tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN August 27, 2015 10:00pm-1:01am PDT
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the united states. for some the storm just never stopped. ♪ a community is in mourning after yet another shooting incident. this one happened on live television. how the families are pledging to honor the victims. desperate journeys. thousands of asylum seekers trek trying to get though europe. and hurricane katrina ten years on. we look at how the storm changed new orleans teaches its kids. from cnn world headquarters here in atlanta, i'm george howell. this is cnn newsroom. welcome to our viewers here in
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the united states and around the world. we start this hour with the very latest on the two murders, two journalists in the united states. it happened on live television. rattling the nation and sparking renewed debate over gun control here in the country. a few hours ago, a group that is working to end gun violence held a vigil for alison parker and adam ward. the gunman, vester flanagan, a former do worker at wdbj killed him and later killed himself. the woman parker was interviewed at the time of the shooting, vicki gardner was also shot during the attack. we understand she is in good condition. more on the victims, 27-year-old ward had just gotten engaged to a producer at that television station. 24-year-old parker had just celebrated her birthday and had moved in with her boyfriend who's an anchor at wdbj. earlier, he shared more about alison parker and the journalist
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that she was. listen. >> she was a nerd at heart and yet displayed a beauty that i had never seen before in person and i was lucky enough that she loved me back. she was also a fantastic journalist, an excellent storyteller and she had so many more stories to tell that unfortunately won't be able to be told. now we have decided we need to share her story and adam's story needs on the shared, as well. >> exactly 24 hours thaf double murder, the morning news crew at wdbj paid an emotional tribute on air to parker and ward. >> approaching a moment that none of us will forget. it was yesterday around this time that we went live to ailson parker and photojournalist adam ward, reporting on our hometown at bridge water plaza to report on a happy event. the 50th anniversary of the lake.
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just a feature and during their conversation with vicki gardner about another reason why we love living here as the peacefulness was shattered. we want to share what made these two so special, not just to us but our hometown wdbj 7 serve. please join us now in a moment of silence >> the anchors thanked viewers for their support and they shared stories about their colleagues, the station's news director later 0 spoke explaining how the staff there is dealing with the deaths. >> i have watched anchors and reporters half an hour before a newscast be crying in the newsroom and get on that set and deliver the news to the people of southwest and central virginia. they have had to talk about their colleagues and, you know, deal with some difficult situations i will give you an example. our meteorologist this morning found a candy wrapper while on
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the air that adam ward had always eaten and had left somewhere. it's those little things that are getting to us now. my sports director just said to me i lost it when i walked out and saw his car in the parking lot and saw clothes in there. every little thing. it's not the big things that gettous, it's the little ones. >> station lost family members. our hearts go out to the families involved in this. now for some information about the shooter. new information has emerged. the former co-workers are giving us insight in to his firings and hirings and angry outbursts at work. investigators now have reason to believe he had planned a getaway after the shooting. cnn's brian todd has the story. >> reporter: police found a wig, sunglasses, shaw, three license plates and six glock magazines inside of vester flanagan's car.
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a search warrant said he had a to do list and notes. it is unclear what was on the list. we are learning new details habit his career troubles. as far back as 15 years ago there were signs he had problems at work. >> yelling incidents. again, this is stuff that is normal. there were with times when he probably misread something and became frustrated with himself. >> in the state of georgia. >> according to his former news director, flanagan's contract was not renewed in tallahassee. he sued for racial discrimination alleging a producer called him and another employee who was african-american monkeys. the case was settled and dismissed. >> i can't say there was racial discrimination. >> reporter: flanagan was hired by wdbj in 2012 where he reported under the name bryce
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williams. he was fired in 2013, roughly a year later. the station's general manager said the day he was let go he became agitated and threatening. police were called. he was escorted from the building but roanoke police say no arrest was made. flanagan was asked to seek mental health assistance and he complied. >> we made it mandatory that he seek help from our employee assistance program. many employees have them an they provide counselling and other services and we made it mandatory that he do that. >> reporter: the station's former news director said flanagan handed him a wooden cross in 2013 saying, "you'll need this." wdbj is over there. this is the apartment complex where vester flanagan lived, just a block away. right now it is under 24/7 security. his neighbors didn't want to go on camera but said after the shooting they were made to to evacuate their units as police in bomb squad teams moved in.
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brian worked as a photographer with vester flanagan. he said he was on edge around flanagan because of his temper and remembers one instance where a live report had technical problems. >> he got so irate, walk withed in to the woods and stayed throughout 20 minutes. >> reporter: he outlined his frustrations in a fax to nbc news. cnn obtained a copy where he writes in the final weeks of my life i put on a smiley face to disguise what is 0 to come. i said how i hated people but would often say it with a smile on my face. in that he writes about his -- he cited the shooting at an african-american church in charleston, south carolina in june of this year, describing it as the incident that sent him over the top. he said he put down the deposit two days after the shooting took place. cnn learned that flanagan purchased the guns two glock nine millimeters pistols in the
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roanoke area of virginia. >> 24-year-old alison parker doing her dream job reporting when she and adam ward were shot and killed. her father, who is grief stricken by his loss has been talking to cnn and he vows he will not let her death be in vain. >> i'm really trying hard -- i have been trying hard all day to keep this together. as you can imagine, my heart's broken and my soul's crushed. >> yeah. i wish there were words that could all make it better but obviously there aren't. >> i understand. >> let me ask you about what you want top do now. about where you want to go with your grief, with your anger, with all of the emotions you must be feeling. you talked publicly about that shootings like this have to stop
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and you want to do something to change things. what do you think needs to change? what do you believe can change? >> well, i think what can change is we need more help from you guys in the media. because you just lost someone in the fraternity. alison was one of your own. with the crews that i talked to and the other reporters that i've spoken with today, you know, they have all been shattered because they realize -- and they all have been -- it struck a chord because they realize that could have been them. so, you know, what can't happen is, you know, here's another tragedy. sandy hook, after sandy hook and the theater shootings, everybody thought, gosh, this is terrible, virginia tech, we've got to do something to keep people that
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are mentally disturbed -- we have to chemothem away from guns and having the ability to get guns. then what happens is obviously this story, it's gone international. i've done interviews with canadian television, with the bbc today. you know, with spanish language stations, with german television tomorrow. i didn't really intend to be a media star or whatever you want to call it, but here i am. but, you know, this can't be about 15 minutes of gee, this is a tragedy and we need to do something about it. and then next week somebody's talking about donald trump's talking about. what's he doing? there's got to be pressure and continued pressure on -- with the media going after politicians and affecting a change. i want to look -- i want to
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address the members of the committees involved in the virginia general assembly. i want them to look me in the eye and say, gee, you know, we can't support any kind of other measures with regard to gun control. i want to see them do that. >> coming up, we will have more from andy parker and two other fathers who have lost their children to gun violence. cnn newsroom continues. we also follow refugees making a dangerous journey from their homelands in to europe. that story next. seems like we've hit a road block.
