tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 20, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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won. al sharpton had to pay him $65,000. brawley was ordered to pay $187,000, but only paid a small portion. sharpton did not return calls seeking comment. the cnn film "evocateur" airs tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern. a live q & a about the case happening now on our facebook page. thank you for joining us tonight. it's been a pleasure. and "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. thank you for joining us. tonight barely a day after their duelling town halls in new hampshire a new boost for donald trump and body blow for jeb bush. last night in derry, mr. trump openly taunted the front runner about his campaign event. >> you know what is happening to jeb's crowd as you know right down the street? they're sleeping. >> today the wake-up call just might have arrived. here it is. new polling showing donald trump out in front in florida. governor bush's home state and
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one of the bush campaigns primary fire walls. mr. trump is also outpolling, florida senator marco rubio tied for third with ben carson. bearing in mind his lead is within the margin of error, only august. that said fair to say few people expected this. tom foreman has been looking at the numbers behind this. behind the florida surprise as well why the state matters so much. take a look. >> thank you, thank you. wow. >> reporter: how the new york billionaire is winning the sunshine state is something of a mystery. the new poll find that florida republicans don't trust trump much. they dent believe he shares their concerns. and they think their former governor jeb bush is a better leader. but trump is trouncing all of his opponents. just the same. >> my group. these are my people. these are my people. >> reporter: bush is hitting back at trump appealing to the deep conservative streak among his home state's 4 million registered republicans. >> he was a democrat longer in the last decade than he was a
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republican. >> reporter: with the nation's third largest latino population listening, florida's u.s. senator marco rubio is trailing trump and questioning his ideas about immigration. >> the majority of it is really not a workable plan that could ever pass congress. >> reporter: desperate work. for all the candidates in both parties. florida is critical. >> liftoff. >> reporter: the place that send rock tights space also sends people to the white house. has enough delegates to be a prize in the primaries. with 29 electoral votes it can decide to who gets the white house in the general election. it has didn't before as the nation's largest swing state. florida's vote has come done to the thinnest of margins. remember, george w. bush, al gore and the hanging chads. and even as recently as 2012, barack obama beat mitt romney by less than 1% of the vote there. still a measure of florida's
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political purr and ower and imp in the past 10 presidential elections it failed to pick the winner only once. bill clinton in 1992. >> congratulations. >> tom foreman, cnn, washington. >> joining me to talk about florida and the latest poll numbers. both its former two-term governor and sitting u.s. senator getting frommed to borrow a verb. anna navaro. cnn contributor, jeffrey lord. and "the new york times" columnist, frank bruni, wrote a column about trump, "the tortoise and the hare." the fact that trump is ahead in florida what does it say about the race and jeb bush and his chances? >> for starters it's august. we have to keep remembering that. things are going to look different in a couple months. august is the time when people are paying the least attention. what it says is trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the room,
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getting attentionti, and passio. jeb has a lot of time and money to make up the ground. for the moment not showing the spark, fire, sense of urgency that would make voters turn his way and make voters turn his way with confidence about him in the white house. >> despite the exclamation point on his poster? >> the exclamation point seems like a wish more than a reality. i have to say, last 36 hours a number of instances jeb has shown a new fire. your own john buerman said the tortoise is becoming the snapping turtle. that's a good development. >> you wrote about this, he described himself, as the the joyful tortoise. not a great necessarily. >> a joyful tortoise might work in another year. with that many people. i don't know that being slow and steady is a great virtue. >> anna, it does seem when you look at the numbers. looking a jeb bush's performance. it does seem that bush is still saying, he was attacking trump
