tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN September 13, 2015 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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on cnn starting at 6:00 p.m. this wednesday. tweet your questions for the candidates at @questions cnn debate. "fareed zakaria gps" starts right now. this is "gps," the global public square, welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i am fareed zakaria, coming to you today from london. we have a very special guest from here who will help us understand the top threats to the united states and its allies. is it isis, al qaeda, iron, russia, cyber terror? i'll talk to the real life counter part of m, james bond's fictional boss. john sawers, the chief of
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britain's secret intelligence service. also, why is germany taking in so many refugees? and why is the rest of europe's reaction to it solemn at best, spiteful at worst? i'll explain. also, meet the man who wants to take in 100,000 refugees. this egyptian billionaire says all he needs is for greece or italy to sell him an island. finally, paying taxes, donating organs, helping others, rather than send in the police, pass more laws and ban more stuff, can the government nudge you to do the right thing? well, there is a "nudge unit" right here in the united kingdom and we will talk to the head of it. ioer.
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but first here is my take. as 16 republican candidates try to get noticed perhaps we shouldn't be surprised to hear crazy rhetoric and outlandish ideas. in recent weeks chris christie has proposed that all legal visitors to the united states, anyone with a visa, be tracked every minute like a fedex package. mike huckabee has compared planned parenthood to isis because he says they both take people's heads off. and i haven't even gotten to donald trump. the brunt of this extremism has been borne by immigrants, especially mexicans. it's crude but ultimately inconsequential. the policies being proposed could never really be enacted or implemented and although mexicans might be deeply offended and rightly so, their country has to find a way to make its peace with its gigantic neighbor to the north. none of this is true about china, the new target of irresponsible republican rhetoric. china is the world's second
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largest economy, almost two and a half times the size of the next largest, japan. even if growth slows substantially there, china will continue to have seismic effects on the global system. governor scott walker has declared that the upcoming state visit of china's president xi jinping should be canceled. marco rubio would allow xi to come but down-grade his trip and use it as an opportunity to, quote, speak bluntly to this authoritarian ruler. in a speech billed as outlining his foreign policy, rubio argued china is a rising threat to our economic interests and a growing danger to our national security. christie explained that washington needs a military approach to china. trump goes further and is coarser. i asked henry kissinger what he
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makes of the rhetoric. it is foolishness, he said but dangerous foolishness. it could have grave repercussions. part of the problem is that china's government remains a black box and few understand what's happening there, which makes it easy to ascribe malign intentions to beijing's every move. take the chinese central bank's decision to allow its currency to fall, instantly denounced by politicians in washington as an effort to flood the u.s. market with cheap goods. well, actually, over the past few years it has appreciated substantially against the dollar and the yen. the chinese government appeared to be responding to western pressure to allow market forces to reign, which in this case made the currency fall. that's why the international monetary fund praised beijing's decision to devalue. beijing's policies have been inconsistent and ineffective in both the currency and stock markets, but that does not mean
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they're evil. the republicans' rhetoric on china, mexico and immigration reveals a break-down of the party's ideal ogcal vision. republicans have favored internationalism, engagement and free markets. in 2016 it's possible the party's nominee will be populist, nativist and protectist. the consequences of this new climate of china-bashing could be serious. it might turn out that over time we determine it is not possible to cooperate with china, kissinger said, but we should exhaust every effort to have a serious, constructive relationship. if not, the tensions will build, misunderstandings will grow and i worry that we would find ourselves in an atmosphere similar to that of europe before world war i, a war no one wanted but no one knew how to stop. for more, go to and read my "washington post"
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column on this topic. i will be listening to hear what the candidates say on these topics and more when cnn hosts the next gop debate at 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. eastern on wednesday night. i hope you will be watching and listening too. now, let's get started. ♪ ♪ the cold war was easy. america and the west knew who the bad guys were, the soviets. today it's a whole different game, of course. the struggle to keep us all safe today was laid out concisely by the fictional head of england's secret intelligence service in the latest james bond movie "sky fall." >> i see a different world than you do. the truth is that would i see frightens me. i am frightened because our enemies are not unknown to us.
