tv The Situation Room CNN July 17, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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we're getting new information about the terror investigation in tennessee and the weapons used to gun down four u.s. marines. i'll talk to a woman who recorded chilling video, capturing the shots as they were fired. motive for murder. the fbi is digging deep into the gunman's communications online and his travels to the middle east. the house homeland security chairman believes investigators will find a clear link to terrorists. >> my judgment in my experience is that this was an isis inspired attack. >> soft targets.
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u.s. military recruitment centers all over the country are on guard tonight as the pentagon is reviewing security. should troops be allowed to carry weapons any time anywhere to defend themselves against acts of terror? and victims remembered. we now know the name of the four u.s. marines who were killed from a war hero to a recent recruit. they died serving their country in a place where they thought they were safe. we want to welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in the situation room. new video capital turk sounds of gunfire ringing out during the shooting rampage that killed four u.s. marines. federal authorities stressing this is being investigated as an act of terrorism. they're now revealing the
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shooter was armed with at least two, two long guns and a handgun as well. he was wearing a vest to carry extra ammunition. tonight, the fbi is analyzing the computer the cell phone, the other devices that belong to the gunman. mohammad youssuf abdulazeez. investigators are looking for any context he might have had with members of isis or other terrorist groups. a close friend tells us he spent time in the middle east as recently as last year. chattanooga is remembering the victim with an interfaith service. the military has released the name of all four marines. i'll talk he's been very vocal in warning about an attack precisely like this one. and our correspondents and analysts are standing by.
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first, let's get the very latest from victor blackwell on the scene in chattanooga. >> the fbi says agents are following up on 70 leads they've received related to this attack. and while there are no indications currently that this attack was orchestrated by isis they say that their investigators are ruling nothing out. tonight investigators are scrutinizing the gunman's computer cell phone and social media accounts as they search for a motive in the deadly rampage that killed four marines. officials say mohammad youssuf abdulazeez was not on any u.s. terror database. >> the active the shooter situation is being treated as a terrorism investigation. >> the attack began when 24-year-old mohammad youssuf abdulazeez drove this silver convertible mustang with guns to a strip mall. he pulled out an ak-47 style rifle and opened fire from inside the car.
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riddling the building with bullet holes. >> as he brought the barrel up, he started shooting and he just went back and forth shooting. and then he dropped a clip and put a new one in. >> reporter: wearing a load bearing vest to carry magazines, he drove about seven miles to a naval reserve facility where he ramtd through the gates and then engaged in gun battle killing four marines before he was shot dead by police. >> it was clear this gunman had every intent to encounter and to murder police officers if he needed to. >> mohammad youssuf abdulazeez was a mixed martial arts fighter. he was a student and well liked by his peers. >> he always fit in. he had a big group of friends. he was never treated like an outcast. he was pretty popular really. always a real funny guy. >> he was also a devout muslim who prayed at this mosque and others in the chattanooga area.
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a naturalized u.s. citizen, he was a stinlpalestinian, born in kuwait. he carried travel documents. the jordanian government said he traveled to jordan last year to visit his uncle. he was arrested in april for a dui. according to the police report he smelled of alcohol and marijuana and he had a white powdery sub stance under his nose. he allegedly told police it was crushed caffeine pills that he snorted. and the federal agent who is leading this investigation says it appears that at least some of those weapon that's were in abdulazeez' possession were purchased legally and these are the early days of the investigation. that agent says it appears no one else was involved and that he was radicalized by no one other than himself. again, these are the early days of the investigation. >> we're about to learn, i suspect, a whole lot more. victor thank you. one top u.s. official has little if any doubt that the
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chattanooga that attack is linked directly to isis. listen to the house homeland security chairman mike mccaul. >> we've seen too much of this traffic. too many warning signs. the targets are identity to the targets called by isis to attack. so in my judgment my experience is that this was an isis inspired attack. >> let's bring in our justice reporter evan perez. he is getting new information about mohammad youssuf abdulazeez's employment for example. very intriguing the stuff you're just learning. >> that's right. the information we've just gotten from first energy power plant near cleveland, ohio according to the officials there. abdulazeez was dismissed as an engineer. he worked there about ten days in 2013 according to the spokesman for first energy. apparently employees at the plant recognized abdulazeez when they saw the events in chattanooga and alerted
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officials there that he had worked there for ten days. the associated press which first reported this story said he had perhaps failed a back ground check. according to first energy that is not the case. they said they simply are saying that he did not meet minimum requirements for ongoing employment and them it was part of an ongoing investigation. now it is under clear exactly what that is. why he would not have met the minimum rimts. we know that he had an engineering degree from the university of tennessee in chattanooga and according tonight power plant officials, he was never granted any unescorted access to this power plant and was never in any area that requires strict security. >> so let's talk about the time line. he graduated with an engineering degree from the university of tennessee chattanooga. in 2012. in 2013 he's conditionally hired by this company which is a major -- >> power plant. >> first energy power plan in ohio. and they start training him.
