tv New Day Sunday CNN September 20, 2015 3:00am-5:01am PDT
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♪ new this morning. in just three hours, pope francis celebrates mass in cuba for hundreds of thousands. the biggest event of his trip to cuba. a trip which also includes the u.s. in just a few days. and maybe trump like you've never seen him before. personal bible in hand. he responds to backlash after brushing off a supporter who claimed president obama was muslim. >> do you personally think that muslims pose a danger to this country? >> i love the muslims. i think they are great people.
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good morning. welcome on a sunday morning. so grateful for your company as always. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. welcome to our viewers around the world. we are live in havana marking the historic trip by the pope to cuba. my colleague and "new day" anchor chris cuomo is there. chris, good morning. we hear huge crowds are filing in already before dawn. >> well, look. this is literally you are watching history, victor and christi. good morning to you both. 4:00 this morning local time same as in the east. that is when people were let in. you can see -- day va day, take the picture. that is our photographer. they have been here on since 4:00 in the morning and thousands of people are here. the cuban authorities say that there will be hundreds of thousands here to hear pope francis say mass at 9:00 this morning. a homily that will reverb inebriate through this crowd and through this island and across
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this world. what will he say to the cuban people. something else we want to show you here. this is revolution square. the people we are talking to hope it will become evolution square. look at this. a new holy trinity here. champion of the revolution, right? you have another captain of the revolution, one of the main people that helped with the military here. look who has been added. they say this is the first time this has ever been seen in cuba in revolution square. not lit well but there before your eyes is a huge picture of jesus christ and below him is the message [ speaking in foreign language ] come to me. people say they have never seen it and this photo will be facing directly to the podium where pope francis will be. the mass begins at 9:00 and literally the country is on edge waiting for the hope to give them their message.
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>> chris, we know the president ray raul castro is complimentary of the speeches and messages from the pope and says if he keeps this up, raul castro says he will pray again so this could be a an important visit for raul castro personally. >> it was interesting what he said. raul castro educated by jesuit. there is a synergy in the pope's message there. castro said he had a fondness to the pope and he listened to his words and looking at the words in the bible he referred to and looking at the words that the pope had pointed to especially about global warming but he took a political turn and talking about the embargo as illegal and
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he talked about sovereignty and he followed up with sovereignty that nobody should interview with the dealings of another country. let's not forget, the people here today are joyful, but they are not just the faithful here, they are the hopeful. this is an oppressive regime. people want freedom and change. later, the pope is meeting with 200,000 people and the only thing he asked for his concession is wi-fi. the cell towers are to block messages and not get them. when they talk today about their experience as cubans, that is huge because people here are so desperate for freedom and that is what they are looking for with the pope today. they heard castro's words yesterday. they hear them all the time. this country about what the r revolution is and what it should mean to them but they are hoping for change and maybe that comes in the form of this pope.
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>> chris cuomo, a great picture of what is happening there and a really good sense for us since we can't be there with you. thank you so much. chris is going to be with us all morning long, by the way. he is going to have much more for you coming up. we do want to turn to politics now. here is the thing. big poll numbers set to be released on cnn. this coming on the heels of the second gop debate so it could be a major indicator to see whether other candidates are gaining ground on front-runner donald trump. speaking of trump. he attended a faith and freedom forum in iowa and i'm betting maybe you've never seen him like this before. there is he taking the stage with bible in hand, showing the crowd -- there he is, he is showing the crowd a photo of his confirmation. >> actually, this was given to me by my mother and i was just insiding yesterday -- >> a gift, obviously, there from his mother as well.
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he addressed the controversy over a town hall claim that the president is muslim. take a listen. >> i had a couple of quite a few days as you noticed. i did a very innocent town hall with about 3,000 people at least and the first question, i said this can only happen to me. you all know what the first question was and the press is going crazy and they all wanted to see me. i said for the first time in my life, i got in trouble by not saying anything. i didn't say anything. >> cnn's m.j. lee is in des moines, iowa and has been following the trump campaign. this is the other thing. we understand he went to a homecoming event last night and you were there. i'm assuming the muslim controversy certainly took center stage, but this was a homecoming event with teenagers who, as as i understand it, maybe only the seniors by next year will be able to vote. were their parents there? were there people who are of
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voting age there that he was talking to? what was it like? >> reporter: good morning, christi. you're right. donald trump continuing to face questions about this latest controversy. he was uncharacteristically quiet earlier in the week and broke his silence yesterday on twitter sending out a series of tweets, basically, defending his interaction with this man at a town hall earlier in the week in new hampshire. he spoke at the faith and freedom forum yesterday in iowa and then, you're right, he went to a high school homecoming where ninth to 12th graders were very excited to have a presidential candidate, the front-runner, not to mention, speak at their homecoming. there were students, as well as parents and a mix of some of trump's supporters as well. after the event i was able to catch up with trump and ask him about his views on muslims and he got a question from one of the high school students about muslim americans in the country. take a listen to what he had to say.
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>> do you personally think that muslims pose a danger to this country? >> i love the muslims. i think they are great people. >> i consider muslim americans to be an important asset to our country and society. would you consider putting one in your candidate or even on your ticket? >> you consider what? >> putting one in your candidate or on your ticket, a muslim american. >> muslim? >> uh-huh. >> oh, absolutely. no problem with that. would i consider putting a muslim american in my cabinet? absolutely, no problem with that. >> as you can imagine, christi, republicans have pounced on donald trump and outright calling him a racist in interaction with this supporter. republicans on on the other hand, have had a mixed reaction saying it's not always a candidate's responsibility to correct a voter when they say something that is incorrect. >> m.j. lee, we appreciate it. thank you. let's get more insight on this with cnn politics air braden. good to have you back this morning. quinnipiac poll shows trump, the
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most recent poll, trailing ben carson among christian conservatives in iowa. he has some work to do there. >> he is it. now, trump really sort of turned off a lot of evangelical leaders earlier this summer with a couple of incidents, including one where he couldn't name his favorite bible verse and one where he said he had never asked forgiveness from god. now, trump is going up against ben carson and carly fiorina coming off a strong debate performance who both really speak to evangelical voters. carson talks be openly about his faith and fiorina has made a big point of focusing on this planned parenthood controversy, which is also important to evangelicals. so trump is seeing this in early states like iowa and south carolina as a potentially significant liability and that is why you're seeing him doing events like the ones he did yesterday. >> so let's talk about this
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comparison between trump's, i guess, nonresponse to the criticism of president obama and muslims in america, and the 2008 exchange between john mccain supporter at a rally. first, let's listen to that exchange and then we will talk about it. >> i can't trust obama. i have read about him and he's not -- he's not -- he's -- he's an arab. >> no. >> he is not? >> no. >> no? >> no, no, ma'am. he is a decent family man, citizen that i just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that is what this campaign is all about. he is not. thank you. >> this one is if i would have challenged the man, that's the man that made the statement, somewhat maybe negative top president, to put it mildly, the media would have accused me of interfering with that man's right of free speech, a no-win situation. do we agree?
