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tv   New Day  CNN  July 15, 2015 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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to develop a nuclear weapon. >> the deal that we have out there is unacceptable. >> more bad news for bill cosby. >> a former cosby show actor says his idol is guilty. >> it looks bad, bill. either speak up or shut up. >> we crashed and i was the only one that made it out. >> as they came out of the clouds she said all she saw was trees. >> it is definitely a miracle that she survived. >> this is "new day." >> good morning. welcome to your "new day." it is wednesday july 15th 8:00 in the east. the exact moment that "el chapo" guzman escaped from his prison cell caught on video. this was released by mexican authorities showing "el chapo" pacing his cell then step into the bathroom stall. gone. now we know he went into this
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mile-long tunnel that was built just for him. >> they warned mexican authorities more than a year ago. what's the latest? >> reporter: this brand new piece of video now considered a key piece of the puzzle. not only does it show the moment of joaquin "el chapo" guzman's escape but it's the last image of this cartel kingpin before he escaped into the custom built tunnel below. this surveillance video shows the second brazen prison escape. watch has guzman still in prison uniform calmly walks over to the shower in his cell. he bends over and then seemingly vanishes into thin air. mexican authorities say guzman had two blind spots in his prison cell which is under
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24-hour surveillance. slipping in the hole under the shower to make his get away. his tracking bracelet left behind. >> to see somebody escape from supposedly a top security prison through a tunnel a mile long with lights with an air vent with a motorcycle on rails, it makes the government look useless. >> reporter: these images showing the escape tunnel and the motorcycle on tracks inside the tunnel guzman used to escape. the bike was likely used to remove dirt during the excavation. "el chapo" a menacing marijuana, heroin and cocaine kingpin is described as a complete savage with powerful ties across mexico and the u.s. details emerging that after guzman's first recapture in 2014 u.s. dea agents received
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information suggesting that guzman's relatives and associated were looking for ways to break him out of prison again, passing this information along to mexican authorities, a claim mexico's government has denied. and back live outside the prison perimeter where there are still so many lingering questions. one of them is of course why did mexico not listen to that warning from the united states and of course the most important one, chris, this hour is where exactly is joaquin "el chapo" guzman. let's get back to the iran deal. they're done in vienna but the situation is far from over. president obama has to sell the deal now to congress. the president is defending the terms in a "new york times" interview and we can expect more of the same in an afternoon news conference that was called. what do you think are going to
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be the big points. >> reporter: he's going to take questions. that's where it could get interesting. just as some members of congress more than ready to sink their teeth into this deal and potentially tear it apart, the white house is just as ready to answer every element of criticism. today we have that press conference and of course coming from virtually everywhere right now, reaction. >> we have cut off every pathway for iran to develop a nuclear weapon. >> reporter: president obama got his nuclear deal with iran. the job now, to defend and sell it at home. >> i think that criticism is misguided. >> reporter: taking on the skeptics and critics, asking why the u.s. and five other countries could insist that iran develop it knewnuclear capability.
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>> to achieve regime change to solve every problem in terms of iranian behavior or to say to them in perpetuity they can never have peaceful nuclear power, that was never something that was in the cards. >> zblu there are plenty of questions questions. what kind of access will they have if iraq ballings balks at open doors. >> the most disappointing part of it is the inspection part. it's not anywhere any time. it's nothing remotely like that. >> joe lieberman weighed in on the deal. >> why would the united states sign off on such an agreement? >> reporter: many in congress angry that iran will still be able to enrich uranium at all. at the same time it will gain
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billions of dollars in sanctions relief and new trade. while not unlikely continuing to fund terror threaten neighbors and destabilize the region. some parts of the deal expire in ten or 15 years. >> i would rather have teen 20 or 30 years. >> reporter: president obama acknowledges the challenges. >> diplomacy can work. it doesn't work perfectly. it doesn't give us everything that we want. >> reporter: here's what could now. let's say congress does vote disapproval of the deal to keep congressional sanctions in place against iran. that could cause the deal to break apart, with iran saying that's not what we bargained for. or it could isolate the u.s. already we have the white house essentially warning congress that even if they were to override a presidential veto the outcome might not be quite what they had in mind. >> interesting.
