tv Wolf CNN July 14, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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this for real if he shows whaerve his financials are. >> all right, dana bash we look forward to hearing your interview with donald trump out of charlottesville, virginia. fred much more straight ahead. wolf starts right now. hello i'm wolf blitzer. 1:00 p.m. in washington, 7:00 p.m. in vienna 8:00 p.m. in jerusalem, wherever you're watching thanks for joining us. you'll be spending the next hour breaking down analyzing, discussing the historic deal on iran's nuclear program. the plan gives peace of mind to some over iran's nuclear future and the potential for nuclear weapons while others say it gives iran a window and billions of dollars to destabilize the middle east and the world. first, here's what we heard immediately after the deal was
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signed. signed. >> national security interests of the united states and our allies. >> we are reaching an agreement that is not perfect for anybody but it is what we could accomplish and it is an important achievement for all of us. >> the fact of the signing of this agreement does not eliminate all of the challenges. is it's the implementation that will matter. >> political reaction to the deal was immediate and intense. republican presidential candidates in the united states wasted little time sounding the alarm over the agreement. listen to what senator lindsey graham told our carol costello about the deal and how he would approach it. >> i would say to the iranians we don't trust you with a large nuclear program because you lie and cheat. you put every arab state at risk you put israel at risk you put our country at risk.
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you're taking religious nazis and empowering this regime at a time when we should be neutering this regime. this is a historically bad deal. it will throw the region into further chaos. it's taking a gasoline can and pouring it on a fire. the middle east is raging in terms of conflict now. you have taken it to a new level. >> at republican presidential candidate, florida senator marco rubio says the deal undermines u.s. national security. in a statement he said and i'm quoting now, "president obama has consistently negotiated from a position of weakness giving concession after concession to a rejet stream that has american blood on its hands, holds americans hostage, and has consistently violated every agreement it ever signed." but democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton called this a very important moment. >> based on what i know now and i will be being briefed as soon as i finished a dressing you, this is an important step in
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putting the lid on iran's nuclear program. >> president obama says he welcomes a robust debit that the u.s. congress over the iran deal but he also says he will veto any legislation that prevents the agreement from being put into place. house speaker john boehner says the president broke his promise to keep iran from enriching nuclear material and to dismantle iran's nuclear infrastructure. >> the president has abandoned all of those goals and that's why the deal we have out there in my view from what i know thus far is unacceptable. it's going to hand a dangerous regime billions of dollars in sanctions relief while paving the way for a nuclear iran. >> the depthic leader in the house, the minority leader nancy pelosi called the iran deal historic but says and i'm quoting her now "we have no illusions about the iranian regime or the destabilizing influence iran continues to have
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in the region we must maintain our vigilance. all options remain on the table should iran take any steps toward a nuclear weapon or deviate from the terms this agreement." republican congressman mack -- thornberry is the chairman of the house arms services committee. tell us why you disagree with nancy pelosi you disagree with this deal you don't like it. >> well i think it's always tempting for us to feel relief when a complex international problem is solved by diplomacy. but you know history tells us that sometimes what looks good on one day doesn't look so good on future days. and so my concern here is primarily what this deal gets us. it gets us nine months. the administration says today that iran could have a bomb within three months. the goal of this deal is to
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stretch that out for a whole year. so in exchange for those nine months of extra time they get something like $140 billion of sanctions relief which they will use to fuel their destabilizing aggressive agenda throughout the middle east. so if you weigh it even if it goes perfectly, just the way the negotiators want it to go i'm not sure that's a good deal for us sorvelgts what's the alternative? what would happen if the u.s. right now, for example, let's say -- i suspect it won't happen but let's say the congress, the senate and the house reject this is deal overrides the presidential veto. what would happen next? >> i think the better option is to keep to the goal that the president himself set out originally and that it would be to disman l and stop the iranian nuclear program. the goal changed in the course of these negotiations and that's historic. as a matter of fact secretary kissinger and secretary schultz
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wrote about that earlier this year our goals shifted from stopping their nuclear program to just stretching it out a bit. and so keeping the sanctions on keeping that pleasure on keeping the goal the game i think is a better outcome. when the president said it's either this or war, he's trying to set up strawmen. that's not the only option. >> so when secretary of state, john kerry, who negotiated this agreement, when he says for ten years the u.s. and others were imposing strict sanctions against the iranians but that didn't stop them from going forward with accelerating their nuclear program and getting to where they are right now, you say -- >> it is always possible that even with the sanctions they continue their nuclear program. but obviously the sanctions were having an effect. obviously iran has been very very anxious to remove those sanctions and so i think that keeping that pressure on
