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tv   The Seventies  CNN  August 6, 2015 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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see you again at 11:00 p.m. eastern for "360", the first republican presidential debate. the cnn original series "the seventies" starts now. #. >> -- thousands of women gathered to day. >> we think there is going to be a struggle. we don't think men are going to give up their power and privilege easily. >> american women are the most privileged group of all time. and they're still not satisfied. >> the equal rights amendment should be ratified. >> i love homosexuals. i love them enough to tell them the truth. >> approving of sexual
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perversion, what a disgrace. >> a constitutional amendment is on the way proclaiming women have all the same rights as that other sex. ♪ ♪ >> there are a lot of women in this country who feel that they're being pushed around. they have become very vocal. they call themselves the women's
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liberation movement. we have two representatives from that movement here tonight. they're both writers. susan brown miller had a piece in the "sunday times" a couple weeks back and sally kempton. >> i think i had every women's lib star on the show, once with hugh hefner of "playboy." that was exciting. >> what do you think men are doing wrong? >> they oppress us as women. they won't let us be. and hugh hefner is my enemy. >> is hef your enemy? we really set you up tonight. didn't we? >> i am more in sympathy than perhaps the girls realize. >> women. >> i'm sorry. >> women. i'm 35. >> than the ladies realize. i use "girls" referring to women of all ages. >> you should stop. >> they came on, i would say, to gut hugh hefner. >> the day you are willing to come out here with a cotton tail attached to your rear end. >> women had so much to talk about because the dialogue on so
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many of our issues was controlled by men. >> there are some of you who reject men altogether. they won't sit in the same room with a man if they can avoid it. are you two of those ladies? >> we think there's going to be a struggle. we don't think men are going to give up their power and privilege easily. >> the women's movement, the sexual revelation and the gay liberation movement all had their origin before the '70s. but the '70s are when americans had to make sense of them in their daily lives and in their institutions and communities. >> women's liberation, one of a number of groups ranging from stridently militant to feminist, who feel women haven't yet won their rights, they don't constitute a majority of women, but their numbers are growing. >> today all over this nation the women's liberation movement is marking the 50th anniversary of women gaining the vote by demonstrations and strikes. >> join us now! sisterhood is powerful!
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join us now! >> the national organization for women called a nationwide women's strike. there were big posters, don't iron while the strike is hot. >> it was meant to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the granting of suffrage to american women. it followed up on almost a decade of protests and movements in american society. >> this strike has put our demands on the political agenda and they're there to stay and they will be given priority. and it has shown us the power to achieve the changes that are needed. the next step is from america to the world. >> it was betty friedman. >> a great tribute to her. >> spontaneously turned out to be the best thing ever. >> they have three demands according to the ladies organizing the strike, free child care centers running 24 hours a day, equal education and employment, and free abortions on request. >> free abortions on request!
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>> it was a wonderful consciousness raising moment to demonstrate the seriousness, the rage. it was a revolutionary high. it was very moving. >> at the western white house, president nixon said we should all recognize that women have a wider role to play in this nation. but on the senate floor, west virginia's jennings randolph characterized women's lib as -- i quote him -- a small band of braless bubbleheads. >> you have to understand how backwards we were on issues involving women's rights then. women couldn't sign a loan. they had to get their husband's approval. women weren't allowed in the military academies. i mean, this is ridiculous. >> i think the point is now to inform women that the women's liberation organize exists and women will realize they're not alone. >> first step was consciousness raising, daring to articulate the problem.
