tv Reliable Sources CNN July 19, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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will be deposited at iran's treasury will be spnt on terrorism and aggression, not on hospitals and schools. for the moment this account has a relatively small number of followers. only time will tell if incendiary tweets will change that. thanks for being part of my pram this week. i'm see you next week. good morning. i'm brian tellstelter. we have former whus press secretary jay carney washington press editor and cnn's john king. we begin with donald trump in a very unusual position on the defensive, calling into various tv shows tweeting a storm, scrambling to defend himself among blanket criticism of john mccain. he described john mccain saying quote, he's not a war hero. >> we had thousands and thousands of people, he called them crazies. he insulted them. he should apologize to them. he insulted them and i insulted
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back. frankly, what he's done with respect to the illegal immigration and what he's done pour the veterans he's done very very poorly pour the veterans. >> you are not apologizing and certainly not pulling out of the race as some of your opponents have suggested. >> of course they'd love to have me do that because i'm leading the pack. i'm certainly not pulling out. >> so trump firing back this morning. we've asked him to call into this program as well. we will see if we can get it. trum also told abc's ma that radditz that the media is treating him, quote, very unfairly. this started yesterday of noon at a republican forum in iowa. this is what trump originally set. >> he's not a war hero. >> he's a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured i hate to tell you. he's a war hero because he was captured okay? i believe perhaps he's a war hero -- >> you can hear the crowd's reactions to those comments
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which are really interesting. trump later said all sorts of things contradicted himself, said he didn't say it doubled down continued to criticize mccain. it's exactly these qualities, provocative, unpredictable that drove him to the top of the presidential primary heat. when he went after mccain, republican rivals sensed an opening. the condemnations were immediate. here are two from this morning here on cnn and nbc. >> it's not just absurd it's offensive. it's ridiculous and i think it's disqualifier as commander in chief. >> until mr. trump apologizes directly to john mccain and also to the veterans of this country, i don't think he has the character or the temperament to hold the highest position in this country. >> so is a campaign born in controversy about to die in controversy? will trump still be on stage when debate season begins in
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just a couple weeks? let's bring in two guests, rick wilson republican media consultant no fan of trump and nate cohen, a correspondent for "the new york times." welcome to you both. >> thanks so much, brian. >> good to be with you. >> nate, your article yesterday, you wrote about the trump campaign's turning point. you called it a media driven surge and predict a media-driven bust now. why is it that you think it's all downhill for trump now? >> donald trump has received a lot of media attention so far that's helped him get to the top of the polls. there's been very little scrutiny of his campaign. people have tended to treat him as a matter of entertainment. his past policy views have not been scrutinized. the positions are controversial. some resonance within the republican party. now you'll see the rest of the republican party is going to rally against him. we've already seen that with what you just aired from marco rubio and rick perry.
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that will totally change the way he's covered for the rest of the campaign. he'll face scrutiny from the party and the media that will blunt his surge in the polls and reverse it. >> you're saying this is scientific it's how it works, a book-and-bust cycle. >> i don't think there's any science to it but i think the basic mechanism at play is predictable. these media-driven boomlets generally stop once the media decides we actually have to scrutinize this candidate. to this point trump hasn't been subjected to the same scrutiny from traditional politicians. i think that decision is understandable. i can understand why producers and editors haven't wanted to treat him like a serious politician. the change in the tone of the conversation that began yesterday is going to lead to more scrutiny towards donald trump. his campaign is not built to withstand that kind of questioning. he has a record that does not appeal to big chunks of the republican party. he's supported hillary clinton in the past supported universal
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health care. these things are all going to come to the forefront now and it will eventually take a toll on his numbers. >> i hear what you're saying nate. given that we've seen trump trying to defend himself, saying he's supportive of veterans but doesn't think mccain is doing a good enough job supporting very ras himself. >> the dead-nders in the trump world will be there. they probably comprise less than 10% of the party, activated on the one issue that trump has shouted the loudest on which is immigration. donald trump insulted a man -- if you disagree with john's politics -- sometimes i do disagree with john's politics in a lot of areas. that's one thing. but he questioned the patriotism and the service and questioned the fact this man is not a hero that served 6 1/2 years as a p.o.w. it was one of the most vial moments i've seen in american politics. our politics have gotten pretty
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base but trump lowered the bar yesterday. i think he disqualified himself with an awful lot of the party. >> why only now? i've seen a lot of comments online. here is one i'll read. trump has been calling mexicans rippists for weeks, but the thing that will finally sink in is insulting john mccain. it's only now for some reason this is the line that's been drawn? >> well trump had command of the operational tempo of this thing where he's been setting the agenda in the media. a lot of the candidates were struggling to try to find a way to not piss off trump's giant legion of very loud very politically naive but enthusiastic supporters. they were trying to find a way -- i think ted cruz played a very dangerous game embracing trump this entire time. i do think there's something on the right that's happening. yesterday -- nate's article was definitive about the bubble.
