tv Wolf CNN October 1, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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hello, i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. in washington. 7:00 p.m. in benghazi. 8:00 p.m. in damascus. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks very much for joining us. you saw it live here on cnn just moments ago. the prime minister of israel's major address before the united nations general assembly. a fiery speech, he slammed the iran nuclear deal, telling those nations who had spoken out in favor of it, in his words, check your enthusiasm at the door. >> the response from nearly every one of the governments represented here has been absolutely nothing, utter silence.
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nations general assembly. jim sciutto's our chief national security correspondent who's with us as well. jim, this is a vintage, as has been pointed out, netanyahu speech before the u.n. every year, he comes. he always does something dramatic. the consistent theme over these many years is that iran, under the ayatollah, the supreme leader marks no bones about it, they want to destroy the only jewish state. and he speaks about that. >> right, he has a talent for the dramatic moment. you remember him with the placard showing the iranian progress on the nuclear bomb it also a cartoonish placard to make that point. but thissen wou sen one. but this one, much more dramatic. 44 seconds of silence. making the comparison to the silence during that nazi germany's campaign, the holocaust, against the jews. you noted this, in the same speech, he talks about moving on in effect. this intense disagreement between the u.s. and israel on the iran nuclear deal. but that, now, it's a fact, and
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you're still allies and you have to move to the next step. >> he made the point there were 6 million jews killed during the nazi genocide. there are 6 million jews who live in israel today. he vowed that will not happen again. israel will do whatever is necessary to protect its citizens. he also, i thought, significantly, coming a day after the palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas yesterday said he can't go forward with the oslo accords, the itsraeli palestinian peace process, blaming israel for violating what he saw as its commitments, settlements in the west bank. netanyahu said he still supports what he called a two-state solution. he said he supports a demilitarized palestine living alongside the state of israel. which seemed to be movement on his part, given what he said on the eve of his re-election, when he seemed to reject that notion of a two-state solution. >> at least move back to the previous status quo. before the election in an appeal
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to the extremist voters in israel he raised questions about the two-state solution, including his comments about arab voters being somehow disloyal to the state. now back b to the middle. you have to think that is a prewreck what signature for talking to the white house on this. that they have to acknowledge it. i have to think abbas and others in the west bank in that community will doubt that he is the israeli leader who's going to carry this through, because from their point of view, he's thrown up so many roadblocks to this. that key demilitarize, might be the factor. will they accept palestinian authority, militant group? that's a real question. >> he said he's ready to negotiate. he said let's see if the palestinians are willing to do the same. i thought it was a little significant he did speak, mention that two-state, israel/palestine, even if he did caveat it with a demille
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tarrized palestine. >> i'm sure u.s. officials ears perked up at that. that lays the groundwork for that between allyings. >> when president obama has invited netanyahu to the white house in november, we'll see how that meeting goes. we know earlier meetings have been, let's put it bluntly, tense. jim sciutto, thanks very much. let's get to the other breaking news. russia unleashes a second day of air strikes in syria. the escalation clearly complicates the fight against isis and the effort to end syria's bloody civil war. questions persist about whether russia's really targeting isis or the enemies of the syrian president bashar al assad. russia says today's air strikes took aim at isis headquarters in hama and an ammunition dump. posted this video said to be from those air strikes. cnn cannot independently verify that it is. arizona senator john mccain says he has confirmed that russia is
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going after president assad's opponents, rather than isis. >> their initial strikes were against the individuals and the groups that have been funded and trained by our cia in an incredible flaunting any kind of cooperation or effort to conceal what their first -- putin's priority is and that is of course to prop up bashar assad. >> russia's foreign minister says the goal is to help syria fight not only isis but other terrorist groups as well. >> the goal is terrorism. and we are not supporting anyone against their own people. we fight terrorists. as far as i understand, the coalition announced isil and other associated groups as the enemy.
