tv Wolf CNN July 31, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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now. >> will mr. cosby ever come out publicly on his own without a lawyer like yourself speaking for him and say anything about these allegations? >> i can't say what mr. blostz will or will not do at a point in the future but what i know for sure is that in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. it's not guilty until proven innocent. mr. cosby doesn't have anything to prove. he's speaking through his lawyers so the record can be set straight. but he has the right to say nothing at all. >> monique pressley thank you very much for your time. and thank you, everyone for watching. i'm randi kaye "wolf" starts right now. >> hello, i'm wolf blitzer, it's 1:00 p.m. in washington 7:00 p.m. in paris, 8:00 p.m. in jerusalem. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. up first, the growing likelihood that the piece of wreckage found at a remote island may, in fact be from malaysia airlines flight 370. the next step is for investigators to confirm that the part is from the missing
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plane, the piece of debris was loaded on to crates this morning at an airport on reunion island in the indian ocean. it's expected to arrive in paris tomorrow and then be sent to a lab in toulouse, france for investigators to examine. the paris prosecutors' office says analysis will begin next wednesday. the french aeronautics investigator familiar with the probe told cnn there is almost no doubt this part belongs to the boeing 777. it's believed to be a flaperon that's the part of the wing that helps the pilot control the aircraft. a preliminary assessment by u.s. intelligence agency suggests it's likely that someone in the cockpit deliberately caused the aircraft's movements before it disappeared. the report was prepared months ago and was not intended for public release. the national security comment tater explained why the information is coming out now.
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>> i would argue they've got on the a place where they can eliminate other factors so when you're trying to narrow down what happened i think they determined this was the right time to do that of course finding the wing or the portion of the airplane incredibly important to that end, i think they'll have that settled probably by earlier next week on the fact that was part of the airport. but it's about take things off the table. >> fred pleitgen is joining us from toulouse in france where the plane debris will be examined. fred we understand aviation investigators won't begin analyzing what formally officially until next wednesday, is that right? >> that's absolutely right. one of the reasons why is that many parties have to be present.
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on the one hand you have investigators themselves and judicial officials from france air naught cat judicial officials but you have investigate investigators from malaysia airlines as well. so they have to get on the same page and that's when the analysis starts. the interesting thing we have heard from officials in france is they say they believe once this lad begins its investigation it is will be quick that they will determine whether or not this is part of a boeing 777 and whether or not it's a part of that specific bogue 777, of course mh-370 they think that will happen very very quickly and the other things are going to try to determine as well of course, is how long that part has been in the ocean and how far it might have travelled in the ocean because one of the things that is key or that the parties here will be trying to find out or getting clues to is where the rest of the plane might be. that remains a mystery.
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this won't start until next wednesday but it's one of the premier institutions in europe to deal with accident investigations. they gained experience in the past for instance, dealing with that 2009 crash where an air france plane went down over the atlantic atlantic wolf. >> i assume the french have asked other experts to join in debris what whether malaysian or australian experts, is that right? >> or experts from boeing. we believe there will be other experts present as well. the french prosecutor's office has said the fwhfgs that is going to be gathered is going to be shared. we're hearing there confidence here in this lab. they have had experience dealing with this but it is indeed an international effort and there will be parties present from many other nations as well and the information will be also
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shared with them as fast as possible wolf. >> and key will be the experts from boeing, the manufacturer of the 777. this plane was a boeing 777 and there are about 1200 of them flying around the world right now. fred thanks very much. let's take a closer look at where the investigation stands. i'm joined by our aviation correspondent richard quest joining us from new york. he's been following the story from the beginning writing an important book on the entire story right now and also joining us from denver is our cnn safety analyst david soucie a former faa safety inspector. he's written a book on malaysia airlines flight 370 as well. so let's talk about this piece of debris. richard, let me start with you. it won't be looked at until wednesday, that's surprising to me. what takes so long? why can't they look at it right away? >> because everybody has to get there. i read that press notice that says next wednesday.