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thank you so much. overseas the response to the deal is mixed, from dancing in the streets in iran to fury in israel. tell us what you're seeing, nick. >> reporter: one of the reasons they were dancing in the streets in tehran is because the president was appearing live ofn television to sell the deal to his people. he told them iran would have the sanctions lifted completely. if you look at the words of the agreement, sanctions can be snapped back on the iran doesn't comply. but after eight years if they continue to comply through that period then the sanctions are lifted off completely. the celebration is because this will be a boon for the iranian economy. they have the world's largest oil and gas combined reserves. this for them is unlocking the door to wealth that they haven't had until now. what we're hearing in other
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parts of the region is concern precisely for that reason the money that may come to the government there. the saudis are saying we support this idea of a deal with a iran but it's got to be backdoor up with a strong inspection system. they also say if iran does make money and it will that money should be spent on its people not funding and fuelling terrorism around the region. and that may be surprising for some people to hear. israel on the same page as saudi arabia. but that's exactly the concern that benjamin netanyahu has. he said this is a gamble that's going to fail a historic mistake. his words -- >> the leading international powers have bet our collective future on a deal that will sponsor international terrorism. they've gambled that in ten years time iran's terrorist
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regime will change, while removing any incentive for them to do so. >> reporter: president obama called not only the israeli prime minister but also the saudi king to explain the deal to them. >> he was inside the negotiating room with iran. and was their right hand man to secretary of state john kerry. he is a nuclear physicist. thank you so much mr. secretary for joining us. please help us by responding to the first wave of criticism. the first big attacks are this deal isn't long enough and it will still allow iran to develop its elicit nuclear activities. >> first of all, the deal is not a ten-year deal or a 15-year deal. it's a long-term deal that has various phases. initially there are extremely
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strong constraints on what iran can do. if they continue to earn the trust of the the international community -- and i would remind you that the interim agreement put in place about a year and a half ago was also greeted with statements that it would be ineffective and everyone agrees it has been effective and it has been followed by all the parties including iran. make no mistake about it. forever this agreement would have stronger restrictions on iran than would be the case if we had no agreement. >> and in terms of their ability to develop, the criticism is you've now given them 100 billion dollar they didn't have more and you're not going to be able to check how they're using that money. and they're going to be using it to get up to no good. >> we all know the sanctions were effective in bringing iran to the table. clearly it did not stop them
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from developing a nuclear program quite aggressively. it did not stop them from engaging in other behavior which troubles us. what the deal did do is provide them sanctions relief obviously. they have tremendous social issues to address on the scale of at least half a trillion dollars. we think a lot of the fund willing go there. whatever the case our deal is not based upon an assumption as to how they will spend those funds. it's based on the idea that all of our issues will be dealt with more easily if we are confident in their not having a nuclear weapon. and secondly, as i said, in putting tremendous restraints on that program for decade. >> from the physicist perspective perspective, how reduced will the capabilities be. we know the numbers, 98% of the enriched stuff gets sent
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somewhere else. and there are numbers and different provisions within the agreement that reduce it. what are their left with in terms of what they can do? >> first of all, our charge from president obama was very clear in terms of the nuclear dimensions. it was to assure tlaeat least a one year break out time. the reference point is today. that's estimated to be two, maybe three months. so we have bought considerable time to respond should our extraordinary transparaphernalia transparaphernalia -- transparency measures. we think we have created a much more secure time period. we hope this would lead to different behavior in many dimensions. but the deal is based on hard
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nosed approaches to making sure that the program is restricted that in fact a number of activities including in the r&d sector have been rolled back considerably from what they have been doing. in fact i haven't even mentioned that once you have the nuclear material you have to make a weapon. since we have added some definite commitments in terms of not engaging in activities required in getting a nuclear weapon. >> there's criticism that it's not any time anywhere. they have way too much notice and time to prepare for inspections. >> well first of all, i have always said that what we would have is any time anywhere in the sense that on the any time there is a well defined relativity short process, about 24 days in which to gain access
