tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 31, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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e wish you the best of luck. we will miss you. good luck out in california. you can always follow us on twitter. go ahead and tweet me @wolfblitzer. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. tonight, breaking news. new evidence tonight that the plane debris found in the indian ocean is in fact mh370. that as a volcano eruption slows down the search for more pieces of the doomed plane. tough talk coming from donald trump. coming under fire in his own party at sarah palin comes out in his defense. does she help or hurt his cause? the search for the dentist who killed cecil the prized lion. zimbabwe calling on the united states to extradite him. will the u.s. hand him over? let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm kate baldwin in for erin burnett. breaking news. an important new clue for investigators searching for mh370. a second identifying number has been found on the piece of debris discovered in the indian ocean. sources tell cnn this number is also consistent with a boeing 777. this as malaysian officials are increasingly confident tonight the debris say piece of the missing plane. one malaysian official saying today that it most certainly belongs to a boeing 777. we know mh370 is the only boeing 777 unaccounted for in the world. right now, this piece of debris a plane's flaperon is expected to arrive in france shortly for analysis. we will begin our coverage with rene marsh. you broke this story. a second identifying number on this flaperon it seems very little doubt now that this is
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in fact mh370. >> reporter: that's right. we are waiting for the official confirmation. a source is telling me in photos boeing engineers spotted a number 11 digits long. it's consistent with a boeing 777. yesterday, we showed you this image published in a newspaper showing a code number that matches up with a component number in an internal boeing 777 maintenance manual. that number there is 657bb. now kate that means there are two sets of identifying numbers on this one part linking the debris to a boeing 777. >> even without this possible piece of evidence u.s. intelligence has concluded that this was a deliberate act. why is that? >> reporter: analysts we're told looked at the multiple course changes that the aircraft made after it deviated from its scheduled course. it was going from kuala lumpur
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to beijing. they determined that someone in the cockpit deliberately either programmed or steered the aircraft to fly towards very specific navigational points in the sky. as you see there, crossing indonesian territory and going towards the south indian ocean. after assessing that path that you are looking at there, these analysts said there were no way that an aircraft could make such movement without human intervention. that's how they got to that conclusion. also based on the little evidence that they do have now. >> a lot of work to do still, clearly. thanks so much. on reunion island where the debris was found, the search continues today. complicating efforts, if you can believe it a volcano erupting on the island. some areas have already been evacuated. searchers are actively looking for more debris along the coast right now.
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>> reporter: absolutely kate. police helicopters were flying overhead through most of the day and on the beach -- that cleanup crew which spotted the first bit of debris they were down there. the sense is that perhaps if this is mh370, then we will learn a lot about the current that could have brought it here moving it so far from what was thought to be the search area. and if this is mh370, then that current will give us a broader sense of what should be the new search site which would be expected to encompass not just reunion but beyond perhaps to madagascar and the southeastern coast of africa. of course everybody now is waiting for that confirmation that it's mh370 before they start thinking about where else they need to be looking. even while that is going on people here haven't stopped their search. >> there have been so many false alarmed to this point. you can understand everyone's
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trepidation on -- hesitation on this. as for the debris it's still making that long journey to france for its analysis right? >> reporter: yes. the expectation is that it would get there later tonight your time, which would make it morning in france. it's actually two pieces debris. the wing remnant, that will go to the lab justand the remnant of the luggage heading to paris. because this is under the court's judiciary investigation in france because of the involvement -- four french citizens were on the missing plane, this is now where the judiciary gets involved. it shows you how seriously they are taking this remnant. on monday they will have a working session that will include investigators from malaysia and then the judge overseeing this is going to instruct that the analysis begins wednesday also in the presence of boeing investigators involved in the analysis and