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and the coalition does the same as russia do. >> all right. so let's get some more on these latest breaking developments. joining us, republican congressman ed royce, the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. also democratic congressman adam schiff, the ranking member on the house permanent committee on intelligence. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. chairman royce, let me start with you, your assessment whach russia is up to in syria right now. you heard senator mccain say the russian strikes are targeting cia-backed rebels who are opposed to the regime of president bashar al assad. your assessment? >> the general of the qods forces, the iranian force in charge of assassinations and attacks outside of iran, carries out the activities in syria. and you'll notice general sulamani made that trip to moscow, had that meeting with president putin, and ask if russia would come in apparently and assist the qods forces, the
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iranians, and their support on the ground for assad. the concern i have in all of this is that so far most of assad's attacks, 90% of his attacks over the last month, have been against the sunni population, the majority population in syria. so those have primarily been attacks on markets, on schools, on hospitals. 10% have been on his opposition. unfortunately, this first wave of attacks by the russians did hit markets, a bakery. so the question is, is it more attacks just on the sunni population, or are they actually going to go after the foreign fighters in isis? that's the big question here. >> what is your assessment, congressman schiff? >> my assessment is that what russia is doing by not targeting isil in this first wave of strikes is really playing into assad's strategy, combining with assad's strategy, and that is
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going after the moderate opposition. making this what bashar al acid wanted to be a self-full flying policy all along, a choice between assad ultimately and isil and al qaeda. and the way to do that for assad has been focusing his firepower on the moderates and now the russians are doing the same thing. i think it explains one question we had yesterday. which is why weren't the russians working with us to deconflict. i think the answer now is quite clear. they didn't work with us to deconflict because they would have said, here's where we're going to bomb, and we would have said, but there's no isil here, and they would have had to explain that's not really what we're after. >> rueters is reporting, mr. chairman, and i'll be precise, hundreds of iranian troops have now arrived in syria. they're joining forces with lebanon hezbollah forces, all of whom back the regime of president bashar al assad. they're going after these cia-backed, these u.s.-backed rebels in effect, on the ground, whereas the russians are going
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after them from the air. what can you tell us about this, if this is happening? >> yes, this is part of the coalition which iran has with russia and with assad in syria. and the great humanitarian disaster that's occurring as a result is that as these shia militia, the aloeites aligned with shia, as they press their war against the sunni majority, against coalition-supported forces there, what is happening is that 7 million syrians have been displaced. now, these are primarily sunnis. part of it has been displaced by isis, it's true, but most of it has been displaced by the hezbollah militia, by the rogc iranian forces that assist them
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and the qods forces. and so this is a humanitarian nightmare in the region. and beyond the region now for europe. as populations are fleeing. as a consequence of these attacks. many of them focused on civilian centers. chemical attacks at night, by the way, by assad, and barrel bombs during the day. so this is a humanitarian nightmare in the region. >> how concerned are you, congressman schiff, are you, about this alleged, or this reported intelligence cooperation, intelligence sharing deal that the russians apparently have worked without iran, iraq and syria? >> well, i'm particularly concerned about the iran connection. certainly i don't think they're going to be very helpful in iraq either. this connection between iran, hezbollah and now russia i think is a reflection of the fact there was growing concern in tehran and in moscow that the regime was cracking and might crumble.
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so this is an effort, a last-ditch effort, to really escalate in the hopes of saving the regime. and the consequence, i think, is going to be that the conflict is merely prolonged. because as long as assad is in power this civil war is going to churn on. and as my colleague, chairman royce is saying, it's a humanitarian disaster, the likes of which we haven't seen probably since world war ii. anything that's going to prolong it is just an agony. i have deep concerns about it. i'll make one other point, wolf. i think the last time we talked it was about the turks and how they were joining the coalition but bombing the kurds. i think we're seeing the same thing. the turks will say we'll join the coalition against isil but using that as a pretext to go after the kurds. i think the russians are doing the same thing, saying we're joining the coalition against isil but we're really going after the moderate opposition, the only real threat to the regime of assad. >> mr. chairman, let me pick up on that. based on what you know, has the
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u.s. started directly providing weapons to the kurds, who as you know are fierce fighters and who work with the u.s., but they've been complaining they're not getting the equipment they need to fight isis and other groups. >> no, the u.s. policy is not to do that. we're waiting support from baghdad. and of course the shia majority in baghdad, under pressure from iran, is blocking the support of the morers, of the artillery that the kurds need. so the kurds are strung out right now over a front. 30% of their forces are women. about 130,000 kurdish peshmerga forces. they're holding back isis. and many of the minorities, the yazidis and others, christians, are fleeing behind kurdish lines. but, as they tell us, as their foreign minister, who's been here on three occasions, to tell us, they're out of ammunition, they don't have mortar shells.