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showing some strategic patience is a better option rather than rushing for a deal that is -- again, even if works perfectly only buys us an extra nine months of time. >> but at this point given what's happened over these last several months of negotiations, if the u.s. were to walk away, there's no guarantee russia or china or the european allies would walk away. they might go ahead and ease their sanctions despite whatever the u.s. does. the fact if the u.s. imposes these sanction there is would be restricted or limited impact on the iranians right? >> you're right in the sense that you can't predict or guarantee what other nations would do. and so you're also right there are a number of other factors swirling around iran's strategic calculation. one of those factors is u.s. military positioning, our defense budget our restricts on our efforts in iraq and all of
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that perceptions but about whether the u.s. is willing to militarily stand up for our security interests. obviously that influences iran too, in what they think they can get. so you know you're -- if your point is you can't turn the clock back and start over of course you're right. still that does not say this deal and the extra nine months versus the $140 billion more to that goes into funding the houthis, hezbollah, the taliban in afghanistan, the militias in iraq, that that is a good deal. >> they're going to have a lot of cash. the young frozen iranian asset, maybe $150 billion, but then they're going to get tens of billions of dollars more in oil exports once they really get going. they're the fourth largest producer of oil in the world. they'll get a lot of money and they'll be able to use that in ways presumably the u.s. won't be happy with but we'll watch
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what's going on. mr. chairman thanks for joining us. >> thank you, sir. >> mac on this berry is the chairman of the house arms services committee. president obama says this makes the world a much safer place built not on trust, he says but verification. in iran hassan rouhani is saying "our prayers have come true." let's bring in global affairs correspondent elise labott taking a look at the details. that i say the devil is in the details. have they released the entire 100 or so page document? >> they have it's a 50-page document and another 80 pages of annexes. both the u.s. and the iranians are offering different fact sheets of the deal but, look wolf, the deal does put significant curbs on iran's program for the next 10 to 15 years depending on which aspects of the program. in return these the basic
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tenets, iran does get hundreds of billions in unfrozen asset, they'll be able to do business with the international community. but when the administration looks at alternatives we've been talking about, the u.s. walking away from a deal, the international community ending their con seine swus the us if they were to walk away they said this is the very best deal they could get. it's not the best deal they wanted but even foreign minister zarif said today it's not everything anything wanted but it's a good deal for everybody. >> have they released anything? are there secret annexes or amendments that have not been released publicly? >> well, that i say there aren't. >> are or are not? >> are not. >> that everything has been released. >> everything has been released? >> nothing secret being held from the american public or u.s. congress. >> well, that's what they say. but clearly there are going to be classified briefings in congress. they might have understandings that are written that are not written that they're share with the congress in classified
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session which they couldn't share with the public so we won't know. but there's a lot of transparency in this deal not only in the text but the inspections. the inspections are very vigorous. not as rigorous as the u.s. would have hoped for in an ideal world but over the next 10 to 15 years. then iran has signed certain protocols under the non-proliferation treaty that guarantee inspections for indefinitely there is a lot of transparency. are there things we don't know about? we don't know that we don't know them. >> all right, elise, thanks very very much. still to come much more on this new deal. this iran nuclear deal. "historic mistake for the world" is how israel's prime minister is describing the nuclear deal. we'll tell you why. plus not included in the deal, the release of four american citizens being held in iran. could they soon be released back to their families in the u.s. even though they were not part
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the true measure of this agreement is not whether it meets all the desires at the one side at the expense of the other, the test is whether or not it will leave the world safer and more secure than it would be without it. >> the u.s. secretary of state john kerry speaking just a little while ago, making his public statement on the're nuclear deal. he spent at least two years working on it in the last 17 almost 18 days straight negotiating the fine details in vienna. our chief international correspondent christiane a.m. pour -- amanpour is joining us live from vienna. you spoke with secretary kerry and iranian foreign minister zarif about this deal. the strategic realignment, some are suggesting between these two countries. but tell us what you heard. >> for well indeed. they were the main negotiators and they have been pretty much locked up together for the