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our world is more opaque. it's in the shadows. that's where we must do battle. >> that was judi dench as the fictional head of england's very real mi6. her code name is the bond movies is m. the real head of mi6 code name is c. chief of the secret intelligence service. and that is the job my next guest had until late last year, the equivalent of the director of the scia in the united state. john sawers, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you. >> let me ask you, do you think that the world today is safer than it was when you took on your job as the head of mi6 five years ago? >> i think it's pretty chaotic and dangerous at the moment. i think the example i was chief of mi6 during the london
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olympics, where we were able to assure the prime minister, myself and my colleagues at mi5, that we were pretty confident that the london olympics would be terrorism free. and thanks to a lot of hard work, it was. i don't think you could be quite so confident now if a london olympics were in 2016, for example, because of the rise of isis, the way in which terrorist tactics have evolved. they're picking up bombs and taking them into shopping maull and attacking people with knives. much harder to stop and obstruct as an intelligence service. i think we also have the whole cyber dimension, which is creating vulnerabilities for everyone. we don't really have an international process to set the limits for cyber activity or to recognize what would be a justified response to cyber attack. united states has been, both the
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government and the private sector, have been subject to a whole series of cyber attacks. people think they know what the sources of it was, but there is no real ability to deal with this in a conventional way. so we're going to have to find a new way to deal with new threats. >> when you look at this migrant crisis and you hear voices in europe and some in the united states who worry about the fact that, among these waves of migrants, there may be jaudis, people with ties to isis, how worried are you about that? and how much do you think these people can be vetted and you can be sure that you can sort this out? >> well, i understand the sensitivity and the concern about that. that's not my biggest concern about the terrorist threats caused by the crisis in syria. i think the bulk of these refugees are people genuinely fleeing conflict and seeking a better life for themselves and
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their families. so i don't think we should treat the refugees as potential terrorists. i think the real problem, certainly in europe that we face, is that so many of our own citizens have been out to syria, have signed up with terrorist organizations like isis and have -- pose a risk because they can come back, radicalized and keen to carry out terrorist attacks in their home countries. we saw attacks in paris at the beginning of this year, copenhagen at the beginning of the year. also attacks around the middle east as well. >> what can you do about that? people say, oh, it's because these people are unemployed or some other people say it's because of the ideology. the way i look at it, talking about a continent of 300 million people. there are going to be some misfits, crazies. how could you in the intelligence possibly
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preemptively know that this seemingly middle class guy is going to go crazy. >> well, that's one of the secret skills that intelligence and security services have to develop. you have to have sources of information. you have to win the trust of key figures in muslim communities, in our own countries, and you have to be able to penetrate, with secret agents, the terrorist organizes overseas. these are very hard tasks that we have. we have had some success in this. we foiled many terrorist attacks, attempted terrorist attacks, in this country and elsewhere. i don't think that we can expect to have 100% record on that. some of the terrorist attacks at different times will get through. but actually the intelligence community in america, in britain, in france and elsewhere have by and large been quite successful. you still can't have a hundred percent record there.
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>> we have to move on. there is so much i want to cover. what does your intelligence tell you about the iranian government? how divided is it? xha >> we're seeing a country that is going through a transition from a sort of revolutionary basis to being a more normal state. but there are struggles going on inside the country. i know president rouhani from my time as the chief british negotiator on the iran deal between 2003 and 2007. we started it that long ago. i know the foreign minister as well. i think they have a different vision for iran in terms of iran's security than the hard-liners in the revolutionary guard and the quds force and so on. there are different concepts for the future of iran. and frankly, when i visited tehran, not in my last job.
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i visited when i was a diplomat and negotiator. and you get the sense that the iranian people, especially young iranians, they don't really have much respect for the concept of revolution and revolutionary state in iran. they want to have a normal life. they want to be able to do business, travel, use their iphones and access the internet just like people in all other countries do. i think we need strategic patience with iran to allow it time to evolve and develop over the coming 10 to 15 years. at the end of the day we have an ult mant guarantor if iran tries to break out. i think there is a potential for iran to become a more normal country over the next 10 to 15 years and that we should maximize the possibility. when we come back more with john sawers. we'll ask him about putin, about
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saudi arabia and about china, when we come back. so you're a small business expert from at&t? yeah, give me a problem and i've got the solution. well, we have 30 years of customer records. our cloud can keep them safe and accessible anywhere. my drivers don't have time to fill out forms. tablets. keep it all digital. we're looking to double our deliveries. our fleet apps will find the fastest route. oh, and your boysenberry apple scones smell about done. ahh, you're good. i like to bake. add new business services with at&t and get up to $500 in total savings.
