tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN September 14, 2015 9:00pm-1:01am PDT
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that's it for us. thanks for watching. our coverage continues now from cnn in atlanta. >> what would reagan think as republican candidates get nasty on the campaign trail, what would the conservative icon make of the current campaign? and especially donald trump? revolving door politics. australia's new prime minister just sworn in after a huge shake-up in ruling party. plus, a fiery nightmare that won't end in california. thousands forced to flee as wildfires scorch hand hundreds of home. welcome viewers here in the united states and around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> great to have you with us. cnn news begins right now. we're just less than 48 hours away from the next debate with the republican candidates for the u.s. presidency.
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unlike the last debate when most of the candidates tried to avoid mixing it up with trump this time around the front-runner says he will be a prime target for attacks and his response to that, whatever. >> trump spoke to a crowd of about 20,000 people in dallas, texas, monday night. the billionaire real estate developer echoed some familiar themes keeping jobs in the u.s. and keeping illegal immigrants out. hundreds of protesters rallied outside the trump event. they marched from a nearby church to the venue where trump was speenlging. >> one protest organizer called trump a clown. several people made pinatas of the presidential hopeful. senior washington correspondent has more now on trump's day. >> i'm your candidate. okay? >> reporter: donald trump not only on top but on fire. >> i'm surging more than anybody. >> reporter: as he rallies thousands of supporters in dallas, new polls show him still driving the republican race. trump and ben carson towering
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over the gop field seizing more than half of the republican vote in a new "washington post"/abc news poll. trump winning four times as much support as jeb bush. it means trump is wearing the biggest bull's-eye at wednesday's debate. but warning signs for the front-runner. overall, six in ten voters say trump is not qualified. among hispanic voters 70% hold negative views of him. 60% very negative. still, trump is head and shoulders ahead of his rivals. in the first primary state of new hampshire. a new monmouth university poll today shows trump at 28%, followed by ben carson and john kasich in third. everyone is trying to bring trump down to size. >> it is not about how big your office is or how big your plane or your helicopter or your ego. leader ship is about service.
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look at this face. >> karcarly fiorina super pack out with a new web ad trying to use trump's own words against him after he made a comment about her face. >> this is the face of a 61-year-old woman. i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> reporter: trump's campaign manager firing back against super pacs, not the substance of the original attack from his boss. >> this is the problem with the dark money involved in politics right now. know jeb bush has $100 million sitting in a super pac. i'm sure the vast majority is going to come and go after mr. trump because jeb is 8% or less in the last poll. >> i'm working hard. >> reporter: not just jeb bush. he and much of the republican field crowded the bottom of the polls in single digits hoping to break outen wednesday night. so many of these republican candidates are trying to use this debate to jump-start their own candidacies. they're doing their own strategies to go after the
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front-runner donald trump. but it's a perilous task. should they go after him forcefully or should they let him implode on his own? that's what republican leaders believe and hope he will do ultima ultimately. there is no sign of that. he is leading this race the front-runner. center stage on wednesday night. jeff zeleny, cnn, california. reagan's name is expected to come up a lot during wednesday's republican debate. it's being held at the ronald reagan presidential library. they might just disagree with the stance on immigration. >> in 1986 reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. the immigration n. and control act beefed up border security and added strict penalties for employers who knowingly hired undocumented workers. but it also granted amnesty to nearly 3 million illegal immigrants then in the u.s. something no current republican candidate supports.
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>> it's not just immigration. president reagan closed tax loopholes in his own words made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing. he successfully pushed for an assault weapons band, signed a law which stops hospitals to give -- he doubled the size of medicare. and he talked to america's enemies, the soviet union, to reduce the stockpile of nuclear weapons. would he will conservative enough for today's republican party? what would he think of the mud slinging? one of our political commentators joins us from new york. tara, we can talk about this stuff for days. i guess what i'd like to speak to you about is the tone and the nasty way this primary is playing out and the negativity, especially from donald trump, what would reagan think? >> i think that president reagan would be appalled at the turn that the campaign has taken this summer by the entry of donald trump and antics which are
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classless. president reagan was honorable and a gentlemen. he was not approved of the kind of disrespect that donald trump has brought really to the office of the presidency that he is seeking by behaving this way. he's behaving like a reality shore jerry springer ca eer cha >> this is what trump wrote about reagan in his book "the art of the deal." you can't con people at least not for long. you can do wond pul pro pegs and gets press and throw in hyperly. if you don't deliver the goods people will catch on. reagan is so smooth and so effective a performer that completely won over the american people. only now nearly seven years later, are people beginning to question whether there's anything beneath that smile. are republicans able to say mean
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things about president reagan? >> i think some would argue that donald trump is not a republican. he's a republican now because it's expedient to him. he doesn't hold very conservative values. this whole thing about how comparison between donald trump and ronald reagan is asinine. there's nothing about them similar other than they both came from the entertainment industry. for donald trump to now all of a sudden invoke reagan and i'm going to make america great again which is something reagan said in 1980 i think is shrewd politics and political expedient because ronald reagan is the standard bearer of modern day conservatism. i think it's ironic that donald trump is trying to align himself with someone who he threw an insult at right there in his own words in his book. >> after last night when i had a
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mani/pedi, i kicked back to watch the miss america pageant. >> i think donald trump is an entertainer. i think he says what's on a lot of people's minds. but i think the republican party should be absolutely terrified of all the attention that he is taking from incredible candidates like jeb bush and chris christie who would absolutely do the job of president of the united states. and if i were a republican i would absolutely be terrified of that. thank you. thank you so much. >> the wisdom of fourth running up miss alabama and i'll throw a question to you. should the republican party be terrified right now? >> i don't know if it's that it's terrified. i think it should be a wake-up call. it really should. for the people in washington and what they've been doing and the lack of leadership and disappointment the american people who voted these folks in in a wave election, you know, the american people came out. they voted in republicans because they were upset with the disaster of the obama administration and what the democrats have done and in power and what is the republican
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leadership done? they've rolled over. they haven't stood. for anything. they have not lived up to any of the promises that got them elected. when it comes down to brass tax and time to vote and who is going to be the best person to be the commander in chief, do we really as americans want donald trump there occupying that? i don't think so. i hope not. >> we will find out. >> that terrifies me. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. any time. and let's check out the day's other political headlines. republican jeb bush has released a new campaign ad and, once again, he is speaking spanish. the ad celebrates hispanic heritage month and features his wife who was born in mexico. >> scott walker held a campaign rally on monday and vowed to crack down on big government union bosses if elected president. walker made a name for himself
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going after unions as wisconsin's gov more. >> ben carson is concerned about the u.s. accepting refugees from the war in syria. the retired neurosurgeon tells cnn the u.s. needs to do a better job of screening people before letting them into the country. >> they could easily be people who are being infiltrated by terrorists and recognize that once you bring them in, then you got to bring other members of the family in. so you're multiply that number substantially. we -- this is not something that we can necessarily afford to do in terms of exposing our population to that kind of risk right now. >> on the democratic side, hill and bill ticket? hillary clinton says the idea of her husband, former president bill clinton, as a running mate has crossed her mind. clinton says he would be good at the job but he's not eligible because of the constitution. >> and senator bernie sanders step foot on some unfamiliar
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ground monday. he spoke with students at the conservative liberty university. sanders acknowledged he may see things differently on social issues but he hoped they could all agree the income gap between rich and poor needs to be closed. and be sure to tune in to cnn this week as the republican presidential candidates face-off in back-to-back debates. watch them live on wednesday night starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. that's 11:00 p.m. in lon on the. 6:00 a.m. thursday in hong kong. only here on cnn. >> did you see that reception bernie sanders got i? amazing. there is politics to report in australia. the country has a new prime minister. former communications minister malcolm turnbull was sworn in just a few moments ago. >> turnbull says the government has not been successful in providing economic leadership australia needs and many expect he will be more liberal on
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social issues. he is a part of what abbott had to say in his final remarks as prime minister. >> the great privilege that i have had is to see the wonder of this country like few others. and i want to thank the australian people for giving me the honor to serve. yes, this is a tough day but when you join the game, you accept the rules. i've held true to what i've believed and i'm proud of what we have achieved over the past two years. >> really if you listen, listening to the radio, the talk back radio played in australia when i woke up this morning, a lot of blowback not only supported tony abbott but quite angry about this revolving door of leaders that they've had. five prime ministers in five years. and the joke now is that australia is becoming the italy of the south pacific. there is a real desire in that country or demand for stable
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leadership. >> the problem is there wasn't a lot of support for tony abbott early on in his leadership. >> most unpopular prime minister in a very long time. >> yeah. there is a lot of support formal come turnbull but not elected by the people. >> that's how t system works. that's the westminster system. the party elects the people and people elect the party. the party wants to change the leader because things are not going well. normal process. checks and balances. the problem malcolm turnbull is going to face, progressive on social issues. a lot of support because he is pro marriage equality, he wants to take action on climate change me lost the party leadership six years ago because on the issue of climate change and the emissions scheme. and pro for republican of australia but his own party don't like those positions. let's go to asia pacific editor andrew stevens live in hong kong at this hour. first job for turnbull is trying to unite a divided government. is he expected to face blowback from abbott supporters?
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>> if you read to chat about what he has to do, that unification of the party is number one on the agenda. we saw from that acceptance speech, if you like yesterday, john, that that was a very, very important point for him. talked about collaborative government, talked about including the cabinet and all the decisions old-fashioned l n liberal government for people who don't know us australia january politics. liberal is the conservative wing. he was talking about a very inclusive approach to it. but you're right. i mean, there is a very strong right wing in this -- in this party who have not liked malcolm turnbull because of his social policies in particular which is action on climate change and on gay marriage. he does have to bring those together. but the bigger picture, oskf course, is electability. politicians will put up with a
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lot if he's on the winning side. he is more electable. the party thinks he's more electable than tony abbott. they've got until january 2017 before they have to got to the polls. some people think he may go earlier. >> about 30 within that coalition who were a bit nervous about their jobs and thought it was better that abbott lose his than they lose theirs. talk about the big picture. two prime ministers ousted in their first terms. hasn't happened in australia since world war ii. what is behind this instability? >> good question. the parties -- have both parties come out of touch with voters? it's the back room deals. malcolm turnbull won in a back room deal essentially. he got the numbers. he got the job as julia did before him. gilliard pretty much she says hounded out of office and so on. massive instability at the top which has been revolting to most
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ordinary australian voters and for good reason, john. it's difficult to see why such a successful economy, this is an xi that hasn't had a recession in 24 years. it is a stable country. why there has been so many changes of leadership at the top? i mean, as you say, i've heard that word italy as well. that's a very damning indictment on australian politics. the people will want to see a leader who goes through full term at least, getting back to the not of too distant past. and tony abbott i guess was a special case as you've been pointing out. he failed in the polls. he was below the opposition ranking in the polls for a long time. 60 months some would say. 60 months, sort of 16, 18 monlt months. he was not making any headway in the polls. he was unelectable. the party did what it thinks it had to do. leaves a bad taste in most
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australian's mouths. >> it's been a revolving door of leadership. people are growing tired of and, as you said, hoping for a period of stability. andrew, thank you for that. live for us in hong kong. and there are reports north korea plans for long-range missiles. north koreans take media, quote, the world will clearly see a series of satellite soaring into the sky. >> south korea says it is watching very closely and the u.s. state department says any satellite unch lark with ballistic missile technology would violate security council resoluti resolutions. a rocket launch is expected next month for the 70th anniversary of the workers party. pyongyang says the satellite will be a peaceful one. "cnn newsroom," when we come back, tens of thousands of refugees and migrants racing the clock to reach western europe before time runs out. details ahead. plus, little relief in california as firefighters try
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welcome back. breaking news from the u.s. state of utah. flash flooding killed six people and eight more may be missing. >> cnn affiliate say narrow canyons flooded monday in the southern part of the state. two vehicling was swept into a riverbed. the national weather service says there was a fast-moving thunderstorm in the area. more than 5,000 firefighters in the u.s. are battling two wildfires raging in northern california. at least one person has died in the so-called valley fire. >> it is scorched about 61,000 acres or nearly 25,000 hectors. about 13,000 people have been displaced. >> to the east of sacramento it grew to more than 71,000 acres. about 10,000 people have been
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displaced by this fire. dry conditions and the state's four-year long drought are fuelling the fires. cnn's dan simon reports now from middleton, california. >> reporter: with hundreds of homes destroyed, the massive valley wildfire has become the most destructive blaze of the summer in the parched west. the fire has bned more than 60,000 acres. the condition so terrible that the governor has declared a state of emergency for four counties. >> these fires will take lives. they will cause injuries and we have to do the best we can because we are really in a battle with nature that nature is more powerful than we are. >> we don't see an end in fire season for the months to come. we're planning for that. we're in this for the long haul. we are continuing to use all of the resources at our disposal. governor brown provided some additional funding. >> reporter: the fire, 100 miles west of sacramento, spread so fast that people had very little time to evacuate. >> everything behind the gas
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station is gone. the school's gone. store's gone. >> and that wasn't the only fire to hit northern california. 70 miles east of sacramento, another wildfire has grown more than 70,000 acres and still threatening thousand of structures. together the two fires have destroyed well more than 500 homes. >> being with everybody that's going through the same thing makes us feel ling we actually have a family right here with us. you know, besides our immediate family. >> reporter: at the napa county fairgrounds evacuees set up what lacks like a tent city. melissa canchola and four children wondering if their house is still sanding. >> i just want to go home if i have a home anymore. >> what do you think the chances are? >> not good. i don't think there is anything left. >> reporter: about 5500 firefighters are working to save the homes. but after four years of drought, the area remains a tinder box with what seems like an
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unlimited supply of highly flammable fuel. and authorities confirm at least one person has died in this wildfire. this was an elderly woman who was disabled and she was apparently unable to get herself out of harm's way. and some people are still missing and so there's a concern that there could be even more fatalities. dan simon, cnn, middletown, california. and for more on california's fire emergency, we are joined by mark, director of the governor's office of emergency services. he is with us now on the line from sacramento, the state capital. thank you, sir, for joining us. one person dead. thousands of people displaced. what is the situation right now and how long do you think it will likely take to contain these fires? >> well, the situation still remains very critical. you know, we were able to get a little bit of better containment today because weed th had a coo
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weather pattern to come in and actually a little bit of slight precipitati precipitation. and that has -- that helped us get a little bit of a handle on -- particularly the valley fire. but we're not out of the woods yet. we have a ways to go. and conceivably this will take another several weeks before we can get it contained and the valley fire. the other fires that we have in the state are still burning. we've actually got around 12 fires at this time burning in california. of course, the three top priority fires are the most severe fires are the valley fire in lake county and the butte fire and the rough fire down in fresno county. >> i mean, that's a real concern. when you're talking in terms of weeks before it's contained. of course, as we reported there, four years of drought in the region. excessively dry conditions on the ground, offering lots of fuel for these fires.