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but yesterday on the right, sarah wrote a piece in breitbart yesterday that took trump apart and went through all the republican candidates going at it. on the far right you're seeing some fragments inside the trump movement. i think it's going to get worse from here. i think he's off agenda now. >> to your point, let me put update that on the screen from zig nall labs sentiment online about trump. you'll see on friday 45% negative sentiment, on saturday 60% negative. so a sudden jump in negative sentiment. you see mccain becomes one of the big words in that word cloud on saturday. nate to you i want to ask you about the press's treatment of truchl on the way. do you think he's been taken far too seriously until now? >> i think he received a lot of media attention. he's an actual celebrity but he's not received the scrutiny that typically comes with being
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a real presidential candidate. >> we haven't been hearing -- new yorkers know all these stories, all these scandals about trump that the rest of the country might not know. rick i do wonder if that's something that needs to be filled in by journalists in the weeks to come if trump does continue to poll well. >> it certainly would be something that you would think would be part of the journalistic responsibility. but right now it has been the trump spectacle, it has been the big show. they've enjoyed the back-and-forth. trump insults x and x responds, the ping-pong of that. if he stays in this race he'll have to start facing a lot more scrutiny and the other candidates are going to start dragging him onto the field and beating him with sticks. john has done nothing for veterans? this is not exactly true. it's an opportunity for the other candidates to come out and talk about how they've tried to address these matters. he's gotten away with an awful lot because he's a celebrity and a television personality.
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>> by the way, it's also because he's available. talk about the ping-pong back and forth, it's because he says yes to interview requests he's actually available. >> your phone is going to ring any minute now. >> nate go ahead. >> he gets a lot of clicks a lot of viewer interest in them. if kim kardashian ran for president, she would get a tremendous amount of media attention as well. >> on that interesting note i'll leave it there. thank you very much. >> thanks very much. >> president kardashian. journalists have been wrestling with this very issue, on friday the huff"huffington post" weighed in. it moved trump coverage from the politics section to the entertainment section saying trump's campaign is a sideshow. if you are interested in what the donald has to say you will find it next to our stories on the kardashians and the
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bachelorette. trump fired back, pointed to his rising pole numbers and some journalists are taking issue with the "huffington post" decision even calling it a publicity stunt. let's talk with jeff green field, one of america's great political analysts joining me from sbrash santa barbara. do these stories about trump belong in the entertainment section? >> no. i think it's a mistakes on the part of the "huffington post" and the post to do that. the fact he is the national id unfiltered, unmediated spasms of commentary by terms fanciful outrageous insulting, doesn't mean he's not a significant political force or symbol. he is tapping into something deep within the current republican party. it is not insignificant that before he entered the race it was 3-1 unfavorable views of trum among republicans.
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after he started talking about immigration, his favorability rating went up to 57%, leaving out the fact he has enough money to compete with any other candidate in terms of paid media. as arthur miller wrote in "death of a salesman," attention must be paid. to treat this as an entertainment spectacle, i understand the temptation, and call him a clouchb which is supported by a lot of evidence misses the point. there is a significant political feeling among some people that the republican party has been wrestling with people have been saying since the 2012 election we've got to get right with the hispanic community, trump is a threat to that. clearly he has tapped into something that is going to be a force in politics whether donald trump is taken seriously or not. >> with that in mind do you think this mccain story, this new controversy is going to be the end of donald trump's campaign?