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yesterday. not a real conservative. but the idea seems to be still, well, kind of just wait him out. be the slow tortoise or the joyful tortoise. and eventually trump will start to fall. and people will see the real conservative record of, of jeb bush. is that going to work? >> first of all, i hope he goes from being a joyful tortoise to being the florida panther. jeb is a guy who does not live in a bubble. he doesn't surround himself by yes men. he surround himself by women who tell him no. you can dupe better. and i think that he has heard the message loud and clear. frankly i think every candidate has heard the message loud and clear that voters are sending. supporting donald trump. they're tired of politics as usual. they want to see somebody that will fight for them. i think you are going to see that from jeb bush. are you going to see him breathe
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fire? no. no, that's not what he does. i think you will see an energetic jeb bush. frank is right. one thing to be in a two person field. four person field. a completely different animal to be in a 17 person field. he heard it and will see it. jeb bush critiques and learns from his mistakes. >> jeff, some people will hear that. and now scott walker is talking retooling or revamping his campaign to reflect more of him as an outsider. reflect more of a donald trump type character. isn't that sort of the definition of not being authentic. if you have, you know, you see what somebody else is doing. seems authentic. and then your group around you say, you need to be authentic like that. we will retool you so you are more authentic. isn't that incredibly
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inauthentic. jeb bush, when donald trump got into the race. there was one interview that i recall with jeb bush and sean hannity. when the name donald trump was mentioned the look of utter contempt on his face and dismissal was pretty hard to miss. i thought at the time that is a serious attitude mistake if and when donald trump catches on here people are going to remember that kind of thing. and i think they do remember that. i think that they associate this, president bush, 43, left with a 22% approval rating. i think there is that problem. as frank is saying this low wattage tortoise approach here. that i think is really doing him some damage. frankly i am not sure he can get out of that. >> what about, frank, establishing, democrats. you have got to be lot of establishment republicans have given money to jeb bush. made more than $100 million. has that sitting around.
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have got to be scratching their heads as with hillary clinton. establishment democrats saying what is going on? who else is there? looking at gentlemengentlemen - at gentlemen biden and others. >> we began with two people with advantages above everybody else, a foregone conclusion and boring. it turned out nothing but boring. each of the candidates haunted by something there at the start but was being overlooked. everyone knew hillary had trust worthiness and credibility problems. everybody knew jeb was not a font of charisma. those cha those exact things are haunting them. i thought florida was less for jeb than ohio and pennsylvania where he was not in the top ten. i mean, top four among republicans in either ohio or pennsylvania. that's a pretty disturbing result. >> you look at the poll numbers we put on the screen if we could put those on the screen. choice for president in 2016, florida voters. clinton 41%.
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trump, 40, 43%. jeff? >> i live in pennsylvania. and i scan tecan tell you presi bush 41 won pennsylvania in 19 # 8. largely because of his popularity and his association with president reagan. when it came around to 1992. on his own. heap lo he lost pennsylvania twice. i would suggest that, you know there is a problem here. for jeb bush. when donald trump says he is not electable this is the kind of thing we are talking about. >> also, anna to frank's point. august is the slowest month. people aren't really paying attention. if fox news gets 24 million viewers for a debate and that's nobody paying attention and who knows how many people are going to watch the next cnn debate. last night. donald trump on the air on cnn did very well in the numbers i'm told. if this is nobody watching. when people actually do start watching, doesn't that possibly
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bode even better for trump? >> well it bodes better for us, wouldn't it? there is no doubt about it that donald trump has added an entertainment factor to this race. that wasn't there without him. he is a -- a seasoned tv star. he is a celebrity. he is media savvy. he hasn't paid one dime of media. but he has more earned media than anybody else put together. so, you know he's made it entertaining. we just can't stop watching. i think if joe biden gets in. we will see a lot of the same thing on the other side. one of the things from the poll that is very interesting is that joe biden does just does well if not better than hillary sclin clin sclin -- hillary clinton in some of the swing states. he hasn't announced. i think hillary clinton has a much bigger problem. democrats have a much bigger problem than republicans do right now. republicans have a, a bounty of
