgun allegedly used in that massacre because of deadly mistakes who should have been a routine background check. let's go to our national correspondent sunlen serfaty to sort this you. >> reporter: this is a krax what the fbi has said previously in the past that the background check on dylann roof was done properly. now the fbi director revealing this bombshell of an error on their part. a mistake he says makes them all sick that it happened. >> reporter: the man who confessed to gunning down nine people inside a south carolina church should never have been
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able to buy the 45 caliber gun used in the slaughter. that admission coming from fbi director james comy who told reporters his bureau made a mistake during dylann roof's background check and he says that rips all of our hearts out. according to law enforcement days after the shooting agents on the ground new something was amiss and suspected that roof's arrest record should have prohibited the gun purchase. >> it just shows how a bureaucratic mistake can cost human life. >> reporter: they didn't discover roof had previously admitted to illegally possessing drugs when he was arrested in late february. that information would have prevented roof from passing the background check. >> there's a regulation that says if he was a drug user, he shouldn't have got a gun and there was a abundant information for the fbi to have had that information. had they had it, no gun sale and possibly no shooting here.
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>> reporter: the director says the fbi examiner failed to make contact with the columbia, south carolina, police department which arrested roof on that felony drug charge, in part, because of a clerical error that listed the wrong police department in the online court system. after three days of waiting for the background check, the south carolina department gun shop used his discretion to sell roof the gun even though his status was still tending. grassley stayed in a statement, quote, it's disastrous that this bureaucratic mistake prevented existing laws from working and blocking an illegal gun sale. but one of the victim's family had the following. >> i was surprised they weren't very thorough, but i know people make mistakes. >> reporter: fbi officials met with some of the families of the victims this week to try to explain to them in person the
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mistake and also promise to try to fix the system. >> sunlen, we appreciate it. thank you. let's bring back law enforcement analyst tom fuentes. you were the assistant director of the fbi. i think people would be disappointed if someone was not able to buy a gun was able to buy one but because this ended with the deaths of nine people this makes it more outrageous to people across the country and people in that community. it comes down to a clerical error, how common is something like this? >> i think, victor, we don't know how common it is because you have some disaster result from a mistake to actually find out that there was a mistake. you could have people being sold guns that shouldn't be and if they don't do something bad with it, you don't know about it later. but in this situation -- i know the director has pretty much put on this the woman that did the examination, but she wasn't provided all of the information. so it's true that someone that
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admits to use using drugs is not supposed to get a gun but that was not in the record that she was provided by lexington county, the county where the arrest took place in south carolina. a small portion of columbia is in that county. the other county is richland. later when she is trying to get more information, she knew an arrest had taken place but you have to also, in addition to that, either have a conviction or an admission that the person is a drug user and that part was left off. when she tried to get additional information, she found out that county didn't have it. when she looked at her directory for that county t didn't list that columbia is also part of that county, it listed west columbia which is also where the gun was purchased. it's really you know, the mistake isn't as honorable in itse -- horrible in itself but it is a horrible mistake. >> it seems they learned a lot how this specifically happened.
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is there a 30-day review that is ordered. what is going to happen over the next 30 days, likely? >> i think there will be a better interest in making sure that the records of which arrest is in which county and which city is in which county are more accurate. you know, many of the states do these record checks themselves. south carolina relies on the fbi to do it. about 30 states use the bureau. and the problem there is you have an examiner in west virginia at the bureau's facility for doing these checks that is just not familiar with columbia and west columbia and which part of the city is in which county. so if an examiner isn't furnished the complete rap sheet which happened in this case, i should say it's not hard but easier for a mistake to be made if exactly which jurisdiction has the record that they need. >> well, you're the former fbi assistant director. i'm going to put out the spot here. it sounds as if the three-day waiting period would not have, at the end of it, allow the seller to sell the gun if not
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heard back from the fbi that this could have been avoided. should that be extended or should there be some change in protocol there? >> there could be a change. in this case, i think the purchase was attempted on a saturday, so you're trying to contact records departments to get rap sheets and other information, that if it's not automated by that county or that city to be accessible by the federal government, by the fbi in this case, it makes it more difficult. maybe you need to say three business days or five business days for a record check like this to go through. >> some changes possibly coming down the pike after this revelation that he should not had that gun in the first place. tom fuentes, thank you so much. >> thank you, victor. tens of millions of you have seen this image. baby doe, her body found weeks ago near boston. why has no one come forward to claim her? we are going to tell you the latest that we have learned. also, will it happen again?
