tv New Day CNN August 20, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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they were just miles from each other last night in new hampshire, but they were a world away in terms of what they were saying. >> there was good stuff. bush challenging trump's credentials and trump calling bush unelectable. the surging numbers the are part of a wide conversation that trump had with chris here. but first, sara murray is live in new hampshire. tell us about the unusual town hall that donald trump had. >> reporter: good morning, alyson. it seems like the trump campaign was trolling the jeb bush campaign a little bit by adding their town hall later. the reason it was such a fiery evening is jeb bush's new strategy when it comes to donald trump taking him on face to face. take a look. step aside, manny and floyd, jeb
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bush and donald trump are taking over the ring. in a night of dueling town halls in new hampshire, just 15 miles apart and within an hour of each other, both republican presidential candidates threw jabs. >> i don't see how he's electable. jeb bush is a low energy person. for him to get things done is hard. he's very low energy. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> reporter: bush set the date for his town hall first. and his crowd of about 200 got walloped by trump's 1200. >> we have a lot of people outside, hundreds and hundreds of people are standing outside. >> reporter: some even spilling into an overflow room to see the candidate in his first official town hall. >> you know what's happening to jeb's crowd as you know right down the street, they're sleeping! he was supposed to do well in new hampshire, he's going down like a rock. >> reporter: though he dubbed
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himself the joyful tortoise, it seemed wednesday was the night bush came out of his shell throwing this punch at trump's immigration policy. >> hundreds of billions of dollars of costs to implement his plans is not a conservative plan. >> reporter: a blow that the gop frontrunner blocked telling reporters -- >> the only thing con stant is trump. they are going up and down at the bottom like yo-yos. i'm doing this to make america great again. >> reporter: former florida governor jeb bush doesn't think that's enough. >> they know their compass points north, they have the integrity to act on what they say they will do and they have the leadership skills to do so. that's it. >> reporter: now trump and jeb bush are going their separate ways today. jeb bush continues barnstorming with two stops here in new hampshire. meanwhile, donald trump is looking ahead to friday holding a pep rally in alabama.
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he drew such a large crowd that the aides say they already have had 25,000 rsvps and they are looking to a larger venue like a football stadium. >> sara, you were up as late as i was last night, why are you not as beat as i am? >> reporter: it's all the coffee. i'm just throwing back coffee. >> amazing. donald trump was in rare form when we sat down yesterday because he had kind of changed. this was trump trying to present as a frontrunner. we talked about all the issues in politics, foreign policy, the economy, isis, but how he talked about these things was a little different. that is until it came to rival hillary clinton. and then it was vintage trump. here's what i mean. so we have the polls in politics, we have policy and we have personal, they are all p's. we will jump around. >> okay, that's fine.
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>> the latest cnn/orc poll, you don't get more accurate than that, it has you for the first time considered as competitive in the general election, six points separating you and hillary clinton. you must be shocked. >> well, it's not my focus right now. right now i have 16 other people that i'm looking at and that's not my focus, but indirectly it probably is. and i think that hillary is going to have a hard time being in the election based on what is happening with the e-mails and the servers, maybe even the speeches. i think it's going to be a very hard thing for her to overcome. when i look, chris, as what happened with petraeus on a much smaller level, great general, wonderful guy, everyone loves him and it destroyed his life over much less, in terms of confidentiality and in terms of importance, much less and far fewer, and it would seem hard to think somebody could have a much worse situation than him and escape. >> well, the factual distinction would be that was classified information with petraeus and he
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knew it and used it. here we do not know yet that hillary clinton was doing the wrong thing or mishandling classified information. >> it looks like it was and certainly looks like it was very high level information. and what's the purpose of it? you know, it's always skirting the edge, what's the purpose of it? in the end, she had something in mind. she didn't want people to know or something, but what is she doing? why is she doing it? >> you think this is really going to hurt her long time? >> i think it is devastating for the election, but i think her bigger problem is not the election. i think her bigger problem is going to be the criminal problem. >> really? you really think this could turn out to be a criminal situation for hillary clinton? because there's no reference of that from the investigators right now. >> i don't think i'm the only one. the fbi is involved, they only do criminal. i don't think i'm the only one. maybe it is somebody on her staff, but look, it is either criminal or incompetent, one or the other. there's gross incompetence or criminal. and neither is acceptable to be president. >> i feel like you're skipping the headline. you're six points from hillary
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clinton, nobody would have expected that. you are glossing over it, why? shouldn't you be saying, six points, i can't believe i'm not ahead? >> that's one thing i can say, i guess. i think we'll do well against hillary. her record as secretary of state is a disaster. she was in favor of the iraq war which is not a good soundbyte. i've been against it for years, the iraq war. i said, you're going to decimate iraq, iran will take over the middle east and take over iraq, which is exactly what's happening. and somebody's going to come and take over the leftover oil. and who did that turn out to be? isis. so if you look at 2004, exactly what i said happened. so call it vision, i have to call it vision because i'm trying to get elected. for the first time in my life i'm a politician all of a sudden, but it was a certain vision. i've got an lot of credit for it. they've made a terrible mistake and made a terrible mistake the way they got out. and they made a worse mistake
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not keeping the oil because isis took the oil and iran is going to take the rest. >> people wanted out, mr. trump, and they didn't want forces there and don't want forces there now. if you wanted to do what you sometimes suggest, take the oil, that would take troops and danger, take blood and treasure. >> well, i would like to take the oil and give a lot of money to the families of the people that were killed, to the incredible wounded warriors that are all over the place. i love these people. these are the greatest people. and they are living in hell. and i would give lots of money to them, their families, and we spend $2 trillion, thousands of people killed, thousands, tens of thousands of wounded. we have nothing. right now iran is going to take over iraq and isis has taken big parts in the wealthy section of iraq. >> would it be worth creating more wounded veterans in order to do what you want to do here? >> well, what i would do, you won't have that many, i will tell you, i will take over the source of their wealth. the big source of wealth is the oil. and also if you look at what is going on with the banks, the iranian banks, the saudi banks
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are funneling money into isis and yet we help these people, we make this horrible deal. i think it will go down as one of the worst deals ever made by a country with another country. and it's going to lead to whether it's nuclear destruction, you could name a lot of bad scenarios. but the deal with iran is a totally incompetently negotiated transaction. >> wasn't one of the reasons, and i know there are many and it is complex, but the allies felt they needed to do a deal with iran was obviously the nukes, but iran has been helpful with isis. they have been fighting for isis for whatever reasons, maybe they are good or bad or neutral reasons, but they have been fighting against isis. >> there's a whole thing going on. when you look at iran with syria, isis is fighting syria, we're supposed to be syria's great enemy but fighting isis, you could say, why are we fighting isis in syria in let isis fight with syria and take out the leftovers or do whatever you have to do.
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assad has to be looking at us and saying, hey, these are supposed to be my enemies but they are fighting isis and isis is a big enemy from his standpoint. so there are so many mistakes we are making in the middle east it's incredible. but when you look at just that one thing, isis wants to go after syria. we're fighting isis in syria. now, the other thing is, isis is taking oil in syria. i am all for the oil. i want to take care of ourselves. i want to rebuild this country. we should focus on the wealth of isis. we have to do something with isis. i was against going after iraq because it the destabilize the middle east. i was right. now we have to do something. when they are chopping off heads because a person is a christian, and chopping off a head of somebody anyway, but you have people living in hell. this is like medieval times so we have to do something. i say take the wealth, take the oil, and i also say give lots of money and there will be plenty leftover, peanuts by comparison, to the families of the soldiers
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that died and to the wounded warriors. plenty of money to them because they deserve it. >> when you think about isis and what you do to stop them, how much of it for you is about the military, how much for you is about doing other things, political things to strengthen the regions they are preying upon? >> well, i think a lot of it is about the military. and i think one of the things i noticed in your poll, i came out way, way ahead of everybody on the economy and a lot of people weren't surprised to see them. but i came out way ahead on the military. >> isis specifically. >> and isis. i think i will be a great sleeper in the military because people wouldn't think it's my strength but i think it would be one of my strengths. i want to build up the military and have such an incredible military that nobody is going to play games with us, nobody is going to mess with us and hopefully we won't have to use our military. but we need a powerful military. being in the real estate business i get so many listings of bases, army bases, navy bases, so many all the time of a base being for sale, a place
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where they have soldiers is for sale. i keep saying, how many of these places do they have where i can get all the listings? take a look, a lot of sales of bases, military bases. i would build up our military so strong, so powerful that nobody will mess with us. and i think, actually, that will be the thing that i will be really just about the best at. >> just on that last one, a lot of generals believe a stronger military is a stronger military. but to justify my introduction, the first question about the poll, ordinarily donald trump would knock it out of the park and say i should be beating hillary, but he didn't. he was more reserved. then he can't resist his use of facts as he sees them to advance an argument, others would call hyperboles, but when he goes for his rivals he goes for blood. >> it's interesting to watch you with him because you get into the nitty-gritty and do a deep dive but he dances on the
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surface. >> he's good at deflection. >> that's what he does. >> a lot of nuance. you have more coming? >> absolutely. he's saying what is working for him. can he deliver? that's the question for the voters. all right. we'll have more on that. he's going to talk about jobs and plans for how he wants to do things. and he's talking more about his family and wife. she's an immigrant. how does that work in the dynamics? is that why we have not seen her much? we'll have the answers coming up. now we turn to several breaking news stories overseas to tell you about. north and south korea exchanging fire over their heavily fortified border this morning. the south korean military says it fired dozens of shells in response to north korea firing a rocket. we have more on this. let's get right to cnn's kathy novak live in seoul with all the breaking details. what do we know, kathy? >> reporter: well, alyson, south korea's military is on high alert at the moment because of the incident happening on the western side of the border to
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separate north and south korea. tensions have been very high here on the peninsula recently for two reasons. first, is that the united states and south korea are conducting their annual joint military exercises. this is something that always makes the regime of kim jong-u, un angry. and south korea has resumed its program of psychological war fair. it has been using speakers along the dmz, the heavily fortified border to broadcast anti-north korean messages into north korea. as you know, the regime of kim jong-un keeps tight communications on the population. so it doesn't like south korea doing this. and it appears north korea has targeted the speakers that south korea is using. >> interesting development there, kathy. thank you so much for that. breaking in egypt, isis claiming responsibility for attacking a security building in cairo with a car bomb so
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powerful it was felt all across the city. dozens have been wounded. i'm going to turn to cnn's senior international correspondent, nick paton walsh live from beirut. >> reporter: 29 of those injured, six of them said to be police. knocking out windows for blocks we are told. a car pulled out in front of the building, perhaps using the dead of night to get through security. that explains the lower death toll in this, certainly, and one guy got out of the car, got on a motorcycle and sped away. claiming responsibility from an isis affiliate saying they were behind this. in fact, revenging the excuse of six militants back in may. it's most likely that this is not actually isis from syria or iraq reaching out to egypt, but in fact a local affiliate in the area known as sinai which has
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recently taken on the isis branding and affiliating themselves to them. a lot of violence in the sinai province in the last month or so, but this attack in the heart of the capital, the worst really since the assassination of the chief prosecutor back in june. the intense pressure from the government there, the new president is cracking down on counter terrorism laws that is much in the treatment of opposition. they can't do much after this strike in the middle of the capital, chris. >> please continue to let us know the latest developments. and thai police now say ten people were involved in the deadly bangkok bombing. authorities say it is unlikely an international terror group is behind the blast. meanwhile, a driver, a taxi driver, picked up the main suspect and said, he was very calm. he also said he appeared to be a foreigner. remember, 20 people were killed monday. many more injured after a bomb went off at a popular shrine.
