tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 13, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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glasses are the drumstick. mom. dad. mom. dad. no wonder everyone is making googoo eyes over this kid. jeanne moss cnn, new york. >> absolutely precious. thank you for joining us. set your dvr to record the show. you can watch us anytime. anderson starts now. good evening, tonight new developments in the story of this girl baby doe, a computer rendering of what authorities think she may have looked like before her body tragically turned up on a massachusetts coastline. randi kaye working her sources and will joan us soon about her new reporting about the case. we begin with breaking news out of mexico city. expecting any minute now to hear from mexico's interior minister with late developments in the hunt for el chapo guzman head of mexico's drug cartel. before he was captured the last time around, 18 months ago, he
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was america and mexico's most wanted and one of forbes magazines wealthiest people. a man with a billion dollars to his name and the blood of thousand of people on his hands. until this weekend locked up in a prison not far from mexico city maximum security prison or so it seemed until el chapo crawled and walked out. with more on the search for him and answers. what's the latest nick? >> whether out of embarrassment or their investigation, officials are not saying much. as the it seems this escape was planned not only in plain view of fed prison officials and federal police and the military. we spent the day outside of the rural home where it said el chapo escaped and saw a heavy presence federal police as well. we couldn't get any more than 50 yard to the front door. the tunnel was not accessible just yet. no one has gone in there, the
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pgra. toern general's office and other officials. it seems they're looking for him still in the area. the locals we have spoken to say they seven el chapo's past they think he is long gone. >> mexico's president staked an awful lot on this. had said if he was able to escape again it would be a huge embarrassment embarrassment. i'm wondering what reaction has this been getting in mexico not only among officials but people you talk to? >> he called it in an interview, unforgivable the second escape from el chapo. the situation he is dealing with. much criticizesm from the locals saying the president hasn't returned from his trip to europe in france when he heard the news. back to this conversations with the farmers, they told me interestingly enough andthe construction to the rural home where el chapo was said to escape started eight months ago in december finished february march. people stuck around. that drew the suspicion of local farmers especially because
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generally speaking people don't work here sundays. that's exactly what they had. people working 'round-the-clock. what they say is to you know pick up the dirt but heavy machinery, heavy construction ichl spki spoke to one farmer who she said her reaction is nothing but fear hearing that el chapo is back on the loose. >> nick appreciate your reporting. now whatever role any guard or other insiders played the tunnel itself is an el chapo signature. in his prior 13 years at large he equipped many of his hideouts with tunnels. as "60 minute's" bill whitaker discovered. you lift the bathtub and a hatch way underneath. the dugging often went on for miles. tying into sewer lines or connecting with a safe house tunnel. this time, though it was built straight into and straight out of a maximum security prison. tom foreman takes us inside. >> this prison had plenty.
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security above the ground. ways of blocking cell phone signals. they had heavily armored vehicles to repulse any ground assault. they had three foot thick wolves so rockets could not break in. and through all of that el chapo found a way to burrow out under the noses of mexican authorities and get to this freedom tunnel off in the distance here. and go completely free. how did he manage to do that? well first of all he tapped into the expertise of his gang. which has been known to build all sorts of tunnels for transporting drugs and eluding enemies. they started beneath a shower. one of the few places where he wasn't being monitored by video 24 hours a day. he went 33 feet straight down and then when you look at the details of this tunnel you. see an engineering marvel. this thing was 5 1/2 feet tall his height. 2 1/2 feet wide. he could simply walk through it. it was reinforced with wood to keep track of all the structural integrity, whether or not ground
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walter was water was seeping in. a lighting system. see what they were doing. a ventilation system no gasses that could overcome anyone there. they had a track along the bottom of so it they could transport out on some sort of cart or motorcycle. not clear what they were doing. what we do know in the end this thing was a mile long. and over that distance it could have taken a year to build easily. and yet, one of the most wanted drug dealers in the world was able to walk out there in ten minutes or less. >> tom, we have covered drug tunnels from mexico to the u.s. i've been inside of them. we heard of new technology to help find the tunnels,000. could that have helped here? >> you stood down there, you wonder how could they not hear this going on? i talked to a geeophysicistgeophysicist miter corporation, contracting with the government to develop better system. she told me it is just not that
