tv New Day CNN August 5, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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let's begin all of our political news with our team coverage of the presidential race with cnn political reporter who is live in washington. good morning, sara. >> good morning. >> good morning, alisyn. the waiting game is over as to who is going to be on the debate stage. what is the dynamic going to be like with trump at center stage? take a look. donald trump rising high in the polls on the eve of the first gop debate. >> the polls are phenomenal. we got numbers through south carolina iowa new hampshire. not only the national numbers. i'm honored by it. what it shows is people are tired of incompetence. >> reporter: he will take center stage planked by nine arrivals. it was announced who made the cut and clinched a spot in the prime time debate. we'll see bush walker huckabee carson cruz rubio,
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paul and rounding out the bunch, christie and kasich. the seven who won't be on stage for the main event, rick perry, the longest serving governor of texas. santorum and fiorina, a former ceo and only woman in the gop field. those candidates will face-off in an earlier debate at 5:00 p.m. one big question remains. will trump go on the attack? last night he offered a preview. >> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies i will. >> reporter: the latest polls show trump with wide support from 1-4 voters. preparing to go toe-to-toe with the reality tv star feels surreal, competitors aren't letting on. >> when you were a young man
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growing up in texas, you probably never imagined one day you would be on television with donald trump. you will be this week. >> when i was growing up we didn't have reality tv either. >> okay. >> reporter: there are plenty of sour feelings from the candidate who is did not make the main debate stage. a spokesman says the process was incredibly flawed. he called national polls in august meaningless. back to you. >> we'll talk to you in a second. donald trump's chief rival admitted to a misstep. he said he's not sure the country needs a half billion dollars for, quote, women's health issues. democratic front-runner hillary clinton, pounced on that. senior correspondent joe johns is live in washington with more. hi joe. >> reporter: the battle over planned parenthood spilling over on to the presidential campaign trail. another indicator of how tricky
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it is for candidates like jeb bush who tried to turn the abortion rate to their advantage and trying to do a balancing act to not alienate voters about the concerns of women's health. gop presidential hopeful jeb bush walking back an offhanded jab over women's health funding. >> i'm not sure we need a half billion for women's health issues. >> reporter: he said in a statement soon after he spoke in tennessee tuesday, he meant to say the $500 million in federal funding that goes to planned parenthood should be directed to other women's health organizations. no matter hillary clinton pounced. >> i guess women's health isn't a priority for him. >> reporter: she fired this tweet, you are absolutely wrong. bush tweeting back an hour later, what is wrong is giving taxpayer money to an organize
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vacation whose practices show no regard for lives of the unborn. hillary did not hold back. >> i'm really tired of the double speak. i'm tired of women being shamed and blamed and dismissed. >> reporter: coming to his aid was governor scott walker tweeting that clinton ought to be ashamed for standing with planned parenthood. the fight over women's health intensifying a day after the the republicans failed to get enough votes. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: they threaten a government shutdown of planned parenthood is not defunded. >> when you attack planned parenthood, you attack women's health. >> reporter: it's coming on the same day the antiabortion group released the fifth video showing methods and money motives
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engaged in exchange of fetal tissues tissues. michaela? >> thank you for that. hillary clinton's lawyer confirming the fbi is investigating the personal e-mail system of hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. we are joined from washington with these developments. jeff? >> the fbi is looking into the security of hillary clinton's e-mail server she set up in her home in new york back when she was secretary of state. david kendall is telling cnn they are cooperating with the ongoing probe to determine whether hundreds of e-mails containing material that was classified were handled properly. she is not accused of wrong doing. intelligence officials raised concern about sensitive information that could have been compromised. overnight, her campaign spokesman told cnn she did not receive any e-mails that were marked classified at the time. we want to ensure appropriate
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procedures are followed as the e-mails are reviewed while not unduing the release of ore other e-mails. this decision back in january, 2009 has been at the center of controversy in her campaign and raised questions of her trustworthiness. as the inquiry continues, so will all the questions in this campaign. chris? >> thank you very much. let's discuss the impact of what's going to happen who is in and who is out with the debate and planned parenthood the first real cultural and legal issue into this election. we have sara murray thank you for being back joined by political commentator and anchor harold lewis. let's put up who is in and who is out. for all of the disgruntlement who didn't get in that's the way it works. at some point, you have to put a number on the popularity. you are in or out.
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>> they didn't have to do it this way. they announced they would. they would take the average of five polls a year and a half out from the election and let that be a determining factor. there's question about the polls they used and whether or not they are equal and whether rick perry was that far behind kasich. >> do you think you can moderate a panel with 17 people? >> you can divide it in half. eight on one stage, nine on the other. >> i want to talk to that guy and i can't. >> i have done a ton of debates and the one thing they can't do which i suspect they might is ask one question and ask all ten to answer it. it is the worst mistake you can make. all the rules are supposed to be a framework around which you can get a good conversation going. the goal is the conversation. on the other hand if they want to try to be fair to ten people in 90 minutes, it's going to be an exchange of billboard ads,
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talking points of people saying their slogans, then it's over. >> what do the other nine nontrumpers need to do to steal the limelight? >> it's going to be tough. if you have a good moment on that debate stage, we will be replaying it. it will be on cable news. i think if you are a carly fiorina or rick santorum you want your breakout moment on the debate stage. how you do that whether it's going after hillary clinton or another fellow candidate on stage is an open question. the interesting thing is so many of the people who have been vocal about taking on trump are not going to be on a debate, they are going to be on the panel. >> kasich makes it into the debate. probably the most formidable guy for donald trump within the party. now he's in there. do you think it's not so much about whether he hurts or helps
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himself? he can't do either, really. do you think this is an opportunity for kasich? >> this is a real opportunity. he's one of the last to get into the race. for one thing, he had a great reds resume. he's a great guy. he's in the mold of what we have seen. he runs an important swing state, values a lot of ideas and has a chance to be heard. it's good that fox news -- it's very possible they tweet their own standards to make sure he is in. fine. what we are going to see going forward is this tricky situation where the rnc said to all the republican candidates if you are not -- if you take part in an unapproved debate, you cannot take part in an approved debate. now the whole thing is at the mercy of fox news channel, unknown pollsters in the world. there's more chance involved than one would expect.
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>> le's talk about jeb bush and the comments he made that were unscripted that hillary clinton pounced on about women's health and how much money should be spent on women's health issues. here is the soundbyte for those who missed it. >> you can take dollar for dollar although i'm not sure we need a half billion dollars for women's health issues but if you took dollar for dollar there are fine organizations, community health organizations that exist, federally sponsored organizations to provide care for women on a variety of health issues. >> he was trying to make a point it doesn't all have to go to planned parenthood. how big of a stumble is that? >> it's cringe worthy. you don't replay the statements you replay the soundbyte. it's a huge contrast. this was the gift hillary clinton wanted to show the
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difference between where she stands and where the republican party stands. the difficulty is when you talk about it in those frames when you talk $500 million for women's issues they know they are for family issues. this is how we reproduce, make sure women are healthy, can have babies. talk about it in that demeaning way. it doesn't do favors to women. >> he was trying to accomplish two things. take a shot at planned parenthood and take a shot for spending. he got tricked up on it. the larger issue is here. hillary has easy political points here. the risk of insensitivity, which has come out in these videos and this one where you have someone saying you know it's kind of fun. the regard the word in that the regard for what's being done to these fetus'. is that something that should be given more credence?
