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tv   New Day  CNN  October 13, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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biden's decision. one top senator says she believes he will run. jim gulla costa is inside the debate hall. give us the latest, jim. >> good morning. vice president joe biden is certainly the wild card in the mix of this democratic debate. we heard yesterday that the vice president will be staying at the white house all day long. he won't be here in vegas. no question about it, we don't know if it's time to go to bed or get up. we do know it's almost debate time, roughly 12 to 15 hours from now. the debate stage is set. the center podium will be where hillary clinton is standing. when she landed in las vegas she was not focusing her attention on her democratic rivals. she was trolling a potential republican opponent in donald trump. >> democratic debate day is here. what happens in vegas, could
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shake up the next stage of the race for five presidential hopefuls. seasoned debater hillary clinton backed by solid early poll numbers in key states is establishing her presence at these debates. the former secretary of state making an unannounced stop at a yawn union rally at donald trump's hotel. >> i don't think it's entertaining when somebody insults immigrants, insults women. if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states. >> bernie sanders who has yet to do a mock debate insists he's going to play nice as long as his competitors do. the vermont senator continues to pick up traction, seeing crowds 13,000 strong in tucson, arizona. >> let's treat each other civilly. let's treat each other respectfully and let's not try to demonize people who may have disagreements with us. >> reporter: a stark contrast to the strategy of their
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counterpunching republican rivals. >> i'd love to run against her. she is so flawed. i think she's very beatable but she shouldn't be allowed to run. >> reporter: meanwhile, jim webb, lincoln chafee and martin o'malley have a tough road away, all looking for a breakout moment on a stage. but in a betting town like vegas, anything is possible. now, the campaigns are keeping their strategies pretty close to the vest. just like their cards at this point. one thing that hillary clinton's campaign is saying about her strategy is that she wants to put this e-mail, this benghazi controversy behind her, tray to cut through the politics, start talking about her views on the important positions at tonight's debate, bernie sanders, her main rival at this point, wants to show he's a serious candidate with mainstream views that will obviously be challenged by the participants in this debate. as for jim webb, martin o'malley, lincoln chafee, they have struggled to gain traction in the polls. they'll be looking for a breakout moment.
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who would have known that carly fiorina would have had a breakout moment, a strong debate in the last republican debate on cnn. that changed the nature of the campaign for her. these lesser known, lesser talked about could have a breakout moment that could change the course of the race. >> strong point. >> anything. it's vegas. >> this is going to be spontaneous, live. we won't know until it happens. and it is vegas. that's all you need to know. what is at stake for each and other tonight? we have seen senior political analyst and editorial director of the national journal ron brownstein, cnn national political reporter maeve reston and cnn politics executive editor mark preston. we've got ron, reston and preston. that's who we have this morning. you're sitting next to me, mark. give me a little bit of how this sets up atmospherically tonight. how many people in the audience? what do we expect in terms of duration and basic dynamic up
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there on the stage? >> a couple things. 1,300 people in the audience. in many ways they're not just talking to the audience, they're talking to the viewers. because this is really the beginning of the campaign. the campaign's been going on and on and on. we haven't actually seen them all together, on stage, debate. they've been at forums, town halls but they haven't interact. there's a lot at stake for a lot of them, specifically the lower-tier candidates, martin o'malley specifically. >> do they have anything to lose? who do you think has most at stake tonight, maeve? >> hillary clinton, obviously. these guys have not been able to really break out beyond bernie sanders, up until this point. they're going to have to be real fireworks and drama. martin o'malley has been running for a while. i believe he's actually campaigning intensively in the early states. his name recognition has been dropping in some cases. he really does need a shining moment. >> there's a very different
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context for this man the republican debate. the republican debate, there was a large part of the base angry at the leadership, looking for someone to shake things up. this is the opposite. democrats have lost the house and the senate. they're enormously concerned about putting up the strongest concern that can hold the white house. it's their one leverage of power. this is a parallel audition with the democratic electorate that i am the best nominee as it is a horizontal interaction among the candidates. above all, i think democrats are looking to be reassured because they have a strong nominee. they are not in a strong position otherwise. >> it's a very different night. with the republican field they were looking to break out all on the same level, arguably for trump and carson. each of these people have their own mission. you can't lump o'malley, chafee and webb. a big distinction you'll see is who decides to talk about the others and who decides to talk to the others on the stage. how does it size up?
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>> what's interesting about that, too, we've seen flares sent up by bernie sanders and bernie sanders' campaign saying i'm not going to attack hillary clinton. i'm not going to attack hillary clinton unless thshe attacks me. hillary clinton has to be careful, goes out, talks about the issues, seems presidential. o'malley, he needs to be on the attack. if he doesn't have a breakout moment, his campaign is over. >> does she have to explain her flip-flops, gay marriage, the keystone pipeline, those things? >> it's all about her e-mails. in this sphere it's going to be about those changing positions and how she explains tpp, for example, speaking to the labor vote, obviously she was trying to strengthen her hand against bernie sanders and also i think the most interesting moment may be on the iraq vote.
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we know that bernie sanders has signaled he's going to go after her on that, talk about his own speech in 2002 where he said it was going to be one of the biggest policy blunders in history. and i think it will be fascinating to see if the democratic electorate, if that issue still resonates as much as it once did. >> bernie sanders said he will go after her policies, not after her. we're not expecting any sort of character attacks. other than maybe the lower three tier might go after bernie or hillary or maybe they'll just talk about the republicans. >> yes. i think if you accept the idea that this is mostly almost a parallel audition to be the stander bearer, i think there's incentive for them to go after the republicans. that's what democrats are looking for. it's easier for the other democrats, including sanders, to go after clinton, than to raise trust issues around the e-mail which will not be well received in a democratic primary context. hillary clinton will have to answer some tough questions. she has evolved along with the democratic coalition. she's moved to narrow the issue
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space for the others to get to her left. in the process, has raised these questions about are you too political, what are your core beliefs? >> we know she's prepping for the questions about the e-mails and benghazi. who decides to bring it up and how. if you're hillary clinton, don't you want a question about the e-mail? don't you want it to come up, this is about as good an audience as you'll get to make sure case before those things and not get attacked. >> correct. also, she's going to be testifying before the house next week. just on the subject. you absolutely want to be in a room of supporters and people who are going to boo if they feel that she's been unjustly attacked. as ron says, this is more of a general election issue, more dealing with independence. it's not a democratic party issue. >> i want to stick with you for one second. i want to talk about the dynamic on stage. they each have one minute to answer direct questions. >> right. >> then what are the rules of engagement? can they talk to each other or do they have to wait until their name is mentioned by another one? >> right. this is a little bit different than when we saw the republican
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debate in a couple ways. one, there's no donald trump. very unlikely you'll hear his name on stage unless they say that. when i say that, there isn't the acidic personal attacks that we've seen on the republican side. i think trump framed that. you will see crossover in the sense of what separates you from candidate "a," candidate "b"? or candidate "b," this is your policy on keystone, candidate "a," you know, that's not your policy, explain it. >> although we see hillary clinton going on offense after donald trump. >> yes. >> and really inch ing hard. people love to see that. i think we can expect that for sure. >> we'll hear his name but it would be more of a rah-rah atmosphere. across the street we saw the union workers. >> when they break protocol you have to figure out how to reign them in. >> sure. >> more than anybody on the
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stage, hillary clinton has the most at stake because she's got the biggest plus/minus on her negative to poll ratio. she has to come out having made the case for herself before this audience of many millions the way she has not to this point. >> look, whenever there's an incumbent president in trouble in an election, his supporters always say, it's a choice, not a referendum. then it tornadoes out it really is a referendum, not a choice. that i think is the situation we are in. hillary clinton, this is a referendum, first and foremost about hillary clinton. i think there's a portion of the democratic electorate that's responded viscerally and strongly and probably more than they thought to bernie sanders. i don't think you can get to 51% by flanking hillary clinton on the left. if there is a way to fundamentally challenge her, it's with a majority of democratic voters. if she can answer the questions sufficiently for democratic voters, i think it's really hard for anybody else to get past her, just by being more desirable or seeming stronger.
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>> but she does also have to show that likable aspect of her personality, that charm. you meet so many democratic voters who have total clinton fatigue and just want something fresh and new. that's where the ground swell has come for biden. we'll see how she does with that. >> do you think that's how she's being coached, be as comfortable, relatable, conversational, have zingers. is that what her handlers are telling her? >> right. let's not forget, she's probably the most skilled debater up there on the stage. she is very good, one of the best politicians in the country. so when she goes up there, if she does something wrong, if she flubs, that's totally on her. >> o'malley is strong also. he has a great generational place. >> that is important. that is the lane. that is the argument he can make, the contrast he can draw, a la gary hart in 1984, i am a different generation. one of the obama 2008 aides had an observation, yes, she's a strong debater. she's strong at speaking to the
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existing political electorate. sheds less strong at speaking to the casual voters that are being drawn in, looking for something new and different, something with a little more maybe authenticity. that could be an interesting challenge again. part of what sanders has to do as obama did in 2008 is bring in, change the democratic electorate if he is going to make a serious run at her. >> we're going to be watching. we're hearing from the campaigns. that's always interesting to see where they want you focused going into a big night like tonight. you'll be watching, millions and millions will and this is your first chance to see the big dog democrats right next to each other. the debate tonight 8:30 eastern, right here on cnn. and then of course tomorrow morning, we'll have all of the debate analysis, what were the big points, what mattered? who met the bar? who fell below it. it happens every time. we'll have a special one, why sleep we say, 5:30 a.m. eastern we'll be right here. i may be in the same clothes. >> great thing about it, we're
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in vegas, michaela, where everyone is awake. it's not just us for once. >> i want to caution you on this. simi valley an all-nighter was a different prospect. hydrate, pace yourselves and keep your hands to yourselves, christopher. >> that is not water. >> this is water. we'll look at your headlines here. back to las vegas in a moment. breaking news. multiple stabbing attacks and a shooting reported across jerusalem and central israel this morning, killing at least three. dozens more have been wounded. erin mclaughlin is live in jerusalem. >> reporter: michaela, four separate attacks to tell you about, two in jerusalem and two near tel aviv killing at least three israeli civilians. in jerusalem it began in a suburb, a stabbing and shooting attack that happened on a bus, according to israeli police. two attackers involved, one with a knife, one with a gun.
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at least two civilians killed according to medical services, including a 60-year-old man, ten evacuated to the hospital in that attack. then in an ultrareligious neighborhood in jerusalem, israeli police say that around attacker drove his car into a crowd running over three civilians. he got out of his car and started stabbing people. 40-year-old man killed in that incident, according to medical services, eight wounded, one seriously. we're also hearing of attacks in tel aviv or near tel aviv. two attacks in total. one stabbing attack at a bus station or one outsood a rehabilitation center, in total, five israelis injured. the attackers have been identified as two palestinian men from east jerusalem. they've been detained. this hour, security services are meeting to figure out what to do next and what has been a wave of violence that appears to be getting worse.