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good candidates with stark positions, contrasts to choose from. democrats they put all their eggs in one basket. that basket ant loin't looking good. >> some one has taken the democrat basket and run away with. plenty of other -- >> somebody has created unique problems in republican basket. we have seen over the last couple days the march off to the right on immigration. see the debate over the phrase anchor babies, birth right citizenship, all stuff that is not going to help the eventual republican nominee in the general. both for the moment are flying high. we will talk to "time" magazine's washington bureau chief with his conversation with donald trump and why a bald eagle was involved. later the massive hacking data dump from the cheaters site, ashley madison site, turns up a
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big name. we'll tell you who it is and all the money he spent. when we come back. but your stellar notebook gives hanyou the gumptionlc. to reach for the sky. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these office depot brand notebooks just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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the from has landed deal with it. and the bureau chief did the interview and here are some highlights. >> well jeb is a very low energy person. he can sit around a table all day long with one general and talk and talk and, you know, but i see that general being grilled by you and when i say, i watch on television, i do. and i watch in "time" magazine. i watch in "the new york times" and the "wall street journal." i read all of them a lot. and i get my views from, you know, from the media. a lot of the views. and you know frankly a lot of people do. the views you will see during 10, 15 minute segments or reading aster a steory are not different with jeb sitting with a policy group. sound good if he has that. i was an excellent student at a great school. we have a great approximately see group. we sit around. i whether if jeb has that. people talking diplomacy, or
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tone. bush brings up tone all the time. tone. we need strong tone. we're too far behind. we are behind. we are not wing. if we are winning we can soften it up. you look at putin. can't stand obama. obama can't stand him. in all fairness. but we don't get along with anybody anymore. hillary clinton was the worst secretary of state in the history of the country. the world came apart under her reign as secretary of state. clinton had a lot of problems with the monicas of the world, had he not had the problems he would have had a pretty good presidency. not a great one. a pretty solid presidency. that was a disaster and tremendous distraction. jeb bush puts his friend in charge of his pac. and they don't talk. i guarantee you they talk all the time. and he has got $114 million sitting there that he is going to try to build up his own image which is not easy to do. and he is going to work hard, as is hillary clinton, they all have their friend rung their pacs. they're all breaking the law in
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my opinion. because if you tell me that jeb and the various other people that have set up pacs, and i'm not talking about jeb, he is not second in the polls for the most part. we have people that are far ahead of jeb. but the people that set up pacs are all talking. they put their best friend in there. put people, lawyers, all sorts of people in there that are friendly to them. well that's not supposed to happen. >> we're going to talk about the interview and larger situation with donald trump with "time" magazine's michael shchere. awe what did you think of the process of interviewing donald trump, i talked with him twice in lengthy interview. in my opinion he is unlook any other politician tin terms of just the conversation one can have? >> that's right. first it goes for an hour and a half. i don't spend an hour and a half interviewing on the record any politician. secondly he is incredibly charming and flattering.
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he is a real salesman. trump is really approaching politics in a different way. he is not doing it as a politician. he is doing it as trump. and trump is more a promoter, a salesman. a pitchman, than anything else. >> the charming aspect of him i think for people who haven't met him, they may not get that. but there is that -- one-on-one with him. and to people around he is very outgoing. kind of, he is, there is this charm to him whether you agrae with what he is saying or not. we were covering both the jeb bush event and the trump townhall event in happening at almost the same time. the contrast between the two. you could not have two different people temperamentally, at the top of the polls. >> that is a tough comparison for jeb bush right now. remember jeb late last year was coming into the race saying he was going to be the joyful candidate. donald trump is having more fun than anybody else right now. it is totally clear. hard to avoid that.
