tv New Day CNN October 16, 2015 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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candidates have. we have the story covered only the way cnn can. let's start with jeff zeleny live in london this morning. jeff, what do you know? good morning? >> reporter: good morning, brooke. vice president joe biden has been calling top strategists in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. the important early voting states asking if they would be on board if he decides to run. he's getting closer and closer to making his announcement, perhaps in the next week. >> have you made your decision yet? >> i can't hear you. >> reporter: as vice president joe biden continues to evade the big question, this morning it appears he's closer to answering that. >> is there still an opening for you in the race, sir? sources telling cnn that biden's family supports a presidential run. the vice president personally making calls this week to
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democratic strategists from iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. the conversation how not whether he'll launch a campaign. >> with the stature he would bring to the race, the minute he got into the race, the entire narrative would change. >> reporter: new this morning, a look inside biden's possible 2016 run. a close adviser to biden, former delaware senator ted coffman sent an e-mail obtained by cnn to his former staffers asking for their help if the vice president decides to run. in it, he says it will be a campaign from the heart. a campaign consistent with his values, our values and the values of the american people. he went on to say, if he runs, he'll run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentally change the balance of our economy. and the political structure to restore the ability of the middle class to get ahead. coffman writing in the e-mail, biden believes we must win this election or in the hands of the rains, everything that he and the president have worked for and care about is at stake. friends of biden who have spoken
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to him say he's not afraid to lose. even in the wake of a strong debate performance this week by hillary clinton and vermont senator bernie sanders. >> how are you in nice to see you. >> reporter: the vice president has asked several democratic strategists in early states to work for him if he decides to run. fund-raisers and supporters are also waiting in the wings to join his campaign if he moves forward. now, biden has run for president twice before, of course, and lost. in 1988 and then again in 2008. he's never run before, of course, as a sitting vice president. he truly believes he would be the best person to carry on this democratic message forward. he knows that time is running short and will announce his decision in the coming days. chris and brooke. >> in the coming days we will wait for it. this could potentially be huge obviously for this 2016 race. jeff zeleny, thank you so much. first a 2016 candidates reporting their third quarter fund-raising numbers now. who is winning the money race? and building momentum coming out of those debates, cnn chief
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business correspondent christine roman was singing "money money money" as she was walking into the studio. >> money makes the political process go round. these are year to date numbers right here. this is money raised by the campaigns, this does not include super pac money. when you include super pac money, there's a huge disparity. the outsiders are disrupting the money game just like they're disrupting the polling. in the third quarter ben carson almost $21 million. what's important to note is the momentum for dr. carson. jeb bush, his supporters relieved this morning. he's raising an awful lot of money, 13.4 million. more than in the first quarter. he has an expensive ground game. we lost our board. he needs that money to keep coming in and it is. look at ted cruz, second quarter, 10 million. he raised more than 12 million in the third quarter. that's the narrative of the
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outsider still drawing the money. donald trump, 3.8 million he's not even soliciting donations. hillary clinton in the second quarter, 47 million, 29 in the third quarter. bernie sanders, he's the outsider, again, with that momentum. so again these are the numbers. this is what the candidates have raised. it's not super pac money. that super pac money is hundreds of millions of dollars. that can't be used for the day-to-day campaign operations. you'll see that in tv advertising probably later. these numbers show you it's the outsiders getting momentum. worth noting, bernie sanders, 650,000 individual donors. that's way more than hillary clinton with 400,000. guys? >> that is certainly a notable distinction. otherwise the main headline has to be, boy, there's a lot of money out there. >> a lot of money. >> and people willing to give it to get influence. let's discuss the big news of the day. let's bring back jeff zeleny in london. thank you for coming in on vacation, maeve reston and political anchor for new york one, errol lewis.
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jeff, in terms of let's circle back to your reporting there on joe biden. what is going on right now? obviously we're watching the timing but if this is about the question of why more than how for the biden people. what are you hearing? >> there's no doubt about that, chris. he is calling around to gauge support, to see if there is the traction, the space, the oxygen in this democratic presidential campaign. he simply believes that he would be the best nominee for this party. not surprising, of course. he was in the senate for four decades. he's long wanted to be president. being so close to president obama all these years has made him want that even more. he believes there is room. in this year of authenticity, when voters are craving an unscripted, authentic candidate, he believes he could be that person. the question is will he go forward with this? the democratic party has seen him flirt with this before and back away. many people believe he will back away this time. i can tell you, chris, people who he is actually talking to
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are left with the impression that he is running. i talked with somebody who talked with him just last night, they said, gosh, owe sure sounds like he's running. we'll find out in the coming days. >> here's my question to you, errol, if he goes for it, there are a lot of biden people working with the hillary clinton campaign. they know the secret playbook, they know strategy. would they be able to jump ship and support biden, therefore, taking trade secrets with them. >> the highest level of these professionals may have in fact signed nondisclosure agreements. on the other hand, it's not really rocket science how you decide to run and where we're going to put the emphasis on this state or that state. we could probably game it out here at the table about as well as anybody could take to the biden campaign. if he's going to get an advantage, it's not going to be from that. it's going to be from some of the endorsements she's got. i think she has over 100 members of congress have endorsed hillary clinton. when some of them start to peel official or shift to neutral, it
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starts to make a difference. the strategy itself, though, money, money, money, very much as christine said plus getting a ground game in place very, very quickly in the early states. >> trade secrets are really not a big factor of doing these types of campaigns. there's very little that is unknown, right? it's about who you locked in in terms of the bigger names, the more valuable names in terms of analysis and polling to help you with your ground game. a lot of them are taken up. that's true. but maeve, to you, the question with joe biden is a different analysis than it would be if it were a different politician because this is a man who's going to run if he feels it as opposed to whether forensically it makes sense. it is a stark contrast between team biden and team clinton. what are you hearing about that? >> well, when you talk to biden sources out there, they say as jeff noted that the first concern is family. we know he's spending every weekend with his grandchildren right now. his family has been through a difficult time. that is what's made it such a difficult decision for him at a time when everyone is grieving.
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but there is a very clerical clus here, not just on family side, the personal side. also the money side. think about hillary clinton's don't ares, right? the clinton world has been known for a long time about, you know, keeping their enemies close and making sure that people stay on their side. so you're not going to see a situation like you do on the republican side where donors are giving to two candidates at the same time. i think that's really one of biggest factors here for joe biden. he's got staff out there that want to work for him. he's got, you know, the ability to pull a ground game together really quickly. question is whether or not donors will give to him without fear of retribution from clinton's campaign. >> what about just from money, jeff zeleny, to the thrust of his campaign? you talked about this letter from senator coffman to the biden network. what more have we gleaned from that as far as platform campaign? i know it's an optimistic
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campaign they say. >> it would be. it would be an optimistic campaign as a fighter for the middle class, middle class values. essentially a third term of this president which would not necessarily be welcomed by a lot of voters. the president's approval rating is hovering just below 50%. that would be a challenge. in the democrat ic primary, it would be a welcome message. one advantage the vice president would have, he, i'm told would have access to the e-mail list, the obama campaign e-mail list that served him so well in 2008 and 2012. joe biden was his running mate, of course. he is a part owner of that. he would start out with this huge advantage. he could use that. he's also looking to potential early endorsements from labor unions. some key international labor unions have been sitting on the sidelines essentially waiting for this. the firefighters, fciu, team steers, steelworkers. he has a long connection with
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them. if they wou >> do you think money matters, errol, in terms of making the decision? how you run the campaign money greases the way. joe biden specifically, do you think he's asking the people if the money is there or figuring out who's with him? >> it's all of it. the money is not the big question. the big question is the why. you know? we understand he's going to try and sort of put things in place and he's talking to strategists and so forth. but which parts of the obama agenda is he go inge to separate himself from? if he carries that whole book of business in, if he as jeff suggested, maybe essentially is trying to run for a third obama term, there's a lot that he's going to have to answer for. the arab spring, the faltering of the economy this summer. i mean, there will be a lot of different things. we want to see, we'll need to see, which pieces of the obama agenda is he going to sort of create a subtle distinction from? this is something that hillary clinton has been doing for the last few months on the keystone
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xl pipeline, a number of different arctic drilling, a number of different issues. if joe biden will be one more time the same old stuff, you know, hope and change but minus the change, i don't know if that's going to work. >> the easy decision for him is to not run. he's had a very established career. this was a pinnacle of it being vice president of the united states. i can't tell you how many democrats are saying after the debate, everybody's good. they did a good job. imagine if you can combine her pedigree with bernie sanders to tap into the bass of the party. that combination is joe biden. that's a tempting thing for a guy who's always wanted to fight the good fight. >> since 1988. >> maeve knows, anybody who's been around joe biden he's a fighter. he wants to make the fight. this has to be a balanced
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decision he has going on inside of him right now. great reporting. thank you. as always, this afternoon, great perspective on this issue. jake tapper sitting down exclusively with hillary clinton. i wonder what he's going to ask her. >> how about that. >> watch "the lead with jake tapper" right here at 4:00 p.m. senator lindsey graham and former arkansas governor mike huckabee blasting the president while ohio governor john kasich and new jersey governor chris christie support obama. the president standing firm, saying he has no choice as the taliban gains ground and kabul appeals for an ongoing american aide. former house speaker dennis hastert in the news, reaching a plea deal on charges he lied to federal investigators about $3.5 million in hush money payments. two sources with knowledge of the investigation tell cnn back in june that hastert was paying
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a former student to stay quiet about allegations of sexual abuse during his team as a wrestling coach and teacher. the plea deal, allegations may never be made public, including the identity of the accuser, only known as individual "a." a kosovo man under arrest for handing over military data to isis. he hacked into a u.s. company and stole personal information of at least 1,300 members of the military and federal employees as well. that list later posted onlike. he's being held in malaysia where he had gone to study computer science. u.s. authorities have asked for his extradition. family of a michigan teenager fatally shot by a police officer during a traffic stop is suing the officer and the county for wrongful death. according to the suit, five minutes after 17-year-old devin
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gillford was pulled over for flashing high beams at a cop, he was shot seven times and killed. for the first time we're seeing the video of the encounter. jean casarez joins us. >> reporter: this is difficult video to watch. look at the details. focus in on the fine points you will think about this story all day. >> driver's license and registration, proof of insurance. i pulled you over because you flashed me. >> watch this police body camera video, 17-year-old devin gilford on his way to his girlfriend's house back in february. sergeant jonathan frost pulling him over for flashing his high beams. >> driver's license, registration, proof of insurance. i did not have them on. driver's license, registration, proof of insurance, please. >> i don't even know you're an officer. >> reporter: sergeant frost asked several times for gilford's license. he refuses, questioning why he was stopped. >> am i being detained? >> yes, you are. >> for what crime?