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good yet. a difficult task. you are three stories down. though you have devices listening for digging. maybe fryingtrying to measure anomalies in the earth. they have to be really close before they can tell something is going on here. bigger question though is how come nobody noticed the dirt. we said this is a mile long here. think abut this.out this. a mile long. taking a lot of dirt away. in fact more than 200 big dumptrucks full. hard to imagine, for all that going on nobody out here seemed to have noticed anything. >> there was the construction site this tunnel emptied out into. perhaps they were masking it with some of that construction work. incredible this happen. tom, appreciate the reporting. thank you. >> it is an extraordinary development we learned the press conference in mexico city just got pushed back slightly. we'll keep an eye on it. bridge you any late developments from it. if there is news from there we have learned. our next guest, devote a major part of his career to catching
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el chapo. working with his mexican counterparts. former isis officials, james dincan spent a decade learning his moves and finally tracking him down. jim, you were head of homeland security investigations at the time that el chapo guzman was captured. you were involved in the hunt for, for, over a decade. when you heard he escaped this time. what did you think? >> i was shocked. frankly not surprised. he is a very elusive character. not only hard to track but hard to keep in captivity as well. >> is it so much that he escaped or that he was allowed to escape? it seem ims impossible. >> it relies on less on bribing his way out. a lot more traditional means. this is somebody who really perfected the tunnelling system. not only to bring drugs into the united states.
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but that's huh heow he evaded being captured for ten years through tunnels. so it's not surprising that -- you know in a second captivity, maximum security prison that he resorted to what he knew best. that was -- heavily engineered construction tunnel. you know pop right up underneath the floor of his cell. quite amazing. >> i have been in a number of the tunnels on the border that have been discovered. just the intricacy of them elaborate ventilation system. electricity. but even to be able to you need a lot of technological know-how to be able to dig a tunnel from the outside that gets you -- that gets right to the exact spot in the prison that is necessary. that's that's a complicated feat. >> yes it is. i know you have been down on the southwest border and seen some of the tunnels we have seized over the years. you often see they get off track in different areas and have to adjust. often come up two, three, meters from where they
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originally intended to. this was one was very very precise. >> so now does he just go into hiding? do you think he tries to maintain an operational role? >> yeah you know he will start influencing thing immediately. the one thing is with this is that he had a year to plan not only as he is planning his escape through the tunnel. but also how he was going to avoid being arrested again and assume control. he has got a head start on everybody in the search for him now as well as ability to directly start influencing the cartel once again. >> there were a number of people who flipped, gave information, do you think he will look for retribution? >> i think down the road he will. right now, he is -- his main focus is his escape and his continued freedom. awe was a was it worth capturing him in 2014?
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>> absolutely. this is sgomething you can never predict. it sent a symbol that the cartels in mexico that mexico and the united states would cooperate and share information. at the same time mexican military and law enforcement would risk their lives to go after the baddest. at all cost. they demonstrated that and will continue to demonstrate that as they hunt for him. >> thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> we are waiting on the press conference from mexican authorities looking for new information about the massive manhunt under way. also more information about exactly how this happened. how the number one person on the radar of law enforcement, the number one drug runner that they had in captivity was able to escape yet again from a prison. we are also -- going to take you inside a sophisticated drug tunnel next. and what it is like. we'll visit where guzman is
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feared by many and practically worshipped by others. >> also tonight, donald trump. sweeting abut the ing aing about the escape. the question is he gaining popular traction even as his party tries to get him to tone it down. later on hear from a young man who nearly lost his life to a shark. an incredible story. in the waters of north carolina. you have heard of the uptick in shark attacks. this 16-year-old talks how he survived the encounter and the recovery that its now ahead of him.