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and trump's attack on jeb is that he is, he is a low energy person. which is -- sort of a wonderful phrase. but basically means not a lot of fun. and that hits jeb very much at what he want to be when he got into the race. >> another thing i find interesting about trump. his willingness and ability to attack somebody on their weaknesses. to, to, you know publicly state, jeb bush is a low energy kind of guy. which is actually a polite, a polite way of saying, what, what he could i guess say, say in different ways. but he does that time and time again. sometimes he is obviously not so polite. but attacking is part of what he does. >> yeah, no. and it is a part of the schtick. he is a politician. he has poll jeicies. a lot of the candidates don't have policies right now. what we are tuning into, voters are tuning into the show. show the he has been honing for
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decades now. go back to 1989, 1992. he was selling himself. as the the act. over the years he has become the act. we are in a strange space where the act actually comes across more awe authentic than politician thousands. >> it's interesting to hear candidates. scott walker, who talked, you know there is reports now that they're kind of repositioning themselves, kind of rehoning their message to be more like trump. which actually kind of argues trump's point about not being authentic. if you are then having your team meet together to reposition your message to sound more like the authentic guy that's the ultimate inauthentic act. >> when i talk to trump on tuesday. he kept bringing up and laughing over the interviews that scott walker had done on monday at the state fair trying to find a way to respond to trump's
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immigration paper. walker, i don't know if you saw the clips was struggling with a way of embracing without actually embracing in a way that could be later used against him in a general election what trump had been saying. he loves that stuff. trump loves being the real guy. >> i got to ask about the bald eagle in the photo shoot. was that trump's idea? >> no, the photographer, martin shoaler, a good idea. as soon as the photographer mentioned it to trump. he loved it. >> of course. >> and embraced it. i don't think time has ever photographed a presidential candidate with a wild animal before. it was a first. and i wasn't at that shoot. but i was told that there were times where it was kind of hairy. a bald eagle doesn't do well in a manhattan skyscraper. and at one point i think it pushed books off the desk and things like that. trump was game. >> if anybody can tame a bald eagle it is donald trump. >> i'm sure he would tell you that. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> thank you.
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>> next, former president jimmy carter revealing the details of his cancer diagnosis. dr. sanjay gupta joins us. and fugitive killer, david sw t sweat's day in court and the new charges he is facing. bring us your aching and sleep deprived. bring us those who want to feel well rested. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. be a morning person again with aleve pm. why should over two hundred years of citi history matter to you? well, because it tells us something powerful about progress: that whether times are good or bad, people and their ideas will continue to move the world forward. as long as they have someone to believe in them. citi financed the transatlantic cable that connected continents. and the panama canal, that made our world a smaller place.
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former president jimmy carter delivered the news that is hard to talk about even with close family. this morning in a nationally televised news conference from the carter center. the 39th president of the united states says he has advanced highly aggressive cancer, stage four melanoma. the cancer found in his liver and four spots in his brain. he said he would begin radiation treatment today and be receiving a new very promising anti-cancer drug. mr. carter who is nearly 91 years old spoke for almost 40 minutes. he talked acompolishments, regrets. plans for the future and reaction he initially had when he thought he had only weeks to live. >> you know, i have had a wonderful life. i have had thousands of friends. and i have had an exciting and adventurous, gratifying existence. so i was surprisingly at ease,
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much more so than my wife was. but now i feel this is in the hands of god who i worship. and i will be prepared for anything that comes. >> he said he plans to teach sunday school in plains, georgia, this weekend and every sunday as long as he is physically and able. for more insight. what lies ahead. i want to turn to dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay when most people hear melanoma, they talk skin cancer. president carter talked about on his liver and brain. how unusual is that? >> it is unusual. the question is did he have skin cancer at some point that was in the past. and they're not finding it now. or a rare situation where in fact the melanoma, typically a skin cancer came from stom where inside the body. started inside the body. they don't know the answer. we asked the doctors about that.