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better part of the last few days weeks, month, and two years. so they have really got to know each other in a way that they never had before. and that means the united states and iran has a different relationship going forward after this day. it is just an arms control agreement, although both president obama and president rowhani of iran talked about what might happen in the future. but when i spoke to secretary kerry he said "we've got this deal but the real proof will be in the selling and implementing of it." so we've done the hard part but there's another hard part to go. and we couldn't ask about the big issues we have between us otherwise this may not have happened. listen to what he said. >> we exclusively negotiated a nuclear deal because we knew that if we got into the other issues you would never get to the nuclear deal. so in iran without a nuclear
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weapon christiane i think you know this as a matter of common sense, it's better to deal with than an iran with one. for those worried about iran's behavior in the region we are better off pushing back or dealing with that behave gror they're not on a path to get one and we believe we are clearly demonstrating a way in which they can not get the nuclear weapon. >> so that is the position of the obama administration that they have cut off a patway to a nuclear weapon. i asked him, of course about the strong criticism coming not just from members of congress some hard-liners in iran although they're mostly falling in line behind the supreme leader but also, of course, in israel america's strong strong ally in the region. he said about the criticism, he called it political and said those who criticize have an obligation to provide a real alternative. then i sat down with javad
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zarif, the chief negotiator on their side and i said what did they get out of it and how did they see this going forward? >> maybe one or two change -- we wanted to change the nature of our relationship with the west. we didn't believe it was good for iran and the west while we have common threats and common challenges in our region to be basically entrenching ourself in a non-issue, in an unnecessary crisis, in a fabricated crisis that has been created for almost the past -- almost a decade or more. more. >> so wolf just to sum up this is a process that started more than ten years ago under the bush administration and now after all those years, it has basically legitimized iran's nuclear program, though imposing strict limits on it for a considerable period of time. ten years in some instances, 15
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years in other, 25 years of limits in other areas of this deal. for that they get a lifting of sanctions, in terms of their personal relationships, there's been so much reported about frayed tempers and people shouting. i asked both kerry and zarif whether that was true did they shout at each other. both admitted yup, there were moments of real frayed tempers, stir craziness, groundhog day. but they both said separately that after each argument they ended the day with a smile on their faces. this is a testament to how committed they were for this diplomacy to work. wolf? >> christiane thanks very much. two very important interviews in vienna today with the secretary of state of the united states, the foreign minister of iran. for our international viewers, by the way, christiane will have a lot more coming up at the top of the our on "amanpour." meanwhile, here in the united states zt the latest republican presidential candidate to weigh in on this nuclear deal with iran. our chief congressional
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correspondent dana bash is joining us on the phone from charlottesville, virginia. dana you had a chance to get trump's reaction to this agreement. what did he tell you? >> well i know it won't surprise you, wolf that not unlike the other 14 republican presidential candidates out there he was incredibly critical. he said in his typical blunt terms that it's a terrible deal then he said this. take a listen. the president said it's not built on trust, it's built on verification. >> it's not true. it's absolutely not true. >> how do you know that? >> they can do whatever they want to do because i know many people involved in the negotiation. the iranians are very good negotiators. the persians are always great negotiators. they are laughing at us back in iran and why didn't we get our prisoners back? why doesn't somebody say where are our prisoners? nobody's talking about it. we have four people in prison that shouldn't be. why couldn't they make that part of the deal? it would have happened
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quickly,'sly if you had the right messenger. that should have happened earlier. that should have happened at the beginning of the negotiation. plus we're giving them billions of dollars. we shouldn't give them their money back. >> so you're in the white house, you're in the oval office, iran and the specter of them having a nuclear weapon is in front of you, what do you do? >> first of all, it wouldn't be that soon. second i would haven't made a deal from desperation. i would have doubled and tripled the sanctions. i would have also gotten our prisoners back. it represents something, we make a deal we don't get these four people back that shouldn't be there? it's terrible but it's emblematic of the way they negotiate. it's like sergeant bergdahl. we get a traitor named sergeant bergdahl and they get -- look what they get. they get their five guys they most wanted anywhere in the world. who makes deals like that? and with bergdahl six people died trying to get that trait orbach so we get bergdahl they get five guys they wanted. that's not the way you deal.