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malaysian investigators. but the sense we got from that lab is that given the equipment they have there, that they are expecting to start researching conclusions pretty soon after that kate. >> long days for you. thank you so very much for your reporting. now, richard quest is here with me. dennis moore is also with us an aviation accident investigator and a mechanical and aeronautical engineer and david gallo, the director of special projects. it's great to see you. thank you so much. richard, you are here with me. this is the focus. this is the piece of debris that they have. it's making its way to france. experts with a keen eye are looking at so far is where is the damage and where isn't the damage. >> right. as this video shows, you have the front end or if you like the leading end and you've got the trailing end of this flaperon. >> let's hone in on exactly what we can look at so we can look
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here. first we have -- here is the first picture. this is the front end you are say, right? >> yep. this is the -- what they call the leading end. the plane is going that way. this is the part that actually attaches to the aircraft. this is the bit that goes out into the back into the slip stream. this piece of equipment will move up. it goes up by maximum of ten degrees and down by 36 degrees. that's what it is designed for. >> what are experts gleaning from where there doesn't seem to be damage and where there does in terms of maybe what happened? where are the theories right now. >> look at this. there's almost nothing on that. which suggests it certainly didn't bump into anything like the other part of the wing. it would be crushed. the damage is on this side the side panel. if we look at the rear of this -- this is the other side of it. now you start to see some serious damage.
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>> we're talking about these barnacles. but there are tears under here as well. >> yes. look at the actual line of this thing. it's going like this. that has been jagged out and when we talked to david gallo, he will give us insight into what these barnacles which seem to be absolutely across the whole of the -- >> you can see them right here. >> absolutely. what we have is a piece of the wing this flaperon -- let's be sensible about this. it's from a 777 and it's more than likely than not from mh370. let's call it what it is. and you have got this damage. you have got this good bit bad bit. and from that they can work out how it went into the water. >> that dennis is where your expertise sets in. the debris is headed to france. and then the engineers and the specialists, they will get their hands on it. what can engineers learn from examining how the metal tore
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apart or exactly the state of the metal in almost i would say a more molecular fashion? >> well that's going to depend a little bit on how it has survived the more than a year in the ocean. just as a point, it looks like the flaperon is actually mostly composite rather than metal. it may have a honeycomb upper and lower surface. what they are going to look at on a macro level is looking at the trailing edge. did that break off being bent up? did it break off being bent down? did it fail in some other fashion? being torn off to the left or to the right. from that looking at that and looking at the loads with the models of the structure, you can then analyze perhaps angles
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forces velocities at which it may have entered the water. >> seems to be some of the key questions that we don't know right now. david gallo on this -- dennis raises an interesting point, how long it had been in the water. the fact it was in the ocean for so long could that wash away any of these clues and hinder this examination process the engineers are going to undertake now? >> yeah. i think the contrary. i think that it's almost like a science experiment unto itself. it has been floating for 500-plus days and picking up the chemistry of the ocean coming along with some of the animals that grow on it the barnacles, for instance. good biological forensic studies can tell us where those barnacles more or less came from. so we will learn an awful lot about the chemistry and the life on that piece of metal.
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>> it's not just about -- as david gallo is getting to it's not just about this piece of metal. he is pointing out what's on the piece of metal. david, you can jump in on this. but richard has been pointing out, what is a barnacle what isn't a barnacle? we don't necessarily know. you are clearly more of an expert on that than we are. >> barely. from my view of it it looked like many of the things that we see floating in the ocean that have been out there for some time. looks like its own science experiment. when the atsb and others get their hands on it they will study every lit bit and extract every clue they can. >> it's got secrets that it has to give up. and now it's up to the french experts to unlock it. >> gentlemen, thank you so very much. for us next was there a
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security breach on board mh370? we will show you how someone outside of the cockpit could have taken total control of the plane. jeb bush on how he is going to handle donald trump at the first gop debate. the university of cincinnati cop who shot and killed an unarmed black man, tonight he wants his job back. a live report coming up.