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if i would have stopped him, and you remember the famous thing where john mccain just ripped that microphone out of the woman's hands, i don't know. i thought it was a little bit harsh, to be honest with you. does anybody agree with me? that was harsh, wasn't it? >> all right. this is now becoming, i don't want to say a theme, but the second time that trump has gone after john mccain, at least taking a dig here. earlier in the year, he said he questioned the heroism of john mccain. is there some benefit of going after mccain to this crowd specifically? >> well, trump spends a lot of time going after republicans who aren't particularly popular with the base, people who are sort of easy targets and appealing to the die-hard republicans that feel the party hasn't run candidates who are far enough to the right, rock ribbed conservatives in recent presidential elections and has taken a lot of shots at mitt romney. you're right. he finds some particular glee in
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going after john mccain. i think this is sort of another example of trump kind of as a bombastic truth telling candidate and that is why some people like him, but it does raise a bigger question about whether politicians are responsible for a source of crowds that they bring out to their events and the sorts of comments that are made there. >> we have heard criticisms from both republicans and democrats of both trump's nonresponse and the media for questioning trump's nonresponse. eric, thank you for being with us this morning. we will have this conversation throughout the morning as we look ahead to these new poll numbers scheduled to be released at 9:00 a.m. eastern this morning. let's talk now about the migrants and ongoing desperate call for support and freedom march from austria to hungary.
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cnn is with them and you'll want to watch this report in a few minutes. we are live in havana. look at the first of the hundreds of thousands of people who are expected to listen to the pope as he celebrates mass there in just about three hours. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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there. this is a country where religious activity is still so restricted and it's a country with real atheist and socialist paths. >> the pope is offering a first communion of five children and a sense of rebirth there in cuba. let's go chris cuomo live there at revolution square where the thousands, as we said, are piling in. >> reporter: overnight, people were coming here. all day yesterday, they were traveling from all over this anxious island to get to this moment. this is history in the making. not just for the people here, but literally as a world moment. pope francis has done something we do not see in recent times. he has delved into the political world. is there no question that the vatican had a heavy hand in getting cuba and the united states to start to reconsider relations. of course, there are motivations on both sides but his hand is
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here and it's real and they know. this is the way the day sets pup. the mass at 9:00 a.m. and an hour and a half, a full mass. you hear the music this tested behind us. it is going to be a very, very glor onnious presentation and ceremony. on your screen, you'll hear the big events. when the pope meets with cuban government officials that could mean meeting with fidel castro. we don't know about that yet. what is happening with the 2,000 young people that get to meet pope francis is they are going to have wi-fi and they are going to be encouraged to send messages into social media. remember where we are. this is cuba. you take wi-fi and social media for granted. not here. few have regular access to internet. the cell towers are here to block messages. when the pope went through the
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streets yesterday, the crowds were there and in patrick's word, lives here. he says that is real enthusiasm. that is not the government putting people there to applaud lightly. that is real. let me give awe feel of the crowd. how much this moment means to people. we have our ed lavandera out there. how are the communications working out there? >> reporter: i can hear you, chris. we are out here in the crowds where hundreds of thousands of people will be showing up here and already showing up in droves. we are a good 150 yards back away from the altar here where pope francis will be conducting the mass. there have been the crowds here. these folks telling me this morning they started showing up at 3:00, 3:30 in the morning. one of the big concerns for them throughout the day will be the heat. it has has been painfully hot here. these are one of several red cross stations that have been set up throughout the plaza of the revolution. we have already seen people starting to faint and get
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treatment here so that will be a big concern. once you go back into these crowds, it will be even hotter as everybody is standing together. hundreds of thousands of people expected to be here in the plaza, already starting to pour in and they have been people have been bussed in and strongly encouraged by the government to attend the services. chris, when you talk to people, there is not a strong history of catholic faith and catholic participation here on this island. many people you talk to, many young people simply haven't grown up in that culture. so this kind of experience for many of these people is very new and very eye opening for them in many ways. so we will continue to watch with them from the crowd throughout the morning here. chris? >> reporter: ed, we will check back in with you and you're making a very strong point there. it's not just about the faithful but the hopeful. the cubans who are hoping for something better and a change and heard a little bit about it and now they get to see.
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we have a good understanding of what is going on the ground in good because of our man in havana. patrick hoffman is turning us, the only tv american journalist who lives here. your kids are here and your wife is here. you've been living this story. how important is this day for the religious, but just for the people in general? >> absolutely. the pope is a spanish speaking pope and will address them directly. i've covered the two other papal visits and it's a big deal instead of having a pope that speaks another language and perhaps reading a statement and perhaps a heavy accent and pope go off message and communicate with them directly and hit people in the hearts. that is what we are looking for. it's a pretty exciting day here. >> reporter: when we look at the agenda for the day we teed up how big the meeting is with the kids is. am i exaggerating? the kids are encouraged to send messages into social media by or
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with the approval of the regime? that's a big deal? >> reporter: it's never happened quite like this before and no official come in and said i want this and it's happened. i came here four years ago there was almost no internet and now a little but people complain it's expensive. they have three wi-fi routers scattered about the old area of havana and amazing how long will they last after the pope leaves. >> reporter: that is the always big if, right? what happens once the pope leaves? but let's deal with the present for right now. there were interesting coded comments in both castro's speech and in the pope's speech. the pope talked a lot about wanting to be here for the people he is going to meet and the people he said i cannot meet for various reasons. a big theme was reconciliation among the faithful, among the united states and cuba and among those in latin america and the rich and the poor.
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listen to a little bit of it. >> translator: the world needs reconciliation in this environment and third world stages of what we are experimenting. i urge the political leaders to persevere on this path and they are called on to carry out on behalf of peace and well-being of their americans to all of america and as a example of reconciliation for the entire world. >> reconciliation. what does that mean from the cuban perspective? >> it means so much. almost everybody i know here has family outside the united states. used to be when you left, you couldn't come back. you were considered a traitor. that has changed. so this is something the people of cuba have moved on with. the government really has not in many, many wanes the pope coming here pushing for reconciliation saying both governments need to move forward and taken a big step but he wants them to take more steps. >> reporter: we know obama and castro were on the phone talking about the papal visit and ease of restrictions that starts tomorrow. what are the massive changes?