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welcome back to cnn newsroom. 200 people are feared dead after reports that say a ship filled with mostly african migrants bound for italy sank off the libyan coast on thursday. an official in libya says many of the victims appeared trapped inside the ship when it capsized. at least 200 people were reportedly rescued. one survivor recounts his
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horrifying experience. >> translator: we are immigrating and of course it is known and we sank in the sea. the boat was in bad condition and people died with us the libyans saved us, god bless them. it is now called the grave of the mediterranean sea. >> in austria, authorities are investigating the deaths of dozens of people whose bodies were found in an abandoned truck along a highway. the interior ministry says it is likely they were refugees them discovery comes as a balkan summit focusing on migration takes place in austria's capital, vienna. angela merkel is attending that conference and says the deaths show that europe helped thousand of people who are fleeing their homelands. >> translator: we are all shaken by the appalling news thaup to
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50 people lost their lives because they got in to a civic situation where the traffickers didn't look after them. even though they were on the way to look for safety and protection and had to die such a tragic death. >> these people come to europe, come to europe for protection, they need europe to protect them and we need to live up to our standards of human rights and respect of international obligations to protect them. >> as europe continues to try to figure out what's happening, hungary has tried to seal off its border with serbia because over the last few weeks, thousands of asylum seekers have tried to enter. many are fleeing the war in syria and it's a long, dangerous journey. here's a look at the trek many are taking. it begins with with a trip north through turkey. and then think cross in to greece and in to macedonia. then to serbia. cnn's arwa damon is near the border with hungary and spoke to
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survivors of that journey. >> reporter: exhausted children slumped on their parents' shoulders. others, like 9-year-old declare that he is not tired. he is from syria, one of his relatives from the isis capital. it is famous, he jokes. a dark humor is all many have left in the face of all they have endured. both in their homeland and much to their dismay. >> tried to cross yesterday but the hungarian police were harsh. so we got scared. ahmed's uncle tells us, as night falls the human highway trudges on under the moon light on a journey to western europe. waiting in groups, several try to smuggle through. most hand themselves over to the hungarian authorities, through
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one of the few openings in the fence. this was not a demar indicated border, now a razor wire snakes its way menacingly throughout. this is hungary's attempt to control the record flow of refugees, making it even harder to evade capture. something many dread. worried it will hinder their asylum applications in europe and fear of treatment by the hungarians they have been warned about. something many end up experiencing firsthand. waiting for hours under the beating sun with little water, no shelter and no translator that we saw to tell them what's going on. eventually they are bussed here to the processing center which takes a couple of days and is hardly set up to accommodate the numbers coming through. on wednesday, some of the refugees refused to be fingerprinted and were tear gassed by the hungarian police when a scuffle broke out. according to the refugees,
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beaten. out the window at the bus station, these refugees who were there that day say the four days urn the rain in macedonia was more bearable than the torture we have been through here. it's a prison and they won't respond to us. they just say, go back to syria. no one has told them exactly where they are going or what they are supposed to do. everyone is very confused and asking what's going on. people just want to get out of hungary. it is their gateway to europe, but so far their experience has been more of a nightmare than a dream. arwa damon, cnn, hungary. now for a look at the markets. financial markets in the asia pacific region are hoping to keep their momentum today after strong gains in europe and the united states. right now the shanghai composite, you see, is trading up. the hang seng is also up. the sydney asx 200 is trading
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down momentarily but positive movement so far overall in the markets. on wall street, the dow gained 369 points on thursday. the nasdaq and s&p also finished up more than 2%. u.s. president barack obama toured new orleans on thursday marking ten years since hurricane katrina battered that city and five states along the u.s. coast. the storm killed more than 1800 people and caused more than $100 billion in damage. mr. obama met with residents in the city of new orleans and later he spoke about the progress that new orleans is making. >> today this new community center stands as a symbol of the extraordinary resilience of this city. the extraordinary resilience of its people. the extraordinary resilience of the entire gulf coast and of the united states of america. you are an example of what is
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possible, when in the face of tragedy and in the face of hardship good people come together to lend a hand. >> hurricane katrina left behind a trail of destruction. the u.s. education secretary once said, though, the storm was the best thing to happen to the city's failing public school system. cnn's suzanne malveaux has the story. >> first day of school at new orleans -- academy. >> first grade. did you have a great summer? >> hug, i'll take it. >> what are you looking forward to the most? >> math. >> awesome. love that. >> in the third year, brick lodge is one of the most sought after charter schools in the country. >> when i drop my babies off i leave with a peace of mind because i know they are going to be taken care of. >> reporter: graeb stevenson has seen a remarkable change in her two grand daughters, journey and
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sky. >> journey won top reader award. sky is a wonder woman. she can do anything and she tries. because they give them that courage. >> reporter: for melissa, innovation and creativity is what with her son needed. >> i'm thrilled we were able to choose the type of school a tailored to my child. >> reporter: josh, the founder and ceo of bricolage said it is from affluent and disadvantaged families, a 5 orb 50. >> we believe bringing kids together from diverse backgrounds is a great way to increase empathy, equity and creativity. >> when hurricane katrina hit in august of 2005, the public schools of new orleans were considered among the worst in the country. the storm damaged and destroyed most of the schools including ones like this, abandoned for ten years. the state of louisiana seized
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100 schools turned buildings over to charters. >> there was a narrative created that somehow everyone and everything here was broken. >> some community leaders say this experiment has destroyed community schooling. and has dispro- portion nately benefitted whites over blacks. >> this brand of reform that has been employed in nompbs and touted across the nation as some kind of miracle is not working. >> reporter: a study by two universities shows urn the charter school system student achievement is up, with 63% of students passing state assessment tests in 2014. graduation rates up from 56 to 73%. >> get out the calendar. >> initially charter schools were able to recruit the most desirable students and now
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parents can write their choices and go through a lottery process. >> we have no say over who comes at all. >> when a slot opens they get in. >> when we got in there were two spots left and i said thank you, lord. this is for my baby. >> reporter: some students do not get any of their choices leaving some to question whether the program really works. >> i don't know that we're succeeding necessarily in that the same quality education is available for everyone. >> reporter: ten years after the storm -- >> we have gone from a school district that was an f to a school district that is a c level. >> new orleans is still trying and won't stop until they get that a. cnn, new orleans. >> stay with cnn for our continuing coverage on the tenth anniversary of hurricane katrina. our own anderson cooper hosts a powerful documentary "katrina, the storm that never stopped."
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it airs at this saturday at 3:00 p.m. theern the united states and 8 p.m. london on cnn. we have a special section on-line for our coverage. you can find it at you are watching cnn newsroom. still ahead, the gun control debate in the united states. we hear frustrations of three fathers whose lives are forever changed by shootings in the u.s. as friends and family moumpb the victims of yet another shooting. things are finally returning to normal in india after deadly riots over the past few days. a live report ahead as this broadcast continues around the world on international cnn and cnn usa. take a look at these bbq best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? ♪ whoomp there it is
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welcome back to our viewers this united states and around the world. you are watching cnn newsroom. good to have you with us. i'm george howell. the headlines we are following this hour, in the u.s. state of virginia, people held a vigil on thursday evening for the two tv journalists killed on air wednesday morning. an activist group organized the event honoring their lives. the lives of reporter alison parker and photojournalist adam ward. the group is calling for an end to gun violence. a horrific tragedy at sea near the libyan coast. reports say 200 people are feared dead after a ship filled with african migrants bound for italy sank on thursday. at least 200 people were reportedly rescued. u.s. president obama greeted residents in new orleans while looking at the effort s to rebuild the city.
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it has been almost ten years since hurricane katrina took aim at the u.s. gulf coast. it exposed weaknesses in america's infrastructure and its emergency response. more on our top story. a double murder that happened on live informatitelevision in the. authorities believe the former wdbj reporter planned a getaway after the murder. they searched his rental car and said they found a wig, glasses, shaw, license plates, six glock magazines and a to do list. former colleagues of flanagan say he often became angry at work. he also filed a racial discrimination suit against one of the stations, which was settled and dismissed. shootings in the u.s. seem to happen all too often. we hear about them and report on them nearly every day, from sandy hook to the aurora theater shooting an the charleston
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church massacre and many, many more that have happened in between. earlier we heard from three men who lost their children to gun violence and are fed up up. >> if we don't talk about our children and if we don't put a human face on these tragedies, than it is all about the shooter and all about the shooter's message. and what gets lost in the conversation is the real cost to people like us. and the rest of the country shouldn't wait until it happens to their kids. >> we didn't get involved right away after aurora, but we wish we had got involved after columbine. maybe it would have saved our daughter. i don't know. but after sandy hook, we had to get involved. we had no choice. we had to do something for our daughter. we have. we got some laws passed in washington and we got background checks there. they have been passed in oregon now. so we're taking a page out of
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the nra play book and going state by state. >> the second amendment was produced and passed when we were using muskets. you know, and the army and the militia had the same weaponry and they couldn't pit each other, 100 yards away. so, it's -- you know, again, i'm not trying -- i'm not advocating let's take everybody's guns away, let's just keep them out of the hands of crazy people. >> richard? >> 74% of the nra members support criminal background checks on all gun sales, and yet we can't get a vote in congress to pass universal background checks on gun sales. it's proven in states that have universal background checks, there's fewer domestic violence homicides, fewer police officers are shot and killed. background checks have been shown to -- they are not 100%
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solution. no solution is 100%, seat belts in cars do not save 100% of people in traffic accidents. but that's not a good argument to say we shouldn't wear seat belts. seat belts make a significant difference. to one is here to stay universal background checks will stop every act of violence. we need to do better in this country. our kids deserve better. 88 people are shot and killed in this country every single day. there's a consistent thread between sandy hook and the mental state of that person, the mental state of the person at virginia tech, the mental state of the person that just killed alison and ad.a. we need to do better in this country by keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people. one thing we did in california is passed red flag legislation that allows immediate family members and law enforcement to go before a judge and have a person prohibited from buying
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guns and have the person turn in guns if the judge is convinced the person presents a substantial threat to themselves or other people. >> u.s. president president obama called the virginia shooting one more argument for a change in gun legislation. you are watching cnn newsroom. simulating all out war on the korean peninsula. u.s. and south korea. bombs explode during live fire drills inside of this show of military might. we take you there next. plus, hillary clinton under fire for comparing some of her republican rivals to terrorists groups. we'll explain.
