tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 29, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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i'm going to sit down with donald trump one-on-one right here tomorrow night. i'll see you then. good night. good evening. tonight the man who has been called my friend and foe alike, the best campaigner in modern memory weighs in on the other clinton in her campaign. bill clinton known once upon a time as "the big dog" speaking earlier today to erin burnett about his wife's presidential run and polling that calls her trustworthiness into question. and, yes, the big dog showed he could still bark. >> oh, come on. i've answered these questions for three days and i'm not here to practice politics. if i were sitting in your chair and you were sit hearing and you
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wanted to run for office and i had four or five months to make sure nothing but the opposition's negative claims on you were run and i presumed your guilt with every question and i beat up on you, do you think i could run your favorables down? you know you could. >> yeah. >> so, look, i trust the american people. they are innately fair burr tt have to have more disclosure. she wants her e-mails released. the state department and intelligence agencies are arguing about whether any of them should be retroactively classified. that will play out however it does. but she's the only secretary of state in history that ever said just release all my work-related e-mails. and so far, as i said, you get the record out, i think she looks great. i think she did a great job, and
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i think she's been doing a good job answering these questions now. she's got to run that campaign, answer the questions and get back to the big issues of the election. >> erin also asked president clinton a question that just about every campaign watcher wants the answer to, namely whether they're about to get more of him to see and all that having bill clinton on the stump implies. >> the question is how much of a force will you be in this campaign? we haven't seen a lot of you. >> first of all, it is true i have done markedly less to this point than i did eight years ago when she ran. eight years ago i did a lot by now of what i've only done two things. i did some of the fund-raising events so she'd be free to go out and campaign. have i no idea what else i'll do. you know, i'll do what i'm asked to do within the limit but i might -- she was great about this. she said in the beginning you got to take care of the foundation first, it's your life, you built over 15 years
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and whatever can you do when you can do, i'll be grateful and we sat down and mapped out the year and said let's wait till jcgi i over and i'll do the best i can. >> for better or worse, almost anything that bill clinton has ever done on the campaign for himself or his wife has made the campaign trail a pretty interesting place indeed. in a moment we're going to be joined by someone who saw it all firsthand the last time hillary clinton ran for president. first, though, 360's randi kaye. >> i have no confidence in my political field anymore. i've been out it have a long time. >> former president clinton downplaying his skills as a surrogate for hillary. >> he was cool, calm, collected and then he'd drop a bomb. i don't know anything about politics. and then he'd drop another bomb. that kind of bill clinton will be a tremendous asset to hillary
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clinton. >> van johns considers bill clinton one of the greatest defenders on his wife. listen to him on cnn with fareed zakaria. >> i have never seen so much expended against so little. the other party doesn't want to run against her and if they do, they want her as mangled up as possible. >> he's one of the most popular political figures on earth. you don't put someone like that in a jar and hope they don't say anything. >> the then senator said this about barack obama's campaign. >> give me a break. this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale i've ever seen. >> only to explain later he was talking about obama's stance on the iraq war, not on his quest to become the first black president. he also compared obama's south carolina primary win to jesse
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jackson's successful campaign in the state years earlier, a comment that angered black voters, who thought he was marginalizing obama. clinton tried to explain. >> i think they played the race card on me. this was used out of context and twisted for political purposes bit obama campaign to breed resentment elsewhere. >> reporter: after the interview, the former president thought his mic was off and said this. >> i don't think i can take any [ bleep ] from anyone, do you? >> you always follow me around and play these little games and i'm not going to play your games today. you have mischaracterized it to get another cheap story to divert the american people. >> the reality is the black community forgive him 20 seconds later as soon as obama won and since then he hasn't made those kind of mistakes. >> a march poll shows bill clinton with 65% favorability. why not put him on the trail sooner? supporters say he takes all the oxygen out of the room and fear he could steal the spotlight
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from his wife. he tends to connect better with voters than she does and is tremendously popular. >> with that as the backdrop, let dig deeper. someone who has had to campaign against the political force that is bill clinton, david axelrod, our senior political commentator. david, you know better than most people what it's like to go up against bill clinton in a campaign when he's being surrogate. has plusses, also minuses. are you surprised he hasn't been out there more this time around? >> no, i'm really not. because i think the campaign wanted to establish hillary in her own right. you know, i always say that it hard to shine when you're standing next to the sun. bill clinton is one of the singular political talents of our time.