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we are waiting for a late update from mexican officials on the el chapo prison break. we'll bring that to you as it happens. more on the escape tunnel. it may also have cost a small fortune to build millions of dollars, former top da official tells "los angeles times" today. then again what may be a small fortune to most people is pocket change to a drug lord. whether to go out of prison or in the case of some so many other tunnels to smuggle billions in dollars of drugs across the u.s./mexican border. a few years ago, border officials uncovered a tunnel between san diego and tijuana. and they showed us around. take a look. >> this is the most sophisticated tunnel they have
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ever discovered. ster ten ster -- there is lightbulbs. electrical system. air vent. cool air circumstance lagt inlating. fresh air the deeper you go. phone system. phones still work. people inside the tunnel could communicate with anyone up above. but what is really remarkable here is what i am about to show you. this is the motor works for an elevator. a primitive elevator. no doubt about it. brought this down here. this is the elevator itself. it is basically a large cart on wheels. we are going to take you down and show you what happens down there. >> i believe two people can fit in the tunnel at once. a slow operation to bring people down here they don't think the tunnel was used to ferry illegal immigrants into the country. too great a risk when you are putting the amount of money into the tunnel. you didn't want to have large numbers of people moving through.
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those people could get arrested and give up the information. most likely the tunnel was being built just for drugs. when you get to the bottom it's -- it's -- there is a lot of sandbags here. we have to crawl is amazing. 90 feet deep. lights still work. and the phones are this deep underground. all right. we probably already crossed into the united states. this part of the tunnel. you have to crouch down. looks like this is all really loose dirt. we haven't seen much loose dirt. just kind of assuming that they were in the process of carting some of this dirt out. because it is really the only area so far in the tunnel we have seen that has this kind of loose earth. so, look at this huge pile of it. you get a sense of the amount. sheer volume of earth they had to cart away put into the, either plastic bags put into
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burlap sacks or wheelbarrows bring it up to the surface get night trucks and get it away. so no one would notice. >> we know in the el chapo tunnel tom foreman said, a lot of trucks mugs havest have been involved. tunnelling under borders, corrupting officials or murdering opponents, drug lords operate brazenly they become in the territory they control virtually laws unto them self. gary tuchman spent time in el chapo any territory and what he found. >> this is one of the most dangerous spot in mexico. a place where few outsiders go. we are in the mexican state of sinoloa, the home of sinoloa car sells, one of the most ruthless drug cartel that ever was. the leader is a man by the name of el chapo guzman. this is his home. >> reporter: this is el chapo in 1993 after he had been arrested the first time in 2001 he
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escaped from prison in a laundry cart. this is him last year after he was captured sleeping in his beachside highway, with his assault rifle by his side and his wife. his 2-year-old twin daughters were in the condo. he has been the most wanted man in mexico. marijuana, cocaine, meth heroin murder all part of his business. violence like these. bodies stuffed in garbage bags police executed journalist as sass nated ednated -- assassinated are connected to the cartel. a lot of blood is spilled here in the violent nerve center of the cartel. >> around here he is the legend of sinoloa. >> that mystique is the reason people are pro tkttective of him. he was seen as a modern day robin hood. a common feeling, leave el chapo and his cartel alone and he will leave us alone. at this sinoloa cathedral, one
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of the priests says it is commonly understood that people mind their manners when it comes to el chapo and bloody exploits. people from around here know not to speak of el chapo. we don't talk about it. >> reporter: just drive around you will see how the drug kingpin and members of the cartel are idolized. storefronts bear the name of the cartel leader. not uncommon to see el chapo printed on license plate frames. nothing idolizes the narco-trafficking trade more than here. money lined the walls and ceiling and business and place of prayer that celebrates the drug culture and the life of a man many compare to el chapo. this is a sight you never expect to see. literally a chapel dedicated to a man by the name of jesus valverde born in 170. patron saint for drug dealers and those who sympathize with drug dealers. consider aid robin hood in his time. drug dealers come here. families of drug dealers come
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here to prap for people who died and also to prapy for transport of drugs up north. a chapel. a sign in spanish said thank you to god, thank you to saint jude and jesus valverde for protecting our family. but the most bizarre scene in sinoloa may be this. driving down the street in the city it first looks like you are entering a neighborhood. this is a cemetery where cartel members are buried. this looks like a house. it is not. there is a body buried in here. it's a tomb. there are scores of similar mausoleums in the cemetery with the faces of the drug kingpins outside the crypts. traffickers who likely grew up in poverty and homes much smaller than the final resting places. when the drug trade is glorified like this it is easy to see how some one like el chapo could repeatedly elude justice. gary tuchman, cnn, mexico.