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the thing arrives tomorrow it gets to the south of france tomorrow night or sunday and everybody convenes on monday. the team arrives from malaysia airlines obviously i suspect the ntsb will be there or boeing will be there. i suppose what they're saying is wednesday gives them a chance to properly get the piece, put it into the right conditions and start a formal force of investigation. i'll be very surprised if they vnt taken a good look before then. >> they could clearly at least get some preliminary clues on why this plane went down based on that one flaperon that piece of the wing. is that right? >> indeed they have already. that's why they're so confident they've come out, boeing themselves and have said that they're confident it is a 777 part. this is a matter of course right now because it could be a
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criminal investigation. we're looking at the chain of custody who touched the part, where it went from and to to make sure it hasn't been altered in any way or damaged in any way. >> is it possible to determine based on what we see from what's left, the degree from this flaperon whether it was blown off while it was in the sky or simply broke off upon landing in the water? >> that's something the experts will look at. from those i've spoken to they say yes it's possible to say certain things. for example, how it will have gone in the water. was it blown off, was there an explosion? that's because you're looking at the compression, if it's been stretched, bent ripped and those things. we see the front, the leading edge is good condition whereas the trailing sedge in appalling condition, it's been completely pulled apart. i think on this question of why are they doing it so -- why is it taking so long wolf you have to remember this is the
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first piece -- obviously this is the first piece they've had from the plane. and they've determined they are going to get it right. they're going to decide what it is where it's from what happened with it and how to announce it. do they tell the families first? do they make an announcement to the rest of the world first. all these things have to be coordinating otherwise you end up with the fiasco we had last year. >> david, what's your assessment of this preliminary intelligence u.s. assessment done a while ago but only now being leaked out to our justice reporter evan perez that they believe it's likely that someone gained access for whatever reason into that cockpit and deliberately forced that plane down. that was an assessment -- preliminary assessment put out by u.s. intelligence only uss. >> we have to consider that it most likely is a little bit out
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of context since it was three or four months ago. in addition, the word "likely" and some of the words in that document are as philip mudd put before terms of art. they're the way they describe things and what it likely means is that it's more than 50%. but that doesn't mean it's 51%, that doesn't mean it's t ees's 99%. even what we think happened isn't what we know happened so we're speculating that perhaps it was done intentfully. but we don't know if it was intentfully because of nefarious purposes or in response to a failure on board the aircraft. that's another possibility. either one of those would have been dlub actions. >> for some reason as you know richard, better than almost anyone that plane taking off from kuala lumpur for beijing about an sbhur the flight at about 35,000 feet all of a sudden makes a u-turn and moves away from beijing and needs the opposite direction and stops
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communicating with ground control and that raises all sorts of possibilities, doesn't it? >> it does. that's why to your previous question the deliberate part of it. the deliberate part of it is not disputed by anybody. everybody accepts that a pilot or somebody did actually make those maneuvers. they're far too precise. they follow certain airwaves in some cases. there's obviously a hand at the wheel making them. the issue, of course, is what was the intent? and there are some and i'm in that category, that believe it could have been mechanical maybe very well was mechanical. there are others that are absolutely adamant that it was pilot involvement or other hi ing or terrorism. we don't know and it's such an unsatisfactory answer to give wolf isn't it? when people, particularly the families, are looking for that moment of certainty.
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we're a long way off that a long way off that. >> and there's nothing wrong with saying we don't know when we in fact don't know and this investigation continues right now. richard quest, david soucie guys thanks very much. to our viewers, we'd love to hear from you. tweet out your questions about mh-37037 mh-370 the plane crash mystery, use the #mh-370qs. coming up, a new vaccine that could be highly effective in preventing the spread of ebola. and zimbabwe officials want justice for the death of their beloved lion. they're demanding the united states extradite the american responsible in that killing. more on that and more news coming up.