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second step people begin to write about it. and then you have lawsuits. and then you eventually have legislation. >> in almost every congress since 1923, there has been proposed a constitutional amendment to guarantee equal rights for women. well, today it finally won approval clearing the senate by a vote of 84-8. the measure now goes to the states for ratification. >> the equal rights amendment says equal rights under the law shall not be abridged by the united states or by any state on account of sex. >> male opponents in the senate called it the unisex amendment. they said it would destroy traditional man/woman relationships, weaken family tiles, increase homosexuality. >> the equal rights amendment passed first of all because it was a very powerful congresswoman martha griffens of michigan strongly in favor of that. secondly, the republican party wasn't opposed to it. there wasn't a political opposition. it was more cultural opposition. when the equal rights amendment was adopted, it had a seven-year time frame for ratification. otherwise, there would be no equal rights amendment. >> this amendment could have
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wide repercussions, affecting the military draft, a father's responsibility to support his children, sex crimes, and protective labor legislation. >> i think the very term e.r.a. started opening up a look at everything. it was sort of like ripping off the lid rand saying, are there equal wages? are we getting equal admission into college? every issue started being looked at all kind of under the banner of e.r.a. >> president nixon today signed into law a far reaching, $21 billion education bill which will support educational projects from kindergarten to graduate school. >> title 9 is educational equality. it says any educational institution that receives federal funding must provide a fully equal educational experience and educational opportunities to girls and women the same as for boys and men. >> i used to always ask myself, why don't we have more women doctors and lawyers? because i didn't realize we had
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gender quotas in our classrooms. so title 9 just blasted open the doors as far as opportunities, access, all the things that allow people to be the best they can be. what was included in there that nobody had thought was a huge deal going on the way in was sports. the idea that suddenly little girls would grow up with the expectation that they were going to play little league, that they were going to be stars on their team, that they were maybe going to get a scholarship to college based on their skills. it was huge. >> people in this country seem to be saying that women, because of their sex, ought not be prohibited from doing anything that men are allowed to do.
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many members of women's lib feel exploited by men, and they startled wall street one day by an exhibition in which roles were reversed. >> look at the legs on that one. oh, i'm so turned on. those pants, they bring out your best. keep your best leg forward, sweetie. >> we're trying to point out what it feels like to be whistled at, put down constantly sexually every time we walk down the street. they tell us we're supposed to think it's a compliment. >> when someone asked a woman in
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the 1970s, are you liberated, what they meant in general was not, do you believe that individuals should be able to choose their own path in life? it usually meant, do you have sex? and often it meant, will you have sex with me? >> what kind of relationship between the sexes do you advocate? is love out? is sex out? >> unless men change, it is going to be very soon. >> people seemed to conflate the sexual revolution and women's liberation because people tend to conflate sex and women and for people, men. >> what would it be look to have the initiation and consummation of a sexual contact so that now we can get down to the particulars of the evening, what would it be like after liberation ideally? >> why do you ask those questions? >> because i don't find it anywhere in the literature. >> why do you expect to find it anywhere in literature? >> i really don't know what women are asking for. suppose i wanted to give it to them. >> the liberties they're asking for, honey, is not for you. >> i think if you didn't look at the women's movement favorably
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it would be very easy, in fact, you may be inclined to lump it with sexual revolution saying the agenda is the same. because it just makes women look unstructured and wanton and just running around looking for the next person to bed. but those two things are very, very different. >> we are too busy doing the work we have to do to fight with the men who disagree with us, and most of us believe sooner or later they'll come along with us anyway because they won't have any choice. >> if women were going to have equal rights, if women were going to have an equal place in society, one of the first things that was going to have to go was the double standard, that women were supposed to be virgins, pure, chaste, when they got married, but men were supposed to fool around and have lots of sexual experiences. >> 25 years ago, most young women were expected to be virgins before they got married. if they were not, it was
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considered a stigma. now, today you're saying there's been a change, which means what? that many more young women are sleeping with someone before marriage? >> undoubtedly. >> how many more? >> 120% more, to be exact. >> in many ways, women benefited from the sexual revolution. there's just no doubt about that. the idea that it is okay for women to explore their sexual fantasies and explore their sexual desires. >> i think the sexual revolution had a place in making sex more casual so that people had more sexual partners and sex could have a purpose other than procreation or reproduction. >> oh, it's nice to see you. how are you? >> fine. how are you? >> there was a lot of sexual experimentation in the 1970s, and one place that that experimentation took place was within marriage, by trading partners, having group sex, and rethinking what has become in their mind a kind of rigid monogamy that killed pleasure. >> in southern california, a
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young couple were exploring with ideas about open marriage, and they created a retreat for other people to come and explore those ideas as well. >> i wasn't sure if you wanted to be walking around without clothes on. >> that's funny. i felt the same way. >> you stored away your clothes and lived morning, noon and night as a nudist. and people, if they wished, could indulge in intercourse together. >> a lot of people i haven't seen for a while. >> the idea of this place, as espoused by john williamson and his wife barbara, was to try to eliminate jealousy and sexual possessiveness in marriage. they had a lofty notion of what they were doing. >> monogamy, as we know it, marriage, as we know it, the american family as we know it, it's not working. and it hasn't worked.