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and after ten days they say to him, you're not going to get this job. >> you do not have the requirements needed to perform this job. >> is it the background check? was there something in his back ground? you need top security clearances to work in this power plant. they have to report to the nuclear regulatory commission. this is a very single i have the kind of job. >> it is a very sensitive kind of job. you have to go through a rigorous back ground check. they say according to first energy that they're not calling it a failure to pass a back ground check. they say he did not meet minimum requirements. those requirements could be everything from educational requirements to perhaps he did not fill out the proper documentation accurately when they went to do the back ground checks. so it is not clear what exactly were the minimum requirements that he did not meet. >> it is interesting. they did in fact bring him to ohio. he relocated after ten days. they said you don't have a job. >> you would think would you do
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this work ahead of time before you get access there. that is now something they say they've now reported to the fbi, to the authorities doing this investigation. >> that was only two years ago. in 2013. stand by. tonight, a friend of this killer is revealing new information to cnn about him. about mohammad youssuf abdulazeez. and his travels to the middle east. let's go to our senior investigative correspondent drew griffin. he is joining us live from chattanooga. he has more. you had a chance to speak with this friend who has known this guy. what? since they were both young kids. >> yeah really young kids boys actually. they grew up together. they're both the same age. 24 years old. we were asking him questions about his demeanor how he was. he said when he began these overseas trips, especially these extended trip that's we know took place last year. he said something changed over
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there. he distanced himself when he came back. the friend said he never became close to me like he was before he went overseas. and said something happened. the friend did not want to go on camera but related this to us. also as far as the guns in abdulazeez' life he said he had guns a lot of time in his life but not in a kind of threatening way. he did go shooting a lot. it was more recreational. so he was very familiar with guns. but at no time did it appear to this friend a close friend, that it was anything threatening about the ownership of those guns. this all comes out as we're learning that the fbi is scouring along with jordanian officials. what kind of visits he did have in the middle east and what if any context he may have had to anyone who maich radicalized or influenced him to commit this act which we now know he did
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commit. >> and i know you've also obtained a copy of divorce records from his family alleging violence in the family. violence by his father against his mother. tell us what you discovered. >> yeah. this all comes from 2009. so it was a few years ago. and i must tell you, when i tell you that his mother filed for divorce, she also filed to squash the entire thing one month later. but in the court record the mother of mohammad youssuf abdulazeez says that the father verbally physically sexually beat her in front of the kids. the father threatened to get a second wife as she said was allowed under islamic law. in palestine, their natural state of palestine, the palestinian territories. they did have five children together. and what took place was an
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intervention you might say by the mother's brothers. one who came from as far as kuwait to talk to the father. they agreed to counseling. they agreed to this kind of petition whereby he would no longer strike or harm the children and would give his wife money and then on february 27th of 2009 the entire case was dismissed without any prejudice. but it does point to a time in his life recently where there was apparently trouble in the home. >> yeah. if you read that document as i have it describes pretty awful allegations against his father and how he abused his mother in all sorts of ways. must have had a huge impact on this young man and his four sisters. we've seen the pictures of this family. all right, drew thanks very much. witnesses describe a really terrifying scene yesterday in chattanooga as multiple grounds of gunfire exploded during the attacks. let's talk now to a woman who
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recorded the shots being fired on her cell phone. karen is joining us on the phone. thanks very much. you shot the video capturing these moments of the deadly shoot-out. i want first of all to watch and listen to what you shared with us. stand by. wow! tell our viewers what it was like to experience that.