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this after days of cast-related violence that led nine people dead including a police officer. the fighting broke out in prime minister's home state on tuesday following the arrest of a prominent leader there. let's go to new delhi where we are joined live. we have seen violence. we have seen arsons there. it's been a busy week for authorities to say the at least. what's the latest? >> hi, george. the latest here in india is that there's an uneasy calm this morning. the army was called in yesterday. that's led to peace on the streets for now, but it's a vivid, clearly anger is simmering, especially among the community. let me tell you about the commune and explain what is going on. the community which is a fairly
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powerful community represent between 12 and 15% of the population. they have been protesting saying they want the creation of a special reservation for them to allow them to get government jobs, to allow them to work in schools, to allow them to get special reservations to get in to top universities in india. a background on this, there are existing special reservations in india for certain casts and they are known collectively as the other background cast. that collectively forms 28% of a quota in schools, in certain ministries to apply for certain jobs. clearly what we are seeing is this community, which is fairly wealthy, i should add, has been upset about these reservations. that spilled out on to the streets in the form of protests
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and some of it turned violent on tuesday and wednesday which is where eight were killed, including one policeman. today in gujarat, there is an uneasy calm but they may continue to protest. they may, for example, they are saying, withdrawal their money from banks. they may stop delivering milk and vegetables, which could slench eventually lead to more problems in the state of gujarat. >> thank you so much for your reporting. we'll stay in touch hoping things remain peaceful at this point. now to the korean peninsula where jets, tanks and thousands of troops are coming together for a military show of force. it's all part of live fire exercises held every few years by the united states and south korea. now those military exercises are wrapping up. our kathy novak reports. >> reporter: this is not your
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average target practice. south korean f-15 fighter jets that can take down a large number of north korean fighters at once. e 737 that can detect movement across the air space from the south korean border . syrian helicopters that launch flairs to evade north korean missiles and drop off command dose to infiltrate. my lines. our soldiers are ready and able says the italian commander with the will and courage to fight against the enemy. these exercises bring together u.s. and south korean fire power preparing to how to respond to a north korean provocation and signaling all-out war. but two can play at this war game. at the korean peninsula, north korea invented the game, parading its 1.2 million active troops an weaponry of its own
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under the watchful, unforgiven eye of supreme commander kim jong-un. anti-tank missiles manned by loyal servants of the army, submarine that pyongyang claims can launch ballistic missiles. 70% of the fleet deployed. south korea fired back. watching this drill, it's clear these shells don't miss. suggesting when dozens of south korean rounds landed in an empty field north of the dmz that's exactly what they were aiming at. they have the fire power but the game of war this in the peninsula is more about showing off the fire power than actually using it. this is not only a military exercise. it's a show. members of the public have even been invited to watch the
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display. nothing like patriotic music to go with your show of fatal force and with every ground-shaking, eardrum shattering boom of artillery in a perfect "v" formation, enthusiastic applause from the crowd. it may seem ridiculous, but it works. i felt really anxious living here she says but after the performances, i'm not anxious at all. north korea can't defeat us. satisfied theatergoers at a very dangerous show. kathy novak, cnn, south korea. on to u.s. politics now. donald trump is extending his lead over republican rivals for president. the latest quinnipiac university poll shows 28% of republicans support mr. trump. that's up from 20% last month. retired neurosurgeon ben carson is polling second with 12%. among democrats, hillary clinton leads the pack with 45%, down 10
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points from last month. 22% support bernie sanders. clinton is blasting some of her conservative rivals for their views on women's reproductive rights. she specifically mentioned jeb bush, marco rubio and john kasich. >> now extreme views about women, we expect that from some of the terrorist groups. we expect that from people who don't want to live in the modern world, but it's a little hard to take coming from republicans who want to be the president of the united states. >> republicans are calling on mrs. clinton to apologize. the spokeswoman for the national republican committee calls the comments a new low for clinton's flailing campaign. you are watching cnn. we are tracking tropical storm
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newsroom. i'm george howell. we turn now to the caribbean sea where tropical storm erika is blamed for at least four deaths on the island nation. 20 people are presumed missing and the storm left extensive damage to the island. this according to officials there. our meteorologist derek van dam is tracking this storm for us. this is a very small nation. right now the damage looks very bad. >> it is extensive. it is 70,000 people on this island nation. it is a commonwealth. they are calling it devastation of the island. it's inaccessible from the east, west, east and north according to authorities. it is obviously a mountainous part of the world, as well. this rain culminates in to these rivers and valleys and streams to the coastline where the majority of the population is. look at this footage, george, and you can see some of the flooding video coming out of that area. this is some of the first video
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obtained by cnn. the flooding damage has been extensive. this is thanks to the topography of this island nation. 60% of the island at the moment, without power and phone services. there's been tons of images circulating around on social media. these are some of the ones we acquired from the airport. you can see why it experienced heavy flooding. in a matter of six hours they received 225 millimeters of rain. 300 millimeters in the 12 hoff hour period. look at the topography as we zoom in to the island nation. you can see the highest peaks are shy of 1500 meters. there's the airport at the bottom of the slopes. there's no wonder why they have pooled together rain water that came in such a short period of time leading to landslides, flooding and washing out major roadways and bridges leaving many communities inaccessible by
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emergency crews. the search and rescue efforts going forward will be very difficult. look at this astounding picture out of that area. here's the latest on the storm. 45 mile an hour sustained winds. tropical storm erika over the caribbean sea. it is moving away from this leeward islands but has its eye set on puerto rico, as well as the u.s. and british virgin islands. that's where we could see anywhere between 200 millimeters of rainfall in some isolated locations. and the possibility of flooding exists across this area. we have flood watches in effect for puerto rico and the virgin islands. by the way, a quick side note this will bring much-needed relief. puerto rico has been under drought conditions for several months now. we don't want to see too much rain too quickly. otherwise tropical storm watches and warnings stretching from puerto rico to the bahamas. here's the official forecast track from the national hurricane center. what i want you to note is that it does run the storm parallel with the east coast of the
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florida panel, or rather in to the state of florida. that means miami, west palm beach in to daytona beach, jacksonville. that is an area that needs to monitor the storm extremely closely. it has a lot of circumstances it has to overcome. that includes upper-level winds which are not favorable for tropical development. once it overcomes those strong upper-level winds it will likely strengthen again and perhaps become a category one hurricane by the time it impacts the united states mainland. a lot of factors here. the main threat, george, right now as we speak is the heavy rain and flooding potential across the virgin islands and in to puerto rico and what we saw in the dominica region as well. >> the video is coming from the prime minister of dominica and you see how bad it is right there. he is saying the damage is so bad it will take a lot of money to repair what we are seeing.
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>> multimillion dollars is what they are saying right now. by the way, george, it only takes 12 inches moving water to knock a person completely off their feet. >> wow. >> that video from the prime minister. derek van dam, thank you so much. check this video out. the ground suddenly opened up and it sent people tumbling in to a sinkhole. wow. it happened at a bus stop in the city in northern china. you can see the ground gave way and five people fell right in. several of them were injured, but none injured severely. bypassers stopped and helped to pull the victims out. the world's biggest social media network -- social networking site i should say has hit a milestone with nine zeros in it. facebook said 1 billion people clicked on the site on monday. that's the first time ever. rough live the equivalent of one out of every seven people on the
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planet. founder mark zuckerberg noted the milestone on his profile page basically says a more open and connected world is a better world. u.s. presidential candidate trump bucked several political scandals on his way to trying to become the current republican president front runner i should say and you can add this new moment to his campaign. this happened at an event on thursday. he decided to show the crowd that he does, in fact, have real hair. i don't wear a toupee. it's my hair. i swear. [ applause ] >> come here. come here. come here. i'm -- we're going to settle this. come, come. >> yes, i believe it is. >> thank you. >> have i ever met you before? >> no, you haven't. >> but you are very nice. thank you.
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a lot of people wanted to find out if that is real hair. we get it there. thank you for watching. i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. my news continues with my colleague natalie allen after the break. you are watching cnn, the world's news leader. no sixth grader's ever sat with the eighth grade girls. but your jansport backpack is permission to park it wherever you please. hey. that's that new gear feeling. this week, these folders just one cent. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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. a vow not to stay silent. family and friends of two journalists killed in virginia want action when it comes to gun control. it just keeps happening. hundreds of people are feared dead yet again after a ship packed with migrants sinks off the libyan coast. hate groups are offering support for donald trump whether he wants it or not. hello, everyone. i'm natalie alan. welcome to our viewers here around the united states an around the world. these stories are just ahead here on the "cnn newsroom." we begin with the latest on the killing of those two young u.s.
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journalists. a group aiming to bring an end to gun violence held a vigil last night for adam ward and alison parker. their murders which unfolded on live television have gripped this nation. and we are continuing to learn more about their killer, vester flanagan. former colleagues say he he was hard to work with and became angry very easily. he was gay and claimed he was a victim of harassment because of his sexuality. we have also learned he owned several gay porn web sites. a former bob of his spoke out on his behavior at work. >> it had come out that he had a different lifestyle than, remember this is 15 years ago, so he had what everyone called at the time, an alternative lifestyle. and they were probably mocking him a little bit. and he really, really got upset about that. to the point where he had made
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things very difficult for almost everyone in the newsroom, photographers were pushing back on going out to work with him. he had words with several of our producers. one in particular. and just really became a problem. such a problem that after a number of counseling issues between myself and him and our general manager, we decided to terminate his contract. >> flanagan did legally buy the guns he used in the shooting. law enforcement said he purchased both glocks july 10th at a gun store in roanoke, virginia. officials say authorities have been to the business to get more information. the business that sold him the guns. we're also hearing more about the red flags, warning signs that flanagan was headed for trouble. cnn's brian todd has more on that. police found a wig,
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sunglasses, shawl, three license plates and magazines inside flanagan's rental car. he he had a to-do list with a book bag and several hand-written letters and notes. it is unclear what was on the to-do list but we are learning new details about flanagan's troubles. as far back as 15 years ago there were signs that flanagan had incidents at work. >> yelling incidents. again, stuff that's normal. there were times when he probably misread something and became frustrated with himself. >> flanagan moved from savannah, georgia to tallahassee, florida for his big first anchor job. flan began's contract was not renewed in tallahassee. flanagan sued for racial discrimination. alleging a producer called him and another employee who was african-american monkeys. the case was settled and dismissed. flanagan was hired by wdbj in
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2012 where he reported under the name bryce williams. >> bryce williams, wdbj 7. >> he was fired roughly a year later. the station's general manager said the day he was let go he became agitated and threatening. flanagan was taken from the building but in arrests were made. wdbj station manager said he was asked it seek mental health assistance and he complied. >> we made it mandatory that he seek help from our employee assistance program. many companies have them. they provide, you know, counseling and other services and we made it mandatory that he do that. >> the news director said flanagan gave him a wooden gross in 2013, saying, quote, you'll need this. there is the apartment complex where flanagan lived. right now it is under 24/7 security. his neighbors didn't want it go on camera with us but were told
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they were made it evacuate their units as police and bomb squads teams moved in. a photographer with flanagan said he was always around edge with flan ban because of his temper and in one instance a live reported technical problems. >> he got so irate, just threw his stuff down and walked out into the woods and stayed there for about 20 minutes. >> he outlined his frustrations in a 23-page manifesto that he faxed to cbs news. he wrote, quote, in the final weeks of my life i put on a smiley face to disguise what was to come. i told random strangers or people i interacted with at various businesses how i hated people but i would often say it with a smile on my face. if that manifesto, flanagan writes about his admiration for virginia tech shooter and cited the shooting at an african-american church in charlston, south carolina in june of this year describing it as the incident that quote sent him over the top. he said he put down the deposit on his guns two days after the shooting took place. cnn learned flanagan purchased
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those guns, two glock 9 millimeter pistols, legally at a gun store in the roanoke area of virginia. brian todd, cnn, roanoke, virginia. >> and the fact that he walked during live report and stood right in front of the reporter, the person she was interviewing is recovering in the hospital and the videographer, and just shot them to death on live tv is what just horrified so many people and you can imagine what their family and friends, and even the community are going through, because so many local reporters and smaller communities feel like family to the people watching the news. allison parker's boyfriend is among those speaking with cnn about her during her short life. >> she was so smart. she got college credit for doing cal cue louse. she was a calculus tutor and was
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able to get a scholarship. she was on the robotics team. she was a nerd at heart. which bled her beauty. she loved her job. she loved being a journalist. not just a reporter but a journalist. someone who seeks the issues that are important and reports them fairly and accurately and truthfully and tries to find the emotion and stories and tries to tell the human stories. >> and the couple was reportedly saving money for an engagement ring. her father is also talking out. he vows he will not let his daughter's death be in vein. so many parents and loved ones say that after these many shootings in the united states. but he is appealing for sensible gun control in the united states where our constitution guarantees the right to bear arms. here he is.