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outbreak. dr. anthony fauci, the director of the national institutes of allergy and infectious diseases is joining us from nih head quarters in bethesda maryland outside of washington. dr. fauci, thanks for joining us. how significant is it? >> quite significant, wolf. this is a very impressive result on an ebola vaccine that was tested during the outbreak in guinea with very impressive results. so we're very happy about this. this is good news for the global attempt, the multiinstitutional attempt to control ebola and the present outbreak and to prevent future outbreaks. this is good news. >> how big were the trialers in vaccine because obviously that's significant and you know more about this than i do. >> now, the trials were measured in thousands of people but it was done in a very interesting
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way. it was a bold trial that took a look at getting groups of people who were exposed to the people who were infected, the contacts and the contacts and the contacts and to vax name p nate them a ring way, which is similar to somehow the smallpox vaccine approach was done for the elimination of smallpox. in this study, people were randomized to either get the vaccine right away in the first ring or delay the 21 days and when you compared the people who were in the immediate vaccination around that index case versus those who delay vaccination there were 17 infections in those who delayed and no infection in those who got the vaccine right away. that's an impressive result. >> the is vaccine suitable for everyone? >> yes. it's being done in safety
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trials. in fact wolf, you may remember some time ago we did a phase one trial right here in bethesda of that same vaccine, by phase one we mean to determine whether it's safe and what the right dose is. so this is a safe vaccine tested here and tested in europe tested in africa on much much larger number of people than were actually in the vaccine trial in guinea. so we feel comfortable about the safety of the vaccine. >> and what about side effects? >> again side effects, you see that with any vaccine. it's a having seen that's made of a live virus which has nothing to do with ebola. and what you do is you take one of the genes of ebola and stick it into that vie vous that you can make ebola protein. you get side effects, sometimes fever, sometimes pain in the arm but there haven't been any prohibitive side effects that
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would make you put a red flag up about the safety. >> very, very impressive news dr. fauci, thanks very much. thanks for the important work you and your colleagues are doing at nih in bethesda, maryland and all of your colleagues around the word. very promising information about ebola. appreciate it very much. >> thank you, wolf. other news we're following, a minnesota dentist who killed a beloved lion named cecil while on a trophy hunt is now wanted in zimbabwe and we've learned the u.s. fish and wildlife service says a representative of the dentist has contacted them. the agency saying they appreciate the cooperation and that their investigation is ongoing. dr. walter palmer reportedly paid $50,000 to kill the lion with a bow and arrow. palmer said he relied on local guides for expertise on where to hunt but officials in zimbabwe say cecil was lured out of a national park for the hunt and they now want the u.s. to extradite dr. palmer. cnn's david mckenzie is joining us live from johannesburg in
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south africa. what's going on? david, what are you hearing about this? >> what we're hearing is that the minister of wildlife wants to extradite dr. palmer to zimbabwe to face poaching charges. that's a pretty serious offense, they could get at least ten years for that kind of offense. they say the u.s. should cooperate and if they don't it could further vain the relationships between the u.s. and zimbabwe on the issue of killing this lion. now, certainly they say they want him to face justice. they said this action was orchestrated together with his local guides dr. palmer has gone to ground until now putting out a statement saying while he did kill the lion it was all above board and as far as he was concerned legal and he passes the buck to his local guides and the professional hunter he worked with wolf? >> we've been doing check, and i wonder if you have as well.
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the united states and zimbabwe have an extradition treaty but since 1980 when mugabe came into power in zimbabwe we haven't found any evidence that anyone from the united states has ever been extradited to zimbabwe and it's unlikely they will due so given what the state department regards as a brutal oppressive regime in zimbabwe with torture and other extreme measures under way there. what's your analysis of a possibility that the u.s. might consider this extradition of this american dentist given the political climate over there. >> look the climate is not great and certainly in extradition proceedings generally can be a long and torturous process. at this stage -- we could be proven wrong, but at this stage it would be unlikely that the u.s. will hand over this dentist to the zimbabwean officials, partly because of the nature of
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the charge that he faces. this is not a murder charge. though certainly it struck a chord around the world and raised questions about poach bug in this issue it would be difficult for the zimbabwean officials to get him overto face these charges. at the same time there is a sense of outrage in africa that often american hunters will pay top dollars to come in and if not illegal certainly questionable -- as questionably ethically some of these hunting practices. though it must be said that hunt g hunting outfits say this money is put back into conservation and can have good even if people feel squeamish about it. but extradition, probably unlikely. >> from what i'm hearing from officials here, very unlikely indeed. david mckenzie, thanks very much for that report. coming up donald trump is still in scotland for a golf tournament.
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cnn's max foster caught up with donald trump for an exclusive interview today. get ready, we have some highlights. they make little hearts happy and big hearts happy too because as part of a heart healthy diet, those delicious oats in cheerios can help naturally lower cholesterol. how can something so little... help you do something so big.
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call and upgrade to get x1 today. ♪ republican presidential candidate donald trump is sending a second full day in scotland attending the second round of the women's british open but he's still taking every opportunity to deliver his stump speech. trump is only given one formal interview in scotland and that was to our nax foster. >> i used to be 100% loved. now i'm 55% loved. so i gave up 4%. but i'm leading in the polls, including your polls, so that's a honor. >> reporter: does that surprise you? your success in the polls? >> a little bit. because i know i have to be harsh to let people know what's
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going on. we're talking about illegal immigration, taking care of the vets is so important. the veterans in our country are treated so poorly and i would make sure that that stopped so i bring up things like that and other thing, trade. trade is so big. i would be so good on trade because we're falling behind china. we're falling behind so many other countries. even in education, we're 25 -- if you think of it we're number 25 in education. we have third world count these are better than us. so we have a long way to go, this country, and we do something, i think, spectacular if i win. >> reporter: you're going to put a lot of money into defense spending. where is the money going to come there from? you say you'll make from russia but what about crimea? >> it will come from a great economy. it will come from just a great economy. our economy is very weak. we probably have a 21% real unemployment rate and i heard somebody a great economist, say it's 43% unemployment.