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>> well it was shocking. at first, didn't really know what was going on. surrounded by police cars and coming from all directions. so i pulled over. i saw gun fire along with some other people beside me. and terrorists didn't you know enter my mind. i was thinking somebody robbed a bank. i wasn't terrified at that point, you know being where i was just across the street. >> sounds so scary. you were essentially trapped. there were so many police around you. what could you see happening? the video, you shot just the sounds of all those gunshots are so powerful. could you actually see the
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shooter? >> no no. i'm not familiar with that area across the street. it seemed to me the police that i saw were looking down. it would seem to me it would be a ravine or something lower than the actual road of amnicola. so i didn't see him, no. >> are you okay now, karen? are you all right? >> yeah. i think it is kind of sinking in more today exactly, you know hearing all the reports of it being a terrorist attack and just it's here in chattanooga. that's just crazy. my son actually yesterday was working in hickson and got cornered in in the subdivision. so it's crazy and strange how all of this has come about in my
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immediate family. my thoughts and prayers are with the marines and the police. i'm so thankful for the chattanooga police and the amnicola police department for protecting us like they did yesterday and they do every day. >> i agree with you completely. >> thank you very much for sharing that video with us. very, very powerful scary material. >> let's get more on what's going on. james risch is joining us a republican a key member of the intelligence and foreign relations committee. you hear those shots. you see what's going on. you've been briefed on this situation, i assume. tell us what you know. >> well wolf virtually everything that is known you've reported. a few details that are classified. but by and large, you know exactly what happened and the details that are classified wouldn't change the conclusions
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and those things that you've already reported. i will say a couple of things we note from this. you and i have been talking about this for a long time. this is exactly the kind of thing we've talked about. we have a very, very robust intelligence community in america that are doing a great job. this kind of situation is the most dangerous. because this guy just did not give the signals ahead of time that can be picked up. if there is no signals of any kind no evidence ahead of time. you really can't blame anyone for not picking it up. and that's pretty much what he had here. the people you interviewed that knew him from the past just gave no indications that this guy had these kinds of problems. the one thing, of course that immediately pops out ought are these trips that he made over to jordan in the recent past of course he had a seven-month stinlt in jordan.
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obviously something happened there. we'll find out. we'll follow the strings back and find the connections. it is very difficult. the one thing i'm holding judgment on a little bit, i know one of my colleagues said they were convinced this was an isis inspired attack. i am convinced that it was a radical islamic inspired attack. not so sure it was isis. there is a lot of them. al qaeda still out there. admittedly isis is the most likely candidate but you'll notice they haven't jumped forward and all of these other isis inspired ones within a short period of time they jumped right in and. this is ours. this is what we did. that hasn't happened here yet so i'm going to reserve judgment. no question it is one of those groups opinion spired this person to do this.
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handgun that were found at the scene at the end of the shooting there. after that, the fbi went and did a, conducted a search and they found another rifle at the home of the suspect. so now we know that there are three long guns and a rifle, a handgun, a .9 millimeter handgun was found and three rifles in all were found. the fbi is saying they're still investigating to try to figure out whether or not there was a crime committed in the transfer of at least one of these firearms. we know the investigators believe that these were not recently poixd. these were guns that he had and he liked to shoot. his friends have said he was a fan of guns and went out shooting so it was not unusual for him to have these. we don't know when the guns were purchased but it was not a recent purchase according to investigators. >> yeah. four women'seapons and a lot of
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ammunition too. >> very quickly, the sounds of silence. you and i have been discussing this. what. here he is 24 years old. a young guy. he is not on facebook not on instagram, no social media that we could find. i assume law enforcement is looking closely. that's highly unusual which raises the question is he engaged in encryption? has he plotted this for a long time? >> that really adds to the puzzle in this case. he doesn't fit the mold of so many of these attackers that we've seen before. people who are proud of what they've done and almost immediately you find that they have posted something, left something behind. proud of what they've done. in this case no, signs of that and this goes back to the trip to jordan and whether or not there's something that happened there. was he instructed by someone to erase all signs of that and to lay low, to plan this attack. we don't know. that is certainly part of this
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investigation. >> he is obviously an engineer. he just finished college. a smart guy. you would think he would be all over social media like everybody else his age and he wasn't. that's the sound of silence that they're investigating. good work. i want to go back to senator james risch who is joining us. what do you think of these latest developments? did he have four guns not two, not three but four. and a lot of ammunition clips. >> we haven't focused on the guns. he was a united states citizen. he had nothing in his back ground that would stop him from going out and purchasing asle guns as he wants. he was exercising his second amendment right. in regard. a lot of us own guns and that isn't what we're focused on. we're focused on the individual and how he got radicalized and i don't think there is any question that. bum he got radicalized. an interesting question it is more and more common, the sounds
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of silence. i would call at this time deem internet. there are ways to communicate anymore that you can use end kripgs and different ways to mask what you do. although again that is not what we usually see. we usually see where people are speaking their opinions. doing manifestos. doing a lot of things. we had none of that with this guy. just nothing in his back ground with the possible exception of his father some years back. but that's really about it. and it is the most dangerous condition you can possibly have. >> do you have any information to believe, while he was in jordan for those seven months he was being trained by someone? someone was instructing him? you know what you don't go on social media. you don't post anything on facebook or twitter. you stay silent but get ready. you're going to be doing something. >> entirely possible.