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when there is cause or in fact have iran declared in breech of the agreement. >> people say 24 days is a lifetime in terms of being able to secret the information and any goings on from inspectors' eyes. do you agree with that? >> no, i don't. i think that's state bid those who don't have complete insight into our capabilities for understanding what's going on. in particular activity using nuclear material we feel very confident we would find or the i.a.e.a. would find if in fact that was being used at any undeclared location anywhere. >> let me ask you something. you were at the table. how did it happen that -- are the american hostages that we believe are being held in iran that doesn't get on the table. none of the terrorist activities they're engaging on are on the table. but they get the u.n. sanctions
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on missile sales on the table. how did that happen? >> well first of all, it was clear from beginning this was a negotiation about the nuclear issues preventing a nuclear bomb pathway for iran. having said that and of course it was not my responsibility but secretary kerry in popular never failed to raise the issue of the americans held unjustly in iran and that was yesterday as well. the day that we of course -- >> is there any promise or any kind of implication given that something good will happen with those hostages? >> that's something i think you'd have to discuss with secretary kerry. but these issues a whole range of them were there. on the arms embargo that you mentioned secretary kerry has said and it's true -- i was there -- that's one area where the p5+1 did not have unanimity
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and number two, as secretary kerry has said the arms embargo was in fact in the u.n. resolution to come off when iran went to the negotiating table. what we have is retained a full five years of this arms embargo, agreed to by the entire p5+1. >> fair point. the u.n. had given that as a carrot to iran to come to the table. i guess you could see that as a plus. thank you so much mr. secretary for coming on. as we learn more about the points of push back please come back on "new day." >> i would be pleased to. breaking news in washington state, search crews finding wreckage near a wooded area where a teenager managed to survive a plane cash on saturday. now we're hearing her 911 call for the first time. sara sidner is live for us with
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the latest. what have you learned? >> reporter: well, alisyn, it's liegts light now and we do expect the search to continue first from the air and then crews on the ground. it is extremely difficult and rugged terrain. this area is known as america's very rugged mountain range called the northern cascades. very very difficult to try to get there. you could imagine for this young lady who is 16 years old who survived the plane crash, she then made her way out. and the sheriff's department and her father are calling it a miracle. overnight search crews locating the wreckage of the washington state plane crash where 16-year-old autumn emerged as the sole survivor. the state's department of transportation says crews can't yet reach the crash site located
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deep in the northern cascades. family and friends say it's a miracle that autumn was released from the hospital on tuesday just three days after surviving the crash. on saturday autumn took this sell vee justfie selfie. >> i was riding from montana to washington and about -- well, i don't know where, but we crashed and i was the only one that made it out. >> okay. um made it out from the collision or survived? >> yeah. the only one that survived. >> she said they came out of the clouds and all she saw was trees. >> reporter: audittumn says they crashed into the side of the mountain. she tried to pull her
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grandparents out of the plane and it was on fire. >> are you injured at all? >> yeah. i have a lot of burns on my hands and i'm kind of covered in bruises and scratches and stuff. >> after waiting for help for nearly a day, autumn hiked her way out of the treacherous terrain, following a creek downstream until she reached a trail. and then the highway. a driver bringing her to this store. >> it's amazing that she was able to accomplish what she did. >> her father speaking about autumn's resilience. >> she's had to deal with a lot of loss. she's just an amazing kid. >> reporter: she was out of the hospital so very quickly, just spending one night. she also made it back here to her home with her dad. >> we have dramatic dash cam video in a deadly california police shooting. officers are yelling at three
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men with their guns drawn. a third steps forward and the officer begins firing. the police department fought to keep the two-year-old video a secret following the 4. million dollar settlement. >> the family says the settlement is not a victory. it's been nearly a year since the police officer's chokehold lead to garner's death. >> we have a personal note here from the cnn family. we want to offer our con dell lens to our colleague jeffrey toobin for the death of his mom. she was the first network news woman to report from vietnam among many other accomplishments accomplishments. she was 84. our thoughts are with the
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family. >> what a full life and what accomplishments those are. >> she raised a great son. >> she did. a new poll finds that donald trump is leading the pack of republican presidential contenders. can the brash billionaire keep this up? we're talking to our political panel, next. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta! can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought.