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>> incredible to see mausoleums. a lot more ahead. how donald trump seized on the prison break story and showing no sign of backing down. >> do you think that the president of mexico governors of the mexican states are involved in sending their un undesirable people to the country. >> yes, i do. without question. >> the case of a little girl found in a trash bag near boston. two major developments to report. either of which could shed light on exactly what happened. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit
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over donald trump's comments on illegal immigration. at the same time popular support seems to be picking up steam. hillary clinton tweeted in spanish. i have one word for mr. trump. enough. and not just democrat whose have had enough on state of the union, senator lindsay graham battling trump for the nomination said this is a defining moment for the party and i need to reject trump's way of thinking without any ambiguity. >> there are some people who love donald trump and say he is speaking the truth. what i think he is doing is being a demagogue. i think he is uninformed about the situation regarding the illegal immigrant population. i think he hijacked the debate. i think he is a wrecking ball for the future of the republican party with the hiss panic commune -- hiss panic community. >> trump's popularity cannot be denied at the polls and events. a new poll shows jeb bush
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leading the pack with 15%. trump two, with 13%. the 2 point gap within the margin of error. over the weekend in phoenix, trump had to move the campaign event to a bigger space. so many wanted to go. no surprise given the locality. here's gary tuchman. >> welcome the next president of the united states mr. donald trump! >> reporter: he entered the room to a song called "real american" the same song wrestler hulk hogan used entering the ring. to many the similarities between the two don't stop there. like with hogan, trump brings a flare for the dramatic. and subtlety that's out the window. >> i told you i want to the warton school of finance. i am like a really smart person. i am more for the military the most militaryistic person in the room. i would have a military so strong we would never have to use it. i'm a donor. you gave to the democrats. i give to everybody.
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i want to get everything done. everybody loves me. >> well not everybody. in this packed phoenix ballroom which has capacity of 4,500 people. a lack of love from about 20 protesters unfurled a banner and shouted stop the racism. stop the hate in reference to trump's painting many undocumented immigrants as rapists and criminals. >> i wonder if the mexican government sent them over here. i think so. it's not at all clear if he is joking. because the real estate tycoon and reality show mogul also said mexico is actually sending the undocumented immigrants over. and here in phoenix he announce aid plan, a trump white house would implement. >> every time mexico really intelligently sends people over we charge mexico $100,000 for every person they send over. no further detail on how much
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such a plan would work. but it was rhetoric not specifics that kept the audience happy. >> the silent majority is back. and we're going to take it country back. >> what do you think about his stance about illegal immigration? >> i think he gets taken out of context if i think he speaks for a number of americans who are too afraid to speak up and say this is our country. we welcome immigrants just come in the right way. >> we need to build a wall. we need to put armed people on the border to keep the illegals out. they're sending them to us. we are either putting them in jails or letting them go free. >> reporter: who are they? who in mexico according to donald trump is ordering these people to illegally cross the border? he hasn't answer that question until now. >> do you think the president of mexico governors of the mexican states are involved in sending their undesirable people to this country? >> yes, i do. without question. >> done ald trump masterfully pro molted the brand of donald trump for decade and only
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increased his fortune and fame. even if it doesn't bring him close to the republican national nomination it is further increasing his fame. which donald trump has always enjoyed. an at least yet no sign he will tone it down a notch. >> i will win the latino vote. i have employed tens thoufz sandof thousand over the years, i employ latinos, hiss panpanics. they love me the i love them. >> gary tuchman. >> joining me anna navaro strategist supporter of jeb bush and adviser, former white house political director jeffrey lord editor of "american spectator." jeffrey, look at the rally in fine over the weekend. they have to move to a bigger location. he is resonating with voters. you see that. in the polls by focusing on illegal immigration is that for him a winning strategy or does he have to branch out and talk about a greater variety of
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topics? >> well i am sure at some pin the he will branch out. running for president you will inevitably be talking about all sorts of other ish ussues. clearly this is an issue. this has touched a nerve. two things going on here part of the same thing. ann coulter's book "adios america" is riding the best-seller list. donald trump in a separate situation, running for president and getting all these crowd. there is a deep concern on the part of the american people as this whole incident with el chapo illustrates all too well. i think that is a -- you know very interesting thing here. sort of the -- the cork has come off the bottle if you will. >> anna lindsay graham said donald trump was a wrecking ball for the future of the republican party and the latino community? do you agree? >> i think he make things much more difficult. i think we have a lot of work to do as republicans with the hispanic community, my community to begin with.