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certainly it is suspicious that there was that long of a trip over to jordan which of course is immediately adjacent to syria. and easily could you move from jordan into syria. you just don't know what happened over there. but there are ways and means of finding out what he did over there. and who he was in contact with. that will all be analyzed in detail to find out exactly what happened. something happen. there is no question about it. what it was and who it was that did this is of real interest to us. >> is security good enough at these u.s. recruitment centers? you have some in your home state of idaho. are you worried about what's going on at these so-called soft targets? >> well you know we're americans. we don't build a defensive
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mechanisms wherever we are. and our recruiting stations wouldn't an high end list of something you would think about being a target. we've had these over recent years. we've had situations in supermarkets in movie theaters in malls, in stores. look. we can't go about our lives building walls around everything that we do. and the, there is 330 million of us. we try to go about our lives regularly. unfortunately, you and i are talking about these sorts of thing way too frequently. the good thing, the good news is you've noted earlier, there were a lot of these broken up. for everyone of these that we hear about. they have some success in as you know the intelligence community and the fbi thwarts a
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lot of these. >> last week you told us these lone wolf attacks, they're smaller, still very devastating and you said there is no question they're going on happen. they're going on succeed in the united states. you were basing that on what? >> well i think the collection of all the information that we have. but more importantly, the trend. this isn't something new. this has been trending for over a year. where we're seeing these kinds of attacks. we've really shifted and the terrorist groups have shifted from these large iconic kinds of things to more of the smaller lone wolf attacks. that certainly doesn't make them any less devastating to the innocent people caught up in it. nonetheless, that is the shift
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and it is easier to do. easier to pull off. and that's what as they've had these small successes that they have had in the united states it has been using this new method if you would of attack as opposed to the larger iconic kinds of things that they've attempted in the past. >> senator risch, thanks vex for joining us. >> you bet, wolf. thank you. just ahead, we congress more in a matter of only a few hours about what was the chattanooga gunman's -- what was inside the computers and cell phones of this killer. our correspondents are working their stories. we're getting new information on the investigation. plus should u.s. troops be allowed to carry weapons inside recruitment and training facilities at shopping centers and office buildings all over the united states? we're learning about the initial security review process. it is underway at the pentagon. we're getting new information.
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new information about the weapons used in that deadly attack on two u.s. military centers in chattanooga, tennessee. a law enforcement sources telling cnn, four guns were seized. three at the shooting scene. one from the home of the gunman the 24-year-old mohammad youssuf abdulazeez. our justice correspondent pamela brown is working this part of
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the story for us. what's the latest? what are you finding out? >> we are learning more about what the gunman had with him when he went on that shooting rampage yesterday. and what was in his home. what we've learned is that after authorities searched his home they found a rifle inside. also the gunman was equipped with two long guns and one handgun when he went on the rampage and sources tell us one of the women's was an ak-47 style gun. so that is what we're learning as far as the weapons go. the active investigation is still very ongoing. what authorities are trying to do is find out whether this gunman had a link to any terrorist groups. whether or not he has any link to isis clfk is a theory. but also they're looking at whether he had any connections to al qaeda. any other terrorist groups and what that tells you is that they haven't found anything in particular jumping out at them
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giving them that answer. it is still very early on in this investigation. they just started looking at his electronics, his computer last night. still very early. >> only day two. yesterday it happen and now it is the first full day that this investigation has been underway so you're right. absolutely. very early. they're going to be learning a lot more. thank you, pamela brown. let's get more on what's going on. joining us our justice reporter evan and tom fuentes, our law enforcement analyst, the former cia counter terrorism official phillip mudd our cia terrorism analyst and the hln legal analyst, joey jackson. thanks very much. interesting that we heard earlier from the day from the chairman house homeland security committee saying he believes this was isis inspired. now we're hearing from senator risch of the intelligence committee, it was definitely terrorist inspired.