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>> get ready for the uncomfortable reality that it's very possible they will be stampeded into a position that is unattainable and that makes a mockery of the facts, but accomplishes the goal of those who set it up. it looks like a replay of what happened to acorn. you can take what one person says in one little unit and sort of blow it up into some kind of much larger accusation the facts no one supports. if that's the political reality. i'll give you an example. i would recommend, to their credit transcripts of two hour conversation. if you plow through the transcript you get a different sense than if you watch a couple seconds of video. we all know the video is what people remember. it's what is controlling. at least planned parenthood in a terrible situation. >> they say they can't ensure
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the transcripts are accurate. you are right, they seem to be much better represented in the transcripts than on the video. one more point by hillary clinton. this morning, the fbi is announcing they are now looking into her e-mails and whether or not some of them were classified and should have been not on her private server. how big of a problem is that? >> it's not helpful for the hillary clinton honest and trustworthy number that is are already taking a hit. an investigation is whether or not you find anything. they say nothing was classified at the time. since then things have become classified. you can go back and forth on that. the question is what the fbi finds during this investigation. that said if people are sitting there reading headlines about the fbi investigating the democratic front-runner again, i don't think that's going to help her poll numbers. >> all right. thanks so much. >> thanks. >> michaela? president obama is rolling out his campaign to defend the iran nuclear deal today. he will do that in a speech at
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american university. it comes a day after a meeting at the white house where he lobbied jewish leaders to back the deal. michelle kaczynski has the latest for us. >> we have seen intense lobbying on both sideses, too. advocacy groups spending millions of dollars. the president holding meetings with democrats. several prominent democrats saying no to the deal. even these kind of dualing speeches between the prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president obama. here is netanyahu in a web cast meant for jewish groups here. >> the deal does make it harder for iran to produce one or two nuclear weapons in the short term, but it does so at a terrible price because the deal makes it far easier for iran to build dozens even hundreds of nuclear weapons in a little over a decade. >> reporter: today, president obama will deliver a speech of
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his own at american university. he's going to frame it as the most consequential foreign policy debate since that over whether or not to go to war with iraq. he's going to compare those who oppose it with those who voted for war. the way the president sees this when the opposition is there and those who feel that way are going to see that iran unchecked, could go for a bomb within a couple months. and the president says then we'll hear israel talking, you know possible military intervention. chris? >> michelle the proposition had always been not if but when. people have to get comfortable with it if they accept the deal or not. thank you for the reporting. also want to tell you about two separate trains derailing off the same bridge in india. they were crossing a small bridge that had been flooded. it's 450 miles south of new
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delhi. it caused part of the track to sink. they tumbled within minutes of each other. 27 people lost their lives, but more than 300 were rescued. new video capturing a deadly circus collapse. the chaos in the moments after the wind swept up the tent, sending poles into the crowd. chad myers joins us with more. what have you seen here chad? >> the weather service saying the winds from the microburst may have been 90 miles per hour. the pictures you showed i will have in my piece in a second. it looks like hollywood, but the video is real. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: new video this morning showing the heart pounding moments from inside the circus tent that collapsed on monday killing two spectators and injuring dozens more. less than 20 minutes into a
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performance in lancaster, new hampshire. chaos, spectators scrambling to get out of the way of flying poles under the collapsed structure. >> people who were part of the circus yelled run. next thing you know the tent is coming up and over. >> reporter: open flaps flailing in the high winds. claimed the lives of a father and his young daughter 41-year-old robert young and his 8-year-old daughter struck by a flying pole. nearly 40 spectators hospitalized. many seriously injured. >> i saw things i will never want to see again. >> reporter: 23 minutes before the collapse the national weather service issued a severe warning. a microburst packing winds up to 90 miles per hour hit the area at the time of the collapse. investigators are trying to determine whether circus organizers are to blame for the incident.
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>> it's the responsibility of the show to monitor the conditions. we don't know why they were going on at that time or what they knew. >> reporter: officials will be looking at permits, inspections and all the other legalities of this tragedy. if you are in arkansas today, there will be weather a lot like this. winds could approach 60 or 70 miles per hour 4:00 or 5:00 tonight from tulsa to little rock. damage winds, being outside in a severe thunderstorm is always dangerous. go inside please. >> good advice. thank you. we'll be back throughout the morning. here is a tease for you. we have a big discovery on reunion island. what does it mean about how big the search area should be. should it be smaller? there is a new theory. we are going to test it. (vo) after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet.
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if if so what will they learn? david, thanks for being here. great to see you. let's look at the piece that investigators are analyzing. tell us what's happening at this hour. >> the first thing is as an investigator is to shake off everything you know about mh 370. forget about everything you know. you are going to let this part tell the story. every part in fact accident has a story to tell. >> how do we do that? >> as we look at it visually you can see a couple interesting things about this. we talked a lot about the barnacles. they are strategically put there. they grow here and here and here. along the back are the barnacles. why are they here and not here? >> i don't know why? >> this is a zinc paint. this is a paint that is apoxy. it's designed to keep microbes and algae from growing.
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this tells us this is where it broke. this is where the metal broke. it's exposed aluminum. this is what the barnacle really likes. >> the fact that it tells you -- where it broke, what does that -- go further. >> more important is where it didn't break. look at this. there is no evidence of any barnacles here or on the top. that tells us that this thing had a lot of stress here and here and here and the mounting points. it did not crush with the rest of the aircraft. it was not on the airplane at the time it hit the water. >> it came off first? >> exactly. >> that tells you what? >> a couple things. it could have been extended or down when it did glide into the water and then pull it off. the reason i don't think that's the case you can see how straight this piece is here.
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if it hit the water, it would be twisted and deformed. i think what happened is this thing, in the air, as the aircraft ran out of fuel it made a quick and straight and really almost the speed of sound decent. what happens when that happens is flutter. >> oh we have a flutter. you can actually draw on this and tell me what it means. >> the flutter, this part is down inside here. >> that's where the flaperon is? >> yes. if we can do -- i don't know how to get that up here. something like that. okay. well what we have then let's go back to the flaperon. here we go. what happens is we have air flow. in a normal situation, it goes over like this and creates lift. right? >> yeah. >> as it goes faster and faster and faster the air flow goes further out and creates more lift. at some point, this goes close to the speed of sound, creating
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a shock wave. it blocks air. now the air can no longer go the way it was. it goes up and over. it goes back here like that. we get all this air behind it. it flutters back in this surface. eventually it lets go and breaks here and here. where did we see the barnacles? that's where we saw them. sthk is the scenario you think happened. it didn't glide, it went in a fast downward spiral? >> right. when investigators tried to find the search area the aircraft continued to glide. it can glide 70 or 80 miles. that search area was expanded wide. if this is true if the theory pans out, it is going to have a dramatic effect on the search area. a lot of the area has been looked at. the areas that haven't been out in this area -- >> yeah. that has not been, you are
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saying this hasn't been searched? >> correct. most of the primary search area is here. they can actually rule out all this extra area. you would shrink that. we could know very soon where that aircraft is. we are narrowing down the search area. >> how quickly -- hmm, how quickly could we know if this is mh 370? >> it could be very quick. what is on the part inside the part it is tamper proof. they are going to look at the assembly. the part number is 113w then 66 something at the end. that's the number they will know. they will know on the surface. we will have to wait for forensic analysis. they will test the metal to see if it came from the manufacturer. >> we the public could know today? >> it's possible. they are professionals. they are not going to tell us until they are 100% done with
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the investigation. it may be a while. >> the fact the debris was found here can we assume there are investigators on this island and that island looking for debris? >> not investigatorses. investigators are focusing on the crash investigation. >> spotters? we are hoping random people find something? >> most likely. there are probably some people within the police organizations of each of the country that is are looking, for sure. it's important not to damage that once they see it. >> david thank you for all the information. michaela? >> you have probably seen this video that sparked outrage. a kay kye deputy handcuffing an 8-year-old boy with adhd in the classroom. you might be surprised who is defend thag officer.
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[music] do you like cougars? terry will you shut up! you are adorable. thank you. ladies your belts all snugged up? why do we have to buckle up? the pick up stinks with diesel. [ding] you've got to be kidding! oh please! ah! this is the end! oh my god! [brakes screech] we need resuscitation. mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. hurry up! [laughing]
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tomorrow's first republican presidential debate. ten candidates making the cut, based on the average of recent polling. they are, donald trump, jeb bush scott walker mike huckabee carson paul christie and kasich. the seven who missed the cut have the option to participate in a predebate forum. hillary clinton defending planned parenthood. a twitter wore broke out after bush said he's not sure we need a half billion dollars for planned parenthood. he was talking planned parenthood, not women's health. hillary clinton said it's not a priority for bush and he is wrong. bush insists he meant to say he was talking planned parenthood. that money should be redirected to other women's health clinics.
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certainly, two ways to look at it. >> controversy over the video of a child with adhd crying and screaming in pain. the sheriff's office in kenton county kentucky defending the officer involved. martin savidge joins us live with the latest. >> it's amazing how fast the video and reaction to it has spread. one thing is clear. everybody may be talking about it. not everybody sees it in the same way. to that point, counter point. let's begin with the mother of the 8-year-old child. she speaking out through her attorney. she explains why the lawsuit was brought. take a listen. >> the mother of this child was absolutely devastated. she loves her son very much. no child, as we all know is perfect. but, nobody ever expects that when they drop their child off at school that the child is going to be disciplined by law enforcement officer with adult
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handcuffs. >> the keyword there is discipline. that's where this debate seems to be falling. the aclu says this child was being punished for something they couldn't help which is the medical condition this child had. meanwhile, if the sheriff's department is saying no no no it wasn't punishment they were restraining the child to prevent further harm to the child or other children. the sheriff's department is coming out in full support of the deputy. i stand behind the deputy who responded to the school's request for help. deputy sumner is a respected and highly skilled part of the team. a day to remember, august 19th. that's when classes resume in the school district. both the children were told they are going to be in respective schools in their classrooms.
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you can imagine how difficult that could be for all involved. michaela? >> we are going to talk about this more coming up on "new day." martin thank you for that. a little bat boy with a passion for baseball was honored at a league game. his dad, overwhelmed with emotion following the tragic death of his son. >> out here at the ball field, of course honoring kaiser so it's a tremendous. something that i would have never dreamed of. his boisterous spirit of the stadium. baseball cards commemorating him were given out. his little sister honoring her big brother by throwing out the first pitch. he died over the weekend after being accidentally hit in the head by a batter on the team. you can imagine that player is racked with pain knowing. >> it's an accident. >> it is an accident.
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>> in a moment how life changes. >> yes. yeah. >> let's take a little break. photo that is could make a difference in a big case we are following. jonathan farrell killed by a police officer. there are pictures of the scene. what do they say about the charlotte, north carolina police officer who was there and what was happening. what kind of altercation might there have been before the fatal shots? this case just got more complicated. we'll tell you why, ahead. that's amazing. it's amazing. this is amazing. thats amazing! real people are discovering surprising things at chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. they're good-looking cars. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined at the chevy 72 hour sale. now, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on most 2015 chevy vehicles. hurry, the clock is ticking. get yours now. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. ♪ irresistible moments deserve irresistibles
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there was really significant testimony in day two of the farrell case. he was a football player shot to death by a police officer after he got in a car wreck and he went looking in an unfamiliar area for help. the photos are so graphic. they are so much so that his mother was forced to leave the courtroom. farrell was surprised by the officers and took off running for his life. they say ferrell charged him.