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it will work even less in the future. >> barbara wanted women to have as many opportunities for sexual experience with other people outside of their spouse as men did. and this was going to be one of the tenets of the sandstone experience, equality for the sexes. >> i don't feel like i am in love with him. anymore, you don't have to. >> a lot of times i wanted to have a relationship with a woman but i felt like -- >> go ahead. she said go ahead, but i never really believed her. >> i remember sitting there and thinking, if they did go to standstone, she would like it, he would hate it. she was feel disempowered. she would feel empowered. >> i was around nice people because i didn't have the inhibition. i left all the doors open for having as many experiences as possible. >> were you ready to leave her once you knew what she had done? >> she said, this is what i want. >> yeah. >> they learned so much about themselves, their partners, negotiating conflict, the power
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of sexuality. the problem is that there was something deeply built into us biologically that when we really cared about somebody we started becoming territorial. >> what you're doing right now is, you're saying my wife is [ bleep ] me over. do something about it. >> resolving the threats led to two things happening. almost everybody who had an open marriage said in retrospect, i am so glad i had it, and i will never do it again. the supreme court ruled
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the supreme court ruled today that if anyone wants to read dirty books or look at dirty movies in his own home, he may do so, and it's none of the law's business. the case came from georgia where the police charged a man with possessing pornographic movies. the law may still regulate the spread of obscenity in public. but the court said a person has every right to satisfy his intellectual and emotional needs in the privacy of his own home. >> until then, pornography was something that was really under cover. >> pornography is obviously a loaded term, right?
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one person's erotica is another person's pornography. >> but in the late '50s and early '60s, the supreme court kept narrowing further and further the definition of what is obscene. so by the late '60s you're seeing books, magazines, films that were pretty sexually explicit. and people wondered, are we headed for a downfall? >> just before the last election, president johnson appointed a commission to look into the problem of pornography and its impact on the american people. the republicans moved into the white house, but the commission went right on working. >> the presidential commission was a group of censors who believed the devil had penetrated too deeply into our society. >> the basic finding of the commission was that an analysis of all available studies shows no correlation between the availability of such sex-oriented materials and the rate of sex crimes or sexual pathology. says the report, patrons of such places may be characterized as, quote, predominantly white, middle-classed middle-aged married males dressed in business suits or neat casual attire. >> when johnson set up the commission, he really was trying to produce a view that said pornography is bad. in studying the issue, they
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changed their view of pornography and said, it's just not that big a deal. >> some enterprising publisher may combine the 874 pages of the commission's report and the 59 pages of the dissenting report and put them on the market in paperback form. as controversial as these reports are at the moment, that volume may sell. but it won't be nearly as spicy as the material readily available now from your friendly neighborhood adult bookstore. >> when you look back at the early '70s, you really do see a major cultural shift in terms of the availability of pornography. >> the cinematic subculture boils down to one thing, big business at the box office. according to adult film association of america, 2.5 million people slip into darkened x-rated theaters, that's 20% of all moviegoers. >> the biggest film, by all standards, is "deep throat." >> "deep throat" was one of the
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hardcore porn film that became a sensation, became a movie that people talked to their friends and neighbors about going to see. >> they already in albany, georgia, have banned the motion picture "carnal knowledge" as being obscene. if they think "carnal knowledge" is obscene in albany, georgia, wait until "deep throat" shows up. they'll heavy to hose them down with cracked ice. >> it's reviewed on local news shows. couples are going to see it on date night. >> jacqueline onassis herself went. >> linda lovelace and harry reams in "deep throat" were celebrities. >> i'd like to see legitimate films and so-called pornographic films merged together. i think the two industries have got to merge together. >> do people walk up to you on the street and recognize you?