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>> you flashed me with your high beams. >> reporter: gilford begins recording their interaction on his cell phone. >> start to comply with this traffic stop or you'll be taken to jail. >> reporter: the officer calls for backup. >> you do not have your dlifrls on your person, correct? >> yes, i do. >> where is it. >> you don't have to see it. i cannot see -- you had your lights on, sir. i'm not lying to you. i was just doing that to be polite. i didn't want you to flash someone and have someone go off the road and crash, you know? >> you realize if you don't comply with this traffic stop, it would have gone a different way. >> out of the car or you'll get tased. everything is being recorded, son. get down on the ground now. down on the ground. >> oh, my gosh, stop yelling at me. >> down on the ground. right here. facing me. down on the ground.
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now. get on your belly. right now. >> this is what american -- >> put your phone down and put your arms out to your side now. >> reporter: sergeant frost kicks gilford's cell phone away. >> i don't have a weapon. >> get your hands behind your back. you're under arrest. >> reporter: just about 90 seconds before backup arrives, sergeant frost tasesgilford. roughly 14 sections later you hear gunshots. sergeant frost says gilford attacked him, hitting him repeatedly with his fist. take a look at this slow-mo, frame by frame. you can make the scuffle out just a little more clearly. >> central point 272. i shot one. priority backup. >> reporter: sergeant frost is captured at the scene,
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transported to the hospital with these injuries. sergeant frost was cleared of all wrongdoing. the prosecutor concluding that frost was acting in self-defense, that he reasonably believed at that moment he could die or receive serious bodily injury. now, the damage to the body camera, it was found all over the scene and the medical examiner is finding that gilford's wound was from the front. the family filing a federal and civil lawsuit alleging officer excessive force. the prosecutor's report says the father said before that, in the days before his son had become so focused on the internet with officer/civilian shootings, pulling over cars and perceived officer misconduct and his father try toad tell him, all officer aren't like that but formed his state of mind apparently at that point. >> he pulled out his own cell phone. you see the split screen of his own cell phone with his body cam. we're talking to two family attorneys later on this morning.
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how quickly it escalates there. thank you so much. we'll be talking a lot about politics this morning as well. hillary clinton's top aide is set to appear before the house benghazi committee behind closed doors today. why is that politics? because of all the suggestions that this committee has become as much about political motivations as it is keeping americans safe. was it just a waste of taxpayer dollars? what will uma abedin say when she sits down? what will hillary clinton say when she testifies? she may have more questions than answers for the panel. the new 2016 ram limited. you don't have to be a king to be treated like one. ♪
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with less than a week before hillary clinton's testimony before the benghazi committee, her top aide, uma abedin is set to be interviewed by the panel today. the committee dealing with its own problems with mounting criticism of being politically motivated. so with us this morning, cnn political commentator and washington correspondent for the new yorker ryan lizza and errol lewis, political anchor at new york one is back. ryan lizza to you, with abedin's appearance at this committee today, what kind of back and forth should we expect here? >> well, remember, her appearance today, brooke, will be behind closed doors.
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so we're not -- stuff will leak out, maybe she'll talk to the press afterwards. we're not going to know exactly what goes on. the other thing is, congress is on recess this week and that means that most members of the committee are not around. so it's likely that the professional staff on this committee will be the ones grilling her. >> you don't think the committee members will all be present? >> i mean, have you ever talked to a congressman who likes to come back to washington, d.c. while they're on break on a friday? >> have you talked to congressmen about what happened in benghazi? >> maybe some of the ones who are really committed to talking to her will be there. cnn is reporting and some of the other "washington post" reporting is that most members are out of town and might not be there. >> you have organizational requirements in terms of the formation and function of the committee. it's not a good day to skip, you
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could argue. ryan, errol, the question becomes how does this committee change in light of the recent suggestions? one would think, common sense, dictates they should get wholesome, pure and focussed very fast. >> this is not being driven by common sense and to a certain extent i think these folks are going to, really, play to the very bitter end the same hand they've been playing all along, that something nefarious has happened, everyone is lying, there's some kind of cover-up and they are going to find it. i think they're going to be greatly disappointed in that process, because whatever for good or bad, whatever happened in benghazi, whatever we know about that and frankly the derivative issue of the e-mails, i think everybody has sort of made up their mind about it. i don't think there will be a smoking gun memo. >> you have a tantalizing nature of the unknown, right? we don't know what else happened. >> right. >> you can read so much into
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that suggestively. especially in a toxic political environment. you have to cut that against what is a legitimate push back? democrats are saying, team hillary is saying, look at what they said. that doesn't mean it's a witch hunt. if it's about what happened at 2:00 in the afternoon on cnn, we're omi icoming after you. that's your space. >> right. >> how do you decide if it's a witch hunt, you were in charge, we're coming at you. >> if this is a witch hunt, they don't exist, they're not going to find anything. uma abedin, for better or worse, i've met her a few times. i worked with her husband a little business in the news media. they have started to use her name in the right wing talk circles, if you turn on radio and listen to some of it, she listed with cheryl mills and hillary clinton as the bad guys, the bad team. i think there will be some
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people -- >> cheryl mills in the council's office. >> yes. some will say they beat up on her. whether it's behind closed doors or come out and tell tales about it. i think we know how this will play out. the main event is next week when mrs. clinton herself appears before the committee. >> can i make one point about this committee that's the real tragedy of what the republicans or the mistake the republicans made here? >> we had a pretty major policy failure in libya, right? we attacked a country, part of a coalition that attacked it and didn't have a plan for what happens after khadafy fell. the last time a president did that in iraq, it was a pretty big deal, right? i think this committee had a responsibility to sort of investigate that, why did this policy failure happen? instea instead, they got so caught up in the rabbit hole of the details of exactly what happened that night in benghazi, trying to get hillary clinton and her
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aides and frankly delving -- >> did they get caught up or create it? >> they decided the committee, it was more important to damage specific people politically rather than get to the bottom of how did libya turn into this hell hole of terrorists? and if you want to answer that question, you have to go back to the original policy. that's an important question they missed by focusing so much -- >> do you think they'll deliver on that? >> some of those questions have been raised and some of the committees have benjamin netanyahu those subjects. when the e-mail scandal started, they said a-ha, this could be what takes hillary clinton down. now hillary clinton uses benghazi and the committee as a shield to block questions about libya policy, e-mails, anything. i think they've shot themselves in the foot and prevented a real investigation from happening.
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>> of course, they'll get plenty of other bites at that april, though. you can make the same argument about afghanistan and what's still going on in iraq and add syria to the list in the not too distant future. >> we'll talk a ton more about afghanistan. big news from the president yesterday. repercussions looking ahead to 2016 and 2017. news of an urgent meeting at the u.n. today to try to stop the violence between the palestinians and the israelis. but is it already too late? are we reaching into a new cycle? we talk ambassador to the u.s., next. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about.
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killed in response by israeli fors. meanwhile, israel is bristling at what it sees as the u.s. suggestion of it using excessive force. ron dermer is a senior adviser to prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he joins us now. >> good to be with you. >> mr. ambassador, let's take one step backwards. when the initial suggestion from a police -- a police spokesperson in israel that it's time to arm yourselves was seens a -- as alarmist. please provide context n. israel you do not have a general right of gun ownership. there are specific categories of citizens that can carry guns. officers in the army, members of special forces who served in the special forces, people who are involved in security. some of our security service in israel. it's not like everyone can go and get a gun in israel tomorrow. they have to have a waiting period, even those people with
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the right to have a gun. we have very strict gun laws in israel. what the police were saying and what the mayor was saying and others were saying, those who do have a right to carry a gun, should carry a gun because they're helping the police restore calm and take the action they need to to respond to these attacks. >> all right. we are seeing a painfully familiar dynamic. israelis often in innocent situations, certainly here, these have been random stabbings on the street many of these, then precipitates a very strong response. the analysis/criticism becomes, yes, israel was provoked into this situation but is the response excessive? once again, there have been suggestions about that, that the military rollout has been too furious too fast. how do you respond? >> i don't think it's been excessive at all. you had a terror attack in boston and basically shut down the city in order to find those people. if you knew tomorrow you'd have ten different attacks, what do
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you think the police in boston would do? i don't think it's been excessive in any way. people have been fight restrained. you haven't seen an overwhelming response. we've sent in police forces and other forces into areas that are of particular concern. we've asked our citizens to be alert. we have -- because of our citizens, many of them served in the army where accidents army, as you know, we've prevented a lot of the attackers of killing more people. a lot of times you have a stabbing of one or two people. it had been five or six or seven had it not been for an alert israeli, either a soldier who may have been close by, a police officer or even a citizen licensed to carry a firearm to immediately go there in order to take action. >> right. but what the push back becomes is, but there's been a lot of death very quickly that seems vengeful or retaliatory. you're saying it's circumstantial. >> i don't know what someone is talking about.
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what are the vengeful retaliatory attacks? you've had most of those -- about a third of those people were directly trying to kill israelis and they were stopped by people in the act of trying to kill israelis. you have not seen mass casualties. i'm not sure what people are talking about when they think israeli's action was excessive. i would ask them to ask themselves, what would happen in boston, new york, los angeles, if you had a series of stabbings across the city, what would the local forces do in order to restore calm? i think they'd take the same action israel is taking now. >> the question is are you killing the right people? are you finding those that are connected to, if there is any connection. we're in a new world now. were these just young people who were poisoned by the internet? poisoned by propaganda and decided to do this as opposed to being linked to organizations that are out to hurt israel in an existential basis.
