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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  August 12, 2015 10:00pm-1:01am PDT

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trump on top. recent controversies have not detailed his presidential campaign. >> coming up we're at the site of a powerful explosion in the northern chinese city. >> warm welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. glad to be with you the next hour. i'm zain asher. >> i'm john vause. cnn newsroom starts right now. as the saying goes what does not
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kill him can only make him stronger. donald trump dominating the crowded republican pack. he has an eight-point lead in iowa. second place ben carson. former florida governor jeb bush surprisingly has dropped to seventh. >> let's be honest, trump isn't known for his humility, i guess but he expressed something kind of close to at this time when he was talking to cnn's jake tapper. listen to this. >>. >> i'm not really looking to offend people, jake. it seems to be every once in a while that will happen but i think i was mistreated a little bit but that's okay. i'm really honored. i'm honored by our call. 22%, that's a big number, a really big number. so it is a great honor. >> meantime on the democratic side, no surprises here. hillary clinton in the lead. she maintains a strong lead, 50% over her competitors and bernie
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sanders in second place. vice president biden is not even a candidate yet but if he does become one he has some catching up to do. he's in third place. >> these poll s are a snapshot of the 2016 race and show the candidates considered long shots are gaining popularity on established contenders. jeff zeleny looks at the spoilers and how they could affect who wins the white house. >> reporter: >> soaring summer for bernie sanders, his populous cry is catching on. >> we have a message to the billionaire class, and that message is -- you can't have it all. >> his candidacy is taking off. for the first time, a new university poll shows him with a seven-point edge over clinton. this as clinton faces new
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questions about the private e-mail server she used as secretary of state. she's agreed to surrender it to the justice department. it's given sanders an opening to be a potential spoiler of the 2016 campaign and he's not alone. >> president of the united states. donald j. trump. >> republicans have one their own. in iowa donald trump is leading the pact, our cnn poll shows with ben carson in second place. these spoilers are up ending the race, sending establishment stars like jeb bush and hillary to the back burner for now. >> jeb and hillary on the same day. they said donald trump has too strong of a tone. the world is cracking up and they are worried about my tone. >> reporter: instead of taking on trump, bush turned his attacks on clinton in a speech in iraq at the reagan library in california. >> where was secretary of state clinton in all of this?
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like the president himself she had opposed the surge, and then joined in claiming credit for its success. >> reporter: instead of challenging sanders, clinton is fixated on bush and the gop field. >> i have to draw a contrast with the candidates on the other side of the aisle. >> reporter: while trump is used to the spotlight, it's a new phenomenon for sanders, the 73 fwreerld vermont senator who calls himself a democratic socialist. his rallies drawing 100,000 people in recent weeks are the biggest of any 2016 candidate. >> are they under estimating bernie sanders? >> people often have under estimated me. i am in the race and running to win. >> bernie sanders is smiling a lot these days. he is benefitting from an environment where establishment politicians are no longer in as much favor as they were but it is a long road until the votes start in six months. jeff zeleny, cnn, washington.
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>> when you think of establishment politicians, jeb bush in the latest poll is up 5%. and then of course as jeff mentioned bernie sanders leading over hillary clinton in the latest new hampshire poll. could be interesting. >> 500 days away. >> can't predict. i know. >> it's fun to do though. another poll shows the majority of american voters think that hillary clinton's e-mails should be subject to a criminal zeginvestigation. >> of that split. it was conducted before clinton announced she would turn over the private server to the justice department. the issue has become a prime target for republican candidates. >> if classified information was going over a private server against the rules of the obama administration, and against common sense -- you are secretary of state. you are the second most
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important person in terms of the implementation of foreign policy, you want to be behind a firewall that is safe. >> i don't know frankly she will be able to run because it looks to me that the whole e-mail thing is a very criminal situation and could cause problems for years to come. >> she better hope the chinese don't do a document dump and reveal her e-mails. i nomar that stewart is her good friend and has been advising her on redecorating tips she may want to advise how to survive in prison instead. orange really is the new black. >> i will have more on the presidential race in this hour including a conversation with a national political reporter for the "washington post" on what's driving the latest changes in the polls. john? >> former u.s. president jimmy carter says he has cancer and it has spread to other parts of his body. carter said a recent elective
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surgery revealed the disease. he is rearranging his schedule to undergo treatment here in atlanta. today's local newspaper has published this cartoon in honor of mr. carter who was governor of the u.s. state of georgia before elected the 39th president in 1976. there's breaking news out of -- coming in of a deadly bombing in iraq's capital. according to reuters, police and medical officials say at least 60 people were killed, 200 wounded in a truck bomb in the satyr city district of baghdad. 60 killed, 200 wounded. we will keep you updated and bring you more information as it comes in. in the meantime, to china where emergency crews are suspending their efforts to put out a raging chemical fire in the city of tianjin, at least for now. officials say they need to learn more about exactly which smalls
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they are dealing with here. to update you, a massive explosion at a warehouse overnight set off a series of blasts. at least 170 are dead including nine firefighters. meantime, though, hundreds are injured. state of emergency is in effect. take a look at this. this is the scene a short time ago. that's the thick black smoke billowing in to the air. we know it is 13 hours since these explosions rocked the city of tianjin, a city of 10 million people. not far from the capital beijing. explosions so powerful that homes and buildings, entire neighborhoods were in fact set on fire. it's been reported that the blasts were actually spotted from outer space by a japanese weather satellite. in some cases, they were recorded as earthquakes, these blasts were so power ful. about the same power as 21 tons of tnt and of course there are
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emergency crews can which had been searching through the rubble looking for anyone who may be trapped beneath that debris. that is all on hold. the bottom line is they essentially do not know what capit chemicals are in the air and how dangerous it is. it is a major city in china. you probably never heard of it. it is tianjin. home to 10 million people and right now the toxic plume seems to be covering not just the immediate area but for miles and miles spreading out from the city. some people were feeling the noxious fumes in their throat. i did speak to will about an hour ago and he has the latest from the scene. we are standing two kilometers from the blast site itself. you can see the effects of the shock wave on this car. first of all, it clearly caught on fire. it's been torn apart. if you look at this convention
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center just beyond the car, you can see what was a door, an entryway there completely pushed in. a lot of the windows around here are smashed. we visited a housing block earlier and almost every window of every apartment -- it is too far behind me so we can't zoom in but many of those windows are gone. there are shards of glass on the ground. a lot of people so terrified running from their homes overnight when they heard the explosions they didn't have time to put on shoes or clothes. a lot of injuries hospitals are seeing and there are hundreds of people in the hospitals, people cut themselves on the broken glass. that's the most common injury we are seeing right now. i want to show you off in the distance is a smoke plume just beyond those buildings. that's where the explosion happened. the fire is still burning. they haven't been able to put it out. there is a bit of a chemical smell in the air. it is not as thick as overnight.
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but enough to tickle your throat a little bit and make you wonder what you are breathing in out here. most people we see don't have masks. they are not handing them out. a couple of police officers and a few emergency personnel have been wearing masks. everybody else is walking around in devastated streets trying to figure out what to do next. >> will, it is incredible to think that is a mile and a half way from where the blast happened. how do residents describe the blast? >> they ran to the parking lot -- we interviewed a couple of people in the parking lot. they ran to the parking lot for safety because the house they were in collapsed around them. what happened first of all during the overnight hours they noticed the orange fire ball outside of their window. they were asleep in their house. shortly after seeing the fire ball, so bright it woke them up out of bed, they heard the loud explosion and then another explosion 30 minutes later. so powerful that their house collapsed around them.
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strangers helped to carry them out of the debris. they grabbed a few belongings and ran to safety. a lot of people ended up here. they have scattered to other areas in the city. a terrifying, sleepless night. those were the folks who survived without serious injury. a lot of people had to go to the hospital. we saw a man moaning as he was wheeled in with severe burns. another man, one of the men who interrupted us during our live shot was on the ground sobbing saying why did they take her, why did they take my daughter away, why would god take her. we believe his daughter was killed. understandably he and his friends and supporters were emotional and upset that we were even there. they certainly showed us, john. it's a sign of how tense things are here after a terrifying, long, sleepless night. >> will, is that the background between that confrontation that you had earlier today with the security officials and residents there that were upset that,
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what, international reporters turned up to cover this? >> that's the impression that i got. as soon as they mobbed me during my live shot -- it was civilians, there were police officers in the crowd but they kept shouting in chinese, delete, delete. erase your video. erase your pictures. i explained i hadn't taken any videos or pictures but i was talking in to skype but that was lost in translation. thing got very heated. at one point they were grabbing me, holding on the me, not letting me leave. we were able to diffuse the situation and after a period of several minutes i was able to walk away unhurt, i'm fine. they are the ones who are not okay and i understand what they are going through and why they are angry. we are here trying to tell their stories, trying to show people what happened because there are a lot of people who need help as a result of this. >> terrifying images out of
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tianjin, china. our will ripley there. authorities don't know why the warehouse exploded but we will keep you updated. in the meantime, gruesome on-line images claim to show the beheaded body of a croatian hostage. tomislav salopek was abducted outside of cairo on july 22nd. the egyptian branch of isis demanded the release of all muslim women from prisons within 48 hours or they would kill their hostage. the images have not been verified but croatian's prime minister said the situation looks horrible. some important nep the fight against isis for the first time. the u.s. is using a base in southern turkey to launch manned air strikes on targets in syria. the pentagon had wanted access to the incirlik air base for a long time. the two countries did reach an agreement last month. the outgoing u.s. army chief of staff said if conditions on the ground do not improve, washington should consider
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embedding u.s. trainers with iraqi forces. >> i believe that if we find in the next several months that we're not making the progress that we have, we should probably absolutely consider embedding some soldiers to see if that would make a difference. that doesn't mean there would be fighting but maybe embedding and moving with them. i think that san option we should present to the president when the time is right. >> information minister says the turkish president isn't interested in confronting isis with this move. >> >> the air raids led by the west known as the alliance raids have been going on a long time. so this is nothing new. but actually what is in the mind of the turkish president is not the intention to confront isis.
