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tv   New Day  CNN  September 25, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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u.n.'s gathering. one man is the reason why they will be here. pope francis. he is the fourth pope to speak before the u.n. none faces a moment of crisis like this. we are told the we had told the pope is aware and has never given more attention than what to say than he has for this trip and this day. approach to war, neglect the migrants, the clip, all of these problems find their source and their solution in the room the pope will address. guess what, this is only his first stop today. the 78-year-old pope has shown amazing resilience thus far. he'll crisscross the big apple, stops at the 9/11 memorial, he'll visit a harlem school. he's leading a procession through the park and celebrate mass at madison square garden tonight. when he got here last night, this city exploded with enthusiasm when he arrived. the city was on lockdown. you know what, no one wanted to move if they had a chance to see
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francis who was blessing crowds along new york's fifth avenue and led evening prayers at st. patrick's cathedrals. one of the hottest tickets in the history of this town. let's start with jim schutte iu here at the u.n. we grew up in this city, we're used to security but there's something different about having pope francis here. >> i haven't seen a motorcade like that, even for the president. when you think about his audience in washington was congress and the american people. today his audience is really the world as he speaks here at the u.n. and expects similar tough messages on things like climate change, global poverty. but this is new york city. this pope is not going to leave here and frankly new yorkers are not going to let him leave here without connecting with real people. we'll see that today as well. this morning, tens of thousands of people are gearing up across the big apple to witness pope francis on day two of his new
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york tour. the pope, waking up at a townhouse on the upper east side donated to the catholic church deck tates ago. shortly after 10:00 a.m. he'll address leaders from around the world at the ued nations, some in attendance cuban president raul castro and nobel piece prize winning activist malala yousafzai. the speech expected to be one of the toughest yet, likely urging action on climate change and the ongoing refugee crisis in europe. >> he makes a difference. he's utterly revitalized the political and diplomatic relevance of the vatican. >> reporter: he will travel more than four miles downtown to ground zero where he'll meet with families of victims of 9/11 before going into the world trade center museum for a remembrance service. the people then heads eight miles uptown, visiting a catholic scar in harlem. >> he too is an immigrant, the
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son of immigrants. >> the people's pope will meet with immigrants and refugees from latin america, africa and asia. in the early evening, pope francis will ride his open pope mobile through central park where nearly 100,000 people are expected to see hill. the pope ending his day back at the heart of manhattan at madison square garden where he'll lead a mass for some 20,000 people. ♪ all hoping to be blessed by the leader of the catholic church, like this young wheelchair-bound girl at st. patrick's cathedral thursday night. >> just to get an actual blessing from him was just so amazing. >> on pope's security, there really are two challenges here, one keeping him safe and the perception is, there is a real threat. but also allowing him to be himself, to connect with real people, meet with real people. we've been hearing some frustration, frankly, chris, with the level of security. he understands it. he's a global leader. he understandings tunderstands e
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secret service and the new york police department want to keep him safe. but he also wants to get out there. >> you have the u.n., the world leaders, this is new york city which has been a target to use the phrase in every sense of the word god forbid something happens to the pope on your watch, you don't want that. the vatican recognizes it, but here's the headline. no one is stopping pope francis from doing anything. if he wants to get out and walk in a situation, he will. we have delia gallagher and john allen. two moments for you when i got back home here yesterday. the firstcy walked central park to see what was going on. i had people coming up to me, john, who had seen our coverage on cnn who wanted to touch me because i had been near francis. i had a priest come up to me and looked at me and double fist pumped and said, we're back, baby. you know, the relevance of what francis means for a message and a man, is it bigger here than
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you expected? >> no. i followed francis all over the world. let me echo your experience. when i was with him in manila in the philippines in january, filipinos were lining up around the block to touch my hand because this hand had touched the pope. i had become a relic by contact. i have seen this man electrify audiences all over the world. it's no surprise he's doing it here. except that, you know, in the abstract, i think a lot of people, andcy some in the vatican felt this would be a challenging trip for the pope. they know well that his message, although it plays well pretty much every place has probably had more blow back here, his criticism of capitalism, his opposition to militarism. the fact that he's never been here before, doesn't speak the language and so on, they were nervous about how the pope was going to play on the american stage. i think at the conclusion of his opening act, we'll have to say he's playing okay. >> so far, so good. delia, the understanding that
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the pope, the vatican do not believe all moments in time are equal, this is a pivot point and that he is here for a reason and they have tailored this reason as much as any other message he's delivered. >> there is a sense of urgency to pope francis's papacy. he has even said it himself. when he talks about his own personal sense, i'll be here for a few years. that's only with regard to him. but obviously he also has the idea that the world is at a crucial moment. and this country, in particular, being the world leader, needs to take on that responsibility for all of the issues that we're seeing him lay out, in particular, today, obviously at the u.n., it will be one of his top issues, the environment. because he devoted an entire teaching document of the church, the highest one he can issue. that in itself says to you, this is -- this is an urgent message. this is something we all need to take a listen to and not just because of the environment, but
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because of the connection that this issue has for the rest of humanity, in particular, for the poor. he thinks that there is a connection between degradation of the environment on the part of the global north countries. he says there is an ecological debt on the part of northern countries towards the southern countries that creates the other phenomena that we see, like immigration. migration. >> now, jim, you pointed out very well yesterday, this pope in what we heard so far is a combination of intellect and faith. you know, he has identified the environment and the stewardship of it as a right. that's a word that will mean something in the u.n. ga. when you hear his comments, he's been weaving it together as a tapestry. even though he's talking about the climate, his reasons for what he thinks about global climate goes to poverty, what we have a duty of tolerance. >> it's about global responsibility, right? we all have a responsibility, whether you're talking about the environment, alleviating poverty
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or even yesterday in the part of that message to congress was, we have to work together. you know, it was against polarization which was -- has a global message but also a message to washington where we know there's a fair amount of polarization. the thought occurred to me, this guy is so good, he to my ears delivered some very stern messages yesterday on -- certainly on climate change, on poverty, on that polarization, on the arms trade. but he delivered it in such a diplomatic way, a lot of people say that wasn't a scolding. i listened saying he was being pretty stern. >> certainly being direct. >> absolutely. often when the pope is on the stump, so to speak, there is a little bit of decoding that needs to go on to understand the full force of what he's saying. francis has offeren been a break with that. when he was in latin america over the summer, he gave a speech to popular movements in bolivia. i think it's true he's been softer and gentler, at least so
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far on this trip. i think there's a reason for that. the pope has sniffed out that this is an extraordinarily polarized political climate in the united states. i think he believes that the united states potentially has the power to be a change agent on so many issues in the world. but to some extent, its capacity to harness that energy is hampered by the polarization and the division, i think the last thing he wants to do while he's here is feed that polarization. >> one of the really interesting things that we don't normally see when a pope speaks is a clear indication he wants to influence the international discussions on things. he's done that over and over with his talk on the environment and says i want to influence the discussions that are going to go on. >> we keep coming back to his phrase, now one of my favorite things. osiendo leo, making a ruckus. >> he wants to make a ruckus that will be heard and decided
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on in the u.n. and in paris yoop on the climate talks that will happen there in december. very specifically saying i want this to influence international discussion and i want there to be international cooperation. a lot of people in the united states are skeptical of what the u.n. can do. it's seen as ineffective. the vatican is very supportive of the u.n. it might not be perfect but it's the only thing we've got. >> it's what we've got. >> he's speaking before what are perceived to be two of the most decision functional bodies in the world. >> the u.n. and congress. >> if he can move those two bodies, that will be impressive. >> you mentioned how the pope does not believe all moments in time are note equal. i think that's right. a new testament word he uses a lot is kyros, a privileged moment in history. . he talks about this as a kyros.
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i think it's because he believes historically we're at one of those pivot points where things can go one of two bays, we can either go the path of exclusion and dysfunction and end up some place we don't want to be or we can turn things around. this is not a moment for timidity. this is a moment for boldness. >> people are trying to identify his significance right now. it's obvious to catholics. we known him as the head of the church. he's like a new nelson mandela, awe uniter. most men and women of influence want to seize and magnify this moment. it is attention for francis because he does not want it to be about him. we heard last night from those close to him saying he is frustrated at all the attention he is getting. he doesn't want to be distracted from the message. how uniquely pope francis. >> after he was on the cover of "time" magazine he came out and said, it's wrong to see the pope as a super star.
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i'm not a super star. the point is message. obviously we'd expect pope francis to feel that way because from his own humble beginnings to the fact that he really doesn't feel like it's the right thing to be celebrated as the person of the pope, the right thing to be celebrated is what he's saying and any action that's going to follow from that. >> john, delia, jim, please stay with me. there's a lot to figure out this morning. we'll be joined exclusively by the way by the u.s. ambassador to the united nations, samantha power. you know her. she'll give us her insight in terms of what the united states feels is resonating with the pope. of course we want you to stay with us throughout the day. we'll cover all the pope's events like no one else can. we'll have his arrival at the u.n. in our 8:00 hour and cnn will carry his address live. tomorrow, we'll have a special weekend edition of "new day" live from philadelphia. this was actually the place that the pope needed to go to most. this is where his council on the
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family will be, alisyn, today, this is a big one. he literally addresses the world. what will he say? >> even my children have been glued to the set. they don't usually watch long news events but they are glueded to this. >> everyone is watching it. president obama is hosting another world leader this week, this time it's chinese president xi jinping. the two leaders have major disdisagreements. how will this visit go? michelle kosinski is live with more. tell us what to expect, michelle. >> reporter: rights apope francis was taking off from washington, president xi of china was on his way in for a landing. we'll see another big welcoming ceremony here at the white house. later on, a state dinner. last night, president obama and president xi were able to sit down in a more informal setting for dinner, 2 1/2 hours long. the white house says this is where they do their best work,
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the most progress. last time they sat down that way it lasted more like five hours, however, yes, there are big shadows, some touchy topics hanging over this meeting. namely cyber security. after that opm hack earlier this year that affected more than 21 million people, by the way, the white house still hasn't acknowledged that china is the culprit of that even though some of the intelligence community have. this is going to be a big subject. they're looking for progress in that area. if there isn't, the u.s. stands ready to sanction china. talk about an uncomfortable situation. but they have been talking about that over the last few weeks and months. other big topics that are not so comfortable include trade, china's rather interesting activity in the south china sea. various other disdisagreements that the u.s. and china have had. we expect progress in climate change. china will contribute a lot of money to a big green climate
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fund. also the u.s. got china to start a cap and trade emissions plan. that took a lot of work. but we really look forward to that press conference later today. to see just how both presidents are going to answer some of these really tough questions. back to you. >> yes, we are anticipating that and looking forward to seeing what those talks will net. thanks so much, michelle. an investigation is under way currently into what caused a charter bus and amphibious duck boat to collide in a terrible crash on a seattle bridge thursday. you can see the scene there. the national transportation safety board is expected back on scene to begin the investigation into the crash. four international college students on that bus were killed, 44 others were transport to local hospitals. several we're told are still in critical condition. >> another terrible tragedy. saudi arabia's king ordering a safety review for the hajj pilgrimage following that deadly stampede. more than 700 people died
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thursday and nearly 900 were hurt, near the holy city of mecca. the saudi health minister blaming the pilgrims for being undisciplined and not following instructions during a ritual. an nyu student detained in north korea after allegedly sneaking into that nation is speaking out this morning. cnn's international correspondent will ripley is live in pyongyang with the latest for us. will? >> reporter: michaela, just hours ago after months of uncertainty about the status of ju said he wants to come home. i spoke with him earlier this year back in may, weeks after he was detained in north korea. he admitted to traveling to china from the united states, where he was a student at nyu, crossing illegally into north korea and climbing through barbed wire fences and trying to get detained. i asked him why?