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don't miss the final days of the biggest sale of the year! with the c2 queen mattress just $599.99. ends sunday! know better sleep with sleep number. used to be known as "c" until late last year. john sawers he was the chief of mi6. the job made famous in books and on screen by james bonds' boss known as "m." i'm going to call him sir john. let's talk about vladimir putin. have we miscalculated -- by we i mean the rest that put in place the sanctions, condemned the
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annexation of crimea, refused to accept it, told russia to stop meddling in ukraine. the condemnations are in place but nothing has changed for vladimir putin. >> i wouldn't go that far. i think the russians were quite surprised at the level of the reaction, agreed reaction between the united states and europe, to -- in response to the annexation of crimea and to the conflict that he has helped contribute to in the east of ukraine. and the situation in ukraine is calmer now than certainly it was this time last year. i think president putin understands that, if he wants to have any prospect of the international sanctions on russia being lifted, then he is going to have to cooperate and work with the ukrainian government. and we in the west, we have to understand that ukraine has a special hold for people in
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russia. it's right on their borders. it's a international part of russian culture and history. and we need to take into account russian sensitivities, justified sensitivities, as well as insist on the ukrainians being able to take their own decisions and determine their own future. what about what's going on in china? you look at china. you have a powerful leader. more powerful some people say since mao. he has consolidated power. he is presiding over a currency fiasco. what do you think is going on? >> i wouldn't be quite so strong on the -- in terms of the challenges they're facing. they are trying to make a transition from an economy which has been export led, really highly successful, the most successful economy in the world at the last 30 years in the rate of growth it's achieved and sustained. and they are having to adapt to -- or they're trying to adapt
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to a more market-led rather than state-led economy. it's hugely in our interest that china manages this transition effectively and that the relationship between the united states and china is going to be the key relationship for global stability through the rest of this century. so it's really important that china succeeds in some way in its transition. a failed china is a much more dangerous china. we should bear that in mind. what is your reading of barack obama as president, in terms of foreign policy? if you were preparing an intelligence, an analysis for the prime minister of britain, what would you say about obama's foreign policy? >> first of all, we didn't spy on the united states, and we have a very good cooperation with the united states in terms of the intelligence side. in terms of president obama's performance, i think the first thing you have to say is he had the entree from hell.
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troops deployed in iraq and afghanistan, a financial crisis that had really set back the western economies. so he has had a series of issues, huge issues, he's had to deal with. and he -- his focus has been on the domestic side, on health care issues, on rebuilding the american economy. i think, on the -- on his external policy, i think he has been cautious, possibly to a fault. i think he has been hesitant to get back involved in military engagements in the islamic world, for example. scarred by what had happened in iraq and afghanistan. and recognizing that public opinion, the political appetite for further engagements, is very low. equally, he's taken risks. he took risks with the osama bin laden killing, which i think has really shaken the capacity of al
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qaeda to launch attacks. i think his political initiatives on iran and cuba i think will -- are important steps forward in terms of normalizing both those countries. so it's -- as with all presidents, there are elements on both sides of the ledger. but he has been a calm and steady and reliable president, and as a partner for european leaders as well. i think overall the assessment is positive. >> great to have you as a guide to help us through it. john sawers, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you very much indeed. coming up, why are some of germany's neighbors comparing its current policies on refugees to those off the nazis? what in the world? when we come back. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder... ...whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type
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women and children who have fled their country, the obama administration wants the united states to take in 10,000 over the next year. britain has promised that it will revise its policy and resettle up to 20,000 syrians over the next five years. and then there is germany, where an estimated 800,000 asylum-seekers will arrive this year. more than in all of europe in 2014. you would think that german generosity would spur other countries to emulate or at least thank and praise it. not quite. some european politicians have been quick to criticize germany for violating european union rules, for creating a magnet that will attract more refugees and increasing the risk of jihadi infiltration. hungarian prime minister viktor orban said, the problem is not a european problem. the problem is a german problem.