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they point out as far as his treatment going forward. it doesn't really matter. what they know is that the melanoma, it has spread throughout his body. that's the sort of focus of the treatment. >> in terms of treatment, he said he is starting radiation this afternoon. >> yeah. it is pretty remarkable. you know he comes up there. nobody really knew the type of cancer that he had. and he was -- at the beginning cracking jokes. he got right down tie it. saying he has this, stage 4, melanoma, spread throughout his body. he got one dose of chemotherapy in his veins yesterday. and he is starting this radiation therapy today. you just got an idea how quickly moving the situation was for him. >> for a man his age, i mean, 90 years old. how much does his age play into his treatment? >> you know, anderson. it is one of these, sort of interesting things in medicine. chronological age certainly plays a role. everybody asks that question. but, you and i beth knoth know could have 90-year-olds that
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have a physiology or makeup of some one 60 or 50. 50-year-olds who have the body of 90-year-olds. probably more important in terms of how he is going to do with this overall. he is a pretty active guy. you know, you will appreciate, anderson. this fall, he was flying to kathmandu, taking a puddle hopper from kathmandu to an area further south where he will help build homes for habitat for humanity. i was in nepal. tough to get around. he was going to do it at 90 years old. he may still do it depending on his treatment. it will take a toll on him. the chemotherapy will make him tired and radiation. he is very optimistic about this. >> he has a family history of pancreatic cancer. deaths in his family from that. is there a connection between the two? >> it doesn't appear to be. here's why. typically if you have a hereditary base tice your cancer. something you inherited essentially. typically if you are going to develop cancer you develop it
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earlier. people get it at an earlier stage. he is 90 years old unlikely the pancreatic cancer mutation affected him. melanoma, people likely developing certain cancers could be likely to develop other cancers as well. the doctors don't thin thshg k s a relationship between the two treat it as a melanoma spread through the his body. >> thank you very much. >> lot more happening. amara walker has a 360 bulletin. >> community leaders are calling for calm in st. louis tonight after protesters clashed with police yesterday. following the police shooting of a black teenager.18-year-old pointed a gun. the convicted murderer who broke out of an upstate new york prison. the judge entered a not guilty plea for david sweat who spent 22 days on the run. if convicted sweat could get an
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extra seven years in prison. he is already serving life what paro parole. caitlyn jenner could face a misdemeanor involuntary manslaughter charge in this chain reaction crash last february that killed a woman. according to a los angeles county sheriff's detective. investigators determined jenner's driving speed was unsafe for prevailing conditions. the da will ultimately decide if jenner should be charged. anderson. >> thank you very much. ashley madison hacked just the other day has outed its first well-known name and it is a doosie. we'll tell you who it is and what they did. also, in other news, former subway spokesman, jared fogle agreed to plead guilty to charges of child porn and having sex with minors. i will speak with a witness in the investigation who says she heard fogle talk about teenage girls then alerted authorities. what else he told this woman is stunning. we'll also talk to child safety add advocate john walsh. hey terry stop! they have a special!
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as part of his plea deal on charges of child pornography and having sex with minors, jared fogle will pay $1.4 million in restitution. $100,000 each for 14 victims. fogle's lawyer realizes the money won't undeal the harm he caused. joining me now, child safety advocate, john walsh, host of "the hunt" and rochelle herman a witness in the jared fogle investigation. you met jared fogle, and you say that he made remarks to you that triggered you to go to the authorities. what happened? >> he, the remarks that he made to me were really just off the cuff. he told me that he was, he thought that middle school girls were so hot. >> this just came out of
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nowhere? out uh of nowhere. we were at a school in my area. he was with american heart association. we were preparing. doing tv and radio at the time. on the stage in auditorium. waiting for the group of kids to come. he thought we were just by ourselves having a one-on-one conversation when in fact my cameraman who was just off in the gymnasium said, he was recording us. and he heard jared say that to me. we were having, just a, nice conversation. and he just came out of the blue when we were talking about the kids. he thought he said that he thought, that the middle school girls were hot. >> did you save anything to him? or i don't know, what one would say? >> well, i was in shock. i was questioning, did i hear what i thought i heard? i looked at my cameraman the he dropped his jaw.
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he was astounded. >> in the conversations with him over the years, you say the fbi had you record, did he say more? talk about sexual relations with underaged children? >> yes. yes he did. it was just something that he really, really enjoyed. and he trusted me for unknown reasons. i seemed to have a, by nature my my personality is very comforting. people seem to take to me quite easily. that's what happened with jared. he had said numerous times to me over the course of the years, about -- having sex with minors. >> and so, these were recorded conversations? recorded conversations, correct. >> john, you talked how vigilant. the fact that michelle did the right thing in this situation. want to law enforcement. it underscores when you have a feeling about someone or know they have such awful intentions it is important to say
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something. >> what a doubt. my hands, my it has off to this lady for having the guts to go forward and pursue this. and this all started out of a small tip to local law enforcement in indiana who took it to state law enforcement and then on to the fbi and to federal law enforcement. this is a great example of the public watching out, saying, there is something wrong with this guy. and now they, now it, hindsight is 20/20. a world class level three pedophile. a perfect example of the average citizen like this wonderful woman. some one making that tip and taking it forward and take a couple creeps off the streets. >> john, the scope of this whole thing. 14 victims. multiple states. and, it, i mean, and again this sigz y this is something you have talked about before. you can't tell what a child predator looks like. it could be anybody. this is somebody, trusted, who was admired. who was known around the world. >> you are absolutely right.