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not any intent to confront isis. >> what do you make of america's air campaign against isis? >> translator: we have been clear since the onset of the air strikes by the alliance. we support and are with any party that combats isis by any means. either we are with them, or they are with us. but the problem lies with america. they say they want to confront isis. at the same time they don't want to cooperate with the forces fighting isis on the ground which is the syrian leadership. that's confusing and suspicious. >> you said that in guerrilla warfare it is not always the territory that you win that matters. what do you think victory would look like? >> translator: victory would be a victory over terrorism, not syrians over syrians. we'd like the armed syrian opposition to come and hold talks with us. when we talk about terrorism, we
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mean isis who consider us infidels. this is the mentality we should confront. a short break. when we come back, china's currency falls for the a third dave. we go to live reaction on the the financial markets. and once frosty relationships between the u.s. and cuba are warming with up with a symbolic ceremony in havana. we'll tell you about it after this short break. music: "thunder clatter" by wild cub ♪
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rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks, options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. welcome back, everybody. china has allowed the currency to fall the third day in a row. they set the reference rate 1% lower versus the u.s. dollar. >> we are joined live from hong kong. china wants to cheapen export s but of course for international corporations this could create problems for them, especially if they have exposure to china. my question is could this lead to a currency war? what do you think? >> good question. some analysts would say a currency war is already taking
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place. either way it rattled the markets. it is the third devaluation. the rate hasn't moved much from the fix rate set by the central bank this morning. that's perhaps encouraging the markets that things are going to stabilize somewhat with and the currency isn't going to fall too much further. then again, this is china. as we know, thing s are extremely volatile there at the moment. the official word out of china, however, is that the imfa and the united states has been
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pushing for this for years. perhaps it is a natural correction because the yuan has appreciated so much, 10% since 2014. this is china certainly being perceived as weakening its grip on the currency exchange rate. the school of thought outside of china, amongst analysts is that this is a clear indication that the chinese economy is much weak wither than official figures suggest. as you say, by weakening the yuan, this makes exports more attractive, cheaper and certainly much more competitive on the global stage. you know, they need to also revive the domestic economy. it is not performing the way that they had hoped. remember, the goal is 7% this year. that's what they want as far as growth. that is now being seriously questioned. even more so now that the currency has been devalued.
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>> china has had quite similar problem with slower growth. it is interesting to see the ripple effects. we saw u.s. markets earlier on today. the dow was down 300 points and ended flat. thank you so much for that. china is not the first country accused of manipulating currency to improve its trade prospects. cnn's richard quest explains how the two are linked. >> reporter: the world of trade is all about sending your goods to different parts of the world. in doing so, you can use the currency to undercut each other. so, we have the yuan in china, which can has been devalued by several percent. this will give those goods and services coming out of china a competitive advantage in the rest of world. they will be cheaper. we have seen something similar before with the brazilian real in 2010 where the level was high
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an the finance minister said he was worried about a currency war. so what happened, of course? they have to manage the currency down so they too could take advantage of more exports. now you have the european central bank with a negative for the euro and european exporters hoping to take advantage of the currency to do business. what's the effect here? you go to the scandinavian country and the swiss, all of whom whom have their own problems now, meaning negative interest rates because they have to accommodate the currency. and in to all of this you have the u.s. dollar, mighty as she sails, but the high level of the dollar means u.s. exports are more expensive and of course, who wins, just about everybody else. richard quest, cnn, new york.
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>> nice explanation from our richard quest. >> professor quest. >> professor quest, yes. another story we are following. a huge moment in u.s. and cuban history on friday with the formal opening of the u.s. embassy in havana. secretary of state john kerry will be there when the flag goes up over the embassy. he will be the first u.s. secretary of state to visit cuba to set foot on the island in 70 years. >> secretary kerry sat down with oppenheimer a columnist with the miami herald and host with cnn espanol. >> i believe our ability to is enhanced by our presence with an embassy and with diplomates there. there's no question in my mind we will have a better opportunity to stand up and fight for human rights, right
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there, being there, with an ambassador, with an embassy, able to engage with the people of cuba. if that doesn't happen, then, you know, other things are options obviously. i mean, just, this will work. let's just let this work. give this an opportunity. >> when we come back, new poll shows donald trump firmly in front in the key early voting state of iowa. we will look at his surge to the front of the pub can presidential pact. ♪ ♪ hp instant ink can save you up to 50% on ink delivered to your door, so print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month. right now, buy an eligible printer, and get three months of free ink with hp instant ink. available at participating retailers.
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welcome back, everybody. you are watching cnn newsroom. i'm john vause. >> i'm zain asher. right now at least 44 people are dead, that death toll has been rising. 500 are injure in tianjin, china. chinese state news agency says dozens of firefighters are missing and authorities don't now what caused the explosions. >> iraq's ministry of interior said a truck bomb killed at least 36 people when it exploded in a crowded market in the sadr city district of baghdad. it is a shiite area there's been no immediate claim of responsibility but the sunni militants have claimed attacks in shiite neighborhoods in the past. the u.s. is launching manned air strikes from turkey in the first time in the battle against isis and syria. they are part of an agreement reached last month. washington has long want ed
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access to the incirlik air base which will cut flight times to syrian targets. new cnn orc poll is giving an indication how candidates would fair with a big hurd until the 2016 race winning with iowa. iowa is the first state to vote in the primary. it was conducted august 7th to 11th nong democratic and republican caucus goers. joining me is a man who has written extensively about u.s. politics and watching the republican field closely. a national political reporter at the "washington post." thank you for joining us. before we begin i want to pull up the latest cnn/orc poll. i shows you can see donald trump on top once again. regardless of how many people he offen offends. are we getting to a point where donald trump could actually be the republican presidential
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nominee? >> you have to look ate objectively. he has rick santorum's strategist working alongside anymore des moines, building the ground game there. in new hampshire and south carolina he has extensive staff and volunteers. he doesn't need many ads because he is on tv constantly doing interviews. this is a viable candidacy but early. >> to reference that poll again, when you look at the poll, jeb bush is quite low down, at 5%. and the democratic new hampshire poll you have got bernie sanders beating hillary clinton. are we seeing a rebellion against washington insiders or something else going on here? >> i think you nailed it. not a rebellion against a democrat or republican party, there is populous anger. when i'm on the campaign trail against the big banks, against the government that is frustrating their own economic chances. people are unhappy. whether you are liberal or conservative you may be floating
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to trump or sanders for that reason. >> switching gears, i want to talk about john kasich. he is someone i find interesting help spoke in new hampshire today. let's listen to what he had to say. >> i happen to be a republican. but the republican party is my vehicle and not my master. one thing that frustrates me is you don't know me. i was thinking about this last night. you don't know me. i would encourage you to find out who i am. >> who is the real john kasich? he talks about health care and social security and sounds like a democrat sometimes. is this someone republican voters can trust. >> the trump spectacle is dominating the race but i think he is the most intriguing if the field. served in congress 18 years and a personality that is similar to trump. loves plil political combat, lively. doesn't speak with canned talking points. that's appealing to voters. he's won in a swing state. establishment likes him as well.
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if you are wary of jeb bush, kasich maybe your guy. kasich and trump are the two hottest in republican policies. >> kasich speaks from the heart. i want to talk about bernie sanders. in the latest new hampshire poll, bernie sanders is beating hillary clinton. i think bernie sanders is far too much of an ied log to win the election but should hillary clinton look over her shoulder? >> she should. he could be a real threat in new hampshire from neighboring vermont. so many democratic activists when they look at what they want the democratic party to be post obama they want it more liberal. an independent socialist who isn't part of the wall street system, who's a political outsider. they see someone who represents their views in the same way frustrated conservatives see something in trump. that makes sanders a force. >> this election is all about outsiders. thank you so much. appreciate that. >> thank you. more now another one of our top stories.