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there was testimony the officer had injuries consistent with being punched in the face. these are new elements. we have attorney and radio personality, mo ivory and cnn legal analyst, danny. thank you for being here. danny, do you believe that presented at this trial, you now have the stuff of something happened before the shooting that could have motivated the officers actions? >> you have the beginning of those facts. you look at the list. you have a 911 call that has officers on the scene prepared for at least some kind of home invasion. that's what's going on in their mind. remember officers are trained that everything is a potential threat. >> do you think he was hit? it's going to come down to that. >> he must have that reasonable apprehension of imminent serious, bodily harm. so if you creigh crate that
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look at red marks on the face and say they are minimal. there are things like closed head injuries that don't show serious blood or abrasions or lacerations. those can be serious, too. so it's going to still turn on officer testimony creating that put the jury in that moment and have them in that reasonable fear of very serious, bodily harm. while you don't need abrasions, cuts those are certainly helpful. they go a long way toward establishing the officers and co-ob rating a story. >> when somebody is dead no strong motivation on the other side to be a threat. that's what created such outrage here. mo if it is true okay if it winds up rising to the level of evidentiary sufficiency that something happened this blow to the guy's face seems real to them there seems to be the
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mixing of dna that shows an altercation, what does that mean to you in terms of where the analysis goes? >> chris, what it means to me is that jonathan was still unarmed. i simply think we need to see the video. i think, what a lot of people have forgotten in this case there is an actual video of what went on. both sides are saying that the video will tell the story of what happened. so, before i jump to any conclusion that is the officer was attacked and felt he was in grave danger bodily harm attacked by jonathan i want to see the video. i don't know -- i don't know for sure those injuries came from jonathan. so before i can say that that's what i would like to see. >> here is why i'm setting it up this way. i hear you. i agree with you. we want to see the video. the dashcam hasn't been released yet, at the trial. it will be. both sides say it works for them. remember if this is the
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situation where the cop shoots the man in the back as he's running away from him, you don't go to trial in so many of those cases. it's so obvious. if this is some kind of weird angle off the dashcam and you can't really tell you are going to wind up back at what do you make of the evidence and what is under this poor kids fingernails and what's on the guy's face. that is going to be relevant. it can't be just that he's unarmed. a lot of people that get shot are unarmed. >> there's a reason why the video hasn't come out, yet. obviously, the defense is trying -- as many police departments try to do. the release of videos. this is part of the problem. we don't know the video won't be altered or hasn't been tampered with. there's so much we don't know. say, chris, from what you are saying there was an altercation. we know that jonathan was shot 12 times, even after he was already down in a pool of his own blood.
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he was shot again. when he began to crawl away he was shot more times after that. so i mean i understand there could be the idea of him having some kind of altercation with the police officer. what we know for sure is that he was shot several times, even after he was down. then he was kept from getting any kind of help when the medics got there and they asked if they could turn him over to find a pulse. the officers said no. don't turn him over. they didn't try to save his life. he could have been an injured, unarmed person getting out of a car going to a woman's house. instead, now he is dead. >> look no matter how it goes out, we are at trial. you don't go to trial if the facts are in your favor. most likely certainly as a police officer. how do you handle the fact that he is laying out here? >> two ways of approaching it. one side the prosecution is going to say police officers
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shoot and assess the threat. shoot and assess shoot and assess. it can be said that for each one of those bullets, this officer must justify each firing in turn. if you are the defense, you make the argument as is often made in these cases, a person can cover 20 feet in a split second so that when that officer is firing, even though there are many shots in a row, dur thag time he may be shooting and assessing the threat in that split second, then saying he's coming at me he's coming at me. humans can close yards and yards of space in split seconds. that's going to be key. he is going to have to put the jury there and put them in the same fear of safety as he felt at that moment. >> to be continued. they have done a good job of saying where the questions lead you. it's about the evidence that comes out next. certainly as mo laid out, the
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dashcam video. let's see what happens next. those are the questions raised that certainly take a turn in the trial. >> a lot of question bs about the disturbing video of police handcuffing an 8-year-old boy. what does it say about the training of officer that interact with special needs kids in the school system. we are going to discuss that, next. our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. you know when you book a fabulous vacation cause the photos look amazing? but you get there and find out it's far from amazing.
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improves interactions between police and youth. i want to get to that portion, the interactions in a minute. first of all, we have to address this video, so hard to watch to see this fellow so frustrated. he's having a meltdown he's agonized. what sort of psychological effects on a child that young could something like this have on him? >> well i'm not a psychologist but i work with many psychologists. it's clear that this interaction is going to traumatize that child and make them very fearful of police. i don't think that's the outcome that we desire here. >> we know that some of the schools, some schools are using, they are used often in kentucky school resource officers or sros. they are being used in elementary schools in a way to sort of do what the vice
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principal would do. they are being relied on to discipline students. what is your concern there? >> well there seems to be much confusion in the united states about what's the difference between discipline and punishment in kentucky. it's been made clear that using restraints such as handcuffs is against the law. it is not allowed in the public schools. across the country, we see lawsuits like this because officers are using this kind of restraint, sometimes at the request of a schoolteacher. sometimes at the request of a school principal. usually the attention is solely on the officer. it's a system's response to children who are not behaving well. it's disproportionately used on children with disabilities and children who suffered a lot of trauma and can't self-regulate in their classrooms. >> this is what we know about
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him. they are keeping his identity private for obvious reasons. he has adhd. we understand he suffered previous trauma. so, the question here is do these special resource officers school resource officers are they trained? is this just sort of sheriff's deputies lunplunked into the school system or are they trained to deal with the population of elementary school aged children and potentially a group of children with special needs? >> in our experience they are not trained. the school districts don't require them to be trained. in kentucky the state department of education regulations require them to be trained. i would guess if this officer had been trained, he wouldn't have used these tactics. we travel around the country training them. they haven't learned anything about mental health issues or how trauma exposure affects
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their behavior in school environments. they know nothing about learning disabilities and behavioral disabilities. they are unaware of the legal protections to which the children are entitled. >> you can almost imagine that. this officer has been vilified. he seems to be taking his training with adults and adult criminals and using it on this child. so here's what the concern is. i know it's the kind of work you are focusing on. the effect it is going to have on children to have -- this is often their first interaction with law enforcement. it's that important first interaction that sort of i don't know it lays the pavement for how future interactions will go correct? >> well, across the country, we find that officers are getting about 1% of time of the total training academy time to learn
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about juvenile justice issues. in kentucky not an hour in the training academy, which is 754 hours long is spent on how to work with children. so kentucky is not doing a good job to equip and train its officers to work with young people. this in turn leads to them using adult approaches on children and youth. we know adult approaches don't work with children. that's why we have pediatricians and why we treat them differently. law enforcement is lagging in this way. we have been pushing and legislation pushing and requiring sros to be trained to avoid this kind of incident. this is harmful to the police too. their legitimacy -- >> we have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. i appreciate this. hopefully, we can continue this conversation another time. thank you for joining us here on
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"new day." we are following a lot of news today. let's get to it. >> the stage set for republican debate. >> much of the attention on one candidate, in particular. >> people are talking incompetence. if i have to bring up deficiencies i will. >> he's going to win any confrontation. >> they don't want just a fighter, they want someone that can fight and win. >> jeb bush dreing fire. >> i'm not sure we need a half billion dollars for women's issues. >> i guess it's not a priority for him. >> we are seeing attacks on people's ability to get health care. >> wreckage home is going to be from a boeing 777. >> fears resting on today's investigations. is it mh 370? >> this is new day with chris comb alisyn camerota and
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michaela pereira. who will share the stage with surging republican front-runner donald trump and how will they and those left on the sidelines handle trump? >> the intrigue and the issues. planned parenthood caused a stumble by jeb bush and opportunity for hillary clinton. she has a new problem of her own. a new fbi investigation into the security of her private e-mail system. we have team coverage on all of this. let's begin with sara murray live in washington. sara? >> good morning, chris. the wait is over. we know which candidates will be on the stage. the big question is what's going to happen with donald trump? is he going on attack or going to be respectful of fellow candidates? let's take a look. donald trump riding high on the eve of the first gop debate. >> the poll numbers are not only good they are phenomenal. we got numbers from south carolina through the roof iowa
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new hampshire. i'm honored by it. what it shows is that people are tired of incompetence. >> reporter: the billionaire presidential candidate will take center stage thursday planked by nine rivals. last night, it was announced who made the cut and clinched a spot in the prime time debate. we will see bush walker huckabee carson cruz rubio, paul and rounding out the bunch, chris christie and john kasich. just as remarkable the seven who won't be on the stage like rick perry, rick santorum and carly fiorina. the former ceo and the only woman in the gop field. they will face-off earlier, at 5:00 p.m. one big question remains, will trump go on the attack? last night, he offered a preview. >> i'm not looking to hurt
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anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i will bring up deficiencies. >> reporter: the latest poll from 1 in 4 republican voters. preparing to go toe-to-toe with the reality star feels surreal, competitors aren't letting on. >> as a young man growing up in texas, you probably never imagined one day you would be on television with donald trump. you will be this week. >> when i was growing up we didn't have reality tv. >> okay. >> reporter: now, clearly, this is going to be a blow to anyone not in the prime time debate. the candidates are handling it differently. perry says he looks forward to a series of ideas in the 5:00 p.m. debate. a spokesman for santorum called the process flawed in deciding who would make the stage for the debate.