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>> i'm in favor of the second amendment but there has to be a way to force politicians that are cowards and in the pockets of the nra, to come to grips and make sense, and have sensible laws so that crazy people can't get guns. it can't be that hard. and yet, politicians from the local level to the state level, to the national level, they side stepped the issue. they kicked the can down the road. this can't happen any more. >> gun violence is an alarming reality in the united states. many families across the country know all too well the pain the parker family is going through. earlier, cnn spoke with one such family member, erica laugherty. erica's mother, you might recall, was the principal of sandy hook elementary school in newtown, connecticut. she was killed in a shooting
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massacre there nearly three years ago. since then, erica devoted her time to a survivor's network called every town for gun safety. the movement works to end gun violence. listen as erica recounts a painful experience as her mother's survivor. >> at 27 years old, i had to pick out the dress that i was going to bury my mother in. and i chose a dress that was sandy hook green. it was their school color and a beautiful, like, you know, tank top type dress. and i brought it to the funeral home. and they said, you need to pick something else, erica. because her arms need to be covered. and it never -- never crossed my mind that i would have to cover my mom's arms because there were bullet holes in them and i needed to hide the bullet holes from the people that were attending her funeral. those are the really staggering things that we need to let our elected officials know, we need
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to have congress listen to these stories, something needs to terrify them and you know, just scare them to the core to wake them up and make them do the right thing. >> her mother died trying to save student at that school. 20 children died. 6 adults along with them. despite the horror, that massacre, federal lawmakers did not pass any new gun restrictions. two measures, one to ban assault rifles, another to extend background checks failed in the senate. many of you are wanting to help the community of virginia, and the tv station, families that lost those two young people. if you want more information about that, you can head to our website, slash imyour world. we return to the crisis in
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the migrant. 200 people are feared dead after a ship bound for italy sank on thursday. so many of these ships do. reports say it was filled with mostly african migrant. an official in libya said many victims appeared trapped inside the ship's hold when it capsized. >> today we were informed that it was a boat with illegal migrants. so we headed there with the coast guard. 198 people from different nationalities were rescued. 66 people are dead. >> so the migrant crisis continues on many fronts. many africans trying to cross the mediterranean to italy. [ inaudible ] thousands of asylum seekers tried to enter in recent weeks. many on this migrant front are fleeing the war in syria. and unlike the people in boats,
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they're walking. here is a look at their journey. it begins with the trip north through turkey. they then cross over into greece by boat and then on to macedonia on foot. then to serbia. cnn is near that boreder with hungary and spoke with survivors of this long journey. exhausted children slumped on their parent' shoulders. others like 9-year-old bravely declare that, no, he's not tired. he's from syria, one of his relatives from the isis capital. famous, he jokes, a dark humor is alm have left in the face of all they have endured. both in their homeland and much to their dismay, here. we tried to cross yesterday but the hungarian police were being very harsh so we got scared.
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his uncle tells us. as nightfalls, the human highway trudges on. under the moonlight. on a journey to western europe. waiting in groups, some will try to smuggle through. most hand themselves over to the hungarian authorities. through one of the few openings in the fence. this was not a demarcated border. now a razor wire snakes its way throughout. this is to curb the flow of refugees, making it harder to evade capture, something many dread. worried it will hinder their asylum in western europe and mistreatment by the hungarians that they have been warned about. something many end up experiencing firsthand. waiting for hours under the beating sun with little water, no shelter, and no translator that we saw to tell them what's going on.
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eventually they are bussed here to the processing center which takes a couple days and is hardly set up to accommodate the numbers coming through. on wednesday, some of the refugees refused to be fingerprinted and were tear gassed by the hungarian police when a scuffle break out and according to the refugees, beaten. out the window at the bus station, these refugees were there that day say, the four days under the rain in macedonia was more bearable than the torture we've been through here. it's a prison and they won't respond to us. they just say, go back it syria. >> no one really told them exactly where they are going or what they are supposed to do when they get there so everyone is very confused and asking us what's going on. >> people just want to get out of hungary, it is their gateway it europe. but so far their experience is more of a nightmare than a
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dream. >> and we are trying to establish contact with arwa in our next hour and i will talk with her live about the latest on that situation. simulating all at war on the korean peninsula. u.s. and south korean woman's explode during live fire drills. we will take you inside this show of militarily might coming next. when you're not confident you have complete visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help.
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we turn our attention to the peninsula where they are are carrying out live-fire exerci exercises, held every year by the united states and south korea. kathy novak is in seoul. >> reporter: this is not your average target practice. south korean f-15 fighter jets that can take down a large number of north korean fighters at once. e 7373 pea size that can detect
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something from north korean airspace from the south korean borders. north korean missiles, drop off commandos to infiltrate enemy lines. our soldiers are ready and able says military commander with the will and courage to fight against the enemy. these exercises bring together u.s. and south korean firepower preparing for how to respond to a north korean provocation and simulating all out war. but two can play at this war game. on the korean peninsula, north korea invented the game. parading its 1.2 million active troops and weaponry of its own. under the watchful and unforgiving eye of supreme commander kim jong-un. anti-tank missiles manned by loyal servants of the korean people's army.
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submarin submarines that pyongyang says can launch missiles. and artillery like the kind the united states says was aiming towards propaganda speakers on the border. and south korea fired back. watching this drill, it's clear these shells don't miss. suggesting that when dozens of south korean rounds landed in an empty field in north of the dmz, that is exactly what they were aiming at. they have the firepower. but the game of war on the peninsula is more about positioning and showing off that firepower than actually using it. this is not only a military exercise. it is a show. members of the public have even been invited to watch the display. nothing like some patriotic music to go with your show of fatal force. and with every ground-shaking ear-drum shattering boom of a perfect v formation,
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enthusiastic applause from the ground. it may seem a bit ridiculous but it works. i felt anxious leaving here, but after the performances i'm not anxious at all. north korea can't defetus. satisfied, a very dangerous show. >> quite a show of military might on both sides of the dms there. more military exercises on the korean peninsula are wrapping up today. for more, let's bring in kim law. these exercises have been ongoing, taking a pause during the particular tension and threats by north korea. and finally the talks. so it wasn't like these exercises were the sole responsibility for the tensions this year. >> it was mainly that it was a piling on of everything that was already happening here on the
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peninsula. the specific exercises that we're talking about happened over 12 days. they were computer-generated and what the joint forces were doing led by the united states is basically looking at what would the response be from south korea and the united states should north korea attack. that was the exercise and that is something that happens every single year. north korea knows this, they expect this. but given what was already happening on the peninsula w, tt a land mine exploded, something extremely rare, that they had responded by putting up speakers blasting anti-north korea news. pop music. what we will refer to as propaganda from south korea, all of this piling on with the joint u.s. south korea exercises. that's really what sort of brought this to a higher level. that's what led to all of the concern, the joint drills ending today after 12 days, natalie. >> people there probably, even though they like it as we just
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heard in kathy's piece, because it gives them comfort, there's been so much tension there. perhaps this will harold a little more stand down on that. we ne that both sides got together. they held two meetings to talk about their differences. is there any more of that expected? >> there's nothing specifically planned right now. but those marathon sessions, they were basically a gateway into more talks. there are underlying issues, persistent issues here on the peninsula that talks are hoping will be a break through to get at those issues. specifically, what south korea really want is to try to conduct family reunions. families that have been separated since the start of the korean war. that's 65 years ago. these relatives are dying and they want to have these last meetings before that happens. that's what south korea wants. north korea wants a dialogue so
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they can get more financial assistance. both sides have come to the table. talks hopefully will happen in the future. that's what those marathon talks were about. cooling things off initially and then leading to more talks down the line. natalie? >> we certainly hope those family reunions get to take place and we hope that our viewers saw your poignant touching story when you interviewed these elderly people in the united states who have not seen their children in decades and we certainly hope there are more of those reunions to take place. hopefully that story is on thank you. one of the student leaders of last year's protest in hong kong was in court thursday. to formally face charges in the movement that brought parts of the city to a stand still for more than two months. 18-year-old, yet, just 18, joshua wong was charged with unlawful assembly and inciting others to participate.