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do you believe the killings so far have been justified in terms of pursuit of the bigger problem here? >> of course. we're not targeting any innocence. you've had -- sometimes we've had violent protests against israel where there were gunshots and people's lives were in danger. you've had stabbings and people rushing to kill other people and people taking the action they need in order to defend themselves. you know, i have to tell you something, chris. whenever israel responds to these types of attacks, usually you have people saying you're only going to make it worse. it was not true in the past and it's not true to now. i remember in 2002 after the worst wave of terror attacks in israel's history, in one month we lost hundreds of people, at the time people said you're going to make the problem worse, inflame the situation. when israel started fighting terrorism, very forcefully, what you saw was a dramatic reduction
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in terrorism. we hope president abbas will be a partner in an effort to fight terrorism and douse the flames and not to poor fuel on the fire by continuing the incitement. i appreciate the strong statements that were made by secretary kerry yesterday and today. i hope that the international community delivers the same message to president abbas to stop this incitement. >> obviously we're entering a new phase in the fight against terror, what's going on with the internet, lone wolf attacks. you've seen it here in the united states. again, and you are dealing with it now in israel. we look forward to seeing where this story goes and what kind of intelligence is founded to make it calm down. mr. ambassador, make your final point. >> one thing if i could. >> please. >> yesterday, joseph's tomb, a religious site in a palestinian area, a religious site that's sacred to jews and christians. that was burned yesterday. and that just tells you what would happen if israel were not in control of the sacred sites. >> understood. >> we protect religious freedom
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for christians, jews, muslims, everybody. if we're not there, you'll see in jerusalem what happened in afghanistan to religious sites and the cultural heritage to others. >> thank you. a teenager shot and killed during a traffic stop that went awfully wrong. his family is filing a federal lawsuit even though the officer was cleared by investigators. new video of the deadly encounter. we'll walk you through it. does this change the case? to folks out there whose diabetic nerve pain...
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good morning. you'ring "new day." i'm brook baldwin. cnn has learned that biden's family is on board with a rinne. the vice president is making calls to democratic strategists in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. not only asking them how to start a campaign but also recruiting them to work for him if he enters the race. a top supporter is also laying out a strategy for a biden campaign if he jumps in. hillary clinton's top aide is expected to be grilled behind closed doors today by the house benghazi committee. uma abedin is the latest clinton
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ally to speak to the panel. three other top staffers have provided hours of private testimony. abedin's appearance comes just six days before clinton will publicly testify. she's called the entire effort a political ploy to bring her down. the united states expected to hit the debt creel on november 3rd, two days earlier than anticipated, so says jack lew. all right. mets fans, you're waking up all -- >> pumped, stoked. >> ready to go, feeling you're better than the yankees. >> you know, you know. >> for the first time since 2006 they're heading to the nlcs. andy scholes, what a matchup. history for chicago, recent history for the new yorkers. two big cities. how do you see it? >> mets/cubs, going to be a good
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one. mets fans having a lot to celebrate. dodgers fans are probably not sleeping for a completely different reason. they've gone nine postseason appearances without a trip to the world series. that ties the all-time record. daniel murphy basically won this game single handedly. top of the fourth, murphy's on first. on a walk he will go to third because no ones with covering the back. he comes to the plate two innings later and hits a solo shot off greinke. stop what you're doing right now. this is the catch of the year. stanford, running a trick play last night against ucla and francis owosu going to reach around the defender, catch this ball and hold on for a touchdown. uses the bear hug technique.
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unbelieve an grip to complete that catch. what do you think that defender was thinking? >> as a failed defensive back myself, i can say that that's just about as embarrassing as it gets, other than maybe the straight stiff arm to the grill that knocks you down. >> ouch. >> but that is going to be tough in the tape room. >> amazing catch. >> and he got flagged on the play. >> thank you so much. coming up, we have to talk about this video here. we'll walk you through this video, this deadly encounter between a teenager and police officer. prosecutors have cleared this officer. now the teenager's family is suing with footage of the encounter emerging. a closer look when "new day" continues.
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digestive core.r so choose ultimate flora by renewlife. it has 30 billion probiotic cultures. feel lighter and more energized. ultimate flora. more power to your gut. 17-year-old devin gilford was shot and killed during a traffic stop gone wrong in lansing, michigan, in february. his family filing a federal lawsuit against the county and sergeant jonathan frost who pulled the teen over for flashing his headlights at the officer's patrol car. despite being asked seven times, the teen refused to hand over his driver's license, registration, proof of insurance. the altercation was captured on the officer's body camera seen here from the prosecutor's office and on gilford's cell phone camera. the prosecutor cleared the officer of any criminal wrongdoing, this was back in june. we have to walk through all of this with cnn political
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commentator mark lamont hill and a retired pd detective. before we walk through the video to you, is it legitimate, apparently the teenager was flashing his brights at the officer because he thought the officer's car had its brights on. can you pull someone over for that? >> if the officer believes it's a safety issue, the reason you do it. when you're drooi driiving at n time, it blinds you temporarily. what the officer was doing was pull him over and tell him not to do that. >> the officer pulls him over. let me show you what happens. he's asking for let me see your license, proof of insurance and registration. this is what happens next. >> you have two choices. you can get with the program and start to comply with this traffic stop or you're going to be taken to jail. those are your two choices. driver's license, registration and proof of insurance, please. >> i do not have my license, sir. i'm going to get it. >> you don't have your driver's
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license? >> i do not have it. >> why is that? >> because i just drove my brother to the church. >> you do not have your driver's license on your person, correct? >> yes, i do. >> where is it. >> you do not have to see it. >> okay. so to you quickly on tone. >> the tone right there, he's not complying with the officer. this is where the officer's got to say to himself on a stop like this, why is he not complying with me right now? now my life might be in danger. does he have a gun in the car? does he commit a crime? he had just pulled three guys over, had no problem at all. this kid is starting to give him a problem now. >> the kid's tone, seems for the most part calm to me. although he is not complying. >> his speech is slurry, too. >> your read on this so far? >> let me back up. harry said some things that aren't exactly true. the officer doesn't -- in michigan, according to michigan law, not what harry or i think, according to michigan law, it's
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not illegal to flash your brights. you can't drive with your brights on which could blind somebody. you can flash your brights at somebody. that's the law. the officer was aware -- >> it's unsafe. it's unsafe. >> but it's legal. it's legal. he's correct. mark's right. keep going, mark. >> it's legal. he hadn't broken the law, number one. number two, the officer acknowledged he had new car lights and they were super bright and lots of people were flashing him. he was aware the problem wasn't other people. it might have been him. if you pulled over four people because they think your lights are on, because remember if they're flashing him -- >> they don't comply, mark. >> you keep pulling people over for something that's not legal, that's not illegal, that's also a problem. >> it is not an illegal stop. >> let me finish my point here. i didn't interrupt you at all. i can see completely that this kid could have made this easier, that he was difficult. that he kept saying things that
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may or may not have been true. i do think the stop was legal and preventible. the kid could have made it easier. it doesn't mean he has a right to die. >> i want to watch more on the point about brights. to your point, mark, this is what the officer explains. >> you had your brights on, sir, i'm not lying to you. i was just doing that to be polite. i didn't want you to flash someone and go off the road and crash. you know? >> do you realize if you would have complied with this traffic stop, it would have gone a whole different way. >> yes. >> do you realize i would have explained to you i'm driving a brand new vehicle today. i have been flashed a couple times because the headlights are new. i stopped a couple vehicles tonight and no people have gotten citations. those headlights are brand in you, they're brighter -- >> they're super bright. you need to get new ones. >> i mean, the studio laughs. it's incredibly serious because we're about to see how this whole thing escalates. >> exactly here. the fact that if this kid had complied, we talk about this all
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the time. these incidents where these people don't comply always escalate to another thing. then the officer gets blamed because of the escalation here. >> let me jump quickly. it goes from, yes, he's not complying and asking over and over. it quickly moves to this. >> you do have to give me your driver's license. >> no. >> get out of the car. get out of the car. i'm telling you right now -- >> no. >> you're going to get tased. >> do not touch me, officer. >> i'm curious, if you are pulled over, still, if you're not complying but if this officer is going in and starts opening up your car door, is that lawful? >> yes. >> why? >> because you are supposed to comply with me. you are now being stopped. being detain. you must comply with my
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reasonable request at the time. and this is where he's asking him to get out of the car. why? number one to probably protect himself, the officer. now he's not complying. he's not giving me a driver's license or registration. these are all misdemeanors. i would have pulled him out of the car. >> would you have shot him. >> hold on. that's another story here, mark. the shooting. this kid decides he wants to fight the police officer. >> i just asked a question. >> the officer feels his life is in danger. the fact that this kid is fighting with me now, if he overcomes me -- >> we don't know if he feels like his life is in danger. we haven't come to that conclusion. go ahead, mark. >> you can see that. >> no yb you can't. >> yes, you can. >> you can see what the officer's thinking and feeling? that's absurd. >> you see the officer is in danger. i know because i've been through it. you haven't. i've been through it. >> i've been pulled over by many cap cops. i've been the driver many times.
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how many times have you been the driver and felt like you were beginning to be shot by a police officer because of a reasonable request by the police officer? >> this kid is not acting reasonable at all. 99.9% of the people pulled over by police officers will give a driver's license, registration and insurance card. i would, you would,eventually, the car, he's tased, it's ineffecti ineffective. it's disturbing to watch but eventually the officer shoots. >> get your hands behind your back. >> officer, what are you doing? >> get your hands behind the back. >> he's getting tased now. >> the young man jumps up, punches the officer. we have a picture of his bloodied face. shoots and kills him, seven shots. >> right. right. if he gets killed with one shot that's good? >> no, it's not good. >> the officer feels like his
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life is in danger. when you're having an altercation and you're only one guy there, the taser did not work correctly. all right? they're getting in an altercation. what if you overcome me? his face is completely bloody after this incident. >> is he bloody. there is two sides to every single story. we know the officer has been cleared by wrong doing by the prosecutor. the family filing suit. they have a whole other perspective. we have the attorneys coming up later this morning. >> brooke, you know if this guy was black, this would have been a whole different situation. mark would be talking about racism. >> he would have got shot sooner. >> wow. >> we have to go. >> that's a bit unreasonable. >> harry, mark, thank you so much. wow. let's move off that. we'll get back to it later and hear from the family's attorneys. chris cuomo, to you. we're following a lot of news this morning. have you made your decision yet? >> he was this insurance policy for democratic party. >> the minute he got in the
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race, the entire narrative would change. >> ben carson has never been in politics and he raised $20 million. >> money was never an issue for jeb bush. the question is what is his message? >> it's an amount that will be competitive. >> almost not breathing. >> with addiction, you can hide it and a lot of people, the closest to you have no idea it's going on. >> this is bedroom where lamar odom would have been staying. >> this is the bedroom. >> he spent $75,000. what he wanted was two girls 24 hours a day. this is "new day" with chris cuomo, alisyn camerota and michaela pereira. this is cnn breaking news. >> alisyn and mick are off. we have breaking news out of the middle east. we're just getting word that turkish military says it shot down an unidentified aircraft in
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turkish air space near the syrian border. >> this comes at a time when russia's escalation in syria has added vast uncertainty to a volatile situation. there are already concerns about planes from too many countries flying in this dangerous zone. let's get to our senior international correspondent nick paton walsh, live in istanbul with the breaking details. nick, what do you know? >> reporter: minimal information so far from the turkish military. they said an aircraft was shot down in turkish air space after it didn't respond to three requests. russian surveillance craft, prevalent in that area. a russian official here in
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turkey just yesterday trying to be sure that similar things don't happen along the turkish border where russian jets are flying after an incident ten days ago. this, though, will massively escalate this situation. it may have been an unmanned aircraft. that will certainly take away the possibility that lives could be lost. syria, such a mess for four years. now we are talking about nato and russian aircraft potentially vying or even conflicting in that troubled air space. very dangerous indeed. chris? >> nick, thank you for the context and the facts. you're asking the right questions. let us know what you find out. we'll come back to you. appreciate it. nick paton walsh. joe biden is said to be near to a decision on his presidential run. his family reportedly completely on board. meanwhile, the vice president said to be calling several top democratic strategists to see if they'd like a job.