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some moisture as you mentioned in the forecast. but this is a dire situation. what needs to be done, do you think, to try to make the homes and families in this region less vulnerable to fires of this magnitude going forward? >> well, you know, we work very -- really, really hard with our local government with people who are developers who are building communities, to try to build fire safe communities. particularly these communities being built in the wild land or what we call the urban wild land interfa interface. and really stronger building codes and the ability to have as fire resistant a structure as possible. really individuals to do good clearance. we recommend at least 100 foot clearance around our home or your structure. and then lastly, really understanding watching the conditions, and if you're told to leave, get out of the area.
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heed those warnings. and listen to what the officials are saying to get out of harm's way. that's really important. >> critical tips there for people in the region. mark ghilanducci, appreciate it to much. >> you're welcome. more breaking news in the united states. police in mississippi have arrested the man suspected of murdering two people, one of them a colleague. >> the university's twitter account says shannon lamb has been caught. lamb had been on the run since professor ethan schmidt was found shot in the head in his office on monday. lamb is also suspected of killing a woman earlier in the difficult about 300 miles away. so far police have not released a motive. shannon lamb teaches geography at the same school where either shift apparently was shot in the head in his office. take a short break.
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hello. thank you for staying with us. you're watching "newsroom." >> you want to check the shaed lines. >> there is more breaking news. shannon lamb, the man suspect oefd murdering a fellow teacher in cleveland, mississippi, has been arrested. the school's twitter account is giving that information. lamb is accuse of shoot prog fesser ethan schmidt in the head
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on monday in the office. police also believe he murdered a woman in the another town before going to campus. malcolm turnbull is the new prime minister of australia. he was sworn in earlier in cambra. he replaces tony abbott who served two years as prime minister before he was ousted in a leadership challenge monday. mr. turnbull says australia needs better economic leadership. north korea state media says the country is closed to launching a new satellite. south korea's defense ministry says it's watching closely. the north is expected to stage a rocket launch next month for the 70th anniversary of the workers party. in the u.s., the county clerk in kentucky who was jailed for refusing to give marriage licenses to same-sex couples is back at work. but kim davis remains defiant. she says putting her name on those documents is against her christian beliefs. but she didn't rule out having her deputies ishs shoe the licenses as long as her name and
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title don't appear on them. at least one person has died and one of two major wildfires raging in northern california. more than 1,000 firefighters battling the valley fire has scorched about 61,000 rake acres. thousands have been displaced. and meteorologist is here now for the latest offen the fire conditions. this is actually the worst fire they've had all year. that's saying something. >> it is saying something. this is among the fastest burning fires we've seen in the last 30 years as well. both fires particularly the valley fire. unlike you and i, guys, when it comes to fires they move up hill much faster than they do downhill. when you think about this area of california, rolling hills is known for this. the steeper the slope the faster the fires burn. talk about a slope like this, heating up the terrain ahead of it so the fires ignite much more readily. that's what we're seeing in this part of california. the question is are the rains going to help? off heard in the previous interview certainly some rainfall there but not enough to
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cause the conditions to improve really drastically. here's the landscape across middletown where we know an area that's burned is equivalent to fwis the size of the city of san francisco. this has happened from saturday into right now. much of it from saturday to sunday. burning at a rate of 30 acres per hour. that's how fast it was burning. 62,000 acres. containment from 0% has gone up to 10%. the big concern is expanding to an area where 9,000 struck ur choose are threatened with the fire that has proved to be deadly. especially even tanker trucks have to be brought in with the firefighters running low on water and looking at struck chushs that have been consumed by the fire and having to condition serve some of their water because it's too late to try to use the water in an area that's been charred. but not far away to the east. over 71,000 acres of land consumed. that's about 2 1/2 times the city of san francisco. containment up to 35%. again, some 6400 structures also impacted be i this. notice the showers are there. very little in the way of the moisture coming down right now.
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unfortunately some of it is convictive in nature. when you look around the butte fire, some lightning strikes have been detected. this is not what you want to see with the storms because any sort of improvement they bring to the forecast could be taken back when it comes to lightning strikes across the area, which is in the forecast near the butte fire. temperatures once again warm up and it dries up over the region. watching for more potent storm that gets here wednesday night. as it approaches northern california, showers will pick up. not going to be a washout. the valley fire this time gets in on rainfall. quarter of an inch. less of an inch over that region. that's the good news. forecast across the town of cobb near the valley fire brings in a good probability, 100% is what the models are indicating across this region of california. so i want to talk about quickly an update with what's happened across utah. a few minutes ago you brought us the breaking news of six fatalities and seven people now considered missing in the town of hildale. i lived and worked in this area
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with my first job and population of 2900 people in this town and 13 people either missing or killed. >> we reported about 20 minutes ago. update that seven people are missing. >> this came out of nowhere. >> yeah. we had a monsoon thunderstorm roll by. any time you have mountainous landscapes they exacerbate the problem. it fun knows down the low area. >> the landscape is broken dry as well. very arid. tough place to be. >> the sandstone is not going to observe moisture when rain hits it. >> we'll continue to cover that story, of course. thank you. tens of thousands -- tens of thousands of refugees and migrants are facing a new sense of urgency as europe's struggles to get control of the humanitarian disaster. several eu countries are doing
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what germany hastightening thei. people are racing to make to it germany and other western european nations before it's too late. >> a day after emergency eu meeting where ministers failed to reach a decision on the most crucial issue, ho w to distribue them. hungary is taking the hardest line on the border crossing. the prime minister says his country will deport or imprison anyone who tries to cross the border from serbia. the government says nearly 10,000 have crossed into hungary on monday. >> under the new laws, anyone who climbs the country's razor wire border fence could go to prison for three years. there are now only two checkpoints along that border where people can register and cross into hungary. as we've mentioned, germany has suspended its open borders policy. temporary controls are now in place to get a handle on the influx of refugees.
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>> here's atika shubert reporting in from munich. >> reporter: over the weekend munich saw a record number of refugees coming through this train station. 16,000. so noorly as many came in to germany in just one day. and this is why germany says they need to impose temporary border controls along the border with austria. what that means is they suspended a number of train lines. 000 operating again. however, police are going onboard trains checking for ids. those without any valid id may be turned around at the border and not allowed to come in. the same is being done for cars and trucks on the highways as well. all of this, germany says, is necessary because of the surge of refugees coming in to the country. what serm any wants to see is a joint asylum policy. one in which all of the eu nations have a mandatory quote to as in terms of the number of
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refugees they will accept. they want to see sort of hot spots, registration areas for refugees to be safely registered in humane conditions, particularly in volunteer countries such as italy, greece, and hungary. they also want to see legal and safe ways for refugees to get the countri that accept them for asylum. all of this is being discussed in brussels at a ministerial level. and while it's being discussed there does not seem to be any agreement so far and it seems very unlikely that we'll get any sort of joint asylum policy any time soon. atika shubert, cnn, munich, germany. >> and to learn how to help in this crisis please go to our website, more now about what led to a kchb condition state trooper's death after a traffic stop. two women and two children were in the car with the man who murdered him on sunday. the driver, joseph johnson
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shanks, had a suspended license. took off. he was shot and killed after a chase. officers killed johnson shanks a few hours later. his 18-year-old niece is charged with hindering his capture. . in illinois, federal law enforcement agencies are scaling back their involvement in the search for a police officer's possible killer. at least one agency says no suspects have been named for them to find, so their resources are being deployed elsewhere. lieutenant joseph gliniewicz died earlier this month after making a radio call saying he had encountered three suspicious people. well, now the coroner says the lieutenant's death could have been a homicide accident or even a suicide. a judge has denied bomb for the former police officer accuse of murdering an unarmed african-american man. slager's attorney argued he should be placed on house arrest.
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the prosecution says he's a danger to the community. on monday the judged agreed. he shot walter scott as seen here in this video. slager reportedly pulled scott over because of a broken taillight. a powerful message from the young news anchor whose reporter girlfriend was shot dead live on tv. >> chris hearst was back behind the desk monday night less than weeks after the bizarre shooting in roane noenlg, virginia. allison parker's cameraman was also shot in the attack. the gunman later killed himself. >> chris hearst talked about what he has learned from this tragedy and how he will live differently. >> it's good to be back, folks. all of our family continue to grieve and cope with the loss of adam ward and my love allison parker. in the 2 1/2 weeks since their murder the healing has begun. i have been away from you and
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meeting new places from places like newtown and aurora. there have been laughs and smiles and answers. i know the answer to what we all must do. it is to profess love, not hate. to love one another and to love strangers. alison and adam projected a love and peace into our world that can never be taken even if they were taken from us. she and i fell in love here in the newsroom as we fondly watched each other care deeply about our communitying and try to make them better and safer. that's what drove her as she came in to your home every morning. don't forget their love. it will fuel us the rest of our days. alison's mother told me a slight adaptation to the serenity prayer that guides us. i will always remember to have the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, i have the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to make a difference.
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appeals to be ramping up terror strategy against the united states. the group's leader is now calling on all muslims to launch lone wolf attacks inside the u.s. >> a call made to the one by isis in the past and it's a disturbing development just ahead of the pope's visit. details now from brian todd. >> reporter: al qaeda's elusive leader making a dramatic new threat. i man al zawahiri, $25 million u.s. bounty on his head encourages yun jihadists to carry oat lone wolf attacks inside america. >> translator: i call on each muslim who can harm the country's crusader coalition to the no hesitate. i see we must now focus to move to the heart and homes of the cities to the crusaders west and minely america. >> reporter: despite al qaeda's history of well planned spectacular attacks like 9/11
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zawahiri now says aspiring terrorists should emulate the actions of boston bombers and the brothers who attacked "charlie hebdo." he calls them, quote, the brave nirts of the paris invasion. analysts say this is part of al qaeda's strategy in recent years. isolated attacks that are harder to stop. >> the fact he's throwing his weight behind now at this time he sees this more important to al qaeda than in the past. >> reporter: the u.s. official tells cnn the message indicates a removed leader trying to stay relevant. in the new message zawahiri extends an olive branch to isis despite calling its leader caliphate illinois legitimate. he calls on them to fight together in the face of a common enemy. >> all this has to be underr understood in terms of the competition that's happening globally now between al qaeda and isis for recruits. ayman al zawahiri is trying to
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restore al qaeda to relevance, trying to restore himself to relevance. >> reporter: his call comes at a time of high tension. law enforcement sources tell cnn the fbi has been monitoring wide spread calls on social media and chatter by suspected jihadist supporters for attack s against pope francis' visit next week. this is lar to before the july 4th holiday. while there's significant concern there is no specific threat against the papal visit. still, zawahiri's call, analysts say, should make americans more concerned. >> we have no way of stopping individuals who have access here in america to powerful military level firearms, of simply hearing a message from sal a rarry, somebody elseness and may be deranged or unbalanced, otherwise going out and suddenly killing people. it is very, very difficult to stop that. >> where is iman al zawahiri? they say he's hiding in pakistan
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near the border of afghanistan. why hasn't he been successfully targeted? zawahiri is said to be supported by local residents who help him move around and allude capture and he's got a very secure communications network. brian todd, cnn, washington. mexico's government says six of its citizens are unaccounted for after egyptian security forces mistakenly attacked a tour group on saturday. >> pictures of egypt. popular place for travelers tra. also where 12 people were killed, mostly tourists, and 1 others were wounded. when we come back, the attorney general expects more arrests of fifa officials and associates as the u.s. probe in a separate swiss investigation grow bigger. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes,
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welcome back. more charges are likely from the fifa football scandal according to the u.s. attorney general. >> yeah. the united states and swiss investigators claim new evidence has been obtained in separate investigations. u.s. justice correspondent evan perez has the latest. >> reporter: the top u.s. law
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enforcement official traveled to zurich to deliver a new warning. more criminal charges are coming in the case that has already rocked the world of football. u.s. attorney general loretta lynch personally oversaw the investigation that brought criminal charges against 14 people affiliated with fifa. of the top fifa official, long-time president, was not among those charged but law enforcement officials tell me that he is among the fifa officials the fbi is still actively investigating. lynch held a press conference in zurich with her counterpart. she didn't mention any names but she said that she has more people in her sights. >> i'm grateful for the significant cooperation and substantial evidence that we have received from all corners. based upon that cooperation and new evidence, we do anticipate pursuing additional charges against individuals and entities. >> reporter: lynch says 13 of those people charged so far have already been arrested.