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i think he is not making things easier. i am very happy there are voices like that of lindsay graham and jeb bush and marco rubio, and chris christie and rick perry and so many other voices have come out and said donald trump is not representative of the republican party. yes speaking to a segment. yes he is speaking to anger and frustration from the american people. who i think are rightly frustrated at the dysfunction of washington that can't get the immigration issue addressed and solved. the bottom line is we shouldn't have sanctuary cities. we should have immigration reforeign minister thatre reform reform. we should have border security. the problem with donald trump he speaks in a very offensive tone. and he says that everything is bad. but he offers no solutions. because, just calling somebody pathetic or a loser or saying that something is baby steps, or i am going to build a wall and make them pay for it. those aren't solutions. >> jeffrey? earlier tonight.
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what about that? >> can i say something? >> a lot is rhettic. icrhetoric. when you push him, how is he going to get mexico to pay for a wall that is going to cost potentially billions of dollars? >> right. anderson. one of the things i want to say here in terms of the republican party and lindsay graham and paying for the wall and all this kind of thing. i spent time. i have a column in "am can spectator" tomorrow. and gone back and looked. these were precisely the things said about ronald reagan. senator percy said if he was nominated it would signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in american political life. a whole string of things in which the exact same thing, exact same word. he is not a serious man. he doesn't know what he is talking about. these things are being said about donald trump. they will all come outen due time. he is a very smart guy. i am sure he will outline this. i didn't have the slightest doubt about this. but this is old news and moderates in the republican
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party have been saying this for decades. they said it all about ronald reagan. we know what happens. >> you knew ronald reagan. >> let me just tell you. >> when donald trump -- let me follow up with jeffrey. you knew ronald reagan. donald trump said he was a fan of ronald reagan's obviously do. you believe that donald trump has the qualities that reagan had? >> well they are different people. no two people are alike. but i do believe he is drawing the same kind of critics saying the kind of things. when heap is is called a divisive force. rockefeller said he was a minority in a minority. chapter and verse on this kind of thing. >> anna go ahead. >> sure go ahead. >> i don't know what to till you. i think comparing donald trump to ronald reagan should be sacrilege for any republican. the governor of the largest state in the union the today we,
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have governor scott walker a guy who has within election after election announce. here we are talking about a carnival barker who offers no solutions. and just points out everything that is wrong with america. whoa whoa whoa. >> without showing optimism or an agenda. he is sucking up the oxygen. certainly it is great ratings. people look us are on tv fighting about it. but we're not talking about the really important things that that should be part of a presidential campaign. >> one of the thingize izeremarkable. he built this trump organization. a mammoth organization with these properties all over the world. i mean he has done a lot more than a lot of governors have done. the notion that this experience is somehow irrelevant or makes him a clown. is frankly bizarre. >> we will see how he does on the stage when he is face to
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face with the career politicians. that will be interesting to watch. jeffrey lord appreciate it. anna navaro. breaking news on the little girl whose remains were found in a trash bag near boston. hard to imagine. we'll tell you what toxicology tests are showing now. later, meet a 6-year-old boy who lost an arm in a shark attack. it happened a short time ago. his spirit and his optimism that has not been lost. i visited him at his home a few days ago. he told me how close he cam to dying and what his life is like now. 50% on ink you can print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. ♪ ♪ when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help.