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three firefighters have been killed after their vehicle crashed while battling a massive wildfire in northern washington state. officials say the flames engulfed the vehicle as the blaze spread around the town of twisp. four firefighters were injured, one critically. president obama has directed his administration to provide federal assistance as needed. more breaking news overnight to tell you about, police and protestors clashing in the streets of st. louis following the fatal officer-involved shooting of a black teenager. police firing tear gas into a crowd of demonstrators throwing bricks and bottles and ignoring calls to disperse. ryan young is live in st. louis. ryan, what happened? >> reporter: it almost sounds too far, once again, where you're talking about nine people being arrested here. bricks and water bottles being thrown in their direction and police are in heavy riot gear once again.
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overnight a car set on fire. >> there's something on fire down there. >> reporter: and a house ablaze in the midst of a heated protest in st. louis. police say amid the demonstrations, some businesses were burglarized. >> nine individuals have charged from impeding flowing traffic to resisting arrest and are now in our custody. >> reporter: the anger beginning hours earlier when officers shot and killed 18-year-old mansur bombay as he ran down the alleyway. the grass stained with his blood. the official pointed a gun at officers after they tried to execute a search warrant. soon after ndemonstrators blockd the main street. >> police are driving down the street shooting tear gas where kids are. >> reporter: police say after multiple requests to disperse, they began shooting tear gas into the crowd. >> these people are actually standing here not doing a thing and they are shooting this into where their cars are and kids
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are taking shelter. >> as officers approached them to ask them to leave the intersection, glass bottles were thrown at officers, bricks were being thrown at officers. officers whatthad to use shield protect themselves from things being thrown at them. >> reporter: this case is a little different. the muskegon airman who had his car stolen, police were in the area to execute a search warrant. then they were chasing behind the suspect who they say was armed and that's when the whole incident spiraled out of control. >> ryan, thank you so much. appreciate the report. so donald trump and jeb bush working the heavy hits, dueling town hall events in new hampshire. both men showed what they have to offer. who do our politicos say comes out on top? e with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that.
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they're sleeping! >> i have a conservative record, consistent, conservative record. when nobody was watching, a conservative record. mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the louisiana decade than he was a republican. >> that was donald trump and jeb bush trading insults in dueling town halls only 15 miles apart in new hampshire. trump slammed bush as you heard as low energy. and bush attacked trump's conservative record. let's have fun with this and more with jackie kucinich from "the daily beast." and trump said, they're sleeping! he got right to it. he took the podium and it was not a traditional town hall. the audience didn't begin asking questions. he got right to the insults. do people find this refreshing? >> i think they probably find it
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at least entertaining and maybe a little refreshing. look. the reality is trump is the master communicator to know what master communicators know. people may not remember what you say and remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel. and so he creates an event. he creates a happening, something you had to be there to really witness. and that's really what people are looking for. i think probably the average voter is a real conservative voter to have jeb bush's record, but donald trump's presentation. >> that's a good way to put it. someone used a good word to me the other day, he is if nothing else a catalyst. trump has the party thinking about what they really want and everybody sharpening their elbows for a fight. the question is, what do they wind up going with? remember that number from our poll, jackie, 58% of those polled in the gop did not believe their best chance was with trump. so there is opportunity for someone else. what did you see in jeb bush last night? is he bringing the game he needs to bring? >> reporter: well, there is a little bit of incredulousness
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with jeb bush right now. it's kind of like -- i'm actually losing to this guy? but i think what jeb bush -- he's trying to look like the serious candidate, the adult candidate. that's why you hear him talking about his record. when you look at his record in florida, he's kind of a policy wand. so that's one of his strengths and he's hoping that gop voters are listening to the substance. and aren't just looking at the shiny object right down the road. >> here's the radical suggestion, and i'm going out on a limb, but i felt it last night. i felt it about 15 minutes into his town hall where i thought, huh, we have heard this before. he wasn't saying anything new, he wasn't breaking new ground, he was being vintage trump. and i was thinking, i wonder if there's a saturation level ahead. is that out of the question? >> well, it's not that it is out of the question so much that, look, we remember from the campaign trail and i heard many, many barack obama speeches. when he was at the early phase where it was an event, a
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happening, you were there just to be there, people would drive across the states just to hear him, and the substance of the speeches was nothing to write home about but the event itself was. and he would do it again and again and again. so i think this has worked. this has served donald trump very well. and i don't think you should expect to see it end any time soon. now, if he actually starts to take advice from people and sort of graft it a little bit and get a crescendo at the end, leave everybody happy at the end and shorten it instead of dragging in the middle, he could come up with something and is changing american politics for this cycle. if it works for him, we might see more of it. >> for them to get a smack down as well. jackie, a sub-position i have is i believe trump was different in our interview yesterday. nothing to do with sitting across from me. he's a frontrunner now. he has the weight of expectation now. he's something to lose now. it's no longer everybody else's
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fault if it doesn't go his way. it would be his fault. and i felt he was trying to present himself as more of a frontrunner, at least in the beginning, at least a little bit. did you see any of that? >> reporter: i think his tone is different but his words aren't different. he's talking about taking the oil fields away from isis. and some of the other things that really when you break it down doesn't make a whole lot of sense, a lot of rhetoric, a lot of -- flashy things but doesn't really appeal to a lot of people. >> a lot of this coming back last night saying he loves wounded warriors but will make more of them. >> that's problematic. >> and this is what i was just telling chris that i find interesting when he interviews donald trump, chris likes to get into the nitty-gritty and to drill them. and donald trump stays on the surface. he's a lot of style sometimes. over substance. >> that's right. >> at what point do people demand more. >> well, they might not demand more at all.
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take him back to 2008, you have this guy who is relatively untested named barack obama and he's saying hope and change, hope and change. the skeptics would say, change what? hope for what? what are you talking about? and a lot of voters didn't want to get too deep into the weeds. when trump -- i mean, i heard your exchange with him as him sort of saying i'm writing ious. i'll build a wall and tell you how later. i'll deport 11 million people. i'll tell you how later. and so people -- >> that does work. voters can be -- >> of course it does. >> that works when you're on your way to the ballot box. >> especially when you're not measured the way everybody else is. he's getting the benefit of that and i couldn't believe he called himself a politician. in that interview, he resisted talking about it for the purpose of this, but jackie, we have been saying this all along because it's true, he doesn't get measured to the standard of a typical politician because people don't see him as one. when he says i'm not going to do what they do, seems to be enough
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for now. >> he has a fearless to his rhetoric. i'm taking on isis, mexico and the pope. he's going to take on the pope. he really doesn't have a -- >> isis is coming for you, jackie. i couldn't believe he didn't say hillary is coming for you. that is where he went too far last night. saying she has criminal problems, we see any reason to believe that right now? >> you're hearing a lot of republican candidates speculate. that's one of the places that donald trump is actually reflecting a lot of what the republican field is. maybe he's going a little further with what he said, but i think you're hearing that a lot. and they're trying to really pin that on hillary clinton. >> jackie, thank you so much. in terms of what he was talking about, if anything he was more himself in this interview doubling down on his contempt with mexico and the american companies moving their operations there. listen to what he says to people moving there.
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>> the united states, no tax, no nothing. just come right across the border. the next thing you know they'll have the illegals driving across the border. take them in, drive them in, it's cheaper that way, okay? >> we have much more of our interview with what he says he'll do about those companies ahead. but first, we have a very special guest. come on out, flo! [house band playing] you have anything to say to flo? nah, i'll just let the results do the talking. [crowd booing] well, he can do that. we show our progressive direct rate and the rates of our competitors even if progressive isn't the lowest. it looks like progressive is not the lowest! ohhhh! when we return, we'll find out whether doug is the father. wait, what?