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he said he wanted to create an event. listen to this quote, i've not had the opportunity of contacting my family. i do hope to be back home soon. i am well, healthy and, again, hope to be home soon. the timing of this is interesting. north korea has a major national anniversary, a holiday coming up in about two weeks time. normally around holidays, they use that as an student to grant amnesty to inmates. when detainees are put before the media like it happened in pyongyang today, it usually means they will be released or could go on trial. we'll have to see what happens here. alisyn. >> thanks for the update. meanwhile, back here, donald trump still on top in new hampshire. a brand new poll shows carly fiorina and marco rubio gaining on him. we'll show you the numbers, next. plaque psoriasis... ...isn't it time to let the... ...real you shine... ...through? introducing otezla, apremilast.
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if i do something wrong, alisyn, i have very thick skin. i don't mind being criticized. i'll never ever explain. >> he's thin skinned, sensitive to criticism. he can't have a conversation about policy because quite frankly he doesn't know anything about policy. >> that's the trump/rubio feud intensifying as a new wmur poll shows marco rubio and carly fiorina making gains. contributing editor for "new york" magazine jason zhangerly and "time" contributor zeke miller. i know you've been clamoring to hear more of the rubio/trump feud. we have it for you because yesterday donald trump was on "new day" and he explained to us what he really doesn't like about marco rubio. listen to this. >> it's got the worst voting
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record in the united states senate, he's never there. meaning he doesn't work or he doesn't go back and vote. he wants to tell everything so the enemy can learn all about. i want to be unpredictable. marco rubio is like a kid. he shouldn't even be running in this race as far as i'm concerned. he's a kid. >> jason, let me start with you. who benefits from this feud, marco rubio or donald trump? >> i don't think rubio benefits if he actually starts going at trump the way trump is going at him. i was surprised yesterday when he fired back a little bit, when he was on the radio and he went after trump. the clip you played earlier talking about how he was insecure. rubio's whole theory of the race is that he's going to be disciplined and steady and eventually every other candidate will fizzle. the fact that he fired back maybe suggested trump is getting to him a little bit. rubio, he probably doesn't like
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being called a kid. trump in other interviews has mocked him for sweating. i wonder if he was getting to rubio. >> it did help carly fiorina when she fired back at fiorina. >> the thing fiorina did, she didn't stoop to his level. everyone heard what donald trump said and dropped the mike on that. here is marco rubio saying he's thin skinned. donald trump likes to whine and explain. he's strategic about it. like he said a couple months ago. he likes to whine, so he wins. he can take the beating on a nightly television show. and when he is being openly mocked by a host, stephen colbert earlier this week, he'll take it and laugh about it. he sees an opportunity to go on the offensive when another candidate comes at him. when he says marco rubio is young, misses votes in the senate, he's going directly at the vulnerabilities, the insecurities.
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it was a surprising lack of discipline on his side. maybe it's a sign if maybe marco rubio wants to escalate, step up his campaign and take on a more vocal role. >> we should let our viewers know, we have invited marco rubio on "new day" several times. thus far he's declined. the invitation stays open. let's take a look at the new cnn/wmur poll. this is out of new hampshire. they are interesting. the republican's choice for president, trump is at 26%. up from 24% in july. carly fiorina, 16% to 1%. marco rubio, 3% to 9%. ben carson also up. only jeb bush has gone down from 12% to 7%. so jason, i mean, people say that trump's lead is softening but it's not. he's still where he is. it's just that the other people are gaining on him. >> yes, the other people are gaining on him and you know, i think if you look at some of the
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national polls, he has got them down a little bit since the debate. that will be interesting for trump. he's not a normal candidate. running for president is really a grind. it can be a miserable experience. it's like groundhog day. you're getting up, saying the same thing every day, talking to half filled ball rooms, calling a city councilman in dubuque for the fifth time to ask for his endorsement. trump hasn't had to do any of that. he is leading in the polls. but it does look like it's softening. you're seeing some empty chairs at his events. while he's still at the top of the polls, the fact that it's softening can be a different situation than maybe another candidate. >> he takes issue with that assessment if there are empty chairs at any of his appearances. he says there are no empty chairs though sometimes the photographs tell a different story. >> the photographs don't lie. >> but, zeke, the numbers that we're seeing going up there for carly fiorina and marco rubio, where are they getting those
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supporters? are those from rick perry and scott walker who have dropped out? >> certainly a good chunk of that is, scott walker. for a moment he was riding high in new hampshire, second place, first place in a couple surveys. he's obviously out of the race. rick perry always are 2%, 3% in new hampshire. some of that has freed up. jeb bush has declined a little bit. some of that came from jeb bush and some of it has come in recent weeks from donald trump who was riding as high as below 30s. this is, like jason said, not the end of the beginning. it requires donald trump to run a different type of race going forward than he has over the last three months. >> very interesting. jason, zeke, chris, great to talk to you. what's your take? tweet us using the #newdaycnn or post your comment on faceboo
3:28 am day. let's go the u.n. where chris is standing by. hi, chris. >> alisyn, i just can't love enough when we go from talking about what's going on in the gop race for president to pope francis. i just love the dichotomy of the two different vibes we have. this morning, literally, pope francis will take on the world. we will never have had more world leaders at the u.n. than we will today and francis is the reason. we have new information for you about tension surrounding the security preparations. and what the message to the world will be from pope francis. we'll get answers right from the vatican, next. stay with us. people don't have to think about
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welcome back to "new day." this is the time, this is the place. the united nations will host the biggest gathering of world leaders in its 70-year history. pope francis sees the biggest problems of the world having both their source and solution before him. what will he say? and how does he and the vatican feel about all the security that may keep pope francis from his favorite thing, mixing with the people? big questions. we have a man who can give us answers, greg burke, the vatican senior adviser for communications jones us this morning. good to have you with us, sir. >> chris, good to be here. >> so let's deal with the obvious first. 78 years old. this schedule has been crushing those of us who are just covering it. the energy that pope francis has shown, the agenda, are you surprised by his resilience thus far? >> i am surprised because as you know, cuba was pretty intense and quite hot as well. pope is 78, almost 79. i think he does get energized as
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well, he gets energized by the people. that, as you said correctly, is where he most likes to be. he really does like mixing it up with people. the rest he does. i think he realizes that this is providential. he will do the pomp and circumstance as well. well, not all of it. that which he can avoid, he does. whenever he sees somebody who is sick, hurting in some way suffering, giving some consolation to them, he loves that. >> my mother says, it's the power of the holy spirit that is motivating pope francis, helping him with his sciatica, getting him around this schedule that would crush the rest of us and actually is. then there becomes a conflict, pope francis loves to be hands-on, wants the people to know he is one of them, a missionary of mercy, he said. not in new york city.
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the security is heavy. the vatican knows that. the vatican had to be approving of it. there's a suggestion of tension. >> it's always a tug of war. it was a tug of war even from the start even in the vatican when pope francis was named. he obviously doesn't like even the security that i see among ambassadors. you see american ambassadors in difficult places and they're like totally surrounded by security. he doesn't like that feel. he wants to be able to get to the people. it's interesting what all the excitement you saw yesterday with greeting people, we see that every wednesday in the vatican in the general audiences. he greets a number of people from the jeep and then all the sick people afterward. those people just have one security check and they're in the gate. obviously new york city is a whole different story. i was thinking about it yesterday. the pope is saying build bridges, not walls. there were all sorts of walls and barriers going up. obviously not -- it is the duty of the host country, the vatican
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works around with that and we find amile way. >> so we know you're in close contact with the holy father. we hear that he has been a little blown away by this trip so far, the way the people are coming out, the way the message seems to be received. do you think there's a chance he might go roque on us and hop out of that jeep and try and get some of the beloved contact with people? >> i don't think it's likely he'll go rogue. i think go rogue in terms of what the secret service will let him do, okay, and what his own people will let him do. i think whenever -- >> who's going to put a hand on pope francis? what are they going to do, grab him by the arm? he's going to go wherever he wants. >> that's a good point. i don't think anyone will put a hand on pope francis. >> and is it true that he has really been moved by the response here, in congress and among the faithful? and those who are nonbelievers but just excited by his message and the man himself.
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>> this is new to the pope. the united states is new to the pope. crowds are not. big crowds are not. obviously, this is a whole different level. this is a whole different level when you come to the united states, when you come to new york city and certainly he is taken by it. i think very happy with it and very happy, above all, that people are listening to the message. the pope always has a microphone, a big pulpit. the question is whether or not people are listening. what you sense on this trip, people are, as you say, not only catholics. it's been a huge boost for the catholic church, the pope recognizing, the president recognizing the good it's done in this country. just a lot of good will out there, hearing the pope and wanting to hear the pope and seeing what his message is. >> you don't have to believe to receive his message is what people keep saying to us. when we're trying to explain the impact. so we understand that he's tailored each message
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specifically to whom he is addressing and what he wants to accomplish. many irons in the fire here. what can we expect at the u.n. this morning? >> at the u.n., if you look, he gives a staat of the union address each year to ambassadors, a look around the world. you'll get something very similar to that. there are a few themes which obviously -- which are very close to his heart, wealth and poverty, development. how we change, how we change the course of things there. immigration and migration, a problem not only in this country but in europe and much of the world with the south of the world moving north. and, of course, climate change. i think we'll hear all three of those and some other things as well. >> all right. i like you keeping it a little bit of a mystery there what the message will be. thank you for the details and the insight on how the trip is going so far. hope to have you back soon. >> thank you, chris.
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yes, three other popes have spoken to the u.n., however, there will be a first, not just this man, this moment, the vatican flag will be raised at the u.n. for the first time. you have to be a permanent member. that's a big deal. the reason, palestine had lobbied very hard to have their flag put up. they are not a permanent member. the resolution was passed by the u.n. if palestine's flag can be out, other nonpermanent members, the vatican is an observer by u.n. standards. the flag will be up today. stay with us throughout the day. we'll have coverage of all the major events, we'll have the pope's arrival at the u.n. that's always something to see, how he's received, how he acts in that moment. cnn will cover the address live. tomorrow, we'll have a special weekend edition of "new day" from philadelphia. remember, that was the target city for pope francis. that's where his big council on the family was. stay with us for all of that this morning and beyond.
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>> a lot of lives will be touched in philadelphia, crowds and crowds, throngs will be there to welcome him to the city of brotherly love. thanks so much, chris. they say breaking up is hard to do. >> i heard that. >> you've heard that before. >> yes. >> it seems like it's not when it comes to donald trump and fox news. will the gop front-runner and the head of the network be able to enmidfences one more time in we'll take a look. become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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pope francis is less than two hours from arriving at the united nations where he is set to speak to the u.n. general assembly. big issues he's expected to tackle is europe's migrant crisis and climate change. he'll also visit the september 11th memorial and museum, meeting with families who lost loved ones that day. this afternoon he travels to a school in east harlem before celebrating mass at madison square garden tonight. donald trump on top in the latest new hampshire polls. he may be hearing footsteps. a new cnn/wmur poll has trump with a ten-point lead over carly fiorina. senator marco rubio moving into third place and dr. ben carson slipping to fourth.