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>> calling that violence will be key to them for sure. thank you for the update. breaking overnight, iran's parliament backing the historic nuclear deal with the u.s. own other world powers but disagreements would arise. iranian lawmakers are insisting international inspection of military sites under the pact be approved by a top iranian security body. the deal lifts sanctions on iran if the country curbs sensitive nuclear activities. overnight, two firefighters killed in the line of duty in kansas city. they were battling a fire at an apartment building when that structure collapsed. two other firefighters were injured. there's no word yet on their conditions, nor the identities of the other victims. two residents trapped inside their second floor apartments were saved by firefighters on ladders. 15 minutes past the hour. those are your headlines. back to chris and alisyn in las
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vegas. the number six, common or controversial? the answer is, controversial but why? questioning the decision to have six debates got a prominent member of congress disinvited to tonight's events. we have the controversy for you, ahead. to you six is a number to go play right now, by the way. that's what six means to you. >> i'll do that. >> lucky six. mes faster than be! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta!
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there you go. we are coming to you live from the wynn hotel in las vegas where final preparations are under way for tonight's cnn democratic debate. it is 3:20 here local time. no one in vegas has got than memo. we are at a very active intersection, even at this hour. tonight is not without controversy. let's talk about what's going on with lewis miranda, the communications director for the dnc. the democratic national committee and former adviser to president obama. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> can we talk about
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congresswoman gabbard? >> sure. she spoke out about wanting more debates. >> you'll have a diversity of opinions, whether it's about the city we choose for the convention, whether it's about the primary and caucus calton der, whether it's about the number of debates. we welcome that kind of healthy debate within our party but we want to focus right now on the candidates that are going to be on stage tonight. you were saying earlier this might be the hottest date on record for nevada for this day in history. that i think is going to be because we'll have a great debate on that stage. >> was she actually disinvited. >> what was asked of her staff is we wanted to keep the focus on the candidates. that's reasonable. she herself said she felt she'd be a distraction even after she was offered an extra ticket and decided not to come. >> she felt she'd be a distraction because she'd been
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disinvited. she was told not to come. bad move? >> i think she'd be happy that we're sitting here looking at what these candidates are going to offer the american people tonight. there's a lot at stake in this debate and in these coming elections. >> we have a clip of how gabbard herself explained this. listen to this. >> the issue here is not about me saying boo-hoo i'm going to miss the party. the issue is one of democracy, of freedom of speech and defending that which so many have sacrificed and given their lives for. >> she says it's an issue of freedom of speech. she wants to be able to say publicly there should be more democratic debates. shows not alone. hillary clinton says she's open to that, bernie sanders, all the candidates are open to that. it's an issue of freedom of speech. >> she's welcome to say whatever she likes. the reality is, as much as they'll have to try to stand out from each other tonight, they have to draw strong contrast and remind the american people what's at stake and what the
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difference was with a republican administration just a few years ago which left office losing 750,000 jobs a month. huge foreclosure crisis that afektd fo affected folks right here in nevada. >> why not have more debates? >> the context matters. when you argue there had been more debates by this period in 2007. candidates jumped in much earlier. you had candidates declaring as early as 2006 back then and running aguessive campaigns for the entire year by the time they got to this point. that's a very big difference from a field we saw jump into the race much later into the year this year. >>expanding the number of debates. the big question be, expanding the number of candidates in this one. is there any chance in your mind if the vice president, joe biden will show up for this debit or make an announcement any time soon that he's beginning to run? >> i wish i had a crystal ball for that. >> you have to know something, lewis. >> what i know is the sitting vice president of the united states, if he decided to jump
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in, he's welcome to join. >> you're in vegas. where's your money? >> my money is right now on fact that if he jumps in -- >> if you say something about this being a healthy debate. >> if he jumps in, it's one more exciting dynamic to add to the debate and race generally. i think we'll see a debate that's full of substance. aside from what representative gabbard wanted to focus on, a lot of the talk is how this will be a substantive debate that will focus on policy. i think that will be a good toop for the candidates to introduce themselves. we want to put the focus on them. we've organized in 41 states watch parties that are not just an opportunity for folks to watch tonight but to also organize, train volunteers, get people engaged and we have to do that type of tough party building work to be able to make sure that whether vice president biden jumps in or it's secretary clinton or bernie sanders or martin o'malley, or any of the other candidates, that once they get the nomination, they have a
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party that's ready, that's fujsing, that has an active volunteer base and is able to reach voters all across the country. >> keeping with the vegas fame, senator kirsten gillibrand talked about this. she was asked if she thought joe biden would get in the race. she said if i was a betting woman, i think he would. he's always aspired to it. >> a the republican debates have shown they are a small tent, big circus party that's not ready to move america forward. they're proposing ideas that would drag us back to ideas that really failed already. if you want to place a bet, vegas oddsmakers tell you democrats are the way to go right now. >> they're making market on joe biden also. they have him getting in the race which i was surprised by. if i were going to bet, i would
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say at this point it doesn't look like he is going to get in. you are saying you have nothing on it. >> i have to stay neutral. >> tough job you have, lewis. >> thanks so much. >> thank you both. >> what's your take on all of this? do you think joe biden will be getting into race? tweet us using #dem debate. tune in. dimension it's tonight? >> i hope so. >> the first democratic debate, 8:30 eastern right here on cnn. we've been talking a lot about bernie sanders, about hillary clinton, the vice president. and for good reason. you know what, tonight may be about someone who you don't even know that well. listen to who else is here. martin o'malley, big-time governor, jim webb, u.s. senator, secretary of defense. what are they cooking up for tonight? remember carly fiorina, she popped in a debate that nobody was supposed to be watching now she's a contender. the same would happen tonight. we'll tell you why after the break.
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here we are, the destiny, the wynn hotel. this is where it's going to happen tonight. the big democratic debate, the first time you get to see the big names, hillary, bernie, squaring off. they've been getting at tension. do you see those other podiums? what about martin o'malley, big-time governor maryland, jim webb, vir senator, secretary of defense. let's discuss where they are, what could happen tonight. we're get analysis as well. cnn eder toial director of the national journal, mr. brownstein, maeve reston and
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mr. mark preston. okay. so are we hyping? no. because of what we saw with carly fiorina. you can have built-ins with hillary clinton. she's got to hold the line. bernie sanders has to show he's more than a one-trick pony. then you have the other three, maeve, these are big-time people. lincoln chafee, he's an underdog, coming into it trying to get traction. the other two, on paper, no joke. >> i think carly fiorina is not a good analogy. she's one a kind certainly. i think they are really going to have to try to create drama, fireworks. and there is zero attraction as far as these guys are concerned. so i think it will be interesting to see also the way that hillary clinton deals with them. she would like to pretend that no one is else running besides bernie. so it will be fascinating to watch. >> ron, martin o'malley was seen
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as the new face of the democratic party. what do we need to look for? >> he's in a different class. he's running a campaign. it's debatable whether jim webb and lincoln chafee are campaigning in a traditional sense. martin o'malley has put out issues. he would seem to have a better chance. he's been struggling to really get any traction. i think he's going to make a generational argument at some point. that's one thing that contrasts him with both bernie sanders and hillary clinton. we saw the power of that 30 years ago with gary hart against walter mondale. i think he'll have a turn the page argument for democrats. it's hard to get room in this race when sanders has filled up the left space and for most of the mainstream party, hillary clinton is a lodgical choice. >> we'll see martin o'malley go
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after hillary on some of the other recent shifts. tpp, immigration, he's clearly going to talk about her flip-flops on trade. it will be interesting to see how she deals with that without looking defensive. >> not unlike the way carly fiorina went after donald trump when she finally got up on the stage with him. >> carly -- >> you shot down my analogy. >> carly is a political talent. >> a big smail on your face. not on my show! martin o'malley, one more step down the road to his analysis. paradoxically, he goes to 1984 to make the argument in this race he may represent the future. >> back to the future. >> thank you very much. >> i was with o'malley for about three or four days in iowa earlier this year. he actually gets a crowd. he actually has a constituency, unlike chafee or webb. he's very good on the stump. he's actually not been able to take off. you know, of course, the big
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black cloud over this casino behind us is the whole joe biden factor. martin o'malley was supposed to be the alternative to hillary clinton. he hasn't been able to take off. that's why everything is on the line. >> where's your money? does biden get in the race? >> we're in vegas. i'm not saying tonight. >> talk about on the nose. that's where we are. >> i think that he would like to run for president. i'm still skeptical that he will actually pull the trigger. >> yes or no? right now, today. >> look, i don't think he does. you know what, if he was going to do it, he should have been in by tonight. he should have been on the debate stage. quite frankly if he makes the announcement in the next 72 hours, i think it's disingenuous of the democratic party. >> disagree. >> resten spares no one. >> biden is all anyone is really talking about from a drama perspective at this moment. this is the best decision he could have made by not getting
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in by now. i think that his people who want him to run have played this just right. you know, leaking like the little pieces of the meetings that he's having with dnc folks. >> you think he's in? >> i'm not saying she's in. >> see. >> i think biden is the -- what we were talking about. do you want to risk after two failed races, he's a respected, beloved in the democratic party. does he want to end his career on what is still in vegas a big roll of the dice? >> you're saying he's out? >> i think more -- if she can show any stability, i think it's hard for him to come in. >> maeve, let's talk about the other big name, elephant in the room, donald trump. he has said tonight is going to stink. however, he will be live tweeting during it. >> he will be. >> does his name come up? do they talk about him tonight? >> absolutely. we've seen hillary clinton go after him in a really aggressive way recently. i will say i've been hearing i
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nevada for the last week, everyone is expecting it to just be tourists that showed up. it was all local. and when i talked to them, they were serious about supporting him. they could tell you about caucusing. we'll see, he's got a lot going on. he's definitely going to have a lot of fun on twitter tonight. >> one last point about tonight. one thing that's often revealing about these debates is what they don't argue about. what you'll see is a generational change in the democratic party. if you think about things like immigration, climate, gun control, gay marriage with the possible exception of jim webb, you'll see a consensus on that stage that was unimaginable when bill clinton ran that party. they used to be on the defensive worried about losing white collar whites. now they're on the offensive. it's going to be a big change. the dog that doesn't bark sometimes can tell you the most.