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we start with jeff zeleny in london. an e-mail set off a big spark last night. jeff, what's it about? >> it did. an e-mail from the vice president's former chief of staff, long-time adviser ted coffman essentially to all people who used to work for joe biden saying get ready. he will need your help if he desireds to run. for the first time outlined what his message would be, being a fighter for the middle class and economic values. what's happening, this campaign in waiting is waiting to see a signal from the vice president if he decides to send it in the coming days. >> have you made your decision yet? >> i can't hear you. >> as vice president joe biden continues to evade the big question, this morning, it appears he's closer to answering that. >> is there still an opening for you in the race, sir? >> reporter: sources telling cnn that biden's family supports a presidential run. the vice president personally making calls this week to
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democratic strategists from iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. the conversation how, not whether, he'll launch a campaign. >> with the stature he would bring to the race, the minute he got into the race, the entire narrative would change. we start talking about the debate in november. >> reporter: new this morning, a look inside biden's possible 2016 run. a close adviser to biden, former delaware senator ted coffman sent an e-mail obtained by cnn to his former staffers asking for their help if the vice president decides to run. in it, coffman says it will be a campaign from the heart, a campaign consistent with his values, our values and the values of the american people. he went on to say, if he runs, he'll run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentally change the balance of our economy. and the political structure to restore the ability of the middle class to get ahead. coffman writing in the e-mail, biden believes we must win this election or in the hands of the republicans, everything that he and the president have worked
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for and care about are at stake. friends of biden who have spoken to him say he's not afraid to lose. even in the wake of a strong debate performance this week by hillary clinton and vermont senator bernie sanders. >> how are you? nice to see you. >> reporter: the vice president has asked several democratic strategists in early states to work for him if he decides to run. fund-raisers and supporters are also waiting in the wings to join his campaign if he moves forward. now, biden has run for president twice before, of course, and lost. he's flirted with the idea several more times. chris, this is a different moment i'm told. senior democrats who have spoken to him say he's so serious, he's taking concrete steps to do it. if he would decide in the next few days, boy would this shake up the democratic base. >> absolutely. with joe biden you have somebody who's about the man and the message and whether he feels it. the details will be left after he makes the decision. jeff, we'll check back with you in just a little bit. the 2016 kanes are reporting
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their third quarter fund-raising numbers on thursday. so we get to see how well are they doing? how well are they resonating in the money race? cnn chief business correspondent christine romans has the state of play. >> let's look at the totals with the third quarter year to date, 142 million for the 15 republicans out there enat 6 democrats bringing in about 122 million. this is a count, unlimited super pac money. this is what the candidates have raised. this is what they'll use to pay their rents, to pay the people who are working in their offices around the country and to charter those planes. this is the money that they need to get their operations going every month and look at this, in the gop field, ben carson, the winner in the third quarter, almost $21 million here. you can see how his performance from the second quarter has gained momentum. jeb bush, this is a number, 13 million, is a number that's helping out here. this is a number that his supporters are pleased about. he only has $10 million in the bank. he's spending a lot of money on an aggressive ground game,
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expansive ground game. he needs that money. he comes in here at number two. really being prudent with their money, you've got ted cruz here. he's coming in at $12 million. a little more than you've got in the second quarter. his ground game is smaller but they really want to have staying power there. look at this. even donald trump, he's not soliciting donations but he still came in at 3.9 million. i want to show you the democrats here. there's a great deal of money in the democratic race. i think these numbers also show you what you've been seeing on the republican side. this is a story about disrupters and outsiders changing the money game here. look at bernie sanders. his momentum from the second quarter to the third quarter, $26.2 million. something interesting, chris and brooke, about the bernie sanders numbers as well, he has 650,000 individual donors. hillary clinton has about 400,000. you can see he's got a grass roots apale that is still bringing in a whole lot of money. again, this is not super pac money. this is the money they're using to pay the bills every day,
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every month. these are the numbers we watch so carefully, guys. >> let's stay on politics. i want to talk about the 2016 race. christine romans, thank you very much. general wesley clark, former nato supreme allied commander and 2004 democratic presidential candidate, general clark, good morning. >> good morning. >> let's get right to it, the news we're hearing within potentially the next three days vice president joe biden will make the decisions atto whether or not he'll throw his hat in the race for 201. do you think he should? >> i think he has to do what's in his heart. that's the way it is. politics is when you get into it, i know from my run, it can be the most compelling -- it just pulls you forward and once you've been in it, it's so hard to let it go. i did the late entry. my entry was in september in 2003 but i can tell you what you face. you face a lot of the super delegates who have committed.
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a lot of money is committed. a lot of the staff is committed. it is an uphill battle. i think even for the vice president, i think he knows that very well. and you know, i think hillary clinton has a tremendous base of support. there's a reason why the republican party has for years tried to focus on and attack and tear down hillary clinton. because they know she will pull strength from republican women and republican moderates across the board. she's pragmatic. she's progressive. she knows how to get things done. i think the vice president has to do what he believes in his heart is the right thing to do. he'll have a really tough fight. >> let me jump back to a word you said a second ago, late. you jumped in late in september. it's october. he has yet to declare again. perhaps in the next couple of days. how much of this moving forward, we all know, he's the vice president of our country. we all know who joe biden is. it's not a name recognition
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issue but how much of this will be about fund-raising, about money? >> right. there's only so much you can do so fast. and people in politics, what i found, was so many people said to me when i got into the race, if you'd only declared three months ago, four months ago, i would have supported you but now i pledged to support howard dean or john kerry or john edwards. i really like you but it's too late. maybe that's because i wasn't vice president. maybe joe biden's pull will be so powerful that people will go back on long-term relationships and professed commitments. that hasn't been my experience in politics. my experience has been that when people -- most people when they say i'm going to support you, they know full well they will still be courted by other candidates and they know that their voice of support, their pledge, means a lot. because it means they're trustworthy. ultimately, they're going to see it's better to have stuck with the candidates you said you were
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going to support than switch for the long term. i think that's what is going to confront the vice president. >> okay. if i may, let's switch to afghanistan. big news out of the white house yesterday. the president saying he will keep u.s. troops in afghanistan. 9,800 and ultimately down at 5,500 january of '17. do you respect the president's decision there? >> i think he made the right decision in the sense that there was no point in pulling the rest of those troops out and ending up with a combat ineffective force. unless there's reconciliation in afghanistan and behind the scenes work going on between pakistan and india led by the united states to turn off the support for the taliban, we're not going to see any real progress. we're going to maybe prevent a deterioration, may help a government that's asked for us to stay stay in power but we have to understand that afghanistan is a strategic battle ground between pakistan and india. pakistan wants control of
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afghanistan so it has strategic depth and it has over decades created, funded and supported and directed the taliban. that is still going on. it's a very open but covert operation. >> would pakistan as a de facto ally to the taliban, what's the strategy there? >> well, that is the question. i mean, that's what richard holbrooke was working on years ago before he died. it's very hard to get to the right people in pakistan who will admit it and when they admit it, it's their core vital interest. they're not going to give up on it. we've reached a modus vivendi. we hope the pakistanis will give up on, turn down their support of the taliban and maybe there can be a coalition that emerges. unfortunately, the struggle is written in blood and destroyed
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villages and lives in that battle ground. that's the frustration of the u.s. policy. >> we heard the president talk about the afghan forces saying they're stronger but they, you know, utterly collapsed recently in the northern afghan city of kunduz. how effective are they? how is afghanistan? are they doing enough? >> well, first of all, i have to say i'm not on the ground. if i went over there and looked at companies and battalions and talked to officers, i'd probably have a x clemuch clearer impres. they're doing better. they have great training methodologies and put billions of dollars into this force and strengthening. however, it's still a force opposed by others who are using terrorism and other means to gain entry into the civilian populous. and it's always going to be in jeopardy until -- you can't win an insurgency when there's a sanctuary for the insurgents
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across the border. that was true in vietnam and it remains true today. it's been true in every insurgency. unless pakistan stops its support. what we're doing with the military is holding the door open but we can't finish the job. it's not a military job, not even a military training job. it's a job that's got to be done by the diplomats and particularly it's got to be a change of heart of the pakistanis who say, look, we don't need to be doing this. but they still feel they are doing it and need to be doing it. and so the conflict continues. >> general wesley clark as always, thank you so much. >> thank you very much. nice to be with you. >> a quick programming note for you. make sure you watch jake tapper on "the lead" today. he'll be talking to hillary clinton. exclusive interview with hillary clinton. more proof that the threat is not just abroad but also here at home. isis is apparently trying to hack america's power grid.
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this comes from law enforcement officials. so far they say the terror group has not been successful because they are reportedly using outdating hacking tools. but the fbi says there are concerns isis will buy better stuff on the black market and eventually be able to do it. nevada, regulators ordering fanduel and draftkings to shut down, saying they cannot operate in a state without gambling licenses. they are promising to explore, quote, awe options. >> one of those duh moments going on there right now. for the third time since 2010 there will nobody cost of living increase. those c.o.l.a. adjustments for social security recipients next year. more than 70 million americans will be impacted, social security benefits must go up to counter a rise in inflation by law. the calculus becomes, if
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inflation levels stay where they are, there's no adjustment. this is also for people on medicare since premiums are set to rise in 2016. ben carson, he is running, second in the republican race for president. he is winning the fund-raising game among republicans. we've been talking money all morning. it is important. how much did z oes it matter whu look at dupe, financing his own run.