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okay, so the main reason a growing number of you say trump could be your president when it comes to policy, anyway, is the economy. and he has two big ideas. one is how to get jobs back from mexico. the other is who should be in charge of america's relationships with countries like china and japan. here they are. >> i'll be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. i'm take them back from china, from japan, from mexico, which is doing an incredible job. their leaders are much smarter
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than our leaders. they are taking tremendous industry. if you look, nabi sco just announced they are leaving chicago. nabisco is building in mexico. ford is building a $2.5 billion manufacturing car plant for cars, trucks and parts in mexico. >> how do you keep them? >> one thing you do is keep them by talking to them. but if they go there, they will make cars and they will sell them to the united states, no tax, no nothing. just come right across the border. the next thing you know, they'll have the illegals driving them right across the border. take them in, drive them in, it's cheaper that way, okay? you have to talk to these people. you have to go and see the head of ford. >> they say the labor is cheaper over there. >> we'll say, that's fine, if the labor is cheaper there, but you have to pay a tax to get the cars back in and pay a penalty. if you put a penalty on a tariff
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or wlahatever you call it, and believe me, china does it to us. china dumps all their stuff to us, i'm not complaining about that, but i have friends that are manufacturers and cannot get their product into china. so if they are going to do it to us, we have to do it to them. >> but then they say my car will cost more for your people. >> well, we can make cars here and maybe a person the weather buy fewer cars over the lifetime. who cares. we have to bring back the cars, we have no choice. >> i hear you but the question is how. in the scenario you have ford saying, it's cheaper over here and you're going to punish the consumer. >> you are not punishing the consumer. we owe $18 trillion. very soon it will be $20 trillion that we owe. we have to start creating jobs. we have to start creating wealth. look, we all go to good schools, i go to great schools, you go to great schools, you don't have to be even a smart -- you don't have to be the great student to know when ford builds this massive plant to build cars and then they bring them back into our country, no tax, we have
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nothing, we get nothing. they leave michigan. i was just in michigan the other night. unbelievable people. we had an unbelievable crowd. they leave michigan, they take them out of detroit and all over the place and go to mexico. there's no way that help us. and you're going to have to do something with a tariff at the border. if they are making cars over there and leaving the united states to create jobs for mexico and not the united states, you know what? that's fine, but they have to pay some kind of a price. we are getting killed on trade. >> all right. >> interestingly, karl ikan agrees with me. >> but you wouldn't put him in charge of china. >> i would absolutely put him in charge of china. >> it is not a business, it is a whole governmental thing. >> no, it's a business, too. you can come up with me in this building, you'll see the largest bank from china is in this building. i have a great relationship with china, just like i do with
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mexico. >> don't you need diplomacy and all the policy? >> we have diplomacy now. they are killing us. with me, they will like us and we'll beat them, okay? how do i have the biggest bank as my tenant? they are my tenant. china, i sell tremendous amounts of units to people from china. they love me. "business week" had a story, what are the ten things china most wants? one of the ten was anything trump. i say, really, is that right? they respect the truth. they understand they are ripping us off. i take a guy like carl icahn, and i say, you watch over the deals with china because we are being killed on trade. believe me, we'll be so good, you should get a guy like carl on. we would be so good. >> would he take a job like that? >> he's already told me he would
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love to do it. >> the overseas trade deal? >> oversee trade deals in china. these are the greatest -- we have the smartest, greatest negotiators in the world. we have the greatest business people in the world. we don't use them. we use people like -- she's a very nice person, my daughter likes her lots, but caroline kennedy, okay? in japan, she didn't know how she got the job. i watched that on "60 minutes." she said, i asked for the job and they gave me the job. they said, would you like to be our ambassador to japan, i said, really? and as you know, the ambassador to japan has a big lull in trade. >> sure. >> i would much rather have henry cravitz or karl doing it. and you know what? we'll come out great. hey, chris, i was in los angeles and saw ships coming in from japan. the biggest ships i have seen loaded up with cars.
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okay? thousands of cars. they are pouring off the ships. >> because they are cheaper. >> they are pouring off the ships. and we send them beef. they don't want it. and we send them wheat. they don't want it. do you know what the imbalance is over the years with millions of cars and the little stuff we send them? it's massive. we've got to equalize it. >> fascinating. >> i just had a thought. it's going to make for very interesting press conferences from the white house. >> you think? >> it is fascinating. >> is it hard to talk to carl icahn about this?
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>> he says icahn wants the job and has talked to him. it's worth a move to see the history of the relationship between carl icahn and mr. trump. we have more on the interview and will talk about his plans to take on isis and how he feels about women in the military and his own family, coming up. mean while, a car bomb in cairo so powerful that it was felt throughout the city. isis is claiming responsibility but why is the terror group targeting egypt? and could more attacks be on the way? we'll take a look at that ahead. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours,
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good to have you back with us on "new day." a tale of two town halls with jeb bush and donald trump on attack. bush says donald trump has been a democrat longer than a republican. and trump calling bush unelectable saying, quote, bush is going down like a rock. and breaking news overseas, the south korean military firing a round of shells at north korea
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this morning. officials took action after north korea launched a rocket towards them. tensions have spiked in recent weeks after land mines wounded two south korean soldiers. also the north has threatened to blow up south korean propaganda and speakers at the border. isis is taking responsibility for attacking a building in cairo with a car bomb so powerful it was felt across the city. the early morning blast left a crater in the street destroying part of the building. six officers were hurt in the explosion. isis says the attack was carried out to avenge the execution of six terrorists convicted of carrying out an attack north of the egypt capital last year. dramatic new video showing the moment of the gas leak that caused the explosion at a washington state motel. surveillance video from the motel 6 in bremerton captured the blast from several angles as part of the building collapsed. the worker that was responding to the gas leak was critically injured. earlier in the day, three people
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were believed missing but officials now say everyone is accounted for. amazingly, no one was killed. tropical storm danny looks like it's going to become the first atlantic hurricane of the season. it is churning towards the caribbean. we'll turn to meteorologist chad myers for the latest as we track danny and its progress. >> it is running into a lot of dry air and sheer, two things that hurricanes don't like to grow that will kill they will. that's the good news. so far, yesterday at this time this was forecast to be a category 2 hurricane. by tomorrow afternoon, now only a category 1 as it moves into the caribbean. and you say why? why does dry air matter? well, dry air came up from africa blowing across the atlantic ocean and is sitting here. it is relatively dry, i understand it's the caribbean, but it's dry enough we are going to get -- as we push this storm, high pressure to the north, and as we push it into the leeward island area, we'll see it encounter the african sahara
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area. there it is brown there killing the force of the u the. the hurricanes want humidity and heat. and there's plenty of heat in the water but not enough heat in the land. only a cat 1 and forecast to be dying. there's a lot more time for this to move into the real caribbean and the gulf of mexico, so don't let your guard down. >> thank you so much for that. well, jeb bush slamming donald trump's conservative credentials as trump returns fire at dueling down halls last night in new hampshire. we'll take a closer look at their face-off next. just in case you were wondering what cheerios are made of whole. grain. oats.
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take over the leftover oil. and who did that turn out to be? isis. if you look at 2004, exactly what i said happened. so call it vision, i have to call it vision because i'm trying to get elected. first time in my life i'm trying to get elected, i'm a politician all of a sudden. >> that was donald trump in an interview with chris hours before trump and jeb bush slammed each other during these dueling town hall meetings in new hampshire. we'll discuss this with a former political director for george w. bush and currently the chairman of the american conservative union. and mercedes is the former spokesperson for george w. bush and a co-founder of co-strategies. good to see you both. matt, we'll start with you, we'll talk about the interesting dueling town halls where they both went at each other. right away they were 15 miles apart, there definitely was a difference in tone. let me play for you first what jeb bush said about donald trump.
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>> i have a proven conservative record, consistent proven conservative record. when no one was watching, long time proven conservative record. mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. he's given more money to democrats than republicans. >> what about that? is that an effective thing to point out? >> yeah, quite frankly jeb does have a proven conservative record. i remember when we were in the white house together, jeb bush was the leading conservative governor in a big state in the country. and it's smart of him to highlight that record. he cut taxes every year he was governor. he abolished funding for planned parenthood. he stood by terri schiavo to the end of her life. he has a conservative record. it's fair game for him to go out there to take donald trump on. donald trump is taking him on on the issues and i like it. >> mercedes, you two are
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married, hence the similar last name, but you don't agree on everything when it comes to mr. trump. shock, an american couple doesn't agree on everything. so when you hear donald trump going after his main play, jeb bush on immigration, saying he's weak, soft, it's an act of love when it isn't, do you think that's the winning strategy for the gop? >> well, i don't think so. i think that it really hurts with the latino voters. this is obviously a group of people we -- >> he says latinos love him and he'll win the vote. >> that's right because he said latinos love him to create jobs. but we know from the latino community, immigration is an importantish shoo uh that affects their families and those individuals who they might know who came to this country illegally. and what latinos are looking for is a compassionate, humane approach to immigration. which is what jeb bush and the other gop candidates have offered. i think donald trump has taken it a bit too far when it comes
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to his immigration policy. >> in fact, we'll look at the latest polling on this topic. this is a washington post/abc news poll from last month. this is how hispanics feel about 2016 in terms of choice. 66% is clinton, trump is 13%. matt, he'll need the hispanic vote to win. there are 28 million hispanics eligible to vote in 2016. so what does donald trump do about that? >> let's make it clear, i'm a pro-hispanic, but i'm a pro-immigration republican but i'm also a strong conservative. and my wife and i are part of this coalition that has to be pulled together for the republicans to win. we have to do better with hispanics. george w. bush got up to 45% with hispanics. we have to get in the zone. at the same time, we have to make sure we hold on to the conservative base. it is not just conservatives, but independents, people less partisan, more independent really worried about the illegal
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immigration problem. so i think what donald trump is saying on the facts is actually square on right. the language he uses is different from what republicans are used to over the last decade, but we've got to marry this together if we're going to be successful. >> how is he square on right about the facts when talking about immigration? >> he's square on right about the fact there's a real economic up security across this country. that's not the issue. wages have not risen. and we have the lowest labor participation rate in the economy since jimmy carter was president. >> do you buy his solution toic maing jobs, that he goes to ford and nabisco and tells them, you're going to make your stuff here or i will put a huge tariff on you? >> i have a different approach because i think the companies are just voting against the obama policies. i don't blame the ceos of the companies but believe barack obama and the types the of treaties negotiated and the laws we are passing -- if we don't have lower taxes in a regulatory state that allow companies to
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grow here, we will continue to fail. i think that he needs to focus on the right target and the target is barack obama. quite frankly he will. >> mercedes, i want to get your take on the hispanic vote. barack obama got 70% of it in 2012. how much can donald trump get? >> i just don't think donald trump can crack 20%. i mean, he's really going to struggle if he continues to push a very stridant immigration that doesn't show any way to find a legal path to -- for the individuals who are here for the undocumented immigrants that are here. i think that will be a very hard position for him to take. and i think at the end it does impact the latino vote. and to matt's point, we'll need that 45% of the latino vote. we have to build the broader coalition in the general election in order for the gop to win. >> matt, mercedes, gras et to have you on "new day." thank you so much. we are following a lot of
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news this morning. let's get right to it. >> you know what's happening to jeb's crowd? they are sleeping! >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. >> for him to get things done is hard. >> he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> politics is hard on a candidate. is donald trump worried about his family? >> they want to be out there and believe in what i'm saying. >> i regret this is a cause celebre. there was classified information in her e-mails. >> it is not about e-mails or servers either. it's about politics. north and south korea exchanging fire. tensions have been very high. south korea's military is on high alert at the moment. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira.