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he also faces charges of obstructing police at another demonstration. wong says he does not regret what he did even if he does have to serve time in jail. financial markets in the asia-pacific region are extending their winning streak with more gains today. trading has just ended in tokyo and sydney. and the nikkei finishing up 3%. and australia's asx 200 closing up a half percent. the shanghai up 2.89% and hong kong is up .54%. so the green arrows continue. and on wall street, stocks surge for the second day in a re. dow finishing thursday up 369 points. let's bring our asia-pacific editor andrew stevens in. he is live from hong kong to break down these numbers for us. hello, andrew. >> hello, natalie.
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yes. you showed the key to driving what's been happening in asia-pacific markets today. take a look at that dow streak, that dow wall street number. a big boost thereafter revision of economic growth in the u.s. sharply higher so the u.s. economy, world's biggest really is motoring on very, very nicely. combine that with people now thinking there's unlikely to be an interest rate rise in the u.s. soon and to get a powerful rally on wall street which flows through very much into the asia-pacific markets. and if you take a look at someone like tokyo, interesting behind the numbers there, japan was up sharply. and it was being led by the commodities companies, like mitsubishi, like mitsui. they are big companies. it is important they're up. because what it is saying is that the growth from the in the u.s. is offsetting any slow down in china which means there will still be a demand for raw materials, hence commodity prices are going up.
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that is sort of what is going on behind the scenes if you like. so the shanghai is up by 3%. second day in a re, still in positive territory. and now trading to go there. and if you look at the markets over here, we have been talking a lot about the roller coaster the last five days, natalie. but if you look along the term, that red dot there, that 43%, what that tells you is that over the year, the past 12 months, shanghai is still up by 43%. so there are still profits in that market for some investors. it has come off the top sharply down by 40-odd percent since june, but you can read that as it's still got a long way to fall but still people in there with some sort of profits. >> looking that right there, looks like a mountain peak with a bit of a descent lately. >> i'm sure there's a technical term for that. >> yes. you won't get any technical terms for me on the money end.
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to rampant gun violence in the united states. 200 people are feared dead after a ship filled with migrants bound for italy sank on thursday. at least 200 people were rescued. they were trapped inside the ship's hull when it cap advertised. sadly a situation that did notes to happen in these desperate voyages. 500 days after boca what ran kidnapped more than 200 school girls in nigeria, a group bring back our girls, held a candle light vigil and marched in the girls' honor thursday. they urged the government to do more tho rescue those still held captive and end boca horan's grip. donald trip is extending his lead for president.
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we have a look at the latest quinnipiac university poll. >> if you're donald trump, you love these numbers. look at these numbers, 28% nationally. ben carson next at 12. jeb bush down to 7. let's compare this to a month ago. dr. carson doubled his support from 6 to 12. jeb bush is slipping. ted cruz is up. marco rubio, scott walker like jeb bush has to be worrying when you look at the numbers, anderson. good news for dr. carson. good news for bush and walker especially. >> that's the republican side. among democrats, hillary clinton leads the field with 45%. that's down 10 points from last month, though. 22% support senator bernie sanders. 18% support vice president joe biden. and look at this interesting nugget from the poll. >> what do you think is the first word that comes to mind when you think of hillary clinton clinton. >> liar. >> untrust worthy.
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>> dishonest. >> now a woman comes up, smart comes up, political, experience, strong comes up. but liar, untrust worthy, dishonest comes up the most. donald trump, blow hard, clown, idiot. now businessman does come up. again, strong comes up. honest in his defense. but arrogance comes up. you have a blur here. we had one of these on the hillary graphic too. we decided to be family-friendly and not put on words not good for a family audience. >> a lot of words come up, not all so nice, are they. we want to point out, 18% support joe biden. he has not said he is going it run. he is thinking about it. donald trump claims he is leading among african-american voters but the same poll john just mentioned shows trump will get only about 5% of the african-american vote in
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match-ups against hillary clinton or joe biden. but there is one group that strongly supports trump. and we learn about them from cnn's ed lavendera. >> reporter: the irreverent donald trump show goes on. >> so the news here, anybody can have it. anybody want it? >> reporter: but masses come to experience the fiery rhetoric. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. >> reporter: in these crowds, there's a growing undercurrent of extremist support. >> can you not speak in english. >> reporter: last month in trump's rally, a supporter shouted white power during the speech. >> white power! >> former ku klux klan leader david duke described trump as the best in the lot. the neonazi website daily
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stormer says trump is the only candidate talking about anything at all that matters and white nationalist organization white ren zant says trump might be the last hope for a president that would be good for white people. when asked why he is getting this kind of support trump says he doesn't need it. >> a lot of people like me, even an gel cals like me, democrats, liberals, conservatives like me. >> reporter: a campaign stop in south carolina, he was asked again. >> you seem to be a lot of support or growing support from c radical groups, white supremacist groups, what do you think about that. >> you are telling me about something i did not know about. >> he stereo types that degrade people like latinos. so while donald trump is not a hard core hate monger at all, he is someone who is not above using messages that appeal to
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carolina. >> we turn now to india with the army has been sent in to restore order thursday after days of violent riots engulfed parts of the western and ian state of gudgerit. nine people are dead including a police officer. we want to go live to new delhi. and we are live with the latest. let's start with what triggered this. >> hi, natalie. what triggered this is a protest and the protest was about reservations of the quota system in india. the protest was by a very wealthy or fairly wealthy group known as the pateos. they are traders, farmers, they run a number of motels in the united states that are sometimes called potels. but the basic gist of their protest was that they want india
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to get rid of the quota system, the reservation system. let me just explain what that system is for our international viewers. in india, if you are one of what is known as the other backward cost of a schedule cost of a schedule tribes, if you are one of those collection of backward costs, then there is a special quota of 49% quota of seats that are allotted for people like this in india's top universities, in government jobs, even in ministries. so what the potel community has been protesting about is that they want to get rid of that reservation system, get rid of that quota system, so that they can have a better chance of getting those jobs, getting no those universities. it's resentment, frustration, that spilled out on to the streets in the form after protest. that turned violent on tuesday and wednesday and that's why the army was called in. >> what are chances they would
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get their needs met? because this is steeped in a lot of history. and culture. and this is also the home state of the prime minister. what is he saying about it? what is he doing to try to stop the violence? >> well, mr. mod i has been appealing for peace. this is his home state. and he has seen a lot of violence communal violence in his state. listen to what he said. >> since yesterday, the type of atmosphere that is building up in the land, the manner in which violence is being used as a tool, we all know that violence serves no purpose. it is my appeal to my brothers and sisters that the occasion calls for a single mantra, peace. each and every issue can be resolved through talks. >> so they are calling for peace
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in his home state. but no guarantee right new that he is going to get it because he hasn't given any sign that he is going to concede to the demand. i have to say that the cost and quota system in india is enshrined in the constitution and been in place for decades and the potel community which wants to get rid of the reservations, they are saying if their demands aren't met, they will stop delivering milk, stop delivering vegetables. they will draw money from banks. we haven't seen the last of it yet. it could jessica late. >> all right, thanks for explaining it so clearly and we will talk with you again about any updates there. >> it has been ten years, decade since hurricane katrina ravaged new orleans, louisiana. up next, our martin savidge shares his memories of being there that day covering this horrible deadly storm.
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anniversary of hurricane katrina's rampage through new orleans, louisiana as the storm made land fall. it was soon apparent the city was not prepared for what was about to happen. the levees broke. the city flooded. andsome of the reporters that were covering this story that day ended up being the only lifeline for these people who were so desperate and so scared. cnn's martin savidge is one of the reporters there. here is his story about what happened that day. >> i was in the superdome when katrina struck. a couple of days later, i was here at the convention center. this place was far worse. there were thousands and thousands of people in days in without any help. they were desperate. >> we can't take this. we been out here for three days. >> they begged us to take them with us.
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they assumed we were leaving everyday. we weren't. we never left the city. and so when we told that to them, they then said, you have to have some way to talk to the people. i said, we have satellite phones. that when people began tearing up pieces of paper, grabbing cardboard and writing down telephone numbers. they were certain that if someone knew they would come and be rescued. they gave met numbers and beg that i call. and every evening when i got done with work and there were a few free moments, i made my way down the list. the first thing i noticed is that no one answers their phone any more. always voice mail and voice mail and the message i would leave was the same. you don't know me. i'm a reporter, i'm in new orleans. i saw your uncle today. in the convention center. or i saw your aunt. i saw your sister. they are okay. one of the people actually wrote specifically what i was supposed to say on the phone call.