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>> people are afraid of me. >> this is the time when the sexual revolution went mainstream. you could go to the grocery store and buy sex advice in line at the checkout counter. you could buy a kind of knowingness or awareness about sex that was different than what was widely available in the past. >> the real way that the sexual revolution filtered down to us were the reading materials we were discovering in our parents' houses including "the joy of sex." >> it was a modern marriage manual. one of the things that made the book famous was its illustrations. > you found text accompanied by specific nude drawings of all manifestations of sexual acts and behavior and posturing. >> why did you write the book? >> well, i think it's the first one that's been based on the knowledge of 1974 rather than 1874. >> this book became amazingly successful in that it was accepted on the coffee tables of american middle-class people.
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>> it gives people information they didn't have or they couldn't have got. what it does is to open up the subject to being something that can be talked about. >> sexual information is now being made available to the public which hadn't been before. one of those was masters and johnson who did an enormous amount of work explaining in excruciating detail to some how both men's and women's bodies function during sex. >> there has been suggestions of sensationalism about the book. what are your feelings about this? >> the hope in some part our work will contribute to a change in the attitude towards sexuality. >> they were painting a picture of women as strong and versatile as sexual creatures. that was not a popular idea before then. >> before the 1970s, it wasn't uncommon not to know anything about sex going into your wedding night, not to understand the sexual process or understand your body at all. >> in those days, asking doctors a question -- and of course a majority of doctors were men, it was very unusual to find a woman
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doctor -- often what they said is, don't worry your pretty little head about it, to women. "our bodies our selves" grew out of the women's liberation movement. >> it was the first book that is really by women for women about their bodies. >> if you combine that with the pill, you have a pretty potent mix of wow, i could really take charge of my life in this way. and they did. >> there were like two dialogues about sex in the country and the culture. there was idealized monogamy, and this is what we all think sex should be. and then there was an underground dialogue about what people were really doing, what people really wanted, and that was regarded as dangerous and subversive. that didn't come i think to fruition until the '70s, until you had this generation of people who were coming of age in this new reality of truth telling, birth control, and openly gay people in the world. >> i really make a distinction
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between sexual freedom and liberation. gay liberation is just one movement along with women's liberation in this whole process of sexual liberation. >> what's the solution? >> revolution! >> what's fight? >> gay rights! >> the very first pride parade was organized by the christopher street liberation organization. if it sounds like national liberation, that's not a coincidence. >> we want the freedoms, the freedoms to love and even to love a bit in public, that belong to the heterosexuals in this country. and we're going to have them. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line.
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the national women's political convention will now come to order. >> this is the first national political assemblage of women to be held in 100 years. it is nonpartisan. nearly 1,000 women of all ages and all political persuasions are attending. >> we didn't really have time to organize, but women read it in the paper or they saw it on television, and they started their own caucuses in their own cities and their own states. >> we will, we must, attack the most difficult issues. we might as well do it because they're going to call us all those names anyway. >> gloria steinem had been a writer at the new york herald
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tribune. she was a compelling figure who had a great way of translating the ideas of feminism to the mass marketplace. and she and a bunch of her friends began "ms. magazine." >> all revolutions it seems start with a typewriter and three crowded rooms over a bar. and the new york headquarters of the magazine "ms." is no different. a magazine as a forum for the women's movement. >> the movement itself comes out telling the truth about our lives. so it just makes sense to devote ourselves to think that we just can't find any place else. >> when she got aggressiveness from men, she handled it in a gracious type of way. she knew how to do the tango with men. >> dealing with the fact that men are virtually controlled and dominated by women from birth and puberty and often beyond that, why haven't you done a better job if you're as smart as you say you are? >> well, that's your statement, not mine, that men are virtually
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controlled by women from birth onward. i mean, if you take an intelligent person with normal hopes and ambitions and confine her to the home, the truth of her situation is she has no real power of her life outside her home. >> before gloria steinem -- it almost explodes on the national scene. >> women's tennis is in a way the ultimate in women's liberation. men watch billie jean not to ogle her sexy legs but to learn from her game. >> billie jean king was a pioneering figure in women's sports and a pioneering figure in culture. she was tough. and she was smart. and she won. everything you love in an athlete.