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he's a luminesce ent kant chara. it's difficult for him to play a supporting cast role in any play in which he's involved. i also should add i did work against him on that one election. he was probably the most valuable supporter president obama had in 2012 in his reelection campaign, did an incredible job for us at the convention, did an incredible job for us on the stump. here's the difference. they're not married. and i think that it's different when you're out there campaigning for someone else than when you're out there campaigning for your spouse because it is easier to become irascible when your spouse comes under attack and we saw that displayed in 2008 at several junctures. clearly he was very controlled in his interactions tonight and he has been in his interviews in the last couple of weeks. but there is -- there is a down side because of the passion that he brings to it in being an
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advocate out there on a regular basis for his wife. >> you mentioned 2012. in 2012 he was the explainer in chief for you guys. >> exactly. >> he's down playing his political skills. you heard it in randi's piece. do you really believe he's not as connected to politics as he once was? do you really believe he's rusty? >> i believe those things. i also believe he is like an old race horse and when that bell rings, he goes right to the post. and he's great at it. he's one of the singular political talents of our time and he is great at explaining things. i think he did a good job of explaining tonight. so, you know, this isn't a clear case of one or the other. he has value but i think he has to be careful about how often and how you use him or else you could run into the same kind of problems you ran into in 2008. the other element is also it is a reminder that the clintons have been around for a long
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time. and when you're trying to talk about the future, you don't want a visible reminder of the past. >> you say you have to be careful, you have to time it correctly. when is the right time? >> well, i think that, you know, there will be events at which he may want to speak as a surrogate. and there may be moments like tonight in which he was invited on and he answered questions about a particular controversy that's ongoing. but by and large i would play a more benign kind of supportive role in the background than being a featured player in the drama. >> a lot of people, democrats mostly in the background, say you have a big month ahead for hillary clinton. you have the cnn debate on october 13th. you also have her appearance before congress to answer questions about e-mails and benghazi. do you have see bill clinton playing a role during those events? >> boy, i sure don't think so. look, she has -- we should not
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minimize the strengths of hillary clinton as a candidate. barack obama debated her 25 times when we were running in 2007 and 2008 so i got a firsthand look at it. i actually worked for her in 2000 when she ran for the senate. she's a first rate debater, a very clear thinker, she's experienced, she's been on this track before, she's very serious about policy. i think she'll do well in the candidate debate. she knows how to testify before congress. i don't think she's intimidated by that at all. and she has a chance to actually advance her cause in these events in october, but she'll certainly be under pressure to do so. >> david axelrod, thanks so much for your experience and insight on this. one more reminder right now, the debate right here on cnn, the first chance to see all the democratic contenders on the same stage at the same time. anderson cooper will be the
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moderator, las vegas, nevada, tuesday october 13th right here on cnn. another reminder, joe biden has been invited to attend. he has right up until the very last minute to decide. we just don't know what will happen there. >> next, the university with donald trump's name on it and his promise "we teach success." we'll tell you about the student and the one state attorney general as well claim that all trump u really delivered was one big trump you. and i'll talk about a fugitive caught after nearly a quarter century on the run. yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent
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suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid. donald trump calls him one of the best businessmen around, he says he wins so often that as president he will win so often you will get sick of hearing him saying it.