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you'll see that tonight, i think. >> great insight. >> if you look at everybody on stage tonight, they all seem that they're representing perhaps what will be the traditional democratic constituency. jim webb doesn't. he wants to talk to the white voters that have left the democratic party. he'll be the biggest wild card tonight. >> we'll be watching. mark, ron, maeve, thanks for watching. be sure to tune in for the first democratic debate. the stage is set, 8:30 right here on cnn. also, tomorrow morning, we'll have all of the post debate analysis on a special early edition of "new day." >> what? >> yes, chris. i will be calling, giving you the wakeup call for our 5:30 a.m. start eastern time. that's 2:30 here by the way. >> this is cutting into time to pay for my kid's college. >> let's go back to michaela in new york. >> don't play. there will be no need for a wakeup call. you'll go all night. this will be seanious.
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can't wait. we know hillary clinton is center stage tonight for the first democratic debate. bernie sanders, three other challengers are hoping to cut into that lead she has. so what exactly do they need to do and what should they avoid doing in order to make an impact on voters? we'll take a look at all of that, ahead on "new day." almost a century ago mcgladrey was founded to help growing businesses reach higher goals. soon our team of audit, tax and consulting advisors started taking the middle market to the global market. and now our network, spanning more than 110 countries, is unifying under one brand. mcgladrey is changing its name to rsm. experience the power of being understood. cuddles better than my husband does...c ...but that's just between you and me. it's really cool to the touch.
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...ingrown toenail, redness, itching, and swelling. tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or does not go away. stop toe tucking... and get the drop on toenail fungus. ask your doctor today about kerydin. 43 minutes paragraph the hour. here's headlines for you. democratic white house hopefuls are prepare fog take the stage in las vegas tonight for the first debate right here on cnn. all eyes certainly will be on hillary clinton as the front-runner as she tries to build more momentum, bernie sanders meanwhile looking to continue his surge as well. many democrats still waiting to see if joe biden will enter the race. vice president is said to be still weighing his options that debate begins tonight 8:30 eastern right here on cnn. this morning, we are expecting a report explaining
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what exactly happened in the malaysian airlines flight 17 disaster. the dutch safety board is expected to say a russian surface-to-air missile brought down mh-17 over ukraine killing all 298 souls aboard. according to a dutch paper, it does reportedly reject russia's claim that ukrainian troops fired that missile. developing this morning, two mortar rounds struck near the russian embassy in the syrian capital of damascus. it happened as hundreds of pro government supporters rallied outside. there are reports of injuries. russian's foreign minister described the shelling as a terrorist attack. he said those responsible were trying to intimidate those that are fighting isis. all right. so we are obviously going to head back to our democratic debate that cnn is prepping for tonight in las vegas. what does each candidate need to
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do and what should they avoid doing to earn your votes? errol lewis is here, keeping me company in new york. he's a cnn political commentator and political averager at new york one. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we have all candidates lined up here, errol. >> it's magic. >> let us start with lincoln chafee. he is former senator and governor of rhode island. he is very, very low in the poll numbers. what does he need to do tonight to make a mark. >> he has to get beyond what has been his calling card up until now which is to say i'm going to make hillary clinton regret she voted to go into iraq. this was a long time ago, a decade ago. this is something where lincoln chafee can proudly say he was against the war in iraq from the beginning but hillary clinton wasn't. she's acknowledged she made a mistake. >> what does he have to make sure he needs to avoid? this guy was a republican for a
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while. >> most of his political career. as a senator and governor. for him now to jump into the most partisan part of this campaign which is trying to figure out what democrats stand for and so forth, he's not necessarily the most credible voice on that. and don't think that his owe point s are not going to let him forget that. >> one of his opponents, jim webb, he is also struggling in the polls. veteran and purple heart recipient, underseco seconsecre reag reagan. >> i was reading something from mother jones. they are trying to find something from his campaign. it's troubling. unreturned phone calls, no activity. if he wants to get started, tonight will be the night to do it, to explain why he's running. >> if not, do you think we see time limited for this guy? >> right. you have to wonder. if you get blown out in the first two states, it's very,
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very hard to get back into the race for president. >> you say he has to make sure he does not look rusty or unprepared. >> he's been so low key. one of the things that happens is the give and take. martin o'malley has been out there. bernie sanders is filling stadiums, hillary clinton is doing national television. the exchanges, you really get sharp. you get crisp in response to a lot of questions once you hear them over and over again. jim webb hasn't had that. w we'll see if he looks rusty tonight. >> did you mention martin o'malley? we know him as a two-term governor of maryland and mayor of baltimore. the most notable second-tier candidate. his polling numbers, 2% in the latest cnn/orc poll? >> that's right. this is an important case of be careful what you wish for. he's been the loudest critic saying six debates is not enough. this is a coronation for clinton. you have this debate now. if he doesn't make a splash, establish himself as the
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alternative that he wanted to be, the space that bernie sanders has occupied, then all of that sort of talk about we need more debates, maybe not, martin o'malley. >> it's interesting. you mentioned bernie sanders. a lot of people saying there will be a showdown between the vermont senator and hillary clinton. what does he need to make sure he does tonight? >> he has to make sure people understand what he's talking about is an actual program that could happen. when he talks about a $15 national minimum wage, people can look at him and say, you've been in congress for over a decade, how can you make this happen, where barack obama didn't get anything on minimum wage. he has to show that, there's some way he's going to actually run the government, not just present a lot of ideas. >> he has to broaden his base, too. you say he can't dwell too much on socialist policies. >> oh, yes. >> last but not least, the soul female on the stage, hillary clinton, one of the most
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seasoned, skilled debaters. she's been prepping for months for tonight. >> that's right. when you are explaining you're losing in politics, if she's explaining the whole tangled mess with the e-mail servers, if she wants to litigate benghazi one more time, either from questions or debate panel, that's precious time lost. she has to get away from that and sending people back to her website. she's put a lot of stakes on a lot of different issues. she has to let people know she's a candidate of substance. >> there's sort of a fine line between sort of being the defensive and being peevish and aggressive. her husband is really good at getting that, sort of with the smiles that cut you apart. hillary clinton not so much. she's going to come under heavy attacks. make sure she doesn't look like a victim and welcome like she's not getting rattled by all of the attention she gets. >> errol lewis, fantastic stuff.
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thanks so much for joining us. >> very good. >> let's go back to las vegas where things are heating up ahead of tonight's debate. alisyn? >> ahead of tonight's debate we hit the streets or the strip as it's called, to find out what people in vegas are expecting tonight. and as you might expect, we got some interesting responses. have you ever heard of hillary clinton? do you know who's in the debate? who are you looking for? lincoln chafee? >> were they at the party last night? alright team, we've got an f150, needs a systems check and tires. doc, i need you on point for this one. already got the latest updates direct from ford engineering. 'cause ford dealers get that intel first. treads, what do you got? lookin' a little bald, sir. with all due respect. got the perfect fit- ready to roll. wheels up, flaps down, let's fly. ford parts. ford tools. ford techs. when your ford needs service,
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digestive core.r so choose ultimate flora by renewlife. it has 30 billion probiotic cultures. feel lighter and more energized. ultimate flora. more power to your gut. welcome back to "new day" or "new night" as it were. hasn't exactly dawned yet. >> i like "same day." >> that will be tomorrow.
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we got in midafternoon and we immediately hit the strip to talk to real voters about what they are hoping comes out of tonight's debate and more importantly, do they know who will be in tonight's debate? take a look. >> do you know any of the other candidates who will be at the debate? >> for the democrats? >> yes. >> there are more than hillary, bernie? that's about it. >> yes. >> there's three more. >> oh, o'malley. >> yes. >> let's see here. what's that other guy's -- webb, i believe. >> jim webb. >> have you ever heard of hillary clinton? >> oh, yes. >> bernie sanders? >> yes. >> jim webb? >> no. >> martin o'malley? >> no. >> lincoln chafee? >> no. >> do you know who's in the debate? >> of course. bernie sanders, hillary clinton. who's the other person? >> who are you looking for? >> bernie. >> do you know who else is going
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to be in the debate? >> isn't it going to be hillary and -- i don't know if trump is going to be there because i try not to pay attention to him. >> just the democrats. three other guys running for president on the democratic side. >> no clue. >> do you know who will be in the debate? >> i know hillary's running. and joe biden is running. >> not yet. >> deciding. >> yes, he's running. >> you heard it here first. >> he's going to run. >> you seem to be in the know. that's cool. hillary, possibly joe biden. anybody else you can name? >> no. >> have you ever heard of bernie sanders? >> no. >> jim webb? >> no. >> lincoln chafee? >> were they at the party last night? >> no. >> they weren't there? no, no. >> i don't know, maybe they were there. do you recognize this handsome man? >> no.
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no. >> definitely did not take shots with him. >> no. no. >> martin o'malley. >> okay. i believe it points out some of the candidates have their work cut out for them. michae michaela, in terms of introducing themselves to voters. >> that one young lady believes that joe biden is going to run. there you go. >> she said it definitively. >> here's the good news. voter information, low. however, the opportunity for a breakthrough tonight, big. >> absolutely. >> that's what often happens. you haven't really heard of the other people. there's firepower up there. secretary of navy, no pun intended, jim webb. he was a u.s. senator. these are big positions. this is a governor up there. it will be interesting to see who they know after tonight. >> a challenge and opportunity. >> it reminds you how big the country is. it's a big nation. they have to get out there to everybody. they have their work cut out for
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them. >> the good news is everyone did know there was a debate tonight and everybody that we talked to did plan to watch it. so people are engaged and open to becoming more engaged. >> a little stilted, perhaps, if that you were doing the interviews near a 70-foot screen that says dem debate. >> right over their head. that helped. >> i don't know how much. >> subliminal. >> the debate is news, no question about it. there is much news to tell you about this morning. let's get right to it. tonight is the democratic debate. >> who are you looking for? >> bernie. >> who are you interested in checking out. >> hillary. >> the republican front-runner has been taking swings across the aisle. >> i'd love to run against her. she's so flawed.
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>> what happens in vegas could change the course of the democratic race. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. good morning, everyone. welcome back to your "new day." michaela is in new york for us. chris and i are here in las vegas. we're gearing up for tonight's cnn debate. this time it's the democrats taking the stage. this is the first face-off for the democrats, with hillary clinton and bernie sanders, their rivalry will take center stage and there are the podiums set. >> now, sure you've got hillary and bernie. those are the big names. oddly, biggest presence felt in the room tonight may not physically be there. the intrigue surrounding vice president joe biden. is he going to get in the race or not? yes, you've seen the fun cnn has been having with the chair, the podium, if you want to come, no one is expecting that although it would be a nice twist, that's
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for sure. we have special coverage beginning with senior white house correspondent jim acosta, he's inside the debate hall. they still have the podium in there for jim? >> it's in here somewhere. i think i'll use it for myself if that's all right for these live shots this morning, chris. >> it's yours now. >> we do know from hearing from the white house that vice president joe biden will not be in las vegas today unless he pulls a last-minute switchup on us. they say he'll be attending meetings at the white house. meanwhile, the other democratic candidates are here in las vegas. democratic front-runner hillary clinton landed here in las vegas. instead of focusing on her other democratic rivals she was setting her sights on one republican front-runner who goes by the name of donald trump. she was trolling the real estate tycoon outside of his hotel here in las vegas. democratic debate day is here. what happens in voug could shake up the rest of the race for five presidential hopefuls.