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whether it was isis or al qaeda or al nusra, it is unclear. but they believe there's a linkage. >> all the fbi is saying while it appears to be inspired by one of the terrorist groups they just don't have the link established yet. the so-called smoking gun of an e-mail or a posting on social media or of a phone call a personal contact. they don't have that link blushed from an evidentiary standpoint. >> phil mudd, as you know one of his close friends said he seemed to have changed when he last year came back to chattanooga after spending seven months in jordan. that i was more distance and more devout. >> i've heard a lot of conversation about whether his devoutness is a good indicator. in my experience in 25 years of this it is not. if you're devout you will
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participate in a congregation and have conversations about the faith. devout people will tell you in those conversations that the use of violence is not appropriate for any purpose except defense, except some forms of jihad. but you cannot kill innocents for a political or religious cause. the indicator here to me is significant that you mentioned. it is not devout. it is whether he separated himself off from people because he believed the devout were not taking enough action to commit acts of violence. that's the best indicator you can find if you're at home or in a congregation. if somebody says i don't want to be with the herd. i've got to separate off because the herd just isn't active enough. >> we're showing our videos some video of when he was engaged in mixed martial arts. there you see it there. this is after high school. this was his passion, this was his hobby at the time. evan perez, his father was investigated twice by the fbi for supposedly contributing to a
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group that was terror-related if you will. he was cleared apparently on both occasions but that can have an impact on a young man. >> could it. but at this point the investigators don't believe it has anything to do with the events that happened yesterday. they investigations were years ago. was in in the 1990s. there was another one after 9/11. i'll tell you, to add to the conversation with phil and tom from just a few minutes ago. one of the things that adds to the puzzle of this young man is the fact that what he carried out yesterday were deliberate only trying to target military members. if you know from what we've seen many of these attack here's are inspired by isis in particular they don't really care who they kill. this guy was only trying to kill. he had the opportunity to kill civilians. he only wanted to kill u.s. military. that could be a meaningful fact in the end. when this investigation gets all
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wrapped up. it might tell us a little about where his inspiration might have come from. his version of radicalization that he has arrived at is perhaps a little different from others that we've seen. declaring his passion, whatever and so that's an excellent point. joey jackson, from a legal standpoint is it unusual the fbi would investigate his father youssef on two occasions for supposedly giving money to what was not necessarily a charitiable organization but an organization the fbi could have terror links? he was apparently killed of any wrongdoing. >> the answer is absolutely not. as a person who sits on the other side of the fbi in a federal courthouse and the other side of the u.s. attorney i can tell you they'll investigate you day, night and in between. if they final nothing, okay. if there's suspicion, they'll go
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after you again and again and again and again. so i don't think there's anything unusual about that. i think as you move forward and they continue to investigate him, to get a single of what his motivations were and what might have inspired him. is it sites or something else they'll look at the family, the family circle they'll look at the family friends. they'll spread it out in that community. they'll look throughout the state and other countries and they'll go wherever they need to go to get the information they need to put this together. >> the fbi is going through the computers, the laptops, the cell phones all of his equipment. but they're not necessarily going to find everything. right? >> they might final nothing. if he doesn't have social media accounts if he handle been sending e-mails to another co-conspirator if he handle put anything throughout in those computer or downloaded information about jihad, they may not find anything. that's what they're running into now.
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it is difficult to try to link him to the information we normally see in a radicalized individual. >> as you know i've been told by fbi officials, they're really, really concerned about the new technique, the new opportunities, the new software for encryption that they can communicate with others and no one will really know about it. >> that's right. it is not just communication. i would be interested in what youtube videos he's watching whether he's watching preachers, whether he's downloading documents about jihad. so he might have gone dark in communication. the problem with the communications materials that's available to the public over the internet now as people have said it makes people like this their communication inaccessible. if you're an investigator an analyst like i was, you have to
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find the vulnerable. >> the terrorism investigation in tennessee, whether the gunman had any direct or indirect ties to isis or other terror groups. and there are urgent calls to ramp up security at u.s. military recruitment and training centers all over the country to try to prevent another attack like this one. what if anything is the pentagon planning to do? if you qualify for a sittingham's card today i can offer you no interest for 24 months. thanks to the tools and help at, i know i have an 812 fico score, so i definitely qualify. so what else can you give me? same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score.