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and, man, did she have guts. she didn't back away from anyone. >> american women are the most privileged group of all time in history, and they're still not satisfied. we have to stop those women right now. >> bobby riggs was a longtime tennis star from decades ago and a hustler. >> all i know is i want to keep the women barefoot, pregnant and in the bedroom and in the kitchen and taking care of the kids at home. >> and he had started challenging women tennis players to matches. >> he'd go, billie, we can make so much money, blah blah blah. and i'd go, bobby, i have so much work to do with the tour, i can't even think straight. then margaret court said yes. >> margaret court the number one ranked woman in the world at the time. >> i was just like pleading with her. it's going to be a circus so get ready. she lost the match when he gave her roses and she curtsies. she lost the match before they hit the first ball. done. she played probably the worst tennis of her life. as soon as she lost, i knew i had to play.
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>> in the latest news on tennis and the war between the sexes, it was announced to day believe it or not that bobby riggs, the old champ, will play billie jean king, the women's wimbledon winner, for a $100,000 prize. >> what a scene it is. the celebrities present, more than 30,000 people, for an all-time record tennis audience anywhere in the world. here comes billie jean king, a very attractive young lady if she'd ever let her hair grow down to her shoulders, took her glasses off. you'd have somebody vying for a hollywood screen test. >> when she was brought out with these young men carrying her and waving, my god, she knew how to play him at his own game. >> there's bobby doing his thing. >> the whole thing was a circus. it was the sense of people taking sides and it was jokey. but there was an underlying current of, this is for real. >> first serve.
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>> bobby riggs leading 3-2. >> i was down 4-2 in the first set. everybody forgets that. i missed overheads. i never miss overheads, hardly ever. that was my moment of truth. i thought about what my life would be like if i lost. i thought, what would it do for others if i won this match? i had all kinds of doubts. i was scared. i just had to win for title 9, everything. come on, you've got to do this. >> she's got him running. yes, with a brilliant place! >> game ms. king. >> beautiful shot! >> match point for billie jean
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king. >> she beats bobby riggs in three straight sets. >> something broke through that day, that men had to acknowledge that just by dint of being male you weren't always better because billie jean king kicked his ass. >> mrs. king trounced riggs in three straight sets last night. it wasn't much of a contest. billie jean savored her victory at courtside, and her fans across the country did the same. >> i like the fact that billie jean won. that the female won. >> well, the two men in my family left me alone with the match after we saw how it was going to go and watched "bonnie & clyde." but i loved every minute of it. of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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excuse me, do you agree with this women's liberation movement? >> no, i don't. >> why not? >> i like my life the way it is. >> a woman's place is with a man on top of him in this world. >> there were a mess of housewives, grandmothers. mothers, who felt they were not only being left out of this but
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denigrated by it, that the movement was saying that their choices were stupid and dumb. >> having a happy husband and happy children makes us happy. >> they had always been celebrated for having chosen to be a mom, a wife and staying at home. now suddenly overnight people were saying that they're slaves, they're comparing them to prostitutes. and it made perfect sense to me that those women would get really ticked off and frightened. and anybody who came along who was clever enough and manipulative enough to pick up their story and frighten them some more could do a whole lot of damage to the equal rights amendment. >> i would like to thank my husband, fred, for letting me come today. i love to say that because it irritates the women's libbers more than anything that i say. >> phyllis schlafly became the voice of the opposition of the e.r.a., and she was quite competent at it. >> she saw it as her mission to stop this what she saw as an assault on american womanhood. >> i would look to begin by
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asking mrs. schlafly to state her principal objection to e.r.a. >> e.r.a. won't give women anything which they haven't already got or have a way of getting. but on the other hand it will take away from women some of the most important rights and benefits and exemptions we now have. i think the laws of our country have given a very wonderful status to the married woman. and the wife has a great deal of many rights. for example, she has legal right to be supported by her husband. >> there is no law whatsoever in any state that requires a husband to support his wife. clearly true the equal rights amendment is going to be passed. >> i don't know. mrs. schlafly is not going to let it pass. >> no, i don't think. more states have rejected it this year than have passed. >> we have gotten eight states vote to ratify it this year. we have 30 states. >> we have 14 states to reject it. >> they can't reject it. >> nobody can reject it. my goodness.