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season issed debater hillary clinton backed by solid early poll numbers in key states is establishing her presence at these debates. the former secretary of state making an unannounced stop the aa union rally at donald trump's las vegas hotel, taunting the business tycoon. >> some people think mr. trump is entertaining. i don't think it's entertaining when somebody insults immigrants, insults women. if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states. >> reporter: bernie sanders who has yet to do a mock debate insists he's going to play nice as long as his competitors do. the vermont senator tens to pick up traction, seeing crowds 13,000 strong in tucson, arizona. >> let's treat each other civilly. let's treat each other respectfully. and let's not try to demonize people who may have disagreements with us. >> a stark contrast to the strategy of their counterpunching republican rivals. >> i'd love to run against her. she is so flawed. i think she's beatable but she
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shouldn't be allowed to run. >> clinton is prepping for the debate with veteran washington attorney bob barnett, a senior clinton aide said her main objective cutting through the politics. as for bernie sanders, he's seeking to convince voters that he's a serious candidate with mainstream views. jim webb, lincoln chafee and martin o'malley have a tough road ahead, all looking for a breakout moment on the stage. but in a betting town like vegas, anything is possible. >> and you can count the podiums behind many he, one, two, three, four, five, no number six for vice president joe biden. we were talking about lincoln chafee, jim webb, martin o'malley, they've been struggling to gain traction in this presidential race so far. but guys, think about that last republican debate on cnn. carly fiorina came out of nowhere and really had one of those breakout moments during that debate. that is what those three candidates are looking to. we haven't talked about them quite as much but they have just as much of a chance as hillary clinton and bernie sanders to
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shine out when it comes to this debate later on this evening. it could change the course of this cam page if they have one of those breakout moments. >> anything is possible tonight. that's what makes it so interesting. let's talk about bernie sanders, the unconventional candidate. he also has an unconventional approach for preparing for tonight's debate. we want to bring in bernie sanders campaign manager, jeff weaver. thanks so much for being here. >> get to be here. >> what is bernie sanders doing today? >> we'll do a little bit of last-minute prep today. we've gone over a bunch of issues in the last couple of days. we'll go over a few things. >> what does that prep look like? since ywe heard you're not doin mock debates. >> we have question and answer, discussing answers. one of the things that's a challenge for senator sanders is that he's a u.s. senator, right? he has a lot of time to talk on the senate particular. he gives hour and a half speeches. his world renowned hour and a
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half speeches at his large rallies. when you have to give an answer on a complicated topic in a minute, it's a different challenge. >> why has he been doing light prep? what does it say in terms of him and where his head is. >> i wouldn't say it's light prep. >> he doesn't have the teams around him. he hasn't been doing mock things like hillary is doing. >> we practiced a few exchanges. he's a substantive candidate. he likes to talk about issues. he's trying to bone up on the details of the issues that he wants to talk about tonight at the debate. a big challenge for us is introducing the senator to america. despite the fact that he's widely known. if you look the polls, often you'll see that 35% or 40% of people don't have enough information to make an opinion. this will be a lot of people's first introduction of bernie sanders. >> keep to the pontificating, you have said we have to work to introduce bernie sanders to the
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black community. how are you going to do that? >> we're going to talk about criminal justice reform, dealing with systemic racism. many of the economic issues that are important to african-american voters. raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour will give 15% of african-american workers a raise. these are issues important it all americans. many of these issues will affect that particular community stronger. >> you have two main salvos you have to expect coming your way tonight. one will be is that the senator is aone-trick pony, he talks about social justice, economic justice. he doesn't have the foreign policy experience you need to be president. the second one will be that these are great ideas but you can't pay for them. how prepared are you for those? >> we're very prepared. senator sanders has been in congress for 25 years. he visited over 50 countries, talked with leaders of many major countries. he does have foreign policy experience. i think people are not aware of that. in terms of paying for things,
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everything he's proposed is paid for. it's almost exclusively paid for by taxes on large komcorporatio and the rich who have been getting away with murder in this rigged economy. they'll hear the details and come to understand he has a tax plan to pay for it, i think the people will be impressed with that. >> what will success look like for you? are you expecting a certain bump in the polls? >> i think what we will judge as success, if you look at the poll numbers that show how familiar people are with bernie sanders, what we've seen in new hampshire, iowa, now in nevada with the latest poll, the more people know bernie sanders, the more they like him. our job is to introduce him to people. i think the polls will take care of themselves. >> what do you expect, if we have the poll by the way from nevada, we should put it up. he's shown growth there. >> absolutely. >> which is impressive to you. when you're dealing with introducing him, what are the two or three things that people need to know about bernie
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sanders that they may not. >> people want to know more about his personal story, where he comes from. a little bit of his biography. that's important. i think it's important for a lot of people to see bernie sanders on television. i mean, we're all used to seeing him because you cover the news, because i'm around him all the time time. for a lot of americans, this is an opportunity for them to see him. >> when he says i'm a democratic socialist, what should that mean to people? it can be off-putting or unfamiliar. how does he define that? >> bernie's view of democratic socialism is a government that works for all the people. it's not a government that supports the rigged economy, it's not a government where rich people can't buy and sell politicians. it's an economy where you have universal college education, where you have universal health care. where we have a higher minimum wage. where corporations and the rich don't run the government. that's what he means. >> a little bit of controversy has cropped up tonight.
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what do you think of congresswoman tulsi gabbard being disinvited because she said publicly she thought there should be more debates. >> yesterday on this show i offered her a ticket. that offer is still open. i understand she's not going to come tonight. >> offering to charge her 2,500 bucks, is that right? is that a nice thing to do? is that the new campaign fund-raiser. >> speaking of fund-raising, as you know, this campaign has 650,000 individual contributors, over a million contributions averaging around $30 apiece. >> did the party misplay this to alisyn's question? >> 100%. it's an undemocratic move for the democratic party. >> it does cut down on freedom of speech? >> i don't think the democratic party should be in the position of punishing its young leaders because they happen to have a disagreement on some procedural point. >> let's talk about what bernie sanders calls his secret weapon, his wife, jane.
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what do we need to know about her? >> jane has been active in the prep. she's a senior adviser to the senator. and you know, she's a very good at offering advice both on substance and in terms of style. she's played an important role. she'll be front and center. >> is it true he can't handle her in the debate, it's shaken his confidence? >> it is. >> you've been with the senator for a long time. >> off and on for 30 years. >> you've known him for 30 but you've been on that staff and at the top for at least 20, right? >> yes, yes. >> did you ever think you'd have a day like today, like tonight where people not only know who the senator is but they know him by one name? >> let me tell you, i started working with bernie in 1986. a young man, a little more hair than i have right now. we would drive around vermont, we had a campaign staff of two paid people. we'll a long way from those days
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in 1986. >> good luck tonight. >> thanks. the democratic debate hosted by cnn and facebook airs tonight, 8:30 p.m. eastern, 5:30 out here. tomorrow morning we'll have all of your post-debate wrapup and analysis on a special edition of "new day," beginning at 5:30 eastern. set your alarm clock. >> or not. let's get back to mick in new york with a look at the other news this morning. breaking news in israel. palestinian tensions surging again, a surge in violent attacks including shootings and stabbings. at least three people are dead, dozens more injured. let's get to erin mclaughlin, live in jerusalem for the latest. >> reporter: that's right, michae michaela. we're hearing of four separate attacks, two in jerusalem, two near tel aviv killing at least three israeli civilians. in jerusalem it began in a jewish suburb. israeli police say two men
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boarded a bus, two attackers, one with a knife, one with a gun. in total, two civilians killed in that attack, including a 60-year-old man. ten evacuated to the hospital, according to israeli police, one of the attackers was killed, one detained and wounded. then in an ultrareligious neighborhood in jerusalem, police say an attacker ran over three people near a bus stop. they say the attacker got out of his car, started stabbing people, killing a 40-year-old man according to israeli medical services and wounded eight. the attacks appear to be coordinated. then near tel aviv, two straight stabbing attacks, one at a bus stop, one not far away across from a rehabilitation center, five israeli civilians wounded in those attacks, including one who was stabbed in the neck. in both cases, the attackers detained. they've been identified as
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palestinian men from east jerusalem. a 22 and 28 years old. the latest in a wave of violence that seems to be escalating. michaela? >> frustrating authorities. thank you. a u.s. missionary has been killed in haiti. roberta edwards was fatally shot monday as she sat in a car on a street in port-au-prince. they say the attackers also kidnapped a 4-year-old girl. it's not known if she was nearly one of two dozen from a foster home that edwards operated in haiti since 2002. no charges for the dentist who shot and killed cecil this summer. he came under international uniteny after taking down the beloved animal. officials in zimbabwe say the hunting papers were in order. there will be no criminal case. the issue of permits, however, is now expected to come under
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review. 12 minutes past the hour. let us head back to viva las vegas where we find my colleagues, looking vetoing considering you're in las vegas. >> it helps that everybody else in this town is awake also. >> it's like lunch time. >> that helps had the mood. >> meanwhile, the cnn democratic presidential debate, as you know, michaela, is tonight. it presents an opportunity and danger if you're hillary clinton and bernie sanders. we'll take a closer look at their matchup and what the possible perils are. that's next. when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? great proposal! let's talk more over golf. great. how about over tennis? even better. a game changer! the ready for you alert, only at
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♪ biden: we had a pretty good idea what all those families, all you americans in trouble, were going through... in part because our own families had gone through similar struggles. when i was a young kid in third grade, i remember my dad coming up the stairs in my grandpop's house where we were living, sitting at the end of my bed, and saying, "joey, i'm going to have to leave for a while. go down to wilmington, delaware, with uncle frank.
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and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in.
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all right. heading into tonight, here we are at the wynn hotel, the big democratic debate tonight and here's the mistake to make. to look at tonight as just, well, hillary clinton, bernie sanders, let's see what they have to say about each other. no, no, no, no, no. this is different than the republican debate. there are bars for success and failure tonight that are individual, not just about this collective rompus room. let's bring in hilary rosen, cnn political commentator and paul bega begala.