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if you think about it, that sounds ridiculous but so many people aren't looking for jobs. >> >>. >> reporter: how are you going to create jobs? >> we're going to create greatness for our country. we're going to make our country great again in the sense we'll bring back jobs from china and japan and mexico. we're going to bring back jobs -- >> but then prices go up, don't they? >> and prices won't go up but income will go up. people will make more money? it will change. with me it will change. interestingly, in your poll cnn did a poll and they said on leadership trump is by far the best. on the economy trump is the best. people said well, is he a nicern? i'm not sure that matters but i think i am. people like me. >> reporter: you need respect. >> you need respect as a country. >> reporter: you mentioned russia yesterday, how you'll make friends with putin. >> i don't say make friends. >> reporter: will work with putin. >> putin has no respect for president obama. he will respect me, that i tell
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you. >> reporter: on that basis, what do you do with crimea? they're under russian control. >> this is europe's problem much more so than ours and europe isn't complaining as much as we are. but this is more of a europe problem. and when europe comes to us and says "we want your help" but they're not doing that. they're dealing with russia they're not doing that! we're making a big deal out of it but why isn't germany leading this one? germany is a rich powerful nation nation nation. >> reporter: as soon as you got off the helicopter the scottish journalists were bombarding you. >> many people have agreed that i was right and people people said yesterday when you were leaving. do me a favor, you're doing like everybody else does stock? what i said is mexico is sending and that's true. mexico is sending, people are
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coming through that border from all over the world. you can't do that. to have a country you have to have a strong border. this has to stop. >> reporter: who will build the wall? >> i will build the wall and mexico will pay for it. because mexico is making so much money from the united states that will be peanuts. >> strong words. trump how are the folks in scotland and the uk in genre acting to him? >> well it's interesting, i think people do respect him as a businessman. he's done a great amount for this area. the resort behind me employs lots of people peep appreciate that. and they respect his business
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skills but when you speak to people beyond that beyond the business skills of the man but it's interesting and how he would treat the world stage, he seems to be saying he wants to build up the u.s. economy, build up u.s. defense and take that out and use that as a negotiatingnegotiate negotiating tool. he says russia and china hate president obama and hate america. he wants to build those bridges again and then work them and not necessarily to get caught up in debates a about crimea. should crimea be part of russia he believes that's a european issue and that's why he doesn't need to get involved in it so it doesn't get in the way of diplomacies. it's a simple way of looking at
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international relations but he believes it's possible to do. >> did he say that they hate president obama? they hate the united states or they don't respect president obama or necessarily his policies? because that's an important nuance there. >> well it does -- i think he -- he was using the word "hate." i think it is about that. he does say america isn't respected in the world and president obama isn't respected in the world and he says he says hillary clinton is the worst secretary of state that's ever been. but i was trying to grill into the detail about how he will go on these issues that get caught up in these diplomatic issues that hillary clinton and president obama have been involved in. and he just thinks it's simpler than it seems. it doesn't a to be this big debate. it's not the simple case of america is the greatest country, the greatest economy in the world and you could be negotiating a better deal on the world stage based on that. >> good work max. max foster in scott lapd for us.