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breaking news on the search for malaysian airlines flight 370. new evidence that the piece of debris discovered off the coast of africa could be from mh 370. a second code is consistent with boeing's 777 and mh370 is the only unaccounted for 777 in the world. u.s. intelligence suthzggests a deliberate act from the cockpit took the flight off course. there's questions about a security breach that could have taken place. kyung lah is "outfront." >> reporter: the debris still brings pilots no closer to a consensus on the greatest mystery of their profession. >> there's all kinds of theories. everybody has a different theory. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence agencies believe it's likely the plane was deliberately steered by someone in the cockpit. but retired united airlines pit lot ross amer trained pilots at
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boeing. he says the debris launched a new round of speculation among his fellow pilots. among the theories a section of the aircraft known as the ee bay may have been breached. what's in the electronics bay? >> this was the brain and heart of an aircraft. in case of a 7 777 all the electronics that control the entire airplane are in that electronic bay. this is the most important part of this aircraft. other than the engines. every pilot that flies a 777, knows how to get down there. >> reporter: it's designed for maintenance access. here you can manage all flight systems taking total control of the plane. we're not going to show you where the access is on the aircraft. we will show you what's widely available on the internet. in this aviation video viewed
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tens of thousands of times, you can see in the bay various electronics, wires and green tanks. the concern floated by some pilots they say boeing manufactures and delivers a 777 with an unsecured access door. most of the airlines add a lock and the access is hidden. only crew and perhaps some aviation enthusiasts would know how to get in. that's why a breach aboard mh370 is something the pilot says is possible but unlikely. investigators around the world found no immediate red flags from anyone on board. more likely a catastrophic fire or one of the crew perhaps the captain or the co-pilot were somehow involved. >> one of the things that investigators do they never leave any stone unturned. they look at just about any possibility. >> reporter: pilots say they want to know they need to know
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what happened to mh370, not just to solve the mystery but for the field of aviation because it is after the accident investigation is over that aviation learns and is better able to prevent the next one. >> an excellent point. "outfront" tonight, the former assistant director of the fbi's criminal investigative division and miles o'brien. miles, asyou brought up the possibility that someone could have broken into the bay in your documentary. we're not going to show the video of the entrance to that hatch. is this security vulnerability a real threat on all 777s? >> yes. well here is the thing. the 777 ships from boeing with an unlocked door to that bay, which is the brains of the aircraft. it's a computer aircraft. if you can get in there, you own that aircraft as it were.
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that door is located in the cabin area and it ships to customers unsecured. there's no regulation by the faa or any of the other agent sigs requiring that door to be locked. some airlines have ordered lock kits from boeing to do that. we shouldn't have to rely on airlines to make this decision. this should be a locked door period. it's a tremendous security achilles heel. >> it seems like it. chris, it seems like this hatch provides access to every major system on the plane. how serious should folks be taking this? >> kate if this is in fact, true, it's an unacceptable vulnerability. i would be shocked if the intelligence services out there, the fbi and others weren't aware of this vulnerability. let's hope that if it exists they're quietly working on the fix immediately.
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>> that's a big question. miles, does this theory in any way rule out the possibility that one of the pilots was responsible -- is responsible? as you said it's not in the cockpit. it's outside of it. >> well certainly, if you are a pilot in the cockpit already, you don't need the bay to control the airplane. you have all the controls you need. but we know by looking at this it's almost guaranteed to be some sort of deliberate action. human hand involved. so on your suspect list would you look at the crew. the captain and first officer, most likely to do this. >> someone can't walk in there and come upon that hatch and even if they got in there, you need expertise to know what to do. right? >> you do. you want somebody who has experience as an aircraft and power plant mechanic for example, who had worked on jet airplanes. this is a big enough room where you could stow away.