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>> massive changes in telecom companies and allow them to come and set up business here and really important and the issue you were talking about wi-fi internet and those kinds of things. the u.s. is challenging the human government for saying for years an embargo and why people couldn't get on line and we will open that up and that is the pope's message he is coming and encouraging youth to get online. >> christi and victor, you have to remember where we are. yes, it's always a big deal ceremonyiously when the pope shows up but the hunger for change here cannot be exaggerated so the pope has to promise with what he knows will be delivered. >> we also look to find out what happens with that potential meeting between the pope and fidel castro and if that happens today or during this visit. chris, patrick, thank you so much. we will get back to you in a moment. new details are emerging about a story in the united states. what may have happened to baby
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doe? now identified as bella bond just before her tragic death. cnn has learned she may have been repeatedly punched. plus -- >> here they are again. the pictures live from havana, cuba. one much things chris pointed out in the last block here, i don't know if you can see it there, but something that has never been seen there before. a huge picture of jesus christ with the words "come to me." here are the people and some of whom have been there two and a half to three hours and still have two and a half hours before the pope will address them. we are there live all morning for you. stay close. the human foot has always been good at... it's unleashing great power. the is performance line just got a power boost.
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or not to give another chance. they are back to the ballot box for the third time this year to elect a new parliament. >> you know the country is still mired in the economic turmoil and the greek voters need to choose this new government as soon as possible or it will risk losing out on this financial bailout from europe. the boston area mother and her boyfriend accused of murdering 2-year-old bella bond who was known as baby doe, are making their first court appearances tomorrow. a law enforcement source tells cnn 35-year-old michael mccarthy says that he punched the toddler because he thought she was possessed. bella's mother is accused of covering up the crime. it's not clear whether her boyfriend's punches are what killed that little girl, but her body was found last june along
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the boston harbor. let's take another look at the hundreds of thousands of people there at the revolution square there in havana awaiting the 9:00 a.m. eastern beginning of the mass delivered by pope francis. back in 2012, pope benefdict ha mass there and before that, john paul, ii. a spanish speaking pope, a pope from argentina is coming back to cuba. first, this week's culinary injury talks us to seoul, south korea, to meet a chef who explores the favors of one of korea's most favorite dishes. here is a look.
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>> reporter: this chef is going to seoul two hours south where the traditional korean dish was born. here, he'll get a lesson in palace cuisine. today, kwan's teacher is this lady who works tireless to preserve jon chew's tradition. there are a few surprises for kwan. >> ah! it's mong bean jelly. >> he quickly learns it's these that set him apart. rice made with a beef broth instead of water and chile pace enhanced with unexpected flavors. >> chile powder. >> really?
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>> and juice. fresh. fresh. wow. >> "w." look at this. wow. a little bit sour, a little bit sweet. >> reporter: every ingredient gets undivided attention and cooked to itsfuls potential. the assembly of the dish each color placed careful according to color. another juice is added. it's coated with a chilly paste. >> still more good! >> reporter: and, finally, a raw egg yolk crowns the finished dish and then silence to indicate it was definitely worth the wait. >> this is damn good. >> you can watch the full show at
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live pictures here of the thousands expected to be by 9:00 a.m. eastern, hundreds of thousands there to see and listen to the pope. this mass delivered in spanish. the second day of the pontiff's visit to cuba. >> as the camera pulls out there, you can see the crowd that has assembled and some of them there until 3:30 this morning and some of them in their third hour now as they wait to hear from the pope. cnn is covering his visit to cuba and then from the u.s. at every possible angle. we will get you back to cuba shortly. also happening at 9:00 a.m. eastern, cnn will release its newest presidential polls. the first since last week's republican debate. a lot of people are wondering if donald trump will keep his commanding lead at the top of the gop pac or will carly
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fiorina's strong performance give her a bounce or maybe one of the other candidates. hundreds of supporters were in michigan on way to a republican leadership conference. >> it's not that women are better than men, we are not. it's just that -- >> yes, you are. >> no. >> yes, we are! >> it's just that women are half this nation and our entire nation, men and women are better when everyone gets a chance to fulfill their potential. >> let's talk about this. we have got cnn politics senior reporter stephen collinson. i want to stooart with somethin we are seeing from the democrats. for the first time yesterday, carly fiorina is a target. democratic national committee fund-raises e-mails and suggestion they are focusing on another outsider now. >> as you said, this is the first time we have seen this. i think it's a response to what
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was seen as a strong performance by carly fiorina in that cnn debate the other night and i think also a response to what we are likely to see as a rise from her because of that in the polls. carly fiorina has always set herself out as the main challenger on the gop side to hillary clinton, the rational of her campaign as a woman, she would be a much stronger candidate to go up against hillary clinton than some of the other men and she could neutralize some of the advantage the democrats generally have among women voters in presidential election so this is going to be a very interesting development to keep track of. >> a lot of analysts believe that carly fiorina had strong performance during that debate and donald trump did not and maybe that could be reflected in the poll that comes out this morning. >> yes, definitely. a lot of people thought trump's performance was shaky and short on policy details so we will be looking to see whether he is still at the top of the pac as
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well as looking at carly fiorina's numbers and interesting to see how ben carson is doing. out of first republican presidential debate weeks ago, he got a bounce and interesting to see if he keeps it up. it was a fairly timid performance by mr. carson during the debate so we would expect some of his numbers to go down as well. then we will be looking to see any of the establishment candidates who have had a rough time so far in this election. people like jeb bush and marco rubio, both of whom were sort of said to have done better in the debate on wednesday night, to see whether they can start to climb and start to challenge some of these outsider candidates. >> let's talk about the democrats for a moment and this reporting from "the washington post" that hillary clinton is set to release some details on her plans to tweak obamacare possibly tomorrow the details will come out. "the post" is reporting this is a shift for national democrats and full embrace of a law that had a troubled rollout and has
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not always polled well. clinton is making it a central part of her argument she should succeed obama. this is something she has to lock down this obama coalition possibly before joe biden gets into the race as "wall street journal" reports it's a matter of when, not if, he is going to get in. >> right. yes, if you think about it, what better way could there be to argue that you are the best possible steward of president obama's legacy than by embracing his major domestic political achievement? i think that is what hillary clinton is trying to do. you're right that joe biden is considering jumping into this race and joe biden's main campaign selling point would be that he was beside the president for the last seven years. he was intimately involved in the passage of obamacare and other major achievements with this administration and he therefore is the best steward of president obama's legacy. it's clearly a position by hillary clinton to sort of take this on. i think you could argue that
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also she is looking towards a general election when she could, you know, turn around and ask republicans why they are not promoting more health care plans for americans. >> we will see if vice president, the former secretary of state clinton, if they have that opportunity to discuss this face-to-face in the upcoming cnn debate, the first debate on the democratic candidates. stephen collinson, good to have you back. >> thank you for having me. live pictures again there from revolution square in havana, cuba, where pope francis will be celebrating mass this morning in a little more than two hours. landed last evening and thousands, you see them here in the popemobile, we have the video for you, thousands of people cheered and waved flags as they lined the streets there welcoming him. >> this visit is part of a nine-day tour of the united states. the theme of the journey here,
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peace and recommend reconciliation as well as better relations between the u.s. and cuba. chris cuomo is joining us live from revolution square this morning in havana. i know his calls for religious freedom don't just have to do with religion. he is hoping it includes opening schools, that it includes some sort of acts of charity on people's parts, that it resonates more with everybody, not just some 27%, i think i saw, that identify as catholics there in cuba. >> reporter: i think you make a strong point. it's not just for the religious faithful. it's also for simply the cuban hopeful. the word that they resonate with is freedom. whether it's religious or secular, whether it's about speech, castro yesterday said religious freedom is a central t tenant and surprised a lot of people here.