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good morning. donald trump and jeb bush took shots at each other last night. >> of course, the polls show voters have raised the trump candidacy, but how does his family hear about running? hear what he told me in a one-on-one interview ahead. first to sara murray in new hampshire. what do you have? >> reporter: good morning, chris. it was a very fiery evening last night with the dueling town halls, in part because jeb bush was much more aggressive in taking on gop frontrunner donald trump. let's take a look. ♪ >> step aside manny and floyd mayweather. >> thank you. >> reporter: donald trump and jeb bush are taking over the ring. in a night of dueling town halls in new hampshire, just 15 miles apart and within an hour of each
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other, both republican presidential candidates threw jabs. >> i don't see how he's electable. jeb bush is a low energy person. for him to get things done is hard. he's very low energy. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> reporter: though bush set the date for his town hall first, his crowd of about 200 got walloped by trump's 1200. >> we have a lot of people outside, hundreds and hundreds of people standing outside. >> reporter: some even spilling into the over flow room to see the candidate in his first official town hall. >> you know what's happening to jeb's crowd as you know right down the street? they're sleeping! he was supposed to do well in new hampshire. he's gone down like a rock. >> reporter: though he dubbed himself the joyful tortoise, it seems wednesday night was the night bush came out of his shell throwing this punch at bush's immigration policy. >> hundreds of billions of dollars of costs to implement
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his plans is not a conservative plan. >> reporter: a blow the gop frontrunner blocked telling reporters -- >> the only thing constant is trump. all of them change in the bottom going up and down like yo-yos. i'm not going anywhere, folks. i'm not doing this for my health, i'm doing this to make america great again. >> reporter: florida's former governor doesn't think that's enough to win the fight. >> if we're going to want someone sitting behind the big compass importants north, they have the integrity to act on what they will say they will do and have the leadership skills to do so. that's it. >> reporter: now jeb bush and donald trump are going separate ways today. jeb bush stays in new hampshire barnstorming the state with two additional events here. meanwhile, donald trump is looking ahead to friday where he heads to alabama for a pep rally. his staff says they already have 25,000 rsvps for the event and are moving it to a football
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stadium. back to you, chris. >> thank you, sara. one of the most surprising findings in the latest cnn/orc poll is trump's stance when it comes to isis. many people say he can handle it even though he gets most of his information not from policy teams but from us, "new day." watching this show and others in reading newspapers and magazines. watch. so you said something earlier about the poll that you came out ahead on isis. that was a surprise to people. >> not to me because i talk about it a lot. >> one of the reasons is that you get a lot of your military analysis from watching television. >> see -- i watch your show and i watch other shows. and you have the best channels, the best -- you have a great staff. frankly better than i could get. in all fairness, what do i know? i'm a man that has made a great fortune, i'm going to make our country rich and make our
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country great, but you know what? you do -- you get me the right generals and i'll see all sorts of people, you will stoop down to the colonel stuff, you go all over the place but you have a lot of other people. and so do other shows. and they are really good people. and i watch that. and i read "the times" and a lot of others. and i read magazines, especlly "time" magazine this week because i'm on the ever co. but i read magazines and read other things. sure, i need a team. but by the time you get to a problem, we are talking a long ways away, it's going to be changed. you'll have a whole set -- different countries will be run by different people in all fairness. >> so when jeb bush says i have a policy team of staff, he doesn't have that. >> he says he does, okay. look, he can say -- he's a low energy person, jeb bush, he has low energy. which is okay, it's good, if you want to lead a long life, but he's a low energy person. perhaps he sits down all day long with a particular general.
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but you know what? i can get a lot of information in a very short time. i have met with numerous -- i was given the biggest award by the marines just the other day, just about one of the biggest in the marines the other day, i was with the new joint head chief of staff at the waldorf astoria the other night. it was given a distinguished award, which was a great honor for me -- >> so you think they respect you. >> i think they do. i got the award from them and they presented it to me, so i think they do. but when i say that, a lot of people thought that was very smart. you know, i watch all of the shows, you get the best people. you know, because even the generals want to be on television, right? or they are retired generals in many cases. but i see a lot of good things by watching your show and other shows. and it's really nothing to be laughed at or scoffed at. >> and if you took it to the next level, you would have your own policies. >> i do.
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without naming names. and i watch the other shows. and you're into this, when i watch the other shows, there are other people i think are terrific that i can do better by watching and seeing and reading. and then i know who i maybe want to speak to more so. you are not going to meet with 400 different people. so i do learn a lot by watching and i do learn a lot by reading the various newspapers and magazines as well. and i find it to be a fascinating subject. and many people agree with me on isis. >> probably reflected in the poll. today, what do you think your chances of becoming president of the united states are? >> well, i never like to talk about chances. i'm doing really well and leading every poll. your polls have been very, very strong. fox news came out a couple days ago very similar to your poll, leading everything. i was most happy with your poll because my daughter and my wife
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came up to me, and they know how passionate i am with women taking care of women. i cherish women. and they are so important. and when i watched jeb bush a week ago not wanting to fund the women's health issues, and he wanted to not fund them. he said, well, i don't think we need to spend $500 billion -- that kind -- >> i watched him make the statement. >> he went back and was rewound up by his pollsters and said, by the way, you made a mistake. and so he said he misspoke. but how do you misspeak about that. my daughter came up to me and said, the one thing you should do is talk a little bit about women's health issues because you are so good on it, you know about it. and protect him in more than one way, protect him militarily, too. we are such a target. this country is such a target
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because we're considered to be weak. we are a weak country. we are considered to be weak now. and i will protect women more than anybody. >> you don't think we're considered the strongest country in the world militarily? >> i think we are a country in serious decline. look at our education, we are number 25 in the world and spend far more than anybody else per student. >> would you let women fight in the military? in the rangers and all the elite ones? >> yeah, i guess the answer is yes because i want to hear the truth. you know, to the public they say, yes, yes, yes, but i wouldn't want to hear without a political plug. i tell you what, i heard some women who -- i also want to
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speak to the military. >> when you came on last week to say, i don't have to talk about what i do with women, i can show what i do with women. we hire them and put them in positions of excellence and pay them better than their male counterparts if it warrants. >> better. >> your office provided their proof of performance. here are the jobs, it happens. it's a private company, we don't want to out the people -- >> although they would be willing to do it. >> that's right. i'll sign the nondisclosure. that goes out and you issue the challenge to the other candidates. the media dismisses it. what the is your take on why? >> for the most part, the candidates never hired anybody. i have had to pay for education for really great people. i have a great company, as you probably noticed when i did my filings, so i'm very proud of my company. the problem with the other candidates, they might have
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nobody looking for them. i'm a job-producing machine. >> how much do you think the -- what do i know comment is going to pick up traction? he said that. >> yeah, about the military. you challenged him about where he gets his information. he said, what do i know? you can gloss over it because he gets back to being the best. >> i think he also knows that people aren't agreeing with him on these issues. they think he's speaking about these with a frankness that politicians don't because they don't want to have to do anything. and that's allowing him to escape the hard scrutiny of the how. i keep saying in this interview, how would you do that? and he's lighter on that. but in defense of it, he doesn't need it. he can be lighter on right now because --
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>> you can be light on it and -- >> that's right. you don't need heavy policy this far out. something he talked about that i have not heard him talk about before is his family. the kids are all stars. and they are doing big things in their own lives. how do they feel about exposing them to politics? and what about his wife? why haven't we seen her? we'll get to the other headlines with several breaking stories overseas. north and south korea trading fire over their heavily fortified border. a round of shells were found after rocket iing at them. kathy novak has the latest for us. >> reporter: south korea has their military on high alert here after north korea has been issuing threats over two issues. the first is that the united states and south korea are
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holding joint military exercises. this is something that always angers the regime of kim jong un. and they have resumed psychological warfare broadcasting anti-korean messages into north korea. that makes the regime very unhappy to keep tight controls on anything tied to its population. now we are hearing from south korea's defense ministry saying if south korea does not stop this warfare by 5:00 p.m. saturday local time, it will take military action. >> that's a troubling warning. thank you for that. and breaking news from egypt. isis is taking responsibility for the scene devastating with dozens of people wounded. nick paton walsh is in beirut.