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>> so someone like donald trump is coming that the from the perspective of how you negotiate something which is probably not unexpected. other republican presidential candidates are much more bellicose, particularly when talking about israel but lindsey graham earlier on cnn wolf said that this is akin to a declaration of war against israel. >> that's what he said all the republican presidential candidate, us almost all of them, i haven't heard rand paul have come out strongly against this nuclear deal. in other -- in an unrelated matter as you know trump's camp says he has received threats from mexico specifically from el chapo, the drug lord who escaped from that maximum security prison in mexico. did you have a chance to ask him about that? >> i did ask him about that because as you know our justice reporter evan perez has been doing reporting asking the fbi
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about this. the fbi has said when they get any kind of call like this from a presidential candidate they have to look into it so i asked trump, listen to what he said. the whole issue with the mexican drug lord that broke out of prison, can you tell me about the threat you believe you got and your conversations with the fbi? >> well i've had threats because i'm talking about mexico and i have great respect for the mexican leaders because they're much smarter and more cunning than our leaders and they're making much better deals. i have a theory that mexico doesn't care so much what i say about the border which is horrible, the border they care more about what i'm saying about trade because they are making trade deals with the united states that are just stripping us of our money, our jobs our people. what they're doing to the united states and trade. and i have a theory that mexico is calling a lot of shots and i'm suing univision now for $500 million, i have an unbreakable contract. i think univision takes its marching orders from mexico.
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>> so wolf, the backdrop of this is a tweet that came from condition at that may or may not have been related to el chapo. so that's the reason why the fbi is looking into it and obviously the context of this is trump making some inflammatory comments over the past month or so about mexico mexican illegal immigrants which, of course he has been trying to clarify ever since. wolf? >> good work over there, dana bash on the scene covering donald trump. much more later today. still ahead, the reality of the iran nuclear deal. we'll take a closer look at the deal and the enforcement options and more. that's coming up next. only glucerna has carbsteady clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel.
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negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. because of this deal, the international community will be able to verify that the islamic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. >> the president of the united states speaking out just after this deal was signed after it was negotiated in vienna austria austria. i want to go to jim acosta. he's getting new word. the president, i take it just had a phone conversation with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what do we know about that? >> that's right, wolf. as you might expect, the global sales pitch is on for president obama. he's spoken with a number of foreign leaders today, including the prime minister of great britain, david cameron, the chancellor from germany, angela merkel the french president, francois hollande but the toughest call of the day no doubt about it wolf is the phone call that president obama had earlier this morning with the israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu you can read between the lines of this readout provided by by the white house that this was a stern phone conversation. the president it says told the prime minister that today's agreement on the nuclear issue will not diminish our concern regarding iran's support for terrorism and threats towards israel. that's a clear indication wolf that that is something that has not been resolved in terms of the israeli point of view. prime minister netanyahu as you saw earlier has already blasted this deal as dangerous something and this will fail. we should also point out in this readout as well it mentions that secretary of defense ash carter will be heading to israel next week to continue to keep ties with israel as best as they can be. earlier this year prime minister netanyahu gave that speech to a joint meeting of congress. that did not go over well inside the white house. the white house was openly criticizing netanyahu for that