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good interview with donald trump. thank you. coming up we'll get back to our top story, mh-370 might be at the bottom of the indian ocean but recently discovered debris shows parts of the plane can be on the ocean's surface. the science behind what floats and what doesn't. that and a lot more news coming up. with heart health's important... you may... take an omega-3 supplement... ...but it's the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. new bayer pro ultra omega-3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro ultra omega-3. i'm gonna crack like nobody's watching and eat like i skipped lunch. why? because red lobster's crabfest is back. and i'm diving into so much crab so many ways. like crab lover's dream
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. despite more than a year of searching mvp inging mh-370 has not been located. but debris that washed ashore on reunion island is testimony that some thing cans float for a long time. tom foreman is joining us from our cnn virtual studio. tom, which parts of a plane would likely float? >> a great many of them. a plane has to be durable and lightweight and tough so there are many parts of a plane that will float. you can start with the wings and
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the tail. they're made of composite carbon material that can make them float for quite some time particularly this piece we've been talking about, the flaperon. that's hollow inside. so it can float. also you might have things in the baggage hold that have been put there that would float if it were ripped open. when you move into the cabin it can become more pronounced. think about the planes you've been on where people have said the seat bottom cushions will be float or can be used for flotation twices. that's one possibility. you have all of the things people bring on board planes whether it's a toiletry kit or water bottle or packet of chips or cookies, anything capturing enough air to make it float can go to the surface and float for a very long time wolf. think about this, a plane like this is 300,000 plus pounds empty. at takeoff it can be quite that much. so that's a lot of material to consider. >> which part of the plane are unlikely to be float or pushed around by currents? >> well there are some of those and they're really important
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ones. for example, the engines of the plane. this is not from a 777, but nonetheless, any big jet like this. the engines are incredibly important to an investigation to find out whether or not they were running at the time the plane went down whether or not something went wrong inside them or they burned out or exploded or something. no way. no way those are on top of the water anywhere. and beyond that probably this is true also for the voice and data recorders which really are the treasure trove of what you can find in something like this. they are likely at the bottom of the indian ocean and for all the excitement that remains a place of very high peaks and very deep valleys: it's cold dark and searching it has been a problem from the beginning and will continue to be as they try to find these other part wolf? >> tom foreman, good explanation as usual. thank you. this important programming note for our north american viewers, don't miss cnn's special report "vanished, the
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mystery of malaysia airlines flight 370 that will air tonight, 9:00 p.m. eastern." just ahead, hillary clinton and jeb bush take the same stage, both trying to appeal to african-american voters. why are candidates getting tripped up by the phrase "black lives matter." ♪ the goodness that goes into making a power kale chicken caesar salad is rivaled only, by the goodness felt while eating one. panera. food as it should be. what do a nascar® driver... a comedian... and a professional golfer have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. xarelto® has also been proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. i tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions
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hillary clinton and jeb bush appealed for african-american votes at a national urban league conference in florida today. both candidates from both -- candidates from both parties are grappling with three words that have become a movement -- black lives matter. clinton invoked the phrase once again today before taking a swipe at jeb bush. the former florida governor focused on highlighting his record of diversity and inclusion. let's talk about this and more.
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joining us david chalian, jeff zeleny and nia me-malika hander son. why are they getting tripped up on the words "black lives matter." >> it started with bernie sanders and martin o'malley being shouted down at this net roots conference where they didn't know how to grabble with this movement black lives matter is a movement that grew out of the troubling high profile deaths of african-american. and you have martin o'malley say "white lives matter all lives matter." and one of the things you hear from folks in this movement is that the real meaning is "black lives matter too." it's an inclusive framing that african-americans should be at the table in terms of criminal justice reform some of the things that need to be taken care of in things of that. but here they got that right and you also heard reince priebus on
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wednesday say black lives matter in his speech to the national urban league as well. jeb bush on the other hand has not said it. and he has been dismissive of it calling it a political slogan. >> reince priebus, chairman of the republican national committee. hillary clinton did refer to one of jeb bush's super pacs right to rise. let me play the clip. >> i don't think you can credibly say that everyone has a right to rise and then say you're for phasing out medicare or for repealing obamacare. people can't rise if they can't afford health care. they can't rise if the minimum wage is too low to live on. they can't rise if their governor makes it harder for them to get a college education. and you cannot seriously talk about the right to rise and support laws that deny the right to vote. [ applause ] >> clearly references all to jeb bush. >> no question.