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we're following breaking news. authorities stressing they are investigating the shooting rampage as anticipate act of terrorism. the house homeland security chairman promoting the idea of having u.s. armed personnel defend those facilities. he is not alone by any means. let's go to barbara starr. i take it the pentagon has at least started reviewing security at these recruitment centers, right? >> reporter: they have are taking a look at it. in fact army recruiters have been getting training for years in how to deal with active shooters. but will there be significant new security measures to protect u.s. troops? that remains to be seen. in new york's times square nypd
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guard u.s. military personnel at a recruiting station. in texas, air force sergeant jose cortex worries recruiters are sitting ducks. >> we are essentially a lone target. >> reporter: at the chattanooga recruiting center several marine tour combat veterans reports as bullets flew they went into combat mode to clear the area. having everyone drop to the floor and escape out the back. an initial pentagon review in the hours after the attack led to no significant security changes. pentagon officials say. but the defense department is under pressure from the white house to show action on beefing up troop protection. >> the president believes it's appropriate for the department of defense to conduct a review. >> reporter: ash carter is asking commanders to take another look. several republican presidential
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candidates calling for troops to be armed. >> these are the most highly trained people in our country to handle firearms. it's ridiculous to make them check their weapons at the door. they can't defend themselves. >> reporter: there are two problems military officials say. on large bases like fort hood increased security is in place. letting thousands of troops on base carry firearms could cause havoc. hundreds of recruiting stations around the country, there is vulnerability, since the offices are open to the public. the military under law cannot conduct deadly operations on american streets. there are questions whether military personnel are trained in the same skills as law enforcement. >> many of them don't qualify every year in weapons. and they would not have the same skills as some of the security policemen or military policemen would have.
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>> reporter: right now, defense second ash carter has asked the services to give him recommendations in the next several days. so far, we're looking at very minor chains at recruiting centers, like a handful of them the employees, military personnel being told not to wear uniforms to work the navy saying it will coordinate with law enforcement in some areas more than it is that sort of thing. real fundamental change still to be decided, wolf. >> thank you. barbara starr reporting. more breaking news coverage right after this. when you're not confident your company's data is secure the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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the four u.s. marines who were killed in chattanooga. cnn's alexandra field has their stories. >> reporter: thomas sullivan earned a purple heart, a two-tour marine a son of massachusetts, saluted today in the city of springfield with flags lowered to half staff. >> my heart went down to my toes. my god. i suppose when things hit home close to this area it affects you deeper. >> reporter: he will never be forgotten. thank you for protestcting us. terror comes home to massachusetts. god bless tom sullivan and his family and his friends. sullivan's last day of duty spent in chattanooga, tennessee, at the naval marine reserve center. his marine brothers by his side. sergeant carson holmquist, served two tours of duty before
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he was killed here at home. lance corporal skip wells graduated three years ago from high school in georgia. service was in his family. >> he loved his country. his mama served in the military. i believe she was a marine also. i figured he just wanted to follow in her footsteps. he loved rotc in high school. i think that's a calling that he had. >> reporter: wells took a trip to disney recently with his mom. she says, my son died doing what he loved for the love of his country and his family. staff sergeant david wyatt is with his children. no sleep tonight, someone writes. the remains of all four servicemen are being transferred to dover air force base where they will be given an honorable transfer and will be laid to rest by their loved ones. >> our deepest condolences to
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their families. our thoughts and prayers are with them. to our viewers, thanks for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett why the out"out front" starts right now. next, we are following breaking developments on many fronts. cnn learning the alleged gunman was fired from a job at a nuclear plant. what was he doing there? mohammad youssuf abdulazeez's trips to kuwait and jordan. a friend says something happened to him while he was overseas. the alleged shooter's obsession with mixed martial arts. one expert says it was a power trip for him. we have a special report. let's go "out front." good evening. i'm erin burnett. breaking news the suspect in the tennessee shooting worked at a nuclear
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