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three have flown back to the u.s. to face charges. i'm told that some of those people back in the u.s. are now cooperating with the fbi investigation, possibly helping to bring charges against others. evan perez, cnn, washington. >> thanks for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm rosemary church. >> i'll be back with another hour of "cnn newsroom" after a short break. you're watching cnn, the world's news leader. [ piercing sound ]
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internet essentials from comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. the university professor in mississippi suspected in two murders has been apprehended. we'll have the latest on the campus shooting. also ahead, australia's new leader malcolm turnbull sworn in as prime minister and tony abbott has one last swipe at the media. thousands pack an arena for donald trump. hundreds rally to dump trump. hello, welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. great to have you with us. the second hour of "cnn newsroom" begins right now. we'll begin with that breaking news we have been following in the u.s. state of mississippi.
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hurnt for a university shooting suspect is now over. the delta state university president confirms on twitter that police apprehended shannon lamb late monday night. lamb had been on the run all day since police found a university professor shot to death in his office. lamb is a teacher at the school and by all accounts a friend of the victim, ethan schmidt seen here in facebook photos. lamb is also accuse of killing a woman named amy prentice 300 miles away from that school. it happened earlier in the day. lamb and prentice apparently lived together. police have not disclosed a motive or what connection, if any, there was between prentice and schmidt. okay. we move on. 3:00 p.m. in australia where the country has new prime minister. up. >> i malcolm turnbull do swear that i will well and fully swefr the people of australia for the office of prime minister andly be faithful and true leader to
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queen elizabeth ii, queen of australia, so help me god. >> malcolm turnbull taking oath of office a short time ago, 29th prime minister by the gov northern general. he won that position after ousting tony abbott from the leadership on monday. tu turnbull had been serving as communications director. let's go to cnn's asia pacific editor andrew stevens live for us at this hour in hong kong. andrew, as we look at the job ahead formal come turnbull, he's got to unite what's been a pretty divided party. >> pretty divided political landscape generally. fifth time we've seen a swearing in of a new australian prime minister in five years. it has been absolute roundabout for the top of australia. turnbull does have a big job of reunited the party. leading members of the right
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wing of the party that do not trust his politic or his leanings, if you like. he is in support of action on climate change. he's in support of gay marriage. he's a small liberal when it comes to social issues. that is what he has to do, malcolm turnbull has to do to pull the party together to present a united front as they go forward. basically set themselves to be elected at the next general election, that has to take place before the end of next year. and this is the underlying cause of all this political duggary, john, is the liberal party, which in australia is the conservative wing of policy because the liberal party did not think tony abbott was electable at the next general election. they think malcolm turnbull is, whether they like him or not. he is gold dust as far as the electorate is concerned. so that is what they're going to do to go forward. tony abbott, after that vote in which he lost the prime ministership yesterday, dramatic five hours in australian
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politics, left parliamentary hq without saying a word to reporters. he has been speaking today. hess been defending his record saying he was proud of what he's done in the two years as prime minister and looking at his records to say he's done a good job. but he did have a swipe, as you say, at the media. he had a lot of criticism at the media. so many leaks during the abbott rein, so many negative stories about him in the awed australiaia media. listen to what abbott said. >> mostly sour, bitter, character assassination. poll-driven panic has produced a revolving door prime ministership which can't be good for our country. and i'm afraid our media culture has developed that rewards trecher you. >> treachery is him referring to the number of leaks from his senior members of his cabinet
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about dysfunction in the cabinet. turnbull has faced the first prime minister question. looked like softball stuff for the beginning but it's going to get harder as the opposition starts aiming for election approaches. >> andrew, is it a problem formal come turnbull he is the richest politician in australia? he's worth almost $200 million. already has a tag of being an elitist. >> it doesn't seem to be a problem at the moment. he is popular, broadly popular. you know, some people say that he has shown his medal in the real word, he's not a career politician. he got out there. he did on his own make a large fortune. he grew up in -- he was basically raised by his father. so single parent family there. he won scholarships to go to elite schools. he won a major scholarship to go to oxford university to finish
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his law degree. he has the smarts. he's made very successful life for himself in politics. sorry, in the private sector. so now moving into politics, some people say, john, that there's a grown-up in charge. i've heard that line used. >> yeah. okay. well, obviously the markets like it. australian dollar rose by 1 1/2 cents on news that turnbull was the new leader. andrew stevens live for us this hour in hong kong. u.s. politics, and republican presidential candidate donald trump is rallying in texas trying to cement his lead. trump told supporters in dallas he would keep jobs in the u.s. and keep illegal immigrants out. billionaire real estate developer says he knows he will be the prime target or republican challengers in wednesday night's debate right here on cnn. >> so, the debate. i hear they're all going after
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me. whatever. whatever. the polls come out and we're really killing it. we are killing it. the silent majority, it's braac. and it's not silent. i think we should call it -- maybe we should call it the noisy, the a aggressive, the wanting to win, wanting to win. >> hundreds of protesters rallied of it side the event. they marched from nearby church to where trump was speaking. one protest organizer called trump a clown and they made pinatas of the presidential hopeful. trump supporters waited for hours outside that arena in dallas. gary tuchman asked some of them what they find so appealing about donald trump. >> reporter: 75-year-old carol voted in her first presidential election in 1964. but she's never been as
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enthusiastic about presidential candidate as she is about donald trump. and that's why she showed up incredibly early waiting in the hot sun to see him. >> you came about ten hours early to see donald trump. >> yes, i have. >> have you ever waited in a line this long in your life? >> once when i was 22 to see the queen of england in scotland. it was on a travel grant. >> reporter: hundreds of trump supporters joined carol hours early so they could get good seats. people like gene and his son robbie. >> he's a man. this country needs a man to run it. you know? i mean, he speaks the truth. >> reporter: and people like john. >> before he announced his decision to run, who did you want for president? >> previously, marco rubio. >> what happened to rubio in your mind? >> donald came out and just, we liked his message better. >> reporter: 18,500 seat arena is the home to basketball's dallas mavericks and hockey's dallas stars.
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also a busy concert venue. never before has a billionaire reles stit tycoon who wants to be leader of the free world been the headliner here. this is a mega event. and whether you think that's a good idea or not might have a lot to do with how you feel about donald trump. the people here overwhelmingly think it's good. >> so, we're going to hold this up for donald. >> this is not fired, he's hired. >> reporter: to add to the festive atmosphere, one wheeled trump supporters rolled up. are you spreading the word on your unicycle? >> yes, i guess so. big wheels for trump. >> reporter: lisa shed brought her 15-year-old son. >> some of the stuff that trump says bothers you? >> yes. >> you're still supporting him for president? >> i am because i think he will turn this country around. >> but you would like him to be more kind to certain people? >> i do. >> who are those people? >> women. >> what do you think about what he has said about certain women? >> i'm not happy with him with that. but i'm not going to be able to
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change his spots. and nobody is perfect. >> so you're willing to forgive that? >> yes. >> and you will support him for president? >> yes. >> unequivocal? >> yep. >> reporter: after hours of waiting, carol is one of the first let i side the stadium to see her candidate for president. gary tuchman, cnn, dallas. donald trump was the topic of conn conversation during sunday night's question and answer part of the miss america pageant. one of the judges asked miss alabama why trump was leading by such a lrnlg marge margin. >> i think donald trump is an entertainer. i think he says what's on a lot of people's minds but i think the republican party should be absolutely terrified of all the attention that he is taking from incredible candidates like jeb bush and chris christie who would absolutely do the job of president of the united states. and if i were a republican i would absolutely be terrified of
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that. thank you. thank you so much. >> a short time ago i spoke with cnn political commentator and asked her if the republican party really should be terrified. >> i don't know if it's that it's terrified. i think that it should be a wake-up call. it really should. for the people in washington and what they've been doing and the lack of leadership and disappointment that the american people who voeed these folks in in a wave election, you know, the american people came out. they voted in republicans because they were upset with the disaster of the obama administration and what the democrats have done in power and what is the republican leadership done? they've rolled over. they haven't stood up for anything. they have not lived up to the promises that got them elected. so the electorate is upset with them and they're just fed up. it's their so fed up that they've allowed someone like donald trump who is an entertainer. i agree with ms. alabama. i agree with carly fiorina and other folks who say this guy is
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not a serious politician. he's an entertainer. look at his rallies. look at the way he speaks. he speaks in platitudes, generalalities. he calls people names and people love that because it seems to breathe kind of the lowest common denominator in some things like a talk show and they want to see what he's going to say next, versus will this guy actually be a good legislator, a good effect x executor, a good president? >> we're actually hosting the republican debate on wednesday. and so be sure to tune in to watch it as they face-off. watch that debate live wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. eastern time here in the u.s. that's 11:00 p.m. in london. you can get up early. thursday in hong kong and find it only here on cnn. meantime, on the democratic side front-runner hillary clinton made an interesting comparison of all the republican candidates. on monday she was speaking at a women for hillary organizing
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event at luther college in iowa when she remarked there's no difference among any of those republican candidates except for maybe one little feature. >> it is somewhat entertaining. their flamboyant front-runner has grabbed a lot of the attention lately. but if you look at the policies of all of them running, they're pretty much the same. they're trump just without the pizazz and the hair. >> clinton's main democratic rival made the rounds in virginia monday. bernie sanders is trying to improve his league over cnton in states besides new hampshire and iowa. an interview at the university of virginia, sanders gave an interview to explain the differences between himself and the democratic frond runner. >> hillary clinton and i have some strong disagreements. i mentioned a moment ago i want to see the minimum wage raised over a period of years to $15
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and hour. she has not been clear on that. i am opposed to the construction of the keystone pipeline. hillary clinton has not voiced an opinion on that. i believe we should expand social securedity benefits, not cut them. hillary clinton doesn't have a position on that. so i think it is fair to say that we like each other, we respect each other. we have different opinions on some of the major issues facing our country. >> in the latest cnn/orc poll clinton leads with 37% with sanders ten points behind on 27%. now to a new fierce over north korea and plans for long-range missiles. north korean state media says, quote, the world will clearly see a series of satellite a soaring into the sky. south korea is watching closely. and the u.s. state department says any launched will violate u.n. security council resolutions. kathy is in south korea. she joins us live with more on
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this. what is the evidence they have? how can they tell if north korea is inching closer to this launch? >> well, this is the latest reports coming out of the state news agency kcna quoting an unnamed senior official with a senior aerospace official, john, saying that north korea is in the final stage of developing a satellite. north korea says that any satellite development would be for a praesful purposes but analysts widely say that this is often a very thinly veiled test of ballistic missile technology as you mentioned would be in violation of united nations sanctions against north korea and the fears are around the fact that a major anniversary is coming up next month in north korea. on october 10th, it marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the workers party of korea and wide speculation it will be take some kind of provocative action be it a long range missile launch or another
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nuclear test. i spoke to the u.s. ambassador mark lippert and here's a little bit about what he had to say about it. >> we will remain vigilant. we are always working with the government of south korea to pr v provide robust and to ensure that other allies in the region as well as u.s. homeland are protected by threats posed by north korea. >> now, south korea says it is watching the situation closely and neither south korea nor the united states will comment specifically on the intelligence they have around the possibility of a rocket launch. but analysts at the organization 38 north have been analyzing their own satellite imagery and have been pointing to upgrades at the launching station in north korea and saying that north korea is -- has upgraded that launching pad, that there are some support structure it has finished. also saying that there are no
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concrete signs that a rocket launch is expected specifically on october 10th, john. >> what are the options here if this test launch does go ahead? they have launched these ballistic missiles in the past and there has been a lot of tough talk and everything sanctions put in place. north koreas say, whatever, and they keep doing it. anything the south koreans and the americans can do differently this time? >> well, that's the big question. we heard mark lippert there saying that both the united states and south korea remain vigilant, they have this strong alliance in place. if we just looked to last month, john, we had this escalation intentions and the peninsula where north and south korea went as far as to exchanging artillery sfir across the border and that led to high-level talks that ultimately were able to diffuse the situation. part of fear around the fact that this anniversary is coming up and that some kind of provocation is expected is that if that happens that it's likely to derail any of this progress
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that has been made in these recent talks, out of the talks we heard that family reunions are due to take place at the end of october. now, you can imagine if north korea does take any provocative action the united states and south korea indeed will be under pressure to respond and that may derail any of these plans for family rewrun i don't knows. that's part of the fear, john. >> kathy, thank you, live for news seoul, south korea. a short break here on "cnn newsroom." when we come back, hungary taking a hard line against refugees p this is the live look at the scene right now in the hungarian/serbian border where tough new measures for anyone who tries to get through that new border fence. 73% of americans try...