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it has a door which goes into the cargo hold. there's possibilities for a stowaway. i'm not saying that's what happened. i do know this is a vulnerability and n this aircraft. it needs to be addressed. >> it sure does. chris, u.s. intelligence said someone in the cockpit deliberately caused the plane to fly off course. it doesn't necessarily mean for nefarious reasons. but you think one of the pilots is responsible. why? >> well we don't know when that assessment was done. i agree with it because in any investigation, you have to anchor it with what you know. theories are interesting. what you know is what you work with. you work out from there. what we know is that the plane communication systems were deliberately disabled. we know that the plane changed course dramatically and headed off in several different course changes. there's a general consensus from what i have seen and reporting
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that that had to be done deliberately. that points to one of two people at this point, the pilot or co-pilot. >> they are a long way from establishing that as they found one piece of debris from the plane. thank you both so much. tonight, cnn investigates the mystery of mh 370. don't miss our special report, tonight at 9:00 eastern. "outfront" next donald trump accused of being incoherent talking tough on immigration one minute then saying this to cnn. >> i would get people out and i would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country so they can be legal. zimbabwe wants the u.s. to extradite a dentist for killing a beloved lion cecil. where is that dentist tonight?
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republicans at that. his biggest defender of the day is sarah palin. sarah murray is "outfront." >> reporter: from his presidential announcement speech. >> they are bringing drugs. they are bringing crime. they are rapists. and some i assume are good people. >> reporter: to the campaign trail. >> hundreds of thousands of people illegals coming over the border. hundreds of thousands in jail. >> reporter: all the way to the u.s. mexico border. >> there are areas you have to have the wall. >> reporter: donald trump has ignited a debate and drawn plenty of criticism over remashesremash s remarks on immigration. new attacks, this time from former allies after softening his tone. >> when you say legal, do you mean legal status or can they be eligible for citizenship? >> no citizenship. we will see down the line who knows what will happen. but legal status. >> you are open to -- >> it's something i would think about. i would say right now, no i'm
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not open to it. i would say legal status. >> reporter: the conservative news network, one of the biggest cheerleader for him call his remarks mushy and incoherent. if this sounds incoherent that's because it's more inquo here incoherent after an alcoholic after a night of shots who crashed into a lamp post. backlash was brewing earlier. they question whether trump was pro-amnesty. >> instead of a politician who sits down with staff and works it out, trump is making his policy on the fly in public. this is like a reality show. each time he brings something out, it raises more questions. >> reporter: by friday trump sounded nearly like his old self. in scotland he reaffirmed that
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he would force mexico to pay for a wall to secure the border. >> mexico is going to pay for it and they will be happy to pay for it. they are making so much money from the united states that that's peanut. they say, they won't pay because they don't know about how to negotiate. trust me mexico will pay for it. >> reporter: polls show republicans give donald trump pretty high marks on the immigration issue. after the latest shifts it will be interesting to see if any conservatives decide it's time to dump trump. back to you. >> thank you so much. tonight, former reagan white house political director jeffrey lord. he is a contributinge inging editor and ben. jeff you heard the piece. you have the conservative news site slamming him over his immigration policy. they called it incoherent. does trump have a problem on his hands here? >> well i'm not sure that he does. i'm hold in my hand another
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piece by ben shapiro's boss that says time to get tough. trump's manifesto. he is talking about this book from 2011 which steve called detailed innovative and smart. it rivals all over gop presidential candidate books in serious policy proposals. >> right now? >> it's all right here. it's all been out here in document form. sure. i mean candidates as they go along don't always talk in specific terms. they write these books. they put out policy proposals. this is trump's. >> are we voting for trump or his ghost writer? i will take donald trump at his word instead of something he wrote a long time ago that someone else probably wrote for him and he put his name on it like he wasn't designing his ties that were at macy's.