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what they do and act on it going forward is the question. people traveled hundreds of miles to come here deep from the interior of cuba. and they have been waiting for pope francis to come to hear what his message is. they are testing the sound system. they have been playing beautiful music since we got here several hours ago. also if our cameraman can pull out a little bit. the holy trinity for cubans is about the images here. you see one there. there is another one. swing the other way, dava day. it gives rise to why the people are saying revolution square may become evolution square. look who is here this morning in the darkness? that is jesus christ. his image has been put up in the square and they say it's never
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happened before. one said he has never seen them putting up an image of jesus christ and then that message underneath, "come to me." people are waiting here. pope mentioned fidel castro in his hackers and said please send my respect and considerations with your brother fidel. will they meet? we will find out. >> they didn't reveal what they said behind closed doors but the fact he is reaching out for take dell is significant. chris, you have a special coming up? >> reporter: yes. cnn put together a documentary on the pope because this fascination with francis is about who he is and what we saw in going back to where he was in buenos aires. this missionary of misery, he wants to tend to the forgotten
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and to those who need the most. you have to know who he is as a man to understand who he is becoming as pope. that is what we will give you in this special. by all accounts, he was a pretty typical teenager. >> being a teenager, he would go and stand and he would participate at parties. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> reporter: did he dance well? >> translator: yes, he danced well. and he liked it. he would go dancing every saturday at the parties at the that the club hosted. >> reporter: we showed you this part of it because, you know, he is a regular man. that is his friend oscar. they have been friends since 13 and still friends and he calls him on the phone and teases him about football. you get to understand the man and his passions and you see a
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consistency throughout his life. i think it will be interesting to people whether or not they believe in the faith or not. >> also, we have seen that he has decided to forego many of the luxuries that are afforded to the pontiff. we will talk more throughout the morning. chris, thank you so much. tune into "the people's pope" tuesday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern on cnn. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on.
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deputy she allegedly changed a lot and he was concerned and went to his attorney who filed a motion in court that said this. kim davis came to the office and confiscated all of the original forms and provided a change form which deletes all mentions of the county and fills in one of the blanks that would otherwise be the county with the court's styling, deletes her name and the all of the deputy clerk references and in place types in brian mason who is the deputy clerk. victor, for some context here, brian mason is the only one in that office who is issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. when kim davis was released to jail and went back to work, she said she wouldn't stop brian mason from issuing those licenses as long as they didn't have her name or the key part, her title on those forms. he said she allegedly began to change them. her attorney issued a statement yesterday saying never denied
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she altered these forms but simply said she never violated the agreement with the judge when she was released from jail. here is the statement i just want to read to you. the attorney said this. the licenses were not altered to circumvent the court's order nor did kim davis circumvent the order. very careful with those words there. >> thank you, sara. let's bring in joey jackson. you heard their response about not kir scircumventing the agre. what do you make of that carefully worded statement? >> it's very lawyerly. good morning. there is a practical way to answer and a tech natural way to answer. the governor says the wording is fine and not challenging and the commissioner of library and archives are not challenging. the attorney is not challenging it. the federal judge is fine with it. from a practically perspective,
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all is well. of course, the people who got the licenses are not going to challenge the validity of it, which leaves whether kim davis will challenge it. if she does she is stuck in a tricky position of otherwise not obeying what the federal judge has mandated her to do. so, therefore, from a practical perspective, everything is okay. from a technical protest it says the clerk itself to be clear, the clerk has to give it authorization statement and a deputy or the clerk has to sign and then they have to record on. but i read that as the office -- it's not the individual, right? you just occupy the office because you're the elected official. it's the office itself that has to issue it. so to the extent that that gentleman right there is issuing those licenses and they come from the rowan county clerk's office, i declare and i believe from the reading of it that they
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are valid and everything is okay. >> so on the changes that she made, you believe, do not invalidate these licenses, nor do they put her in any jeopardy? wher job? >> at this point, i think that the federal judge and the state haven't -- what their interest is enshoe auring anybody who wao get married. could it potentially be challenged on those grounds? yes. but from a practical matter and perspective, to the extent that licenses are issued and a form is altered and her name is off of it, she, again, is just the occupant of an office. they have to come, that is the forms, they have to be authorized and signed by the clerk. yes, she's the clerk but the clerk is the office that is occupied by her but that belongs to the people of kentucky. so to the extent that her office is authorizing it, people are
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allowed to get married, i say that all is good in kentucky and in rowan county. >> to that extent, we say, thank you, joey jackson. >> thank you, christi. >> of course. back to live pictures now at revolution square in havana. the crowd growing. we are just moments here from dawn here. you can see that the start of our show was pitch black and now the blueing of the skies. two hours now from the beginning of mass delivered by pope francis from alternargentina ang to deliver it in spanish. we will have more coverage in a moment. the highest quality, clinically proven nutrition isn't easy, so at gnc, why do we do it? why do we include key ingredients found in fruits and vegetables to create the world's best multivitamin programs? why do we do over 150 quality checks before putting them on the shelf? well, here's why... ♪ celebrating 80 years of quality life
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several big stories this morning we are following. first in havana, cuba. got a live picture up for you. the faithful up early. tens of thousands already packed into revolution square awaiting a sunday mass celebration by pope francis. >> they are hoping the pontiff can usher in a new revolution as chris cuomo is there. they hope revolution square becomes evolution square. a small thing here we take for granted called wi-fi. >> we complain when we don't have it. chris will put this into context for us in a moment. the pope has to convince the castros to make that happen, the availability of wi-fi. a meeting of the mind could come later today. heard from the vatican if the meeting between the pope and fidel castro is to happen and it is possible, in their words, it will likely happen later today. >> we want to wish a good morning to all of you here in the united states and around the
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world. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. a pleasure to be with you today. let's go live to havana and our chris cuomo there. the sun is starting to rise. a few minutes from sunrise. tens of thousands packing in. >> reporter: it is so much alive here already. nobody is waiting for the sun. we have been listening to words reverberating throughout this crowd. the cuban government say hundreds of thousands here. they were just saying our father and the words are so happy with significance for these people. give us our day, our daily bread and these are not speaking for these people but this is their lives and they are hoping for change. it's a hope for a promise. these aren't just the faithful but they are also the hopeful and the mass is at 9:00 and full