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lindsey graham says 5:00 p.m. will be the happy hour and everyone will be drunk by the later one. >> you can count on graham for quickie comments there. the planned parenthood funding debate. a twitter war breaking out between jeb bush and hillary clinton. clinton bashing her republican rival after he said he's not sure we need a half billion dollars for, quote, women's issues. that's a comment he quickly clarified. joe johns joins us with more. joe? >> it really is front and center on the presidential campaign trail. a tricky issue to maneuver for candidates like jeb bush who seizes the moment to turn the abortion debate to their advantage and do a balancing act to not alienate voters with concerns about women's health. gop presidential hopeful jeb bush walking back a seemingly offhanded jab over women's
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health funding. >> i'm not sure we need a half billion dollars for women's health issues. >> reporter: after he misspoke he says he meant to say the $500 million in federal funding that goes to planned parenthood should be directed to other women's health organizations, no matter rival hillary clinton pounced. >> i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> reporter: hillary, first firing off this tweet at jeb bush. you are absolutely unequivocally wrong. bush tweeting back an hour long what is absolutely une quif quickly wrong is giving money from taxpayers to an organization showing no regard for the unborn. hillary did not hold back. >> i'm tired of the double speak. i'm tired of women being shamed and blamed and dismissed. >> reporter: coming to his aid wisconsin governor scott walker tweeting clinton ought to be
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ashamed for standing with planned parenthood. the fight intensifying a day after the republican effort to defund the organization failed to get enough votes. >> the motion is not agreed to. >> reporter: come republicans threaten a government shutdown of planned parenthood is not defunded. >> when you attack planned parenthood you attack women's health. when you attack women's health you affect america's health. >> an antiabortion group released the fifth video of money motives of planned parenthood engaged in fetal tissue to be used. >> we will be watching. i know you will as well. thank you. hillary clinton's lawyer confirming in a report the fbi is investigating the security of the private e-mail system that clinton used while she was secretary of state. jeff is live in washington with
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more on that. hi jeff. >> reporter: good morning, michaela. the private e-mail system hillary clinton set up in her home in new york back in 2009 after becoming secretary of state is once again at the center of her prosecute shl campaign. as we are learning the fbi started investigating the security of a system she set up that was outside the channels of government. her lawyer david kendall confirmed they are cooperating in the ongoing investigation to determine whether hundreds of e-mails, some containing material that was later classified was handled properly. clinton is not accused of wrong doing in the probe. u.s. officials raised concerns about sensitive information that could have been compromised. overnight, her spokesman told cnn she did not send nor receive e-mails marked classified at the time. we want to ensure appropriate procedures are followed as e-mails are reviewed. the probe is focusing on whether
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the e-mail server had appropriate measures in place for classified state department correspond ens. the benghazi attacks caused months of controversy in her campaign and given critics an opening to question her honestly and trustworthiness. chris? >> you have this play you have reported on well. is it a criminal reference? no. when the fbi is looking into anything going on with you when you run for office it ain't good. more to come. thank you for that. let's talk to donald trump's main man when it comes to making his case. michael kohn, council. i was in argentina last week. you got in hot water about stuff that came out in the daily beast. the context was there were doing
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a story about trump's earlier marriage an ugly accusation that was made. you made the statement, one you didn't like what they were doing and you were hostile. you said marital rape can't happen. >> i was mad. i said things out of anger. i immediately issued an apology. who hasn't said or done something they regret simply trying to protect someone they care about. i care about mr. trump, the trump organization the children. i said things out of anger. i apologized and moved on. >> do you think it is a fair reflection of what is a criticism of what is the trump organization in. >> i do not. absolutely not. it was a terrible comment by the reporter. again, it was me. i take responsibility. i was really angry at the
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request and issued my apology and moved on. >> last time i checked, you are running for president. >> i'm not. >> let's talk about the guy who is. make sense of it as a lawyer. he is on top of every poll. donald trump has a lead and not a small lead in too many polls to be dismissed yet he is being dismissed. i talk what is the meat on the bones sf what do you say as to why people keep dismissing him? >> because they are in somebody else's camp. it's that simple. i speak to many reporters on the opposite side while being interviewed. they are part of the bush camp the walker camp. they will say whatever they can to demean him. it's not working. he's leading by double digits. 26 26 24 21. the next guy closest, at 11%.
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they can dismiss him all they want. they did that from the beginning and it's proven wrong. >> genius move they put out the cell phone number of trump. he makes it into an advertisement for himself. when you call the number it's a campaign message. >> sends you to twitter as well as his campaign. think about what lindsey graham did. he lights his cell phone on fire beats it with an ax. as i said yesterday on a different show it's not good for the environment. and throws away the cell number that he had. donald trump, it's different mentality. it's what makes him different than the rest of the field. >> when it comes to how to deal with your image, it's going to be hard to beat your guy, donald trump. >> impossible maybe. >> we have him up in the polls. there's another aspect. it's not that people come after him. i argue the other way.
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legitimate criticisms from the other candidates do in and out stick. he can say something, it doesn't line up not that big of a deal. he criticizes something, i'll have carl icahn deal with it. that's your answer? donald trump, it doesn't stick with him, why? >> he's not a politician. he's an uber successful billionaire man. he's a problem solver. that's why he's leading the polls. he's an amazing negotiator probably the best in this world. he will deal with trade and deal with issues. we don't know all wha all the facts are. clearly, nobody believes the information we are receiving is accurate anyway. what do they do? they look to a guy who is proven to be successful a doer and gets things done. what's pry trump is leading. >> would he really put carl
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icahn there? >> isn't that an amazing thought. i'm sure you know krorlcarl. he would put an individual who is capable of going to another country and getting a fair trade deal not free trade, a fair trade. something that america can benefit from. something american citizens can benefit from. i wouldn't allow mexico of taking that advantage and taking more jobs away from americans. >> is he oversifrly fiing how the dynamics work? you have so much pressure and implication that is are military and otherwise going on. it's not as easy as putting a good negotiate tor at the table. we are in bad shape as a country. we are not respected around the world. we are not respected in our own country. you need to bring in the donald
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trump type negotiator to make these deals. >> the idea of what's going on with planned parenthood what is donald trump's position? >> i do know you are going to be speaking to him next week. it is better he talks about the position. it's a very interesting question. unfortunately, like in the debate which is 60 seconds, you are not going to be able to give the proper answer. there's so many different aspects to this. he is not for planned parenthood. he would close the government down to defund it. >> he would? >> i believe so. i believe he made that statement yesterday. >> i know he said it does he mean it? >> donald trump really doesn't say things he doesn't mean. >> sometimes he's pushing a point. right? i'm not saying it's integrity. i'm saying sometimes he pushes a point for effect. he gets caught on it in politics. you are saying he would say a
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government sutdown is okay to deal with defunding planned parenthood. >> that's that's the only solution that's the solution. the government can't shut down. we need our government blg. >> that's why i'm asking. >> he's putting a strong deal on the table. again, it's the art of the deal. he is the negotiator. >> the debate big deal big deal. we are hearing he's not really preparing, that's not how he is. where is his head, going into tomorrow night? >> very clear. he knows what he is going to say. >> does he think they would come at him tomorrow night? >> they would be foolish. i believe he is very sure they will not come after him in the way that the media would like him to be attacked. it would be a big mistake on their part. if you attack trump, look at
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graham perry, not in the debate. he's going to come back at you twice as hoard. >> is he okay with the field? >> i don't think he thinks about them. >> he doesn't think they are relevant or care how many people are on the stage? >> i don't think he thinks they are relevant. >> what we are pushing for is we want the most productive conversation we can have. we want somebody that lays it out. >> you are a great interviewer and reporter. a lot of media joultlets, they are a hybrid between a tabloid and reporter. they want to create controversy. it's good for them good for their business. they want to see fighting on stage. you are not dpoung to get that from donald trump, unless he gets attacked. >> michael, thank you for being
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with us. good luck to you. we will be covering tomorrow night extensively. alisyn? >> president obama launching a campaign to defend an iran deal at a speech at american university. this is a day after a meeting at the white house with american jewish leaders. machel kaczynski joins us with the latest. >> part of what's interesting about this is congress doesn't technically have an up or down vote on the iran deal. if they were to vote their disapproval, the likely effect would be adds if they did. in the face of intense lobbying the white house hasn't wanted to leave any stone unturned on this. they have been doing the briefings. still, we have heard several prominent democrats saying no to the deal. then you have influences like benjamin netanyahu. listen to the web cast he did directed at jewish groups here.