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please call my daughter, amethyst, and tell her her do d daddy, quote, ain't dead yet. i hung on to this note all these years because it was a reminder of how desperate people were. >> we will have. much more on this. anderson cooper hosts a documentary, katrina: the storm that never stopped. we all know that miraculously, new orleans has come back. but in the ten years since katrina, there are also advances in weather technology that vastly improved our ability to predict where a hurricane will hit and how strong it will be. derek van dam joins us with that part of the story. thank goodness. ten years, much has changed. >> we have seen improvements, in infrastructure, which is great news. but in the weather industry, what i pay most attention to and what means the most to people
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who watch our weather reports ahead of these big hurricanes is that we've gotten better at predicting not only the strength but the path of these particular storms. noaa said models are in the process of improving 50% since katrina made land fall. i want to show you something. this is quite fe nm nphenomenal. we are talking about kmucation ability of our super computers that forecast the paths of the particular storms. and here is a great example. in 2005 when katrina made land fall looked like. if we take the abilities of our super computers now, this is what it looks like in terms of wind strength and speed just before making land fall near new orleans. can you see how detailed that is an obviously the white and purples indicating the strongest of wind gust. and narrowing the path of uncertainty. the cone of uncertainty that we talk about so much.
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in 2005, look how wide along the gulf coast. florida panhandle, through much of louisiana. now with the computer abilities, available satellite data that we have, we narrowed the window by 50 miles, that is important for everyone living in areas that could be impacted by hurricane strength winds. there are significant amounts of rains across the dominika region. the airport, having airplanes actually washed down the runways thanks to overseven inches of rain fall and it was significant in a six-hour period. take a look at some of the video footage out of that region. significant flooding and landslides. 60% of the island nation without power and telephone services and the prime minister saying, that it is going to be very difficult to go forward with search and rescue efforts because there is
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here's one for you. a little boy find out he is going to be a big brother but he can't seem to wrap his head around it. watch this as his mother tries to explain. >> you're going to be a big brother. >> is that your baby? >> yeah. >> in my belly. >> is it in your belly? >> yeah. >> just now? >> yeah. >> is it? >> that's where i've been to the hospital. >> oh, really? >> yeah. >> are you really a real baby? >> yeah. >> is it in there? >> it is tiny. about that small. look. >> i'm going to be a new big brother. i hope you're not joking. >> i'm not joking. >> he can't sleep in my bed. >> if you want. >> it's going to be a fine big brother, isn't he?
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remembering alison parker and adam ward. paying tribute to the young journalists gunned down on live television. >> a dangerous journey to a new life. what migrants are willing to risk to reach europe. >> also, new poll numbers show donald trump still in the lead for the republican presidential nomination, but just who is supporting. >> and late every, ten years have gone by. we will tell you about new technology that will help predict storms in the future. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie alan. look whose back.
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>> good to be with you. i'm george howell, this is "cnn newsroom." >> good day to you. the very latest on the double murder two of young journalist on live television that rattled this nation and shocked the world. >> unbelievable. community of roanoke virginia held a vigil thursday night for alison parker and adam ward. meant to honor the young reporter and camera operator and demand some kind of curb on guns in america. parker and ward were am pushed and killed during live broadcast wednesday morning. it is beyond comprehension. since then tributes have been pouring in. as victor block well reports, the team was well liked, hard-working. as alison parker recalls, his daughter was so successful. >> she just turned 24 last week.
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and she packed in a great life in 24 years. >> reporter: family members and a community are left reeling grieving the loss of a newly-engaged cameraman and aspiring anchor with so much life left to live. >> my heart is broken. but but i want to try and do something that could would change that and make something meaningful for her life so this doesn't happen it someone else again. >> colleagues say 24-year-old alison parker of affiliate wbdj were hard-working and never shi shied away from a story. >> adam, come out from behind the camera. >> they eventually became a team as staff reporter and photographer for the morning show. >> i am a virginia girl. >> she had aspirations of being an anchor. and i have no doubt she would have been able to accomplish that goal.
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>> reporter: the 24-year-old, a rising star, appearing on cnn last november. >> thank you so much from alison parker from wdbj in roanoke. >> she had an explosive personality. she always smiled. she was full of ideas. >> parker had been dating the evening anchor crist hurst and just moved into him. she was the most radiant woman i ever met, he posted on social media, and for some reason she loved me back. >> ward was engaged to the morning show's producer, melissa, who was supposed to be celebrating her last day at the station thursday. instead she watched in horror in the control room as her future husband was gunned down. later on that same day, her wedding dress was delivered. a symbol of love and commitment to ward for a lifetime. shattered by this senseless act of violence. victor blackwell, cnn, moneta, virginia. >> there just aren't any words.
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the staff at wdbj is, of course, struggling with the loss of their family members. >> and you know, you and i, we came up in local news. these are small families. they lost family members. as you say, many of them worked daily with parker and ward. thursday morning, just 24 hours after that shooting, the morning news crew gave an emotional tribute with a moment of silence at the time the pair was killed. later the station's news director explained how the staff is coping with what happened. listen. >> i have watched anchors and reporters half an hour before a newscast be crying in the newsroom and then get on that set and deliver the news to the people of southwest and central virginia. they have had to talk about their colleagues and you know, deal with some difficult situations. i give you the example of our meteorologist this morning. found a candy wrapper, while on
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the air, that adam ward had always eaten and left somewhere. it is those kinds of little things that are just kind of getting to us now. my sports director just said to me, i lost it when i walked out and saw his car in the parking lot and had saw clothes in there. every little thing. it's not the big things that get to us, it's the little ones. >> the shooting has once again renewed the debate about gun control and mental health in the united states. it's not clear whether the shooter, vester flanagan, had within diagnosed with a mental illness. earlier i spoke with our law enforcement analyst, cedric alexander about this case. >> we need to, as a country, take another look at our gun raws. we want to respect the second amendment rights that we all have and because there are a lot of people out there who are gun owners who quite frankly are very responsible and very respectful of firearms. however, in the sad and unfortunate loss of life with
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these young reporters the other day here was a former colleague of theirs who probably did not have any known history of health issues or criminal past. maybe he was able to purchase that weapon legally and there was probably very little in between which could have been done but we still have to go back and i think as this case continues to unfold, investigations continue, we'll learn more. but it is an issue that we have to sit down and address on both sides of the aisle. >> scholarships are being set up to honor the memory of alison parker and adam ward. if you'd like to donate, head to our website, slash impact for more information. 200 people are feared dead off the libyan coast after reports that a ship filled with mostly african migrants bound for italy sank on thursday. >> it just happens again and
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again. they were trapped inside the ship's hull when he it capsized. that has happened before. at least 200 people, thankfully, were rescued. the migrant crisis is on many fronts. this is austria where authorities are invest get aing the deaths of more than 70 people. 70. whose bodies were found inside an abandoned truck along a highway. >> country's ministry said it is likely they were refugees. the discovery comes as a summit focussing on migration takes place in us a austria's capital, ve vienna. people are trying to find shelter. it is a dangerous journey into europe. >> for many, it is worth the risk. they he don't know how it will end up but they still keep coming. look at this trek here many are taking.
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it begins with a trip north through syria, then greece, macedonia, then to serbia. and their ultimate goal, hungary. cnn is near that border with hungary and she walked and talked with the folks on this journey. >> exhausted children slump on their parents' shoulders. others, like this 9-year-old, declare, that, no, he's not tired. he is from syria. one of his relatives from the isis capital. it's famous, he jokes, a dark humor is alm have left in the face of all they he have endured. both in their homeland and much to their dismay, here. and trying to cross yesterday but the hungarian police were harsh. so we got scared. as nightfalls, the human highway
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trudges on. under the moonlight. on a journey to western europe. waiting in groups. some will try to smuggle through. most hand themselves over to the hungarian authorities to one of the few openings in the fence. this was not a demarcated boarder. now a razor wire snakes its way menacingly throughout. this is hungary's he attempt to control the record flow of refugees. making it harder to evade capture. something many dread. worried it will hinder their ae aasylum applications in europe and the dismall treatment by hungarians they have been warned about. something many have experienced firsthand. waiting for hours under the beating sun with little water, no shelter, and no translator that we saw to tell them what's going on. eventually, they are bussed here to the processing center. which takes a couple days.