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dr. ben carson is doing better and better in the polls and what can come along with poll success which is money. he and donald trump are linking up on the one thing that nobody really saw coming, which is their ideas about what must happen in the next debate for them to be there. could they boycott? let's get perspective. armstrong williams, ben carson's business manager and close friend as well as a big member of the media himself in certain moments. mr. armstrong, let's try and clear up some things and give context to some things. this idea that dr. carson will suspend his campaign to go on a book tour, is there any truth to that? >> no. he hasn't suspended his campaign. if you know anything about a book tour, when you're a second-tier candidate, you can't tell the difference. he's still talking to his policy people, doing fund-raisers.
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when they're doing interviews, there's no questions about the book, it's about policy. >> where is it coming from? >> there was a statement, abc misconstrued it as suspending the campaign. i think it was a misinterpretation. >> the money, he's leading in raising money this quarter. could be a simple reflection of his standing in the polls. he's doing very well. he should do well. the team trump says he's leading in fund-raising because we're not raising money. if we were raising money, we would be first. >> i find it interesting that mr. trump always likes to compare situations to himself, whether he's at the top of the polls or whatever. we're not into comparing. dr. carson is only competing against himself. we cannot compare himselves to any other candidates. he's like a sea biscuit. dr. carson, this is something new to him.
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the fact that within a couple of weeks, chris, will have 700,000 donors. let me emphasize, 700,000. >> they're talking about bernie sanders with 650,000. >> yes. >> you're taking dr. carson has more than that. >> almost 700,000. you're talking about people giving $50, $100 and $250. imagine dr. carson, a former world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon all of a sudden running for president. we know a couple gaffes that were committed on your show with you. he came back. you can see the momentum. he's more disciplined in his message. there are people that he's resonating with. many times you're not covering and people believe that dr. carson is honest. they believe he's trustworthy and they believe he's talking about the kind of policies, whether it's education, whether it's the grid that he talks about often, whether it's talking about how you close the economic gap or how you overhaul entitlements to work for the poor so they don't become
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dependent. when people give their hard earned money it tells you belief in a particular candidate. >> the smaller the amount, the more it usually means in politics. >> yes. >> i learned that growing up. we'd welcome dr. carson back on the show any moment. he's always welcome here on "new day," you understand that? >> he's been here with you twice. >> i'm saying -- >> we appreciate the invitation. >> we miss him. we miss him. >> it's under careful consideration. >> thank you very much, armstrong. i'm sure it is. let's talk about the popularity in the polls. his recent statements about muslims and islam and what it means and what it could mean and could not mean, many thought that would hurt him. however, his polls have gone up since then. how do you read that? >> i think most people interpret it and understood what dr. carson is trying to convey in his interview with chris todd on "meet the press." all dr. carson was saying if you embrace sharia law, it is in
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direct conflict with the constitution and, therefore, if spun of that faith embraced sharia law, he could not advocate them for president of the united states. >> if it were the same thing if someone were a christian and said my beliefs, i cannot enforce any law that is not abortion. it is against my christianity. i cannot do that. >> dr. carson doesn't care whether you're christian, atheist, agnostic, muslim, doesn't matter. if you cannot embrace the tenets of who we are, and you cannot sacrifice your belief and your belief system that adhere to the constitution, he cannot advocate you as president of the united states. >> we had representative keith ellison, talking about why he was backing bernie sanders. he's a democrat. he's a member of the progressive caucus. i did ask him about dr. ben carson and how he was
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interpreting what he was using. i want to let you hear what keith ellison said and let you respond. here it is. >> dr. carson may be smart about separating conjoined twins but it pretty much ends right there. people want to come together. they don't want to be divided. americans in general, they like their neighbors and they don't really care what color or religion they are. >> what's your response? >> listen, much respect for congressman ellison and his service to this country but look, chris, sometimes leadership is unpopular. sometimes when you state what you believe, there will be those that support you and there will be those that say i cannot support him, because i cannot embrace his position. that's part of the price you pay when you're not a politician, you're not waving your fingerer in the wind to see which way it's going to blow. dr. carson has to stan on his faith, his belief system and what he thinks is right for this country. and obviously, it resonates with many people. but there's a price you pay.
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along the way, you can lose support. >> all right. armstrong williams, always appreciate the perspective. >> thank you. >> extend our invitation to dr. carson. >> careful consideration. >> i know. you're very careful. brooke? >> thank you so much. ben carson's campaign is taking off but jeb bush seems stuck in neutral. his fund-raising slowing dramatically. kaeen pi can he pick up some steam or is this the beginning of the end? a prominent jeb supporter weighs in, next. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk. see? delicious. hoof bump! oh. right here girl, boom lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort and for a creamy and delicious treat, try lactaid® ice cream
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the mystery surrounding joe biden could be revealed soon. cnn being told a decision is coming within the next three days. how would a biden run impact the race on the other side of the aisle. let me bring some two guests. senator, good morning. >> good morning to you, brooke. >> again, we're still playing in a hypothetical game. we're hearing within those three days we should know definitively about the vice president's status for 2016. knowing that as a republican, does that make you nervous or does it excite you because that could really divide the democrats? >> look, i think it's a
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interesting development if he gets in. i've been wondering why he didn't -- >> it's more than interesting, sir, isn't it? >> it's a more complicated field if he gets in, no question about that. i think at the moment, hillary clinton looks like the overwhelming favorite. i think he would challenge her significantly. i don't think any of the people on the stage with her the other night were of the caliber of joe biden. i think it would be a much more serious competitor if he gets in. >> would that worry you. >> frankly, i think that's unimportant. it doesn't worry me, of course not. i think, frankly, either one, hillary clinton or joe biden would be running to have the third term of the obama presidency. i frankly don't think whether you look at the world he would leave behind or the stagnation of an economy at home, that the third term of the obama presidency is what the american people want in this next election. they would have a tremendous amount of baggage to carry by
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being so closely connected to the obama administration. >> i'm sure jeb bush would agree with you, sir. we saw some third quarter fund-raising coming out yesterday, raising something like $13.8 million. we're also hearing reports of belt tightening within that campaign. he's had all this money, this war chest really of money but has not really punched through in these polls. should this be concerning for jeb bush? >> no. it reallien is. l it really isn't. elections are not won in polls. they are won on election day. governor bush this quarter raised more money than any other except ben carson who had a tremendously high number. in addition to that, jeb bush was just a little below what mitt romney raised in a comparable quarter in 2011. when you consider he was competing against a much smaller
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field, governor bush is doing fine. he'll be funded well through the february primaries but here's something i don't think any other candidate has. governor bush is also going to be funded through the march primaries. he's got the money and super pac that supports governor bush will have the money necessary for him to play through all that time. one other issue. >> sure, go ahead. >> frankly, this is a blocking on politics. governor bush is build be an infrastructure with field operatives, people working, knocking on doors with the collection of data that's so essential in today's type campaigning. all of these things are what make a national campaign that's there for the long haul. you can count on governor bush being there for the long haul. >> listen, he's at the top of the polls, national polls, those state, couple of key state polls. at what point, you know, if he stays through the holidays, this is what people are saying.
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if he hangs in there through the holidays, he could win the early states. this man could be on the way to the nomination for your party. at that point do you say, okay, i support him? >> well, when he wins the nomination we'll have a republican nominee. i continue to be very strong with the belief that donald trump is not going to be the nominee of the republican party. >> why do you think that? >> well, i think that because i don't believe he has the depth of knowledge of the issues. when he's on your show or any other show he talks about the polls. he talks about his opponent and how they sweat or they're ugly or whatever. and he doesn't -- >> american people apparently like that, with all due respect. >> when people get serious about picking the next president of the united states, when you see the aggression of russia into syria, within you see what is happening around the world, when you see about the need for someone to transform washington, that understands how to get that done, that's had executive experience at the governmental
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level, when people get ready to pick a president, i don't think republicans will pick donald trump. someone who frankly was supportive of partial birth abortion and believes the canadian health system is good. those are not the kinds of things that the republican electorate typically votes for. donald trump reported several millions of dollars worth of fund-raising. he only wrote a check for about $100,000 to his campaign. that immense wealth he talks about, everyone talking about donald trump's money, he hasn't shown the willingness so far to invest in his campaign with his own wealth. >> money -- >> it's rather interesting. >> money, polls, how americans are feeling, i know it's just october of '15 but it's -- we'll see, shall we? we'll talk again, senator. i appreciate it. have a wonderful friday. thank you so much for your time here on "new day." >> thanks, brooke. >> i will save you the call from
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team trump to add in this quarter trump wrote a check for a hundred grand or so. the campaign will tell you he's in for almost $2 million of his own personal money so far. just so you know. when we come back, the saga of lamar odom. we'll take you inside the brothel where he was allegedly found unconscious. we'll talk to darryl strawberry. he knows about the path lamar odom was on, how you get there and how difficult it is to come back from it, next. looks like some folks have had it with their airline credit card miles. sometimes those seats cost a ridiculous number of miles... or there's a fee to use them. i know. it's so frustrating.
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the latest word is that this morning lamar odom is continuing to fight for his life in a las vegas hospital. the former nba and reality tv star said to be unresponsive now three days after he was found unconscious in a nevada brothel. according to workers, odom took cocaine and maybe sexual enha e enhancement supplements. we've seen many athletes an people deal with addiction. in a moment we'll talk with one of them, huge baseball star, darryl strawberry. he knows this path all too well. first, we have insight into
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where this all happened. randi kaye gives us a look. >> reporter: the love ranch in crystal, nevada, is about a 90-minute drive from las vegas. t.j. moore is the general manager and one of the people who tried to save lamar odom. >> this is the bedroom where lamar odom would be staying. >> this is the bedroom where he stayed. >> she took us into the v.i.p. suite, reserved for special guests. the rate is at least ten grand per night. the ranch said odom spent about $75,000 here before they found him unconscious. >> how did he look to you? >> he was on his book. he had foam coming out of his mouth an a little blood coming out of his nose. i got him rolled over on his right side and he did have a bunch of fluid come out of his mouth. but i knew from previous experience that i had to get him on his side. >> reporter: was he on this side of the bed or on the far side?
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>> on this side of the bed. i was letting him know it was t.j. >> reporter: t.j. had driven odom to the ranch on saturday. what did you talk about? >> about everything. we talked. he told me about his life. he told me about a lot of the sadness, losing his mom at an early age, being raised by his grandmother. we talked about baseball, because i'm a baseball fan. >> reporter: how was his demeanor? >> he was relaxed. he was very comfortable. i was really surprised because he was so easy to talk to, it felt like i had known him for a long time. >> reporter: t.j. says odom told her he wanted to have some fun. that fun, she says, included taking sexual enhancement supplements, sold here in this souvenir case. is this where you would sell the herbal viagra? >> yes. they were actually good until 2016 and '17. but i pulled them from the case.