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mass so go about an hour and a half and they have been testing the sound system. they have a choir here. it's going to be a beautiful ceremony but the meaning of it as much as it will be the moment of that actual mass. the pope is going to give first communion to several kids and very important. you hear the music behind us now. other big events. 4:00 p.m. the pope will meet with cuban government officials. does that mean when the pope will meet fidel castro? he mentioned him in his speech yesterday. he said he wanted raul to send his considerations and respect to fidel. then what is really a special event, 6:30 p.m. 2,000 kids get to meet with pope francis. the vatican ask that there be wi-fi afforded these kids so that they can spend messages to social media. that will be a big deal, especially here in cuba. internet is not something people get normally. they get it on rare occasions. so this is a big deal in a place that is not all about freedom
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but this is also a big deal. in revolution square you have who is the holy trinity of revolution if you want to call it that. you have all of these images. for the first time you have jesus christ. they are saying good morning here as they do the announcements for the upcoming mass. the message underneath jesus christ is "come to me." john allen is our man that we go to for all things to do with the pope and religion in general. john, we were at the conclave. it was seen as a long shot. the promise of him as a pope was that he would create a situation just like this. >> yeah. you may remember we were on a viewing platform when the white smoke went up and 30 minutes later when the announcement was made. he wasn't the cardinal of argentina and wasn't immediately familiar to us but behind us, remember a mexican tv crew that went absolutely nuts because to
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them this wasn't just somebody from argentina got elected but latin american who got to be pope. >> he comes from latin america. there is language and culture. by the way, in case you want to know what they are saying? they are just telling the crowd right now what it expect when the mass comes and how long it will be and just to put them a little bit at ease. the idea of what he can accomplish there is no question the vatican had a hand in cuban/u.s. relations. what is their big vision? >> first of all, no question he played that role because both barack obama and raul castro said that meeting would not happen without the pope. the role popes have tried to place. the difference with francis is that in addition to moral credible he has political capital in the bank. people take him seriously as a change agent in his role in
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normalizing relations in cuba. they hope it doesn't stop there and see the trade embargo. >> reporter: it's important to know cuba was added to his trip. he was originally going to the u.s. and doing it first and always symbolism and message in all of that. we will listen to the message this morning and see what he says and how he says it and what he doesn't say and you can help us decode it as always. this is about the crowd being addressed. right now, they are talking about where the pope is going to go and how they want people to enjoy this day. let's go to ed lavandera who is out among the people. ed, tell us what you're hearing right now because i've been talking to john allen. what are the announcements we are hearing and what is the feel in the crowd? >> reporter: as you mentioned, just preparing them for the mass and what the process here will signify. we are here in the middle of the
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crowd at the beginning of the masses of the crowd that will go back. the fact of the matter is here this morning, chris, the vast majority of the people who come out here this morning will not be able to see pope francis. the crowd here will go back hundreds of yards, hundreds of thousands of people expected. this is, vip area that is a little bit closer but is still incredibly large and you see the area pope francis will be. it will be incredibly hot but these people have some of the best seats in the house for many of the people here standing room only in the plaza. pope francis will circle the plaza so people can get a look at him and, at one point, the popemobile and pope francis will drive up here through the middle and make his way toward and behind the altar where he will change into his garments for the mass here this morning. all of these people here will get a very close glimpse to the pope. hundreds of thousands of people here expected this morning. we have talked to several of them who have been showing up
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here and started showing up here since 2:00, 3:00 in the morning and they have been hear a great deal of time and they have much longer to go. the heat here will be a huge issue for many people that are standing in the crowd once the sun comes up. it will really be down on them. there are red cross stations stationed throughout the plaza. we have seen a number of people who have needed treatment here. it will be incredibly hot and intense and emotional day for many people in the crowd here this morning. chris? >> reporter: quick thing, ed. what is the reaction to seeing the big image of jesus in revolution square? how does it affect the people? >> reporter: it really speaks to the issue here and the question of catholicism in this country and not uncommon for many people to simply not know much about the practices and traditions of the catholic church for decade. many have been raised in atheist kind of society. a number of people i've spoken with here this morning that say they have remained catholic for
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many, many years and practiced quietly but they do say that here in recent years, things have changed dramatically for them and they can practice their faith more openly but that is a minority of people. many people just simply have grown up without the catholic church in their lives and many people who just don't understand the pomp and circumstance of what we are seeing here today. >> reporter: ed, thank you so much. please, let us know when you have people that you want to report on and we will come back to you. thanks would being there with us. we call this our man in havana because he is. he is the only american tv journalist based out of cuba and he lives here and his wife and kid are with him here now. we have been talking about religion but you've been impressing upon me since we came here it's not about the faithful but the hopeful and people will take change in any form it comes. what is the context in cubans minds what the pope means? >> the pope means somebody
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coming in to deliver a message that the government really can't block. look at the changed he has enacted in a short time as pope. he is a pope who said we will have better relations between united states and cuba and bringing cuban people together and he has done it. when i covered the pope's visit in 1998 i remember people having a hard time. now you see people bringing dvd machines and maybe down the road it will be routers and those are still prohibited but it's small steps and small steps are being taken in cuba today. >> the message there over his head. he doesn't want to be seen as a royal figure. he says he is a missionary of mercy as patrick was explaining to me and something will resonate for the people and they hungry for people to reach out to him and see how he will do it today. back to you. >> chris, thank you so much. such great things that we are learning from there and what a
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sunrise, isn't it? >> yeah. beautiful day. >> over this mass that is going to be celebrated here in a couple of hours now and to think some people who ven standihave standing out there for four hours. we will talk about faith in the 2016 race. donald trump now training with personal bible in hand and a confirmation photo. how is this being received by gop primary voters? also, trump tells cnn he loves muslims. the gop front-runner reacting to his later controversy. we have a live report and what he says in his own words. and identifying baby bella. how forensic science helped investigators crack the mystery surrounding this baby girl's death.