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on the other hand, you will hear the other people talk about not winning with donald trump. they lost, lost money, as much as $35,000. their students were promised success simply by enrolling in his university, the trump university, which turned out to be a failure. and for years has been the target of lawsuits claiming that it was a complete fraud. today, cnn correspondent drew griffin is keeping them honest. >> reporter: this was the promise of trump university when it launched. direct from the university chairman's own mouth. >> at trump university we teach success, that is what it's all about. success, it's going to happen to you. >> it operated from 2005 to 2010 and enrolled 10,000 students in
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free seminars that ranged from free seminars up to $35,000 for advanced training and mentoring. >> i think the biggest step towards success is going to be sign up at trump university. >> for a while it was a business success. trump university took in an estimated $40 million from people who believed they, too, could someday become successful. >> put proven donald trump secrets to work for you. >> but it turns out not everything donald trump promises comes true and not all of his businesses lead to success. trump university is closed. >> and it ended. why did it end? >> well, the economy crashed. the real estate market crashed and demand fell off a little bit. so while the company continues to exist it's not accepting -- currently not accepting more students and has not since 2010. >> donald trump's attorney defends the school from two separate lawsuits, two class action lawsuits filed in california, and one by eric schneiderman. he took his case to cnn's "new day," just days after filing his suit in 2013. >> we started to look at trump university and discovered that it was a classic bait and switch scheme.
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it was a scam starting with the fact that it was not a university. they promised they were going to teach people with hand-picked experts by donald trump. the teachers were neither hand-picked nor experts. >> he was very involved. from the early stages he was meeting every week, two weeks, with the people who were going to run the day to day operations of the course. >> so the allegations that he had nothing to do with this, that he didn't pick a single expert, is false? >> it's completely 100% untrue. >> the new york attorney general declined to be interviewed for this report but provided cnn with the 6 of 150 affidavits he collected from students at the school, like this one student who said he had not been able to get in touch with anyone after he signed up for the elite gold program. one student who paid $25,000 to have special access to high
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level mentors claims he has not been able to get in touch with his non-existent power team. and as for investing knowledge, one student said it was a bad investment on my part. trump university is now called trump entrepreneur initiative. the school says it never promised anyone would meet the donald. >> there are at least 10,000 people who paid, so you can go and pick three or four affidavits from 20 people or maybe 30. it is still a small amount. i have in my bag and i'm happy to read to you all the people who love the courses. >> he did, providing cnn with fourteen affidavits from satisfied students. he says trump will continue to fight all lawsuits until he wins saying even if legal fees wipes
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out everything he made. in the end, trump university may have taught everybody a valuable lesson. not everybody's dreams come true, not even, including donald trump, will become a success. >> i feel like the first person to tell you that will be donald trump. >> absolutely. >> you have to work hard, outfox a lot of different people. >> he must know in his heart a lot of these people don't have what it takes to do what i did. >> let me just take a step back, i agree with you. all we can do is provide the tools for people to go out there and apply these things. if i can't control what happens out in the real world. if someone goes and takes our classes and decides to sit on the couch and not apply it, i can't help it. >> in the end, trump has won another california court battle. a judge just made it harder for any students at trump university to get any money back in damage even if the students can eventually prove the school was just one big fraud. and so far, trump is winning. >> drew, these cases have been dragging on and on and on and on. any sense of when it will be decided? >> and it has been going on a
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long time. lots of legal maneuvering, trumps team has been able to whittle away how many of trump's students could prove damages, and at this point in time the merits have yet to be decided. at this time it seems it will not be decided soon at all. >> so donald trump is the frontrunner in the campaign. how will this affect the campaign? can he fight this at the same time he is trying to become president? what happens if he does become president? >> you know, believe it or not trump's lawyers say they had discussions about what to do if there is a pending legal case and a president trump? trump's attorney says look, it's not the first time a sitting president had to fight a lawsuit. but john, a long, long way to go in both the campaign as you know, and apparently in the battle over this trump university. >> all right, drew griffin, thanks so much. just ahead, a key moment for
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jeb bush. will his fundraising for the third quarter be enough to convince possibly anxious donors? they're making the right bet. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. i am totally blind. and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. this is called non-24. learn more by calling 844-824-2424. or visit
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happy fundraising quarter deadline eve. all the presidential candidates hoping for a little extra in their stockings. they have less than 24 hours to pull in more money. a nerve-racking moment more for some than others, and not necessarily who you may think. jeb bush raised $114 million in the first six months, most of it raised by his super pac. some bush donors are getting anxious. they want what everybody in the business wants right now, big fundraising numbers in the third quarter to his personal campaign versus his super pac. joining me now, chief political analyst, gloria borger. gloria, this last-minute fundraising push and a day before the deadline tomorrow. the stakes seem so high for the
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bush campaign right now. they seem to be pushing so hard, despite the fact they had so much money in the bank between the campaign and the super pac. what is going on here? >> well, look, jeb bush has raised more money than any other republican candidate. he spent the first part of this campaign raising $100 million for his super pac. but this now is campaign money so it's a proving ground for him, particularly since he is fifth in the polls? and this is money that is very, very important to the bush campaign. because it's the money that they will be able to directly spend on their own message. on their own ads. on their own organization in early states like iowa and new hampshire. so it's important symbolically. but it's also important in terms of how they get out the vote in those early states. >> and gloria, i know you have been talking to the bush campaign.