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how is it looking there? >> reporter: the windows have been blown out for blocks around this blast. 2:00 in the morning hitting near a main security building in the capital injuring 29, six of those police officers. a massive crater left isis claiming responsibility in a statement that it passed through there and you get the impression this is a group in the sinai peninsula. they are saying the execution of six militants is the reason for the attack. this particular attack at 2:00 in the morning, perhaps that's why nobody died . and someone saw a man jump out
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of the car and hop on his motorcycle and drive away. the authorities are living in fear to worry about them in the department of the fences but it's still a dark remind er. they are able to get so close to the capital to defend it, chris. >> nick, you're pointing out that this group has adopted the brand of isis. it shows the breach of the organization as an important attraction. and the manhunt intensifying in bang kokok. ten people could have been involved in the attack that. how do they know so many people were involved? tell us. >> reporter: chris, so far in the last 24 hours since we have spoken, we have been speaking to police about their
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investigations. they told us they believe this main suspect, that gal in the yellow t-shirt. he was taken away from the scene and speaking a language they could not identify. he also had help to make the bomb and place it. as you mentioned, this is not part of the international terror network. of course, you and i know whenever there's some kind of bombing by isis, al qaeda, any kind of a major terrorist organization like that, they are very quick to claim responsibility. they want to show power and authority over people but they have not claimed any responsibility yet. it will be some kind of domestic
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problem and thailand does have a huge politicalish shum. and we have seen bombing in the past but not quite on this scale. meanwhile, breaking here in the united states, three firefighters died battling a wildfire in northern washington state. authorities say the victims crashed in their vehicle as they were trying to extinguish the flames near twisp. four other firefighters were hurt. we are told one critically. president obama has been briefed on the situation. in fact, he's urged his administration to stay in touch with local officials and provide federal asis the answer when needed. another police-involved shooting has the city of st. louis on edge. police used tear gas to dispense a group of demonstrators after officers fatally shot a black teenager. ryan young is live in st. louis to tell us what happened. ryan? >> reporter: alex, do you really
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want to ask that question? here's some of the video that happened overnight. police got a search warrant and the 18-year-old points a gun in their direction. they open fire killing him. up it says he had three stolen gu guns. the police show up to try to disperse the crowd with tear gas. and then someone set fires to buildings throughout the area. we are told those buildings were vacant. but still you can feel the tension rising. obviously, you can feel it through that video and people very upset about what happened to an 18-year-old shot. police say they had to defend this. >> thank you very much. appreciate the report. this was a real shock,
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former pitch man for subway, jared fogle, is being remembered for something terrible. he's admitted to being a child predator. jean casarez is live with the latest. in the beginning, jean, they thought this would be about files and somehow got in to his hard drive. such serious charges, right? >> this is the subway guy. normally we would say someone allegedly distributed child pornography, but they allegedly came to new york and engaged in child prostitution. but when you have a signed plea agreement as cnn received a copy of, jared fogle is saying, i did it. >> remember jared from subway? >> reporter: the former spokesman for subway sandwiches jared fogle says he's guilty as charged. admitting in federal court on wednesday a total of 14 underaged victims.
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>> based on this conduct, mr. fogle faces 5 to 12 years in federal prison. >> reporter: the details all spelled out in federal court documents filed wednesday. documents say between 2011 and april of this year fogle received images of minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct from russell taylor, the former head of the jared foundation. authorities say taylor used hidden cameras to catch this. in 2012 fogle paid a 12-year-old for sex at a new york plaza hotel. later offering her a finder's fee if she introduced her to other girls. the younger the better according to documents. >> this is about using wealth and secrecy to legally exploit children. >> reporter: appearing in hundreds of subway commercials
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over the years helped jared earn an estimated $15 million. >> this is what i used to wear. >> reporter: once a role model for americans. now required to register as a sex offender. his wife announced in a statement saying she's filing for divorce saying, obviously, i'm extremely shocked and disappointed by the recent developments involving jared. my focus is exclusively on the well-being of my children. jared fogle has not entered a guilty plea or been sentenced, but right now he's being treated by a psychiatrist and medical doctor. we'll talk about the names here as he continues to pay . immediately this will be entered and filed into court and the victims will be played
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immediately. he's worth $15 million. >> and the wife is seeking disillusion of the marriage, too. two children. >> and a list of the victims, what he's done to his kids and wife, i know people say this is an illness but tough to accept as that. >> and there could be other victims. at this point they don't know of any but there could be. >> thank you. back to donald trump and his tough talk on hillary clinton as she keeps trying to get her e-mail controversy behind her. he's adamant the scandal will cost her the chance of winning the white house. is that right? we'll debate it.
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and what's the purpose of it? you know, it is always skirting the edge, what's the purpose of it? in the end she had something in mind, she didn't want people to know or something, but what is she doing and why is she doing it? >> you think this is really going to hurt her long time? >> i think it is devastating for the election but her bigger problem is not the election. i think her bigger problem is going to be the criminal problem. >> all right. that's donald trump in a wide-ranging interview with chris. he did not mince words. he thinks there's so much more there with hillary clinton. we'll talk this over with zeke
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who interviewed donald trump for this week's "time" cover story. we have video from that, which is very interesting. we'll get to that in a moment. but first, carl, great to have you on the set with us. >> good to be here. >> we'll talk about hillary clinton and what is going on. donald trump said that's criminal. her communications director had to sit down with bloomberg. here's where they talked about the server that had been handed over and there's dispute on whether or not there's information on the server or wiped clean. so listen to this moment. >> when i delete e-mail, i hit delete. that's what most americans do. did she ask people to do more than that or not? >> no. >> no? >> she has lawyers to look at all the e-mails and decide what was personal and official. and she decided to not retain the personal ones. and they were deleted. >> so do we know, as the server been wiped clean of any
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information? >> we know they said it's been wiped clean but we know that visual footprints live on forever. so there's some expectation among them to track it down. >> but if they need it for investigative purposes, why would her lawyer wipe it clean? >> what they wiped clean were the personal e-mails, from the the professional e-mails or anything related to confidential matters or top secret. >> when did they do the wiping? after the request to turn it over or before? that's relevant also. donald trump is using this to great effect. he compared it to petraeus. petraeus was dealing with classified information, we know that. that's why he was prosecuted and ended up getting stuck. but we don't know that here. >> we don't know that. with petraeus, he was the current cia director and there was concern he could be blackmailed in position. with hillary, obviously, we are looking at this several years after stepping down as secretary of state. but overall, not a good couple weeks for hillary with the
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billion numbers down against bernie sanders. joe biden talking about running. people are bringing up the ghost of al gore jumping in. not her best week as you saw, but not up usual for a frontrunner at this time of the year. still 178 out from iowa. >> okay, zeke, we have just gotten permission to unveil the "time" magazine interview with donald trump. give us the headlines. >> well, the big headline is donald trump is breaking every rule in politics and proud of it and not going anywhere. he calls himself one of the most authentic politicians in the country and everyone else is a phony. in talking to him, it is easy so see why he says that. >> he is intelligent. >> this is video from the interview and from the shoot, zeke. what is happening here? why is he holding a bald eagle? >> because america -- you know,
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we wanted to get donald trump in sort of a more humorous setting to sort of reveal the real donald trump. and the real donald trump with a bald eagle next to him is a lot like the donald trump you see sitting across the desk from him or the one on tv. we were trying to take him a little bit out of his comfort zone. and he's unflappable. >> no pun intended. no pun intended as he sits across from that 5-foot wingspan to open his head like an eggshell. >> a lot of p.t. barnum. and we have not had this much entertainment since ross perot. and we'll see what happens with chris, that was an excellent interview. he talked about isis and you heard him talk about china, mexico, who is going to negotiate. no matter what you say about whether or not he's willing to get into specific policy details, he's not afraid to jump in on the issues and put a little pizazz out there.
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>> this is a generous assessment and i'll take it, thank you. he said yesterday he's a politician. he knows the game. this morning he's going on with friends and making sure that he can clean up and reclassify anything that he doesn't like about how the interview went yesterday. that's how he knows how to work the game. one of the soundbytes is the fact that politicians can be bought and used. >> when all the candidates accept all this money, they are puppets. nobody plays the game better than me, but they are all puppets. especially if they are not finished with their careers and run again, because they want this money coming in the next time. they are all puppets. so with me, the one thing, and one of the reasons i'm doing so well in the polls is because i'm definitely not a pope uppet. >> zeke, to the theory of your magazine saying he's breaking the rules, he goes on to say
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they don't want a puppet. right now he's on tv to make sure he qualifies everything he said to me yesterday. is that making him successful? >> absolutely. he's basically saying, you know, there's an established way you run for president, the way you run for any political office, and i'm going to throw that out the window or the backup rules out the window. i'm going to be myself. he's going to do it -- run for president the way he was on "the apprentice." he'll move to the top of the ratings on that network and now looks to rise to the top of the polls. he thinks about it all the same. it's a deal, about entertaining and also about how does he get the most leverage for himself, the most exposure for himself and his ideas. and you see that he really is -- the same way he was in business, the same way he was as a reality tv host and the same way he's a presidential candidate. >> can we pull up the trump bald eagle video again?
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can we look at this because it's fascinating? >> did you think it was a beer commercial? >> no, i think it's a striking similarity. >> between the eagle and the candidate? >> yes. >> are you talking hair here? >> yes! am i the only person that thinks this? if you were an animal, he would be a bald eagle. >> that's a barbara walters question. i love that. it's too good. one more thing to remember about donald, four years ago who was in the lead in the polls at this time? rick perry. eight years ago, rudy giuliani, not so, it's still early. but it was smart he started to talk about family. in the same way that barack obama did in '07 to bring oprah to the campaign trail in late '07. sometimes an important endorsement is needed. maybe it is family, someone else, maybe a bald eagle. >> remember, the game eventually
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gets refereed. you can't go on television with people who are nice to you because you want to keep coming on. he'll keep doing interviews with us and have people hold him in account for more ideas, and that's when the game changes on that. >> did he bring up his wife and family or did you prompt him? >> we brought it up. it was not part of the sales pitch but his family is something he's very proud of. and he's got good reason. his wife is something he'll have to deal with. she's going to matter also. >> that being she has to come out to be a part of the campaign. >> yeah. i don't think in this day and age you can hide family. >> his kids can be helpful. >> zeke miller, thank you for the information. >> good stuff there. so it's not a cheap shot, this is the fact. donald trump when he met his current wife, she was not a
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citizen, she was an immigrant. when you got married, she became a scitizen working here legally. does she ever get married about you talking about the immigrants? now, how did she become a citizen? is she bothered by his position on immigration? the answer is ahead. they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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donald trump, his provocations are putting him at the top of the poll. he sat down to get deeper into explaining his positions and also to explain himself a bit more. so what else? we have more of the conversation with him this morning. this time it wasn't just about him but his family. he opened up about what it was like to get them on board with this. remember, they have a lot on the line. and he revealed what is going on with his wife, we haven't seen her. what's the reason for that? here he is. >> the family, your kids do great. everybody says you raised them well. they are making their own paths. have you thought about what it will mean for your kids?