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>> the deal does make it harder for iran to produce one or two nuclear weapons in the short term but it does so at a terrible price. the deal makes it far yeezier for iran to build the weapons in a little over a decade. >> today, we hear from president obama at american university giving this speech. we expect him to say things in the meeting with jewish leaders here. he's going to frame it with the most consequential foreign policy debate on whether or not to go to war with iraq. he's going to compare those with the iran deal and those who voted for war. back to you. >> thank you, i'll take it from here. they are examining a part of a wing to see if it's from mh 370. officials say the debris is from a boeing 777, the same make as the missing malaysian airliner.
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it vanished without a trace more than a year ago with more than 239 people aboard. the african guide that helped a den cyst hunt down and kill cecil the lion says they never did anything wrong. the guide accepted $50,000 from the doctor for the lion hunt. he insists everything they did is legal. proceedings postponed until next month. what do you get when yo mix a drone and prison guard? a near riot. a drone flew over the yard dropped tobacco, weed and heroin. inmates started fighting over the drugs and guards had to break it up with pepper spray. no word on who was operating the drone. this is not the first time it happened. it happened at a prison in south carolina. someone tried to use a drone and
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smuggled drugs and cones. >> you find innovation. there's somebody that can figure out who did it. >> sometimes prisoners, i find don't think out all the steps. >> really? >> yeah criminals don't think about the outcome. they didn't think that one through. >> i'm waiting for the tweets from people saying i am aligning prisoners saying they want to go for the drugs. >> come to my office and i will show you the letters i have gotten recently from the inmate population. planned parenthood becoming a key issue in this election. we'll talk to a republican senator leading the charge to defund planned parenthood. stick around.
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to check all of the other moments. really, mom? just one look. they'll never notice. checkers, you can keep failing at trying to sneak a peek. or, you can change the way you check your phone. it's 3-0 in the first. how'd you do that? magic. acutally, it's the samsung galaxy s6 edge with discreet edge notifications. you hear doctors talking about how they changed the method how they used the ultrasound to turn the child around. how they used a different technique than they normally would have done to gather the organs for sale. those are serious accusations. these are children. >> that was republican senator moments before the senate failed to advance his bill to defund planned parenthood. where does the fight go from here? let's bring in oklahoma senator
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james. thanks for being on "new day." >> good to be with you alisyn. >> your effort failed to defund planned parenthood. sounds like from the numbers crunchers that it would be hard to reach the magical 67 number in the senate that would be veto proof to defund planned parenthood. where do you go next? >> ongoing investigations started in the house and will happen in the senate. this needs to be seriously considered. when you talk about hundreds of thousands of children that have died and their organs are being taken and sold off. i think americans are horrified by that. i think rightfully so. this very very serious issue is in front of the american people which most people don't want to look at. in reality, if you are selling human organs that had to come from humans. we are trying to figure out where to connect the dots. >> senator, you say they are selling human organs.
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they are donated to science. the middleman, the biotech companies say they are donated to science. they have to get the consent of the woman in order to do this. by the way, if they don't -- if they are not donated for scientific research these are fetal tissue that is discarded. do you believe it is better to have science and research work on field tissue to come up with vaccines as they have to find treatments and cures for par kinsons or alzheimers? is donation to science better than discarding? >> sure. okay there's several issues in that. one is i understand the woman is giving consent. that that's terrific. the child being killed is not being asked consent. that's a big issue. we see two people that are there with uniquely different dna. you have someone with a heart, a liver, fingers and toes.
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they are children that many of them are at 16 to 20 weeks. that's five months old. for a 5-month-old child, it is killing that child and using the organs for research. two other issues compensation. there's a haggling over the price. it doesn't seem to be a reimbursement. it's how high can we go to get it. the second issue is a legal issue. the law is clear, you cannot change the timing procedure or method so you can harvest the organs. it's clear over and over again. i crush a different part. i'm using a different technique to gather this child to be able to sell the organs. >> we spoke to planned parenthood's vice president saying they comply with all laws. let me show you things on the issues. number one, should scientists use fetal tissue for research. 58% of americans asay yes, 33%
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say no. the next poll you will find interesting. should the government defund planned parenthood? 39% say yes, 49% say no. finally, should abortion be legal? yes, 29%. yes, under certain circumstances 51% say yes. under no circumstances, only 19% of americans say that. if youed up the first two categories that's 80% of respon dants that believe abortions should be kept legal. it doesn't sound as though americans support is on your side. >> i would be interested to see the background on that. i have never seen a survey or any kind of opinion poll that is that high. most every poll i have seen is 50/50 with the american people. i don't know that one to know how it was done. i would tell you, i have had overwhelming response from my state, people that say if it had
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fingers, toes a beating heart, a mind kidneys, that sounds like a child to me. you have a child in the exact same spot two children. one is at an obgyn, with a sonogram counting fingers and toes. there's a stark reality. >> here is what's telling. one was gallop. two monmouth. these are recent. they are from the past month. ak cully the gallop one is may 10th. in the past couple months what you are talking about, it used to be more evenly divided. what we are seeing now rksz it is the biggest discrepancy between yes, abortion should stay legal, yes, people are more pro-choice than pro-life than we have seen in eight years. the tide seems to be turning away from your position. >> again, i would have to see the trends on that. may 10th was well before the
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videos came out. i would also tell you younger americans are more pro-life than the previous young americans. when you look at a sonogram the 3-d sonogram people are able to look inside the woman and see that really is a child. over and over again, we see individuals, if they go in during their pregnancy and considering an abortion if they look at the child first, they understand it is a child. overwhelmingly moms who see a sonogram choose to keep their baby rather than abort it. >> are you willing to shut down the government over planned parenthood? >> it's not a yes or no question. it's a question they throw up on capitol hill. one, keep the government open. i am very focused on children. i think children really do mather. taking children like this and destroying them and selling their body parts is a significant issue and requires this kind of conversation.
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>> senator, we appreciate your time. thanks for being on "new day." what is your take on this? tweet us #newdaycnn and post on bad news for hillary clinton. the fbi is investigating the security of her private e-mail server. she is in a dead heat with bernie sanders. john king is going to look at how it impacts the race for the nomination. inside politics ahead. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger.
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welcome back let's get to inside politics with john king. we have trump's man on here he says shut down the government and don't come at him. >> as we move from august to september, is it a big enough question for them to shut down the government. let's go inside politics on another busy day. lisa from the associated press. let's start with the fbi investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail server. be clear, they want to look at the security of this. there's no reason to believe
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secretary clinton did anything wrong. they want to look to see if material that maybe was not classified when it came into the server but later classified or sensitive. was it safe? her lawyer has a thumb drive with some of the e-mails on it. right now, it's a review of security issues for her campaign big, medium or we don't know? >> it's a continuation of the slow drip of e-mail that are going to come out. we are guaranteed one a month. there's a court order for them to release a batch of e-mails every month. in between, we have the ongoing investigations by the fbi, the state department inspector general, republicans in congress bringing up other revelations. the problem for her politically is that this gets to be an early narrative that republicans are trying to set about her trust worthiness can you trust here
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how it plays into her numbers. that's the thing for hillary clinton. they recommended it be done in-house. she wanted to do it on a public server. knowing she was likely to run for president and the scrutiny the clintons get, that's the part i don't get. >> they have always -- the attack is they play by different rules. i think it's clear they do. we have discovered since, others do this but they are not running for president. i think, more than anything you wake up at the vice president's residence, you wake up at bernie sanders house and think my chances are getting better. >> let's look at that. there's a brand-new poll that say ifs you look at bernie sanders, you knew he would be interesting and represent the left. he's in a tie with the former secretary of state in the state of new hampshire. 51% or hillary clinton in may. she's down to 42 now.
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bernie sanders went from 13 to 36. she's ahead. joe biden up from 2 to 5. he's not running right now. that is part of the conversation. what does it mean for sanders? they tried to ask the vice president yesterday because he's under speculation. biden's aids said he was going to decide in august now september. she asked him, are you running, he said a smart answer cracked a joke only if you'll be my running running mate. what do the numbers tell you? >> we are seeing it on the republican and democrat side. people want someone who doesn't feel like politics as usual. that sends intense warning signs if you are hillary clinton or jeb bush two of the most famous names in politics. that's what it is about. sanders is from vermont. there's crossover in media market. new hampshire voters have seen his ads for years, they are
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familiar with him. this speaks to authenticity. >> there are 17 republican candidates. bernie sanders can get into the 40s. i agree with you completely about he speaks his mind he's authentic and fun. they view him as pure on the base part. if you get into the 40s, something else is happening there. >> if you are biden, authenticity is hot right now. nobody is more authentic as biden, gets him in trouble all the time. he's run twice before didn't work out well. given the mood and the fact clinton is faltering, why not step up? >> there are structural questions he will have to answer. it's expensive to run for president. expensive to reimburse the course of air force 2. he doesn't have a ground team in place. he would have to staff up quickly. clinton has this infrastructure of hundreds of people. >> we'll see if he decides to be
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on the mood of the country. let's move on to jeb bush. something he said has the democrats quite happy. at the moment hillary clinton beats jeb bush by 15 points among women. a gender gap that big, hard to overcome. did jeb bush make it worse yesterday? he was talking about women's health and gave a long answer. within that answer was this. >> i'm not sure we need a half billion dollars for women's health issues. >> not sure we need a half billion dollars for women's health issues. he tried to clean it up. with regards to women's health i misspoke. there are countless community centers that need to be fully funded. he's trying to say i meant planned parenthood. hillary clinton says sorry, i'm going to use it. >> jeb bush said he's not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues.