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on the democratic side, look at this, bernie sanders has a commanding 16-point edge over hillary clinton. >> the shooting of a man in a wheelchair by police in wilmington, delaware is sparking controversy. it was captured on video. it is upsetting to see. >> hands up. hands up. put your hands up? >> put your hands up! [ gunshots ] >> it began when state police responded to a call of a man who shot himself and was still armed. police are heard obviously you heard it there saying drop the gun and hands up. the man, jeremy mcdole did not comply. his mother says the shooting was unjust. police say they engaged when mcdole began to remove a weapon from his waistbanned. a midair scare for passengers from perth to hong kong. they made a landing in indonesia
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when an engine failed. one passenger says flames were streaming from a wing and it caused panic on board. the airline denies there was any fire. none of the 254 passengers was injured. >> my goodness, what a fright there. >> indeed. back here in new york city, the new york yankees honoring hall of fame legend yogi berra last night. it was the first home game since he passed away at the age of 90. coy wire has this morning's "bleacher report." i understand there's a makeshift memorial there. >> it was an emotional scene at yankee stadium last night. the quotable and captivating yogi berra was beloved by yankee nation and baseball fans around the world. before their game against the white sox, the yankees played a two-minute tribute video on the jumbotron, after that placed an eight shaped wreath behind home plate. once the game got going, carlos beltran belted one into the bleachers for the go-ahead
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three-run homer. the play of the game, valetto with this catch. the giants trying not to go 0-3 playing washington and eli manning finds odell beckham jr. that extends the giants lead in the fourth quarter. a nice catch and touchdown dance afterwards. not really sure what it is. but i'm feeling it. manning was feeling it later in the fourth with his other deep threat. rueben randle with the hot potato, too hot to handle. he gets a juggling catch. check out the focus. giants win 32-21. they move to 1-2. alisyn, back to you. >> coy, thanks so much for those highlights. meanwhile, donald trump and fox news, what is the beef between these two? our media experts give us the inside scoop, next. all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk!
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active management can take calculated risks. active management can seek to outperform. because active investment management isn't reactive. it's active. that's the power of active management. (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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decisions, decisions. the new edge+. this one would keep me organized. i could list all the days i've been banned from social media. hmmm, wait this thing has built-in live broadcasting? i don't know what nerd came up with that, but it's awesome. you think they'd censor pippa's doggy-ola's? censored, not censored. censored, not censored. introducing the samsung galaxy s6 edge+ and the note5. let's talk about what's going on with you and fox news.
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why are you in this spat with them? >> fox news has not treated me fairly. and certain people have not. they have pundits on the show. one of them made a total fool of himself last night. he totally lost it. it looked like he was having a nervous breakdown on television and he used words that were so unbelievable, maybe he'll be fined or censured or thrown off -- >> my girl alisyn talking with donald trump on "new day" yesterday about the feud between donald trump and fox news. there's a new twist in the spat, my friends. the republican front-runner will meet with fox news ceo roger ailes next week. cease-fire? cnn contributor bill carter, author of the war for late night. right now it's the author of what is going to happen next in this saga. oh, to be a fly on well in this conversation, bill. what do you think will happen?
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the meeting? >> it seems like these two are -- i don't know, they break up, get back together. archie and veronica. they need each other. that's what we keep seeing. ailes decides i can't take his criticism, megyn kelly, i have to stand up for my person. trump can go elsewhere, be on cnn, nbc. i think ailes sees the numbers go up every time he appears somewhere. he was on with stephen colbert, what happened? numbers when way up. trump needs to speak to that audience. that's his base. >> it is mutually beneficial for both of them but it's got to be frustrating for roger ailes because of that co-dependency almost. >> absolutely frustrating. especially when trump is attacking his stars. he has been grooving megyn kelly. he used megyn kelly as one of the biggest future faces of the network, probably the most important face of the network in the future. yet trump keeps going after
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kelly, criticizing kelly on twitter again this week. in fact, last night even tweeting trying to promote his poll rankings. that's something that ailes can't stand. that's why we're seeing this meeting. it is an unprecedented situation. we don't hear about the heads of abc, nbc or cbs meeting with hillary clinton or bernie sanders. >> hillary clinton could say i'm being treated unfairly. trump feels like any time people slight him he has to respond. as he responds he gets attention for responding and it creates a cycle. >> i'm going to throw an alternative thought out there. could this be akin to professional wrestling? could it be that it's trumped up a little bit for the effect of having all of this in the headlines and having pundits like yourselves here to talk about it. >> we know trump has a mystery with t
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-- history with wwe. >> and everything is theatrical with him. >> sure, "i'm an entertainer." >> i don't think it's in ailes' interest to do this. for trump it's great. all publicity is great for him. he absorbs it all. for aldiles, is it smart? it doesn't look good to be appealing back to trump. we'll have a meeting with him. >> let me play sound from alisyn's interview with him. alisyn asked him to sort of be reflective of himself. can he take criticism well? listen to this. >> has "snl" asked you to go on this season, would you consider it? >> i'm not allowed to say that. >> really, why is that? >> because i'm not allowed to say that. >> because -- you're in negotiations? >> if i do something wrong, alisyn, i have very thick skin. i don't mind being criticize. i'll never ever explain. because i know when i do something wrong. i'm a smart person.
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i do something wrong, i do things wrong. when i do, i don't mind -- they can come at me 15 different ways. >> we'll get to the "snl" part in a second. we all have hard times seeing ourselves truly in the mirror for who we really are. is he not seeing himself the way he's being perceived widely by many? >> from the trump perspective, you're sitting at home, watching fox news, cnn. >> sure. >> rich lowery talks about trump being castrated. >> yes. >> this is where we are in this presidential campaign. that's the rhetoric we done the hear about other candidates. >> that's over the top. >> from the trump perspective, i think i have thick skin, too. others might think i don't. that's true for everybody. we all have different impression than others do. he is seen unfair coverage, even if you and i think it is fair. >> he also reacts to stories that the audience wasn't full. there are pictures that the
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audience "s" wasn't full. why does he do that? >> reacting to slight will be interesting. we know "snl" will have a heyday with him. >> we already know taran killam is going to play trump on "snl." >> clearly there's negotiations going on. >> he said it without saying it. >> alisyn broke that yesterday. >> no way loren michaels misses this situation. >> our trump dose for the day. we're following a lot of news. let's get right to it. >> the pope of the holy see. >> the show the united states has put on so far has certainly takes the cake. >> the largest gathering of world leaders in the u.n.'s 70-year history.
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the pope has sniffed out this is extraordinarily polarized situation. >> the trump/rubio feud intensify. >> he's sensitive to criticism. >> you have to be able to take criticism. >> if i do something wrong, alisyn, i have thick skin. i don't mind being criticized. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome to your "new day." alisyn and michaela are in studio in new york as you see. we're at the united nations. the most world leaders ever in attendance will be today. they will be here for pope francis. he's expected to address urgent issues like europe's migrant crisis, the war in syria and specifically climate change. this is just the first stop for the holy father. he has a packed aday ahead of him. my mother said it must be the
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holy spirit giving the 78-year-old such energy. he'll crisscross new york city, he'll be at the 9/11 memorial, meeting with families of vict victims. he'll be at a school in harlem and then lead a procession through central park and celebrate mass at madison square garden tonight. just a rigorous schedule byny definition. and the impact obvious from his efforts. when he came to the big apple last night, he was just a rock star times 20. not just because of the man but the message as he went blessing crowds along new york's fifth avenue and then led evening prayers at st. patrick's cathedral, one of the hottest tickets in the history of this city. let's begin our coverage with chief national correspondent, jim sciutto. we grew up in this city but to see it like this, something special. >> no question. this is the largest gathering of world leaders in the u.n.'s
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history, as you said. they will all be here, the american president, the iranian president, the russian president. this pope will have a tough message. this is new york city, his audience not just the world, no question but new york, new yorkers, this pope will not leave this city without a chance to connect with them. he'll see them in central park today. that is how this people's pope operates. we'll be watching that today. this morning, tens of thousands of people are gearing up across the big apple to witness pope francis on day two of his new york tour. the pope, waking up at a townhouse on the upper east side donated to the catholic church decades ago. shortly after 10:00 a.m. he'll address leaders from around the world at the united nations, some in attendance cuban president raul castro and nobel peace prize winning activist malala yousafzai. the speech expected to be one of the toughest yet, likely urging action on climate change and the ongoing refugee crisis in europe.
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>> he makes a difference. he's utterly revitalized the political and diplomatic relevance of the vatican in our time. >> reporter: he will travel more than four miles downtown to ground zero where he'll meet with families of victims of 9/11 before going into the world trade center museum for a remembrance service. afterward, the pope heads nearly eight miles uptown, visiting a catholic school in harlem, serving 300 children, mostly black and latino, some of them immigrants. >> he continually repeats the fact that he, too, is an immigrant, the son of immigrants. >> the people's pope will meet with immigrants and refugees from latin america, africa and asia. in the early evening, pope francis will ride his open pope mobile through central park where nearly 100,000 people are expected to see him. the pope ending his day back at the heart of manhattan at madison square garden where he'll lead a mass for some 20,000 people. ♪ all hoping to be blessed by the leader of the catholic church,
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like this young wheelchair-bound girl at st. patrick's cathedral thursday night. >> just to get an actual blessing from him was just so amazing. >> this is, of course, a big job for the u.s. secret service, for vatican security, for the new york police department. but it's a job they can handle, they've done before. the nypd made the point yesterday there will be 100,000 people in central park today. on new year's eve they handle crowds of a million people. they know how to do this. it's a challenge. we know how to do this. you and i have talked about this a lot. yes, this pope is somewhat uncomfortable with all the security in part because he likes to get close to the people. in part because he doesn't like to make a spectacle of himself but he knows it's necessary. >> right. the vatican was coordinating and communicating with the security. you have to deal with less than ideal sometimes, especially when you have more world leaders in the city. if pope francis wants to go rogue, who's going to stop him,
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you, jim? if you're going to watch us for the big moment, one of them is always when pope francis heads out of where he's staying to get to his next event where will that happen in new york city and what will happen after the major message? for that we go to don lemon on manhattan's upper east side. >> i'm note goi going to stop h. you said the large esst gatheri of diplomats. it's the largest gathering of police officers in front of me. this is madison avenue and 72nd. 72nd and madison, one of the richest areas of new york city. it's expensive to live here anyway. the pope is behind me still in this 11,000 square-foot townhouse on the upper east side. $17 million if you can afford it. of course this was donated by
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one of the youngest mayors of new york city, hugh j. grant. his widow at least, back in 1914. the last time the pope was here when pope benedict was here in 2008, there was a dinner for 52. none of that this time with this pope because, according to his doctor, strictly fish and white rice that he's being served. he got here pretty late last night for the pope. 78 years old. he is up now, i assume getting ready to head out for a very busy day. he has more stops today, chris, than a bicycle messenger in new york city. a lot to do and we'll be watching it from the upper east side of manhattan. chris, i picked up my "new york post" this morning. we always look through "the new york post" to capture the moment. they did this time. it was respectful, heavenly, francis takes nyc by storm. i can agree with that. i think you can, too. >> i'm happy you agree with it and it's nice you compare the
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pope to a bicycle messenger. the control room is saying when the pope comes out, you should hop the fence and try to get a picture closer. see what happens. >> i'll do that. >> test it, see how good the security is. all right. thank you, tom. appreciate it. see you soon, my friend. let's bring in the new york city council speaker, representing the district in harlem where pope francis will visit a school later today. we're also joined by jim sciutto and we'll have cnn correspondent delia gallagher with us as well. >> buenes dias. >> do you think all three are coming together on this special occasion with this special man? >> without a doubt. his message is universal. it transcends religion. it's a message of hope and that we have a responsibility to each other. in many different ways he speaks about that. we're stewards of the earth. we have a responsibility to
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mother nature, responsibility to our neighbors, the immigration challenges that we face and refugees. i mean, it really is a universal message and it really transsends all of that. i'm very excited for his visit. i'm excited that he's coming to my neighborhood and that he is a pope of latin america. it's not just about speaking spanish in his native tongue. he's speaking to a large sector of the catholic church which continues to go, the latin american population. >> most robust, no question about it. what do you think it means to your twenties and the people up there in harlem that the pope is seeking them out because he believes the attention is warranted, that they matter every bit as much or if not more than those tend to get more. >> people are welcoming him with open arms. harlem is reflective of the communities he wants to uplift. it's economically challenge, poor district, health disparities. it abuts the wealthiest district
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in this side in terms of the upper east side. it's a contrast of the haves and have notes is very relevant in that district. it's the kind of community he's been speaking to. it's a more intimate setting, speaking to immigrants across the city of new york and talking about issues that matter and that we have a responsibility as government as well to respond to the call that he set up. >> jimmy, we know part of the reason the pope has been taking time to be with the less fortunate is to allow people of important in less power to spread that message. >> we'll hear that against today about a global responsibility to effect change with poverty. some of those words yesterday struck me. i think we'll hear similar strong language talking about not being a slave to the economy and finance. that's a strong message when you come to the home really of unbridled capitalism in america.