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you and i have often talked about this. it doesn't look like the guy under the bridge with the trench coat that is exposing himself to the children on the playground. it looks like every grandpa, everybody else out there. here is a guy who has his own foundation and the executive director of the foundation, police allege this guy russell taylor, executive director of this foundation secretly videotaped children that came to his house. maybe children he was working at the foundation and these guys literally shared thousands, now they said that they have over 3,000 videos. they shared thousands of pictures of children either jared molested or that this guy secretly videotaped in his home or motel rooms where he was with children. maybe children that were being helped by the foundation. we don't know that yet. but you know they just look like everybody else. and you ral have to, have your radar up. and you really have to have your radar up. >> jared fogle talked about putting cameras in your child's
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bedroom? >> yes, i had two young children. at the time. he talked to me about installing cameras, hidden cameras in their rooms. and asked me if i would choose which child i would loike him t watch. >> why did he even think that would be something -- i mean that's just unbelievable. >> it is unbelievable. you have to understand that during the time that i had with the fbi, i had to play a role. i had to play, a certain part. in order for jared to be able to trust me. and talk further into detape. >> you made him comfortable enough so he would reveal himself. >> correct. >> think abut this, anderson. never once thought of his family, children, a job, a spokesperson for a big product. never once worried about that. he was so confident he would
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never get caught, so arrogant, so remorseless. he bragged to this lady that outed him. i am disturbed by the deal. i am holding out. hoping, praying that this judge says you made a deal but i will give you the max. i am going to make sure you are in prison as long as i can keep you there. >> which is totally within the judge's purr ower to do that regardless what deal he made with prosecutors. john walsh thank you. and michelle herman. an honor. thank you for all you have done. you are very welcome. thank you. >> the first well known in the ashley madison, data dump, a big family adadvocate. being on the cheater's list. the level of hypocrisy is stunning. when we come back. imagine - she won't have to remember passwords.
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just play. with hilton's 12 brands you always get the lowest price. only when you book direct at to. >> josh duggar, the family values add vvocate is the first infamous name to be revealed in the whack ake of a cheating web. a month ago, hackers calling themselves the impact team said they would release customer profiles if the website wasn't shut down. they made good on the threat this week and the impact, well it is already starting.
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randi kaye reports. >> reporter: among the names of 32 million wannabe cheaters, hackers posted on line, one name stands out. josh duggar, of reality tv fame who earlier this summer was exposed for sexually m lly mole his sisters. now two active accounts connected to josh duggar on a site that proudly helps married people cheat by hooking them up with sex partners. ashley madison's slogan is -- life is short have an affair. the address attached to duggar's first account, called josh the man, matches the address of his home. the second account, ready for this d.c. appears to have been onened when he was spending time in maryland. leading a group that lobbied against same-sex marriage. record show duggar paid $1 f to
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the cheating website since 2012. duggar's second account included a fee of $250. an affair guarantee. your money back if you don't have an affair within three months. duggar's information posted on line was verified by a cybersecurity scum pan for comp. his desires, bubble baths, sex toys, oral sex and fantasies. he was interested in someone he can teach t who was open to experimentation. someone good with their hand who likes cuddling. hugging and sex talk. here's what he listed as turn-ons, muscular fit body, naughty girl. confidence. a good listener and someone with a secret love nest who has natural breasts and is disease free. >> i joshua take thee anna to be my wedded wife. >> when josh and wife anna took their vows on the reality show.