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the idea of tonight is not just about how bernie and hillary and jim webb and martin o'malley and even lincoln chafee go at it with each other, that they have their own bar for success. what does hillary clinton need to do tonight regardless of how she deals with what comes at her from the other men on the podium? >> she has to connect up the ideas that are animating her campaign with the voters she needs. this is why she's running. she is, at heart, kind of a nerd. she has impressive position papers, northern of which anybody knows anything about. she's got to connect them up. there have been, you know, distractions in her campaign. now it's all within her power. to connect. she has to -- >> hilary, isn't that part of the danger, if she appears policy wonkish, that won't resonate as much. >> she has a little bit of the smartest girl in the class problem. she's got to convince people that they need to elect her president of the class, not just because she's the smartest girl,
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also because she understands them. that sort of bigger picture, you know, is what motivates her internally. she's got to bring that out externally. >> jim webb, secretary of the navy, u.s. senator, martin o'malley, successful governor of maryland, dealing with issues that the democratic party likes and understands. what is the risk for hillary clinton and bernie sanders tonight when those two are certainly going to be hungry and coming for some of their pie? >> you know, those two are going to make a mistake if all they do is attack bernie and hillary. this is their biggest moment they've had their entire campaign. if they don't actually talk about themselves and what they bring to the table, they'll have a lost opportunity. there's no question they'll make bigger headlines if they come up with a good insult, if they come up with a good attack line. you know, hillary clinton is going to be prepared for that. bernie sanders will be prepared for that. but you know, that's their -- i think they do that at their own peril as well. >> we know you support hillary.
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give bernie advice. >> he has the easiest strategic path tonight. he has something -- >> look at you setting up the false expectation. >> he's a good debater, hillary's a good debater. he has something that's working but everybody hasn't heard it yet. he takes that same message that's working, he's drawing tens of thousands of people. he needs to stay on course, repeat that. if i were advising him, i would say, there are millions of people who will love your message but haven't heard it yet. but don't get distracted by the pomp of the event. same thing that hillary has had to do. >> i think bernie, you know, has a little bit of the grumpy old grandpa problem in some ways. he's very didactic in the way he comes across, pushy about his ideas in a way. paul's right. those ideas are things that really appeal to democratic voters what he's go the to do is
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stand there and act a little more presidential. he has to convince people that he could win a general election. he's going to have to bring those ideas and present them in a way that makes mainstream democrats feel like he could be their guy. >> how does he get past the phrase democratic socialist? or just the word socialist. how does he get past that? >> the big issue is who's going to be the first person to bring up the "s" word? is it going to be hillary, one of the other opponents or anderson? he wants people to think of socialism as in sweden, not russia. it's going to be complicated. >> he has to embrace it. it is his philosophy. he has to embrace it. he has a chance to explain it. >> who's coaching hillary today? >> ron klain. >> what does that look like. >> it's discipline. a rigorous process.
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you go through just what's going to happen. somebody is playing anderson. somebody is playing dana bash and the candidates you just run through it. familiarity helps a lot. your kids will do mock tests. i used to coach baseball. we have practice for a reason. >> does somebody give her zingers and one liners? >> yes. this is a bit of a trap. when i used to work for bill clinton, i'd give him zingers and cute lines. he has a real gift as filing that away in his brain and throwing it out like he just thought of it. she doesn't. >> i think we'll see a lack of false moments. i think she knows it's not her strength. >> what was the crack? you can't plan to have -- >> spontaneity. >> right. >> and great line from mike tyson, born here in vegas, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. and a big part of the debate is, when i lean across and say, hillary, you know, you've gotten this party in some mess.
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how do you respond them? do you look at me, away from me, talk to me or talk about me? those are the moments you can't coach. >> absolutely. that's why these things are so great. this is where she's at her best. she's not as good at reading a script than barack obama. >> bernie sanders is talented. you hit it right on the head. people talk about what ideas, what's the clash, what are the questions going to be? this is theater. these candidates have been saying the same thing every single day for the last several months. so what makes it different tonight when they're on tv in front of millions of people? it's how they're presenting it, the theater of their performance. >> hilary, paul. >> remember benson with dan quayle. it wasn't the line, it's how quayle couldn't look at him. he was looking away, frozen. >> it will be fascinate tock watch tonight, guys. thanks so much for being here with us. >> does any of that make any
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sense? >> tweet us using the #dem debate. >> tune in tonight for the democratic debate, the first one, of course. it will be fascinating. 8:30 eastern, 5:30 here in vegas right here on cnn. this man's name is not clinton or sanders but former maryland governor martin o'malley is running a campaign, he does have ideas. he's looking for a moment. tonight could be that moment. o'malley's press secretary joins us next with his strategy and what does he have to offer you that you haven't heard yet? to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain...
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the focus going into tonight's debate has been on hillary clinton and bernie sanders. >> very good timing. perfect with the graphic. nicely done. >> i planned that. so the candidates taking the stage, the other ones will really need to make an impression if they want their poll numbers to turn around. of them is former maryland
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governor martin o'malley as you saw in the graphic. joining us now is haley morris, the press secretary for martin o'malley. good morning. >> good morning. thanks so much for having me. >> what does governor o'malley plan to do tonight to break through the pack? >> well, look, tonight we'll see an introduction. the governor has an important story to tell. he is the only person tonight who can say, i don't just hold these progressive principles. i've put them into action, marriage equality, the dream act, really tough gun safety reform. these are all things that the governor doesn't just make promises on, he delivers on. that's what he did as governor. that's the leadership he's shown. tonight is a chance for him to introduce his record of progressive rules for him him to tell that story. >> will he make a generational case tonight, that, sure,
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hillary and bernie are the big names but they are the old democratic party and i am the bridge to the future. how does he do that? >> look, he has a unique perspective to share. he's going to share it. he's someone who has always, you know, forged public opinion, he hasn't followed it. on issues like the death penalty, common sense gun safety reforms, marriage equality, these are all places where the governor has shown principle leadership and able to get results. this is the first time democrats are really going to get to hear from all the candidates and they'll get to hear from governor o'malley about his track record. >> and yet, haley, his poll numbers are so lackluster even in his home state of maryland. "the washington post" just did a poll yesterday. he comes in fourth in the poll behind hillary clinton, bernie sanders and joe biden who's not even in the race. look at governor o'malley. why isn't he resonating more?
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>> well, look, i think a couple things. first, tonight is not a night for polls. tonight is a night for ideas. and governor has the boldest and most progressive policy vision putting forward, all of which build off of what he was able to do in maryland. that's get results. he was able to raise the minimum wage. he was able to get the dream act passed, marriage equality passed. so what he's really going to do is he's going to take the conversations he's been having in iowa and new hampshire and he's going to put them out for the national audience to see, democratic primary voters to see. and what we have seen through these individual conversations, which, again, aren't always reflected in the national polls, we're going to be able to see how that translates, how that resonates and we're really excited about that opportunity tonight. >> you're right. it's not a night for polls but it is an opportunity. you use the same word. and they don't give, you take in a debate. the question is, how will governor o'malley break in to
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the, right now, prohibitive lead of hillary clinton and then bernie sanders? what can he tell people that makes him better than either of them? >> of course. look. on that stage tonight, there's only one candidate with 15 years of executive experience. he acts on them, gets results. i think tonight it goes to show that the fighting is getting started. we have a long time between now and the iowa caucus. tonight is really that first moment, that first fight. you're going to see that from governor o'malley tonight. >> is he going to be doing more interviews? we've been asking him to come on "new day" for months, haley. we're lucky we got you. we can't get o'malley on the show. is he going to start doing more interviews, come on "new day," get tested, show that he's legit? >> i think he's showing that he's legit every day in kfrl
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conversations he's having in iowa and new hampshire. he's engaging in the time honored tradition of primary voters and iowa caucusgoers -- >> is a yes you'll be on the show? are you giving me a long yes. >> no. i'm saying come on the road with governor o'malley. he's doing the retail. >> she's saying you come to him. >> he comes on the show, we'll go out on the road. how about that? >> that's a deal. >> all right. >> there you go. >> dell's made in vegas. >> it's all coming together here. haley morris. obviously we'll be watching in great interest tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll see the governor tonight. there is no burying the expectations. this is an existential crisis for jim webb and martin o'malley. yes, it's an introduction but what do you do with it?
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you only get one chance to make a first impression for millions of voters. that will be tonight, the democratic debate, right here, cnn, 8:30 eastern at the wynn hotel. please do watch. tomorrow morning i've just been informed that "new day" is being extended to 5:30 a.m. >> you're welcome. >> obviously there's a lot of analysis. let's be honest, the chance that john berman gets up on time while in vegas given his, in quotes, problem, very small. we'll pick up the slack. >> michaela, i know you'll be watching. >> i didn't know any were going public with that problem. that's fine. we'll love him through it. >> it's terrible. >> tonight is a big important night for so many but probably for hillary clinton the most important date in her campaign to date. what's her best debate strategy? we'll take a look at that, ahead.