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i think you can expect similar strong words when he's speaking to a group as well. >> he's speaking to the church as well. he actually owns the criticism that the catholic church itself, while it does a lot, should do much more for those in need, both in terms of intentional intentionalalty, focus on the mercy, the love, not only with the rules and politics but with what they do every day. >> he's also speaking to his own priests, funs, bishops and telling them to have the courage to continue to do work and continue along the lines that he is setting in humility, in being close to the poor. he said yesterday, you know, it's good to rest but rest with the poor. rest with the people. that's a different kind orest than sitting at home watching the television. that's his message to them. it's also his message, of course, to the rest of the world. today is his pulpit for the
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environment. it's his favorite topic. what he says there is, integral ecology. integral ecology means we are not separate from the environment. we are part of the environment, therefore, what we do to the environment, we are doing to ourselves. and especially to the poor. >> care, concern, interconnectedness, commune, it weaves as a tapestry through everything that he says. asiendo leo, for us in english it's making a ruckus. what does it mean to you? >> it's about toiling, work, really getting your hands rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. he talks about the value of that ethic. and as such we have a responsibility to make thsure tt we take care of the xrirenviron, take care of the least among us. in going to congress, i talk about it as a scolding. we are potentially losing our
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way. we need corrective action and not forget why we're here and what our responsibilities are. >> when you're hearing his message, new york city politics are tough, you're often in the middle of it. everybody knows it. when you hear him saying you people are at your best when you're together, that's what makes america special. he's talking to the leaders. he's talk to the politicians and saying this negativity is is killing you guys. do you think it's resresignatin >> i think so. he's coming at at right time. he's a leader of the moment and very much needed, that voice of reason. and reminder of why we are doing what we're doing. so it is about coming together. there's a lot of work to do here in new york city. i'm glad he's here. he's very welcome. i look forward to getting to meet him later on today. >> final point, jim. you've been speaking eloquently to me this morning. the juxtaposition of trump versus anybody and the level of
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negativity in the name of candor in the gop race right now, the race in general, frankly, versus pope francis being here at the same time with such an opposite message. how do you see it? >> no question, this has been a divisive political race so far. think about the comments about muslims, immigrants, not just trump. it's part of the broader debate own both sides, really. you have a message of unity. from a voice that all sides can't help but listen to. that's a pretty remarkable contrast. and it's something you just wonder. we talked about this before. the u.n., it's got a big mission. it's had some problems delivering on that mission. it's hard to get the world together, to act. congress has a big mission. does that aura last? i hope so. as an american, a new yorker, as a world citizen, i hope so. >> from francis, it's not just be nice, there's a strength, a
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conviction, this is your responsibility, whether you believe or not. >> the word he uses the most, common good. it strikes me as we were talking, in this country, we want to do better. we have a natural tendency to improve and do better. we tend to listen more and say we should come together. when francis speaks to his own church in the vatican or to europeans, or even perhaps south americans, there's sometimes a sense of, well, yes, but i'm still right. there is that element there. i think the american public and the american people are receptive to someone saying try to work together. that's part of our nature. sometimes his message is for those within his own vatican, for example, where there are great divisions. >> they got the right man if they want someone to shake it up. thank you so much. enjoy today. i can't wait for the reception in harlem. >> yes. we'll be joined exclusively
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by the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., samantha power. what does she see as the message from the pope and what it might convey to the united states. we'll have all the pope's events, the big arrival part when he exits. hopefully don jumps the fence. we'll see what happens. in the 8:00 hour we take you up to the moment of the address and show you the address live. tomorrow, we'll have a special weekend edition of "new day" live from philadelphia. it's a big moment. big point of inflection for the pope, alisyn. is the family. he sees that as a positive and a negative. >> even don lemons, boyish enthusiasm may need to be contained by security when this all happens. thanks, chris. >> if he jumps that fence, that will be my moment of the trip. >> please don't encourage him. i feel that you're planting this idea with him. we'll see what happens, chris. we'll check back with you.
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meanwhile, the white house ready to roll out of red carpet for chinese president xi jinping. though the two, president obama and he, do disagree on some hot topics. michelle kosinski has more. what are we expecting? >> you'll see a big welcoming here at the courthouswhite hous time with a 21-gun salute. we'll see that meeting, a press conference, a state dinner but it's in the more subtle events that we might see the most work get done. last night, president obama and president xi were able to sit down for a private dinner, 2 1/2 hours long. last time they did that it was five hours. the white house says it's in that kind of zone, more informal where there tends to be the most progress. to be a fly on the wall when they discuss, yes, cyber security. the intelligence community believes china is responsible for that massive opm hack that
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affected the private information of more than 21 million people. the white house still hasn't acknowledged that. china alternates between denying it and saying all nations spy on each other. the u.s. insists it doesn't spy on other countries for financial gain which it believes china does. other touchy topics will include trade, maritime security, maybe even human rights. we know there has been progress on climate change. expect some announcements on that today. also could be an interesting press conference involving both of these leaders. >> thanks so much. meanwhile, president obama has agreed to a face-to-face meeting with russian president vladimir putin next week at the u.n. the two leaders haven't talked formally in more than a year. the white house stressing it was a desperate putin who requested this meeting. the forussians insist the war o
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syria -- in syria, rather, will be the top of the agenda. it was the threat of a partial government shutdown, a measure to fund everything but planned parenthood fails in the senate. democrats objecting to republican efforts to defund the group following a series of sting videos. congress has until wednesday to pass a bill to keep the government running. another hit for bill cosby, fordham and marquette university, resending honorary degrees awarded to the comedian. it was made in light of depositions where cosby admitting giving quaaludes to women he wanted to have sex with. it's the first time both jesuits have pulled such honorary degrees. >> incredible update there. meanwhile, donald trump still on top in latest poll as two competitors, carly fiorina and marco rubio gain some ground. we'll talk to team trump about this all, next.
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i know how to win. these guys don't know how to win. marco rubio, he's like a kid. he shouldn't be running in this race as far as i'm concerned. he's a kid. >> well, that was donald trump calling the 44-year-old marco rubio a kid to which marco rubio struck back at trump last night. >> when the debate turned to policy, he stood xlin sideline for 23 minutes. that's why he had auch a bad
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debate, reacting like he is, continuing to offend anyone who criticizes him. he can't have a conversation about policy because quite frankly, he doesn't know anything about policy. >> joining us this morning to respond, executive vice president of the trump organization and special council to donald trump, michael cohen. great to see you. >> hi, alisyn. >> why this spat now with marco rubio? what does donald trump get out of going after marco rubio? >> i don't think mr. trump went after marco rubio. marco rubio went after mr. trump. trump responded and marco rubio responded back. >> you say donald trump doesn't throw the first punch. >> no. he's a counterpuncher. he doesn't pick a fight but if you pick a fight with him, you're going to lose. >> is mr. trump possibly seeing marco rubio as a threat? let's put up the latest poll numbers. you see donald trump still on top, of course.
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he has gone from 24% to 26% in new hampshire. carly fiorina has gone up from 1% to 16%, marco rubio from 3% to 9%. >> wow, these numbers are astronomical for marco rubio. if there's a debate tomorrow, donald trump is still front and center. he's still eight times higher in the polls than marco rubio. he doesn't think about marco rubio. marco rubio doesn't mean anything to him. and as far as foreign policy, what gives marco rubio the right to talk about foreign policy? >> he's on the senate foreign relation committee. >> look at where we're at as far as this country is concerned. we're a disaster in this country as far as foreign policy. we're not respected by any country in this world. we're treated terribly by our own -- you know, by our enemies who we make into allies and our al lies we treat them like enemies. this is not a man who belongs in the white house. >> pundits also predicted donald trump would have a ceiling.
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has he sit the creeling? >> they said that at 16, 18, 20 and then 25. they called the summer fling. donald trump is the man who will make america great again. he's awoken the sideline the majority and they're not backing down. >> let me show you an interesting poll. this say poll of recent trends. this is where cnn and wmur, i believe -- sorry, "the washington post," have crunched together all of the most recent four national polls. what they say is it shows a trend. you see if you look at the polls together, donald trump is seeing a decline, carly fiorina is shooting up, marco rubio is going up. what do you see when you look here? >> first of all, i don't agree with that. when you go from 1% to 7%, yes, statistically it's a big shoot up. i'd rather be in donald trump's position than carly fiorina's
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position. i'd rather be in donald trump's position than marco rubio's position. you don't have to win by 40%. you need to win by 1% in order to win this race. he's literally 18 points higher than anybody else. >> let's talk about policy and let's talk about substance. donald trump as you know was on "new day" yesterday. i asked him about his plan that he says he will deport 11 million illegal immigrants. i asked him specifically how he plans to do that. listen to his response. >> how would you, specifically, go about doing 11 million mass depore taki podportation deportations. >> through good management and process. the process is the bad ones go and never come back. >> would you use the national guard? would you use the police, the army? >> i will use different forms. it will take place and it will be done effectively and warmly and humanely. a lot of people will be very happy about it. >> michael, why won't he give specifics about how he plans to
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deport 11 million? >> i think he will give specifics when he's ready to give the specifics. as far as the fact that the media and the pundits want an answer from him today -- >> and voters. this is for the voters. don't the voters want to the know if the national guard is going to go in to extract people from their homes and send them back? >> the voters know that donald trump is a doer. they know when he says he's doing to do something, it's going to get done. it's interesting, a friend of mine, we were sitting in his backyard the other day. he has a fence. righte right, between his property and his neighbor's property. why do you have a fence? this delineates my property from yours. it's the same thing with the country. >> sure. >> and the notion, the notion that there are coalitions that say that just because you come in to the country illegally and now you're not even allowed to say that, undocumented immigrants as opposed to illegal immigrants, they come in and
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declare this is their home. why do you have a door? why do you have a lock on your door. >> everyone agrees this is an issue and a problem. >> alisyn, donald trump will do what he says. he'll do it under his time line, not yours and not the rest of the media's. >> i want to get to this feud he's having with fox news. it's announced roger ailes will sit down with donald trump. what does donald trump want to get out of this meeting? >> fairness. it's always been fairness. this isn't the first go-around of this dance. he wants to be treated fairly. >> that means never having pundits on that krirt size donald trump? >> this isn't an issue about pundits. this isn't an issue about criticism. they say donald trump has thin skin. i sit across the desk from the man. i watched this guy who's the greatest dealmaker in the history of the world. i'm amazed each and every deal, things that he does. here's the point. what he does, he turns around and he does not want anything more than for them to be fair to him. and they're not.