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>> reporter: turns out cnn has learned it is neither herbal or viagra. back in his v.i.p. suite, odom picked out the women he wanted. >> for most people you don't do the lineup in the actual suite. for him you did the lineup in here. >> for him that was his preference. >> yes. >> what he said on the couch -- >> he sat on the couch and the ladies lined up right here all the way across in front of them. i introduced the ladies. i said this is lamar, ladies, please introduce yourself. >> reporter: odom hung out in his suite with two women he chose but also in the love ranch's bar where t.j. says he played youtube videos and talked. and sometime after leaving that bar, lamar odom collapsed in his room. randi kaye, cnn, crystal, nevada. the struggle of addiction and recovery, it often can consume a life, can take a lifetime. darryl strawberry, co-founder of the darryl strawberry recovery
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center, former major league baseball star. darryl, long-time fan of yours. bigger fan for what you've done off the field than on it in terms of dealing with addiction and recovery and now trying to help others. thank you for helping us make sense of this today on "new day." >> thank you so much for having me, chris. >> often you need a personal connection to understand a situation but addiction is different. you know what it's like to be a star. you know what it's like to have the attention. luckily for you you didn't have to deal with reality tv. you almost certainly would have had your own show. what can you tell us about the p exposure lamar odom had to balance? >> it was a lot of exposures he had to deal with, of course being on reality tv and being well known and really popular, see, when you're a celebrity, most of the time most people never tell you no. they tell you yes, you can do whatever you want and have
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whatever you want. i think that's the root issue with celebrities. not being told no and allowing themselves to be human and know they have a problem and they can deal with their problem and facing addiction. i think too many times we don't face the fact that we have a serious problem. and we are in denial so much about who we really are. we think our wealth will make us well. money is not going to make you well. money is not going to heal you. i look behind the community gates, on the golf course. i was toxic inside. i was very sick. i never dealt with the core issues. i think that's the things we don't deal with. when i look at my treatment center and i see so many young people from the age of 18 to 25 that are in my treatment center for hoieroin addiction and od'i three, four times, we have a serious problem with drug issues. we need to address these issues, need to get to the place where we get to the white house and
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deal with these issues. people are losing their lives. >> go ahead, please, make your point. lamar being what? >> for lamar being who he is and everything, of course, people are just going to invite him in and make a big party out of him, make a big scenery out of him. what happened with lamar, just like it happened to me, i had everything but i had nothing. i think what happens is you become broken inside. when you're broken inside, you never heal your issues. the key for him, hopefully i'm praying for him, that he will overcome this and get through this and get well and that he will deal with his issues so he can recover. because recovery is possible for a person like him and like myself. >> what is the difficulty in understanding the celebrity life and how it can be hard for those around someone like lamar odom who had to be very, very aware of his issues to do anything about them? >> i think what's difficult for the celebrity life is because you have fame and fortune.
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i think a lot of times we think nothing will happen to us. and that's the case with most celebrities. that's why you see so many celebrities od and overdose because they never think it would happen to them. lamar's case is no different. walking into a place, the girl's excitement, he's probably hurting deep inside from a relationship or something, childhood or something that he's really never dealt with and never really got down to the root issue of what's wrong with me. it's not the drugs. what it is, it's the behavior of a person, the behavior of myself. it wasn't the drugs or alcohol. the drugs and alcohol allow you to escape and you mask and hide yourself. so you have to confront the issues that are hurting you, confront the issues that you need to deal with and you'll start to get well. i think what has happened is, it's an emptiness that's missing inside. it's a wholeness about a person that has to change, the
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spiritual part of the person that has to change inside. we can look well on the outside but the inside we're dying. >> it's interesting, people see wealth, they see fame, see his sports prowess. that is all reasons why this would never happen to him. your point is all of those were reasons it makes it even more likely for certain people depending on what their struggle is. we'll be watching his situation, hopefully he's able to recover physically and then we'll all watch his journey emotionally to deal with what his problems are. let me end this on a good note, now that i have you, mr. strawberry. your mets, for a queens boy seeing the mets go to the big show, usually we'd see your number on the back of the jersey out there. do you think they have the stuff this year? >> well, to be personal, chris, i really don't watch baseball that much. i really don't like baseball anymore. i hope they do. and i hope the cubs -- the cubs have a good chance, too, of winning. two young teams, exciting, just glad to see baseball is alive
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again in queens. mets fans deserve it. mets fans are the greatest of all time. i enjoyed playing in queens for a long time. >> i spent my youth watching you tearing it up out there. i had a greater sense of pride watching you deal with your issues and those of others. we hope lamar odom can now find his way back to a healthier life. >> thank you. the clock is ticking but how soon will it run out for vice president joe biden said to be closing in on his decision whether he wants to run for the white house. new details, minutes away. 5 times faster than before!owo so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready.
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tand that's what we're doings to chat xfinity.rself, we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. heard from joe biden? have you? stay by the phone. he's making kaulsz. he's talking to people who he might need this a race. supposedly considering it. an e-mail went out. the timing is immeant. the family is behind him. what will joe biden do? we're going to take you to the
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brink of his decision. >> also quick important programming note. tune in for all new bourdain parts unknown this weeks. to decide if the tech world has changed the world for the good. >> san francisco. if you don't like this place, if you don't think it's as awesome as i think it is, then there is something hopelessly wrong with you. ♪ the question is how long will it be awesome? forever? is san francisco a city under threat from a torrent of evil tech money and ferrellup yuppie.
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>> is there a lane? yes. is there a wide lane? absolutely not. >> have you made your decision yet? >> it is almost as if the clinton campaign doesn't mine talking about benghazi anymore. >> i love being la hillary. >> money was never an issue for jeb bush. >> if i don't win, i consider it to be a massive failure. >> refusing to give me your id in a traffic stop is misdemeanor i. >> i do not have to give you it.
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>> no. >> get your hands you are under arrest. >> you can't do that. ow. >> sun comes up in new york city and we say good morning to you. welcome to your new day. i have brook baldwin by my side. good to have you my friend. don't leave me hanging. here is the big question. it is not going to be long before hillary clinton finds out if she has a new rival of different proportion for the democratic nomination. joe biden is expected to makes a decision within the next three days. >> cnn is learning that the vice president's family supports a run. biden is busy calling top democratic strategists to see if they want to potentially join the team. and hints at what his campaign message could be coming from this e-mail from a top aid. let's begin coverage with senior washington correspondent jeff
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zeleny live in lond b. good morning. tell us what you know. >> vice president biden has been calling these top democratic strategists in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina, those three critical early-voting at a times, to ask them if they would come on board if he decides to run. he said he would run an unscripted campaign, he said he would run on a middle class message. his family signed off. now he has to side if there is still room in the race. >> have you made your decision yet? >> as vice president joe biden continues to evade the big question, this morning it appears that he's closer to answering that. >> is there still an opening for you in the race, sir? >> tell you what, good to see you all. >> sources telling cnn biden's fam supports a run. the vice president personally making calls to democratic strategists from iowa, new hampshire and south carolina this week. the conversation how, not
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whether, he'll launch a campaign. >> a stature he'd bring to the race the minute he got in the entire narrative would change. >> new this morning a look inside his possible 2016 run. a close advisor, former delaware senator ted coffman sent an e-mail to his former staffers asking for their help if the vice president decides to run. in it coffman says it will be a campaign from the heart. consistent his values, our values and the values of the american people. if he runs he'll run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentally change the balance of our economy and the political structure to restore the ability of the middle class to get ahead. cough kaufman. >> friends of widen who have spoken to him say he's not afraid to lose.
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>> how are you? nice to see you. >> the vice president has asked several democratic strategists in early states to work for him if he decides to run. fundraisers and supporters are also waiting in the wings to join his campaign if he moves forward. >> now biden has run for president twice before and of course he lost in 1988 and again in 2008. but he's taking concrete steps here. he getting close to making that decision. but someone i just talked to in the clinton campaign just a short time ago said they actually now are planning and expect the vice president will get in. but they are not sure. but the biden aids believe he is leaning towards a run. we'll know in the next coming days. brooke. >> jeff zeleny makes an appearance on his vacation for this important reporting. thank you so much. the 2016 candidates reporting fundraising numbers thursday. who's winning? who's building the most momentum out of of debates?
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christine romans has been looking at the numbers. it is crazy how much money is out there. >> let's look inside the bank accounts because we have the third quarter figures. and we can show you year to date. 42 million for the republicans. 121 million for the democrats. this does not include super pacs. this is the money the candidates are raising the money they will use to pay the rent and chart ter jets and pay the campaign people on the ground. let's talk about the number one republican here. it is ben carson. 20.8 million in the quarter. and look at the momentum from the second to the third quarter here for dr. carson. here is jeb bush. 1 million. that is a number that is making a lot of his supporters breathe a sigh of relief. he's only got 10 million in the bank. he's paying out a lot every day for his infrastructure. he's still bringing in big money. don't forget he has the biggest super pac money of everybody.
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that is money that will come in handy for tv buys and later on in the game. ted cruz, number three here in the republicans. $12 million here. they are happy about this number. supporters are happy about the number and they say he's being very careful with his spending. donald trump not even soliciting donations and the trump factor is here with $3.9 million. the democrats, this also reflects what i think is the theme of the money raising part and that is the outsiders are disrupting the money game. bernie sanders, second quarter a little more than $15 million. look how much momentum in the third quarter. overall hillary clinton bringing in an awful lot of money. i think 77 million year to date from this kind of fundraising. 29.4 more than bernie sanders but he's certainly closing the gap here you guys. much makes the world go around and at least in politics sure pays the bills. >> that and a lot more. it can completely overwhelm a message. and there is plenty of it to go around.