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toxic chemical blast in the port city in china, tianjin. a teacher at an international school in that city is joining me on the line. there are concerns now by the crews that have suspended their efforts to put out the fire because they don't know what is burning right now. have you been told anything by officials at this point? any concern they have expressed to you? >> i haven't really heard much from them other than what's on the news about what happened. there have been reports that, you know, we should wear our masks when we go outside, just to be careful about the air. other than that, no, not really. >> how close are you living to the actual blast site? how much damage was done to where you live? >> that's a very good question. i'm one to two kilometers away from the plast site. we woke up to the first blast
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and went to check out what was happening of course out the window and saw huge explosion. we have line of sight from where it happened. only few buildings in the way and the shock wave just blew through our apartment. it blew out the glass. it blew out the doors. you know, just knocked everything over. knock 0ed out the power. it has really damaged a lot of buildings in my complex and other complexes that were facing other directions. these complexes are 33 floors tall. the windows in all of the apartments are blown out. it's quite substantial what's happened. >> so there was flying glass especially in your apartment, like in so many other apartments last night in tianjin. were you hurt at all? >> was i hurt, yes. i was standing near the window
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and had my hand on the curtains when the glass blew and cut my hand open pretty bad. i have cuts all over my legs. my wife cut her feet pretty badly and her arm. just glass and shrapnel kind of exploded everywhere. >> we know there were two explosions. the first not as powerful as the second. what did you think when you first heard that blast and then there was a second incredibly powerful explosion? what was your first thought that maybe the cause of all of this? >> yeah, at first i thought -- first i thought a bomb went off. of course there's nothing like that in china. so i knew something terrible happened. just from looking at the fire ball erupt in to the sky i had to -- craziest thing i ever saw. i had to get away from there. now that i'm thinking about it,
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it is a terrifying experience. >> always terrifying when you take a moment and think back at what may have been. of course we do know the death toll there has risen to 44. vafa anderson, we appreciate you being on the line to give your perspective of where you were a mile or so away from the blast. >> frightening scenes there out of china. we want to update you on other stories we are following. in south carolina the u.s. justice department opened a civil rights investigation in to a fatal officer-involved shooting. this time it involved the killing of a white teenager. zachary hammond was killed last month a restaurant parking lot. police say the officer fired if self defense as hammond drove his car toward him. his family said the shooting was unjustified and a violation of his civil rights. ham monday's mother also questions the integrity of the police. listen to this. >> i just don't feel the seneca
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police department is being honest about a lot of things. their stories keep changing and we have just lost a lot of confidence. confidence that we actually did have with the police. it's just shattered us, totally. >> zachary hammond's mother speaking there. hammond was unarmed. important to note at the time of the shooting. in the meantime we will take a break and have more news after this. no sixth grader's ever sat with the eighth grade girls. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, filler paper and folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. ♪usic: "another sunny day" by belle and sebastian ♪
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if you are in the northern hemisphere look up in the sky tonight. you may catch datzing celestial fireworks if you can be bothered. here's some images from europe and north america. the meteor shower will streak over the northern hemisphere with 100 shooting stars per hour. the best viewing time, before dawn. who's going to be up?
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not me. . this year's meteor shower coincides with the new moon and means the light know will not be washed out by the moon light. >> how do you top this? >> stunning images. how rare are they? >> you see it every year this time of the year. but what nasa was supposed to do is high resolution cameras going up to get shots looking down as this was happening. unfortunately the rocket exploded on takeoff and the spacex falcon 9 sent up also exploded. >> those guys condition get anything right. >> so we're not going to get space images. this is the earth perspective and if you are in a major city get away from light pollution. this is what it looks like looking up from space.
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down from space. give your eyes 20 minutes to adjust to the dark surroundings to see this very good year to do so. look at the weather pattern, eastern united states, southeastern good conditions there. good conditions to the western u.s. as well with the intermountain west on the cloudy side the next couple of hours. look at portugal, major fire. 22,000 acres. this is a prominent region of portugal that burned. tourtist area threatened by this. no major properties threatened. that's what is happening there with a severe drought encompassing 80% of forge gull over the past three months. the weather pattern next door when you go in to spain exceptional drought taking place. madrid 38 days above 95 fahrenheit. 56 straight days above 86. that's above average even for the heart of summer across
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portions of spain. we will leave you with images of floods. we know major floods and 11,000 people displaced across argentina. what is odd is you see the video out of buenos aires is this this is the driest time of the year. they average two inches of rain for this month and have seen eight in the last couple of days. >> nothing is as it should be at the moment it seems. crazy. >> reference to u.s. politics? >> everything. the popular dating app tinder and the crowe are braking up after five months. the company announced christopher payne is leaving and replaced. the director said both sides agreed it wasn't working out. >> the move is after tinder melted down on twitter sending out multiple tweets. it was denouncing a story in "vanity fair" magazine that
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linked the app to what it called an apocalypse in the world of dating as people seek casual sex opposed to relationships. it's getting hot in here. the company bic is apologizing for an ad that sparked outrage on-line. >> the fuss is about an ad for a pen that was supposed to be a salute to women in south africa. we have more from johanns in aburg. >> looked like a girl it claims act like a lady, think like a man, work like a boss. i was pen maker bic's attempt at celebrating women's day in south africa. it unleashed a social media storm. bic, please, nice soes dose of sexism. bic south africa responded we're sorry for offending everybody, they said. on the streets many women aren't surprised. >> it is like an old way of
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thinking of what being female and male is. >> some sate reflects the way that it is here. >> it happens to women now days where you have to act like a man because it is a man's world. >> i'm not offended. i think it is fine. >> i actually think it is fine. >> it's okay. >> i was surprised on the streets south africans more mixed than social media. but then they are used to advertising pushing boundaries. >> all of you foreigners. must go back where you came from. >> some companies like a fast food chain put out controversial tv spots like this to start a conversation. >> do you have anything to add to the conversation? are you adding in a way that is constructive? my rule of thumb is if you are unsure of the answers to those questions, keep quiet. >> this isn't bic's first unintended offense. their bic for her line designed for women's hands faced ellen's
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wrath in 2012. >> spends have spent $20 million to grow men's hairline and now ladies have a pen. >> bic is probably wishing they hasn't put penn to paper. >> i wish my mom would have talked to me about lady pens. >> more on interesting pr moves. you have to wait and see if this turns in to a pr disaster. uzbekistan airways says it will begin weighing passengers along with their carry-on bags to calculate how much weight they will be adding to the plane. the airline said the pay as you go weigh structure is designed to ensure, john, flight safety. >> they promise the passenger's weight information will all be confidential and the data will only be categorized as belonging to a man, woman or child.
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this is controversial but -- >> a bit much, don't you think? >> a lot of people think if someone is heavier they should pay. >> pay more. interesting. that wouldn't work in the u.s. i don't think. >> possibly not. coming up, an operator thought he was getting great images of flying eagle when suddenly it attacked. we will show you crazy animal versus drone confrontations up next. so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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[whirring drones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. ♪ [whirring drones] ♪ no sudden movements. ♪ [screaming panic] ♪ [whirring drones] google search: bodega beach house. ♪ ♪ [drones crashing] ♪
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one man in australia found out not to mess with a bird of prey when an eagle picked a fight with his drone. >> that eagle is not alone. jeanne moos has a cautionary tale of what happens when animals and drones collide. >> reporter: when we send in the drones, what must the animals think? it's enough to make a gator glare and a ram wonder. does that thing bite? the latest confrontation pitted an australian eagle against a drone. the eagle used its talons to knock the drone out of the sky. the videographer wrote, "this is the last thing a small bird sees
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when a wedge-tailed eagle decides that you are dirn." the eagle was said to be unjury injured. the drone operator had advice for fellow pilots f you see a bird of prey while flying, land. the same could be said if you see a chimp waving branch at a zoo if the netherlands. tushy demolished a $2,000 drone and they had their mug shots taken as they examined the debris. who needs a stick when you have horns? a ram head butt withed a drone and then went after the guy who came to retrieve it. at a zoo in naples, florida, an agitated alligator could do nothing but lunge. while elsewhere in florida, a swarm of bees engaged in ariel combat. ♪ >> reporter: the tv news drone -- >> when you see the video it looked like "star wars." >> reporter: even landing.
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>> he is trying to sting the lens. >> reporter: for a pair of weeping labs the drone was nothing more than an expensive dog toy a frisbee with blades. perhaps the most fut till effort to down a drone is made by a golf who are missed by a mile when he threw his club. that doesn't count as a birdie, but this does. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> that last shot had us saying ooh. >> in the meantime, thank you for watching, everyone. >> rosemary church is up next, mies no errol. two hours of cnn newsroom to come. >> hello, my dear.
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-- captions by vitac -- dozens are dead, hundreds of injuries. cnn is there. plus shaking up the race for the white house. how trump and sanders are defying the political narrative. and a mass grave discovered during a london rail project. find out where these bodies may have come from. i'm rosemary church. welcome to our viewers here in
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the united states and around the world. this is "cnn newsroom." and we begin with a deadly bombing in the iraqi capital. we have just gotten these new pictures into cnn. the ministry of interior says a truck packed with explosives blew up in a crowded market in baghdad's sadr city district. is it a shiite area. the sunshine militants of isis have claimed similar attacks in the past. we will continue to follow that story and bring you the details as they come into us. but it is 2:00 in the afternoon in tianjian china
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where firefighters are suspended an effort to put out a massive fire in the city's warehouse district. unbelievable images there. and this is just one of several explosions that happened overnight in the port city. at least 44 people are dead including nine firefighters. more than 500 are injured. authorities say they pulled back from the fire because they don't know enough about what chemicals they're dealing with here. aerial video from a short time ago shows the black smoke still billowing from that site. many people say they thought it was an earthquake. cnn spoke with one witness 30 minutes ago. >> i'm one to two kilometers away from the blast site.