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they don't have the equipment. so for them to push back isis, they need that kind of support directly from the united states. they're not going to get it from an iranian-influenced government in baghdad. and so far, the administration has not moved forward with that direct support. although we have tried to move legislation to to it. but they have indicated they would veto that legislation. >> let me get both of you quickly to respond to what the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu just told the united nations general assembly. he was very firm, fiery speech, obviously bitterly complaining about the iran nuclear deal. and among other things he said this. >> does anyone seriously believe that flooding a radical theocracy with weapons and cash will curb its appetite for aggression? do any of you really believe that a theocratic iran with
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sharper claws and sharper fangs will be more likely to change its stripes? >> congressman schiff, you voted for the iran nuclear deal. how worried are you that with tens of billions of dollars about to flow into iran, they're going to use that money to promote terror attacks against israel and others? >> i'm certainly concerned about it. i think some of the additional resources iran has, it's going to devote to a lot of the people we're fighting against, like hezbollah. at the same time, while i am concerned with iran that's better resourced, i'd be frankly even more concerned with an iran with a runaway nuclear program, which is what they had before the agreement, when they had 20,000 centrifuges spinning and about 12,000 kilos of enriched uranium. so rolling back their nuclear program, depriving them of the nuclear club were they could threaten israel, that to me is the most significant objective in the agreement. >> chairman royce, you owe
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potioned the nuclear deal. your reaction ton what the prime minister of israel just said? >> well, i think the fact that the russians are transferring $20 billion worth of combat aircraft into iran, you know, when that $100 billion is released out of escrow, the fact that $20 billion of it will pay for that russian combat aircraft and other equipment, as well as the $100 million that they're transferring to hezbollah, they are specifically trying to arm those 90,000 rockets they've already given hezbollah with a guidance system that would allow them pinpoint accuracy. they've also offered to rebuild the tunnels, one of which i've been in, under gaza, into israel, and to resupply hamas with weaponry. so they will use that hard currency. and, remember, the rogc, the commanders of the guards forces, they're the ones that took over most of the major companies
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inside iran. the money will go to those companies. it will be in the hands of the rogc. a real problem for the region. >> congressman ed royce and adam schiff, thanks to both you for joining us. >> thanks, wolf. up next, our terror and military experts, they'll weigh in on president putin's end game and how dangerous the situation in syria could become. everyone needs protein, every day. there are more than 20,000 different proteins in the human body. they fuel our energy, support our metabolism, amplify our performance and recovery. they're essential for good health. your body's best source for protein? gnc. now get the world's best protein formulas at an astounding price. buy any gnc protein powder and get 1 half off. everyone needs protein, every day. and now all gnc protein powders are buy 1, get 1 half off. only at gnc. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill?
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air strikes. >> we indeed are interested in cooperation with the coalition. we cannot be part of the coalition which operates without the security council mandate and without the request from one of the countries on whose territories they operate. but we understand the reality. and we want to avoid any misunderstandings. at minimum. at maximum, we want to have a cooperation which would make the counterterrorist fight more efficient overall. >> all right, let's get some perspective. paul cruikrusshank is author of life inside al qaeda." also joining us, rick francona, cnn military analyst. and phil mudd is a cnn terrorism analyst. despite the comments by the russian foreign minister, the consensus at least here in washington seems to be this operation is mostly designed to prop up the regime of president
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bashar al assad. >> it sure appears that way. if you look at the target sets on both day, neither of these appear to be isis targets. you can't say the russians don't know what they're striking. they've got access to syrian, iraqi and iranian intelligence. they know who's on the ground where. so when they launch these strikes, they know they're going after anti-regime rebels. i think they're just paying lip service to this isis thing. much like the turks did with the isis versus the pkk. >> repeat, paul, that reuters report that hundreds of iranian troops are in syria right now. they're ready to start a ground war, if you will, against bashar al assad's opponents, including u.s.-backed rebels, if you will, joining hezbollah fighter flps could be a real escalation of what's going on if the russian air force attacks from the air and these other elements attack from the ground. >> well, that's absolutely right, wolf. that could be really severe unintended consequences here.
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there's a lot of anger in the muslim world already about these air strikes from the russians which have targeted, it would appear at least, hurt some civilians on the ground. there are raw feelings in the muslim world about the occupation in afghanistan, in the '80s in chechnya, so i think there could be a surge of fighters going there, making the situation there even worse, with very large international security reverberations, wolf. >> just for some per expect i, phil, and you've watched this unfold over these past several year, as have i, and we're all outraged, what, 200,000 people have been killed, who knows how many have been injured, 6 or 7 million have been made refugees internally. externally, the worst refugee crisis since world war ii. in the short term, a lot of analysts say this is going to get even worse. >> i'm not sure i agree with this.