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what they're doing is they're marginalizing him, they're criticizing him, they're trying to figure out how to get this man out of the race. >> that's what you believe fox news is doing, trying to get donald trump out of the race? >> i don't know if it's fox news as opposed to some of their anchors but i do believe they do not report donald trump fairly and they do not report him accurately. >> michael cohen, thanks so much. always appreciate you coming on "new day." what's your take on all of this? tweet us using #newdaycnn or post your comment on coming up, we talk too rick santorum. stick around for that. let's go back to new york and chris. >> we are waiting on pope francis. he will take the world stage. never has there been more world leaders at the united nations today, never in its 07-year history. we talk to samantha power about
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the pope's address, what she expects to hear and what responsibility the united states may have to take on. (breaking noise) (breaking noise) (buzzing, repetitive thumping noise) nobody ever says, "made from the finest pressboard." (suitcase scraping) or, "built to last, for 3 weeks." (keyboard typing) but when things aren't made well, you find out... sooner or later. (ice cubes clattering) if something is important, it shouldn't break... jam. crack. tear. snap. fall apart. act up or only work in one corner of your house. if it matters, it should just work, right? (screaming) verizon built america's best, most reliable network for one reason. because it matters.
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history, history, history. you cannot say it enough. it keeps becoming more and more true. take, for example, where we are right now, what's about to happen. united nations, pope francis will address the largest gathering of world leaders in the 70-year history of the u.n. joining me now exclusively to discuss this is united states ambassador to the united nations, samantha power. ambassador, always a pleasure. >> great to be here. >> another first as you well know. it will be news to the audience. because of palestine pushing to allow its flag to be raised at the u.n. and resolution allowing such, the vatican flag for the first time will be up there, because they're observers, even that is historic, that on a small level. on a major level, this pope, his message, the audience, the attention, is it a surprise and what do you hope it leads to? >> his message is a message that consumes the people who work here every day, the diplomats and the heads of state who send
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them here, climate change, poverty aleviation, what to do about 60 million refugees, the largest refugee flow in recorded history, at least since world war ii. the question is, can people move from being in awe of this person who has such nuance, humanity, humility to being activated by it. >> that's what he wants. he wants you to act. so, for instance, the migrant crisis, refugees, migrants, however you see them, the people who are doing an exodus out of these war-torn areas in the middle east and beyond, his message is, the u.s., you have the most, you should do the most. do you believe the united states has to be more assertive with what to do to help in that situation? and do you believe it isn't because of american politics and the resistance on in facts.
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>> he was in congress when he gave his message to both houses. i thought what was so extraordinary about it, get beyond the numbers. imagine if it was your family displaced. see the faces. that's the hard thing. how do you cut past the politics and polarization and it's a political season in this country which is never necessarily the friend of, you know, moderate debate. so i think president obama has announced we'll increase our quota next year, our cap to 85,000 refugees. we have an amazing tradition in opening our -- the pope said we're sons of immigrants. you and me are classic examples of that. and i think that the question is beyond financial assistance in the region where we've given $4.5 million, beyond expanding the number of people who come to this country, how do you end the conflict in the first place? that's where the margins on the
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general assembly, including between president putin, president obama, the whole host of meetings who bring take the stakeholders to see, come on, there will be flight and there's not enough absorption capacity in the neighboring countries to manage that. we have to get to the root cause of this flight. >> interesting you say that. one of of the things that surprised me in his message to congress was his focus on arms sales and this needs to stop. that could also be a finger pointed in the american direction seeing how we have some of the biggest military contractors in the history of humanity. what do you make of that? what do you do with it? >> our emfa siphasis, if you do arms sale, make sure they're used responsibly. >> how do you do that? >> no question, very challenging. >> how many people who want these weapons do good things with them? >> there are a lot of people being attack by other people, a
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lot of terrorists in the world. you have to love the pope. he goes right in and goes right up with putting the hardest issues on the table, making people a little uncomfortable. in yesterday's address to congress, there was something that made everyone a little uncomfortable. >> making a mess, making a ruckus, getting involved with the controversy and doing it in a positive way. we understand from his people that he is bewildered that the american politicians and their people don't understand this country's strength is in unity. it's the only time we've gotten anything done and wian is it happening now. even the pope is confused. >> when he said we have to end the dichotomy between the righteous and the sinners, end all kinds of polarization, he is speaking to a body who is completely gridlocked. we can't get our budget agreed upon, even getting legislation through on pretty much every issue is challenging. climate, of course, is the most obvious gap, is the congress coming together on behalf of not only the american people of
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today but as he says as the stewards of the planet and our common home, our kids and grand kids and so forth. that call for unity in that body, i think could not be more important. >> when you care about more than yourself it all comes together. tell me about the window campaign. >> well, on saturday, this weekend, china and the u.n. will host something called beijing plus 20. 20 years ago there was a women empowerment conference in beijing. hillary clinton said human rights are women's rights. women are being silenced all across the world. with the general assembly, the leaders coming in, the diplomats filing down first avenue here, we have decided to profile 20 women political prisoners, including three from china but from all around the world. each day i speak about one of them were their story, how they have been separated from their family, how they were blogging and trying to defend people who were standing up against sexual harassment, whatever the issue is. and we put their portrait up on
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first avenue. so when people walk by to the pope's point, you see the faces and not just the abstraction of a crackdown on women. >> beautiful. >> or a crackdown on civil society. in the three weeks that we've been doing the campaign, 2 of the 20 women have been freed. >> great. >> if nothing else, that's important for these people. >> an important message. samantha power is proof. >> thank you for being with us. >> i hope. >> appreciate it. hope you enjoy the message today. >> we will. >> samantha power setting the table for what could happen today, police stay with us here at cnn. we'll have live coverage of when the pope comes here, that's always a big moment. what he says at the u.n. which will carry across the world. we'll have all the events right here live. tomorrow, a special edition of "new day" on the weekend, live from philadelphia where the pope's true focus will come into the family.
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we decided we wanted to get a different cuomo's perspective on the papal visit. we're going to speak to your brother, yes, hide your head in shame. governor andrew cuomo is going to join us. we'll ask him about what it was like to meet the pontiff and wls wh -- also, what to expect from the historic events of today. stay with us. oceans, to start a movement, or lead a country. it may not be obvious yet, but one of these kids is going to change the world. we just need to make sure she has what she needs. welcome to windows 10. the future starts now for all of us. this bale of hay cannot be controlled. when a wildfire raged through elkhorn ranch, the sudden loss of pasture became a serious problem for a family business. faced with horses that needed feeding and a texas drought that sent hay prices soaring,
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pope francis expected to head to the united nations in just minutes. it's just one of his many stops today around new york city. you're looking at live pictures as you can see from the somewhat erratic camera shot there. everyone is waiting with bated breath to see the pope emerge from that townhouse where he's staying on manhattan's upper east side. we are joined now by new york governor, andrew cuomo, joining us by phone. good morning, governor. >> good morning. nice to be with you. >> great to have you. we all watched as you met the pope at st. patrick's cathedral yesterday. that was the first time you had met him.
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tell us what that experience was like. >> i tell you, first, the city, the expectations were so high and the energy was so high in the city. but the reality was actually better than the expectations. for me personally, it was just a total thrill. i'm a former altar boy and to meet a pope in general, and pope this pope, was really exciting. this pope has captured not just catholics, alisyn, his message is universal. i think it's come at a time when the world really needed a light and leadership. and he gets it down to the essen essence, which is jesus christ was about love and let's remember that. and for a world filled with clutter and irrelevancies, i think it's a powerful message. >> it sure is. governor, did you do what we understand your mother did when she met the pope and tried to
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slip him a copy of a book you'd written? >> i didn't slip him any copy of a book. he was very kind to give a personal blessing to sandra lee, who is covering from breast cancer. she's luckily, cancer-free. but he made it a point to give her a blessing which i'm truly grateful for. i mentioned to the pope that we lost my father and i asked him to say a prayer for my father. on a personal level, it was a very moving day that i'll never forget. >> sandra lee is your long-time girlfriend. as you said, she has been fighting breast cancer and is now cancer-free. she spoke about what the pope's blessing meant to her yesterday. so let's listen to that for one second. >> he was very sweet. it was completely unexpected. we had no idea. they came at the end of the service and asked us to move forward so he could give me the blessing. it was just wonderful.
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brought tears to my eyes. >> so governor, were you surprised that the pope did that for sandra? >> i was surprised, at my age and my position, not a lot of things throw me or get a really dramatic reaction but that -- that he thought enough to do that was really special. i got a chance to say to him, remember my father was special. when you're in that man's presence, alisyn, you feel greatness. you feel that this is not just a holy man but this is a man of immense power. and what is so interesting is, you hear him speak and he has a wispy voice but it's so powerful in what he is saying. again, universal. this is not just about catholics. love and the derivation of love, compassion, nonjudgmentalism, see the commonality, not the
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differences, that's protestantism, that's judaism, that's muslim, it really is a universal and much-needed message. the whole day was really fantastic. i am surprised that we didn't see your young fellow there covering the event last night, christopher. but i wonder if it's a coincidence that his code name is triple six? what do you think? >> wow. governor, as you know, chris cuomo has been covering the pope's visit all week. he's shaking his head at you, governor, in case you can't see it. do you have anything to say to the governor? >> no, no, he can't speak with me. >> i love my brother. i love my brother. i understand that when he shook the pope's hand, the pope felt a strange burning and he pulled his hand away. there was some concern in the moment but hopefully our father was looking down and protecting
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him. for the pope to reach out to a politician, a governor, someone with a face like andrew, it shows he is truly a holy and tolerant man. >> well, triple six, i wish you a good day. >> oh, my goodness. >> whatever. >> this has run off the rails. i want to get back to what is going to happen tonight. i know you will be there for the pope's mass at madison square garden. what are you expecting? >> i'm expecting more of the same. you know, the expectations were so high, alisyn, fear was that the reality wouldn't match the expectation yesterday. but the reality surpassed the expectation. there is a power and an energy that comes off this pope that is just palpable. and people wait on every word. now, madison square garden is an icon -- iconic venue for new york. it will be packed. so the energy in and of itself
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in the place. and i think it is building. i think you're going to see the impact of the pope get stronger. the more people hear him, the more people see him, i think the stronger he gets. because it's not just his message. it's that he emanates the message. i mean, the way he spends time with children. today he's going to a school in the bronx. >> yes. >> he's not about materialism. the symbolism of at the end of the event, he gets into a fiat. what a beautiful symbol. >> absolutely. >> i don't need the cadillac. i don't need the suv. keep it simple. >> he forgoes the lunch with big wigs to help feed the homeless. governor cuomo, thanks so much for sharing your personal story with us. our best to you and, of course, sandra lee. we'll be watching today. thanks for being on. >> thank you, alisyn.