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all eyes on hillary clinton tonight. the democratic front-runner as we have the big debate, the first time face-off. clinton obviously the most experienced when it comes to these high-level debates. but what's her strategy going to be tonight? more importantly, what is success for her to discuss? senior adviser to the pro hillary group, quote, correct the record. and cnn political commentator and democratic strategist, good to have you both. >> good morning. >> good to be here. >> hillary clinton has a big lead. it is time to justify why you have such a big lead. the bar is high for her tonight. how does she get over it? >> it's so great, because tonight she can actually talk
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about the policies that she has been rolling out. we were talking about this, policy is hot. >> exactly. >> truly, the people who are watching tonight are going to want to know, what are you going to do for america? what are you going to do for me? she's got all of these substantive pieces, especially that she has been obsessing about, how you can create jobs in america, in a global economy, how do you raise people's wages? unincumbered by the e-mail stuff, she'll be able to talk about that. >> i mean, maria, the challenge in a debate it's always policy and personality. >> yes. >> style and substance. >> that's exactly right. >> what is the plan for hillary? we know she has the policy covered. >> right. >> she can talk about that all day long. what about the other side. >> what she needs to do is take everything that governor grant holmes said and connect it at a personal level with the american people. this is not a woman who wears her heart on her sleeve. she wears it in her policy
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proposals. why does she believe college affordability is so important? she should talk about her mother. we had a big rollout over summer about how important and influential her mother was in sort of focusing hillary on what was important from a policy perspective and as a politician. she could say, look, i want to wake up every single day in the white house if i get that chance because i want to fight for middle-class families. i want to fight for all of those people out there who never had a chap for them, never had a fighter. i want to fight for all of the dorothys out there. >> spin this for me. because you two are doing very well here. now we get deeper into the analysis. >> okay. >> what is the problem? the problem is, the negative poll numbers that she has. she has a high, some are arguing, built-in negative, governor. you want to come on tonight, tell me your ideas. the question is, do i trust you? how does hillary get over that bar of dealing with, not an
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elephant in the room. >> she can authentically say to people, this is why i will lose sleep at night. it's because i want to fight for you. her demonstrated resilience, the way she comes across tonight, the specifics of what she's going to say, i'm telling you, people will see her, i hope, people will see her and her honest feeling of wanting to fight for real people. i hope that that allows her to break through. my guess is anderson will probably ask her a question or two about the e-mail thing. that allows her to go right at the benghazi stuff and -- >> you don't think martin o'malley or webb will bring it up? >> they may. i don't know that o'malley will because he'll be seen as doing the republicans bidding. >> anderson might. >> when he does, it gives her a chance to say all of that stuff that has been drummed up by a
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political sham committee that was set up for the purpose of taking me down using taxpayer dollars. she can be outraged by that. that's another way for her to gain back the trust of people. >> one other thing on the trustworthy numbers, the trustworthy numbers are in a vacuum right now. in all honestly they don't mean anything. i had a voter say to me, this person was not necessarily a huge hillary fan but he saw her as the person who was going to get up every day and fight for him. he said to me, i'm not voting for my spiritual guide. okay? i am voting for somebody who's going to know how to guide the policy proposals from the white house and what that means to me and my family. and the other thing is, when and if she is the nominee, she will have somebody to compare it to on other side. >> yes. >> the other side does not have favorable numbers either. >> let's talk about the other side. you use the term trumped up a moment ago. that is apt because yesterday before the debate, hillary clinton went in front of the trump casino to a protest for union workers and she talked
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about the difference between herself and donald trump. will she make those points tonight? >> of course. of course. >> they all should. >> but yes, their enemy, if you will, is the ideas that are presented by the other side, anti-women, anti-immigration, anti-climate science. you just name it. wealth, tax cuts for wealthy. there's such great meat for contrast. that is where you'll see per kusiveness but it's with those who are not on the stage. >> that therein lies the issue. she might not engage her fellow democrats and all of them may go after the republicans. that's an interesting dynamic. >> that's exactly right. let's not forget she goes into this debate as the front-runner, as such she goes into this debate with a target on her back. >> how can she not? she was just secretary of the state, with an administration that's getting beat up over its foreign policy all over the
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place. she's now stepping away from the president more and more. she got caught a little bit with the trade plan, people started using that as a metaphor for her. she's starting to roll the dice a little bit in terms of calculated risk. that's going to come with exposure tonight. >> she was honored to serve under barack obama but let's be fair. when you work for somebody, you're going to advocate their policy. which is what the trade deal was. >> is that all it is, though? >> when she said, if i were president, i would have never let them put a committee like benghazi together. >> that was personal. >> personal to the president, too. >> on the trade difference with the administration, she voted against cafta, the central american free trade agreement, she voted against fast track. she's not been a rubber stamp on free trade. she wants to vote for a good deal that well will create jobs
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in america, not give away the store. there are providings in this particular agreement that are good but there are provisions that will help to -- to be an aider and abetter to the offshoring of jobs. she's not going to stand by that. >> very quickly. >> let's be fair. when she stood up for it, she always had caveats. that was 2 1/2 years ago. the deal wasn't done. tonight she'll have an opportunity to explain. >> maria, jennifer granholm, thanks s for being here. the cnn debate, tonight 8:30 eastern right here on cnn. let's go back to new york and michaela and other headlines now. >> thank you. we are learning more about what happened in doomed malaysia airlines flight 17's fatal moments. just released report by the dutch safety board says a russian surface-to-air missile brought down mh-17.
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the board did not place blame but does reject russia's claim that ukrainian troops fired the missile. victims' families were told their loved ones died quickly. six baltimore police officers on trial for the arrest and death of freddie gray all are expected in court for a pretrial motion hearing. lawyers for five of the officers will be trying to convince the judge to suppress statements their clients made to investigators claiming they were illegally obtained. the chief medical officer will also be called to testify about the findings from freddie gray's autopsy. playboy, the iconic men's magazine announcing it will stop publishing fully nude pictures of women as part of a redesign "the new york times" says company executives, including "playboy" founder and editor in chief hugh hefner acknowledged the explosion of explicit content online that made the magazine's nudes in a phrase, passe. we'll find out if folks really
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buy it for articles. late-night host taking direct aim at the clintons, not just hillary. they're taking shots at bill, too. a look at that, ahead.
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♪ biden: we had a pretty good idea what all those families, all you americans in trouble, were going through... in part because our own families had gone through similar struggles. when i was a young kid in third grade, i remember my dad coming up the stairs in my grandpop's house where we were living, sitting at the end of my bed, and saying, "joey, i'm going to have to leave for a while. go down to wilmington, delaware, with uncle frank. they're good jobs down there, honey. and in a little while... a little while, i'll be able to send for you and mom and jimmy and val, and everything's going to be fine." for the rest of our life, my sister and my brothers,
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for the rest of our life, my dad never failed to remind us that a job is about a lot more than a paycheck. it's about -- it's about your dignity. [ applause ] it's about respect. it's about your place in the community. it's about being able to look your child in the eye and say, "honey, it's going to be okay," and mean it, and know it's true. you never quit on america. and you deserve a president who will never quit on you. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. pinot noir, which means peanut of the night.
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the biggest beer merger history. anheuser-busch buying miller for $140 million. mergers and acquisitions on track by the way for a record year. dell brought emc yesterday for 67 billion. tonight's debate. expect to hear kitchen table issues. income inequality and makes college for affordable. clint wants two years of free college. and sanders wants four years in the public university.
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going into tonight's debit hillary clinton is the target of "late night" targets. >> get this. if hillary clinton actually became president she probably wouldn't have bill be her first gentlemen. yeah it's rumored that her daughter chelsea or top aid could be named first lady. they still have to come up with a title for bill. here a are options. for example, first ladies man. if that doesn't work well. you could also go with commander in briefs. and finally this is always speaker of the dog house. all good choices. >> an interview released yesterday hillary clinton said she would not rule out anybody as a running mate. said one listener, i'm back
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baby. i'm back. back in the game. >> i enjoyed it. what was your favorite guys? >> i like the picture that they are using of bill clinton where he looks so self satisfied in the smile in all of the pictures. >> i'll go with that. >> excellent. >> all right. so that is the funny stuff. but we have the really serious stuff as well. the race for the democratic nomination is going to change after tonight. there is no question about that. the question is how? we have the factors for each of the candidates and their latest plans for tonight. are watch it. when account lead craig wilson books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready.
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gearing up for tonight's cnn debate is the democrats taking the stage. >> and if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states. >> and let's not try to demonize people who may have disagreements with us. >> each of these candidates may
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have to define themselves. >> i am unbought and i am unbossed. >> i feel strongly about where we're going. >> not about the words. it is about the action. >> aisle fight as hard i can to earn every vote. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo, allsyn camerota and michaela prayer. >> welcome the your "new day." it is tuesday october 13th. 8:00 in the east. mic is in new york. allsyn and i, vegas baby. site of tonight's high stakes democratic debate. hillary clinton and bernie sanders squaring off for the first time. the first time for voters to weigh these two face-to-face, right next to each other. could be a big moment. the question is for whom? >> one big x factor for
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democrats will be joe biden. the vice president still deciding whether to enter the race. even as one top senator says she now believes he will jump in. >> if she were a betting woman. >> so appropriate for today. let's bring today's debate coverage with jim inside the debate hall. how's it looking? >> well it is not in the cards for vice president biden to be here tonight. the white house says he will be back in washington and not here tonight. as for the candidates who will be here. they will be testing hillary clinton who has not debated since 2008. but she's already looking beyond they are democratic rivals and taking on donald trump. as soon as she arrived here in las vegas she was firing off on the real estate tie con. >> what happens in vegas could shake up the next stage of the
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race for five hopefuls. hillary clinton is establishing her presence at these debates. the former secretary of state making an aun announced stop at the union rally at donald trump's vegas hotel, taunting the business tycoontycoon. >> i don't think it's entertaining when somebody insults immigrant, insults women. if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all of the people of the united states. >> bernie sanders who has yet to do a mock debate insists he's going to play nice as long as his competitors do. he continues to ping up traction seeing twauds 13,000 strong in tuesd tucson. >> let's treat each other respectfully and not try to demonize people who have disagreements with us. >> i'd love to run against her because she is so flawed i think
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she's very beatable. but she shouldn't even be allowed to run. >> clinton is prepping with the bob barnett. her main objective. cutting through the politics. and bernie sanders is seeking to convince voters he's serious candidate with mainstream views. web, chafee and o'malley are all looking if the breakout moment. but in a betting town like vegas, anything is possible. >> now as for candidates martin o'malley, jim web and lincoln chafee. they will all be looking for a breakout moment tonight. all you have this to do is look to rubio and feiorina who had strong performances and were rewarded with the stronger poll numbers. the big test for clinton looking and sounded presidential on this big stage later on tonight. >> only one chance the make a first impression. what will they do with it?
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>> we'll see. >> let's see what somebody who matters what they think nevada democratic representative who has endorsed hillary clinton here. you have already endorsed hillary clinton. thank you for welcoming us to our town first of all. >> a great time. >> that's what you're spozed to do in las vegas. >> it's hard to avoid it. why have you gone for hillary so soon? >> i've well supported her for a long time. back when she was running before. i've known her personally, watched her career. i think her depth of knowledge and breadth of experience, plus her commitment just makes her the perfect package. she's the kind of person i want fighting for me and for this count ary. >> what worries you. does it concern you her
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positions have formed. keystone, took her a long time to come around and make the decision. >> i think this will give her a great opportunity to explain how her positions have evolved. she's a great debater: she knows the issues just so well and feels so strongly about them. i think her performance well-beiwill be perfect. >> perfect? that's a reasonable expectation. >> high bar. >> why not bernie sanders? why not martin o'malley. both have records of caring about the issues that certainly matter to people here in nevada, strong working class community. why not one of those? >> i think all of our democratic candidates look good and so are so much better than those you see on the republican stage. and they all agree on basic issues like income inequality and voting right asks those things democrats feel strongly abo about, but i just believe
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hillary has the experience and she's been test over and over again. and she's comes back fighting for i'm other and rying to one this every vote one at a time. >> the polls echo your interest in hillary clinton if we can put them up from people. the latest numbers in nevada valley hilly 50% there i think. this is with joe biden. when you take him out the numbers become even more expansive. let's ask about the big x factor. the vice president, obviously if he's not in bigger bump for hillary clinton. do you think the vice president is going to get into this race. >> i don't sense that. i think his personal feelings are maybe not ready to commit. but if he does, you know, i love joe biden. i've worked with him -- >> would it make you question what to do? >> i wouldn't change my commitment. and i have actually told hid camp that. >> you told his camp that you believe he should not get in. >> no i didn't give him that advice. i just told him i'm with the
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secretary and i'm going to stay with her regardless. >> let's talk about the -- who says she was disinvited by the dnc because she feels she should speak her mind. how do you think the dnc has handled? >> i think the more debates the better. >> uh-oh. you're going to get booted off your own strip. >> that is not true. i they discouraged a lot of members from coming because this is about the candidates. they have not had a chance to show themselves to the public. we don't want to distract from that. i just happen to be here because this is any district. >> do you think the dnc has mishandled in? making this a public spat with her. >> well i don't know what her motivations were. i leak heike her. they say that was not the case. >> what do you say to people
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when they come up and say i like you diane -- dina. what you do tell them? >> i'll say when i went into office at the beginning thf administration, las vegas was facing a crisis. one of the places hardest hit for employment, wrups. we have come back. not far enough but we're on the right path. we're moving forward and that's what gets people energized and thinking positively about the democrats. >> but is that the challenge right there for hillary clinton? to distance herself from -- from some of what barack obama has done.