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>> she said, you have a good deal, women. you are an exalted member of the human race, held to a highest standard. put on a pedestal, protected by men. provided for by men. why would you want to give that up? it's a good deal. and a lot of people agreed with that logic, that equal rights was a scary thing. >> we do not want our lives to be run and our world changed by the militant women who are demanding what they call a gender-free society. >> this is a time of testing for the equal rights amendment. the ratification battle moves from one state legislature to another. supporters have found the amendment increasingly hard to put across. >> the biggest problem i'm having is distinguishing between abortion and the equal rights amendment. in my area, we are very conservative, against abortion. >> do you also believe those who vote for the e.r.a. today will be voting for abortion? >> they won't be voting for abortion, but what they well be
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doing is voting to deny to the state legislatures the power to regulate or stop abortion, which you might say has the same effect. >> in a landmark ruling, the supreme court today legalized abortions. the majority in cases from texas and georgia said the decision to end a pregnancy during the first three months belongs to the woman and her doctor, not the government. thus, the anti-abortion laws of 46 states were rendered unconstitutional. >> roe v. wade accepted that a woman really cannot be equal if she doesn't have control over her reproductive ability. it was as simple as that. >> the newly liberalized abortion law brought immediate reacts. >> i think that the judgment of the court will do a great deal to tear down the respect previously accorded human life in our culture. >> what's interesting about roe versus wade is that while it does legalize abortion, it really as much mobilizes the opposition. >> we protest today the holocaust of the 1970s in america. >> conservatives didn't used to
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mess with politics that much. and they start to campaign. it was the rise of extreme activist conservatism in america. >> certain conservatives don't know what to do with their frustration and with their yearning for the good old days and decide the problem are gays. >> the battle over homosexual rights in dade county, florida, comes to a vote there tuesday. the issue is whether or not to repeal a four-month-old ordnance which prohibits discrimination against homosexuals. >> anita bryant, runner-up to miss america in 1959, is an entertainer and mother of four who says she wants to save her children from homosexual influences. she doesn't want gays teaching. she led the petition drive forcing the referendum. >> anita bryant was a singer and for quite a few americans she was a symbol of the beginning of pushing back against the social
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experiments of the decade. >> i love homosexuals, if you can believe that. i love them enough to tell them the truth because i know there is hope for the homosexuals that if they're willing to turn from sin, the same as any individual, that they can be ex-homosexuals the same as there can be an ex-murderer, an ex-thief, or ex-anybody. >> i feel strongly what we are faced with today is something that is being camouflaged under christian faith, christian love that is one of the most vicious hate campaigns this country has ever seen. >> anita bryant's efforts mobilized the gay community. sometimes having a visible opponent is a great unifying force. >> tonight the laws of god and the cultural values of man have been vindicated. >> they win the campaign, but it has a national resonance. >> this is what heterosexuals do, fellows.
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>> and, for many gays, anita bryant is a symbol of this intractable prejudice. >> we were going to go on a crusade across the nation and try to do away with the homosexuals and were met with protests and all kinds of problems. and -- >> no, no. let them stay. >> no. well, at least it's a fruit pie. >> let's pray. >> father, we want to thank you for the opportunity of coming to des moines and pray to be delivered from your demon lifestyle, father. >> nothing has done more to advance the cause of gay acceptance and gay rights. and people like anita bryant. she campaigned for a vicious antigay law in california. >> as political parades go, it was a little unusual. harvey milk, on his way to city hall, be sworn in as a supervisor in san francisco. >> the harvey milk hope speech.