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>> let's go to chris who has been listening with wrapped attention. >> do you feel goo that you bait him to take shots at me and call me the devil on national television? >> i enjoy it. >> take a two-shot here. >> i know you do. take a cheap . >> yeah you do. >> i know you do. i want people to see exactly what the balance of virtue is on this show. that's all. but i'm happy to be the victim was a i like pope francis believe that sometimes you have to be like everybody else. all right. so the pope's visit is just a great deal for people who are here and listening. it is not just about the faithful certainly. it is about all those who want to receive his mensssage and do something with it. and guess who else is benefitting? business. look at that. are people cashing in on the pope?
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actually, knowing the kind of risk that you're comfortable so what abouwith,t stock? i'd steer clear. straight talk. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. time for cnn money now. we know the pope is hitting on a
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lot of important issues for businesses like immigration, climate change. what is the price tag of all those plans? >> all really important business issues. we he wants the u.s. to take action on climate change in particular. how much would that cost? the typical american would end up spending an extra 700 to a thousand dollars a year. there would be a slight hit to economic growth and potentially job losses. the coast in the short-term. the long-term many say is absolutely critical otherwise you don't have an economy to work with. and also pope francis is giving two brands a big marketing. american airlines and the fiat chrysler are getting a lot of publicity for providing the transportation. he's getting around in a modified fiat and a modified jeep wrangler for parades. and american airlines. so all of that free publicity.
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>> i knew fiat was going to do something. they are going to get a boost. thank you so much. all right. so we are waiting for the big moment. any minute now pope francis is going to emerge from the townhouse he is staying at. we are part of the vatican's nunciature here. and it is always a big deal when he leaves. is he going to reach out to the to crowd thwarting security? and then of course what is he going to say to the largest attendance of world leaders ever in u.s. history. 70 years, this will be the biggest. certainly there will be some surprises. more on that coming up. understands the life behind it. for those who've served and the families who've supported them, we offer our best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life.
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the city still buzzing with the rival of pope francis. >> taking that small motorcade through central park with some 80,000 people. >> the largest gathering of world leaders in the u.n. 70 year history. >> this is an extraordinarily polarized political climate in the united states. >> he continually repeats the fact that he too is an immigrant. >> how much actual influence does he have? >> if there is anything about
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pope francis, he is close to the people. i hope we reflect on his call to serve the common good. >> just to get an actual blessing from him was just so amazing. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, allsyn cammarata that and michael that pereira. a city awakes to the reality of pope francis and its midst. welcome to "new day." we're coming live from the united nations. this is the place and this is the moment. pope francis's audience isn't just new york. it will be the whole world. he is about to address the largest gathering of world leaders in the u.n.'s 70 year history. his speech at the general assembly is going to help him at a time of global upheaval. any way you look it a u. migrant crisis, poverty change, war, hunger. after he's going to make his way
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up and down manhattan. stopping at the 9/11 memorial and meet victim's families. stop at the harlem school and lead a procession through the work and celebrate mass at madison square garden. it is a schedule that could take down the most ambitious presidential candidate. and the just another day for pope. as soon as he moves we'll move. and we'll show you that movement because they are always great to see when he exits. let's begin the coverage with cnn's chief national security correspondent jim schuto. >> this is a global stage. but also a new york stage. and you name those locations he's stopping at today. the 9/11 memorial. harlem to meet with underprivileged cases. central park. all dear for new york ores and each stop a chance to connect with real people, real new yorkers. >> this morning, tens of
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thousands are gearing up across the big apple to witness pope francis on day the two of his new york tour. the pope waking up at a town house on the upper east side donated to the catholic church decades a ago. shortly after 10:00 he'll address those around the world at the united nations. recall castro, and nobel peace winning activist mulala. likely urging action on climate change and the ongoing refugee crisis in europe. >> he makes a difference. he's utterly revitalized the political and diplomatic relevance of the vatican in our time. >> the pope will then travel more than four miles downtown to ground zero to meet with families of victims of 911 before a remembrance service. afterwards he heads nearly 8 miles uptown, visiting a
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catholic school in harlem. >> he continually repeats the fact that he too is an immigrant. the son of immigrants. >> he'll also meet with immigrants and refugees from africa, latin america and asia. and e he'll ride the pope mobile through central park where nearly a hundred thousand are expected to see him. and ending at madison square garden where he will lead a mass for some 20,000 people. all hoping to be blessed by the leader of the catholic church. like this young wheelchair bound girl at st. patrick's thursday night. >> just to get an actual blessing from him was just so amazing. >> here, outside the u.n., we are surrounded by some of that enormous security presence keeping the pope safe. you have police mobile command unit, fire department units. but i have to sigh as new yorkers, we spend a lot of time
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with the new york police. you have probably been picked up a couple of times by the new york police. but when you spend time with them they are all business here. i meet with them. i see them smiling. this is also a proud moment. they want to welcome him here. and they want to keep him safe. and i get the sense that as new yorkers as well. as americans they are caught up in the moment too. >> absolutely. i've never seen the city like this. cops there already and it's a balance. the vatican wants as little restriction as possible but the need for security is obvious and that is where they are going along with it. that said, if el papa decides to get out of the pope mobile and walk up to someone and shake their hand, who is going to stop him? >> you woechbt be able to and that is his nature, his persona. >> and one of the things people really love about him. so jim and i are waiting here at the u.n. and the moment that we're waiting for right now will be when pope francis, francisco,
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leaves denuns owe and gets into that fiat or whatever they have him this and everybody is going to go crazy. and don lemon is in the sweet spot standing by on manhattan's upper eastside for that moment. any indications my friend? >> reporter: yes there is an indication. and i'll tell you, because just a couple of moments ago, someone from the police department, really william bratton one of the right hand guys came over and asked us if anybody an extra camera to go up and close to provide pool coverage, a pool camera. one network goes in and gives the pictures to everyone else. so that is an indication that it is about to happen. and what he said to me when i spoke to him, i said chris, this is unprecedented. he's never seen anything like this with the security. and the secret service and nypd. he said there is seamless
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cooperation here and really very well run. so let me take you to the scene through here. if you look through here you can see -- when these guys move, the back of that fiat is parked right in front of the residence. about three or four townhouses in here on the upper east side of manhattan on 72nd street. and that pool camera is in there. there he is. he's coming out now. you can -- i can see him getting into the fiat. he just descended the steps. there he is. he just descended the steps and is getting into the car that will take him to the u.n., chris, your location. but again, you are going to get a much closer picture in just moments once that photographer with the pool camera comes out. and we'll put those pictures up. they put those pictures up on the satellite and we'll bring them down and show it to our audience. so you really came to us chris
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at the right moment. >> perfect timing. >> we're just about a block off central park. would imagine, yeah he's going to take 5th avenue downtown and then hustle over to you. >> boy oh boy. that was great to see. you couldn't really pick him up in the crowd but you could follow his zuchetto, the white cap he wears on his head. have you picked up one of those yet? >> i'm going get the same color as the pope. and hopefully they come in convertible. i wonder if fiat sales would go up because the pope is doing it such justice here. now you are seeing it is pulling away and the motorcade is now pulling off going west. and officer, everyone waving here. this is a very proud moment as you know for the police department, members of the
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police department, many of whom are roman catholic f so they are very proud to be here protecting the pope and as is the police commissioner bratton who i spoke to earlier this week. and you could see other members of the clergy now, from my vantage point at least, following the pope as he makes his journey to the u.n. and as you said chris, this is a very busy day. the presidential candidate who is the most eager, this would make them tired. and i dupree he has -- he didn't get very much sleep. got here about 8:00 or 9:00 last night. and here it is, 8:00, 12 hours later. not even. and he is off to his -- at least his first stop to speak to dignitaries, the largest gathering of dignitaries in the history of the u.n. and of course hes going to go
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down to 9/11, go up to the school in harlem, my neighborhood, and speak to some kids at that school. many of whom are black and latino kids and many of whom are immigrants as well. and then he's going to head back down through central park with this motorcade and i think about a hundred thousand people are expected to be there to get a blessing from the pope and hopefully get up close and personal. and then madison square garden. >> all right. >> so there you go. he's off. >> all right. we'll take it through the day. the timing was perfect. thank you for setting the scene for us my friend. we'll check back in with you throughout the day. and we're going to keep live pictures up for you. pause we're covering this the way only sn cnn can. the progression will be through central park. 80,000 tickets were purchased but we're hearing estimates of a
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hundred,0 thousand. and security is ramping up, trying to contain the enthusiasm. what's it like there now, deb? we just saw the pontiff leave. he had the flags on the front of his fiat which has become one of the sbom symbols of this persons. >> this is an eight foot phelps that was constructed specifically for the pope's visit. you can see some of the agents. what they have got here is they have set up all of these tents and the magnetometers. people are going to have to go through these security check points. they are not supposed to carry bags. they are supposed to bring in very very little. you have federal agent as well. i'm going to bring dave around here the corner. a lot of barriers here. there are signs saying once you are hear you are entering a restricts zone and therefore everything is subject to search. this park has been closed. what we're seeing is we're seeing a lot of runners who are
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very upset, chris. because they can't even get into to the park. so they are running a rnd the pork. people who work in the park can't get into the park. they are also very upset. everyone has to go through these magnetometers. and tsa agents are going to help in the screening. and i came here this morning. and everything was a frozen zone from the naturally history museum all the way down to columbus circle. so this is what is going to greet people who are arriving. i spoke to one woman. i asked her why she was waiting in line. she said because the pope is like jesus walking on earth. chris. >> jesus walking -- well i'll tell you what. the pope wouldn't like to hear that. that's for sure. he sees himself not only as the regular man but a man who is tasked here with being a missionary to those who need mercy. and that has been huge for him. and it's been one of the
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tensions for pope francis, as deb knows, that he does not like being celebrated as the man. he wants this to be about a message and the message he believes he's dealing with here is a secular message. it is not just for the faithful. you don't have to believe to receive with this message. interconnectedness and the secular nature of everyone's duty to community. and someone twho knows that very well and experiencing it is minnesota congressman keith elsman. he's a muslim. and wrote an op ed supporting the message. and i say we get right into it congressman. the recent comments that came out of the gop specifically from ben carson and echoed somewhat by donald trump about muslims and their faith and how all of them believe in sharia and they would have to reject and somehow they are different and ben carson suggested even not capable of being president of the united states. how did that hit you as an american, a politician and a muslim? >> well it is not the first time
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we heard it. we've heard this kind of thing for the last three cycles. newt gingrich was saying things like this. herman cane was saying things like that. it is kind of getting to be their tradition. but papa francisco is very clear that we have to have an inclusive message. he talked how to address extremism in his speech yesterday before the joint session of congress. he said, you know, don't -- in paraphrasing he said don't like the extremists make you into an extremis extremist. don't assign yourself the role of righteous and the other the role of sinner. and judge notless ye be judged. sadly, you know, apparently ben carson is making money off this. he's been sending e-mails out soliciting and is bragging about making $300,000 since he made
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these ugly kmebts. so i guess it is just politics as usual. but papa francisco is making it a little different. >> what is your best hope? your aspiration here that this message francis is giving seems to be resonating. it is all coming together in terms of the man the message and the moment. it is getting so much coverage. do you think there is a chance people can change, that they think rather than just divide in the political process. >> if they can change, pope francis is helping it change. he is such loving, generous presence, that he i think has the potential to help us, you know, turn to each other instead of turning on each other. everything he said yesterday, you know, about immigration, about inclusiveness of the refugees. all of these things are calling us to be better than sometimes we are in the moment. and i think that he has the
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potential to create some transformation. i know i felt really warm inside yesterday. and i got to tell you, republican/democrat, we all walked out of that joint session talking, sharing viewpoints. family members were there. my own mother was there who is a very devote catholic. it was just a wonderful environment. hopefully it will carry forward. i think it could. >> that's beautiful to hear that that that was the reaction afterwards. we were surprised how many applause lines. the pope had to stop his delivery because there were over two dozen applause lines. and we're waiting right now for the pope. as soon as we catch sight here we'll cut o that. but i wanted your take on something. the pope reportedly said to someone last night he was somewhat confused at how the american political system has lost its way of its dialogue.