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>> i think -- how often have i talked with you on this show saying why do people think they can see the future? if i could, i'd buy the mega millions ticket. you'd never hear from me again, i'd be on a private island in greece. >> that's fair. >> what i do think is significant, it reminds me a little to what happened to senator joseph mccarthy. a certain number of republicans were happy for mccarthy to call truman overseer of 20 years of treason. when eisenhower became president and he continued to talk about communist sympathies that was too much for the republicans. the point about john mccain is not that he's the most popular republican in the party but that what he endured in vietnam -- i actually spent a day at the hanoi hilton, knew museum. what he endured makes the idea of dismissing him as someone who had student and medical
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deferments whose biggest expose jury of danger is to have a golf ball fly by his head. for him to say this about mccain gave the republicans, trying to figure out how to handle trump trump -- >> a hair joke? >> i promised i wouldn't do that, too tempting. >> the debate is 2 1/2 weeks away. trump seems to be qualifying. do you think there's any clans he won't be on that stage? maybe the other candidates will choose not to come. >> again, this is an exquisite dilemma for the republicans. if they rule him out on grounds he said something too offensive, then he takes his grievances to that part of the republican party that agrees with him. they don't want to hear the truth. they can't handle the truth. we should never forget that a man with the resources donald
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trump has, whatever inflated number he may or may not put on him, means he can go to the country with tens of millions of dollars worth of paid media to make his case. so i think ruling him out, saying he's finished why don't we wait and see what happens. i don't know how to tell you what happens. by the way i'm told the debate criteria they are set, not changing. as of the moment he will be on that stage. jeff thanks for being here this morning. >> pleasure. >> in a moment rupert murdock turning against trump. i have two voices you have to hear from hollywood actor' say morales. the intense press conference did cbs's major garrett insult president obama? all that after this.
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stop 'emembarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country. that matters because murdock owns 20th century fox, fox news a very important megaphone for people like trump. not only has trump lost murdock, listen to this trump you're a shamed pile of idiocy. machine sheen is not the only one critical of trump. danny zooker is an executive producer of "modern family". he's been in a twitter flame war with donald trump since before it was cool. danny, welcome to the program. >> thanks thanks for having me. >> you got into fights with trump online years ago. you seem to want to take him on because he was exaggerating the popularity of his show "celebrity apprentice." he actually replied and fought with you. >> it was a gift from the comedy gods. i challenged his show wasn't
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number one in the ratings, an easily checkable fact and he just blew up. >> this week he filed his financial information with the government a pre curser to getting into the gop debates, precursor to really running for president. the financial information he released the press release said he was paid $213 million to host "the apprentice" in the 14 seasons he was with the show. does that sound crazy to you, is that possible? can someone get paid $213 million to host a reality tv show? >> it seems unlikely doesn't it brian? i'm not sure jerry seinfeld was getting that much money in the heyday. it's fairly unlikely in a failing show. >> to be fair the show was doing well for a long time. it was doing well but then started to slide in the ratings. >> i mentioned the financial forms. i want to know from your perspective as a tv producer,
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won't those debates more interesting with trump on the stage? as of now, he will be there, front and center of these debates? >> absolutely from an entertainment standpoint, yes. i like the suggestion your guest in the first eggsegment said with the other candidates beating him with a stick. i think that would get super bowl level ratings. >> that is really what it comes down to, the entertainment side of this where the debate will be more interesting. journalistically -- >> pro wrestling. >> or for democracy, not sure if you'll get a better debate out of it, but that maybe is the intention here. you said what's shocking is people are still shocked by trump. i was curious what you mean by that because you've been engaging with him and frankly mocking him for years. >> the thing -- this started -- i remember when the central park five case happened and those five african-americans were wrongly accused.