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important poll numbers set to be released this morning on cnn in less than two hours now. comes on the heels of the second gop debate and could be a major indicator to see if other candidates are gaining ground on the front-runner donald trump. trump attended a faith and freedom forum in iowa and he walked onto the stage with his personal bible there in his hand. even showed the crowd a picture from his confirmation. trump also addressed the latest controversy over hieds handling of town hall participants claim that the president is muslim and not an american. listen. >> i had quite a couple of days, as you noticed. i did a very innocent town hall with about 3,000 people at least and the first question i said this can only happen to me. you all know what the first question was. the press is going crazy and they all wanted to see me. i said for the first time in my life, i got in trouble by not
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saying anything. i didn't say anything. >> let's go to cnn's m.j. lee in des moines, iowa who is following the trump campaign. trump went to a homecoming event last night. you were there. the students who were there were, obviously, pretty tied into the current events because one of them asked a question that went directly to the heart of this controversy. >> reporter: that's right, victor. donald trump was unable to avoid this controversy even at a high school homecoming where the student body wanted to have a presidential campaign come and address their homecoming. when i spoke to the principal of the school, he said the students were able to arrange for trump to come earlier in the month. there was a lot of excitement. the students were having a presidential candidate talk to them before their big homecoming dance. as you mentioned, one of the students actually asked donald trump about his views about muslim americans and we also caught up with him as well to ask him about the latest
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controversy. take a listen to what he said. >> do you personally think that muslims pose a danger to this country? >> i love the muslims. i think they are great people. >> i consider muslim americans to be an important asset to our country and society. would you consider putting one in your candidate or even on your ticket? >> you consider what? >> putting one in your candidate or on your ticket, a muslim american. >> muslim? >> uh-huh. >> oh, absolutely. no problem with that. would i consider putting a muslim american in my cabinet? absolutely, no problem with that. >> reporter: this has become a hot political topic on the campaign trail. democrats have really pounced on donald trump saying this basically shows he is an outright racist. on the other hand, republicans have given a more mixed reaction to the controversy saying it's not always the candidate's responsibility to correct a voter when they say something that is incorrect. donald trump, obviously, agrees with that as we saw on the number of tweets he sent out on saturday. >> i wonder if you could kind of
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give us an idea of how voters who were there at this faith and freedom forum reacted to the confirmation bible he brought with him. >> reporter: it seemed donnell trump was on a mission to make a strong appeal to the evangelicals in this state which is significant in a state like iowa where there is a big population of born again christians. he said repeatedly that he is a christian. as you mentioned, he was holding the bible in hand. he really said that as president, his top priority would be to protect people's religious liberties. this is a sort of different side of donald trump that we are seeing over the weekend. from a couple of weeks ago, maybe over a month ago, when donald trump sort of made jokes about talking about taking sips of the little wine and having a little bit of the cracker for communion and on donald trump's
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mind recently. >> m.j. lee, thank you. i want to get back to this and talk about trump's entrance with the bible in his hand at this forpum and juum and to givd sense of what we are talking about, take a listen to this. >> i brought my bible. see? i'm better than you thought, you see? and, actually, this was given to me by my mother and i was just noticing yesterday, and she wrote such a beautiful inscription. that is mary mccloud from scotland. very religious and something i thought i would bring along today because this is a group that fully understands bibles and respects everything that it says. i also brought my confirmation picture because nobody can believe it. nobody believes this! >> i will commit that when we heard he brought a confirmation picture, everybody in the newsroom said, oh, he had a
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confirmation picture. let me get your initial reactions to that, errol. >> hi, christi. it looks to me about as clumsy as one could be trying establish i'm like you. it was, i guess, the religious equivalent of going to an iowa farmer in some overalls and brand new boots and said i sure like to eat food from the farm. donald trump has, in fact, been trying to sort of do better with evangelicals because if you look closely at the polls, he is not strongly favored by people who are actual church-goers and lots of certain flavors of christianity and when you drill down into the polls people are strong believers and go to church at least once a month. about 21%, much lower than any other kinds of support, even among jelveevangelicals so he h some ground to make hup. >> stephen, in his defense, he,
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obviously, has confirmed. he has some sort of religious background in his years of growing up. was there anything about this that you felt was possible disingenuous? >> if na way it's donald trump's style to be brash and take this head-on. to errol's point if you want to win the iowa caucuses you have to speak the language of evangelical voters. you look at the last two republicans who won the iowa caucus, mike huckabee and rick santorum have been able to do that. donald trump has not shown he is able to do that. by doing it it's a open, light-hearted way and takes aim at the issue he is not religious enough for eyane a iowans and k makes a joke out of it. >> trump 21% there and carson has 27% so he is in second place
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in that particular poll with iowa evangelicals. thank you both, gentlemen. we will talk more, too, here coming up about this poll that is coming out to get a better sense of what happened at that second debate and how that might be driving people and voters to what they believe and who they believe and they will vote for. thank you, gentlemen. >> thank you. >> the numbers coming out at 9:00. also at 9:00 on "state of the union," we will hear from donald trump. devastation across california now. two major wildfires responsible for the destruction of more than a thousand homes and that number could grow. plus, live pictures now of sunrise at revolution square in havana. tens of thousands of people expected. maybe hundreds of thousands of people as the hours go on. about 90 minutes now from the beginning of the pope's mass. live coverage continues in a moment.