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they hate this idea, the whispers of donor panic, don't they? >> they hate it. i had one senior adviser tell me it's ridiculous. he doesn't know where it's coming from. their point is as jeb bush always says is that this is a marathon, it's not a sprint. and the senior adviser said look, i would rather be ahead in the winter than now. we have the organization to go the distance and we will do that. but it's very clear to me that they're looking over their shoulder. they're looking at marco rubio. and they're a little bit nervous. and there are donors out there who say look you know, we have invested $100 million in this fellow and we want to see more than 7%. now, the campaign has to prove that their candidate can deliver it. >> i have heard political professionals on both sides that will tell me that the bush campaign is built for the long haul. it is too early to comment. i want to bring in our cnn reporters. let's take on jeb right now, 7% in the polls, i don't care when
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it is or how long there is to go until election day. but being in fifth place for jeb bush right now, the optics just are not good. >> look, i -- not only am i supporter, i'm also a donor and a bundler to his campaign. and i can tell you these whispers of panic are anonymous. when you start to see actual people being attributed to giving the quotes, that is when there is a problem. what you see now are a bunch of articles that don't quote any actual donors. yes, i would like jeb to be in a better place. but i also know because i know the inside, that his campaign is built for the long haul. we criticized him a lot before he officially announced for spending so much time putting a financial structure together. well, he put nuts away for the winter, for the lean times so he is not going to be running on fumes any time soon.
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look, john, this is as big as it gets. there is only one way to run in presidential politics. nervous, hard and scared. and everybody should be scrambling today for donations. it's one day before the end of the quarter and those numbers are going to be important and they're going to be looked at in every campaign. >> so, amanda, you used to work for ted cruz. do you get the sense that the other candidates out there, that they smell blood in the water? or as anna says and as other people have told me today they see the bush campaign as fundamentally strong, built for the long haul? >> well, i think it's important to look at the way the bush campaign began. they want to have a big shock and awe strategy, raising $100 million in an attempt to clear the field and keep people away. well, that didn't even clear the field for lindsey graham. and even others such as walker and perry who are competing for
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the governor mantle, somehow bush is not clinching that segment of the field that he needs to. so i think people are worried, giving marco rubio a second look particularly ones worried about the foreign policy. and the super pac will dump $25 million into the race, and if there is no bump from that they will have to start looking at somewhere else. >> i got an e-mail from former president george h.w. bush. a lot of people got the e-mail, a fundraising e-mail, he said this e-mail is not like others, he wanted money for jeb bush's campaign. i think more are scheduled. is there a problem for people like jeb who wants to prove he is his own man, not his father, not his brother. is there a problem to lean on that name for that money? >> i think he is kind of over that at this point. because he needs to lean on them. when you look at the