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insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. according to a new poll donald trump is leading the national republican race for
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president. with us this morning to talk about these findings ben ferguson our cnn political commentator. and paul begala. >> you've been planning that intro all morning with the trump, haven't you? >> yes. >> i like it. >> finally i have an opportunity to use it. let me put up the poll for you. this is a suffolk university poll. it shows donald trump in the lead with 17%. i believe he's within the margin of error with jeb bush. jeb bush has 14%. you could see ted cruz 6%. >> he's on top. >> there you go. paul is it time to officially begin taking donald trump seriously for everyone? >> absolutely. i've been taking him seriously from the beginning. well no, actually vii haven't.
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this will make donald mad. the legends dare football coach at my school the university of texas -- donald can't carry off the nomination. >> how do you know? >> i'm smart. i do this for a living. "washington post" just had a new poll out today too he's got a favorable of 57% republicans. republicans tend to be like mr. trump white and angry. they're lovely people. americans generally really dislike trump. republicans love him. the rest of the country hates him. he's got a 61% negative nationally but a 57% favorable among republicans. this is an enormous problem for the republican party. >> what is he tapping into that
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is motivating people in your party against begala's point there is proof it's resonating beyond your party? >> here's the thing. he's the most hated politician in the race. he is legitimately the most hated person in the race. that's not a good way to start when you're running for president or any office for that matter. the second thing is he's filling a void. all the other candidates are actually running real campaigns, trying to set up their networks trying to raise money. >> why do you want to ration speaking the truth about the out outrage surrounding major issues? >> he's blunt and people like that. when everyone else is trying to get their campaign set up and start connecting with people donald trump is saying things that people say, you know what
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he doesn't sound like a politician. he isn't scripted. he's being politically incorrect . you're only talking about 17% of the people who like him. 17% doesn't get you elected to anything. and we're a long ways away. i think he's going to be big. and guess what? he's going to go away and screw up just like he did with his intern tweeting a picture yesterday that was incredibly incompetent. >> he says that an intern tweeted this picture of his face behind the flag and it turned out that the soldiers on the flag for nazi soldiers. >> poor intern. probably fired, right? >> cut him a break on that. >> palul you're painting with an awfully broad brush stroke in
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saying that all republicans are white and angry. that's not fair. >> of course not. >> and even some republicans running for president like say, jeb bush are trying to now distance themselves from donald trump. so listen to what jeb bush said in iowa yesterday about this. >> and on our side there are people that prey on people's fears and angst as well. i don't know about you, but i think it is wrong. i believe we need to unify our country. we need to stop tearing and separating ourselves by race and ethnicity and income. we need to focus on the things that tie us together. whether it's donald trump or barack obama, their rhetoric of divisiveness is wrong. >> let's grant jeb bush that donald trump represents the little red guy on one shoulder. who is establishing themselves as the man or woman on the other shoulder? >> i think scott walker is a great example.
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i think he's very much underrated. he's an incredibly intelligent guy who is also very disciplined when it comes to politics. with his recall election he did not have missteps. he's an actual real republican candidate running for president and people are going to respond to people like that. i think there's plenty of options and i think that first what you saw is people said donald trump's beneath me. i'm not going to get into a twitter war with donald trump. and now all the campaigns i've been talking with are saying we're going to have to engage him at a bare minimum and get rid of him as quick as we can. all of them cannot stands donald trump when many of them actually like each other personally. rubio likes jeb bush for example. they can be friendly and cordial. >> we're out of time. paul we owe you one. >> just put more trump on. i don't have to say anything. he makes the case for the democrats better than anybody. >> thank you for.