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breaking news in the search for answers after a little girl's remains were found in a trash bag near boston nearly three weeks ago. authorities still don't know who she is. but they do have some new pieces of the puzzle tonight. randi kaye jinz meoins me now. what have you learned how baby doe ended up on the shoreline? >> i got off the phone with a spokesman for the suffolk county district attorney's office. the working theory now is that the child was placed on the shoreline left on the rocks. as you recall wrapped in the
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black plastic garbage bag. the reason they don't think she was put on the water elsewhere and came ashore there at deer island where she was found was based on the condition of her body. there was some talk maybe she was a missing child from canada or nova scotia found so far north in boston. norts now authorities now think that is not the case. >> do you have new information on the toxicology reports on her? >> i do. i have learned that some toxicology testing has come back. these are critical tests. we know they're looking to see if perhaps she was poisoned or maybe ingested some type of poison or drug on her own. on friday we had been told it could take a wk toeek to get the results back. i am told tonight some of them are back they do not indicate that baby doe ingested any type of drano, bleach or anything easily found under the kitchen sink. now they're doing further toxicology tests as a continue to try to figureeog figure out what
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happened to this little girl. >> the mystery continues. 53 million people have seen the computer generated image. 714,000 have shared it since posted on facebook. joining me christie andrews, the forensic artist that created the image, and former fbi profiler, mary ellen o'toole. >> christie what are the steps you take to create an image as accurate as possible? >> we will receive images from law enforcement. morgue photos. we will take a look at these photos. first deter men ifmine if we can clean up the photos themselves. if there is too match of trauma or decomposition we'll do an image from scratch if you will. we will use online stock photos as references. and sort of piece together a compotz itcom
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compozcom composite. >> that police believe she was found some what soon after she died that makes it easier to create the image? >> they believe they found her very quickly so. we are looking at bone structure, hair the proportions of the face, awful all these things are going to let us be as accurate as possible. we look to say these are hope based images. we are not creating portraits of people as much as we would look to.look -- we would like to. >> hope based images, you mean x explain that? >> we are hoping that there is somebody that knows this child and will see something in the composite that sparks recognition that they will come forward and say something i think this could be this person i know. >> mary ellen after nearly three weeks, authorities are no closer to identifying her. we understand toxicology, part
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came back clean. no physical signs of abuse that we heard of. does all it peer to you still that -- does it appear to you still that who ever did this knew her? >> it's just if a 4-year-old child they go missing they're 99% of the time there is a police report. the police report is filed by a babysitter or by a care giver, or a family member. there is just a remarkable silence surrounding this child. and secondly a 4-year-old child has a very small circle of people that they connect with. their social footprint is extremely small. so the question here is if she is not known by babysitters not known by a day care person why is that? and it what you have to conclude is that her contacts even with people like that were really very small. and there is very few reasons that would explain keeping a child almost a secret. >> christie i mean when you do this there is -- there is
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obviously you know there is a huge benefit for a, it can help you know it can help identify what has happened to somebody. at the same time it is very personal and intimate work. just personally is it -- is it difficult for you to do this? >> when i sfirfirst started this job there was a time period where i knew for myself sort of a grace period of getting used to doing this type of work. and then once i got used to you know seeing these images on a daily basis, i'm doing a job. each case i do feel a little connected to because you are creating an image of somebody, how you feel they looked in life. so there is that small connection. >> mary ellen, the fact that investigators now believe her body was in fact left on the shore and didn't wash up what does that tell you?
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>> that tells me that -- that the, amount of time that was spent disposing of her body was really minimal. and, that that's not -- surprising in any way. and sadly it's hard to say this but when people are put, children are put in a garbage bag like that and they're just disposed of it's like disposing of garbage. sickening to have to say that. but i think she was disposed of very quickly. and i think the disposal site was one that was expedient for the offender. but i would also say, and they are great investigators up there. they're looking at this person being somewhat familiar with that area to dump her there. able. it was more done for expedience. it was remote enough but, hey i am in a hurry. got to go. >> huh. mary ellen o'toole. appreciate you being with us. christie as well. incredible work you do. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we do think it is important if anybody seeing those images that image of that little girl
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thinks they mate they may recognize any element, maybe not her face completely her eyes or something that she was wearing. authorities want you hear from you. they're very eager for information. >> coming up tonight an amazing young man. describes the moment a shark bit off his arm. it's everybody's nightmare. swimming in the ocean. the shark jumps out of the water. took off his arm. the arm that he is usually uses. nearly killed him. nothing fits, huh? not surprising... ...with that bloated belly. you got gas. i can see it and i know you feel it. get gas-x. it relieves bloating in minutes. plus that uncomfortable pressure. no wonder it's the #1 gas relief brand. my heart... beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! so i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever.