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favorability ratings of george w. bush in the republican party he has, get this, an 88% favorability rating. his father has an even higher rating. jeb bush's favorability? 49%. so if you're jeb bush and you want to raise money, you're going to go to your brother. i think his brother is more of a general election problem perhaps than a primary problem. and he is going to use whatever he can to look like he is doing well in this fundraising quarter. >> so, anna, one of my favorite things is to put you on the spot as a jeb bush supporter but a friend of marco rubio and a player in politics. who would you rather be as you sit here tonight? jeb bush or marco rubio? jeb bush ahead in some polls, he is the one some believe could grow a whole lot more, could be
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the dark horse in this race. is he better positioned right now than your friend jeb bush? >> john, i would rather be john berman than either of them and be asking questions on tv instead of having to do it. and actually being anna navarro and watching it is not bad today either. but i got e-mails from mothers, from children, from grandparents, from spouses, from pets, from imagery friends all asking for money for the different campaigns because it is the end of the quarter and it is that kind of panicky scramble for everybody. if you look at the e-mails you would think the apocalypse is going to come if you don't give money to one campaign or the other. anybody in politics will tell you do not answer the phone. do not open up e-mails any time two, three, days within the closing of the quarter. do it at your own peril. >> all right, amanda carpenter, gloria borger, watch out for
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your e-mail boxes, folks. stay safe. >> don't open it. all right, coming up, a fugitive accused of capturing women and abusing them. caught after 24 years. now, thanks to a tip seen on the story with john walsh "the hunt." we'll speak to this story. plus, the latest in afghanistan, part of the battle to reclaim a city taken by the taliban.
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a fugitive who allegedly kidnapped and raped women holding them hostage in his house in oregon has now been caught after 24 years on the run. someone called in with a tip after seeing the story on cnn's "the hunt" with john walsh. and now the man has been arrested in mexico. we'll speak to john in just a moment. first, more on the story. >> it was 1991 and paul jackson was out on bond set to stand trial for kidnapping, rape and sodomy when he disappeared. >> paul jackson is just a monster, he needs to be caught. >> officers were tipped off to him when 17-year-old andrea hood
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working as a prostitute said she was abducted by jackson and his half brother. they chained her to a bed and sexually tortured her for days before she was able to escape. >> they thought it was a type of drug induced fantasy by these prostitutes but it actually happened. >> an investigation into the brother's portland home uncovered a modern-day dungeon and pictures of unidentified women officers believe the brothers assaulted. >> once all that evidence was there it was very easy for us to say let's go put them in jail. >> but jackson and roberts fled, not to be heard from until 2006 when roberts turned himself in to police. during his trial, another accuser, mikhail dedric, testified. >> you terrorized me and left me emotionally crippled beyond words or expression.
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>> despite facing a 108 year sentence, vance roberts didn't give the investigators any insight into his brother's possible whereabouts. >> he is still doing exactly what he did. leopards don't change their spots, these type of guys. >> nearly 25 years later jackson remained on the run until his case was recently featured on cnn's "the hunt" with john walsh. soon after, a source tells cnn a substantial tip came in leading them to believe paul jackson had been hiding out in mexico for years, nearly a quarter century after he fled. paul jackson was arrested monday leaving a hotel in guadalajara, on his way to work. one woman says she hopes it brings closure. >> it's like it brings all the emotions again. i hoped this day would happen but never actually believed it would.