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hungary's hard line against refugees and migrants just got tougher. the prime minister says anyone who crosses the border from serbia illegally will be deported or jailed. that's the scene there right now. 7:22 in the morning there. you can see that razor wire fence which they have belt and a government spokesman says nearly
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10,000 people crossed it to hungary on monday alone. >> natural border, to stop illegals. that also means that the official and legal ways into hungary and through the european union remain open. that's all we ask from more migrants, that they should comply with international and european law and protocol and they could come legal crossing point. >> meantime, germany says it may take in 1 million migrants this year alone. the country's interior ministry says 10,000 people are coming into the country every day. that's why germany has put temporary border controls in place. germany's pushing for a joint asylum policy with all the eu nations taking in a specific number of refugees and migrants. u.n. refugee agency says macedonia is also dealing with a
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record number of migrants. 8600 people crossed the border from greece over the weekend. ivan watson is there. >> reporter: this is the border between grooeeece and macedonia informal crossing point through which refugees and my grants have been streaming through by the thousands. more than 8600 people in a single 24-hour period. hi. >> good morning. >> where are you from? >> syria. >> syria. >> syria. >> where are you going? >> finland. >> finland if. >> yeah. >> okay. >> so you hear these people identifying themselves as syrian refugees saying that they're either going to finland or germany. we've heard many people say that they want to go to sweden, as well. this is an improvised journey that people are on. this is not a formal route. it's been kind of cobbled to the. and the greek and the macedonian authorities, for example, have been allowing it to take place.
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allowing these people to move through as swiftly as possible to move them on to their next destination. most of the people we have spoken with began their international journey by boat, by small unsafe over-crowded smugglers, dingies traveling from the turkish coast to greek islands. that's where tragedy struck before dawn on sunday when one of the vessels overturned. at least 34 people drowned. among the victims, 15 children, 4 of them were infants. now, for those who have made it here to macedonia, the next leg of the journey will likely be aboard a train that will travel the length of macedonia to the next country on the migrant trail and that is serbia. a challenge will now be posed as some european countries have announced they're going to tighten restrictions on their borders. and we're getting warnings that as those policies get put into
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place we could start to see bottlenecks at border crossings like this one where people once moved quite smoothly by the thousands. we could start to see build-ups of migrants and refugees. ivan watson, cnn, at the macedonian board we're greece. updating some breaking news out of the u.s. at least six people are dead, seven others missing after flash flooding swept through a 13458 town in the utah/arizona border. the victims in hildale, utah, are mothers and small children. chris is a rest debt of hildale. he joins us now on the line. so, chris, can you describe for us what happened with this flash flooding? >> yesterday it just seems like a normal day. we had 50% chance of rain throughout the morning. there was no rain. about 5:00 it started to just hail and blow and the rain started to come down. i believe it lasted for about half hour or 45 minutes.
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typically here when it starts to rain and flood, it's kind of an exciting time. people go out in the streets and they splash in the water. and my wife just happened to go out and get the kids at this time. and she got trapped just right in front of one of the floods. there was a car that was coming across and it had gotten stuck there and it didn't even seem like it was an intense situation because, yeah, there was flooding there. typically it doesn't flood heavily. and so she was shooting a video, escalated quickly. and rescuers came and were able to get women and children out of the vehicle safely. later we heard they had some vehicles caught in the flood and there were some deaths. so the town is just in shock right now. >> we understand that among the dead, as we said, mothers and their kids. so it's believed they may have been in vehicles at the time of the flooding and that's how they
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died? >> from what i understand there were two vehicles involved. a friend of mine on facebook said she had seen the vehicles trying to make it across and the wall of water just pushed them off the edge apparently. >> how quickly did the water come up? some people described it as simply like a wall of water flooding through the town. >> yeah, it starts somewhat slower and escalated to a flood for sure. like i said, it happened within like a half hour, 45 minutes. juz just gone and then the sun was shining again. >> so the situation right now, is it the water has completely receded? >> pretty much, yes. completely receded. i just got a message from some friends that they're looking for 300 volunteers to help sort through the debris. they're trying to find people from i understand, that's where i'm trying to head right now, the fire station to see if there's anything i can do to
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help. >> are most people heading out to try to help, a small knit community? >> i would think so. i haven't gone out yet. the message has been going out to people and i'm sure there are at lo of vt of volunteers. there's a lot of good people here. >> at least six people dead. ven others are missing at this hour. among the dead, mothers and their children, according to chris, the resident there. they seem to have been in vehicles when those vehicles were swept away. when we get more, we will bring it to you. coming up next here on "cnn newsroom," heartbreak in northern california as some residents return to find their homes rav vaned by a raging wildfire. thousands of more homes remain under threat. ed by a raging wildfire. thousands of more homes remain under threat. ged by a raging wildfire. thousands of more homes remain under threat. aged by a raging wildfire. thousands of more homes remain under threat. can a business have a mind? a subconscious.
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i'm a gas service my nrepresentative. n. i've been with pg&e nine years. as an employee of pg&e you always put your best foot forward to provide reliable and safe service and be able to help the community. we always have the safety of our customers and the community in mind. my family is in oakland, my wife's family is in oakland so this is home to us. being able to work in the community that i grew up in, customers feel like friends, neighbors and it makes it a little bit more special.
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together, we're building a better california. welcome back, everybody. you're watching "cnn newsroom." i'm john vause. the headlines. malcolm turnbull is the new prime minister of australia. he was sworn in a short time ago and replaces tony abbott who served just two years as prime minister before he was ousted in a leadership challenge on monday. mr. turnbull must now unite a difficult vied party before the next election. north korean state media say the country is close to launching a new satellite and suggesting a long-range rocket launch as well. south korea defense ministry says it's watching closely the north is expected to stage a rocket unch la next month for the 70th anniversary of the workers party. mexico's foreign minister says six of citizens are
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unaccounted for after egyptian security forces attacked tourists in the western desert. the minister says two mexicans were killed and six others are in hospital but 14 mexicans were on the list of names on that tour. egypt has said the tourists were mistaken for terrorists. 25,000 firefighters in the u.s. are battling fires raging in the california. they are mainly focus tond valley fire, consumed 61,000 acres west of the city of sacramento. hundreds of homes have been destroyed. thousand of people have been displaced. cnn's stephanie elam has the details. >> save 20, 25 homes from i understand that are gone. >> reporter: it's one thing to hear your neighborhood was burned down by a wildfire. >> my house is up here to the left, or was. >> reporter: it's another thing to see it. >> there's nothing there. >> reporter: tammy moore was working saturday night when the
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valley fire exploded. devastating the communities of middletown and cobb. the people in the small, rural towns had to scramble to get out safely. moore has owned this home for is a years. it's where she and her ex-husband chose to raise their daughter. the. burnt out swing, years gone by. >> what is it like to actually see it with your own eyes? >> so much worse than i thought. i expected it to be bad. i didn't expect to see everything gone. >> i wouldn't want to come back. i don't want to rebuild here. after seeing everything like this, maybe other people would feel differently, i don't. i feel lick this is -- there should be like a zombie coming out from the tree. >> what comes next? >> what's next? i don't know. tomorrow. >> the fire didn't discriminate. taking out home after home, car
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after car. but yet it was still selected in in middletown, sparing a fence here, a handcrafted wood chair there. >> that line i just built this fence right now. >> reporter: brandon dawson's mother bought this home 23 years ago when he was just 6 years old. he and his family had warning that the flames were coming so they grabbed as many personal items as they could. but there was still some things that just didn't fit in their cars. dawson's mother hoped this cast iron tub would protect a few more memories. >> she put the trunk in there and covered it with wet blankets and tried to hope for the best. and not looking ---ing looking good. >> i know you saw picture. i know you saw it on tv. but to actually stand here now? >> i'm devastated. >> reporter: and yet the valley fire spared one keepsake. a sign over the front entrance that reads this is where i belong. >> when we come home, this is our sanctuary.
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>> take that a to your mom? >> i'm totally taking this with me. >> both tammy and brandon are staying at the fairgrounds with their family. it's basically a tent city. lots of people evacuated many of whom have lost their homes are staying there until they can figure out what their next moves are going to be. stephanie elam, cnn, middletown, california. we have update on a breaking news story in the shooting of that professor at delta state university in mississippi. we're now hearing from police there that the suspect, shannon lamb, who is believed to be behind the shooting of professor there at the university as well as another woman earlier in the day, appears to will died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. that is coming from our affiliate khbs, the police chief in bingham has actually said that this man on your screen right now shannon lamb, the suspect in possibly two murders earlier on monday has actually died of self inflicted gunshot
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wounds. it's believed he is suspected of shooting eric schmidt, professor at the delta university there, delta state university, shot him in his head in his office and now from the police, that it's believed that shannon lamb, the main suspect in this, has killed himself. we also have breaking news from utah. six people are dead. seven others are missing after flash flooding there near the arizona border. we have new video now. the water washed away two vehicles with 16 people inside. all the victims are mothers and small children. the flooding started with heavy rain in the canyons above hildale, utah. let's go to pedron. heard from one of those rest debt dents saying the water came up quickly, 20, 30 minutes and now it's gone. >> that's the way it happens. utah is a more beautiful state in the u.s. when you look at the national parks.
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only two other states have more national parks than this part of utah. on the border of utah and arizona, hildale and to the south, the landscape. you have butte, mesa, quintessential southwestern united states landscape. the rivers nearby. we have hills, mountain tops nearby. they stream? right near the town of 2900 you go in for a closer look. perfect scenario to pun funnel water in and that's what happened here as far as getting two to four inches of rainfall that came down in a very short time period. in the summer months the cumulous clouds, average cumulous louds, carry 15 to 30 million gallons of water. you can imagine all of that coming down to buttes, mesas, sandstone, sand cliffs, very little will be absorbed. just north of the city, rainfall rates, two to four inches per hour president certainly something that led to this
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disastrous scenario playing out over in southern utah. rainfall is across areas of north carolina. the historic fire is one of the fastest growing fires in 30 years across the state of california. a lot of what's going on here has to do with incredible terrain the firefighters are dealing with as essentially you look at this landscape. i want to lay the land over this region of california. as you bring in the mountains and hilltops the well-known valleys and mountain ace cross this region of california exacerbate the problem. you have fires that are developing further downstream. they heat the landscape directly above them. as the gasses and smoke rise you're igniting additional fires farther upstream. we've seen this in the year 20 so. you had at one point fires traveling 101 miles per hour. fires unlike people actually travel much faster on upstream scale than they do going back downhill because they're able to heat up the hand scape ahead of
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them. when they get to the top they slow down. 62,000 acres consumed in the lake keen fire. this particular fire has consumed twice the size of the city of san francisco. over 9,000 structures now threatened by the images are just staggering because you know the numbers here. fire consumed about 30 acres per hour at the peak of the fire from saturday into sunday when the containment was down to 0%. not far away the butte fire consuming over 70,000 acres of land. this particular one has received some rainfall in recent days. containment up to 35%. thunderstorms over utah causing the flooding. scattered in nature over california. that is what is a concern here. rainfall not heavy enough to not really improve over the butte fire. we do think the valley fire will get in on rainfall sometime wednesday morning into wednesday afternoon. the forecast for the butte fire sees and shows something you don't want to see. when you look a t the valley
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fire it does look like more rain will be headed in that direction in the next couple days, john. >> at least it's rain. >> we'll take it. >> thank you. update now on that breaking news about shannon lamb, the us a expect in two homicides. getting word from police that his vehicle was spotted at pulled over near greenville. they saw shannon lamb run into the woods. soon after that officers report hearing a single gunshot and then they found lamb's body. so the main suspect in two homicides apparently shot himself and is now dead. with that, we'll take a short break. we're back in a moment. [whirring of drones] just stay calm and move as quietly as possible. ♪ no sudden movements. ♪ google search: bodega beach house. ♪ ♪
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welcome back. update now on that breaking news out of the united states. suspect in monday's deadly delta state university shooting is dead. news conference just a short time ago police say shannon lamb appears to have shot himself. the police chief says officers spotted lamb pull over into some woods and then he ran into the
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woods and they heard a single gunshot. lamb had been the subject of a day long manhunt since the murder of a professor on campus. police also believe he shot and killed a woman he was living with in another town earlier on monday. financial news. wall street will being looking to change direction when trading gets under way later today. the dow jones industrial average closed down 62 points monday. that's about a third of a percent. the nasdaq and s&p 500 were all off as well. let's look at the asia pacific markets. hong kong down, shanghai down by just over 1 3/4%. nikkei up by 3/4 of 1%. australia, the markets down. maybe that has something to do with the new prime minister turnbull, who knows. we should say the dollar was up on the news. that turnbull was the new prime minister. later today, the u.s. senate may decide whether to move ahead with the final vote on the iran nuclear deal.
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as fred -- >> times are dissi at iran's first website for classified ads. the firm says the amount of users increased is a fold in just the past year. ceo and founder says since the nuclear agreement many potential investors have been calling. >> everyone is young or, you know, close to 60% of the population is over 30 years old or around 30 years old. . and it's young people tech savvy, they like to learn new things and adopt the new technologies. so because of all these things it makes a very attractive market. >> economic optimism the gripping iran these days while it's fledgling tech firms are looking for start-up funding more traditional industries like the automakers are badly in need of investment to modernize their production lines.