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about to find out what it is look to be attacked by a shark and survive. 16-year-old hunter is lucky to be alive tonight. four weeks ago attacked by a shark off north carolina's coast where he was vacationing. you may have seen the coverage. there has baneeen a spike in shark attacks this summer. quick thinking bystanders kept him from bleeding to death before emts could reach him. he survived lost his left arm beneath the shoulder. he is left-handed that makes the recovery difficult. hunter is a fighter you will see & optimist. i visited him in kol kill acolorado a few days ago.
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an amazing young man. he shared the details of the attack. >> we were playing on the beach. i went to wash off the sand. >> how deep were you? >> two, three feet. enough to crouch down. >> you were not swimming? >> i waded into the water. maybe here. crouch down. gotten all the sand off. getting ready to go back in. >> reporter: when was the first timeized something was near you? >> i took one more step forward. i felt something big move against my ankles. and the calves. and so i was like i'm getting out of here. >> you felt it underwatter? awe i started backing off. bit my arm. jumped out of the water. i think my hand was in the water. it grabbed that and climbed its way up. >> jumped out of the water. >> it was out of water on my arm. >> you looked down and saw the shark on the arm. >> all i remember seeing of the shark. the top of its head basically.
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how big was sniltit? >> 6, 7, feet. maybe 8. >> was it holding on to you? >> for a little while it was. it slid off and took my arm with it. >> was there pain? not at the time no. like it just felt cold. like there was pain but it was nothing like you would expect when you get your arm bitten off. >> hunter made it back on to the beach and losing massive amounts of blood. witnesses describe blood-red waves. >> he just got his arm bit off. >> are you with the person now? >> my husband is. he has the it wrapped in a towel. >> did you realize it had taken the arm? >> yeah i realized. people were freaking out. and i was -- i'm lying on the beach. my arm is elevated like this. it's like oh it was, bleeding a lot. there was bone stick out. so yeah. i didn't really want to look at it.
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>> one man tide on a tourniquet before paramedics arrived. the heroics of strangers bought him some time but didn't complete stop the blood loss. >> was a pretty major arterien the arm. it had been severed. >> were you worried at that pin the about losing so much blood that you could die. >> yes, at that point i was. i pestered one of the emts in the ambulance for 2 1/2, 3 minutes. >> asking are you going to die? >> you are going to be fine. you are just trying to say that otherwise i will freak out. >> as hunter was rushed to the hospital in critical condition he had no idea he was the second shark attack victim on that stretch of beach. just 90 minutes earlier, 12-year-old kirsten was bitten in shallow water. >> the left arm is completely missing. and a bite toleg. >> this chopper was sent in to air lift kirsten to the hospital. hunter saw it fly overhead 90 minutes before he was bitten and
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never thought it could be for a shark attack victim. or that he would soon suffer the same fate. both lost an arm. but both survived. >> you're good. >> i'm getting better. >> reporter: a month after the attack. hunter is fighting for his old life back. he will eventually get a prosthetic limb but has to wait until his wound is completely healed. the shark took his dominant arm. so hunter has to learn how to do everything again. from his beloved frisbee. to practicing for his driver's license test with his mom. >> he can still play video games. but now uses the help of a food pedal that takes the place of his left hand. hunter is determined not to let this shark attack slow him down. >> before i had dreams and aspirations of what i want to do with my life. no reason that should change
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after losing an arm. strange, let's just forget everything i wanted to do beforehand and mope and lay down. >> it would be understandable though to mope. >> it would be. but i have never been the type to get down about things. >> do you find your balance affected? >> a little bit. not as bad as you might think. >> never the type to get down about things including the animal that took his arm. >> does it change the way you think about sharks? >> i mean not really. they're top of the food chain in the ocean. and humans are not used to being below anything on the food chain. so it's just it is what it is. >> would you go swimming again in the ocean? >> yes. >> you would? >> yeah. >> i just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> because a lot of people would, i don't know probably want to kill sharks or hate sharks. >> i have better chances of winning the lottery than getting bit by a shark. >> man you should start plague the lottery. >> i did a scratchoff when i got back.
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didn't win anything though. it was unfortunate. >> a friend and a former teacher of hunter's set up a gofundme page to help the family with medical bills and travel expenses. the bills are piling up. if you want to help gofundme/hunterers gofundme/hunterersrecovery. a link on the show blog as well. if you don't remember at a great, great kid. we'll be right back.
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