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speech and it took many many weeks to patch up that relationship as best as it could be patched up. i was at a speech that vice president joe biden gave to members of the jewish american community in washington where the israeli ambassador to the u.s. was there and there was a lot of concern in that room that the white house is not on the same page as israel. we talked to senior administration officials at the white house, they know where benjamin netanyahu stands on this issue. they don't expect these differences to be patched up. i suspect, wolf there will be other conversations between president obama and prime minister netanyahu in the days and weeks to come wolf. >> i'm sure it was a tough conversation. i would have loved to have heard it. we'll be speaking shortly, by the way, with a former israeli ambassador to the united states michael oren. he doesn't like this deal either. jim akos at the tacostaacosta thanks very much. jim has spent more than two decades at the u.s. state
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department, what's your reaction to this deal aaron? >> i think the president got what he want and will in fact over the next decade get what he aimed for which is a slow smaller, more easily transparent and more easily verifiable iranian nuclear program. but i think also we paid a lot for what is essentially an arms control agreement and not a disarmament agreement and therein lies the problem. with the arrangement. think about it. in exchange for a twep iranians don't have a decision they haven't made to weapon size they'll reap billions in sanctions. we've essentially legitimized their right to enrich. they know how to master the fuel cycle and at the end of the prices -- look ten years isn't a long time. at the end of the process they will have an option as well as the capacity to weapon size should they choose to do. so i'm not arguing they will. and to boot you have an iran rising in the region and those dollars, even though oil is a lot less expensive than it is
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now and the iranian dollar doesn't trade as much that revenue goes a long way towards supporting hezbollah, assad, iraqi shi'a militias. so you know the agreement works for the president. there will be no preemptive israeli military strike no need for an american one. there will be an enormous amount of adulation for the accord but, again, it doesn't come without a cost. we have to be very clear about what those casts are. >> because the iranians now, forget about the nuclear side of this let's assume it's been frozen for ten or 15 years, they'll get $200 billion or maybe even more and they will be able to use that. the great fear, the crickets say, is they're use it for hamas, hezbollah, bashar al assad's regime houthis and others opposed to the united states and the west as well. >> for the president's legacy transaction isn't enough. for this to be a transform i have the deal, the nature of the
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regime its repression at home, the four americans it held its expansionist policies abroad have to change and the reality is who knows? it may change but it won't change any time soon and that in essence is part of the problem. >> some have suggested this may be one of those historic moments like nixon's opening up to china. do you agree that? >> i don't. i see -- i mean there were so many reasons the chinese had to reorient their relations. and, look we've worked out a reasonable relationship with china. and the reality is iran is sitting in a broken angry, dysfunctional and very volatile region of the world. so no the rules of the cold war with the former soviet union and the chinese simply don't apply in this particular situation. i mean, the alternatives wolf more sanctions, tougher negotiating, possible threat of force, we will never know whether any of these things would have worked but we need to live and at least recognize the costs of the deal we've signed? >> aaron miller, thanks for coming in. >> always a pleasure. still ahead, a stunning
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historic mistake. that's how benjamin netanyahu is describing the deal with iran. we'll bring you more israeli reaction when we come back. staying in rhythm... it's how i try to live... how i stay active. so i need nutrition... that won't weigh me down. for the nutrition you want without the calories you don't... introducing boost® 100 calories. each delicious snack size drink gives you... 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. so it's big in nutrition and small in calories. i'm not about to swim in the slow lane. get a coupon for a free sample at does your makeup remover take it all off? every kiss-proof cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that?