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some she to support as secretary of state. some sche has to criticize. >> i'm a big supporter of the president. but we don't agree on every single thing. i think she has a platform that appeals to working people in this state for sure. her feelings about income inequality, raising the minimum wage. women's rights issues. immigration reform. all of that plays very well to this population. they are not comparing did we have a democrat before or a republican. they are comparing how their lives are. and that is what they're concerned about. >> what odds are you laying on what wins tonight. >> i think hillary clinton will win? >> even money? or are you giving me any odds. >> fatty acit is a gambling tow. i'm not sure we can bet on politics but just about anything else. >> thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> all right. what are your bets? you are going to get to get a good look at your wager tonight.
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the first democratic debate 8:30 eastern right here an cnn. and tomorrow morning, all the high points of the debate, the analysis. maybe a couple of surprises. a new time for "new day." just tomorrow. 5:30 eastern. allsyn brilliantly, brilliantly coming up with the name "same day." >> in case we pull an all-nighter which has happened as you know. but we should be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow. >> i think it is a sure bet in las vegas that you will be doing an all nighter. we'll be back with you in a minute. we're following breaking news right now. four attacks at least across jerusalem and israel, including several stabbing incidents and a shooting on a bus leaving three israel civilians debt. netanyahu'sing onner boiling over. accusing arab leaders of helping
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insight violence over the past few weeks. and new insight into the malaysia airlines 17 final moments. a russian surface to air missile brought it down over ukraine killing all 298 aboard. the board did not place blame but it does reject russia's claim. and none of the parties involved did a good enough job recognizing the risks, the fighting on the ground posed the air space above. two kansas city firefighters killed in a building collapse last night. battling a the fire at an apartment complex when that structure collapsed on them. their identities have not net been released. two residents trapped inside their second floor apartment were saved by firefighters. those are your head lines, ten minutes past the hour.
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back to vegas and the action. i hope i gave you enough time to zip out to a buffet but i don't know if that worked or not. >> oh believe he we are plied with food and liquids. >> that was practicing my craps game. >> i saw that. whatever just happened there. michaela, thanks so much. hillary clinton and bernie sanders going head-to-head with each other tonight. also three other rivals. who will throw the first verbal punch? we'll predict coming up. >> or real punch. imagine that. tough to come out ahead in that scenario. ♪
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las vegas. the stake is set for the democratic candidates to face off for the first time tonight. let's break down what to expect with our cnn political comment at a ti ators. >> by the way it is not morning. let's just get this straight. this is the middle of the dang night. okay? >> okay. good semantics point and i totally agree. happy evening everyone. let's talk bernie sanders because the you think there are real challenges for him tonight. what is the problem fur him. >> i know people say he is a good debater. this is a different thing for him. he's been doing 90 minute speeches and now he has to give 90 second answers and that is for for anyone. and he doesn't believe in traditional debate prep.
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hillary clinton may come in overprepared this her head. underin her heart. hoe could be the heart. i think he's -- it could be his night. he could run away with it. people like him the more they see him. but he could also find himself struggling on the big stage. >> your fellow republican donald trump says he expects it to stink tonight but he's going live tweet the whole time anyway. from the republican perspective what do you think is the bar for the big democrats tonight? for bernie, for hillary. what do they have to show to be per swasive to those republican, independent, anybody thinking of maybe going other than the norm. >> i'm not sure they can do anything to brick in republicans today but bernie sanders and hillary clinton, first and foremost, do no harm. make no mistakes. for hillary clinton she's got to show that she is human, that she's capable of exhibiting
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human emotion. that she can connect with the american public. she's got to dispel some of the problems. remember the word cloud on her. untrustwort untrustworthy. liar. she's got to address those issues. she's going to tak have to tack the e-mail issue. bernie sanders has to show he's more than the 74-year-old scary socialist from vermont vth. >> and let's talk about the carly fiorina moments. who is poised to do it. >> any of these candidates. here is the thick. the fiorina moment was a fiorina flop. he performed terrific in the debates and zoomed up to 15%. and guess what? in week's poll she's back down to 6. why? she didn't tell the truth.
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i don't want to be ungracious to her but she lied and got caught. two kinds of cover for a debate. >> what are you referring to. >> she talked about the video she claimed from. >> the planned parenthood. >> and you think that has hurt her poll numbers? >> something has. i don't think they like it when you lie to their face. and they have to think about both. the performance and the fact checkers. if you are two -- you can lose the heart. but too spun up in the emotion the way ms. fiorina did and you misstate facts. i think the most underestimated person on that stij has got to be o'malley. you don't get to be a mayor, a governor with zero political skills. the problem is -- >> yes you do. have you been to florida? >> what's wrong with you? i mean have you meat collharlie
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quick. >> or jeb bush for that matter. >> you would -- listen, jeb bush has two terms, 65% approval rating and was the first republican governor to win two terms back to back. so watch yourself. >> and asterisk today? anyway, my only pain is o'malley has actually has political skills. he's actually done stuff. this is the first time he's had one molecule of oxygen. he could catch fire. but i would not be surprised if we're talking about o'malley o'malley and how he surprised people. >> i went on google and searched o'malley. because we haven't talked at all about these other three. web, o'malley, chafee. o'malley there are all these shirtless pictures of him. like the vladomir putin of america now.
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i'm thinking some shirtless planking on the stage tonight might do something for his numbers. >> o'malley has a big opportunity. that is the benefit of getting a big stage when you are an unknown. period. however a little bit of it is his own doing. we said earlier he doesn't come on the show. if you don't come out and make the case for yourself everywhere that you can, hillary got hit with that stick. you have to play the game if you want the game to respect you. >> absolutely. and the contrast, bernie sanders was an asterisk when he started this. and now he's winning in new hampshire. double digits. and not only because he did media and i love the press but he had a strategy to put himself on the map by building large crowds. hillary could have done that but she didn't need that strategy. she needed to get small. >> you suggest. >> i'm sure. >> well i think there are two sides on that. why does she still have that big built in negative. maybe if she had been making the case earlier on maybe it would
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have helped her out. >> ha's well and good. my point is she has to come pain person to person ux neighborhood to neighborhood. because that is what they need. bernie needed the big rallies to put himself on the map. >> i don't know pall. i honestly don't think he set out as the strategy to build the gigantic crowds. they have taken all of us, including himself by surprise. >> he says woe every time he walked out there. >> and he should. but you book that hall, you fill that hall. it is not magic. it is work and his cam pain has done it really brilliantly. and martin should have done that. he's a talented guy but he didn't have the -- >> one of the things i'm really interested in seeing. i've been to two republican debates now. i'm one of the things i'm very interested in seeing tonight is the audience interaction. it was a huge part of the first republican debate. >> today there are a lot of
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tickets that went to the dnc. that means donors. that means hillary clinton people for the most part. bernie sanders gets his money from small donors. each campaign got 06 or 70 tickets and then some folks from nevada here. so it is going to be have a very interesting component. because there are 1300. it is a lot less than the first republican debate. a lot more than the second. >> interesting. because the energy between the candidates and audience, the energy they get from each other. how does hillary do in these type of settings. >> the larger size ordinarily would help bernie sanders. he's used to the crowd. and the question is he throwing raw meat to vegetarians. then it could fall flat. he's going to try to test to see if there is a crowd out there for his applause lines. if he gets a couple of the big applause lines and she starts feeling it she's going feel the
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burn. >> all this negative press about hilly now has set her up nicely. they keep saying she's too stiff -- when she in fact engages with the folks there, i think a lot of people who have only heard the negative are going to be very impressed. she actually has a chance to jujitsu all of that negative press. >> i love hillary clinton. she's always been on my issues. she's been there. when she talks about her mother, i well up. i think people think that hillary clinton was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. born at yale. they don't know her story still because she's so mid western armored about. >> first let's start with the fact that you well up almost as easily as the john boehner. any mention of elizabeth warren and you're tearing up at any
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moment. >> you are known for a flourish of emotion as well by the way. >> i'm hispanic. what do you want? >> you are? >> stick around. we have a lot more. and of course we do have a another reminder. >> do you know what tonight? democrat debate, 8:30 eastern on cnn. >> and also the gop contenders will likely be watching the debate very closely. some of them have said that. so our all-star political panel returns to weigh in on what they are hoping will happen. >> also known as why anna got up. >> i still don't know the answer. ♪ (vo) making the most out of every mile.
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do you know who is going to be watching tonight? all of you. and do you know who else? the republican candidates. donald trump already making some bold predictions about the democrat ice first face off. remember, everything that happens tonight matters for the democrats but also by extension, the republicans. >> sure, makes perfect sense. >> our panel is joining us now. your people, they are going to be watching tonight. what are they watching for? >> i think they are watching for, first how are the debate
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skills? what are they going to say? ? is there anything that is a mistake that carries through to the general election. debates are really important. and they can move the needle one way or the other. they can make or break campaigns. they can make campaigns like karly fiorina, they can break campaig campaigns. just ask rick perry from texas. dissecting every word said on stage to figure out what is true, what is false? tomorrow we're going see what is said on that stage that was false. >> how often does donald trump's name come up tonight? >> a bunch. first off he is a ratings magnet. the democrats know that too. one of the rules is never punch down. you can punch up to donald.
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he's wealthy, powerful. and leading the polls. he is a fair target. and he's dragged them into the antiimmigrant, antilatino bashing that could make it impossible for them to win the general election and the equal and opposite factor is not happening in my party. bernie sanders has not said one thing that worries me. what he's saying is fine. he's not demonizing like trump is. i want the democrats to stand up. particularly in nevada with lots of latino voters. they need to stand up for folks which donald trump has slurd. >> carefully what you wish with. your girl goes up there and starts bashing trump. and i look over and say any of you at his wedding? any of you got $100,000 for your foundation from him? >> who wouldn't go? >> the people who didn't get invited because they weren't cashing in.