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in florida of all things. it's like we're fast forwarding to a hypothetical general election in a key battleground of florida. but that was strategic on secretary clinton's part using the thematic right to rise. i'm not sure people are aware that that's the name of the super pac, right to rise we are that's why we're talking about it. she made clear this is going to be an anthem of her campaign, going hard at his record as governor of florida, specifically the voting records at the 50th anniversary of the voting rights act. so that's a central thing there. but when jeb bush followed about a half hour after that or so he talked about his own record about how he was in charge of presiding over the governorship in tallahasse and he removed the confederate flag before it became popular. so an interesting preview in what could be a general election argument. >> it was interesting to see how jeb bush's campaign responded to that on twitter. tim miller his communications director called that very clintonesque to taken a event where they're both appearing --
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which is a rare thing for a democratic or republican candidate to share a stage at this point and said it's so clintonesque to launch a political attack when they could have been finding common ground. >> what about the vice president of the united states joe biden? all of a sudden there are murmurings out there, you've seen these reports, that maybe he's rethinking maybe he will in the end jump in. i know earlier this year he said we would know by the summer whether he'll be a democratic presidential candidate. you've been doing reporting on this. >> you talk to people in biden world and there are people who want him to run vigorously. there's a divide about if he should or shouldn't but one thing is clear -- the vice president has not made a decision and he's pushing back his timetable i'm told by several people close to him. and he's watching to see this democratic presidential campaign unfold before him and there are some people throughout who think he could make a late entry. we don't know if the window is closed or not but joe biden
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himself does not think it has so he's leaving options pope. >> what are you hearing? >> well, there 's the group riding with biden. they've been putting out videos and trying to frame what a biden candidacy would look like saying he would appeal to younger voters for instance their former high-profile obama fund-raisers who are trying to get him to run. so everyone is talking about it and he's clearly moved the time frame. >> the clock, as you well know is ticking. because there are five democratic presidential candidates and in the early fall there will be democratic presidential debates. >> you've got to get an organization up and running. i'm not saying that joe biden couldn't do that. he knows how to do that. but there's nothing there right now. you do have to consider this window does not stay open forever. however, i think you have to consider the current context that this is happening in.
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he would not extend his line if hillary clinton was lighting on fire right now. the fact that there are questions about her likability allows biden to continue this process longer than originally thought. >> yes. because there are these anti-hillary clinton articles out there and information, the e-mail controversy, other things involving the clinton global initiative. if it does have some sort of impact on her favorability and her poll numbers. the instinct that joe biden has run for president would be to maybe throw his hat in the ring. >> absolutely. he would be plan b. maybe that could be a slogan if he decides to run. but you're right about the e-mails. she has an appearance before the benghazi appearance on october 27th i believe. . he has a hard fast deadline to get on the new hampshire primary. i think it's november.
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i think it's more unlikely that he doesn't run than he does but significant that he hasn't ruled it out. the whole atmosphere has kept the conversation alive. >> and the fact that his late son said i'd be happy if you ran, that's a potential significant factor. for the latest in politics head over to coming up a toddler killed in the west bank in what is being called a so-called price tag attack. we'll get the latest on the hunt for the suspects.
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18-year-old baby. a child was killed his mother and brother injured. there have been widespread condemnations from around the world including here in the united states the state department calling it a vicious terrorist attack. let's go to jerusalem where cnn's ian lee is watching what is going on. what has been the reaction from the palestinians and from the israeli government? >> reporter: wolf both sides have called it a terrorist attack. the palestinians coming out strong blaming the israeli government they are saying for creating an atmosphere that leads to this sort of attack. i went to this house. i saw it really not much place for this family to run. these cocktails thrown into their bedroom and the toddler, 18-month-old was killed three
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others his mother and father and 4-year-old brother were taken to israeli hospitals where they are being treated. the mother and father are in serious condition the eldest boy is in stable condition. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited them to check on their condition. he condemned this also as a terrorist attack and vowed that they will find the people who did it and hold them to account. but right now we haven't heard of any leads of who they might think carried this out. >> it follows another attack in israel this time by an orthodox jew who stabbed six people at a gay pride parade in jerusalem. it's a shocking shocking development. tell us about the attacker and what happened. >> that's right. this attacker was released three weeks ago for carrying out a
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similar attack ten years ago when he stabbed people at a gay pride parade. we're just seeing a repeat of that crime. there are graphic pictures. you can see him taking out the knife and stabbing people. he was eventually taken down. tomorrow there is going to be a rally where israelis are going to voice their disapproval, being against this rise in violence in israeli society. we're hearing from organizers that they will be protesting against the attack that took place yesterday at the gay pride parade here in jerusalem and also the attack that took place in the west bank in the city of duma where we saw that toddler killed. wolf? >> and the six people stabbed in the gay pride parade what are their conditions? >> reporter: two of them are in serious condition. four of them are going to be all
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right. a lot of people wondering how this could take place. in talking to some of the people here they say they are not surprised as jerusalem has a very large, ultra orthodox population. wolf? >> ian lee, thank you. we'll stay on top of it. thanks for watching. the news continues next on cnn. you're watching cnn on this friday. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you so much for being with me. let's get to it. brand-new developments in the plane wreckage that could be malaysian air flight 370. first, just in to cnn, hillary clinton releasing her medical records and a huge day for her campaign. let's bring in senior correspondent brianna keilar. what are we learning? >> this is a letter put forth
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