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donald trump in a minute and 30 seconds contradicted himself four times. he said he is in favor amnesty. he is also in favor of deporting everyone. then expediting importing them back in and then maybe letting people stay if they have parents here and they are younger. but then he is not sure if he will give out amnesty. those are his words now. not in a book that someone else wrote for him. again, if you look at what he is saying -- >> ben, ben, ben -- >> go ahead. >> i think most assuredly he does know. while sure i'm sure -- >> then explain the complaints. >> i am sure that this book went through donald trump himself. >> hold on. you are telling me -- let me make this clear. you are telling me you are saying we should trust donald trump in the book not the donald trump the candidate who is now running for president when he said this in the last 24 hours? you are saying completely throw that away?
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you don't trust the current trump, the trust the one in the book? >> no no no no no. i am saying to you that he is tough on illegal immigration. that's his policy. he said it over and over and over and over again. >> ben, let me ask you this. >> ben, this is -- >> when he says he wants to deport everyone that's his policy? >> despite maybe what seems incoherent to some despite what he put in the book the fact of the matter -- i have to bring you back to the here and now in the reality in the polls right now, ben, he may not be diving into specifics he may sound confusing to folks on his policy positions, but it sure seems that a lot of republican voters don't care. they just like how he is selling it. look at the polls. >> i think the poll numbers show there are a lot of people that they are very angry with the establishment and for good reason. they don't like the john boehner republican. so donald trump has been able to have a honeymoon without anyone challenging him. that's about to change when the
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debates get started. you are about to see the candidates engage one another. if he thinks he can wing it and contradict himself, he will be eaten alive by people that actually prepared for the debates and didn't just go out there hoping to walk into something that makes them more popular. >> do you -- do you foresee a week from now donald trump getting eaten alive? >> do i? no. i don't think so. i mean that's not donald trump. i mean i suspect that might be the case with some of the other folks in terms of domentnald trump. >> before i let you go i have to ask you, the biggest defender of donald trump today, sarah palin. she came out with wild praise for trump in writing -- i will read part of this. trump's unconventional candidate is a shot in the arm for americans who are fed up. that's hard to get out in one breath. does sarah palin's support going
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forward, does it help him broaden his base? >> it helps him in terms of the republican electorate he has to appeal to. sarah palin is an asset with a lot of people within the base of the republican party. i'm sure donald trump is very pleased to have this endorsement from her. >> what do you think, ben? >> sarah palin, this is her last shot at being in a cabinet. donald trump would be probably the only candidate that would appoint her to a cabinet position. she also has a very very very major fan base that is willing to go out there and work for you. put out yard signs, knock on doors. donald trump needs that. he will tap into what sarah palin has. people that like her are in love with her and they obsess over her. if she says give money to this guy or campaign or show up at this rally, they are going to do it. i think for both of them this is a great opportunity. >> a perfect marriage might be exactly what you are saying. >> we agree on something, ben.
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>> there you go. >> i am ending it there. end on a high note on a friday night. great to see you. have a great weekend. "outfront" next the cincinnati police officer charged with shooting and killing an unarmed black man now wants his job back. is there any evidence that could clear his name right now? the dentist who killed cecil the lion where is he tonight? will the united states actually extradite him to face charges in zimbabwe? lilly baker is preparing for college. she'll use that education to get a job. she'll use that job to buy a home. this is lilly baker. her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra $312 a month toward lilly's tuition. lilly is about to take over the world. who's with her? buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. what's the most awarded car company of the year? ranking from top to bottom.