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he took out a full-page ad in new york papers asking for their execution. and then when we have our first african-american president, he cannot accept that he's either from this country or could excel at harvard. i think the shocking thing is people are shocked he would say racist things. >> you're saying everyone is expecting it by now? >> yes. >> danny, thank you for being with us this morning. appreciate your perspective on it. >> thank you so much. >> trump's campaign has been characterized by insaend aircendiary comments. with his infamous quotes about immigration, i want to speak to someone with strong feeling. earlier i spoke to' say morales who plays the president in the hbo series "the brink." thanks for being here? >> thank you, brian.
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>> do you think you are closer to the oval office than trump will ever be? >> good question. part of me does think so but at times i have to go man, what is our electorate made up of? what is the level of office case of our average american voter? if it's not too high, he might be closer than whae ear comfortable with. >> sounds like you're insulting a lot of voters. >> look at the polls. how can this man rise so far above his competition. i think that's due to the amount of press he's getting. this is a tactician. obviously he's playing our community like a violin. but i think for a man who boasts of how much money he has it's a real cheap shot at a very vulablevul vulnerable demographic. illegal immigrants don't vote.
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ultimately the american people will want to vote for someone that represents them and the best of them and i don't think that's donald trump. >> you mentioned the media. i mentioned arianna huffington. she said earlier, we think trump is partly the media's creation. do you think we're at the point where the press should not be paying at much attention to him? >> the press does what the press needs to do for its own survival. that's what we're all about. we're all about survival. he's trying to survive. here is a fact they're going to give him as much press -- as long as he stays relevant as long as we keep talking about it. what he did was disrespect our community. i can't speak for all latinos. i know one thing about our communities, plural it's respect. you may not have a lot. if you have respect, you're welcome in our homes. this man has really mischaracterized the nature of the immigrant community and the incredible contributions they
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have made and continue to make just because he's focusing on the criminal element which every community has. >> is there anything you think trump can do to improve his numbers within the hispanic community? >> i think it costs nothing to apologize. to say, you know what, looking back at my words, i see how you can take offense. what he did was double down and include any other number of latinos. if he shows an ounce of sincerity, i think that would go a long way. i'm not going to bet on that. >> esai thanks for being here this morning. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up on "reliable sources," a startling new report that says bill cosby admitted to at least five extramarital affairs and says the drug taking and sex we've all heard about were conceptual. we'll have more in just a moment. stay with us.
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welcome back. now to another media figure whose words are coming back to haunt him. we're finally hearing from bill cosby, once america's favorite dad. he's admitted to pursuing younger women for sexual relationships and trying to keep his wife in the dark about it. these new revelations from cosby were in a deposition related to a civil lawsuit by one of his accusers. the headlight says bill cosby deposition reveals calculated pursuit of young women using fame drugs and deceit. this deposition more than 1,000 pages was apparently hidden in plain site. the times called up the court reporter service and found out it was available for purchase. "the times" said, the transcript was already publicly available through a court reporter service. it was waiting to be found. joining me for more on this
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cnn's jean casarez, we're up to more than two dozen women who have accused cosby of sexual abuse. this is notable that cosby is being quoted in his own words about it. >> that's right. in a sworn deposition. he had to take an oath that this was the truth, and this was in 2005 on four separate days a deposition in regard to the civil suit. the only woman at the time that stepped forward in 2005 andrea constant. this deposition formed the basis for the confidential settlement they had in 2006. what did cosby say? he said many things in very particular words. he said there were at least five women. he said it was all very conventional but a primary objective was to keep it from his wife at all times. he admitted getting drugs quaaludes in regard to women and sex. he also said he got a feeling when it was consensual. he would know with a woman when
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it was conventional. if he got a red light from a woman, he would then stop. i think we showed a quote on the air talking about the romantic things. he said he never engaged in full sexual enterintercourse with a woman because he didn't want the woman to love him. it was playful, it was joyful. he admitted with one woman his father had cancer and he acted like he was concerned about the cancer to lure her in to have what he says was consensual sex. >> this transcript is from a deposition more than a decade ago. in that time nbc started developing a new sitcom with cosby, he went on numerous tours, whether talking to the black community, some would say lecturing or on comity durs. mark whitacre wrote a glowing biography of cosby during this time. all of this makes us think back to those years and wonder why weren't the women who came forward then taken more seriously then? >> right.