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we woke up to the first blast and went to check out what is happening at the window and saw a huge explosion. we have line of sight from where it happened. it is only a few buildings in the way and the shock wave just blew through our apartment it it blew out the glass and the doors. it just knocked everything over. we -- knocked out the power. it has really damaged a lot of the building in my complex that were facing that side and other complexes that were facing the other direction. >> tianjin is one of the most populous cities in china home to 10 million people. it's just to the southeast of beijing. will ripley is there. >> reporter: when you look around at the devastation here, it's really remarkable. one, just all of the damage that was done to this convention center building, take a look at
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this car. it clearly caught fire. the windows smashed. it's crumpled to bits and we are standing two kilometers from the blast site. we're not even close to the epicenter. that gives you a sense of just how strong this was and how scary this was for the 15 million people who live here in tianjin. a lot of the people we visited earlier many of the windows are smashed. there are shards of glass piled up on the ground. people didn't have time to put on their shoes. they were barefoot going through this. and hundreds of people are in the hospital with cuts because of all the broken glass. there are helicopters in the air flying overhead and looking at that gigantic smoke plume which you can make out through the haze in the distance. the fires are still burning since the first chemical fire
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and the first explosion and the second explosion and so on. the air has a thick chemical smell and we feel it a bit in our throats. we wonder what we are breathing in right now even though most of the people are not wearing masks either they don't have time to grab any or have any. the police and medical personnel have masks. at the hospital it was an emotional and sad scene. we have security telling us to move out of the way. security and onlookers are not happy we are filming and we were told to stop. i was knocked off the air and surrounded by an angry mob. these are people who have gone through so much. they haven't slept. they have loved ones sick in the hospital. one man had a loved one who died. and emotions are high right now. the grief is high. and people are trying to process all of this and what happened
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and why. why was this huge city rocked by these explosions overnight? it is the question that investigators look into as they assess the damage and treat the sick and emotionally scarred and figure out what happened and prevent it from happening again. >> we'll follow that story too. sad news to report now, former u.s. president jimmy carter says he has cancer and it has spread to several parts of his body. carter says a little liver surgery revealed the disease. the 90-year-old says he is now rearranging his public schedule so he can undergo treatment here in atlanta. the newspaper published this cartoon in honor of mr. carter who was governor of the u.s. state of georgia before being elected president in 1976. turning now to u.s. politics. and donald trump's brash and
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controversial style is not hurting him among republicans in iowa. the latest cnn/orc poll shows trump leading by eight pounds. ben carson is in second place. while former florida governor jeb bush has fallen to seventh place. no big surprises for the democrats. hillary clinton has a strong lead in iowa with 50% support. bernie sanders trails her but he is drawing large, enthusiastic crowds at campaign events. and vice president joe biden isn't a candidate but still comes in third place at 12%. now these polls are just a snapshot of the 2016 race. but they show that candidates once considered long shots are gaining popularity on more established contenders. we take a look at the spoilers
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and how they could effect who wins the white house. >> reporter: soaring summer for bernie sanders. he's front-page news today, vaulting over hillary clinton in new hampshire. his populous cry is catching on. >> we have a message to the billionaire class. and that message is you can't have it all. >> reporter: and his candidacy is taking off. for the first time, a new franklin pierce university poll shows him with a 7 point edge over clinton as clinton faces questions about the private e-mail server she used as secretary of state. she agreed to surrender it to the justice department. it has given sanders an opportunity to be a spoiler in the campaign. >> president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> reporter: republicans have
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one of their own. in iowa, donald trump is leading the pack with ben carson in second place. these spoilers are upending the race, sending establishment stars like clinton and jeb bush to the back burner right now. >> jeb and hillary on the same day they said donald trump has too strong a tone. the world is cracking up and they're worried about my tone. >> reporter: instead of taking on trump, bush turned his attack to clinton last night. >> was secretary of state clinton in all of this? like the president himself, she had oppose the surge and then joined in claiming credit for its success. >> reporter: and clinton is fixated on bush and the gop field. >> i have to draw a can trast with the candidates on the other side of the aisle. >> reporter: while trump is used to the spotlight is it a new
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phenomenon for sanders, the 73-year-old who calls himself a democratic socialist. >> are that you under estimating bernie sanders? >> people have often underestimated me. >> bernie sanders is smiling a lot these days. he is benefitting from an environment where establishment politicians are no longer in as much favor as they were. but it's a long road until the votes start in about six months. and earlier i spoke to a democratic strategist an republican consultant about what this all could mean for each party. >> this has been one poll and that is correct. in 2004, howard dean had his day in the sun as well. the poll was out of new hampshire which is right next to bernie sanders' vermont there.
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they know bernie very well and the liberal base is invested in him. seeing a surprise bump up there is nothing new. and if you look at the way the campaign has progressed, hillary hasn't started campaigning yet no major media buys yet. it has been slower on the democratic side than the republican side. hillary will close the ground, surpass and push toward the nomination. >> bruce haines, how damaging is this for republican party and how stainable is this trump surge? because he's out there. he's the loose cannon. he is taking the attention off jeb bush who was for a lot of republicans supposed to be the guy who was going to be nominated by the republicans. so talk to us about how long that can go on for without really taking a toll on the party. >> well i think, actually, if
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you look at it, account go on for a long time. you've got donald trump. he's leading in the state polls in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina. and he has access to a politician's best friend in a long campaign and that's ready money. he can spend. he's got big staffs of credible operatives in these states. he can go on a long time. i think whether it's damaging or not depends on does trump mature as a candidate? do his views become more well better formed? and does he continue to draw people into a conversation that republicans would like to have as opposed to one that sounds shrill and angry? >> and in the next hour we will talk about hillary clinton's e-mail server and jeb bush's low poll numbers. donald trump is offering his thoughts on foreign policy. he spoke with cnn's "new day" about how he would stop isis. >> you put troops on the ground?
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>> i would go in and take the oil and put troops to protect the oil. i would take the money source away and they would start to wither and they would collapse. >> but the outgoing u.s. army chief of staff disagrees with that and says an inclusive approach is needed. take a listen. >> we have to stop a long-term group -- a group that is potentially attempting to be a long-term influence in the middle east that is clearly promoting extremism and frankly suppressing the populations in the middle east. in order to resolve that you need the countries of the middle east and those surrounding the middle east to be involved in the solution. >> you did agree with donald trump? >> i do. >> the u.s. is getting logistical help for the first time. u.s. forces are using a key base in southern turkey to launch
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manned airstrikes on isis targets in syria. washington has wanted to use the air base for a while now and an agreement was reached last month. but syrian's information minister says turkey's move is not about confronting isis. fred pleitgen spoke with him exclusively. >> reporter: the air raids led by the west have been going on for a long. so this is nothing new. but actually what's in the mind of turkish president erdogan. so actually, not any intention to confront isis. what do you make of america's air campaign against isis? >> translator: we have been -- we support and we are with any party that combats isis by any
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means. either we are with them or they are with us. but the problem lies with america. they say they want to confront isis at the same time, they don't want to cooperate with the forces that are fighting isis on the ground which is the syrian leadership. that's very confusing and very suspicious. >> reporter: you've said that in guerrilla warfare it's not always the territory that you win that matters. what do you think that victory could look like? >> translator: a victory is a victory of terrorism not of syrians over syrians. we would like the armed syrian opposition to hold talks with us. when we talk about terrorism we mean isis and -- who consider us infidels. this is the mentality we should confront. >> we'll have more news ahead. we'll take a short break here. coming up, taking the blame.
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>> epa does take full responsibility for this incident. >> environmental officials react after a spill turns a u.s. river an ominous color, alarming residents and prompting health concerns. we're back in a moment. tay withu forever. ♪ especially if you don't leave. ♪ you got it booking right. booking.yeah
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. welcome back, everyone. china has allowed its currency, the yuan to fall for a third day in a row. the central bank set the reference rate 1.1% lower versus the u.s. dollar today. that follows devaluations on both tuesday and wednesday. the chinese currency is now trading at 6.4 yuan to one u.s. dollar. anna coren is following developments from hong kong and joins us now with more. this is good news for china, not so good for other nations as we are seeing reflected in some global markets. can we expect this or are some people calling this a currency war. is this what is playing out?