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take a look at this. that is what is left after wildfires that are raging across parts of northern california making their way through neighborhoods and they have destroyed over 1,000 homes. the valley and butte fire are mostly contained now but have burned 145 acres and people have died. this guy is in jail bond set at $1 million and due in court this week. merritt is suspected of firing to several cars on interstate 10
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but he says he has no access to a weapon and his gun has been in a pawn shop two months. authorities says his 9 mill merlt gun was linked to 4 of 11 shootings along interstate 10. >> best selling novelist jackie collins died saturday in l.a. she was best known for the book "hollywood wives." jackie collins was 77. hundreds of thousands of people expected to pack revolution square in havana for this historic moment set to happen in a little more than 90 minutes from now. pope francis to celebrate mass there in cuba and delivering it in spanish. many of the faithful, as we have heard from patrick from there, the hopeful as well. we will go back live to havana next. ♪
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first, isaiah byrd has seen more than his fair share of adversity in his young life. it will no stop him from doing what he wants to do and win it. >> reporter: isaiah byrd, the 7-year-old was born without legs. >> i don't let that stand in my way. you don't make no excuses in this team. no excuses at all! >> reporter: the mantra comes from byrd's wrestling coach and also mentor miguel rodriguez who met the little boy at a dark time in the byrd's family. homeless after hurricane sandy, byrd didn't even have hi own wheelchair. >> he has been through so much in life but never feels sorry for himself. the fact that never complained about not having legs. the fact that he said to me, i can do it, that's what caught my eye about him. >> reporter: rodriguez encouraged isaiah to take up
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wrestling, a sport he could compete in without the use of his legs. isaiah started to win. >> he took third place at the new york state wrestling championships and sixth place in the nationals. parents tell their kids, look at him. you go hard on him. you take him down. >> reporter: for byrd, wrestling is just beginning. he has also taken up surfing and he is not stopping there. >> i want to win so bad, i want to earn things. i don't complain because i do it. i never give up. let's celebrate these moments... this woman... this cancer patient... christine... living her life... loving her family. moments made possible in part by the breakthrough science of advanced genomic testing. after christine exhausted the standard treatment options for her disease, doctors working with the
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just after 7:30 a.m. there in havana, cuba. about 90 minutes until the beginning of the celebration of mass there at revolution square. live pictures in havana. thousands upon thousands are gathered to celebrate mass with pope francis. he landed last evening. let's take a look at his travel through havana. you see the popemobile waving there to the thousands of people who lined the streets, waving flags and cheering and welcoming him there. >> this visit is part after nine-day tour of the cuba and the u.s. cnn's chris cuomo joins us live from havana's revolution square this morning. we see what is going on there, chris, but i'm wondering if you can give us a sense of how it
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feels there. what is the energy like? >> reporter: you know, this is one of those situations where you have to be there to really get it, because the energy that is coming off this crowd is significant. when they are saying prayers, there is such intentionality in the words and goes far beyond any dogma of religion and this is about faith and not religion here. they are catholic and they heard word of this image of jesus being in revolution square for the first time. you see it there. you see how far back the crowd goes. you hear them talking about that. the message below saying come to me from jesus and that means something to catholics here. there is suppression of faith. castro said yesterday that religious freedom is a central tenet of the constitution but they say the country is moving in the right direction but at what rate? people are here to hear the pope and hear his words.
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now we know what he is going to say today a lot people to hold on, regardless of their faith. so let's get out into the crowd and where ed lavandera is. ed, who do you have for us? >> reporter: good morning, chris. obviously, this papal mass here in havana comes amid great change between cuba and the united states. for one mother and son from miami, florida, coming here was a day decades in the making. martha moore stares at a sight she has not seen in years. she left cuba when she was 10 and her father saw no future in fidel castro's government. she came home for the first time since leaving with her family in 1969. as soon as she walked off the
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plane, she touched the ground. >> if i wasn't sick, i would have kissed the ground. that's what i feel like doing, feel like kissing the ground, yes. >> reporter: why? >> you know, here is my country. here is where i was born. here, you know, here i am. >> reporter: she is in cuba with her son to see hope francis. she promised to make this special journey with him after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. so many older cuban exiles saying i'm never setting foot here while the castro's are here. was that hard for you to do? >> not really. i've come to a point in my life that we need to forgive. my family, you know, we had people in prison, you know, hurt
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by the regime. i think it's just time. you know, it's time to forgive, to forgive and to let this young people live. >> filija started visiting media years ago and at first his mother couldn't stomach the idea but he kept coming back to discover family roots and reach out to the younger generation in cuba. >> what struck me was the lack of hope and desperation of young people here. so many of which had just given up hope for a better life for themselves and their families. >> reporter: chris, felija and his mother represent so many families in cuban exile community in the united states have watched with the change between the united states and cuba unfold. they will out here in this vip area this morning. we haven't had a chance to find
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them just yet but martha is worried how she is going to hold up, given her condition and cancer treatment. she had just went through a round of chemo before her trip here. >> reporter: thank you, ed. to come back to cuba and when and why it is right, thank you for that. john allen, i met her and her son last night. i didn't even know they were in ed's story. she was brought here because of her faith and promise there was something different. you pointed out the pope calls himself a missionary of mercy and that image of jesus is relevant to that also. this is very point specific for the pope. >> that's right. that image of jesus we see on the other end of revolution square this morning is called the divine mercy and tradition of jesus christ. the beams you see coming out of his body represent the body in blood and also represent his
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mercy flowing out to humanity. from one end of the square to the other the pope is driving home this message of mercy for a people who often feel like they are experienced anything but mercy much of their lives. >> reporter: did it seem like a visit on the plane when you were coming over with the pope or very much a mission for him? >> very much a mission but traveling with the pope is something of an adventure. the papal plane is not nothing to write home about. the food is mediocre and the seats are uncomfortable but the inflight entertainment is spectacular. >> suffering is purifying, john! >> he comes back to the press department and gives a short message to the press corps. then he does this sort of swing through the entire compartment and coming by to say hello to everybody and people have adopted the custom of giving him gifts. yesterday, a spanish tv crew that won an emmy for their image of the conclave gave him an emmy. the guy behind him needs a luggage cart to bring the stuff
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he collects during these swings. on the way back, we expect he'll do this twice on this trip. flight from havana to washington and also philadelphia to rome. he will do one of these no holds barred and no taboo and everything on the press conference and is the lines from this pa pasi who am i to judge from regard to gay people and catholics don't have to breathe like rabbits and on and on. bottom line on the papal plane trip, francis has become must see tv. >> reporter: well, look. it's a refreshing difference. the question is what is that message and how far does he go and what we want to see. john, stand by as we do the coverage. back to you guys. >> thank you, guys. good information there to hear about the pope on the plane. >> i like the way it was characterized. the food and seats are bad but the inflight entertainment quite memorable. >> fantastic. let's take a serious turn in the states. cracking the case of baby