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i'm sure as they look at this they can feel vindication if they haven't already felt that way. i do want to tell you that sources close to the case. tell me there was a current motion before the court in pennsylvania to unseal this deposition which appears to be a semi moot issue at this point. >> maybe it wasn't supposed to be public. it happened to be public. "the times" happened to find it and it wasn't supposed to be. >> maybe there was a loophole and it was public and no one was as smart as "the new york times" to find it. the fact it is public now via "the new york times" and i think the particularity is the headline is it was all con consensual consensual. he doesn't admit to committeding crimes in this deposition at all from what "the new york times" has published. >> this might be the last words we ever hear from bill cosby. we heard the president speak out
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against cosby this week. i e-mailed his publicist again 20 minutes ago, still no comment from cosby. i have a feeling we may never hear from him. >> a week ago the "new york post" had really the same sentiment as this deposition remember a source close to camille cosby said camille knew about the infidelity but that it was all consensual. here he's trying to keep it from her in the deposition but said it was all consensual. >> jean thanks so much thanks for being here. >> thanks. the press conference exchange that all of washington is talking about. we'll discuss its with two experts in a moment. a romantic fumble at this romantic chateau ... leads to these fine humans. who you take to this eco-lodge ... to get seriously close to nature. then you check in with her at this tropical paradise. before soaring over this castle resort with your father-in-law. who finally seems to like you. life can be like that when you get it booking right. booking.yeah!
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are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. welcome back. president obama has been showing unfamiliar sides of himself in recent appearances. here is a couple examples. using the n word in his interview with podcaster mark maron or singing "amazing grace from the pulpit of the emanuel church in charleston. this week he got into a face-off
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with major garrett on the east room press conference on the iran agreement. garrett asked a question about the topic we're watching close, the fate of a "washington post" reporter and several other americans i'm prisoned in iran. i'm all in favor of aggressive questioning of people in power. i want more of it not less. how garrett asked him did become an issue. take a look. >> can you tell the country, sir, why you're content with all the fanfare around this deal to leave the strpgt of this nation unaccounted for in relation to these four americans. >> i have to give you credit major, for all you credit those questions. the notion that i'm content as i celebrate with american citizens languishing in iranian jails -- major, that's nonsense.
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you should know better. >> was garrett's question out of line and did the president step on his own message by saying you should know better? the two perfect people to ask are standing by. jay carney has been on the receiving end of many tough questions, president obama's press secretary from 2011 to 2014 and cynn's john king tossed out many tough questions now the anchor of "inside politics" here on cnn on sunday morning. thank you for being here. >> jay, did you find it to be offensive? >> well i thought it was offensive in its suggest that any president would be content leaving four americans in iran and i understand why the president took offense. the question about those four americans was legitimate. it was a poorly chosen word, meant to provoke, as i think
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major said later. i also think the president probably felt good about going after major a little bit, telling him that he should have known better. but in doing so he actually did not serve himself well. hess trying to talk exclusively about the agreement with iran over the nuclear weapons program. >> you think he made a mistake in the way he responded? >> i think -- i know what it feels like having been at the podium in the white house when you take the bait and you lash out a little bit. it feels good and feels like you you. that changes the story instead of what you really wanted to talk about. >> john you have been in washington for decades covering the white house for a long time. is there any such thing as an offensive question to the president the way jay was say?