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>> reporter: some analysts say that currency war has been underway for some time. others believe that the currency would have to drop a great deal more for it to be officially declared a war. you mention this is good for china. it's definitely good for their exports. there's no doubt about that. it makes their exports cheaper and more competitive on the global stage but many analysts, rosemary, are saying that this is really an indication that the chinese economy is hurting, that it's slowing and that the official figure is not a clear indication of what is actually happening on the mainland. we know that consumer confidence is down and they've been relying on that to pick up the slack, if you like with constructions ailing, financial services which were riding off the back of the stock market, they're also
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slipping somewhat. but really, this is perhaps a further indication that things aren't so rosie in china. their goal for 7% growth this year is being seriously questioned by analysts. even more so now with the devaluation of the rnb. but the official word out of china, rosemary, is that they're simply opening up the yuan to market forces that this is just a correction because the rnb has appreciated so quickly. it's up 10% since 2014 and perhaps they're loosening their grip on the currency exchange rate but the analysts are a lot more skeptical. >> the world is watching this story closely, as are we. anna coren thanks to you. images posted online appear to show the beheading of a
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croatian hostage held by the egyptian branch of isis. the images cannot be verified we the croatian prime minister who says the situation looks bleak. ian lee has the details. >> reporter: croatian -- was a topographer for a french company. he was kidnapped by isis and it appears they have executed him. the croatian government while not able to confirm, fears the worst. this is the road where isis reportedly kidnapped the man. there is not much out here but desert. it is an area known as the western desert famous for oil seekers and it is unpredictable and dangerous. a year ago out here, isis claims they killed an american oil
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worker. isis demanded the release of all female muslim prisoners in egypt in exchange for the hostage. giving the government 48 hours to comply but the deadline passed. >> that speaks to the heart of what is driving the angry islamist youth in egypt who in the patriarchal society that females are so dear. >> reporter: isis frees alleged spies and captured soldiers. but this brutal, deliberate killing of a civilian marks a turning point for isis in egypt. >> in the long term they might try to focus on more shock and awe type attacks, stuff like we see with this poor croatian man
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where they are trying to maximize the level of perceived brutality. >> a warning for the egyptian government and deeply disturbing for foreigners living in egypt. ian lee, cnn. cnn reached out to croatian and egyptian officials who haven't confirmed the death. an official with egypt's interior ministry said we have heard the news but we are working to confirm it. questions linger over whether the animas river in the united states which turned this yellow/orange color after a toxic waste spill earlier this week is safe again. utah's governor declared a state of emergency on wednesday to help local communities that are affected. but some people are angry over what they see as a lackluster government response to the incident as federal officials
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accept blame for what happened. >> epa does take full responsibility for this incident. we are doing an internal epa investigation and we're also going to seek independent review and investigation of what happened. the very good news is that the data so far is showing that water quality does restore itself to its prior conditions. >> reporter: a team from the environmental protection agency cleaning a gold mine inadvertently released the contaminated water into the river which flows through three states. cubans had a lot to celebrate during this year's carnival. >> the relationship between their country and the united states is like the conga, one step forward, one step back. >> the reopening of the u.s. embassy in havana. back with that and more in a moment.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. it's time to update the top stories this hour. a bombing in a crowded market in baghdad's sadr city district has killed at least 36 people. 75 others are wounded. sadr city is a shiite area. there is no claim of responsibility. but the sunni militants of isis have claimed attacks in the past. a massive chemical fire is still burning in tianjin after a
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series of explosions overnight. 44 people are dead and more than 500 are injured. china's state news agency says dozens of firefighters are missing. authorities don't know what caused the explosions. the outgoing u.s. army chief of staff believes that russia is the greatest threat facing the united states. the general says the crisis in ukraine shows why. he estimates only a third of u.s. brigades can operate at the level of russian warfare in ukraine. one inmate is dead and five are hospitalized with stab wounds after a riot broke out at a california state prison. 71-year-old hugo pinel was killed in the fighting on wednesday. he was sentenced to life with parole three times and part of
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the san quentin six for their alleged role in a 1971 prison escape attempt. on friday, the american flag will rise over the embassy in cuba. secretary of state john kerry plans to be there for the moment. it marks the formal reopening of the diplomatic center for the first time in more than 50 years. cubans are celebrating the renewed relations. >> reporter: they play with heart and on a shoe string budget. havana's carnival is not an overthe top affair like rio's or mardi gras. those are beyond the reach of this island's battered economy. but perhaps this year cubans are in the mood to celebrate just a little more. the procession of floats begins
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down the street from the newly reopened similar. we want this, he says of the restoration of relations between the two countries. cuba has love for the united states. there don't appear to be many americans in the crowd. they can consider themselves invited to next year's. the americans should come enjoy carnival here and invite us to theirs the dancers tell me. the u.s. and cuba are endangered in a diplomatic dance. neither side completely sure where it will lead to. some cubans joke that their relationship between "w" the united states is like the conga. you take one step forward and one step back and you don't go fast but you get where you need
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to go. the restoration of relations is a hit with many cubans like francisco who proud hi wears an american flag t-shirt. if we are neighbors why are we always fighting, he asks? carnival is supposed to be a beautiful but fleeting dream. but in cuba there is new hope of waking up to a better reality. 80% of portugal is dealing with severe drought conditions. and our meteorologist derek van dam is here to explain what happened. this drought is not new but this situation that we're dealing with is. >> the fire started last saturday but the drought had been ongoing. they had a dry winter and spring and a dry summer right now. the wildfires which are burning
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in central and northern portugal are suspected in an arson case. the plot thickens there. and 600 firefighters battling the blaze right now. you can see just the wildfires, the 600 or so firefighters that are trying to put out these blazes. looks like southern and northern california. let's get to my graphic. and you can see the ongoing fires taking place in the central and northern portions of the country and that is just north of lisbon. and this area has been under a drought, a very dry winter and spring. that has led to 80% of portugal under severe drought conditions. but notice the red to the east of madrid. that is the area we have been talking about all summer long. they have had 56 consecutive days above 30 degrees celsius or
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86 degrees fahrenheit. look at lisbon's forecast. we should be about 28 degrees. we'll be in the lower and middle 20s for the next several days and into the weekend. to the other side of the world this is argentina, we have had severe floods, impacting about 11,000 people and extremely heavy rainfall inundate this region which should be the driest time of the year. in buenos aires, we have quadrupled the average. you can see the flooding in that area inundating churches and houses. there haven't been reports of fatalities and injuries but that is one massive cleanup effort. >> we are seeing a lot of this. >> polar opposites.
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we wish we could bring that wet weather to spain and portugal. >> thanks, we'll talk about very soon. wednesday was world elephant day. up next, we take you to a national park are conservationists are fighting to save elephant calves orphaned by poachers. ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore.
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. after much public outcry several of the world's largest tech companies say they are keeping a closer eye on the minerals they use to produce their products. it's all in an effort to stamp out slave labor in places like the democratic republic of congo. maggie lake is following this
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story. >> reporter: semiconductors power the smartphones and lab tops that are an indispensable part of our lives. the ceo of intel is trying to change that. >> the materials that produce those come from all over the world. in some cases like these conflict minerals, they come from areas that are ravaged by war and internal conflict. there is a choice and you should ask questions about what is inside the products that you're buying. >> reporter: what was your reaction when you first learned about the conditions in some of the places that supplied your company? >> a group of us went on and researched more about what was going on in the democratic republic of congo. and it was atrocious especially at that time, the slave labor, the working people literally people to death in these mines. this is a unique place where the
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materials that we're talking about, tin, tungsten, gold, they are on the surface. you can use any labor to collect it and it is profitable for them. >> reporter: intel's goal was to create a tagging and audit system. they are worked with smelters and refibers around the world to verify the origin of material. >> we can do our part. we're engineers and engineers are taught early in their education that you solve complex problems by breaking them down into pieces. we worked through and understood how much of the materials we get come from the drc, where are the smelters. we broke it down by material anded they these will be easier. gold was going to be tougher. we don't buy as much gold as the
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jewelry industry. when you run a company like this, you look for places where it's unique to your company that you believe you can make an impact. the real key is that if consumers make choices based on this, it becomes important to everybody in the supply chain as well. >> and all week, cnn's freedom project is focusing on house howe businesses are fight modern-day slavery. tomorrow we are focusing on the travel industry. >> children are commercially sexually exploited in hotels in the united states. it happens all over. >> you will see that tomorrow on cnn. ban ki-moon says enough is enough with continued allegations of sexual abuse by peacekeepers in the central african republic. he has demanded and received the resignation of his special military representative there. that representative hasn't been
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linked to any of the alleged crimes against civilians but the u.n. wants to send a message that it is serious about eliminating sexual exploitation. >> i cannot put into words how anguished and angered and ashamed i am by reports over the years of sexual exploitation. >> for years, ban ki-moon has pushed for a no tolerance policy, but many sex abuse reports, particularly in african countries have continued to surface. in the coming hours, the u.n. security council will hold a special session to look at those allegations. kenya's dwindling elephant population is under threat from poachers who want the ivory. wednesday marked world elephant day. it's meant to encourage
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conservation efforts to save the wild giants. >> reporter: it's feeding time for the orphaned elephants. many of their mothers were killed by poachers for their tusks. for these babies their milk is a powered formula. >> elephants are very, very much intelligent. they give you love when you give them the love back. >> it's almost impossible to stay clean. they are a lot like human babies. what might look like a lot of fun is a lot of hard work to reintegrate these orphans back into the wild. and that is the goal of the wildlife trust, teaching orphans how to be wild again.
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so far they have successfully rescued, rehabilitated and released 200 elephants back into the bush. but releasing them into a dangerous environment makes little sense. so they are fighting constant threats like removing thousands of wire snares that trap animals. >> so this traps the animal there and it falls down and dies. >> reporter: and security comes from above. then a call from the anti-snaring unit. they spotted a wounded bull elephant. we rush to join the vet team already on the ground. this doctor says that the bull's festering wound is probably from a poisoned area. he darts it with a tranquilizer. >> you have a visual?