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and its financial sector is waiting for foreign capital to come in. the going still pretty slow at the tehran stock exchange. as you can see the trading floor is somewhat old school here. and so far since the nuclear agreement iran's stock exchange has declined considerably but financial analysts believe that in the long run sanctions relief will do a whole lot to boost iran's financial sector. >> reporter: >> reporter: massive oil and grass reserves a well educated population and a market with more than 80 million consumers, iran seems poised for big economic growth when sanctions are lifted. the question is how fast that growth will materialize, says the investment firm turquoise partners. >> i can't predict what will happen within the next year. but i can guarantee that within the next five to ten years iran will be one of the fastest growing economies in the world given the potentials. >> reporter: investors will need
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patience. despite a massive increase in traffic they are not making money yet. >> we have been in the business for three years now, since our launch. and we still have no revenue. so we are trying to, you know, create the culture in iran, buying an selling second-hand goods that exist. the culture exist. people like to buy new stuff. >> reporter: a lot of pioneering work is necessary to bring iran's economy up to speed. and the hope that the momentum brought on by the nuclear agreement won't be reversed. fr fred. holograms hoping to keep alive the mem i ares of celebrities. coming up, how one very live politician might need his own politician might need his own hologram. in study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. not tylenol. not aleve. nothing. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
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whitney houston may be gone but she is far from forgotten and a hologram, yes, a hologram, will go on a concert tour next year. as we report, special effect may soon extend to the political arena. >> reporter: the next time whitney houston opens her mouth on stag she may be a hologram on a world tour and she may not
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be the only celeb making america h holographic again. remember the mike gel hologram or the tupac hologram. from the cochella music festival. now it's whitney's turn to return to the stage. >> at the center of it is going to be holographic presentation of whitney in her very famous outfits, her famous songs. >> reporter: the ceo of hologram usa say whitney will look real enough to almost touch. >> rest in peace. >> creepy. >> it's not creepy. it's fantastic entertainment. >> reporter: whitney houston's estate led by her sister-in-law pat gave the hologram tour her blessing. you don't have to be dead to be turned into a hologram. here at cnn we've had our share from an election night correspondent. >> we beamed you -- >> reporter: to the performer >> i'm being beamed to you like
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in "star wars." >> who else could you turn into a hollogram who might trump whitney houston? >> we are in talks with a very -- a very likely candidate for the presidency. >> oh, my god. you're going to project donald trump all over the place? >> i never said that. >> you are. you're going to project donald trump. >> i never said that. >> who else would allow themselves to do that? >> reporter: if a deal is signed they would use a technique called texaslepresence to do it live. asked if trump is interested, a campaign spokeswoman said no. but it sure would be fun to see a reality star turn virtual reality? jeanne moos, cnn. >> donald trump is a hologram. >> new york. >> she's probably right. a chinese woman is recovering after doctors surgically removed a six karat diamond from her intestine. police in thailand say
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39-year-old confessed to stealing and swallowing the diamond almost 300 u.s. dollars. she switched with it a fake at a jewelry fair and it showed up on an x-ray after she was detained thursday at bangkok airport. surgeons had to go in and get that diamond. she could face three years in jail for the theft. diamonds are not a girl's best friend every day. thank you for watching "cnn newsroom." i'm john vause. rosemary church is up next. you're watching cnn.
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. more countries are tightening their borders in hopes of slowing down europe's migrant crisis. >> plus, australia has a new leader, not long after former prime minister tony abbott is stripped of his post by his party. and deadly flash floods roar across parts of the western u.s. hello, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm errol barnett. this is "cnn newsroom." in about one hour from now, the escalating migrant crisis will again be front and center
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as european officials hold a hearing on finding solutions. this comes as germany, austria and hungary tighten their borders. people are racing to make it into germany and other western european nations before it's too late. >> as an emergenciers u meeting monday, ministers failed to reach a decision on the most crucial issue, how to distribute 160,000 needy people among 28 eu countries. one european commission official says the crisis is one that all countries need to help solve. >> we need to find a way to combine our collective responsibility before our conscience and before the law, to make sure that people who deserve asylum, because they are refugees, get asylum in europe. >> he's taking the hardest line on the border crossings. the prime minister says anyone who crosses the border from serbia illegally will be deported or jailed.
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the government tells us nearly 10,000 people crossed into hungary on monday. >> under the new laws, anyone who climbs the country's razor wire border fence could go to prison for three years. there are now only two checkpoints along the border where people can cross into hungary. >> a cnn international correspondent is at the border with serbia and joins us now. ben wedeman joins us live now. they're beefing up the border controls. it's meant to be a temporary measure. but those fences we see behind you suggest the solution is a bit more permanent. what's being said and done about that? >> reporter: well, yesterday they saw thousands of people crossing into hungary from serbia. now, it's sealed tight shut. let's get a little closer. we watched as they were putting up the last strings of barbed wire on to this track, which
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they placed a railway car, which now blocks this line that was very much open until yesterday. but at midnight, these new laws came into effect, very harsh new laws. now, we understand that hungary is essentially done the same thing as much as possible along the 108 mile, or 172-kilometer border with serbia. now, just a little while ago, as you can see, there's nobody apparently on the other side. but just a few minutes ago, i did see as two syrian migrants appeared to be in their 30s were walking along this fence looking for somewhere to cross. they asked me if there's any part of this border that might be open, that they might be able able to enter. as far as i know, there is not. what we've also seen here is that the hungarian border guards have been beefed up. in fact, if we turn the camera
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around, we can see some of those guards who are now along the border. in fact, just to our left, there are many more cars with border policemen and women in the event somebody tries to cross here today. but at the moment, errol, it does not appear that anybody is making much of an effort, apart from those two men i saw just about 20 minutes ago. errol? >> that leads me to this question, ben. because you wonder how concerned hungarian officials are in the optics of all of this, to criminalize the actions of those migrants and refugees to build walls as a means of action during the -- what is the worst migration crisis since world war ii. they both serve as huge deterrence. is that all hungary is concerned about right now? >> reporter: well, certainly there's the domestic optic and there's the international optic. obviously internationally, it does not look very good when they slam their borders shut
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like this. but domestically, there is support for a much harsher policy toward the refugees, the migrants who have been coming in here into this country by the thousands. until today. so certainly they have their international reputation to be concerned about, but domestically as they say, all politics is local. and certainly for the hungarian government to be seen cracking down on this influx of refugees, isn't necessarily a bad thing. errol? >> very good point there. our senior international correspondent ben wedeman speaking to us live op the hungarian side of the country's border with serbia. thanks very much. if you want to learn more about how you can help those tens of thousands of people who are in need during this crisis, you can head to our website we turn to the united states now. the suspect in monday's delta
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state university shooting is dead. that's apparently by his own hand. at a news conference within the past hour, police say officers saw shannon lamb run into the woods, then they heard a single gunshot, before finding his body. >> lamb was the subject of a day-long manhunt after police found professor ethan schmidt shot to death in his office on campus. by all accounts, lamb, who was an instructor at delta state, and schmidt, were friends. >> police say lamb also killed amy prentiss, a woman he lived with in another town earlier on monday. seven people are now dead, and six others missing, after flash flooding swept away two vehicles carrying mothers and their small children. >> this happened monday in the small community of hilldale, utah. this is near the arizona border. the fire department said it's scaling back their search for
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the missing right now. but will be back in full force at day break. at least one person has died in one of two major wildfires raging in northern california. more than 1,000 firefighters are trying to contain the so-called valley fire west of sacramento. >> to the east, fire crews are also battling the butte fire, the fires have displaced thousands of people. cnn's stan simon has more. >> reporter: with hundreds of homes destroyed, the massive valley wildfire has become the most destructive blaze of the summer in the parched west. the fire has burned more than 60,000 acres. the conditions so terrible, that the governor has declared a state of emergency for four counties. >> these fires will take lives. and they will cause injuries. and we have to do the best we can, because we are really in a battle with nature, that nature is more powerful than we are. >> we don't see an end in fire season for the months to come.
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we're planning for that. we're in this for the long haul. we are continuing to use all of the resources at our disposable. governor brown provided some additional funding. >> reporter: the fire, 100 miles west of sacramento, spread so fast, that people had very little time to evacuate. >> everything behind the gas station is gone. the school's gone. store's gone. >> reporter: and that wasn't the only fire to hit northern california. 70 miles east of sacramento, another wildfire has grown to more than 70,000 acres, and still threatening thousands of structures. together, the two fires have destroyed well more than 500 homes. >> being with everybody that's going through the same thing makes us feel like we actually have a family right here with us. you know, besides our immediate family. >> reporter: at the napa county fairgrounds, evacuees set up what looks like a tent city. >> hi. >> reporter: melissa and her four children wondering if their house is still standing.
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>> i just want to go home, if i have a home anymore. >> what do you think the chances are? >> not good. i don't think there is anything left. >> reporter: about 5,500 firefighters are working to save the homes. but after four years of drought, the area remains a tinderbox with what seems like an unlimited supply of highly flammable fuel. authorities confirmed at least one person has died in this wildfire. this was an elderly woman who was disabled and she was apparently unable to get herself out of harm's way. and some people are still missing. there's concern there could be even more fatalities. dan simon, cnn, middletown, california. concern of more potential fatalities. we want to bring in our meteorologist, pedram. you're looking at the weather conditions in california. it doesn't look good. >> it doesn't look good at all. errol and rosemary, this is something we've seen build in
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the last couple of years when it comes to the drought. this region of california, and in the entire state, firefighters reporting they have experienced about 16,000 more fires for this time period than this time last year. it gives you an idea of what's happening, how quickly all of these fires are expanding. the mountainous terrain, hilly terrain in northern california is well-known for exacerbating the problem for how the fires are expanding. at one point a rate of 30 acres per minute saturday into sunday. we'll take you to northern california. the scene looks something like this. you bring up the mountains. you're talking about fires burning downstream. oftentimes people don't take this into consideration. fires actually burn at a faster rate uphill than they do downhill. as the fire burns, it releases gas, heat and smoke. that builds heat across the surface on the hill tops that allows for preheating to take place and gases to be released and the fires really take off upstream. in 2010, we saw fires in
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southern california burn at a rate of 100 miles per hour moving upstream. once they get to the top of the hills, conditions slow down a little bit, but they've already consumed the land ahead of it. you go for a closer look, we're talking 62,000 acres consumed. twice the size of the city of san francisco. 9,000 structured threatened by this. we have a storm system in the area by wednesday afternoon, 1/4 of an inch. just a few millimeters coming down, but still, areas around the butte fire farther to the east do not look like any sort of significant moisture in the forecast. by wednesday, into thursday again, rain showers, increasing across this region. as we go toward the butte fire, it's the thunderstorm activity that's a major concern. in their forecast in the next couple of days. rosemary and errol just brought to your attention what's happening across portions of utah. of course, an arid landscape.
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we know rainfall totals, anywhere from 2 to 4 inches came down in this landscape well-known for the buttes and mesas as well, all this terrain does little in the way of absorbing the moisture. drop two inches in a landscape like this, with a river not far away from hilldale, a town of about 2,900 people, you have the gulleys all feeding in, this is exactly what happens when you have tremendous rainfall in a localized area, and all of the surrounding landscape is one of the more beautiful landscapes in the u.s., all works together to bring the water down to one central location, guys. >> all right. thanks so much, pedram. first day on the job for australia's new prime minister. turnbull took the oath of office just a short time ago, and he
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takes over from tony abbott who was ousted in a leadership challenge on monday. >> abbott served two years as prime minister. he was critical today of the way the media covered his administration. but he says he will do everything he can to make the transition of power a smooth one. >> i am proud of what the abbott government has achieved. we stayed focused despite conditions. the government wasn't perfect. we have been a government of men and women, not a government of gods walking upon the earth. a few of us, after all, entirely measure up to expectations. >> let's bring in cnn asia-pacific editor andrew stephens live in hong kong. andrew, five prime ministers in five years. australia will be looking for some stability going forward. is malcolm turnbull the man to bring that to the country? >> not a very impressive record
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is it, rosemary. hopefully the liberal ruling party would hope so. if you look at the general reaction in australia, it has been quite positive to malcolm turnbull taking the reins of power in australia. he will have up to the end of next year if he chooses to submit his position as the leader of the country until an election has to be called. remember, this is a three-year election cycle. he's got a bit of time up his sleeve to really cement his position. and certainly, he's seen within the party as a more electable figure than tony abbott. and this, indeed, rosemary, is why he is the new leader. the liberal party they wanted someone in place that they thought could win the election for them with enough time to prepare for that election. that's pretty much what happened. interesting, that speech from tony abbott, it took him a long time to publicly comment op his ouster. compare that with julia gillard
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when she lost her position. she was very quick to congratulate her successor, kevin rudd. but it took 19 hours or so before tony abbott -- we heard from tony abbott. he wasn't particularly gracious about the new government. he did defend his own position. quite critical of the media and leaks within his own government, which he thinks was -- played a large part in his demise. >> he was clearly angry, clearly emotional. of course, it has to be remembered, he did to malcolm turnbull what malcolm turnbull did to him. we heard in the final speech of tony abbott saying it had been a tough day. but he would not be a wrecker unlike those who had gone before him. what lies ahead for abbott? what's his legacy as the country's prime minister? >> oh, that's a very good question. he wanted to take the country to the right. his legacy would be he was tough on immigration. about the policy about turning
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refugees back from the australian shores and rehousing them in islands dotted around the city, and in proper new guinea as well. tough on australian immigration and australian security. it's interesting, he's now back bencher. yes, he said he will not snipe from the back benches, but remember, this sa party that is still divided. there's a right wing of this party. it's called a liberal party. the liberal party in australia is regarded as the right wing. and in that party, the right wing of that party, they're not very happy with malcolm turnbull, because they see him a little bit too socially liberal, not conservative enough basically. so tony abbott could become their sort of rallying point, if you like. so they could still cause some damage to turnbull. it depends on how much they want to stay in power, how much they see turnbull as the man to take them to the next election, to
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take them to victory in the next election. and what they're prepared to do to make that happen. and if they're prepared to sort of coalesce around malcolm turnbull. he could still be a power in the back benches, within the party. but at this stage he's not saying he would be. >> yeah. of course, voters in australia will be watching very closely to see what malcolm turnbull does in the next few months. many thanks to you there, andrew stephens, talking to you live from hong kong. donald trump takes the stage in dallas, texas, less than two days before the cnn republican presidential debate. what he had to say about his strategy coming up. a controversial u.s. clerk returns to work, coming up, the continuing legal questions over her stand on same-sex marriages.