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bella's death. how forensic science was used to identify this toddler whose death sparked outrage across this country. also talk about a long journey. refuges trekking late into the night across europe, hoping to find a better life away from the journey and away from the oppression and cnn was there walking with them. [ male announcer ] whether it takes 200,000 parts, ♪ 800,000 hours of supercomputing time, 3 million lines of code, 40,000 sets of eyes, or a million sleepless nights. whether it's building the world's most advanced satellite, the space station, or the next leap in unmanned systems. at boeing, one thing never changes. our passion to make it real. ♪
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baby doe, bella bond is her name, got a big break with the arrest of her mother and her mother's boyfriend. both have been charged in the 2-year-old's death and a law enforcement source tells cnn the boyd, 35-year-old michael mccarthy said he punched the toddler because he thought she was possessed. the official cause of death of bella has not been determined and it's not cleared if the beatings is what killed baby bella. let's to you to laurence kovalinsky and joey jackson. >> good morning. what generally happens is that the prosecution is always in a position to upgrade charges, depending upon further findings and further investigations. to this point to be clear,
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apparently, the prosecutor, they feel the father is allegedly responsible and, therefore, he is being charged with the murder. to the tenth that she knew about the murder, concealed, harbored and aided him after the fact, she is being charged with her charges. but in the event there is a finding that she otherwise participated or assisted in the death, then absolutely those charges could be upgraded at the prosecutor's discretion. >> i'm wondering from you, laurence, what will forensics tell us? will they be able to determine, based on the fact her body had been there and we don't know for how long, exactly how she died? >> that's a very good question. we know that the child was partially decomposed. assuming there is soft tissue that remained on the body, it could very well be that the autopsy has already demonstrated the cause of death but it hasn't been made public. you can punch a child and
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rupture some vital internal organs and cause death and if they do know that, we will certainly hear a lot of that about at trial. they are certainly going to have to have more than than a confession from michael mccarthy if they are going to get a conviction for murder. >> joey, one of the things so disturbing here is the thought of this man punching this 2-year-old, this tiny 2-year-old, and with that said, what, if it is determined, that the punches did not kill her, does the murder charge still tanne stand? >> it would if the child is dead and how it occurred and how the child end up in a bag just discarded. so certainly they will have to, that is the prosecution, establish the cause of death, but many times, as dr. koblinsky
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can tell you they have to establish that the death was intentional and therefore, as a result at his hands she died but there could be a number of reasons that an autopsy could establish that things that happened to her body that were the ultimate cause of death and ultimate pumpnch to the stomach and we will learn that throughout the case. >> we appreciate your insight. thank you, gentlemen. >> thank you. every day, thousands of migrants make this dangerous journey to seek out a better life and some traveling in complete darkness. if not for the light on this camera, that's what these people would be walking in. and cnn is there. you see ben wedeman here. we have this story and you'll want to stay with us for that. now to live pictures in havana at revolution square where, in a little more than an hour, pope francis will deliver mass in front of a crowd expected to be more than a hundred thousand. we are live at the top of the hour.
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after their boat sank near a greek island. only 26 survived. all to escape the war-torn and poverty-stricken middle east. the journey, as you know, hasn't been easy. one survivor says it's almost as if they don't exist. let's talk about the thousands of migrants who cross into austria seeking refuge. the journey started with the train ride from the hungary
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border. ben wiedeman was with them every step of the away. >> reporter: we're walking through the village on the border on the way to the austria which is about four kilometers from here. speaking to these people, they've had a difficult trip. they've been on the train since the morning. they've been provided with little in the way of food or water. they're very anxious to know where they're going. they had no explanation as to where they are or where they're going or what their fate will be. we're basically the only people to provide them with the bare minimum of information. now they're going to be walking this four kilometers, it's, of course, quite late at night here, but nonetheless, these people are walking at quite a good pace given the difficulty
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of their day so far. their journey, basically they got on the train near the hungary and kro asian border. none have been registered or given their fingerprints. this is what we've been seeing throughout the day here. hungary has no desire whatsoever to keep these people here in the country, and they're doing their best to move them along. they're on their way to austria. we understand from the hungary red cross on the other side of the border there are buses and ambulances and doctors waiting to attend to them. we have seen that the hungary red cross and some volunteers from the u.k., muslim volunteers from the u.k. have come with and brought with them a lot of sup pry -- supplies as well. this is sort of a multinational effort, but, yeah, by and large
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just like me, they are in the dark in terms of awareness of what they're doing and where they're going. they're so exhausted at this point from this trip. they're just following whoever leads them. hopefully, they say, to some country where they'll be welcomed and eventually be able to settle down. >> and we'll obviously continue to follow that story and let you know what is happening there. we want to take you to cuba where hundreds of thousands of cue wbans are filling revolutio square. there's a live picture for you. all of them waiting to hear pope francis deliver mass. that's happening in about one hour. some of these folks have been standing out there for more than four almost five hours at this point. we're taking you there live. stay close. after brushing, listerine® total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care
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apparently revenge is in the air today on the nfl gridiron. >> the fans are -- where am i supposed to -- [ laughter ] cnn sports anchor here with us this morning to talk us through it. zpr i'll break it down for you quick. afc game of the week bills are hosting the patriots. the patriots have been like the big brother. they won 11 out of the past 12 years. the bills want revenge for over a decade of past dominance but
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today tom brady and the pats may want revenge for earlier in the week. the bills billboard -- it is on! today 1:00 p.m. eastern. a rematch of conference title between green bay and seattle for the super bowl trip on the line last year and packers blew a lead that sent the game to overtime. it's tonight at 8:30 eastern. they'll go toe-to-toe at lambeau. >> it's game day, so i'm going to leave you now and warm up my seat. >> bye! thank you for giving us a couple of minutes. >> thank you for starting your morning with us. your "new day" continues right now. several big stories this
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morning starting with this live pictures here revolution square in havana, cuba. the faithful, as we heard, the hopeful there tens of thousands packing into the square awaiting a sunday mass celebration by pope francis. >> cubans are opening the pontiff can open the country up to the rest of the world. and something we take for granted. we're talking about wi-fi. the first time some of these kids, the pope will meet with a little bit later, will have access to free wi-fi. it's going to be a big moment. chris cuomo will talk about that in a moment. >> the pope will have to talk to the castros. a meeting of the minds. it will happen today. possibly with former president fidel castro and raul castro. >> good morning. thank you for spending part of your time with us here in the united states and around the world. >> go live to
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