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and he said don't you know that your greatest strength has always been in your unity. why all this energy on negativity and division? who thinks that can get you anywhere? what is your reaction to that. >> maybe we need somebody to hit the reset button for us. and the pope is doing that. he's absolutely right the level of polarization is toxic. we're trying to avert a shut down in just a few days. this is because we cannot talk to each other. but he said a number of times in his speech he invites us to conversation. he invites us to dialogue. and i want to accept that invitation. i think we really should heed the pope's call to be more focused on the work. he made me feel good about being a politician. he said we're called to be here to promote the common good. and i quite agree we are. and if anybody can help us get there he can. i'm really pleased he was here yers r yesterday.
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and he's getting a very warm reception in new york and that's awesome. >> and that is not a given. this is a hard city as you know. but the if there's been a moment where everybody is taking it the right way this is it. and the pope is coming down right now. we see the suvs with the vatican flags. we're starting to hear the cheers. i haven't seen the fiat. i missed it. that car is so small and quick it zipped right past us congressman. that signature fiat. it is going to be a hot item. everybody is coming now. the rest of the security phalanx just passed so we're going to continue our coverage. congressman, thank you very much for all your words and i hope you are right. the people need action, not negativity. thank you very much. cnn is going stay with the coverage. we know the pope is here now. we're watching it on live picture. there it is. this ie chronic fiat. one of the best product placements in the political
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history. of course the pope is above and beyond politics. see that yellow flag? it is the vatican flag. for the first time in history it will be flying above the u.n. today. and why? because palestine pushed very hard for its flag to be able to be raised even though it is not what's called a permanent member of the united nations. the u.n. passed that resolution. palestine is able to put up its flag. and thereby allowing other nations that aren't permanent members to have their flag also. the vatican is an observer nation. remember the vatican is a sovereign in and of itself treated as the nation here at the u.n. and here is that nation's leader. not just a religious leader but a political one as well because of his role at the vatican. papa francisco here making his way out of the car. showing tremendous resilience. remember the limp. the limp is real. that is what you are seeing but it is not a moment of urgency. the pope has sciatica.
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it is just a condition. it flared up in cuba. so he's got a little bit of a hitch in his getty up. but he's going to be fine. he's dealing with it well. and the proof is in the pudding. he's been in so many stops. he's shown such energy for a 78-year-old especially and continues going with a big smile on his face as he's meeting the opening delegation of the u.n. superiors. just entered now. obviously we're waiting for the address. and i have the very good fortune of being now situated directly to cnn's best. christian amanpour. wolf blitzer here to take us through the coverage. it's been a great moment. we hit it perfectly with don lemon. we trail the pope into the fiat. he's made his way down first avenue. now here he is. >> and he is now being greeted of course by the secretary general of the united nations, ban ki-moon and ban's wife is there too. and the pope will also receive flowers if two little kids. a six-year-old and a
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seven-year-old. a brother and a sister. and what is so important is that they are the children of a deceased member of the united nations community. he was killed during the 2010 earthquake in haiti. he was one of the coordinators for the peace keeping mission in haiti. so all of these missions of the u.n. are going to be sort of shown symbolically. that was peace keeping and he will talk about peace keeping in his speech. he will talk about the scourge of war. he will also talk about how it is the most serious and urgent time for the moral conscience. a call to the moral conscience of mankind. has never been as necessary as it is today. he's going to tell the assembled world leaders. >> vatican officials told us last night that the pope does not see a straight continuum of history. he believes this is an important moment. he believes he will be facing the source and the solution for many of the worlds problems in front of him at this address today. and he has never taylored a message more than he has for this morning. >> and we see ban ki-moon and
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pope francis right there. it is an important moment and the pope will spend a lot of his time we're told praising the united nations, the work its done over the past 70 years. now the 70th anniversary of the united nations. once he addresses the assembly. he's going to go in-depth. he'll also we're told make an impassioned appeal. because christians throughout north africa and the mideast are in such trouble right now. he's going to reach out and see if there is more the united nations and the international community can do to deal with the plight of christians throughout the region. >> and of course he's going to be as wolf said praising the good work of the united nations and the ridge charge of the united nations, which was to bring the rule of law, human right, the end to war to all mankind. but he will also say that this can no longer be an empty talking shop. that the divisions amongst the five permanent members of the security council. which means the united states,
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western ally, most specially russia and china can no longer be used as excuse as prayrolys to end the world's conflicts. >> next thing that happens here is ban ki-moon is going present gift on behalf of the u.n. to the pope. can we do know he likes to return the favor. we don't know exactly what it will be. but he has been passing out what east really important to the vatican. they come one the commemorative coin and pass them out. and they see it as the very big gesture. and really what brought him to the united states. >> and that is what philadelphia is going to be all about. the family, the mass, the festivities. but also remember that this moment at this unga, united nations general assembly, the annual blot of world leaders, also coincide on sustainable development. that is a fancy word saying let us recommit to trying to end
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global extreme poverty. >> i should say so much of the pope's address today will deal with climate change, the environment, poverty. the pope has a huge agenda that he's going to do and he's going to go beyond what he told the u.s. congress yesterday and certainly these areas. he's going to go in depth and make the pitch. this is so important. and some people in washington on the conservative side might not like what he's about to say because he's going to go more in depth on the climate change issue that n he did yesterday. >> what about that, whoful, in terms of assessing or analyzing what the pope discusses and where. of course global warming should be a big concern. but when you have so much warm, so much poverty. so much famine. is there criticism in that tactic. >> he'll get into that in other areas as well. but i think the bulk of this address today will deal with the climate change, the environment, protecting the planet. this has become so important for this pope. and remember in the 70 years of
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the united nations this is only the fifth time a pope has addressed the united nations general assembly. >> i think one way to depoliticize this climate and environmental issue is to take the pope at his word when he wrote his incyclical. that is a 192 page document that spelled out human rights. he wasn't being antihuman or anti anybody. he was saying all of us have the right and duty to protect our planet. >> calling it a right is key by u.n. parlance standards. >> also by christian particles parlance. we've cede it many times. the archbishop, who wielcomed hm last night said we've had climate way before genesis. >> a -- was added to the deadly since. it is a big deal for catholics. >> i think that is what he's trying to say. all these other issues we've within talking about -- poverty,
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war, crisis -- part of it is about the dwindling in finite resources so you can't have a healthy planet or end poverty or bring gender equality and god forbid you can't stop migration in part unless you deal with the climatic changes, the environmental changes, that are pushing farmers out, that are pushing ordinary people out of their homelands in search of a better storm. and of course the scourge of war in syria is the biggest issue that has occupied, you know, the world for the last nearly five years. >> he gets into that we're told a little bit. but he really doesn't do as much on the syrian, the plight of the refugees as i thought he might be doing. this is a huge issue right now. this is the worst refugee crisis since world war ii. he made that point at the united states congress yesterday. >> wolf you're right. i think some of the emphasis has been chosen for which audience that he's addressing. so he did make a big deal on that to the u.s. congress. >> so far he's hit it right. because watching your your excellent coverage yesterday of
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the aftereffect, the afterglow to to speak of the noej congress. we just had congressman keith ellison out of minnesota. and he said they were talking to each other in a very unusual way when they came out of there yesterday. maybe it took a pope. >> you're catholic. i'm catholic. >> everybody want to be catholic. at least for today. >> so no matter how long it lasts, if it's just a few seconds or a few minutes -- maybe it is longer. it takes somebody of that kind of moral stature to suddenly put everything -- even as speaker boehner said, you know, hoping there wouldn't be any weird behavior in congress. he said let him appeal to our better angels. >> there was weird behavior. they applauded 20 times. >> i'm not saying there is going to be cooperation tomorrow in the congress or anything along
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those lines, but i do think a visit like this to the united states. this is the first time this 78-year-old pontiff has come to the u.s. it could have a marginal impact but it could be significant. >> if my mother has anything to do with it, even though you are not catholic, they will make you a saint wolf. i want you to know that. you are going to carry us through all the big events. i'm going back to allsyn right now. she has an interview with republican presidential candidate rick santorum. allsyn? >> okay. chris. joining us now is the republican presidential candidate rick santor santorum. thanks for beings with us. >> thanks for having me on. >> your thoughts on all this? >> i think it is unbelievable. i mean, to see the kind of unanimity of interest and support in the hope and his message, i think is a wonderful
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thing. i agree with congressman elli n ellison. it is a tone changer. it allows everyone to sort of take a step back from politics and the divisiveness and listen to someone who is a shepherd and trying to lead a flock, not just catholics, but with a message of, you know, how everything ties together, that there aren't issues that, you know, should be dividing us. we should look wholistically at the problems confronting this country and of course the world. >> and people were concerned before the pope's visit to congress that somehow his speech would be politically polarizing particularly if he was seen as siding somehow with the democrats. ultimately what was your impression of that speech? >> yeah. i didn't see the entire speech. i had to do an interview right at the end but i saw the vast majority of it. and i was pleased with the way congress reacted. i was concerned it might be one
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side applause, the other side applause. that's really not what happened. i think there was a tremendous amount of respect and restraint understanding this man is not a political figure. this was not a political speech. and i think the way he began the speech, talking about how, you know, we have differences here in this country and that we have to, you know, put those differences aside and try to work for the common good. and i think that was a good way to start and set the tone for the speech. >> of course he did talk about some controversial topics. and he talked about immigration and he advised congress and all leaders to be welcoming truly to immigrants and what's twrg senator is he didn't draw distinction between legal and illegal immigration. he said on this continent too, meaning here in the u.s., thousands of persons are led to travel north in search of a better life for themselves and for their loved ones. in search of greater opportunities. is this not what we want for our own children? what is your response to that? >> well i -- you know, i think if you look at the united states
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and immigration policy it is actually a very very generous one. we bring in well over a million people a year. to a country of 300 million, bringing in 1 million a year now year after year for 25 years is very generous. we've had record levels of immigration in this country. and i don't think america has anything to apologize for in how generous we are of spirit and in fact how we treat immigrants when they come to this country. we have all sorts of benefits the government gives and of course there are private charities as reaching out. so i -- i think we have to look at the reality that america is a very generous country. >> well sure. but of course the issue is the 11 million undocumented or illegal immigrants who are here and what do about them? as you know this has been a big issue in the presidential race. and donald trump says that they all need to get out. and there is a mass deportation that he would plan. given what the pope said what do you think should happen with the
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11 million undocumented immigrants. >> again, there is a difference if you are a religious leader and you are calling for overall themes of how we treat the immigrant. and when you are a nation and national leader and you have to have laws in place. i don't know too many people in america believe that there should be unlimited immigration, our border should be open to anyone who want come. if you don't have borders you don't is a nation. and i think it is important for us to have laws with respect to who comes into this country. and i always remind people. you talk about undocumented immigrants. roughly half the people here in this country illegally are not undocumented. they came in legally. through the visa process and simply didn't go home. so this is a mixed bag of issues. not just as simple as maybe some would suggest as to the problem of illegal immigration in america. >> what do you want to hear the pope say today? >> well i want him to continue to do what i think he's done, which is to reach out to people who don't necessarily listen to people of faith or the pope in
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the past. talk about issues that resonate with them. and i know he's going to talk about the environment and climate. but also -- and as he has done, integrate that into a holistic message of the dignity of the human person. the responsibility for us to care for -- he mentioned subsidiary a several times yesterday. so it is a holistic message. and hopefully people are starting to listen to him because he's resonating with folks he hasn't in the past, the church hasn't in the past, and sort of bring them in to see the holistic message how this all integrates into a healthy world with everybody is respected and people are treated with dignity and respect. >> thanks so much for being on new day. >> thank you. >> pope francis, this is the live shot. he's getting ready for his historic speech at united nations. what will he say? we will preview his speech for
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. you are watching "new day" right now. part of cnn's continuing coverage of all things pope francis. we are at the united nations. history is made with a capital h. pope francis is going to address the largest assemblage of world leaders ever in the u.n.'s 70 year history. and we are here with christian amanpour and wolf blitzer host of the situation room. so far everything's gone according to plan. >> the anticipation is electric and it's got everybody on tender hooks watching and waiting to hear what he says. and gradually from the moment he started speaking in english on the south lawn of the whout to congress yesterday to today, this sort of sense of this great moral authority is building up.