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i'm reading it because i want to quote it exactly. now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to super wealthy and powerful corporations but i guess women's health isn't a priority for him. >> there's a twofer here if you will. the gender question and bush should be more careful about everything he says. two, it begs the question. has he been off the bike so long he has to be careful. >> he can be on a great streak and suddenly say something and he plummets. take this plus an awkward performance monday night. they all had awkward moments. he stumbled over questions about his dad. no boots on the ground in iraq and syria, but deploy essentialspecial forces. he says things that get jumbled up then he says that. it puts it back in the democrats
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court, if you will when it comes to planned parenthood. it's a reminder to people. planned parenthood does a lot for women's health. to totally dismiss it so you don't want breast cancer research to make it possible for when you get pregnant. all the other women's health issues. you missed an entire gender's health by saying that. it will be in ads. >> he quickly said i misspoke. in today's age, focus on what he said. there's a camera there. >> it gives a sense of where the democrats are. there's a sense within democratic circles, jeb bush is getting a free pass. they don't want that to happen. hillary clinton, over the past week has done a number of attacks, focused on jeb bush. they think he is going to be the nominee and want to define him early. >> some people say he's been struggling lately. you can make that case, if you want. in camp clinton and bush they think after the trump faze he's
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going to be it. we'll learn about the dynamics of the race tomorrow night. can't wait. >> i can't believe it's tomorrow. this is incredible. all right, john, thanks for that. investigators in france are beginning the process of analyzing debris from mh 370. how soon will they make that conclusion? we will discuss it with an aviation expert ahead. chevy. we're sold. it's so pretty. they're good-looking cars. it feels great. perfect. this is not what i would expect from a chevy at all. get more than you expect for less than you imagined at the chevy 72 hour sale. now, get zero percent financing for seventy-two months on most 2015 chevy vehicles. hurry, the clock is ticking. get yours now. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. imagine - she won't have to remember passwords. or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web.
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could we be closer to solving the mystery of flight 370. they will analyze the wing component to see if it belongs to the missing plane. former inspector of the u.s. department of transportation joins us now. good morning to you, mary. we understand that these investigators are going to be conducting several tests on this part to determine if it is indeed from the missing airplane. let's pull up the full still of the testing methods they are going to use. to a layman like me some of this stuff is way beyond my pay grade. i understand that you can tell us a little bit about what these
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tests will teach them. >> the important thing about these tests is most of them other than the visual inspection or inspection with microscopes and electron micro scopes they help them determine the damage pattern that is not avail to believe the naked eye or the naked eye with a microscope. they will be able to tell perhaps, what part of this flaperon hit the water first. they will be able to see if there was a turning or twisting as it was coming down to hit the water. these tests are designed to tell the investigators things that the eyeball cannot. >> first and foremost it is confirming is it or is it not from mh 370, then part b of that would be all those things to figure out what may have happened to the plane. >> exactly. part of determining whether it
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was from mh 370, opposed to another 777, which is not likely they will examine the paint and examine if there were repairs. that is important for the test. repairs are unique to the plane and they have to reported in the maintenance of the aircraft. they will cut the part open where there will be additional part numbers on the inside as well unless they have been washed away by the ocean. they will be able to see a lot. why the plane went missing won't come from this part but they will be able to tell a lot. >> that's a part to manage expectations here. this sounds very involved. are they likely to make quick work of this? >> no. this will take several weeks to do all the tests. they will be able to identify ready that this was from mh 370 through the paint, through the fact you can trace other flaperons. we have to trace our parts
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worldwide. there was a huge effort back in the '90s and early 2000s to trace parts. they will know where the part came from and where it was supposed to be. >> in terms of all they could gleam from this part if it is from mh 370, do you think it has the potential to help them pinpoint where they are searching? >> no orr than the fact it has been in the water since the plane went missing in march, 2014. they might be able to tell how long it's been on the beach in terms of decomposition. they will be able to tell it has been in the water for a year or so and that it most likely moved in the south indian ocean guyer. they will test to make sure it did float. that would be important. >> final question for you, to anticipate more debris found in this fashion, washing up on a shore of an island like reunion.
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>> only debris that floats. it had to move in on the currents on the ocean guyer. we would expect to find more thing that is float, heavy pieces of metal, not likely. it had to float to the islands. >> great to have your expertise. thank you so much. back to you. >> we are getting the first cli that the fed may be ready raise interest rates for the first time in a decade. what that means for you, next. they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta
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. the word is an interest rate hike could be coming soon. it's time for cnn money now. chief business correspondent christine romans. >> it's one of the most important things out there if your for your money. and the first interest rate hike in nine years is likely coming soon. barring an unexpected deterioration in the u.s. economy, the fed will raise rates in september.
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bad, going downhill fast. >> the stage set for the republican debate. >> who is in and who is out. >> i'm not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues. >> i guess women's health isn't a pryie priority for him. >> the fbi is looking into the security of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. >> i don't think this is helpful for the hillary clinton's honest and trust worthy numbers. >> shock and outrage after an eight-year-old boy was handcuffed in school. >> why would that ever be okay? >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo al sinisyn camerota and michaela pereira.
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there's drama of course over how fox made its controversial choices, who will be there, who won't be and what we know about the strategy at play coming up. >> meanwhile jeb bush is trying to clean up his mess after comments he made about funding women's health issues. hillary clinton set to pounce on those comments. now she's going to have to deal with the fbi investigatoring the security of her e-mail server. >> tomorrow is the big debate. we finally have a sense of who is going to be on stage. now the big question how do you deal with the man at the center of the stage, donald trump? let's take a look. trump riding high in the polls on the eve of the first gop debate. >> the poll numbers are not only good. they're phenomenal. we just got numbers from south carolina which are through the roof iowa new hampshire.
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i'm honored by it. what it really shows is people are tired of incompetence. >> last night it was announced who made the cut and clenched a coveted spot in the prime time debate. along with trump, jeb bush scott walker ben carson ted cruz marco rubio, rand paul. and rounding out the bunch, chris christie and john kasich. just as remarkable the seven who won't be on stage for the main event, like rick perry, rick santorum, the. those candidates will face off in an earlier debate at 5:00 p.m. will trump go on the attack?
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>> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. >> reporter: the latest polls show trump pulling wide support from roughly one in four republican voters. if preparing to go toe to toe with the former reality star seems surreal, his competitors aren't letting on. >> you probably never imagined that one day you would be on television with donald trump. but you will be this week. >> when i was groegwing up we didn't have reality tv either. >> reporter: there are going to be a lot of candidates looking to make a big tv moment. >> donald trump's main republican rival, jeb bush admitted to a big misstep just ahead of the debate. the candidate back pedaling after saying inging he's not sure
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the u.s. needs half a billion dollars for women's health issues. hillary clinton pounced on that. let's bring in joe johns. how about some context, joe? >> the battle over planned parenthood now front and center on the presidential campaign trail. still picking up momentum a tricky issue to maneuver for republican candidates like jeb bush who would seize the moment to try to turn the abortion debate to their advantage. but also need to do a balancing act to not alienate women voters. jeb bush walking back a seemingly offhanded jab over women's health funding. jeb said in a statement soon after he misspoke at the southern babbptist convention. he said the funding to planned parenthood should be directed to other women's health
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organizations. organizations. rival hillary clinton pounced. hillary first firing off this tweet at jeb bush. you are absolutely unequivocally wrong. bush tweeting right back what's absolutely unequivocally wrong is giving taxpayer money to an organization whose practices show no regard for lives of unborn. at a campaign event on tuesday hillary did not hold back. >> i'm tired of the double speak. i'm tired of women being shamed and blamed and dismissed. >> coming to his aid, scott walker tweeting that clinton ought to be ashamed for standing with planned parenthood. the fight over women's health intensifying after a republican effort to defund the organization failed to get enough votes. some republicans now threaten a government shut down if planned parenthood is not defunded.
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>> when you attack planned parenthood you attack women's health. and when you attack women's health you attack america's health. >> this dust upcoming the same day the center for medical progress released it fifth hidden camera video of planned parenthood abortion providers engaged in the exchangse of fetal tissues. >> just how secure was the private e-mail system used by hillary clinton when she was secretary of state? the fbi is determined to find out. cnn's senior washington correspondent is monitoring those developments from washington. >> reporter: good morning. that private e-mail system that hillary clinton set up at her home in chappaqua, new york back in 2009 after becoming secretary of state is at the center of her presidential campaign once again. the fbi had started
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investigating the security of the communications system she set up outside government channels. her lawyer confirmed to cnn that they are actively cooperating in this ongoing probe to determine whether hundreds of e-mails were handled properly. now clinton is not accused of any wrongdoing personally in this probe, but u.s. intelligence officials raised concerns about sensitive information that could have been compromised. her spokesmen told cnn she did not send nor receive any e-mails that were marked classified at the time. but this probe is focusing on whether this e-mail server had appropriate security measures in place for classified state department correspondence. this came to light during the investigation of the 2012 benghazi attacks. it's also given her democratic
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and republican critics alike a fresh opening to question whether she's honest and trust worthy. >> let's turn to our cnn political commentator and jeb bush advisor ana navarro. let's talk about jeb bush and his -- we don't necessarily need that much money for women's health issues. how big of a gaffe do you thinks that? >> it's very significant. it may be one of those things that some candidates don't recover from. >> that big? >> well look at the clip. anybody who looks at the clip will see that he is in a very relaxed setting. he's in an expansive mood. he's having what seems to be a very authentic communication. >> you asked for it. we've got it.