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viewers had no idea he sexually assaulted his sisters, a secret hidden by his own parent for years. josh apologized in may. apologized again today for cheating. his statement read in part -- i have been the biggest hypocrite ever. while espousing faith and family values, i have been unfaithful to my wife. i am so ashamed of double life that i have been living. he goes on. the last few years while publicly stating i was fighting against immorality in our country i was hiding my own personal failures. duggar likely referring to his stint as executive director of the family research council. a conservative group which champions marriage and family. the group fought against legalization of same-sex marriage. josh duggar stepped down when news was made public. >> our mission is before us. >> reporter: but the dates line up. he worked championing marriage while paying the ashley madison website to find a secret lover.
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>> randi joins me now. the hypocrisy is just -- >> beyond. >> beyond imagination. what about his wife in all of this? >> she hasn't said a word. which is sort of surprising, anderson. back in may when it cam out he molested his sisters when he was 15 years old she came out with a statement, supporting him. he had gone down the wrong path. gotten counseling and treatment he needed to. day complete silence from her. i am sure it is very difficult. they have four children. just had a baby girl in july. they posted pictures of the baby on facebook. now the comments instead of saying congratulations on facebook, they say, anna, you should leave him. get rid of him. he cheated on you. don't have to stay with him. a scum mradifferent story than y expected. >> feel terrible for her and the kids. >> "evocateur: the morton downey jr. movie" airs after this program on cnn. we'll have a preview and, why downey cast a shadow on political discourse that continues to this day. at ally bank no branches equals great rates.
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in just a few minutes. cnn will air "evocateur: the morton downey jr. movie." looking back at the career of the king of shock tv. before jerry springer, before, a lot of folks, morton downey jr. screamed his way into living rooms in the '80s. though his talk snow was short-lived it left a permanent mark on anyone who saw it. >> we know aid can only be caught in sexual ways. >> it has never been proven that aid can be sexually transmitted. it has never been proven in a laboratory. >> no, i don't know that. because ooh have spoken a number of people at the cdc. >> i am in the middle of that. you ought to know that. in the middle of research. >> are you a research expert? >> shut up. and let me.
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>> you shut up. >> are you a research expert. >> shut up. >> you shut up. all you are doing is spewing garbage. >> i was attracted to that awkward, dangerous atmosphere. when he first came on the scene. i was immediately sort of mesmerized by the show. >> a vegan. >> i abstain -- >> let me hear what she has to say here the you abstain from what? >> i abstain from all animal products. including dairy and clothing. >> and clothing. i eat raw hamburger. >> what is your cholesterol? >> i eat raw fish. i smoke four packs of cigarettes a day. >> can i say snomething? >> i have four drinks a day. >> i am 55 years old and i look as good as you do. >> joining me to talk, talk radio and cnn host.
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michael. >> i read an op-ed you wrote about "evocateur" morton downey jr. was a man who drove us into our national ditch. in what ways? >> he was the milestone. the beginning of the polar ied era of the media world and in washington. i've thing it can all sort of be traced to what went on in the late 1980s. morton downey, 1987. reagan 80s. 67% of the senate, moderates. today there are zero. i maintain too many elected officials take their cues from the morton downey's of today. >> i had never seen at that point anyone who made yelling and insulting people. didn't matter what facts were. he dent really pay attention to that. he wasn't armed with the facts. >> correct. all to the delight of the audience. the studio audience of angry white, 20 or 30-somethings.
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if you watch the movie tonight. what you will see everything was preordained. there was a sitdown before he taped the broadcasts he got his talk points together. they say he had a remarkable memory. whether he believed them is the subject of debate. he was very close to the kennedy clan. >> was he really? >> growing up. had a family home in hyannis port, very close to the kennedys. was a friend of ted kennedy. friendly with many staff members. they couldn't believe it. they were watching their television sets. this all comes out in "evocateur" who the hell is this guy morton downey jr. we know him. that's not him. >> i wondered why people would go on. people wanted. i guess the reason anybody goes on television. they want air time. to be able to get their point across no matter what, no matter how awful you will be yelled? >> 30 years. a lot of the faces are the same. in "evocateur" a makedown between he and much younger ron paul. you see gloria allred on the
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