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they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. new developments in the case of an unarmed black man shot and killed by a white officer. tonight the former university of cincinnati officer is out on bail and he wants his job back. ray tensing says he was forced to fire his weapon because he feared being run over and dragged during a traffic stop. we're now learning that two other officers that were on the scene, they say that wasn't the case. jason carroll is "outfront." >> reporter: two officers who responded after one of their own, ray tensing fatally shot
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dubose, will not face charges. they are both on administrative leave. tensing told officer kidd he shot dubose after being dragged. nowhere on the video does it show him being dragged. initially kidd is heard him saying he thought he saw him being dragged. >> you good? >> i'm good. i got my hand and arm caught. >> reporter: another officer who arrived later writing in his report looking at officer tensing's uniform, i could see the back of his pants and shirt looked as if he had been dragged over a rough surface. the responding officers telling the grand jury they did not see tensing being dragged by dubose's car. >> i think it's terrible. >> reporter: for derek, hearing those names reopens old wounds. >> those are two of the guys involved in my brother's case. >> reporter: the officers were two of several police officers
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involved in another controversial case involving derek's brother. in 2010 kelly checked himself into the university of cincinnati hospital for psychiatric help. according to court documents, he became so agitated, doctors gave him sedatives and directed him to a so-called seclusion room. several university police officers responded to restrain him, including those two. it was captured on a sur surveillance camera. >> there is the fatal tazing right there. >> reporter: he was tased three times but not by kidd or wible. kidd said i struck him in the jaw. wible writing, the patient resisted. he stopped breathing. he died three days later. it's unclear if any of the officers were disciplined. he sued the hospital. the university's president would
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not comment on specific officer's actions but says strides have been taken over the years to train their officers. >> we have quite extensive training even beyond that mandated by the state, that occurs with all of our police officers. >> reporter: it's time for the university police officers to go. >> they don't have what it takes to be police officers. >> reporter: i spoke to a senior official with the police union who tells me as a result of that 2010 incident university police are no longer allowed to police the psychiatric ward at the hospital. having said that he says those officers in 2010 did nothing wrong. he says they were trying to restrain someone who does not -- who did not want to be restrained. and as for ray tensing, they say he did nothing wrong. they said he didn't receive due process and he should have his job back. >> a lot going on at that university to say the least. thank you very much.
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next, we have braining ingbreaking news. a close call between a delta plane and a drone just 100 feet apart at one of america's busiest airports. details that's just coming in. that's next. donald trump takes a page from the book of manners. >> excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. otherwise, you don't have a country. excuse me. excuse me. i'm gonna crack like nobody's watching
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land safely. now the faa is investigating. a scary, scary close call tonight. this other big story we're watching tonight. officials in zimbabwe are calling for the extradition of the american dentist who shot and killed the protected lion known as cecil. through a representative the doctor has contacted u.s. fish and wild life which is investigating the controversial kill. the dentist has gone into hidingeing as he phased death threats. david mckenzie has been following the story for us in south africa. david, zimbabwe is clearly they really want dr. palmer to be forced back there to face charges. >> reporter: well that's right, kate. and you know, the u.s. and zimbabwe have an extradition treaty. technically, it's possible,
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though experts say pretty unlikely the u.s. will comply with any extradition request in this case. but they have upped the ante and they say this dentist hunter who lured cecil out of that park and killed him according to allegations, in fact had orchestrated this all and he should be facing trial and even facing charges that could get him ten years, kate? >> there's also been concern, david, about the lion cubs in cecil's pride, now that the male has been killed. there's been a lot of concern about this especially online. what are you hearing about that tonight? >> reporter: well you know we were all very concerned that those cubs more than a dozen of them would be killed. that's generally what happens when the dominant male leaves a pride, then another male will come in take over and kill the cubs. obviously, there's a lot of concern around the world by that. and the oxford university group that is tracking these lions told us you know what in this case there's a glimmer of hope. cecil's brother in that pride,