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marine le pen, france's populist leader accused germany of trying to, quote, recruit slaves through massive immigration. almost certainly a sly reference to forced labor during world war ii. europe is under stress on many fronts, and politicians have found an easy way to deflect the blame. conjure up the ghosts of the nazis. der spiegel, germany's leading magazine, reported that nazi symbols have become de rigueur at anti-austerity demonstrations, pointing to posters and caricatures, some with chancellor angela merkel turned into a hitler look-alike, at rallies in poland, portugal, spain, italy and, of course, greece. during the debt negotiations, the greek government approved a propaganda video that played in subway trains in athens. the video included footage of the nazi invasion and occupation
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of greece with text that read, we claim what germany owes us. newspapers in greece routinely compared germany's positions on its debt restructuring to nazi policies. one can disagree with certain german policies, the emphasis on austerity, for example, but it is shameful to use that to stoke up old hatreds that have no basis in today's world. modern germany has tried as hard as any nation ever has to repent for its past. it has behaved as an exemplary liberal democracy and model global citizen. it's paid out hundreds of billions of dollars in reparations and foreign aid. it has memorials and museums and monuments all marking the most gruesome chapter of german hoirts. i cannot think of any other country that has dealt with its demons as thoroughly as the federal reflipublic of germany.
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after world war ii, west germany accepted around 13 million people from soviet-ruled eastern europe according to reuters. in the early 1990s it took in more than half a million people displaced by the balkan wars. nothing can erase the horrors of world war ii and the holocaust but modern germany is the most powerful example of the idea that people can change. cultures can change. and that over time redemption is possible, even for a nation soaked in blood. for more on this, go to and read my "washington post" column this week. as you just heard. germany, a nation of 80 million people, will take in an estimated 800,000 asylum-seekers. next on "gps," you'll meet one man who wants to take in a hundred thousand, even two hundred thursday, all by himself.
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after many years of ignoring the ever-growing tide of desperate refugees flowing out of syria and the greater middle east, the world suddenly sat up and paid attention in recent days. the reason, the striking image of aylan, the 2-year-old syrian boy who died while trying to reach freedom. my next guest has a novel idea to help and also has the means to do so. now he wants to name that idea after the dead syrian boy. aylan island is naguib sawiris's dream. he has sent letters to the prime ministers of greece and italy asking them to sell him an island so he can house and employ 100,000 to 200,000 of the world's world's refugees. as sawiris himself admitted on
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twitter it's a crazy idea. but he says, if he gets his island he can and will take care of the rest. he joins me now. naguib, thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much. >> when did you think of this? it must have been something you were thinking of even before the tragic case of aylan. >> i actually must admit it's the picture of aylan that woke me up. it was a very touching picture. in addition to that, the way these pictures were coming out of hungary, the way the refugees were being treated by the authorities there and being beaten and put into the trains and buses, i mean, it was just too much. this was the moment of what i said, i mean, i cannot just sit like that and just do nothing, you know, and pretend it's not my problem, you know. >> so explain your idea. let's say you get the island. what exactly what you do? how would it work? >> look, it's not about just getting the island. i tell you that the chanllenge s
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not just finding and buying the island. the challenge is that -- that it's an island and greece or italy. it falls under the jurisdiction of italy or greece. the first point is i would like to have the consent of the prime minister of italy or greece to house and host these refugees in this island, you know. finding an island and buying the island is the second point. but i think the challenge here is really to get -- because you can't just take people and put them on an island that you bought. they don't have visas. we need passport control agency, we need people to check them out. you need data, you need customs. so the real challenge of the idea is that, to have the authorities accept the fact that you will host immigrants there, and as specifically greece has a lot of islands that are for sale, and they should offer me an island for sale but mainly
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accept that we host these immigrants there. after that, the rest i can do. it's very simple. i will build a small, temporary marina. i will build temporary housing and school and temporary hospital, you know. then we will use these people and provide them jobs to build a new city on the island, to build this island, you know. this war is not going to end in weeks or in months. maybe years even. so what do we do with these people meanwhile, you know? i am here in beand met the pinsr today. he told me his fear is the winter is going, it will be snowing and how will they sustain this weather and everything. we need to move fast. >> when you look at the people who have fled syria, what is striking is, in the middle east, the countries that have taken these people are often not the richest. jordan has taken over a million. lebanon has taken a huge number.