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thanks christine. who are this morning to discuss the latest political headlines is hugh hewitt. >> i love that friend of show moniker. i'll take that. >> fos. friend of show. that is what we call you. first, money, why does it matter and what is the message behind the totals yesterday? >> the message is carly got liftoff money. she raised 7 million in q 3. rubio, 6 million. ted yoouz at 12. and then kasich and christie who got late starts raised about 4 million each. they all have a lot of dough. staffers have to eat and travel. you need hard money for a campaign it. tells me that everyone is at 4 and above. rand paul raised about 2.5 million has certainly the ability to get through iowa and new hampshire. and then the super packs come in on the television side. but you need hard money for a
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ground game. those have got it. ben carson has a very high burn rate, chris. he raised 20. he spent 11. that is not a good number for sustainabili sustainability. and donald trump of course doesn't need any of this. he can self fund a staff and organization. it tells me that we are going to have a debate on cnn on december 15th at the venetian hotel. and whoever wins that debate or does very well is going to take the money they have got in the bank and really spread that iowa ground game and that new hampshire media game into a couple of wins to propel them to the supertuesday on march one. >> what does it mean jebs numbers are so low? what does it mean fiorina raised money but we haven't seen her in a while? >> jebs numbers are good on the super pack side. in fact number one ahead of ahead of hillary. he'll have all the money he
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needs for the air war. carly just got takeoff money. so 7 million bucks is a lot of dough for her to get. she'll build that ground game out now and i think that will be very much to her advantage. >> i feel like she hasn't opinion on tv, hugue >> she'll be in boulder in a week oar so in the cnbc debate. and she'll get another pop out of that. i think we're narrowing down to 7 or 8 candidates who have got enough money and visibility to keep going through march 1. >> cnbc just agreed, we understand, to the terms that donald trump put out there. carson had his own. they only wanted it to be two hours. they teamed up on this. and must include opening and closing statements. what did you see about the fact of the demands? >> the art of the deal. donald trump, the about of the
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deal. he wanted to make an opening statement because of course he does very well with his fixed opening statement. so he made a demand, he was able to back it up. and nobody wants a debate without donald or ben carson. the two front runners. they account for 40% of the field. sort of looking at the democratic field. i'm praying biden gets in. the run joe ad was the best i've seen in the season. by far. >> why? >> by like a mile. number two, i can't because it hit the heart. did you see it? did you happen to watch it, chris? or you inside the media rooms and couldn't see the ads. >> both. i saw it and i was in the media room. >> both. i was watching in my locker rivm and i said wow i don't want to run against that. whether it's donald trump or ben carson or john kasich or ted cruz, i want the republican to
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win and i don't want to run against that ad. i'd rather run against the former secretary of state who has libya and benghazi and fatigue and i'm so tired of hillary and i think the rest of the country will be. but joe biden, everybody likes him. don't you like -- you were just talking to darrell strawberry about baseball. i bet joe biden can talk baseball with you better than any -- >> my father used to say joe biden is one of those guys that if you don't like him, there's something wrong with you. but that doesn't mean he'd be the best candidate out there. the plus on it coming out of the debate was democrat insiders were saying imagine if you can combine hillary clinton and bernie sanders, then you would have head and heart. and some say that's biden. but how long before biden starts looking at his ownership of the last eight years and his past and what he said before.
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>> of course we'll go after him on policy but i'll tell you this. i've only met the vice president once at an aipac deal. i interviewed him. and i instantly liked him. so your dad is right. i don't know that anyone can dislike the vice president. that first debate was a false positive though. she was playing against the washington generals. >> that's not nice to bernie sanders. >> sorry, they were. she was a 7 footer in the zone against a bunch of 5'6" people. so joe biden comes on to that stage watching the vice president and mrs. clinton argument about libya would be a fascinating. and anderson cooper or jake or you asking hardball questions about how they blew libya so that it's disaster now? so they blew syria so there are now seven refugee, four headed to europe.
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that would be riveting. but if i had to watch more cnn or other debates with lincoln chafee or martin o'malley god help me. it is going to take all sorts of coffee. that's going to be dull. >> the -- didn't resonate with you. i often see you that way as the block of dpranet when it comes to policy. love having you on the show. have a good weekend. i'll see you soon. >> that was great. hillary clinton, her top aid expected to be grilled behind closed doors by the house benghazi committee. coming just six days before clint clinton's public testimony. manu live on capitol hill with more. >> reporter: right behind me is where the house benghazi committee will be meeting with uma aberdeen in just a couple of hours. this is going to be private so
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we're not going to get a real readout unless they come out and talk to us. what the committee is trying to figure out is what she knew before, during and after the 2012 attacks in benghazi. they say they do not want to dive deeply into her role at the state department as well as her controversial role at the strategic consulting firm at the time. but trying to get her on the record about what she knew. and this is a run up and preview to next week's big event when hillary does come before the benghazi committee in public for a very lengthy testimony about the benghazi attacks. and republicans will have to tread very carefully. they are going to push her very hard but at the same time they don't want to look like they are on a political witch hunt. >> thank you so much. and great timing for our jake tapper, he today will be speaking in this exclusive interview with hillary clinton herself on the lead 4:00 eastern here on cnn.
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we have breaking news this morning you are going to want to hear out of turkey. the military there shot down an aircraft in its air space right near the syrian border. there are already concerns about aircraft from too many countries flying in a dangerous zone. nick peyton wall sunshine live in istanbul with break details. you raised the right questions earlier. they said "aircraft." could that mean a drone? a fighter plane? who's it? >> we know now this was a drone. and according to a u.s. official speaking to my colleagues at the pentagon they believe it was in fact a russian drone. that would make sense but after today's missions jets returned to base and quotes their unmanned vehicles were functioning according to the planned regime. you could pass that statement and suggest maybe the planned regime was to fly into turkey and get shot down but there is
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the capacity for this to have been a russian drone and literally 24 hours after one of they're senior defense officials was here in turkey to try to smooth over with turkish counterparts what happened about ten days ago when a russian jet did stray into the turkish air space. the russians said it was bad weather. but that raised fears of what so many people fighting on the grounds here. now in the skies above syria. we have the russians flying occasionally in the same area as the americans hitting isis and extremists. we have the israelis who the russians have been talking to to make sure they have a hot line to remove understands. and now this incident which seems to have violated turkish air space. and after three warnings the turkish say they had to shoot it down. a grave geopolitically tense military situation above syria now. >> in the meantime a kosovo man under arrest, accused of handing
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over u.s. military data to isis. he allegedly hacked into the computer system of a u.s. company and stole personal information of at least 1300 military members and federal employees. that list later posted online by a group calling itself the islamic state hacking division. he is being held in malaysia where he had gone to study computer science. u.s. authorities and asked for his extradition. >> cleaning up and drying out hopefully after a day of mud slides that buried freeways. that is a tractor-trailer stuck in the middle of i-5. a 30 mile stretch remains closed. mixed blessing basically for california. it was such a severe drought but this is not the way to rehydrate. >> the u.n. security council meeting on israeli/palestinian violence. is there a way to ease the tension? to end the blood shed?
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do whatever it wants to matter wh the united states says? also there iran. also there israel maybe working in coordination with russia? what does all this mean? it is a complicated world. with rwe have a man to clarify for it. aaron david miller. distinguished scholar at the woodrow wilson center. i refer to him as professor. he doesn't like it. and that's too damn bad. so let's look at this situation. in syria, russia, certainly there, certainly doing things that the united states does not want them to be doing. they do not care. now their drone gets shot down. what is putin's play here? >> you know you have a very risk ready vladimir putin who's demonstrated already in crimea and ukraine he's prepared to protect traditional russian interests and frankly the end game is less important than the game itself to putin i think. and he's risk ready.
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our president is risk averse when it comes to syria. the russians have a 40 year history with the assad family. allies on the ground and they have time. a year and change you are going to have a new president. there is going to be a transition. more debate and deliberation. so putin sees a moment i think to act boldly. and the truth is may be a trap as the president says but in the meantime putin looks pretty strong and he's emboldening and strengthening the assad region. the situation is between bad for us and worse. >> bad and worse. the optics that the united states is weak and russia is strong. is that accurate? >> i think by and large it is. in the sense that when you are on the ground and you can actually act, you have street cred. and your allies and adversaries in some respects respect that. we're really not admired, feared
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or respected in this region as much as we need to be. and a compelling case can be made that the president is to basically get america out of unwinnable wars and avoid getting them into new ones and there is ab inherent logic there. but when it comes to this neighborhood when our opponents have allies, they have time, they have a strategy and we don't have any of these things the perception becomes the reality. and yes, you know, without doing a republican or a democratic endorsement, we don't look good here. >> i don't understand. how do we not have a plan when it seems like this is all we do is talk about this and how much we're in iraq and how much we're out of it. how much we're in afghanistan and not. with syria which rebels to help and which not. doesn't all that reflect a plan? what are we missing there? >> we do have a plan. and it is extrary indication.
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extraindication extrication. >> you raise a point. president obama will leave his administration as having had the longest tenure as a president at war without resolution. >> there have been other presidents. lincoln was one and he came in and his entire presidency was diechbd by war. the problem is even when barack obama leaves the white house the middle east is going to look at lot worse than when he a i arrived. >> is that his fault. >> image becomes reality. and the fact of the matter, you can blame george w. for some thing and --. we're dealing with a region of the world that is angry, broken, dysfunctional. a couple of humpty dumpties in
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syria and iraq that will not be put back together, not easily. and most importantly, not by us. and those are certain realities that any president, i betcha, i don't know if it's an r. or a d in the white house in 2017. the options for that president, the he or the she, are not going to be great. and i would also wage they are the next president is going to end up following a policy which isn't going to be all that dissimilar from our current president. >> i'm going to put online on my twitter site the recent article you explain why it is not so easy to change policies. quickly what is going on in israel right now the new --. you argue it is extension of 50 years of trouble. this notion how it's being handled by israel. is it fair criticism to say this is what's excessive or mandatory? >> i stopped judging a long time ago. i live --. i didn't encounter knife wielding palestinians on the way
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to work. we had a spate of shootings in this country. and israelis are confronting palestinians with the knives. of course there is overreaction. the blood is up on both sides. but one thing the fundamentally clear. unless you end up dealing with the sources and the roots of this problem -- and we will not in the near term do that -- this tragic movie and play is going to play on. and that is the real problem here. you want a two-state solution? i'll give you one. give me three things. give me leaders who are masters of their political houses. give me ownership that is to say israelis and palestinians really believing in a process. nobody in the history of the world ever washed a rental car, chris. because you care only about what you own. and there is insufficient ownership of a peace process by israelis and palestinians. and finally with all due respect to the obama administration, you give me an effective third party
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mediator with the will and the skill to build on the raw material the israelis and palestinians offer us, give me those three aisle at least guarantee you a negotiation that has a chance of producing two states. >> aaron david miller, thank you for helping us understand the situation better. >> always a pleasure, chris. path --. they draw down slowing once again. can it ever be complete? we'll discuss next. faster than beforehat's nows you know what he can do? let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! book your next stay at! while you're watching this, i'm hacking your company. grabbing your data. stealing your customers' secrets. there's an army of us. relentlessly unpicking your patchwork of security. think you'll spot us?