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and people want to listen. and people want to know what he's going to say because he's not a politician. although there are huge issues of global policy that he has to address. but he puts them all in the pastoral context of his position as the leader of one of the world's largest reason religion, 1.2 billion roman catholics around the world. christians look at him. even muslims and jus who are looking at him as this great moral authority. and he will say never has there been a time as there is today so necessary for the moral conscience of mankind to be deemployed in that unified and united way to fix some of the greatest woes. >> the main speech is an important speech. poverty, the environment. war. what the united nations can do.
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but earlier he's going to have a little more inform exchange with u.n. staffers and express his appreciation for everything that the united nations has done over the years. and it is an opportunity also for -- it is almost like a little town hall isn't it. >> yes it is. actually as we're looking another that screen is kind of overflow from the headquarters building behind us. he's already been met by the secretary general of the united nations. he's had flowers given to him by two little children a six and seven-year-old, brother and sister, two of the children of a elected official for the u.n. killed during the haiti earthquake. and the pope will also lay a wreath for all of those u.n. personnel who have been killed in the line of duty. >> we're counting down to the big moment here. let's get back to mick.
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>> the pope's visit to america fuelling a frenzy of believers hoping for a chance to see the pontiff. this afternoon 12 lucky new york high school seniors get the chance when he visits a catholic school in harlem. two of those very students join us now. tiffany and daniel. and father joseph, the head of the high school. the whole team is here. this is exciting. what an honor this is happening for you. tiffany, i understand you found out the news you would be among the 12 seniors getting to visit with the pope on your birthday. >> yes. >> tell me how that felt. >> i feel as though it was god's birthday gift to me. it was such a blessing, i never would have expected that. >> and daniel you have several siblings. your brothers also go to school with you. and i understand there's been a little envy that you were the one selected to get the meet the pope. >> yeah. i'm the last of five brothers.
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we all want to hayes. when they found out i was the one chosen they were a little envious, you know, that the pope didn't come when they were going to hayes but they are happy for me now. >> i think with that you feel a fair amount of responsibility, both of you, for your family, and community and school. you a rarified heir. how do you prepare for in. >> first i prayed that god gives me guidance for everything i do. and i'm actually really proud to be a representative of my school. >> and how about you daniel? what are you thinking is the best a way to go into this today? >> i think just like tiffany said, to pray and really just level your head. the pope isn't a very intimidating figure. he's very personable and so i don't think when i meet him i'll be afraid. >> and that is just what so many are loving about this pope. he is the people's pope.
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i imagine as an educator of young minds that provides such a fantastic moment just the way he speaks and interacts with the public. >> absolutely. i think what we've seen and will see today is the fact that he's very open to young people's ideas and certainly will speak directly to them because they are the future. and he has a great message of hope and of healing and love for them. >> has it been very involved the instructions you have been given tiffany? >> yes. >> give us an idea. do you know what you have to say or do? >> well we're going to be lining up in the hallway as he comes back and forth. and we get to see him twice. really exciting. >> so two opportunities perhaps to van interaction. >> yes. >> if you could say something to him what would you say. >> thank him for taking time out to come and see us and i would just like him to keep in mind of all the people that have asked me to tell him to pray. >> isn't that wonderful?
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you are a messenger for people who don't get the chance. and daniel, what to do you admire most about this man's character? >> i probably admire most his acceptingness. i think the catholic church can be polarizing at times. and pope francis really puts an effort to make the church kind of accepting of different kinds of people. and i think the people recognize that and appreciate it. >> do you think you will make some comment about that giving the opportunity. >> i definitely will. >> are you nervous. >> a little bit. i've been working on my spanish to tell it to him. >> very good. how's your italian. >> not so good. >> you want your student who are getting an opportunity of a lifetime to be well prepared for a situation like this? >> absolutely. they are representing their classmates and the tradition of the schools. and who knows when this opportunity will happen again. and it is a wonderful opportunity for them and the other students today to meet the
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holy father. it is going to be a spectacular event. >> i imagine the school is abuzz. >> we are. we have a tradition. 1979 pope john paul ii visited and stayed at hayes for about three hours before he went to yankee stadium. so we have a little tradition to welcome our holy father. >> something neither of you will forget i'm sure. what a joy to have you here. thanks so much and enjoy every minute of today. we hope to wash social media and see some pictures later. i'll be watching. back you do. thanks for that mic. great perspective. you see what is before us right now. the pope, pope francis, signing the u.n. guest book. the fourth pope to address the u.n. but never under circumstances like this. this will be the largest assemblage of world leaders in the 70 year history of the united nations. the importance of the moment cannot understated. what happens next, pope francis
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addresses the u.n. staff. then the big moment where he heads to the general assembly and talks about his message for the world. and to be clear he does not believe that this is just another moment in history, that it is not just some empty continuum. that this is important. he wanted on the here at this time because of what's going on. >> it is a transformative moment. the kickoff of the world summit, sustainable development goals. also a hugely important gathering world leaders ahead of what many believe is the last chance to reverse course on climate change. and that is the upcoming summit in paris regarding trying to get all world leaders to sign off on sustainable goals for the climate. >> and we saw yesterday the impact he was able to have on congress. he heard reports from members they were talking to each other in a different way. not to be too optimistic but when the pope speaks it matters. >> and here with ban ki-moon, the u.n. secretary general.
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the pope -- this is the fifth time a pope addressed the united nations but one pope did it twice. but in 70 years it is an amazing moment when you look at the opportunity that the pope had. and i do agree that he did have an impact on members of congress yesterday. and we can only hope he has an impact on world leaders here today. >> so we're going to keep watching this live coverage. obviously the big lead up to the message before the general assembly. again, the largest assemblage of world leaders in the u.n.'s 70 year history. the relevance cannot be understated. let's take a quick break so we can have you with us for the moment that we've been waiting for.
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big message. help people understand why for the vatican that this message is part of a tapestry of a continuum that what they believe matters that flows into everything else. >> the pope speaks of the integral ecology. the integral ecology means that man is not separate from his environment. we are part of the environment. and therefore what we do to the environment we are actually doing to ourselves and of course for the pope what we are doing to ourselves means also what we are doing to the poor and to the underprivileged. and i think, chris, in this talk in particular he wants to brick the voice of the poor, the voice of the people who are not able to come to these halls and speak and remind the people that are here making decisions in these halls, in the halls of congress, the effect that those decisions are having on people in syria, in libya, on immigration that is coming into europe you en masse. i think that he feels that that
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is his mission. you know he came as the missionary of mercy. part of his mission is to speak on behalf of those underprivileged people who county have a voice. >> people he will. we' -- speak he will. we're looking at live pictures right now. sitting next to ban ki-moon, the head of the u.n. obviously. and he's going to address the staff before heading into the assembly to literally talk to the world. in terms of this message we were told by the vatican that there are no accidents. he has never tailored messages for audiences more than on this trip and certainly more than he will today. >> that's right. and he knows that he is speaking today to international leaders. he wants international cooperation. we'll listen now to the secretary general.
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[ applause ] >> translato >> muchas gracias. i may be the one in the spotlight and at the microphone but it is the staff of the united nations working day and night with strong commitment. i really appreciate and i hope you will embrace them and bless them so they can continue to work for the united nations for war, peace development and human rights. thank you for taking the time to meet with them. because they are the heart and soul of our work. the guardians of faith, we draw inspiration from humanity. and from global call for action on social justice, climate
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change and ensuring a life of dignity for all. let me just say, your holiness, thank you for your spiritual guidance and blessings and love for humanity. thank you. [ applause ] >> dear friends, good morning. on the occasion of my visit to
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the united nations, i am pleased to meet you, the men and women who are in many ways the backbone of this organization. i thank you for your welcome, and i am grateful for all that you have done to prepare for my visit. i would ask you all to offer my greetings to the members of your families and to your colleagues who could not be with us today.
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because they're not here. [ applause ] the kind of work here you do is not the kind that makes the news. behind the scenes, the daily efforts make possible many of the diplomatic culture, economic and political initiatives of the united nation united nations, which are so important for meeting the hopes and expectations of peoples who make up a human family. you are experts, experienced
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field workers, officials and secretaries. translators and interpreters, cleaners and cooks, maintenance and security personnel. thank you for all you do. your quiet and devoted work not only contributes to the betterment of the united nations, it also has great significance for you personally. for how we work expresses our dignity and the kind of persons we are. many of you have come to this city from countries the world over. as such, you are microcosms of
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the peoples which this organization represents and seeks to serve. like so many other people worldwide you are concerned about your childrens welfare and education. you worry about the future of the planet and what kind of a world we will leave for future generations. but today and every day i could ask each of you whatever your
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capacity to care one another. be close to one another. respect one another. and so embody you service this organization's ideal of a united human family, living in harmony, working not only for peace but in peace. working not only for justice, but in a spirit of justice. [ applause ] dear friends, i bless each one of you from


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