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turkey has taken 1.5 million. saudi arabia has barely taken any. your own country, egypt, has barely taken any. wouldn't it be fair to say some of those countries should? there is a lot of land in russirussisaudi arabia. talk to the king. he has millions of square miles of land on which these people could build houses. >> let me defend egypt. they're hosting 400,000 syrian refugees. i think we could do more. you are right when you mentioned saudi arabia or kuwait or the emirates. i guess they have their own reasons. instead of financing the wrong guys in this story, they should be pitching in or trying to help these poor people, you know. but there is one consensus, okay. actually, the iranians, the saudis, egyptians, the whole world are united that the one
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that needs to be fought is isis. they are the main -- they are the ones chopping heads, killing innocent people, kidnapping and ransoming and raping women in front of our eyes and we are sitting there watching. these countries should at least do something. with all respect to your president obama, sending 300 trainees -- people to train the iraqi army is not a solution for what i call the soldiers of the devil. these people are not just terrorists. they are criminals. what are we doing about that? that's the real problem. how can you come to a political compromise with these killers and gangsters. >> naguib onsi sawiris pleasure to talk to you. >> thank you. up next, ever try to get your kids to do something they don't want to do? i know from experience it's a tough battle. it's even tougher if you are the government, trying to get people
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to do something like pay taxes. the government here in the united kingdom set up a "nudge unit" to do just that, nudge people, persuade them to do the right thing. and apparently it works. find out how to get your child to make his bed and some more important things too when we come back. kellogg's® frosted 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet. for the adult and kid in all of us. ♪ kellogg's frosted mini-wheats® feed your inner kidult
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j@ i'god blessed and teeming with citpeople of all kinds...e. living in harmony and peace. trump: they're bringing crime. they're rapists. if i am elected they're... going to be out of there day one. reporter: do you think birth right citizenship should be ended? walker: yeah, absolutely. cruz: i think we should end birth right citizenship trump: i will build a great, great wall... in my mind it was a tall proud city built of... rocks stronger than oceans. and if there had to be city walls... the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.
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. paying taxes in countries where an annual tax bill comes due surely ranks at or near the top of the least favorite twi s activities of the year. many procrastinate and send in their checks after the deadline. here in the united kingdom almost a million people are said to have filed late last year. the government then loses revenue. a few years ago the british government set up a team called behavioral insights team to solve that problem and others like it. how to get people to donate organs or do other things like it. david halpern is the head of the "nudge unit." he joins me now. how do you get people to pay their taxes on time? >> that's a good puzzle.
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something the government was worried about in 2010 when we had a gap in our budget. we took a block of people who were late paying their tacx. we added one line in the letter. nine out of ten people pay their taxes on time. just doing this actually boosted the payment rates. >> it's peer pressure, a subtle, gentle peer pressure. >> it's a much nicer way to encourage people to pay their tax. it led to many other variations. if you say most people in your area pay their tax on time is even more effective. actually, you are one of the few who have yet to pay their taxes actually turns out to be even more effective. >> what are the other kinds of things that you're trying to nudge people to do? >> there is a whole range of things. if you think about it most things government do actually concerns behavior. get back to work faster, you want kids to work harder in school and so on. when you go into a job center in the uk if you are unemployed you
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have to prove you are looking for work. we say, which jobs did you look at last week? we turned that around and said, we should ask people what you're going to do next week. we turned it around. we asked people what are you going to do, what kind of work and so on. from the literature, you know you're much more likely to do something if you plan ahead. sure enough, asking people what you'll do next week instead of last made them much more likely to get into work. >> so what you're asking people is what do you hope to do next week? >> we would say, what kind of work are you looking for? i want to be a tv presenter. you're -- fair enough. how are you going to go about it? look in the local paper? no. i'm going to ask my friends. when is a good time? tuesday morning. >> so you encourage people to think more about when, where and how they're going to do something. >> rather than accumulating the useless information about what they'd done in the past. >> if you want someone to take a
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vaccination. if you add onto the letter, think about when you're going to do it. same for voting. if you prompt someone to think how will you get to the voting booth and so on, just prompting the question. >> don't have them think in the abstract. have them think in the particular with a time, when do you plan to do this? >> concrete terms. it particularly helps with people who are less organized in terms of their job search activity. it's a remarkable result. we're not changing people's skills or changing the labor market, but just asking the questions in a different way means people are much more effective in their job search and get off benefits faster. >> what about the famous examples that people give that come out of the book, if you put the fruits and salads at the start of a buffet, people are more likely to consume good things. >> that's right. >> and if you put the bad stuff at the end. is part of it how you structure the choices? >> absolutely. in your example it's not