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president obama announcing another delay, bringing u.s. troops home from afghanistan. deployment levels will remain near 10,000 for much of next year. will the u.s. ever be fully out of afghanistan? joining me now peter cooke. good morning. >> good morning. >> let's go straight tot numbers just to review. 9800 troops. then 550000. the white house suggested the pentagon suggested those numbers. how did you arrive at that.
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>> the military leadership here and conversation with the president's national security team. and these numbers will allow basically be able to fulfill our two national security objectives, which is to continue to train and advise and support the afghan national security forces as they continue to take ownership for the security of afghanistan. this is their first fighting season with the afghan forces in the lead. and second it is going to allow us to continue our counterterrorism efforts to go after the rest of al qaeda and other extremist groups. >> i know about the afghan security forces we heard are the president again secretary defense ash carter echoing they feel like they are stronger yet they were utterly defeated a while ago in northern kunduz and afghanistan. i asked this question to a lot of people who served in afghanistan. how effective are the afghans in fighting? >> well you point to the
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situation in kunduz and certainly that was a set back. but also looking at what they have done since then. the resiliency of the afghan security forces. they have moved back into kunduz and effectually taken back the city again. it reflects the tenacity of the afghan security forces and also the reality that this is still a very hard fight in afghanistan. they have made significant progress. they have made significant sacrifice as well. there are a lot of afghans who have lost their lives fighting on behalf of their country. the security forces are aimproving. we seem them on a better path and in large measure because of the support that we and our nato allies have provided to those forces but there is still room for improvement. still assistance can be brought to bear to bolster them heading into the next fighting season and again allowing them to take ownership for the security of the country on their own. >> lessons learned because but now know the enemy there, isis.
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>> and of course we've seen isil make an effort in afghanistan as well. and there are lessons to be learned from iraq but also remember this is a different situation than what we've seen in iraq. for example, the ghani government t unity government in afghanistan has welcomed the u.s. presence in that country. has asked us to remain. asked us to remain flexible with regard to our troop levels. this is a government that we've worked with very closely. we want to support the afghan go government going forward and the circumstances on the ground and different between afghanistan and iraq. so it is not a perfect comparison. but there are certainly lessons to be learned and based on our 14 years in afghanistan so far, this troop level is based on abscean assessment on the ground from commanders. >> we've had breaking news that the russian drone going to syria, a russian drone was shot
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down by turkish air force infringing upon turkish air space. also in the last couple days a reports of a russian jet and american jet flying all too closely in air space as well. doesn't this concern you? >> well of course we've talked at length about the previous reports of russian incursions into the turkish air space which i will note also is nato air space. the secretary met with the turkish defense minister just last week on our visit to nato headquarters in brussels. this is a violation again nato air space as well. i've seen those reports this morning. i can't confirm kaeexactly what happened in turkey. it is cause for concern and the intercept between the aircraft. this is why we're working with the russians specifically on this notion of safety protocols being put in place to make sure coalition crews are not at risk of accident in the skies over syria. we can agree with the russians
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on that simple, that very basic issue about safety over syria. we don't agree with the russians reason very much else. >> thank you for taking the time to talk to us hear on "new day." i appreciate it. another traffic stop turns deadly. this one in michigan. the officer cleared of all charges. the victims family is suing. you know the question. did this have to happen? we will speak with the family's attorney ahead. when you're not confident your company's data is secure, the possibility of a breach can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at at&t we monitor our network traffic so we can see things others can't. mitigating risks across your business. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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5:40 am
time now for cinco cosas, the five things you need to know for your new day. one, joe biden is like this. he's getting ready. the big decision expected in three days. will he or will he not? he's reaching out to political pros and pockets? will he fight the good fight? we'll know soon. two, the turkish military shooting down a drone. the u.s. says it was a russian drone. russia says all aircraft
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accounted for. three, a kosovo man arrested in malaysia accused of swiping info of federal employees and passing it to isis. the u.s. applying for the 20-year-old's extradition now. four, hillary clinton's top aid speaking behind closed doors with the benghazi committee today. six days before clinton's testimony. and five, the new york mets moving onto the championship series after a thrilling 3-2 victory last night. they face the chicago cubs. talk about history. for the pennant. game one tomorrow night in the proving ground of the manliest of men, queens, new york. for more on the five things to know, go to new day for the latest. >> that where you learned how to be a man -- >> of course it is. >> so last week we announced the top ten cnn heroes of the 2015.
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one of them mr. witters. bringing care to the homeless. more than 10,000 in total, all with the message you matter. >> it's not hard to go out and see them. it is hard going home at night knowing there are people still sleeping out there. once you know they are there, it haunts you. >> his stories and others go to check out all of the top ten heros and vote for your favorite. >> big story this morning, a team gunned down during a traffic stop. the officer cleared. now the victim's family is suing. we're going talk with the family's lawyers ahead. (man) hmm. what do you think?
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were too bright. the state law says it is illegal to use or flash your headlights at an on coming drive. and this is a six minute body cam video. it's indicates ands indica s it's indicates ands indic s --. it's collate >>. >> pulling him over for flashing his high beams. >> i did not have them on. driver's license, registration, proof of insurance please. >> i don't know even know your officer. >> sergeant frost asked several times for gilford's license. he refuses. questioned why he was stopped. >> am i being detained? >> yes you are. >> for what crime?
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>> you flashed me with high beams. >> you had your highlights on. >> you can comply with this traffic stop or you are going to be taken to jail. >> the officer calls for back up as the situation escalates. >> you do not have your driver's license on your person. >> yes i do. >> where is it? >> you do not have to see it. you had your brights on sir, i'm not lying to you. i was just doing that to be polite. i didn't want you to flash someone and have someone go off the road and crash. you know? >> do you realize that if you would have complied with this traffic stop it would have gone a whole different way for you. >> the officer sees gilford try to make a phone call and orders him out of the car. >> out of car or you are going to get tased. everything is being recorded. i have no problem with that. down on the ground now. >> oh my gosh. stop yelling at me. >> down on the ground. right here. facing me. down on the ground. now. >> what do you mean? >> get on your belly.
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right now. >> this is what american -- >> put your phone down and put your arms out to your side now. >> sergeant frost kicks gilfor gilford's cell phone away. >> i don't have a weapon. hey you can't do that. >> put your hands behind your back. >> sergeant frost tases gilford but he's too close for it to work properly. roughly 14 seconds later you hear gunshots. sergeant frost says gilford attacked him, hitting him repeatedly with his fist. take a look at this slow-mo frame by frame. you can make the scuffle out just a little more clearly. this body cam video captures sergeant frost at the scene transported to the hospital with these injuries.
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>> that officer was cleared of wrong doing, the prosecutor concluding frost was acting in self defense. among evidence, damage to the body camera. the teen's wounds were from the front indicating a struggle. the family suing saying the officer used excessive force, violated their son's constitutional rights and caused his death. joining me my guests. thank you for being with us. first his parent, i imagine they have seen this body cam video. can you briefly give me their assessment having seen it? >> they are very respectful of law enforcement. and they assumed until they saw that video that deven must have
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done something seriously wrong in order to cause himself to be shot. when the report finally came out and they saw the video they were shocked. and it has deeply shaken their faith in the honesty and the integrity of the law enforcement process. >> i do have to ask you about, you know, when deven is asked multiple times. even though he disagrees why he's being pulled over. he's being asked for his registration, license, proof of insurance. >> you have two choices. you can start to comply with this traffic stop or you are going to be taken to jail. those are your two choices. driver's license, registration and proof of insurance, please. >> i do not have my license,
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sir. i am going to get it. >> you don't have your driver's license? >> i do not have it. >> why is that? >> because i just drove my brother to the chirj. >> you do not have your driver's license on your person, correct? >> yes i do. >> where is it. >> you do not have to see it. >> hindsight 2020 and we have a lost life. but why do you think deven didn't initially say left my wallet with my girlfriend, was playing basketball with my brother and i do not have it sir. >> obviously i can't speak to that since we haven't been able to ask him. but he's a 17-year-old kid. he's koconfused. e he doesn't feel like he should be stopped. and we agree actually. and i think the important thing is that it was a civil infraction, not something that deserved a death sentence. the officer was the adult in the
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room. he could easily have just stepped back, waited for back up and let the situation resolve. >> i do have the michigan motor vehicle code. if you are -- and i don't know how far apart these two were. within 500 feet, the vehicle shall use the distribution of light or composite beam to glaring rays are not projects. praz this is what the prosecutor points out. deven is tased on the ground and in the suit you say that is and what caused him to then get up when he's subsequently shot and killed. what did you mean by that? >> well, that is what happened. no matter what you think he did to treat this as the felony arrest with somebody laying on their face in the snow and then to be tased in the back for
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simply looking back at the officer is beyond anything that is necessary for appropriate under the circumstances. and the officer even said he was trained to believe that if he had a suspect on the ground that looked back at him, that was an indication that the suspect was going to attack him and therefore he tased deven, a totally unnecessary and excessive act. human bodies respond differently to being tased. >> the final question, the officer, you know, talks about having pulled over multiple people who were apparently all flashing. he has a new car. his perhaps high beams were extra bright. but why do you think this -- and all those people were let go. why do you think this went so horribly differently. >> because deven challenged his authority. he told the officer, yes, you had your bright lights on.
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the officer said i didn't. deven was never discourteous but he made the mistake of questioning an officer. and the dwocevelopment of the t militarization of police in this country is such that you can't do that. it is worth violence and arrest to question a police officer even though that is illegal. >> well please, our condolencing to the family. thank you for joining us this morning. we'll be right back. alright team, we've got an f150, needs a systems check and tires. doc, i need you on point for this one. already got the latest updates direct from ford engineering. 'cause ford dealers get that intel first. treads, what do you got? lookin' a little bald, sir.
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didn't fight back. the firefighters made sure jonathan was safe took him home and that is where they learned he was being bullied because his sneakers krweren't cool enough. >> why getting physical with a child just because he's not wearing the latest model shoots. >> so they bought him a nice new pair of sneakers and invited him to the fire company's barbecue. and remember, this is antibullying month. everybody month should be. stand up for what's right and stop what's wrong. >> have a good morning. newsroom starts now. happening now in the newsroom, minutes from now, hillary clinton's top aid meets with investigators on capitol hill. what will she say about benghazi? and what's
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