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>> reporter: the team must work quickly. they closely monitor the bull's breathing. but the elephant fell on the wrong side. it's worse than we thought. >> we have to work on this one. we have to lift it up. again. >> reporter: after the first wound is cleaned and treated, the 6-on the giant must be rolled over. the arrow wounds are a couple weeks old. >> the poison gets into the abdominal cavity and kill it. >> reporter: he has treated some 500 elephants. >> we will inject our revival drug and the animal will be up. >> reporter: but the large animal has trouble getting up. he needs help. >> small team, but we work on big elephants.
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>> reporter: and he is confident this one will make a complete recovery. the outlook for the rest of kenya's elephants may not be as good. this woman believes that asia's appetite for ivory is driving the killings. >> something has to be done at the other end. there is a lot of poverty and unemployment. as long as he can get money from killing an elephant he's going to do that. but if there is no demand for the tusks there is no reason for him to go after the elephants. i doubt whether my great grandchildren will be able to see wild elephants live a normal life. they are going rapidly. one every 15 minutes. >> while they will likely mother many more orphans they remain determined to secure them a future in the wild.
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>> extraordinary report there. a mass grave unearthed in the middle of london. a grim discovery that may tell scientists more about one of the city's most notorious killers. that's coming next. ♪ the staff at this beautiful resort . . . will stay with you forever. ♪ especially if you don't leave. ♪ you got it booking right. booking.yeah try phillips' fiber good gummies plus energy support. it's a new fiber supplement that helps support regularity and includes b vitamins to help convert food to energy. mmmmm, these are good! nice work, phillips! the tasty side of fiber, from phillips'. ♪ look how beautiful it is... honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know - and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan.
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a mass grave below the streets of london may help scientists solve a 350-year-old mystery. archaeologists believe they have found a so-called plague pit which could give clues about the disease that killed as many as 100,000 people during its last outbreak in london. kellie morgan has more. >> reporter: in the middle of london a mass grave is unearthed. dozens of skeletons huddled together. it is a grim find but an exciting one. archaeologists suspect these are victims of the great plague of 1665. >> we uncovered what is an open burial pit with at least 40
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separate coffins placed in it apparently all at the same time. they were stuck up and some on their side. it's a great candidate for a catastrophic event and in all likelihood it could date back to one of the outbreaks. >> reporter: they are not the first skeletons to be found at the site which was used as a burial ground for 170 years. their resting place is now a construction site for the 21 kilometer cross rail project. >> this site lies under liverpool street itself. it's a wonderful opportunity to look at the site. >> reporter: in the past six months, archaeologists have dug up 3,500 skeletons.
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but these are the first suspected victims of the plague. little is known about this great killer. so it's hoped that the skeletons will help solve the mystery. >> the question is what was responsible, actually. what bacteria? from the samples we can take, we might be able to tell exactly what path general is responsible for the outbreak and perhaps why it stopped. >> reporter: cross rail tunnelling has been under construction for three years now and exposed 10,000 artifacts spanning 55 million years. the link for modern day commuters also proving to be a priceless link to the past. kellie morgan, cnn, london. >> fascinating there. tom brady was in court wednesday in the latest round of
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the deflategate scandal. but all anyone could talk about was the courtroom sketch. of course, the internet has been poking fun at it. and here is a meme over the thriller video and over "the scream" and here is the sketch riding in the basket during the movie "e.t." you have been watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. do stay with us. i'll be back next hour.
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♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romis man kind?eitlin ♪ are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are.
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-- captions by vitac -- devastation. a pair of powerful explosions in tianjin, china kills scores of people and injuries more than 500. an e-mail scandal is hurting hillary clinton's presidential aspirations. also ahead, the perils of the angry e-mail. why some say it will only make
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you angrier. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. this is "cnn newsroom." we start in china where the death toll has risen to 44 after a series of massive explosions in the city of tianjin. thick, black smoke is still billowing from the site and firefighters have suspended their efforts to put out the huge fire. they just don't know enough about what chemicals they're dealing with. it's not yet clear what caused the explosions but state media report the initial blast happened at a warehouse storing dangerous goods. more than 500 people are injured and dozens of firefighters are reported missing. many people were injured by
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flying glass as the explosion blew out windows for several kilometers. cnn spoke with one witness. >> i'm about one to two kilometers away from the blast site and we woke up to the first blast and went to check out what was happening, of course, at the window and saw a huge explosion. we have line of sight from where it happened. there's only a few buildings in the way. and the shock wave just blew through our apartment. it blew out the glass. it blue oew out the doors. it just knocked everything over. it knocked out the power. it has really damaged a lot of the buildings in my complex that were facing that side and other complexes that were facing other directions. >> and cnn's will ripley was one of the first international reporters to get close to the site. >> reporter: when you look
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around at all the devastation here, it's really remarkable one just all the damage that was done to the convention center building, the windows and doors smashed in. take a look at this car. it clearly caught fire. the windows smashed. it's crumpled to bits and we are standing two kilometers from the blast site. we're not even close to the epicenter. that gives you a sense of how strong this was and how scary this was for the 15 million people who live here in tianjin when they were jolts out of bed overnight. a lot of the people in the apartment blacks we visited earlier, there are shards of glass piled up on the ground. and people didn't have time to put on shoes and they were barefoot going through this. that's why hundreds of people are in the hospital, a lot with cuts because of the broken glass. there are helicopters in the air
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flying overhead and looking at that gigantic smoke plume which you can make out in the haze in the distance. the fires have been burning since the initial chemical fire and the first explosion and second explosion and so on. the air has a thick chemical smell. and we actually feel it a bit in our throats. we wonder exactly what it is we're breathing in right now even though most of the people are not wearing masks, either they didn't have time to grab any or don't have any. we saw police and medical personnel in masks. at the hospital it was an emotional and sad scene. we have security here telling us we need to move out of the way. that was an issue we ran into at the hospital. security and onlookers were not happy. i was knocked off the air and surrounded by an angry mob. these are people who have not
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slept. at least one man had a loved one who had died. and emotions are high right now. the grief is high and people are still trying to process all of this. exactly what happened and why. why was this huge city rocked by these explosions overnight? it's a question that investigators will be looking into as they try to assess the damage, try to treat the sick and the emotionally scarred and try to figure out what happened and how to prevent it from happening again. will ripley, tianjin, cnn. another explosion in the iraqi capital. it happened in the shiite neighborhood of sadr city. what are authorities and witnesses telling you about this deadly blast? >> reporter: well, rosemary, what we know from security officials in iraq is that at least 36 people were killed. and more than 70 others were wounded in this massive truck
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bombing attack that took place early this morning. as you mentioned, in the eastern part of baghdad in the predominantly shia district of sadr city at a vegetable and fruit market there. they expect the death toll to rise at this point. this happening at a time when this market is really packed. it's thursday. it's ahead of the weekend. they are in baghdad. and there is no claim of responsibility at this point. but this is one of the very -- wile in baghdad we have seen attacks and violence become normal. in the city people are used to bombings taking place, this kind of attack we have not seen in a long time in baghdad specifically. a truck bomb, this kind of single deadly attack is something people say is reminiscent at the days of the height of the sectarian violence in 2006 and 2007. in recent weeks we have seen attacks. just a few days ago, also,
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northeast of baghdad in the province that iraqi officials say they have, quote, unquote, liberated from isis earlier this year we have seen a number of deadly attacks taking place there. very high casualty figures. this sort of spectacular attack with big bombs ripping through markets and civilian areas. but at this point, no claim of responsibility for this baghdad attack. >> many thanks to you for talking to us on the phone. croatian's prime minister cannot confirm claims that isis militants have beheaded a croatian hostage in egypt but he says the situation looks horrible. tomislav salopek was abducted in
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july. the outgoing u.s. army chief of staff is offering a candid assessment of the efforts to stop isis. barbara starr says he is not ruling out the option of sending u.s. troops in. >> reporter: u.s. air strikes over syria trying to squeeze critical isis strongholds. in the west ramping up pressure in aleppo. in the east, striking raqqah, isis' capital. in iraq u.s. officials say iraqi troops may finally be getting ready to try to retake ramadi. >> good afternoon. >> reporter: but the top u.s. army general did not mince words about any part of the effort. on getting iraqi forces to fight? >> it hasn't gone as well as we like it to. >> reporter: on the overall situation? >> i think right now we're kind
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of at a stalemate. >> reporter: and a warning the president's strategy's specially in iraq may need fixing. raising the option of putting u.s. boots on the ground. >> if we find in the next several months that we're not making the progress that we have we should absolutely consider embedding some soldiers. >> reporter: as for u.s. training of syrian rebels, a program now in crisis since the first unit disbanded before it could fight in the field? >> i think we have to learn some lessons from that and figure out how we can best employ them to ensure their survivability in the region. >> i would go in and take the oil and put troops to protect the oil. i would go and take the money source away and they would start to wither and they would collapse. >> reporter: when you see donald trump we should move in with
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troops and take their oil and bomb the iraqi oil fields and take the oil away from isis. does anything like that even remotely have military ewutilit >> the problem we have had, do we achieve sustainable outcome? it's about sustainable outcome. >> reporter: you disagree with donald trump? >> i do. right now i do. >> reporter: but the general did offer one caveat. if there was a direct isis threat to the united states, if it was imminent, then perhaps he could see an option such as trump describes, the u.s. of military force. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. former u.s. president jimmy carter says he has cancer and it has spread to various parts of his body. carter says a recent liver surgery revealed the disease.