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that was a moment when something has shifted in our collective subconscious and what we feel we're entitled to. >> i will fight to represent the city and county of san francisco. i will fight to give those people who have once walked away hope so that those people will walk back in. thank you very much. when you're living with etes,♪ steady is exciting. only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. so you stay steady ahead. happens at the water's edge. here, they must look their best. smooth, beautiful skin is an advantage. the others can only hide in shame. introducing the new dr. scholl's dreamwalk express pedi. i am rich. on the grounds of my estate, i hob nob with the glitterati and play equestrian sports. out on the veranda, we enjoy finger sandwiches
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i work hand-in-hand with crews to make sure our gas pipes are safe. my wife and i are both from san jose. my kids and their friends live in this community. every time i go to a customer's house, their children could be friends with my children so it's important to me. one of the most rewarding parts of this job is after you help a customer, seeing a smile on their face. together, we're building a better california.
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in the 1970s, there's enormous amount of change that looks like you're going to get an equal rights amendment. gays are no longer considered to be mentally ill. rowe v. wade legalizes abortion. there is a sense that there's going to be more and more freedom. and then it stops. >> this time, it's south carolina. ♪ god bless america ♪ land that i love >> there were, for the most part, fundamental southern baptists. banning public funds being prepared to stop state control over private christian schools. >> e.r.a. got all tied up with rowe verse wade.
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now you're turning evangelical christians against the women's movement. >> they know they were created the way god wanted them. there are some very essential basic differences between man and woman. i hop god keeps it that way. >> i think when you study the era and see what it really means to women, that the women don't want it, the men don't want it, and, so, by public out cry, as you people are doing here today, we will beat e.r.a. >> thousands of women gathered in houston today as a symbolic torch marked the beginning of the national conference. >> with the e.r.a. losing momentum, people were sfig youring out what to try to do. >> between now and a german on monday, this conference will consider 26 resolutions asking the president and government to do something about the problem of homemaker, mothers and their children, older women, and the
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victims of rape, abuse and discrimination. >> support has been given by former first ladies ford and johnson and first lady roselyn carter. >> across town, there was an even bigger gathering. about 11,000 men and women who opposed the believes. >> i feel very proud that they've excluded me from that convention. and i'm here where we're not ashamed and not afraid to ask god's blessing on this crowd assembled here today. >> the equal rights amendment should be that. >> we support reproductive freedom to women. >> they simply take the lovely
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baby and they rip it out. >> all of those in favor of the sexual preference revolution, please rise. >> three first ladies approving of sexual perversion and the murdering of the mother's unborn in their room. what a disgrace. >> the fact that it says a lot about the power of the response to the social experiment of the '70s. >> a lot of us thought what was going to happen was we were going to renegotiate it individually, we were going to get passed traditional gender roles. >> to a lot of people, women, on the offensive are offensive. and frightening. but, never theless, it is the women who have challenged the old habilitates and customs and rules and laws and prejudices. >> it was our decade. the women's movement for
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equality is changing the life of not only my daughter and sons, but of you and me. >> every little girl in america when she's in grade school is already thinking about what she's going to be when she grows up. >> the whole idea that women could have jobs and careers and a sex life, a complete life, that's a transformation that's never going to go backwards. >> that's a shift so deep and so on going, that we can't emp estimate it yet. the problem is that we don't stand up and say hey, we're the folks that brought you this. and we've got to learn to do this. we are the folks that brought you this. >> you have been very active. do you feel that we're getting close to the '80s that you were able to accomplish in the '70s what you set out to do? >> at least in the '70s, all the
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major issues of the women's movement, whether it's equal pay for equal work, reproductive freedom, they all now have majority support. for me, it means, you know, you can be yourself as a unique individual. and what can with more important than that? >> tonight, television takes a look at itself. >> what's on the idiot box. >> it's only an id yot box if an idiot is watching. >> i'll tell you about the golden age of television. we looked at it as the platinum age. >> kunta,kunta kinte. >> chashrges will double the commercial television networks. >> congress has no right to


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