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and is hardly set up it accommodate the numbers, coming through. on wednesday, some of the refugees refused to be fingerprinted and were tear gassed by the hungarian police when a scuffle broke out. according to refugees, beaten. out the window at the bus station, these refugees who were there that day say -- the four days under the rain in macedonia was more bearable that the torture we've been through here. a prison and they won't respond to us, they just say, go back to syria. >> no one has told them exactly where they're he going or what they're he supposed to do when they get there. so everyone is very confused and asking us what's going on. >>. >> reporter: people just want to get out of hungary. it is their gateway it europe. but so far their experience has been more after nightmare than a dream. >> and joining us now live on the border with the decembspera
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situation there. i just remember you were one of the reporters who got into syria during the war, you've seen how their lives were shattered in war and now you're seeing what they are dealing with as they try to move on. what's the situation there where you are right now? >> reporter: it's heart-breaking, natalie. these refugees have been left in absolutely miserable conditions. as you were saying, the vast majority of them are syrian. they left their homes behind. they have left their loved ones behind. in many cases they have seen the people who they care most about brutally sauderred and now they he made it to europe and this is basically the reception they are getting. these are p em who crossed over into hungry. this is a field. they are guarded by the hundr hungarian police while they wait for the processing center. hungary says they can't deal with the numbers coming in. which is true. however, why are these people
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being left in this condition? and that is what they are all asking. why are we being treated like animals? most of the people you see there, they have been there since 2:00 in the morning. that is for the last seven hours. and i went around and asked every single group whoever they received water and only one family said yes. and this is the only thing they can't understand, and we can't understand either, these people came to europe, believing here at the very least they would be treated with a certain level of dignity, humanity and compassion. and they have yet to see that. the very basic of their needs, water, while they wait, under the beating sun, at this stage, is not being provided for them. and even if, and europe is dealing with unprecedented numbers, many people can't comprehend how it is that they are still being made to feel as if they are animals. as if they are sub human. that is especially true when it comes to their experience here
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in hungary, natalie. >> we certainly hope that these countries caught off guard can remedy this disaster as soon as possible. arwa, we're glad you're there for us, thanks so much. arwa damon. >> only one family she spoke to got water. >> that highlights the horrible situation. >> absolutely. >> we have this story just into cnn. iraq's prime minister is ordering the military to prepare to open baghdad's heavily fortified green zone to all civilians. >> home to british embassies and iraqi government offices, many high ranking government and political leaders live in the area. it became a city in itself. it is not clear at this point why the area is now being open to civilians. we will continue to follow that. europe's financial markets are open for business. >> just ahead, we go live to london to see if they are following wall street's lead
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into positive territory. >> and things are finally returning to normal in india after days of deadly riots in both parts of one particular state. and we'll tell you why it happened, next. if your purse is starting to look more like a tissue box... you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. muddle no more™ .
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european stock markets open for trading just a few minutes good and they are looking to extend thursday's games. right now, ftse, trading pup. german, you see, trading down. sort after mix right now. >> one red arrow we've seen the past few hours. >> stocks in the asia-pacific region are fairing pretty well, trading has ended in shanghai with the composite right now you see trading up. all of the indies indeces trading at this moment. in london with a close are look at the european markets opening -- >> and first, andrew, in hong kong. andrew, good to have you with us. first, out of the united states,
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certainly a playing factor but what are these reports that beijing has also intervened to bring stability. >> there are reports. very difficult it actually confirm. they won't say whether the pension funds are insurance funds are buying specifically george but that seems to be the case yesterday when the composite suddenly spiked up towards the end of the day. and we are seeing a bit of a rerun today. the shanghai once again spiking up to close, you see nearly 5% higher. but it is interesting to see around the rest of the region too, just want to quickly focus on the nikkei. this tells a brder story. nikkei up 3% for the day. that's led by commodities trading stocks. what that tells us is that there is a demand for commodities because after we got that very strong u.s. economic number out from wall street, there is a feeling that the strength of the u.s. economy may be able to offer set the weakness in china so therefore there will be a demand for commodities, which
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has been crashing as of late. so that's one to take away there. just have a quick look, though. this is an incredible roller coaster. look at where we finish. you will see at the end of the day, there isn't a huge amount of damage. we will get that graph up up for you at the moment. but okay, that's down by 12%. not surprising. if you look at hong kong down by 2%. damage around hang high hasn't been too bad. a little bit worse in shanghai. that's where the see the shanghai one year, ending on a high note. you could still be out by 43%. puts it in a bit more perspective. >> andrew stevens, thank you for the insight. >> and the right graphic in there at the end. i was prepared it draw it, andrew. i think that's the one you were
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looking for. but we got it there. isa suarez, she is watching the markets getting under way. what are you seeing, isa? >> reporter: a bit after flat, if we look ats there numbers, they start in the green and we saw it going down slightly. it has changed. we he have seen three days of gains in europe. there is appetite for risk. of course on the back of the strong day out of the gdp data. but most importantly touching on the point andrew was talking about, that's oil. oil really rebounding. when i look at stocks pretty much a driving these numbers higher. all oil commodities, those are the biggest drivers. auto doing very well. oil and gas are the strongest and look at the crude oil prices.
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wti, taking a dip just below in early may but now gain slightly. a lot these investors, oil commodity, that's where it's at but a strong fit and strong start to you're pea heian day. i think too early to tell whether we should celebrate just yet, natalie. nevertheless strong data out of the u.s. we are getting strong data as well. out of europe including we've got swiss gdp. that was better than expected to avoid a recession and in been hour or so we get gdp data. all of that will help lift european markets. friday was a very volatile and roller coaster week for european markets. >> and interesting change in the oil prices. not many people thinking that would happen. we will continue to watch it as goes. isa soares for us. thank you. another indian army sent to
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restore after days of clashes engulfed parts of the western and ian state. >> right. it killed several people, including a police officer. fighting broke out in the prime minister's home state tuesday following the arrest after an affluent community leader. this has been a very busy time for authorities there. what's the very latest? >> hi, george. the latest is that there's an uneasy calm in the state. this follows days of violence. violence so severe is, eight people were in that violence including one policeman. these weren't really clashes between different casts.
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what happened is the patel community, fairly wealthy traders, businessmen and farmers, they farm about 15% of the population of that state, that community has been asking for one of to things. either that india assist em of quotas for costs is removed or that they are included in those quotas and as they protested asking for one of these demands to be met, those protests turned unruly and in the protest the police got involved and people were killed. there is an ongoing investigation into what happened and why. for now things have calmed down. >> as far as being removed or included, where is that conversation going? >> i don't know if it is a conversation the government is engaging in. at least not actively. not publicly. to give you a sense of what
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these reservations are. for centuries, india has add cost system that it still has really in which various parts of the costs some of them were discriminated against including what is then known as untouchables. since india became an independent country, india outlawed practice of untouchbility. and it also, because of these decades of discrimination, it created a system of quotas and reservations and that system einvol evolved over the past few years. with the government jobs and positions at universities are reserved for certain backward classes. what that means though, is that classes like the patels for example, what they are saying is that why is there a quetta for these other backward costs and that quota is hurting their prospects of getting into
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university and getting jobs. this is a larger debate across india and what they he have done so far as being seen as you know protests that has really turned unruly. but i should clarify that no one in india says they need to do away with costses, with the reservation system entirely. that's the situation right now. india's prime minister has appealed for calm. >>. >> translator: since yesterday, the type of atmosphere building up, the manner in which violence is used as a tool, we all ne that violence serves into purpose. it is my appeal that the occasion calls for a single mantra, peace. each and every issue can be resolved through talks. >> no the people protesting the
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patel community, they are saying if their demands aren't met, they are going to keep protesting. they will stop delivering milk. they will stop delivering food and vegetables. they will take money out of their banks. while it is calm today, it is not over. >> calm, but as you mentioned, a complex situation. thank you so much for explaining and we will stay in touch with you. thank you. >> you're watching "cnn newsroom." still ahead here, donald trump is extending his lead from the republican pack. but new polling suggests there are warning signs. we will have them for you. >> plus, the show of military might might. we he good inside the korean exercises exercises.