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target for attacks from his rivals. but his response to that risk is, whatever. >> trump spoke to a crowd of about 20,000 people in dallas, texas, monday night. the billionaire real estate developer echoed some familiar themes, keeping jobs in the u.s. and keeping illegal immigrants out. >> what i do is, i do deals. i deal. i have tremendous energy. tremendous. to a point where it's almost ridiculous when you think about it. but we need somebody with great energy, with great passion, with great deal-making skills, and we need a closer. we need closers. >> trump lashed out at the media for saying rivals like ben carson and carly fiorina were surging in the polls. he said he is the one setting the pace. >> now, carly fiorina is taking a swipe at donald trump in her latest campaign ad. take a look.
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>> ladies, look at this face. and look at all of your faces. the face of leadership. this is the face of the 61-year-old woman i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> that campaign ad is using remarks from a speech fiorina delivered over the weekend. >> you may recall trump made some pretty disparaging comments about fiorina's appearance in an interview with "rolling stone" magazine saying, quote, look at that face. would anyone vote for that? can you imagine that? the face of our next president. and a pretty powerful response from her there. >> i think so. earlier, ben carson told cnn's anderson cooper that he hopes wednesday's debate will focus more on the hard-hitting issues rather than candidates going off to each other. >> we're 48 hours now from the cnn debate. you benefited greatly from the
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fox debate. you're polling a strong second. for a number of candidates, this debate may be make or break. do you anticipate more candidates coming after you, and also donald trump? >> yeah, i would imagine they probably will. although, you know, i hope we will focus more on the issues, and what our vision is, and what the solutions are. but, you know, sometimes it's hard to resist. >> now, you want to make sure you join us wednesday night for the republican presidential debate. set your dvrs as well. this starts at 11:00 in london, midnight in berlin. there will be fireworks for sure. if that's too late for you, the replay will take place the following night on cnn international. look for that at 8:00 in london, 9:00 central european time. meanwhile, on the democratic side, front-runner hillary clinton made an interesting comparison of all the republican candidates.
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>> on monday, clinton was speaking at a women for hillary organizing event in iowa. she remarked there's really no difference among any of the candidates, except maybe one small feature. >> it is somewhat entertaining. their flamboyant front-runner has grabbed a lot of the attention lately. but if you look at the policies of all of them running, they're pretty much the same. they're trump, just without the pizzazz and the hair. >> ouch. clinton's main democratic rival bernie sanders tackled one of the most controversial issues of any presidential debate -- abortion. >> on monday morning, sanders spoke to a crowd of nearly 12,000 people at the conservative liberty university. defending women and their abortion rights, saying the government shouldn't have any part of that decision. >> i do believe that it is improper for the united states
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government, or state government to tell every woman in this country the very painful and difficult choice that she has to make on that issue. and i honestly don't want to be too provocative here, but too often conservatives say get the government out of my life. i don't want the government telling me what to do. >> bernie sanders is doing very well. the latest cnn poll shows sanders at 27%, which is just ten points behind clinton who's currently leading at 37%. the u.s. clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is back at work. kim davis returned to her job in kentucky monday after five days in jail for defying a court order. she insists she will not issue any licenses that go against her religious beliefs. >> while she was making these remarks outside, she left the door open for her deputies to
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issue licenses without her name or title on them. there are questions about whether those licenses will be legally valid. >> i certainly don't want to be a whipping post. i'm no hero. i'm just a person. by the grace of god, who wants to work, be with my family. i just want to serve my neighbors quietly without violating my conscience. >> now, this case has become a political talking point with presidential candidates. mike huckabee you see there and ted cruz, both backing davis. a powerful message from the young news anchor whose reported girlfriend was shot dead on live tv. chris hurst was back behind the desk monday night, less than three weeks after the horrifying shooting in roanoke, virginia. allison parker's cameraman was also shot in that attack.
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the gunman later killed himself. >> now, chris hearst talks about what he's lost, and what he's learned about the tragedy. >> all our families cope with the loss of my love allison parker. in the two and a half weeks since their murder, i can tell you that the healing has begun. i have been healing with those allison loved the most and meeting new friends from places like newtown and aurora. through many tears and questions there have been laughs, smiles, and answers. i know the answer to what we all must do. it is to profess love, not hate. to love one another, and to love strangers. >> hurst had been dating alison parker for nine months. he has called their time the best nine months of his life. iflike i love shrimp, red lobster's endless shrimp... kind of a big deal. it's finally back, with as much shrimp as you want, any way you want 'em. one taste of these new
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pineapple habanero coconut shrimp bites, and i already want more. they even brought back wood-grilled teriyaki shrimp! yeah, you heard me: teriyaki. and really: what's not to love about... ...buttery garlic shrimp scampi? here, the sweet, spicy, crispy possibilities are as endless as the shrimp. and yeah, they're endless, but they won't last forever. which means you can watch movies while you're on the move. sitcoms, while you sit on those. and even fargo, in fargo! binge, while you lose weight! and enjoy a good cliffhanger while you hang from a... why am i yelling? the revolution will not only be televised. the revolution will be mobilized. introducing the all in one plan. only from directv and at&t.
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thanks for staying with us. i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm rosemary church. hungary's prime minister said anyone who crosses the border from serbia illegally will be deported or jailed. troops are patrolling that border right now. the government tells us nearly 10,000 people crossed into hungary on monday, trying to beat the new border restrictions. malcolm turnbull is the new prime minister of australia. he replaces tony abbott who served just two years as prime minister before he was ousted in a leadership challenge on monday. turnbull must now unite a divided party before the next election. in the united states, police in mississippi say the suspect in monday's delta state
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university shoorting killed himself in the woods after a day-long manhunt. investigators believe shannon lamb murdered his colleague, ethan schmidt, at the school. earlier in the day police say lamb killed the woman he lived with in another town. flash flooding in the u.s. state of utah has killed at least seven people. all of them mothers and small children. the water swept away their vehicles in hilldale, utah, on the arizona border. six people are still missing. fire officials have scaled back their search and will resume at daybreak. north korea says it is ready to use nuclear weapons at any time to respond to u.s. hostility. that is according to north korean state media. the country's atomic energy institute director said pyongyang is working to improve the quality and quantity of its nuclear weapons. and is fully ready to cope with u.s. hostilities. >> kathy novak is following this story from seoul, south korea,
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and joins us live with more on these developments. kathy, north korea reporting this is just moments ago that it's also working to improve in quality and quantity its nuclear weapons. all of these are concerning statements. what do we know exactly? >> reporter: absolutely concerning, errol. it's quoting as rosemary mentioned the atomic energy institute in the state-run news agency, also saying their normal operations at its nuclear facilities. north korea continues to say it develops its nuclear weapons program as a deterrent, in self-defense for what it says is the threat from the united states. this is one of two articles that have come out recently in kcna. the other one referred to development of a new satellite, plans not specifically pointing to any date, but planning in the future to launch that satellite. all of this comes in advance of
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a major anniversary coming up next month, on october the 10th, when north korea will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of its workers party. and there's wide speculation there will be some kind of provocation coming from north korea, indeed, a long-range rocket launch or nuclear test. i spoke to the u.s. ambassador to south korea and here's what he said how the u.s. is preparing for any possible test. >> we've moved over time a good missile defense, intercepters to alaska, surface combatants to the western pacific, in order to be ready and vigilant for anything that the north koreans may or may not do. >> north korea says a satellite launch would be for peaceful purposes. do you think it could be anything but a veiled test of ballistic missile technology? >> past practice has shown that
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the north has consistently violated united nations security council resolutions, international norms, and conducted ballistic missile launches that have brought widespread condemnation from the international community. >> reporter: and south korea's defense ministry also says it is closely watching these developments. errol? >> kathy, you know, we never really know what is happening in pyongyang, and what exactly the status -- how much to believe what they say essentially. how would you describe the status of the relationship between north and south korea at this moment? recently the two held talks after rising tensions at the dmz, a plan of a reunification of families. but now does the north feel perhaps more threatened than usual? >> reporter: well, it being in jeopardy is indeed the fear, errol. it appears to be a period of tense calm right now. we did see the escalations last month with north and south korea
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exchanging fire at the border. we had both north and south korea and the united states, and the building of the preparations for any possible war, and its defenses when it came to that. and then we saw the high-level talks that were able to bring down those tensions. and also, plan for those family reunions that you mentioned, errol. but with this anniversary coming up, there is a lot of speculation that there will be something coming out of north korea, and the fear there is that if that happens, relations will hit a low again and could indeed put those reunions into jeopardy. >> kathy novak live for us in seoul, south korea, on this developing story. kathy, thanks. all right. let's turn back now to utah, where flash flooding has killed at least seven people. all of them mothers and small children. i want to bring in hilldale's assistant fire chief. he is on the phone with us now.
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thank you, sir, for talking with us, unfortunate circumstances, of course. but talk to us about what the situation is on the ground right now. >> thank you. yes, it's after midnight here. we have crews continuing to search. we've had to scale back some because of the hazards, the extreme danger in the floodwaters, and the debris. but we're continuing to monitor all of the crossings. and we'll be ready to hit it with full staffing at daybreak. >> and sir, this just came out of nowhere. the problem, too, is that it is so dry on the ground there. but talk to us about these six people who are missing. what do we know about that situation? >> yes, it was -- it's normally
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a dry wash. and these two vehicles were attempting to cross this wash, realized that there was a small flood building. they backed out. but it was such a significant flash flood, that it overtook them, and washed both vehicles downstream several hundred yards. most of the people were thrown from the vehicles. and at this point i'll update the numbers you had. there are eight confirmed fatalities now, and five unaccounted and missing. >> that is just heartbreaking. eight confirmed deaths now as a result of this flash flooding. five people still missing. sir, talk to us about what people should do in circumstances like this, when there are flash floods, and the short time, those indicators that come. if you're in a car, what should
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people be doing? >> well, i'll quote the national weather service saying, turn around, don't drown. and that's the very best thing. and certainly, if there's a potential for flash flooding, stay on high ground. stay back from the flood channels. and never attempt to cross in a vehicle. >> talking there with assistant fire chief kevin barlow in hildale, utah. he just updated us on the heartbreaking figures. eight people confirmed dead at this time, and five still missing. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, sir. still to come here on "cnn newsroom," a strong warning from the u.s. and swiss attorneys generals more if the fifa corruption probe. ♪
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welcome back, everyone. u.s. and swiss investigators held a joint news conference on monday claiming new evidence has been obtained in separate investigations into the fifa football scandal. >> according to the u.s. attorney general, it's likely more charges could be coming. alex thomas reports. >> reporter: the sboism was more powerful than any of the statements. the attorney general of the united states, fifa's backyard, four months after the dawn raids and arrests that overshadowed may's presidential election. it was events that set to announcing blatter said he will stand down. in a parting response a question
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about blatter's travel plans. they updated us on their parallel investigations into football corruption and promised more charges and arrests would come. >> house searches have been conducted in the western part of switzerland, and further evidence has been collected. where proportional and needed financial assets have been seized. including real estate, for example, flats in the swiss alps. as of today, 121 different bank accounts have been brought to the attention of our task force by the swiss financial intelligence unit. banks in switzerland are fulfilling their duties of the law by filing suspicious transaction reports. >> to anyone who seeks to live in the past, and to return
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soccer to the days of corruption and bribery, cronyism and patronage, this global response sends a clear message, you are on the wrong side of progress. and you do a disservice to the integrity of this wonderful sport. >> reporter: it was switzerland's attorney general who gave us more details, talking about the obstacles facing his task force, saying that they've been denied access to certain sealed documents, or they wouldn't elaborate, and mentioning the 11 terabytes of data of the 121 suspicious bank accounts reported to them. but as to the key question of who might next be arrested and when, we were given no precise timeline. alex thomas, cnn, zurich, switzerland. new satellite images showing china building a third airstrip in disputed waters in the south china sea. a u.s. expert says china has reclaimed a rectangle of land about 3,000 meters in length.
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>> there are numerous territorial claims on several island chains in the waters. china's claims are expected to be a major issue in talks between presidents barack obama and xi jinping next week. mexico's foreign minister said six of its citizens are unaccounted for after an egyptian attack on tourists. 12 people were killed when egyptian security forces fired on them in the western desert. >> the minister said two mexicans died and six others are hospitalized. but 14 mexicans were on the list for the toll, so it's not adding up. there are conflicting accounts on whether the tour group is properly licensed for this trip. >> reporter: while in the middle of a campaign targeting militants, egyptian air strikes mistakenly attacked a convoy of mexican tourists in egypt's western desert, according to survivors. no warning was given before bombs rained down.
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>> translator: ambassador alvarez fuentes personally interviewed six mexicans in the hospital who told him separately that it had been an air attack with bombs and helicopters. they had been evacuated by civilian and military vehicles and were then transferred by ambulance to the hospital. >> reporter: there have been conflicting narratives. egyptian officials saying this is a case of mistaken identity claiming the country's security forces were conducting an operation against militants and smugglers when the attack occurred. egypt's minister of tourism said the group didn't have permits and wandered into a restricted area. that's being refuted by family members, colleagues, and the tourism guide's union, which stated they did have permits, and even coordinated their movements with authorities. mexico's president wants answers, saying, mexico condemns these acts against our citizens and has demanded that the egyptian government conduct an exhaustive investigation of what happened.