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♪ that little girl there is dead. her name, her identity is still a mystery this morning. but more than 50 million people have seen or shared this computer-generated image of what is believed to be a 4-year-old. her remains were found discarded in a trash bag two weeks ago along the shore near boston. now, police call her only baby doe and they released that haunting image of her big brown
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eyes and her long brown hair, hoping that someone might recognize her. cnn's boris sanchez has the latest on a story cnn was first to report to you last weekend. >> reporter: this case gripping the nation. there were no obvious signs of trauma found on the girl when she was discovered here. investigators are now waiting the results of a toxicology report to see if she may have been poisoned or drugged. still, way more questions than answers in this case. a gruesome discovery on a remote beach of deer island all over using boston. for more than two weeks massachusetts state police have been trying to identify the little girl now known as baby doe. authorities with this computer-generated image hoping for break in the case but viewed 50 million times on facebook, baby doe's identity remains unknown. >> i think it's very sad. it's horrific. it's a little child.
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>> reporter: ellen bonilla walks this stretch of beach almost every day. >> we live for our children. i have kids. i have grandchildren. we live for our kids and for someone to just throw this innocent little child, you know, out like trash, it's awful. it's heart breaking. >> reporter: other than a water treatment plant, there isn't much to be found on deer island. baby doe was discovered in a trash bag by a dog walker. the young girl believed to have no older than 4, about 3 1/2 feet tall and weighing 30 pounds and found wearing polka dot leggings and covered in a zebra print blanket. investigators are investigating several links to missing high profile children cases but there is little to go on. >> if you're the parent or the caregiver of this young girl, please step forward. clear your conscience and help us identify this young child. >> this is not as unusual as you
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might think. there are hundreds of thousands of children, including young children, under the age of 5 who are missing, abduct and usually not by strangers. actually, more than half of all homicide against children are committed by their own parents. >> reporter: criminologist jack levins says somebody close to baby doe knows what happened to her but that person may not be close to the shore where she was found. >> i think it's much more likely that she comes from a great distance away. if she had been in proximity to deer island, someone would, by this time, have known that she was missing. >> reporter: investigators say it's very possible she floated here from somewhere else. they are not ruling out the possibility she may be from canada, even as far away as latin america. >> so baffling. boris sanchez, thank you so much. listen. if you have any information on baby doe, please call the
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county, state police and the tipline numbers are on the screen here. we will tweet them out later this morning as well. the fight over the confederate flag rages on this morning. >> it's a tradition. it should be flown like any other flag. >> while south carolina lowered its flag and sent it to a mutual at the state capital, a county in florida is raising the flag at their building. details after the break. when you're living with diabetes, steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead.
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you hear the cheers there from hundreds of people outside the statehouse in columbia, south carolina, as uniformed officers lowered the confederate flag there on state grounds and the decades of deep-rooted controversy over the banner, you know, gained steam in the wake of last month's mags customer of nine black church-goers in south carolina. the exact opposite is happening in florida. the confederate flag was taken down after the church massacre a couple of weeks ago, but take a look. it's this week the board of county commissioners voted unanimously to reinstate the controversial flag. we have with us florida state representative dennis baxley to talk about this. representative, good to have you
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with us this morning. >> thank you, victor. good to be with you. >> i know you're a student of history. i have read a lot about you and your views. and i wonder why the confederate flag, the confederate national flag in marion county is not best suited for a museum instead of flying on the pole next to the u.s. flag. >> well, part of the misunderstanding here is that this is not a flag on the building. it's actually a display of all the flags that florida and this has flown over the history of florida. so it's really a historical display of all the flags that have flown over florida next to our fallen officer memorial, which is in an appropriate place, i think, to be represented in the government complex. so i think that's a different discussion than being on a government building. >> well, this isn't -- it wasn't
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on a building, it was on building grounds. >> well, because it's part of our history and fits in. my biggest concern is, victor, that this effort to converge anything confederate or southern from our culture is going to create divisiveness. the only thing to heal these wounds are going to be respect and honor for each other. and i would hope that we move in a better direction. we have too many things to work on together to solve and to reopen these wounds and it's moving in a bad direction. when you start desecrating graves and memorials, this is not helping any of us. we should all honor our ancestors in history. >> should that not happen in a museum and not on county grounds? >> well, i'm fine for it to happen in a museum but there's nothing offensive of displaying all the flags that flew over florida and its history.