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>> you could take dollar for dollar although i'm not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues. if you took dollar for dollar there are many extraordinarily fine community health organizations that exist to provide quality care for women on a wide variety of health issues. >> ana, is this about jeb bush not caring that women need this kind of money? or is this about him trying to get a twofer and getting stuck? >> you see you're almost misspeaking this morning. look it happens. >> i'm not running for president. >> yet. i think there's several things that happened here. first he did misspeak. what i heard him saying i thought that's a weird thing for him to say. now, what i did notice is this is now a candidate in a campaign that has learned that when you misspeak you don't hem and haw
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for a while. you fix it quickly and clean it up. it's going to happen in a campaign. candidates are going to misspeak. >> last time we talked about this was on the iraq situation where it took him a week or ten days to clean it up. you're right. i think he has gotten better about cleaning up his misspeaking. but you can't keep doing this and run a successful campaign. >> no no. the worst start of any campaign in a long time is hillary clinton. and i'd rather be speaking about jeb bush saying something wrong than about hillary clinton doing something wrong and fbi investigating her e-mail server. if you want to talk about something that -- >> hold on, richard. it's a significant thing. ana -- >> don't get all excited.
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put the brakes on. >> i'm having a lovely morning. you're the one who's all excited. my candidate didn't make a blunder that could cost him the entire election. let's be real here. this is very serious business. when you say in an expansive relaxed interyouview that you don't think we need funding for women's health and this is what you did, you're in big trouble. he did take it back immediately. the issue the republicans face is they are -- every candidate seems to be against women. every candidate seems to be against everybody who's not a white man. the republican party has got this challenge in the primary. >> go ahead. >> richard, your candidate has misspoken before. let me say the words, flat broke. and it's going to happen in a long campaign where there is live interviews. if she gave more live interviews, maybe she'd misspeak
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a little bit more. but since she ropes in the press, we don't see that much. she's dealing with a constant drip drip drip drip of what she did do wrong, which is use a private e-mail server inside her house for classified information. she's going to have to respond to that. let's go back to the planned parenthood. >> hold on for one second. >> you can't keep throwing all these hey hay makers. >> the fbi is investigating the server. they're not targeting hillary clinton. they're not accusing her yet of any wrongdoing. but that could change. >> of course the fbi is investigating. the republicans in congress have raised all these issues. but the fact remains that hillary clinton did what other secretaries of state have done. you heard her spokesman again
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reiterate that she sent no classified information or received no classified information on this server that was marked classified. >> at the time. >> there was no charge of myany wrongdoing. we've seen this play book before. when the republicans don't want to talk about women's health or real issues they throw out this smokescreen. this e-mail issue will turn out to be a phoney issue. >> the inspector general found four e-mails containing classified intelligence information in a limited sample. they only looked at 40. they found four out of 40. >> information that may have been classified after the fact. >> no, no no richard. >> they're saying that it may
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have been reclassified after she sent it. >> ana, is that what they're saying? >> no. >> richard, what did you take this morning? lay off the red bull so i can get in a sentence. they have said it was classified at the time that it was sent. there's going to be more investigation about this. and it's contributing to her numbers going down and the trust worthy numbers going down. you see all of this back and forth on this e-mail stuff and that more revelations come. when you have her spokesperson ready to hand in 20 boxes of e-mails that were sent because they may have been classified. when you have the inspector general saying that in a small sample they found four classified e-mails. when you have five intelligence agencies say thaeging that e-mails for sent of course there were classified e-mails. she was the secretary of state.
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>> i know that you would not say anything that you knew was not true. but there's going to be an investigation on these e-mails and we will discover what actually happened. it is clear that she did not send anything classified over the e-mail server that was classified at the time. >> the last sentence hearsay this is classified information should never have been transmitted via an unclassified personal system. >> the point is it was not classified at the time. that investigation relates to the improper handling after the fact. >> you guys disagree about the context of what the inspector general was saying. it seems that they believe there was classified information. that's why they're furthering the investigation. >> i just want to say what's happening here right? we're trying to have a substantive conversation here this morning.
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>> her number that's hurting her right now is not does hillary clinton understand women's health. it's trust. when you say this is just a smokes screen obviously people don't think it's just a smokescreen. it's how you deal with it and you know that. >> i think she's dealing with it in a very open way. >> we do twoontwant to put up the latest poll. >> it's time for plan b. >> i think there are a lot of people going after her right now. i think she's doing a great job of responding and trying to focus on the issues while trying to be fully candid and cooperate with investigators. the clintons have been through this before. they have never been found to have done anything improper
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certainly not intentionally. >> i think we kind of glossed over something. do you think that the planned parenthood issue is going to wind up being a metaphor issue? >> at the moment it looks like it. >> has this woman -- >> the planned parenthood rep. >> she's on there and talking about the recordgard for what they're doing and the regard for the fetus, it really could be the stage of the next round of the abortion debate. do you think this is going to stay with us this issue? >> i do particularly if more videos start coming out. i think it should bother you no matter where you are on the abortion debate the callousness and gruesomeness of these videos are very disturbing. >> there we have a point of agreement. both ana and i and hillary clinton have said that and believe that that there is many
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disturbing things on those videos. we will have to get to the bottom of this. that is not planned parenthood. the videos do not represent all of planned parenthood. planned parenthood does amazing work. they're a wonderful organization. >> congress is now investigating them. thank you so much for the spirited discussion. >> an narksao>> an narksa >> an narksana great to see you. >> good to see you too. >> maybe a little group hug. president obama is going to roll out his campaign to defend the iran nuclear deal today. hoe he's going to do that publicly during his speech later this morn g morning. >> reporter: the white house want this is speech today to be very strong. this is interesting, because the administration has really been
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operating in the face of this intense lobbying on the other side. we're talking millions of dollars poured in by advocacy groups. the white house has had to do its own out reach, the briefings, meetings one on ones between president obama and undecided democrats. then you have the influence of people like israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. listen to this web cast he did directed at jewish groups here. >> the deal does make it harder for iran to produce one or two nuclear weapons at this point. but it does so at a terrible price. it makes it easier for iran to build hundreds of nuclear weapons in a little over a decade. >> reporter: they have revealed a little bit about this speech today at american university.
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he's going to frame this as the most consequence foreign policy issue. >> so outrage continues to build around that video of a child with adhd handcuffed above the elbows shoulders bent back crying apparently in pain. the sheriff's office now defending the officer involved. why? what was the law? what is appropriate? what's their take. martin savage joins us with the latest. >> it's interesting that we don't all agree on what we have to say about it. getting to the sheriff's deputy here. kevin sumner is the man in the video placing the handcuffs on that eight-year-old little boy. tlefs he was there according to the
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sheriff's department to do two things to protect staff and students. was he in handcuffing that child protecting the students or the child from doing any harm or was he punishing the student for a medical condition that the child couldn't help? the sheriff has spoken out and he is is directly behind his deputy. saying quote i steadfastly stand behind deputy sumner. he is an asset to the community and those he serves. clearly the sheriff's department saying he was fulfilling his obligation to protect. the aclu is saying they did not see that image that way. they believe this was punishment. and that's really probably what this is all going to boil down to. school begins august 19th. the sheriff will be there in those schools. it could be a very difficult start to the new year. >> what does the boy's family
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course. but this is what the law may allow. that's what the sheriff's office says in response to a lawsuit from the aclu in response to the treatment about that boy and also a nine-year-old girl. joining us is kenyan myer. counsel, what do you believe was done to the boy and to the girl that is illegal and inappropriate? >> well kentucky law is very clear that school personnel including school resource officers cannot use mechanical restraints like handcuffs. it's clear what's really disturbing about what's come out in the last 24 hours is that the sheriff has not denied this activity has not apologized for this activity but has actually endorsed it and said this is how these officers are being
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trained. >> let's take a look at what the sheriff's office says. put the statement up there. deputy sumner who is a school resource officer responded to the call and did what he is sworn to do and in conformity with all constitutional law standards. i steadfastly stand behind deputy sumner. here's what you need to do in this situation. do you believe the deputy involved was acting out of malice? do you believe that he was looking to punish? or do you believe that in good faith he believed that this is how he could respond to the situation? >> i believe what the deputy said on the video, which is that the only reason the child was handcuffed was to impose discipline and to try to get him to correct what he perceived to be misbehavior. >> and the distinction is that the law provides they can only
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restrain and restrain becomes defined term. but any of it is only appropriate if the child is a threat to themselves or others. yes? >> correct. it is appropriate for school personnel to restrain a child if that child is in danger to him or herself or to other human beings. >> and you don't see that here? >> in this case we have a video fortunately that showed the entire incident. and the reason the school resource officer was called into the room was to take this child to the bathroom. and the child was not out of control. the child was in a room with two adults with no other children in the room. the child had talked to his mother asked to go to the bathroom. and the reason the school resource officer was called was to take the kid to the bathroom. >> why do you need a school
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resource officer to take the kid to the bathroom? >> months after this that's what showed up in a report. and i would say that i question whether that is physically possible for a three and a half foot eight-year-old -- >> why would the teacher call a sheriff to get the kid to go to the bathroom? >> the kid was on the phone with his mother. >> right. >> with school individuals in the room. they asked whether he could go to the bathroom. we'll have to find out in the lawsuit why the sheriff was called. >> why am i probing? facts matter. this lawsuit is a window into a reality that goes way beyond these two kids. obviously they matter their families matter. we hear that 10 or 15% of the school population winds up dealing with three-quarters of
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the incidents of restraint, that these special needs kids wind up being the majority of these things. is this a system that doesn't prepare teachers and staff to deal with these kids and they wind up dealing with them as perps not people? >> i leave it for others to decide what the broader implications are. >> but if you're dealing with a situation where teachers can't get a kid to the bathroom and they need to call in a sheriff, what does that tell you about the nature of the environment? >> i don't think -- the tape does not reflect that there was a necessity to have a sheriff take the child to the bathroom. the child was crying like every other child i've seen does. he was stable. he was trying to get out of the room. but he was being kept in the room simply by holding the door shut and he needed to go to the bathroom.