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the 90-year-old is rearranging his public schedule to undergo treatment here in atlanta. the local newspaper published this cartoon in honor of mr. carter. he was the governor of the u.s. state of georgia before being elected president in 1976. a majority of american voters think that hillary clinton's e-mail should be subject to a criminal investigation. the survey shows 82% of republicans, 23% of democrats and 54% of independents favor an investigation. it was conducted before clinton announce shed would turn over her private server to the justice department. >> i don't know, frankly, that she'll be able to run because it just looks to me that the whole e-mail thing is a very criminal situation and it could cause
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problems for years to come. >> i would have thought that her campaign advisers would have said let's disclose everything. and it looks like she is hiding. the fbi took it. it's different than disclosing it. >> another new poll shows clinton is now trailing bernie sanders in the key primary state of new hampshire. jeff zaleny has the details. >> reporter: bernie sanders is front-page news today. vaulting over hillary clinton in new hampshire. his populous cry is catching on. >> we have a message to the billionaire class. and that message is, you can't have it all. >> reporter: and his candidacy is taking off. for the first time, a new frankly pierce university poll shows him with a seven-point edge over clinton. all this as clinton faces new
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questions about the private e-mail server she used as secretary of state. she agreed to surrender it to the justice department. it's given sanders an opening to be a potential spoiler of the 2016 campaign and east not alone. >> president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> reporter: republicans have one of their own. in iowa, donald trump is leading the pack. our cnn poll shows with ben carson in second place. these spoilers are upending the race, sending establishment stars like clinton and jeb bush to the back burner for now. >> jeb and hillary on the same day, they said donald trump has too strong a tone. the world is cracking up and they're worried about my tone. >> reporter: instead of taking on trump, bush turned his attacks to clinton in a speech on iraq. >> where was secretary of state clinton in all of this? like the president himself, she
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had opposed the surge then joined in claiming credit for its success. >> reporter: instead of challenging sander, clinton is fixated on bush and the g.o.p. field. >> i have to draw a contrast to the candidates on the other side of the aisle. >> reporter: the 73-year-old vermont senator calls himself a democratic socialist. his rallies are the biggest of any candidate. >> are they underestimating bernie sanders? >> people often underestimate me. we're in the race to win. >> reporter: he is one of the candidates benefitting from an environment where establishment politicians are no longer as much in favor as they were. jeff zeleny, washington.
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we are learning new details about the 49-year-old rookie officer who shot and killed an unarmed texas teen including what he did before he joined the force. need to hire fast?
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. in the u.s. state of texas, the rookie police officer who was fired after killing a black unarmed teenager is fighting back. brad miller's attorney says his client only acted to, quote, save his and other officers' lives but the police chief sees it very differently. >> reporter: brad miller's lawyer says that the arlington's police chief's biggest fears are getting paper cuts and protecting his six-figure salary. that is the reaction to the firing of mr. miller. miller's lawyer says that the police chief is acting like a monday-morning quarterback and the decision was made in the
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middle of a heated confrontation. miller's boss was not convinced by miller's reasoning. >> this fear and feeling of isolation was the result of his poor decision to enter the building without assistance. >> reporter: former dallas area police officer and now defense lawyer pete schulze says that it has stunned cops on the force. >> it kills morale when you have officers who feel this is a rush to judgment. i have heard that officers think that the rookie was a scapegoat. >> reporter: brad miller graduated from the academy in march and in the final days of his field training. before becoming a cop he was a hairdresser in an arlington, texas salon. two of his co-workers describe him as very kind, someone who would bring flowers on mother's
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day. and he often talked about how he wanted to be a police officer. adrian and josh taylor question why officer miller shot their brother. >> he didn't do anything in that video that would sentence him to death or you know, anything -- maybe jail time, maybe. or you know, burglary charge, probation. >> reporter: taylor's family are not looking at the shooting as a racial issue. >> every person's life matters. yeah, my brother was black. he can't help that. so we're going to trust in the system. going to trust in god and keep praying. >> reporter: brad miller will no longer be a police officer with the arlington police department and he has to wait to see what a grand jury will decide if that grand jury will file any criminal charges against him. that is a process that will take several weeks. china has allowed its
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currency, the yuan to fall for the third day in a row. the central bank set the rate more than 1% lower versus the u.s. dollar. critics say china is artificially manipulating its currency to make exports cheaper. but the bank says market forces are driving the change. anna coren is following developments from hong kong and joins us now with more. what are analysts saying about what this tells us about china's economy right now? >> reporter: analysts believe, rosemary, that basically the chinese economy is suffering, that it's actually a lot weaker than what official figures suggest, hence the devaluing of the yuan. weakening the currency, as you say, it makes exports a lot more cheaper and certainly a lot more competitive and a report last
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week showed that exports were down 8%. this is something that is certainly front and center of the chinese government's mind. but this is only one thing that is going to stimulate the economy and there are real concerns as to whether the government has this situation under control. obviously their goal this year is for 7% growth. but after the devaluing of the currency, and even before that there were concerns whether they will reach that. there are serious question marks, rosemary, about the economic data coming out of china. people now seriously are questioning it. of course the official word from the chinese government is that they are simply allowing market forces to play a role in the value of the yuan. this is something of course that the united states and the imf, the international monetary fund has been pushing for some time. so they see themselves as, perhaps, loosening its grip on
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the chinese currency exchange. but obviously, rosemary, analysts reading it a little differently. >> indeed. china is not the first country accused of manipulating the currency to improve its trade prospects. richard quest explains how the two are linked. >> the world of trade is all about sending your goods to different parts of the world. and in doing so, you can use the currency to undercut each other. so, we have the yuan in china, which has been devalued by several percent. this will give those goods and services coming out of china a competitive advantage in the rest of the world. they will be cheaper. we've seen something similar in 2010 with the brazilian real where the level was high and the finance minister said he was
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worried about a currency war. so what happened of course they had to manage the currency down so they, too, could take advantage of more exports. now you have the european central bank with quantitative easing which is a negative for the euro and european exporters hoping to take advantage of the currency to do business. what's on the knock-on effect here you go to the scandinavian countries and the swiss who have negative interest rates because they have to accommodate the currency. and into all of this, you have the u.s. dollar, mighty as she sails. but that high level of the dollar means u.s. exports are more expensive and of course, who wins? just about everybody else. richard quest, cnn, new york. and now it's all perfectly
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clear, right? next here on cnn, a national poll shows hillary clinton trailing bernie sanders in new hampshire. should her campaign be concerned? we will talk to a democrat and republican strategist after the break.
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and of course all around the world. i'm rosemary church. want to check the headlines for you this hour. a massive chemical fire is still burning in the chinese city of tianjin after a series of
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explosions in the warehouse district overnight. at least 44 people are dead and more than 500 are injured. china's state news agency says dozens of firefighters are missing. authorities don't know what caused the explosions. a truck bomb exploded in baghdad's sadr city district killing at least 36 people. at least 75 others are wounded. sadr city is a shiite area and sunni militants have claimed responsibility for attacks in the past. the latest poll shows that hillary clinton and donald trump are leading their parties in iowa. trump has an eight-point lead in the republican field and clinton has a 19 point lead over bernie sanders. meanwhile, another poll shows hillary clinton lagging behind bernie sanders in new hampshire.
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and i asked two political strategists about the impact of the poll and the issues surrounding the election. joining me now to debate the issues confronting u.s. politics right now, a democratic strategist an a republican strategist. thank you for being with us. >> thanks for having us. >> two political outsiders, donald trump and bernie sanders are attracting attention away from the candidates who were supposed to be the leadership nominees. joe, one poll shows bernie sanders actually in the lead. is it time for hillary clinton to be panicking about that and the e-mails? >> no, i don't think so. this has been one poll and that's correct. in 2004, howard dean had his day in the sun as well. the poll is out of new hampshire which is next to bernie sanders' neighboring vermont up there.
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the liberal base is very invested in him. seeing a surprise bump up there is nothing new. and if you look at the way the campaign has progressed, hillary hasn't really started campaigning yet. there is not any major media buys yet. no debates or anything like that yet. hillary will close the ground quickly, surpass and push towards the nomination. bernie sanders will not be our nominee. >> we'll check about the e-mails in a moment. but bruce haines how damaging is this for the republican party and how sustainable is this trump surge? because he's out there. he's the loose cannon. he's taking the attention off jeb bush who was really for a lot of republicans, supposed to be the guy who was going to be nominated by the republicans. so talk to us about how long that can go on for without really taking a toll on the
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party. >> i think if you look at it, it can go on for a long time. you've got donald trump. he's leading in the state polls in iowa and new hampshire and south carolina and he has access to a politician's best friend in a long campaign and that is ready money. he has big
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have marco rubio. >> but they are overshadowed. >> they are getting overshadowed in august. it's a long campaign. but they're not completely overshadowed. we are seeing john kasich's poll numbers take a huge leap. jeb bush is holding steady. rubio is gaining ground. >> jeb bush must be a real disappointment for a lot of republicans. that's what the polls are showing. they're going you're not living up to expectations here. we're going to move our support and go to trump. >> i think they are very different candidates. i'm not sure they were going to get the same voter. in a large field you don't win with 50%. a republican is going to win iowa with something like 35%.