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we can't figure out how to the get ourselves out of this box. we say we don't want a radical government, we don't want isis to take over in syria. obviously that makes sense. but we also don't want to see a dictator continue. i don't understand why we're surprised about what the russians have done. they're policy is more clear minded. there's a couple of thousand russians fighting with the jihadis in syria. they've simply said we can't afford to have isis roll in and take over the country. they're not there to fight isis, it's clear. they're there to prevent any radicals from taking over the government and that means striking targets that potentially include u.s. allies among the opposition. this is pretty clear. >> here's what worries me. i've spoke en to pentagon officials. it worries them a great deal, colonel. i want you to weigh in it the russianings are now flying sophisticated warplanes in various parts of syria. the u.s. is continuing its air strikes against various targets in syria. other countries, they send in planes from time to time to
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prevent weapons from reaching hezbollah for example. there's going to be a lot of aircraft up in the skies over syria. there could be a miscalculation. and some plane could go down by another country causing who knows what. >> that's exactly right. and i think what we've got right now just makes this even worse. you've got russians, syrians, americans, now we've got the french coming in, in a bigger way. you've got all these different aircraft working for different coalition, different command and control centers, not coop na coordinating their operations. they may deconflict but they're not compaordinating. one miscalculation, it only takes a split second to do the wrong thing. here's where the confrontation may come. when you see the russian planes attacking anti-regime rebels allied with the united states. are we going to have our pilots stand by while russian pilots decimate our allies on the ground? do we confront them? challenge them? warn them? we're just setting up an a
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confrontation. i don't think it's a matter of if, i think it's a matter of when. unless the major powers here, the russians and the americans, can come to agreement. it doesn't look like either side is willing to back down right now. >> let me ask paul, how strong are these pro-u.s. rebels in syria right now? because we heard that in the u.s. training of these rebels, make only 4 or 5 are still training. >> well, they're not very strong at all. much more stronger, the army of conquest and islamist constellation of groups which include ar asham, the al qaeda affiliates in syria. it appears that group have been targeted by the russians over the last two days. i think one very big concern, the way i see it, is isis and al qaeda, there could be some fence mending in syria over
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this. because these russian strikes could create a kind of unifying effect between these two groups. there's been an escalating war of words between isis and al qaeda. this could actually unify them and that would be a frightening prospect. >> what are the chances you think there could be some air traffic control, phil, that the russians, the u.s., the french, the israelis, the turks, the gulf arab states, the uae or whatever, the saudis if they're flying planes, the jordanians, they can coordinate at least to prevent some miscalculation, one plane shooting down accidentally another plane? >> it seems to me you cannot continue in this situation with this tight airspace. with that number of aircraft from those many countries flying for months at a time without an incident. i don't know how you fail to deconflict here. but i agree with colonel francona. we got some other issues. if you start to deconflict and the russians say we're going against a target that includes militants that are supported by the united states, you can
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understand why the russians would be reluctant to pass on that information. let me throw one more curve ball at you. if you're supporting as the u.s. is some of though moderate opposition, you have to not only worry about deconflict, what if they start asking for weapons to take down the aircraft? as during the fight of the soviets and americans supplied it. i think there's a lot ofe iing t decould be flick. >> a new report suggests there are no rebel group headquarters or military post inside these villages targeted by russian warplanes over past two days. in the homst area, north of damascus. i'll read a quote from one activist. owl rebel military headquarters are located outside the villages. russian warplanes were targeting civilians and innocent people only. what's your reaction? >> i looked at all these videos. i follow this quite closely. you know, isis positionings are
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nowhere near where the russians have been striking. if you look at the weapons being used, they're using cluster bombs all over these areas. if they're going after ammunition dumps and headquarters, they would be using cluster munitions. they're just killing a lot of people. >> very dangerous situation. all right, rick francona, phil mudd, thank you very much. a state of emergency here in the united states as hurricane joaquin turns westward, threatening an already vulnerable east coast of the united states. ♪ while you're watching this, i'm hacking your company. grabbing your data.