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a warm welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is "cnn newsroom." i'm george howell. >> i'm natalie allen. thank you for staying with us. police say the man who killed these two journalists had disguises and ammunition in his rental car suggesting he planned a get away before killing himself. vester flanagan bought both his guns on the same day apparently at the same gun store about six weeks ago in the roanoke area. the migrant crises in the mediterranean continues. a ship reportedly filled with african migrants bound for italy sank thursday. 200 were rescued. >> thousands of protesters
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packed the main square in the guatemala capital on thursday demanding the resignation of president melina. he is accused of leading a customs fraud scheme. an allegation he denies. now to u.s. politics. hillary clinton is blasting some conservative rivals for their views on women's reproductive rights. >> she did not hold back on this. she said we expect extreme views about women from terrorist groups but not from republicans who want to be president of the united states. clinton specifically mentioned former florida governor jeb bush, senator mark why rubio and hoff governor john kasich. jeb bush tweeted this about that. clinton, he said, compares pro life americans to terrorists but defend the despicable planned parenthood treatment of the unborn. >> a spokeswoman for the republican national committee want clinton to apologize saying
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quote for hillary clinton to equate her political opponent to terrorist is a new low for her. flailing campaign. don add trump is extending his lead. john talked with anderson coo r cooper. >> jeb bush down to 7. let's compare this to just a month ago. dond al trump up 28 from 28. carson doubled from 6 to 12. bush is slipping. marco rubio about flat. wh he you look at those numbers, anderson, good news for trump, carson. troubling news for bush and walker. if you look at a little bit, trump supports the breath of it is what is startling. 25% of those who describe themselves as very conservative
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say they are for trump. 26% of somewhat conservative for trump and moderate to liberal republicans. so ais consider the entire party. not one dwrgroup putting trump where he is. 26% of americans say they will definitely support trump. you can clearly see a path to the republican nomination. in this crowded field at 28% you can see a path to the nomination. big question, anderson, and can you help me here is when you look ahead toward a general election. pick a number. a lot of warning signs. help me out. >> i don't have my glasses. i can't see. hold on a second. all right. pick a number, 54. >> 54. >> you come over here. there's two of those. 54% of all voters say mr. trump is not honest. 54% have an unfavorable opinion of trump. 63% unfavorable among latinos. 79% unfavorable of
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african-americans. 58% of women unfavorable for trump. 60% don't care about me. 61% say he zdoesn't care about moment. 64% say he lacks the ability to take care of the united states in an emergency crisis. he has time to change these numbers. but almost right new, almost impossible to see trump winning the general election. >> how do hillary clinton and biden match up against trump. >> biden is not in the race, remember. his car is a brand new car on the lot. he hasn't been nicked up. but if you look at clinton beats trump by 4 but biden beats him by 8. clinton beats bush by 2 but biden beats him by 6. clinton beats rubio by 1 but biden can say, i bet him by 1. he can say in a general election, i'm the strongest democrat. >> john king for us there. trump bucked several political scandals on his way it becoming
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the current republican front-runner. you can add this next to the list. trump finally decided to show the crowd his hair is in fact real. >> i don't wear a toupee. it's my hair. i swear. come here. come here. come here. come here. we're going to settle this. is it mine? look. say it, please. >> yes, i believe it is. >> have i ever met you before? >> no. >> no, you haven't. >> you're very nice. thank you. >> so many people have wanted it figure that out. >> i'm glad he put that to rest. we are always looking at his hair. >> it's real. there you go. >> now he he turned to the korean peninsula where jets and tanks and thousands of troops came tobl for a military show of
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force there. >> regular occurrence. they are live fire exercises held every year by the huts and south cree ha. our kathy novak, got a chance to see it unfold and people's reactions to it there. >> this is not your average target practice. south korean f-15 fighter jets that can take down a large number of north korean fighters at once. e-737 pea size that can defect movement across most of the airspace from the south korean border. syrian helicopters launching flares to evade north korean missiles then drop off commandos to infiltrate enemy lines. our soldiers are ready and able says military kmoonder with the will and courage to fight against the enemy. >> these exercises bring together u.s. and south korean
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firepower preparing for how to respond to a north korean provocation and simulating all-out war. >> but two can play at this war game. on the korean peninsula, north korea invented the game. parading its 1.2 hillon active troops and weaponry of its own. under the watchful and unforgiving eye of supreme commander kim jong-un. missiles manned by loyal servants of the korean people's army. submarines that pyongyang says can launch missiles. and artillery like the kind the united states says was aiming towards propaganda speakers on the border. and south korea fired back. >> watching its drills, these shells don't miss. suggesting when dozens of south korean rounds landed in an empty field north of the dmz, that is exactly what they were aiming
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at. they have the firepower, but the game of war on the peninsula is more about positioning and showing off that firepower than actually using it. this is not only a military exercise, it's a show. members of the public have even been invited to bauch the display. nothing like some patriotic music to go with your show of fatal force and with every ground shaking ear drum shattering boom of artillery in a perfect v formation, enthusiastic applause from the crowd. that may seem a bit ridiculous but it works. i felt really anxious living here says soon, but after theter performances, i'm not anxious at all. north korea can't defeat us. satisfied moviegoers at very dangerous show. >> we are marking the 10-year anniversary of hurricane katrina. coming up here, a look back at
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one of the most catastrophic events ever to hit the united states. plus, storm warnings have become more advanced in the years since that devastating hurricane. meteorologist derek van dam has details on the improved technology as "cnn newsroom" continues. pwhat've we got? 5. bp 64/40 sterilize sites. multiple foreign objects in the body. tweezers. (buzz!) (buzz!) if you're the guy from the operation game, you get operated on. it's what you do. (buzz!) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do.
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welcome back to "cnn newsroom." barack obama toured the city of new orleans thursday. marking ten years since hurricane katrina battered the city and five states along the u.s. gulf coast region. mr. obama met with residents and commended the community for its resilience. >> boy have they shown resilience. they are the come back city. that storm killing more than 1800 people and caused more than $100 billion in damage. the disaster also exposed major weakuses in america's infrastruck tier and its emergency response. so many people had to leave new
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orleans and they never came back. after katrina and may land fall it was apparent new orleans was not prepared for what was happening. cnn's martin savidge remembers how bad things got and what he did and other reporters did to help the storms victims. >> reporter: i was in the superdome when he katrina struck. a couple days later, i was here at the convention center. this place was far worse. there were thousands and thousands of people and days in without any help. they were desperate. >> we can't take this. we been out here for three days. >>. >> reporter: they begged us to take them with us. they assumed we were leaving everyday. we weren't. we never left the city. so when we told that to them they then said you got to have some way of talking to people. we said, we have satellite
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phones. that's when people began tearing up pieces of paper or grabbing cardboard or writing down telephone numbers. they were certain someone knew they would come and be rescued. they gave me numbers and begged that i call. and every evening when i got done with work and when there were a few free moments, i would start making my way down the list. first thing i realized is that nobody answers their phone any more. always voice mail after voice mail and the message i would always leave was the same. you don't know me. i'm a reporter. i'm in new orleans. i saw your uncle today. or i saw your aunt. i saw your sister. they're okay. >> one of the people wrote specifically what i was supposed to say in the phone call. police call my daughter amethyst and tell her, her daddy, quote, ain't dead yet. i hung on to that note all these years because it was a reminder
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of how desperate people were. >> i hope that note's hanging in his office. how about that one? >> we're going to have much more coverage on this 10th anniversary of katrina. anderson cooper right there. he was there, as you remember, he hostes a documentary called katrina the storm that never stopped. it airs this saturday, 3:00 p.m. eastern in the u.s. 8:00 p.m. in london. >> we also have a special section on line for our coverage. can you find it at we've been looking back at katrina then. new orleans is back, that is part of our coverage. and weather technology has come a long way in ten years. >> and there's a storm brewing right now. >> that's right. that all storms part of what i'm about to talk about in terms of just how much we've advanced since katrina back in 2005. noaa vowed to improve their forecasting capabilities for
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major hurricanes by 50%. leading into 2018. quickly coming up across that. take a look at this graphic. this is what the wind field looked like from the computer models that we have available to us back in 2005. this is hurricane katrina. look how pix lated it is. here is the gulf coast. there is louisiana. here is florida. this just goes to show you how small our super computer abilities really were. our kpu nationcomputation yl al. now look what we have available to us now. look at the resolution. look at details. white and shading of purple. that indicates the strongest part of hurricane katrina. that shows you how improved our computers are now compared to ten years ago. even on the forecast path of uncertainty, this is that cone we talk about every so
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frequently when we have the big land falling hurricanes. if we were to say ten years ago we had a very large swath of potential land fall areas, if we took the computers available us to now we could actually shrink that area by 50 miles. that is huge. we are talking about evacuati evacuations. the number of people who need to get away from the potential land falling hurricane. this is dramatic improvement for motologist and myself to help improve forecasts for you at home. we are getting better and more efficient at helping save lives and property. this is the latest on tropical storm erica. our next point of focus. 45 mile per hour sustained winds, it wasn't the wind that were a concern, and the island nation of dominika, they had
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over 8.5 inches of rain in six-hour period. just over 8 inches in 12 hours. very high mountain peaks that lead to the main population center which is at the base of the mountains. this allows all of this rain water to basically funnel down the mountains and valleys. total devastation, about 30,000 people living on the island. it'll be very difficult for search and rescue to get under way. once the sun comes up this morning. look at the floods. 60% of the island nation right new without power and telephone capabilities. so it is going to be quite a concern for them. >> and that video we see there coming from the prime minister, roosevelt. >> that's correct. he was talking about that island nation and saying how extensive the damage was. now we focus on rain for puerto rico and the virgin islands.
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>> hopefully it will let up. my goodness. good news on the noaa research. you can tell that hurricane is different. >> yeah he. >> all right. here, coming up, a literary controversy. fans line up for companyies of the latest book and girl with the dragon tattoo series though. but we will tell you how the author behind the new novel is calling a bit of a stir. stay with us for that. kellogg's® frosted 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet. for the adult and kid in all of us.
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the late creator steve larson created "the girl with the dragon that too "sold millions of copies. >> now the series is hitting store shelves and some fans say it should never ever have been written. >>. >> reporter: she's back. the that tooed young hacker from the girl with the dragon that too returned in a new novel with fans in stockholm lining up to buy the girl in the spider's web when it went on sale at the stroke of midnight. >> i'm here for nut book and i'm very excited for the story.
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>>. >> reporter: the fourth book with the swedish heroin who became hugely popular in the trilogy. the thriller selling more than 80 million copies in 50 countries. and became a hollywood movie starring daniel craig and rooney mara. but there's a twist. original author, stig larson, died in 2004, long before his books became popular. now a new author comes up where the stories left off. >> i have the deepest respect for larson. >> a swedish author and journalist was picked to pen the new novel. he said the assignment terrified him at first but he tried to honor larson while adding something of himself to the story. >> if it would be a good book, i have to put my own passion in it. my own ideas. >> one person who said they won't read the new novel is
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larson's partner. husband multimillion dollar estate went to his father and brother. gabrielson said it was just written for the money. the author says he has respect for her but ultimately it is up to the readers who have the final say. >> i don't see a problem in the new writer. >> nearly 3 million copies are available and more than two dozen countries with plans for another movie already in the works. it seems larson's story is far from over. >> probably another best seller. thank you for watching cnn. i appreciate it. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. thank you for being with us. early start is coming up for viewers in the united states and for viewers around the world. stay tuned. "cnn newsroom" continues.
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♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a killer's get away plan. new information how the plan was set up to kill two on air. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm alison kosik. >> i'm miguel marquez. happy friday. it is august 28th. 4:00 a.m. in the east. vester flanagan's final hours. he shot two on live tv. he had a wig and ammunition in
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