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>> joe, democrats had hoped hillary clinton's e-mail cycle will go away but it hasn't. it's getting messy now. how worried are democratic strategists about where this is going and what impact it could have on her campaign? >> i'd say it is darkest before the dawn. and what she did today by turning over the servers to the justice department and signed the affidavit that she had turned everything over. she is putting it out there on the line saying i have cooperated and given them everything they want and putting it all up for review. i think this is going to be a slow turn but a big turn on the corner that will finally put this to bed. if the justice department doesn't have anything they can work with which i believe that hillary believes they don't. it will be something that falls off the front page for a while. >> bruce haines is this e-mail
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saga going to fall off the front page? >> not at all. she turned everything over. now the question is what is in she turned over and analysis of that. and if you are republican when you look at this, the problem with hillary clinton's campaign is not something that is coming from the outside. it's not obama's policies or the sanders' energy and big crowds. the problem with hillary clinton's campaign is her worst opponent is hillary clinton and she's kind of losing to her. it's her e-mail server and her e-mails that have been deleted. and you know it's her remarks that have gotten her in hot water from time to time. you know, republicans look and see that hillary clinton may not be the insurmountable candidate after all. she may be similar to the one that lost in 2008 to barack
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obama. >> very interesting debate there. watching very closely. there's no doubt that u.s. politics is extraordinary, definitely for those of us not from america. thanks to you both. >> thanks. be sure to head outside for a spectacular light show. the persied meteor shower is streak through northern atmosphere at the moment. the vice president of the world governing body of athletics is speaking out to cnn. our exclusive interview, that's next.
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if you are in the northern hemisphere be sure to look up at the sky, celestial fireworks await you, the annual persied meteor shower will fill the heavens with up to 100 shooting
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stars per hour. these are images from europe and north america. the best time to see them is before dawn in the northeastern sky. this year's shower coincides with the new moon. and derek van dam is here to talk about this. we are not overstating this at all, are we? >> can i say that we have the best writers in the business. celestial fireworks lighting up the sky. i wish i could claim that one. it's good and it's true. this is some of the best meteorites -- shooting stars, i should say that we will be able to see this year. because it is coinciding with the new moon. we don't have the full moon washing out the sky. there are better viewing areas than others. let point that out for the viewers. look at the visuals behind me.
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this is an image from nasa. this is the earth at night and we look at europe and north america and you can see chicago and detroit, new york, washington, d.c. and mexico city and orlando and mize, those areas are going to be very difficult to see the persied meter showers at the moment because the city lights are going to wipe out the visibility. but if you can get away from the city if you can get a lawn chair and you will see upwards of 100 shooting stars per hour. this is one of the best of the year thanks to this coinciding with the waning crescent moon right now. we are currently at the peak. if you are tuning in in the united states along the east coast you have good viewing capabilities tonight.
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over the four corners region and mexico and texas, unfortunately, cloud cover obstructing your view. i want to take you to argentina, buenos aires, a spectacular part of the world. unfortunately, much of it is inundated by flooding at the moment. they have nearly quadrupled their monthly rainfall average for august when this should be the dry season for this part of argentina. you can see on the graphic here behind me that august should only see about 63 millimeters for entire month. but buenos aires clocked 223 millimeters from thursday into monday. and most of that rainfall fell in two different events, two 24-hour rainfall events that clocked in over 200 millimeters. the low pressure system moving through the area will continue with the bouts of heavy rain for southern argentina -- or
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northern argentina. but we are focusing on this region that will experience a significant amount of rainfall going forward with 100 to 150 millimeters of rainfall. some of the models have picked up over 350 millimeters in a few separate locations thanks to pulses of energy in the area. look at the footage coming out of parts of argentina. the flooding is inundating businesses, households and i think there is a shot of a church there. difficult scenes. that's going to mean a big cleanup effort going forward. >> it certainly will. thank you for taking us through that. appreciate it. one of the experts behind allegations of widespread doping in athletes says that the governing body lacks the drive to clean up the sport. last sunday the sunday times
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newspaper revealed details from a leak of blood test results from 5,000 athletes. anti-doping expert michael ashenden examined the data and says hundreds of suspicious results were not followed up on. in an open left to iaaf candidate he asked does it pursue the anti-doping mandate with the same single-minded all-consuming dedication that athletes adopt in their pursuit of winning. based on what i saw in the leaked database, my view is no. the vp of the international association of athletics federation sat down with our amanda davis for an exclusive interview. >> how bad a state is athletics in? >> it's in a strong state.
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>> people are talking about it as a sport in crisis. >> this is not a crisis. this is a very strong sport. our sport is about a great deal more than doping. but no change is not an option now. we need to do things definitely. >> can you categorically state there was no cover up from the iaaf? >> what i can tell you is every reading that was taken was followed up and acted upon. you know we chased some of the biggest names out of the sport and that doesn't come without a cost but we are prepared to do it. this is not a war we can allow ourselves to lose. >> how much is a successful world championships dependent on a successful usain bolt? >> we need usain in the same way that you know, in the '60s and '70s needed muhammad ali.
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>> how damaging would it be if a two-time drug cheat broke usain's record? >> i am not going to sit here and say i'm anything other than queasy at the thought that athletes who serve bans for a serious infringe judgment going on to win championship titles. i don't like it. >> should gatlin still be racing? >> yes. he is eligible to. >> should he be eligible to? >> i believe that lifetime bans are what we should have pushed for. i also accept because i live in the real world, that legally, that would not hold. that train left the station. so he is eligible to compete. and he should be respected for fact that he is eligible to compete. >> you broke three world records
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in 41 days. is it a sad indictment of where the sport is now that if you were to have done that this week that would have been put down to one thing? >> might well have been. and that is why i think moving to an independent anti-doping system is the next stage in really removing the perception, not the reality but the perception that there could be conflict and there could be cover up. >> was it ever levelled at you? >> of course. i came from nowhere to break three world records. of course people wanted to suggest that this wasn't done on anything other than hard work and natural talent. but sadly, that is the world that top athletes in any sport live in. >> were you tempted though? >> no. of course not. >> sebastian coe with amanda davis there. don't press send.
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a psychology professor explains why online venting may be bad for our health and gives some ways to control that anger. back in a moment.
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welcome back, everyone. some remarkable video of a shark off the coast of mexico gives new meaning to the words "great white." this is deep blue, thought to be the largest great white shark ever filmed. you can see just how big she is as she swims right up against a cage full of divers. she is estimated to be 20 feet. that's more than 6 meters long and 5,000 pounds. researchers estimate she is least 50 years old and also pregnant. the researchers who filmed deep blue are tracking pregnant great whites to protect their nursery grounds. how about that? have you ever been so worked up about something that you fired off an angry e-mail to get it off your chest? a psychology professor says that may not be the healthiest thing
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to do and venting in general, not just online, only makes us angrier. joining me now is professor of communication and psychology at ohio state university brad bushman. thank you, sir, for talking with us. >> my pleasure. >> you say writing angry e-mails makes us angrier. don't hit the send button. that part makes sense to me. but why is it not a good idea to write out that anger in an e-mail? >> expressing anger keeps the anger alive. it's like using gasoline to put out a fire. it feeds the flame. it keeps arousal levels high and keeps the angry feelings hot. so it's just a very bad way to get rid of anger and aggression to express it or to vent it.
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>> so you're not really in favor of venting. you say it makes us madder and meaner. but why not just write them down somewhere safe and never send it just get it off our chest. surely that's good advice. isn't that part of the human condition, getting rid of it so we can move on? >> i'm not sure that anger is something that we need to get rid of. anger is an approach, motivation. it motivates us to do something. most of the movements in the world have been motivated by anger such as the civil rights movement or the women's vote movement. but anger is not like a foreign substance that we need to get rid of it. people assume that their only two options with anger, you express it or you stuff it inside and both of those options are not good for your health.
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they both can lead to cardio vascular disease but venting can lead to anger against others. but trying to understand -- if you are writing in an attempt to understand what made you angry and understand your feelings, that's okay. but if you're just expressing it to try to get it off your chest, that will probably just make things worse. >> good advice there. that was brad bushman, psychology professor at ohio state university. he gave suggestions for reducing your anger. and you can delay your actions by counting to ten or even 100 if you are particularly angry. try to relax and take deep breaths or listen to calming music and one that may not be obvious, eat healthy food. our brains need fuel to exercise self control. there you go. thanks for your company.
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i'm rosemary church. "early start" is next for viewers in the united states and for those of you elsewhere, stay tunes for more "cnn newsroom." have a great day. . . . female announcer: sunday's your last chance to save big
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