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from the islands. the water covering road, flooding some homes and cars. the storm also could wreak havoc along the u.s. east coast, where towns from virginia up to maine, they're already dealing with record rainfall from a different system. both virginia and new jersey, those two states have already declared states of emergency. in pennsylvania, red cross work workers are packing emergency bags like these to hand out. in north carolina, they're fortifying the coast. our jennifer gray is tracking joaquin for us. jennifer, what could the impact be of this massive storm? i know there are various estimates where it could hit. >> you know what, so true, a lot of these areas in the mid-atlantic and northeast have received so much rain. some areas, about a foot of rain in the past seven days. if we add any rain on top of that, we're going to be looking at the possibility of massive flooding, especially from another system unrelated to in the carolinas. right now, here's where the
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storm is. 125 mile per hour sustained winds, approaching the central bahamas. gusts of 155. so this is a very powerful major category 3 storm. we could possibly even see strengthening to a category 4 by friday. and it is going to lose strength while its out in the open ocean as it travels to the north. we're looking at monday possibly off the coast of carolinas. what's interesting here, a lot of people focused on the center of the cone. don't do that. look at the cone at its entirety. the west side of the cone is north carolina. the north side of the cone is all the way up in maine. anyone from the carolinas, all the way up through the northeast, needs to be on the lookout for this storm. you need to stay updated. because the forecast can change very, very quickly. i do want to point out quickly that the models are not agreeing at all. that's why there's a lot of uncertainty with the storm, wolf. it can still stay out to sea. we're going to keep a close eye on it, anywhere from the carolinas to maine needs to be
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on guard. >> the so-called european model has been pretty accurate involving other recent storms. what does the european model suggest? >> the european model has had this storm out to sea the entire time. it's really been an outlier when you're talking about forecast models. now, though, the gfs, the other model that we look at quite a bit, is actually coming in line a little bit more with the europe model. and so that's going to be interesting what the national hurricane center does at the 5:00 p.m. eastern time advisory. because the models are starting to agree a little bit more. the gfs in red, the euro in blue. this one's always been out to sea. now the gfs is trending a little bit more to eat. it's going to be interesting to see what happens over the next 24 to 48 hours. keep in mind, south carolina under the gun because of a separate system that could bring a lot of rainfall this weekend. some estimates, 12 to even 20 inches of rain in south carolina. >> wow, that's huge, all right, thanks very much, jennifer, for that.
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the white house press secretary josh earnest said the president, president obama, has been briefed this morning on hurricane joaquin by his homeland security adviser. saying fema, the federal emergency management agency, has begun increasing its staffing and deploying teams to the areas that could be affected. they've begun prepositioning supplies like water food and blankets in areas that appear to be in the storm's path. stay with cnn for complete coverage. and we'll have that latest estimate at 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." up next, a passionate speech on the floor of the united nations. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu slamming the iran nuclear deal and, quote, deafening silence by his fellow united nations members. we're going to assess what he said. much more when we come back. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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deafening silence and a passionate speech in the united nations. the israeli prime minister netanyahu described the response from many countries as iran's ruler promised to destroy his country. he had a speck waific warning f the united nations as well. don't be silent in the face of these threats. very strong words. let's bring in nicholas burns. the former undersecretary of state for political affairs. you watched and listened carefully to the entire speech. it was about 45 minutes. what's your initial reaction? >> wolf, i thought in many ways it was a very effective speech. he was right, prime minister netanyahu, to shine that very bright light on the hypocrisy of many member states of the united nations. the fact that just two weeks ago, the supreme leader of iran, ayatollah khomeini, once again
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threatened to destroy israel. as prime minister netanyahu said, objectionable that countries are not speaking up to defend israel. i thought it was the best part of his speech. >> what about the part of his speech where he said that with the sanctions lifted and iran about to start getting tens of billions of dollar, the iranians are going to use that money not only to go after israel but to go after others, to support the regime of bashar al assad, to support other terrorist groups, in his words? how concerns are you about that? >> well, then again, i think that was another very effective point that he made. it's one that the obama administration really needs to take into consideration. we're going ahead with the nuclear deal. but at the same time, iran is funding the houthi rebels in yemen and of course send morgue fighters in syria today to back up president assad. the u.s., turkey, the arab countries in europe, really need to combine in a major
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containment of iranian power in the middle east. as we go ahead with the nuclear deal. and i think the israeli position on that quite sound. wolf where he didn't get it right in my judgment is his continuing to campaign against the nuclear deal itself. that has been settled in the united states. the united states is going forward because president obama was able to gather the requisite number of votes. i think it's ineffective for the israeli prime minister to try to keep that distance between the united states and israel. they need to close rank against iran. i think he's perpetuating what has really been the worst and the most bruising conflict between washington and the israeli government in many, many decades since the suez crisis of 1956. >> it's been a very tense time between these two leaders. netanyahu and obama. we'll see if they can improve that relationship when they meet at the white house in november. the prime minister invited by the president. it was significant, think, too, and i wonder if you agree, that in talking about the
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israeli/plain peace process, he specifically said i know your ears probably perked up, he said israel supports the two-state solution. demil demilemillemilitarized palestin with israel. ready to meet, without preconditions. what do you make of that? >> i was interested in that formulation. when you think about it in the aftermath, it's not a very effective argument to say now ace the time for peace when abu mazen, the leader of the authority in ramallah, has been ready for negotiations for well more than ten years. the fact is with the settlement reconstruction of the west bank, with the continued refusal of the israeli to treat him in a serious way, the allegations made against abu mazen just simply weren't true, many of them today. so i thought he really missed a
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point to say something serious. that might actually encourage the palestinians to come back to negotiations. >> all right, nicholas burn, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you, wolf. still to come, a desperate situation unfolding in afghanistan. as the soldier leaves the battlefield behind to save his family from the taliban. we'll have his incredible journey and story. but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula... to work on fine lines and even deep wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena®.