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time now for the five things to know. president obama trying to sell congress and u.s. allies on the landmark nuclear agreement with iran. the president will hold an afternoon news coughnference on the deal. . and newly released video showing the moment "el chapo" guzman escaped from his prison cell. he steps into a bathroom stall and vanishes. president obama calling for radical changes to the justice system. he wanted sentences for nonviolent criminals reduced and solitary confinement reconsidered. trump is at the top of the
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presidential republican pack. he's edging out jeb bush but losing head to head against hillary clinton. nasa expected to release up close images of pluto today beamed back from the new horizons space probe following its historic fly-by of the dwarf planet. the mission covering 3 billion miles over the last nine years. for more go to for the latheest. chang chair cities under fire. are these laws a public safety risk? why do they exist? we have a former federal immigration -- ♪ color is a beautiful thing, i know, i know... ♪ ♪ color is a beautiful thing, i know, oh yes i know... ♪ ♪color is the i ching ching for sure ding dang... ♪
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over sanctuary cities. they protect undocumented immigrants from deportation in certain instances. some say as a result they endanger public safety. what is the reality?
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we have someone who understands the law and their formation. john torres is former acting director of immigration and customs enforcement also known as i.c.e. thank you very much for joining us. why did these cities come into existence. why were these laws necessary? >> well some of the local jurisdictions wanted people with no status to come forward to be able to report crimes. and so that's understandable if you have someone who's afraid to report a domestic violence crime for example or someone who's afraid to report a murder even because they have no status. there's a fear in the community they're going to be turned over for deportation. that's really how this started. >> some of this is about community policing. and the criticism is you've made your neighborhoods less safe because you don't help i.c.e.
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enough. crime experts have found that cities with community policing policies as a result of these local laws wind up working nor closely with dhs and have more actual criminals in custody. >> and that's what i've seen throughout my career over the years is you have a variation of these types of agreements in different cities. they're not -- for the most part they're not all or nothing. you don't see a law enforcement jurisdiction saying we can't cooperate with you at all. usually we'll sit down have a discussion with them. we'll do a risk assessment based on what we've seen in that popular community. obviously it's different on the border than what you see in new york city. but we'll work together to get the most egregious violators. >> do you think sanctuary city -- any immigrant doesn't have to fear any type of law
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enforcement action against them? >> from the aspect of perception if the perception is you have no fear then we've heard this a million times, the perception becomes the reality. >> but in your practice of what they do in these jurisdictions is it a free pass? >> no it is not a free pass. there are a number of people that get transferred over to i.c.e. from different jurisdictions. unfortunately some of those instances too where i've worked with police chiefs and sheriffs, they've said i've got to work with you we don't want it to be known that we're cooperating with you and we have to figure out some sort of work-around agreement. >> let's talk about the reasons for that. many people think if you came here and over stayed that's a crime. that's a civil violation. i.c.e. was asking them to hold people beyond what they could. it was a civil violation.
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they were getting sued and incurring a lot of expense. that's what spurred this disconnect between the state and the federal system. >> i.c.e. will issue a detainer and say could you please hold this person for up to 48 hours. what they're transferring over to is a program where they're asking for notification in advance so that these jurisdictions don't have to hold them. >> do you think san francisco did the wrong thing here with respect to the detainer they were issued? >> i do think they did the wrong thing as a city. my understanding is there are limitations on that particular sheriff and what he could do and what he can't do. ultimately the goal is public safety community safety making your community safer. and this person has been in and out of prison for most of his life. we're talking about someone who
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is a threat to the community. >> so fair point, san francisco wasn't making it easy enough. also fair point that this system doesn't work and that i.c.e. has to figure out how to make its case more quickly. >> there's definitely room across the board for everyone to come together and find common ground here to make the community safer. >> i appreciate this mr. torres because you did the job and you have mixed feelings about sanctuary cities. but it's complex. and too many want to make it simple for their own purposes. thank you for spelling it out. appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> please tweet away or use the hashtag hashtag "new day" cnn. he calls bill cosby his idol. but now a former actor on the