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because you know it's a lot -- being trump's kid is something, but do you think, man, it's a lot on them? >> i sat down with them and said this months ago. >> now you're in a very different place. >> my wife said something interesting. she's my pollster, okay? she said, you know if you actually announce, you're going to win. i said, what? >> as a supportive partner. >> no, it's great. she's the most wonderful person or smart to say that. but she said, you know if you announce, because no one thinks you're going to run. and that's what happened. once i announced, then people said, will he file this paper and that paper? and will he file his financials? and the financials were bigger than anyone thought. they thought i wouldn't want to file the financials. i'm very proud. what i did, i have an unbelievable company, but she said to me, you know that if you actually announce, you know you're going to win. i said, i don't know that. but the response has been pretty
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amazing. >> what do you -- you think about that, you say your wife, is she going to campaign for you? is she ready to be first lady? she's been quiet on this so far. >> and purposely. i have tremendous respect for melania. and ivana would be fantastic. >> would you put your kids out there? >> they want to be out there. they believe in what i'm saying. from the women's health issue, melania is wonderful, and ivanka. she say bush knocking her the other day and it bothered her. >> everybody says your marriage is great and you're a testament to something that seems to be
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working these day. when you got married, she became a citizen and was here working legally. does she ever get mad about how you talk about the immigrants? >> she went through a long process to become a citizen. it was very tough. she went through a long process to become a citizen of this country. and she thinks it's a wonderful process to go through. and when she got here, she was very proud of it. she came from europe and she was very, very proud of it. and she thinks it's a beautiful process when it works. now, we can expedite, one of the things i really want to do, i want to take in really talented people, too. in silicon valley, they can't get talent no matter what you do. you can't get talent. so i want to take in people from europe, asia and all over the world. if you graduate number one in your class from harvard or the wharton school of finance or yale and you're from another country, they throw you out of the country and can't come back in. i don't want to do that. i want to keep talented people. let them go to silicon valley and all over the place, because
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that's what we need. i want people to come into the country but i want them to come in legally. >> thoughts? comments? observations? did you like my tie? >> i did like your tie. >> i'm great he talked about his family. particularly his wife, we don't see her much. >> because that's part of the whole thing, right? >> and you don't see her, so maybe you think he's not comfortable with what he's doing. >> i'm in favor of leaving families alone. yes, i grew up in one and don't think it was a positive experien experience. but she was an immigrant. when did they have their first kid? was she a citizen before they had the first kid? i believe that's true. people are going to be digging to find holes on him. that may wind up going toward his family and that's an ugly part of the game. ugly part of the game. so we're talking with donald trump because he wanted to get deeper into what he says than what you're used to hearing. his plans on undocumented
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immigrants, illegal aliens and how to get them out of the country are extreme and he explains them. and he talks about what he would tell the pope. the pope shook his finger and said, i want to talk to you about capitalism. donald trump is ready to have that conversation. >> fascinating. we're ready for that. still ahead, if you're a traveler, pay attention. you want to see this on your next flight? you might have to pay more for such in quotation luxuries. like a seat? a seat assignment. >> is it cheaper? a leaning post. with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. imagine - she won't have to or obsess about security. she'll log in with her smile. he'll have his very own personal assistant. and this guy won't just surf the web. he'll touch it. scribble on it.
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news breaking overseas. the south korean military firing a round of shells at north korea this morning. officials say they took this action after north korea launched a rocket at them. tensions in the region have spiked in recent weeks after land mines wounded two south korean soldiers. the north also threatened to blow up loud speakers placed at the border broadcasting propaganda. also breaking this morning, isis now claiming responsibility for attacking a security building in cairo with a car bomb. the early morning blast partially destroyed the building
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and left a crater in the street. 29 people including six police officers were injured in that explosion. isis says the attack was carried out to avenge the execution of six terrorists who were convicted of carrying out the attack north of the egyptian capital last year. look at these images. a fireball erupting in amish country. a diesel tank exploded. what is incredible when you look at that image, nobody was injured. >> wow. >> it had the potential to be very devastating. >> sounds like we need a little levity. late night is primetime for presidential comedy. we have the best political punch lines for you next.
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right now. at the extension of presidential candidates, in case you were sleeping like all of us here's what you missed. >> a new cnn poll shows donald trump is polling within six points of hillary clinton. it's the closest trump has ever gotten to a woman over 40. >> today is bill clinton's birthday. yeah. hillary send bill an e-birthday card and out of habit she immediately deleted it. >> trump said heidi is no longer a ten. but heidi said the comment didn't bother her especially coming from someone that is not even a four. >> while he's doing that his wife melania just reads the prenup. >> donald trump said our country is going to hell.
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he said, but not fast enough, that's why i'm running. >> they're just loving this right now. >> of all the thing trump said, him saying that heidi klum is no longer a ten is ridiculous. >> she did that little video that said 9.9. >> it should have said 11. here's the moment. you meet the pope. there's a translator there. he says oh this is nice. the pope believes that capitalism can be a real avenue to greed and he's shaking his finger at you as he says it. what do you say in response to the pope? i bet there's no chance you know what the answer is to this question. you'll get it right ahead.
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>> i don't see how he's electable. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> he has a message for the pope. >> i'd say isis wants to get you. >> north and south korea exchanging fire. >> tensions have been very high here. >> isis claiming responsibility for attacking a security building in cairo with a car bomb. >> this attack in the heart of the capital, the worst really, 29 injured, six of those said to be police, knocking windows out around for blocks. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to your "new day." it is thursday, august 20th, 8:00 in the east. let's start with the town hall
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throwdown. taking shots at each other. >> trump saying that bush is, quote, unelectable. while bush calls trump's words on immigration vitriolic. first, let's go to cnn's sarah murray live in new hampshire. tell us about these dueling town halls, sarah. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. town hall's not very far apart. part of the reason they were so fiery is because jeb bush took a new strategy last night. he was much more aggressive in his attacks on donald trump. let's take a look. step aside manny pacquiao and floyd mayweather. donald trump and jeb bush are taking over the ring. in a night of dueling town hall in the new hampshire, just 15 miles apart and within an hour
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of each other, both republican presidential candidates threw jabs. >> i don't see how he's electable. jeb bush is a low energy person. for him to get things done is hard. he's very low energy. >> mr. trump doesn't have a proven conservative record. he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a republican. >> reporter: though bush set the date for his town hall first, his crowd of about 200 got walloped by trump's 1200. some even spilling into an overflow room to see the candidate in his first official town hall. >> you know what's happening to jeb's crowd right down the street? they're sleeping. he was supposed to do well in new hampshire. he's going down like a rock. >> though he's tdubbed himself
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the joyful tor tois. >> all of them change. they're going up and down like y yo yos. i'm not going anywhere, folks. i'm doing this to make america great again. >> florida's former governor doesn't think that's enough to win the fight. >> someone sitting behind a big desk that they know their compass points north, that they have the leadership skills to make it so. that's it. >> reporter: today jeb bush continues barn storming in new hampshire. he has two additional stops here today. meanwhile donald trump is looking ahead to friday. he's holding a pep rally in alabama. a campaign staffer told me the rsvps just keep coming in. they had to find a new venue. now the event will be held in a
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football stadium. >> and you'll be there, because you're everywhere. you were on last night and here this morning and you look like you slept for 15 hours. i don't get it. trump standing firm on illegal immigration. >> your people in the gop worry that you're going to alienate the hispanic population. >> i have to do the right thing. >> you have 20 million voters, pulling the birthright exception. you shouldn't be taking such an extreme position. what do you say? >> i have to do the right thing. it's a time, you know, this country is so politically correct. i took a lot of heat. you gave it to me too. you were one of the leaders that first week and week and a half after i made the announcements. and a lot of people were not reading it the way i said it.
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that is now fact and i've been complemented by some of the people. i brought up the whole thing of illegal immigration. >> you definitely changed nature of the dialogue. i certainly would never take your words out of context. >> some people did. at some point we have to be honest with ourselves. now they like to use the word undocumented because it's more political. i don't use that word. they're illegal immigrants. they came over illegally. some are wonderful people and they've been here for a while. they've got to go out. >> how do you do it in a practical way? >> at some point we're going to try to get them back, the good ones. >> you say you're going to get rid of whole families but then you want them back. >> we have to have a border, we
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have to have a wall. mexico will pay for the wall. >> you say they're going to pay for a $400 billion wall. >> they make a fortune from us. their leaders are smart as hell. i mean 300,000 births this year illegals in our country. that means we picked up 300,000 people that are going to get social security. you have people on the border and in one day they walk over, have a baby and all of a sudden we're supposed to pay the baby. the 14th amendment is questionable as to whether or not somebody can come over, have a baby and immediately the baby is a situation. >> this is a minority legal opinion you're talking about. >> there are many people that totally feel that -- amending is
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too big a deal. it will be two terms. i'd be in my second term in my eighth year assuming everything went smoothly. i believe you can win it legally. and in any event the parents have to leave. if the parents leave, unless they are very bad people they're going to take their baby. >> 75% of the country believes you should find a way to let people stay with conditions as opposed to kicking them out. >> we're going to try to expedite so they can come back. but they're going do come back legally. when you look at baltimore, when you look at chicago, when you look at the crime going on, some of these people are illegal immigrants, they're gang members, they're the toughest of the group. >> you know most of them are coming in here to fight for the dream. >> the first thing i'm doing is
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getting the bad ones out. and they're gone, and they're not coming back either. i'm going to increase the hell out of the border in terms of the guards and the border patrol. they're fantastic. they want to be able to do their job. they're stopped from doing their job. before i even start the wall -- do you know one of the things that's holding up the wall? environmental impact statements. can you believe this? >> what about going after the employe employers? >> they've checked all of my buildings, so far with all of the jobs that i have, washington, so far nobody's found one. are you impressed? >> i was impressed the moment you sat down. the agro companies take them in because it's cheap labor.