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that's who. >> not cashing, having fun. >> i think the one danger would be if you get a facebook question that starts pushing bernie on the socialism question. and bernie decides he is going to wax eloquent on that. i think that can hurt democrats. there are moments where if you are a republican you are waiting to try to push forward. the main concern, how ready is hillary clinton ready for prime time. they are not worried about o'malley. they are worried about hillary clinton. they want to know is if fire they have been directing at her on e-mail got her off the game. how much are the cnn folks going to push her? >> from ands cooper is not about benghazi. members of the right are going to be upset and say she got a pass. the question becomes you are not going to make that part of the republican party happy in a democratic debate. but what does need to happen for hillary clinton on that issue of benghazi, the e-mail? what does she need to do help
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quell the reservations of her own party. >> she has to want the ball. in little league. you have to get them thinking i want them to hit it to me. this week, this last week, we had a breakthrough moment on benghazi in the e-mails where now she wants it. now it is a sword and not a shield. when a investigator, a republican air force major came forward, he was one of the investigators and he said the investigation was partisan in targeting hillary. that's game over. and she wants that question. if anderson doesn't raise it. i bet she does. >> -- it's delicate. on the one hand she's got to show the outrage. it is three strikes and you are out on this committee. mccarthy come out and say it is political. selective leaking on the top aids and now actually worker there saying they are going
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after hillary. she got herself into this mess. even the president has said it was a mistake. she's got to balance contrition with outrage. that is tough to do. >> benghazi is the d day on benghazi for hillary clinton is coming up in a couple of weeks when she testifies. we really know nothing about this man who came without these allegations. we don't know if he is a disgruntled nut case or a true whistle plower giving out information. he's got an ongoing mediation, which i think is for today. >> he was hired as an investigator. the question is why she was dismissed. >> listen, he was also in counseling for deficient performance for months before this. >> but you also have -- there is a fourth strike. the chairman of the committee himself. trey gowdy of south carolina, went on fox news sunday.
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they asked what does this e-mail have so do with benghazi? he said not much of anything. the -- >> i respect them for saying that. by the way i respect them for saying that. >> [ inaudible ]. >> because e-mails are being investigated by the federal agencies by the fbi, not by benghazi. there are two completely different issues that we shouldn't be conflating. the benghazi committee may go away is but the fbi and doj are still investigating the unsecured server. >> and this is why biden is so important. as the possible scenario that there is some real trouble for hillary clinton coming from the fbi. not from gowdy or these other people. if that happens, the most important person in the debate not on the stage. it is biden. biden as far as i'm concerned is the ultimate insurance policy against a hillary clinton
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implosion. >> by the way joe, if you are watching, we have a elect ealec you. you have a plane. get on it. >> stay -- [ inaudible ] >> would have to be against her personally though. >> 2% -- gu. >> sure. [inaudible] >> doj has said there is no chance. >> all right we got to go. >> [ inaudible ]. >> -- my uncle. it is not going to happen. okay? [ laughter ] >> all right. we're having a few technical issues there in las vegas. don't forget tonight is the big night and right here on "new day" tomorrow morning with a special early edition of our show starting at 5:30 eastern. right now give you the five things for you new day. another one, a violent surge of shootings and stabbings in central israel. three killed, does nsz more injured. a just released report says a russian surface to air missile
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detonated outside the cockpit of malaysia airlines flight 17. the report rejects that ukraine troops fired the missile. the pac lifted sanctions on iran if the country curbs sensitive nuclear activities. and six baltimore police officers --. >> and of course we are just 12 hours from tonight's democratic debate on cnn. hillary clinton faces off with bernie sanders and three other challengers. don't forget 8:30 eastern tonight. and for more on the five things, you can always visit "new day"cnn.c day" tonight all eyes on hillary clinton.
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we'll examine it deeper ahead. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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okay. that was not the daily hit but we're here at the magic wall to talk about tonight. the democratic candidates face off for the first full-time. hillary clinton has been in the national spotlight since 1992. will hillary defend her record and trust worthy issues here to discuss it all? john avalon, editor and chief of the daily beast. >> good morning. >> we're holding down the fort and giving context to who she is now. where she's come from. you say that this moment was a really defining moment, the first time we saw the two of them, let's listen to it in a joint interview. >> i'm not sitting here some little woman standing by my man
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like tammy wynette. i'm sitting here because i love him and the honor him and what we've been through together. and that is not enough for people, then h ek don't vote for him. >> she got some heat for that. >> there's definitely a lot of blow back. the irony she was standing by her man but this is one of those rhythms that's procured her to this couple. the clinton store about scandals and the resurgences but frequently they rely on the other person, sometimes the person they have wrong to pull their fat out of the fire. and that is what she did right there. tough, formidable and she wasn't just going to play a traditional role. >> you brought our attention to this moment. >> it is time for us to say here in beijing and for world to hear that it is no longer acceptable to discuss we'omen's rights as separate from human rights.
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if there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights once and fur all. >> an important message back then. still an important one we haven't made much headway on. >> and sometimes it seems like a succession of scandals when you look at the clintons. what's important to understand and appreciate is the way they have been forces for change. and this is an important that creates moral authority behind her candidacy mid the sort of scandals. >> and we've got all the options here. i want to jump around. we see a side of hillary clinton in 2008, america sees a side of her that we weren't custody md to seeing. >> yeah. >> i have so many opportunities from this country. i just don't want to see us fall backwards. you know?
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[ applause ] >> this is very personal for me. it is not just political. it is not just public. i see what's happening. and we -- >> she teared up there. this is a more human side of her. do you think we're going to see more of this. >> well that was really the -- in some ways the transformational moment of the 2008 campaign. it was enough to help her win new hampshire. it was not enough to change the trajectory of the overall race. but the lessen is take the risk of intimacy. be yourself, try to tap into the emotion as the human being that you are beneath the steely am pi bigs and toughness. when candidates take that risk people connect. and that is what she needs do not only in tonight's debate but overall. >> another moment in 2008, interesting. because this is when she ended her campaign. >> although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time.
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thanks to you it's got about 18 million cracks in it. >> what resonated here for you? >> not only was it a good-natured defines admittance of defeat but set the stage for right now. and now a run again. after really hard fought race. so that is a key moment where she made the campaign that she had just run about something larger than herself and that is what's essential for winning campaign. >> she e showed formidable grace there too. not easy to do when you are making that kind of speech. >> not always. >> and fast forwarding to more recent times. 2013 is clear memory. testifying about benghazi. >> with all due respect the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of the protest or because guys out for a walk one night who decided to go kill some americans? >> we saw her fired thereupon and angry. this issue is not going to go
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away and she's going face it tonight. >> yep. and again october 22nd for the benghazi testimony. although the integrity of the most recent investigative commission has been questioned as jake tapper interviewed one of the former investigator whose said it was partisanship. two things here. one, this was not a great moment for hillary clinton. this is where that passion and self righteousness she felt really seemed tone deaf and not misused. but something else with the clintons is they are blessed with enemies who inevitably over reach. and that is one of the secrets to coming back. >> thanks so much john. we appreciate it. alley, back to you in vegas. >> as you know here on new day we like to get out and talk to new voters so we hit the vegas strip to do just that. and we started with what we thought was a simple question. which candidates are running for president? >> have you ever heard of
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hillary clinton? >> do you know who's in the debate? >> who are you looking for? >> lincoln chafee? >> were they at the party last night? actions. they speak louder. we like that. not just because we're doers. because we're changing. big things. small things. spur of the moment things. changes you'll notice. wherever you are in the world. sheraton.
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welcome back to "new day." shortly after we landed here we hit the vegas strip to talk with people that matter, of course the voters. so how much do they know about who will be on stage tonight? listen to this. >> i was gambling. >> do you know any of the other candidated? >> for the democrats?
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hilla hillary, ber sni. >> there are three more. >> oh. o'malley. >> yes. >> and let's see here. oh what's that other guy. web i believe. >> web. >> have you ever heard of hillary clinton. >> oh yes. >> bernie sanders? >> yes. >> jim webb? >> no. >> martin o'malley. >> no. >> lincoln chafee. >> no. >> dune who's in the debate. >> of course. bernie sanders, hillary clinton. who's the other person? >> kwhor you looking for? >> bernie. >> do you know who else is going to be in the debate? >> isn't it going to be hillary and -- i don't know if trump's going to be there because i try not to pay attention to him. >> just the democrats. there are three others running for president on the democratic side. >> no clue. >> do you know who will be in the debate? >> i know hillary is running.
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and joe biden is run. >> not yet. deciding. >> or -- yeah he's running. >> heard it here first. >> he's gonna run. >> all right. you guys seem to be in the know. that's cool. hillary, probably joe biden. anybody else? >> no. >> have you ever heard of the bernie sanders? >> no. >> jim webb? >> no. >> lincoln chafee? >> were they at the party last night? >> no. >> i don't know. maybe they were there. >> do you recognize this handsome man? >> no. >> no. >> definitely did not shake shots with him. >> martin o'malley. >> no. >> there is nothing like a girls weekend in vegas. >> so it seems that people didn't know the other three candidates other than bernie and hillary. is that a safe assumption?
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did you have anybody who nailed all five? >> no. but four out of five. >> an 80. >> i liked their honesty. everyone was honest and candid about what they didn't know. but everybody did say they were planning to watch and everybody did know bernie sanders and hillary clinton for the most part. >> --. there you go. >> so they say. >> my goodness. >> oh and that joe widen is running. >> exactly. >> all right i think we need a little good stuff. when we come back, this wonderful woman who is lending a helping hand. she is our good stuff. we got the new tempur-flex and it's got the spring and bounce of a traditional mattress. you sink into it, but you can still move around. now that i have a tempur-flex, i can finally get a good night's sleep. (vo) change your sleep. change your life.
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change to tempur-pedic. (vo) making the most out of every mile. that's why i got a subaru impreza. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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last yeargenius. she started back at you from her basement. >> we fill backpacks with essentials for the homeless and a handmade scarf so they know someone really cares. >> a year later they are a full fledged non profit. they distribute to the homeless in the st. louis area. you are a the fantastic lady. thanks so much more all you do kathy. she's the good guys, back to you in vegas. >> always good to get the good stuff to start the day. don't forget less than 12 hours, look that is screwing up my picture of my suit there. just 11.5 hours left. >> [ inaudible ]. >> thank you very little. the first democratic debate 8:30 eastern right here on cnn. >> and tomorrow morning all of your postdebate analysis on a
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very special early edition of "new day." it begins at 5:30 eastern. that is 2:30 out here if anyone's counting. cnn's debate coverage continues now on newsroom with carol costello. >> have a great day in vegas. news room starts now. i'm carol costello. the stage is set and the stakes are huge. five democrats roll the dice in las vegas, squaring off in their first debate of the presidential season. this is the legendary vegas strip where fortunes can turn in a moment and a split second decision can last a lifetime. and this is the wynn hotel and casino where the debate gets under way. bernie sanders and hillary clinton share the spot and three underdogs step out of their shadows. tonight


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