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until then, the truth will remain in the desert. ian lee, cnn, cairo. we'll have more of the world's biggest stories for you after this short break. stay with us. (clicking noise) (ding) read text. (siri voice) adam, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that about your hair. it's not stupid. (ding) find hair salon. wow. yeah, that's right. (siri voice) ok, jack's boutique is nearby. alright, i've got another friend and his name is bryan adams. ok. this isn't going to work again. ♪"please forgive me, i know not what i do..."♪ introducing app-connect. the things you love on your phone, available on 11 volkswagen models. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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welcome back, everyone. well, the world of politics and entertainment have again intertwined, with arnold schwarzenegger now set to replace donald trump on the reality tv program the "celebrity apprentice." the 68-year-old action movie star served two terms as governor of california, and instead of saying, you're fired, perhaps it will be hasta lavista, baby. >> "celebrity apprentice" has been on hold since donald trump has been in the race for the white house. he will host next september. that will be interesting. >> we'll have to tune in. whitney houston is gone, but the singer is far from forgotten. her hologram will go on a concert tour next year. >> the special effect may soon extend to the political arena as well.
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>> reporter: the next time whitney houston opens her mouth on stage, she may be a hologram on a world tour. she may not be the only celeb making america holographic again. remember the michael jackson hologram? on last year's billboard awards. or the tupac hologram. from the music festival, now it's whitney's turn to return to the stage. >> at the center of it is going to be a holographic of whitney in her famous outfits, interacting. >> reporter: the ceo of hologram usa will say whitney will look real enough to almost touch. >> he should let her rest in peace. >> it's creepy. >> it's not creepy. it's fantastic entertainment. >> reporter: whitney houston's estate led by her sister-in-law, pat, gave the hologram tour its blessing. you don't have to be dead to be turned into a hologram.
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here at cnn we've had our share, from an election night correspondent, to the performer, wi >> we are in talks with very likely candidate for the presidency. >> oh, my god, you're going to project donald trump all over the place? >> i never said that. >> you are. you're going to project donald trump. >> i never said that. >> who else who allow themselves to do that? if a deal is signed, they would use a technique to call telepresence to project candidates live to multiple locations. >> donald, i never said a word. >> reporter: asked if trump is interested, a campaign spokesperson said no. but it sure would be fun to see a reality star turned -- virtual reality? jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> i have a feeling he would be
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interested. >> cool. >> he could spread himself around. >> the celebrities can go to concerts of a hologram. is that really worth it? >> i find them pretty cool. but maybe they need to be used in a different way. you have been watching "cnn newsroom." >> the fun does not end here. we're back with another hour of the world's biggest stories after this short break. stay with us here on cnn. people don't have to think about
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we're back after a short break. stay with us on cnn. the tough n restrictions go into effect. >> the main nuclear facility is ready to cope with hostility. we're look at the newest threats. and running for cover, a pair of major wildfires forces people to evacuate in california. >> welcome to those of you tuned in from around the world. >> this is cnn news room. >> at this very moment in
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hungary, anyone who crosses the border illegally will be deported or jailed. that's the hard line the government is taking to stop refugees from flowing in, but people are trying to make it through. >> the government says nearly 10,000 migrants crossed the border on monday, but now the rules have changed. >> reporter: there's also means that the official and legal ways come to hungary, and the european union remain open. that's all we ask from all migrants. that they come ply with international and law, and the protocols, they should come through the legal crossing points. meanwhile, european officials are said to be gatheringed right now trying to find a way out of this crisis. >> it won't be easy.
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they failed to agree on how to distribute 160,000 people among 28 eu countries one official says the crisis is one that all countries need to help solve. >> we need to find a way to combine our collective responsibility before our conscious and before the law. to make sure that people who deserve asylum because they are refugees get it in europe. >> well, our senior correspondent is joining us now live. p ben, we are seeing hungary beef up border guards with a threat of the severe punishments for anyone who dares to cross through. it's not playing well internationally. what about the situation there
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domestically? >> well, domestically, this is something that the hung garn prime minister realizes there's some support, not insignificant, for tougher measures on the border. as you can see right now, this is a crossing where yesterday thousands of people were coming across. now they've set up this barbed wire, this railway car is now blocking the tracks. we've seen a fair number of refugees sort of walking up and along the border, trying to see if there's some way to cross. i spoke to two refugees, one from north eastern syria and one from aleppo. they say from up the road, there's about 1,000 who would like to cross. they say the serbian authorities have put no obstacles in their way, but now they would like to enter hungary. one of those men told me that he
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had an appeal for the hungarian authorities. he said, look, we don't want to stay in your country. in fact, one of the refugees want to stay in hungary. they want to go to either us a stree ya or germany, which have been much more hospitable when it comes to people coming from syria and elsewhere. at the moment, it appears nobody is crossing. we have seen the beefed up border guard presence. at this moment, there's only two visible. there have been helicopters flying overhead as well. it appears unlike yesterday, today very few people have been able to cross so far. they're trying to. they're looking for any opportunity to get over through or under the fence. but at the moment, it doesn't look like that's possible. >> and, ben, that is the concern, isn't it? because now, of course, the fence is there, and clearly, it's, you know, you can see
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there, the wiring. no one is going to get through that as it stands now. so more and more people are going to gather on the other side of this at the serbian hungarian boarder. what happens to them? >> reporter: well, some of the men i was speaking to said we're going to wait a few days in the hopes that after the hungarian government is put on this show of force, that maybe it will relent, it will let them pass, because as they said, they don't want to stop in hungary. hungary made it clear it's not happy to host any number of refugees. now, of course, the question is, at the moment this fence looks impassable, but it is only wire, and where there is a will, there is a way, and i imagine on the serbian side of the border, there are some people with a bit of imagination who may be looking for wire cutters. >> yes, no doubt, and, of
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course, when people are desperate, they will do anything they possibly can to certainly work their way through those sorts of obstacles. ben joining us from the hungarian serbian border. >> rosemary, joining us for a discussion on those new policies is the spokesman for the hung garn governments and joins us live. thank you for much for your time and speaking with us on cnn today. first, how long do you plan to keep these enhanced border patrols in place, specifically the border fence which we've just seen which appears to be much more of a permanent fence? >> the answer is short, as long as it is needed. what we see as real exiters trying to reach europe. especially germany and western europe, but obviously, it is against all european and national protocols that migrants
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try to choose their destination freely, and they come at will through a number of countries, a number of natural borders, including hungary's borders. i would like to remind you, this is not only a boarder with serbia. there are tough rules. the fundamental freedoms european citizens enjoy cannot be there by the influx of illegal migrants. that's why we have temporary measure until it's needed. >> and there are rules, but there's also the reality. we've witnessed for weeks, as your country has, tens of thousands of migrants and refugees, many of them families, women with children, simply trying to find safety and a better life. i'm wondering, why does your government now find it necessary to criminalize what these refugees and migrants are doing? starting today they could be jailed if they cross the border
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unauthorized. what does that achieve? >> it's very difficult to address this issue from a humanitarian point of view. it's our conviction that the best way to address even the humanitarian aspect is the reinstalling the rule of law. at the borders of the european union, and on this, on regular flow of migrants to my country or any area around the world is undesired. it's not a law. take a look at the u.s., canada, or australia. we are only calling for a discipline reestablished. that is all countries in the european union, including greece, should be keeping themselves to the established rules. we also need to redesign the rules because the sheer number who would like to come to europe has changed dramatically. that's exponential growth. in hungary, we've reached 190,000 people coming illegally, and obviously this number is
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very far from the previously experienced couple of thousands a year. so, again, you new measures are needed. law and order should be established. families, children, without regulation, it is very dangerous. it is endangering the lives to cross four or five countries, come through the green borders. there's no reason for that. this is not only undesired from the perspective of refugees but also from the european union. >> but it also speaks to what they're willing to risk because of what they're running from. there needs to be ruefle of law but the core issue is what they're fleeing from. it won't abate until the eu does more to help those fleeing from syria and other conflict zones. we're looking at live pictures from the border crossing. on the issue of what this is all stemming from, what is hungary's
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recommendation to offer or help at the source? >> i think the prime minister was fairly outspoken for the past couple of days in the german press about his poeropo s proposals. among them, two important priorities, one is reestablishing the ability of the european union to control its own borders and reinstate the rule of law all around the european borders, including greece, which is one of the hot spots entering europe, and also reaching out, providing financial infrastructural and humanitarian aid close to the motherland of those trying to flee. i remind you, there's no war in greece. there's no war in macedonia or serbia, and there's no war in hungary. there's no need to use the illegal way, and claim that somebody is fleeing for its life
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or his or her life, along the rout. that's simply not true. that's why we believe the kind of redistribution and aid procedure should be established through which europe would be able to reach directly out to those people who have fled syria and are staying in camps in turkey or in lebanon, but obviously endangering their lives. it's definitely not the way they should be treated, or they should be behaving, as a matter of fact. >> it is an unprecedented issue that many different european issues are struggling to deal with, and we appreciate you speaking with us. a spokesman for the hungarian government at a time when your country is instituting new border measures. we have pictures to show the european parliament. they are set and ready to meet
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and does these controversial issues where there's no clear agreement. i believe that's the eu foreign affairs chief. she will also be making a case, speaking today along with the united nations commissioner for refugees. a big issue. there is no clear agreement. disappointing earlier this week when some of the recommendations were not adopted because of countries like hungary and others that simply are much more resistant to the other migrants and refugees coming into the country. we'll keep our eyes on this and bring you updates throughout the day. >> now a developing story. flash flooding in utah is blamed for eight deaths. >> this is in hildale, utah. it's on the arizona border. you're seeing some footage of other people struggling with some of the flash floods there. five people are still missing
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fire officials have scaled back their search for the night. the fire department says the flooding started with heavy rain in the canyons above the town. flash flooding has had deadly consequences in the state of utah. as we've seen, our meteorologist joins us with more on that story. pedram, i know you've worked in this area. you're aware of the terrain there. it is very dry, and when you have these sorts of flash floods coming through, the end is just devastating. >> it is that. and it's important to note too when it comes to flash flooding, that's the number one weather killer in the united states, and about half of them occur with people trapped in their vehicles. tremendous rainfall and it's not just the weather element that causes the disasters to take place. with aviation, weather just part of the play when it comes to accidents occurring. in this region q we have the
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rainfall. the rainfall coming in on the order of 2 to 4 inches per hour, but also the landscape that makes the south western united states so beautiful. the state of utah has the third highest national park count of any state in the country. only alaska and the state of california have more national parks. the landscape is beautiful. rivers in this nearby landscape, and the closer perspective shows you the canyons. they take on tremendous water. the terrain not going to absorb the moisture, and as the water comes down, it centers near the city center. the population there is about 29 00 people. now when we're touching on about 7 or 10 people impacted with fatalities, people considered missing, this is a large story for a small town, but even on a national level, it's a big story with what's happened in this region of southern utah. >> and the water cannot be
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absorbed in the ground, so it just rushes along and leads to floods. pedram, thank you very much. also in the u.s., the suspect in monday's delta state university shooting has killed himself after a man hunt. police in cleveland, mississippi say he shot himself in the woods earlier in the day. he apparently told police he wasn't going to jail. >> lamb had been on the run since police found professor ethan smith shot to death on camp campus. by all accounts, lamb and schmidt were friends. >> police say he also killed amy prentice, a woman he lived with earlier on monday. >> a warning from north korea. they say they're ready to use nuclear weapons at any time if the u.s. and other countries per sue a, quote, hostile policy
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toward kim jong-un's policy. what does this mean, pursue hostile policy toward the kim jong un's regime? >> reporter: back in 2013, north korea vowed to restart work at a nuclear complex. that facility has normal operations. here's a little bit more of what they have to say in this article. they say has known by the world, the dprk, that's north korea's access to nuclear weapons is an outcome of the u.s. hostile policy toward it. he goes onto say if the u.s. and other hostile forces persistently seek their reckless, hostile policy toward the dprk, the dprk is fully
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ready to cope with them with nuclear weapons at any time. this is a threat to attack the united states with nuclear weapons, and it comes ahead of a major anniversary that north korea is planning to mark next month. the 70th anniversary of the worker's party. there's speculation there may be more provocation from north korea at this time. and fueling this is a separate article that's come out saying that north korea is in the final stages of developing a new satellite, and it says it's for peaceful purposes, but many believe it's code for testing ballistic missile technology. that's in violation of sanctions against north drivewkorea. i spoke to mark lip ertd, and here's what he had to say about that. >> we've moved over time, a good deal of missile defense
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capability to the region, ground base intercepters to alaska. surface combatants to the western pacific in order to be ready and vigilant for anything that the north koreans may or may not do. >> north korea says that a satellite launch would be for peaceful purposes. do you believe it could be anything but an availed test of missile technology? >> past practice has shown the north as consistently violated resolutions, international norms and conducted ballistic missile launches that have brought widespread condemnation from the international community. >> reporter: the united states says it is ready to take on any new threat from north korea, and south korea's defense ministry says it is closely watching those developments. >> kathy, reporting there on the latest threat from north korea live in seoul.