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>> we do have people that could do those jobs and they're unplou unemployed now in this country. second of all, those good people, i want them to come back in. i want them to go out, but i want them to come back legally. >> do you go after the employers who are doing it the wrong way? >> absolutely. >> let me ask you about the pop. the pope's coming. do you want to meet him? >> i'm protestant, but i have great respect for the pope. >> the pope says i want to tell him something. the translator says to you the pope believes that capitalism can be a real avenue to greed, it can be toxic and corrupt and he's shaking his finger at you. what do you say to the pope? >> i'd say that isis wants to
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get you. isis wants to go in and take over the vatican. you do know that. >> you're going to scare the pope? >> i'm going to have to scare the pope. the pope, i hope, can only be scared by god. but i tell you what, the pope, i hope, can only be scared by god. but the truth is if you look at what's going on, they better hope that capitalism works, because it's the only thing we have right now. it's a great thing when it works properly. in our country it has not been working properly. between regulation, between all of the different things that have been imposed, we aren't competitive like we used to be. we have to open up our country to great capitalism. i don't think the pope is opp e opposed to capitalism by the way. >> you dodged a bullet.
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you dodged a lightning bolt rather. >> i don't know where to begin. so the pope is a good guy, he says, but he needs to scare the pope into reality, i guess. >> no. he just doesn't take criticism from anybody evidently. i tell you one thing he slipped on me there. i kept asking will you go after employers, will you go after employers? what he said was, you go to the employers and find out who the illegals are. i said why don't you punish the people who are hiring illegals. he slipped me on that. >> that was a great question. >> i thought it was a great answer, because what he was saying was -- he doesn't want to scare the pope obviously, but that we are the people keeping the bad guys away in america. and the reason we're able to do out is the engine of capitalism. >> thanks so much for all of
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that. we have some other headlines. there's been breaking news overseas. north korea and south korea are exchanging fire over their heavily protected borders. let's get all the latest from kathy novak live in seoul with all of the sedetails. >> reporter: the south korea military is on high alert here tonight. the president chaired a meeting of the national security council. she has ordered the military to sternly take action against north korea's provocation. this is all happening while the united states and south korea are holding joint military drills. this is something that always makes north korea very angry. and angry that for the first time in ten years south korea has resumed psychological warfare. it is using large loud speakers on the border that send messages
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to north korea. north korea has given south korea an ultimatum. it said if they do not stop broadcasting these messages, it will take military action. >> that's ominous. okay. thank you for that. we're also following breaking news out of the egypt. dozens of people hurt after isis launched a car bomb attack in cairo. what happened, nick? >> reporter: it's the central nature of this building, how key it is to egyptian authorities, that makes this attack to them the most troubling. 29 injuries. a car was driven up to near the building, perhaps using the fact they tried the attack at 2:00 in the morning. maybe the security was less when the car was dropped off. the attacker got out and got on
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a motorbike that sped away. isis not specific act which particular affiliate that may have been behind this. many we're pointing the finger towards particularly given how the isis statement said this attack was revenge for the attack on six militants back in may. what does this mean for cairo, that massively populous city, the most populous nation in the arab world in the months ahead? and what does it mean for the president of egypt. there's always been a problem in sinai. now isis appear to have their branding attached to those sinai militants. and where does this leave ordinary life somebody as busy and bustling as cairo. chris. we have breaking news for
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you. there's a wildfire that claimed the lives of three firefighters. four other firefighters were hurt, the blaze spreading near the town of twisp. protesters clashed the police after the shooting death of a black teenager. he allegedly pointed a gun at police officers who were there executing a search warrant. police used tear gas on term stray t demonstrators. an attorney for hillary clinton now acknowledging that her server was wiped clean before it was turned over to the fbi. clinton's campaign also acknowledging there was information on the server that's now considered classified but was not classified at the time.
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donald trump is definitely talking the talk, but can he deliver on what he says we would do with mexico and china? we're going to ask former presidential candidate john huntsman. complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t's innovative solutions connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i'm scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt.
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why do i want to be president? because i love this country and i know that i can make it great again. i know it. for you, you know? and really for you. these folks, they've seen it, but it's for you. >> that was donald trump in new hampshire last night. when trump spoke to chris in their one on one sitdown, he said he is the only man who would be able to deal with threats from overseas including a trade threat from china. let's bring in john huntsman. he was the ambassador to china and to singapore. he's now cochair of no labels. thank you so much for being on "new day." >> pleasure to be with you. >> you are the perfect person to talk to this morning about all of this, because you were
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ambassador to china, you were a governor and of course you ran for president yourself. what do you make of the ascent of trump? >> people want to feel good about their country. they want to feel good about themselves. and trump is giving a full-throated message and hitting all of the high points on the issues that people feel pretty passionate about. the question becomes then, can he go from a protest vote to a mainstream candidate? and in order to do that you've got to come up with policy proposals. you've got to get your ground game organized in those early primary states. and you have to speak in a language that builds coalitions. the only way you get things done in government is by crossing party lines and actually bringing people together for purposes of problem solving and finding solutions to the big issues of the day. >> let's talk about something he's very focused on and that is
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china. he says the u.s. is being worked over by china in terms of trade deals. >> china's doing it to us. china dumps all their stuff with us. and i'm not complains aboing ab that. but i have friend that are manufacture manufacturers. they cannot get their product into china. >> is he right? is the u.s. getting a raw deal from china? >> we've had an imbalance in the relationship with china for a very very long time. there are obviously market access issues. but we're probably going to find the greatest export boom that we have ever seen in terms of our products being able to be exported into china. we're going to see a large inflow of investments from china coming into the united states. you've got the largest two economies in the world. you've got the natural tension and conflict that will go with
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that. i've sat at the highest levels of business and government. i've seen this relationship work now for 30 years. here's what's going to happen in the united states that i think is being lost in this whole conversation. we're having an energy boom in this counted that's just beginning to play out. and it will allow us to get our manufacturing muscle back in working order. and with that, every city, every state then able to export more products to the rest of the world and also to our largest consumer market of all, which will be china. yeah, you've got to navigate the challenges going forward, but let's not lose scytight of the e issues that exist between both countries. >> that is a big reason to be optimistic about the u.s. economy going forward. however, donald trump says he has the solution to the inequity with china and he can sum it up in two words.
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his solution, carl icon. here is his explanation. >> i take a guy like carl icon. you take henry kravis, so many of the guys that i know. and you say i'd like you to watch over some of the deals with china. believe me. very smart, great negotiator. >> is that the answer, let your friend, the 79-year-old billionaire oversee china? >> they're terrific. i know them both. you should go ask them if they're willing to drop whatever they're doing to siend the volumes of background check forms that one needs to get into government service, then to set before a senate hearing which are largely invasive and disruptive and take six months, maybe even a year. i've been through that process three times before. usually when people stair down all of the impediments that stand in front of government
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service, they say, thank you, i like where i am. that's not to say you could bring them into the conversation about how to be sharper and better. >> would you bring carl icon into the conversation? >> this is where i think donald trump is hitting a pretty good note here. he's saying we need better people in government service. we have a problem in that we have a brain drain going to the private sector. they're going to hedge funds, private equity funds, not into government service. so if donald trump can make a call to the country, that would be a great value to this doesn't longer term. >> let's talk about hillary clinton. she's dealing with issues surrounding her e-mail and server. her lawyer this morning did confirm the e-mail server was
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wiped clean because it only had personal e-mails left on it that nobody else needs to see. how big a problem do you think this is for her campaign? >> i think it's a huge problem. and again i worked with hillary clinton when she was secretary of state. i like her and i respect her. she's a hard-working person. i figured at first if they were just benign personal messages back and forth, there probably wouldn't be much to it. i think if you find any that were classified or even deeper than that compartmented government information, it could be a deal breaker for hillary clinton. >> is that right? you think its would be a deal breaker for her winning the presidency if there were things of a sensitive nature on her e-mail. how could she be secretary of state without having seen e-mails of a sensitive nature? >> when you're in gomtd servive
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service, you've got classified cha channels of information and unclassified channels. people understand the rules of the game. and if you find there was a commingling of classified and nonclassified information, a private server, i think that really creates a huge problem. but it's the perception issue as much as anything else. there may have been some laws violated. but then it gets to those who were organizing and funding campaigns, you can take the candidate over the longer term of the campaign without there being an implosion at some point. we've been talking so much about donald trump, right? all this buzz around him. but some people are wondering is he putting on a show or is he the real deal? i thought who could we get to
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talk about something like that. oh yes, the former sna eer cinc mayor, the one the only jerry springer. calc. but your stellar notebook gives you the gumption to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these office depot brand notebooks just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. across america, people like badominique ...are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes... ...with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time.