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which they called jericho is in fact protecting those cubs. and so for now, they are okay. but certainly, the overall situation of poaching and trophy hunting really has come into the limelight, in the story, and there's a lot of cause for change and even for the banning of to rerophy huntings no matter what happens with the killing of this layon in particular. >> i want to bring in cnn legal analyst paul cowan for more. they want him extradited and forced back to zimbabwe to face charges. what do you think the chances are the united states would extradite this dentist? >> it's hard to say, but i think extradition comes down to about 60% law/40% politics. the reason i say that is because ultimately the state department of the united states has to decide whether to recommend going forward with the extradition. and we always look at the criminal justice system in the
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country that we're extraditing too. zimbabwe has a problem with human rights violations that it has been criticized for, for many many years, and i'm not so sure even though we have a treaty that the u.s. would be so eager to extradite one of our citizens to that system of justice. the second thing is you have to prove that the crime that was committed in zimbabwe is the same or similar to a criminal law in the united states. the dual criminality rule. we don't know what the offense is that he's being specifically alleged to have committed in zimbabwe. >> poaching. >> well poaching but hunting lion is legal in zimbabwe. believe it or not, i just got off the phone with somebody who is a big game hunter that i know and who told me he had hunted lion in dwai and that the amount of money paid in this case is comparable to what people pay to do it legally with a guide. so, whether the dentist knew he was taking a protected animal is
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hard to say. >> he's in hiding now. he could face ten years in prison is what david mckenzie says, should he head back there. what should the doctor do? what would you advise him to do? >> if i got a call from him, i would say, keep your head down and i don't think it's in his interest to be giving public statements. i mean obviously, people are really distraught about the death of this beautiful animal. a public sentiment is going to be against him. there's nothing that he can say to turn public opinion. and he just has the to hope that if time passes and he's not placed under arrest that it will be forgotten. i don't think by going on any kind of a public tour to try to defend his position he's going to help himself. >> paul great to see you. thank you. >> okay thank you. coming up next for us jeanne moos on how donald trump turns a very nice gesture and somehow turns it into a verbal assault. >> excuse me.
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than mannerly. >> how stupid are our leaders? >> reporter: but donald trump has taken a page -- >> excuse me. >> reporter: out of the etiquette books. >> excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. >> reporter: the donald has taken that childhood lesson. >> you said "excuse me." you used good manners. >> reporter: and trump has weaponized it. >> excuse me. i raised a lot of money. >> reporter: to verbally beat back his interviewers. >> excuse me. >> if you want to interrupt them then you have to say the words, "excuse me." >> excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. >> reporter: sometimes it's punk waited by a finger. or two hands. >> excuse me. >> reporter: the number of excuse mes escalates. >> what was that based on? >> excuse me. >> reporter: as tempers rise. >> you're a billionaire -- >> excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. >> reporter: even in a relatively calm interview with cnn's dana bash for instance
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the donald lobbed five "excuse mes." >> excuse me. excuse me. excuse me. otherwise you don't have a country. excuse me. >> people you want to keep -- >> excuse me. i want these people out of here. >> reporter: but you'll have to excuse trump if once in a while he gets so riled he forgets to mind his manners. >> so again, i want to thank you -- no no you're finished. >> reporter: but there is one guy who trumps even trump when it comes to excusing himself. no not homer simpson. >> well excuse me! >> reporter: steve martin. >> excuse me! >> reporter: it's almost a badge of honor to be asked by name to excuse donald trump. >> excuse matt. >> excuse me savannah. >> reporter: the guy famous for these two words. >> "you're fired." >> reporter: fired off these two words. >> excuse me. >> way more often. >> when an adult is talking -- >> excuse me!
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>> yes? >> i said "excuse me" and you stopped talking! >> reporter: jeanne moos -- >> excuse me -- >> reporter: new york. >> i honestly believe i've seen him excuse himself in the middle of an interview. on that note excuse me have a good friday. thanks for joining us. "a.c. 360" joins us now. good evening. we begin tonight with the debris that could be from malaysia airlines flight 370. a flight that began nearly 17 months ago and ended mysteriously. a mystery that has yet to be solved. the breaking news right now, the debris is on its way from a remote island in the western indian ocean where it was found just a few days ago to france where it's going to be studied to confirm whether it is in fact from the flight that vanished in march of 2014. now, we have reporters in both locations that are at the heart of the story tonight. fred pleitgen is in toulouse france where the debris is heading. we begin on reunion island with our reporter nima
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