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many thanks to you. a big shakeup in politics. australia has a new prime minister. >> the office of prime minister. and that i will. >> reporter: former communications prime minister was sworn in just a few hours ago. mr. turn bull says the government's not been successful in providing the economic leadership australia needs. we're going to take a short break here, but there's little relief in california, of course, as firefighters try to contain two wildfires quickly spreading in the north. we will have more on that just ahead. plus donald trump takes the stage in dallas, texas less than two days before the cnn republican debate. what he has to say about his strategy, next. we stop arthritis pain,
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>> republican presidential candidate, donald trump, true to form, at a huge rally in dallas, texas. he says he will change the country's image as the dumping ground for the world's illegal immigrants. >> now, hundreds of protesters rallied outside marching from a nearby church to the venue where trump was speaking. one organizer called trump a clown. several people made pinata's of trump. >> he said he knows he'll be a prime target at the cnn presidential debate. >> i'm your candidate, okay. >> reporter: donald trump, not only on top, but on fire. >> i'm surging more than anybody. >> reporter: he rallies, but new polls show him driving the republican race. trump and ben carson towering over the gop field seizing more than half the republican vote in a new washington post abc news
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poll. trump winning four times as much support as jeb bush. it means he's wearing the biggest bulls eye at the cnn debate. but warning signs for the front ruper. overall, six in ten voters say he's not qualified. among hispanic voters, 70% hold negative views of him, 60% very negative. still, trump is head and shoulders above his rivals in the first primary state of new hampshire. a new poll today showed trump at 28% followed by carson and kasich in third. everyone is trying to bring trump down to size. >> it is not about how big your office is or how big your plane or your helicopter or your ego. leadership is about service. look at this face. >> reporter: carly fiorina is
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out with a new web ad, trying to use trump's new words against him. >> this is a face of a 61-year-old woman. i am proud of every year and every wrinkle. >> reporter: trump's campaign manager firing back against super pacs, not the substance to the original attack from his boss. >> we know jeb bush has $100 million in a super pac. the vast majority of it will come after trump, because bush is down. >> reporter: not just jeb bush. he and much of the republican field crowded at the bottom of the polls in single digits hoping to break out on wednesday night. so many of these republican accounts are trying to use this debate to jump start their own candidacy. they're using their own strategies to go after trump. should they go after him
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forcefully or let him implode on his own? that's what republican leaders believe he will do, but there's no sign of that. he's leading the race the front runner. he'll be center stage at the debate. >> and be sure to tune into cnn this week as the republican presidential candidates face off in back to back debates. there's sure to be fireworks. watch them live wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in london, 6:00 a.m. thursday. in hong kong, only here on cnn. >> a new washington post abc news poll suggests support from democratic women has dropped significantly for hillary clinton. >> take a look at this. in january '71% of democratic leaning women said they expected to vote for hillary clinton. it's now just 42%. >> on monday, she spoke at a women for hillary organizing
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event in iowa about the republican candidates telling the crowd there's really no difference between them except maybe one small detail. >> it is somewhat entertaining. their front runner has grabbed a lot of the attention lately. but if you look at the policies of all of them running, they're pretty much the same. they're trump, just without the pizazz and the hair. >> clinton also spoke about bernie sanders saying she actually thinks he's doing a great job. he was in virginia speaking to a crowd of nearly 12,000 at liberty university on monday. he spoke about a number of issues, including abortion, the wage gap, and ending racism. >> we'll take a short break here. still to come, australia's new prime minister is facing a host of challenges as he takes office today. just ahead, we will take a look at the most pressing issues for
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malcom turnbull. >> and homes destroyed in california. thousands more threatened as the flames continue to spread. stay with us for more. in, so you don't have to stop. tylenol® 8hr arthritis pain has two layers of pain relief. the first is fast. the second lasts all day. we give you your day back. what you do with it is up to you. tylenol®. go to and post your job to over one hundred of the web's leading job boards with a single click. then simply select the best candidates from one easy to review list. and now you can use zip recruiter for free. go to
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double the number on sunday. o our correspondent tells us they're still coming. >> and police in mississippi say the suspect in monday's delta state university shooting killed himself in the woods after a day-long man hunt. investigators believe shannon lamb murdered his colleague at the school. earlier in the day, police say he killed the woman he lived with in another town. >> eight dead and five missing after flash flooding swept away two vehicles in hildale, utah. they have kascaled back their search during the overnight hours and will resume at daybreak. >> seven people have been sentenced to death for their involvement in a decide bombing back in june. isis claimed responsibility for the mosque attack which killed 27 people. eight sother suspects for
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sentenced to prison tomorrows of two to 15 years. it is the first day on the job for australia's new prime minister. malcom turnbull took the oath of office and takes over from tony abbott who was ousted in a leadership challenge on monday. >> abbott served who years as prime minister, but he was critical of the way the media covered his administration. he said he'll do everything he can to make the transition of power a smooth one. >> i'm proud of what the abbott government has achieved. we stayed focussed, despite everything. the government wasn't perfect. we have been a government of men and women, not a government of gods walking upon the earth. few of us, after all, entirely
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measure up to expectations. >> and we want to bring in cnn andrew stevens, live in hong kong. andrew, it's not an impressive record, five prime ministers in five years. so australians will be hoping for some stability going forward and wondering if malcom turnbull is the person to do that. >> five prime ministers in five years. given that australia hasn't had a recession, it's a stable place. the envy of the world for many people for its constant economic growth and general stability and wealth. why they keep on changing prime ministers is a very interesting question. really, due to back room deals and the politicians seemingly forgetting about what the people have voted for in the first place. so the question, as you say, can malcom turnbull make it a little
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bit longer than the other prime ministers? tony abbott lasting a couple of hours. turn bull has a couple of years before he has to ask for the popular vote. at the moment, he's seen very much by the party. this is the reason he is the prime minister. the party thinks he's much more electable. he's a much more popular figure throughout australia and more moderate than the right ring abbott, and they feel he's the best way of going forward. what we haven't seen is any big policy changes which is hardly surprising, seeing he's just been sworn in in the last few hours, but he has also sort of dialled back a bit on some of his social positions. he's been a very strong advocate of action on climate change. he says he's going to follow the government's existing line on this, which isn't as strong as he was talking about before. he's also been a strong advocate for gay marriage. he's dialing a bit on that as
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well. he's playing it safe at the moment. and he had kind words for the outgoing prime minister. listen to what he had to say. >> our nation, our parliament, our government, our party, our parties, the coalition, oh, tony abbott, an enormous debt of gratitude for his leadership and his service over many, many years. he led us out of opposition back into government. the challenges of leadership are very considerable. >> certainly have been considerable if you're a leader in australia these days. you're got to keep your own party very much impressed, otherwise they could turn as they have over the past few years and get rid of you. >> it'll be interesting on climate change and gay marriage whether over time when he establishes himself, if he moves
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forward and is perhaps more progressive on both those topics. we'll watch that closely. in his final speech as australian's prime minister, tony abbott said it had been a tough day but he also said he wouldn't be a wrecker. what lies ahead for abbott and let's talk about his legacy as well as the country's prime minister. >> he said he would not be sniping from the back benches. he goes back to become a humble back bencher. he's still in the party. he's still representing his elect rat in australia, and he has no plans to retire from politics all together. he'll be remembered for his hard line on immigration. he was the man who very clearly stopped the boats full of refugees coming from indonesia, crammed with refugees from many parts of the world. he instituted a hard-line policy that no one would arrive in australia for processing that, special processing cenrs would
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be set up in other small countries around the pacific, and just to the north, and conditions in the centers are pretty bad. by all accounts. he's been seen as a hard-line on immigration, and also on australia's own security. he's contributed a lot of the fight in the middle east, the fight against isis, and also he's continuing to push for that. that will be his legacy. whether or not he decides he's going to try to unstabilize or destieblize the party from within, remains to be seen. there are right wingers who are not happy turn bull is the leader, but that's outweighed by the fact that he's more electable than abbott. >> we'll watch to see how voters on both sides respond to this change of leadership at the top. many thanks to andrew stevens reporting live from hong tong.
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at least one person has died in one of two major wildfires raging in northern california. more than 1,000 firefighters are trying to contain the so-called valley fire west of the city of sacramento. >> to the east, fire crews are also battling the booing the bu. the fires have displaced thousands of people. >> reporter: with hundreds of hopes destroyed, the massive valley wildfire has become the most destructive blaze of the summer in the west. the fire has burned more than 60,000 acres, the conditions so terrible that the governor has declared a state of emergency for four counties. >> they will take lives and cause injuries. we have to do the best we can because we are in a battle with nature that nature is more powerful than we are. >> we don't see an end in fire season for the months to come. we're planning for that. we're in this for the long hall. we are continuing to use all the
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resources at our disposal. the governor provided some additional funding. >> reporter: the fire spread so fast that people had very little time to evacuate. >> everything behind the gas station is gone. the school is gone. the store is gone. >> reporter: and that wasn't the only fire to hit northern california. 70 miles east of sacramento another wildfire has grown to more than 70,000 acres and threatening thousands of structures. together the two fires have destroyed well more than 500 homes. >> being with everybody going through the same thing makes us feel like we actually have a family right here with us, besides our immediate family. >> reporter: at the napa county fairgrounds, they set up what looks like a tent city. this woman and her four children, wondering if their house is still standing. >> i want to go home, if i have a home anymore.
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>> reporter: what kooudo you th the chances are? >> not good. i don't think anything is left. >> reporter: firefighters are working to save the homes, but after four years of drought, the area remains a tinderbox with highly flammable fuel. and authorities confirmed at least one person has died in the wildfire. this was an elderly woman who was disabled and apparently unable to get herself out of harm's way, and some people are still missing. there's a concern there could be more fatalities. dan simon, cnn, middletown, california. >> still to come, angry mexican families are getting few answers after a mistaken attack on a convoy of tourists kill a dozen people in egypt. the latest in a live report coming your way. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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these are images of a western desert popular with travelers. >> the foreign minister says two mexicans died and six others are hospitalized. but there were 14 mexicans in the tour group. the sister of one of the victims says egypt had been considered safe. >> translator: egypt has always been a safe country. it's always been good. nothing has happened. they've always looked after their tourists. i don't know what happened. i don't have information. >> we are joined now live from cairo to talk about this, and ian, at this time yesterday details were scarce. how much closer are we to knowing why the tourists were attacked and where they were all from? it seems a bit murky, still. >> reporter: it really does, and we're getting most of our information from the mexican authorities as the egyptians
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have been very tight-lipped about exactly what happened. but the egyptian government and army has come under some heavy criticism here. first off, this is a tour group. we're hering from survivors they were pulled off a little ways from the road having a picnic. the questions for the investigators is why they were attacked without being verified, a case of shoot first and ask questions later. the egyptian government has said that this tour operator did not have the proper kcredentials, te permits to be in that area. they were in a restricted area. but the road that they took going to the place they were deep into the western desert is full of police check points. police, as i know from personal experience, they will not let you go unless you have the proper credentials, the proper permits to move beyond that check point, so a lot of questions about why these people
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were allowed to continue if they didn't have the proper permits, and if so, why wasn't there any coordination between the police, the tourism authorities, and the military. these are all questions that even people here in egypt want the investigation to answer, when it comes out, but we are hearing that mexico's foreign minister is going to be coming to egypt to also seek answers, and we're looking for more information, more details then. >> very concerns, especially considering how important tourism is to the egyptian area. >> you are watching cnn news room. we have seen so many boats filled with refugees crossing the seas to europe. up next, we'll meet a young man who took a dangerously different approach. these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping...
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made it to a refugee camp in turkey, and they knew things would be better for them if they could make it to europe. >> but the price of a boat ride was too much. they decided to swim, and one of them talked about their daring journey. >> i am 24 years old. i am from syria. i met someone, and he asked me, are you going to europe, seeking asylum there. he told me what we think about going swimming from turkey to greece. we surfed and found and in greek
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island, there's two island without people. i was really scared, because it was very dark, very cold, the water. i'm thinking that at my last moment in life, i'm going to die now. when we reach the first island in the middle of the sea, it was just too small, filled with birds. that they start going over us, they thought they were dead bodies, so i got scared of it. between these two islands, the sea changed. it becomes very hard. i couldn't see my friend. the second island, it was just like a wall.
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it was like a rock. we have no choice except continue swimming until we reach the greece island. now i'm losing hope. it was very difficult. all was hard. all was tough. when i saw a shape coming, i switch on the laser, and they see us. we were happy that we just made it. it was the most crazy thing i ever done in my life. >> just an extraordinary story there. and it indicates the desperation that people have gone to to try to -- they take all these risks because they are leaving behind just dreadful situations. >> and for some in europe, they don't understand why they're
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doing it, but it's difficult for any of us to put ourselves in their shoes. >> a lot of people around the globe don't understand the magnitude. we want to go to live pictures here. we're looking at the european parliament, and here, this is what they're tackling. they're trying to work out what to do with all of these hundreds of thousands of refugees who are now homeless, and they have to look at quotas and look at ways to divide and divvy up all those people. there's a resistance in the eastern block. a lot of the eastern european countries, it really does indicate the political, cultural divide that is occurring in the european union. >> if you'd like to make a difference, head to we have a list of organizations trying to help with migrants across europe. >> thank you for watching us. >> we'll see you hear tomorrow.
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announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born.. are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school
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and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at republicans running for president now one day from facing off on the cnn debate stage. how they are preparing. devastation out west. flash flooding kills eight people overnight. and european countries locking down borders trying to stop the refugees seeking asylum. we are live as this crisis unravels. good morning. welcome to "early start." i'm alison kosik.
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