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>> there are people offended by that banner. we'll play what we have from u.s. representative john lewis who talks about the confederate flag. listen. >> there's no way that our government should ever display this flag on federal property. it's a symbol of the vision. a symbol of separation. it is a symbol of hate. it is a relative of our past. we must do everything we can to return this flag to federal property. >> that's a discussion on federal property. as it relates to government property in large part, this is the confederate national flag we're talking ab. we'll put them up on the screen so people know the difference between the flags. this is whites over black people
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and the press ration of slavery. that's offensive and why should it still be? >> yes, well, in the united states we had 100 years of slavery. slavery has been a worldwide plague on all of us and a conscious issue america has had to deal with. and this is where america has come together. but really what we are looking at now is an extraction by the discussion. charles handled this perfectly. they didn't go to reopen wounds. the most moving thing was a mother who even forgave the person who murdered her daughter. >> they took the flag down and put it in a museum. why isn't that right for marion county? >> well, i think museums are a great place to illustrate history but i think perching every place that this has been memorialized as a part of
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southern history is a mistake and is simply going to provehicle a conflict that we don't need. we need to come together as a country and honor our ancestors. i think it's appropriate. part of our display. >> in 2013 when there was a move to erect a memorial to union soldier soldiers, you introduced a bill to fight that. i hear for you are talking about all inclusion in confederate history, but you fought the parks manager was putting up a unit alone. >> i have been for 43 years a funeral director. and this was a small three-acre spot for this huge monument.
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and it was already a unit -- i just think we need to honor our heritage, honor each other and i would protect any monument or any statement of history because it's a person's family, it's their ancestors and that's a sacred thing. we knead to get off of this to finding solutions for the challenges of our day. this perch is only going to create divisiveness. if we hear a lot of messages and see a lot of symbols that we may not all connect to, but that's a part of our diversity of the -- i am proud that we are in a different place. but that doesn't mean we have to
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desecrate and dishonor the flag, that's all. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> a quick break and we'll be back. nergized i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength to keep you active. come on pear, it's only a half gallon. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. all in 160 calories. ensure. take life in. nothing fits, huh? not surprising... ...with that bloated belly. you got gas. i can see it and i know you feel it. get gas-x. it relieves bloating in minutes. plus that uncomfortable pressure. no wonder it's the #1 gas relief brand.
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well, a florida state football player is facing charges after allegedly hitting a woman. >> this is the second time in less than a week. coy wire is joining us now. you reported this last month and the response has been very strong. >> it has been strong. we'll get you caught up quickly. yesterday florida state's running back was suspended for allegedly punching a woman in
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the face back on june 23rd. according to the leon county sheriff's office, he turned himself into police hours after the warrant was issued for his arrest. but he denies the allegations. last year cook was named in an aggravated assault case. he was charged with criminal mischief then. remember, fsu made video when this video of andre johnson striking a woman at a bar was released. he's charged with misdemeanor battery. a bit of a trend there when carlos williams was involved in a battery investigation last year but never charged. also, last year's jameis winston was accused of sexual assault in 2013 and never charged either. we asked you if fsu has an institutional problem or they just have a lot of bad apples. here's what you said, this problem is an ongoing thing, the
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