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>> cnn learned overnight jackson was extradited back to the united states. cnn, new york. >> so jackson is expected to be in a los angeles court tomorrow morning for an extradition hearing. joining me now is john walsh, host of cnn's "the hunt." john, you said you were saddened and sickened that this character was still out there. so what is your reaction now that he is behind bars? >> truly thrilled, jake, it proves to me once again if you show the creeps on television and it's a privilege to do "the hunt" with cnn, and i had shown these guys several times on america's most wanted. but it proves to me if you give a tip, find a way to leave a tip anonymously, there is no need to be known. do the right thing, they gave us the tip, the u.s. marshals and
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the task force of hillsborough and portland, got that tip and acted on it immediately and took this creep down almost 25 years snz on the run. i would hate to think what he did during those 25 years. but jake, i was thrilled to hear he was in cuffs. >> you say this guy, paul jackson, was one of your most wanted fugitives. what was it about him that made him so dangerous? >> well, you know, i am the father of a murdered child. so the cases that hit me the hardest are the low life cowards that prey upon children and women. and these two guys preyed upon very disadvantaged women. young prostitutes, 16, 17 years old with drug problems. they would grab girls off the streets. they would torture them for days. and this girl, this andrea hood, was so brave, jake. she saw a window to get away and jumped through a window, smashed through the window running down the street in handcuffs, half naked. blood all over her and led cops back to this house. i kept looking at the pictures
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that they never figured out who the other girls were. lots of them. some they disqualified. some, they found out who they were. but you only have to wonder what happened to the girls that police have not been able to identify in the pictures. but i kept thinking about these women. i thought about what these guys did to them, the mental and physical torture and i said this low life has got to be caught. >> so john, what about these people? these guys were on the run for a long time. particularly jackson. what about people who may have helped them or been in cahoots with them. what is going to happen to them? >> john, i hope that the people who helped them or aided them are caught, because you know, it's a crime to be an accessory to a fugitive. now, when his half brother turned himself in in 2009, i think he thought none of these girls were going to come and testify against him. i think he thought they were probably humiliated that they may have worked as prostitutes.
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and, john, he was very surprised that he got the 106-year sentence. i think when paul jackson comes back, he's going to be really surprised when these ladies step up to the plate and say you nearly killed me, you nearly destroyed my life. police can take a really hard look and maybe find out what happened to the other women that were in those pictures. >> john walsh, thank you for being with us. thank you for your work. >> thank you, john, for having me. >> all right, ahead for us, today's combative hearing on capitol hill. the president of planned parenthood facing off with republicans who want to defund the organization. plus, more than 3 million viewers tuned in to watch "the daily show." we'll tell you what he said before the big night.
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your gut is your digestive core. so choose ultimate flora by renewlife. it has 30 billion probiotic cultures. feel lighter and more energized. ultimate flora. more power to your gut. the president of planned parenthood on the hot seat in capitol hill today. the organization, as you may know, is under fire over a series of edited videos purportedly showing some of its officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue. planned parenthood say the videos are misleading.
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conservative republicans have seized on the videos as ammunition and are pressing congress to defund planned parenthood. straight out of the gate today, the hearing was heated. here is tom foreman with the play-by-play. >> reporter: the president of planned parenthood, cecille richards, came to capitol hill to make a claim about the undercover videos that supposedly showed her group selling tissue. >> the outrageous allegations leveled against planned parenthood are offensive and categorically untrue. >> she was mad about the republican buzz saw. >> here is the truth, a picture is worth a thousand words. >> others are not suggested with her explanation about what is on the videos and furthermore they don't believe she is being entirely candid about how her group makes and uses all her -- its money. >> if you want to be a private entity, be one, but you don't need federal dollars. >> you're making a ton of dough. >> democrats stormed to the defense saying the anti-abortion
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rights activists who made the video are the ones who ought to be investigated. >> do you really want to do this? do you want to align yourself with the radical extremists who manipulate the facts? >> make no mistake, despite what we hear from the other side republicans are doubling down on their war against women. >> are you kidding me? we simply want to shift the money from an organization caught doing what they were caught doing and give it to a community health center. take the money from the guys doing the bad things and give it to the ones that aren't. >> republicans are looking at the idea that richards is defending her budget more than her patients. >> in the last couple of years you spent zero dollars on mammograms, why is that? >> while the democrats asked, wasn't the hearing supposed to be about those videos? >> we are mixing apples and oranges. it might be more like apples and