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the music tells me it's time for the five things. at number one both donald trump and jeb bush in attack mode at dueling events in new hampshire wednesday. trump sitting down with chris cuomo, saying hillary clinton's e-mail scandal could cost her the presidential election. north korea and south korea exchanging fire this morning over their heavily enforced border. the south said it fired several rounds of shells after the north launched a rocket at them. isis claiming responsibility for carrying out a car bomb attack in cairo. dozens were injured. . a violent night in st. louis. police using tear gas after the fatal shooting of a black teenager who allegedly pointed a gun at police. nine demonstrators were arrested. jared fogle agreeing to plead guilty to child
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pornography charges and having sex with minors. in today's new day, new you, are you looking to shed pounds? >> yes. >> not you. you may soon be able to control your weight with a pill. according to a study, researchers found that the master switch to crank up fat burning all has to do with something called a gene that is called fto. researchers found the gene can be manipulated. will it help melt pounds. they believe so. but do not expect a miracle pill any time soon. they've got a long way to go. and someone put in the tell prompter cuomo is awesome. i wish we could get a picture of that.
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they came over illegally. some are wonderful people and they've been here for a while. they've got to go out. >> how do you do it in a practical way? you really think you can round up 11 million people? >> at some point we're going to get them back, the good ones. >> how will he do it? that's the question donald trump will face on his hard line stance that 11 million of them have to go. the so-called good ones, that's just some of what we talked about, that he's going to bring those back. >> let's bring in jeffrey lord and ana navarro. let me ask you something, jeffrey. this confrontation of fact and promise that we have with donald trump, he can blow past it in an interview, but eventually won't there be an accountability that he'll have to deal with? >> sure, when he's president. >> not before?
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>> up until you take the oath of office, everything is a promise. everybody makes political promises. and i have to say at the moment that sort of political class and a lot of candidates are in sort of not good standing with the american people because they think once they get elected they don't carry through. so every candidate is dealt with on the basis of their record. and in donald trump's case, you know, the trump empire is a record in and of itself. >> hey, ana, can you and i do some math this morning? because i have some numbers. >> not my forte. but if you insist. >> here's the poll. as you can see this is among hispanic voters donald trump has the lowest approval rating. clinton gets 66%. >> shocker. >> he gets 13%. the math i wanted to do is there are 28 million hispanics who are
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eligible to vote in the next election. how does he win with just that fraction of their support? >> the answer that he doesn't. either that or he's got to get an enormous amount, overwhelming amount not only of republicans but also independents in every other category to win. look, i think that's why you see that even 58% of republicans tell you that it's more winnable, the race is more winnable with anybody else running in the general election. >> but jeffrey, you see a path of working class americans who are being sort of energized by donald trump. he's sort of speaking their language. and can he win with them over hispanics who are not turning to him? >> sure he can. i'd also say the fastest growing demographic in the country is -- i hate to say this -- is senior
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citizens. and they vote. there's a quinnipiac poll out this morning that shows donald trump leading jeb bush in florida. how about that for a little shocker? so yes, indeed, i think he can. and i think what we used to call reagan democrats may be on their way to becoming what we call trump democrats. >> can you point to any other major election where alienating a group of this size wound up yielding a victory? >> any other election? >> you're a historian. i'm giving you the benefit of history. ever is what i'm saying to you. >> well, you know, notoriously the republican party has not done well with the african american community. ronald reagan was elected twice in a landslide. >> as you well know -- and i almost apologize for this pause you know reagan's record much better than i'll ever know it. he did not take a stance like this on immigration that donald
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trump has. >> chris, when you look at the cnn polls and the internals of it, one of the striking things is the percentages supporting trump on the basis of the economy. and, you know, hispanics are americans just like everybody else here. you know, their jobs are affected, the in fact they can or cannot own a home. the economy is an incredibly important issue and i really do think that overrides the kind of considerations you're talking about. it makes serious inroads in it. >> ana, how do you know about that new quinnipiac poll that shows jeb bush gets 17% and donald trump gets 20% in florida? >> i think there's 17 people running. and right now it is trump and everybody else divvying up the pie. jeb is consistently at number two. it seems that donald trump is
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obsessed with jeb, which i actually think is a good thing for both of them. if jeb is going to be the antitrump, i would say to you that's a very good place to be because it is distinguishing two people out of a field of what feels like 400 people running for the republican nomination. >> jeb bush was supposed to be the number one because of his money and recognition and pedigree. jeff, let me ask you this, though. yes, jeb bush has made a move on the gop in terms of brackets. but he's got 58% of the gop saying they don't want him essentially. >> that will change overtime. i think i mentioned before there was a december 1979 poll that showed jimmy carter beating ronald reagan 60-36%. does he have to expand it? i'm sure he will.
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i don't have any doubt of that. as this bandwagon picks up steam, i've always felt we were going to come down to one outsider and one insider if you will. the outsider is pretty clearly going to be trump. i thought ben carson or senator cruz or possibly carly fiorina could have been in there. but apparently it's going to be donald trump. and the insider is jeb bush. it might come down to a mano a mano for number two. >> great to see you guys. martin downey junior, he was not known to hold back on his talk show. >> it's antisemitism. >> well, that clip proves what i just said.
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another evoctuer -- politics and an important milestone for his show. you know want to say it. jerry, jerry. clinically studied work to r products to fill the world's nutrition gaps? why do we insist on the most stringent quality checks, period? well, here's why. celebrating 80 years of quality life and quality products. now save big on some of the world's best nutritional products, when you buy one, you get one half off, only at gnc.
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donald trump. excuse me, you're not a baby. you're not a baby. i'm really rich. mexico is going to pay for the wall, and they're going to be happy about it. >> just a little trumpisms there that you've all come to know and love, love it or hate it. he may be monopolizing the headlines, but is he really an aberration or the gop with a bullhorn, as our next guest suggests. the former cincinnati mayor and the one and only host of the 'jerry springer show." i think it's so interesting to peg off what we were just talking about with donald trump, you say you think that america is missing the point on trump. what do you mean by that? >> we shouldn't kid ousrselves.
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he's very smart and he's very successful. when he says he wants to do something, don't assume that he won't know how to do it. that's the first thing. secondly the reason the republican party is having difficulty with trump is in terms of where he stands on the issues, that's the core of what the republican believes. if trump were a democrat, the democrats would simply say you're out of the party. the republicans don't like how he's saying because it's embarrassing to them. but they can't attack it because he's really at the issues. it's like a child. if mom and dad are in the kitchen and talking and saying oh sally was over for dinner, she's put on a lot of weight. the next time sally comes over, the kids say, mommy said you've put on a lot of weight.
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>> you think the democrats have never had any sort of course candidates. you think the democrats are always civilized? >> no. i'm saying trump's stance on the issues is consistent with the stance that most republicans take. they're with him on immigration. they're with him on the women's issues. they're with him on planned parenthood. >> how far does he go? >> i think he goes much further than the pundits are saying. the reason is because all the polling only talks to people that vote regularly. but with trump you are suddenly going to get a whole bunch of people that normally don't like the political process because they don't like politicians. they're going to be turned on by trump. they will show up. look, i don't like his views. i'm opposed to him but i'm not going to pretend he's just a momentary blip. this guy could become the candidate. >> pull up jerry's tweets.
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i know him biassed but watching the republicans debate, if they're going to do my show the least they could do is ask me. >> i know you guys get the next debate, but i am saying come on repubs come on my show. it's perfect. you'll feel comfortable. we've got chairs, you know? >> aren't you in some ways responsible for the rise of donald trump? >> you're going to blame jerry? >> yes. your talk show -- >> i was out of town. >> the advent of reality tv and the shock tv that your show has represented, that led to reality tv and donald trump's show and the donald trump show, the spectacle of it all. isn't it connected? >> we're all part of a trend. in the last 30 years there's been the democratization of
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entertainment. it used to be that you'd have a couple of entertainers on the stage. and the people, we would sit and watch. but along came technology and all of a sudden it became interactive and people had the internet. now the audience is the entertainment. >> particularly in shows like yours. >> so you have talk shows. you have american idol, america's got talent. the people themselves become the entertainers. they vote. you have regular people on television talking about their lives. it's inevitable. >> our next sound bite from morton downey's show evocateur. take a look at this. >> hey, mom, do you know where your teenager is tonight? the audience was going to be yelling kill the guy, i'm as mad
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as you are. i tell you what i'd do to him. should we hang this kid? you betcha. >> he didn't really hang him. >> there he is today. >> let's do a parallel. morton downey junior was a huge phenomenon when i was growing up. one of the reasons it did was this unvarnished truth people thought they were getting out of him. it made you a little unsettled. you with respeeren't sure it sh said, but it felt light on a level, kind of like trump. >> if it's not politically correct, you're right on that. >> something that's true isn't always politically correct. >> exactly. first of all, let me distinguish myself from the morton downey show, only to the point that morton downey was a talent, but he was the show. on political and cultural issues
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he confronted the guests. >> that's true. >> and my show, people aren't watching my show because of me. they're watching because of the guests. in other words, ours is a circus. he took on serious issues. ours is not a serious show. our show is silly. i've said it a million times. it's ridiculous. >> it has staying power. you are celebrating 25 years. eight others have only done this. carson, letterman, donahue, oprah, captain kangaroo and now jerry springer. >> i'd like to formally apologize. i've ruined the culture. i'm so sorry. >> thanks for having a great conversation with us. and the cnn film evocateur airs right here tonight at 9:00 p.m.
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♪"once there was a hushpuppy" by dan romis man kind?eitlin ♪ are we good? go see. go look through their windows so you can understand their views. go find out just how kind the hes and shes of this mankind are. look at this. we've gotten a major upgrade. >> major. >> i'm going to attack both of them now. >> it's time for "newsroom" with
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carol costello. >> i am so honored. >> so much of an upgrade isn't it? >> i love you, jerry springer, i do. >> i love you, carol. no. i really love you. >> move along. move along. >> all right. i guess i will. "newsroom" starts now. happening now on the "newsroom" shots fired, tensions rise, north and south korea exchange fire over the border just days aven s after the nortn government threatened to attack america. also -- police are driving down the street shooting tear gas where kids are. >> a st. louis neighborhood erupts, bricks and bottles thrown at police. tear gas
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