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so this is what it's come to. human sardines packing into tiny frames. carrying around sticks like cavepeople. trying anything to fit in everything. you can keep struggling to get everyone in your shot. or, you can change the way you take selfies. the samsung galaxy s6 and s6 edge with a wide-angle and high-res selfie camera. a former actor on the cosby show now speaking out about bill
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cosby. joseph c. phillips said bill cosby was his idol who he loved and owed his career too. but that's changing. he played the husband of character denise huxtable. you've written an article for your website and it is called "bill cosby is guilty." what makes you say that? >> the article is not so much about that but about my -- it's kind of my story in this entire sordid episode. and the title was to grab people's attention obviously. >> and it is grabby. the title says of course bill cosby is guilty. but this is a man whom you loved, who you respected. >> i absolutely did. you have to understand a lot of people respect him. he has fans all over the world. when i first met bill cosby, i wanted to hug him. after my father this was the
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man that i aspired to be. being on the show with him was an incredible experience for that reason. so this episode was jarring and jolting. and i think it was for so many americans. >> absolutely. even people who didn't know him. >> yes. >> i want to get to what he was like on the set in one second. because you write here he was a ladies man, but was also a good father and husband, devoted to his wife and children. huh? >> yeah. i think that was some clunky writing on my part. i think what i was -- >> but you saw things on the set that made you think he might not be a great husband. >> i didn't really see -- well i think few people saw anything. it was just -- like the air, you just accepted you just knew that it was happening. you didn't necessarily see it like the air, but you knew it
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was there. >> by "it," what do you mean? >> again, i want to make clear they didn't see anything. this was gossip that he was playing around. >> yes. >> but i never saw. people talked and so it was just one of those things that you knew and just went on with life. >> playing around is very different than rape. >> oh yes yes. >> what allowed you to finally believe that it may be possible that he was capable of sexual assault? >> two things. the first is that particularly back then at 28 years old and everything changing in my life and still there's a part of me today that wonders about men who have incredible fame power, money and the number of women that approach them and offer themselves. i was -- >> you saw that? >> well it happened to me.
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i was lohman onw man on the totem poll on the cosby show and overnight women were coming out of the wood work. i was single. so it was a bit different. i began to wonder can any man say no every single time. so i think i gave him a pass on that. now flash forward many years. i think like a lot of people i was really giving bill the benefit of the doubt. this was not the man that i knew. this is not the man that i worked with. he may have had other faults but he certainly was not drugging and raping people. and then i had a conversation with an old friend bumped into her. i hadn't talked to her in a couple of years. i just thought, hey, he used to be like your mentor or something. >> was she an actress? >> yeah. and i don't want to say too much about her. >> what did she say? >> for two hours she sat in my car crying telling me her
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story, all of the details. and at that moment something changed for me. she turned to me and she said -- she wiped her face and she said do you believe me? and i said yes, i believe you. and that was the change. and i had to look with sober eyes at what was going on. >> your fellow actor whoopi goldberg it has taken her a notably long time to come around even on the air to say that it's possible that bill cosby might be capable of these things. >> well listen this was america's dad. he was not just black america's father. he was america's father. people in this country and i think all over the world love this man. and it's very difficult to wrap your mind around the dark side that we're beginning to see. >> let me play for you what
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whoopi goldberg said yesterday on the view that was very different. >> you've got a serial rapist. you have a serial rapist. he's been on the streets for 30 years. i have to say i thought that yeah here's all the informing. take his [ bleep ] to jail. i find out from you that's not possible. so i can't say anymore innocent until proven guilty. can't say that anymore because there's no way to prove it. >> now do you agree with her? >> well, i don't know the information that she had. i'll say this that behaviors demand consequences. if he's guilty there should be consequences. i don't know what those consequences are. it's not up to me to give them out, say what they are. >> but you think that something should happen to him? >> i think he is suffering
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consequences right now. this is a man who was beloved by everyone who made his life in front of people with adulation. and now he is a pieariah, a public disgrace. he's 78 years old. his legacy is gone forever. i think that's consequences. i'm not saying it's enough. people might want more. >> we appreciate you sharing your feelings and how you've worked your way around to them. thank you so much for coming on "new day." "newsroom" with carol costello will begin right after the break. see you tomorrow.
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