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>> people will see this through their own ideological or personal priz either about the issue of the americans held in iran or the news media or the president. major was once a colleague here at cnn, now he's gone on to other networks. i know he honors the presidency respects the presidency respects the institution of the white house. i also say this i covered the white house for 9 1/2 years starting with the clinton administration through the first half of the george w. bush administration. jay knows this from both sides of the equation it has become more and more common because politicians are so practiced, so driven to their talking points to try to get under their skin, to try to get under the skin of a president to get a better answer. that's become a better practice for better or worse. >> in this climate where presidents can make the news themselves go on youtube and tell their own stories, don't we have to be even more aggressive ask tougher questions when we
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can, even in the east room of the white house during a presidential press conference? >> absolutely. wet don't get as many questions of our leaders period including our president. that's a shame. it will be interesting to watch. the president has been more outspoken, seems more confident, we'll see how it translates into more access. >> i thought it was extraordinary to hear from the president on bill cosby in response to a question. here is what he said. >> if you give a woman, or a man for that matter without his or her knowledge a drug and then have sex with that person without consent, that's rape. >> we heard the president talking about bill cosby in response to a question and we heard him recently use the n word we heard him sing amazing grace at a eulogy in charleston. jay, why do you think it's
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happening? >> well i think there is something to that brian. i think he is feeling an awareness of the fact that he's got a very limited amount of time in office. he's feeling i think very positive about recent developments when it comes to the supreme court decisions on same-sex marriage and the affordable care act, the long resolution -- the long-fought resolution to this diplomatic enterprise with iran. he's not running again. he can afford to feel a little freer to express his views. and i think he's aware of the fact that there are issues that he can uniquely speak to -- took the opportunity in the press conference to speak about. i think we'll see more of that.
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i think it's because he's feeling he can afford to do that. >> i also think you see -- we're seeing the president of the united states talk about criminal justice reform. we're also seeing an african-american man who as president has watched things like ferguson, like trayvon martin. i have a college-age daughter, i very much appreciated the president's answer to the cosby question. i thought that was the president speaking as a parent of two girls, a president who sat down and talked to his wife about what do we tell daughters about this. sometimes you see a president and you see a president not on a ballot again. he can be looser and freer and more honest at times. sometimes you see a human being. >> i think that's right. when i was there at the house, we were trying to think creatively about how the president could reach voters and average americans where they are. they're not all consuming media in the same ways that they used to.
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it was an imperative to do that. it's not a replacement for traditional media. it's additive. one of the things i used to say that sometimes annoyed the white house press corps was during the 2012 re-election cycle, the president gave a lot of interviews including to major television anchors. the single-most difficult, most challenging interview he had to endure was from jon stewart who really grilled him on a lot of issues and put the president on the hot seat. instead of the traditional media, we went to a place that i think a lot of people would have perceived as a friendly environment, and he got chewed up pretty good. >> even as there are so many more outlets, more than ever still the most impactful questions from the press conference were from cbs and a veteran radio journalist asking about cosby. i guess you have to give it to the mainstream media on this. john and jay, thank you for being here. let's not for get what was
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. >> more and more commentators are calling rezaian and the others hostages. with that in line let's bring in marty baron, the executive editor for "the washington post." marty, i wish we weren't having this conversation. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> do you feel jason is a hostage? >> well, i think there's a question there. why is he being held. what are the conditions being placed on his release? what are the iranians expecting in exchange for his release? i think the answers to those questions really determine whether he's a hostage or not. we don't know all the answers to those questions. we do know he's being held
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unjustly and has been held unjustly for a full year. >> rhetorically i'm hearing people refer to them as hostages. the government is not using that phrase. >> if they're planning to trade something for him, then that would be an appropriate term. but we're not -- we don't have access to those kinds of discussions. >> some of the parents of hostages killed by isis in different circumstance say they were resentful about the administration's handling of their cases because they were prohibited from negotiating on their own. do you see any connection any similarity? for example, has "the washington post" been allowed to do their own back channel communications with iran? . we tried every channel we could think of through other governments, individuals, administration you name
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edition, but our sources are going on all the time online. including a controversial story publish and retracted by gawker. you will see my interviewer about the move towards streaming. we will see you back here next sunday at 11:00 a.m. if you can't join us live set your dvr. state of the union starts now. >> donald trump's explosive new comments angering war heros and fellow republicans. is this the tipping point some have been hoping for. we will ask marco rubio in an exclusive interview. defending the deal. >> you will hear a lot of dishonest arguments. >> swinging for his historic
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