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government that does that. it's lots of other private-sector players too, which is one of the intriguing things about it. in the uk, for example, there have been discussions and on a voluntary basis getting retailers, for example, not to put so many -- so much chocolate and sweets by the checkout. right? you're at checkout, your child is there, oh, could we get one of those? on a voluntary basis the retailers removed the chocolate, making it easier for us to make healthy choices as opposed to an impul impulse buy. >> why would you do that? the kids want chocolate, if you put carrots there, my kids will not say, please buy me carrots. >> if you put cartoon characters on carrots, they're more likely to. we all have issues in society about obesity and at least some retailers want to do the right things. sometimes governments, rather than passing a law, you can engage in a conversation. the customers themselves want that. when you're in the store, would you rather go to a place where
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actually, i fell i'm not going to be pestered at the checkout. customers want that too. >> the other example is if you want people to withhold money to save money, if you make the saving the default and say, check a box if you don't want to save this money, you ended up with a much better outcome than the other way around. >> that's right. in britain we changed that from 2012 also. since then, even though it was large firms, more than 5 million people are saving. it's spectacularly effective. it gives people a choice. we thought, maybe anglo-saxons don't like saving. it's not that. we just don't like paperwork. if someone else does it for us, we still have the choice to opt out but nine in ten people stay in. it's phenomenal effective compared to the tax subsidy. >> final question. how far can this go? is this a substitute for legislation? in a way, it would be ideal if
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it could organically shift people's choices. >> it won't do everything, it's not going to solve global warming by itself or stop war but there are very many areas where it can be effective. health. life-style. we don't exercise or eat healthfully enough. economic growth. economies bounce up and down because of what we think others are doing and we're often wrong in those perceptions. we've written a book about it inside the "nudge unit." it's also we still think we're scratching the surface. there is a long way still to go. >> best of luck. fascinating ideas. next on "gps," the queen just became the longest-serving british monarch. who has got the crown for the whole world? find out when we come back. and one that's sweet. for the adult and kid in all of us. ♪
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i'm a gas service my nrepresentative. n. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special. together, we're building a better california.
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became britain's longest serving monarch when she broke queen victoria's record. despite those more than 23,000 days on the throne she is not the world's longest-serving monarch. who is? is it the king of sweden? the king of thailand, the sultan of bruni or the queen of denmark. this week's book of the week is "the drunkard's walk, how randomness rules our lives." we all know that a lot of life's successes and failures are because of luck.
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this excellent book makes you think about that in a systematic and serious way. if you like malcolm gladwell, you'll enjoy this book. now for the last look. >> i think the united states honestly, sadly, cannot relax our entrance criteria. we're having to be very careful about who we let enter this country from these war-torn regions to ensure that terrorists are not coming here. >> that was republican presidential candidate carly fiorina, voicing an opinion many in america share, despite the fact that america was founded by those fleeing religious persecution. the first refugee legislation in this country was not passed until 1948. president truman wrote, quote, i believe that the admission of these persons will add to the strength and energy of the nation. and there is evidence to say that truman was correct. in regard it refugees and more broadly migrants. for example, according to one study of australian migrants out
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this week, the longer humanitarian migrants stay in a country, they are more likely to start their own businesses than other migrants. and some in europe get it. germany's minister of the economy said on thursday that training refugees will, quote, solve one of our biggest problems for the economic future of our country, the skills shortage. but it's more than just the economics. refugees who fled strife in their eras include people like frederik chopan, albert einstein and madeleine albright. should there be thorough screening, of course. as truman reminded us, it is not just the potential for terror we need to think about, it's the potential for strength and energy as well. the correct answer to our "gps" challenge question is b.
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the king of sthienthailand has for more than 69 years. don't forget to tune into the next gop debate this wednesday at 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. thank you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. good morning. i'm brian stelter. it's time for "reliable sources." our weekly look at the story behind the story of how news and pop culture are made. special guests are standing by this morning. first a late-night talk show called unpredictable, ground-breaking and controversial. we have the host, dick cavitett. he is here to size up stephen colbert's first week as the host of "the tonight show." weeks after alison parker and adam ward were executed on live tv, alison's
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