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potatoes. >> both sides landed a lot of body blows, but each side would probably admit likely not enough to change anybody's mind about whether planned parenthood should continue to be funded or not. john? all right, thank you so much. almost 14 years after the war in afghanistan got under way, a new strike targeting the taliban and a big american military operation gearing up. there's that and a shift in the fight against isis and syria to tell you about. a busy night for barbara starr, who is monitoring both events for us tonight at the ent gonpe. so barbara, what is the very latest on afghanistan tonight? >> well, john, afghanistan is still in the center of the fight, the taliban group is said to be holed up in several buildings. it has been very messy. they took over a hospital and opened up a jail and let hundreds of prisoners out. by all accounts, the afghans were taken by surprise and when
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there was a taliban threat to coalition forces in the region a u.s. war plane rolled in and dropped the bomb. this is the taliban's biggest success since they were you know tossed out of power in 2001. so there is a lot of concern here about the ability of the taliban to still be on the move and to still cause havoc in so many areas. >> all right, and in terms of syria, the fact the defense department is now taking what they call a pause in the program to train and equip those so-called moderate syrian forces, what more are you learning about that? >> well, you know, this program the disasters amount to every day. this was supposed to be one of the centerpieces of the u.s. effort in syria. what we now know, this program already a disaster, the fighters defecting and turning their equipment over to al qaeda. now the u.s. has paused it, as
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you say. new recruits will not be leaving syria to go to training in turkey and jordan. they may get recruited into the program but they will stay put in syria until the white house makes decisions about how to change the program, how to make it effective. basically, everything on hold. everything stays in place. >> john, while the russians beef up their presence, barbara starr, thank you so much. and coming up, they were big shoes to fill. trevor noah, the new host of "the daily show." a look at how he did and what he did right before. that's next. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. more than 3.4 million viewers tuned in to see how "the daily show" would look without jon stewart. trevor noah debuted last night. brian stelter reports. >> changes? >> yes. >> by god, this is the daily show, man, why don't i just draw a mustache on the mona lisa.
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>> i am sure many of you are curious, is my daily show going to change? well, it might. subtly. >> he slowly changed the late-night satire for millions of viewers. >> i could just sit here and die. >> so for the show's first new host in 16 years -- >> i'm trevor noah, thank you for joining us. >> the strategy is measured metamorphosis, trying to bring in his own. >> i don't know what that is, but john told me it would work. >> when i sat down with trevor noah, he explained it this way. >> a lot of people think it's all or nothing, it can be changing and evolving. that's what i aim for. aiming to lead the show at all would be an undertaking turned
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down by several, including chris rock and amy schumer. >> a job being rejected is now being done by an immigrant. >> the 31-year-old from south africa is facing pressure to perform, not just from viewers but from viacom. >> now it feels like the family has a new stepdad, and he is black. >> viacom relied on "the daily show" to deliver more than 2 million viewers a night. >> are you [ bleep ]. >> that is an audience that grew up with stewart. >> i know i can never be your real father. i don't want to be. i just want to sleep with your mother, my god. >> noah says he will use the show's correspondents more often and add musical performances to the mix. he'll mock buzz feed and tv. but he says he is not leaving anything off the table, especially not well, us. and now here it is, your moment
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of zen. >> are you going to miss him? >> well, i am -- i -- no one thing -- i have respect for my colleagues. >> when i asked him how much he would be critiquing cable news? his answer was perfect. >> how many things are you going to be doing that you consider joke-worthy? >> brian stelter, cnn. new york. and amara walker has more. >> a last-minute appeal has been filed trying to save the life of the only woman on death row in georgia. she was scheduled to die by lethal injection tonight, sentenced to death for conspiring with a boyfriend to have her husband killed in 1997. the boyfriend who committed the murder got a life sentence. and ralph lauren will stay on as executive chairman and chief creative officer. stefan larson, the former goebbels president of old navy, will take over as ceo. and check this out.
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marine biologists encountered a glowing sea turtle in the solomon islands in the south pacific. the first discovery of a buy biofluorescent reptile. >> thank you for joining us. >> this is "cnn newsroom" live from los angeles. >> in the u.s. state of georgia, lawyers for a woman condemned to death make a last-ditch attempt to save her life. >> plus, the united states pulls its spies from china following a hack that exposed the ferperson data of millions of government worke workers. >> and an historic meeting at the u.n. between cuba and the united states. >> hello to viewers in the united states and around b the world. >> "newsroom l.a." begins right now.
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