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proposition d and mission rock will create a new neighborhood right here with 40% affordable housing, 8 acres of parks and open space, all connected to public transit, and generate $25 million a year in revenue for san francisco. vote yes on d to turn this into this. ♪ in northern afghanistan today security forces say they have retaken but battles continue around that major city as troops try to take back the taliban. they are in key positions in the city. but the taliban claimed they are gaining ground. the persistence tans of the taliban in afghanistan infears that isis may get a foothold and
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have driven some out of their own country. one soldier made the journey before arriving in germany. he documented his plight share ing the details with nick paton walsh. >> reporter: i can't imagine the fears racing through his head and we take you back to where he was two months ago. this was once america's longest war. now and here it is his. his afghan army unit battling a taliban in the worst clashes this summer. but now americans leaving, they are losing. sometimes he told us they didn't have ammunition, food or even fuel to drive their wounded to the hospital. once the taliban surrounded us in a base for 12 days, he says. our dead bodies began to stink. our wounded, bleeding. still, he says, money was spent on perks for commanders like
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grilled chicken. after three quarters of his men fled, he did too and must leave afghanistan, the taliban and even isis know where he lives. staying puts his family at risk. the nightmare journey through iran, turkey, greece to germany was, he felt, the safer option. i know the risks, but i have to, he told us. it's better than being killed by the taliban or have them behead me in front of my family. first came a simple legal flight to tehran. then at the iranian border, smugglers led them to a cave where they had little food and water apart where what they bought all the inflated prices. they were taken on a four-hour march to the steep mountains border. the climb was easy for a soldier and led the way. the iranian border guard soon
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saw them. the police started shooting, he says, but i knew bullets were fired in the air. so i told people to keep running. the bullets got closer and closer, so he hid behind rocks. i got 15 people out and across. we walked for 18 hours. in the next pictures we see, he's smiling and clean shaven to blend in easier in greece. the double price of 1800 euros he paed paid for a seat on this safe boat. relief he's not going to drown in high winds like dozens did that same week. standing on the island, he was thinking, i'm here and i'm alive. yet the greatst trauma was still ahead of them. this is the border between hungary and serbia. the hungarian police -- tear gas
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is seen. women and children just in their tents, we were crushed by protesters escaping tear gas. i could not film the scene as i was crying. not because of the gas, but because of what happened to these poor people. police and their fence hold. he once fought the taliban, but now they have their own front line to keep them out. in munich where he arrived, he has worries. taliban think i have gone back to the army, he says. they have taken the phones. when i try to call my wife, they can force me to go to them. i love all my children the same, two sons and a daughter, but i
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miss her the most. she's always in my mind. a journey he barely survived that they would likely not. a new life left haunted and uncomplete by the old. nick paton walsh, cnn, munich. >> so many more stories like that. more news right after a quick break. is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®-d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec®-d. at the pharmacy counter. right now, at&t is giving you 50 percent more data. that's 15 gigs of data for the price of 10. and get 300 dollars credit for every line you switch to at&t.
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sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. thank you for being with e me here. we have been watching hurricane joaquin. this is now a category 4 storm. that's just happened. what many people up and down the east coast need to know now is the answer to this question, will joaquin make landfall and how strong will it be? it's churning over the central bahamas there. you see the radar. it's pounding the islands with sustained winds of 130 miles per hour. but where it will go next is the question. you look at these different forecast model
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