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>> in a decade, this deal will give an unreformed unrepentant and far richer terrorist regime the capacity to produce many nuclear bombs. in fact, an entire nuclear arsenal with the means to deliver it. what a stunning historic mistake. >> the former israeli ambassador the united states michael oren is joining us live from tel aviv. he's the author of a brank memoir entitled "ally, my journey across the american israeli divide." mr. ambassador thanks for joining us. does this deal for all practical purposes put any israeli military strike against iran's nuclear facilities off the table for years to come? >> always good to be with, you wolf thank you for having me on. israel's policy was and will remain all options are on our table. israel has a duty it has the right, i it has the capability to defend itself against the
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iranian nuclear program and the prime minister is speaking for the entire people of israel saying that we have that right, we have that duty and if we have to stand alone, we will. >> what does that mean "stand alone"? does that military option to the iran nuclear facilities, what israel did in the early '80s, to the iraqi nuclear reactor what it did many years later to the syrian nuclear reactor, go ahead and launch air strikes and destroy them. is that option still out there? well >> well i won't go into details on international television wolf but israel we have the capability we have a military that's more than twice as large as the french and british militaries combined. of course we don't have aircraft carriers we don't have strategic bombers like the united states but we can and will defend ourselves. >> was it a mus stakeistake. some israeli critics say -- and you watch what's going on in
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israel israel closely, more closely than i do -- to not bomb iran's nuclear facilities? >> well history will judge us. i was present in n the fall of 2012 and prime minister benjamin netanyahu drew that bomb you remember, with the fuse coming out of it at the general assembly that said that iran could not go beyond a certain red line if in its enrichment of uranium. and i was president in the room when president obama called prime minister netanyahu and thanked him for giving him time and space to work a diplomatic arrangement. unfortunately, those talks went on behind israel's back we did not know about those talks and i think the prime minister is speaking not just for himself or even for the government he's speaking for the people of israel. including people who oppose netanyahu. everybody agrees this is a bad deal. >> how bad is the u.s./israeli relationship right now?
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>> well the u.s./israeli relationship is very wide. congress and israel, the people and israel. between the white house and israel we've got some serious damage to repair to restore relations and a sense of trust. trust has been hurt here. again, in a country where nobody agrees on everything, i'm in kin knesset, right left up down arab and jew, everybody agreed this is a bad deal and here you have the president of the united states saying this is a good deal. so there is an obvious divide we have to bridge. >> michael or season the formen is former israeli ambassador the united states now a member of the israeli knesset. we'll have more israeli reaction throughout the day. mark regular gef, the chief spokesman for benjamin netanyahu will be among my guests in "the situation room" 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, the still very unclear fate of four american citizens
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being held in iran. will this nuclear deal pave the way for their situations to be addressed? we'll hear from family and friends about their lingering concerns. stay with us. w dishes like the island seafood feast with crab, lobster jumbo sweet and spicy and coconut shrimp. so hurry in, it'll be gone before you know it. when it comes to medicare, everyone talks about what happens when you turn sixty-five. but, really, it's what you do before that counts. see, medicare doesn't cover everything. only about eighty percent of part b medical costs. the rest is on you. [ male announcer ] consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans it could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. so, call now and request this free decision guide. discover how an aarp medicare supplement plan could go long™ for you. do you want to choose your doctors? avoid networks? what about referrals? [ male announcer ] all plans like these let you visit any doctor or hospital that
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while in this new nuclear deal with iran may be a new chapter in the relationship between the west and iran, there's a lot of other issues that need to be resolved. >> certainly we continue to call on iran to immediately release the detained u.s. citizens. these americans have remained in our thoughts throughout this negotiation and we will continue to work for their safe and swift return and we urge iran to bring our missing americans home as well. >> the four americans being held by iran include the "washington post" reporter jason rezaian,
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christian pastor saeed abedinny former marine amir hekmati and retired fbi agent robert levinson. they're american citizens being held in america right now. congress man congressman dan kilby has s representing the hekmati family. let's begin with you. are you hopeful as a result of this deal emir hekmati, the other americans, will be released? >> i'm hopeful because i think iran has to understand that for the world, the american people and the u.s. congress to fully consider the merits of this agreement they need to take a step toward the global community. and one tangible way for them to demonstrate their seriousness on this matter is to release the innocent americans they hold. so i think it's an opportunity for us to call upon iran to take that step and i hope they carefully consider that. >> do you support the deal? >> i'm going to weigh the merits
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of the deal. i'll measure it based on whether i think it makes the world a safer place. i think secretary kerry has done a remarkable job of getting us to this place but i can't erase from my mind when considering the deal iran's other behaviors and that includes the fact they continue to hold the americans. it's not something that i think needs to be conflated but i'll consider it carefully. i call on other members of congress to consider the deal not their own press releases when measuring its value. >> is it fair to say if emir hekmati, the other people will have your vote sn(. >> my vote based on whether the agreement is a safer place. the legitimacy of the agreement will be affected by iran's other behair your. i have had to force myself to separate the issues we feel don't want to trade the freedom of these americans for something at the negotiating table and it would be dangerous to conflate the two. iran has to be measured by all its behavior.