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>> what do you make of the sheriff's statement that there are circumstances under which this is what you need to do is restrain the kid. and it's a no win for the officer. if he's on video wrestling with the kid he looks like a monster. if he puts the kid in handcuffs he looks like a monster. >> kentucky law has spoken on the issue. it's very clear. you can't use handcuffs. it's not an easy job to work in the school system but it's very easy to not use handcuffs. >> thank you so much. we look forward to seeing where the suit goes and what it says about the system in general. appreciate it. >> thank you for your time. >> so you heard from the attorney representing the children. what do you think about what was done here? tweet us please use the hashtag new day cnn.
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with the first gop debate just days away media out lets continue to focus on front runner donald trump. after some had branded trump just an entertainment story, now analysts are taking trump seriously, even apologizing. and that has to hurt some of them. great to have both of you. brian, let's talk about this. are some doing a mea culpa? >> definitely. the post has not. they're doing a big change almost a 180, from opinion
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leaders when it comes to trump. rupert murdoch called trump an embarrassment. but now they're starting to make peace. >> he had asked fox to pull back on some of their coverage. >> yeah. maybe tone down trump coverage. that never happened. but they're now taking trump more seriously. i think it's a matter of respect. you can have a lot of confidence that trump is never going to become president but still respect his candidacy and his voters. >> or is it rates? >> absolutely. we're all watching the trump show right now. >> at the end of the day why are you taking it more seriously? because it's working for you. if your numbers didn't go up every time trump was on you'd
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have possibly a different situation. this idea that the media is a big reason that trump is popping, do you buy into that theory and if so why or why not? >> i do. because generally what we know about the polls at this stage of the game is that name recognition drives them and also media coverage. so when a candidate is popping up on your screen at home you're going to start paying attention to more of what he says. obviously people like rubio and some of the other lower tiered candidates are not getting the same kind of attention. we saw the surge and crash cycle back in 2012. donald trump has not crashed as quickly as someone like herman cane or michelle bachman. he's saying that he's not going to do any debate prep to get ready for them. we're going to have to see how
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he fares. over the course of four debates if he does what he's done in interviews which is to make broad statements without details, then voters are going to have to decide. >> here is trump on trump about his debate prep or lack thereof. >> i don't know how you rehearse for a debate. i watched eded eded mitt romney. he rehearsed and that third debate was catastrophic. i'm not looking to hurt anybody or embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies i'll bring up deficiencies. >> if i have to punch back i'll punch back. notice how he likes to give interviews in his own buildings
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with his fans behind him. in this debate he's not going to be in a comfortable environment. >> it's perfect television. i think that as he goes forward, we are going to see whether or not he can work himself into sort of the traditional presidential campaign. if you think about mitt romney's debate prep it was binders and binders of information over many weeks. he had a really solid grasp of policy questions coming out there. i think as anyone would say you kind of want to prepare for something where you're going to be in front of millions of people. >> i think that you cannot analyze donald trump as you do anyone else. and that is empirical. he is teflon to things that usually would trip up a candidate. he says carl icon is the idea to
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what to do with china. if jeb bush said that you'd be all over him for days. is it a different play book for him? when you prep you're getting their policy positions down. and he doesn't care about that was his policy position is you suck. >> that is refreshing in some ways isn't it? at least to a lot of people out there who are sick and tired of politics. we should never underestimate people's frustration and disappointment with politics as usual. the surge happened. but now there's this -- kind of it's holding and hasn't crashed. that's why he's being taken seriously, even begrudgingly. i never thought he'd run for president. i admitted a month ago i was
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wrong about that. i've started to be more careful about making predictions. >> i like the similarymbolism of the escalator going up behind him. will that grand aviation mystery finally be solved? investigators are finally taking a look at that plane part that washed ashore last week. does it belong to mh370? they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru.
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here we go with the five things to know. number one, the line-up is set for the first republican presidential debate. ten candidates make the cut. the seven who missed the cut can partyicipate in a predebate forum. agents questioning chin on the's lawyer and the firm that managed that server. president obama rolls out his plan for the iran nuclear
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deal today. . a huge out of control fire burning in california has now grown to 67,000 acres. . an emotional tribute held for a nine-year-old bat boy who was part of a kansas league. died last weekend after he was accidentally struck in the head by a batter on the team. now in today's new day new you, if you are a fan of spicy foods you may be adding years to your life, this according to a new did. those who regularly eat spicy dishes can reduce the chance of heading to an early grave by some 14%. they say spicy foods owe deuce over all death rates for cancer and disease. why? spices are high in potent ain't
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today is the day investigators in france begin analyzing that piece of debris in the hopes of determining whether it belongs to missing flight 370. could we be hours from finding out? today's the day, miles. we should be learning more information imminently. i find it interesting that last night australia sent an expert to france to take part in all of this examination of the flaperon. is that standard operating procedure that they would also send someone? >> yeah. these investigations tend to be a collection of experts from all the various interested parties. and australia, by virtue of the fact it is widely believed the crash site is in their
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jurisdiction is a party to the investigation. a lot of what they glean from this might help them refine their search at their end for the underwater wreckage. >> we talked in the last coming days that when they look at this piece of debris they're obviously going to look at the mollusks and the barnacles and the paint. but what other kind of testing and examinations will be done? >> first and foremost they're going to try to find some sort of serial number. most every part of an airplane has a serial number associated with it and a long deadpedigree and a lot of paperwork attached to it. once they find those numbers, they'll be able to with relative ease say once and for all that this is a part of mh370. then the second tier of this get into the whole idea of how this part became disattached from the
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aircraft. did it happen in flight during a rapid descent? or did it happen when it hit the water? that will take a lot more time. >> so you think the first tier whether it is part of mh370 will happen in short order. do you think we might hear today or tomorrow? >> i can't imagine they'd watt to sit on that information. there are a lot of families really waiting for this information. there's no need to hold back. i think it's almost certainly a part of mh370. it's important to get this right and to say with 100% certainty it's part of the airplane. >> you say we mostly agree it is from mh370. but i know there's one theory that's been flying around that it could have been a piece from a parts factory in india that had been discarded. do you put any credence in that
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or do you think it's pointing to it being part of mh370? >> that flaperon is produced in spain. so that would put it in the mediterranean if it fell in the water. there's a lot of theories running around the internet and there will be a lot of conspiracy theories no matter what the frergench release today. i'm going to go with what makes sense to me. looking at that part the number of barnacles on it where it ended up and how it ended up in almost exactly the right time and place given what we thought about where the aircraft crashed, i think the evidence is pretty strong this is part of mh370. >> 239 families waiting to find out some sort of information. they deserve that dignity and respect to be sure. miles, thanks for joining us. >> you're welcome.
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this is real and it is good. you ready for this? an ohio police officer pulled over a car with kids in the back. and they didn't have proper car seats. so he arrests the mother. and let it be a lesson to all of you. no. you know what happens? this is what happens. >> i followed her up to the store and had her go in and get two car seats and i just met her at the cash register and took care of it from there. >> why? the officer found out that the mom didn't have the car seats because she'd fallen on hard times. he went bought her the seats and installed them the right way. the driver who is an aunt who didn't want to be identified was shocked the officer would go to such lengths to help listen to this. >> this was so hard for me because i would have never expected this coming from him.
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there's no words that could express how grateful i am to this officer. >> that's so wonderful. police officers surprise us every day. if you watch "new day" we often feature all the good work they do. i love that story. time now for "newsroom" with carol costello. >> thanks for that great story. have a great day. i like that. "newsroom" starts now. good morning. thank you so much for joining me. the hottest ticket in the country is no longer available. it's a sold out show in cleveland. the star of this show will be donald trump and perhaps nine other republican candidates who will fight trump for attention. this is the line-up. trump, bush walker huckabee carson cruz rubio, pal, christie and
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