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i'm generally supportive but i'll wait and . >> well we desperately want our father home. it's been eight years and even one more day is too long without him. what we believe is that this deal is not the end of discussions between the iranian government and the united states government but nearly the beginning. hopefully this leads to my father's case being a priority and being at the center of discussions from here on out. it needs to be a priority and they need to work together to come on home. >> this program is being seen around the world and including in iran. what's your message to the leadership in iran? >> well i would say that please just on a humanitarian basis, please help us to find my father to bring him home. my family is not political.
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we have no agenda beyond just finding my dad and making sure that he can live the rest of his life out in peace with my family and other loved ones. >> congressman, how is amir hekmati's family dealing with this? >> i smoke with his sister sarah hekmati, earlier this morning. obviously they are tense and there is some reasons to be hopeful and we're holding on to that. hopefully, as david levinson hopefully this is the beginning of the discussions. >> so what's your message to the iranian leadership? >> if they want congress to take them seriously, there are other things that they can do. i am very focused on release amir hekmati, saeed abedini and jason rezaian and robert
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levinson. >> david, do you have any indication that your dad is still alive? >> well several years ago we received that video of him. that was basically a hostage video. a few months later we received photos of him in the orange jumpsuit. up until that point people had told us that he passed on and we needed to move on but my father has proved that he's resilient and he's a determined person. there is no doubt in my mind that he is there, that he's waiting for us and that the united states and iran can work together to bring him home. where there is a will there is a way and the two countries can work together to make that happen. >> david levinson thank you very much. we hope that you're reunited with your dad very soon. congressman, thank you for keeping this issue alive. i know the hekmati and all of the other families are grateful to you. >> thank you. up next on the loose right
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let's quickly get to other important news right now. authorities are stepping up the search for el chapo guzman the notorious drug kingpin who escaped from prison. he made his way to freedom through a mile-long elaborately built tunnel that started in the shower room to out of the prison and now the head of the prison has been fired. do you think el chapo guzman has fled mexico? do you think he's back in his home state of sinaloa? what do you think is going on? >> it's very hard to predict his movements. but looking at my experience covering this for about 15 years in mexico you find these drug traffickers and although they have the money to sit in the
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caribbean, you find moat of them end up going back home to where they grew up to where they know people who can protect them and move around those areas. so i would suspect he might have gone to his home state of sinaloa. he grew up in villages where people have been trafficking drugs for a century, among heroin drug traffickers. right now people are composing songs celebrating how great it is that he escaped prison in the areas where he could be. >> how elaborate was this prison escape? >> it was extremely elaborate and it was -- i mean to see somebody escape from supposedly the top security prison but through a tunnel a mile long with lights with an air vent with a motorcycle and rails, it makes the government look dumb.
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it makes the government look useless. if they cannot protect or hold in the biggest criminal in the country who's wanted by many u.s. courts who had a $5 million price on his head f. they cannot keep him in prison, how can they protect the population from the thousands of gunmen there on the streets and in many states people are used to seeing people drive around with pickup trucks and ak-47, how can they feel protected by them if their boss can't be held in a prison cell? >> do you think he's going to be out for a long time or do you think they are going to capture him? >> well let's see. he survived for 13 years before. he had protection from many people. unfortunately, for many people you know he's a drug trafficker his gunmen have
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killed many people. the people in ghetto and poor country villages see him as a hero and many will protect him and not snitch on him and that allows him to stay around for life. >> thank you for joining me. the news continues next on krchlcnn. hello. great to have you along with us on this tuesday. i'm pamela brown. after 20 months of painstaking talks, we have a deal. a landmark agreement and putting the brakes on what has the potential of being one of the most deadliest weapons on the face of the earth. let me be clear here this may be the biggest diplomatic agreement in decades but advocates of the deal like president obama, say it will keep iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon for
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